Drawing slides for children from metal. Easy way to make a slide for children with your own hands

Children's hill is one of the favorite fun kids, and the parents are also not averse to ride it. Previously, there was a metal design on each playground, today it is a bright and colorful design of wood or plastic.

Today, a children's slide can be purchased in a specialized store and this will not be just a design with steps and descent, but a whole game complex. Of course, not every family can afford the purchase of such entertainment. But if there is a desire to please your child, then you can make a children's hill with their own hands.

Buying a ready slide in the store, there is no confidence as a product, but if you do it yourself, then you can slowly provide all the safety nuances and with minimal costs get a safe and high-quality design.

The first thing about to worry about is the safety of the child. All equipment used in playgrounds must comply with GOST. So for example, a slide must be equipped with railings and sides of such a height so that the child can not fall out or get stuck during the game. The lower part of the descent must have a smooth rounding with a radius of at least 5 cm at an altitude of 20 -30 cm from the ground.

There should be no electric delicate devices near it, household buildings, trees, etc. The child is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, so at least part of the design should be in the shade.

She must have the following characteristics:

  1. strength;
  2. stability;
  3. functionality;
  4. attractive appearance.

The design should be good fixed, you can concrete or use metal supports. All items must be ground and covered with varnish. The size of the structure must correspond to the age of the child, for children of younger school age, the height should not exceed 3.5 meters.


For the construction of a children's slide, it is necessary to use environmentally friendly materials. Most often, such designs are made of wood or metal.

The installation process will be different depending on the material selected. The tree and metal have their own characteristics about which you need to know and take into account at the stage of choice.

Metal Children's Hill

To build a metal slide, you need electro welding and working skills with it. It is also worth considering that the metal during welding is heated and can be deformed.

Therefore, the end result, without at least minimal knowledge of working with the metal, may not match expectations. But despite this, the metal structure has such advantages as:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • reliability.

However, do not forget about the shortcomings. The main minus of the metal slide - heats up the sun and the child can burn. Therefore, such a structure will have to put on the shaded side of the garden.

And one more minus - if the metallic slide is installed in the country, then the likelihood of what the ubiquitous collectors of scrap metal will be drained.

Wooden hill

One of the advantages of the wooden structure is the simplicity of installation. No special and expensive tools are required for work. Main Tool Set:

  1. lobzik;
  2. drill;
  3. bulgarian and nozzles for her;
  4. a hammer.

Such a tool can enjoy any person. Wood practically has no minuses, and those that can be found easy to fix. So for example, to protect against moisture, it is enough to treat special means and cover with varnish.

The choice of material depends only on you. And if you first make such a design in the first and not when you did not work with welding - choose a tree.

Construction process

First of all, it is necessary to make a drawing. You can use a ready layout or come up with your own. Then in accordance with the drawing to prepare the material: to cut the timing of the timber, to open and fool the logs and boards. On all the details of the design, you must remove the chamfer from the corners so that the child does not injure.

Then there is a territory of 2 × 2 m in size, it is possible and more, if there is an opportunity and in the future it is planned to create a playground. The garden brown in the ground is made of deepening depth 60 cm. The wedrogen-cooled pillars are installed in the prepared pits and concrete.

In the upper part of the bars, hacksaw or a milling grooves in which the planks are inserted. Planks are fastened with self-tapping screws and perform two functions:

  1. binding - design becomes stable and more rigid;
  2. fencing - ensure the safety of the child on the hill.

Now you need to attach two more planks to the bars, the slope will be attached to one, to another staircase. On these planks, the floor from the boards will be fixed with self-assembly.

The fence must rise above the plywood at least 10 cm. This will not allow children to fly off it. All places of connecting wooden parts are additionally sealed with corners.

When the hill are completely assembled, grinding and painting. All elements are cleaned of the burishes with a grinding machine, and sharp corners are stepping.

Now you can apply on the wooden surfaces of varnish or paint. In order for the slip to be better, you can additionally fasten a sheet of tin.

And the ice slide is quite difficult, agree. The forecasts of weather forecasters promise to us and frosts, and snow in the near future, so why not take advantage of the situation: let's deal with the construction of a winter slide for children at the cottage!

By the way, this building will bring huge joy not only by kids, but also adults - verified on personal experience. Especially in order to make it, a lot of power and special skills do not need :) Let's go?

What you need for the construction of a winter slide

For successful construction, we will need:
  • frost on the street;
  • a large amount of snow;
  • couple (and better - several pairs) of free hands;
  • several large shovels;
  • a lot of water;
  • good mood:)))

Where to build a hill

The first thing to be done is to determine the place for the future slide. First of all, it should be safe, that is, to be at maximum distance from the roadway, sewer hatches, various drains, water bodies, trees, thickets of spiny shrubs and other traumatic objects.

Long descent of the ice slide. Photo by user

Next: around the slide should be quite spacious, so that you can be free and come up, and move away from it. And the higher the hill, the better the ice on it - the more free space it will be necessary to ride without fears.

Height and Slide Length

At the selected place, we make a big snowy mountain, for which the cooked shovels will have to throw as much snow as possible. So the height and width of the future slide are largely dependent on your strength)) The higher it will, the better - in reasonable limits, of course. But if the slide is constructed for kids, do not get carried away excessively: in this case, it is from the security of children and their own convenience.

As for the length of the descent: lovers of this original Russian winter fun advise to make a slide with a length of at least 5 m, it is possible and more ... But again, if you make a slide for small children, it should not be excessively constructed.

We choose the shape of Gorka

Do not dwell on the hill with the usual classic form. You can make it with turns in different directions, like on a bobstyle track, or with an arch. And you can also try your hand in creating, and it's not just a slide, but a fabulous character or a fantastic figure :)

The angle of inclination is also important: optimally at the beginning of the slide - 30-50 °, and then it should be gradually reduced, that is, to make the descent more gentle. Well, for the smallest better to equip a gentle slope from the very beginning.

Do you need steps?

Of course, if you make a slide for little babies, you can do without steps, but if for kids who are 5+ (now I mean and adults :), then the steps need to be done necessarily. The answer to the question exactly where it is to place them, unequivocally: from the highest side of the slide.

Try to make them so that it is equally convenient for them to climb and the child with 36 legs size, and an adult with 46. The optimal width of the steps is 40-50 cm, it is not worth doing wider.

Do not forget about the sideboards on the sides of the steps; Their height should be about 30 cm. By the way, small sides can be made and at the edges of the slope slide so that during riding do not fly off it.


Armed with cold water buckets or a hose, climb the steps to the hill, and begin to water it - slowly, very carefully, so as not to damage the design. By pouring, constantly hang the surface of the slide - just as we can achieve perfectly smooth coverage. Places in which yams were formed from the water are tightly fill in the snow, and again water water.

After completing the work, for a while we leave the slide alone - until the ice froze. Then we water the slope with cold water several times in a row, and each time the layer of ice should freeze. You need to flood the slide until it becomes perfectly even. After that, it is best to leave her on the night thickening to stick.

Let's go to ride!

Already by the morning, the slide must be ready (at night because it is more frost), you can ride :) True, before descending from the slide, sprinkle her steps in the sand, and the slide itself will be a bucket of water. Let stand another hour and - go ahead!

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By the way, you can ride with an ice slide not only on sleds, but also just in warm clothes, on the cardboard, on special rubber mats and on icyankas.

And the ice plant can be chosen in our catalog where the proposals of many large online stores are collected.

It is difficult to find a child who would not like to ride from the mountain. On sleds or a snowmaker, on a car tire or modern cookies, all the children love fun to roll from the mountains, hit by their bravery and tranquility of adults. But very often slides located in the city trait do not meet all safety standards. Therefore, modern parents are simply afraid to let their children ride from such a children's slide. What to do in this case? Prohibit children to play on the street? In no case! You can build a slide yourself!

Consider a few simple ways to create a slide for a child with your own hands at home.

  1. Ice hill. With the onset of winter, the crowds are filling out all the snow slopes. But such rides are not always safe. Very often slides are located near the roadway. To secure your child from possible injuries and other unpleasant situations, you can make an ice slide yourself. To do this, you will need:
    • shovel;
    • water;
    • bucket;
    • metal spatula.
    The first thing you need to do is choose a place for the future ice mountain. First, the territory where children's entertainment will be located, should be away from lively highways, as well as parking spaces for cars. Secondly, it is necessary to decide on the slide height. If you are planning that the kids will ride with it under three years old, it is preferable to make a hill with a height of no more than one meter. Thirdly, the angle of inclination of the ice building should not exceed forty degrees. In this case, it will be possible to avoid frequent cases of child injuries. Fourth, build a mountain is better in well-lit places. In winter, it darkens very early, so it is preferable to choose a territory near which street lights or spotlights are located.

    After the territory is selected, begin to clear the shovel space for the future track. Excess fragments can be removed using a metal spatula. If you make a slide for kids of kindergarten, it is preferable to make fires along the entire length of the track so that children during skiing have no opportunity to fly from the mountain.

    After the place for the slide is cleared, proceed to one of the most labor-intensive work - the formation of an ice trace. This will help you a spray gun. Type in a warm water product, and then evenly process the entire surface of the future slide. Make sure that it is not irregularities. Otherwise, tubercles are formed on the hill, which will adversely affect both the quality of skating and the health of children. After the slide slightly snacks, type the water temperature in the bucket and leave the slide from top to bottom. Make sure that the fluid is evenly distributed on the surface. After that, leave the slide to freeze until the morning. If you have the opportunity, make a wide platform for the guys, with which they will descend from the mountain, as well as comfortable for children's legs steps.

  2. Home hill. You will not find, perhaps, not a single child who would have built the hill of their remedies. Help your children in such a difficult lesson! Build with them a home hill! For her facilities you will need:
    • old writing desk;
    • the door from the cabinet (preferably lacquered);
    • plywood;
    • small planks (you can legs from a table or pieces from a shovel cutter).
    To build a home coaster, you will have to free the place, it is desirable in the corner of the room to make a new children's entertainment preventing homemade. We will use the lacquered door as a surface for sliding, Phaneur as the stairs. To the surface of the plywood, it is necessary to nourish the legs from the table or pieces from the shovel cutter at the lowest distance. You can initially fix a couple of boards, and then ask children to try the staircase. After you make a rise and descent, they will need to attach them to the tabletop with hinges and hooks. With such a mountain, children will be able to move on the pillows, and on the bedspreads, and on mattresses. Now they definitely do not have to miss if the weather will be rainy.
  3. Wooden hill. If your karapuses are very often a guest at grandparents in the country, or you live in a country house, you can build a slide outdoors on your own. Of course, many advanced parents acquire whole children's complexes. But, first of all, it is very expensive. Secondly, just imagine what a hero in the eyes of my son or daughter, you will look, if you independently erect a miracle hill for them for them.

    Basic rules for the construction of a children's slide:

    • it does not matter how many years your children: one year or twelve years, a hill must be equipped with safe railings and fences;
    • choose a slide for building only environmentally friendly components that cannot harm the health of children. In no case do not use flammable materials.
    • when building a slide for children is preferable to use a tree, and not metal structures. First, the wooden slide can absolutely calmly put in any place of the site. Metal design will have to be put exclusively in the shadow, because It easily heats up, which can lead to thermal burns in children. If we consider plastic, then it is quite fragile. In any case, plastic slides in a wide range are presented in online stores and at highly affordable prices. Therefore, it makes no sense to "reinvent the bike".
    • special attention is paid to the safety of children's facilities. Remove all the gaps and cracks where the guys can push hands, legs, head. Before you give to children to play with a slide alone, think over all the nuances to avoid sad consequences.
    So, when we decided on the fact that we will build a children's slide of wood, you need to start choosing materials.

    You will need:

    • bulgarian or grinding disk;
    • five dokes (length 2.2 meters);
    • five bars (length 45 cm);
    • two bars (70 cm).
    Originally make the basis for descent. To do this, we need boards, stood at the same width. In order for children to be comfortably rolling from a slide, the descent must be carefully polished. Ready to descend a plate are fastened with BRUSEV.

    After we made a descent from the mountain, you need to start building lateral parts of the structure. Initially, you need to decide on the height and angle of inclination of the mountain. The standard dimensions of all factory structures of children's slides are: 1.3 meters altitude and 55 degree inclination angle. The side parts cut out so that they become and on the top floor slide. Finished sidewols need to be consolidated on both sides of the mountain with the help of self-samples. Then cast the side sides of the slide and eliminate all the corners. This will allow us to protect your children from possible abrasions, cuts, fractures and other troubles.

    The final stage of the work is to paint the slide and fixing the supports. Cover the surface of the structure can be vessel, and then varnish. After staining, let the children's slide dry during the day. During this time, the paint will not only dry, but the unpleasant smell will disappear. After that, it is necessary to proceed to the final stage - the installation of the supports. Initially, they are buried and then concreted. It is the supports that will serve you with a certain benchmark, relative to which you will attach other parts of the slide. Lastly, the foundation of the product is recorded. On this homemade wooden hill ready!

Make a slide with your own hands is not so difficult. This will require infirred tools, materials, as well as several hours of your free time. However, that sincere children's delight, joy and fun, which will give your children this traditional entertainment, cannot be compared with anything. Become a wizard for your child, give him a real fairy tale!

Children's hill: The product about which we will talk in this article on the site site. CHERTERS PHOTO AND VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS help you build children's slide with their own hands. Children's slide is probably one of the obligatory elements of any country area, if you have children. Any number of structures of various types can be installed on the playground: the sandbox - the choice depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Most items for the playground can be made independently. For example, children's slide It is pretty simple, and for many years serving a source of children's joy.

The main requirement of K. child hill at the cottage Is safety

Mandatory conditions for children's slides in the country

Children's slide at the cottage It can be installed both indoors and outdoors. It is worth understanding that a hill for a child (for the home it is built or for the street in this case does not matter) must comply with certain requirements:

  • for the construction you need to use only environmentally friendly and safe materials for the health. It does not matter whether you build a slide of wood, metal or plastic, the material should not contain harmful elements. The same applies to paint and varnishes that you will open the design. Another important point for a children's plastic roller coaster and for a wooden structure is resistance to ignition;

Most popular materials for building Gorki - wood and metal

  • be sure to use the design elements such as railings and fences. They will not only help the child to keep the balance while lifting the slide, but also will be removed from falling during games. Railings on a hill for a child in the country must be installed regardless of the age of your chad;
  • it is best to use wood design to build. Children's wooden rolleries For the home are more pleasant during operation due to the natural origin of the material. In the street conditions, the roller coats are heated not as fast as metal, so they can be installed in any place convenient for you, and not only on the shaded part of the site. On the hot metal, the child can easily burn, the tree does not heat up to a dangerous temperature;

Metal hill With a wave-like slope is covered with acrylic paint

  • plastic children's hill For the street it is easier than wooden or metal. It can easily be moved from place to place, if necessary, transport, but the material itself is less durable - it can easily give a crack;
  • gorka Must be located away from trees, lanterns, household buildings and other structures. This is done so that when you descend from a slide, the baby did not hurt. The surface around the slide can be sealed with lawn grass or use a special rubber coating. Remember that the main thing is the health of the child, so any street children's hill must be safe;

Gorka Must be installed in the open area, which will help minimize possible injuries.

  • the base should be strengthened using a metal support or concrete. Do not rely on the fact that the child still does not move the design from the place - even the durable slide may tumble as a result of children's games;
  • an important point is the height of the constructed children's slides for giving with their own hands. It must correspond to the child's age, for example, the height of the slide intended for children of younger school age should not exceed 3.5 m.

Wooden hill With two descent, house and swings, built in the courtyard of a private house

Helpful advice! In the construction of the roller, there should be no gaps and openings, otherwise the child can get stuck or seriously injured in the game process.

Construction of slides do it yourself: materials and tools

how build a slide on the cottage with your own hands without much difficulty? If we are talking about a wooden design, you will need several wooden bars, puzzle boards, rails, lining and fiberboard. You can connect the elements with each other with nails, anchor bolts and screws.

Process building a children's slide from wood

List of tools required for construction, very simple:

  • saw on wood manual or electric;
  • a hammer;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • plane;
  • roulette and level;
  • drill.

Skat for a slide can be purchased factory production or make it yourself

By the way, it is not necessary to use a wooden skate - there may be cracks on it or sprinkle sipping that may affect the child. You can buy plastic slopes for a slide and install them on a wooden design.

In the case of a metal structure, everything is more complicated. Here you will need a welding machine and Bulgarian. All the seams and joints of the joints in a wooden and metal design should be carefully stuck so that the child does not accidentally hurt during the game. Metal skates for children's Gorki Special paint should be painted, which will absorb the sun's rays and do not give the metal to heat up to a high temperature.

Drawing of a wooden slide device for babies

How to build a children's slide in the country

If you decide build Gorka For the child with their own, you should stick to a certain sequence of actions:

  • first you need to prepare plan-drawing. You can take ready-made from the Internet or draw your own. Ready drawings of children's slide It is good from the tree with their own hands the fact that they are indicated by the exact proportions of the elements and the dimensions of individual parts;
  • checking with the scheme, you need to cut the boards, rails and bars. In addition, they must be elapsed, so that under the skin of the child could not get off. With the help of the ruble, the bevelled edges of the corners of parts are removed, which will further increase the safety of the design;

Designs from wood Eco-friendly and enough easy in installation

  • the selected area is marked. Selecting the site stands with a margin if you are going to build together with a hill children's sports complex for giving. The optimal size for the design without additional attacks is 2 per 2 m;
  • under the supports, the deposits are recessed by about 60 cm. Wooden bars are inserted into them, the ends of which should be covered with special waterproofing mastic. This is done in order to extend the service life of the supports. Racks are cut into the grooves in which connecting wooden boards are inserted. The elements of the resulting frame are connected using bolts or screws;

Wooden slide drawing for playground in the garden

  • next, the floor is mounted. For building slides in the country with their own hands Remember: It is important that the floor is as strong as possible, so thick boards are selected for it, which are connected by self-draws and are screwed to the frame using metal corners. If you do not want, water accumulated on the floor at the floor, there should be small gaps between the boards, but insufficient to put the child in their finger;

Railings and fences - mandatory design elements children's Gorki

  • it is manufactured with a scat for children's slides. Its width should not exceed 80 cm. The surface of the skate is covered with a linoleum, a galvanized sheet or plastic. Linoleum is the cheapest option, but easily deformed and breaks away. The metal coating is significantly heated in the sun and can also bend. The most reliable option is plastic skates for children's slides. Plastic does not overheat, does not rust and not bend, but it is more expensive than the coating of linoleum or metal;

Drawing of the roller slide device for children's sports complex

  • mounted staircase. The optimal size of boards for its manufacture is 20 mm. After mounting the main part, the side is installed. For this, a cut at an angle of 45 ° board with screws is attached to the racks. Then the bars are screwed to the board to which the steps are mounted. Photo of children's slides with their own trees on the Internet clearly show how it is necessary to mount the elements of the stairs. After installing the steps, the balusters are installed on which the railing is attached;

Photo: The sandbox can be arranged both at the base of the slide and at the end of the descent

Helpful advice! The railing should be done in any case, regardless of the height of the slide or the angle of inclination of the stairs. They serve not only for security, but also to ensure that the child is more convenient to keep balance when lifting.

  • in the side of the racks, the grooves are cut into which the side walls of plywood or fiberboard are installed. Walls can also be made of small boards or have any original kind;
  • all protruding angles, nails and screws and screws are removed, all surfaces are thoroughly grinding and covered with paint or special protective varnish.

Drawing of children's slides for summer. Overall dimensions: Length - 3020 mm; width - 890 mm; Height - 1800 mm. The maximum weight of the user is 100 kg, the minimum age of the child is 3 years

An interesting modification of the design can be a slide - sandbox for children. At the same time, the sandbox is organized either at the base of the slide, or you can build a sand tank at the end of the descent.

Materials for building a children's slide

If you doubt what material to build a house with a slide for children or other similar design on the household plot, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the buildings of the two most popular materials - wood and metal.

Made of wood children's sports complex for cottage with a slide

Features of a hill

Wooden designs for playgrounds are well proven to be a few centuries ago. All children's slides do it yourself from the tree are built on a classic layout, which includes a staircase and a scat, base, upper platform and protective part. In addition, additional elements are added to the typical project, for example, an internal labyrinth, sandbox, additional descents and much more. Since it is possible to make such a design just enough, it all depends solely on your imagination.

Photo: Plastic descent installation - the optimal option when erecting a slide intended for young children

One of the significant advantages of creating a wooden slide for children in the country with their own hands is the cheapness of manufacture. The material itself is relatively inexpensive, it also does not need specialized tools for its processing. In addition, the construction of a design from boards and a bar does not require any special construction skills and skills from you - sometimes it is enough to just stick to the scheme found on the Internet.

Another plus of such a design is its ecological safety. The tree does not cause allergies, does not distinguish harmful substances when heated. The only controversial moment here is a paintwork coating, so be sure to read the instructions when buying a varnish or paint for coating a slide.

Photo: Simple design of children's slide made of wood trunks

Helpful advice! Wood for a slide must be high quality, dry and well polished. Choose the most durable wood species, and to increase resistance to moisture or drops of temperatures, the board must be covered with a special composition.

The element to be given special attention when mounting the construction of wood is descent. It is best not to risk using my own rewarding boards, but to purchase material for the factory production. It can be a linoleum, a sheet of stainless metal or plastic.

Photo: Children's game house made of wood with plastic slide

Features of the children's slide of metal

Metal slides For children used to stand in every yard and with proper care could be served not one dozen years. Photo of children's slurrow With their own metal hands show that they are not much different from a wooden counterpart.

The essential advantage of metal structures is its strength. The iron structure does not require special processing and care, steadyly tolerate temperature differences, increased humidity, large mechanical loads. The only thing that needs to be periodically done with a metal slide is to update the paint and ensure that the paint coating is not exhausted as a result of corrosion.

Strength and durability - the main advantages of metal structures

how make a slide for children with their own hands Metal? To do this, you will need ready-made elements, bollard and welding machine. Special attention should be paid to the seams, as they are potentially dangerous for the child. Welding quality is also of fundamental importance: the higher the stronger the design.

Disadvantage iron Gorki - Fast warming in the sun. If you install such a design where the sun's rays will be constantly falling on it, your child can easily burn. Therefore, if you still decided on the construction of the construction of metal elements, the place under it should be chosen in the shadow or do special.

Photo: Metal slide with plastic skate, installed by the pool

For construction slides do it yourself It is not necessary to use only wooden or metal elements. These materials can be combined in different proportions, thus obtaining the original, reliable design.

Of course, you can always wonder about where buy Children's slide to the country. You can do this in any specialized store or via the Internet. But remember that only the hand-made design will satisfy all your requirements and will make it possible to implement design fantasies.

Even the slide of factory production can be completed independently created elements.

There are a number of moments that it is worth considering that the design is reliable and safe:

  • for additional stability, the balasine ladder of a wooden design should be further increased using the planks;
  • drawings, videos, photos of children's hills in the country. Do with their own hands show that the grooves and the rails inserted in them during the screed bolts form a light, but durable and stable design;

For construction of children's slide in the country It should be carefully calculated the height of the structure

  • an excellent option for painting facilities is acrylic paint. It is safe for the health of the child, protects well from various kinds of negative impacts and looks attractive. Also, Acrylic is famous for its durability and does not lose color saturation, even with long-term exposure to direct sunlight;
  • convenient coating type for use under a slide - artificial grass or rubber. This does not require special care, does not change its properties, depending on the time of year or weather, creates a safe surface under a slide, which will save the child from injuries in case of falling from the slide.

Covering the platform around the slide for children should be as less traumatic

Plastic hill for childrenpurchased in the store or in the construction market is not always the best option. Yes, you save time and strength due to the construction, but wooden or metal design can not only do in a smaller amount of money, but also will create a full-fledged sports complex for the child, consisting of a large number of elements. By the way, even a plastic slide for children can be supplemented with homemade elements and turn into a complex and fascinating design for games.

A high-quality and reliable hill is not only a good way to take your child while staying in a country house, but also the ability to develop it physically.

Gorki, like swing, are one of the most popular entertainment for children in the fresh air. Any playground is equipped with a hill.

Recently, some parents are afraid to send their children to the site, especially in the "hour-peak". The hill itself is almost not dangerous and is equipped nearby safety tools. But the social slide itself carries a danger in the form of other children.

Imagine what will happen if there will be several children on a sufficiently high slide, and will decide the caterpillar to fly off the slides? Often such experiments are deplorable. Therefore, now some parents are restricting their children from such dangers and build similar slides on their yard, in the garden and even in the garden.

The case remains for small - to construct and build such a slide.

Types of children's slides and age of a child

To begin with, decide on view Gorki. There are a huge amount of them: small, medium, very large, plastic, metal, double, with a whole complex of additional features.

In playgrounds, you can often find metal slides. Such a design is light in mass production and durable. Convenient when using a large number of children.

But with regard to security Such a slide has a number of shortcomings:

  • The height and sharp slope angle make a metallic slide dangerous for use by very young children.
  • On the sun, the metal slope can be heated to very high temperatures.

Regarding the perfect combination of size slide, relative security and convenience, the best option is considered wooden hill. It can be both a standard species and various additions in its design.

There are double-sided slide With a place for a rope and rope ladder. Such slides significantly attract the attention of children.

And in hot summer time children will not mind to play on inflatable hill. The slide of such a slide ends directly in the water pool. To use such a slide can children from three years under the supervision of adults. The pool is not recommended to fill deep, especially if your child does not know how to swim.

What material to choose?

For the youngest children, the slides make from Plastic. This design is a low ladder (usually not higher than meter) and a plastic skate having a minimum possible angle of inclination for safe use by children.

But to do an independently similar slide is inexpedient. Better to purchase ready product, given that the market can be found both the most budget options and more expensive.

The best material for self-making slides is wood. The tree is flexible in relation to the creation of a wide variety of structures, not expensive and environmental.

Create a metal frame slide is a difficult thing. Additional equipment, materials, skills are needed. Therefore, those parents who want to pamper their children stop their choice on the tree.

Some masters successfully combine the slide of the wooden base and a metal or plastic slide suitable size.

It can be purchased in a construction store, or order in the factory.

Do we make a hill from the tree?

Consider a wooden model gorki for children 3-8 years old with metal skate.

We will need:

  • 12 bars for the base;
  • several boards for flooring the top of the slide;
  • flat board for the pallet of the skate;
  • metal or plastic scat;
  • 2 boards for railing skate;
  • stairs boards;
  • nails;
  • plywood.
  1. First you need to build basis for Gorka. The design of our foundation will be the most simple, but, at the same time, and sufficiently stable. This will be a rectangle of a meter and a half meter and width. To build such a rectangle, we need 4 half-one-meter bar and 8 meter.
  2. We will find in the garden or on any other platform where we plan to install a slide, free space. Let's proceed to assembling the basis. Of the four meter BRUSIV, collect a square, stable it with it with nails.
  3. Now take half-one-one-meter bars and secure them perpendicular to the resulting square in the corners. Complete the foundation using the last four brus for the roof of the rectangle. Top of the base Discharge boards for additional stability and safety.
  4. Cut the appropriate size of the plywood squares and bring them on the sides and on top of the foundation. If desired, the resulting walls can be painted.
  5. The next step is attaching a skate to the base. To begin with, set the skate railing at the appropriate angle so that the child does not fly to Earth during the game. Received safety Must be no lower than 15 centimeters. Under railing, attach the basis - a flat board.
  6. Now install directly skat. The consolidation process is very simple. Special metal stapler attach the slop to the wooden tray, tightly pressed it and evenly decay.
  7. Then you can proceed to building stairs. Decide with the growth of the child who will use this slide. Stripping from this, you can determine the maximum suitable distance between the stairs of the stairs and the height of the perillets.
  8. Choose convenient the angle of inclination of the stairs. The less the angle of inclination, the easier it will be a child to climb the hill.

The last part of the building of the children's slide is Installation of the rail on the stairs and the vertex. They should be high enough so that the child felt safe and did not panic on top of the slide. A tree, intended for the railings, must be preached to preach so that there are no bitch and zadorin.

A simple wooden slide drawing

When building, consider that the slide is better to do "on the grow out" so that it serves a long time.

On the video detailed master class:

Do not doubt the solution to build a slide. This is a completely saturated task for most parents. Such a slide can be somewhat safer for your child. You will consider all the nuances, combine security aspects and find a compromise that allows not worrying in the future for how your child conducts leisure.