Heroes cartoon Uncle Fedor. What is the name of the cat from "Prostokvashino"? "Three from Prostokvashino": the main characters

Who did not watch this cartoon in childhood? But what is there to talk about the guys, if even adults gladly watched the adventures of the main characters - a boy, a cat and dogs. And then they repeated their expressions, which immediately became covered.

History of cartoon

What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino, a dog and a boy, you probably will answer anyone. Therefore, the answer to this question we will leave for later, and now let's talk about the cartoon itself and its creators.

In 1978, the Studio "Soyuzmultfilm" created a unique masterpiece - "Three from Prostokvashino". The plot was built on the story that, by the way, was the author of the script for the cartoon. After some time, a continuation appears - two more series with loved characters. The heroes known for the time of personality were voiced - Oleg Tabakov (Cat), (Uncle Fedor), Lev Durov (Pens), (Mom).

Picture heroes

What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino and other heroes? I am pleased to answer. The main character is a boy named Uncle Fedor. His company was a cat Matroskin, whose photo can be seen in our article, as well as the dog of the ball. There are also a few more heroes: Mom and Dad, Galkonok. They are found in each series of cartoon.

"Three from Prostokvashino": plot

So, what is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino and other characters, we figured out. Now let's talk about the plot of the first part of the trilogy. In the cartoon we get acquainted with a small but very independent boy. He loves animals, but mom categorically forbids him to start pets. Having met a homeless cat, he takes him home. But since the mother puts ultimatum, Uncle Fedor Thai collects things and leaves with a new friend in the village. In Prostokvashino, the ball is joined, which shows a blank house. There is a friendly company.

For their lives, they needed money, so the boy suggested looking for a treasure. The treasure, of course, found and began to live. Matroskin started a cow, the ball was carried away by the photo oohot. But Uncle Fedor began to look for his parents. In search of them helped the postman from Prostokvashino, as I wanted to get a reward - bike. Having become acquainted with the animals of the Son, Mom allows you to take them to the city. But the cat and dog refuse and invite everyone to visit the weekend.

Cartoon success and phrase cat Matroskin

The success of the cartoon brought not only idols, which voiced the main characters. An interesting plot, bright images and the winged phrases did not leave anyone indifferent. What are the remarks of the heroes that the meat is worth buying in the store, because it is there with bones (ball) that you can sell something unnecessary to buy things, but I must first buy (Uncle Fedor)! But the phrases of the cat are the most memorable. He seriously declares that without milk you can die, says how correctly there is a sandwich, it is divided that he knows how to embroider and sew on the machine.

Initial Surname Cota Matroskin

In general, Matroskin - the character is the brightest in the cartoon. Wise, reasonable, kind, caring, economic. What is the name of the cat from Prostokvashino, even a preschooler knows. Although few people know that at first Assumption wanted to call him quite differently - in honor of his friend, Anatoly Taraskina, who was a staff member of "Fitil". As the writer admitted, the image of Matroskin was written from him. But he refused to give her name to the cat, which heard heavily. Therefore, the initial surname of Cota Matroskin - Taraskin - has changed.

Whatever it was, whether everything conceived turned out from the creators to embody - now it does not matter, because the cartoon came out to the glory. And now we gladly look at it, show our children, with nostalgia recalling pleasant moments from the past.

Ten years ago, we have already discussed the news that. Then Uncle Fedor acquired aunt Tamara Semenovna, who, being a colonel in retirement, began to build all the inhabitants of the villages. It was planned to remove the three series of 26 minutes, but the lack of finance put the cross on the project. And now, work on the continuation is boiling again, only other people are engaged in the production process. The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper published about creating a new series, and also showed a fresh design of favorite characters. Read!

1. The director of the series 29-year-old Mikhail Soloshenko admitted that before the project came to the project was not familiar with the plot of the classic "Prostokvashin".
2. One of the most difficult tasks was to create a new character design with the preservation of old recognizable details of appearance and, at the same time, taking into account modern trends.
For example, Uncle Fedor has a new haircut with shaved whiskers. He became older - 9-10 years. Sorry. In general, an ordinary boy of the 21st century.

Dad changed not much, Pechkin replaced the earlot on a baseball cap, and she had more difficult with her mother, since she was transformed very noticeably in the classic "Prostokvashino": in the first series - a small sharp chest, in the second - almost its absence, and in the third there is a full-fledged Third size. In the new project, artists managed to find the "golden middle", especially since the character was almost completely drawn from Julia Lossaya, who won the Mother of Uncle Fyodor and his sisters of Faith Pavlovna. You did not hear. Uncle Fyodor had a sister, which is all names by name-patronymic. Curious family.

About faith, Pavlovna knows a little: it does not yet speak, but everything understands. Obviously smarter than uncle Fedor. In general, the child in the style of the chief hero of the cartoon "Boss-Molokosos", only female.
3. The audience will see thirty computer series for 6 minutes, each episode has a finished plot. The exception is the first two series, the second of which is the continuation of the first. The timing had to shorten: the Soviet cartoons were 15 minutes away, and each was done for almost a year. Now the task is to release all 30 episodes in three years. Hence the format is shorter, and the plot is more dynamic.

4. The premiere of the new "Prostokvashino" will take place on April 1 on YouTube Channel. Just by this time will be ready the second series. On the promotion using the "Soyuzmultfilm" ether channels does not really hope, because it believes that young creatures are not particularly often sitting in front of the TV. By the end of the year, the first 10 episodes of "Prostokvashino" should be removed.
5. A new project is bypass without the participation of Eduard Assumption, as the creator of the original source requested the fee in the amount of the annual budget of the "Soyuzmultfilm". In addition, the name "Prostokvashino" and patterns of characters originally belonged to the animation studio.

6. The script wrote Maxim Kuchin and Timofey Kuts. In the Stylistry of Assumption, they did not get, but did it need to fall into it 40 years later? The question is controversial. Maybe normally, when Matroskin calls the ball "Hipster Barn". And about faith, Pavlovna asks: "How is a girl? Tried tray?".
7. And nevertheless, removing the new series, the creators thought about pedagogy and proceeded primarily from the fact that this family, they are together, from here and their logic of actions. In the second series (a small spoiler) dad so penetrating the atmosphere of Prostokvashino, which decided to move to live from the city to the village - closer to the ball and Matroskin.

Traveling on the pages of favorite books together with literary heroes, we once again have been convinced that the works of E. Asspensky cheerful and funny, funny and instructive, so adults and children are so loved so much.

Once a serious and independent boy on nicknamed Uncle Fedor met with the talking cat Matroskin and led him home. But Mom Uncle Fedor Beasts did not like, especially all sorts of cats.

What ended this discussion in the book of E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat", you, of course, remember: Mom never allowed to leave the cat. Uncle Fedor was an obedient boy and loved his parents very much, but he also loved animals. Therefore, he decided to leave the house with the matroskin and start a new independent life. On the way, friends met the homeless dog's ball and went with him in search of the best house in the village of Prostokvashino. So we met with the heroes of one of our favorite works by E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat."

Then we looked at the cartoons taken on this work, and got a lot of pleasure. The heroes of these cartoons became our pets. The voice of the ball in the voice of Lion Durov, the purring voice of Cat Matroskin in the performance of Oleg Tabakov became for us the same recognizable as the voices of our loved ones. And we came to mind, we can find out other guys who, from the heroes of Prostokvashentsev, says their replica in the dialogue, if you don't hear familiar votes from the cartoon, and only focus on the text of these replicas in the book (at the same time The author, too, we will not watch).

We decided to conduct an experiment in the 2nd class in the form of the game "Who said?". The guys were offered to listen to nine statements of heroes and guess to whom they belong. The statements were proposed as follows:

1. "I write a letter to one institute, where the sun is studying. I have connections there are this dating business when people do good to each other with anyone with anyone. Just on old memory. " (Cat Matroskin)

2. "Whoever knew him that he lives in the water. I thought he wants to sink! See what I am wet! " (dog ball)

3. "It is necessary that the TV in the house was necessarily. And the windows are large. I just found such a house. Red roof. And there is a garden with a garden. " (Uncle Fedor)

4. "Buy him lottery tickets for a hundred rubles. Let him want, he wins. Although a motorcycle, although the car. He sells these tickets himself. His double benefit will succeed. From the sale of tickets and from winning. " (Cat Matroskin)

5. "He went to Africa. On a business trip. Elephant language learns. And I stayed with my grandmother. Only we did not agree with characters. " (dog ball)

6. "We will find a box of such as Pechekin, and write everything on it, and when Pechkin comes, we will change the boxes." (Uncle Fedor)

7. "What did you forget? You are now a poodle. You say: "Ugh you! Some hare. Zarea is not interested in me now. I am interested in - the owner's slippers bring. " (Uncle Fedor)

8. "Now you have to buy a new table. It is good that I removed all the dishes from the table. Would we stay without a plate! With alone forks. (Cat Matroskin)

9. "This is good for the old women, when some hemp in the forest, you can sit on them. And what will birds will do and hares? Did you think about them? " (dog ball)

The guys were very easy to guess whose statements. However, the difficulties called the replica of Cat Matroskin No. 4 and the replica of Uncle Fedor No. 7

And then we decided more to explore the text of the story of E. Asspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat," reading the dialogues and trying to imagine the character of heroes only by their replicas. And that's what we did.

Khodakova Elizabeth

About Uncle Fedor.

Uncle Fyodor, like every child, dreams of becoming an adult. It is no coincidence that E. Uspensky calls him not just Fedya, or Fed, as usual called children, and Fedor, and even uncle. The boy really wants to be independent, Pechkin so says: "I'm anything. I am a boy in myself. His own "and the actions of Uncle Fedor makes adults. He writes in the letter to his parents: "I'm leaving for the village, and I will live there. You do not worry about me. I can't disappear. I can do everything and I will write to you. "

Uncle Fedor - the boy is smart. His intelligence was manifested in everything. When friends had no money, and the cat wanted to sell the ball, Uncle Fedor offered a great idea: "We will not sell anyone, we will go to look for a treasure." When the ball said that he could not with hunting, and then the boy came up with the best one: "We will buy a camera to you. You will be engaged in a photohoota. You will photograph photos and send photos to different magazines. " Yes, and with the package from scientists, Uncle Fyodor came up with: "We will find a box of such as Pechekin, and write everything on it, and when Pechkin comes, we will change the boxes."

Uncle Fedor, as an adult, treated everything very seriously. When they chose the surname, he said: "And let us give you the name Matroskin, and with cats connected, and there is something maritime in this surname." And how seriously he took to the selection of the house: "It is necessary that the TV in the house is necessarily. And the windows are large. I just found such a house. Red roof. And there is a garden with a garden. "

The boy loves his parents very much. In every letter, he writes: "Mom and dad, I love you very much," I miss you very much "

But he also loves animals too. Leaving to the village, he writes in a letter: "And I love animals." When the boy led the cat Matroskin's cat home, he said to his parents: "Only if you ride a cat, I also leave you." Even the ball, a simple yard dog, in the hairdresser, and asked: "Move him under the poodle to be beautiful." And when a boy with a matroskin was looking for a house, we met the ball and began to talk about the choice of the house, the cat did not like a meeting with a dog, he did not want to take him to the house and interpreted in every way. Uncle Fedor immediately understood everything and said: "You, cat, sorry. A good dog did not interfere with anyone. Let's better find where he learned to talk. " But Uncle Fedor loves not only the ball and Matroskin, but also a simple forest beast. When the ball brought a hare from the hunt, then the boy let him go with the words: "Beasts in the forest should live. There is nothing to arrange a zoo here. "

But in the soul of Uncle Fedor more child. He dreams of a bicycle: "I was not allowed to start it in the city: there are a lot of cars. And here I can ride how much you want. On the village and in the fields. There and here. There and here. "

I really like Uncle Fedor. Thanks to his intelligence, kindness, friendliness, he became a favorite not only children, but also adults.

Marakulina Alina

About psa ball

The ball is an ordinary dog-dock. He says to himself: "I am from simple dogs, not a purebred." Uncle Fedor and Cat Matroskin met him in the village. The ball was very lonely and wanted to find a family. At the meeting, he said: "Take me to live me, I will guard you to guard."

Before meeting with friends, the ball lived badly, he told Uncle Fedor: "When you feed - well, when you do not feed - bad."

This dog though yard, and polite, it bowl and says: "Very nice." More The ball knows the human language: "I guarded one professor, I learned," and familiar with the multiplication table: "Five five - twenty-five, six six hundred and thirty six".

The ball is a hardworking dog. That's what he knows how to do: "I can get potatoes with my rear legs and can wash the dishes - to lick the language."

However, the ball turned out to be a rustic dog, even a little stupid. He could not understand everything, where his friends go, what treasure want to find? And all the time called the treasure "warehouse" and asked: "What is the" warehouse "? And why are you, Uncle Fedor, in the city of Klad not searched? " When Uncle Fedor robbed with his friends before leaving to the city, the ball carefully listened to the conversation Mom and Pope Uncle Fyodor and at the end said: "It's wonderful what you are talking about. True, I do not understand anything. " And in his stupidity, the ball "saved" the adventure, who dived into the water. Matroskin said that the adventure in the water lives and it is not necessary to save him, and the dog answers: "Whoever knew him that he lives in the water. I thought he wants to sink! "

Still, the ball is a kind dog. "Do not cut the forest. It is good for the old women when some hemp in the forest, you can sit on them. And what will birds will do and hares? Did you think about them? " - the ball was indignant, defending the nature when Matroskin sent him to the forest for firewood. Only on the kindness of spiritual dog rushed to save the adventure, to which it was not necessary at all: "I barely caught it. And then he would have drowned. After all, he is still small. " The disliked cat like any dog, the ball is still kindly advised by Matroskin: "Well, well, buy a cow. And it is better to rent a lot to try first. "

But Pechekina does not like the ball for the fact that the postman is harmful and curious, everywhere is his nose. "What animals brand stick? Horses, or what? " - Laughs the ball over Pechkin, when the postman quite became bad from the heat of the electric sun, and he began to confuse everything. The dog always asked uncle Fyodor: "Can I bite him (Pechkin)? What does he not go away? "

The ball has a hobby - hunting. He can't live without her. Once so wanted to go hunting that I began to shout: "Get away! In me, the instinct wakes up. Beasts - they are for the created to hunt them. I did not understand it before, because I lived badly. And now I recovered, and I pulled me to the forest with a terrible force! " "I'm talking about the hunt!" He said to the postman Pechekin, when he came to know that they would write new tenants. And when friends decide what to buy on the found treasure, the ball rightly told Uncle Fyodor: "A rifle need, I will go to hunt with himself, and another hunting bag."

The ball loves to boast a little. He asks uncle Fedor: "The collar is needed with medals," and they did not deserve them. Pechkin also began to brag: "Throw your header. Now it will not remain anything. Some holes »

Despite some dog habits of the ball and his stupid temper, I would like to have such a devotee, like him.

Davydova Alina

About cat Matroskin

I read a lot, but such a cheerful, kind, economic and intelligent hero, like Matroskin's cat, has not yet met in any book.

From the first lines of fairy tales, Matroskin fascinated me; What is only worth his cunning advice: "Wrongly you, Uncle Fedor, Eat Sandwich. You keep it with his sausage, and it is necessary to put the sausage into the tongue. Then it turns out tastier. " I am now eating sandwiches, as Matroskin taught, and, however, they have become much tastier.

The fate of Matroskin is also amazing. At first he was a homeless cat: "I live in the attic, only my attic is repaired and I have nowhere to live." The cat did not even have a name. "And Barsik was called me, and the fastener, and the obtus. And even kis acid I was. Only I don't like it all. I want to have the surname, "said Cat Uncle Fedor on the bus on the road to the village. But then the boy came up with his beautiful marine name Matroskin, and the cat's life changed sharply for the better.

Matroskin is a very economical cat. With the first meeting with the ball, he also says: "You are resorted to us in a year when we get rich and the farm will start." He always wanted to have a cow in the farm: "In the farm, a cow is needed. What is this economy without a cow without milk and you can die, you need to buy a cow, "and even wanted the ball for this to use:" And come on, the ball, we will sell you. For you, any hunter one hundred rubles will give, and then you will refer to us again. And we are already with a cow. "

Matroskin really did not like to sit without a case, and no longer loved when others did not work. The cat has accepted everyone. Even the galkonka mustache taught for the benefit of saying "Who is there?". "What is we we in vain feed! Let the benefit bring the person will come, will begin to knock on the door, the galcoon will ask "Who is there?" The person will think that someone is at home, and nothing will turn anything. Is that clear?" - explained the cat ball. As for the ball, Matroskin also had its own opinion: "Let it be a poodle. It will be in the house to live and serve slippers. " Even with respect to Pechkin, Matroskin is looking for: "Buy him lottery tickets for a hundred rubles. Let him want, he wins. Although a motorcycle, although the car. He sells these tickets himself. His double benefit will succeed. From the sale of tickets and from winning. "

Matroskin's business just surprises me. The cat was very stuck. "Firewood should be harvested - winter on the nose. Take the rope and go to the forest "and". Do not think about beauty, but about frost. How will shit forty degrees, what will you do? " - said Matroskin Uncle Fedor.

And how he loved his cow, nothing to say: "I will not part with my Murka for anything. I will buy it to buy it. " Although because of his greed, I first took the cow for rent and did not want to give a calf, who gave birth to his cow: "But we took it (cow) on the receipt! Now see what is written here: "Cow. Redhead. One. Nothing is written about the calf. And since we took the cow on a receipt, then we will take one in the receipt - one. "

Matroskin is a business cat, he has acquaintance with a children's doctor in the city: "I know a good doctor, children's. I will give him "; And good connections with scientists at the Institute of Sun, who sent the Electric Sun: "I write a letter to one institute, where the sun is studying. I have connections there are this dating business when people do good to each other with anyone with anyone. Just on old memory, "Matroskin even knew their" accurate "address:" Moscow, Institute of Sun Physics, the Department of Sunrises and Goals, Scientist by the window, in a bathrobe without buttons. Who has different socks ";

Matroskin is very economical. To the question of Pechekin: "What will you write out?" He answers: "I will not. I will save a lot. " And once the parents wanted to feed the tractor Tr-Tr-Tor Mitu chocolate and oranges, the cat immediately found that to answer: "There is nothing to pamper. We have potatoes boiled whole pot. "

Despite all its economy (even sometimes, greed) and businesslikeness, Matroskin devotee. When Uncle Fedor fell ill, he first said: "I'm behind the doctor in the city of Run. We must save Uncle Fedor. " When the parents of Uncle Fedor arrived, the cat immediately made friends with her mother, tea treated her with cakes: "Think, pies. I still know how to sew and sew a typewriter. " And upon departure, uncle Fedor, Matroskin decided to give him a mustache: "Here, hold. You will be more fun with him. "

And there is a seamless what this cat Matroskin! To the question of Pechekin: "And the chest for what?", - how he quickly found the answer: "For mushrooms. We are imprisoned in it. Right in the forest. Clearly you? ".

Look at what good cat Matroskin! Is not it?

USSR, Soyuzmultfilm, 1978-1984 Director: V.Popov Scenario: Eduard Assumption Artists-Director: L. Khachatryan, N. Raykalov Composer: Evgeny Krylatov

Hero Prostokvashino №1: Uncle Fedor - This is a little boy, too independent. And probably, to look older and more independent, he calls himself "Uncle Fedor".
Fedor is characterized by determination and kindness. On the staircase, he picks up a stray cat Matroskin ("Surname of such"), and soon, together with him, serves Prostokvashino.
The role of Uncle Fedor in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" voiced Maria Vinogradov.

Hero Prostokvashino №2: Cat Matroskin "Cat Matroskin is a very economical cat, likes to save, knows how to lead the economy, put a cow because of great love for Moloka. It often grows, but disposable ..
When Fyodor's mother agreed to pick up a cat home to the city, Matroskin refused both the place with Matroskin, remained in Prostokvashino to guard the house and the economy.
The role of Cat Matroskin in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" voiced Oleg Tabakov.

Hero Prostokvashino №3: Dog Ball - The dog of the ball was homeless and was already a resident of Prostokvashino. It was he who showed a house, from which the owners left to live for the river and invited to live in a house "Live who want."
The ball met Fedor and Matroskin at the village itself. He asked him to take him to himself, but Matroskin said to resort to them only a year later. But Uncle Fedor said a hard voice that "a good dog - no one hurts" and left the ball, so everything started.
The role of the ball in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" voiced the Lion of Durov.

Hero Prostokvashino №4: Mom Uncle Fedor - Mom Uncle Fedor is very strict, but good. Loves purity in the house, sometimes goes to the sea, performs at concerts. He loves her family. Sometimes grumbling, but also leaving.

The role of Mom Uncle Fyodor in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" voiced Valentina Talyzin.

Hero Prostokvashino №5: Daddy Fedor - Fedor's dad is a powerful, good family man. He likes to read the newspaper on the sofa, repair the car right in the apartment. Always listens to mom, despite his own opinion. Not against the time of the second child in the family so that Mom calms down.
The role of Pope Fyodor in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" voiced Herman Kacin.

Hero Prostokvashino №6: Hip Pequin - Pechkin is a rustic postponed, tall and thin, walks in a long brown raincoat. Not much grumbling and harmful. After he got a bike as a gift from Fedor's parents and a new hat from Matroskin, I supposed the board (the dog was inadvertently shot by the header-Ushan Pechekin, when he was brazed with his accuracy), and maybe it only because I went to retirement ... Pechkin loves to drink tea with rams and sweets and his post office.
The role of the postman Pechekin in the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" voiced Boris Novikov.

The story of Edward Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" was published in 1973, and 5 years later, a famous cartoon was shot on it, which has long been a classic of Soviet animation and for 40 years no longer loses popularity in no children or parents. But even the most dedicated fans are hardly known that some characters had real prototypes, and the heroes themselves originally looked differently, and from the series to the series of their external appearance undergo significant changes ...

This story began in the pioneer camp, where at that time Edward Uspensky worked as a librarian. There were not enough good children's books in his library, and a beginner writer began to invent the plots about the adventures of the villagers of Prostokvashino. So uncle Fedor was born, cat Matroskin, the ball and postman Pechekin. Initially, Uncle Fedor was an adult forester living in a fabulous village, but according to the advice of the writer Boris Nodokovsky, Uspensky made it a 6-year-old boy - the same as his potential readers. " And I rewrote the whole book. So uncle Fedor such an adult turned out"Said Asspensky.

In fact, for the first time, the Book of Assumption was fascinated in 1975. However, the three-sireless cartoon "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat" was not successful. After 3 years, he was decided to reconstruct it, for which Edward Uspensky had to rewrite the script. However, the result was justified by all the efforts spent - "Three from Prostokvashino" used incredible popularity, hundreds of times greater than the book.

Over the new cartoon worked two designer artists: Levon Khachatryan created images of the postman Pechekin, Uncle Fyodor and his parents, and Nikolai Drkalov was the creator of Cat Matroskin, the ball, cow Murki and the calf Gavryushi. The hardest work moved over the way Galkonka - the bird did not get anything that the director wanted to see her. As a result, it was necessary to work on several multiplier artists at once.

Some characters had real prototypes. For example, the appearance of Moms of Uncle Fyodor Levon Khachatryan sulled from his wife, actress Larisa Butchestnika. " Little growth, short hairstyle, glasses. Popov made his amendments ... glasses. On my sketch they were round, which my wife wearing, but Popov believed that it was better square"," Khachatryan told. Larisa Myasnikova was not satisfied with the result - too capricious and nervous looked on the screen written off her heroine. However, the very form of glasses made it change the anger to mercy: " I would not put such anything. I hope all this understands, and no one will associate this your mother with me».

The image of Uncle Fedor became the subject of stormy disputes - the director was not satisfied with the final result. While working on the next series - "Vacations in Prostokvashino" - another multiplier artist, Arkady Cher, connected to work. He changed the appearance of almost all characters, but the most notable transformations occurred with Uncle Fedor. Because of this, Levon Khachatryan quarreled with the director and then left the project. In the creation of the third series - "Winter in Prostokvashino" - he no longer participated. And Uncle Fedor, meanwhile, has changed beyond recognition. " If you put Uncle Fedorov from all three episodes nearby, it turns out that these are completely different boys! I do not understand this"Levon Khachatryan crushed.

Its prototype was not only at Mom's uncle Fedor, but also at the cat Matroskin - True, it concerns the book, not a cartoon character, and more of its nature, not an appearance. Edward Uspensky "wrote off" a cat from his friend, an employee of the satirical van of "Fitil" Anatoly Taraskina. From him, Matroskin's cat inherited prudence, the circumstance, practicality, rationalism, economicism, and at the same time the last name - after all, in the initial version he was a cat Taraskin.

However, the prototype rebelled against excessive paintings of the image: " Are you crazy! Do you want to make me merzy all of Moscow? I do not want to be some kind of book cat. If you suggested me to perpetuate myself in a more famous character - I would still think ..." Taraskin could not even imagine how popular the character would be written off him. According to Asspensky, later he regretted his decision and said: " What a fool i was! Familia regretted! So at least in history would go" But at the audience, Matroskin is more associated with an actor who presented him with his voice, - ingenious Oleg Tabakov.

At the request of the scenario department, many of the character replicas had to rewrite. Edward Uspensky told that the Cat Matroskin originally, having taught from the corner to the angle "as a political prisoner", was to say: " Socialism was built on the courtyard, and we have one couple of felt boots on everyone, like a tsarism" But in the final version, this phrase sounds more "politically correct": " In the yard, the end of the twentieth century, and we have one couple of boots on everyone, like with the king pea».

Many texts of the children's writer were censored :.