Gypsies to which group are related. Who are Tsygans? The origin of "Mysterious Egyptians

Over the centuries, the origin of the Gypsy was shrouded in secret. Appearing here, then there, the tabs of these dark nomads with unusual neravami caused the curiosity of the settlement population. Trying to unravel this phenomenon and penetrate the mystery of the origin of the Gypsy, many authors built a variety of different and incredible hypotheses. In the XIX century, when thanks to scientific research was found quite a reasonable answer, the most fantastic stories were still born.

This journey of candid prejudice and dubious hypotheses was destroyed with the beginning of serious research of the Gypsy language. Some ideas about him scholars had already in the era of the Renaissance, but at that time they did not associate it with any group of languages \u200b\u200band did not establish the place of its origin. Only at the end of the XVIII century. Based on scientific data, it was possible to establish the origin of the Gypsy.

Since then, prominent linguists confirm the conclusions of these first scientists: according to grammatical and vocabulary composition, Gypsy is close to Sanskrit and such modern languages \u200b\u200bas Kashmiri, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and Nepali.

And if modern scientists have no doubt that the Gypsies come from, then many issues related to the ethnography, sociology and the history of the first Migration of Gypsies are still waiting for an answer.

The leading role in establishing the origin of the Gypsy is given to linguistics, but such scientific disciplines as anthropology, medicine and ethnography can be made their contribution.

Written evidence of the era, which could be called the "prehistoric period of Gypsy", very scarce. Ancient Indian authors focused on gods and kings, not people known under the names of Aott, Jat, Luli, Nuri or a house.

However, since since the first migrations west we have several more accurate data on the gypsies contained, first of all, in two texts in which the history and legend merged. Writing in the middle of the X century. Hamza from Isfahan talks about arriving in Persia 12 thousand musicians-Yaotov; 50 years later, the great chronicler and the poet of Firdusi, the author "Shahnama" mentions the same fact.

This mention is most likely to the field of legends, however, it indicates that in Persia there was a lot of Gypsies who arrived from India, they were considered good musicians, they did not want to engage in agriculture, they were prone to vagrancy and did not miss the case to grab what lies badly.

These ancient texts are the only source of data on Gypsy migrations in Asia. To find out more about it, you need to refer to language factors.

In Persia, the Tsygan language has enriched in a whole number of words, which were subsequently discovered in all its European dialects. Then, according to the English Linguist John Sampson, they divided into two branches. Part of the Gypsy continued his way to the west and southeast, others moved in the northwestern direction. These Gypsies visited Armenia (where a number of words were borrowed, reported by their descendants up to Wales, but completely unfamiliar representatives of the first branch), then penetrated further into the Caucasus, borrowing words from Ossetian vocabulary.

Ultimately, the Gypsies fall into Europe and the world. From this point on, the mention of them in written sources occur more and more often, especially in the notes of Western travelers who have committed pilgrimage to holy places in Palestine.

In 1322, two Franciscan monks, Simon Simeonis and Hugo enlightened, noticed in the Crete people, similar to the descendants of Hama; They adhered to the rites of the Greek Orthodox Church, but lived, like Arabs, under low black tents or in the caves. They were called "Atkanakanos" or "Ambanos" by the name of the sect of musicians and predictors of fate.

But most often, Western travelers met with the Gypsies in the Modon - fortified and large port city in the West Bank of Sea, the main transshipment point on the way from Venice to Jaffa. "Black as Ethies," they were engaged in the main forge and, as a rule, lived in the huts. This place was called "Small Egypt", perhaps, because here, the fertile lands were running, like the Nile Valley, the region; That is why the European Gypsies called the "Egyptians", and their leaders often gave themselves to the Dukes or Graphs of Small Egypt.

Greece enriched the lexicu of Roma with new words, but most importantly, she gave them the opportunity to get acquainted with the lifestyle of other nations, because it was in Greece that they came across pilgrims from all countries of the Christian world. Gypsies were cut down that pilgrims used the status of privileged wanderers, and, moving back on the road, they had already given themselves for pilgrims.

After a long stay in Greece and these neighboring states with it, like the Romanian principalities and Serbia, many gypsies moved on to the West. The situation of Gypsies in the territories repeatedly converted from the Byzantines to the Turks was not easy. About this, seeking to inspire confidence, they told the spiritual and secular lords of those places where they brought their fate; Gypsies said that, leaving Egypt, they were first with pagans, but then they were turned into Christianity, then they returned to idolatry, but under the pressure of monarchs, they accepted Christianity for the second time: they claimed that they were forced to commit a long pilgrimage worldwide.

In 1418, large groups of Gypsies crossed Hungary and Germany, where Emperor Sigismund agreed to give them security certificates. They appeared in Westphalia, in Hanseatic cities and Baltic, and from there moved to Switzerland.

In 1419, Tsygans crossed the borders of the territory of modern France. It is known that on August 22, they presented documents signed by Emperor Sigismund and the Duke of Savoy, in the city of Shatilon-An-House, 2 days later in the Macon, and on October 1 - in Sisterone. Three years later, other groups of Gypsies appeared in the southern regions, causing curiosity at the inhabitants of Arras. There, as in the Macon, they were explained that they were on the Royal Lands, where the defendants of the emperor are invalid.

At that time, Roma realized that for unhindered movement in the Christian world, they need to have a universal security certificate issued by dad. In July 1422, the Duke of Andrei at the head of the Bolshoi Tabor passed by Bologna and Forli, announcing that she keeps the way to meet with dad. However, neither in the Roman chronicles, nor in the archives of the Vatican there are no mention of this visit to the Gypsies of the capital of the Christian world.

Nevertheless, on the way back, Tsygans were told about how dad were adopted and showed the letters signed by Martin V. Whether these letters were genuine - it is unknown, but somehow they gave the opportunity to wander there more than a hundred years, where They are pleased.

In August 1427, the Gypsies first appeared at the gate of Paris, who was in the hands of the British. Their Tabor, Discussed from Shape Saint-Denis, attracted crowds of curious for three weeks. It was not without curiosity: they said that while the deft fortune tellers read the lines of life, the customers disappeared the wallets. The Paris Bishop during the sermon condemned due to this gullible and superstitious flock, so the Egyptians had nothing left how to roll the tents and go to Pontoise.

Along and across, bypassing France, some Gypsy groups soon penetrated the Aragon and Catalonia under the pretext of pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. They went through the entire Castile and arrived in Andalusia, where the former Chancellor of Castilla Count Miguel Lucas de Irano had a warm welcome to the Gypsy counts and Dukes in his Halena.

A number of authors, despite the absence of any data, argues that Roma, sailing along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, arrived in Andalusia from Egypt. However, in the dictionary reserve of Spanish gypsies there is not a single Arabic word, and their route was fully listed: in Andalusia they referred to the patronage of the Pope, the kings of France and Castile.

The first mentions about the Gypsies (Ciganos) in Portuguese written sources are the XVI century. At about the same time, Gypsies appear in Scotland and England. How they got there, unknown. Perhaps there they attracted less attention than on their previous parking in Germany, France or the Netherlands, since the nomads of the Tinkers lived on the British Islands, the lifestyle of which largely reminded Gypsy.

It was much more difficult to gypsies in Ireland, where the numerous Tinkers perceived new aliens as competitors and did their best to call them dislike.

Count Anton Gujino from Small Egypt arrived at Denmark on board the Scottish vessel in 1505, submitting the recommendations of Yakov IV Scottish to the Danish king John. On September 29, 1512, Count Antonius (probably the same person) solemnly arrived in Stockholm, to the worst surprise of local residents.

The first "Egyptians", which appeared in 1544 in Norway, did not have similar recommendations. These were prisoners from which the British were separated, by force to bring them on ships from the country. In Norway, Roma was waiting for a meeting with the meal "phateters", similar to the one that was rendered to their tribesmen in England and Scotland "Tinkers".

From Sweden, some groups of Gypsies penetrated Finland and Estonia. At about the same time in Poland and the Grand Duchy, Lithuanian came "Mountain Roma" from Hungary and "Plain Gypsies" from Germany.

By 1501, some groups of Gypsies were naocked in the south of Russia, others moved from Poland to Ukraine. Finally, in 1721, Gypsies from Polish plains reached the Siberian city of Tobolsk. They declared their intention to move towards the borders of China, however, the governor of the city prevented this.

Thus, during the period of the XV-XVIII centuries. Gypsies have penetrated into all European countries; They fell into the colonies in the American and African continents, but this time is not on their own will. Spain sent some groups of Roma over the ocean, submitting an example of Portugal, which from the end of the XVI century. They deported them in a large number of their colonies, primarily in Brazil, as well as Angola, Sao Tome and the island of green cape. In the XVII century Gypsies sent from Scotland to the plantation of Jamaica and Barbados, and in the XVIII century. - in Virginia.

At the board of Louis XIV Gypsy, convicted of hard work, was released by the Royal Decree, subject to the exit to the American Islands. Among the colonists recruited by the "Indian company" for the development of Louisiana, "Bohemians" appeared. Like other colonists, they settled in New Orleans. A century later, their descendants settled in Biloxi, Louisiana, still spoke French.

Starting from the XIX century. Many gypsy families voluntarily migrated from Europe to a new light. They can be found in Canada, in California, in the suburbs of New York and Chicago, in Mexico and Central America and much south - in Chile and Argentina. They have the same occupation as a gypsy in Europe, the same customs, and they feel at home everywhere, because the place where the tent crashes, becomes their homeland.

P. S. Vintage chronicles are told: the Word is wondering how things are currently dealing with Gypsy immigration into various countries, especially since even for not Roma is sometimes difficult to obtain a visa to certain countries, such as, for example, Canada. Look at the CanadianvisaExpert website, the rules of immigration to Canada in Eastern Europe, South and Central America and even countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar. And they, these rules are very difficult, even for people who can be conditionally attributed to the "middle class", not to mention the poor layers of the population traveling to Canada solely on earnings as cheap labor.

1. "Roma" is a collective term, the same as "Slavs", "Caucasians", "Scandinava" or "Latin Americans". The gypsies include several dozen nations.

2. Gypsy has national anthem, flag and artistic culture, including literature.

3. Gypsies are conditionally divided into eastern and western.

4. Roma as a nation was formed in Persia (the eastern branch) and the Roman Empire (she is Roma, she is Byzantia; Western branch). In general, usually, speaking of Gypsies, they mean Western Gypsies (Roma and Kale Group).

5. Since the Roma Roma Roma Groups and arose as a nation in a European country, they are Europeans, and not the "mysterious Eastern people", as journalists like to write. Of course, as in the Russians and Spaniards, they have some heritage of Eastern Mentality.

6. "Eastern" Gypsies began to call the Gypsies only in 19-20 centuries, when Europeans visited Asia drew attention to their external similarity with the Gypsies, as well as some common crafts and traditions. "Eastern" Gypsies have a culture that differs sharply from the "general-money" (i.e. cultures of noticeably more numerous and culturally developed "Western" Gypsies), although those and those have a common cultural heritage of Indian ancestors. "Eastern" and "Western" Tsygans practically do not communicate.

7. Gypsy languages \u200b\u200bin the overwhelming majority are descendants of Sanskrit. Ethnically, Roma are descendants of Ariyev, with a Dravidian Snaint (Dravida - the indigenous population of India, conquered by Arias, one of the oldest writing of cultures, at the time of the conquest was more developed than the culture of nomads-Ariyev).

8. Contrary to the statements of some people who are far from ethnography and history, no "expulsion of the Gypsy" from India and the Roman Empire has never been like events.

In India, Gypsy was not at all, the Hindus were. According to the latest genetic and linguistic studies, the ancestors of Gypsies, the group of Hindus Caste "House" in 1000 about the person left India somewhere in the VI century. It is assumed that this group of musicians and jewelers The Indian ruler presented the Persian as it was in the usual time. Already in Persia, the number of the group has grown greatly, social division appeared inside it (mainly by profession); Part of Psyuan in the IX-X centuries began to gradually move to the West and finally reached Byzantium and Palestine (two different branches). Part remains in Persia and from there sprawled to the east. Part of these gypsies, in the end, reached the homeland of their distant ancestors - India.

9. Byzantium, Roma left during the conquest of its Muslims, in the hope of getting help from the Christian uniforms (naive people and times). The outcome from the Roman Empire lasted decades. Part of the Gypsy, nevertheless, for various reasons, remained in his homeland. Their descendants accepted Islam over time.

10. There is a hypothesis that the nickname "Egyptians" Roma received even in Byzantium, for their darkness and for the fact that the most noticeable part of the Gypsy was engaged in the consecration of Egyptians, circus art. With the circus art and with fortune track, another nickname was also connected, from which the word "Gypsy": "Atcingan". Initially, so called some sectarians looking for secret knowledge. But over time, apparently, the word has become a nominal, ironic for anyone who is engaged in esoteric, focus, fortune telling and progress. Gypsies themselves were already called "Roma" and they were given the nickname "Kale", that is, Chernyow, dark

11. It is believed that it was the Tsygana widely distributed in Muslim countries the belly dance. However, there is no evidence or refutation.

12. Traditional areas of activity are arts, trade, horse breeding and crafts (from prosaic manufacturers of bricks and weaving baskets to romantic jewelry and embroidery).

13. Shortly after coming to Europe, Gypsies became one of the victims of large socio-economic crises and were severely persecuted. This led to strong marginalization and criminalization of Roma. From the complete destruction of Roma saved in general, both neutral or friendly attitude of most common people who did not want to perform bloody laws in relation to the gypsy.

14. It is said that the famous papus learned to guess Gypsy.

15. Inquisition has never been interested in Gypsies.

16. Medicine unknown cases of leprosy in the Roma environment. The most common blood groups in Gypsy - III and I. The percentage of III and IV of the blood is very high compared to other European peoples.

17. In the Middle Ages, Roma, like Jews, was accused of cannibalism.

18. In 18-19 centuries, with an increase in tolerance towards them in European society, the crime of Roma sharply decreased. In the 19th century, in Europe, a very rapid process of integrating the Roma to society went.

19. Tsygan came to Russia more than 300 years ago. Like other rooted peoples (for example, Kalmyki), they received the imperial permission to live in Russia and engage in traditional remodes (trade, horse breeding, fortune telling, singing and dancing). After some time, these Gypsies began to call themselves Russian Roma, so far this is the most numerous of the Gypsy nationalities in Russia. By 1917, Russian Roma was the most integrated and educated gypsies of Russia.

20. At different times, Kalderara (Kotlyrai), Lovarie, Sirwa, Ursari, Vlaha and other Roma were also immigrated to Russia.

21. Almost all the names of Gypsy nationalities are either the names of key professions, or reflect the name of the country that is considered to be their own. This says a lot about Gypsy priorities.

22. The famous Gypsy national costume was invented in the 19th century. The first began to wear Calderara. The National Suit of Russian Roma was invented by artists to create a more exotic stage image. Historically, the Gypsies have always been tend to wear clothes characteristic of the country of residence.

23. Gypsies are famous pacifists. However, at different times they served under the armies and in the armies of Germany, Prussia, Sweden and Russia.

In 1812, Russian Roma was voluntarily transferred large sums on the maintenance of the Russian army. Young gypsy guys fought as part of Russian troops.

At the same time, which is funny, a lot of French Gypsies fought in the army of Napoleon. There is even a description of the meeting during the battle between the Spaniards and the French of the two Gypsies from different sides.

During World War II, Roma participated in hostilities as part of both regular armies (USSR, France; ordinary, tankers, military engineers, pilots, sanitary panels, artilleryrs, etc.) and partisan groups, mixed and purely Gypsy (USSR , France, Eastern Europe). The partisan actions of the Roma against the fascists are sometimes called "Arias against Aryans".

24. As a result of the systematic directional extermination of the Gypsies, about 150,000 died in Europe (for comparison, the USSR lived from 60,000, according to the census, to 120,000, by assumptions) Gypsies. The "Gypsy Holocaust" is called Cali Trache (there are also options for Samuadriphen and Paraimos).

25. Among the outstanding gypsies there are scientists, writers, poets, composers, musicians, singers, dancers, actors, directors, boxers (including champions), football players, historians, politicians, priests, missionaries, artists and sculptors.

Some are known for more, for example, like Marishka Veresh, Ion Zhakki, Janos Bihari, Jem Mais, Matom Maksimov, Yul Brinner, Tony Gatliff, Bob Hoskins, Nikolai Slichenko, Dzhango Reinhardt, Bireli Lagren, Others, but also boast of significant contributions in Gypsy culture.

26. Seeing the article on the Russian gypsies phrase "nomadic people" without quotes, you can not read it. The author will not actually write a reliable, if not even knows such a fact that only 1% of the Russian Gypsy wakes.

27. According to the Data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, despite the fact that in the media on the mention of the Gypsy fraud in the first place, in statistics they are on the last. Ethnographers believe that the situation with Gypsy fraud and drug trafficking and in Russia is similar.

28. In the times of Stalin, Tsygans were targeted repressions.

29. The term "Gypsy Baron" is used by the gypsies only the last couple of decades, and not all. This borrowing from the media and romantic literature. The term is used specifically to communicate with nonzigans.

30. There are several notable gypsy theaters in Russia, in Russia, in Ukraine, in Slovakia, in Germany, as well as theaters and studios in bed in these and other countries.

31. One of the most interesting gypsy concepts is the concept of "bad". It is associated with the bottom of the body of a married or just an adult woman. She is enough to walk over something, as this place becomes defiled. Clothing that is worn out a woman below the belt, and shoes are automatically considered "desecrated." Therefore, in the female national costume, many times of the world enters a large apron. And for the same reason, not to be defiled, Gypsies prefer to live in small, single-storey houses.

32. Short hair in Gypsy is a symbol of dishonor. Hair set out the expelled and isolated. Until now, Tsygans avoid very short haircuts.

33. Gypsies understand many simple phrases spoken on Hindi. Therefore, Gypsies like some Indian films.

34. Gypsy has "unwanted" professions, which usually hide so as not to "fall out" from the Gypsy society. This is, for example, factory work, street cleaning and journalism.

35. Like every people, Gypsies have their own national dishes. Since ancient times, Gypsies lived in the forest or near him, so the beasts caught on the hunt - hares, boars and other. A special national gypsy dish - Yozh, roasted or stew.

36. Carriers of Gypsy genes are called Romano Rat. For Roman RAT recognized the right if they want to become Gypsies. Romano Rat is the Guitarist of the Rolling Stones group Ronnie Wood, Sergey Kurekhin, Yuri Lyubimov, Charlie Chaplin and Anna Netrebko.

37. The word "LAVE" in Russian jargon is borrowed from the Gypsy language, where it has the form "Love" (Gypsies not "ACHAZ") and the value "Money".

38. Earring in one ear in Tsygan means that he is the only son in the family.

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2. The Tsygane's national non-alcoholic drink is tea. Various herbs and berries are added to black tea

3. From alcoholic beverages, Gypsies prefer strong. For men, vodka is preferable, for women - cognac. Grape wines are usually not used. Honorable is considered to drink a lot, but at the same time not to drunk

4. Young romals are usually forbidden to use alcoholic beverages with older representatives or is prescribed to ask their permission.

5. The cult of age in Roma is expressed by respect not just to the elderly, and respect for the one who is older in general. The opinion of the older in age is perceived as an authoritative. A terrible crime is considered to raise a hand on an old man, even if he is physically strong

6. Many gypsies attitude towards a young woman are inconspicuous until she gives birth to a child. But the status of mothers is surrounded by honorable

7. Traditionally, the gypsies smoke a lot. The first reason is mystical. According to the ancient beliefs, fire and smoke scare demons and non-adhesive dead. So that they definitely do not get to a person, it is necessary to smoke continuously. The second reason is aesthetic. It is believed that the voice becomes right for singing

8. The most popular kind of gypsy fairy tales - horror stories. The usual characters of such horror stories are the dead dead and the glory, which seems to be an extension of the folklore of Indian ancestors, as well as small spirits like debt and house

9. In some Gypsies it is believed that a person on that light is needed all the same as in ordinary life. If a person dies, then, depending on his gender, relatives or friends are transmitted through the Coffin 3 subjects: the icon (a man died - a man's, woman - female), bed and carpet, symbolizing the road

10. From decorations, Gypsies are popular from Gold Persdet. Eastern European representatives of this nationality in great fashion sets of eight rings of about one thickness, according to perverse on each finger, except for large, necessarily differing patterns

11. Earring in one ear in Tsygan means that he is the only son in the family

12. From the side of a woman is considered to be impolite to pass in front of a man if you can get around it, and stand back to a man if he sits

13. Short hair in Gypsy is a symbol of dishonor. Hair set out the expelled and isolated. Until now, Tsygans avoid very short haircuts

14. Gypsy has "unwanted" professions, which usually hide not "fall out" from their society. This, for example, factory work, street cleaning and journalism

15. Gypsies understand many simple phrases spoken by Hindi. So they like some indian films so

16. Gypsy is not accepted to speak out loud about love, it is impossible to touch someone else's woman even in dance

According to linguistic and genetic research, the ancestors of Gypsies came out of India by a group of about 1000 people. The migration time of Roma ancestors from India is definitely not established, as well as the number of migration waves. But it is known that Padishai from India presented as a sign of appreciation Shah Persia 1000 people. Different researchers approximately determine the outcome of the so-called "Protzhansky" groups of the VI-X centuries. e. According to the most popular version based on the analysis of borrowed words in Gypsies, the ancestors of modern gypsies spent about 400 years in Persia, before the branch of Roma advanced to the west, to the territory of Byzantium. They were the ancestors of European Gypsies: romov, Kale, Sinti, Manush. Part of the migrants remained in the Middle East. It is believed that another branch took place in Palestine and through it in Egypt.

As for the so-called Central Asian Gypsies, or luli., then they are sometimes figuratively talking, are cousins \u200b\u200bor even the Roma Roma Roma. Thus, the Central Asian Gypsy population, over the course of centuries, absorb various threads of migrants from Punjab (including the Belugeni Group), historically was inhomogeneous.

Tsygans of Europe are descendants of the Gypsies who lived in Byzantium. The documents testify that the Gypsies lived in the center of the Empire, and on its outskirts and there, most of these Gypsies accepted Christianity. In Byzantia, Roma quickly integrated into society. In some places, their leaders were given certain privileges. Written mentions of the Gypsy of the period are scuba, but it doesn't seem like the Gypsies cause some special interest or perceived as a marginal or criminal group. Gypsies are referred to as masters for working with metal, manufacturers of horse babies, shorts, gaders (in Byzantium it was a common profession), trainers (and in the earliest sources - snake caster, and only in later trains of bears). At the same time, the most common craft, apparently, there were still artistic and blacksmith, mentioned whole villages of Gypsy Kuznetsov.

When brushing the Byzantine Empire, Roma began to migrate to Europe. The first, judging by the written European sources, marginalized to Europe, adventurically-minded representatives of the people engaged in begging, fortunate and small theft, which marked the beginning of the negative perception of Roma as the people among Europeans. And only after some time artists, trainers, artisans, socodorgovts began to arrive.

The earliest Russian official document, mentioning Gypsies, refers to 1733 - decree Anna Ioannovna on new taxes on the maintenance of the army:
In addition to the content of the regiments, it is collected from Gypsies, as in Little Russia they collect and in the Slobodsky shelves and in the Great-Russian cities and counties attributed to the Slobodsky regiments, and for this collection, to identify a special person, since the gypsies are not written in the census . At sedes, the report of Lieutenant-General Prince Shakhovsky was explained, by the way that Gypsy was impossible to write a census, because they do not live yards.

World Tsygan Day - 04/08/1971.

On April 8, 1971, the first World Gypsy Congress took place in London. The result of the congress was the recognition of the Gypsies of the world with a uniform neurritative nation and the adoption of national symbols: flag and anthem based on the folk song "Jeliem, Jelle". Instead of the coat of arms, the Gypsies use a number of recognizable characters: the wheel of kibitats, horseshoe, the deck of cards. These symbols are usually decorated with gypsy books, newspapers, magazines and sites, one of these symbols is usually included in the logos of events dedicated to Gypsy culture.
In honor of the First World Gypsy Congress on April 8, the Day of Gypsy is considered. Some gypsies have a custom-related custom: in the evening, at a certain time, rushing the lit candle down the street.

In search of gypsy pranodina

Praodina Gypsy - India. Ethnographers, historians themselves know about it. The discovery of this scientific fact refers to the middle of the 20th century. A student of Leiden University of Hungarian I. Väya noted the similarity of the Gypsy language with the language of his fellow students, whose homeie was Malabari. 1 The article on these observations in the Vienna newspaper fell into the hands of the German scientist G. Grelman, who, comparing the Gypsy language with Indian Sanskrit, put forward a hypothesis about the Indian Pranodine Gypsy. 2 But only through the century, thanks to the studies of the German philologist A.Potta, the hypothesis acquired the type of evidence theory, which did not lose scientific significance to the present. 3 The opening of the Gypsy Pranodina was made on the basis of linguistic analysis, since the circle of other sources - archaeological, documentary, which could take advantage of the gypsies, is very limited. In the traditional culture of Gypsies, some features are also traced that scientists are associated with the Indian roots of the people.
Many and others were expressed in the literature, sometimes no proven, sometimes fantastic, assumptions about the origin of Roma. Motherland gypsy was looking for in Assyria and Persia, Zanzibar and Namibia, in Egypt and on the Danube. They were considered the builders of the Egyptian pyramids and residents of the legendary Atlantis, who sailed on the eve of her disappearance. 4
If the question of the ancestor of Gypsies is resolved in ethnographic science, then a lot of controversial remains in Gypsy history. Due to the lack of reliable historical sources, the riddles of early Gypsy history were not fully disclosed, although the hypothesis and suggestions were expressed by scientists repeatedly. The most disputes cause questions about when and why Roma ancestors left their ancestors, which Indian nationality went to look for a new homeland.
About when the ancestors of Roma left India, scientists argue to the present. Some authors call the V century, the other and more century. The authors of the monograph "History of Gypsy: a new look" believe that both sides are right: "Small Indian tribes left the birthplace of the century in a century, the ancestors of Gypsies did not go in one table, having a certain in advance target. Part of the Gypsies settled on the road, putting the beginning of the current ethnic groups. The part moved on with a rare neatularity, the TABORES was circled with decades in the same range until once, in economic or social reasons, did not move on a hundred-two kilometers to the west. " 5 Russian giguns E.Drutz and A.Gessler argue that the outcome of the Gypsy from India continued at about a thousand years, and his climax took place on the line of the first and second millennium, and individual migration waves continued in the subsequent time. 6 Reasons that caused migration, researchers are associated with internecine wars, permanent raids of Muslim conquerors. 7
What people went to the distant nomad? Ethnographers respond differently to this question. Some consider the gypsies as descendants not one, but many Indian nations. Others, such as, for example, E.Druts and A.Gessler, noted that the Gypsies are the descendants of the Indian caste "House", who left their homeland once. This caste and now exists in India, its representatives lead a semi-courtyard lifestyle, engaged in forging business and other crafts, as well as singing and dancing. Caste refers to the lower layers of Indian society. 8
N. Deeter, N. Bessons ... do not agree with this point of view and believe that the ancestors of Gypsies occupied the average position in the custom hierarchy. Exploring Gypsin's way, they concluded that the courts of Indian princes had a special social layer, whose representatives were entertained by their music and dances, and were engaged in the economy, they were engaged in crafts, which explains the Tsygan's craving for gold and decorations, nomadic image Life. 9
The path that gypsies passed is reconstructed by scientists today as follows: "They moved from India through the territory of modern Iran, Afghanistan and Armenia. Gypsies, who were mastered in Central Asia, Armenia, Persia, were the basis of the estate of this region existing to date (Mugat, Karachi, Bosha et al.). Further, the separation occurred, part of the Gypsy moved towards Palestine and Egypt, where it remained, the part went to the territory of Byzantium. " 10

From field observations
The question of the origin of Roma has always been the focus of the attention of our field research: that he remembers the people, as he explains its origin. It turned out that almost all in the Tabor know about India as the homeland of their distant ancestors. Some learned about this from magazines, popular science publications, others from their parents. Even Zambil Georgievna Kulai (1914), the oldest in Tabor, also told us that Gypsies came out of India. Someone accepts the fact of Indian Pranodina on faith, agreeing with the researchers; Someone knows about it, but does not believe, believing that the Motherland Gypsy is somewhere closer, for example, in Moldova.
Some seriously think about their roots and even put forward their versions of the words "Gypsies": "There is a Gang River in India, it is still called Ghana, so Gypsies there earlier at the river and lived. And then went, people from Ghana - Ghana. But not ghanam began to be called, but added the letter C and it turned out - Gypsies. "*

About the commonality with India resemble gypsies and Indian films: Gypsies understand some words. Someone expresses and more definitely: "Indian songs sing, we understand the first verse, and on the second buying we can already fake."
Preserved in Tabore and more ancient "their" legends and legends about the origin of the Gypsy people. Here are just some of them that we managed to write down.
About how different peoples appeared in the world, why they differ from each other, such a tradition is known: "There were no different nations on Earth. And the god of people in her garden Eden. And there were different trees, and pears, and plums, and apples. And each went to the tree that he liked. So there were different peoples who ate what fruit. Gypsy went and buried himself one plum. So our parents from plum went. She did not go, where the apples, where pears, but went, where plums, and went Tsygan. Tatars ate peas. When they rushed peas, they said: "God helps. How many peas grows, so much so that people were health. " Uzbek talked to oline, black, juicy. They are now black, such as Omlin their face. Russian apples ate. I went, sees a beautiful apple hanging on the branch, went and ate it. And, however, Russian apples love. And the Jews went there where pears. And pears, you know, they are so long like a nose. The nose and the long Jews like a pear. Romanians, they are beautiful, beautiful, they are, they like grapes beautiful. They have also had brights before. They drove and watch: this is an apple, it is a pear, it was held, and where the grapes stopped, they took themselves two or three twigs, they atheel, such a beautiful, pretty, pretty, more beautiful. And Bulgarians ate apricot, they are also beautiful. And Gypsy went to the plum. The first girl was, she was three or four years old, she ately ate, one, the other, third, so the Gypsies are so dark, like plum. So gypsies Moldovan and All-Union from plums went. "
The answer to the question of why Gypsies wander, why they have no land, we find in an old Gypsy legend: "There is a legend such that God did not give earth. God, when the land divided, forgot about Roma. And one Gypsy went to God with tears in his eyes and said: "Why did you, God, did you with me, you gave all the land, but I did not give me?" That God said to this: "I will give you the mind so that you lived with your mind, cunning. And so that it mines his piece of bread. And the whole world will be at your feet. And you will extract your piece of bread with your mind and cunning, you will survive everywhere where you do not come. "
Another Gypsy legend explains why the gypsies are allowed to deceive: "God allowed the gypsies to deceive. When Jesus Christ carried on crucifice, then Gypsy stole a nail, the last nail that the heart wanted to break. And Gypsy stole this nail. When asked him, he said, "she did not take it!" I took and swallowed this nail. And thus a little extended the life of Jesus Christ. He again said that you would live with my cunning. From this cunning appeared in Gypsy. There is such a legend that it was God who came up with us so that our people wondered, so we lived with their mind, with their cunning. " This legend in different versions is widespread not only among the Gypsies, but also from other nations.

Byzantine period

The appearance of Gypsies in Byzantium historians refer to the XII - XIII centuries. There is also an earlier date - XI century. In Byzantia, Tsygans were detained long enough before moving further - towards Eastern and Western Europe.
The Byzantine period of Gypsy history, as historians consider, was significant enough for the ethnic. Researchers of the Gypsy ethnic history argue that the formation of Gypsies as the people occurred in Byzantia, where they were about three hundred years, and ended to the beginning of the 20th century. 11 In the few preserved historical sources mentioning such occupations of Roma, like fortune-telling and training of animals (snake spell and driving bear), the manufacture of sings and sieves, blacksmithing. It was in Byzantia Tsygan who got acquainted with Christianity. In one of the sources of the XIV century. We read: "These people ... adhered to the rites of the Greek Orthodox Church." 12 Christianity became the main religion of most ethnographic groups of the Roma of West and Eastern Europe. Greek had a noticeable influence on Gypsy language: dozens of words were borrowed, some forms of word formation. From the Greek word "Antsianoń" there was a Russian name of the people - Gypsies. 13 The origin of the ethnonym Roma researchers also associate with the Byzantine period of Gypsy history. 14 Some giguns believe that the gadania of the gypsy was learned in Byzantia, where at that time the superstition was quite strong, faith in the possibility of predicting fate. 15
The beginning of the XV century The expansion of Muslims was marked, as a result, the territory of the empire began to decline, the number of the Gypsy population increased, which, apparently, served as the causes of the "Great Gypsy campaign" in Western Europe, which began in 1417.

From field observations
As Roma diverged around the world, it is quite difficult to submit. However, probably, in each Tabor, their legends have been preserved, in which the Gypsy story is revealed. There are those of the Perm Gypsy-Kelperarov. Here is one of them, told by the Granchio Dodovich Bezo (1941): "My grandfather had six brother. From one brother, Tabor is located in Russia, and the rest diverged worldwide in the times of revolution and before the war. Before the war, this case was, I heard from my father. A controversial question was released in the Tabor, they argued, maybe because of the daughter-in-law, they were knighted, petty things. And they decided to disperse, thought for a week, for a month, maybe for two weeks. And it turned out so that they were very far away. Some were in Russia, and others abroad. After the war, Hungarian Gypsies told us that our relatives went on a ship to America. But we didn't know anything about them. And only recently our gypsies from Penza went to Argentina. It so happened that Penza Gypsy (also Calperarai), the relatives live in Argentina. From Argentina in Penza Tsygan came, they said that our relatives live in Argentina. There my father is a cousin, his children live. We have a nickname in each device. We are the kind of Rouveon (from the Gypsy RuV - Wolf). Here is our kind in Perm Tabor and Argentina. "

History of Roma after the 20th century

Gypsy reset to Western Europe amounted to the basis of modern ethnographic groups of the Gypsy population (Kale, Travels, Sinti, Polish Roma), living in England, Germany, France, Poland and other countries. From the Western European branch leads its origin a special ethnographic group - Russian Roma.
However, not all Gypsies at the beginning of the XV century. Leave the territory of Byzantium. Significant part of them continued to live in the Greek regions, where the ethnographic groups of Arly, Rushelia, Fichira, Jambaza were subsequently developed. Many Gypsies was also in neighboring territories: in Serbia, Albania, Romanian and Hungarian lands. These Roma amounted to the basis of the Eastern European branch of the Gypsy people - the ethnographic groups of Sirva, Vustor, Ursara, the Crimea, Chishevians, Lovar, Calderara, and others. They performed with trained animals, conducted a half-blood lifestyle. There were among the Gypsies forge, Ludillers, Butchers, Malariers, Sappowders, Storam, Soft, Slorvers, Tailors. 16 Part of the Gypsy, being under the authority of the Ottoman Empire, adopted Islam.
It was a heavy situation of Roma in the Moldovan and Volosk Principles dependent on the Ottoman Empire. Here, from the XV century, Roma became the dependent population - slaves and serfs belonging to the boyar, monastery or state. According to the Moldavian Civil Code until the middle of the nineteenth century, the serfs were not allowed to marry free, they could marry only on the permission of the hosts, and could be sold. Only government serfs allowed to conduct a nomadic lifestyle. Since 1829, when Moldova and Valahia were under the jurisdiction of Russia, the gradual process of cancellation was abolished, which was finally enshrined in the Constitution of 1864. 17
Gypsies who lived in the territory of the Supplement Empire of the Habsburgs (Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia) were also tested by the local authorities who had an out of law. From the end of the 18th century, in the framework of the assimilation policy of the state, the Gypsies issued passports with new names, there were unsuccessful attempts to impose a settling lifestyle to the gypsies. However, Gypsies received civil rights and the opportunity to "grow" into society.
All these events led to the so-called "migration explosion", as a result of which the Gypsies of the Eastern European branch, primarily Caldarara in the Xih century. began to leave the formation area. Gypsy Calderarian Tabors appeared in Western Europe, Poland, Russia and other countries. 18

As a result of a complex ethnic history, various ethnographic groups of the Gypsy people were formed, each of which distinguishes a special dialect, religion, classes, their way of life (including food, utensils, dwelling), traditional costume, worldview. Many ethnocultural features of a ethnographic group are due to a factor in the interaction of Roma with the local population.

From field observations
When conducting polls, we were surprised how well Perm Gypsies are aware of other ethnographic groups of Roma. We were told about the differences in the language, life, classes, "laws". The Perm Moldavian Gypsies knows such ethnographic groups as Russian Roma Laiti (so Moldovan Roma called Russian Gypsies), the Crimea (Crimean Gypsies), Lovari, Vurahuri, Sirva, Sirva, that is, almost all groups that inhabit Russia.
Moldovan Roma and believe that in their language of Russian gypsies a lot of words borrowed from the Russian language differs from the dialect of Moldovan Gypsies and the pronunciation of individual sounds and words. It is also noted that the Laiti in Russia is more and resettled they are almost all over the country: "In any area you can meet Russian gypsies, let them eat a little, but there are two or three families, even in the extreme north." Unlike Russian and Moldovan Gypsies, the Crimea profess Islam, so their life is noticeably different from the life of the Gypsies of Russian and Moldavian. Moldovan Gypsies note that the Russian gypsies have less preserved the old traditions. For example, women have long abandoned the traditional costume, go in dresses. Crimean Gypsies, on the contrary, strictly adhere to the old "laws".

Gypsies in Russia and in Kama

The ethnographic groups of Gypsies in different ways and at different times penetrated the territory of Russia. The question of the time of the appearance of Gypsies in Russia has always caused difficulties from researchers. The borders of the Russian state in different periods of his history changed. Often, Tsygans already lived on the attached territories, settled there before they were part of the Russian Empire.
Today, it is possible to meet Gypsy in Russia not only from the largest ethnographic groups - Russian Roma (self-confusion - Roma Roma) and Calderara (Kotlyrah), but also Gypsy, -Women from Central Asian districts and Transcaucasia, Ukrainian Gypsies (Sirva), Crimean Roma, Roma - Vlakhov, Lovari, Chishevians, etc. The history of the appearance in Russia of each ethnographic group has its own characteristics, the study of which would be a subject of a separate study. We will dwell only on those historical events that have led Russian Roma ethnographic groups to Russia, Crimean Roma and Kelperara.
Russian Roma Roma is one of the ethnographic groups of the Roma of the Western European branch. In Russia, they came in the late XVII century. In one of the sources of that time, you can read: "Gypsies are people in Poland, and Aidosh from the German ...". 19 So marked the path to which the Gypsies came to Russia. The places of their former stay says the many German and Polish words found in the Russian Gypsy language. Already in Russia, a special ethnographic group has been formed from the sucked Gypsies - Russian Roma. This is one of the largest ethnographic groups of Roma Russia. However, they are not homogeneous, and consist of several regional subgroups: Siberians, Smolensk Roma ... and others. In Russia, the Russians gypsies conducted a half-water lifestyle. In summer, they made moving, nomaded, and for the winter they stayed in Russian villages, where they were filmed. Russian gypsies for religion Orthodox. Traditional classes - Trade and Mena Horses, begging, fortune telling, concoction. It is Russian Roma at the beginning of the nineteenth century in Moscow at the beginning of the Gypsy choirs, so popular in Russia.
Crimean Roma (Kyrymika Roma) received their name from the place of residence - the Crimea, where they moved from the Balkans. Scientists believe that in the past, Crimean Roma were Christians, but most likely already in the Balkans, they accepted Islam. The inocultural environment affected the culture of Crimean Gypsies, they freely own the Tatar language, many borrowed Tatar words are also noted in their language. Traditional occupations of the Roma of this group became a blacksmith and jewelry. There were also musicians among them, cabins, horses traders. Along with gdeania, women were engaged in trading with cosmetics. As part of the Russian Empire, Crimean Roma turned out to be with the time of the joining of the Crimea. 20
The Roma of the Third Ethnographic Group - Calderara appeared in Russia only in Xih. century. The area of \u200b\u200btheir formation and accommodation until the middle of the nineteenth century, as we noted were Romanian lands. The first Calderarian tabs penetrated Russia in the 70s. The nineteenth century from Moldova, where a lot of gypsies this group lived. A particularly powerful wave of their relocation fell on the line of the end of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century.
Among the Perm Gypsies, this group also preserved a lot of legends about the time of resettlement of one or another Tab to Russia. According to the stories of the oldest resident of the Gypsy Tabor, Zamfila Georgievna Kulai (1914.00), from Moldova, the Tabor of her father came to Russia in 1923. Granchio Dodovich Buzu (1941) recalls, with the words of parents, that one of the types of genus Rouvoni came to Russia from Moldova in the 1930s and for a long time, nomaded on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Western Russia.
The traditional occupation of men had a craft - the manufacture and tinning of the boilers, in women - fortune-telling. Today, Tsygan-Calderari live in many cities and regions of Russia: Leningrad, Tula, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Penza, Kazan, etc.

An important and extremely difficult stage in the history of Roma Russia was the Soviet period. On the one hand, the government is still at the pre-war period of measures aimed at the socio-economic and cultural development of the Gypsy population of Russia. Decrees were adopted on the first empowerment of the Gypsies of the Earth, about the assistance in the transition to a settled lifestyle, on the creation of Gypsy artels. There was literature in the Gypsy language. However, by the end of the 1930s, all these undertakings were negated.
On the other hand, the traditional way of gypsy security was destroyed, many sources of Gypsy existence disappeared. Craft classes, trade, fortunate contradicted the "Soviet way of life". Ideological pressing and impoverishment of the population did not allow the gypsies to interact with the population as well as in pre-revolutionary Russia. The repression of the 1930s did not go around the Gypsy population, which was accused of espionage, hydration, counter-revolution. Crimean Gypsies divided the fate of the Crimean Tatars and were evaluated from the territory of traditional residence. 21
Despite the difficult situation, the Gypsies found their place in the Soviet society. Up until the 1970s, Gypsy craft and trade continued to be in demand in the Soviet Union against the background of the deficit of goods of public consumption.
Especially significant for nomadic Gypsies Russia was the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 685 dated October 20, 1956 "On the Attachment to the Labery of the Gypsies engaged in vagrancy." It envisaged severe punishment, up to imprisonment for 5 years, for the nomadic lifestyle of the Gypsy population. As a result, almost all groups of Roma moved to a settling lifestyle. 22 Features of the history of Gypsies in the Soviet period is easy to see on the example of the Gypsy Thaustor living in the Chapaevsky microdistrict.

When the first Gypsy Tabar appeared in Permi, unknown. Most likely, these were representatives of the Ethnographic Group "Russian Gypsies", which currently constitute the bulk of the Gypsy population of the Kama. The Permian land was the place of nomadic and other groups of Roma. The population census of 1890 was not recorded in the city not a single gygan. 23 A significant number of Gypsies in the city of Perm and the Perm region after the adoption of the mentioned Resolution of 1956 according to the 1989 census in Prikamye, 1492 Gypsies lived. However, the information obtained does not always reflect the true position. Thus, the Crimean Gypsies in the passport and other official documents can more often meet the record "Tatar", and not "Gypsy", and the Moldovan Roma, signing by Moldovans, Bessarabami, Romanians. With confidence it can be said that, in particular, in the census materials, under the gypsies of Kama region, apparently, only representatives of the ethnographic group of Russian Gypsies. Among the three ethnographic groups of Gypsy Kama region, only Russian Gypsies live in Perm, in the cities and regions of the region. Crimean and Moldovan Roma have diasporas only in Perm.
In the city of Perm traditional places of compact residence of the Gypsy population remains inland areas with wooden buildings. It is in such conditions that the gypsy life can be preserved. Russian Gypsies live on the Gaiva, South, Dam, Upper Courier and other areas of the city. Crimean Gypsies in Perm has only a few families. Moldovan Gypsies (Calderara / Kotlyrah) live in the Chapaevsky microdistricts and January.

From field observations
During our stay in the Gypsy Tabor, we met practically with all its inhabitants. Most often, as usual, we referred to Olders. Georgievna Kulai became the present discovery of the expedition, one of the oldest gypsies in Permi. We met with her during the second visit to the device, and since then came to her at each arrival. Zambil Georgievna was born in 1914 in Moldova, from where her parents' tabor moved to Russia in the 1920s. Today, many stories of Zambils Georgievna about nomadic life, family legends can be called Gypsy history.
Zambil Georgievna is one of the few residents of the Tabor who remember the nomadic on the Gypsy Britons. She is a wonderful connoisseur of Gypsy folklore. It was from her that we managed to record stories about how different peoples appeared on Earth, why it is snow and rain, as stains on the moon and many, many others appeared. Talking somehow an ancient legend about the appearance of spots on the moon, she brought us to the street. There was a deep evening, and in the sky there was a full moon. "See, on the moon stains? Here there is a shepherd with his sheep. Grandmother Zambil does not deceive. "
Not once heard from Zambila Georgievna and her children family legend about parents. Her father, George, in the 1930s was filmed in the film "Last Tabor". Malitsa played in the film "Tabor goes into the sky," in a small episode. Zambil Georgievna says that she looks at these films with trepidation, looks at his parents, remembers and crying: "I saw the movie" Last Tabor "? There, one old man had a bear. And it was my father with a bear. When this is the movie "Last Tabor", I cry. I look at my father with a bear, and I have tears flow. And the old woman, my mother, "Tabor goes to the sky" Cinema, she goes, guessing, says: "Hey, diamond, let us pay." I also cry when I see my mother. "

1. Tales and songs of the Gypsies of Russia. M., 1987. p.4.

2. Dr. E., Gessler A. Tsygan. M., 1990. C.11.

3. Tales and songs of the Gypsies of Russia. M., 1987. p.4.

4. Demmere N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsy: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. C.11-12; Nemtsov F. Tsygan. Nature and people. St. Petersburg., 1892. №27. P. 427.

5. Demmere N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsy: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. p.14.

6. Tales and songs of the Gypsies of Russia. M., 1987. S.5.

7. Ibid. P.5.

8. Drus E., Gessler A. Tsygan. M., 1990. p.14.

9. Demmere N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsy: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. p.12.

10. ibid. P.13.

11. Ibid. P.79.

12. ibid. P.17.

13. Druz E., Gessler A. Tsygan. M., 1990. p.16.

14. Demmere N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsies: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. p.17.

15. Druz E., Gessler A. Tsygan. M., 1990. p.18.

16. Demmere N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsy: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. p.43.

17. Ibid. P.44-48.

18. Ibid. P.52.

19. Drus E., Gessler A. Tsygan. M., 1990. p.24.

20. Demmere N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsy: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. P. 106-109.

21. Demmere N.G. Gypsies // Peoples of Russia. M., 1994. p.391; Demeter N., Bessonov N .. The story of Gypsy: a new look. Voronezh, 2000. C.196- 209.

22. Demmere N.G. Gypsies // Peoples of Russia. M., 1994. p.391.

23. Chagin G.N., Black A.V. Peoples of Prikamye: Essays of ethnocultural development in the XIX - XX centuries. P.36.