How to easily and simply arrange a bed of girlfriend with your own hands. Types of fence for beds than better to protect the beds

Organic agriculture - when all the beds in the country consist of compost - it becomes more and more supporters. How to make beds so that there were no weeds? We present high beds with a fencing from Igor Lyadov - Grocery-box with your own hands.

I want to tell about the samples and errors of the cultivation of vegetables chosen for many years. I combined two technologies:

  1. "Ridges are a unique technology of vegetable growing for small areas."
  2. "Agrotechnology of natural agriculture."

I have strengthened in the opinion that it is the organizing agent that can reveal all the possibilities of plants, saving strength and time. Only on a good compost you can see and evaluate the quality of Western and domestic varieties: most of them are created for organic soil. I am sure: we can not go anywhere from the organic. Likewise: learn to compost and still arrange stationary beds - once for many years.

Method of vegetable growing at narrow ridges was developed by J. Mitlaider in the 70s of the last century and brought by the author to Russia in 1989. And although Mitlaider does not recommend putting a box for narrow beds, I still screamed the box. Nature itself suggested this, or rather, the unpredictability of our Far Eastern climate.

In the spring, many cottages floods, water does not have time to go, water is worthwhile. We have the same problem at the end of August and early September - rains pour in day and night. Yes, and in the middle of the summer it rains can pour 2-3 days, and maybe in half an hour pour the whole garden. Raise the bed 15-25 cm above the track solves this problem.

The width of the ridge is 80-90 cm, the length is arbitrary. The groove between the beds is 50-70 cm. The width of the box and the width of the passage depend on the climatic conditions.

For more northern areas, the passages should be kept wider - 70-80 cm. Grocery itself - already 60-80 cm so that it is well warmed.

For the southern regions, the passages should be done already: 40-50 cm. Grocery itself - 90-100 cm.

Vegetable container is a high garden, the walls of which are composed of bricks, logs, timber, boards, stone, slate ... It is preferably a bed to pull from the north to south. But basically focusing on the relief of the country area, so that the groin slope is small. I have some beds are located from the east to the west, and the harvest is not worse.

Passages between the beds should be closed with sand, sawdust, rubberoid, etc. In some conversations, I preferred the lawn, which once a month with a trimmer stream. Some passes poured sawdust. The beauty of the garden does not leave anyone indifferent. Weeds are not, the plot is clean and beautiful.

Each garden is two rows of vegetables planted along the edges in a checkerboard order. In this geometry, a huge reserve of productivity is hidden, because it has long been noticed: an extreme plant develops almost twice as well as in the middle - they have much more light and growth space. And here - all plants extreme. Wide aisle is needed in order to give them light and space.

In two rows in a checkerboard, I plant cabbage, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, etc. Four rows landing onions, garlic, beets, salads, radishes, carrots, etc.

One who at least one season has worked on narrow ridges, is convinceding in the vast capabilities of this method and simply cannot return to traditional technology. Working on the ridges, a person is having joy not only from a good harvest, but also from the process of growing vegetables.

Choose a flat pad. We will install a high bed.

The side of the bed can be made of bricks, slate, logs. The main thing is to protect the bed. Personally, I took a log from the old house: inside the wood began to decompose, but for the beds they will fit and preserve at least 15 years.

The logs are stably put on Earth, they can even be overwhelmed if necessary. Logs fasten with rugs or nails.

Many are asked how many such boards or logs are enough. Now for sale a lot of anti-corrosion products. Treating them, you can significantly extend the life of such a bed.

If you paint a bed-box (lime or water-based paint), this will not only make your baby-box more aesthetic, will protect the tree from rotting, but also will not allow the sides to heat up on hot days. White color repels the sun's rays. So, for example, potatoes do not like when the earth is strongly heated from the sides.

At the bottom of the beds-box laying a cardboard or a thick layer of newspapers to cut off the weeds that will narrow the germination, and all sorts of pests.

Many people think that the cardboard is glued with glue, and a lot of lead in the newspaper. Nothing like that, technology has long been different, and soil microorganisms will redistribute everything in a year or three. And we will win the time, having relished your beds from weeds, as well as from such pests as a Khrushch or a wire. Cardboard for them is a serious obstacle.

Then we lay a rough organic: the remains of sunflower, corn, thin branches and so on.

Top places other organic residues - beets, cabbage, carrots. You can use potato tops. No matter what state it is. Microorganisms will recycle even sick plants. For the same purposes, you can use the sheet opead, chew.

But it is impossible to put the weed grass so as not to multiply the weeds. And it is impossible to lay food waste into bed, otherwise mice will be headed.

Top with a layer of lands of centimeters of ten. The soil should not be twisted with the beds of the garden. You must remain 5-10 cm, which are necessary for mulching the bed.

If in the first year the garden-box will fall, then the next year, add vegetable residues and on top of the earth again. Goton-box is ready.

From food waste with the addition of plant residues, very good humus is obtained. I found a way out of this situation.
I take the container (a barrel of 200 liters) and we add food waste to the vegetable remnants, I close the lid. During the summer, the container is filled. The contents are well warmed in the sun, and it is not available to mice. Next year you will have a good humus.

The newly created bed is not necessary to prepare for landing. But you must be prepared that in the first year, with a loose laying of plant residues, the garden will be seen during the summer.

You can plant potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cabbage on it in the first year. I do not recommend planting carrots in the first year.

In the second and subsequent years, I prepare a bed to land like this. For 3-5 days before the landing, we clean the mulch from the bed, but it is better to close it in bed. If you do not remove the mulch, the garden will warm it worse.

Now we need a bed to explode for 10 cm. It is convenient for me to make a shovel, at the same time we remove the weed. You can walk with a manual cultivator. No need to dig a bed to the entire bayonet shovel And at the same time, get plant residues on the surface.

What to do with bed in a few years

Many ask what to do when planting leaves are overloaded. It takes about 4-5 years.

I don't need to pull the land from the box-bed. On the third or fourth year, it is simply on this garden, sow siturates, for example, Oats, which later close in the soil. The second option is to leave a mulch on the garden. The second is preferable.

Mulch softer. It is easier close in the soil and decomposes faster, because it has already been resolved for the season. Siderats and mulch become food for microorganisms.

Pros and Cons Grokes-box

Filmed by the remnants of the plants lived by the remnants, beds-box allow us to be avoided on a plot of untidy compost coup. Everything immediately hides in narrow beds and begins to benefit. Weeds are not, the plot is clean and beautiful. Crichet-box has a lot of advantages and only one serious flaw: It requires material costs to build in the first year.

7 benefits of beds-box:
  • Such a garden works for several years, one can say forever (it remains only to replenish it with plant residues, foliage, etc.). When landing, it is not necessary to introduce neither compost in the well, nor overwhelmed manure. Such a garden itself is a compost.
  • The humus is not washed, because the garden is fenced.
  • Convenient watering. There is no stagnation of water.
  • Does not require dipping. Does not require a musting - if the garden is clicked.
  • It is possible to produce an early fit, since such a garden is warm up faster than the usual.
  • On narrow beds it is easy to do crop rotation. Where last year onions were planted, this year you can plant carrots or cabbage.
  • Yield rises 100% and higher.
  • Tubers, rooted roots, without visible signs of disease.
  • It takes a minimum of space, does not create dirt and disorder.
  • It is very convenient to make the shelter by plastic arcs that are sold in seed stores. We put two piles on both sides of the bed and put on them an arc. Distance between arcs near the meter. Depending on the bed length, you install the desired number of arcs. On top of the arcs, you can use the underfloor material or film, until the threat of frosts.

So, to maintain fertility in the box-garden, you do not need to make feeding, growth stimulants or fertilizer in it, it is enough to leave a mulch on the first-fourth year (for me it is a more preferred option) or sow siturates. So, for example, garlic I was removed at the end of July-beginning of August - Oats sowed, I got everything in the ground - microorganisms eat.

The beginning of the agricultural work season is nearing, and many gardeners are actively studying various aspects of the organization of the internal space of the site, study the solutions to certain problems. Today we will tell about the fence of the beds, their advantages and variants of the materials used.

Many lovers work on Earth, grow fresh vegetables or greens often arise a number of problems. If your site has light sandy soils, it becomes impossible to form a classical bedding - when the soil is drying, under the action of rains of planting sites "sprawling" and becomes twisted with the soil, which contributes to the spread of weeds and pests.

Heavy clay soil shapes hold well, but frequent visits to the site lead to partial destruction of the edges of the variety, their swing and when weeding, watering and other works. The optimal output from the situations described above is to enjoy the places of planting by a solid material that securely fix the necessary form. Caring for high beds and harvesting occur much easier, with less voltage and fatigue, which is especially relevant for the elderly.

Ready fences - their species and features

The presence of the problem pushed various manufacturers to propose to solve it. Entrepreneurial industrialists offer contemporary gardens various design options for high beds.

First option It assumes the use of edged lumber, pre-specially processed by various protective compositions that store wood when contacting the aggressive medium as a soil. The limited durability of the design is compensated for its comparative cheap and possibility of self-making.

Second optionwho received widespread - plastic borders for plantings. They attract consumers with accessibility, relatively not high price and long service life. Some species of plastics are not resistant to negative temperatures. This fact requires fence harvesting in the fall and installation with the arrival of spring.

Perhaps more durable and not requiring unnecessary attention - metal box for bedproduced from galvanized steel. Additional stiffness of the fence is given to corners welded along the lower and upper edges of the product. Special spraying protects the material of the structure, additional decorativeness is achieved by painting the outer sides.

These options are less common and suitable for a very limited circle of users. The manufacture of some of them is associated with a high cost of starting materials.

Get the beds by the fact that

Most often, the owners of the sites are trying to solve problems with the fit of the beds themselves. Use for this literally everything that is at the disposal or remained from construction work. One of the most affordable materials for this tree remains. It is enough to combine four edged boards along the ends and it turns out neat "clothes" for a bed.

By making formwork from lumber, OSP or plywood and the bay of its remaining concrete, durable stationary fences are obtained.

If you wish, they can be painted paint, cleansing the space of a plot to envy neighbors and friends.

Having found an Ivnyak near the nearest pond or river and having sliced \u200b\u200ba pair of rods (a bush after that only thicker will grow) it's not difficult to make a fence in the example of your beloved in the southern peoples of the Summer.

After drying, such a fence can be covered with a mourn and varnish, extending its durability, and by the time the rods will begin to collapse on your natural "plantation" will grow their worthy replacement.

The remnants of roofing materials used in the construction of a roof or installation of the fence will help to make a high curb to bed, with which it will be convenient not only to spin weeds, but also collect harvest.

Even a wavy cement slate with a skillful approach will help get smooth beautiful landings. It is enough just to partially deepen sheets into the ground and align them in the plane.

Neurorars and flat cement sheets, characterized by high durability and durability, are equally popular.

Collect wooden fence for beds with your own hands

For modern summer residents, the most affordable diverse material is still a tree. Lumber are quite affordable, stored well and do not require a large list of tools to work with them. In the case of independent manufacture of fences for the beds, we recommend starting from the selection of the place and the size of future landings. Based on them, prepare the necessary details of the future design, process them with any protective composition and let me dry. We also need metal fasteners - nails or self-tapping screws, as well as a tool for working with them.

Boards can be connected to the end, but it is better to use additional steel corners to do this. They will give the design additional strength.

Do not limit your fantasy. To use all the features of the territory of your section, the beds may have a more complex shape other than classic rectangles.

In the absence of a wide sawn timber, the fence can be made from narrower boards, connecting them between themselves short inserts. To limit the contact of wood with an aggressive medium - soil, we recommend that the internal space of the ridge with a solid polyethylene film is recommended to lay down the internal space of the ridge. After the completion of the work and stacking soil, your garden is ready for landings.

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Special soil prepared by special recipes, fired by fertilizers and nutrients, is often blurred by rain and water when watering. That this does not occur, experienced gardeners arrange the fence of beds from special, and more often - girlfriend: slate, plastic panels, curb ribbons, boards. In this article, everything is about the device for fences for garden beds with their own hands: instructions, photos, video.

Order on the garden - the first thing. It's nice to admire smoothly as a Lineberry bed; well-groomed green vegetables that grow neat rows; Clean tracks that do not overgrown weeds and not littered with piles of wanted land and sand. It is not easy to care for the garden! Experienced gardeners set special fences for the beds, good it is easy to make with their own hands from the girlfriend.

Fencing Grokes will help solve immediately a complex of care issues

Let's figure it out for which the fences of garden beds are installed:

  1. Preventing the erosion of the garden soil during watering or falling out of precipitation - in this case, the pluses when installing the sides are obvious. The precious nutritional soil will not be washed out on the tracks, creating dirty puddles and drips.
  2. The ability to create a base for the temporary spring greenhouse (warm bed) - when setting high boards, the fence can be arranged a layer bed, which is suitable for a greenhouse. Convenient to install arcs to pull the film. The finished greenhouse will be accurately and professionally.
  3. Limiting the growth of weeds - with a device for fencing the beds is limited to the landing area, which significantly reduces the propagation of weaving and harmful plants. If the elements of the fence of garden beds are bought on some depth, then the protection of the landing area from the spread of perennial weeds - the side of the garden becomes an irresistible obstacle for them. So it is possible to limit the growing spanning and cantham ray, their root system is spread underground for significant distances.
  4. Enhance the aesthetics of the design of the garden - the eye is pleased with the beautiful frame of green beds and purity around them. Not many gardeners can boast an ideal order on their garden plot, although no work is not difficult to make sides of the beds personally from the cast materials.

Council. When a bed of beds on a garden should be observed some norms, it will help plants better develop, reduce costs when careing will help save time, and will also provide a higher harvest.

The size of the beds (the optimal option) must be as follows:

  • Width - from 80 to 90 cm.
  • Length - any (depends on the capabilities of the individual site). I would like to notice that very long beds are inconvenient to maintain, especially it concerns watering. Therefore, the length of garden chains should be limited in the range of 4-6 meters.
  • Height - the optimal height of the side is from 10 to 15 cm.

Materials for the Groin Fencing

Materials for the fence of the beds and construction of portors can serve: brick, brick stone, metal sheet, plastic panels, special fencing border tape, plastic and glass bottles, lumber, asbetic sheets, slate, metal slate. All these materials have their own positive and negative qualities that should be spoke in more detail.

For the fence of the beds, you can use any materials that are available to you.

But the use of listed materials for the device of fishing garden beds has a different budget basis: so the use of plastic bottles used will not bring any costs to the gardener, but the purchase of a special border ribbon can thoroughly alleviate pocket.

Positive and negative sides of materials for the fence device of garden beds

Metal fences - Different with strength to mechanical damage, easily hold the specified form. Metal sheets are reusable with special metal scissors, so it can only make it a person who has certain workshop skills.

For several years, durable flights from metal will serve as faithfully, but the terrible enemy of metal is rust, over time completely destroy the fence. It aggravates the position of the constant contact of the fetting circuit with water. Therefore, in the device of metal fences, it is necessary to provide reliable protection of the metal from the spread of rust, staining the finished parts of the beds with protective compositions.

The negative quality of metal fences is a strong heating of the design under the action of sun rays. In particularly hot summer days, the fence can be heated to +50 C.

Attention! Vegetables planted close to the side of the garden are greatly burned, in contact with the fence.

Fencing Grookok. from natural wood Distinguishes high ecological safety. However, wooden structures are quite expensive, besides, short-lived.

Contact with water and crude ground does not pass in a gift for lumber fences. The tree is easily subjected to the development of bacterial rot and fungal lesions. Even conducted protective operations before installing a wooden curb does not guarantee long-term operation.

Wooden borders are easy to paint in any color, so to create certain landscape compositions, especially if there are still wooden buildings in a single style in the garden, the tree is suitable, as it is not better. It is worth remembering the briefness of a wooden fence for vegetable or flower beds.

Wooden fence for beds

Plastic bottles - Taste material that is not worth a gardener or a penny. The bottles are installed manually, alternately - they are bought into the edge of the bed. To comply with the right direction and parallelity of the series, it is worth first to schedule the line of the twine, pulling it into the pegs driven into the corners. A bottle fence is not distinguished by strength - very often the bottles are knocked out of the row, the side is lying and deformed. Under the influence of the Sun and precipitation, plastic acquires a turbid and dirty surface, the type of such a fence strongly reduces the beauty of the country area.

Slate - This material is well-deserved in gilders. For the fence, the beds are often used by slate residues, which were formed after repair work on the roof. The fence is easily established, it does not destroy from exposure to water, atmospheric precipitation, low temperature. Slate is less heated in the sun than metal, therefore the risk of obtaining damage to cultivated plants in contact with slate is much lower. Slavic fence fits perfectly into the overall design of the garden.

Dog stone - This material perfectly complements the landscape design, harmoniously fits into the arrangement of any garden. Especially spectacular stone frameds look at flower beds and Rabata. Laying of boob stone - occupation time-consuming and long, while the cost of the material is quite high.

Council. It is justified to organize garden beds with a frame of a boob stone in the presence of natural deposits of the material.

Plastic panels - The most popular version of vegetable beds framing devices today. Plastic panels are not blocked from excessive moisture, they are not exposed to the development of rot, their geometric dimensions do not change from the effects of frost, sun, snow or rain.

Possessing a small weight, PVC panel are easily transported. For cutting material, special tools and skills are required. In the construction of sobbers of garden beds, the use of used panels is allowed.

Fencing zinc

The disadvantage of plastic framing is the change in the density of the panel, yellowing it from the time and exposure to adverse factors. Some panels in a few years begin to collapse (crumbling) from the effects of frost and excessive insolation.

The low cost of PVC panels, wide availability and a rich assortment, make this material attractive and widely used to arrange the garden.

Burgundy ribbon. - Very often used to framing the beds in the garden and flower bed in the flower bed. Material has undoubted positive qualities:

  • You can purchase in any garden store.
  • The presence of various coloring options.
  • High technical specifications for strength and reliability.
  • Easily installed and reproduced.
  • The possibility of framing polygonal and round beds.

Fencing by border ribbons

With high positive qualities there are a number of negative:

  • Some types of border tape are made of plastic, which is not able to withstand negative temperatures.
  • Thin walls of the tape are often drunk by heavy soil, especially when the device is high beds.
  • High-quality border ribbon is distinguished by high cost, and cheap analogs have low strength.

The choice of material for the construction of the framing of garden beds remains behind the owner of the country area. Only he can make a decision that takes into account all the features of the beds and the design of the site. The technology of work on the device for fences from materials of different types is perfectly demonstrated to the video applied to the article.

Greetings do it yourself: video

In order to receive good harvests of garden crops, modern daches, the owners of household plots are hard and hard work. It is very important for them to know from which the beds can be made, it will be a key to improving the efficiency of the nursery. The use of special soil, competently selected fertilizers, nutrients, the correct shape, the design of the beds, the use of optimal materials for their arrangement - all this in the complex will give a positive result, will provide a rich, rich harvest.

A thoughtful approach to the construction of fences Rabatok will help significantly simplify cultures care events. To ensure order on your own landed area, you need to create beautiful garden beds with sides - planted here the neat rows of plants will be very comfortable. This will immediately affect the quality of the harvest. Properly equipped fence guaranteed to warn the loss of soil nutrients during irrigation or atmospheric precipitation.

Ozzing beautiful beds with your own hands, the owner of the site will exclude the creation of flutters, dirty puddles.

Fertilizers, peat, ash in beds will not be blurred with rains, which is very important for cultivated plants. It is not difficult to protect the beds with your own hands - the step-by-step production of structures can be studied in advance thoroughly. This will allow you to stop the growth, the spread of weeds due to the limitation of the landing area.

Due to the jumping of the enclosing elements with a certain blowjob, cultivated plants from the annoying weeds - perennials can be delivered, since the sides of the beds successfully perform the role of irresistible obstacles. Thinking out, from which the beds can be made on the garden, you need to pay attention to the aesthetic design of the site. Beautifully framed ridges with thoughtful sideboard, separated from clean, well-groomed tracks - what you need.

Correct selection of materials of barriers

To create functional fences of the beds, you will need to resort to the use of certain materials: bricks, boob stone, sheet metal, plastic panels, border ribbons, lumber, slate, asbetic sheets. Bottles of glass, plastic, automotive tires, other available materials, products can also be involved. The gardener will have to decide which option for it will be preferable: to spend money on the purchase of materials from the first group or to be satisfied with the use of almost free girlfriends.

Metal fences are characterized by high resistance to mechanical damage.

Unfortunately, over time, corrosion from moisture is able to cause significant damage to metallic sides. So that this does not happen, the owner of the garden will need to be periodically painted in contour flights, applying special protective compounds. In cultivated plants, the heating of the metal under the bright sun can negatively affect. For this reason, the gardener should not carry out the planting of cultures close to sorts. There are not so rare cases when the owners of the plots use ready-made beds with a polymer coating - beautiful and ergonomic. They are made of metal profile, which causes a protective layer.

The natural tree used for the enclosing bed designs has high environmental safety. Building a garden for strawberries from the boards, you need to be prepared for what you have to be periodically (once a few seasons) change the established borders who have come into disrepair. This is explained by the negative impact on the wood of water, raw land, bacteria, fungus. The size of the beds from the boards affects the standard indicators of the lifetime of lumber.

To protect wood for a certain period, the gardener will need to perform its processing with special antiseptic, painting means. With a fantasy, deserted beautiful beds with their own hands from the tree are able to give the landscape of the site a special "highlight". Alternatively, a DPK board can be selected for the beds, the deadlines for which the service is not as an example above, and the aesthetic qualities are completely impeccable.

Functional beds from plastic bottles can be created almost free of charge. To install bottles, they will need to sequentially wrap around the edges of the Grocean, initially by beating the line of the direction of the side with a bellow, stretched on the pegs. The strength of the bottle fence is not very high.Bottles are often knocked out of the ranks, exposed to deformations, from the effects of external factors become muddy, dirty, which cannot but affect the general form of the garden, the backyard territory.

By choosing the fencing from the boob stone, you can not doubt - the design of the household landscape will only win. It is necessary to note that the installation measures of this sophisticated material are characterized by the complexity and high cost. If in close proximity to the site there are natural deposits of the stone, this will significantly reduce the cost part.

The use of budget plastic panels is becoming increasingly more popular with gilders who want to form vegetable ridges. Such structures are not excessive moisture, rot, mold, frost, sun, precipitation. Due to the low weight, the transportation of PVC panels will not be a problem. Their cutting, even inexperienced person will be able to install.

To give vegetable ridge, a flower bed, a flowerbed Completed appearance, the owner of the site can perform their framing using a curb ribbon. Modern manufacturers offer consumers many colors of such products. A high-quality border tape has a high strength, reliability, it is easy to fly, installation, well suited for the collection of beds of various configurations. Among the negative features of such a material made of plastic, it is worth noting its low resistance to negative temperatures.

Counting a garden, the gardener will have to take up certain rules. This will provide the best development of plants, contributes to a decrease in costs, time consideration, will save time, the cause of the highest yield of cultures. Square beds have proven very well - they are convenient for processing, watering, have compact sizes. This does not mean that the gardener should refuse rectangular, round breaks, a variety of arbitrary shapes - they can also be constructed depending on the preferences of the landlord.

The optimal grokery dimensions recommended by experienced gardens are such:

  1. Width: 80 - 90 cm.
  2. Length can be any (it affects the dimensional indicators of the site as a whole). It is worth noting that the service, watering too long beds may be problematic. As a consequence, the recommended parameters of the length of the variety should be included in the interval: 4 - 6 m.
  3. Height: 10 - 15 cm (these data relate to the optimal height of the side).

High, bulk beds - effective solutions for any garden

The designer beds of the box with high sides (about 90 cm height) have proven well. Due to high framework, they are easy to handle, as the gardener will not have to constantly lean, carrying out a weeding, care of plants. It may be cucumber beds, planting sites for pepper, peas, greenery and other cultures.

With a construction, experienced gardeners practice laying on the bottom of the design of the layer of cardboard or geotextile. This becomes a reliable obstacle to the growth of weeds. In order not to give the opportunity to get inside the rodents, the bottom of the garden can be closed using a metal mesh with small cells (1 x 1 cm).

Thinking on how to make a bulk bed, the owner of the site should not forget about the drainage layer, equipped under the fertile soil. As drainage materials, it makes sense to choose brick, crushed stone, etc. Also, the use of large wood waste, which remains with the oversight of shrubs on the site, sunflower stems, straw, large poorly rotting garbage. The drainage layer justifies itself if its height is within 15 - 40 cm and will relate to the overall height of the constructed bed.

Multi-tiered bed - an excellent option if you need to save space

When lacking a place on the site of the hosts, it is often trying to make multi-tiered beds with your own hands to save the valuable space and get additional areas for landing. This is justified not only in the dilution of garden crops, but also gives unlimited possibilities for experiments with flower compositions.

Multi-tiered bed for strawberries

Warm bed - early harvest guarantee

I solve how to cook a warm bed, the garden can set high boards of fences. This will allow the improvement of layer-by-layer hot ridge used as a greenhouse. Here it will be possible to easily set arc structures to pull the film. In the finished form, such a garden will not disappoint the owner, its use will bring good harvests of early cultures.

Live gardening, a living garden, called the "warm", is guaranteed to be a yield. This option is especially good for early spring, when temperature indicators are not quite suitable for the development of cultures. At the same time, building the necessary framework, having prepared a filler, securely undermining the plant, you can count on the best result.

Competently chosen colored or black coating material for the beds - agrofiber will significantly increase the yield of cultures, protect the plants from frost, strong ultraviolet rays, infection with fungus, pests, weeds. This polymer material is very simple to use, it has high strength characteristics, easy weight. Due to the unique "breathable" properties of the material, covered under it cultures will feel extremely comfortable - they are not covered, they will develop well.

Modern gardens with pleasure experiment, not only having the goal of obtaining high yields, but also trying to breed a variety of cultures, whose massive landing is not practiced. Also, many of the temper to get the opportunity to grow greens, vegetables, mushrooms, applying commercially available kits and installations.

Today, the mushroom garden is becoming more popular just add water, the purchase of a set of which can well afford anyone. Correctly following the instructions, you can achieve impressive results and pamper the households with delicious oysteries.

Original homemade hydroponic beds Onion happiness almost all year round will provide seven freshest, fast-growing onion green feathers in sufficient. Due to the high yield, such a device will significantly save money for the purchase of fresh green in the market.

Thoroughly bothering the creation of garden beds at the beginning of the season, the owner of the household site may further count on good results. The successful choice of materials, the right arrangement of the Grocery will ensure the convenience of work in the garden, will be guaranteed to obtain a decent harvest.

How to arrange beautiful beds for the lazy, the beds are high and smart - this is what you need to know the gardener who wants to make his life as independent of the garden worries. If you wish, you just need to master the way of designing lazy beds that you can see in the following photos. Girling of this type will allow you to enjoy the deserved holiday in the country and will not be able to demand a weeding every time. In addition, it is not only convenient, but also increases the productivity of cultures.

Everyone knows how much time and effort needs to be given to each planted culture, which, however, sometimes do not even justify the result: Saplings may not germinate or do not result in a normal amount of harvest. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the technology of lazy beds on your site!

Beautiful and convenient

Lazy Ginochka is a completely new approach to the care of a garden, which will allow the seedlings to grow by themselves and will give a few times more harvest. The basis of its basis is the rule that states that digging and so far is impossible, except for its preparation and landing. Let even with constant weeding you can withdraw the weeds and flush the earth, sooner or later it dries down and will not be able to give enough moisture for cultures.

In this approach, the preparation for the future landing is very important - it is desirable to do this since autumn when you can collect the material for the soil mulch (it is necessary to cover it with straw, sawdust, cones, etc.), which, in turn, will not give weeds Greet in a plot with such a cover.

  1. Install the watering system yourself. Optionally choose the most expensive systems available in stores. In the case of such vegetables, those from which you will only need to press the button are suitable - and the need to water with your own hands will disappear. Watering will allow you to make beautiful beds: Green and lush. It is also worth noting: watering can become infrequently, but abundantly, giving the plants the necessary moisture until the next arrival.
  2. Tool for work in the garden - the key to saving time. Therefore, it is worth choosing one inventory for many years. It may include not only familiar shovel and shoulder, but also different little things that your work will make it easier. Also find the place in advance for the inventory.
  3. At the beginning of the planting season, just open the Earth once, prepare it for future seedlings or seeds. Site plants and no longer disturb the land: Mulching will make your business and keeps away from weeds. Everything that you will have before removing the harvest - to water the beds in time in the country.
  4. This is an interesting and effective way that is suitable for both lazy garders and experienced, who knows their work of gardeners. The garden of this type will justify the applied efforts and will be able to bring a lot of amenities.

    High beds as a way to obtain an intensive harvest

    Let it be very laborious at first the process is the construction of the carcass itself and watering the beds, but it will allow you to forget about a bad climate and low yield.

    High beds are always under the rays of the Sun, which contributes to the warming of the layer of the Earth, so it can be placed in April without fear of freezing, and the lower grid will prevent the intrusion of moles and mice. Not too wide framework (within 150 cm) will allow you to care for the garden on both sides. If you split it into two strips of 80 cm wide - you can even make it yourself greenhouseHaving a film over both landings. It is worth noting that it is the high beds that give the earliest harvest first of salads, and then pressing vegetables. The only problem is more frequent watering, as water is not delayed in such an earth for a long time.

    Despite all the difficulties in the beginning, the landing justifies the efforts embedded in her and for a long time, without bringing special trouble, and the garden has a beautiful view.

    Screwing a smart bed for fragrant herbs only once, before planning seedlings. Next, it requires a minimum of attention and care.