How to determine the solid consonant. Paired and unpaired, ringing and deaf, soft and solid consonant sounds in Russian

Consult sounds B. different words Sound in different ways. Somewhere firmly, and somewhere gently. In this lesson, we will learn to distinguish soft and solid consonant sounds and designate the softness of the consonant sounds in the letter letters and, e, it, Yu, I and b. We learn what consonants form a lot of hardness pairs, and which are only solid or only soft.

If you ask what might be soft, probably, everyone will immediately say: bread, sofa, scarf, pillow. And the stone, ice, tree - hard. Yes, but it turns out that the sounds of Russian speech, consonants can be solid and soft.

Say words several times in turn: Cat - Kit.

Compare the first consonant sounds. When pronouncing the sound in the word whale, the middle part of the tongue is lifted to the nebu, the passage is narrowed by which the air goes and it turns out the sound that scientists called conventionally called soft. And the opposite sound was called - solid.

It is important to listen to the sounds of pronounced words. If pronounce a word Ness Otherwise, with solid first sound, we get a completely different word - NOSE.

Listen and watch the movement of your language:

row - Sound [R '] - Rad - Sound [P]

luke - sound [l '] - Onions - sound [l]

meal - sound [m '] - small - sound [m]

Sounds can be recorded (conditional) icons. Musical sounds are recorded by notes, and speech sounds - letters, but in special square brackets - in transcription. In order not to confuse, when reading the transcription of solid and soft sounds, scientists agreed to show the softness of the sound with a icon, very similar to the comma, only put it on top.

Most of the consonant sounds forms a pair of softness - hardness:


[B ']




[g ']


[D ']






[l ']


[M ']


[n ']








[T ']


[F ']


[x ']

Some consonants are only solid or only soft. They do not form steam on hardness / softness:

Only firm consonants: [F], [Ш], [C];

Only soft consonants: [th '], [ch'], [sh '].

In the letter, the hardness of consonant sounds is denoted by vowels a, o, y, s, e, and the softness of consonant sounds are denoted by vowels E, E, and, Yu, Ya.

There are words with soft consonants at the end of words or in the middle of the words before other consonant sounds. Listen to words: salt, horse, notebook, coat, ring, letter.Then a soft sign will come to the rescue. Even his name is prompting - sign soft, for soft consonant sounds.

How to act during the letter letter:

- I hear a solid consonant sound - I write after it on the site of the vowel sound. Letters: a, o, y, s, e.

- I hear a soft consonant sound in front of the voice sound - I designate his softness vowels: E, E, and, Yu, Ya.

- I hear a soft sound at the end of the word or before a consonant sound - I show softness.

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In Russian, most consonant sounds are soft and hard, this quality is senseless. Compare words:

  • chalk;
  • bank - Banaka;
  • guest - GOST.

However, there are also such, the hardness of which is constant quality, it means that they are always solid.

Agreements: [F]

He meets in the following words:

  • life [zhyz "n"].;
  • liquid [zhytk "s];
  • honeysuckle [Zhalse "T"];
  • alive [zhyva];
  • tremble [Drazhet];
  • starting [attendant];
  • buzzing [buzz];
  • redhead [red];
  • blagant [Blazhet].

When comparing and writing and sounding, you can withdraw the following conclusion: after that, the letter is written. and, And the sound is heard [s]. When choosing this orphogram, you need to be guided by the rule: Just Write with the letter I.

To play with a child, in order to practice spelling skill, you can use, for example, such a text:

Buzzing a beetle over the honeysuckle. He lives somewhere near the bugger. She wakes his home from him. And the redheads of Hedgehog run past the puddles. In her liquid juicy, the bush is reflected - quite like alive, only turned over.

Sound [Sh]

This is solid, in contrast to [F], which is ringing. This background can be observed in words:

  • shyr [Shyr "];
  • sew [shyt "];
  • chiffon [Shipphone];
  • chiffonier [Shyfan "YER];
  • mouse [Mouse];
  • silence [t "Ishyn];
  • yershi [Jirshi];
  • pennies [graars];
  • hurry up [JV "Ishyt];
  • complete [jealous].

Here we are also dealing with the same trend, as in the case of sound [F]: After [Ш], the letter is written and. A rule, as for the previous orfogram: "Shi write with the letter and".

To work out the skill of the correct writing of such words, refer to the dictation:

Under the roofs of the roof rustle mouse. One of them hears how the cat breathes in silence, and in a hurry to his hole - there she has kids.

We will always submit solid serve as identifiable signs of the spell "and after w and sh".

Sound [C]

The last sound whose hardness is constant quality is [C]. It is connected with more difficulties in terms of spelling. The spelling of the vowels after that sound depends on the morpheme. Take examples of words with the spell in the root of words:

  • digit [tsyfra];
  • circle [Tsyrkul "];
  • circus [Cyrk];
  • citron [zytron];
  • acacia [Akatsoya];
  • lecture [Leccoye];
  • section [with "Excual];
  • sanction [Sanznya].

Where there is this solid consonant sound in the Word, we hear after it [s], but we indicate this background in different ways. In the examples, the data above, the spelling is regulated by the following rule: after the letter C is written and in the root of the word. But there are exceptions in which you still need to put:

  • tzak chuck chuck;
  • on tiptoe;
  • chick;
  • tighten;
  • gypsy.

In addition to these exceptions, it is also possible to write in subfixes and endings:

  • sinitsyn;
  • sister;
  • near the hospital;
  • without water;
  • at the Moloders;
  • at the maiden.

Play with your child to practice spelling words whose spelling is associated with the letter C:

Gypsies performs in the circus, it gives the chickens: "Cars!" They are hiding in fox paws. The girls laugh, get up on tiptoe and loud ovations welcome Lisitsyna kindness.

Let us sum up: always sounds in the alphabet - this is, c, sh. The following vowels can be written with them: and, s.


The sound [C] is not hissing. And the other two are called exactly those. In a weak position (at the end of the word or before deaf consonants), the sound [F] is replaced by [sh]:

  • married [Zamush];
  • already [ears];
  • inclosure [oilpiece];
  • spoon [hitch];
  • horns [Roshk "and].

The text of the dictation on this topic, which will help you find training work on this spell:

This happens always when the sounds of consonants, ringing, solid in a weak position are replaced by the same, only deaf.

Sisters Golitsyn gathered married. They are unbearable. And the dowry is ready: spoons, mugs, pillows, boots, rims, plates, cups, cooks. And here the tremors appeared on the track, the serving, Alyoshka, the pros and Olezhka - sister's grooms go there. Here and the fairy tale is the end, and they lived long and happily.

When it is placed after w and sh

For the reason that the above consonants are always solid, it is never used to designate softness. However, there are cases when you can meet it after letters w and sh:

  • mouse;
  • false;
  • shiver;
  • brooch;
  • nonsense;
  • solid;
  • do not river;
  • you hear.

These examples illustrate a rule use of a soft sign to indicate the grammatical form of words:

  1. Nouns 3 SKL: Catch, Fall.
  2. Instant: Nova.
  3. Verbs: go, put.

We use such offers for training:

It's just a lie that the mouse is terrible: it is not true when you go past, she will not touch.

If you are quiet in the house, and you do not shout, you will not download, do not blame, there are some kind of trick, you will not immediately understand. What are you doing there, and you are silent yourself?

When after w and w is not put

Always solid consonant sounds [F] and [W] are sometimes written with a mild sign, and it depends on their grammatical category. And, on the contrary, the absence of this letter after them also has morphological importance:

  1. Nouns not 3 SKL.: Baby, Watchman, roof coating.
  2. A brief adjective: good, fit.
  3. Adchai-exceptions: really married, unbearable.

Training Text:

My baby is good, fit and like dad. It will be a pilot, it will fly above the roof, so you will not keep track of it.

O and ё after hissing and c

Always solid consonant sounds require a particularly attentive relationship, as the pronunciation of vowels after them does not always correspond to writing. This applies not only to letters and both, but also about and it:

  • she went [Shol];
  • whisper [Shopot];
  • silk [Scholk];
  • runs [Jornof];
  • zhony [acorn];
  • rustle [rustle];
  • highway [SHOSE];
  • jockey [Zhok "hey].

The name of this orfogram is "O and E is rooted after hissing." Rule: "If you can choose a word with the letter E in a single word, then we write, in the absence of this - we write about." Let's check:

  • zhony - stomatic;
  • silk - silk;
  • runs - Gernova;
  • shore - you can not check;
  • jockey - you can not check.

In suffixes and endings after w and w written the letter Oh under stress:

  • walrus;
  • big.

Without emphasis, you need to write the letter - it:

  • orange;
  • pear.

After C, the letter E is never written, only about (under the stress) or E (without stress).

  • base;
  • church;
  • face;
  • wrestling;
  • shale;
  • glossy;
  • towel;
  • stigma.

The consonants denoting solid sound (F, W, C) require much attention to themselves. As you can see, it is connected very a large number of Ophograms. By school Program envisaged testassociated with the test of knowledge precisely with these consonants. For example, here is such a dictation:

"Once we went hunting, and our dogs ran after us.

In the forests in autumn there is a lot of tasty: bumps, pears, berries of the honeysuckle, blackberries, aches. Animals rejected at this time and fat.

Here we are in the most common forest, hearing bark dogs and run to that place. There see the holes of the fox. Dogs ruined the entrance and pulled it out. We drove pieces. Fluffy Fluffy Fluffy Dance Lightly dance, but still he is silk and smooth. Around eye yellow circles. White breast, black paws. Good fox!

We released a poor fellow, she was vividly whining in the bushes, and the next washed from Lisens-sister. "

Usually, with understanding the difference between vowels and consonants, children do not arise serious difficulties. But on solid and soft consonants should be stopped in more detail.

How to teach children to distinguish solid and soft consonants

The very first thing you need to teach the child are: solid and soft can be consonant sounds, but not letters.

Typical error:
Children confuse sound and letter. Remember that the sound sounds, and the letter is an icon, it is written. The letter cannot be solid or soft, solid or soft for pronunciation can only be a consonant sound.

Sometimes children can easily learn to distinguish with soft and solid sounds.
But it happens that this is done with difficulty, and in this case, the signs of which can be distinguished to help solid sounds from soft.

Distinctive signs of soft and solid sounds

What kind of sound is after the consonant:

  • If, after the consonant sound, there is a vowel a, o, y, e, s, then the consonant solid.
  • If there is a vowel and, e, Yu, I am a consonant soft.

Terms of Examples:
In the words "mother", "Nora" - consonants are solid, because after them they are "a" and "o".
In the words "fly", "Nanny" - consonants are soft, because after them they are "E", "and", "I".

  • If another consonant sounds after the consonant, then the first consonant will be solid.
  • There are sounds that can only be solid, and sounds that can only be soft, no matter what sound is heard and what letter is written after them.

Always solid sounds - Well, sh, c.
Always soft - th, h, u.
Increased way to learn these sounds is a simple reception: we write letters that pass these sounds, in the line, and emphasize "th, h, sh." Underlining symbolizes the pad on which soft sounds are sitting. The pad is soft, then the sounds are soft.

Soft sign and hard sign

  • If I agree at the end of the word, and after it is worth the letter "b" - then the consonant is mild.

This rule is easy to apply if the child sees the written word, but it will not help if the child performs a rumor job.

Language movement when pronunciation of soft and solid sounds

When pronuncified, the language moves a little forward, approaching the nebu (or touching it) with its middle.
When solid sounds pronunciation, the language is not moving forward.

Table of signs of solid and soft sounds


  1. Before A, O, U, E, s.
  2. In the end of the word before consonant.
  3. Well, c, sh.


  1. Before vowels e, it, and, Yu, I.
  2. If after the consonant stands a soft sign (dust, king).
  3. Th, h, sh.

It is shown a picture or simply a list of thematic words, and the task is given to choose words with soft or solid consonants. For example:

Ring and deaf consonants

In Russian, 11 pairs of calling / deaf consonants.
The phonetic difference between bell-and-deaf consonants is in the tension of voice ligaments. Deaf sounds are pronounced with noise, without tensioning ligaments. Ring sounds pronounced voice, cause vocal ligament, because Air with noise comes out of the larynx.

Mnemonic reception to memorize deaf sounds:
Examine the phrase: "Stepka, do you want a helmet? - Fi! ". All consonant sounds here are deaf.

Examples of tasks for children

Tasks for training The differences in paired consonants can be drawn up for each pair according to the following principle (on the example of a pair of d / t):

Tasks on the difference of pairs of consistent g / k

A human speech, especially the native speaker, should be not only correct, but also beautiful, emotional, expressive. There are also voice, dictations, and weathered orthoepic standards.

The ability to correctly pronounce sounds practical training (Voice exercises: Volume, timbre, flexibility, dictation, etc.) and knowledge about how appropriate sound pronunciation (orthoepic norms).

Before talking about the letters that designate soft consonants, we should recall the basic phonetic concepts and terms.

Phonetics: Sounds and Letters

Let's start with the fact that the soft consonants are absent in the words of the Russian language. Since the sound is what we hear and say, he is unpacked, this is the indivisible part of speech, which is obtained as a result of human articulation. And the letter is only a graphic symbol denoting one or another sound. We see them and write.

There is no complete correspondence between them. In one word, it may not coincide the number of letters and sounds. The Russian alphabet consists of thirty-three letters, and in speech forty seven sounds.

Accurate in the word through letters - transcription. Letters in this case are recorded in square brackets. For phonetic analysis Each sound must be recorded by a separate letter, put an emphasis and designate softness, if ["], for example, milk - [Malako], mol - [mol"] - In this case, the letter l with the apostrophe indicates a soft sound [L "].

Phonetics: vowels and consonants

When the air flow flies out of the throat, without meeting obstacles in its path, it turns out (singe). They are in Russian six. They are shock and unast.

If the air, leaving the larynx, is not free, then the consonant sound is obtained. They are formed from noise or noise and voices. Consonant phonemes in our Russian language thirty seven.

  • sonorny (the voice is much stronger than noise);
  • noisy - bell and deaf.

Also, the pronunciation is soft consonants (the letters that indicate them are written with the apostrophe) and solid sounds. They are distinguished by pronunciation - saying soft consonants, a person raises the middle back of the tongue high to the sky.

Graphics: Letters

So, the letters are the signs of sounds on the letter. Science, which studies them - graphics. Alphabet is graphic images Language sounds built in a certain order. Ten letters of the Russian alphabet are vowels that indicate vowels. It also includes twenty-one consonants and two letters that do not indicate sounds at all. Each letter in the alphabet is assigned its unique name. The modern alphabet was created in 1918, and was officially approved in 1942. Now these graphic signs are used more than fifty different languages World.


In Russian, the composition of the sounds of speech and letters is different due to the specifics of the letter - the letters of soft consonants and solid identical - ate [th "El], spruce [y" el "]; and six vowels are designated in a letter to ten letters. So it turns out that sounds in speech by fourteen more than letters in the alphabet.

Solid consonants

The consonants make up the pairs: the ringing is deaf, soft - solid. But there are those that will always sound firmly - this is well, sh, c. Even in the words parachute, brochure and single sh Start hard. In some foreign words, they are pronounced otherwise.

Soft consonants

There are also trio of sounds that are always soft, consonant letters denoting them - h, sh, th. Of these rules there are no exceptions in Russian.

Paired consonants

The consonants are mainly pair, that is, each solid sound corresponds to its softer pronunciation. Letters denoting soft will be identical. In transcription to them, the ["sign will be added to them.

How to determine where will be soft consonants? Letters are not immediately in words, first they form syllables. The softness or hardness of the pronunciation of the consonant depends on which sound is behind it in the syllable.


The syllable is a sound or several sounds that are pronounced in one breath, one air impetus.

The vowels are the boring sounds, they are adjacent to consonants - it turns out to be a syllable: Mo-Lo-Co., Le Ta-Yu-Sch! The number of syllables in the Word is equal to the number of vowels in it.

Open syllables ends with voice sounds: painting - car tina, challd - right-Mom.

If at the end of the syllable costs the consonant - this is a closed syllable: car-th-on, the defendant - the right merch.

In the middle of the words there are often open syllables, and the adjacent consonants are transferred to them to the next syllable: in order, di-ktor. Sounds that can close the syllable among the words are ringing, unpaired, solid consonants and soft. Letters for writing them - y, r, l, m, n. For example: Kyonuk - Ki-Song.

There are differences in words on the syllables and on the portion for the transfer, as well as on the morphemes. This is a sillyabic, or a slight, principle of graphics. It is applicable to consonants.

Solid and soft consonants: letters (syllable principle)

It manifests itself in relation to the consonants, which determines the unit of reading and writing:

  1. As combining the consonant and the next vowel letters.
  2. Combining the consonant and soft sign.
  3. Grouping two consonants or gap at the end of the word.

So, to understand, the sound defined in the word is soft or solid, it is necessary to pay attention to what stands after it in the syllable.

If any consonant comes for you, then the defined sound is solid. For example: Dragonflies - Distribution, t. - solid.

If the next is vowel, then you need to remember that before a, o, u, e, s Stand, for example: Mom, ways, vine.

And, E, Yu, I, E - Letters denoting a soft consonant sound. For example, a song is a song, p, N. - soft, while from - solid.

To speak well and correctly read the soft consonants and sounds, it is necessary to develop your own - understanding and distinguish between speech sounds. Well-developed ability to clearly define what sounds are in the word, even if you hear it for the first time, allow you to remember it better and understand the speech of others. And the main thing is to speak more beautifully and more correctly.

The sludge principle is convenient to reduce the number of letters in the alphabet. After all, to designate soft and solid consonant phones, it would be necessary to come up with, create, and users learn fifteen new graphic elements. It is so much contained in our speech. In practice, it was enough to determine the vowels, indicating which letters consonant soft.

Letters denoting soft consonant sound

The softness of the sound is denoted by ["] only when writing a transcription - sound analysis of the word.

When reading or writing there are two ways to denote soft consonants.

  1. If a soft consonant sound finishes the word or stands before other consonants, it is denoted "b". For example: blizzard, crawl, etc. It is important: when writing, the softness of the consonant is determined by "B" only if it stands in single words and before soft, and before solid consonant in different cases (flax - flax). Most often, when two soft consonants stand nearby, after the first "b" do not apply in writing.
  2. If the soft consonant is performed, then it is determined by letters i, Yu, and, E, E. For example: VIZ, sat down, tulle, etc.

Even with the use of Syllabic principle, problems arise with e. Before consonants, they are so deep that they go into orthoepia. Some scientists believe that prerequisite Prowance is a ban on writing e. After solid consonants, because this grapema determines the soft consonant letters and interferes with the correct pronunciation of solid. There is an offer to replace e. On unequivocal e.. Before the introduction, unified writing syllables e - E. In 1956, the pair spelling of such words (adequate - adequate) was actively and legal. But the main problem did not solve the unification. Replacement E B. e. After solid consonants, obviously also will not the ideal solution, New words in Russian appear increasingly, and in what way to write one or another letter remains controversial.


Let's go back to where they started - our speech - it is due to alpoepia. On the one hand, these are developed norms of pronunciation, and on the other, it is a science that studies, justifies and establishes these norms.

Orphoepium serves Russian, erases the face between adverbs so that people it is easier to understand each other. To, communicate with each other, representatives different regions Thought about what they say, and not about how they sounded at anyway at the interlocutor.

The foundation of the Russian language and, consequently, the pronunciations are Moscow. It was in the capital of Russia that sciences began to develop, including orthoepium, so the rules prescribe us to say - to pronounce the sounds like Muscovites.

Orphoepium gives one the right way Pronunciations, rejecting all others, but at the same time sometimes allows options that are considered true.

Despite clear, understandable and simple rulesOrphoepium marks many features, nuances and exceptions in how letters denoted by a soft consonant sound and solid are pronounced ...

Orphoepium: soft and solid consonants

What letters consonant soft? H, sh, th - It is impossible to pronounce instead of soft sounds in no case. But the rule is violated, falling under the influence of the Belarusian language and even the Russians, prison. Remember how the word sounds in this Slavic group yet, eg.

L. - This is a paired consonant sound, respectively, standing directly to the consonant or in the end of the word he should sound firmly. Before oh, A, U, E, s also (tent, corner, skier), but in some words that came to us more often from foreign languageswhose supports live mainly in Europe, and are their own names, l. Pronounced almost soft (La Scala, La Rochelle, La Fleur).

The consonants standing in the last in the console before a hard sign, even if the letters denoted by a soft consonant sound, are pronounced firmly (entrance, ad). But for consonants from and z. This rule has no complete force. Sounds from and z. In this case, two can be pronounced (Congress - [C "] Riding - [s] Riding).

In the rules of orthoepia, it is written that it is impossible to soften the ultimate consonant in the word, even if they merge with the next word, starting with E (in this, to the equator, with EMU). If there is a softening of such a consonant in speech, this says that a person communicates through an integral style.

"B"also refers to the list" Soft consonants "and sounds in front of it should be pronounced softly, even sounds m, b, p, in, f In such words, like seven, eight, hole, shipyard, etc. Selling soft sounds firmly before " b"It is not allowed. Only in words eight hundred and seven hundred m. May not have a soft, but solid sound.

What letters indicate soft consonants, you need to remember clearly - e, Yu, E, I, and.

So, in many foreign words before e. The consonant sound is not mitigated. It often happens with lip m, f, b, b, p. p - Chopin, coupe; b. - Bernard Show; in - Solveig; f. - autodfea; m. - Renome, consome.

Much more often of these consonants, firmly before e. Sounds of dental consonants p, n, s, s, d, t. p - Reichsver, Roerich; n. - Pensne, Tourna; z. - chimpanzees, biza; from - highway, mussy; d. - dumping, masterpiece; t. - Pantheon, aesthetics.

Thus, the letters of soft consonants have a rather definite composition, but fall under a number of exceptions.

All sounds of speech are divided into vowels and consonants. In turn, consonants can be divided into solid and soft. This is one of the main characteristics of the consonant sound.

What sounds are called soft

Most schoolchildren have no doubt if the sound is soft or solid. Usually we distinguish them just for rumor. Indeed, these sounds are heard differently than solid. With their pronunciation, the tongue moves a few forward towards the teeth and localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe solid nose. That is why after soft consonants, the vowels are most often uttered, which are also formed ahead, next to the teeth.

Paired and unpaired soft consonants

Solid and soft sounds often form pairs. For example, solid sound [in] matches soft [in ']. In transcription, the softness is indicated by the apostrophe.

We see that in Russian there are several unpaired solid sounds and several unpaired soft.

Solid and soft paired consonants can perform a senseless function. For example, small and mall, chalk and stranded. It is known a lot of linguistic mysteries based on this linguistic mysteries.

As designated soft sounds on the letter

According to the rule, soft consonant sounds on the letter can be designated in different ways.

Using a soft sign. However, it must be remembered that a soft sign indicates only the softness of the pair consonant. If we have a hissing, its softness is impossible to designate a soft sign. Hissing or always solid (and then they cannot be mitigated), or always soft (and then a soft sign in this situation is excession). After the hissing soft sign performs the grammatical function, that is, the nouns 2 and 3 declines differ with it.

Studying in the 2nd class Russian language, the guys will learn about the double role of the letters E, E, Yu, I. If these letters are the field of pair of consonants, they are read by e, o, y, and and indicate simultaneously softness of the previous consonant: [L'E ], [L'o], [l'], [l'a].

Similarly, the first case, after hissing E, E, Yu, I cannot point out the softness of the previous consonant, therefore the spelling E and E after hissing is difficult and comes in the form of a rule and also performs a grammatical function of distinguishing parts of speech. for example, the word "arson" is a noun, and the word "tagge" is verb.

In what cases denote the softness on the letter do not need

Some soft consonants and combinations are "not friends" with a soft sign.

This is a unpaid soft sound [th ']. The field of it does not put a soft sign Never.

In combinations of the CC, CHN-LF, CV, Thu, PHCT-NSH, Rush Soft Sign is not needed.

It is not required in combinations of st, sn, zd, zn and some others, in which s or s soften during pronunciation before soft consonants: verses [s't '], difference [s'n'], etc.

After a hissing soft sign, it usually performs a grammatical function, but it can be separating: "sews", "whose", etc.