How to cut the facade foam. How and how to cut foam plates? Features of working with polystyrene foam

Polyuretlisthorol refers to the available and easy-to-installation types of insulation building materials, the only requirement of technology is the selection of the right thickness of sheets and adhesive composition. When processing and cutting it, it should be taken into account that the foam flames will grow strongly, the use of an inappropriate tool or quick-sided sawing leads to the cropped edges and excessive waste. There are several ways to cut the plates, the choice of the desired option depends on the volume of work, sheet thickness, the complexity of the required workpiece. At home, most often use such tools like: a stationery knife, saw with small teeth, a hacksaw, to create complex forms or in case of a frequent need to buy or make a thermosak itself for foam (the working surface is a hot wire).

Methods of cutting plates

The use of electrical appliances is allowed, but only if there is a fairly thin disk of the grinder or jigsaw nozzles. The use of tools with rapid rotating cutting surfaces leads to coloring and flushing of sheet foam and uneven edges, this method is not suitable if you need to obtain accurate blanks, but it is turned to it when working with thick plates. The simplest option is considered to be cutting with a conventional paper knife with new non-blued blades. Despite the fact that the whole process is carried out with their own hands, this method is valued for simplicity, efficiency, minimization of waste and acceptable cutting quality (the sharper the blade will be, the better it will turn out). The only limitation is the thickness of the polystyrene - the stationery knife is not suitable when cutting plates more than 40-50 mm.

Thicker and solid foam cut:

1. Hoven for metal or wood with very small teeth (no more than 80 mm).

2. An ordinary knife: sharply sharpened and slightly heated.

3. Soldering iron with a thin long nozzle (the method is well suited to obtain a single neat cut).

4. A homemade or factory wire cutter connected to the transformer.

The answer to the question is the better to cut the polystyrene foam, depends on the amount of work and the accompanying effort. Manual cutting plates costs everything cheaper, but constantly changing the blades (after 1.5-2 m) when restricted in time is inconvenient. Optimal results are observed when using wire fixtures: the homemade device is stretched on a wooden mount between two screws. The nichrome thread is connected to the transformer, its parameters are selected in such a way that the polymer material is not burning. Sostly enough to make the device stationary: the wire is stretched across the inclined board, located at an angle, and the sheet foam is cut as it moves down. The main advantage of this method is to obtain a high-quality and sealed cut, the internal structure remains solid, while it takes a minimum of effort.

A professional tool with a similar principle of action includes a thermosac, it is used if necessary for figure cutting of polystyrene foam at home. He, like self-made, the fired wire is stretched between two arcs connected to the mini-transformer. The difference lies in the exactly selected power of the device and in the convenience of the handle, the housing turns in any direction and is fixed. As a result, the thermosak allows you to quickly cut foam plates on their own regardless of their thickness or density on the workpiece of any complexity.

It is noted that the heating of the blades helps to get a more even and smooth cut, also the thinner there will be a cutting plane, the better. Not the last role is played by pressure rendered on compressing plates: so that the foam does not crumble, it is cut smoothly, with a uniform speed. If the use of electric jigsaw or bulgaria is inevitable (a large amount of work in the absence of a thermosal), then it is necessary to practice and select the optimal mode of rotation of the disk or the accompanying effort. But still the best results are observed in the devices with a wire transmitting 12 V and with a regulator of the current strength (in order to avoid overheating leading to the melting of polystyrene edges). A crucial role in choosing than cutting the foam plays the thickness of the plates, if it is above 80 mm, then the knife or saw is not suitable (it is almost impossible to get a high-quality slice).

Do not neglect markup, especially when cutting complex forms, a regular pencil and ruler are used for this purpose. Elementary security measures are respected:

1. When using hot wire or soldering iron, avoid molten splashes.

2. When cutting foam plates with a knife, the movement is sent from itself and to the side.

3. Cut the large volumes of foam plane should be in a well-ventilated room, the material is not dangerous for a person, but when heated from friction or contact with a tool, an unpleasant smell is felt.

4. To protect against sudden creaks, earplugs or headphones are put on.

Polyfoam is a fairly popular building material. It is used for heat, sound insulation of the premises. In the process of holding construction work, this material requires processing, in particular cutting under the required parameters. For cutting foam, there are many options that are applicable at home.

The polyfoam cutting procedure requires compliance with some rules, since the material when it is possible to break it can break, crumble. To perform a cutting of foam plastic, a variety of tools are used, for example, a good knife, a soldering iron, a pet with small teeth for wood, metal, nichrome wire, a grinder (only for thin foam).

Consider several methods of cutting polystyrene foam materials.

In this article

You can make at home with your own hands a special device for processing (cutting) of foam. To do this, you need to purchase a lowering transformer, a string, springs, with which the string will be stretched, a pipe thickness from 2 cm for lining. The thickness of the plate of polystyrene foam, which will be cut must be at least 2 cm.

For the arrangement of the table top for this equipment, you will need a table, profiled sheet, board. Ensure such a device for cutting expanded polystyrene at home will not be much labor.

Figured cut

Recently, the figure cutting of the foam for which the thermosak is used is quite popular. The cutting element in this case is the nichrome wire, fixed on the equipped handle from the insulating material. The thermosacom makes it possible to perform in polystyrene foaming of different shapes.

After such treatment on the surface of the material, a melted crust is formed, which gives greater strength to the material, but also overlapping pores. Therefore, it is necessary to use a lowering transformer that is manufactured independently. Just need to purchase a specialized transformer iron.

To properly choose the current value, it is necessary to make a retail, for which you can use the electrical spiral, pre-stretched. To make a winding frame, you can use a ceramic or asbetic pipe (pipe parameters: 1.5-2 cm thick, length 8 cm). Nichrome wire must be wound on the pipe until the framework of the frame is full.

Cutting knife

When performing the insulation of the sexual base or ceiling with the help of foam plates, it is not necessary to apply special equipment at all.

For cutting polystyrene foam at home you need to have:

  • Good knife.
  • The line is longer than one meter.
  • Pencil.

The procedure for cutting polystyrene foam slabs in this way is quite simple:

  • Previously, on the surface of the material, the pencil points marks the points of the beginning and end of the cut line.
  • Further, the ruler is applied to these marks, clamping, and it is neatly absorbed with a painting knife (completely cut off a piece of foam not necessarily).
  • The polystyrene foam plate is turned over to the other side, and an incision is performed in parallel to the incision.
  • After completion of the cuts, you just need to break the line foam.

This method of cutting material is the cheapest, silent and fast, also after the end of the work there is practically no garbage. Be sure to check the cutting of the foam before starting the cutting of the foam.

Using a handpill

Cut the plate foam plate is greater than 50 mm, with the help of a knife will be very difficult and inefficient. If you use an electric jigsaw, there will be a lot of garbage, and the cut line will not succeed. Therefore, the optimal version of the cutting of polystyrene foam is thick up to 10 cm at home by a manual saw.

Machine for cutting foam

Polystyrene foam is a good insulation, excellent raw materials for various decorative elements, which can be made independently. For decorative cutting of foam plastic, you need a specialized machine. Options for such equipment set, it all depends on the intended design of the product.

Cutting material can be made using a tungsten thread. It should be noted that this thread is hot, but its temperature can be configured. You can cut such a thread other than foam and other materials. This is especially true in the manufacture of different components intended for stucco.

The required stencil is applied to the plate of polystyrene and the necessary stencil is applied, and an object is created using a tungsten thread. This procedure does not represent any complexity, does not take much time.

Also for equipment can be applied with a construction blade, cutter. The machine device may differ, but the principle of operation remains unchanged - the use of tungsten thread, which is connected to the power grid. With the help of such a device, you can independently make decorative elements from the foam of any configuration.

  • Tungsten thread.
  • String.
  • Termowel.

If you correctly assemble the cutting machine, then there will be no difficulties in the process of work. The main thing is to use a high-quality tool, show maximum effort and attentiveness. And to perform such works to experienced masters, you will not need to handle.

Cutting expanded polystyrene Bulgarian

The cutting of the polystyrene foam slab can be made by a grinder, applying a metal disk for this operation (you need to choose the thinnest disc).

Such a cutting option is not quite effective and comfortable, since work is accompanied by a big noise, and after their completion, a large amount of garbage remains.

Cutting polystyrene foam soldering iron

The polystyrene foam plates are perfectly processed using the soldering iron. This tool makes it possible to perform work in the minimum time. To carry out such works by a soldering iron, its end must be flattened with a hammer. It is necessary to put on a specially prepared detail, which is pre-made from the blade, the cap of the pen handle, made of steel.

The blade is installed at the end of the soldering iron. After heating the resulting tool, you can cut the material.

The polystyrene foam is perfectly painted, so decorative elements obtained due to cutting can be painted. Each version of the cutting of foam plastic is distinguished by its advantages, but it is recommended to choose the one that will be less difficult for you.

The insulation of the room is carried out from the foam, and the elements of the decorative species are made. The material is easy to use, it can be cut on the necessary sizes on its own, at home, without resorting to the help of specialists.

  • The main working tool is a device that resembles a saw blade and consists of a frame with a fixed stick. The top end of the tungsten or nitromethyl thread is firmly attached to the rod. The lower end passes through the "finger", which is attached to the foot and does not lead the current. For the wire, the wire is about 12 volts. The foam block is placed on the frame. After turning on the foam stream, the front is moving forward, and the wire can easily wash off the foam.

Features of cutting foam

The foam is produced in the form of plates of a certain size, but they are not always suitable for various works, so the material is cutting. In some cases, the edges of the sheet need to be made decorative, or cut the plate under the desired size, then the slice is cleaned. The polyfoam includes small balls, which when cutting can crumble, which will lead to a rough cutting line, and then the material will not be suitable for work. Cutting foam at home is performed independently, and does not require much difficulty. To do this, use special tools, thanks to which you can avoid crumbling material, and get a clear cut line.

If the foam plastic breaks, the edge will also not be even, with such material it will be difficult to work.

What tools are used to cut foam plastic?

For cutting foam at home, a cutter is used, it happens different types, mechanical and thermal species. Using a mechanical tool, you can cut a small number of foam sheets in cramped rooms. At the same time, the slice may not be as quality as I would like. The thermal species tool is professional, and can cut forward lines in any form of foam. The basis of such a cutter is a wire or a thread with high temperature. The thermal type tool is corporate and homemade. In the first case, the cutter has factory production, it is very convenient and easy to work. Corporate cutter is called a special knife or a large thermal tool, which is used for cutting foam.

Cutting foam with a mechanical tool

A mechanical view cutting is performed by such instruments: a knife, a jigsaw, a bollard, saw. All of these tools should have a mechanical action on the material. Mechanical view tools are used if there is no possibility to purchase a thermal cutting cutter, as well as if you need to cut a small amount of material. If the sheets are cut to insulate the elements in the ground, it is enough to use a stationery knife. Such a tool can cut the plates with a thickness of up to 8 centimeters, while the edge will be smooth. When using a jigsaw or a grinder, the rotational speed should not be too high, otherwise you can spoil the sheet. If there is no possibility to purchase a special device for cutting foam, then using a grinder and a jigsaw, you need to take a thin disk or blade. The saw is used if there is no need to obtain an even cut. When using this tool it turns out to be uneven force, and the edge of the material may be uneven.

Cutting foam with thermal instrument

For this type of cutting, a special thermal cutter is used. Such a tool consists of the main working part of the transformer, voltage is supplied from it. The transformer can be powered by an electrical network or batteries, it depends on the type of instrument. The transformer has two arcs that are the framework of the main element. Each arc is a special wire, it is stretched from one end to another. When the transformer turns on, electricity passes to arcs, and they heat the wire. The heated wire can evenly cut the foam of any kind and size. Since the foam is easily destroyed at high temperatures, thermal cutting is performed easily without forming irregularities. Work with a thermal cutter is carried out with high accuracy. The most ideal cutting is performed by laser devices. The nichrome, from which the wire consists, is strongly heated, and the sheets of foam plates are easily cut, with no effort to apply it, thereby eliminating a possible error.

Cutting foam with self-made thermal instrument

The thermal view cutter can be made independently, for this it is necessary to purchase a small transformer, it can be taken from old household appliances. Then you need to install arcs, for this use a plank of wood and two long screws. Thanks to the wooden material, electricity will be served immediately on the wire stretched. Wire fixed between the upper elements of the screws. After that, the transformer is connected to screws, electricity is supplied, and the voltage is adjusted. No need to put too much tension, otherwise the wire will burn the material, and the cut will be uneven.

Mechanical process cutting foam

The cutting of foam can be made using a stationery knife, while the blade should be new and sharp. In this way, it is possible to cut the material with a thickness of no more than 5 centimeters. The thicker there is a leaf, the more irregularities are formed on the cut. With an acute blade, the work is not so difficult, and the edge turns out to be more even. Initially, it is necessary to place areas that need to be cut, for clearer lines, a ruler is used, and then proceed to the main work. The ruler is applied to one side of the foam, and carried out along it, then the sheet is turned over, and produce the same action. The knife does not need to deepen much, after which the sliced \u200b\u200bpart is shaved along the line.

When using an electric jigsaw, the material crumble greatly, you can only cut sheets with a thickness of up to 5 centimeters. Due to the cropping of the region, it is not too smooth. The blade for working with the jigsion should be thin and sharp, then the material will be less crumble. First, mark the markup, and then proceed to cut.

If there is no need to perform a perfectly smooth cut, then a mechanical cut is used, while all the instruments must be sharp, it makes it easier to work significantly, and prevents a strong crown of the material. Various figures from foam plastic will not be cut in this way, as they will have fuzzy contours. The mechanical method is used for a thickness of no more than 5 millimeters, otherwise the blade must be longer, but the slice will be uneven. When using a grinder, take the thinnest disk so that the disconnection of the balls is minimal.

Initially, the distance that needs to be cut is measured, is noted with a pencil, and a cutting material is made.

Thermal process of cutting foam

If you need to cut various figures or make decorative edges of the foam, the thermal instrument is used. Initially, the necessary figure is drawn, and then with the help of nichrome wire, the drawing is cut out of foam. The wire must not be overwhelmed, otherwise it will burn the material, and will not give the desired result.

With the help of heated wire, a uniform cutting of foam plastic occurs, the material does not crumble. When cutting in this way, various decorative elements, the edges of the figure type, and other necessary drawings can be performed.

Application and advantages of foam

The foam is used in construction, it is used for the insulation of the roof, walls, foundations, and other structural elements. From such a material, you can cut various elements of the decorative species.

Polyfoam has several advantages:

  • This material has low sound conductivity, and serves as an excellent insulation, maintains heat, thereby saving heating costs.
  • Polyfoam is resistant to humidity, due to this various fungi and mold do not appear.
  • Polyfoam is a lightweight material, so it is not difficult to work with it. It is durable, since it is not amenable to aging and destruction as a result of dampness.
  • The material is resistant to temperature changes, therefore it is used for both external and internal works. From it you can perform various decorative elements inside and outside the room.
  • The cutting of foam can be made independently at home, without resorting to the help of specialists. Thanks to the thermal method of cutting, you can get perfectly smooth edges. This method is used to cut different shapes or edges with accurate even.

The advantages of cutting foam mechanical and thermal way:

With a mechanical method, you can save funds on the purchase of expensive tools. If sharp blades are used, it greatly facilitates the cutting of the material, and also minimizes its crown. This method is used to cut the minimum amount of foam to 5 centimeters thick.

In the thermal method, the high quality of the foam plate is obtained. This method allows you to cut various decorative elements, and curly sections due to high accuracy. At the same time, the material does not crumble, and does not deteriorate. Cut is made with a special heated wire. Thermal method allows smoothly cutting a large thickness foam.

If it is planned to cut a small amount of material, it doesn't matter what cuts will be, and irregularities are allowed, you can use a mechanical method. For this purpose, such tools such as Bulgarian, electric jigsaw, knife, or saw, all devices should have a sharp and thin blade, it greatly facilitates work, and allows you to achieve maximum slope of cut.

If a figured cutting of high accuracy is planned, then a thermal method is used. To do this, use a special thermal cutter. Cut is made using a wire heated from the transformer to which the electric current is supplied. This device can be purchased at a finished form or make yourself. To do this, it is necessary to secure special arcs to the transformer, and pull the wire, which will serve as a cutting element, as a result of incandescent.


Homemade foam cutting devices

  • Power supply for homemade thermosens
  • Homemade cutter for working with flat sheets of foam
  • Homemade Figure Cutting Terms
  • Self-made thermosack from the soldering iron

Polyfoam - light, technological and durable material with a low thermal conductivity, is a find for a builder or a home master.

It can be used not only as a heater, but also as a design material for the formation of a wide variety of models, blanks, forms, etc. But the foam is produced in the form of fairly large blocks, with a cutting of which a knife or saw, the material crumble due to the destruction of its structure.

Figure 1 - diagram of an adjustable power supply.

The electric cutter for the foam, the working element of which is usually a nichrome wire heated to a temperature of several hundred degrees, cuts the foam gently, smoothly without crumbs.

This happens because when contacting with a heated wire, the foam instantly melts, forming a durable sandy cut.

In this article, you can get acquainted with the designs of homemade cutters for the foam of the most diverse.

Power supply for homemade thermosens

Figure 2 - Cutter diagram, allowing to cut flat sheets from a foam block.

The power dissipated on the nichrome wire at a given heating temperature depends on its length and cross-sectional area.

Better if the wire is quite thin (0.1-0.2 mm). Its resistance in the cold state is about several ohms. Operating temperature corresponds to the beginning of the wire redness. With a wire length of 50 cm on it, about 50 W power is dispersed at a current of about 5 A.

If the foam cutter is used only episodically, you can use as a current source battery batteries. Sometimes it is even more convenient, and in terms of security is better than using a network power supply.

The races of the thread can be adjusted by changing the number of batteries included in series.

But with systematic work with cutters, a universal network power source is preferable. Such a source is not difficult to make it yourself. Its base is a lowering transformer, calculated for power not less than 100 W, having a secondary winding designed for a voltage of 15 V.

The diameter of the wire that it is wound, should be at least 1.5 mm.

For a smooth change of current, you can, of course, apply a suitable retainer or make a secondary winding with removal and put the switch.

But the most convenient option is the use of an autotransformer with a smooth adjustment of the output voltage (latra), to the output of which the downgrade transformer is connected. The diagram of such an adjustable power source is shown in Fig. 1. Here is T1 - Latr, and T2 is a lowering transformer.

Homemade cutter for working with flat sheets of foam

Figure 3 - horizontal cutter with spring.

First, we consider how the cutter is arranged, allowing you to cut flat sheets from the foam block.

A schematic representation of such a device with the power supply described above is shown in Fig. 2. The load on this device maintains in the stretched state the heated current of the nichrome thread, which, when heated, is much lengthened.

Instead of cargo, a spring can be used. Photographs with such a way to maintain wire in the stretched state is shown in Fig.

3. When the foam block is moving along the surface of the table, the heated wire cuts it no worse than the heated knife oil. As a result, flat sheets of foam plates are obtained, the thickness of which is determined by the distance between the surface of the table and the cutting wire.

Vertical cutter scheme: 1 - cutting nichrome wire, 2 - cargo, 3 - frame, 4 - work surface.

For cutting parts from flat sheets, a cutter with a vertical arrangement of cutting wire is used.

It, like the previous device, can be made with your own hands. How the vertical cutter is arranged, shown in Fig. 4. Its base - frame (3) from wooden bars or metal profile. In its lower part there is a working surface (4), made of textolite, thick plywood, chipboard, etc.

Through the hole in the table (it is desirable to press a piece of metal tube to it) the cutting nichrome wire (1) is missing, to which the load (2), pulling it, is suspended.

On such a machine, it is convenient not only to cut a sheet foam, but also to carry out its curly cutting. For accuracy, it is advisable to pre-hold the cut line on the foam.

Homemade Figure Cutting Terms

Hand cutter scheme: 1 - cutting wire, 2 - wooden bar, 3 - spring, 4 - pen.

For cutting of sheets of large size and thickness or if it is impossible to put the foam on the desktop, a manual electric cutter is useful.

It can also be made with your own hands (see Fig. 5).

Its base is a frame of wooden bars (2) bonded articulated. Between the lower ends of the vertical bars stretched the cutting wire (1). In the stretched state, it is supported by a rubber harness or spring (3). When running the tool holds the handle (4).

A similar tool can be made based on a labeling or manual jigsaw, where the pink is replaced with cutting wire.

From one side, a stretch spring and an insulator should be placed.

Thermorezak, the device of which is shown in Fig. 6 allows you to do in foam deepening, cut into its thickness cavity, to remove chamfer, etc. With it, it is possible to handle this material about the same way as the sculptor addresses the clay.

The scheme of a manual thermosal: 1 - cutting nichrome wire, 2 - screw with nut and washer, 3 - textolite handle with a thickness of 4-5 mm, 4 - electric shuffle.

This device is easy enough:

  • cutting nichrome wire (1);
  • screw with nut and washer (2);
  • textolite handle with a thickness of 4-5 mm (3);
  • electruncor (4).

To expand the possibilities of figure cutting of foam plastic, it makes sense to make several similar cutters with tips of various shapes (see

A good curly thermosal for foam can serve as a device for burning on a tree if the tip of the nichrome wire of the required form is connected to it.

For the same purpose, a pulse soldering iron can be used if his regular sting is also replaced by a piece of thick nichrome wire.

Self-made thermosack from the soldering iron

Scheme of thermosage from the soldering iron: 1 - safety screen, 2 - 2 bolts M6 with clamps, 3 - brackets, 4 - rack, 5 - cut of straight sting, 6 - copper plate, 8 - wooden board, 9 - support legs.

Not only the heated wire can be used to process foam, but also a heated metal plate.

The basis of this thermosal (see Fig. 7) is a conventional soldering iron with a capacity of 60 W, designed for voltage 220 V. Instead of the usual sting in this device, a plate knife is used, which is the main member of the cutter. It can cut not only foam, but also any heat-melting synthetic.

The base of the device is a leaf of heat-resistant plastic, plywood or wooden board (8), to the bottom of which the support legs are attached (9).

They are needed because in the middle of the base there is a slot in which a preheated knife is lowered. Opposite the slot from the edge of the site there is a stand (4) with brackets (3) to install the soldering iron.

The rack is made of metal tube, and the brackets are 2 M6 bolts with clamps (2).

Cutting foam with her own hands at home

There is also fixed safety screen (1), which protects hands working from burns.

The thermosal knife is a copper plate (6), pressed into the cut of the straight sting (5) of the soldering iron. The cutting edge of the knife is sharpened at a small angle.

It can be sharpened both with one and both sides. The degree of heating is selected by an experimental way.

As you can see how the thermal processing methods of foam and the designs of devices intended for this, a lot is sufficient - to choose what is suitable for you, is completely simple.

Each person in the modern world understands what is most profitable to work for itself, that is, to open your small business. It is most profitable to organize our own production at home.

But for this it is necessary for special equipment to be required. Any business requires investment and to this need to be ready.

One of the fresh and profitable ideas for business is the production of foam, it can be decently earned. Such a business has minimal risks. For such a case, there is a special technology for the production that needs to be clearly followed to achieve a positive result.

Features of the material

Polyfoam became most popular only in the 20th century.

He was introduced to the market and immediately attracted consumers, as it was useful in several spheres of human activity. Most often, this material is applied in construction - for insulation of buildings.

It has great popularity, as it has the following positive properties:

  • thermal insulation;
  • resistance to atmospheric precipitation;
  • reliability, regardless of ambient temperature.

Manufacturing process

For the production of polyfoam at home, there is a special technology that needs to be followed to achieve success.

In addition, special equipment will be required. The basis is the building material called polystyrene.

Stage 1

Foaming polystyrene and treatment under the influence of high temperatures. In a special capacity, raw materials are laid, after under the action of high temperatures, polystyrene granules increase. In the production at home, this process lasts only 3-5 minutes and carefully monitored by workers.

Use special equipment.

2 stage

The result of the first stage can be a drop of moisture, which are formed on the surface of the granules. With the help of drying it is removed. Drying at home occurs under the action of hot air. It lasts this period for about 4 minutes.

3 stages

The process of sealing can reach 6 days.

The speed of its flow depends on the size of the granules and the ambient temperature. During this period, the granules should fill out all the airless space. This stage does not require special equipment.

4 stages

At this stage, the formation of granules in the final form begins.

For this process at home requires special equipment. Granules are fed to the block form, which under the influence of high temperatures acquire the desired form.

It is done quickly, for 7-10 minutes.

5 stage

When the blocks have acquired the necessary form, they are sorted and stored. After that, the plates are cut in thickness 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm. Most often used blocks of such thickness.

The production of foam production is not so difficult, the main thing is to acquire all the necessary equipment for making at home. All stages are carefully controlled by workers. In order to make high quality foam at home, you should work hard and invest some money in business.

Requirement for the room

Business requires a specially equipped room, which for all requirements is suitable for this type of activity.

The size of the room must be at least 70 m2. Some of it must be left for the storage of finished products, that is, the warehouse. The height of the workshop should be 3-5 meters. The room must be equipped with electricity. In addition, it is necessary to organize the supply of dry water vapor with a certain pressure.

In order for the production to be reliable, rapid and profitable, it should be purchased primarily a rebar that is useful at the first stage of manufacture.

For fermentation, a special bunker will be required. There is a complex for cutting foam, without which production will also not cost.

Cutting foam with her own hands

Packages foam blocks automatic or semi-automatic machine.

The polystyrene foam plates are in demand building material.

The business produced by foam will bring high income, but do not forget about the high level of competition in this area. A large number of products are made of foam. Businessmen engaged in this case buy foam in bulk from manufacturers.

Making products yourself, at home, you can save perfectly, but organizing business it is important to use only high-quality equipment and raw materials. Foam production at home is a profitable and profitable business!

Fencing milling Presentation was prepared by the teacher of the technology of the highest category

Plastic foam threads

  • The presentation was prepared by a teacher technology of the highest category

  • Shakulo Grigory Fedorovich

  • Gas injection plastic, plastic foams are used by blowers or other means (as a gas filler) are divided into porous foam and foam (first containing mainly closed, and other pores); Special type of plastic filled with gas - synthetic foam.

They are characterized by low density, thermal, acoustic and electrically insulating properties.

It is used to fill the multi-layer structure, cooling thermal insulation and insulation of cables, manufacturing ships, filters for gases and liquids, cladding (for example, in the manufacture of furniture).

  • Various low-voltage, thermal, acoustic and electrical insulating properties. It is used to fill the multi-layer structure, cooling thermal insulation and insulation of cables, manufacturing ships, filters for gases and liquids, cladding (for example, in the manufacture of furniture).

  • The most commonly used gas fillers based on polyurethanes, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride.

Types of processing of feather

  • Application area: From the font to the thread.

  • Foam processing methods:

  • cutting, carving, coloring, embossing, heat treatment, etc.

  • Foam class:

  • PS-1 (the most soft), PS-4 and PVC (mechanically strong).

  • PS-1 is used for coloring (less often for thread);

  • PS-4 and PVC thread, embossing, heat treatment

Foam cutting machinery

  • The polystyrene foam is cut with a red metal wire.

    This method is used when cutting blocks on parts, cutting letters, symbols, etc.

  • The main working tool is a device that resembles a saw blade and consists of a frame with a fixed stick. The top end of the tungsten or nitromethyl thread is firmly attached to the rod. The lower end passes through the "finger", which is attached to the foot and does not lead the current.

    For the wire, the wire is about 12 volts. The foam block is placed on the frame. After turning on the foam stream, the front is moving forward, and the wire can easily wash off the foam.

Vertical cutting tools

Tool for cutting conical and cylindrical surfaces

Plastic foam threads

  • Polyfoam is successfully used as a material for making relief images: emblems, signs, decorative plates, decorations.

  • Thread technology requires special devices.

    Cutting foam on the car, knife, car

    These are simple, well-enriched knives of different lengths with adjustable blades, some tools for carving, nozzles for electric soldering iron, electrical lamps. At the same time, such a positive feature of foam, as compliance, can easily become a disadvantage.

    Incorrect tool movement can irreparably spoil all the work, so each movement should be considered and calculated.

Phases streaming

  • 1. Prepare the drawing, having studied all the passages from one plan to another.

  • 2. Creating a template in full.

  • 3. Transfer the drawing on the sheet metal.

  • fourth

    Formation of large forms with long and wide knives.

  • 5. The final sophistication of forms with the help of small knives and scalpels, semicircular chisel with scissors with scissors

  • NB:

  • If necessary, finishing products can be treated with a thin sewing machine, and then the formwork will be wet and more unclear.


  • The finished form can be covered with a thin layer of sealant, and then color.

  • You can use two color colors to add more


Threading methods

Foaming with burner

Features of working with polystyrene foam

  • Foam can easily light up, so all the work should be performed in a safe place.

  • The ash is characterized by rapid frying, which means that when working with this material requires continuous maintenance, i.e.

    cleaning a soft, dense brush or vacuum cleaner.

  • Thermal processing of foam should be carried out in a well-ventilated room.

Products from foam

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Methods cutting foamed polystyrene

Homemade knives for polystyrene foam. How to make a heat cutter from improvised materials.

the Department: Garden Equipment and Tools

Polyfoam (polystyrene foam) is extremely fertile material for a home master or builder.

Its most precious features are low thermal conductivity, low weight, elasticity, durability. Thus, it can be used as a heater and as a building material for the production of various shapes, structures, empty parts, packaging and bases for small architectural forms.

The polystyrene foam is manufactured in the size of more than a meter of block on each side, then the desired thickness of the panel thickness is cut from 3 to 20 cm (on request).

To fulfill your creative or construction plans, plastic foam should be cut to the desired size and form independently. The foam is simply cut with a knife or wire. But in this case, the structure of the foam is destroyed, because it is a sintered "sphere" of polystyrene foam.

Extruded polystyrene is a mass, but it may also be damaged. Therefore, the use of special electrical patterns for heat treatment is the preferred choice for cutting foam. Their working fluid is usually a thin nervous wire that is heated by conducting an electric current in several hundred degrees.

Upon contact, the foam instantly melts and forms a strongly sintered layer. The end of the cut becomes smooth, uniform and not painted.

For processing using small plates, it is most advisable to use the blade with a vertical distribution of the wire.

The basis of this cutter is a frame of metal or wooden rods (if it is small). At the bottom of the frame is a working surface - the table. It is made of a thicker plywood, chipboard, sheet metal or textolite. Any durable flat material. Over the frame (see sketch) there is a nichrome wire that passes through the hole in the table. If the table is made of flammable material, a piece of a metal tube should be pressed to the wire hole, which merges with the surface of the table.

At the top of the wire mounted on the frame with the screw, and the lower part of the wire is a mass of hundreds of grams.

The fact is that the wire, heated, is very elongated and that it supports the voltage and serves as weight. Electrical wires lead to the ends of the wire. If the table is made of metal, the top ray of the frame, to which the wire is attached, should be isolated from it. For example, the end of the carrier itself may be light. If the table is made of dielectric material, the frame can be completely metallic.

On this blade, it is suitable for cutting sheet material, making figurative cutting, because the sheet can be rotated in any direction.

For high-quality cutting, it is better to mark the line of the next cut on the foam.

However, for "cutting" sheets of size and thickness, as well as under circumstances, in which it is impossible to bring foam on the desktop (for example, when performing work on heating houses of excess shear and protruding parts, which holes throughout the foam) can be useful and electrical manual lamp.

You can also do it yourself.

To do this, you need a wire, preferably with a removable handle. Using the cutting machine - grinding machines cut into the blade teeth. (They will not be lost - you can get a good garden saw with a narrow cloth of them).

At the end of the rest of the canvas, we drill a hole to attach a nichrome wire.

Attach the tin plate to the handle to secure the other end of the wire. Of course, the blade of the wire should not touch.

To compensate the expansion of the numere, when you heated, we set a small but solid spring. In cold condition, the wire should be well stretched and in the heated state it should remain in a state of low voltage so that the wire remains straight.

We connect wires with the end of the wire (as a wire at the end of the wire, which is on the handle, we use the saw blade). This is a manual polystyrene cutter.

The polystyrene foam is more suitable than a hot oil knife. However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to make milling cuts, simply straight (due to the direct blade of the wire).

It is impossible to change the "path" for cutting in the process - correct it correctly. If you need to cut a challenging figure, you need to do it for more repetitions.

The power to be sprayed to the wire should be approximately 100-150 W at a length of 50 cm. The resistance of the wire is usually 1-3 ohms. The working temperature is located on the edge of the redness of the wire.

The overvoltage transformer can be used as an AC adapter. On the secondary winding, it should be 6-12 volts with currents up to 10 A. however, "interference" with a transformer makes sense if the cutter is used very often and a lot.

If working with the blade is quite sporadic, it is reasonable to use a small battery. In addition, he breaks his hands in terms of mobility. In the end, you can work with the battery, although you are standing on the stairs and move throughout the construction site. And from the point of view of electrical safety, the battery is better.

When working with small details or for a very accurate installation of sizes, as well as for curvilinear cutting, you can use a cutter made on the basis of a pulsed soldering iron.

Pulse soldering is a very large current transformer and a low voltage on the secondary winding. The tip of such a solder is small in the form of the letter V of a thick hymery. It is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer and heats up within a few seconds to a high temperature. As a cutter, you can use a soldering iron with a common sewing and self-adhesive soldering iron.

Home cutter is made of thick wire from nichrome. It has the right form and is attached to the solder clamping instead of the usual beam.

Wooden burner can also be good Penozin, especially if this model has a nichrome tip.

The polystyrene foam cutter will also come from an ordinary soldering iron, in which sting is a copper rod. You do not need to remove sticks, but you can make nozzle - knife and tin.

The soldering iron should strengthen the stronger, 60-100 W so that the nozzle is well warmed.

As you can see, there are many ways to reduce foam, so it is easy to choose the most suitable for a particular request.

Konstantin Tymoshenko © 11.11.2011

You can discuss and discuss other forms of PPC blades on the forum.

Polyfoam and Penoplex ─ materials that are used as insulation in different fields of construction.

How and how to cut foam plates?

They are simple in processing, have a small mass, are not subject to the formation of mold and fungus, but are destroyed when exposed to acetone and similar solvents. However, with a huge similarity of materials, there is a significant difference in some parameters.

To understand what the polyplex differs from the foam, you need to compare the methods of their production and consumer properties.

This will help to properly find the scope for each insulation.

Production features

The raw material for the production of foam and foam industry is expanded by polystyrene foam. Difference ─ in manufacturing technology. Polyfoam is produced by treating polystyrene pellets with dry steam. As a result, the material is obtained, which is 98% of the air, from here it is ease and an inexpensive price.

For polyplex use the extrusion method, which contributes to the formation of a single structure.

The material obtained is more dense and the degree of its breathability is much lower.

Wanting to learn that the warmer foam or penplex, you need to compare the thermal conductivity coefficients of insulation. In the foam, it is equal to 0.035-0.05 W / m × ° C, and the infernox is slightly lower and is 0.28 W / m × ° C. According to the indicators of the penplex better delays heat.

Comparison of characteristics

Among other properties, which are compared both material, you can select:

According to the degree of flammability, both material relate to easily fed materials, but the penplex is more prone to fire.

To eliminate this disadvantage, special treatment with antipirens is used, which increases the resistance of materia wings when exposed to fire.

Application area

Finding out the foam or penplex ─ what is better as insulation, you need to compare their characteristics comprehensively. Then for each case you can choose the optimal option.

The facade will warm the foam better because it is cheaper and is characterized by good breathability.

Therefore, it is possible to save not only on the heat insulating material, but also reduce waste for vapor barrier.

For thermal insulation of the flat roof, two options are beneficial.

When insulating the balcony, thermal insulation should be as thinner as possible in order not to take unnecessary space. In this case, it is advisable to choose a penurex that has a low thermal conductivity.

Review of foam or penplex: similarities and differences.

Polyfoam today is widely used as a sound and heat-insulating building material, which in the work process has to be processed.

In order for the material sheets to correspond to the dimensions of the surface, which is undergoing insulation, they have to cut them. Cutting expanded polystyrene can be made in several ways, one of which you can apply in operation. The cutting process requires a certain approach for the reason that the foam with irregular cutting can crumble and break.

Cutter for expanded polystyrene.

For work you will need:

    foam; knife; rod; pencil.

Back to the category

Cutting polystyrene can be carried out by a wallpaper knife. This tool will not only cost cheaper, but also will be silent in work, and the cutting will be carried out in a short time. As the advantage of this method, the minimum amount of garbage is performed.

Before starting cutting, you need to check how the knife is sharp. This characteristic of the instrument will allow faster and better to produce work.

The foam with a greater thickness is more difficult to cut, and use for cutting a knife, if the material thickness exceeds 5 cm, and it should not be at all, as it will be ineffective.

The electrolybiz also will not allow to get a flat line of cut, in addition, there will be many garbage.

Before you start cutting, you should purchase a long file: it will allow cut sheets whose thickness does not exceed 10 cm.

The cutting of polystyrene is preferable to produce a manual saw designed to work on the tree. If for the process you intend to use a regular knife, before starting it will have to be molded.

Then the blade should be heated, only after that you can start cutting. At the same time, the cutting of the material will be accompanied by melting the edge. The cut line will be smooth, the material will not be poured, and the garbage will be formed in minimal quantities.

The cutting of polystyrene foams can be made and an unusual way, which involves the use of hot nichrome wire. However, before the start, I will have to work a little over the creation of the instrument.

It can be made of wire, springs and transformer. The table must be installed at an angle of 60 °. He will turn over the wire, on the one hand, its end should be strengthened as hard as possible, and on the other - the end should be strengthened through the spring.

To the ends of the wire you need to connect the transformer wires, which should be fed from the power supply. After that, it is necessary to give the current and lay a sheet of heat insulator to the surface from above the wire. Since the table has a tilt, the heat insulator can be moved by sliding by leakageing its weight.

To carry out cutting, it is necessary to wait for wire raining to almost a red state, but should not bring it to an excessive strong raining. If this is allowed, the incision will become overly wide.

At the time of heating, the nichrome wire will become longer. This indicates the need to use a strong spring in the design. It will allow you to adjust the length.

Cutting can be made by a grinder equipped with a metal disk.

It should use the most thin disk. This method cannot be called the most comfortable. In addition, the tool creates a strong noise, a lot of garbage will be formed.

Polyfoam well sufficiently treating a soldering iron. The use of this tool will allow work in the shortest possible time. The end of the soldering iron will have to be flashed with a hammer.

After that, it is necessary to wear a special detail made of blade and steel cap taken from the feat handle. The blade must be installed at the end. Then the soldering iron should be heated and you can start cutting the web.

In addition to the fact that the foam can be made smooth canvas, they can be subjected to figure cutting, giving the billets a variety of forms.

If you create figurate figures from foam, the material can be applied not only as a heater, but also in the role of the decor of any room.

Polyfoam is not afraid of staining, which is why its surface after cutting can be covered with paint. Each of the above methods of cutting has its advantages, but it is worth preferred to the one that will be less difficult for you.

So that the foam does not crumble, it should be cut with the help of special tools, the foam is widely used as insulation for walls, gender or ceiling.

The main thing when applied is the correct cutting of the material. It is important not to open the polystyrene foam and make the most accurate and smooth cut. For these purposes, various tools and methods can be applied at home.

The tool for cutting the foam can have a different form. Cutting type determines the efficiency of using the tool. Allocate 2 main varieties of fixtures.

Types of cutters:

    Mechanical; thermal.

Mechanical tools are used to perform a small amount of work. Perform cutting in mechanical exposure simply. But at the same time, the cut can be low-quality.

Thermal instrument refers to professional equipment. It is widely used by the construction sphere.

Thermal cutter is used for different type polystyrene. With it, you can quickly and efficiently perform a cut. The basis of the thermal instrument is a split thread or wire.

Polyfoam cutting tools can be purchased in a construction or specialized store.

Over the type of assembly, the tools are classified on branded and self-made. The first option is represented by cutters made in production. Professional equipment includes both knives and thermosakas.

Ways how to cut foam at home with your own hands

Soft material thickness up to 4 cm can be chopped using a conventional knife at home. At the same time, the blade needs a constant form. Otherwise, the cut will come out uneven and will crumble.

During operation there will be a fairly unpleasant sound of cutting. The process is advised to perform in headphones or earrings.

For a smoother and smooth cut, it is advised to heat the blade before work.

Also at home for cutting you can take a grinder or a jigsaw. But at the same time the edges will be uneven, too much noise from work and waste. Thicker foam (8-10 cm) is cut with a hacksaw.

This is a fast and efficient way. Work should be performed by a tool with small cloths. It will make a slice smooth.

Advantages of using hacksaw:

    The efficiency of the method is more accomplished than when working with a knife; not attempting; thick foam can be cut.

Often for cutting apply steel wire. On both sides of the wire will need to fasten the handles. And then on the outlined markup perform cutting.

While working the wire heats up and starts to melting the material. The edges are obtained by smooth, and there is no garbage. But two must perform actions.

Professional device for cutting foam independently

If the scope of work is greater and the curious processing is required, then you should pay attention to the professional equipment. Experts use a soldering iron with a knife nozzle. Red-hot blade helps to create any cut.

While working should comply with safety techniques so that the red oil does not fall on the body or clothing.

At home, self-made equipment with nichrome thread can be used.

The method has already shown its effectiveness and convenience. Waste is a bit. The edges are searched, and the material does not lose their properties.

Required materials for creating a homemade tool:

    Wire; long needle; transformer; rebuate; necessary electrical pipes.

The needle is fixed on the table and stretch the thread between her ends.

Then connect the sequential diagram of connecting items. During the flow of current, the thread should only redden. Too hot thread provoke an uneven and wide cut.

If a large amount of work is planned, it is better to purchase a special tool in the store. It is quickly heated and guarantees quality of work. But has a high cost.

If you are going to rarely cut the foam, it is not worth acquiring a professional tool for its cutting

Cutting foam has some features at home. So the preparation requires accurate marking using a sharp pencil.

When performing work, you should cut the material from yourself to the side. Cutting should be done in a well ventilated room or on the street. When heated, the foam begins to release toxic substances.

Effective cutting of polyfoam string house

There are a lot of ways to cut the foam.

But it is important not only to perform work, but also to make a smooth smooth edge so that the material does not crumble. The best device is a cutting string. You can make such a device with your own hands at home.

The manufacturing process requires attentiveness, no special skills need.

Figure cutting is popular, so thermosak is needed for work. The cutting tool is the nichrome thread attached to the handle. But some cases do not require a special cutting device.

Required tools for work:

    Metal line; pencil; stationery knife.

To begin with, with the help of a pencil there is a markup of the future section. Further to the line you need to attach a ruler and use the stationery knife.

No need to try to completely cut the knife to the plate. After that flip the slab and complete the cut. Then you manually end the cut.

How to make a homemade machine for cutting foam: stages

The machine with nichrome thread is considered the best option for cutting at home. Perform its manufacture is simple enough. Enough to stock the necessary tools.

Materials and tools for work:

    Old table or construction of wooden bars and plywood; Spiral; Spring; Reostat; Low power tracer; wires; two bolts with nuts.

On both sides of the table in the center you need to retreat 20 cm and drill holes. Then the bolts are inserted into the holes and the nuts are tightened.

Other materials can perform the role of racks, it all depends on the presence of girlfriend. Then one rack at an altitude of 10 cm from the surface stretch the nichrome thread. We screw the spiral to the second and only then connect the thread.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a machine for cutting foam, it is worth performing its drawing and familiarize yourself with the recommendations of professionals

Such a fastening of the thread is due to the fact that when heated, the material begins to expand and saves. And this reduces the quality of cutting.

Then the wires are applied to the racks. It is advised to connect from the bottom so that they do not interfere with when working. Then the wiring is connected to the trazifer.

The choice of the transformer is due to many factors.

It affects the length, thickness and composition of the nichrome thread. In some cases, the electric supplies apply a row. This decision is considered more secure, since unregulated power can be supplied through the tracer.

The transformer is fixed under the tabletop. On this, the homemade apparatus is considered completed. The device is connected to the power grid and you can start work.

How to cut a foam at home (video)

From all over the variety of ways it is enough not easy to choose the optimal one. More simple variants such as a knife may have unsatisfactory cutting quality.

That is why it is advised to apply thermostanks. They are searched by edges, making an accurate incision with a minimum amount of waste. You can make such a tool on your own at home.



There are no similar posts, but there are more interesting.

With construction and finishing works, the question often arises than cutting the foam and do it so that the material does not crumble.

For these purposes, special tools and techniques are used, which are selected depending on the size of the foam plate.

In certain situations, it is very important to achieve the accuracy of the cut. To solve these tasks you need to fit weigly and sequentially.

Properties of foam


This unique material in its properties is 95% consists of air. Thanks to such a structure, the proportion of foam is very small.

If necessary, cutting the material can be made with your own hands with any sharp and firm item.

Polyfoam has the following properties:

  • low weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • available cost.

Its use allows you to significantly reduce the exercise costs. It is important to emphasize that the material does not rot and is not amazed by microorganisms.

It has high sound insulation characteristics. Most often used as a heat insulator.

Possessing a wide range of positive properties, the foam has some drawbacks. The first thing experts is noted, the material is not resistant to exposure to open fire.

In such a situation, toxic compounds are ejected to the atmosphere, which are very harmful to human body.

Another property, which refers to the number of negative, is that the foam attracts mice.

These rodents are performed at high speed of holes in the foam massif. To prevent such contacts, the foam should be securely isolate from external influences.

Tools and devices

Currently, the foam is widely used in different industries and construction. Its unique properties allow you to create sealed devices for long-term storage of products.

Homemade craftsmen make such lari do it yourself. When building residential buildings, foam plates are used as heat and sound insulation.

The material is very well suited for packaging complex and fragile devices that are prepared for transportation.

In the process of using, standard foam plates have to cut on specific sizes and templates. To do this, you can use a homemade machine or to do with undergraduate tools.

Oboyan knife

Everyday practice shows that the cutting of foam plastic at home does not cause special difficulties from the masters.

When the operation needs to perform one or a couple of times, it is not worth it to strain - it is enough to take a stationery knife with replaceable blades and cut the sheet to the specified pieces. Blades need to use sharp. In this case, waste has no waste.

In this way, a sheet cutting up to 5 mm thick is easily and quickly. If this value is greater, then you have to use the machine or other device.

Otherwise, it is very difficult to achieve rope. This forms a lot of waste and dust.

When the wallpaper knife was not at hand, it is not forbidden to cut the slab with a sawing saw. Work can be done in a short time with your own hands.

If the saw has a large tooth, then the sawdust will be much, and the surface of the cut is rough. To avoid such a result, it is advisable to find a saw with a small tooth.

You can use the metal cutting web. In this case, the foam will almost not crumble, but small dust is formed.

The cutting tool when working with foam is chosen depending on the tasks assigned and from production conditions. As a rule, foam plates are cut on the balcony or in the bathroom.

Cutting electric jigsaw

If there is an electric jigneling in the house, then it can be used in the sharp need for cutting. Depending on the model, the Lobzik length reaches 10 cm.

From this condition, a simple conclusion is followed that the thickness of the foam sheet should not exceed this value.

Getting Started with a jigsaw, you need to be prepared for the fact that the smoothness of the cut will be worse than when the knife is working. The volume of garbage will also increase.

The main advantage of cutting the jigsion is reduced to the fact that the master does not have to make physical efforts. However, to perform the cut better, you can use other tools.


As a rule, the cutting of foam of the house is made in minor volumes. You can open several sheets of material with your own hands using steel wire.

To do this, do not have to design the homemade apparatus, it will be enough to invite the helper. To the segment of steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm on both sides, it is necessary to securely attach the handles.

After that, this tool simply needs to cut the sheet of foam on the markup applied in advance. In the process of sawing the wire heats up and places the edges at the slab. As a result, the edge is obtained by smooth and rigid, and debris does not happen.

Cutting hot string

Taking care of the repair of an old apartment or finishing a new one, you have to cut a foam in large volumes. In such situations, the wallpaper knife or electric jigsion is irrational.

Currently, the apparatus for cutting foam has appeared on sale. The wizard had the opportunity to choose the best option in accordance with his considerations.

Cutter scheme for foam: 1 - nichrome wire (spiral from electric stove), 2 - screw with nut and washer, 3 - pen (textolite S 4 mm), 4 - electric shuffle, 5 - plug, 6 - rubber or chlorvinyl tube.

It is important to emphasize that the main working organ of the machine is nichrome wire, which is heated under the influence of electric current.

Numerous reviews of specialists confirm that at the moment the homemade machine with a hot wire is best suited for cutting foam.

For assembly, the machine will require the following items:

  • lowering transformer with output voltage 12 - 24 V;
  • nichrome or fechral wire;
  • rheostat.

To connect the machine to the network, in addition to this list, the copper wire will be needed. It is known to specialists that the wire should not be heated to a high temperature.

In this case, the foam will be intensively melting, and the cut will be uneven. Enough so that the wire is slightly blushing.

Technology cutting

Before cutting the foam, it is necessary to prepare a workplace. First of all, it is checked, whether the machine is working.

The next step is to ensure sufficient illumination of the working area and ventilation, which does not cause drafts.

Then the queue comes the markup of the sheet. The markup is performed necessarily, otherwise the res with a high probability will be oblique - the practice has repeatedly proved.

For marking are used simple, sharply sharpened pencil and ruler. The lines on the surface of the sheet must be contrasting so that they can be considered through the glass of protective glasses.

The markup during cutting foam can be not done in one case - when the sheets are prepared for the heat insulation of the walls and roofs.

Since the amount of sheet foam for these purposes is always large, then the cutting is performed either with a grinder or circular saw.

And that and another way involves using a hard template. The machine with nichrome wire here is simply inappropriate.

The reason is simple - high demands for the quality of edges in the construction process is not presented. The main thing is that the formatted sheet of foam is inserted into the cell of the crate.

Companies that specialize in the production of foams are always ready to advise interested persons on the methods of cutting this material.

In the last decade, the foam is widely used when modeling objects and interior design.

Cut the shaped figures from foam can be a special knife with a heating blade. The device of such a knife is similar to the design of the soldering iron.

This cutting tool is most often used by interior designers and fashion designers.