Where Vanka. Vanka Cain: First Thief of the Russian Empire

Vanka Cain

(Ivan Osipov Cain) - Moscow thief, robber and detective, son of the peasant Rostov county, village Ivanova, who belonged to Faleyev, Rod. In 1718 and 13 years old from the genus was brought to Moscow, to the Lord's courtyard. Whoking his master, Vanka Cain ran from the Lord's house and, after a number of bold babysitters in Moscow, went to the Volga, where he joined the Poison Volnitz and robbed the famous Ataman Mikhail Dari in the gang. At the end of 1741, V. Kain found himself in Moscow again, appeared in a rapid order and announced that he, Vanka, the thief himself, knows other thieves and robbers, not only in Moscow, but also in other cities and offers its services To their capture. V.-Cain's proposal was made, he was awarded the title of the rammer of a ravine order, the military team was given to his disposal. Having granted and catching small vorays, he covered large thieves; Pursuing the splitters, extorted money from them; opened a gambling house in his house; Not stopped and before open robbery. The whole random order, starting with the members of the order and ending with a small scribe, was on his spoon and indulged him to trick. Under the patronage of V.-Cain, the number of runaway, thieves, fraudsters, robbers increased in Moscow every day. This cluster of a huge number of people who lived, robbery, and sometimes killings, should finally be expressed by a public disaster. Indeed, in the spring of 1748, widespread fires and discovers began in Moscow, express horror and St. Petersburg. In panic fear, residents of Moscow chose from the houses, went out of the city and spent the night in the field. In Moscow was sent with the army of Major General Ushakov, chaired by which a special investigative commission was established. During the three-month existence of this commission, V. Cain continued to cheating and rob, but not so freely as before; There were new figures that he did not indulge. Ushakov's team, warning arson, caught all suspicious people and brought them not in a rapid order, but to the commission. Thanks to this, the truths of V.-Cain began to open a little. After making sure that the entire Moscow police were conspired by V.-Kain, the successor to Ushakov, the Political Makester General Tatishchev, requested the establishment of V. Kain's a special commission. This Commission existed from June 1749 to July 1753, when the case of V.-Kain was transferred to the random order, the entire personnel of which was changed during this time. In a rapid order, the case was drawn until July 1755. V.-Cain was sentenced to death, but, by decree of the Senate, he was punished by whip and sent to Katorga, first in Rogervik, and then to Siberia. V.-Cain activity can serve as a bright illustration of police and investigative orders in Russia of the XVIII century. But V.-Cain is not only a robber detective; He embodies in himself and the type of a folk fraudster, the desired good well done. He not only robs, but also amuses, not only bury the ends, but also mocking the police; It's spent by additives, fairy tales and promccakes, the soul takes the song. Until now, many songs are known in the people under the name of Capin; The last of them is the famous song: "Not Shumi, Mati, Green Dubpara." Shortly after the link Vanka-Cain appeared his life ways in several editions, under various titles; These lives have endured many publications, even in the present century. Initially, it appeared: "On Vanka-Cain, a glorious thief and a fraudster, a brief story" (1775), a short illiterate story, reprinted later under the title: "The story of Vanka-Cain with all his cheeks, investigations and a crazy wedding" (SPb. , 1815 and 1830). A more detailed story appeared under the title: "A thorough and faithful story of two scams: the first - Russian glorious thief ... Wanki-Cain, with all his cheek, .. funny different songs and his portrait; the second - French fraudster, the Cartushche and his companions ", (SPb., 1779 and later). The number of attached songs in various editions is different: 54 or 64. Of great interest is the liveliography of V.-Cain, published as an autobiography, although it is known from the archive data that V.-Cain did not know how to write. This autobiography, distinguished by a purely popular srocery, was published under the title: "The life and adventures of the Russian Cartoon, referred to as Caine, a famous fraudster and that crafts of the detective people, for repentance in the villains received freedom from execution, but for the appeal to the former fishing for the forever in Rogervik and then to Siberia. They are written in the Baltic port itself, in 1764 " (SPB., 1785, with songs; under another title, 1788 and M., 1792). Vanka-Cain's life in this last editorial office, according to the publication of 1785, reprinted, without songs, Gregory a scribe (Gennadi), under the title: "The life of V.-Cain, they themselves told" (SPb., 1859), And with the appendix of songs - Bessonov, in the "Collection of Songs P. V. Kireevsky" (Vol. 9, Moscow, 1872). The popular alteration of this last editorial is the "History of the famous Poroshi V.-Cain and its permanent punishment" (Moscow, 1858; 2nd ed. Moscow, 1870). Cf. Research on V. -Cine according to archival materials of Esipov (in the collection of Bartenev: "The Obsm", t. 3rd) and D. Mordovtseva: "V.-Cain, a historical essay" (in the "Ancient and New Russia", 1876, 9 - 11, and separately; 2nd ed. SPB., 1887).


Vanka Cain

The famous thief, a detective, a provocateur and a robber, who became the legendary hero of thieves adventure and dealting. Brought in 1731 in Moscow, a teenager, V. Oblitsy his owner, merchant Flavueva, and falls into the thieves of the junk "under the stone bridge." From thieves, such as the robbery of the court doctor Elvikha, V.-k. Moves to enterprises more organized. He is on the Volga, on Kergents, in the Poiga Volnitz of the Robber Mikhail Dari. Undustality, enterprise, carefree creates a wide fame. In 1741 V.-K. It is to Moscow, brings the opposite and offers services in catching thieves. "Accepted with great willingness, V.-k. Makes the clouds and gives hundreds of thieves and fraudsters, often its comrades. The position of the detective opens for V.-k. New ways of activity: he relieves for bribes of recruits, extorts money from Raskolnikov, opens gambling House. V.-k. exhausts the order in the Senate, so that "in the suction and capture of the thieves of the obstacles to him," on the basis of this order, the new robberical activity of V.-k is beginning. All Moscow moaning his fraud and lambers. Arrested finally V.-K. Announces "Word and Case" and entangle the entire administration and high-ranking persons in Moscow in the complaint. V.-k. was punished with a whip and in 1755 Sybir Siberia. V.-k. - the legacy of social cure, the embodiment of the youth and Delete, but not the wrong movement of the 17th century, and that theft, fraudulent agility, where the entire office of urban power was used, where the decomposition proceeded from the most administrative orders and life. V.-k. soon became the property of folk legend. He - In folk ideas - a remote good well done with a Makimaya word, a promsion and song (he is attributed to "not with noise, mats, green dubrovka"). There are several printed lives of V. -K.; There are several publications: "On Vanka-Cain, a nice thief and a fraudster, a brief story" (1775). "Life for the adventures of the Russian Cartoon, referred to as Caine" (1785).

LIT: Ecips G.V., in ed. Bartenev Collection "Seventeenth Century", t. III; Mordovtsev D., Vanka Cain, in the "Ancient and New Russia", SPb, 1876; Sipovsky V. V., Essays from the history of Rus. novel, t. I, c. 2, St. Petersburg, 1910.

A. Smirnov-Kutic.

. 2009 .

Watch what is "Vanka Cain" in other dictionaries:

    - (Ivan Osipov Cain, 1718?) Famous thief, robber and Moscow detective. Being a serfdom of merchant Flavueva, fled from him, was captured and returned back. For a denunciation on his Barina V. K. received freedom and stuck to the thieves. At first he ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    - (Novella from the movie "Poshekhonskaya Starina"), USSR, Mosfilm, 1975, CV. Novel. According to a separate chapter of the novel, M. Saltykova Shchedrin "Poshekhonskaya Starina". Cast: Nikolay Burlyaev (see Burlyaev Nikolai Petrovich), Inna Makarova (see Makarov ... Encyclopedia of cinema

    - (Ivan Osipov, 1718 (1718) after 1756) the famous thief, robber and the Moscow Detective, who became the legendary hero of thieves adventure and dealting. Contents 1 Biography 2 ... Wikipedia

    - (Ivan Osipov, 1718 after 1756) Famous thief, robber and Moscow detective. Being a fortress person of the merchant Flavueva, ran from him, was captured and returned back. For the denunciation on his Barina Vanka Cain received freedom and stuck to the thieves. ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Ivan Osipov Kain) Moscow thief, robber and detective, son of the peasant Rostov district, village Ivanova, belonging to the merchant Fuelyev, Rod. In 1718 and 13 years old from the genus was brought to Moscow, to the North Court. Whoking his master, Vanka ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (Brann. Inlogen.) Buyan, desperate Torvan Wed. What do you wander at night, Cain? Damn brought you here! A.S. Pushkin. Drowned. Cf. Vanka Cain (Rod. 1713) known for the adventures of its own detective and the same robber, removed tangear robber, writer ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    - [Ivan Osipov Cain, 1718?] Famous thief, robber and Moscow detective. Being a serfdom of merchant Flavueva, fled from him, was captured and returned back. For a denunciation on his Barina V. K. received freedom and stuck to the thieves. At first he ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Vanka Cain - Charging. 1. Robber, grave criminal. Nicknames rightly beat in the patient place and leave the descendants to the coming times of folk tormentors and unschelling ... began to call the pinched robbers with Vanka Kainami; traitors and traitors ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    Vanka Cain (Brann.) Inlogen. Buyan, desperate Torvan. Cf. What do you wander at night, Cain? Chorta brought you here! A. S. Pushkin. Drowning. Cf. Vanka Cain (Rod. 1713) Firewall, and his own robber, delated ... ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

Vanka Cain
Birth name Ivan Osipov
Nickname Cain
Date of Birth (1718 )
Place of Birth
  • Yaroslavl province, Russian empire
Date of death After 1756.
Belonging Moscow thief, robber

Vanka Cain (Ivan Osipov, (1718 ) - After) - the thief, the robber and the Moscow Detective, who became the legendary hero of the thieves of adventure and deal.


The son of the peasant village of Ivanovo (later referred to the Rostov district of Yaroslavl province), which belonged to Faleyev. Born in 1718, at the age of 13 he moved to Moscow to the village owner. The wake of his Mr., Vanka Osipov fled from the Lord, but soon he was captured and returned back. For a denunciation on his Barin, to whom the corpse of a soldier, Vanka Cain got freedom and got into the thieves of "under the stone bridge", where the well-known nobleman lived - the thief of Bolchovetin. After a number of bold preferences in Moscow, Vanka went to the Volga, where he joined the Long-General Volnitz and robbed in the gang of the famous Ataman Mikhail Dawn.

At the end of 1741, Vanka Cain was again in Moscow, where in the raw order announced that he was a thief and knows other thieves and robbers, not only in Moscow, but also in other cities and offered assistance in their capture. Wanki-Cain's proposal was made, he was awarded the title of a raw ringing order, he was given a military team at his disposal. Vanka gave out and caught small thieves, but shelted large thieves; Pursuing the splitters, extorted money from them; He opened a gambling house in his Moscow charge in his Moscow charge; Not stopped and before open robbery. Most of the employees of the ravine order, from the members of the order to small scribes, were on his sputum and contributed to him. Under the patronage of Vanka-Cain, the number of runaway, thieves, fraudsters, robbers increased in Moscow every day.

This accumulation of a huge number of people who lived, robbery, and sometimes killings, eventually expressed to a public disaster. In the spring of 1748, widespread fires and discovers began in Moscow, express horror and St. Petersburg. In panic fear, residents of Moscow were chosen from the houses, went out of the city and spent the night in the field. In Moscow, sent to Moscow Major General A. I. Ushakov, chaired by a special investigative commission, operating 3 months. During the existence of this commission, Vanka Cain continued its criminal activity anyway, but not so freely as before. In the meantime, new figures appeared, which no longer contributed to him. In addition, he collided with a strong sect of the Skoptsov. Ushakov's team, warning arson, caught all suspicious people and brought them not in a rapid order, but to the commission. Thanks to which the criminal activity of Vanka-Cain was revealed. After making sure that the entire Moscow police were in conspiracy with him, the successor to Ushakova, Politica Makester General A. D. Tatishchev, petitioned the establishment of Vanka-Cain's case a special commission. This Commission existed for 4 years, from June 1749 to July 1753, when the case of Vanka-Cain was transferred to a rapid order, the entire personnel of which during this time was replaced. In a rapid order, the case lasted 2 years before July 1755, when Vanka was sentenced to death, but, by decree of the Senate, he was replaced by the punishment of the whip and reference to the catguard, first in Rogervik, and then to Siberia.

In literature

Shortly after the link Vanka-Cain appeared his life ways in several editions, under various titles; These lives have endured many publications, even in the XIX century. Originally appeared "On Vanka-Cain, a nice thief and a fraudster, a short story" (1775) - a brief illiterate story, reprinted later under the title "History of Vanka-Cain with all his cheeks, investigations and crazy wedding" (SPb., 1815 and 1830 ).

A more detailed story appeared under the title "Drawn and the right story of two scams: the first - Russian glorious thief ... Vanka-Cain, with all his cheek, funny of his songs and his portrait; The second - French fraudster of the Cartushka and his companions "(Matvey Komarov, St. Petersburg, 1779 and later). Many songs were known in the people under the name of Capin; The famous song "Not Shumi, Mati, Green Dubravushka" is considered the last of them. These songs included in his novel about Vanka-Cain Matvey Komarov. Many of them are clearly literary origin. Already from Roman Komarov, these songs were transferred to the anonymous autobiography of Vanka-Cain with later processing; At the same time, the number of songs with each edition changed from 54 to 64.

Of great interest is the lives of Vanka-Cain, published as an autobiography, although it is known from the archive data that Vanka-Cain did not know how to write. This autobiography, written by a folk syllable, was published called: "The life and adventures of the Russian Cartoon, referred to as Caine, the famous fraudster and that crafts of the detective people, for repentance in the villains received freedom from execution, but for the appeal to the former fishery of the forever in Rogervik, And then to Siberia. Pisa themselves at the Baltic Porta, in 1764. (SPb., 1785, with songs; under a different title, 1788 and M., 1792). Vanka-Cain's vyanka in this last editorial office, on the publication of 1785 reprinted, without songs, Gregory, Bistributor (Gennadi), under the title: "Vanka-Cain's life, they are told by" (SPB., 1859), and with songs - Bessonov, in the "Collection of Songs P. V. Kireevsky" (Vol. 9, Moscow, 1872).

Vanka Cain


am Ivan believed that his life began on that day when he, having risen in the mind, robbed the owner and left his courtyard, having a note on the gate: "Work on the hell, and not me." Before that there was no real life. There were only almost sixteen years of solid patience. First, in the village, in the parental low, as if the attached home was tolerated constantly dark irritable views of a restless bony father and his endless evil dulling and swearing: it didn't do that, it was not, "Pogance!". Mother almost did not remember, died when she was three or four years; I remember only her hot arms, tiredly lying on her knees, submissively prone head in the faded handkerchief and that she sat for a moment at the stove. Lask did not remember anyone. But everything is already then, in childhood, they told him that he should endure everything that was born to serfs to tolerate everything from all adults and even from the father and Dyachka in the church, whatever they told him. And he did not understand why should. And when their owner, the shopping guest Fiteyev, ordered his father to bring him to Moscow and determined in his yard, he also endured, and endured from everyone in this yard, for only thirteen years old, the youngest in the Porougly, and more and more In the soul crushed, tormented. Because no one asked if he wanted to do what he was told, and what he wants, what he thinks, - no one! They just poured, ordered, shouted and punished. And he endured and endured, realizing that it was necessary to gain strength, grow, climb into the mind and then to do something.

So I did: Rough and left, writing such a note. Thank God, even though he himself was very small at the Konya, Nicodemia learned to read and write.

But the owner on the other day grabbed him in a row on the Red Square - the face to face was collided - yes the ledge back, Lyuto Syuk and planted on a chain in Siruba without a roof, in which he kept the bear-three-year bear for fun, but, thank God, Do not lie. Bear in one corner on a long chain, Ivan - in another, in short. If you converge - they could and get each other.

And was on the outcome of September - John theologians, at night I was very cold, and Ivan in a gloomy, which he threw after whipping; He lookedched in all in the blood, the bear was restlessly sniffed, the evil rushed, jumped, wounded, rushed, rod chain, from the wall to the wall. Fiteyev ordered not to give Ivan either food, no water, but a bear, on the contrary - more than the former. And I wore the Bear to the food of the Danie, also the fortress courtyard, two years old were older than Ivan. Lady, deft, lubricating face. Friendship between them was not found anyway, Ivan was out of the unrelaught: low, a little with Ryzhigay, only the teeth were abolished bright. Fiteyev first times two himself looked like the Dunny pushed the bear with a stick to the Bear, and how she did not look - she is an Ivan's piece of boiled meat and a piece of bread, savaged to the sinus. And whispered that at night I would love and bring more. In Srub, there were door and window holes, he stood in the yard in sight, and she was guarded and crawls, so that I was also strictly followed by Ivan. So neither in the first, nor in the second, nor in the third night did not manage the Dunya there, only when I wore a bear, I threw Ivan that I could have been with water with water first I was convicted. And Ivan, Khota and scalil, as always, bright teubery, something smiling, not so smirking, but I slept from the face, turned pale, and the Dunya was just now wondering what he had sharp and deeply tumping serious brown eyes.

But in the fourth gloomy windy night in the yard finally did not turn anyone, and Dunya darted to the cut. But before you dive into it, looked around, listened and suddenly heard that Ivan there, inside, sings. In the first moment I was even frightened - I crushed! Yes, and his voice had such a dick, that the frost went by a kea. Not a sound, the sound was even a little deaf, with hoarse, and with something in him - whether the passion of Lee, who beat in this vote. With a ugly voice, yes, with ugly, but such a shrill spiritual, such a burning spiritual one, what Dunya did not hear what Dunny, and she was so, with a frost on the skin, dried up, silently and joined the grazing darkness, looking at the corner where he was sitting.

The Red Maiden was pressed.

Oh you, winds, you warm,

Stop blowing, you are not needed ...

I saw her and immediately verse, said to be happy:

Golub soul!

And the unheard of the song sounded everything in it, everything sounded, and she asked her overgrown:

You sing?

Soul Gray.

You're so much !! Cheats?

I'm not angry. Soul is angry.

The Bear crumbled pretty, rode the chain, slapped to them - it can be seen, he decided that the Dunya brought an extraordinary feeder. In the light of the flashed moon, it even seemed that the bear was smiling.

Throw him to the tolik, but it heats himself, zaring is a neural man. I liked how I sow?

Strange ... Yes, I liked it, yes!

Do you want to sing alone?

And suddenly Ivan firmly pressed the dunge to him - as the iron grabbed! - and repeated with the same piercing hoarse, with which he sang:

Want to sing alone?

The next day, the Dunya came to the cut in a spontaneous hour, in half, many in sight, and it seems that in the shoe began to correct, and herself herself in the near Ivan the window hole, which in the backyard Fleuseva, in a dry old well there is a soldier's corpse Landminia. The second day lies. It is more accurate accurate - everything checked. And Introve the same day when in the courtyard I found myself for some reason the Guards Lieutenant came to Fuelyev - they went and talked, - from the logish there was a desperate cry of Ivan:

Word and case! Word and case!

I shouted to the whole estate. Fiero shouted. Lieutenant with Fuelyev, of course, to a cut. The owner from the malice and rabies are crimson, the eyes flooded with blood.

What else "Word and Case", a scum of a dog?!

What? What? - Fire officer.

Sovereign! I will only say the head police boss.

And again in the Creek Creek:

Word and business! Word and case! Word and case!

The whole courtyard is heard, dozens of people. The owner almost burst from anger, and the officer ordered toggle Ivan from the chain and walked with him. And after midnight, Ivan had already granted the soldiers with guns and another officer, he spent them on the backyard, there were torches there, lowered two ropes with cats into a dry well, and did the corpse of the Landmilitian soldier. The courtyard stood around in full silence, only the torches were cracking and the chucks of whitish fire were danced on frowned and frightened faces of the Ameg Plyonyeva, and two more servants and cruel, and Ivan at the outdoor at the gate said the owner:

You're pissing me in the day, and I'm with you at night - promenade, what's next ...

True, in three days, Fiteyev returned - twisted, it can be seen, and whether it was personally involved in this corpse, there is no one - it is not known. And one of the yard returned, and the other and the clarifier were swayed forever.

Ivan, of course, never returned.

He received from the secret office for a denunciation of a free residence permit, that is, got free. The former owner, though and tormented, that he lost the fortress and that he did not get up with him as he likes for his theft and unheard of meanness, but in the depths of the soul, it was still more rejoiced that he got rid of him. And it was all seen. And I saw Dunya and, meeting with Ivan, all retells. Laughing, he said that Fiteyev even called him by Cain for the fact that he did and so had a native owner, who was for him, according to his conviction, even better blood father. He believed that Ivan it himself with the accomplices arranged with the corpse for his emotion and for the sake of getting free. "True de Cain."

Ivan, who was recorded by the name of Father Osipov, wanted to become only a thief, only the robber. As I entered the age and began to think about life and about myself, just that I wanted. Because the life of all other people on earth was insanely boring, hopelessly boring: it is impossible, it is impossible, it is impossible, so it is impossible, it is impossible, then the terpie, the other is crazy! And in the thieves and the robbers, everything is possible, everything that will make it in the head, that you will examine - Valya! Self! Fuck! Ozari so that people have their hair end and the languages \u200b\u200bare torn. And nobody over you rules, nobody: Neither God, nor the hell, no king-sovereign with all candy. You reign on yourself. Will! No one will have such a will on Earth, like a thieves-robber, it's not a slave, not a servant, not a worker, not a servant, like at least the same princes and a boyar yes the ranks are different. And how they are afraid of them, which constipation and guards were inadequate for the houses of their and palaces and everything else. How much iron is made of money for hosted from them - from thieves and robbers.

Even the words of these themselves liked the hidden ringing with their own and power.

And he, of course, still living in Fuelyeva, already started with this Loda of Friendship, and with a loose, kudlata, a reckless Verry Kamchatka and a real friendship, although the difference in the years between them was in the whole twelve years. Kamchatka is a nickname; In this world, everyone had nicknames to each other, and it happened that some even forgot their genuine names. Ivan soon it also appeared with a light, and maybe not with the light hand of the Duni, laugh more than once repeated Fuelievsky "Cain", which heard not only Ivan. So went. Kamchatka was called to the world by Peter Romanov Son Smysyn-Floor, in his youth was a sailor-teach of the Moscow Admiralty Sailing Factory, and for Ivan, his first, the only and very short mentor teacher in the thievesky craft, because after a year the student has surpassed his teacher So much so that Kamchatka himself considered himself only a subwoofer Ivan and ...

I became the legendary hero of thieves adventure and dealting.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ Kain Vanki treasure - seekers

    ✪ Vanka Cain



The son of the peasant village of Ivanovo (later referred to the Rostov district of Yaroslavl province), which belonged to Faleyev. Born in 1718 and 13 years old was brought to Moscow, to the Lord's courtyard. Wrongs his Mr. Vanka Osipov fled from the Lord. He was soon captured and returned back. For a denunciation on his Barin, to whom the corpse of a soldier, Vanka Cain got freedom and got into the thieves of "under the stone bridge", where the well-known nobleman lived - the thief of Bolchovetin. After a number of bold baudders in Moscow went to the Volga, where he joked to the Poison Volnitz and robbed the famous Ataman Mikhail Dari in the gang.

At the end of 1741, Vanka Cain appeared again in Moscow, appeared in a rapid order and announced that he, Vanka, the thief himself, knows other thieves and robbers, not only in Moscow, but also in other cities and offers its services to their capture . Wanki-Cain's proposal was made, he was awarded the title of a raw ringing order, he was given a military team at his disposal. Having granted and catching small vorays, he covered large thieves; Pursuing the splitters, extorted money from them; He opened a gambling house in his Moscow charge in his Moscow charge; Not stopped and before open robbery. The whole random order, starting with the members of the order and ending with a small scribe, was on his spoon and indulged him to trick. Under the patronage of Vanka-Cain, the number of runaway, thieves, fraudsters, robbers increased in Moscow every day. This cluster of a huge number of people who lived, robbery, and sometimes killings, should finally be expressed by a public disaster.

Indeed, in the spring of 1748, widespread fires and discovers began in Moscow, express horror and St. Petersburg. In panic fear, residents of Moscow were chosen from the houses, went out of the city and spent the night in the field. In Moscow was sent with the army of Major General Ushakov, chaired by which a special investigative commission was established. During the three-month existence of this commission, Vanka Cain continued to cheating and rob, but no longer so freely, as before; There were new figures that he did not indulge. In addition, he collided with a strong sect of the Skoptsov. Ushakov's team, warning arson, caught all suspicious people and brought them not in a rapid order, but to the commission. Thanks to this, the tricks of Vanka-Cain began to reveal. After making sure that the whole Moscow police were conspired with him, the successor to Ushakov, Political Makester General Alexei Tatishchev, petitioned the establishment of Vanka-Cain's case a special commission. This commission existed since June 1749 to July 1753, when the Wank-Cain case was transmitted in a rapid order, whose entire personnel changed during this time. In a rapid order, the case was drawn until July 1755. Vanka Cain was sentenced to death, but, by decree of the Senate, he was punished with whip and sent to Katorga, first in Rogervik, and then to Siberia.

In literature

Shortly after the link Vanka-Cain appeared his life ways in several editions, under various titles; These lives have endured many publications, even in the XIX century. Initially, it appeared: "On Vanka-Cain, a glorious thief and a fraudster, a brief story" (1775), a short illiterate story, reprinted later under the title: "The history of Vanka-Cain with all his cheek, investigating and crazy wedding" (SPB., 1815 and 1830).

A more detailed story appeared under the title "Drawn and the right story of two scams: the first - Russian glorious thief ... Vanka-Cain, with all his cheek, funny of his songs and his portrait; The second - French fraudster of the Cartushka and his companions "(Matvey Komarov, St. Petersburg, 1779 and later). Many songs were known in the people under the name of Capin; The famous song "Not Shumi, Mati, Green Dubravushka" is considered the last of them. These songs included in his novel about Vanka-Cain Matvey Komarov. Many of them are clearly literary origin. Already from Roman Komarov, these songs were transferred to the anonymous autobiography of Vanka-Cain with later processing; At the same time, the number of songs with each edition changed from 54 to 64.

Of great interest is the lives of Vanka-Cain, published as an autobiography, although it is known from the archive data that Vanka-Cain did not know how to write. This autobiography, distinguished by a purely popular moor, was published under the title: "The life and adventures of the Russian Cartoon, referred to as Caine, a famous fraudster and that crafts of people of the detective, for repentance in the villains of freedom from execution, but for the appeal to the former fishery of the forever in Rogervik , and then to Siberia. Pisa themselves at the Baltic Porta, in 1764. (SPb., 1785, with songs; under a different title, 1788 and M., 1792). Vanka-Cain's vyanka in this last editorial office, on the publication of 1785 reprinted, without songs, Gregory, Bistributor (Gennadi), under the title: "Vanka-Cain's life, they are told by" (SPB., 1859), and with songs - Bessonov, in the "Collection of Songs P. V. Kireevsky" (Vol. 9, Moscow, 1872).

To the category of "folk" stories, which penetrated Russian literature, applies an interesting product: "Life and adherence of Vanka-Cain." If you are judged by the number of weathered in the XVIII century. Editions (15), this story was, more popular than other literary works of this century, translation and original.

The famous Russian thief of this time Vanka Cain was fortified yard, then became a cheater professionally. He stood out among his comrades to his dexterity, daring and wit. Vanka became a robber on the Volga, and then, she pretended to repent, became a detective, he earned the trust of the highest superiors and, using this, began to create all sorts of increasingness in Moscow: giving out the police of some thieves, he acted at the same time. He had a whole squad of the soldiers he enjoyed for his own purposes; Soon he stopped shy even with the authorities of Moscow. In the end, in 1755 he was tried and, with the extended nostrils, was exiled to the Baltic port.

Cashed Wanks Cain

There Vankka told someone his whole life. This story, sparkling bright, albeit rough wit, was recorded, printed and in the XVIII century was subjected to literary processing. Autobiography Vanka introduces us to the life of Moscow of the 1950s of the XVIII century, introduces us with the nravami and life of the thieves of small and large. It is especially interesting to work with its style: sayings, proverbs, additives, pop-poetic turnover of speech, rhymed acutes are striking their abundance and diversity. Vanka was an artist-fraudster and a great humorist-balagen in the soul.

Here are some examples:

"Tronow" at his master "Larz" and "capturing money from there it is so pretty enough to bear it was fully", Vanka "got old and stepped from the courtyard." At the gate of the North Court wrote: "Drink water, like a goose, eat bread like a pig, and work with you Chort, and not I". The village of Vanka climbs in the courtyard to the priest, but meets the "man who calls the bell early" ( i.e. ringing). That "ignorant" meets the Vanka and his companion who were "not on a big road, but on the country" (i.e. through the fence). Comrade Vanka for ignorance hit the guard "Lose than the water of the water" (i.e. the rocker), - and the killed did notice the notation: "Does the master's gate spike for any parishioner? Therefore, there will never be to sleep! "

Vankka then went "under the stone bridge, where there was a graveyard," there, the thieves greeted him as a curly speech: "Paul Yes, the middle of himself ate himself, the stove yes, we will give a silent alms going to this bridge! And you will, brother, our cloth fucking; They live here in our house, in which there are only pretty: nudity and booties are extended by the poles, and the hunger and the cold of the barn stand, dust and soot, and there is nothing to burst. "

In the same spirit, all further practices of the hero are told, - interrogated him in a rapid order, adherents in Nizhny Novgorod during the fair, his marriage and feats as a detective. Vanka not only fraudes, in always still evil joking over the victims. Talking, for example, how he robbed the sleeping, Vanka says: "What was reversible to continue so tightly slept." Enjoying one Barin, Vanka with comrades, offended by his swearing, dismissed him one foot and left behind the city in the wasteland; I am pleased to tell, as a stroke Barin, "according to the Great Frost then, having fed up the leg, sat down, and we, leaving him on that place, left."

Even the story of the punishment and link told Vanka with the same humor: he was sent, he said, on "cold waters, from Moscow for seven miles with a campaign." His balagency is very characteristic, - before us is a purely popular wit, which has found an expression in the songs and fairy tales of the bumps, in poetic texts explaining the old chest paintings.

The life of the Vanki is confirmed by abundant judicial materials, still persistent in Moscow archives; His personality was so popular, which was reflected even in folk songs. His autobiography proves to us that in the XVIII century, except literaryattempts by Chulkov, Ivan Novikova, etc., create an original folk novel, was an attempt and from the people of the people themselves novel,but not Fairy tale

The huge interest of Russian readers of the XVIII century to this novel indicates that if the tops of society were fond of pseudoclassicism, the mass of the Russian society loved their awakening national creativity.

"Teeth Telemak" in different translations picked up 9 publications, "Jilblaza" - 8, "The Adventures of Marquis G." - 3, "The Adventures of Robinson Cruz" - 4 editions.