What to do if bitten bumblebee, how to provide first help at home? What are dangerous bite bites, first aid that need to do when bitten the bumblebee.

If you or a person who is near with you, bitching Shmel, - What to do in this situation? It is necessary to act according to the following scheme:

Features of bite

Bumblebee belongs to the genus of refamped insects. There are three types of these insects: drums, queen and workers. But only working individuals and queens can bite on them. Despite its rather large sizes, the bumblebee is more peaceful than, for example, bees or wasps. They apply their sting only when they defend.

A person gets some of the injected poison, because of which pain, itching and redness appears. A similar poison is a combination of proteins, therefore, after a person bit this insect, an allergic reaction can develop.

Body reaction

The sequence of what to do if bitten the bumblebee in the finger (for example), was described above. But why do all people react to such bites in different ways? Some of the horror notice that the hand is swollen, and others are watching a small redness. The state of a person after contact with this striped creature depends on the characteristics of the body. In most cases, such situations do not constitute any danger. Heavy allergy may appear only in the minimum number of cases (one percent) and, as a rule, it develops with repeated cases of contact with a stale in this insect.

The usual local manifestation of the non-allergic reaction is accompanied by short-term pain and burning, then redness, swelling and itching of the skin in the area surrounding the damaged zone. These signs, as a rule, disappear in three days. But when the insect bit in the eye or the area surrounding its area, swelling can hold over the week.

Situations requiring immediate hospitalization

In most cases, the situation when the bumblebee bites are not dangerous. However, in the event of the following symptoms, in addition to general medical measures to first-end aid at home, it is necessary to call an ambulance in immediate order:

  • nausea, vomiting and stomach disorder;
  • suffocation and difficult breathing;
  • temperature increase;
  • severe heartbeat;
  • hives;
  • chills and joint pains;
  • convulsions;
  • the sting was put in the eye, in the head or throat.
  • loss of consciousness;
  • strong headaches;
  • with multiple contacts with insects (especially in a child and an elderly person);
  • if there is a pregnancy;
  • if the bumblebee bitten a person accepting beta blockers;
  • if the victim has an allergy.

If it so happened that you or your acquaintances bit the bumblebee, you should clearly know what to do. In the absence of signs of a strong allergic reaction, it is enough to simply carry out first medical care after insect bites, which was described above. But with obvious manifestations of complications, the victim should be immediately hospitalized.

The bites of such stuffing insects, like bumblebees, wasps, bees and horns are very painful to man. Bite bite, like the rest of the refamming, are accompanied by edema and redness. The greatest danger consists in the possible appearance of pronounced allergic reactions. As a rule, it happens beyond the city, in nature or country areas, so each person should be able to provide the first post assistance to the victim.

If the victim has the development of an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by an increase in swelling, hyperemia, should immediately cause an ambulance or deliver a person to the hospital.

The bite of the bumblebee is accompanied by the hit in a poison wound, frightened from the insect sting. This poison causes pain and inflammatory process at the place of defeat. The more prone to allergic reactions, the person, the sharper the pain and related symptoms are expressed.

The hardest complication that can cause bite bite is in the development of quinke edema or anaphylactic shock. If these states are developing, it appears throughout the body for a short period of time, a heartbeat is rapidly, a strong headache, back pain and joints, and strongly all this is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, chills, nausea and vomiting. Also appear cramps and shortness of breath.

Bite bite also can cause a person's loss of consciousness. This reaction is possible from the bite of just one stinging insect. In rare cases, mass peresias of these insects can lead to death.

If a strong action was provided for a strong action should be reduced to the following (if there is no possibility to obtain qualified assistance in a timely manner):

  1. Carefully remove the sting. Moreover, you should not try to squeeze it, as it can accelerate the spread of poison.
  2. Proceed by peroxide, ammonia, a weak solution of manganese or water with a salt of a bite.
  3. Cold compress will help neutralize the spread of poison and relieve pain, and will also reduce swelling.
  4. Let's drink more drinking.


In the case of a severe allergic reaction, the reason for which insect bites began, treatment is performed only by the doctor. Until his arrival, cover the victim, put the heating pads around it with hot water, give him 2 dimedrol tablets.

The most difficult cases may entail the termination of breathing and in such cases it is necessary to take resuscitation actions: a closed heart massage and artificial respiration.

Emergency medical care in the event of such signs as:

  • there were signs of an allergic reaction: rapid heartbeat, nausea, headache, cramps, shortness of breath;
  • the manifestation of signs of infection in the fields of bites: pain intensifies, it appears red, the swelling increases, the temperature indicators increase;
  • if more than 10 insects bited, especially in the case of children and elderly people;
  • the bite occurred in the throat area, eyeballs or insect was horrid into the mouth;
  • previously, there was an allergy for insect bites.

In addition to staging insects, there are a large number of different kind of bloodsowing and which are not less dangerous. The most dangerous representatives are Karakurt, tarantula and brown

If you encountered such a problem as insect bites, treatment should be carried out only in the hospital, where it is possible to introduce an antidote. With the bite of non-flag, special treatment is not required, in order to assist, it is necessary to act according to the scheme set out above.

Attacks of insects in most cases are painful, sometimes they are afraid of smoothly for a person. The bite of the bumblebee is a danger of the development of an acute allergic reaction. The substance injected through the sting has a toxic effect, therefore it is recommended to avoid contact with insects, and in the case of a hence, the specialist's inspection.

Types of bumblebees and their bites

Reference to the family of wild real bees, are interflower insects. They differ from other varieties by the fact that the female rear legs on top gligretize, slightly apart. Long hairs growing along the edges forms a kind of basket for nectar. The abdominal sclerotic part is not flattened along the edges, but the abdomen itself without fee. In the male, in this place, instead of sting, strongly chitinized generative bodies of the dark color are located.

On a note! The bite of purple bumblebee-carpenter is very painful, may be accompanied by strong allergies, intoxication, damage to the central nervous system, respiratory disorder.

Is there a sting from the bumblebee?

The protective body possess the uterus and workers of women's individuals who protect the dwelling from various hazards. The males at this place are the generative authorities. The staggering organ is outwardly different from bee, there are no jar and protrusions on it. For this reason, after the bite, the bumblebee does not leave sting, can repeat the blow. Adults are not only protected, but also attack the first if they see a threat to themselves or family nest.

The bite is painful, causes pronounced discomfort. In a single case, unpleasant consequences are rare, occur with the tendency to allergies. Symptoms are enhanced with repeated population. At the same time, the bite of the bumblebee is dangerous than a brighter person's reaction to the poison. The body is hard to cope with multiple attacks, since a high concentration of a poisonous substance causes violations of the CNS, the cardiovascular system.

When hitting the neck, head, especially in the tongue or eye, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since serious consequences are possible with individual intolerance to the poisonous secret. Heavier tolerate pregnant women and children. Especially the bite of a bumblebee bite. The toxic substances of its poison act more pronounced, cause the oppression of the nervous system. Blow stained in the neck or head area may be fatal.

Does the bumblebee stamme and why?

The insect is considered the most peace-loving compared to bees, sherry and axes. On man and animals attacks only for the purpose of self-defense. The main distinguishing feature of the bite bite - no stoke in Rank. After being sturned, the insect does not die, can repeat the attack, if you try to catch it or kill it. It is impossible to touch, otherwise the assorted will come to the aid, and the multiple injection of the poison represents a serious health danger.

Symptoms and appearance of bite

Immediately after the attack, a man feels acute pain, after a while it is joined by itching and burning. It is impossible to comb and put pressure on the affected site, if bites the bumblebee, it will cause the spread of poison in neighboring tissues, will increase the discomfort. The pain is stronger than if the insect is horrid into the eyes or lip.

What does bite bite look like:

  • a little reddish point is noticeable at the point of puncture;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • small seal;
  • sometimes the swelling around the rings is lighter skin.

When bite bite, in addition to the local reaction, there should be no other symptoms. For 2 days it is possible to increase the affected skin surface. Sweets and discomfort are observed 1-5 days if the eyelid or plot around the eye has been injured - up to 8 days. Long passes when the insect stood in the head.

Allergy is rarely developing on the primary bite of the bite, more characteristic of repeated incidents. The reaction is manifested for 30 minutes, sometimes is delayed for a couple of days. Symptomatics is added with swelling and itching of the whole body, a rash on the skin, difficult to breathe, with a rapid heartbeat. The toxic effect of the bumblebee poison causes nausea, vomiting, liquid chair, dizziness, chills, temperature increase.

Multiple bite bites and a strong allergic reaction are dangerous to the appearance of convulsion, a violation or loss of consciousness, a decrease in blood pressure, the development of swelling of quinque, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock. In this case, immediately cause an ambulance brigade, because such states are able to lead to a fatal outcome.

Complications and consequences

Usually unpleasant sensations quickly pass. Multiple bites that are able to cause complications and severe consequences from bite bite, for an adult should be from 10, for a child from 5 at the same time. In this case, the amount of poison is more than several times, toxic poisoning will be noticeable, the risk of manifestation of allergies increases.

Complications after bite bite may occur from:

  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • old people;
  • persons inclined to allergic reactions;
  • having neurological, cardiovascular diseases.

On a note! The repeated teeth of the insect are more dangerous, because after the first person in the body, antibodies were developed, due to them an allergic reaction is possible.

What to do with bite bumblebee - first aid

It is important to know what to do at home to avoid undesirable consequences. It is necessary to inspect the affected area, if the bumblebee bites, there should be no sting in the rank. The place of the puncture is to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, mormistine or a weak manganese solution for disinfection. To stop the dissemination of the poisonous secret - to attach ice or flushed in cold water to 10-15 minutes.

Part of the poison will delay the wet piece of refined sugar. Proper first aid in the bite of bumblebee will relieve possible complications. A few hours after the incident you need to carefully observe the condition of the victim. Bed regime is recommended and abundant drinking - water, tea, decoction, morse, compote.

What to treat bite bite?

In most cases, unpleasant symptoms take place on their own in a few days. Inspection of the doctor and drug treatment are not required. With a tendency to allergic reactions, you need to drink an antihistamine agent. With multiple bite, it is recommended to additionally accept any adsorbent available in the home first aid kit - activated carbon, enterosgel, smect, polysorb, lacto filter.

Prevent inflammatory process will help the deposition of antimicrobial ointment Levomekol. The remaining therapy is symptomatic. With a rise in temperature to 38.5 ° C and above, an antipyretic drug - nurofen, paracetamol, Ibuklin should be taken. Intoxication will reduce abundant drink, drinking any existing analgesic from headaches.

With a strongly pronounced reaction until the victim arrive at the victim, it is necessary to help for the back, laying a small roller from a towel or clothing under the ankles, lift the legs, if necessary, weaken the gate, unbutton the belt. Rotate the head to the head so that the language or vomit masses do not blocked the breath in case of loss of consciousness. Heart stop requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It is necessary to inspect things, perhaps a person has a card with itself with an indication of the actions during allergies and the necessary medicines. There are similar things in people standing in the allergist and prone to strong allergic reactions. To relieve an anaphylactic shock attack, dexamethasone and adrenaline are used. Drugs are injected with intramuscular injection into the buttock, the front of the thigh or the rear surface of the shoulder in the proportion of 1: 0.5 ampoules.

When do you need a doctor's help?

After the bite of a threat bumblebee, the state of health or human life is manifested immediately, in a few hours, sometimes days. The absolute reason for appealing for medical help is multiple blows by sting, an insect attack in the neck or head area, a strong allergic reaction. When signs of intoxication appear, a specialist consultation is also recommended, since the state can deteriorate sharply. Hospitalization is required in the syllary of breathing, pain in the field of sternum, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness.

How to anesthetize the place of bite?

After the attack of the bumblebee, a strongly pronounced sharp pain appears. In most cases, it reduces it cold compress, then gradually displaces itching and burning. If it does not pass long, you need to use pharmaceutical medicines or drug medicine recipes.

A to anegize the bite place help:

  • Levomecole;
  • Menovazin;
  • balm asterisk;
  • Vitaon (Balm Karavaeva);
  • soda Kashitsa;
  • garlic.

How to remove the tumor and itching?

Such symptomatics is characterized by a local allergic reaction. Against the deterioration of well-being due to allergies it is recommended to adopt dexamethasone, zoda, zirtek, Erius, Tavagil. If discomfort is concerned only at the bite, it is required to anoint with phenystil, ppylly balsam, advanthane, acrider, hydrocortico ointment. Pharmacy preparations help how to remove swelling, and reduce redness, inflammation, rashes on the skin. If necessary, treatment is allowed to add folk remedies based on natural raw materials.

Folk Methods

To neutralize the bumblebee secretion to the place of bite, it is allowed to apply a fits of fresh apple, tomato, garlic, lemon, potatoes or cucumber. Crumpled onion, dandelion leaves, aloe, plantain or parsley, apply in the form of compress. Reduce or completely remove unpleasant symptoms help rims with decoction of pijmas, chamomile, basil or calendula. Every 2-3 hours, after a bite, a piece of banana or a cube of frozen milk can be wiped.

Bends during pregnancy and in children

A special danger of the blow by a stall of the bumblebee is for young children. The body of the kid is not yet able to withstand toxic substances is also good as an adult person. Children are more prone to the manifestation of allergic reactions, for the development of strong intoxication by them quite a smaller dose of the poisonous secret.

If the bumblebee bit the pregnant woman, the consequences can be serious, up to spontaneous miscarriage. The risk group makes people with allergies to honey. In any case, after the bumblebee, the child needs to show a pediatrician, and pregnant to contact the female consultation.

On a note! Insect is a serious danger only under individual intolerance and special sensitivity, but it is necessary to know the necessary actions in case of manifestation of possible complications.

What is contraindicated to do with bumblebee bite?

Avoid complications and unpleasant consequences will help compliance with simple recommendations:

  1. The affected area can not be scratched, rub, squeeze.
  2. The attacker insect does not need to be pursued, try to kill.
  3. It is forbidden to visit the bath or sauna, heating the injured place, drinking alcohol, the use of alcohol-containing drugs or sleeping pills for 7-10 days after the incident.
  4. It is impossible to apply water from open water bodies, earth, clay, dirty, untreated leaves of medicinal plants.
  5. With the emergence of general ailment, allergies or signs of intoxication, contact the medical institution.
  6. Antipyretic drugs take only at temperatures from 38.5 ° C.


The attacks can be avoided if not touching, not approaching the insect and its dwelling, to avoid them in every way. If the bumblebee sat onto a person, you should not drive away, touch your hands. It is not recommended to walk barefoot in places where earthy bumblebees could make themselves a house. Sharp, gusty movements, loud cry will lead to the fact that the bumblebee will be protected and sturned. It is attracted by bright color clothes, perfume compositions, alcohol smell. In the summer it is undesirable to eat on the street. The insect loves sweet, can fly on the smell of fruit, ice cream, carbonated drinks. From penetration to the house will protect mosquito nets on windows, mesh curtains in doorways. Planning a vacation in nature, it is recommended to take first aid aid kit, making sure the antihistamine preparations.

The reaction to the bite of the bumblebee is diverse, expressed with different intensity. For many adults, a single polenia is not seriously dangerous, but the first medical care is necessary to have a victim. Persons from the risk group should show special attention to signs of the development of complications, as far as possible to consult a doctor.

The reaction of the body for the bite of reference (wasp, bee, bumblebee, hornet) depends on the individual characteristics of the body. For some, one bite can be a fatal threat, and someone is able to transfer even a few attacks. More often, several bites can turn into a tragedy even for those who do not suffer allergies. Therefore, the first assistance in the bite of bees, the wasps, bumblebee, the hornet is extremely necessary that the incident will not end the tragedy.

Who is who?

It is easy to know the bee: her shaggy body "equipped with" a dangerous stale, which is an inseparable body, because it is a vital organ for a bee. After the attack, losing the sting, the bee is also deprived of parts of the organs and dying. That is why the Bee bite is extreme measure.

What a wasp looks like, everyone knows. This is a "slender" striped black and yellow insect leaves sting in the wound. The bite of the wasp is painful and dangerous, and she herself in case of seeming threat can be extremely aggressive.

But not every bumblebee is capable of horrid: there is only a stinging of bumblebees and underdeveloped females - workers. The bite of the bumblebee is tantamous by the bite of bee, but more painful: a smooth sting injects poison and remains in the body, bumblebees can sting several times.

The most dangerous representative of the refamper is a hornet. Externally, it is similar to the ax, but it is much larger. By virtue of their impressive sizes in bite, the hornet is able to injected up to 2 mg poison. A commoner is not so aggressive as an ax, and attacks only in self-defense.

Symptoms of bite

The place of bite immediately swells, redness and strong swelling appears on the skin. Pain and burning increases, and rash can go throughout the body. These consequences usually take place in a few hours or a couple of days.

If the victim suffered several bees, the bees, OS, bumblebees, a toxic reaction occurs, the consequences may be much more serious, and the first aid in such a situation is simply necessary.

When inserting a significant dose of poison, shortness of breath begins, the body temperature increases, the heartbeat is enhanced, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, body cramps appears. The short-term loss of consciousness is excluded. Especially dangerous swelling of the respiratory tract, as it can cause a suffocation.

The most dangerous consequence of bite is anaphylactic shock: the victim immediately loses consciousness, in its body there is a violation of the activities of many organs and systems. If there is too much poison to the body, the fatal outcome is not excluded. Therefore, the first aid in the bite of bees, the wasps, bumblebee, the Horshnya - the duty of everyone who was next to the victims.

First aid in the bite of wasps, bees, bumblebee

The action is the first to get rid of the sting if it remains in the wound. The wound must be definitely disinfected, like the tool that you gathered to extract the sting. For these purposes, a peroxide is suitable, a solution of ammonic alcohol, iodine, alcohol solution, a corticosteroid ointment - for wounds, medical alcohol - for the tool. In no case cannot be squeezing the poison: you can enlist the infection in the wound!

First assistance in bite - get rid of sting

The second action is to prevent the spread of poison in the tissues and thus prevent an allergic reaction. To do this, in the place of the bite of minutes for 30 minutes with ice-cold water or ice pack, as well as make a 15-minute compress from a solution of food soda (1 teaspoon on 1 cup of water) or lemon juice.

Step second - attach a cold compress to the place of bite

The victim should offer sweet water or hot sweet tea, and a piece of moistened sugar attached to the wound will help pull the poison.

Those who have an allergic reaction is obvious, it is necessary to adopt Cordiamine and antihistamines, the benefit of their choice in our time is wide and diverse. In addition, the victim himself should know what medicines it is best for him. If the heart and respiratory stop occurred, it is necessary to make an artificial respiration and a closed heart massage until the doctors arrive.

Important to remember: Even if, when the bee bite, the wasps, bumblebee or the victim, the victim showed only the local reaction, but it was sharp, then in parallel with the first aid, it is necessary to call "ambulance" help.

Yours faithfully,

The widespread belief that the bumblebees do not know how to sting - delusion: the working individuals (females) at the end of the body there is a small sting that serves as a means of protection. Honey insects are very peaceful, and let the stagnating apparatus only in case of security, so the bite of the bumblebee is a rather rare phenomenon.

During the bite, insects are loss in the human skin poison, which brings discomfort and painful sensations.

Symptoms of bite

Bumblebees are stiffed by a little stronger than bees and OS, but weaker Sherne. The body's reaction to the insect attack is instantaneous pain, accompanied by swelling, forming cones, irritation and redness. Usually symptoms disappear in 1-7 days. If the victim was bited to the eye, eyelid or mucous mouth, the tumor can last up to one week.

In isolated cases, the wound can cause allergies. It usually appears at secondary sturdy when the antibodies for the poison of refigulates are already in the body of the victim. The first signs of allergies appear through ½ hours. It has the following symptoms:

  • itching, redness, swelling of the whole body;
  • dizziness, vomiting reflex, diarrhea;
  • lack of air suffering signs;
  • rapid pulse;
  • chills, high temperature, soreness of the joints;
  • convulsions, loss of consciousness (in grave cases).

Attention! Anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness require immediate hospitalization!

The reaction to storing depends on the immunity of the person and the characteristics of the body. Multiple bites or several bites that occurred for a small period of time are considered the most unsafe. They develop toxic poisoning, subsequently negatively affecting the cardiovascular system. Signs of toxic effects: Headache, lethargy, increased temperature, nausea.

The greatest danger of the bite insect carries children, pregnant women, allergies.

Allergy to bite insects

How to get rid of the effects of struck

The main thing is what to do if I bite the bumblebee to minimize the consequences. To do this, follow recommendations:

  1. If the sting remains in the skin - carefully pull it out with sterile devices (tweezers, tongs). Do not squeeze!
  2. Wipe the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, a solution of mangartee, vinegar or alcohol diluted with water).
  3. Attach something cold, especially if the bite of the bumblebee fell on the sensitive part (the cold will help to remove the swelling and prevent the spread of poison)
  4. It is possible to pull out a poisonous substance using sugar or raffinad moistened in water.
  5. After the bite drink more liquid (especially warm strong sweet tea).
  6. People suffering from allergies, take an antihistamine drug.

Note! If the primary means do not help, and the condition of the victim is only worsening, you need to immediately contact the hospital!

Folk remedies from bite bite

People's medicine will help to quickly heal the wound. Effective recipes:

Localization of bite and its treatment

The most common seats of bites - a brush (when a person is disgusting) and the leg (if a person accidentally occurred on the nest of insects). If the victim does not have allergies, the consequences of sturgest will be quickly. They can be cured by folk remedies.

The most dangerous places of bites: the area of \u200b\u200bthe head and neck (bite can provoke the swelling of the respiratory tract), lips and tongue (strong pain and tumor), face and eyes. In these cases, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

If the bite of the bumblebee came to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and eyes, before the arrival of the doctors you can give first aid:

  • rinse your eyes strong cool tea or applied tea bag. This will remove the swelling and will have a soothing effect;
  • attach the potato compress: grind 1 fresh potatoes on a small grater, using a cotton disk to impose in the eyelid;
  • make a rumor from the branch of oak bark and herbs: 1 tsp. Oak, Hypericum and mint bark pour 200 ml of boiled water. Wipe the composition affected by the face;
  • prepare a solution from edema: 1 tbsp. l. Food salt pour 1 cup of cool purified water. Moisten in the solution with a cotton disk and attach to the place of bite;
  • drink anti-inflammatory drink: grind 50 gr. Parsley root, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let break in 20 minutes, take inside.

What is forbidden to do while taking it?

In order not to aggravate the consequences of the bite, it is strictly prohibited:

  • drink alcohol (increase swelling);
  • to bother, try to crush the offender (the substance highlighted by the bumblebee will attract other individuals);
  • Scratch, rub the damaged area (the poison will spread faster);
  • touch with dirty hands and devices (you can infection, which will lead to blood infection);
  • take a sleeping pills (will strengthen the effect of poison).

Important! In no case can you try to open the wound and pull out the poison! So you can apply infection.

A person can quickly get rid of symptoms in a short time at home. The exceptions are cases of multiple bites, a strong allergic reaction, symptoms of infection (chills, dizziness, pus from the wound), if the elderly man was bitten by an elderly person, a child or a pregnant woman. Here it is necessary to refer to the doctor.

Why bite Bumblebee is dangerous?

Bumblebees have special glands that produce and store poison reserves. Located near the muscles, if necessary, pump poison in the sting.

The bumblebee poison includes various trace elements: proteins, fats, amino acids, peptides, aliphatic compounds. These substances cause severe pain, redness and itching.

How to avoid bite?

Bumblebee jacks only in cases if provoked it. During the collection of nectar, the bumblebee is not horrified even the close-up person. To protect yourself from attacking insects, it is recommended to know such moments:

  1. The bumblebee will not start an attack without visible reasons, so it is not worth touching it, do sharp movements, waving your hands.
  2. To go for an apiary or in the place of beekeeping without special clothes - a stupid way.
  3. No need to arrange picnics at the site of the special accumulation of the OS, bees, bumblebees.
  4. You can secure your home from uninvited guests using anti-mosquito nets.
  5. Be careful on a walk in the park or in the meadow, be careful with sweets in places of large cluster of bumblebees.
  6. The probability of bite reduces tight clothing.
  7. Blue color annoys insects.
  8. Bumblebees do not like sharp smells (oils, perfumes, alcohol, sweat).
  9. Bumblebees should not be touched.
  10. Insects hate the smell of oxidized metal (such a fragrance occurs when the skin runs about metal accessories: rings, bracelets, straps, and so on.)

Where to meet and how to recognize?

Questions like "Do bumblebees bite?" And "What does the bumblebee look like?" Typically, typical of urban residents who rarely come across such a type of insects.

The first distinguishing sign of the bumblebee is long hairs. Bumblebee is a large, fluffy, chunky, with thick paws. Coloring - alternating black and white wide stripes. At the end of the body there is a white cannon and an almost imperceptible sting. Distinctive feature of males - mustache and bass buzz.

Flying bumblebees slowly, hard. Flight is accompanied by low buzz. Despite the statinerary lifestyle, in search of food, the bumblebee fly apart, usually early in the morning.

Bumblebee nests build in nonrah small animals, bird nests, dupes. Places of big cluster: Gardens, meadows, parks - everywhere, where you can enjoy nectar, especially during flowering.

Bumblebee is a useful and safe insect, if it is not provoked!

What to do if the insect was stool