What is better than a MacBook or laptop on windows. Mac against PC.

Hi friends. Which of the world's leading desktop operating systems is better - Windows or Mac? Well, it is obvious that on the site, entirely and fully dedicated to the Microsoft system, the authors will be trampled for her. In this regard, the guys will not be any intrigue. Nevertheless, the fact of certainty in its selection of the authors of the site is not a hindrance for objective lightening of advantages and minuses of each operating system. And therefore only the facts will be proposed. Without comments, without subjective opinions of the authors, without the calculation of the pros and cons with the premium as a result of the winner of the race. Only information note for those who may consider buying an Apple-device or installation of Khakintosh.


Mac OS (Macintosh Operating System) - Apple operating system, intended only for computers and laptops collected by this company. The first edition on board the Macintosh computer took place in January 1984. In 2001, the system became referred to as Mac OS X, in 2012 - as OS X, and in 2016 - like MacOS. All this technical names of the same Apple operating system. We will be called it simply Mac for convenience. Mac - regularly updated system. Updated once a year: it receives a new functionality, a new version of version 10 by type 10.xx and a new human-type name Sierra (mountain chain), High Sierra (high mountain chain), El Capitan (El Captain, Mountain in the USA). The names to the system belong only to the sideways that their images are customized as default wallpapers of the desktop.

To date, the version of MacOS Mojave 10.14, named after Mojave desert in the United States, presented in June 2018, is relevant.

Windows - Operating system from Microsoft, first presented to the world in 1985. By the way, who is interested, can. The chain issued once a few years of versions of Windows was interrupted to the market output in 2015 Windows 10-operating system of the new format, the eternal "dozens", which became both a brand and concept, and a universal platform for everything and all. Windows is updated 10 twice a year. She has its own versions (subjection) by type 1709, 1803, 1809, in which the code and month of supplying a cumulative update are encoded. Each such update has a human suspension names of Anniversary Update (anniversary update), Creators Update (Creative Update), October 2018 UPDATE (October 2018 Update), etc. The names either are timed to some kind of eventful events in the life of the system, or reflect the direction of the implemented functional, or simply tied to time.

Well, now let's compare Windows and Mac.


Mac - operating system only for devices produced by Apple itself. She has no license, its price is included in the cost of the purchased device - IMAC, IMAC Pro, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro.

Mac is simply forbidden to install on PC assemblies, this is an apple copyright. Apple devices are expensive, much more expensive similar to the performance of PC and laptops assemblies. Install Mac on PC and third-party laptops can be illegally. But this operating system will be far from all the iron. And if it becomes not a fact that it will work without glitches.

Whereas both Windows is a universal system with the support of a huge number of computer devices produced both under the brand of Microsoft itself and collected by third-party manufacturers, such as Asus, Acer, Samsung, Hewlett-Packard, and Ave. Windows sold under a license that can Purchase both separately and complete with a purchased device. On the Windows database, you can collect your computer in full or part of the used components, buy any monoblock, mini-pc, laptop or tablet from a huge selection of offers on the market.

Sophisticated work with hardware stuffing

Another question is how coordinated by the entire supported Windows, in particular, the "dozen" zoo of devices will work in a tandem with a hardware stuffing. For the adaptation of iron to windows in the form of the process of writing drivers, creators of components are answered, which are dark in the world. Consequently, there is no single office that would be coordinated by these process. Microsoft often moves responsibility for problems on iron producers. And the latter is not always able to keep up with all the problems generated by Windows updates.

But Apple is solely in response for the coordinated operation of the operating system and components. This system is optimally optimized for working with iron-collected devices. The absence of support for old iron with new versions of Mac Apple honestly and openly declares. Mac is less subject to challenge and incorrect drivers.

The sharpening of iron under software under the MAC operations makes it possible to squeeze sometimes with a weaker computer filling more performance than with more powerful in working with Windows. But such an advantage, naturally, it is necessary to consider only on the background of the price factor of the device.

MacBooks are usually better sharpened for energy efficiency than Windows laptops.


And Mac, and Windows are easy to install.

These processes can mask any more or less experienced user. However, in the case of installing Mac, this procedure is not more complicated. So much that it takes not one, not two days, but much more time to spend on the resources dedicated to the theme of Khakintosh.

But this is if we talk only about the installation process. On the original Apple devices, the installation process of the system on its installation and ends. Whereas in Windows the heat only begins - installing drivers, software platforms type DirectX or.NET Framework, disconnecting unnecessary functions, removing priblud applications, etc.

Stability and productivity

Mac is a more stable operating system than Windows, even if we are not talking about the "dozen", but about senior versions of the system. Nevertheless, Mac sometimes has glitches, especially in new, little rolled versions. Its stability is the result of accessories to the type of UNIX-like systems, interactions with a narrower circle of components, less the capabilities of the system itself, less than an axis developer approach to the implementation of updates than that of Windows.

Windows also periodically needs to be cleaned from temporary and spent data, in cleaning and optimizing a system registry, which is missing on Mac as a phenomenon. And the process of implementing the Windows 10 cumulative update is always a roulette.

Windows rollback is, in fact, also roulette. What is the staff (recovery points and backup image) that third-party type Acronis or AOME can not always successfully restore the system.

Whereas Mac rollback using a regular function Time Machine is almost always an anticipated working version.

File systems used in Mac - HFS + and new APFS are more perfect than the problematic, morally obsolete and exposed to NTFS data fragmentation used in Windows. Microsoft has a succession of NTFS - improved, but the company does not hurry it to massively implement, making an exclusive case for special occasions.

Mac is a faster due to accessories to the type of UNIX-like systems and optimization under iron. But take the same Windows 8.1 installed on a more or less productive computer with an SSD disk - it will also be a fairly fast system.

Ease of work and usability

Mac is more sharpened under the ordinary woman, easy to learn, is thought out so that the user in the absence of some additional components has become less as a certificate of the Internet. Mac has a simpler installation and removal mechanism.

The design and organization of the Mac interface is more ergonomic on objective parameters. But so subjectively may not seem Windows users who did not see anything other than the Windows interface. In fact, Doc panel, Launchpad, Finder arrangement, taskbar (status bar) at the top, integration with application interface taskbar - these things are more thought out than their analogues in Windows.

Mac has beautiful animation effects, smooth scrolling, Finder is equipped with data taking data system with color marks, there is a file viewing mode in it.

Let's try to forget about the excessive simplification present in this matter and give him an answer. So, what is better - MacBook or laptop?


This item of comparison of two heroes is the most obvious and answer to it - MacBook. He is a winner in this nomination because they are only making EPL on its standards of beauty and ergonomics. Imagining new models every year per year, they are aware that they are an icon for fans of their recognizable elegant style. In the staff of Epple, famous designers, the best designers, thinking on all marketers, are all those who need to create an attractive product - MacBook. All this will not say about laptops. This is due to the fact that manufacturers of laptops are slightly less than a hundred and almost all of them are so different and are inconsistently, what to expect from them to issue something attracting attention does not have to. An exception, maybe only the Japanese and Korean giants of Sony and Samsung and the Chinese Unicum last time Lenovo.


If in the category of appearance, everything falls into its place definitely and obviously, then in the categoryality category and tasks, the laptop or McBook cannot be given a laptop. All due to the fact that the tasks are different. It is exactly that if you are a graphic designer or work with a video content - you need poppy. If you work with audio - you again preferably Mac. If the fan of social networks and other spending time on the network is also MacBook.

This is the case because users of creative professions initially due to low technical skills chose McBooks. After all, on MacOS:

  • you do not need to install drivers manually;
  • the system is demolished and reinstalled while saving data into a couple of clicks;
  • rare conflicts of equipment and software.

And then the manufacturers of the Multimedia software, seeing that their clients mostly work on computers Mac, began to optimize programs primarily under their ecosystem. The circle closed. Thus, among those tasks in which the advantage of MacBooks:

  • surfing on the Internet;
  • work in editors;
  • various media (music and cinema);
  • work in your own content ecosystem (AppStore, iTunes, etc.);
  • work with the extensive community of brand adherents and the elimination of the periphery

In contrast to the poppies, the Windows operating system was originally more raw and chaotic. There are remains today. This is expressed:

  • in periodic emergency stops of the system;
  • in need, many system operations are performed manually;
  • reinstalling the system is still dangerous, as it is possible to randomly lose the data, despite all sorts of backups;
  • when buying a new device, for example, a more capable hard disk in a laptop must be verified that the replacement for this hard disk model will not cause hardware conflicts, etc.

Plus, millions of viruses that were dispersed under Windows, thanks to the system vulnerability, force people to use more than the technical warehouse of character. That is why most of the measurement, design and processing of data arrays are designed under Windows. Thus, such as the usual laptops can be attributed to the strong parties as:

  • working with severe data arrays in graphic and video orders;
  • work in professional settlement programs;
  • the ability to easily play the latest resource-proof games;
  • work in low-prolonged and narrow software environments for specialists;
  • working with programs written long ago and which have no analogues on Mac.


From the point of view of using the software when answering the question, what is better - a laptop or MacBook an advantage should be fair to give a laptop. And primarily for the diversity of software for the most common Windows operating system. And therefore, in this category, the question of the laptop is better than MacBook, you can accurately answer - almost anyone with an identical hardware stuffing.

And if not all this software is high-quality and verified - at least you will have the opportunity to install it on your laptop and test. Unlike MacBook, where the list of programs is far from so extensive and the possibility of using various system modifications and various emulators is much lower.

Separately in the aspect of the software, let's say that, choosing what a laptop is better than McBook, you definitely answer - any laptop, because almost all the software under McBook is not that paid - he is expensive! But if your savings are not in priorities - this argument is not for you.

Security and Comfort

In matters of comfortable work, the winner is exactly McBook! No one will argue with the fact that the absolute balance and reliability of the EPL system is proud of right. MacBooks serve for many years without breakdowns. These are statistics. Plus no viruses for the MAC operating environment. And many more advantages of the intangible nature will make you think, and is there any laptop better than Macbuck?

Thus, the account is approximately equal and, probably, we managed to impartially highlight this difficult question, and the final choice, as always, are yours.

More convenient and clearer for Windows 10 or Mac Os Sierra, a question that worries many and what would satisfy your curiosity we will try to compare them. We will not consider speed or performance - it will not quite rightly, but to consider from the user as far as convenient and friendly interface, in which of the operating systems to obtain one and that result requires less effort and time, I think it will be a faithful solution. At the moment, I have MacOS Sierra 10.12.4 and Windows 10 has been supplied to consideration downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Why I chose these versions of Windows and Mac OS, because at the moment these versions are the newest (last) and cause the greatest number of questions.

As for the Mac OS version, then 95% of the fact that we will consider it is absolutely also in all previous versions, such as El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks. The Mac OS interface has changed only by the display, the overall functionality or settings is not changed over the years, which simplifies the user's transition between the Apple operating system versions. Such an orientation to the Microsoft user would definitely prevent.

Fusion Drive Mac OS

The first and indisputable advantage of Mac OS systems is technology. This technology allows you to use the SSD and HDD bundle at speeds available only by SSD drives. If we are expressed by an understandable language, then making a bunch of 1 TB HDD + 120 GB SSD, you get 1.12 TB with the speed of your SSD drive.

Microsoft nothing like your users at the moment can not provide.

We will consider in order how we configure the system after installation ...

Turning off the password at the entrance

Mac OS login window
Window in the Windows 10 account

So, the operating system is installed and the first with which we are faced - this is a password requirement when booting Windows and Mac OS. I agree, all this is only for our security, but we do not consider offices where strangers are roasted, but we configure it, and the password is not always convenient and the simplest solution is to turn it off. The second option may be temporary shutdown at the time of configuration, for example. Well, let's see how to solve the same task in each of the systems.

Turning off the password when entering Mac OS

To turn off the password when entering Mac OS X, we need to go to System settings

Protection and security

One tick is responsible for turning off the password: turn off automatic. I remove this tick, the question is completely resolved. Now when downloading and rebooting the system, the password is not required. This feature is turned on similarly.

Ways to disable the screen lock for all versions of Windows

Right-click on the Start button. In the context menu that opens, select "Run".

In the "Run" window, in the Open field, enter the expression - "gpedit.msc", and then click on the "OK" button.

After starting the application, the Local Group Policy Editor window opens. In the left part of the window, in the "Local Computer" policy section, you will need to select the "Computer Configuration" item.

After that, in the window that opens, open the Control Panel folder.

Then, in a new window, open the Personalization folder.

In the Personalization folder, you will need to click on the "Prohibition of the Lock Screen Display."

After that, the "Ban Displays Lock Screen Display" will be opened. In this window, you will see that the "not specified" item is activated by default.

To disable the lock screen, you will need to activate the "Enabled" item, and then click on the "OK" button.

Everything, now after longer idle, after a while, Windows will no longer turn on the lock screen.

Now turn off the password

If your computer is currently connected to the domain, the option "Require user name and password" option will be unavailable. However, it is possible to disable the password request using the registry editor, however, this method is less secure than just described.

Disable password when entering the account after sleep and setting up the power supply

For disabling the password request after waking up and the downtime corresponds to one tick: request a password (time) when exiting a sleep or screensaver.

Windows 10.

Input parameters
Windows settings

In Windows, to disable the password after sleep, you need to go to Windows settings, the input parameters and here to disable the password after inaction and awakening.

Operating system security

Mac Os.

In essence, the turning on the firewall is quite enough to ensure safety. For particularly demanding.

Windows 10.

As for Windows 10, everything depends on the degree of your Microsoft confidence. Whether you will use the built-in antivirus and Branmaer, or you will set third-party. Built-in protection is enabled by default.

If you do not trust, then there is a huge polygon to select third-party antivirus. With a part of them you can read in. With third-party provision, the following inconvenience comes and the following is payment. What is known for free cheese only to view, any company developing antivirus software will offer a free and paid package that differ significantly among themselves by the number of functions, and in many cases as much as quality, or rather reliability of protection. Very often at the moment you start ignoring the message about the end of the license, the viruses and climb. And in a few days, the maximum weeks you have them out at least more than a hundred. Interestingly, even with the anti-virus turned off, you would hardly have managed to pump so much. In this regard, Kaspersky, ESET, NOD32 and many others were highlighted very much.

It is worth noting that the installation of additional antivirus support does not give you a complete guarantee of security and security. It is recommended to check with third-party anti-virus and attending utilities, such as Drweb Cureit or the Kaspersky home utility.

What a fame of Windows security, about the number and types of viruses I think not to write. This is a separate topic.

Installing and removing programs and applications

There is some similarity and differences here. For understanding, we will take a little bit into the work of the systems themselves. Windows works based on the registry data, in these files and it stores the information is very important for the operation and programs. Just 99% of Windows programs with a closed code, which is why any of them you have to install through the installer.

In Mac OS, the Registry is missing, so it facilitates the removal and installation process.

Installing and deleting in Mac OS X

80% of programs for the poppy installation, as such, do not require. That is, when downloading, you can already run them from any folder. Installing such programs is carried out by simply tugging the package of the program itself into a program folder or at your discretion. Even if you moved the program, the Mac OS system disk will determine that there is this program on the disk and will offer it to open the files of the appropriate expansion. When you start such programs, the maximum crew is a folder for storing settings and temporary files in the Documents folder.

Deleting occurs in the reverse order, we simply drag the program package to the basket, in some cases we delete one or more folders that needed to work the application.

But there are also programs requiring installation, as well as on Windows. Most often these are serious developers, such as Adobe, Autodesk and the like. Who do not want to open their code from commercial considerations, in this case where folders are created and the files are not known, but in any case, you can be sure that when installing it cannot be affected by the files that are responsible for the performance of the system, system folders and Files are securely protected from recording. And you can only find them by searching and delete to manual. Fortunately, there are not many such programs. Therefore, the principle of installation and removal of programs is very simple.

Installation and removal in Windows 10

It is much more difficult here. The installed program creates files not only in the PROGRAMS FILES folder, but also in the registry and other folders, some of which are hidden from the user. Consequently, the removal of programs causes a lot of problems. Since there are a lot of roots in the registry and hidden folders that are able to prevent the installation of another version of the program as an example, or the operability of the operating system itself.

To solve this inconvenience, we will need utilities to help remove software. These utilities include Io Bit Unistaller, CCleaner and many others who not only delete files that are in plain form, but will also find and delete the files from the user and folders, as well as clear the registry from the recorded records.

Similar features

Work with multiple desktops

Windows 10.

Two windows in one or SPLIT VIEW

Quick access to applications and programs

Load operating system on computer

Mac Os.

For the first time, the hard disk indexing appeared in Mac OS Sierra after installing the operating system. It is not known, influenced this appearance of Siri assistant or any other factors, but it is worth accepting as proper. Immediately after installation, some time the system slows down, the time is not at all a long time from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Also, after each download, the indexing passes, or the update of the parameters, but 1-5 minutes the hard disk is rustled. If in previous versions, the full loading time of Mac OS could be limited to the appearance of the desktop, earlier it was from this moment that it was possible to start using any program and an application, then in Sierra loading is tightened by another 1 minute maximum. But this time only felt users who still use HDD, users with SSD will not be noticeable.

The performance of programs at a high level, but the start to compare it hard. Suppose Photoshop CC 2015 is launched in less than 2 seconds, but 2017 is 15-20 seconds, but this fact can be written off on third-party developers. All embedded applications open almost instantly, despite the fact that I do it on HDD.

Windows 10.

After installing Windows 10, the hard drive is loaded at 95-99%, of course, you can write it off to indexing files on the hard disk, but why this indexing ends with the Internet shutdown. If the Internet does not disable lasts it will be quite a long time. Early walked version that it is necessary for the fastest work that this is how Windows synchronizes and updates the settings with Microsoft servers. But not the few hours settings to synchronize! And in some cases, such a load continues and not one day.

And only you thought that all checking whether the indexation was completed and everything starts to fly, but no, now after downloading the standard check of windows is launched. It is strange when you enter the settings - it is scheduled for night, and starts when it comes. Come on, the next process will be the synchronization of the media, and this is completely confused. Why, who allowed my library to download somewhere? By the way, this process is wonderfully loading the processor and a hard disk even when there is no media library at all.

In short, the only correct solution will optimize the system - which refer your data to the Microsoft server and do not work normally to work. Without this, the first time it will not work normally, the processes begin spontaneously, which is terribly straining.

The speed of launching programs, as built-in, so third-party moderately low. Perhaps the only solution will be - installing the operating system on SSD.

General impressions

General impressions are not unambiguous. If WINDOVS I did not need for different tasks, I would probably be completely connected with him at all. But since some programs, like 90% of games are sharpened precisely under Windows, then you have to put up with it. But I still want to note that in the performance of Windows 10, not a small breakthrough was really made, so its installation on fairly weak and outdated PCs is noticeably addicted to the speed of the system, as well as there is a plus in the performance of some games - this is despite the fact that on windows 7 These games on such glands are not what to play, they did not want to run.

In each of the considered systems there are advantages and minuses, but the main adjustments are made for some time after installation therefore and in the future they will not be so annoying and with these settings you will not be faced.

How not to twist Mac OS is much clearer and more open to the user. Settings are most clearly understood and available to any user even beginner. What I can not say about Windows 10, having a non-small experience in various versions of Windows I still have to use a search string to find a particular setup item than you can explain this attitude to the user - I do not go to mind.

Mac OS Sierra is much more stable and freeze, in one of his tests I triggered really a lot of applications and at the same time two test programs - Sierra sustained it. For long exploitation, and this is a few years, I never managed to hang Mac OS or face an unexpected reboot.

What will happen to Windows with such a Crash test I will not even guess ...

Unfortunately, in Windows 10, you come across this rather quickly. She is enough 1-2 that would turn the updates, as well as to score the system and the registry with unnecessary trash. How not to twist, but if you use Windows not only for working purposes, and also for entertainment, then the period for reinstallation is close to 6 months. It is after 6 months that 70% of users make reinstalling Windows.

In June, Apple introduced an improved laptop line, including an updated MacBook Air. The latter received a minimum update in the form of a new processor - Intel Core i5 with a clock frequency of 1.8 GHz. According to rumors, this update will be the last in the history of the MacBook Air line.

MacBook Air is considered one of the best laptops on the market in terms of quality ratio. In Russia, the model fell into the category of bestsellers among 13-inch models. If Apple really refuses the development of the series, for Mac fans it will be a real tragedy.

Life Observer Pavel Gorodnik is confident that MacBook Air remains the best laptop on the market in the segment to 70,000 rubles. In his opinion, there are 7 reasons why it is worth hurry with the purchase of "air" Laptop Apple:

1. For three years of use, I never updated the OS, did not clean the memory, did not wear a MacBook to the service and did not put special programs to optimize the work - the word, did not do anything to speed up the computer. He so worked extremely smartly - I didn't wait for hangs, glitches or other vile things that often pop up in Windows laptops. MacBook Air is fantastically optimized - for all the time I rebooted it no more than ten times. And then only in those moments when it was just lazily manually close the applications.

2. Feels, MacBook Air is charged from scratch to 100 percent for about an hour. A couple of times he saved me: I connected a laptop to the outlet almost before going to the plane, and then watched a movie or worked, absolutely not thinking about the battery.

3. The stated 12 hours of autonomous work is a beautiful fiction, but eight-nine hours of MacBook Air accurately gives. This is enough to go to a two-day business trip and never get a charger from the bag. In addition, MacBook Air is practically not discharged, if it lies in a closed state - in this mode it takes about 5% per day. And the last fact about the battery: for 34 months, its actual capacity decreased by only 25% and remained very worthy.

4. MacBook Air, unlike new MacBook, has USB ports. You can buy a laptop and immediately use them, and not think about bulky and expensive adapters.

5. MacBook Air hypercompact. I felt it when a 13-inch model was in a vertical shoe bag. The laptop got almost completely (except that lightning was not fastened) and did not deliver the slightest discomfort. 1.35 kilograms were almost never felt - it seemed to me that I was carrying a large format book in a bag or a plump pack of paper, and not a full-fledged computer.

6. There are ultrabooks oriented exclusively to work in the browser and watch movie. At first I thought the MacBook Air is the same, but when it took to underminate the video, Laptop except that he was heated slightly stronger than the usual. The same situation with photoshop: light increase in temperature, but no brakes. It really grabs for all tasks.

7. Perhaps the most important point. The new MacBook Pro (2016) does not burn an apple on the lid. 12-inch MacBook - too. Accordingly, now MacBook Air is the only actual Apple laptop with a famous highlighted logo.

The main problem is that by sending MacBook Air to the grave, the head of Apple Tim Cook does not offer any reasonable alternative. He just takes and refuses the universal and truly popular computer, leaving only gadgets from another price category. The same 12-inch MacBook costs 75-80 thousand, and modern MacBook Pro will cost 100,000 for younger modification.

At first, Apple raised people to their OS due to the budget laptop, and now MacOS fans get up before the harder choice: they will have to either upload money for top mappuchi, or to return to Windows with a footswat.

In this story, the entire Apple era of Tim Cook. Unfortunately, now the Company's task is not to please users, and how it can be more efficient to monetize their dedication.

Predated these two operating systems lead war. Some prove the charm of the "apple" software, and others from the skins are climbing, leading arguments in favor of Windows. There are still adherents of Linux, but we will not touch them.

So why does Microsoft be more suitable for ordinary users? We found 10 reasons in favor of Windows. And here is the first of them.


On Mac OS there is practically no games. Of course, you can put a virtual machine, install a toy and rejoice there. But this is a game with crutches, otherwise you can not say. And the Apple Corporation does not want to attract developers from the game industry to transfer games to Mac OS.

The same Windows 10 has in its functionality game mode - the OS itself limits all the background unnecessary programs in resources. And all the liberated power is given to the game. Agree, it is much more convenient to manually clean the background applications.

Iron Update

Since they touched the topic about the game, then I must say about the configurations of Macintosh and the usual system.

You can update the system unit on Windows as soon as you want to add memory, change the video card to more powerful, completely rebuilding from zero on a new motherboard - it's all available to you at any time. The main thing is to have enough money for it. Each year's games are all demanding, the manufacturers of components do not sleep either, releasing the updated or fundamentally new filling for the block. But it does not concern laptops and monoblocks: there is no better case than with an apple gadget.

But with the apple you do not have such a number. Add RAM already causes serious difficulties, and something else should not even stutter anything. And considering the voyage of new games, after 2-3 years the question will be asked to replace the current gadget for a newer one.

Not even taking into account the game, there are many no less voracious programs that are important strong iron. By the way, the system unit on Windows is 2 - 2.5 times cheaper than similar Apple product configuration. So think.

Compatibility of systems with peripheral devices

Another cant Mac OS is compatibility with various devices. Printers, scanners, Wi-Fi-routers and a multiple other office equipment is not always correctly determined by Macintosh. And there are cases when the system is completely refused to work with something.

Those devices to which Apple develops drivers independently will work without any problems.

This situation is practically impossible on Windows. This OS will not determine the technique, unless it is very old and very specific. And then, in the presence of drivers, very high chances of what everything will work correctly.

Working with program windows

Macintosh has an unpleasant feature of strange to deploy applications in full screen mode. For example, a browser can turn around partially by cutting the window size on a specific page. The same applies to some other utilities. Strange logic of work. There is, however, the Magnet utility. To work correctly, it is recommended to install it on a clean operating system.

There is no such problem in Windows. Fullscreen mode is a full screen mode.

Software selection for systems

By the way, about the programs themselves. For Windows simply accessible to the colossal amount of software for every taste and for any tasks. You just won't find such an abundance for Mac. What you will not find there. Even the existing software is very often inferior in its functions PC-withdrawal counterparts.

The same Office, which lives on the MAC, is seriously inferior to the Microsoft Giant. Although it may be completely no matter, since now there are many services working through the browser. Files are saved in the cloud, and you can work with any device with them.

There is another point: programs on apple technology are eating more RAM than on Windows. Not much, but still.

Prevalence of systems

Apple Installs Mac OS only on monoblocks and laptops. For smartphones and tablets there are iOS. It would seem, all is well. But why not integrate the MAC to mobile equipment? Naturally, some functions will be not available due to the lack of iron resources on the iPhone or iPad.

And the guys from Microsoft quite actively put their OS on mobile devices. The same Microsoft Surface is a direct confirmation, even though its price tag and are somewhat overgrown. And how many third-party mobile devices uses Windows 10 as OS? There are a lot of such and their number grows. The development of atomic Intel and enough powerful video chips helps this.

3D in Os.

With the development of technologies in the field of 3D and augmented reality, Microsoft very much began to introduce them into their systems.

What about Apple? They still have time to feed the people by the promise, and there are no any gestures in this direction. And if they start to do it, then to what extent?

Let's sum up

What do you say here? PC on Windows much more than Mac. And this applies not only to computers: in excess and smartphones, and tablets on Windows 10.

There is a detriment for gamers, from the abundance of software eyes scatter. Upgrade passes much faster and cheaper than apple products. Yes, and not everywhere in apples, you yourself will be able to change the hard drive or the RAM. And this means that you have to go to the service center.

Now it can begin a hot debate about the fact that Mac OS is more protected, the viruses are almost unstassed viruses, etc. Actually, if there is an antivirus of the normal and head on the shoulders, viruses and for Windows are not very dangerous. Also may begin to prove that by installing Boot Camp, you can use Windows programs. You can, but it's again crutch.

About the speed of operational systems. Everything is very subjective here. There are a lot of those who claim that Windows 10 is not inferior, but also shows the better speed and smoothness. Animation in both systems at height.

The personal opinion of the author of the article is: the transition to apple products is not justified. Neither economically or in terms of the range of software and games. If you just have a desire to try something new, then put a virtual machine with Mac OS, and then decide whether it is worth it or not.