Production of a foam generator for washing with his own hands. Penogenator from a sprayer of plastic canister

Hey! Different foam generators are increasingly used in our daily livelihoods. On the other hand, almost every owner of vehicles seeks to maintain it in a pure and tidy state, despite the weather conditions. It is no coincidence that the foam generator has become the subject of the current publication. Yes, yes, there is no need to acquire this equipment for big money, because it can be collected much cheaper. Then I will tell you how to do it.

The contactless washing makes less harm to the paint coating of the car and earlier we talked about. And to increase the efficiency of its use, it is necessary to use a foam-generating device. First of why foam? This composition boasts its soft and loyal impact on the body and paintwork - it is extremely important when it comes to a contactless car wash. At the same time, it is capable of protecting metal, plastic, glass from the most stable and corrosive types of pollution. Thus, the foam generator for the car has become popular due to its integrated effect.

The design of such equipment usually includes several main elements:

  • directly container (cylinder) filled with compressed air;
  • a device that provides (type gun, sprinkler);
  • connecting parts, hoses, etc.

A little about the principle of work

So that you understand how the foam generator is functioning from the sprayer or even the factory type. A compressed air enters the working capacity, thanks to which the foaming process begins. Further, this mixture must pass through the so-called "foam tablet".

It is she starts the process of active foaming, as a result of which a persistent composition is formed, which is needed to clean the car or another object. Due to the presence in the regulator plates placed under a special angle, the washer can adjust the feed power and the coating area by foam.

How to make equipment with your own hands

Now we will talk about the most frequency equipment, which is quite enough for washing in living conditions. But before necessary, it is high-quality my car wash.

First we prepare the toolkit - it will be in almost any garage or a home workshop: pliers, set of keys, knife, roulette, Bulgarian.

As a sprayer, take a 0.5-meter piece of metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 1 inch. We also need a murder type mesh, which is used for washing dishes and other cases - it is pushing it as much as possible into the pipe. It is used for foaming. The other side of the tube is plugged with a plug, then a tee and a crane for opening.

A compressed air produced by the compressor will be provided through the crane. The opposite end of the pipe is connected to the foam hose. You can equip it with a filtering element with large cells. Next, we need to find a container in which the foaming liquid will be. The material does not play a paramount value - if only it was able to withstand the working pressure (some craftsmen take as the basis of the tank from the former fire extinguisher, see video).

Factory option - differences in the manufacture

You can collect an alternative generator that will be closer in its functionality to factory structures. We take a hose or a tube, fill it with a sponge of foam rubber, which for reliable fixation is pulled by a thin wire (fishing line). At one end, we put the mesh limiter so that the material does not penetrate the nozzle.

Air must be supplied from the bottom of the receiver - for this, the tube must have an appropriate length. To adjust the power of the jet, adapter crashes into the tank. The foam tablet can be placed at the output of the finished composition. Next, the air hose is connected to the compressor.

Check the tightness of all compounds, in particular, threaded. To be able to control the pressure, it makes sense to embed the pressure gauge in the design. Thus, to build a foam generator close to the factory, will help the usual compressor for swinging and controlling the pressure in the tires. Handle with a nozzle or pistol acquire in the garden and garden departments of supermarkets and department stores. Further, it all depends on the fantasy of the user and its ability to handle prickly tools.

In principle, the most inexpensive foaming agent-nozzle of the company Kercher will cost 1500 rubles and higher. However, it is possible to save even these funds by collecting a simple design on their own and infringement. Some manage to make a wash even from a garden sprayer. Today you could make sure of it. Using such a device, you can even wash the engine and the smoked space, naturally observing

Every motorist knows how important it is to take care of the purity of his iron horse. Liquid dirt, dust, aggressive chemicals used to clean the streets in winter, can cause irreparable harm to the body of your car. Yes, and looks like a neat, clean car much better dirty "maras". Often the car owner stops from more frequent washing the machine only high and large queues. However, these problems can be avoided if you make a foam generator for car wash at home with your own hands.

The car wash with the help of foam is performed contactless, and therefore there is no possibility of applying damage to the bathing coating of the body. Thus, the contactless washing with a high-pressure steam generator is preferable compared to other methods. But the cost of special equipment for such a washing is quite high and does not justify the cost of its purchase with periodic use for washing one machine. A good output in this case will be a self-made foam generator.

Constructive features of the device of the foam generator

The foam generator for the car washes in its design is similar to any device using compressed air in its work. It consists of a cylinder, foaming, sprayer and connecting hoses. Compressed air under pressure enters the working capacity in which it is mixed with shampoo. Thanks to this design, man avoids the need to contact chemicals. Foam shampoo is better laundered dirt, even in hard-to-reach places. The occurrence of damage to the paint-layer, on the contrary, due to the content of the wax in the shampoo, a protective anti-corrosion film is formed. The sink speed increases and takes only 15-20 minutes.

Principle of operation of the steam generator

The steam generator is characterized by a very simple principle of work:

  1. The washer is carried out with a cylinder with aqueous solution and, and after tightly closes the neck to ensure tightness.
  2. Next, the compressor must be connected and the water is pumped up to the required pressure.
  3. During the opening of the pilater valve, the solution is squeezing with air. This is performed through the jaw. There is primary education here.
  4. The foamed solution, which has a greater speed, is "crashed" into the barrier - the grid of the foaming tablet, which is separated. As a result, a fine foam is formed.
  5. Foam goes to the gun, and after it is supplied to the washing surface through the nozzle.

If necessary, the washer has the ability to adjust the feed of the foam on the gun.

The safest for the paint coating of the car body is a non-contact method of washing with the use of the foam generator (it is also called it a penogen). The essence of this method is reduced to applying a chemical detergent to the body surface in the form of a fine foam. After applying, she softens the dirt and dust, then it remains to wash off a jet of water. With paintwork (cloth, brushed, etc.) eliminates damage to the surface layers of varnish, that is, the formation of the so-called "cledka" is completely excluded. Therefore, this method of car wash and is now more priority and advanced.

The efficiency of washing is largely - the higher its density, the better the sewage properties, less consumption of water and chemical agents. And the foam gives just a foam generator. Therefore, the main task of the foam generator is to obtain a fine dense foam, as well as the uniform distribution over the surface of the car body.

Construction of the foam generator

Constructively, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional garden sprayer, the schematic diagram has almost the same. But there is one essential nuance - Penogen is a high pressure equipment.

The main components of this equipment are:

  1. The balloon (the volume is different - from 25 to 100 liters).
  2. Mixer.
  3. Pistol.
  4. Connecting hose.

Large equipment, with a large capacity cylinder, can be installed on a transport trolley, to provide easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, the cylinders are made of stainless or from conventional steel, but with an obligatory coating of anti-corrosion agents. In some factory models on the cylinder, a measuring line is installed, which allows you to control the flow and in a timely manner.

Independently, the foam agent cannot, since the supply of compressed air is required. For this, it is provided on the cylinder a fitting for connecting the compressor. Typically, the working pressure for the foam generator is made up 5-6 bar. To control the pressure on the container, a pressure gauge is set, the pressure adjustment is performed in the design of the pressure regulator.

Foam tablet

The main element of the mixer is the so-called foaming tablet. In fact, it represents a small-scale mesh, folded in several layers and made-resistant wire corrosion. It is installed in the housing installed on the cylinder. And it is to it that the feed hose is connected. This tablet ensures the breakdown of the primary foam fed to it, on the fine-dispersed fraction of high density.

Principle of operation of the foam generator

Foam generator with his own hands

The principle of operation of the foam generator is very simple:

  1. The washer fills the balloon with a solution of water and a foaming agent (detergent). Then the neck is tightly closed, which ensures the tightness of the tank.
  2. The compressor is connected and the air is pumped up to the desired pressure.
  3. When opening the pistol valve, the air begins to squeeze the solution through the journey, where the primary foaming occurs.
  4. Moving at high speed, the foamed solution bends into the grid of the foaming tablet and, passing it, is separated, which is accompanied by the formation of a fine foam.
  5. Finished foam is fed to the gun and then through the nozzle this on the body surface.
  6. If necessary, the washer can adjust the feed on the gun (make the spray front wider, increase the speed of the jet departure).

It is noteworthy that approximately such a principle employs one more equipment for contactless washing - a spraiver. But unlike the foam generator at the outlet of the pistol, it is formed by an emulsion, which has a cleaning effect lower than that of foam.

The difference between them is reduced to different used pistols for applying. Emulsion - a slightly different state of the liquid than foam, so it is necessary for spraying a nozzle with an enlarged hole. In addition, the spray can not adjust the emulsion supply parameters, that is, there are no adjusting elements on the gun. These nuances will help to easily distinguish the foam generator from the spray.

The main advantages of the foam generator are:

  • economical consumption of detergent;
  • the foam obtained at the outlet has an excellent detergent function;
  • the ability to adjust the supply of a jet;

The main disadvantages of this equipment two are large overall dimensions and the need to connect the compressor. From these qualities, the foam generator is considered equipment for not very suitable for home use.

Penoomplekt as a kind of foam generator

In the garage conditions it is better to use foam complex - variation of equipment for contactless car wash.

Pistol with a nozzle for washing. Connects through a hose to a sink of high pressure

This equipment works somewhat differently. It also has a container, but it is significantly less in volume than the foam generator is only 1 liter. Also in the design it includes a foaming agent, which immediately plays the role of a pistol for applying. But in contrast to the foam, the foam complex works not from the compressor, it is a nozzle for high pressure powdes.

Capacity with a foaming agent, otherwise called a foam nozzle for contactless washing

Scheme of foamy nozzle

Penochomplekt works like this:

  1. It puts on a water supply slog from a high-pressure washing.
  2. After turning on the washing into operation, the water under high pressure is fed to the foaming agent, and from there - into the container filled with detergent where the primary foaming occurs.
  3. The resulting solution in the container is the feed water squeezes again into the foaming agent, where it passes through the foaming tablet.
  4. At the outlet of the tablet, a fine foam is formed, which through the slurry is fed to the body surface.

For the convenience of working to the foaming agent, extension (spears) of different lengths can be connected to ensure the application of foam on any surface of the car, including the roof and the bottom.

The stream obtained at the outlet of the foam complex can also be adjusted using the valve installed on the foaming agent.

Penochomplekt differs:

  • small overall dimensions;
  • obtained at the output of good quality foam;
  • ease of refueling (not required water to create a solution);

But without a high pressure washing, the foam complex will not work.

Because of the powerful jet obtained at the outlet, the consumption of detergent in such equipment is somewhat higher than that of the penogen. In general, this is a completely acceptable option for a contactless car wash at home. Yes, and it is worth a foam complex much cheaper than the foam generator.

How to independently make a foam generator for washing

Foam generator assembly

Considering the design of both types of equipment, it can be noted that the main component is the foaming tablet, which can be used separately. So it is possible to make a foam generator with their own hands.

The easiest way of manufacture is the usual garden sprayer as a basis and remake it a little. At the beginning, it was mentioned that a constructively foam generator and sprayer are similar, and this fact is often used when creating homemagen.

Tablet for foam assembly

  • sprayer (volume can be different);
  • two ½ inches and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • air fitting;
  • foaming tablet and adapter for it;
  • metal tube.

Having all this, you can proceed to alteration:

  1. Sut off the sprayer pressure discharge valve and fitting for connecting the hose.
  2. Insert the bores in the resulting holes and fix them with nuts on both sides and using sealing gaskets.
  3. We install the tube on one of the Signs (so that it almost takes to the bottom of the container), the check valve and the air fitting.
  4. On the second sagon through the adapter, screw the foaming tablet.
  5. The manual pump pump pump pump must be completely drowning, because it will not need, and will only perform the role of the tank cover.

Video: Foam generator do it yourself

It remains only to connect the hose to the outlet pill fitting, on the second end of which to wear a garden pistol-splitter. This can be considered the product ready.

Working with it is not as convenient, as with factory equipment, but quite acceptable. To wash the car you need:

  • refuel the container with detergent solution (by 2/3);
  • connect the compressor and download the air into the balloon (it is important to trace for pressure and not exceed the permissible norms);
  • after opening the sprayer valve, the air will squeeze the solution, sell it through the tablet, and at the outlet of the gun we get foam quite acceptable quality;

Of the inconvenience of the self-made foam generator, it is possible to note the need for a periodic pressure podset, since the self-container is not equipped with a regulator, as well as the inability to adjust the outgoing jet.

But the design described can always be finalized by installing additionally equipment to eliminate disadvantages and improve the convenience of working with the foam generator.

Cheap homemade minimations for the car have an insufficiently effective foam nozzle. As a result, even a good contactless foam does not cope with pollution. Improve the quality of the cleaning of the machine, you can apply a homemooderator. It copes with the emerged mud, which is in the future it is easily washed off by the minisoy.


  • body from the old powder fire extinguisher with a neck and lid;
  • steel tube 1/2 inches;
  • cut of rubber from the camera for the sealer;
  • garden hose;
  • tip under the garden hose;
  • 1/2 inches ball valve;
  • quick-release adapter fitting to M1 / \u200b\u200b2 inches compressor;
  • fumelight.

Device of homemagenorator

The foam generator is made on the mart of a powder fire extinguisher or an old manual steel sprayer. You can use another metal container by 8-10 liters. It must be equipped with a neck with a lid on a thread and a rubber seal.

At the top in the end of the container, a hole under the tube is 15 mm. It will be used to exit foam. A short cut of a pipe of 7-10 cm is boiling into it. It is cut onto a carving to secure the adapter to the garden hose.

The bottom of the balloon is drilled by a hole under the tube. It will be used to supply air. A muffled pipe with side holes is inserted into it.

There are 10 holes drilled in a row 2 mm drill. The tube is boiled so that they look up. Next on it cuts the thread to fix the ball valve. The fitting is screwed down on it for the compressor shower. All threads are predetermined by Fumelight or in another way.

How to use

The water is poured into the foam generator by half. It adds a car shampoo for contactless sink. The tank is closed with a lid. A compressor is connected to the lower adapter.

A garden hose is connected to the upper fittings.

Wide tube to splashing foam.

After turning on the compressor and the opening of the ball crane, the feed air mixes water by creating a foam.

She climbs up a tank and after filling it in the garden hose, splashing on the car.

The foam generator of such a design works much better than many standard low-fold nozzles. It makes a thick foam, which when using a normal shampoo allows you to wash even a very dirty machine at the minimum time and strength costs.

At the end, we all wash off the water from a high pressure washing or from a garden hose under the usual pressure.

The contactless way of car wash has a number of advantages, but the main advantage is the lack of probability of damage to paintwork. The effectiveness of the contactless method of washing is achieved through a car shampoo that applied to the body in the form of foam. Special devices are used to convert the gel in the foam: foam generators, sprayers and doses. For car wash with a shampoo, it is not necessary to write to the sink, as it is possible at home. To convert a foam shampoo, you need to construct the foam-generator with your own hands.

Constructive features of the device of the foam generator

Before finding out how the foam generator is made, it should be dealt with its design and the principle of functioning. The foam generator is called a metallic tank or tank, the capacity of which is from 20 to 100 liters. At the top of such a tank there is a filling neck, as well as a drain valve with two fittings. One of the fittings (input) is connected to the compressor, and the second (output) nozzle is connected to the creation of foam and its application (spraying) on \u200b\u200bthe car body.

The reservoir, depending on its volume, is filled with a special detergent solution, the amount of which is 2/3 of the tank capacity. The solution is a mixture of 10 ml of a car shampoo with 1 liter of water.

It is interesting! Additional protection of the body of the car shampoo is achieved due to the content of wax in it.

After filling the tank, the compressor turns on the cleanser and the compressed air is supplied to the tank. To create foam air pressure should be at least 6 atmospheres. In the tank, under the influence of compressed air, a shampoo foam is formed, which falls into the output fitting through the filter and sprayer (foaming agent). The sprayer is located in the nozzle through which the foam is served on the car body. The pressure in the tank is controlled by a pressure gauge, and its level of fullness is a special waterproof tube.

The main purpose of the device is the formation of foam from the working solution

Thanks to such a device, a person does not need to be contacted with a chemical, and the application of a foam shampoo contributes to better mud laundering from the car body. In addition, the vehicle washing the vehicle, which takes no more than 15-20 minutes. To a number of additional advantages, the use of the steam generator also includes:

  1. The complete absence of physical contact with the body surface. This eliminates the occurrence of damage, spots and clouds in the paintwork.
  2. The ability to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Additional protection of the paint and varnish coating due to the formation of a thin protective anti-corrosion film.

However, of all the advantages, it is important to highlight the disadvantage that is that the factory-based steam generator is quite expensive (from 10 thousand rubles, depending on the tank). Based on this, many homemade craftsmen are resorted to the manufacture of low pressure steam generators. This approach allows you to significantly save finances, as well as get a high-quality steam generator for home use.

Features of manufacturing a foam generator for washing

The cost of the cheapest foam generator for washing will cost more than 10 thousand rubles, and with an independent approach to the manufacture of the device, no more than 2 thousand rubles will need. This amount may be even less if the arsenal has products necessary for the construction of the device. For such purposes, you will need the main elements presented in the form:

  • Capacity;
  • Reinforced hose;
  • Pressure gauge;
  • Metal clamps;
  • Shut-off valve;
  • Metal tube.

Before entering the manufacture of a foam generator, it is necessary to choose the corresponding reservoir. The basic requirement is presented to the tank - the ability to withstand pressure up to 5-6 atmospheres. The second requirement is the volume of the product that should be within 10 liters. This is the optimal volume to apply a foam on the car for a car at a time without re-adding a detergent solution. All other products can also be found in the garage or acquire when they are absence.

The scheme of the foam generator for washing is presented in the photo below.

The device reservoir must withstand pressure up to 6 atmospheres inclusive.

Preparation of drawings in the manufacture of the device

Before entering the manufacture of a self-made foam generator, it is necessary to prepare drawings with sketches. This will not only make it possible to understand that it will be necessary to get self-made, but also help to avoid the omission of the following tasks:

  • Determining the sequence of the product assembly operation.
  • Forming a complete list of essential materials and parts.
  • Preparation of a tool that will be needed for the manufacture of products.

The drawing of the self-made foam generator scheme is represented in the photo below.

For clarity, it is best to make an outline on a piece of paper.

Relying on such a scheme, you can make a list of necessary materials, as well as tools for the manufacture of the product. In each case, depending on which the foam generator will be manufactured, the necessary consumables will differ. To a number of mandatory tools include:

  • Spanners;
  • Roulette;
  • Pliers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Screwdriver Set;

After the sketches are performed, you can start making.

From the sprayer "Beetle"

Surely, many have an old Garden Sprayer of the brand "Beetle" or its analogues. It can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also for the manufacture of a foam generator for car wash. Consider what the manufacturing process itself represents. First, take advantage of the following types of materials:

  1. Capacity. As a tank, a tank from the Garden Sprayer "Beetle" or other brands, for example, "Quasar" or "Spark", is used.
  2. Pressure gauge designed to measure pressure up to 10 atmospheres.
  3. The crane that foam feeds will be adjusted.
  4. Metal tube with nozzle for the spraying process.
  5. Hose, withstanding pressure up to 8 atmospheres.
  6. Adapter on the hose.
  7. Clamps.
  8. Nipple automobile with a lock valve conductive compressed air is only in one direction.
  9. Two half-blooded or nozzles, as well as 4 nuts with seals.

Sprayer tank is an ideal option for the manufacture of a reservoir of the foam generator

The work of the foam generator includes a metal mesh or a tightly whipped fishing line, with which the deterioration of the detergent will occur. You can buy a ready-made foam tablet in a specialized store.

Foam tablet responsible for the consistency of the solution may be purchased in the store or make himself

It is important! The capacity of the foam generator must withstand pressure up to 6 atmospheres. Plastic tank should not have signs of deformation and damage.

When working with the device, overalls are worn, as well as protective equipment. When all materials are ready, you can start constructing the device.

  • From the sprayer, you need to remove the hand pump, after which itching the existing holes.
  • In the upper part of the tank, 2 half-blooded circle are installed. In order to secure Signs, nuts that are screwed from both sides are used. The tightness of the connection is performed by the use of pads.

To ensure tightness it is possible to use plumbing pads

  • In the supply air, the nozzle is installed adapter T-shaped. The pressure gauge is attached to it, and the shut-off valve.
  • Inside the tank, the steel pipe is attached by screwing on the threaded connection. From this pipe, the air will be supplied to the lower part of the tank, thereby foaming fluid.
  • From the second nozzle will be filing foam. A crane is installed on the nozzle, as well as a foam tablet. The hose to the nozzle is connected on the one hand, and to the metal tube on the other. A nozzle or sprayer joins the metal tube, after which the device is ready for use.

The resulting design is very similar to the factory

To be able to adjust the pressure in the tank, you must install a special air force control valve. This valve will reset the excess pressure in the tank.

It is possible to simplify the manufacture of a foam generator by using a hose with a sprayer, which is completed with the sprayer. To do this, the sprayer needs to be changed a little:

  • In the fence hose shampoo need to make a small hole. This hole is done under the top, and its purpose is to mix air with shampoo.

The hole done in the tube is necessary for additional air supply.

  • The second type of modernization includes the manufacture of a foam tablet made of metal jershik for washing dishes. This lubshik is located inside the transition tube. Instead of jarshik, you can set a foam tablet or ball fishing line.

Using kitchen rods for washing dishes as a foam tablet helps you save money

  • For supplying compressed air to the tank, drill a hole in the sprayer housing, and install nipple in it. To the nippel to connect the hose from the compressor, after which one part of the compressed air is ready.

After that, we get a simplified version of the foam generator with your own hands, which will serve for a long time and efficiently.

From the fire extinguisher: step by step instruction

Consider what is the process of manufacturing a foam generator from a fire extinguisher. To do this, take advantage of the old five-liter fire extinguisher with the gas generator. This volume is enough to wash the car from one refueling of the detergent.

The housing of the fire extinguisher of a priori is designed for high pressure, therefore will become an excellent option for the manufacture of a foam generator

The fire extinguisher with a gas generator is a practically ready-made foam generator requiring minor improvement. In addition to the cylinder, the following materials will be needed for the construction of a foemraterator from the fire extinguisher:

  • Valve for tubeless wheels.
  • Scraps for washing dishes.
  • Grid with shallow cell.
  • The hose that will be switched to a cylinder with a pistol for a foam sprayer.
  • Clamps for reliable fixation of the hose.
  • Sealant, which can be sealed with threaded connections.

From the required tool, only drill and hacksaw for metal are needed. After that, you can proceed to work:

  • Initially, the fire extinguisher's shut-off and starting device is filled. At the bottom of the lid there is a tube with a gas generator. The gas generator is a small-sized canister for compressed air.
  • Disassembled locking mechanism. The tube and the balloon will be screwed together with connecting couplings.

The shut-off and starting mechanism is disassembled, and the tube and the cylinder are twisted

  • The gas generator is subject to discharge into two parts, for which the metal can be used. The upper part of the gas generator must have a length of at least 4 cm. Subsequently, it will be our foam tablet.

The upper part of the gas generating device must be at least 4 cm long

  • The lower part of the gas generator is removed to the side. We proceed to the manufacture of the tablet, for which the round mesh is cut on the diameter of the gas generator. It is located inside this cylinder.

As in the previous case, to create a foam tablet we will use scrapers for washing dishes

  • In the cylinder also placed metal rods, which are designed for washing dishes.
  • So that the washcloths did not fall out, another locking mesh is installed. The grid diameter must be more cylinder for dense fixation.
  • In the coupling where the neck of the cylinder occurs, the hole is drilled, which is necessary to improve the patency of the foam. The drilling is performed until the diameter is at least 7 mm.
  • After that, a homemade foam tablet is screwed into the hole. To seal the thread opening, it is necessary to lift the sealant.
  • In the next step, the hole is drilled in the body of the fire extinguisher, where the coupling tube will be screwed. The fitting will be installed in this hole, so it must be the corresponding size. The optimal size is 10 mm.
  • The valve is installed, and the tube coupling immediately screws. This valve will be used to download compressed air into a bolon from under the fire extinguisher.
  • The coupling dresses the tube, after which the air supply line to the balloon is considered ready.
  • A foam tablet is screwed into the second hole of the cover, after which you can proceed to the preparation of the pistol.
  • The old hose is disconnected from the fitting, after which it screws into the shock-starting mechanism from the gun.
  • Details are connected to the new hose, and are connected to the shut-off device.
  • The connection site hose must be fixed by clamps.

The device from the fire extinguisher is distinguished by reliability and has a much longer life

The device is ready for use, and to simplify its transportation, you can weld to the balloon of the handle or holders. The device is ready, so you can proceed to its test. In the tank fill 2 liters of water, then add shampoo. The ratio of water shampoo can be clarified on the packaging with a chemical. Pressure in the cylinder should not exceed 6 atmospheres. If the pressure is lower, then in the process of washing the car you will need a swap.

It is interesting! Even if there is no compressor at the disposal, then you can download the air with an ordinary manual or foot pump.

From plastic canister

If there is a plastic old canister in the garage, then it is also possible to make a foam generator. The advantage of using the canister is the simplicity of the manufacture of the device, as well as the minimum cost. Of the tools and materials you will need:

  • Compressor;
  • Plastic canister;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Flushing tubes;
  • Pistol;
  • A set of keys.

The principle of manufacturing a foam generator from a plastic canister consists in performing the following manipulations:

  1. A 70 cm inch tube is filled with a fishing line or metal rod.
  2. At the edges, the tube is fixed with special plugs using threaded connections.
  3. On one of the plugs there is an adapter T-shaped.
  4. A socket is installed on the second plug.
  5. The hoses and taps are attached to the T-shaped adapter on both sides, through which the water supply is overlap.
  6. On the one hand, the compressor will be connected, and the foam fluid supply from the tank will occur.
  7. It remains to wear a gun and take advantage of the homemade device.

Penogen from the canister does not require gigantic spending time and means and is known for simplicity

Schematically, the design of the foam generator will be view shown in the photo below.

General scheme of a self-made device from canister

From the gas cylinder

The metal barrel of the cylinder is an excellent option for making a tank. His advantage is the thickness of the walls of the cylinder, which are able to withstand high pressure. As in the previous cases, it is originally necessary to prepare drawings. After that, collect all the necessary materials and tools, and only then start work.

Check-out penogen check valve

For air supply will be used the return valve with a pressure gauge. The drawing of the self-made foam tablet has the following form.

We will use fluoroplastic as material

It also takes the manufacture of nozzles for spraying foam. This nozzle will be put on the hose through which foam serves. The nozzle manufacturing circuit for the sprayer is as follows.

Materials will need the details that are shown in the photo below.

Required consumables for the manufacture of the device

The manufacture of a foam generator for washing is carried out from a cylinder with a capacity of 5 liters. You can use a larger cylinder, but there is only no such need.

As soon as everything is ready to perform work, you can proceed:

  • Initially, the knob is dismantled from the cylinder and 2 holes are drilled.
  • After that, with the help of the welding machine, a 1/2 thread fitting is welded, into which the crane will be screwed.
  • A tube is welded for air supply to the balloon. She must continue in the bottom. After welding, the check valve will be cooked on the tube. In the tube you need to make several holes in a circle with a diameter of 3 mm.

For air supply to the balloon, we weld the tube

  • After that, the handle to the cylinder is welded into place.
  • We proceed with the assembly of the check valve. To do this, make a membrane from fine gum. Also drill 4 holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm. The appearance of the membrane is presented in the photo below.

4 small holes drill around the center in the membrane

  • The resulting check valve must be screwed onto the tube, as well as install a pressure gauge with a "dad".

Check valve hits the tube

  • Now you need to make a device for removing foam. To do this, the tap is fixed on the fitting.

To remove the foam, use the crane

  • The tap is fixed to the tablet, which can be made of stainless steel.

  • The hose with a diameter of 14 mm is put on the fuck. We proceed to the manufacture of nozzles. This will require fluoroplastic, as shown below.

Nozzle material - fluoroplastic

  • The bay neck is made from the regular reverse valve of the cylinder. For this, the valve is drilled and the thread of M22x2 is cut in it. The plug is made of fluoroplast.

After that, you can pour into a balloon of 4 liters of water, as well as 70 g of shampoo. On this, the process of manufacturing a foam generator from a balloon is considered complete, and it is possible to proceed to its test.

Modernization of the device

Refinement includes improving the functioning of the nozzle. The lack of full-time nozzles is that water is supplied under low pressure, so there is no full-fledged mixing. Consider two ways to refine factory foam generators.

Replacement of the nozzle

It will take advantage of the imaging for upgrading. You can find it in the system block of the computer. This is a product that is recorded motherboard. The advantage of the screw is that it is made of soft materials, so it will not be difficult to drill a hole. To do this, take the drill with a diameter of 1 mm. In the middle of the nuts are done by a hole. From the end part there is a cut so that it can be twisted. The resulting device should be screwed into the nozzle.

Now you need to take a similar type of nut a little more size. It dries a hole with a diameter of 2 mm. From the side that will be turned toward the nozzle, the nozzle is installed. For this, the rod is taken from the gel handle, from which a portion of at least 30 mm long is cut. On the nozzle in the upper part there is a hole with a diameter of 4.6 mm. Everything is connected by a sealant. You can proceed to test work.

Modernization of mesh nozzles

The grid in the nozzle plays the role of the divider of water and the foam elastic. The disadvantage of grids is their rapid wear. To refine the product, you will need to use the jet from the carburetor of any car. You will also need a grid of stainless material.

The jetrel needs to be located instead of a regular nozzle, drawing attention to the dimensions. If necessary, perform the resulting hole to accommodate the jet. According to the standard mesh template, you need to make a new one. The new grid should have the diameter of the cells no more than 2 mm. After that, the product can be installed in place regular and experience in action.

Summing up, it should be noted that the foam generator for washing the car is not working. All items and tools are available in every garage, so if you have such a need, you need to take and do. The material presents indicative samples, so in each individual case, you can use your ideas.