We cut the jigsaw of plywood: drawings, basic skills of figure cutting and drinking simple figures. Lobzik drinking rules: Schemes and drawings download drawings for drinking

Wood and sheets (plates) on its basis are one of the cheapest and fuel materials. For lovers to work with a junk, interest primarily represents plywood.

It is her homemade craftsmen most often choose for the manufacture of various crafts. If you correctly organize work, you can create real masterpieces.

Crafts from this material are performed for various purposes, but mostly they can be divided into two groups - to decorate the premises or territory (for example, fences on the inside, garden plot, and so on).

A variety of plywood

If you focus on the optimal combination of such indicators as quality and price, the production of FSF or FC is selected. It is characterized by resistant to dampness and temperature jumps. This one is quite enough for the durability made by their own handicrafts was provided. But between these varieties of plywood there is a fundamental difference - in the component composition of the adhesive, which the layers of the veneer are fastened.

In the first case, it is toxic, so FSF sheets are applied only with external work. But for crafts intended for the room in the house, the Plywood FC is quite suitable. Its analogues are much more expensive because they are not considered as a material for simple, lungs performed by crafts.

Type of grinding sheets

It is easy to understand: sh1 and sh2 - respectively, one- and double-sided; NSh - Rough Processing Plywood. That is, the cradle will still have to "bring to mind", grind. The choice of this parameter depends on how it is planned to be placed in the future and place. Sample fixed on the wall and, for example, a statuette (stand, vase, toy or other), which is viewed from all sides - things are different.

Plywood texture

Here a lot depends on personal preferences. If it is planned when applying a protective coating of the crafts to preserve the natural look of the tree, then under the lacquer it is better to purchase Phaneur from the birch veneer. But for subsequent coloring it is desirable to choose pine.

For various crafts from plywood, it is desirable to navigate on an oil or acrylic basis. The explanation is simple - they are less susceptible to burnout in the sun, because they do not have to often update the external coating; It will not change the initial appearance for several years.

Crowded plywood

Choosing a sheet for crafts, it must first be inspecting for bumps and inclusions. Significant defects will not only complicate the cutting material, but also initiate the appearance of cracks or "holes" (as a result of the loss of the same bitch). Next is the inspection of end surfaces. In the process of plywood cut, dynamic loads (vibration) are subjected. If at least the signs of cutting of the veneer are noticeable on the side parts, such a material should not be purchased, even if its price is too seductive.

In the future, in the process of making a craft, many problems will arise. As a result - the rejection of plywood and its increased consumption. In total expression, this for money will be released about the same as compared to the acquisition of the high-grade material, and at the time spent and the quality of work is a big minus.

Thickness of sheets

If the crafts are cut with an email / tool, it is limited to 30 mm. For the jigsaw hand, it is advisable to use a relatively thin paneur; Three-layer maximum. That is, no more than 9 mm thick.

What will take for work


This is a priori, since it is about making crafts with such a tool. The question is different - what exactly to work. Electrical models are much more expensive than manual analogs, but have a lot of advantages. About in.

For example, high speed and accuracy of cutting, purity of the edges, the ability to change the parameters of the cut and a number of others. If the handling of plywood is not a one-time, short-term passion, then it is worth spending money on El / Lobzik. He is universal, and in the economy it is not useful, since, depending on the type of the appearance, it can "work" not only with a tree, but also with non-ferrous metals, plastics, org.

Some more complicated with the jigsaw manual. Its design is quite simple - frame with screw clamps and handle + pink.

The nuance is that the cutting canvases are quite easily broken (from excessive pressure, changes in the position of the hand tool), and therefore it is desirable to be purchased with a reserve; Fortunately, they are cheap.


It is only needed at one stage - with a labeling sheet at a separate fragment. Do this manual jigsaw - the occupation is low-job and unprofitable; Time and Pilot will spend a lot.


Nobody will keep the cutting plywood on weight; It's clear. Cut the details, putting a sheet on the table top - the risk to damage it. It is in order to ensure the "safety" of the latter, the stand and is needed. With your own hands, it can be made of a screaming board. What a fixture looks like (one of the options), visible in the picture.

The fixation of the stand based on clamps (on a non-working table) or self-drawing (in case there is a joiner's workbench in the extension, shed, the garage). Although this is not the only mounting options. How to do, it is easy to understand, confirming with local conditions.


An ideal tool for thin wood processing is. But for crafts from plywood, which are not distinguished by large areas, it does not fit. Therefore, only sandpaper; Middle-complete - for primary grinding of blanks and with small grain - for the finish.


  • Files and Nadfili.
  • Awl.
  • Simple pencil and copied.
  • Adhesive, if the aircraft is created composite or multi-level, that is, with the fixation of two or more figure fragments in some sections.
  • Varnishes, paints, veil.

Examples of drawings and sketches of plywood crafts

Copy "one to one" in this case is unlikely to be advisable. Any work performed by your own hands is a process with a creative component. That is why the sizes should be determined independently, depending on where it is supposed to be placed (or how to use). For example, whether it will "look" in a particular place, whether it is organically fit into the interior of the room.

Even if the drawing liked and liked, it is easy to change the geometry of the figure, applying the scaling rules. Moreover, when it comes to drawing a contour on a plane by a simple pencil; Any error is fixed, in some sections, something is easy enough to correct. Not much more difficult and modifying any sketch, bringing something original to the sample, original.

There is a different solution - you can download any pictures from the Internet that you like. Print it on the right scale is not a problem. It will remain only with the help of a copy paper to transfer it to the phaneer and shade the plots that you need to cut. This is if it comes to the craft of figured. The contour sample is even easier; Remes exactly along the line - and everything is ready. It will only remain aware of the artistic design of the product.

Basic Rules Lobzik

  • Laying under a tight substrate sheet. It is in order to ensure the hardness of the surface under plywood, and the stand is used. The sheet, even small, is fairly easily (under pressure) bends, because without this adaptation of high-quality cut, strictly along the line, will not work.
  • The working body of the jigsaw (fender) must be strictly perpendicular to the leaf end. Moreover, throughout the entire process of cutting material.
  • The tool is supplied along the line of translational motion, but without effort. Otherwise, the pink will immediately break. As well as when it is deviated from the "vertical".
  • Drinking holes "Deaf", that is, somewhere on the sheet of plywood, with an indent from its edge, is made as follows. At any point of the outlined circuit, the "hole" is dried with a little displacement to the center of the fragment. The diameter is chosen such that the pedel has easily entered it. After its attachment on the frame of the tool, you can carry out in any convenient direction.
  • Figured drank in the plywood assumes sharp turns, smooth bends and so on. First, at the point of change in the direction of the jigsaw, without changing his position, it is necessary to do a small hole in the material. For this, the saw should be continued, strictly withstanding the orientation of the instrument, and at the same time turn a piece of plywood. As soon as the cutting part plane coincides with the required direction of further cutting, it can be guided by the planned line.

Having mastered the manufacture of rather simple crafts from plywood, you can take it for more complex options. As an example - self-assembly of furniture (racks, shelves, original pendant shelves). With a skillful approach to the case of plywood, excellent countertops are obtained, cutting boards, platbands on the windows and so on. From this material it is easy to make chair-"clamshell", and various modifications. Who is interested in this.

From plywood, excellent paintings for paintings are also obtained. Those who have a plot can be engaged in decorated construction articles; The same gazebo, a house above the well or something else. Variants are many. The main thing is to want to learn.

In the process of preparing for drinking, you do not need to forget that all drawings and drawings are nothing more than the basis for developing your project. A little fantasy, time, effort, and from plywood you can make a real masterpiece.

The basic skills of which are taught in the lessons of labor discipline, for the bulk and remain a pair of three baubles into memory. But for some, a favorite hobby is likely to work with metal or wood, in the future, bringing pleasure from the opportunity to show fantasy, attach the skill and get at the exit of everybody or just a decorative product. One of these directions of folk art is to drink from plywood, popular and among users of the Forumhouse portal. On it we will focus more in our article, we will analyze from what and what technology are real carved masterpieces and in what cases are used stencils for drinking. Fortunately, our craftsmen are happy to share their experiences.

  • Plywood characteristics
  • Tools, templates, assembly

Plywood characteristics

Plywood is a multi-layered, leaf building material produced from a veneer of hardwood or coniferous wood, by gluing several layers into a single cloth. Due to the features of the location of the fibers (at one angle), the sheet usually an odd number of layers - three, five or more. If coniferous varieties are represented in plywood, a few (fir, spruce, pine), then delicious mainly of birch. There is a combination - coniferous "filling" and birch facing, in this case the plywood will still be birch. The best is completely birch plywood, but she is the most expensive.

The material is divided into varieties and brands, depending on the decorativeness and used in the production of chemicals. There are five varieties that feature veneer quality and the appearance of sheets:

  • Elite variety (e) - no defects on the surface of the material, homogeneous, one-photon, smooth invoice without bitch, cracks, wormworch or repair inserts.
  • The first grade (I) is perhaps the presence of microcracks (up to 20 mm) and bitch of small diameter.
  • The second grade (II) is permissible even the fragments of the bitch if their number does not exceed ten pieces per 1 m² of sheet, and the diameter is not more than 25 mm. There may also be some wormworch and repair inserts from veneer.
  • The third variety (III) is a bitch without quantitative restrictions, emptiness on the site of the bitch drops, to a dozen wormochin (up to 6 mm) per 1 m² of sheet.
  • Fourth grade (IV) - the sheet must have a durable adhesive connection, unacceptable peeling. The entire spectrum of external exemptions is almost in any amounts, but the diameter of wormochin, bitch and emptiness - no more than 40 mm.

Callness concerns only the outer layers of the sheet and is denoted by two digits, and the variety can be both common to both parties and varieties, more often, within one variety - I / I I / II E / I, and so on. In addition to the fourth, the lowest, all other grades of plywood are ground from both sides, and the elite can be additionally covered with varnish.

Naturally, the higher the variety and the decorativeness of the material, the more beautiful it is a finished product. But considering that the cost of elite, and the first grade is decent, and the parts are fired most often small dimensions, you can use the variety below, if you really cut a high-quality blank from the leaf. On the plywood, from which the workpiece will be peaked, there should be no bitch - they can fall out, and other defects. Pay attention to the ribs - you can not cut masterpieces, using fragments with voids in the middle layers.

The brand of plywood and its main characteristics determine the applied chemical compositions:

  • FB is an impregnation of veneer Bakelite varnish, giving resistance to high humidity.
  • BS - Bakelite glue (spiritual), gives high performance, such plywood is stronger and more durable.
  • BV - water-soluble bakelite mixes, plywood is afraid of high humidity.
  • FC is a gluing phenol-carbamide resin, relative water resistance, for indoor use.
  • FSF is a gluing phenol formaldehyde resin, moisture-proof material for outdoor use.

What plywood is suitable for drinking

For drinking products intended for home use (boxes, stands, shelves, utensils, decorative elements) The optimal version is FC funer.

The phenol-carbamide resin is safe for others and is well tolerated with high humidity, therefore, products from such plywood do not emit harmful substances and are resistant to deformations.

Plywood of the FSF brand is not suitable for household goods due to aggressive formaldehyde, but it can be used for design on the street - carved platbands, coffee tables for open veranda or arbors, various benches.

For cutting, the phaneer is most often used with a thickness of 3 - 5 mm. If loads are assumed (chairs, stools, benches, tables and similar), the thickness increase. Cut from thick sheet (more than 10 mm) more difficult, so lace openings from such a material is unlikely to succeed. As an option - the main canvas of thick sheets and carved inserts to increase decorativeness.

Member of the portal temernikIn 2011, the topic opened and to this day, it uses sheets of different thickness, depending on the purpose of objects.

temernik Member Forumhouse.

On the anniversary, the father saw a carved frame from plywood 4 mm, and on a stand under a flower pot, on bears, leafs of 8 mm thick went.

Tools, templates, assembly

Patterns on a plywood are cut by jigsaws - it can be both manual and electric tools. For complex, openwork elements are more often used manual jigsaw with interchangeable saws. They can neatly cut the most intricate ornaments, while the electrolybiz is more likely to spoil the drawing, if the skills are not enough.

Even in the labor lessons, the quality of the saw and the convenience of work in many ways depend on the tension of the peel - the relaxed headset is more difficult to perform sharks exactly according to the template.

Temernik Enjoys an old jigsaw of the son remaining from school pore. This simplest tool is enough for him to create his plywood agenv.

To start cutting out the drawing, they make a puncture with a sharp selection on a blank, in which the sawnur is inserted, the second option is to drill a drill with a thin drill. In both cases, it is not recommended to bring the hole directly to the contour line, if it allows the motive. Punch or drilling on the removal will help to avoid possible cracks and "shells". To process the edge of the films (ribs), files or emery paper with the appropriate grain are used, such a grinding gives the pattern a finished look and removes minor flaws, aligning the edge. In addition to the main tools, pliers, hammer, drawing kit (ruler, circular) and others may be needed.

Even the simplest pattern is muffled on the template applied to the Faneru - in the presence of artistic talent, drinking patterns are drawn "out of the head", if nature is not so generous - translated from the stencil.

Typical blanks are enough on the network in free access, in thematic publications. In the topic on the forum, many craftsmen shall be shared with each other liked templates. Temernik Helps the Internet and drawing talent of the spouse.


Pictures take from the Internet, then inventing the method of fastening and refinement, if something is wrong, then my second half is drawing, it does not work well with it.

From the stencil, the drawing on the fane is transferred with a pencil or handle, for convenience the base is fixed on the sheet with the buttons. Special attention is paid to small contours, several inaccuracies can spoil the entire type of finished product.

To increase the decorativeness, the products are bought from plywood are connected on the spike groove and are sampled, most often the pva glue for wood. First, dry "fitting" is carried out, and after fitting and stripping already glue assembly.


Molds everything as follows: in some details the grooves are peaked, in others, on the contrary, the protrusions, everything is adjusted at the beginning "dry", and then going to PVA glue. The ends handled the sandpaper.

After assembling plywood is covered by protective and decorative compositions - varnishes, veneer, paints, depending on the desired effect.

Examples of portal participants

Open temernik The topic found a lot of responses, many in it shared their work.

Boatswain1955 He started with similar equipment.

And now combines it with no less interesting, multi-layer discharge.

Boatswain1955 Member Forumhouse

I understood, finally, the essence of drinking plates of various shapes - two the same in the size of the drawing is done, the waves are drawn as opposed to each other. That is, where on the first - the ridge, on the second - Wpadina. After drinking, the details are collected through one. Thus, two plates are obtained. He dug a manual junk without any clauses, could not figure out how such forms were made. So I repulsed a little soul, I walked the plates, yes the basket.

56Vladimir1981also masterfully owns a jigsaw.

All photos from the article

According to historical data, the mass production of plywood dates from the beginning of the nineteenth century. And since this material at that time was made exclusively for decorating and the production of furniture, almost simultaneously appeared such a kind of crafts as with his own hands.

For more than 2 centuries, this type of art has not lost its relevance. It is loved for the simplicity and final product of decent quality.

By and large, anyone wishing independently of gender and age can deal with this type of art. A huge advantage is the lack of serious financial investments.

In addition to the big one, you need only a sheet of plywood, the lobzik himself and stencils or, as they are also called the masters, drawings for the artwork drinking with a padzik from plywood.

Preparation for work

Despite the seeming simplicity of a similar type of creativity, it should be seriously treated. Success here largely depends on how carefully you prepare. Namely select and handle the plywood sheet and select the appropriate for your product drawings that you can cut off the jigsaw of plywood.

Choosing a quality sheet

Now Plywood is divided into many species, each of them was developed under certain purposes. And oddly it will sound, not every material is safe to work safely.

Speaking of artistic cutting, it should be remembered that during work you will be unwilling to breathe small dust and evaporation from plywood, and at the moment they are not always safe.

  • Cast masters prefer to work with sheets made on the basis of carbamide formaldehyde compositions, they can be easily recognized on the first literals of the "FC" labeling. Such plywood can already go with a decorative coating type of varnish or have a clean "shirt." In the latter case, the sheet is more convenient to apply drawings for drinking with a manual jib of plywood;
  • Sheets that have labeling "FOF" are focused on furniture production and are often sufficiently safe. But they have another minus, they most often belong to and have a thickness of more than 12 mm;

  • The "FB" brand was developed as a plywood for the construction or finishing of various kinds of boats and yachts, so the price of such a material is too far from democratic, although this plywood is also safe;
  • What exactly should not be associated with, so it's with FSF plywood. No matter how beautiful it looked, it should be clearly remembered, with its production of high phenol content, which is considered to be one of the serious and fairly poisonous carcinogen.

Important: For artwork, especially for cutting, the jigsik is extremely not recommended to take sheets on which there are swirls in the upper shirt. When working, they will fall out.

Let us turn to the drawings

Make the easiest way out, for example, animal drawings for drinking with a manual jigsaw of plywood, it is used to use sweater materials and a simple copy. Everyone in the house there is a mass of printed material like old postcards with birds, fish and other grains.

A pre-harvested copied copper is superimposed on the prepared and ground sheet, the image or photo of the false little animals is superimposed on top of it, and is fixed by the stationery buttons (now for this purpose you can use tape). After that, you will remain clearly circling the contour of the image.

IMPORTANT: Do not worry about the movie is blocked with a blank sheet, while you will urge your drawings for firing feeding with plywesk. After the workpiece is cut, it will be necessary to grind it in any case, in the process of such treatment, all pollution will be removed.

Do not immediately take on complex highly artistic products with thin fragments. For an inexperienced wizard, it will be difficult to treat small details without damaging them with a careless pressure.

If there are children next to you, it is better to use, for example, simple drawings for drinking the jigsaw of a plywood machine or make a cutting board. Thus, you will not only get elementary skills of work, but also please babies.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that professional drawings of the box of plywood plywood for pipes are loaded, necessarily contain fasteners that are part of the common plate. Therefore, it is better to start here with cutting inner cavities and fragments.

If you lack the selection of images from a home archive, we advise you to turn to the finished selection. Now such stencils are used not only for cutting on plywood, but still a number of art crafts take them as a basis, so you will not be much difficult to buy such sets in stationery stores, and sometimes even in underground transitions.

Advanced users who have a good printer at home can download one of the common graphic programs to the computer and use it to create professional author works.

The process of cutting products

Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the jigsaw. As mentioned, it is better to start with a manual option. The price for a similar tool and instructions for working with it are available almost to everyone. A couple of dozen years ago, such works were included in the mandatory program of labor learning for boys in schools.

Initially, it should be competently fixing the cutting canvas. The teeth of the canvas should look only downward, towards the handle. At first, one of the edges of the canvas is reliably clamped, after which the second end of the jigsaw slightly at 10-15 mm is compressed and the opposite edge of the canvas is fixed. You do not need to do too much stretch, can burst when working.

Electric jigsaw applied by domestic masters for creating beautiful products from plywood and tree. Such crafts are used in various purposes. They can be decorative or serve as items. Each home master who is interested in this occupation should be aware of the features of working with the tool.

How to use a "miracle logs", and that it can be cut with it, you should learn more.

Lobzik's subtleties

The jigscription is a universal device that is used for cutting figure products from various materials. All that will need is to choose the cloth correctly. It is important to figure out, and how to cut the figures of complex forms. Many novice masters need to be understood how SCs are manufactured at boards and various component elements of crafts. Electric jigsaws are best working with a cutting tree of coniferous rocks. However, the thickness of the elements from which cutting is performed should not exceed 3.8 cm.

The canvas that will be inserted into the jigsaw, quite often bent and leave the beveled edges. Straight res is usually obtained when using a well-sharpened blade. It should not be added too much to the instrument during operation.

First, start the saw at the highest speed, and then select the angle of the blade. This will allow to obtain a smaller number of chips. In materials with high fragility, it is necessary to drill holes. This will allow without unnecessary risk to saw the workpiece. As a result, the parts are not formed.

To cut the cutting quickly, the coarse blades should be used. However, it should be borne in mind that when choosing such consumables subsequently, they will be heavier to sand. Blades for electric jigsaws are manufactured in such a way that the cut is performed when the cloth is up.

The right choice of blade

The choice of blades for electric jigsaw is the main point when cutting wood and plywood. Often, Lobzik lies without a business in the household of a homemade master. However, when you need to perform a complex pattern, this tool is necessary as never.

Quite often, electric jigsaw is used as a tool for cutting holes in a tabletop or when mounting a kitchen sink. This tool is used for metal cutting. When using other saws, it is often impossible to perform tasks. Lobzik is a universal device. It can work with him both a newcomer and an experienced homemade master. As a result, you can get excellent results using different materials - plastic, wood, plywood.

How to work with a tool

Lobzik is used for a variety of tasks. Its main function is cutting curves of shapes in wooden products. Get smooth bends when using this tool is quite simple. The base of the tool should be kept smoothly on the workpiece. When the preparation is completed, you can start the main work. Then the engine is turned on and the device is slowly moving in advance of the line, at a distance of 2 mm from it. Thin grinding is performed later.

The saw should be moved in this pace so that the blade is easy to cut the material without any deviations. The jigscription works great with the transverse cutting board. Emphasis must be applied if you need to get the perfect cut. Mocked cuts using jigsaw is quite simple. Before work, it is necessary to firmly consolidate the workpiece.

If inclined or vertical cut is performed, the distance between the blade and the focus is established as on the circular table. If necessary, perform an accurate and long reside workload is hardly difficult. In this case, the circular saw is first used. The final cutting of the element is performed by the jigsaw. It must be firmly pressed against the inside of the marked line.

Where to start

First, the workplace competently is organized. Perform this condition is especially important for high-quality cutting. If the space is equipped correctly, it will work conveniently and comfortably. This condition is necessary to create a quality product.

A stubborn design is a special machine. In the people, he is called "Lastochkin Tail." This table is performed from the rectangular board. It has a wedge-shaped section that goes into the working area. Swallow tail is attached to the edge of the table.

The work of the electric jigscomb is carried out standing or sitting. The billet should be located at a distance from the eyes of 40 cm. It is necessary that the lighting lamp is installed in front of the wizard. It is placed at an angle to the surface.

Tool preparation

The sawing canvas in the jigsaw must be recorded in a strictly vertical position. Teeth should look down. Before work, it is necessary to pull the canvas well. The degree of tension must be adjusted using a frame compression. The device needs to be resting to the edge of the table. Then you should tighten the lamb with passats. When straightening the frame, the canvas stretches.

To drink a logged part of a small size, or shape with sharp circuits, you need to choose a small sawmill. It is required to use the canvas with a large number of inch patterns. When using them, the jigscription does not hide when performing turns. Cropped creates neat and thin. If products are performed from large plywood, it is required to use the canvas that have large teeth.

How to drink a logby

To obtain a neat cut, you must perform a number of conditions:

  • A hand that holds the jigsik should only move vertically.
  • All movements must be made as smoothly as possible, without jerks. In addition, they must be performed with the maximum amplitude. This is necessary to use the entire canvas.
  • The second hand in the process of work the blank is rotated.
  • It should not be too pressing with a filling on the workpiece. Unacceptable lateral pressure on the blade.
  • The artwork is carried out only when the pedel moves from top to bottom. For this reason, the opposite movement must be performed without pressure.

When working a manual jigsion, it must be conducted not by the marked line. The canvas should be carried out on the inner side of the contour. This is due to the presence of drank after drinking. After completing the work, one of the clamps should be loosen. The frame of the device should not lose elasticity.

Jewelry box

Make a beautiful and spacious jewelry box you can visit the day of lovers or on International Women's Day. To perform such a craft, you will need to use the accurate drawing. Work is divided into several stages.

Preparation of the working area

Before starting cutting out the details of the box, you should prepare your workspace. This establishes a special table. A snaps will be created on it. This is complied with such rules:

  • While working at the table should not be unnecessary items.
  • The device for cutting should always be at hand. For him, a certain place is given.
  • Crafting table. It is placed in a ventilated room. The room should be light and spacious.

However, it is not always possible to install the table for drinking the jigsaw in the right place. To the ordinary apartment, the vestic is usually placed on the balcony if it is insulated. At the same time you can work on crafts in any weather.

Choosing plywood

For the box, it is necessary to use a plywood sheet. When the workpiece is selected, you should pay attention to quite often appearing defects - cracks or knots. The workpiece is selected with a thickness that is specified in the scheme. To translate the drawing on the material, follows:

  • Processing the workpiece of the sandpaper. Starting with a coarse material. Ends such treatment with sandpaper with small grains.
  • It is necessary that the surface is smooth. To do this, lock the sandpaper in the grinding device. If it is not, you can take a small bar, and wrap it with sandpaper.
  • Grinding along wood layers.
  • The workpiece is grinning until its surface becomes as smooth as possible.

After such training, the template draft should be transferred to it.

Transfer pattern to plywood

Before starting cutting, you should transfer the prepared drawing to the plywood blank. First you have to print a drawing on paper. For transfer it is necessary to have a traction and handle. First, the template is attached to the workpiece of scotch. Having a blank, you should think about how to cut different elements of the box, saving the existing material as possible.

Dumping the casket

During drunk, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Lobzik should be perpendicular to the product.
  • It is necessary to ensure that all movements are performed as smooth as possible. Do not rush while drinking - you can make a mistake and spoil a piece of material.
  • It is necessary to use a piping table.
  • First you need to drink internal elements. Only then proceed to cutting the contour.

When leaving the cut line, you must adjust the supfyl line during the assembly of the product.

Tip! In the process of work, the hands will be tired. Performance drops significantly. Fingers and eyes are seriously tired. All this can lead to hand injuries. That is why it is necessary to take breaks in work.

Assembling boxes

Before assembly, you must familiarize yourself with the drawing of the product. Combining the details of the casket for jewelry does not require fine work. Before gluing different elements, you must make sure that they can easily collect together. After several assemblies, the product without the occurrence of difficulties should begin gluing parts. Typically, the composition of the PVA is used for this purpose. During operation, it is necessary to eliminate the lodges of the glue.

Assembling model of steam locomotive

When the material is prepared, and the drawing is printed, you should proceed to the process of transferring the scheme to the workpiece. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some rules of work. Many domestic masters tend to translate the drawing to the Faneur only using copy and pencil. However, you can use both "black ribbon". When choosing this tool, the drawing gluits with the workpiece. The diagram is then washed off with plywood with water, which allows you to leave only lines of markup.

You can then perform holes in the details of the future locomotive. In details of the locomotive there are parts of the grooves, cut off from the inside. To perform such elements, it is necessary to make holes in them with a manual drill or a seboard. Holes must be performed at least 1 mm in diameter. So that when creating holes, do not spoil the surface of the table, should be put under the workpiece.

Now you can drink parts. Do not hurry when drinking. The main rule is to hold the jigsaw at a right angle to the workpiece processed. All items must be performed smoothly, not allowing irregularities.

Plywood is very affordable, relatively inexpensive material for various crafts. Things made from it can have not only decorative meaning, but also be useful in our daily life, in everyday life.

Plywood is easily processed by building material, which is produced by gluing several layers of veneer, specially treated wood chips.


These sheets that can be used for making crafts and structures may differ:

  • the number of veneer layers is three-layer, five-layer and multilayer;
  • wood breed, of which a multilayer sheet (deciduous or coniferous) is manufactured;
  • according to the degree of treatment (polished from one or both sides, not polished).

Construction rates and standards

To learn more about the construction material under consideration (on the classification of all plywood nomenclature, the types of standard size), which can be purchased for the manufacture of many products and crafts, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following documents:

  • GOST 3916.1-96 "General Plywood with outer layers of hardwood veneer".
  • GOST 3916.2-96 "Plywood of general purpose with outer layers of veneer of coniferous rocks."

Schemes, drawings and patterns for products from plywood sheets

Drawing programs for computers

Today, without difficulty, you will find the diagram, the pattern of plywood design so that later using automated design systems to prepare any drawing (including the above-mentioned cat). Next, with the help of the plotter, withdraw on the paper sheet of the required format.

Drawing popular programs are easier in development and can be used in 2D and 3D modeling, including for plywood structures:

  • "Compass" - a complex of automated systems, with the possibility of drawing up drawings, according to the standards of the Esskdi SPDS series;
  • AutoCAD is a two- and three-dimensional automated design and drawing system.

So, if you can't find a detailed drawing of the products you need from plywood material, the applied capabilities of the given software will help you make a full drawing according to any schemes and patterns laid out on the Internet.


The price of the construction plywood, from which the kayak is made is simply incommensurable with the pleasure that a person will receive, who made it with his own hands, loving water rides on rigorous boats.

Kayak in Eskimos, this is the same kayak at Aleutov - the traditional rowing boat of the peoples of the Arctic. Such a boat can be a single, double or triple. We post the kayak drawings from plywood for one person.

The algorithm for the construction of a rowing boat from plywood sheets in principle is common, with the exception of some nuances. Step-by-step procedures for revealing, processing and assembling kayak can be viewed on the video in this article.

Plywood table - simple and functional

The clear drawings of the table of plywood with their own hands, which will be easy to implement even a person, without special carpentry skills and experience. Table lid (1 sheet) - 1300 x 600 x 16 (mm) Inner wall (1 sheet) - 1170 x 400 x 16 (mm)

Plywood designer

Different drawings of the plywood designer are now gaining more and more popularity. Assembling such models from a safe material is a very useful occupation for children, teenagers. Such crafts will become good instances of collections, will decorate the corner of the modellers.


Stages of work on the installation of the tank model are as follows:

  1. Plywood is grouhed (first the medium-sized, and then fine-grained skurt);
  2. Drawings are neatly translated through a copy-grained abrasive plywood material with fine-grained abrasive.
  3. In the corners of the contour translation, the cross-cutting holes (drill 3 mm or more) are drilled;
  4. Fasten the pink in the jigsaw and start drinking the tank elements;

Drinking parts should be started inside the loop of the tank blanks, and only after the contector itself.

During the assembly of the plywood nodes of the model, you have various types of nicks at any time to fit the items to each other at any time.

  1. After fitting all parts, it is possible to start their gluing (for example, PVA glue, "Titan");

So that the nodes and elements of the tank are stronger and more reliable to grab each other, it is possible for a while after their gluing, tie into a thread or rope.

  1. Cannon can be done by circumcalling a wooden handle of a tassel for watercolor paint or from another utility material;
  2. If you wish for a tank, or on any other model, you can apply the onboard number or other inscriptions and patterns;
  3. For greater preservation and decorating the model, they can be covered with varnishes and paints.

Machine - Retro (old "Mercedes")

When you transfer these drawings of the car from plywood with your own hands on the plywood sheets themselves, do not forget to move and numbers.

When assembling the model itself, look at the numbers carefully.

In this case, the process is carried out according to the following algorithm, in accordance with digital notation:

  • detail or node under number 1 must be connected to another number 1;
  • and the item under the number 2 is mounted, respectively, with the following number 2 and so on, while the machine will not be collected.


Drawings of a pistol from plywood models "Bulldog". When assembling, we observe the same rules as when assembling the car: the same numbers must be mounted with each other.

This pistol model is better to cover from the vial of spraying paint, for better similarities with the original, the black paint layers can be applied.


Dinosaur drawings from plywood, for example, presented below, can be performed when designing to perform in any, scale you need to presented in the drawing program for a computer.

Preparation of material, model elements and the assembly itself does not differ in difficulty, but you will have to stock up with some patience when working the logging and fitting the model nodes to each other.

Salnament - "Vintage leaves"

This object in the form of grape leaves is always useful in the household in direct purpose - for napkins and for storage, for example, paper sheets of the selected format:

Vase, stand under pencils, handles, brushes

Drawings of vases from plywood, which can be easily cutting over the sample you need:

Plywood Punk

It is the ease and simplicity of drinking with a jib of plywood sheets of various configurations with different sizes, installation of them of various designs, allows you to perform multiple decorative panels for the walls of our housing. Any panel made carefully is a great gift to relatives and familiar people.

Drawings Panels from plywood, which also performs the role of a shelf in the household:

Some useful tips and warnings:

  • When transferring patterns, the drawings on the phanee use the thinnest and sharp stiffel of the pencil. It is even better to use the used ball handle, then the lines will always be the same, and the copy paper from the ball does not break. It is convenient to carry the drawings on the phaneer using a laser printer.
  • For better fastening of parts, where it is possible, it is recommended that the width of the grooves match.
  • There are two types of pylons with large and small cloths. Newbies will be more convenient to learn how to use a thick filling, and finely drink minor details, already having some experience and skills to use the jigsaw.
  • Pilking should cut from above - down, so pay special attention to the proper fastening of the peel in the jig.
  • Pilking can easily break, so sawing carefully, do not allow the partitions on the saw blade.
  • By purchasing a popul, see that the cloves are sharp, and it should not be easily bend easily, but on the contrary it should be solid. It is convenient to work not flat, and the so-called "twisted peelings" - they can be made in any direction.
  • For those who saw the designs from plywood sheets - a hobby, there is no need to purchase a ribbon saw, it is enough to purchase an electrolybiz. Although everything is an amateur, some masters still often resort to manual jigsaw when "it is necessary to feel the material."


  1. Before choosing, acquiring and direct work with the material, from which you will cut the models, panels, designers and designs. Check out its views, classification for construction documents (GOST).
  2. For drinking, purchase a high-quality tool, equipment and snap to it.
  3. Speakly approach the choice of high-quality plywood. Do not limit it to its visual inspection, tapping it on the subject of internal voids and bundles, due to poor gluing layers of veneer.
  4. Before the work itself, the jigsaw optimally equip your workplace. Special attention is paid to its good lighting, so that the cut is perfectly visible, markup and not tired. Not bad to illuminate the place of work with a jigsaw apply a strobe. Comfortable and comfortable sawing!