Economy sauna in the country. DANGE BATH DIY DIY PARGET BAN

A small bath with your own hands is an excellent option when the territory near the house or in the courtyard of giving is limited. In addition, with such a decision you can significantly save the budget, but as a result, get a full-fledged place of rest, which will not only make it possible to remove stress after a hard day, but to improve your health and have a nice time with family and friends.

Examples of projects

In the perfect version of the bath includes 4 rooms in its design:

  • pre-banker;
  • restroom;
  • washer;

You can expand the functionality of some rooms by combining them with each other. It does not lose comfort from stay. The total structure of the structure will largely depend on how many people will be at the same time being inside.

  • 1.20 m × 2.50 m. Very compact solution. In this case, the bath consists of only two rooms: a steam room and a pre-banker. The sizes of the first are 1.20 m × 1.50 m, the second one - 1 m × 1.20 m. The rest room is not provided, and in the pre-tribades it can be calmly change clothes. Washing can be combined with a parillery. Such dimensions will be enough for one person.
  • 2.50 m × 2.50 m. By the number of rooms - as the first option. The size of the steam room is 2.50 m × 1.50 m, the pre-banker 1 m × 2.50 m. It will be possible to organize an additional place to store firewood. In such conditions, two people quietly fit.
  • 3 m × 3 m. This option can be planned differently. If there is a desire so that three people be placed in the steam, then it can be made of 3 m × 1.50 m in size, can be made separately, putting a shower cabin there. The size of this room will be 1 m × 1.50 m. There is also a pre-banker 2 m × 1.5 m. You can combine the washing and steam room, then the space remains that you can use under the recreation room, which will also serve as a pre-banker.
  • 4 m × 3 m. In this case, it can be separated for a steam 4 m 2 (for example, 2 m × 2 m). The washing will take 1 m × 1.50 m, 2 m × 3 m remains for the rest room. In such conditions, four people can safely fit. They can simultaneously be in the steam room, as well as enjoy communication in the pre-tribbon.
  • 4 m × 4 m. On this territory you can already turn around well. The steam room can be left the size of 2 m × 2 m. A separate prebator is to make a size of 2 m × 1.50 m. The rest room in this case is obtained 4 m × 2 m (one of the sides will be 2.50 m). Washing can be combined with a rest room, for this, an electric boiler is installed and a shower cabin. They can be placed in one of the corners of the room, which will not take much space.

These are indicative examples. You can easily vary the size of the room in the available limits. You may want to reduce the steam room, because It is not necessary that there are 4 people at the same time. At the same time, it will be possible to expand the space of the rest room.

Note! All measurements are given in perfect values \u200b\u200bwithout taking into account the thickness of the redesign. Made it for greater clarity. In the case when the bath will be adjacent to the house, then it can be made in the form of one room of the steam. At the same time, a bathroom will perform in the role of the washer, and the rest of the territory is available for recreation.

We choose the material

To build walls, you can use a different material. Much will depend on what project you have chosen, as well as from the planned amount of money. For example, you can use ordinary brick. How to build a brick bath, you can read. At the same time, the following points will be positive:

  • availability;
  • simplicity delivery;
  • relative simplicity of construction;
  • long service life (with proper care - up to 150 years);
  • simplicity;
  • the possibility of combining with the main structure;
  • when using a new brick, there is no need for facing;
  • freedom choice of form of construction.

To the negative parties can be attributed:

  • high cost of material;
  • the need for good ventilation, because Brick has bad steam water;
  • machine such a bath takes longer than the construction of wood;
  • big expenses for internal finish.

Along with the brick, foam block is often used. This is more progressive material it has characteristic only for it properties:

  • low weight with a large size;
  • high laying speed;
  • simplicity fitting block forms;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • relatively low price;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • subject to recommendations - a small consumption of glue.

There is also its own spoon

  • unequal pores can be a problem when hanging furniture;
  • for several months, shrinkage may occur;
  • bad bending resistance.

The most favorite way of manufacture is a pinned log. We can say a lot about his advantages, just some:

  • high environmental friendliness;
  • nice appearance;
  • low heat capacity;
  • no need for internal and external finishes;
  • pleasant inner atmosphere.

The negative side is:

  • unprofitable to use in small buildings;
  • some complexity of the construction;
  • high cost of material;
  • great shrinkage time.

One of the cheapest and rapid options is the construction of a frame design. For this method, minimal construction skills will be needed. The advantages are:

  • lack of need for a massive foundation;
  • availability of materials;
  • relatively low cost compared to other options;
  • ease of care;
  • very fast warming up the steam room with good insulation;
  • simplicity of commissioning of communications;
  • seismic resistance;
  • no shrinkage.

Of the minuses, you can note the need for a good sound insulation. High level of humidity - transmission of various vibrations, which can cause inconvenience. It is also important to take care of good ventilation so that the moisture is not accumulated inside, which will lead to the development of fungus and mold.

Ribbon foundation

In the case when a small bath is really planned, it makes no sense to draw the foundation for the level of ground freezing. It will only increase the total cost of the project. With competent manufacture and waterproofing, you do not have to worry about the fact that the walls will be cold. This type of foundation will be relevant for any of the listed buildings.

At the layout stage, the foundation provides a supply of necessary communications. It can be a water supply and sewer plums for water from a washing.

Note! If it is known that in your area the soils have high mobility, then the unlucky foundation will be a bad option, because it can easily collapse under the pressure of the layers. In this case, it is better to estimate the possibility of installing piles.

Pile Fundam

There are several ways to build the foundation. Piles can be burbot and scoring. In the first case, the well is clogged, formwork is made, rods are lowered for reinforcement and all space is filled with concrete. In the second embodiment, ready-made concrete, wooden or metal columns with a pointed end are clogged. The most suitable options for a small bath will be screw. They consist of a metal base in the form of a pipe and blades that contribute to the immersion of supports in the ground. They can be purchased or making themselves. If you have chosen the second option, then you need to act like this:

In each of the described options, separate support elements for the stove should also be provided, especially if you plan to use the heater. This is very important, because its weight can be large, which can lead to damage to the floor and lag.

Note! Such a foundation will be an ideal solution for frame structures, log builds, as well as small boxes from foam block. If the ground is in the area where construction is planned quite durable and stony, then you can apply something between the pile and tape foundation - the column. In this case, individual pits with a size of 50 × 50 cm are digging through each meter at a level below the fruit of the soil. The formwork is installed inside, the metallic shap and the solution is poured.

Erecting brick walls

For the bath, it is better to use a red brick that has passed heat treatment and has a smaller thermal capacity. To calculate the amount of the required material, you need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach wall. For this width multiplied by length. Then it is necessary to divide this number to the area of \u200b\u200bone brick. The area of \u200b\u200bmasonry seams can be neglected, because Anyway, you will need to make a stock in case of a fight or marriage.

The wall can be erected using several ways:

  • two bricks with outdoor insulation.
  • with air gaps, they make up about 6 cm;
  • with a layer of insulation between two rows of bricks.

Works begin with the construction of corners. This is an important process, because They will subsequently provide the correctness of the whole design. To observe the vertical level of future walls, in the corners there are two metal profiles of 5 × 5 cm and a length of equal to the height of future walls. They are exhibited by level and fixed by dosy. Between them stretches the line to the height of one row. After it is laid, the fishing line is rearranged at the next height. The seam thickness should be about 20-25 mm. It is necessary to apply it for a distance of no more than meter so that he does not have time to dry. Additionally, the plane is checked with a bubble level. In the event that the second and third type of masonry is selected, then you need to deliver a dressing between the two walls. This is ensured by the transverse laying of two bricks opposite each other after certain intervals. Also, each row should go with the displacement of the Polkirpich to ensure the overall weaving of the entire plane.

Over the windows or doorways it is necessary to install a jumper. Usually it is reinforced concrete. You can purchase it already ready or pour it directly in place. It should go for the openings at least 25 cm. The backups are installed, the wooden board is mounted on them. Two rows of bricks are laid out on the edge. Between them there are reinforcement rods, which should also go beyond the opening of a 25 cm opening, while it is better to get it up to intertwine with existing masonry. Concrete poured inside. After full frost (usually 10-12 days), the lower stands can be dismantled and removed the logs.

Walls from foam blocks

The general principle of laying will be the same as in the previous case. Starting also follows from the corners that should be accurately and clearly exhibited.

In the same way, guides from the profiled tube are performed. But there are nuances:

  • In order to achieve the best clutch, the base row is laid on the cement solution. Sand ratio is better to do 1: 3. It is very important to withstand the horizontal plane so that all other rows also lay down correctly.
  • All other rows are fixed on special glue.
  • The thickness of the glue layer should not exceed 5 mm. Only in this case will be able to achieve perfect thermal insulation.
  • After every 3 rows, a metal grid is placed in the seam, which serves to give additional stiffness.
  • Foam blocks are put on the edge.
  • Jumpers above doors and windows are performed in the same way as in the case of brickwork.

Walls from Srub

This option pops up in the imagination when it comes to the bath. For its manufacture, you will need to be riddled with a pinned or profiled log. From this material it is better to make an outer wall. Because The design is small, it is good if the rearrangements are frame.

After the construction of the walls is completed, the primary cacopat is produced. In the process of which the hanging insulation is simply clogged into the joints. Full shrinkage of the building can last more than 1.5 years.

Frame walls

After the construction of the foundation for such a design, an additional basis is made. It is performed according to the example of the framework, which was mentioned above. For corner racks, we will need exactly the same timber as for the foundation. In addition, it will be necessary to stock up the cutting board with a length of equal to the height of future walls, the width of the width and a thickness of 5-10 cm.

Crossing the roof

For small buildings, an ideal solution will be a single roof. It is necessary to plan its manufacture at the design stage. It is very important that it was the possibility of one wall to raise above another. When it is done, then in the case of a wall of brick and foam block to the upper end, waterproofing from a biket or rubberoid is stacked. Additional beams are mounted on it, which I will serve as Mauerlat. They are attached to the base with the help of anchor bolts or closed studs. From above stacked the beams to which the lamp will be cut. To Mauerlat, they can be fixed using metal corners.

In another embodiment, the walls are made the same. Ceiling beams are stacked at Mauerlat. On one of the sides, vertical boards are installed, which will form the fronton, the rafting legs are lowered onto another wall. In the place of the adjoining to Mauerlat, they are cut under the desired angle. Fixed with metal corners. To make it easier to withstand the roof in the same plane, two extreme elements are first installed. Between them stretches the twine, which will serve as the level.

The ceiling is necessarily insulating. Top on the ceiling crossbars fasten the parobarar. In this role can be dense foil. In the space between the beams, the insulation is laid in the form of mineral wool. Additionally, it is closed with a plastic film. From the inside, a liner is made using wooden lining or grinding edged board. Read more about warming ceiling in the bath.

Note! For the house from the bar when attaching the rafter feet to Mauerlat, it is better to use floating corners. It is necessary that during the shrinkage did not break the roof.

Finish straight

An integral component of each bath is a furnace. It can be made independently made of sheet material or metal pipe of large diameter. In another embodiment, it is laid out of the brick, but in this case it can occupy a large space. For a small space, it is better to use electrical options that are purchased ready.

The shelves are mounted inside the steam. It is better not to use coniferous wood wood, because When heated, it can highlight the resin, which will result in burns. A good material for her will be aspen, larch, linden or oak. With a small space, there will be a width of 40 cm, more convenient when there is a stand under the legs. The fastener must be flung flush so as not to burn the skin (it should also be made of stainless material). Better if the whole design is collected on the sewage.

For wiring, you must use a cable in a double braid. It is better if it is non-combustible (usually in the marking there is a prefix "NG"). Be sure to lay the conductor in the corrugation. In the steam room, switches are not mounted. Luminaires are used with IP68 index.

Take care of good ventilation. To do this, you can install an adjustable trim valve, as well as anemostats with an output to the fronton through the roof. It will be enough to ensure that after receiving steam baths, all the moisture was removed.

As you could see, there are no restrictions on what you can build a small bath. Choose the option that best suits you.


Frame shield with a porch

If you are a true Russian, in your dacha, except for various surplus buildings, there must be a sauna. About her healing meaning for the body and soul said quite a few. Fans of worship wishing to build such a construction from wooden elements on the site, our article is dedicated.

Features of the frame-shield bath in the country

In relation to other types of bath buildings, a panel structure has a number of benefits:
  • Relatively small labor intensity and high installation speed;
  • Economical construction;
  • Rapidize premises;
  • The lack of a long shrinkage of the construction in connection with its small weight;
  • Large range of material selection for outdoor and interior trim.
Its disadvantages include the absence of monolithic constructions due to the specifics of its assembly, the need for reinforced thermal insulation of bath structures and a relatively short life of its operation.

Choosing a Bani Bankers

Choosing a banner project in the country, it is necessary to take into account such factors:
  1. Room size. It depends on the number of visitors or family members who came to the procedures at the same time.
  2. Purpose of premises. A simple project can provide in the bath only three rooms - a steam room, a washing and pre-banner. If the future building has an extended purpose, then you can additionally plan the device of the attic, pool, living room or relaxation room.
From a variety of typical country bath projects that can be found on the Internet, choose one that is most suitable for your conditions. The finished project will contain working drawings on building structures, entry engineering communications and the specification of materials. At its foundation, the cost estimate is drawn up.

Foundation device for cottage frame-shield bath

The usual construction of a tape foundation for the building requires 1/3 of the total amount of financial costs for construction and the same amount of time. Due to the fact that our construction will be easy, the foundation can be performed on a simplified scheme, but a ribbon or pile design would lead to unreasonable rise in the cost of the entire construction. We will produce the supporting part of the frame from "bald" automotive tires filled with rubble. After the construction of the tires should be closed from the effects of sunlight. This will prevent their destruction.

Features of the construction of the foundation for the bath in the country:

  • After breaking the perimeter of our bath from its inner part, the vegetable layer of fertile soil is cut and gently moves to the garden. As a result of this procedure, there should be a mini-pittal of 3.5x5 m in a depth of 0.15 m.
  • Its bottom is compacted by rolling on it with a steel heavy barrel. Then the entire area must be filled with a chubble small fraction and also "drop". As a result, we got for a bath in the country a dense rubble pillow, which will further disinntly distribute the entire load from the structure.
  • In those places where the tires will be installed, you need to score one peg.
  • Then the tires are stacked throughout the plot with such a calculation so that the center of each of them coincides with the peg. The future foundation needs to be aligned in the horizontal plane. For this, a smooth board is 4 m long and a construction level.
  • After aligning all the tires inside each of them, the laying of any waterproofing material is stacked in order to avoid rubble rashes when working with tires. All tires are covered with rubble layers, with the murmur of each of them.
  • Failure must be stopped, not reaching the edge of the inner rim 5 cm. Rubble inside the tire is moisturized, and its entire inner cavity is poured with a cement mixture "Knauf" with the addition of filler. Thus, all lying tires must be filled in the very top of the same level.
  • After the polymerization of the concrete mixture, we obtain a durable layer in the rubber "formwork", transmitting the load on the rubble pillow. The rubber of tire sides serves as a compensator at periodic freezing and soil thawing.
As a result, with the device of such a foundation, we almost avoid earthworks and we have a small consumption of materials: car tires D \u003d 70 cm - 10 pcs., Crushed stone - 3 m 3, a mixture of KNAUF - 75 kg, rubberoid - 1 roll.

The base of the base of the framework is mounted on the supports of the tires.

Installation of floor-panel bath floor in the country

The floor in the bath is performed double:
  1. The lower gender consists of two parts with slopes of 2%, directed towards each other. This design is designed for water drain from a bath. As a material, 20 mm boards are used with a rubberoid thickness. It is attached to the ground with a stapler. Lugi are installed on the tires. There is a gap of 5 cm between the parts of the floor. To avoid the rubberoid sticking, 3 metal tubes are fitted into the slot. The gap of the floor serves as a kind of receiving tray for water, which, when entering from the floor, the rubble layer is broken down on the drops and enters the ground.
  2. The upper floor is the main one. It is made of a 50-millimeter boards treated with an antiseptic. Floor bias - 1%. Lags are installed in 1 m increments, and the boards are attached to them with screws whose heads need to be dried.
It is recommended to leave small gaps in the floor. It will contribute to the best drying of the boards and will ensure the trimming air for burning firewood in Kamenka. When using a bath on its floor, a special lattice is stacked.

Expansion frame for country bath

The frame is the basis of the construction of the bath in the country. It consists of upper and lower strapping, racks and crossbars. The billet of its elements with the corresponding sizes is performed before installation. When assembling, they are connected by metal corners, screws and with supports.

The bar with a cross section of 100x100 mm is used for lower strapping. The connection of its elements is performed by a "quarter". Stepping screws fix all the joints. Mounting the bottom strapping to the foundation from the tires is not necessary, and the insulating gasket between them will be required. It is made of two layers of rubberoid. The entire strapping bar is processed by an antiseptic.

For frame racks, a board is used with a cross section of 100x50 mm. It is inserted into metal supports that are pre-mounted with screws to the lower cutting of the frame. Screwing heads must be turnkey. Installation of frame racks starts with angle. The angular rack after it is mounted on the plumb and the level is fixed by the disconse.

After this procedure, the second angular rack is established similarly. Both stands are associated with one board, which serves as a guide for mounting intermediate vertical elements. Corner racks are recommended from two boards. This will increase the carcass strength and create convenience for its subsequent finish.

Intermediate racks after checking their verticality are connected by crossbars in their upper and middle part. Since the size of the insulation plates for the bath is 100x60 cm, the racks must be installed in 65 cm increments. Upper crossbar is installed at a meter distance from the middle element. This method of mounting the frame will provide dense styling of the insulation without trimming.

The window can be installed on two transverse crossbars fixed on the racks. Installation of racks at the inlet to the bath is performed taking into account the size of the door frame.

The upper strapping is performed from 100x50 mm boards after control of wall diagonals. Corner joints are made by trimming the strapping boards under 45 degrees. Their immobility is provided by the lining of M-shaped plates. Fastening the strapping to the upper crossages is made by screws. The appointment of the upper strapping is the distribution of the load from the roof and the ceiling of the bath between the frame racks.

Completes its construction installation ceiling beams. They are necessary for assembling the roof and ceiling device. The beams are made of 100x50 mm boards installed on the edge, and recorded above the racks with metal corners. A bit of 50x50 mm is added to the end of each beam for fastening on the cladding ceiling.

Without ceiling and walls, the finished frame may seem not hard enough, but this is normal. The upholstery of the boards of its walls and the ceiling will give the entire design of multiple bonds, the shield bath will become massive and durable.

Assembling walls for a bath at the cottage in the framework technology

After mounting the frame you can collect walls. Its internal space is filled with heat insulating plates. For this purpose, it is better to take products made of stone wool, such as Rockwool, which are easily cut with a knife, are convenient when installing, do not absorb moisture and do not burn. Unlike glass gamble, with such plates you can work without gloves and respirator.

The procedure for creating walls for a frame bath looks like this:

  1. To protect the walls from purge, the outer side of the slabs is closed with a windproof membrane of isospan. On the inner side of the insulation for its protection against moisture and decrease in heat losses, it is possible to establish effective insulation of foamfol. It is made of foamed polyethylene and on one side is covered with aluminum foil.
  2. The Izospan membrane is stretched and fastened on the racks stapler. Their height is larger than the width of the isolation web. Therefore, the lower membrane is first fixed, and then the upper mustache. It is necessary to ensure that moisture drops do not fall into the trim.
  3. For the full protection of the walls of the bath from wind and moisture, it is necessary to exclude the contact of the membrane with the outerboats of the wall and insulation. Therefore, a narrow lining is hampered in the height of each rack to isolation, and then the outer lining of the walls of the boards of T. 20 mm is performed. Boards for racks are attached nails.
At this stage, the assembly of the walls can be suspended due to the proper manufacture of adjoins and perform the ceiling device. He will be told in the next section of the article. The finished ceiling should be covered with the outer side by cellophan and return to the wall mounting.

Further work is conducted inside the bath:
  • Building with their own hands Bani in the country includes high-quality internal isolation of the frame. The thermal insulation material is placed in its prepared cells. The penofole membrane is fixed on the racks failed in the bathroom. Sealing of insulation joints is performed by adhesive foil ribbon. To reflect the heat inside the placement of the metal side of the insulation, an air gap is required. It is provided in the same way as when mounting the membrane isoPan.
  • After mounting isolation, you can sow wall with lining. It is fixed with self-drawing at the ends and finish nails in the rest of the plots. Lining can be placed horizontally. This visually extends the room and reduce waste during its packing.
  • The partition between the pre-banker and the parille is not difficult to do. To do this, the floor, walls and ceiling along the contour of the room attaches a sequence of 50x50 mm. On the side of the steam room, the wall is mounted from an OSP plate, carved according to the appropriate sizes. It is fixed horizontally two bars to support the insulation and one vertically, covering the end, designed to adjoin the doorway of the entrance to the steam room. The insulation is then laid in the partition, and its side facing the pre-banker is truncated. After that, you can install the door.
  • To protect the partition and walls from the heat of the furnace there is a good solution. These designs are supplied with chapellers for mounting drywall, which are attached vertically from the ceiling to the floor. Two sheets of galvanized metal are fixed to the chambers with the help of selflessness, leaving 7 cm of the gap from below and on top. From the wall to leaf distance - 45 mm. The sharp edges of the chapellor, leaving the wall, heat it during the work of the steam room will not be able to. As a result of this process, we obtain an angle of metal as a heat transfer screen. Between the heated sheets and walls there is an air convection. Hot air rushes under the ceiling, and below is replaced cold.

Construction ceiling and roofs for frame-shield bath

The flue of the chimney through the ceiling can be performed in this way. In the heat-resistant panel or metal sheet, a square hole is cut into a metal box for a chimney. The height of the box should be greater than the height of the overlap. When installing the pipe, the passage space is filled with basalt fiber. The passage of the chimney arranged in this way is safe in the fireplace, since it does not have a chimney touch with a wooden roof design.

On the rest of the ceiling surface on the ceiling beams, foil isolation is fixed, on top of which a wooden cladding is installed. The upper space between the ceiling beams is filled with insulation, covered with a waterproofing membrane and covered with boards t. 20 mm with mounting on nails to the lags of the ceiling.

The device of the roof of the frame-shield bath is practically no different from the installation of a similar design of a residential building. It includes: assembling the Mauerlat and the rafter system, the installation of the crate and laying the roofing material. Given the fact that our foundation does not differ in massiveness, the roof of the bath should not be severe. Therefore, instead of tiles for the coating, you can choose roofing iron or rolled materials.

Decoration of cottage frame-shield bath

Internal finish does not take a long time. The window is installed ready with double glazing. Previously need to be treated with an antiseptic. The entrance door can be installed metallic inexpensive - Chinese production. It will be completely ready for use and will not require coloring, fit locks, etc.

Outdoor wiring is performed in the bath. In the steam room, the cable hides in a metal sleeve. All outlets and switches are better to position in the pre-tribbon - it is safe.

For the outer decoration of the walls, you can apply the profiled metal flooring. The bath will look modern, and its special care does not require - wipe from dust, this is enough.

How to build a bath at the cottage - watch the video:

That's all simple science! Now you know how to build a bath at the cottage, and you can safely begin to implement your project. Good luck to you and light steam!

Summer garden sauna is a dream of any dac. Here you can perfectly relax after the working day in the garden, here you can collect friends, finally, here it is simply convenient to wash and produce hygienic procedures. To build a private bath, one desire is not enough: knowledge is needed, including quite specific, and we will talk about them.

What you need to know

Choosing a bath type

The most significant question, and a significant and financial, and in many other plans, is a question of choosing a type of construction. It is possible to place the equipment and the room in a wooden logger, a frame-shield building, a brick house, building from concrete blocks, etc.

Each type of structure requires a different approach, from the foundation to the method of insulation and vaporizolation, from fire-fighting measures to the choice of the furnace. As we understand, with the advent of new conditions or a change in older, the price of construction and the complexity of the work is inevitably changing, so it should be thought well here.

We will not try to impose your opinion in such serious matters, but if you consider examples of already constructed objects, you can pay attention to that one way or another two types of structures prevail - wooden and brick. Let's consider them in more detail and try to evaluate from the point of view of the feasibility of construction in the country area.

Type of constructions Dignity disadvantages Features
  • Brick construction is much more reliable and durable;
  • Brick is characterized by a higher fire safety;
  • Brick walls perfectly retain heat;
  • The durability of the construction may exceed a hundred years
  • It is necessary more time, and, consequently, firewood for heating a brick room due to the high heat capacity of the material;
  • After a long absence in a non-exploited bathroom, unpleasant dampness and cold arises from the brick;
  • Construction of a brick structure will require high costs, big terms and great efforts.
From the inside the room can be separated by wooden clapboard, such an entourage will be indistinguishable from a wooden analogue
  • The tree, when heated, selects the essential oil and resins complex, which create a pleasant smell and unique atmosphere, and some breeds have a healing effect;
  • Wooden construction is more traditional and natural;
  • Placing from a bar warms up faster;
  • The tree preserves heat better;
  • The tree has better vapor permeability and creates a healthier balance between humidity and air saturation with oxygen;
  • With a tree easier and faster to work;
  • Less financial costs will be required.
  • Wood is susceptible to rotting and biological corrosion, so it is much stronger than moisture afraid and requires appropriate processing, which still cannot guarantee adequate durability;
  • Wood burns, and taking into account the chimney heating, this is a serious danger;
  • A large problem for an unprepared builder to pick up and select the material with the conditions of its operation
Requires experience with furnace equipment, as it represents a fire hazard

Among other things, you must consider different options from what position: what is your closer personally in the sense of your professional skills and experience?
After all, building a brick structure or analogue from a bar is very different things from the point of view of the technique of work performed and the toolkit used.

If we talk about brick, then there is no doubt everything is more complicated. Here we see the mass of "wet" and heavy work, the material is not so pliable, and in the case of an error simply burst, leaving through cracks on the walls. However, this does not mean that there is no need to have any skills to work with the tree.

The main idea is to choose such a construction technology, where the basic skills necessary for the development were the most personally understandable for you and are mastered as quickly and easily. It depends on the personal experience of each person, and it is impossible to speak with complete confidence of the superiority of some kind of one method.

But still, if you turn to practice, we will see that the same frame technology is easier to be mastered by amateur than capital stone construction. Therefore, if you do not at all have any experience in construction, consider this option, although the skeleton bath is a thing that is notable for non-standard moisture conditions and temperature modes.

In addition to the material and design type, you should select its size, configuration and layout. It will be a steam room with a pre-tribader or there will be a hozblock, swimming pool and other premises? This question should be answered immediately.

In our opinion, it is quite enough to have a minimum configuration for giving, that is, a steam room must be in the bath and dressing room.
All other needs can be satisfied in the house or utility premises on the site.

Bath Selection

In the photo - traditionally located at the water branch of the steam room.

Another important question that needs to be solved in advance is the choice of the location of the construction on the site, taking into account all its features and your personal preferences. However, you will have to choose between "I can" and "I want", so our recommendations are idealistic, and in practice some "golden middle" should be chosen.

An ideal place is considered an elevation near the reservoir. It can be the high bank of the river or pond, as well as the natural elevation of the relief next to the artificial lake or pool.

You should not build a pair at a low shore due to the too high level of groundwater and the risk of flood floods.

The elevation will make it possible to simplify the organization of the drainage-sewer system due to the natural slope, but it should be remembered that the objects on the rise are visible from afar. If you do not want too often to demonstrate the neighbors and random passell the details of your intimate side of life, it is advisable to think over a live fence or find a quiet place.

The steam room must be within direct visibility relative to the house, as this will provide an opportunity to follow the process of fireboxes and the behavior of children near the furnace during the forced ignios.

In general, such buildings are customary to put in the back of the site or at least in its depth. It is unacceptable when at the entrance to the territory of your estate the first thing is the bath, and not a house.

It is also undesirable to have a structure near general roads: breathe dust and exhaust gases during the rest is not good. In addition, you will not quite comfortably be on a universal ferris or within the auditors of foreign people.

Now let's talk about neighbors. If you want to stay with them in friendly relationships, but the place for the bath is chosen next to their site, ask their permission, more precisely, just discuss this issue with their participation. Of course, you are the owner of your territory and no one has the rights to indicate you, but if you take attention to people, it will make them kinder, and the attitude towards you will change for the better.

In addition to the moral and ethical and psychological moments, we will not forget that the pair smokes is an unsafe object, because the conversation with neighbors is inevitable. It is also important to remember that if the neighboring house and your steam room are near, you can deliver the inconvenience of the noise of fun and the smoke of the furnace.

It is advisable to have a bathroom with a leeward side relative to the prevailing wind so as not to smoke the area during the furnace firebox.
At the same time, smoke the neighbors - also not exit.

Some technical moments

At the stage of preparation and planning, you should solve several technical moments:

  • What kind of fuel will work oven? If it is gas or electricity, it should be found if the feed system is solved enough to increase consumption or power. If it is firewood - then it is necessary to highlight the place for the workpiece (cutting) and storage of firewood;
  • What technique will be attracted to work? If it is a heavy technique (excavator, crane, etc.), you should consider the routes of their movement on the site, otherwise the builders turn the whole garden to you, and the garden will not spare.
  • Are there any prohibiting rules adopted in your country cooperative or partnership regarding such objects? This can be found in the neighbors or administration;
  • How will land landscape change? The pair will have to build a track, bring the sewage and plumbing, and all these are earthworks that can be badly combined with existing ones.

Garden baths can be built with their own hands, but it is necessary to take into account all the risks and losses that will entail construction, and compare them with your capabilities and simple expediency.

Stages of construction

If you still decided to build, you will not prevent our instructions:

  1. We build a columnial or low-breeding ribbon foundation (depends on the soil and type of construction). To do this, we perform marking, earthworks, put the formwork and the reinforcement frame, concrete and wait for the ripening of concrete, performing measures to care for it;

  1. We make the bottom strapping of the foundation of the base of 150x150 mm, connecting it in Poledev and fixing to concrete anchors. Between concrete and wood laying 2 layers of rubberoid;

  1. I exhibit vertical frame racks from a bar of 150x150 mm in the corners, places of wall intersections and at the entrance door. The remaining racks put from a bar of 150x100 or 150x50 mm in increasing about 1.2 m. Align in terms of the level and fix temporary riglels;

  1. We make the top strapping with a rear of 150x150 mm all over the perimeter and between opposite racks. We connect to the Poledev, to the racks are dripping steel corners or wrinkle and nails;

  1. Construct a rafting system, crate and put roofing pie. The roof should be isolated from steam and moisture in accordance with the steam room (should be considered when choosing materials for insulation and finishing);

  1. We put lags of the floor from the board 150x50 mm, the empty space fill in a mineral bath layer 10 - 15 cm with reliable vapor and waterproofing. On top We lay the moisture-resistant Phaneur and make a screed, you can also sew a waterproof wood board;

  1. Walls are sewn outside the OSB-3 plywood for places with high humidity, labeled between the frame racks dense stone cotton wool, which is closed from the outside by windproof, and from the inside - waterproofing membrane for the bath. Then we sew walls from the inside with waterproof plywood or clapboard;

  1. Insert windows and doors, perform facade work. It is best to use ventilated systems such as wooden siding or blockchauses, you can also be lined with clapboard;

  1. Install the furnace equipment, we supply the water supply and sewage, we provide outflow of water from shower and steam room, make ventilation and chimney.

If you wish to spend a good time at the cottage, then you need a bath. A small sauna with his own hands, built on the site, will save money and money, and square meters, if you do not have a lot of free space for the construction of the bath. In this article, we will talk about how to design and how to build a small-sized bath itself.

Size of a small bath

Bath size should be determined depending on the number of people who will regularly visit it at one time. If your family consists of 2-4 people, then you can manage the budget option of this building. In this case, the length of the bath will be 6 m, the height is 2 m, and the width is 2.2 m. Inside there must be four separate rooms. Each of them will perform its function, and have certain dimensions. For example, each room will have some dimensions. The width of the bath is 2.2 m, and the length:

  • earbank 1300 mm;
  • restroom -2100 mm;
  • shower -1000 mm;
  • parium -1600 mm.

For wage and shower, it will be necessary to perform individual calculations on the area, because the shelves must be placed in the steam room, and in the shower - pallet.

A small bath must be built in the usual sequence. The rules of construction for its construction are no different from those for which the rest of the buildings are erected.

Construction of foundation

The construction of each building begins with the construction of the foundation. To determine which foundation is to lay as the base of the bath, first determine the quality of the soil to which it will fit. If the soil is solid enough and is dry dry, then you can build a simplified type foundation. To do this, put flat stones on the intended perimeter. Next, similar stones fill out the inner part of the foundation. The gaps should fill the clay and tamper. Top to put a layer of wood bars from a tree pre-treated with hot bitumen. You can, in fact, do not use clay. To do this, you can make a waterproofing layer, which will cover the stones.

As a rule, for the bath mainly choose a column foundation. For these purposes, you can use stone, ready-made concrete pipes, bricks, or asbestos pipes, the internal space of which is filled with concrete.

Another option is to install a bath on wooden, metal or concrete piles. However, with such a situation, it will be necessary to take care of the heat insulation of the floor.

Ribbon foundation is the most common and reliable. For its construction, you will need to roll out the trench and make a pillow from rubble and wet rammed sand. After it is necessary to make a mating of reinforcement and pour with concrete solution. Ruberoid can be used for the waterproofing layer.

If sand prevails, groundwater is very high, then the reinforced concrete structures of block type should be used to arrange the base of the bath. For the bag of mini-size, it will be enough to use ten such blocks, the dimensions of which are 20 × 20 × 40 cm.

After the foundation is ready, install the carcass of the bathhouse and take its walls, then partitions separating the pre-banker. Recreation room and shower should be insulated with a mixture of sawdust and clay. The insulation should be closed by polystyrene sheets, after which the walls should be listed with the clapboard. To prevent the penetration of rodents inside the bath, you can add broken glass to the ceramzite. Before laying the lining, it is necessary to carry out heat and vaporizolation, as well as insulate the walls of mineral wool. After that, shelter their clapboard.

Walls in the shower do from polystyrene or galvanized. These materials are more durable than wooden lining, they better tolerate temperature and moisture drops.

Feeding and draining water. How to do?

If you are equipping a bathhouse for giving, but you have no pressure water pipe, you can organize a samotane water supply. To do this, it is necessary to build a design that will consist of:

  • two galvanized tanks (50 l);
  • hose.

The tank with hot water in relation to the cold must be installed half the meter below. One end of the hose fasten the at the bottom of the tank with cold water, and the second connect to the top of the tank with hot water. Water circulation will be possible due to the temperature difference in the pipes. To organize water supply to shower, the tanks must be combined with a separate pipe. At the end of the pipe, a mixer is mandatory.

To organize the drain of water, the installation of sewage pipes is performed, which will divert the drain into the drain pit, duck up and equipped. For quick sampling, the pipe must be laid with a sufficient bias.

Installing the heating system

Water in the bath is heated due to the stove, which is in the steam room. In addition, a TEN can be used, which can be bought in a specialized store.

If you decide to heat the water with a stove, then install the U-shaped pipe in the hottest point of the furnace and wore the foundation of the chimney. Water supply must be on the housing, and the output is 5 cm above it.

If you decide to use a TEN to heat the water, then install it under cold water tank, connecting with stainless steel pipes and hoses.

Lighting and ventilation device

In a small bath, ventilation is placed simply. To do this, on the wall opposite to the input door, make a hole that will be easy to open and close the damper.

To organize lighting in a small bath, it will be enough to establish several halogen lamps having a heat-resistant case. To reduce voltage from 220 to 12 V, use a small transformer. Now your small sauna is ready!

Features of a single street mini bath

To assemble a bath for one person, you will need to purchase lightly insulated panels, which are a frame from BRUSEV, covered with thin boards. Standard frame size - 185 × 60 cm. This will require a timber, the cross section of which is 1-1.5 cm and 3 × 6 cm. To insulate the bath and provide vaporizolation, fill the panels with minvata or foam. On the inside, the material is trimmed with a special foil from aluminum and plastic film. As for the outside, it is covered with a pergamine or rubberoid. The panel can be sewn.

In one of the panels should make a door, measuring 160 × 60 cm. In it, set a small window, preferably with double glass. The bath must be hermetic, door constipation at the bottom and at the top provide it. At the bottom of one of the panels, on the side where the heating device will be installed, make a vent hole with a plug.

To build a single bath you need to assemble the design and most importantly - ensure its heat and waterproofing.

For the construction of the steam having an area of \u200b\u200b1.8 × 1.3 m, you will be enough 10 panels on the walls and 2 on the roof. Seams fill in Vatin and close their wooden planks on both sides. To protect the ceiling from atmospheric precipitation, cover it from the street with a triple layer Ruberoid. If you enjoy the bath in the warm season and only, then the floor is not worth the insulation. If it is planned for year-round use of the bath, pour the ribbon foundation and insulate it. To warm it up to 90 ° C, you can use an indoor electroflit that has a power of 3 kW. On the slab, install a metal bucket with stones and turn it on for several hours. Then proceed to bath procedures.

Little bath indoor

You can equip a small steam room in the house, for example, in the bathroom. It is possible to implement this two methods. In the first case, you will need to install a removable shelf on two bars. From the floor height should be no more than one meter. Bruks are fixed to the wall of reliable anchors. Over the bathroom, the height of the shelf must be within 400-600 mm.

To climb the shelf, you will need to make several steps or stairs, using rubber spyers. The staircase tie to the shelf by the twine. The width of the shelf must be 600 mm. It is heated by such an electric stilt steam. It can be installed on a special stand, for example, above the washbasin. As a heater, use a pelvic or a bucket of metal, which should be filled with stones and installed on the stove.

In another embodiment, make a sedent steam on the bath. It will be closed with removable wooden shields. The shelves will be used as a seat, and you can rely on the durable shields. In order for the room reminding you with a bath, walls and ceiling over the bathroom, we cover the wallpaper or install removable shields. They can be installed and removed without much effort. Heating is performed by an electric stove with a cut-off with hot stones.

Choose your Little Bath version, pay your actions and proceed!


Bath minimum dimensions built in full size 2 part \\ sauna small


Who did not dream to build a real bath on your summer cottage? But sometimes it is so small that a full-fledged bath structure is simply not "squeezed." In this case, a mini-bath can be excellent out of the situation. In terms of comfort and functionality, it practically does not differ from the banal of standard sizes, and the time, forces and means to build a similar structure will be much smaller. In addition, a small bath is quite realistic to make it yourself. This will be discussed further.

Features of the design of the internal space bath

When creating any project, the first thing is to choose a suitable material for the construction of the structure. And the bath in this question is no exception. So, when building a bath construction, builders use mainly materials such as foam block, brick, timber or solid log. Professionals recommend preference to give natural materials - wood. But this is no longer a matter of taste, but financial opportunities.

When designing a small bath area, you need to adhere to the same technologies as when planning the battery of standard sizes. But in our case, it is still important to take into account some moments:

  1. To build a small bath, a powerful complex foundation is absolutely not required, since we are talking about low loads. Therefore, in order to facilitate the process of earthworks and reduce the consumption of funds, it is quite possible to do with tape / support-pile.
  2. The location of the functional zones should be approached very seriously, because in a small design area, all flaws and imperfect layout will immediately be noticeable and certainly causes inconvenience.
  3. The furnace is best placed in the pre-tribades so that it does not interfere with the wage to the steam room and vice versa. The furnace must be maximally protected from self-burning.
  4. The principle of building the premises in the minibar should be absolutely the same as the standard. So, the shelves must be installed along a deaf wall, the door threshold to raise up up, and make the box low. All this is done in order to delay the pair inside even when opening the door.
  5. In the bathrooms, in no case should there be locks, and all the doors should open only.

Attention! So that in the bath it was convenient to wash and comfortably steam, the construction area must be calculated in such a way that its useful part is at least 10 square meters. m.

Basic mini bath drawing: Compact and functional solution for giving

So, consider the simplest project of the bath design. Any bath must have four main rooms: a pre-banker, a washing, a steam room and a lounge. It is necessary to clearly understand what minimal dimensions may have each of them. So, for the pre-banker and the steers, you can choose the optimal dimensions - 1.5x2 m; Washing can be an area of \u200b\u200b1x1 m; And the lounge is 2 times more washer.

Construction of foundation

After determining all the main parameters of the bathrooms, you can proceed directly to construction work. When choosing a suitable type of foundation, pay special attention to the type of soil area on which the bath will be erected. If the soil is sufficiently solid, and the soil waters lie deeply, then there will be a lightweight foundation. Around the markup of the future building laying flat stones, cover them with a small layer of clay and slightly presses. Top of laying wooden bars. Complete the process covering the bars with waterproofing bitumen.

If there is a ribbon foundation on a plot or wet soil on the site. Prepare a trench, fill it with a layer of sand, then rubble and firmly sink. After put the reinforcing grid on top. It remains to prepare a cement solution, which will need to pour. Do not forget about waterproofing: in this capacity you can use runneroid sheets.

Construction of carcass

There are many options for the construction of the walls of the bath. We will use the easiest and fast - frame. For its construction, we will need the following materials:

  • wooden bars (5x5 cm);
  • boards (minimum thickness - 2.5 cm);
  • foil / Waterproofing film;
  • heat insulation.

Frame Mini Bath: The most simple and fast building

According to a previously prepared project, a frame of BRUSEV is collected. From the inside is trimmed by boards. You can use conventional screws or anchors as fasteners. Do not forget about heat and waterproofing. The first mounted the material that does not pass the heat from the bathhouse. In this capacity, you can use clayzit, sawdust or mineral wool (rarely used). To create a waterproofing layer, bitumen mastic is suitable. The final stage of the construction of the walls is an internal coating (not mandatory, but desirable element).

Council. To finish the washer best to use materials that are well tolerated with water contacts: galvanized, polystyrene, etc.

The point is left for small - build a roof. First you prepare the rafter system and mount it on the frame. After starting the installation of the roof: metal tile, slate, etc. suitable Do not forget about the chimney - it is necessary to leave the free opening on the roof.

To make the appearance of the bath, the completion, as a protective and simultaneously decorative element, the lining or block house is used. Lining is the most common option for finishing the exterior bathhouse. This material is cheap, practical and durable. In addition, it is a fairly successful imitation of a wooden bar. The block house externally looks like a lining, but is distinguished by a more presentable appearance and quality of wood.

Sheathed outwardly under the bay tree will delight its aesthetic look

With the trim, we finished, it remains only to conduct communication. Let's start with the water-sewer system. The water supply system (use the sampling principle) is mounted as follows:

  1. We prepare two 50 liter water tanks, as well as hose and mixers.
  2. We install the tank in such a way that the tank with cold water is half a meter above the tank with hot.
  3. We connect tanks with a hose: one end connect to the bottom of the "cold" tank, and the other to the upper "hot".
  4. As an additional connecting element, use a pipe with a mixer.

To ensure a complete drainage of water after a bath "session", it is necessary to construct an effective drainage system. It's easy enough to do it. It is only necessary to dig a drainage well not far from the bath, and in the washing to do the drain holes, to which the pipes are tested under a slight tilt and direct them to the well.

Scheme of one of the options for summing up communications to the mini bath

For water heating in the washing, a mini-oven or a tan is quite suitable. To ensure sufficient air ventilation in the bath, it is enough to do several wall holes near the entrance and close them with special assault.

On this process of the construction of a mini-bath for dacha can be considered complete. Follow the instructions offered in the article, and you can build a comfortable and high-quality bath for your family.

Video: Mini bath for giving with their own hands