We make barometer ourselves. Several interesting ways

Barometer will not always succeed, so I want to offer a home barometer design, which will show atmospheric pressure with some accuracy.
Barometer (see Figure) consists of a bottle with transparent glass, glass tube and cork. A bottle of one third is filled with water, it is better to take outputed water, because the usual blooms in a year. Water can be slightly tinted. A hole is made in the traffic jam in which a glass tube is inserted. The connection site is embarrassed by plasticine. Now it remains to plug a bottle of cork. Barometer is ready. When atmospheric pressure begins to change, the water level in the tube will change. If air bubbles start out from the tube, then the pressure is very high, and this is a clear sustainable weather, at such a time there is a good cool. If the water begins to pour out through the top of the tube, the pressure is low, you can wait for a storm, and you should not go fishing.

The simplest barometer do it yourself

Such a barometer can be made of small tin oil with parallel sides.

Take a tube that would tightly covered the only hole of the future barometer. Before you put the plug into place, it is necessary to do the hole of this diameter in order to skip it through it the transparent straw tube for cocktails. However, it is better to apply a glass tube with an internal hole diameter of 1.5 - 2.0 mm.

Capacity on 2/3 is filled with tinted water, a tube with a plug is inserted into the hole, in the tube at the same time

Such a barometer fasten on a stand with a vertical ruler. From grading it can be removed from the present barometer.

Instead of a metal container, you can apply any small glass bottle. After filling in tinted water and installation of the tube with a tube, a little water in the tube. Since the housing of the barometer is hard, with an increase in pressure, the water level will decrease, with a decrease - increase.

Barometer from the burned light bulb

Take the disturbing electricallight bulband where the base of the threaded part begins, gently drill a small hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm. It should be done very carefully, otherwise the cylinder can crack or crash.
Here is the easiest way to drill glass. On the point where you outlined the hole, apply a drop of machine or sunflower oil. Take the abrasive powder from the medium-sized sandpaper and plug it into the oil drop so that the viscous paste is to be viscous. Then heal in the cartridge drove copper wire. The diameter should correspond to the size of the hole you want to drill. The base of the lamp neatly clamp in the vice. A glass flask wrap towel or cloth. You need to drill very carefully, applying minimal effort.

When the hole is drilled, fill the tap water into it, filling out the glass flask to half. Then add two or three drops of ink into it or a piece of chemical pencil stylus and mix. Barometer is ready.

It remains to wait until the inner wall of the flask is dry, and suspend the barometer between the window frames. Best of all from the northern side, where straight sun rays will not fall on it. If the windows come to the south, set at the top of the window. After a few hours you can take readings. Our barometer can predict the weather per day quite fully. Solid or partly cloudy expects us, or it will rain a small protracted short-term, maybe thunderstorm ...
True, you need to know some features to decipher the readings:

If the inner walls light bulbs covered with small drops of condensed water - tomorrow there will be a solid cloudiness, but without precipitation.

If the walls of the light bulbs were covered with drops of medium size, and the vertical dry bands were formed between them - partly cloudy.

Often, the gardener looks at the sky - will it rain or not? Water today or not? After all, to believe the forecasts given by the meteorological service - the point is ungrateful.

Therefore, I want to tell about the device very simple (but quite reliable!) Barometer, what our grandfathers were successfully used.

How to make a barometer do it yourself from a fir bump

Everyone knows that wood, leather and the like organic materials are sensitive to any changes to weather conditions. In wet air, for example, the skin becomes softer, and the details of the tree are increased in volume. As a result, in the rain, the flakes of the same pine cones are tightly pressed to each other, and in dry weather, on the contrary, they are revealed, why the bump becomes the brush. Such a behavior of cherry scraps noticed our ancestors, realizing that it was quite possible to predict the weather, that is, to use a bump as a barometer.

Make a similar barometer is quite simple. For its manufacture, you will need two planks (for base and racks). Skulls are connected to glue, strengthening small carnations (see Fig.). Next of thick paper prepares a scale, drawing on it divisions and drawing two simple icons: sun and cloud with rain. To the base attach a large pine conine.

Then, one of its flakes glue the dry epic with a paper arrow at the end.

Everything. A homemade barometer from the cone is ready

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In today's experiment, we will try to make a barometer from an ordinary glass bottle. Manuals on its production in large numbers are present on various sites (and the same type, that is, most likely, thoughtlessly copied by each other). For example:

Principle of operation of such a barometer Pretty simple: inside the bottle, air volume is preserved at a fixed pressure. Pill liquid plays the role of a movable piston between this amount of air and an external atmosphere. If the external (atmospheric) pressure will change, then the level of fluid in the tube will also move. So, when the pressure increases the level, the level of the column will be descended, with a decrease in pressure - climb.

Let's try to make a barometer. For this we will need: a glass bottle (0.5 liters), drinking straw, tape. With the help of the isol, we make a plug on the straw, which will be tightly in the neck of the bottle (you can take a regular cork, I did not have such at hand). After a liquid is poured into a bottle and straw is inserted, the inner volume of air must be sealing. You can do this, for example, the bay of the neck with glue "moment" (during its drying, do not allow temperature drops, otherwise the glue will swear with bubbles due to the outgoing air).

After everything is driving, the barometer is ready for work. Here we find an unpleasant feature: it has a high sensitivity, not only for pressure, but also to temperature. As a result, the air either enters into the bottle, or, on the contrary, the water is poured out. Thus, it is extremely difficult to use such a barometer in direct appointment.

In proof, we will conduct some calculations "on the fingers":

Atmospheric pressure varies by about 20 mm. RT. Post from normal. Thus, the relative pressure change:

delta_p / p \u003d 20/760 \u003d 0.0263

This change leads to the same relative change in the amount of air in the bottle. We assume that the bottle is filled with half, i.e. V \u003d 250 ml. Then

delta_V \u003d V * 0.0263 \u003d 6.58 ml \u003d 6580 mm 3

At the same time, the volume of the straw (diameter is 2 mm, length 20 cm \u003d 200 mm):

V Sol \u003d 3.14 * 1 * 200 \u003d 630 mm 3

It can be seen that the volume of the straw is not enough to accommodate the entire liquid that will climb or descend. The same problem is observed at a change in temperature. Even if the temperature changes only 5 degrees, the relative change will be:

delta_t / T \u003d 5/270 \u003d 0.019

what is comparable to the effect with a change in pressure.


It is necessary to keep such a barometer indoors with a constant temperature (you can in the refrigerator, but there is a glass of glass, and watch the fluid level is difficult).

It is necessary to use a larger diameter tube.

Subject to these conditions, you can count on the performance of this device.

The barometer is not everyone, and the weather forecast is helpful to know the dacket, and the tourist.
The simplest barometer is easy to make with their own hands from the Ochchchchchchchen of the remedies.

We are predicted by the weather spruce-fir bometters

Hunters Siberia, have long noticed that the branches of coniferous trees are descended before rain or snow and rise before clear weather. This ability is also preserved in dry fir branches, which allows the simplest, long working barometers.

Barometer from the fir branch and needle.Cut the branch with young fir or pine. Separate from it a length of 10 cm with a growing side of a thin needle. Now take a smooth plate or plywood size of 150x100 mm and approach it a harvested piece of fir so that the needle can move freely.
Barometer is ready. It should only be rewarded. Apply the device to a hot stove or stove - from the heat of the needle straightened and rises up.
Where she stops, risk. Then bring the device to the vapor flowing from the kettle nose. From the impact of moisture, the needle drops down. Here tick the second risk. Connect the risks of the arc and divide into several equal parts. It remains to make the appropriate inscriptions, as in the figure.
Barometer Install in a place protected from direct sunlight, and it will predict the weather to you.

Barometer from a fir branch.To make a barometer from the fir branch, it is necessary to take a 25-30-centimeter cut of a dry tree barrel along with a branch of 30-35 cm (the longer the bitch, the more sensitive will be a barometer), to clean it from the bark and attach the sawn part of the barrel to the ski. It can be hung on the wall or on the window frame.
The branch should be in such a state so that when lowering down its free end (before bad weather) and raise up (to clear weather), it moved parallel to the wall screen, not hurt it.
For convenience near the rings of the branch - "arrows" attached a plywood or metal scale with a division after 1 cm. After a while, when the branch starts to show its capabilities, it will be possible to apply "Clear", "Clear", "Rain" , as well as on the usual barometer.

Such homemade barometers can predict the weather by 12 hours ahead.

If you want to know in advance about the change of weather, you can make a barometer with your own hands. This device shows atmospheric pressure changes, which can be predicted with weather.

So, if the atmospheric pressure drops, then precipitation and weather will deteriorate, and vice versa, if the atmospheric pressure is growing, then we can talk about improving the weather. Of course, you can trust the summaries of the hydrometert center or watch the weather on the weather sites, but it is better to have a similar device in the house and focus on its testimony.

Barometers produce and sell different species, but to make a device that reacts to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure is possible at home.

These interesting "things" will help you to navigate the weather, and there are no compound technologies or materials for their manufacture. It turns out that some kind of barometer can be made even from fir branches.

Spruce barometer

Siberian hunters have long been known that the branches of coniferous trees have a property to descend before precipitation and be understood on the eve of solar clear weather. Even dry fir branches retain this feature, so natural barometers can be made from them, which will show changes in weather for 8-12 to change.

For the manufacture of such a barometer, a piece of dry small trees was needed (25-30 cm long) together with a branch of 30-35 cm long. The barrel with a branch is purified from the bark and attached to the planker, which is hanging on the wall. At the same time, the branch should be located so that when lowering the lifting of the free end of the branch, it moved parallel to the wall and did not hurt it. Raising the branch signals clear weather, and lowering - to bad weather.

You can even attach a metal or plywood scale with risks after 1 centimeter. After some time, you can already determine the possibilities of the branch and sign the indicators of "precipitation", "variable", "sunny"

Barometer from light bulb

For this, the barometer will need a blown incandescent bulb. At the beginning of the carving base, the hole is drilled with a diameter of 2-3 mm. It is necessary to drill neatly and with minimal effort so that the glass is not cracked. Through the resulting hole pour clean water to half the flasks. It is necessary to add 2-3 drops ink.

Next, they are waiting for the inner walls of the flasks, and the barometer light bulb between the window frames of the window is suspended, preferably from the north side. If the windows are located on the south side, the light bulb must be suspended at the top of the window. After a few hours you can take readings.

  • If the inner walls were covered with small droplets of condensate, then there will be cloudy weather without precipitation.
  • When droplets of the average size, between which dry vertical stripes were formed, partly cloudy are expected.
  • Large drops near the surface of the water in the light bulb and the dry neck suggest that the sediments will pass the side.
  • Water drops on the north side of the flask talking about the rain the next day in the second half.
  • If the light bulb is covered with large droplets of condensate, then short-term rains will be. And if the drops are enlarged and flow down, then most likely there will be a thunderstorm.
  • If the walls of the light bulb is completely dry, there will be good weather

You can use such a barometer in spring, summer and autumn at a temperature above zero.

Barometer from fir

Cut a fir twig with a length of 10-12 cm. Impotes are removed from it, except one. The twig is attached to the skip so that the firing needle can freely descend and rise.

A plate with a branch and needle should be laced to the oven so that moisture evaporated from it. In this case, the needle rises the top and it will be necessary to make the mark "sunny" with the number 1. Then you need to bring the device to a pair, and when the needle go down, then the figure 10 is noted and write "rain". There are risks for ten divisions between these marks.

The homemade barometer needs to be located in the shaded place, away from direct sunlight. Such a device can be built during the campaign and in advance to learn about changes in weather, focusing on the position of a small fir needle.

Firing baryometer

Even a barometer can be made from a fir cone. This device can predict the weather changes for several hours. For the manufacture of such a self-made barometer, DV is needed wooden flat planks and a dry pine cone.

Two elements are cut out of the skulls: the square of the base with a side of 70 mm and the sidewall with dimensions of 70x150 mm. The ends of the billets are treated with a large file and cleaned the surface of the sheets with grinding paper. Connect the elements with glue and fasten with small cloves as shown in the figure. From cardboard or tight paper, the scale of fission and the designations of solar and rainy weather is cut out. The sidewall is fixed to the base a large dry fir bump. To one of its scales, the dry straw with a paper arrow on the end is glued below.

The device will work, based on the fact that flakes of fir cones are pressed tightly to each other during wet air and, on the contrary, they are revealed in dry weather. The homemade barometer must be put on the balcony or outside the window, and it will be easy to determine if there is a precipitation or solar cleaner today.

Barometer from bottle

For such a homemade device, you will need a transparent bottle, glass tube and plug. The bottle is filled with distilled water by a third. For better visibility, water can be squeezed, and they use distilled water due to the fact that the usual can deteriorate after some time. A hole is cut into the plug into which the glass tube is inserted. The hole around the tube is lubricated with plasticine or sealant. A tube with a tube is plugged, and the self-made barometer is ready. When the atmospheric pressure changes will change the water level in the tube. When air bubbles start out from the tube, it will mean that atmospheric pressure is high and the weather will be clear. If water is poured through the upper end of the tube, then the pressure is low and the weather will be rainy.

Homemade Hydromete Center

The homemade hydrometeorological center can be done using two thermometers. One of them is winding with a wet cotton or cloth and falls into a jar with water. It is necessary to ensure that it is constantly wet. According to the table below, the testimony of both thermometers compares and determine the weather.