What is the name of the victory too much price. Pyrrias Victory

In antique times in the north-west, ELDA existed the state of Epirus. His king called Pyrr. Talented commander, he enriched with many innovations. The first began to bring a military camp to the defensive shaft and moat. Used in combat actions of elephants.

In 281 BC e. The king Pierre started the war with Rome. She landed in Italy and began to win victories. A year later, the Romans were equipped with an army designed to crush Pyrrh. In 279 BC e. Rome's army and Epirus agreed at the town of Auskul. After a long battle, the Romans moved in full combat.
Victory went to Pierre. But when he counted his losses, then exclaimed: "Another such victory, and I will stay without troops!" Like half of the tested and faithful veterans soldiers laid on the battlefield.
After some time, the Romans, having rested and pulling the reserves, collapsed on Pyrrh and caused him a crushing defeat. And the expression "Pirrova Victory" became a numerous, meaning "victory, similar to the defeat."

Battle with Lutzen

Such pyrro victories in history have a lot. Sometimes even not big losses, but the death of one person led to defeat. During the thirty-year war (1618-1648), the Swedish army under the command of King Gustav II Adolf was considered invincible. Gustav Adolf himself, a magnificent commander and skilled politician, was the idol of Sweden and her army.
On November 16, 1632, the town of Lutzen (not far from Leipzig), the Swedish army agreed in battle with the imperial troops of Albrecht Valenettein.
King Gustav Adolf personally headed the attack of the Smolland Cavalry Shelf, but in battle was injured in his hand, and the attack continued without him. Seven people left with the wounded king. In the fog, the group of imperial pureckers came across. In the knocked skirmish, Gustav Adolf was killed.
But the battle continued. The command assumed Prince Bernard Weimar. The Swedes won over, and defeated, but not crushed imperial troops were forced to move away. It seems to be victory. The Swedes occupied Leipzig, capturing rich warehouses there and taking the wounded injured by imperials. But the death of Gustav Adolf, a skillful politician and commander, soon affected the intention of the coalition. Allies will be distinguished - Russia, Saxony, Brandenburg and others.

Soon invincible until the Swedes suffered a crushing defeat in battle in Nerdlingen and moved to Poland.

Battle under Gross-Jersdorf

There were cases when the brilliant victory turned into a defeat due to nonsense, or even the obvious treason. During the seven-year war (1756-1763), Russian troops were inflicted against Gross-Jersdorf, the defeat of the Prussian Army of Field Marshal Levalda.

But the commander of the Russian army S.F. Apraksin did not use the benefits of victory. On the contrary, having learned about the sickness of Empress Elizabeth and wanting to please the heir to the throne Peter III, the Yarus fan of the Prussian King Friedrich II, he gives a modificen order for the retreat for Neman. Hessed waste turns into panic escape. Guns are thrown, ammunition, favors with food and wounded. Prussian cavalryrs pursue Russian parts throughout the path. Everything else begins the smallpox epidemic. So brilliant victory turned into a catastrophic defeat. Apraksin was removed from office and devoted to the court, but, without waiting for him, died of hitting.

Battle for Isandlvan

And it happens that the victory, instead of demoralize the enemy and plunge it into the dust, on the contrary, the defeated side will harm it, makes it consolidate it. On January 22, 1879, during the Anglo-Zulusska war in the Battle of Isandlvan, the 22-thousandth Army of Zulusov under the command of Nchinjaio Khoza destroyed a large British detachment. Of the 1400, the British were saved only 60. The victory for St.Dlvana became for Zulus Parrida - not only because of the losses of 3,000 people incurred.

Even those of the British, who did not want the war, began to support the "hawks" in the government and agreed to provide all the resources necessary for victory over the Zulusami. In South Africa, the troops were sent, who invaded Zululend, and soon the Zulus state ceased to exist.

Music river

December 12, 1942. German troops under the command of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein attempted to unlock surrounded in Stalingrad grouping Paulus. The Soviet command did not expect a strike on this site. The powerful tank joints of General German Gota was opposed to weakened and exhausted parts of the 51st army and the 4th mechanized case.

Soviet fighters rose to death at Verkhne-Kumsky village. Cruel and stubborn battles continued with varying success from December 13 to 19. Our parts were almost completely destroyed. But the losses of the Nazis were huge - by December 17, the Gota has only 35 combat-ready tanks. Only tightening the backup 17 tank division, the Germans were able to break through the muskiv river. Stalingrad remained only 40 kilometers, but the moment was missed. The soldiers of the 51st Army and the 4th mechanized corps detained the enemy for five days, paying for it by their lives. During this time, the fresh 2nd Guards Army of General Malinovsky, which completely defeated the enemy came up. So the victory of the Germans near Verkhne-Kumsky can be bolded to call the Pyrrhie Victory.


And, of course, the classic example of Pyrrhie Victory is the Borodino battle. The main goal of Napoleon is not a tactical victory, not seizing Moscow, but a full defeat and demoralization of the Russian army. And this just did not happen. The Russian army went away from the Borodino field, wanting to join the battle again. Of course, the columns were sailed, the losses were huge - 44 thousand fighters. Still, the most bloody day battle in history!

The French lost even more - 50 thousand people, including 49 best generals. But loss of losses are dispersed.

If the Russian army, being on its territory, quickly received reinforcements, then the French were in a less profitable position.
General Yermolov said that in the Borodino field the French broke their teeth. But these words he spoke later.

Initially, the retreat from the battlefield and subsequent departure from Moscow were perceived by the army and the people as a severe defeat. To the solutions of Kutuzov, all of Russia reacted extremely negative. The wounded Prince Bagration was overwhelmed by the bandages and expired by blood, the emperor Alexander demonstratively dressed in the village dress, theatrically stating that now shamefully wearing Russian uniform.
The generals criticized the commander, officers swear, soldiers grumbled.
Yermolov finely gloomily and frankly Hamil. Only after a couple of weeks, when Napoleon began to take unsuccessful attempts to the world, when the intensified squads of the French began to be exterminated by Russian men, when the provisions were dried up in Moscow and a firm for horses, when the Cossacks and partisans began to drive thousandth crowds of prisoners to the Tarutinsky camp, the attitude towards Kutuzov became change. I understood the brilliant strategic idea that droves Napoleon into the Moscow Mousetrap, the army and the people were transferred from the cutness to the approval of Kutuzov.

So skilled chess player, sacrificing a strong figure, eventually wins the whole game. Borodino became for Napoleon Parrido victory. Tactical victory leading to a catastrophic strategic damage. The beginning of the crash of his empire.

Frame "Pirrova Victory" value

To win the price of unreasonably huge losses.

According to the description of Plutarch, victory over the Romans in 279 BC. Straught by the epirus king Pierre so many victims that when he found out about it, then exclaimed: "Another such victory - and we died!"
And in fact, next year, his troops were broken by the same Romans.
Pierry expression victory means the following: victory that does not justify the victims incurred for her; Victory equal to defeat.

Another source:
There is an epirla region in Greece. Epirian king Pyrr in 280 BC. e. Leading and cruel war with Rome. Twice he managed to win victories; In his army there were fighting elephants, and with them the Romans did not know how to fight. Nevertheless, the second victory was given to Pyrro at the price of such victims, which, by legend, he exclaimed after the fight: "Another such victory - and I will stay without troops!"
The war ended with defeat and retreat of Pierre from Italy. The words " pyrrhic victory"It has already been a long time ago with the designation of success purchased by such an expensive price that, perhaps, the defeat would be no less profitable:" The victories of the fascist troops of Salney and Smolensky in 1941 were at the calibration " Pyrcy victories».


I jumped Impressario, welcomed Rachmaninov a competitively comic bow. "I confess, you are the winners ... but no matter how it turned out to be Pirro Victory. - You are waiting for serious tests ... The entire collection of the Red Army will also go from my concerts "(Y. Nagibin).

(Pupp - Epirian king, which in 279 BC e. In the battle of Auskul won the Romans. However, the losses of his companion were Great, that he exclaimed: "Another such victory, and we died!" Already in next 278g. Romans broke Pyrrh).

Pirro victory Pardrova Victory
According to the ancient Greek historian Plutarch, the king of Epira Pyrrr in 279 BC. er, after his victory over the Romans under the asculum, exclaimed: "Another such victory, and we died." Another option is known for the same phrase: "Another such victory, and I will stay without troops."
In this battle, Pierre won a victory due to the presence of combat elephants in his army, against which at that time the Romans had not yet been able to fight and therefore were powerless to them, "as if before arriving water or a destructive earthquake," as the same Plutarch wrote. Romans had to leave the battlefield and move away
His camp, which, according to the customs of those times, meant the full victory of Pyrrh. But the Romans fought courageously, so the winner that day lost as many warriors, how much and defeated - 15 thousand people. Hence this bitter confession of Pyrrh.
Contemporaries compared Pierras with a player in the bone, which always makes a good throw, but does not know how to use this luck. As a result, this feature of Pierre and destroyed it. Moreover, the "wonderful weapon" played a ominous role in his death - combat elephants.
When the army of Pyrrhee deposited the Greek city of Argos, his warriors found a way to penetrate the sleeping city. They would capture it completely bloodlessly, if without the decision of the pyrr, to introduce into the city of combat elephants. They did not go to the gate - the combat towers installed on them were interfered. They were taken to shoot, then again to hoist on animals, which caused noise. Argos women grabbed the weapon, battles began on narrow urban streets. Universal confusion came: no one heard orders, no one knew who is where is what is happening on the next street. Argos turned into a huge trap for the epirus troops.
Pyrr tried to get out of the "captured" city as soon as possible. He sent the messenger to his son, who stood with the city with a detachment, with a decree urgently break part of the wall, so that the epirus warriors would be faster from the city. But the goning order understood incorrectly, and the son of Pierre moved to the city to revenue to his father. So in the gate collided two oncoming flows - retreating from the city and those who hurried to help them. To top it off, the elephants rebelled: one lay right in the gate, not wanting to move in general, the other, the most powerful, name-nicon, having lost his wounded friend, began to look for him, rushing and stagger as his own and foreign soldiers. Finally, he found his friend, grabbed him by a trunk, put himself on his taper and rushed out of the city, grade all the oncomes.
Pyrre himself died in this sustroc. He fought with the young Argos-SCM Warrior, whose mother, like all the women of the city, stood on the roof of her house. Being not far from the site of the fight, she saw her son and decided to help him. Broken out the roof of the tile, threw it in Pierra and got to him in an unprotected armor neck. The commander fell and was to finish on Earth.
But, besides this "sad-born" phrase, Pyrrron is known and some achievements that have enriched the integrity of that time. So. He was the first to bring a military camp to a defensive shaft and moat. The Romans surrounded his camp on him, the arrangement was usually ended.
Allegorical: Victory, which has given a very expensive price; Success equal to defeat (ion.)

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press." Vadim Serov. 2003.

Pirrova Victory Epirian King Pyrr in 279 BC Winned over the Romans in the battle of Auskul. But this victory, as Plutarch tells (in the life of Pyrrh) and other ancient historians, costing such big losses in the troops, which he exclaimed: "Another such victory, and we died!" Indeed, in the next, 278 by the Romans broke Pyrrh. From here there was an expression "Pierry Victory" in the meaning: a dubious victory, not justifying victims suffered for her.

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004.

What does "Pierry Victory" mean?

Maxim Maksimovich

There is an epirla region in Greece. Epirian king Pyrr in 280 BC. e. Leading and cruel war with Rome. Twice he managed to win victories; In his army there were fighting elephants, and with them the Romans did not know how to fight. Nevertheless, the second victory was given to Pyrro at the price of such victims, which, by legend, he exclaimed after the fight: "Another such victory - and I will stay without troops!"
The war ended with defeat and retreat of Pierre from Italy. The words "Pierry Victory" have already been a long time ago with the designation of success purchased by such an expensive price, which, perhaps, the defeat would be no less profitable: "The victories of the fascist troops of Salney and Smolensky in 1941 were at the verification of" Pyrcy victories ".

~ Fish ~

Ausculum, city in North. Pulia (Italy), near which in 279 BC. e. There was a battle between the troops of the Epirian Tsar Pyrrhr and the Roman troops during Rome wars for the conquest of the south. Italy. The epirus army for two days broke the resistance of the Romans for two days, but her losses were so great that Pyrrh said: "Another such victory and I will not have more warriors." From here - the expression "Pierry Victory".

The expression "Pierry Victory" also became the winged. How did it come up? What does it mean?

Roma Subbotin

Pyrrhic victory
There is an epirla region in Greece. Epirian king Pyrr in 280 BC. e. Leading and cruel war with Rome. Twice he managed to win victories; In his army there were fighting elephants, and with them the Romans did not know how to fight. Nevertheless, the second victory was given to Pyrro at the price of such victims, which, according to legend, he exclaimed after the fight: "Another such victory - and I will stay without troops!" The war ended with the defeat and retreat of Pyrrhr from Italy. The words "Pierry Victory" have already been to the designation of success purchased by such an expensive price that, perhaps, the defeat would be no less profitable: "The victories of the fascist troops of Salney and Smolensk in 1941 were at the verification of" Pyrcy victories ".

Bulat Haliullyn

The Roman Republic fought with Greece in 200-300 BC. e.
The king of one small Greek state (Epir) was Pyrr
In one of the trips, his army broke the army of Rome, but suffered monstrous losses
As a result, he lost the following battle, and then he himself was killed a piece of tiled roof during street battles


When Pierre in 279. D.N. e. She won another victory over the Roman army, examining him, he saw that more than half of the fighters died. Arrested, he exclaimed: "Another such victory, and I lies with all the troops." The expression means victory, equal to defeat, or victory, for which too much is paid.

Nadezhda Sushitskaya

Victory, which was given too expensive price. Too much losses.
At the origin, this expression is obliged to battle at Askulle in 279 BC. e. Then the Epirian Army of the Tsar Pray for the two days led an offensive on the troops of the Romans and broke their resistance, but the losses were so great that Pyrr noted: "Another such victory, and I will stay without troops"

The king won too much price. What reply?


Pyrrhic victory - the expression entered into all the dictionaries of the world and appeared more than 2 thousand years ago when the king of Epir Pyrrhus I was able to defeat the Romans in the town of Ausclum during his raid in the Apnepsinsky Peninsula. In a two-day battle, his army lost about three and a half thousand soldiers and only successful actions of 20 combat elephants helped him break the Romans.

The king Pyrr, by the way, was a relative Alexander Mechedon, he was a secondary brother, so he had to learn. Although in the end, he lost war with the Romans, returned to himself. And after 7 years, when attacking Macedonia was killed in the city of Argos, when a woman from the defenders of the city from the roof of the house threw in it.

Wafa Aliyev

Pirrova Victory - Income This expression is obliged to battle at Auskul in 279 BC. e. Then the Epirian Army of the Tsar Pyrrhr took the attack on the troops of the Romans for two days and broke their resistance, but the losses were so great that Pyrrus noticed: "Another such victory, and I will stay without troops."


We are talking about the king of Epirus and Macedonia - Tsar Pyrrh. He fought with ancient Rome. The king Pierre suffered great losses, which is why that war became the phraseology "Pierry Victory" - victory, on the way to which there were so many losses that the taste of victory is not felt.


Greek king Pierre, in the battle with the enemy won, having lost more than half of his troops and realized that another such victory and he would not have warriors.

This appeared the expression of Pierry Victory, that is, the victory was a very large, usually unacceptable price!

Probably it was PYRRHUS. Since then, this victory is so wearing his name and called Pierry Victory, that is, the victims incurred for this victory do not correspond to the victory itself, but equal to the defeat. Approximately, I understand this expression)))

In a military case, the victory in one battle is not always decisive. Military history witnessed such triumphs who were getting too expensive. The name of them - Pyrrovy Victory.

The origin of the term "Pirrova Victory"

In the art of conducting war, this term is called victory, equivalent to the defeat or even superior to its losses. The name of the term is derived from the name of the Greek commander of Pierra, whoarmed to the Lavra Alexander Macedonsky and won one of the most destructive victories in the history of military affairs. However, not one Pierre made a classic mistake of the commander - winning the battle, lost the war.

Before the defeat triumph of Pyrrhus, the expression "Kadmonary Victory" was told.

Battle for Heracle and Auskul

The destructive victory of the same name was the high price of the leader of the Army of Epirus, the ambitious commander Pierre, who decided to conquer Rome. For the first time he invaded Italy in 280 BC. e. By concluding an alliance with the Greek-speaking city of Tartart. He led an army of 25 thousand warriors and 20 combat elephants, which Roman opponents saw for the first time. Elephants had a decisive influence on the victory in Heracle.

The razorned Pierre continued the capture of the Republic of Roman and in a year she came to Auskla. This time, the Romans were prepared better and, despite the defeat, caused huge damage to the Pyrrho army. According to Plutarch, after the victory, Auskul Pyrrh said that another such victory over the Romans - and he will not have an army at all. After further defeats, the Greek conqueror stopped the military campaign against Rome and in 275 BC. e. Offed back to Greece.

Battle at Malplake

After the King of Spain Karl II Habsburg died, not leaving the heir, a military conflict broke out between France and the Allied Anglo-Danish-Austrian troops for the empty throne. He lasted 14 years and received the name of the war for the Spanish legacy. The conflict has reached apogee in 1709 at Malplan, when the Stomaty Union Army met with French soldiers, the number of which reached 90 thousand. The commander-in-chief allied army of Duchoga Malborough was not to crush the French, and on September 11, he began a large-scale attack by infantry and cavalry. The French used a number of shelters and obstacles, but despite this, the duke troops after seven hours of the bloodshed battle broke the opponent's resistance. The army of the Habsburgs is so tired and reached, which allowed the French to retreat with minimal losses.

The battle of Malplan became the most large-scale military operation of the XVIII century. The losses of the French army amounted to 12 thousand people, while the Allied troops lost twice as much as the time was a quarter of the entire army of the Habsburgs. The French commander-in-chief Duke de Villar in the report of the Louis XIV repeated the words of Pierra, saying that if God deigned to give opponents another victory, there would be no trace from their army. The bloodshed at Malplan sowed a discord in the ranks of the Allied Marshals, and by 1712 the agreement began to lose its strength to the agreement.

Battle for Banker Hill

In 1775, in the war of independence from the British Crown began to spill the first blood. On June 17, the thousandth squads of the militia tried to withstand the seizure of several heights under Boston. The bankeer Hill, they encountered prepared and armed soldiers of the imperial army, nominated superior militia twice. Americans have successfully shoot themselves and managed to discard the two attempts to attack the red caftans. At the third attempt at the militia, there were no ammunition left, and they were forced to retreat.

The victory was worth the British too expensive, they lost half of the squad and were forced to take another height. The militias perceived their defeat as a moral victory over the enemy - they coped with a professional military squad, which also possessed and numerical advantage.

Borodino battle

The famous poem Lermontov begins as a question: "Tell me, uncle, because there is no wonder ..." And after all, it is not without reason ... Borodino battle has become the bloody day in the Napoleon military campaign. In 1812, Bonaparte was loved by Moscow. Prior to this, the Russian commander was happily pretended by retreating, but on the approaches to the city of Kutuzov turned his army to the enemy. The French did not waste time and rushed into direct offensive to strengthen the Russian army. The battle was bloody and long, only by the evening the French managed to break the enemy. Napoleon regretted his elite warriors and allowed Kutuzov to lead the army with minimal losses.

Napoleon remained the king of the battlefield, which was devoted to the bodies of the dead French. His army lost 30 thousand soldiers - twice as smaller than the Russian army. Thirty thousand turned out to be too much of the number, especially when hosting hostilities on unfriendly Russian land. Moscow capture did not bring relief, because the city lay in ruins - residents set fire to it immediately after the arrival of the French. Faced with the reluctance of Russian giving up, cruel cold and hunger, Napoleon lost 400 thousand of his soldiers.

Battle at Chanswersville

The second largest battle of the American Civil War demonstrates the unique tactical approach of the general troops of the Confederation of Robert Lee. Despite the double numerical superiority of the Potacian army of Joseph Hooker, whether the battle move was in its favor. Taking a huge risk and spoiled at the doctrine, General Lee divided his troops and twice attacked the more trained position of the enemy. Unexpected maneuvers of confederates prevented the hukeru to surround the army of General Lee, after a few days the unionists were forced to retreat with disgrace.

Despite the fact that the battle of Chansselorsville is considered to be a work of military art and brings the tactical mind of General Lee to a new height, the victory was not easy to confederates. The next adviser to the Commander-in-Chief, General Jackson "Stone Wall", was killed in a shootout, and the total losses of the Virginia army amounted to 13 thousand people. While the Hoker's army was able to replenish the ranks of soldiers from among new recruits, the victory confederates at Chansselorsville brought only historical glory.

Pyrrhic victory - Achievement that entailed trouble, victory, worthy of too big victims, success leading to failure, the acquisition of losses that turned into losses.
The history of phraseologism goes back to antiquity. The king of Epira Pyrr in the battle with the Romans achieved victory, but at the cost of too big victims of his army. "Another such victory, and I will stay without troops" exclaimed Pyrr when the Romans retreated, and he calculated the loss. And indeed, in a year, the Romans took revenge, the army of Pyrrh was crushed

Epir and Pierre

City of Janina - the capital of modern epir

Epirus - area in the north-west Peloponnese Peninsula on the coast of the Ionian Sea. Today is divided between Greece and Albania. In antique times, the tribes of the Illyrians lived on this territory, subsequently assimilated with the Greeks and Italian. Today, Albanians and part of Croats are partially considered to be the descendants of the Illyrians. Illyrians had a state. It existed from V to the II century to our era and fell under the blows of the Romans. The battle, after which King Pyrrh acknowledged his victory, "Parrida" occurred in Italy, near the city of Auskla (now Ascoli-Satriano) in 279 BC. In it, both troops suffered heavy losses - 15 thousand people, but the Romans, firstly, retreated in his camp, secondly, had more opportunities to restore combat capability, while Pyrre lost the best part of the army, which was difficult to replace

Pirrova Victory and "Kadmonary Victory"

BC The concept of "Pierry Victory" did not exist. But there was another, close to him by the value of phraseologism - "Kadmonary Victory". The appearance of its ancient intellectuals must be obliged to the ancient Greek playwrights describing in their tragedies the struggle of the Eteokla and Policks brothers for power over the philas is a rich and powerful city in Central Greece. Both brothers died in one of the cruel battles (Cadm - the legendary founder of FIV)

*** Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (428 - 348 BC. Er): "Education never turned out to be cadmov, victory is often for people and will be so" ("Laws. Book I")
*** Ancient Greek historian Diodor Sicilian (90 - 30 BC. Er): "The Kadmonary Victory is a saying. It means that the winners failed, while the defeated were not hazarded due to the significance of their strength. Tsar Pierre lost many of the epirots, who arrived with him, and when one of his friends asked how he appreciates the battle, he answered: "If I won another victory over the Romans, I will not have a single warrior, from those that arrived with me " ("Historical Library". Book XXII)
*** Ancient Greek Geographer of Paution (110-180, N. E.): "Argyiwan's argument came to the center of Besotia from the center of Peloponnes, and Adraist scored allies and from Arkadia and from Messia. Equally, mercenaries from Fokese and Flegia from Miniyev countries came to the Favans. In what happened when the battle occurred in the first collision, the fivans were defeated, and, being facing, they fled and disappeared behind the walls of the city. Since the peloponnesses could not be able to take the attack of the walls, then they looked their attacks rather with enthusiasm than with knowledge of the case, and the fivans, hitting them from the walls, killed many of them; And then, coming out of the city, they attacked the rest of them, given in the mess, and defeated them, so that all the army was killed, except for the Adrasta. But for the Fivanians themselves, this case was not without much losses, and therefore the victory, which was disastrous and for the winners, is called the Kadmaya (cadmova) victory " ("Description Eldla", IX, 9, 1)

"Pyrrovy Victory" in history

  • Taking by Napoleon Moscow
  • Battle at Malplan in the War for Spanish Inheritance
  • Battle of Banker Hill in the War for Independence of the United States
  • Battle of Torgau Seven-Year War
  • Battle of Lucerne thirty-year war

    Application of the expression "Pierry Victory"

    - "Impresario, welcomed Rachmaninov a competitively comic bow. "I confess, you won ... But no matter how Pirro is victory. - You are waiting for serious tests ... The whole fee from my concerts will go to the Red Army Foundation "(Nagibin" Bells ")
    - "The Russian government won the Pyrrus due to the lack of understanding of people" (bitter "to workers of all countries")