How to make grounding. The grounding device on its own: simple and complex, for different cases

Ensure the safety of electric current living in the house from the defeat is needed - this fact is not disputed. But some circuit breakers or UZO are not enough. In this case, in this case, perform a grounding of 220 in a private house in your own hands. Such a system will not be worried about the life of living in the event of an emergency. But it is not easy to fulfill her, although it is quite possible even without special education. Today we will analyze in detail why the ground is required, which will be required for installation. It makes sense and step by step to consider all the stages of such work.

Why need a grounding should know not only a professional electrician, but every home master. In simple language, this is a means of protection against electric shock in the event of a breakdown of insulation and the occurrence of voltage on the housings and. If it is performed according to all the rules, then when an emergency occurs, the electric current will "leave" to the ground, eliminating the hindrance to the voltage. If the protective disconnection device is installed (UZO), it will work with a similar leak.

Important!Grounding for private houses is calculated in a certain way and has its own parameters, it is impossible to ignore that. If the resistance of the circuit or the tire will be higher above, no protection can go about any protection.

The electric current can be figuratively compared with water, which flows along the path of the smallest resistance, and therefore, with increasing this parameter of the grounding tire, the discharge will go to the ground through a person.

The grounding in the country is as important as in a private house, but in this case only individual can be ground.

Grounding and rewarding: what is the difference between them

Call a protection scheme at which a deaf-free neutral is a zero conductor. In the case of a breakdown of isolation, contacting the body of the device with a current-carrying part, there is a short circuit, forcing the protective automation. In private sectors, it is prohibited for security for security. It is applied only in apartment buildings of the old building that do not have a separate ground loop.

Installation in the private house of grounding and lightning protection is particularly important if the structure is on the elevation or aside from high structures. They may have a common outline. In this case, lightning protection works like grounding.

Article on the topic:

In this publication, we will consider in more detail what the terms between them are, the principle of operation, the advantages and disadvantages of each, when it is possible to use one or another protection method and the requirements of electrical safety.

Schemes for grounding of private houses with their own hands: 380 V and 220 V

A significant difference between the scheme of a private house for 3 phases (380 volts) and one-phase (220 volts) is not. But in the wiring of the cables it is present. Tell me what it lies.

With a single-phase network, a three-in-room cable (phase, zero and earth) is used to power the electrical appliances. The three-phase network requires a pental electric conductor (the same ground and zero, but the phases are three). Special attention should be paid to the discouragement - the grounding should not come into contact with zero.

Consider the situation. The substation comes 4 veins (zero and 3 phases), headed into the distribution shield. After equipping the correct grounding on the plot, we start it into the shield and the "plant" on a separate tire. Phase and zero lived through all the automation (Uzo), after which they go to the electrical appliances. From the grounding tire, there lives directly on and equipment. If zero contact ground, the protective shutdown devices will be triggered without a reason, and this installation of electrical wiring in the house is completely nothing.

The grounding scheme at the dacha with their own hands is easy, but requires a careful and neat approach when performing. It is easy to perform it only for one or other electrical appliance. Below we will definitely stop at this.

Helpful information! Before starting work, you need to make a detailed project of grounding in a private house. The circuit of the grounding circuit is useful when working and will help in the event of an emergency subsequently.

What is a grounding contour in a private house: definition and device

The ground circuit is called the design of pins and tires in the soil, providing a current removal if necessary. However, not any soil is suitable for the earthing device. Successful to this is considered peat, loamy or clay soil, and the stone or rock is not suitable.

Very important! Ground contour should be lower than the level of ground freezing. Otherwise, in winter, it will not properly perform its functions.

Ground contour is located at a distance of 1 ÷ 10 m from the building. For this, the trench ending the triangle is sweat. The optimal dimensions are the lengths of the parties 3 m. At the angles of the equilateral triangle, pin-electrodes connected by a steel tire or angle using welding. From the top of the triangle tire goes to the house. In detail, we will look at the action algorithm in the step-by-step instructions below.

Having understood that it is a grounding contour that can be processed to the calculations of the material and sizes.

Grounding for a private house: Formulas and examples

The rules of the device of electrical installations (PUE) and GOST set the exact framework, how many Ohm should be grounding. For 220 V - it is 8 ohms, for 380 - 4 ohms. But do not forget that for the general result, the soil resistance is taken into account, in which the grounding contour is satisfied. This information can be found from the table.

View of soil Maximum resistance, Ohm Minimum resistance, Ohm
Alumina65 55
Humus55 45
Loss sediments25 15
Sandstone, groundwater location deeper than 5 m1000 -
Sandstone, groundwater is not deeper than 5 m500 -
Sand-clay soil160 140
Loam65 55
Peatman25 15
Chernozem55 45

Knowing data can be used by the formula:

  • R O. - Rod resistance, Ohm;
  • L. - electrode length, m;
  • d. - diameter of the electrode, m;
  • T. - distance from the middle of the electrode to the surface, m;
  • R Eq. - the resistance of the soil, Ohm;
  • T. - distance from the top of the rod to the surface, m;
  • l N. - Distance between pins, m.

But it is difficult to use such a formula. For simplicity, we propose to use the online calculator to which you only need to make data into the appropriate fields and click the calculate button. This will eliminate the possibility of error in calculations.

To calculate the number of pins, we use the formula

where R N. - normalized resistance for the grounding device, and ψ - Climate coefficient of soil resistance. In Russia, it takes 1.7 for it.

Consider an example of grounding for a private house standing on the chernozem. If the circuit is performed from a steel pipe, a length of 160 cm and a diameter - 32 cm. Substituting the data in the formula n o \u003d 25.63 x 1.7 / 4 \u003d 10.89 . Rounding the result in the biggest, it turns out the required number of grounding agents - 11.

How to make grounding in a private house

Before making grounding, you should familiarize yourself with the norms and rules of installation. The value of the contour bookmark depth, material, quality of connections. It is better to use copper, but its cost is high. Therefore, steel is often used.

Requirements for the contour of the grounding of the private house are as follows:

  • Vertical bars are not shorter than 16 mm;
  • Horizontal - from 10 mm;
  • The thickness of steel is at least 4 mm;
  • the diameter of the steel pipe is not less than 32 mm.

Good to know! It is allowed to use natural earthing - metal structures underground or pipes (with the exception of fuel and sewage pipelines). Natural earthing should not be covered with anti-corrosion compositions.

All connections are performed using welding - bolted screeds are not allowed. They are quickly oxidized and after six months there will be no sense of the grounding circuit. It can be performed in the form of a triangle next to the housing or as a square around the perimeter of the building.

How to make a grounding 220 in private house do it yourself

Illustration Performed action

The contour of the grounding circuit of the private house begins with the trench for the future contour. The optimal side of the triangle side is 3 m, but many do not pay attention to it. After a complete circuit device, you can add pins if the resistance does not suit us.

In the corners of the triangle, a depth of about half a meter is trying the well. In deep, they will not work, but they will help to score electrodes into the ground.

For wells, you can use manual or gasoline yamoburn.

In our case, it is used as a pin with a steel corner to be pre-sharpened. It is easy to do with a cutting disc on metal.
Now you need to lower the electrode in the well and score into the ground what has not come down.

From a three-meter corner, we have only 15 ÷ 20 cm. The well is clogged with alumina and you can go to the tire installation.

Tires are attached to the electrodes only with welding. Bolted connections will not fit - they do not give the necessary density.

Having finished brewing tires to pins, cover the connecting seams. The contour itself can not be painted, but the welding seams are subject to corrosion, which can be in disrepair all grounding device in a couple of years.
Next is welded a grounding tire, going to the house. Length is determined by the distance to the structure plus height.

Freshing it to the foundation on a simple dowel-nail with aluminum traffic jams.

Drilling at the top of two holes, tightly screw the bolts to which the grounding cable is fixed in the house.
The last step is painting that part of the tire, which is over the soil. Bolts are closed. Because They are outstretched, they will not need to turn them, but the paint will save from external weather phenomena. Installation of the grounding circuit is over.

It becomes clear that the contour of the grounding of a private house is possible with their own hands, although not easy.

What is a natural earthing and how to use it

Consider how to make grounding in the country with your own hands without digging trenches and laying the contour. To do this, you can use natural earthingers that are pipes or metal structures underground.

Very important! As a natural grounding, it is impossible to use fuel and sewage pipelines. Metal structures should not be painted or coated with anti-corrosion compositions.

Considering the grounding of the 380 B of a private house with their own hands, we note that there are no differences in the installation of contours, as mentioned earlier.

Grounding of separate household appliances and equipment

It often happens that owners of private houses (especially country) do not see sense to mount a full ground. We cannot justify or condemn anyone, which means to consider this option as it is worth it. We'll figure it out how to ground in a private house, without mounting the entire protection system.

Make it is quite simple using a natural earthing. From it you need to pave the cable directly to the device or K, from which the device is powered. Often, thus, it is grounded in a private house, but you can protect and any other household appliance.

There are "Electricians", which to the question how to ground the outlet in a private house, advise to throw a jumper from zero grounding contact. Listen to such advice is clearly not worth it - it is fraught with problems. We will definitely talk about such mistakes today. And now it is necessary to dwell on how to check the finished earth contour, whether it corresponds to the necessary requirements.

Checking the health of the grounding device by shirts

Many do not understand how to check grounding in a private house, not acquiring expensive equipment. For the production of tests of the completed circuit, the usual multimeter will be needed. After complete installation of "land", we turn on the power supply and translate the multimeter knob to the maximum voltage in AC mode. Measuring the voltage between Phase-Zero and Phase-Earth contacts, you need to pay attention to the difference of readings. If it is less than 10 V, it means that the work is done correctly and the outline functions as needed. If the difference is large, there is a way to improve the indicators.

From any of the corners of the triangle, a trench is dried, a length of 3 m. From the edge, another electrode is driven, which is connected to the main circuit of the tire, in the same way as described in the step-by-step instruction. The trench falls asleep, and check is performed again. Usually one additional beam is enough to correct the situation.

Important! Checking the grounding circuit should be made periodically once a year. This will protect the electric current living from damage in the event of an emergency situation.

Frequent errors when installing grounding device

The most common mistake is the crossing of neutral with grounding tires. This leads to unauthorized triggering of protective shutdown devices. It is also dangerous to connect the grounding contact to zero in the outlet. In addition to deceptive calm, it will not give anything. We will analyze the situation in which the zero begins to burn in the shield or junction box. There is a breakdown of insulation on the body of the household appliance and zero is burning. If it was completely weak, automatics will not have time to work. As a result, we obtain the disappearance of zero if there is a voltage on the case. The result will be disappointing.

Next, we note the connection of grounding veins to or water riser. It is impossible to do this. The use of a natural earthing is allowed when connecting to it before the introductory shield and properly input.

Installation of anti-aluminum cable protection is not allowed, which has increased resistance in comparison with copper.

Very important! The work associated with the electrical installation requires the removal of voltage. A short-term supply of electricity is allowed to test the electric conduit or other parameters, but only subject to all precautionary measures and compliance with the rules of electrical safety.

Team of bulky for a private house with your own hands

The device lightning protection of a private house is important if the structure towers over other sector buildings, is erected on an elevation or elevation. But the preservation of even a low dwelling will not be neglected. After all, natural phenomena are difficult to predict, which means you need to be prepared for everything. In the execution of such protection there are nuances that are now and consider.

According to the rules and standards, the lightning conductor is set above the highest point in the yard at 0.5 ÷ 1.5 m (on trees it is also worth paying attention to). Running lightning game can be made of copper, aluminum or steel. From it, the roof is stacked by a tank without isolation, which is connected to the protective contour through the shortest path.

The protective circuit is performed in the form of a triangle or straight line. Under the ground, it is connected to the contour of the grounding of the residential premises - this is a prerequisite.

If the walls are made of, the distance between the current and the surface should exceed 100 mm.

How to calculate the length of lightning game

To do this, we use the formula:

h \u003d (R x + 1.63h x) / 1.5 where

  • h. - the desired height of the lightning message;
  • r. x. - the radius of the roof of the house, protected from lightning;
  • h. x. - The height of the house itself, without taking into account the thunder.

Ready ground sets for a private house: where, and at what cost to purchase

Despite the fact that the independent purchase and installation of the grounding circuit costs cheaper, homemade masters are increasingly acquiring ready-made grounding sets for giving or private house. Their installation is easier, which means faster. However, to buy a grounding for a private house, the price of which is higher than on the material from which it is manufactured, not for everyone is acceptable. Let us try to summarize the average prices for such sets in Russia as of January 2018.

One of the conditions for connecting the cottage to the village power grid is the presence of ground contour. Its parameters of electricity supplying organizations are checked before connecting the introductory cable to the home arm. Energy takes care of the safety of even those who consider such protection unnecessary. At the same time, it is possible to make a ground in a private house yourself. It is necessary only to install all its elements inside and outside the building to approach the maximum carefully.

  • Grounding in a private house

    Making grounding is required not only in a private house, but also in all buildings on the plot. It is in many ways meaningless only in the bath or veranda, where there is only lighting. Otherwise - any electric tool or household appliance (washing machine, stove, etc.) can become a source of damage to the current. And the Wire "On Earth" is just intended to prevent this.

    The principle of grounding

    Protective (PE) and functional working (FE) ground should be separated. According to the building with wires, they go separate contours and nowhere come into contact with each other. The first is done in order to increase electrical safety and is mandatory in private houses. The second is intended for the proper operation of electrical installations with transformers or electric motors and in the cottages is rarely shutdown.

    Embodiments of grounding schemes

    Home Grounding System is divided into two parts

    1. Internal.
    2. Outdoor.

    The first is a network of additional lived in electrical wiring, which are suitable for each electrical instrument in the cottage. The second is done in the form of several iron pins of the land scored in the site near the grounding building.

    Designed for removal of dangerous current into the ground The outdoor component of the grounding of a low-rise home in a form can be closed or linear. In both structures, three or four pins (electrode) are used, which are plugged into the soil. But in the first case, they are connected from above in a circle, a triangle or a rectangle, and in the second one line.


    The closed version of the ground loop is more reliable, but requires more material. For its device on a plot near the house there will have to allocate a lot of space under the pit of the order of 3x3 meters. It will be though shallow but big.

    Closed grounding scheme


    Linear analogue is cheaper and easier. However, to the inside of the grounding system of the private house, it is connected by the conductor only from one edge. If a rupture occurs in the line in the ground, the part of the external contour will simply fall out of work, and the resistance of the remaining will become too high. In such a situation, the UZO may not work when necessary.

    Linear grounding

    Grounding systems used for houses

    For cottages there are several options for organizing the grounding system. And the choice of suitable depends not so much from the wiring scheme in the built private house, as from the fact that energy in the village.


    The simplest and cheap is the TN-C scheme. The protective conductor in it is combined with the working zero. All electrical wiring in a private house in this case is made twice (phase and N). He lived less, and accordingly, the cost of mounting the intramaneal power grid is minimal.

    However, when burning zero, the protection in TN-C simply disappears - if at the moment the person comes into contact with the metal body, then it will definitely get a shock. This way of grounding the house is considered obsolete and is not recommended for use.

    Connection by CHEME TN-C


    A much more reliable option is the one that is made according to the TN-S scheme. Here, immediately from the substation there are two separate conductor N and PE. Such a grounding of a private house is most completely from a technical point of view, but it is rare, as it is too expensive (first of all for energy).

    TN-S Connection Scheme


    Most often, the TN-C-S variant is now applied. With it from the substation, the combined PEN conductor is plugged, which, when entering the house, is already divided into N and PE. It is more reliable and safe. But in the private sector, its analogue with a TT scheme is often used. In this case, one protective-zero lives from the substation, but the cottage itself is additionally protected by a separate circuit with a pin structure near the structure.

    Connection diagram TN-C-S

    Features of the grounding schemes 220 V and 380 V

    Regardless of whether the two-phase 220 V or three-phase 380V are connected to the site, the grounding in a private house can be performed according to any scheme. Voltage affects only on the number of phase veins. Pen or n still go in one form or another from the substation, from them when choosing and must be repelled.

    How to calculate

    The grounding device in the ground should have no more than 4 ohm resistance. To make it the calculation correctly, it is necessary to possess specific knowledge and understand the relevant fairly complex formulas.
    When calculating the proper sizes of grounding pins, it is necessary to consider:

    • the total number of immersed electrodes and their form;
    • the resistivity of the soils on the site (and at different depths);
    • soil moisture;
    • used in metal design;
    • the distance between the electrodes and much more.

    Table of the resistance of the soil

    In the photo, such a device does not look difficult. But its calculations are complex, they are not recommended independently. However, a simple grounding device from steel corners of 40x40 to organize the grounding in a private house can also be calculated using the simplified formula.

    For a single vertical electrode formula Next:
    R1 \u003d 0.84 * P / L
    If the electrodes in the Earth plunges a few, then they are considered additionally by:
    R \u003d R1 / 0.9 * N
    Here R is the overall resistance of the device, R1 is the resistance of one electrode, L is the length of the pin (the depth of immersion in the soil), and P is the specific resistance of the soil.

    How to make a grounding circuit

    If there is a project with a fully calculated grounding scheme, then it is not difficult to mount this protective system. In fact, it is the usual wiring in a wooden house or cottage from other materials. It is only important here to comply with standard security measures and the rules of the electromotion.

    Choose a place

    Ground contour should be installed:

    • away from gas pipelines, as well as electrical and low-current networks in the ground;
    • in a place where people and animals will be only occasionally (Ideally, this site should be pregnant);
    • from the northern side of the cottage (there is always more wet, which increases current);
    • delete 1.5-2 meters from the village of the house.

    Materials and components

    Most often to create a grounding contour in the ground made from steel corners of 40x40. They make pointed pins, and then these electrodes are connected by welding.

    Materials for grounding


    Installation of a classic triangular grounding design is made in six stages:

    1. The trench of a 50-70 cm depth of 50-70 cm with sides of 2.5 meters (closer to each other, the pins do not stand in the soil, it will be a sense from them).
    2. Electrodes are clogged by a sledgehammer.
    3. Three pin immersed in the ground are connected to the corners on top of welding.
    4. A steel strip of 40 mm wide and a bolt at the end for fastening the conductor is welded to the created triangle.
    5. The strip is returned to the cottage and fixed on its wall.
    6. The trench is burned with soil without stones.

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    J. we are impossible to imagine a modern man living in his own home, without comfort and comforts that all sorts of household electrical appliances provide. People are so accustomed to most useful functions of home assistants working from electricity, which often do not pay attention to them, taking as a given. But electricity is capable of not only to create comfortable living conditions, but also bears a certain danger. To reduce the likelihood of this danger, it is required in a private house with their own hands 220V.

    General Scheme of Ground Device

    The earthing device of its own home is required for several reasons.

    There are specific standards that bind the grounding house - otherwise you can get a very serious fine. In addition, some devices without which comfort in a private house is impossible (for example,), it is simply impossible to operate without this protection.

    The main goal of the co-protection device is to eliminate the risk of lesion by electric stroke from touching any household electrical apparatus. When spoiled wiring, for example, a phase hangs on its body. It is only possible to touch the device, and it is possible to obtain a very sensitive electrode, which may be fatal. If you have protection, the current simply runs down the path of least resistance.

    The correct grounding device allows you to minimize the number of interference in the power grid. It also significantly reduces electromagnetic radiation, negatively affecting the well-being and health of residents of residents.

    Types of grounds

    Two types of grounds are used in a private house that are arranged with their own hands 380V and 220V: working and protective.


    It is arranged mainly in order to prevent a sudden increase in voltage into the devices that are used due to disruption of the insulation of the transformer winding. Effective protection is also ensured when the lightning in the building is hit - due to the fact that the entire category goes into the ground, household appliances do not fail.


    This type is arranged by compulsory connection through the conductor of the electrical appliance case with the Earth. As a rule, for the device such a ground, it is quite enough to have outlets with a grounding terminal, but some types of equipment require additional protection.

    The protective ground must necessarily be provided for the following domestic current consumers:

    • Washing machine. Its exploitation passes under conditions of high humidity, while the housing has a large electrical capacity.
    • Microwave. The main element of this device is a magnetron high power. In case of insufficient grounding contact in the outlet, there is a significant increase in the level of electromagnetic radiation. Most manufacturers provide for the installation of the terminal on the back of the furnace for additional protection.

    • A computer. The power supply of this, without a doubt, an indispensable device often creates a voltage on the system block case, which is unsafe for the user. PC Grounding is carried out by connecting the ground wire to one of the screw block screws.
    • Boiler. Electrotocks are used to heat the water in this device. Any current leakage on the body of a device operating in high humidity conditions is dangerous for a person.

    Grounding 220V and 380V: differences

    Grounding in a private house with your hands 380V and 220V has only insignificant differences.

    The contour in both cases is constructed similarly, there is only a difference in the method of connecting to the home power supply system. In the network of one-phase voltage of 220V, rosettes with three contacts are used: phase, zero and earthing. In three-phase networks with voltage 380V, 5 wires and outlets with five poles are used: the same zero and grounding, but the phases are three.

    Helpful information!It is not allowed to use a zero wire for grounding in private houses with their own hands 380 V and 220V - this may result in damage to the household electrical appliances, as well as create a real danger of people in the house.

    Types of grounding

    Eggs can apply two types:

    • natural;
    • artificial.

    Metal structures can act as natural earthingers, deeply installed in the ground, or a reinforcedal foundation of the building.

    Artificial entrancers used for an independent grounding device 220V in a private house are divided into the following types:

    • horizontal - made of round or strip steel, stacked in the trench parallel to the ground;

    • vertical - segments of the steel corner, clogged into the soil;

    • bloomred - strip steel products stacked on the bottom of the trench at its perimeter.

    For the manufacture of protection devices mainly used:

    • steel round Ø 10-16 m;
    • steel strip cross section 40x4 mm;
    • steel corner 50x5x5 mm.

    Corners for the earthing device

    Important!It is extremely undesirable to use fittings as a grounder - it is made of a rotary metal, which has relatively low electrical conductivity.

    Installation of currents

    Choosing a place

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the place in which the grounding contour will be made, as the safety of the system operation depends on this. When the protection and removal of electricity in the ground is triggered, neither people nor animals should be found at the point of the outlet as it can lead to death.

    The dispensing is most conveniently located behind the house near the fence, retreating from the edge of the foundation at least 1 meter. For the fence of the danger zone, it will be useless to erect a small fence.

    To hide grounding in a private house with your own hands 220V and 380V, refining the territory, on this site, for example, you can put a sculptural composition of boulders. In this case, no one can approach the dangerous zone too closely, and the household territory will look beautiful.


    Grounding in a private house with your hands 380V scheme is a three metal conductor immersed in the ground at a distance of 2 m one from the other.

    Trench for the circuit of current protection

    The shovel turns out the trench of the shape of the equilateral triangle with the lengths of the parties equal to 2 m. It should be 0.5-0.7 m. Exactly the same trench is thrown to the porch of the house.

    Build construction

    An assembly of the contour design can be called the main stage, on which the grounding in a private house with its own 220V scheme provides a blockage of electrodes into a soil to a two-meter depth. At the same time, on the surface should leave the tops for making welding.

    When driving, the end of the end should be slightly updated to facilitate the rigging into the ground.

    After driving all the pins to their top, the plates are welded to obtain a metal frame in the form of a triangle.

    A separate plate must be put into the trench punctured to the porch, it is also embraced by one end to the near vertex of the triangle.

    Then the cable is connected to the plate on the bolt, the trenches fall asleep soil.

    Electricity in our house makes life easier and makes it more comfortable, but we must not forget that it can cause serious electricians. One way to protect yourself is to apply protective grounding. In addition, some modern electrical appliances, such as microwave ovens, gas boilers, system units of home computers, need grounding to ensure their normal operation (reducing interference, reducing the level of harmful radiation).

    You can very rarely meet a private house or cottage in which grounding is used. Before the owners of such housing there is a choice, hire workers or make grounding yourself. For the network 220 V (380V), it is easy enough to solve this task. Therefore, if you have a desire to physically work, there is no need to buy expensive sets of ready-made earthingers or hire an organization to perform these works.

    In the process of manufacture, you will need to perform a small amount of welding, if it does not occur with these difficulties, it remains to purchase metal products and be accepted.

    Most of our networks are equipped with a deaf-free neutral, simply put, the zero wire in the outlet on the power plant is connected to the earth. The wire is still ground at extra points, for example, on the poles of power lines. Unfortunately, the power grid is very worn, and this grounding leaves much to be desired.

    Now imagine the situation when, due to damaged isolation, the voltage fell on the body of the device. If you touch the device, the current will begin to flow through the human body to the ground. It is believed that the human body has a resistance of about 1 thousand ohms, increases this magnitude a rubber sole of shoes, a dry rug on the floor and so on . The smaller this valueThe stronger the effect of current on the body will be felt.

    If ground is present , Current from a damaged device Flows on the ground on it. If in this case, the person concerns the device body, then its body becomes parallel to the grounding conductor. The resistance of the latter is much less than the resistance of the body, therefore most of the current will flow along the path of the least resistance, and the person will feel a maximum of lung plugging and avoid gaining heavy electricians.

    In order for the scheme to work soAs described above, the grounding system must have a definite resistance:

    • for network voltage 380V - no more than 2 ohms;
    • for network voltage 220V - no more than 4 ohms.

    Requirements for the design of the grounding device of a private house with a network 380 to higher, so such a circuit can also be used for the 220 V network. When constructing, they are distinguished only by the fact that for 380 V, grounding conductors are used for 380V, and the structural elements are made of a thicker metal. . Therefore, there is no need separately consider how to make a ground loop 380 V and 220 V. Consider the manufacture of grounding for 380 V.

    Elements and materials

    The grounding device consists of three elements.

    The greater the cross section of the used metal elements, the better the currents spread to the ground, and therefore better works the entire contour of the grounding. In addition, thick metal will collapse longer by corrosion, therefore, on other things being equal, the metal should be selected thickening.

    The electrical conductivity in the wage metal is lower than that of ordinary steel, for this reason, fittings should not be applied, schweller and similar elements of metal structures.

    Schemes and sizes

    The circuit of the grounding circuit of a private house is a way of location and connecting vertical grounding. If you make a grounding of 380 volts to the house , the execution scheme can be different, but the main two.

    The dimensions of the grounding loop for the private house above are suitable for most cases, but they can be changed depending on the specific conditions. For example, if the groundwater is close on your site, then the length of the vertical earthing agents can be reduced to the meter.

    If it is impossible to deepen earthing to the required level, or on the section dry sandy soil, a situation may occur when the finished ground has a large resistance and does not perform its functions. In this case, it is necessary to increase the number of vertical pins. For example, if there is already a triangular contour, you need to retreat three meters from it and drive the rod, which connects with the triangle of the metal strip. It turns out the alignment of closed and linear construction schemes. You can make two triangles and combine them with each other. So come as long as the contour resistance does not fall to the required value.

    Choosing a place

    The grounding device is not closer to one meter from the house.

    Well, if the land in the selected place never dries, for example, a plot of land on the northern side of the house, lowland and so on.

    We should not forget about the precautionary measures, you need to limit visiting the place with the grounding circuit with animals and people. To do this, the ground must be placed where people are eliminated, or to upset it.

    Before starting earthworks, make sure that the pipelines and cables are not laid under the ground.

    Checking grounding

    The method of measuring the grounding resistance differs from the measurement of conventional resistance, so special devices use for such purposes. If you have no such device, you can check your contour by the practical method.

    It will take a cartridge with an incandescent lamp with a capacity of at least 100 W. One wire from the lamp cartridge is connected to the phase contact of the socket, and the second to the ground bus. If the lamp shines in the same way as with the usual connection to the network, the circuit works correctly. Ideally, the stress on the lamp in both cases should be the same.

    In the case when the lamp shines dim or does not burn at all, it is necessary to check the welding places and wire connections. If the connections are normal, it is necessary to increase the grounding path.

    Sequence of performance

    Protective zero

    Some people for saving or by ignorance instead of protective grounding use in a private house. The latter scheme is applied at enterprises when using industrial equipment. The main purpose of the rise is to protect the equipment from short circuit. Therefore, its use in the private house is inappropriate, and it cannot replace the protective ground.

    Do not save on your security. Make grounding for 220 V in a private house with your own hands is easy. All the necessary tools are available in each owner.

    If the wiring in your home is made by two-room wires, there is no wires to connect a ground conductor. It is possible to solve this problem without replacing the wiring in the following way. The sockets in the house are replaced with ordinary on sockets with grounding, and the grounding wire leads along the outer surface of the wall, you can hide it under the plinth or a decorative plastic box.

    For the safe operation of powerful electrical appliances, especially located in wet rooms (boiler, washing machine), the use of grounding contact in the outlet is not enough. The housings of such devices need to be combined with copper veins directly with a grounding tire. To do this, there is a special bolt on the housing marked with the ground icon.

    Ground elements are made of black metal, which under the action of corrosion will gradually collapse, and at some point the ground will stop performing its functions. In order not to miss this moment, it is necessary to periodically check the performance of the contour and if necessary to restore it. Therefore, it will be useful to draw a plan for the location of all elements.

    The modern private house is equipped with a large number of household electrical appliances. To connect them to the power supply, you need to ground based on security reasons. From this article you can find out how to properly make a grounding contour in a private house with your own hands.

    What is grounding?

    This is the name of a specially performed connection with the Earth elements of electrical equipment. Its main purpose is guaranteed protection against electrical current when the household appliance fails.

    Ground set

    You can find special grounding sets, the price of which is about 4,600 rubles. You can also purchase separate components for mounting, they are inexpensive. For example, the steel rod (electrode) of 1.5 m long will cost 500 rubles, the coupling is 200 rubles, the connecting bus is 850 rubles. Each ground kit has the appropriate installation instructions that takes into account the specifics of all products.

    However, most of the required elements can be made independently. In addition, the choice of materials is quite wide. You just need to know the requirements that are presented to them.

    Vertical earthing

    • Corner 50x50x5 mm.
    • The pipeline with a diameter of at least 32 mm, while the wall thickness should be 3.5 mm and above.

    These electrodes can be used in the volume of electricity consumption of no more than 15 kW.

    Horizontal earthing

    • Wire made of steel with a cross section of at least 10 mm 2.
    • Strip mm.


    You can use a metal strip as conductor, or copper wire. For example, a cip wire with the cores of the corresponding section and without isolation. When laying into a trench - at least 25 mm 2, with an open gasket - at least 16 mm 2.

    Scheme features

    Marking and choice

    Installation of the grounding circuit must be taken closer to the house, taking into account the distances mentioned above. The length of the connective "line" in this case will be minimal, which will reduce the consumption of the material. And most importantly, in the future, he will not impede the maintenance of economic activities - laying engineering communications, broken down by flower.


    It is not necessary to make an accurate calculation of a person who does not have deep knowledge. Since the complex form is used to calculate, which contains many coefficients characterizing the properties of the soil, the soil moisture, as well as the climatic conditions of the zone. These coefficients can be obtained only through complex additional analyzes and calculations, which requires a certain qualifications and, accordingly, it will be expensive.

    For this reason, we consider how to make a grounding contour in a private house with your own hands in a simpler way. Taking into account the fact that domestic equipment operates in a specific circuit resistance range, in which it will function normally.


    The contour of the grounding in a private house is not so simple. This process is quite time consuming and includes the following steps:

    How to get to the house?

    The grounding circuit is connected by means of a metal strip, which was used to connect the electrodes as follows:

    Checking the ground loop

    For an accurate circuit, special equipment will be required. With its absence, it is possible to use a people's way, which will allow to determine the performance of the resulting circuit.

    It is necessary to take a powerful consumer (from 2 kW) and attach it in this way: the phase in the apartment is one end of the feed wire, to the ground - the other, and the device must earn. After that, it follows in this network to measure the voltage when the hardware is turned off and the included. A minor voltage difference (5-10V) indicates that you have made the right ground contour, which is fully ready for operation.

    If the test showed a significant voltage difference, then you will need to add other electrodes. From the top of the triangle in any direction, another trench of 2.5 m long and at its end to the soil is clogged with an extra corner, which binds to the strip, and the check is re-carried out. If everything is fine, the ground contour (scheme above) can be considered ready.


    • Connect the conductors to metal pipelines of any engineering communications.
    • Watching paint compositions. Elements of the circuit.
    • Use to connect the ground "zero" wire.
    • Place horizontal earthing and connectors at the top (ground gasket is used in rare cases).

    1. Before proceeding to work, it is recommended to make a temporary circuit of the contour, which is desirable to save. After all, over time, much is forgotten, and so that it is subsequently not to guess where the connector passes and in what place the electrodes are laid, the circuit will always be under hand.

    2. Electrodes are allowed not only on the vertices of the triangle. They can be arranged on an arc on line. It is important that the overall resistance of the grounding system does not exceed 3 Ohm (voltage chain up to 500 V) and 4 ohms (up to 1 kW). If necessary, this indicator decreases by means of another 1-2 rods.

    3. If it is not possible to make measurements on your own, it is desirable to invite a specialist for absolute confidence as a mounting of the scheme. This service will permanently cost 400-500 rubles.

    Very often this power service is literally imposed, convincing that this type of work has the right to carry out only licensed organizations. However, none in any regulatory documentation is not guidance on the ban on an independent installation of the contour.

    Naturally, the installation can be ordered from the energy sector, take the finished work and pay for it. But if you are confident in your own forces, why not mount the ground contour yourself.