What to do if a backup is not created. Problems when creating a backup in ICloud - solutions

When you create a backup copy of the data on the iPhone, iPad or recovery from a backup in iTunes, warnings may arise, reporting on the impossibility or recovery from it. The reasons indicated at the same time may be of different contents:

  • "... since the error occurred";
  • "... since an unknown error -1 happened";
  • "... since it was not possible to save a backup on this computer";
  • "... since the backup session fails";
  • "... since the session could not be launched."
  • "... since the request is rejected iPhone";
  • "... as not enough free space."
Before performing further procedures, we recommend that you save the previously created backup of the data just in case.

Where the backup copies of the iPhone or iPad are stored

  • Mac: ~ / Libraries / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /
    Here, the symbol of the Tilde (~) corresponds to the user folder and in the absence of the "Library" folder in it, click the Transition menu by holding the OPTION key.
  • Windows XP: \\ Documents and Settings \\ (username) \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\
    Or you can try to independently find the folder of the Application Data folder by opening the "Start" and choosing the "Run" command. In the input field that appears, you must enter a string% AppData% and click "OK". So you will get access to the Application Data folder from which you can do the further path \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8:
    \\ Users / (username) \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\
    Alternative method: Open the "Start" menu, enter a% AppData% in the search string and press the Enter key. Then do the rest of the AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\ ROAMING \\ Apple

Failed to create a backup of iPhone data, iPad in iTunes

Possible options for eliminating problems associated with the inability to create a backup copy of iOS-devices data in iTunes:
  • First, reboot: Restart the computer and iPhone or iPad, after which again try backing your device data.
  • Update. Update software: Download the latest iTunes version, install all the necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check out the presence of a free disk space. Lack of free space can cause the impossibility of creating a backup.
  • Check security settings. Probably you will like to update your security software or turn it off for a while. After that, try to create a backup copy of iPhone data, iPad in iTunes.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from the computer and reset the Lockdown folder. Detailed discharge instructions are located. Then reiterate the mobile device to the computer and repeat the backup process.
  • Apple support service.

Failed to recover from backup iPhone, iPad in iTunes

Possible options for eliminating problems associated with the impossibility of recovery from backup iPhone data, iPad in iTunes:
  • Restart the computer and iPhone or iPad, after which again try backing your device data.
  • Update software: Download the latest iTunes version, install all the necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check out availability of your iPhone or iPad. A shortage of free space from a mobile device can cause the impossibility of recovery from the backup. In this case, go to "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad and go to "Main"\u003e "Reset"\u003e "Erase Content and Settings". Then try to restore the data from the backup.
  • Check security settings. It will be possible to update your security software or disable it for a while. After that, try recovering from the backup iPhone or iPad to iTunes.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from the computer and reset the LockDown folder. Detailed discharge instructions are located. Then re-connect the mobile device to the computer and repeat the recovery procedure from the backup.
  • Try the recovery from the backup on another computer. Pre-copy the backup to the backup folder on the new computer. Where the backup copies are stored - indicated above. Also, it may be necessary to create a folder backup or mobilesync.
  • If nothing helped, contact Apple Support.

If you did not find an answer to your question or something did not work out, and in the comment below there is no suitable solution, ask a question through our. It is fast, simple, convenient and does not require registration. Answers to your own and other questions you will find in the section.

In order to save important data on its iOS device, Apple has envisaged make backup. As a rule, backup is recommended to do before upgrading to iOS 11 / iOS 12, before jailbreak or with a certain regularity for personal purposes. But sometimes it is not possible to back up iPhone X / 8/7/6/5.

For iPhone owners, two backup options are available: using iTunes or via "cloudy" ICLOUD storage. In order to make the "backup" in iTunes, you need to connect your device to a computer using a USB cable and select the appropriate function in the mediacombine. A backup via IClOUD is made directly from the IOS itself, but for this, the user needs to make the appropriate settings. The copy will be automatically created daily provided that the smartphone will be connected to Wi-Fi wireless network and blocked. Data recovery is possible both from a backup made in iTunes and in ICloud.

The official iTunes program is quite often not stable. It is possible to appear errors, freezing, malfunctions. To create a backup and recover data from a backup, as a rule, it takes a lot of time. An alternative solution can be considered a program.

Tenorshare ICarefone has a fairly wide functionality, among which it is possible to make backup copies and recovery from backups directly without iTunes. In other words, the owner of the iPhone can save data with the possibility of subsequent restoration of them only by using Tenorshare ICarefone. And here the Tenorshare ICarefone utility has a number of advantages.

First, the speed of the Tenorshare ICarefone program significantly exceeds iTunes, since no additional libraries are required. The process of creating a backup and recovery is very little time. Secondly, the utility supports automatic systematization of all backups to iTunes. Thirdly, the user can easily manage backups, removing unnecessary to further free up the hard disk space.

The capabilities of the Tenorshare ICarefone program include choosing a data type that can be saved (messages with attachments, notes, correspondence in popular Messenger Viber, WhatsApp, voice recordings, notes, contacts, photos, videos and other data). Directly from the program they can be exported to the computer.

As for the backups, the Tenorshare ICarefone program saves backup and systematizes along with other backups. If the user needs to recover from backups made in Tenorshare ICarefone, it is possible to first watch them. This is a great advantage. After viewing, you can separately select the files you need to restore, or perform a complete recovery from the backup.

Users will appreciate the Tenorshare ICarefone program. This is an excellent alternative to iTunes and icloud in terms of working with backup. In addition, Tenorshare iCarefone allows you to quickly manage various types of files (,), clean the memory of the smartphone and increase the speed, correct system errors, etc. You can download Tenorshare ICarefone from the official site. Trial free version and paid.

Each of us is used to enjoying such technologies as a smartphone. It allows you to ease life on all fronts.

With his help, we can call where and anyone, do everything that wishes and not only. However, each smartphone has such problems, which sometimes we cannot solve.

And what are we doing in such a situation? We use our favorite Internet. In this article we will try to figure out why the backup failure in ICloud and what to do with it.

Let's go deep into details

What is generally backup? This is a function that allows save certain data Making a copy of them. Without a difference, exactly which data is. It is very useful in cases where you need to save any desired information.

It helps to limit itself from the loss of the necessary data that cannot be lost in any way. Also occurs in ICloud, which saves some user information and allows you to use it later.

When copying, an error may occur that will put the point on everything. It will limit access to copying, which will lead to unwanted data loss. In this case, you need to ensure that such an error does not occur. Now we will provide you with several ways to help solve this problem.

The first reason why saving got lost - lack of memory. This means that copying has begun and reached until the moment when the memory is finally ended. In this case, it is necessary to free it and give the smartphone to start copying again. This will allow not only to restore the action that has begun before, but in the future, not to release memory for a new action.

The second reason, Because of which this problem occurs is a bad connection with the backup to iCloud. In this case, you will need to do a number of actions so that this no hope has appeared again. First you need to wait a certain time.

Something about ten minutes. Then you need to open this graph as "settings" and choose iCloud. Scroll down the page down and click on the "Backup in ICloud" button. You need to make sure that this parameter is enabled.

If it has been turned on, then you do not need to make any changes to it. Then, using the identifier, you need to go to the cloud and check whether access to backup is available. In most cases, users do not even suspect that the problem is solved very simply and begin to actively look for a solution on the Internet.

If this method does not help, then you need to contact Apple Support and explain the entire situation to them. Experienced professionals Assist to solve it at times.

There is also a third problem that does not allow this action and it is trite simple. It is that ... you just need to check the presence of Wi-Fi. If you have a bad connection with Wi-Fi, the backup can be interrupted at any time.

This happens not only in this situation. In fact, they are extremely much and they can all interrupt due to unstable compound. Prettyly look once again on this situation on all sides and try to figure out what is the problem.

If it really is he, then try stabilize communication. Please note that the use of the Internet from the cellular operator is impossible, because how fast it is not, it still will not be able to work stably and save the backup data.

If you were convinced that everything is in order, then start copying again. About how to do this, we mentioned above. We hope that this will help you solve the problem.

Such are simple ways that can solve your problem. once and for allAnd leave only a pleasant impression from using smartphones. It is extremely unpleasant when such a situation happens and it is not possible to solve it.

On this, our article is completed and we disassembled all options for solving this heavy position. If none of these methods that we have provided did not help you, then the decision will be only one thing - write in support Apple. Perhaps a global scale error occurred and this problem occurs not only for you, but also from other users.

The company's employees will be able to answer the question quickly and clearly, so write them in case of failure. Speak thoroughly check the speed of the Internet, perhaps the problem is not even in a smartphone or company, but in your provider.

Who knows what could happen and why the connection has become so unstable. Not everything may know in advance what will happen in one point or another. We hope that this article has gone to you, because you read it to the end and learned several really useful ways solutions to this problem. Until soon meetings and all you are pleasant!

I encountered this problem for a long time, but my hands did not reach to figure out how to cure this ailment. The most interesting thing is that I have three devices under iOS: two ipad and an iPhone. There were no problems with the iPads, but the iPhone refuses to create a backup from the moment of purchase. In general, today I understood everything and shall with you.

I am aware that apple devices now the product is not massive. This is due primarily to the ruble course and their prices. However, judging by search queries, the theme of Lifehakov with the treatment of small program problems is very relevant. For example, writing in the summer of 2014 "" still at the peak of popularity in search queries:

People go, read and say Thank you. It is very nice that my posts help solve problems.

Return to the backup. As we know, IOS backup is available in two ways: through the iTunes program and copying to cloudy ICLOUD storage. I always use the latter. It is very convenient, because You do not need to connect the device to the computer, press some buttons ... All that is required - put the phone for charging with the connected Wi-Fi and go to bed. In the morning the copy will be created. It is also very convenient and restore your device when buying a new device. Just connect to your account and perform recovery from the last copy.

So, two ways to recover copying If it is not automatically implemented.

1. It is necessary to go to the iCloud settings, go down the menu and exit an account. When exiting the system will ask whether to leave the content, answer - yes:

If the copy is still not created, you can try the second method. You need to delete a previously created copy of this device. It is best to do it from the device, but from the computer. I have Mac, so screenshots will be with Mac OS. On Windows, you need to go to the iCloud application and find a similar function.

2. On Mak go to the settings - icloud

At the bottom of the windows click the button - "Manage":

In the repository management, select the left "backup" and the copy of the device you want to delete. As I said that on my iPhone, the copies were never created, for this reason the last copy is simply not. If you have previously created copies and suddenly stopped, then there will be the last copy here. It needs to be removed:

After deletion, go to the menu of the device-ICloud-backup copies and click "Create a backup"

That's all! I hope it will come in handy.

Users inform that their iPhone8 / x cannot restore the steering copy from the last backup for various reasons. In this article, we listed the reasons and appropriate solutions when you could not restore a backup from iTunes or ICloud.

Part 1: Fix iTunes could not restore iPhone

When you have any problems with iPhone, not restored from iTunes backup, you can find useful tips below.

ITunes backup is damaged or incompatible

When you are in this situation, deleting damaged backup files - a good way to correct the error - iPhone cannot restore the backup.

1. First, you must find backups of your iPhone8.

On PC with Windows 7.8 and 10:

To find a list of backups, sequentially select \\ Users \\ (username) \\ APPDATA \\ ROAMING \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\

You can also perform the following steps.
Find the search string:

In Windows 7, click the Start button.
In Windows 8, click the Loupeca icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
In Windows 10, go to the search string next to the "Start" button.

Enter% APPDATA% in the search bar and press the Enter key, then click these folders: Apple Computer\u003e MobileSync\u003e Backup.

On Mac:

Step 1. Click on the search in the menu bar.
Step 2. Enter or copy and paste the following text: ~ / Library / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /
Step 3. Press the Enter key.

To find a specific backup, follow these steps:

Open the iTunes program. In the menu bar, click iTunes and select "Settings".
Select "Devices".

Hold down the Control key, click the desired backup and select "Show to Finder".

2. Copy iOS backups to another place, for example, on your desktop or on an external disk.

3. Open iTunes on your computer and select "Devices".

4. Select all backup files and click Delete Backup.

5. Copy all previous backup files back to the Backup folder.

6. Try to restore iTunes again.

If this does not help, you can consider the possibility of deleting all backup copies and create a new backup if the new iPhone sees the backup of iTunes.

Error recovering backup

If the message speaks of an unknown error, you cannot recover iPhone 8 from iTunes backup, you can contact the free Tenorshare Tunescare. Instead of trying to use possible solutions each time, Tenorshare Tunescare offers a final solution for fixing various errors of synchronization / backup / restore iTunes.

iPhone is disabled or not recognized iTunes

Make sure that the new version of iTunes is updated.
Check the USB cable and connections.
Restart the computer and iPhone 8.
Place the iPhone in recovery mode with free, which will be detected.

Password backup is incorrect

If you have enabled an encrypted backup and accidentally forgot the backup password, there is no way to restore iTunes backup to your iPhone 8 if you do not delete the password using third-party software, such as. For details on how to remove the backup password iPhone ,.

Part 2: New iPhone 8/8 Plus cannot restore data from the backup iCloud

In another situation, if you use iCloud backup and cannot recover iPhone from IOS 11, everything is different. Most of the backup errors with iCloud are called:

Not enough space for iPhone 8

If the previous backup file is large enough in size, you may be prompted to specify that for recovery from the backup iCloud is not enough space. In this case, it is proposed to clean some space on the iOS device. - A good tool for restoring limited storage space.

ICLOUD recovery ends too long

The problem in which the iPhone will not complete the recovery from the backup of the icloud, is mainly caused by a slow network connection, as well as a large file size. Make sure your device is connected to a reliable and sustainable Wi-Fi network, and then wait patiently.

Or you can try an alternative to iTunes backup. Supporting both backup copies of iTunes and ICloud, UltData processes are restored at an incredible speed. You just need to log in to your Apple ID account and select a file for backup.

Some elements cannot recover or restoring iCloud is incomplete

When your backups contain purchases made from more than one Apple ID, you will be prompted to send a message requiring you to sign your Apple ID, otherwise the iPhone cannot be restored from the backup. Click "Skip this step" and log in later.

I hope that these proposals will work for you. Share them if this article will help when resolving your iPhone 8/8 plus / x will not be recovered from iTunes / ICloud backup.