What awaits the virgin in the year horoscope. How to treat drug allergies

Virgo birth dates: 24.08 - 23.09

Ruling planet Virgo: Mercury.

Virgo Release: Earth.

Virgo Symbols: maiden, cube.

Happy virgin day: Wednesday.

Metal Virgo: tin, copper, iron, mercury.

Virgin gem: carnelian.

Virgo Numerology: number 7.

Virgo plant: Apple tree.

Virgo's most inspiring color: gray and blue.

Opposite Virgo: Fishes

The Year of the Fire Monkey has prepared many trials for the representatives of the horoscope sign. Therefore, in order to find an opportunity and carry out everything that was conceived, they will have to carry out a "general cleaning" inside themselves. Virgos strive to be perfect in everything and always, they perceive the world differently. Their excessive practicality leads to the fact that the limited attitude of the representatives of the sign to others is clearly manifested. Virgos have almost no spirituality, and in order to develop it, it is worthwhile to look more realistically at what is happening, therefore, in order to achieve their goals, in 2016 they will need to fully understand their spiritual world. If Virgos manage to realize all the contradictions with the external world, then they will come to understand that all the abilities are sent down to them from above, you just need to use them correctly.

Virgos try to use their emotions, they are quite restrained in their actions and actions, however, it will not be possible to move forward only on emotions alone, so you need to prepare for the fact that in 2016 they will have to actively act. Virgos should try not to return thoughts to the past in order to change their future. The power that the stars awarded to the representatives of this house of the horoscope will help them cope with the internal struggle. Virgos must make every effort to change their lives now, because then it will be very difficult to do it.

The stars promise Virgos a time of great change, the fate of many will change dramatically, Virgos will start doing new things, new hobbies, new occupations, jobs, positions, trips will appear. We can say that 2016 will be one of the most eventful periods, which will be able to turn over the entire inner world of Virgos.

The eventful time will continue literally the whole year, and changes will affect almost all spheres of life, this is relationships, and love, and a career. By the end of the year, many representatives of the sign will have the thought of spending time alone, being alone with their thoughts, hiding from everyone and being in silence. But, despite such tense moments in life, the stars will provide Virgo with pleasant moments, thanks to which the representatives of the sign can relax and forget about problems and worries for a while.

Representatives of the sign should try in 2016 to be as attentive as possible to the people who surround them, because they will be able to lend a helping hand in difficult times. Therefore, Virgos should reconsider their attitude towards people, because the beauty that surrounds them must be cherished, and not destroyed.

Working for Virgo in 2016

The beginning of the year will be marked for Virgos by the emergence of self-confidence, significant rises. They will confidently lead the business they have begun to a successful outcome. In addition to the decisiveness of entrepreneurship, Virgos will be able this year to reveal many other talents and abilities, get them from a deep corner of their own inner world and start using them as intended. The greatest success will await Virgo in the personal field, it is personal interests that will come first. Virgos are characterized by many positive qualities, one of which is business acumen, it is this quality of the character of the representatives of the sign that will help them to achieve new heights in their professional activities. They will pay attention to them, they will be in demand more than ever, they will be asked for advice, they will be listened to. Therefore, Virgos should now begin to develop all the qualities of a good and grateful interlocutor. In 2016, Virgos will be able to discover such facets in themselves that they themselves did not even know existed.

The second half of 2016 will be no less successful, it will be successful in everything and in the professional field in particular. Fate will give the representatives of the sign many pleasant gifts, their labors will be appreciated, and such a favorable period will last quite a long time. Virgos will feel constant tension due to the fact that there will be many interesting proposals, opportunities. However, despite such a rhythm, the representatives of the sign will have an excellent opportunity to create a good base, which in the future will become a real solid foundation for the implementation of long-term plans, the implementation of new ideas and promising projects. All these endeavors will lead to great results. The end of the year will be a favorable time for moving up the career ladder, it is likely that the virgins will receive a lucrative job offer and will be able to conclude more than one good deal. In short, in 2016 Virgos will have an ideal opportunity to ensure a stable position in the professional field.

Virgo financial horoscope 2016

In order to improve your financial condition, you will have to fuss and run around at the beginning of the year. Representatives of the sign will try in a variety of ways to achieve financial well-being. Efforts will not be in vain, and by the middle of the year the situation will noticeably stabilize, the financial situation will begin to slowly recover.

The stars in the sky will be formed for the representatives of the sign of Virgo in such a way that they will need to choose from the proposed projects, focusing their attention on only one of them. At the end of the year, Virgos will be burdened with deeds and worries, but they will hardly be called significant, therefore, in general, we can safely speak of the coming year of the Fire Monkey as favorable in terms of finances. If something big happens, then such changes will also be extremely positive. In general, everything will be stable smoothly, without any ups and downs. Virgos will even be able in 2016 to allow themselves to realize their old dreams, which, as it seemed to them before, they would never be able to realize. This is the financial state of affairs that will await the representatives of this house of the horoscope. Despite the rather favorable alignment, the stars do not recommend taking risks, challenging fate, and not making decisions in a hurry. It is better to hold back the money, and not immediately drain it, you can invest it in a profitable business that will allow you to receive a stable income.

Virgo 2016 love horoscope

Family Virgins at the beginning of the year will have the most positive and favorable environment on the family front, their feelings will literally overwhelm them, and the attraction will be mutual. All emotions will become even brighter and more intense, take on new meaning, maximum trust and mutual understanding will appear in the relationship. Pleasant and romantic feelings will not be devoid of passion and emotional intensity. Virgos should prepare for the fact that their second half will begin to actively take part in their lives, from which the representatives of the sign will become even more confident in their abilities, and family life will turn into a real paradise - it will be easy, but at the same time diverse and rich.

The lonely stars have not prepared any pleasant surprises in the new year, despite the fact that they will not be able to love them, they will be given the opportunity to change themselves and change their attitude towards others. This will allow the representatives of the sign to become more positive, self-confident, and in the future, all these qualities can be safely directed in search of their soul mate. The world may begin to collapse, but this will not be a reason for the Virgos to not be able to solve all their problems on a personal plane, nothing and no one will stop them. This will be especially pronounced in the middle of the year during the summer months.

Virgos will not be able to sit still, they will constantly want variety. However, if lonely representatives of the sign can afford to rush in search of love adventures, then family Virgins should not do this, enjoy the company of your soulmates and do not commit acts for which you then have to answer.

The past years have been eventful and have changed your life. Fate tested Dev's strength. The year 2016 will be the final stage of these tests for you. In general, the representatives of this sign can be compared with a rocket, which, after long wanderings, nevertheless reached the stars. However, she is not aware of what to do next. will help you figure out and achieve whatever you want.

So, Virgo horoscope for 2016 promises us the following: in January it will turn out to return to what you thought was already gone forever. This will make a difference, since such a change may be related to an offer to participate in a project in which you have already participated in the past. However, it may also be a person with whom you have pleasant memories of your youth. Going back to the old will make sense, but you should do a very good job on yourself. If you are not afraid of change, be sure to act.

In late winter - early spring, your love life will prevail over the rest of your life. Moreover, such a change will be spontaneous. A change in feelings awaits you, which may be associated with a person from your environment. This hobby will painlessly pass until mid-April, however, after that, remember again about things at work and start to fulfill them. Otherwise, you run the risk of being unemployed.

You should be very diplomatic in May. Of course, this month many trips and travels await you, but conflicts and misunderstandings on the part of your loved ones are possible. At the same time, do not try to drag yourself into quarrels, as they can then last throughout the year. Try to find a compromise.



Date: 23.08-22.09

Green color

Symbol: Virgo

Planet: Mercury

Element: Earth

Antipode: Pisces

Gemstone: Sardonyx

Compatibility: Capricorn

June requires you to pay off old bills, as the horoscope promises. In 2016, Virgos, in principle, should not forget about those promises that they made earlier. Projects that you have started and put off for later need to be completed. Having got rid of this burden, it will be possible to move on normally and make plans for the future. If you receive business proposals in June, do not pay too much attention to them, because those have little chance of success.

In the middle of summer, your senses will take on new life. It would seem that the extinguished emotions will again become like on the first day. For lonely Virgos, there is a great chance to meet a soul mate and stay with her for life.

After the emotional events of June and July, the serenity of August awaits you. Right now it will be very good to go on a journey. But avoid cities, and stay closer to forests, mountains, rivers and lakes. Such a choice of a change of scenery will allow you to receive a charge of positive energy, which will give you the opportunity to move on. There may be reasons not to let you go on vacation, but, anyway, try to take walks and generally be closer to nature.

The energy that you gained during the rest will be very useful in the fall. During this period, changes will take place in your place of work, which will require a lot of initiative, the ability to work a lot and carefully, as well as defend your ideas in front of your superiors, at least within reason.

Mid-October will bring you signs that will help you understand where to move next.

November will require Virgos to find support that will help them take steps for future activities. Family members will become this support for you. Pay more attention to your loved ones, and they can repay you in kind.

In December, astrologers promise a lot of prospects and new opportunities opening up before you. Don't stop and be active! Fate is kind to you. Also, it will be a good solution abroad.

Virgo man

The year will begin calmly for you. Think about your plans. Don't be afraid of change. All doors are open in front of you.

February will require significant efforts to resolve issues related to your work.

March will be filled with romance and pleasant family chores. In April, start putting into action the plans that are related to your professional activity, otherwise you risk very unexpectedly being left behind.

Spend May and June in peace. Pay more attention to quiet rest, accumulation of energy for future work and worries. But do not forget about your official duties.

You have to work hard in July, but it will help you gain some financial independence and general well-being.

At the end of August, you should go on a small trip, visit places where you have not been before. For this, both foreign countries and relatives, previously unknown to you, open spaces are well suited.

In the fall, there will be many interesting offers at work. However, pay close attention to your surroundings - not everyone treats you as a friend and companion.

Winter will bring many joyful moments that are associated with your family and loved ones. Don't forget your family!

Virgo woman

Winter will be the period when you can better understand yourself, understand your desires, and be able to think about where to move next. In fact, everything is simple - your loved ones will help you understand the meaning of what is happening and find the best way out in any situation.

In the spring, you will have an affair with a person whom you have not even noticed before. It will not last long, but it will bring you many pleasant moments.

Spend the summer at work, but do not forget about your loved ones - visit your parents more often. They will always help you and show you how to solve the accumulated problems.

Pay off all debts in August and do not take loans. You can go to the water and spend several days there, be it a lake or the seaside.

In September - October, go headlong into work. No personal relationship that you can have during this period will be successful. But in the labor field, many achievements and discoveries await you. Your efforts will definitely be noted by the superiors.

In December, indulge in leisure, go skiing, for example.

Love horoscope

If you are a family man, listen to your partner. A lot of romantic encounters are expected for single Virgo women.

1 decade (August 24 - September 3)

The opposite sex will not give you any problems and you can safely plunge into romance. You have every chance that you will be offered a marriage proposal.

For single people this year, the Monkey promises a lot of meetings and romance, love adventures that can develop into something completely new. From April to June, a surge of love, romance and passion awaits you.

This period is the best for you, so that you can forget your old relationships that have long gravitated over you.

2nd decade (September 4 - September 13)

A big turnaround awaits you this year. Relationships in a couple can be extremely aggravated. Do not get fooled by provocations that your partner, blinded by the desire to become a leader, can provoke you to.

There will be many romantic meetings for single people during this period, but do not involve yourself in love adventures - it will not end well.

3rd decade (September 14 - September 23)

In 2016, your old partners and fans will show their attention to you again. You should sort out your feelings for them. However, if the last time you were not satisfied with this relationship, you should not start again.

For single Virgos, this year will be an opportunity to change their personal life, but for this, become more open and proactive.

Business horoscope

Be executive, listen to your intuition, act and you will be doomed to success.

1 decade

In order for you to advance in your affairs, you should show maximum hard work and assertiveness. If you cope with the tasks, you will receive a monetary reward or promotion.

Get rid of laziness and lack of initiative - this is the road to nowhere. Going with the flow will not work - so you will not achieve anything. Your business contacts, as well as the help of your family, will help you achieve success.

2 decade

This year may bring you the urge to waste money. Avoid bad investments and purchases that will not benefit you. Control your spending - Make spending plans for each week. Save money, save it.

3 decade

Pay special attention to how you treat your boss and your colleagues. This year you will get a promotion on the career ladder, but your envious people will immediately revive. Do not get involved in conflicts that can harm you, look for a way out of this situation, be wise.

Family horoscope

Pay more attention to your loved ones.

1 decade

Look for peace in your soul and balance in your family this year. Rearrangements and repairs in your home should not be made this year. Build relationships within the family. Spend time with your family more often - for example, at family dinner. Communicate, talk about your plans.

2 decade

You may develop a feeling of jealousy, which falls during the spring-autumn period. However, these feelings will make you overworked at work and sleep deprived. In order to avoid conflicts, you need to remember one simple thing: your family is your only support.

3 decade

Calm and measured family relationships await you. In the spring, your children can get sick, to avoid this, take preventive measures in time. You should pay extra attention to your children - they need your help.

Health horoscope

You should deal with your chronic illnesses.

1 decade

It would not hurt you to take a closer look at the state of your thyroid gland. It is possible that you can expect respiratory diseases. Prevent colds. Take care of your back and lower spine.

2 decade

Monitor your health and conduct examinations on time. Do not succumb to mood swings, despondency, as this can lead to a deterioration in health. It will also have a detrimental effect on your psyche. You should rest and spend time in nature more often.

3 decade

There is a chance that you could get hurt in early 2016. Be careful about transport.

Get rid of negativity and give yourself enough attention. Get plenty of rest, take vitamins, and drink herbal teas.

Virgos in 2016 are waiting for a further reorganization of the life platform, a "tectonic shift" in the family, marriage, and profession. You can continue repairs, construction, change your habitat, get dual citizenship. For the sake of personal growth, it is time to clarify personal boundaries, worldview, educational base, to practice the ability to endure certain hardships in order to achieve a "high" goal. Legal support, loyalty of partners and assistants is important, otherwise there is a great risk of dubious situations, re-alteration of poorly performed work, sanctions and losses due to violation of certain rules. It is worth knowing your rights and obligations, being able to bear material, administrative, moral responsibility.

An educational, research, innovative, charitable project may fall into the sphere of interests. The house can turn into an office. It is worth considering a job that is not tied to a place of residence. With loved ones, misunderstandings, quarrels or unexpected temporary separation are possible. A lot of trouble awaits Virgo-parents, especially newly-made ones. You will need the lion's share of your strength from March to September. Achievements will come through work, endurance, patience.

In the first or second decades of March, it is important to protect partnership and marriage. The union can crack due to the mass of claims and disagreements - from everyday to spiritual. The third decade of March will open up new horizons for you. But the hassle will not be avoided if there is no clear strategy, inflexible tactics, shaky foundation. A number of decisions will be forced against the background of family, territorial, legal conflict, social unrest. A home or office will require control, a warning system, security. Rush operations, leaks, destruction are possible, in dilapidated buildings - overhaul, resettlement. Errors of schemes and calculations, incompetence and hack-work will be revealed. You can face deception, lack of guarantees, temporary social isolation. Possibly moral and emotional exhaustion, exacerbation of chronic diseases, difficult acclimatization, there is a risk of injury.

April, May, early June will help financial stabilization, possibly due to old skills or sources. The second half of June is a hectic and unstable period, do not rush to add new ones to your existing concerns.

The milestone period is August-September. The area of ​​the personal new year will be a time of self-critical reflection and decisive steps.

In September-October, the financial situation will improve. You can get a gift, a generous advance payment, a good salary, a loan on favorable terms, and plan solid purchases. There will be money for home renovation, for investments, but you may prefer to earn and save, in Spartan conditions and in austerity. Interesting joint ideas will emerge, but justified optimism should not turn into carelessness and projection.

In 2-3 decades of November, it is worth inspecting the state of real estate, the home situation. In December, it is advisable to suspend the processes, return to the old hobby, sum up the results of the year. Your company may be missed by loved ones and loved ones.

2016 love horoscope for Virgo

All year, Virgo is protected by Jupiter - the planet of luck and fortune. He will "stay" for a long time in your astrological house. The optimism and self-confidence that the influence of Jupiter brings with it will help you weather the storm in January. Many representatives of this sign will have to make every effort to preserve their union. If you can handle the challenges, then in February you will receive a nice bonus from the stars. Couples with experience will be able to reach a new level of relationship and fall in love with each other again. Lonely Virgos at this time will find themselves in a whirlwind of a dizzying romance.

Be careful in your statements in March. It is possible that you and your loved one understand the same words differently. In April, planetary influences are also not conducive to clarity and can be confusing. Some will even doubt their tender feelings for the second half, while some couples will quarrel on the basis of misunderstandings. The astrological picture of May is more favorable. A strong sexual attraction between you at this time will become a support for the further development of the relationship.

In the first half of June, events will take an interesting turn. A new person will appear who will play an important role in the life of free Virgins. July will be fun and will fill you with a sense of happiness. Now you are surrounded by fans who are ready to do the impossible for you. Virgo, don't stay at home! You can meet your love in vacation spots. August is the best time to practice yourself. To renew feelings, to shake things up, you need to take care of your appearance. Do not hesitate, the other half will appreciate your efforts. In September, you are ready to waste money for the pleasures of your loved one. However, you should still be guided by common sense, otherwise your wallet runs the risk of emptying.

Autumn is a calm time, too violent passions are not expected. Virgos will have a little lull on the love front. Now is the time to tell your loved one about your feelings. Someone will be seriously interested in Lonely Virgins. You may not feel like burdening yourself with long-term commitments, but don't jump to conclusions! In December, some of your fans will be able to awaken your senses. By the end of the month, an interesting trip will be outlined, which you will remember with rich and vivid impressions.

2016 career and finance horoscope for Virgo

In 2016, many Virgos are opening up new perspectives. Success in your professional activity will largely depend on you, on your personal initiative. Now is the time for you to define events for yourself and realize your potential. First of all, you need to improve your own self-esteem. The more ambition, assertiveness and self-confidence you show, the higher your results will be at the end of the year.

Now is the time for you to set the tone for the current environment and lead other people. That is why, first of all, those Virgins who have certain leadership qualities or are inclined to independent independent behavior can count on success.

January-February is a period of realizing your importance and beginning to actively develop your ideas and plans in order to achieve their embodiment in reality. The most important thing here is the awareness of oneself as a creator, capable of bringing something new, one's own, unique to this world.

From March to June inclusive, there may be a rejection of previously started projects for a new, more promising business. The hardest part will be for those who are burdened with family obligations, and who need to maintain a stable financial position of their family. Your initiative may not be understood and supported by people close to you. Things will go well for those who are free from obligations to anyone and can become a kind of free artist, the so-called creator of their own destiny. It is during this period that you can catch fire and be carried away by a new promising direction, spending all your free time on it. Immersion in a new business "headlong", strong dedication and dedication - these are the criteria that you have embarked on the right path of development. When your work becomes creative, you are capable of performance miracles.

From July to September is an unfavorable period for partnership cooperation. It is possible that you will encounter deception and non-fulfillment of contractual relations. The negotiation process will not clarify matters. It is not recommended to sign important agreements and contracts, as you risk agreeing with conditions that are obviously unfavorable for yourself.

October and November can be associated with a spike in income growth. You can find a gold mine in your professional quest. However, along with this, there is a great risk of spending the money earned on risky financial adventures.

In December, income will stabilize at a new, higher level than before. This is a good time to complete previously started projects.

The year 2016 for the representatives of the zodiac sign of the zodiac Virgo may seem blooming. But even in the most beautiful flower like a rose, there are thorny thorns that can hurt well. And if someone wants to say that the life of Virgo is too easy and not thorny, then this person is deeply mistaken. Basically, the representative of the zodiac sign Virgo creates the impression of a very calm, good-natured person, but this turns out only because of the ability to hide your unpleasant moments in life. Virgos have a talent to hide their troubles so deeply in their souls that even a person who is constantly nearby is not able to see it, and then what to say about the people around. Virgos do not know how to complain and cry, but in life among mankind there are both weak and strong people, just like among the representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo there are just such. Therefore, if you are under the sign of the Virgo zodiac, and belong precisely to the weak half, then you should appreciate the slightest experience, learn from the mistakes of strangers, and not your own, and as a result you will gain wisdom and become more perfect. In 2016, you should not immediately grab onto the proposed tempting business; rather, start implementing your already drawn up plans. Surely on your way there are often people who are trying to win you over to their side, promising mountains of gold, but you should not believe it too much, you can try, and with your persistence you will definitely achieve everything.

Virgo 2016 love horoscope

In the love sphere, 2016 will bring many changes to the representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign. More attention will be demanded of you. But you are about to change in your professional field, and you will be in constant tension. Therefore, you will not be able to answer all the requirements, and conflict situations with a loved one will begin to occur. Every family problem that arises, you will have to solve with particular difficulty, because nervous stress will affect absolutely everything. Just try to calmly explain the whole situation to loved ones so that your condition does not harm your family.

At the beginning of 2016, the most important support for you will be your loved one. The other half will make every effort so that your relationship does not deteriorate. You will feel special care. Try to respond with the same care, and do not forget about your children and parents. Moreover, not a very favorable moment will come for them. Children will have problems that you will have to solve together. And here, first of all, you need mutual understanding and calmness. The parents will also not have the most prosperous period, the question of divorce will be raised in the family. You will be very worried, as you love your father and mother equally. This situation will also require a lot of painstaking attention. Everything should work out, but only with your help, if you leave everything to chance, you can consider that your parents' marriage cannot be saved. And your worries about this situation can affect your family relationships.

The middle of 2016, according to the site, the year for the representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will also be a difficult period in terms of personal relationships. Expect a blow from a loved one. It can be cheating, deception, or some other unpleasant moments that can play a fatal role in your personal relationship. An old friend will help you in solving this issue, she will not only support you, but will also try to talk with your loved one in order to find out the reason for his actions. You should not stand aside, if you want to save your family, it may be your constant absence and insufficient attention that may be the reason. Take a vacation and go on a trip with your loved one, this will greatly help you sort out all the problems, quarrels and conflicts.

For lonely representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo, 2016 will not bring any changes in personal relationships. Meetings await you, but they will not play an important role in your life. Therefore, it is this period that will pass for you in a fairly familiar way of life.

Well, finally, at the end of 2016, the representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will begin to change their personal lives for the better. You will be able to deal with all the problems that concern you, you will have a desire to start your family life from a new leaf. A loved one will be constantly nearby, not leaving you a step, because after so many unpleasant situations he will be afraid to lose you. You will be surrounded by attention from children and parents. Quite recently, everyone needed your help, and now everyone will want to respond in kind and support you, even if you have pleasant moments. After all, joy also needs to be shared with someone. Strengthen the relationship; don't leave everything in the middle. Each feeling needs to be nourished over time with love, care, happiness, respect and understanding. Then complete grace will come in your family.

Dev career in 2016

In 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo will have to transfer a powerful energy force that will be sent to them from above. You will feel the unusual power of activity in yourself, you will perform unusual actions. Basically, your energy will be directed to professional activities and will bring you great satisfaction and benefit in your work. Representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign do not treat everything with particular decisiveness and caution, and suddenly you will feel courage in yourself, in some cases you will even take risks and act purposefully. But the professional field of activity will captivate you so much that you will be even more active. And most importantly, you will constantly listen to outside advice, and you will only welcome the help of your partners. To put it even more simply, you will not refuse the help offered to you in any business, you will tell the people around you about your ideas, findings and even about your material well-being. There will be no obstacles for you. Any mountain will be subject to you! It is these actions that will make others think that recently representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo do not correspond to their zodiac sign at all. Not every person who knows you for a long time and can predict any of your actions and deeds will be able to believe that such changes have occurred in your inner world. But one small problem will appear, you will immediately begin to grab onto all the cases, and because of this, you may not succeed as you would like. Many will not be able to overcome all the work on their shoulders, and therefore they will start to slow down a little, being half way to victory. Also, during this period, you can commit rash acts, and in the end you will endanger your professional activities. But the matter will not come to serious changes, although there may be minor losses.

In the second half of 2016, you will also expect a lot of surprises in the professional field, but they will be positive. And in order for you not to miss new opportunities, you will need to slightly change your plans. Just be sure to do it with common sense.

During 2016, representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will be especially convincing and pleasant in conversation, which means that every meeting and contact will be a complete success. In 2016, representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo will be under the auspices of very powerful planets. And the most interesting thing in this situation is that you will not need to ask anyone or anything for anything. Your partners will come to you with lots of offers themselves, and many of them will interest you. And thanks to this turn, 2016 is considered the most prosperous period in the professional field for you. You may also be offered a new position, moreover, at a different place of work, and if you decide to take such a step, be sure that you will be successful! And if you stay at your previous place of work, then you will receive an offer to take a higher position. It is up to you to decide which offer you choose.

Dev Finance in 2016

2016 for the representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo in the financial situation also implies significant changes, that is, there will be no stability. At the beginning of 2016, you may have a completely satisfactory financial situation, but starting from the middle of the year, it will begin to fluctuate. There will be ups and downs periodically. Do not despair by the end of 2016, the financial situation will gradually begin to stabilize and already at the beginning of 2017 you will have a good material base. It is during this period of time that you have to receive help from those sources from which you did not even expect to receive.

Virgo health in 2016

2016 for some representatives of the zodiac sign Virgo in the field of health will also play an important role. Be sure to pay attention to your health. Since there is an assumption that it is during this period that you will find yourself with a complex, rapidly progressing illness. If you feel unwell without fail, consult a doctor, or better not wait for any manifestations, but go and go through a full examination, at least do tests so that you can see the general condition of your body.

The middle of 2016 threatens you with colds. Be sure to drink something for prevention. Why expect illness when it can be prevented. Moreover, even children take antiviral drugs seasonally. If you are an opponent of drugs, then support your body with the help of traditional medicine. Also, in mid-May, some representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign will feel pain in the lower back. This may indicate that you are developing kidney disease. At the first call, start treatment so that it does not end with hospitalization. Also, low back pain may indicate other diseases, so do not self-medicate, but immediately contact a doctor.

At the end of 2016, also pay attention to the spine, eyes and joints, minor pain caused in these places is fraught with serious complications. Try to get more rest, spend more time outdoors, have a healthy diet, and avoid alcoholic beverages. All this can clog our body, due to which the internal organs do not work properly, and various diseases begin. Be sure to use these tips, take care of your health and your body will thank you!

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo man

Men born under the sign of Virgo will become more self-confident in 2016, thanks to which they will be able to reach unprecedented heights, both in business and in family relationships. The Year of the Monkey will help Virgo men to reveal their leadership qualities. Do not doubt your abilities, and your intuition will help you find a way out of any situation. Your instinct will unmistakably tell you where to take the risk, and where inaction is the best way out.

In the summer it will be difficult for you to save money, unforeseen expenses will follow you. Therefore, at the beginning of the year, it makes sense to put the accumulated funds in the bank at interest.

Until mid-spring, Lady Luck will be on your side, which will allow you to enrich yourself at the expense of thoughtful risk, even in gambling.

Autumn promises to be busy in terms of work, but do not forget that rest is a necessary part of your life.

Horoscope for 2016 Virgo woman

The first months of the year will be very successful for you. In all your deeds and undertakings you will be accompanied by luck and success. During this period, you will need to analyze your relationship and decide for yourself whether you need them or not.

In the summer, the stars claim that women born under the sign of Virgo will wake up the desire for beauty. You will want to realize your creative ideas. Don't resist this urge. Many Virgos will discover long-dormant talents in themselves. Their implementation will help you not only to reveal your inner potential, but also make good money.

In a relationship in the year of the Monkey, Virgo will strive for harmony. You should not follow the lead of all your desires, and remember that there may be ill-wishers in your environment, so you should not believe everything that you are told. Be sensible.

Communication with new people will be productive if you are able to unobtrusively demonstrate a high intellectual level.

Throughout the year, the Fire Monkey will be lucky in small things. Be happy with what is happening, but do not try to tempt fate. Risky actions will entail a series of not the most pleasant events. And try not to start new big things, the woman recommends the horoscope for Virgo for 2016. Better solve everyday issues and make plans for the future. You should not show excessive curiosity and find out secrets from those around them. What you so badly want to know will soon reveal itself. In the love sphere, pleasant surprises await you. However, it is still not recommended to embark on adventures.

Virgo career horoscope for 2016 woman

The best behavior strategy for Virgos for 2016 is to be quieter than water and below the grass. Work calmly and methodically, do not interfere in the affairs of colleagues and do not give advice to your superiors. Remember: now is not the best time to try to realize your ambitions. Any words of judgment you speak will be turned against you. As a result, you will remain guilty, and the enemy will only laugh behind your back. It would be reasonable to take a part-time job in the last decade of the year. It is during this period that you will have the strength to work overtime. Do not postpone the completion of the task until the last, otherwise you will not meet the deadline and you will lose the customer.

Virgo love horoscope for 2016 woman

You will not be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex this year. Many will become interested in your personal life, so prepare yourself for sudden, indiscreet questions. You can answer them according to your mood - sincerely or veiled, with a smile or frowning. If you have not yet found a permanent partner, flirt for your pleasure, says the love horoscope for 2016 Virgo woman. Just try not to get carried away by adventurers, otherwise you will have to endure many unpleasant minutes later. Give preference to a person with serious intentions and a great sense of humor.

Health horoscope for 2016 Virgo woman

Your body in the Year of the Fire Monkey will need moderate physical activity. So remember to do your daily exercise, swim more, walk and cycle. Exercises in the gym will have a good effect. With the right diligence, you will strengthen your back and abs, which will make you feel toned and attractive.

In the last decade of the year, the throat will be vulnerable. Try not to strain it in any way. Speak quietly and calmly. Whatever happens, do not allow yourself to sharply raise your voice, much less scream. In hot weather, do not drink too cold drinks, otherwise you will get sick.

The world

Household chores, which usually do not cause you much dislike, will become melancholy this year. The only right decision in this situation is to distribute assignments to relatives and take a good rest from the annoying life. Do not be afraid to face resistance: now your household is very willing to take on new responsibilities. Just do not forget to control what is happening, otherwise at the end of 2016 you will find too many changes that you are unlikely to like.

Summer of the Year of the Fire Monkey is good for buying clothes. You will be able to purchase quality items for a fairly reasonable price. Dressed in new outfits, you can easily attract the attention of someone you love.

Mascot for 2016 Virgo woman

The sun, passing through the sign of Cancer, will give Virgo the support of friends, success in new endeavors. However, significant planets from the sign of Gemini can bring confusion in matters related to information, travel, career, add fuss to the life of an already restless Virgo. As a result, interesting opportunities may be missed, the woman predicts the horoscope for Virgo for 2016. To prevent this from happening, wear at least one piece of blue wardrobe all year round. Blue is the color of Jupiter, the qualities of which are so lacking in the representatives of the sign of Virgo. This planet is associated with truth, success and a panoramic view of things. It will help you not to drown in the flow of information, to separate the main from the secondary.