After some distance it is better to plant grapes. How to correctly calculate the distance between the bushes of grapes when landing the letters at what distance to plant a grapes

The grape seedlings should have a well-developed root system and an overwhelmed increase of at least 20 cm. It should not contain traces of diseases, as well as cracks and fesoms, traces of hail and other defects. Before boarding the seedling is useful to put in a bucket with water for a day. It is very unlikely to add 1 tbsp. Spoonful of honey or sodium humate bag.

Since the seedlock is placed on a greater depth - 40-60 cm, then it is necessary to pour a holmik from fertile land to the bottom so that the roots are not at least not in clay, but in fertile soil. The landing should be carried out so that the heel roots are at a depth of at least 40-50 cm.

It is necessary to monitor when landing, and so that the roots are directed down the landing holly.


If the roots are bent, the bushes will be treated and root.

When the seedlock is correctly installed, fall asleep the roots of the layer of land in 10-15 cm and slightly pull up the seedling up to align the root direction and at the same time remove emptiness in the soil. Soil slightly compact. Pour two buckets of water and wait until you do. Then we fall asleep the earth to the top of the pit or so that the two top kidneys remained not covered with the ground.

Top in the pits bucket-two humus and a little ash. Nutrients from them during watering are washed out to roots. It is very convenient, as even if the humus is not overwhelmed, the roots will not suffer anyway. In general, after landing, there should be a hole with a depth of 10-15 cm, which will be comfortable to water the bushes.

A separate question is a grape landing scheme. There are craftsmen that plant bushes at a distance of 80 cm apart. But for such a landing, a special formation is needed, the type of Gyuo messaging, and the grades are desirable wine. The tables of the same varieties are usually planted not closer than 1.5 m. In general, it is necessary to learn the characteristics of the variety before landing, since the stripped varieties are planted at a distance of 2 m, the average - closer.

The distance between the rows is considered optimal 2-2.5 m. But there are gardeners, which this distance is considered a need for mechanized soil processing. And if you have only a cultivator from the technology, then the rifle can be done narrower.

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Growing grapes for beginners Gardeners first seem complicated. But in fact, it is an exciting and grateful occupation. The main proper care.

What kind of novice gardener needs to be done to get a good grape harvest? Consider stages.

Selection of grape varieties

When choosing a variety, it is important that the characteristics contain the following indicators:

  • ripening time
  • mass of Brozdi
  • berry size and weight
  • color Yagoda
  • sakharist
  • winter hardiness
  • resistance to disease

By purchasing a variety, it is also necessary to find out:

  • what is the power of green escape growth during the growing season;
  • what is the load on the bush (when pruning is taken into account, what load is withstanding this variety);
  • as far as the eyes cut off the escape of fruiting, i.e. From what eye this grade gives a bunch;
  • what is the floor of the flower (male, scare, female);
a) Male - a variety having an increased maintenance of male pollen, but it is a lboyopol, an independent, a good pollinator of other varieties;
b) Oboy-Sandopile grade, participates in cross-pollination;
c) Female - this variety needs additional pollination by another variety, otherwise many berries will not develop or will be Mustian.

How many bushes of grapes to plant?

So, you decided to grow grapes in the country area. You do not know how much it is necessary for this bushes. If you are easily familiar with the vigor, you should not plant 15 bushes at once. First, select 2-3 varieties, different in taste, color, etc. And when these plants give a harvest, decide for yourself, you need another new grapes or not.

Usually only on the seventh year in the open soil and on the fifth - the possibilities of the variety are clearly visible in the greenhouse. From one bush receive from 3 to 7-8 kg of berries. It is possible more - it all depends on the formation, care and age of the bush.

When to plant?

The best time to plant grapes is. If there are already green leaves on a sapling - in the second half of May, if there are no - at the end of April. You can plant and autumn. Then it is necessary to do this no later than September 15-20, and seedlings should be elaborately grown in an individual container with Earth.

At what distance to plant grapes?

The mistake of many winegartes is a rise in landings: when the bushes are small, the illusion of empty areas is created.

The bushes near the wall of the house are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm of the edge of the scene or 40-50 cm from the foundation.

If we plant grapes in an open place, then the distance between the rows should be 2.5 - 3m, with a height of the tag not more than 1.8m. If the height of it is greater, the distance between the rows should be large.

Inappropriate varieties are planted with a distance of not less than 2 m from each other. They have a significant strength of growth, and shoots quickly fill the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Trellier.

When to start feeding the grapes?

First subordinate

This feeding is carried out early in spring to provide bushes with nitrogen. Therefore, it is necessary to scatter 40-50 g of ammonium nitrate to the trafficious meter. It is useful to add 40 g of superphosphate here and 20-30 g potassium.

Second subcord

It is carried out approximately two weeks before flowering (at the end of May), better - in liquid form.

Blossom coincides with a strong growth of escapes. At that there is no forceing, it is necessary to make 40-50 g of Selitras and 50g of superphosphate and sulfate potassium. Watering is produced before making and how the soil will dry, it is loosened by 5-10 cm.

Third subordinate

It is carried out when the berries will rotate with a small pea. Take any comprehensive fertilizer. Divide on a latch box for 10 liters and make 2-3 buckets of the solution for each bush.

Fourth subordinate

It is usually carried out at the beginning of ripening so we accelerate the ripening of the crop, improve the appearance and taste of berries. Therefore, it is important not to cause rapid growth of shoots, and therefore - nitrogen contraindicated. We introduce 50 g of phosphate and potash fertilizers.

Grapes in the country area can be raised easily, you yourself will be sure if you follow our tips on the care and formation of grapes.

The berries of grapes love many, so they take it to grow it in their plot. Viticulture is a fascinating business, but having many of its rules and nuances. Without certain knowledge, do not do here. One of the first questions arising from a beginner grape concerns the placement of bushes.

How to lay grapes on your site

The following factors are due to the distance between the bushes of grapes in the row and between the rows, the following factors have significant impact:

  • Soil fertility. On fertile land, grapes will grow more intensively, so you need to leave a greater distance to the next bush.
  • The magnitude of the growth of bushes. If a high-resistant grade is grown, it is also necessary to leave a greater distance between the bushes.
  • The nature of the alleged molding of grapes. The future form in the horizontal direction (its size, the number of hoses and their location) is a significant point when determining the interval between the bushes.
  • The need to cover the plant for the winter. Purpose viticulture involves the presence of wide range.
  • The design of the Trellier. Single-band options require a smaller distance between the rows than for two-band.

Two-band sleeve requires a larger distance between the rows than one-band

From the above, it can be seen that two parameters are determined by the layout of the grapes - the intervals between the bushes and the intake distance.

There are general recommendations of winegartes according to the location of plants on the site. The optimal is considered to place the ranks from the north to the south or from the east to the West, but in practice this advice does not always follow, they do not always follow, they come from the form of the site, the presence of buildings and other objects on it.

Regarding the layout of the grapes, the recommendations are as follows:

  • The width of the rod should be greater than or at least equal to the distance between the plants in the row.
  • For single-bedspury highs enough interconnection distance to 2.5 m, but not less than 2 m.
  • When using two-plane choler, the optimal distance between them is at least 2.5-3 m.
  • From one bush to another in a row, the distance can be fluctuated within 1.5-4 m. As a reference point, the area of \u200b\u200bpower can be taken as a guide. It should be at least 5-6 m 2.

The grapeters, the most scrupulously suitable for the question of the landing scheme, can use existing methods for calculating its parameters for production purposes. For example, 10.1 m can accommodate 5 rows of grapes with a length of 9.95 m each with an interval of 2.4 m between them.

In any case, it should be understood that all theoretical recommendations are a skeleton on which the muscles of reality should be increasing. They must be adapted to specific conditions: the peculiarities of the microclimate of the site, the composition of the soil, the grape variety, the nature of its upcoming formation.

Having planting culture in its plot, you must not forget about the interests of the neighbors.

Paragraph 6.7. SNiP 30-02-97 *, approved by the revision of December 30, 2010 №849 "Planning and building the territory of the horticultural (country) associations of citizens, buildings and structures", says that the minimum distances to the neighboring site should be for the trunks of high trees - 4 m, the average - 2 m, shrubs - 1 m.

Building regulations

* SNiP - building standards and rules.

Regardless of the regulatory legislation, the grape seam should not shade the plants for the land. In addition, the need to use chemicals for grape processing can provoke a conflict. Experienced lovers of viticulture advise not to plant grapes along the northern meaning with neighbors in general, and with a different arrangement of the chopper to retreat deep into its site about 3 m. If the tweer is perpendicular to bother, form an extreme bush is only inside its territory. With this solution to the issue, no vine, nor the roots of grapes will not penetrate into the neighbors section.

In areas where the culture of culture is permissible without covering for the winter, the bushes are often planted along the walls of the buildings, near the arbors, the arches, pergol. Such a landing has its own nuances.

The vineyard must be located in the world's most illuminated during the day

When planting a grape near the wall of the building or structure, it is placed at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the foundation so that it does not destroy the roots of the plant, and during watering it is not raw walls. Support the culture to the wall using inclined tag. At the same time, we should not forget that this is a sun-born plant, so it is worth it for the world's most illuminated during the day.

For grape bushes at the arbor, arches, pergolas are important:

  • the absence of nearby competitors - shrubs and trees;
  • location of grapes outside the shade of buildings and economic objects.

If these conditions are observed, the grapes will not only successfully grow and develop, but also give a good harvest of berries.

Video: Grape landing schemes

Table: Distance between grapes and objects on the plot

Landing scheme depending on the variety

One of the decisive moments determining the grape landing scheme is the growth force of a particular variety:

  • high-resistant;
  • mediterranean;
  • slaughterhouse.

For a stripped grapes whose shoots exceed 2 m, a large power area is required - up to 5-6 m 2. Based on this, as well as from the method of further formation of the bush, determine the distance to the neighboring. So, when forming into one sleeve, with a width of a 2 m, a distance of 2.5-3 m is sufficient for a stronger grapes. With bilenutic formation of vines, when the shoulders of two adjacent bushes will meet each other, the distance between them should be no less 5-6 m.

The gross violation of the grapes of growing conditions does not only lead to a decrease in yield, but also to the loss of quality of fruits.

Table: Power areas for various grape varieties

Greenhouse grapes

In many regions with a cold climate and short summer, grapes are grown in greenhouses. The solid experience of such viticulture has been accumulated. But this method is used in the regions of the traditional cultivation of the vine in the open ground, since the greenhouse protects the plant from many adversity - weather popsicles, OS and other pests, diseases.

Grape bushes in the greenhouse are located at a distance of 2.5-3 m from each other

In the conditions of greenhouse, as evidenced by the practice of viticulture, it is possible even with its small area of \u200b\u200b6 m 2 to plant 3 vines. In this case, the landing scheme is not so important as the features of the placement of grapes. So that the plant does not receive solar burns, in contact with the walls or roof of the greenhouse, the boarding pit or a trench for planting several vines is made at a distance of the half-meter from the wall, and the top wire must defend the roof of the greenhouse no less than 0.4 m. Multiple bushes Grapes in the greenhouse are placed at a distance of 2.5-3 m from each other.

When growing grapes in the greenhouse, a variety selection is of particular importance. The plant should not be strongly elongated, prone to the formation of a large number of steps, in the cold regions it is important that its maturation period is not very large. For example, in the Moscow region, such varieties are recommended for greenhouses:

  • Michurinsky;
  • Russian cigrika;
  • Moscow is stable;
  • Northern early.

In the Urals and the north, preference should be given to grapes:

  • Delight perfect;
  • Black Hamburg;
  • Bulgaria is stable;
  • Phoster white.

Features of planting grapes in different regions

No matter how attractive greenhouse viticulture, in a variety of regions, regardless of climate, there are enthusiasts of growing vine in open ground. At the same time, the scheme and the process of planting grapes undergo the most minor changes.

Ural and Siberia

In the Urals and in Siberia, the summer is short, and winter is protracted, cold. In the open ground, grapes grows slowly, so there are recommendations not to trim it for the first year or two so that the vine scored growth. The varieties are selected winter hardy and with minimal or medium maturation. Recommended early frost-resistant varieties:

  • Li-4;
  • Aleshchenkin;
  • Purple early;
  • Golikov's memory.

The density of the bustards changes and the density of the bushes - it is allotted to power about 1 m 2, but the depth of the landing pits increases to 1 m. The tranne bushes are placed at a distance of 1 m from each other. Of course, in these regions, grapes are hidden for the winter.

In the Urals and in Siberia, grapes have to be covered by winter

Middle strip of Russia

In local places, viticulture began to develop relatively recently due to the emergence of new varieties derived by breeders. Such grapes has a short time ripening fruit and has time to give a crop in a short summer. It is recommended to plant a variety:

  • Augustine;
  • Agat Donskoy;
  • Aleshchenkin;
  • Alexander;
  • Memory of Dombowskaya;
  • Roshevn;
  • Firstborn Kuibyshev;
  • Ilya Muromets;
  • Lucille.

Using such a landing scheme: in a row between the bushes 1-3 m, between the rows - 2-3 m. The landing depth is not more than 0.4 m.

Moscow region

This region has become a bridgehead of the movement of the grapes to the north. Grow the varieties of ultra-, super- and just early, otherwise they will not have time to grow, and having frost resistance to -35 ° C. The depth of the landing pit, depending on the density of the soil, can be from 0.2 to 0.5 m. Between the bushes it is recommended to leave 2 m, and between the rows - 3 m.

For many regions

Pink dining grapes Sort Russian Early can be recommended for growing from Ukraine to the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. It is perfectly winter with frosts -23 ° C, that is, in more southern regions, it can be grown without shelter, and in more northern - under careful shelter. It is planted with 80x80 cm landing pits, there are 2 m between bushes.

One of the oldest and northernmost varieties of Amur grapes is unpretentious, frost-resistant and perfectly adapts to the conditions of growth. You can grow in any natural zone. It can be cultivated as technical, then when landing between seedlings leave from 0.8 to 1 m. To obtain a table grapes, this distance is increased to 1.5 m. The distance between the rows is 2-2.5 m.

The correct pattern of grape landing, correlated with all other parameters of growing vine, can be a key to successful viticulture, subject to further regular plant care in accordance with all the rules of agrotechnology.

Kira Tsekolova

The distance between the grape bushes affects the further development and yield of culture. The thickness of the vineyard is determined immediately, because in the future it will be impossible to change it. Gardeners create a vineyard scheme, calculating the distance between grapes, after which the planting material is prepared.

Time and landing

The planting material is planted in autumn or spring. Spring landing is produced in late April - early May. At this moment, the culture is most good. The autumn period for landing begins from October and to the first frosts. In the fall, shoots are better producing immunity to various changes - location, soil, temperature regime. But there is a minus - the risk of frostbite. In the fall, care for the plant is worth more carefully.

Support grapes should be in well-lit places, such as West or South.

The soil must have a large amount of nutrients for better development, better if there is a high level of stony. Such soil helps to avoid water stagnation and will contribute to the rapid oxygen getting to the root system.

Seat selection

Planting material - Green shoots and cuttings - choose carefully, it should be high-quality and healthy.

Features of seedlings:

  • if the annual escape, the root system should be white. If the color of the cutting of the root is yellow, or the brown - the plant does not take root and will come dry;
  • eye should look fresh and healthy. If they disappear - the plant is patient.
  • line, Stem Sablet must be wet, as well as produce juice. The slice of the vine should be green.

During the day before planting, planting material is placed in a water capacity. For this, 3 eyes are removed on shoots. Growth and honey stimulants add to the water for better development of seedlings.

Landing density grapes

The scheme of seating is influenced by:

  • grade;
  • the soil;
  • location;
  • climatic conditions, in general, for each region individually;
  • method and time of disembarkation;
  • number of seedlings.

Distance between rows

When choosing a distance to plant grapes, there are such types of rows in the vineyard:

  • high - bush - from 3 m²;
  • middle - bush - up to 3 m²;
  • moderate - bush - up to 2 m².

For the correct selection of the location of the ranks, both technological and mechanical factors are taken into account. With the help of neighboring shrubs, you can create concealed places, which will serve as protection from burns.

The width of the rows for each of the varieties is:

  • white grade - if there is a lot of light, then the berries will be sour and aroma will become less expressive. When planting grapes, the distance between the bushes should be the same as from the ground to the leaves;
  • red - light should be a lot so that the fruits are sweeter.

Gustness is calculated for each variety individually, given the ratio of the height of the leaves and the gap between the plants. On average, there are 3 m between shrubs.

Distance between bushes

Distances between grape seedlings leave approximately 3 m., If the view is stronger.

If you plant grapes at close distances, it will lead to different consequences:

  • reduced development;
  • weak immunity;
  • low crop.

Wine varieties planted from each other by 1.5-1.7 m. Desserts - from each other 1.4-1.5 m. The trellis can be of different heights (approximately 1.8 m.).

The planning of the graceboard consists of a selection of a vineyard, selection schemes landing bushes and choice fashion planting.
Choosing a place to plant a vineyard.
Grapes - Southern Plant. He loves the sun and warm. This determines the choice of space for the vineyard.
The grape growing area should not close with the south of high trees or buildings. And very good when high trees and buildings close the plot from the north - will protect the vineyard from cold winds. Also very disturbing grapes closely growing trees from East or Western side - close the sun and take power from the roots. Grape bushes need to plant from high trees as far as possible.
Well, if the grape growing area has a smooth surface. Even better if the site has a small slope towards the south or south-west. Such a plot warms up the sun best.

Grape roots love loose soil. And do not like very strong dampness at all. The plot allotted under the vineyard should not be very accumulated by water - in spring or during rains. Also very interferes with grape bushes, the presence of water is too close under the surface of the soil. Roots of grape bushes can penetrate more than eight meters, and can get moisture with great depths. Therefore, grapes will be easier to carry a little drought than constant overeximation of the soil.
Of course, soil fertility is of great importance for crop size. But on the sandy soil, the grape bushes are very smaller than on dense chernozem. And if there is a choice, it is better to plant bushes on soils with a large sand content. It is necessary to feed and water the bushes in any soil. And the best health of the bushes in this case is much more important.
Grape bushes landing scheme.
The landing scheme is the distances between the bushes of grapes on the vineyard. The choice of landing scheme when planning a vineyard is very important. You can redo the design of the Trelliers, you can change the formation of bushes. You can change the varieties - rebuild the bushes. But changing the landing scheme is very difficult. Lost time to grow incorrectly planted vineyard is no longer returned.
The planting scheme of bushes consists of two sizes - the distance between the bushes in the row and the distance between the rows of grape bushes. Both of these sizes are fully dependent on the selection of the species, and strongly depend on the varietal features of the bushes. Grand varieties are better to plant a little with long distances between bushes in a row. Cilenor varieties are better to give the load with green shoots a little more than the slaservion, to prevent the life of the bushes.
Be sure to consider soil fertility on the future vineyard. The better, fertrige than the soil on the plot, where you plan to grow grapes, the more bushes you will need to grow so that they do not begin to live. Accordingly, the distances between the bushes will have to be increased.
When calculating the distances between the bushes in the row, we will talk about the length of the plane of the Trelliers necessary to accommodate the green shoots of one bush - in the route meters. Here you need to remember the average recommended load on one bush green shoots - thirty green shoots.
Green chains of canteens grape varieties are very difficult to place the trellis on the plane thick than at a distance of ten centimeters from each other. It turns out a strong thicance, the leaves are worse illuminated and poorly ventilated. On the plane, all the borders are located approximately one height, and with a small distance between the shoots, the cluster of large sizes will simply lie down on each other. What also greatly increases the number of diseases and pests on berries. Most often, the grapes are trying to have green shoots at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other. But to calculate the size of the landing scheme, we take the distance between the shoots a little less, twelve centimeters - the Zhackka must be respected.
Immediately compare the two types of the chopler - single-glossy and two perception.
On a single-layer chopper, all green shoots of one bush are located on the same plane. When using two-plane chopers, green shoots of one bush are placed on two planes. It is clear that at the same distances between the bushes in a row, on the bushes on a two-plane chipper, you can grow green shoots with bunches twice as many. Accordingly, in this case, and the load of one bush on a two-plane grinder will be twice as much.
Now we consider the size of the planting schemes of the bushes separately for the main types of the chopler.
Scheme of planting bushes for single-layer tag.
Ten centimeters between green shoots are the minimum distance on which the green shoots can be placed on the plane. Believe me, work with so thickly located shoots, you definitely do not like it. To calculate the sizes of the landing scheme, take the distance between green shoots a little more - 12 cm. We multiply an approximate number of green shoots on one bush to the distance between them - 30 at 12 cm - we obtain the desired length of the plane of the Trelliers to accommodate the shoots of one bush - about three and a half meters.
The distance between the bushes in the row is chosen so that at this distance the length of the plane is placed, necessary to accommodate the minimum sufficient number of green escapes of one bush. On a single-bedspread chopler, all the green shoots of one bush are placed on the same plane, and the required length of the plane of the cholerars for one bush will be equal to the distance between the bushes in the row.
The first size of the landing scheme for single-bedspoty trellis was calculated - the distance between the bushes in the row should be three and a half meters.
Now about the distance between the rows of bushes.
Single bedspreads are the simplest and convenient to maintain. Only such trellis can be used if you cannot plant the rows of bushes by sending from the north to south. Well, it does not work differently on your site. For example, it is assumed that the bushes are planted from the east to the west. With this direction of the series, the plane of green shoots of one row of bushes can shade the leaves on the plane of the neighboring row. For this occasion, practical observations identified the minimum distance between the adjacent planes of the Trellier, and hence the rows of bushes.
In the direction of the rows of one-beds, the dealers from the east to the west, the distance between adjacent planes is chosen at least the height of the plane of the Trelliers.
In our case, the height of the plane of the Trelliers is two meters. The distance between adjacent planes should be the same - two meters. It will be the second size of the planting scheme of bushes for single-glossy chopling, the distance between the rows of bushes will be at least two meters - Fig. twenty.
You can immediately determine the size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area for growing one bush with such a landing scheme - power area of \u200b\u200bone bush. This size conventionally determines the area area on which the roots of one bush are located. We multiply the distance between the bushes in a row to the distance between the rows of bushes - 3.5m to 2.0m. The power area of \u200b\u200bone bush with such a landing scheme will be equal to seven square meters. On one square meter of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site grows about 4-5 green escapes with bunches.
Regarding the size of the food area of \u200b\u200bbushes, of course, a lot of research was carried out. At the moment, the size of the power area to one bus is recommended at least five square meters. If the power area is less, it will simply have nowhere to make fertilizers to feed thirty green shoots on one bush.
Once again, let's talk about the number of berries growing on one bush and on one square meter of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. As I said, on one green shoot of a month and a half meters, the number of leaves makes it possible to grow a bunch of about six hundred grams. The vineyard has a desire to increase the length of the shoots on the plane of the trellis, increase the number of leaves for growing the grades of greater weight.
It is possible to increase the height of the plane of the cholera, for example, up to three meters. On such a plane, you can grow and place green shoots with a length of at least 2.5m. The number of leaves on such a shoot can ensure the cultivation of a bunch weighing up to one and a half kilograms on each shoot - the crop from the bush will increase. But…
Such a high plane, among other things, will stronger shadow the leaves on the adjacent trellis. You will have to increase the distance between the rows of bushes, and in the end, the crop of berries from the square meter of the vineyard area will not increase. Each other attempts to increase the length of green shoots will be given exactly to the same result.
It is better to use a single-bed, with a too large slope of the surface of the site - you have to land rows of bushes across the slope. The size of the landing scheme is the distance between the rows of bushes - in this case, they are selected depending on the magnitude of the slope, the convenience of annual works and the food area of \u200b\u200bthe bush. The distance between the bushes in the row in any case will be the same - three and a half meters.
The advantage of single-glossy trellis is the ability to use it at any direction of the ranks relative to the parties of the light. If you put a row of bushes and install a one-bedchalter to the direction from the north to south, the illumination of the leaves on the plane will improve, and then you can reduce the distance between the rows to one and a half meters. 20a.
At the same distances, the rows of bushes can be planted from each other and in the event that you want to use the support for the bushes in the form of pergola. When locked through the lines on Pergol, all green shoots are located on a horizontal plane, which is not pronounced. Due to this, the direction of the rows of bushes relative to the parties does not matter - on the horizontal plane of the leaves are always the same in the same way.
Under the landing diagram shown in Fig. 20a, the power area of \u200b\u200bone bush will be slightly more than five square meters, and approximately six green shoots with clusters will grow on one square meter.
Landing diagram of bushes for two-plane tarters.
At a two-plane choler, green shoots of one bush are placed on two planes. Due to this, to accommodate the same thirty green shoots on two planes, the distance between the bushes in the row can be reduced. But too much to reduce the distances between the bushes in the row is still not worth it. This will lead to a very strong decrease in the nutrition area of \u200b\u200bbushes. What is even worse - the length of perennial branches is greatly reduced, and bending them to lay on the soil, to cover, it will be much more complicated.
I recommend distance between bushes in a row for two-plane tarters at least two meters - the first size of the landing scheme. In this case, one bush will have four ramp meters Toplar - two meters on the same plane, and two meters to another. At such a length of the plane it is quite convenient to accommodate about thirty-five green shoots.
Since two rows of wire columns are installed on one row, the distance between rows Bushes need to increase. Ideal it would be to make the distance between the rows of three meters. But a two-plane tweer is always established with the direction of the ranks only from north to south. Lighting of the planes at this direction of the series is very good. Thereby distance between rows of bushes can be enlarged (relatively single-layer trellis) just two and a half meters - the second size of the landing scheme - Fig. 21. The practical experience of working with a two-plane chopper also confirms the sufficiency of such a distance between the rows of bushes.

With this landing scheme, the bush accounts for a facility of five square meters of the site. This is the smallest size of the area for one bush, according to the recommendations of specialists. Therefore, the size of the landing scheme should not be reduced in any conditions.

Once again - pay attention. The power area of \u200b\u200bone bush when growing grapes on a two-plane chopper is less than on one-bedspa. At the same time, the dimensions of the two-plane trellis allow you to grow, on a lower area of \u200b\u200bthe site, the number of green shoots with harvest is even slightly greater than on a single-bedspury chopler. Accordingly, on one square meter of the site, seven green escapes with bunches can already grow, and the yield of berries from a square meter, when growing bushes using a two-plane tag, more than on a single-bedspury chopler.
When choosing a planting scheme of bushes, it is necessary to take into account such an important circumstance as soil fertility. If you plan to grow grapes on very poor soils - sandy, stony, etc., then the power of growing bushes will be much smaller. In this case, the number of green shoots for growing on one bush can also be reduced. Accordingly, the distances between the bushes in the row need to be reduced.
And, of course, when determining the load of bushes and choosing a landing scheme, you must necessarily take into account the climatic conditions of your area. Grapes loves the sun and warm. If you have a cold and short summer, then the bushes will be weaker, they will grow smaller. In such conditions, the load shoots on the bushes also need to be reduced. Respectively and distances between bushes in row can be reduced. But even if you leave the same number of shoots on the bush, the number of berries on the bushes should be reduced necessarily, otherwise they will be badly ripening. What can you do - you want to grow grapes in extreme conditions.
At the same time the distance between rows of bushes In the north, even a little more increased so that the sun can better warm the soil under the bushes. In the north for growing bushes, it is better to install only a single-layer gloveler, and rows of bushes in such conditions it is better to plant only the direction from the north to south to avoid soil shading in the rifles of the planes.
This is thus approximately chosen a landing scheme for grape bushes.
We will further choose the way of planting bushes of grapes.
Ways to landing grape bushes
For any part of my story, many grapes will have objections. So and the way to plant bushes. Disputes about the depths and ways of planting bushes are kept constantly - in communicating in grape forums in particular. I will tell about three ways to landing. I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these ways to landing - from my point of view. And choose the best way to land your bushes will have to you.
Planting bushes to a depth to 30cm - "On the bayonet shovel"
A fitting method at which the heel of the underground strain is at a depth of 25-30 centimeters - rice. 22. With such a landing depth, most of the roots are located in the most fertile, the upper layer of the soil.
The easiest and most inexpensive way to planting.
- It does not require high costs - money and labor - for planting bushes. Even fertilizers in landing pits when landing can not be made - to the upper layer of the soil they can easily be made at any time.
- With this depth of landing, the roots grow in the most fertile soil layer. The feeders introduced into the soil very quickly reach the roots. Ideally running drip irrigation - soil with drip irrigation flies on much greater depths.
- The soil for such a depth of spring heats up much faster. In the spring, when growing grapes in the greenhouses, the bushes begin to grow much earlier.
- On this depth of the soil, it is sufficiently heated even in the northern regions of growing grapes.
- In this way, you can plant grapes on the slopes in any direction - even along the slope.
- In the huge winter, the soil is very easy for such a depth of the soil. What leads to the full death of the root system - the death of the bush. Mandatory protection against frost is required for the entire surface of the soil on the vineyard.
- Spring soil to the depth of rooting the roots is heated very quickly. Bushes begin to wake up very early, and can fall under the spring frost.
- In the summer in the southern regions of the soil warms it very much. When the soil is heated above thirty degrees, the work of the roots deteriorates. When most roots are located at a depth of thirty-forty centimeters, we will have to protect the soil from overheating - mulching.
- In summer, it is necessary to apply irrigation. Without watering at such depth, the roots can very quickly die from drought.
- watering systems should only be drip or sprinkling. Just put the hose under the bush will no longer succeed - there are nowhere to gain water under the bush.
- In this way, it is impossible to plant bushes on slopes with arranged terraces. The soil on the terraces freezes much deeper than on a level plot.
Landing bushes to a depth 50cm with limiting the formation of roots in the surface layer of the soil.
With this method of planting the heel of the seedlings is at a normal depth - 50cm. The bushes are planted on the site without creating trenches and boxes. But the upper part of the underground strap bushes is protected by contact with soil. Any available way around the Stamb is created by an emptiness with a diameter of thirty centimeters and a thirty centimeter depth below the soil level. Such an air casing around the upper part of the underground barrel does not allow to appear roots in the surface layer of the soil - Rosyanian roots - Fig. 23.
Let us tell more in more detail, why do you need such difficulties when boarding bushes.
As you know, the top layer of the soil is most fertile. All kinds of fertilizers are primarily entering the top layer of the soil. It is in this layer most of the organic remnants of plants, so most of the soil liveliness lives here. This layer of the soil earlier and faster heats up the sun, most often impregnated with moisture during rare rains with a hot summer. All this very much like roots of plants. The roots of grapes (Rosyani roots) are also primarily growing in the surface layer of the soil. They so much so much that if they do not interfere, then very fast the grape bush passes to food only roots in the surface layer of the soil. Roots in deeper layers develop weakly, every year occupying an increasing part in the nutrition of the bushes.
Everything would be fine if not frost and drought. In a very cold and honest winter, the soil can freeze to a very large depth. And all the roots in the upper layer are dying. Approximately by the third year of the life of the bush, the roots in the upper layer of the soil already make up most of the root system, and after such frosts the bush remains almost without roots. Such a bush is very sick, and maybe even die. The same can happen in very roast and dry summer.

To avoid such losses, the grapes constantly come up with ways to get rid of the dewy roots. Twice a year spend catarovka . That is, they roll the underground stack to the depth of the bayonet shovel, and cut off all the roots on this depth. Work is very laborious - even for a small household site. In addition, infection can get into the cuts, and the bush will be sick.
Figure 7 you can see the results of this work.
I spent the catarke on this bush every year. These roots - in the yellow circle - rose in one summer. And it is clearly visible, as far as - even when conducting annual catalog - thinner the lower part of the root strap.
To reduce the effect of surface roots of the bushes in various ways, forced primarily roots growing from heel. To do this, when planting grapes on seedlings, all the roots are removed, in addition to the heel - the lowest roots on a sapling. Also, so as not to allow Rosyanian roots to grow, the upper part of the underground seedl staff during landing is winding with a polyethylene film. But over time, the stack becomes thicker, the film begins to interfere, and it is necessary to do this work again ....
To combat Ryan roots, I chose a method much easier. I plant bushes so that the depth of thirty centimeters is below the level of soil, there was no land around the trunk - ALWAYS . What will not be able to appear here by Rosyan roots.
Everything is simple - when landing, I fencing the soil the upper underground part of the seedling with a capacity without bottom. It is best for this that the usual decider plastic bucket is suitable - rice. eight.
Video - Landing Saplings for permanent residence

Figure 9 shows the root system of the bush, which I grown in this way. The red line is approximately shown the soil level and the installation site of the container limiting the appearance of the upper roots.
It is clearly seen that at the bottom of the root strap rose strong roots, everything is about one size, which will provide good nutrition to the bushes.
For the manufacture of fences, not only plastic buckets can be used. You can protect the stem from the soil with bricks, cut from two sides by ten-tiel plastic canisters. You can use for fencing and old metal buckets without the bottom. But metal buckets are reinforcing the soil freezing, so I will find them better to pull them out of the ground. For more convenient removal from the soil and installation back, metal buckets before installation I cut in height.
The use of such a fence is a very simple and reliable way to deal with Rosyani roots. In the spring you only need to remove the soil and garbage from the container. And that's it.
Immediately I want to warn you from hasty actions.
Such a way Restrictions on the root growth in the surface layer of the soil suitable only when landing new bushes . Often happens so. I listened to the story about such a fit method, about its advantages, and ... roll the soil around already quite adult bushes, remove the roots, and set limiting containers. This can not be done in any way !! ! If the age of the bush is more than two years old, he has already managed to grow rather powerful roots in the surface layer, which supplied the bushes very much of the power. When you remove the roots to a depth of 30cm, the bush loses the very large part of its roots. After such a "operation", the bush will be very hurting, and if the bushes are quite adults, they can die. It is necessary to act very carefully, and it is better to use this method only when planting new bushes.
The advantages of such a planting method:
- The possibility of extincting the roots at such a landing depth is much smaller.
- With such a depth of landing during drought, the bushes suffer much less.
- In this way, you can also grow grape bushes on the slopes, directing the rows of bushes along the slope.
- With such a depth of landing, you can grow grapes at all without irrigation. If you need to mulk soil well and from the very beginning, the bushes teach to the absence of irrigation.
- Again, it is possible to water the bushes only with drip irrigation systems or spray. Especially in areas with a slope of the soil surface.
Video - Planting green seedlings - the first part
Landing green seedlings - the second part
Landing grapes in autumn
For the polls I want to clarify. In areas S. smooth surface , with good mulching of the soil, I do not occur with irrigation of bushes. Under mulch soil is very loose. I am watered on the principle "put the hose and forgot." So, even when holding autumn moisture profitable polishes - when I "forgot" the hose for a long time - for half a day I could not completely pour my three bushes, grown on the chopler.
Due to the fact that the surface of the soil under these bushes is well inspired.
Video - Waterproof Watering
Landing grape bushes in boxes.
The most reliable and convenient way to plant bushes of grapes. But requires additional costs - labor and finance.
The bushes are planted on the bottom of specially made boxes - tranches. Trenches are digging in advance before planting bushes. Trench depth 25-30cm. When digging the soil from trenches is placed in aisle, which significantly increases the soil level in the arses, thanks to which it is necessary to dig less. The walls of finished trenches are strengthened from sprinkling in any available way. The perfect option is brick walls.
The columns of the rows of tolders are always installed outside the boxes. For the winter, the vines of the bushes are stacked in the box. Then shelter is stacked on the walls of the boxes. If the chapel columns will stand inside the boxes, they will very much to interfere with laying underfloor materials.
Instructing vines in boxes can be shields from boards, slate, etc.
The width of the boxes depends on the type of trellis. For single-glossy choplers, the width of the box is approximately 50cm - rice. 24. It is impossible to do very narrow boxes - they need to place all the vines for the shelting by I need. At the same time, you should not make a box and too wide. After all, for a rows with single-layer trellis, the box is placed in the aisle. Too wide boxes will interfere with us to pass between rows.
The width of the box for two-plane trellis is limited only to the distance between the planes of the rows of the Trelliers - Fig. 25. But too narrow to do the box, too, it is also impossible. Inside between planes, the cholera can constantly pass for spraying bushes. For
This narrow box will be very disturbed.

Grape bushes are frozen at the bottom of the boxes. The depth of planting bushes is small - the heel at a depth of 25-30cm from the surface of the trench bottom. But despite this, when landing in boxes, nor frost, nor drought roots hurt. At the small depth of the roots are only inside the box. Here they are reliably closed with mulk from drying in the summer. In winter, the box is necessarily hidden, which reliably protects the roots from the frost. The bulk of the roots is in the aisle. But there they are located at great depths, reliably protected by a thick layer of soil.
I want to pay attention to a very important point. Columns Trelliers are necessarily outside the box. And the first wire on the plane of the Trellier is placed at a height of 50cm from the soil level in the aisle.
Advantages of planting bushes in boxes:
- A simple way to plant bushes on a small depth. At the same time no difficulties with Rosyani roots.
- Significantly lengthened by perennial branches of bushes - the supply of many years of wood increases.
- bushes are hidden for the winter much easier and more reliable. In addition, longer perennial vines be easier to bend when laying on the soil.
- You can apply any irrigation methods.

- Production of boxes increases costs - finance and labor.
- When landing in the boxes of the rows of bushes can only be placed across the slope.
- When landing in boxes, it is no longer possible to cover the bushes for winter.
About the ways of planting bushes - all. Choose.