How to grow up and become strong. As a girl to grow up psychologically: what affects it, steps to psychological maturity

The inability to make independent decisions, life with a loan for someone else's opinion, insecurity and eternal dissatisfaction with others - the main signs of infantality. A psychologically immature man life seems to be a big hostile country, but if you adhere to a systematic approach and follow the advice of psychologists, you can grow by mind and character. It requires work on itself and may be a serious difficulty. But the awareness of his own psychological immaturity is the first step towards adulthood.

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    Signs of psychological immaturity

    Experts allocate a number of major signs for which you can identify a person-child:

    • Indecision. Faced with a problem or in front of the choice, a person is not able to accept any decision due to fear to bear responsibility. This is the next item.
    • Irresponsibility. Showing decisions on other entails liability for the consequences of any significant actions. An attempt to threaten to manage your own destiny.
    • Pity for yourself and accusing others in their troubles. When a person voluntarily or forced decisions, he blames in his problems all except himself. The world seems hostile and unfair, and his own helplessness pulls out all his strength. Most often, adult children blame their parents.
    • Categorithing in judgments and cruelty to disagree. The division of peace and events on black and white is characteristic of teenagers. Adults see the nuances and react flexibly to them. The child has two positions: it is wrong. And when any phenomenon is knocked out from the children's picture of the world, a person tries to resist him with all their might.

    Several main elements of maturity

    There is a list of tips, following which can be brought into equilibrium psychological and real age.

    It is important to understand the moment when psychological immaturity begins to interfere with life. If there is a need to grow up a guy in 30 years - this is an objective reality, then for the girl at 21, it may be a simple quarrence of more adults around.

    Estimation is a complex comprehensive stage in the development of personality and it does not do without difficulties.

    How to be interesting for a man - psychologist tips

    Realize the existence of the problem

    To mature psychologically, it is necessary to realize the inconsistency between age in the passport and in self-saturation.

    Overcoming the negation stage will be more productive if you have a comprehensive analysis of my own personality. Psychologists advise to take a sheet of paper and divide it into two columns. In the first to record adult features of their personality, and in the right - signs of infantality. Such a visual way will allow one to see their own problems.

    Be responsible for your own life

    The most important criterion for an adult man or a woman is the ability to make independent and weighted solutions throughout life. At the same time, the solutions should not be accepted under the influence of emotions, stress or momentary desire.

    To make decisions in an adult, it is important to weigh all the "for" and "against", to discard hope for a sudden solution to the problem without effort from the inside. It should be excluded or minimized as a phenomenon as procrastination.

    Procrastination is a psychological inclination to postpone the adoption of important decisions.

    Show flexibility

    Adults are different from teenagers searching for compromises. Only children are characterized by maximalism in lifestyle. A psychologically mature man is aware that he lives in the world, inhabited by other adults with his life experience and looks for life.

    To find solutions and build relationships so that they suggest everyone, the main secret of mature relationships. It does not mean to fuse and take someone else's opinion to avoid conflicts. It is important to be adequately, but gently designate its position. In disputes do not go to the individual and respect the opinion of the interlocutor.

    Take care of nearby

    The world of immature personality is egocentric. A teenager seeks to achieve all the best for himself. The problems and difficulties of the surrounding infantile personality do not worry. Egoism is often taken for love for her love.

    For internal adults, it should be easily disappeared from concern for their own comfort and pay attention to the needs of loved ones. Do not stop yourself on the altar of serving people. It is important to observe the balance between concern about yourself and others.

But if valuable instructions are tired, that is, it makes sense to take some steps.

Take a look into the passport.

How old are you? Does it tell you about something? Do you feel an adult and independent person? Or are you still a small child? Rather, the person who is stuck in childhood and will not be selected from this state.

If you decide to grow, then accept the decision now.

And gradually become an adult, wiser, more confident, smarter, consciously. You can't be adult today, and tomorrow is a child again, because it is profitable for you. It turns out a game. And the game will not work in a relationship with loved ones. So, grew up - so grown!

Personalize with this solution for several days.

Try these days not to communicate with your parents so that they do not shoot down your plans. So far, the decision to grow up is not rooted inside and there is no complete confidence, you can very just return to the "childhood". Do not advise with friends. If they are also not confident in themselves as you, then this uncertainty will be transferred to you, and anyone will disappear anyone.

When you feel the power to join the dialogue with your parents, then when you first try to "hang" you, tell me calmly and confidently: "I don't like how you talk to me, and I ask you no longer." Or that phrase you want to say. Without justification, without explanation, without panic. The first reaction to your words will be different. From surprise to anger. The main thing is not to enter into a dispute. And do not panic.

If they continue to talk to you, like a child, then you just take and leave, without explanation. You can say at the same time that you love them very much, but you do not want to talk in such a tone. At first they will not understand what you have changed and no longer a child. But over time, it comes to them that their child has grown and does not need their control and care.

If you depend on parents financially, and this is the reason you have to endure their attitude towards you, then find a way to become independent and independent.

If fears are interfered, complexes, uncertainty, then look inside yourself, ask what prevents growl. Take yourself so now - insecure, small, cowardly. Taking your inner child, you allow him to help you.

The inner child is not only cowardly and uncertain. He is also a wizard, a fideller, sociable, creative, bold. Accepting yourself different and love to yourself will decorate life and help in difficult situations.

Realizing its internal states, you will "release them to the surface" at the right moment. While sports, entertainment, relaxation. When you are afraid of yourself and do not like, then these unloved inner children show themselves in unsuitable situations, and it looks inappropriate. Then when you just need to be serious and adults.

Learn to be attentive to yourself, to the inner world, and not just to people who surround you.

To see that most of your thoughts about yourself make up the thoughts and beliefs of parents. And personally, they are not related to you. It is rather their personal unresolved complexes. And you can't help them. You can only take parents as they are. Even if they do not take it towards you. For the simple reason you are more conscious than them.

If you are persistent, consistent, sure everything will work out. I wish the awareness! And easy growing :)

"It's time for you to grow up" - such a phrase that has been told by loved ones, begins to strain psychologically. And it seems like you are no longer a youngster, but the girl is quite solid years, and the attitude towards you from others, as a naive fool - frivolous. Your ideas are ignored, and sometimes even ridicule, although it is kind. In your advice do not need, because they consider them ridiculous. Well, what's wrong with you, and how to prove the circle of your communication, what are you already enough adult, and not only in a passport?

Change image

The first impression of a person always develops precisely in appearance. To the Girl "Blue Strunka" belongs to the zubrille, mired in sciences and nothing around not seeing, but "gray mouse" do not notice at all. Therefore, each girl always wants to stand out and get drunk. And what do you look, if you see only a naive girl?

Little girl

Pershing, bows, rolver, posmits of pink color. This is "Miss Pink Brains" or "Anime". The girl clearly does not want to grow up. At home she has a mountain of teddy toys and dolls of Barbie. Until now, such a girl leads his diary in a notebook, describing his impressions by hand. Yes, and her voice is trying to fake children's.

Some actresses have a special amplua - "Engine". This is when adult aunt play little girls. Well, in our old movie "Cinderella". At that time, by the way, the actress, who played the main heroine, was 37 years old. But this is a movie, and in life it often happens that girls, and even adult women, flies, remaining for a long time in childhood.

So if you have the same kindergarten image - immediately change it. You will see how the attitude of the surrounding people will change to you when gorgeous evening dresses and business costumes will come to the change of dresses with ruffles. At least externally you will win.

Frieskaya fashion

If you have not yet fought a tattoo and not pumped "inflamed" lips, then you are lucky. Because such a fashion, fortunately, is already going. It seems that imaging meters of the passing time simply mocked their customers. The girl, similar to the inflatable doll from the sex shop, causes if not laughter, then bewilderment - and how did you get it?

To date, such selfie girls with monkey lips and empty eyes - a great reason to straighten the language to witness. And in general, today such an "inflatable doll" is a visual image of female stupidity. If you still do not leave the thought of something like this to do with your body, then what awaits you:

    Fill the tattoo - it hurts. But it is even more difficult to bring it, and the scars will remind themselves. What you think now is relevant in the drawing or tattoo inscription, it may soon seem excess. This is not a marker drawing, it simply does not pass. Yes, and the year go, and the old woman with a tattoo looks ridiculous.

    Punched lips. Such two dumplings look disgusting. They, of course, can be "redeemed" back (and not all), and not all women get to regain their former fresh look. Moreover, it will also have to wait six months to make metamorphosis in the opposite direction.

    Modern dubious fashion + tattoo + monkey lips. You imagine, soon when this idiocy will be held, you will erase your selfie in horror. 100% You will be shying for such photos, which means that you will not have any memory about your youth. It's a shame, right? Therefore, the Council is such - not running for an abnormal fashion, just dress and deco yourself with taste.

The school teaches literacy, universities give a specialty, life experience gives wisdom, but what kind of mind you are perceived by others - depends only on your self-education. Wear a fool among friends, colleagues and classmates - not quite a high honor. To gently say. Therefore, without reading morality, here are your two articles to help you:

  • - here you can learn about the right communication with representatives of strong sex;
  • - There are advice on how to erase the shell of infantile fool, for which you may be taken.

But this chapter shows special attention. If you do not have any life experience at a young age, then you can crash it in three stages. True, not yet fully, but they may be useful in the future.

It's amazing, but most often psychological mature comes to those young people who had to have fallen in childhood. A difficult family, unpleasuracy in the life of the parents, is a rude in class - such a person life has learned to be a strong spirit and survive fate. And the complete opposite is his peers-major, not adapted to life at all, and he hardly survives, he will be alone in a difficult situation.

If you have grown from childhood to the head and spoiled parental attention, but you want to grow on your own, try to pass three stages. Just try not to stop in the middle. These are not circles of hell, but it will be difficult.

Stage first: "Robinson Cruzo"

"Rockingles", gyms, fitness shrimins are certainly good. To maintain good figures and health. But the adults do not give it. Try to join a group that loves tourism. Only not the tourism, which is on the beach at the hotel, but the present - with tents and fires. And even better - where there is a share of extreme, such as alloys.

What it will bring to you:

    You will learn to live in society without familiar benefits. At first it will be hard for you to sleep on solid land in a sleeping bag, but this is a good test personally for you.

    You harde your character. In such campaigns, some are not a place - everyone has their own duties that he must fulfill without whims.

    You will learn to survive in difficult conditions. It is not known what surprises can give you fate, and the skill will already be.

    You get rid of many phobias that you have before this time: spiders, the depth of water, darkness - all this will seem like trifles in the future.

    Support for the whole group in a complex survival will teach you to appreciate the friendship and understand people - who is weak spirit, and who, on the contrary, can be rejected in a difficult moment.

    And most importantly - soon you will understand how romantic is.

Stage Second: "Volunteer"

Many volunteering is associated with something nauseous: is it what to change the old men diapers and scrape feces in aviary in animals? No, this is voluntary and disinterested help to those who are much worse than you. To comply with their hygiene there are other people if you are so squeaming.

First of all, this is psychological assistance, this is the lesson of school survival for you. If you at least once feed from a spoonful of a weak old man somewhere in the hospice, you will begin to understand what life is inside out, which means you can become an adult one more step.

Only no activists - neither politics, nor law enforcement on the streets, as young people like youtube are like to pianify. Even about dog nurseries so far forget. You need people. With real stories. In the houses of people with disabilities and the elderly, on the streets, distributing the food homeless, in children's shelters. You will be able to listen to them and penetrate their fate.

What it will bring to you:

    You will understand that not every homeless thing is the man dropped to the bottom that sometimes children can be a spirit of a stronger than an adult that the disabled is trying not to differ from a healthy person, and that even the old man grabs the straw in order to even live a little.

    You will become merciful and patient to people. You will understand that your tiny problems are nothing compared to other people's. Your horizon will expand. And from now on, you will be disappeared to bring the devil's gossip about anything. Condem people, not knowing about their problems, will not be in your rules.

    Cooking such people and charges them with their optimism, you will give people at least a ray of hope. And this means that another step to your worship is already laid - it is your kind word that has become very significant for someone.

Stage Three: "Independence"

Perhaps this stage will be the most complex for you. You will have to make decisions for the whole month. Discover accommodation separately from relatives. Not even an apartment, but an angle of some grandmother or a room in a hostel. The harder condition, the better.

Team temporarily to work with daily payment. No, not for prestigious, but simple. For example, the maid, the seller in the store or on the market. Exactly for the time of self-stay. And try to live on your income. But with one condition - at this time no one should help even a penny - neither parents or friends.

What will this give you:

    You will learn to appreciate each earned ruble, especially if you have to live on one porridge cooked on the water.

    Unlike "Robinson Cruzo", you will also live in society, but without a single support, which means that even more you temper your character.

    You will find out what injustice is - when the tenants are cheating in money, when friends may turn away in a difficult situation, and you will have to come from the situation yourself, without hoping for anyone.

    You will try to truly appreciate your loved ones, without having arrangement of the capsies with the words "I want!". You will cope with your egoism.

Return to the usual life

If you go through all three stages, plus the change of image and self-education, then all your metamorphoses will notice everything in your usual environment. You managed to become an adult girl, even in your youth. You will be on the "head above" your friends, even if they themselves for the years older than you. And this means that you will erase the image of a naive fool.

How to grow up?

Many of us, while still kids, dreamed of growing more. This trend is quite relevant in the modern world. Teenagers and children want to be adults to respect them, so that they had complete freedom of action, they themselves could decide what to do them, they agrees to the so-called subordination to parents. But the growing consists not in the listed categories, but first of all in the fact that a person clearly distinguishes such concepts as good and evil, wisdom and stupidity, an adult will be able to curb the manifestations of children's or youthful maximalism, emotions when they are superfluous And it will also be ready to answer for the deeds and actions yourself, which is a considerable responsibility to society and himself.

What is the distinguished by an adult from a child and a teenager?

To answer this question, we must consider it from different sides (although, of course, there are situations where the child develops an adult in terms of its development and individual qualities, and it may depend on certain life circumstances):

  • First of all, an adult is a carrier of a certain life experience and knows about real life much more than a child or a teenager, while still limited to a certain social range, such as a school or kindergarten.
  • An adult is forced to restrain his emotions in humans, since the ethics dictates a truly adult and conscious member of society. Children in this case are easier, they are free and more free in the manifestation of their emotions. Two more adults of the child are especially noteworthy: 5-7 years old - pre-school period, when children are characterized by a very volatile psychological state and youthful maximalism through which all adolescents are held, from the stage of puberty to the youth.
  • Adult man is responsible for himself and his family, while the child is still responsible for itself, but even it does not always succeed, because at the subconscious level, children feel the support of their parents and the opportunity to shift the right to liability for their behavior on their shoulders.
  • The child is almost entirely dependent on parents, both material and psychologically. Adult man itself supports and depends on himself.
  • Physical features also play a distinguished role in the definition of adult and child.

According to the latest statistics in the field of sociology, the infantilization of the Company reached its apogee, many 30-year-old people behave like 15-year-old teens, and 40-year-olds - as 20-year-olds, this is not a norm.

How to grow up

How to grow up - the question is quite serious, the answer to which for every teenager or child is individual, since all people are different. Do not rush to grow up! Think about the fact that carefree childhood is never returned, but an adult life is responsible for the actions, for their behavior, where there is no longer a parent's tight shoulder, you always have time to start.

To grow up both a girl and a young man, it is necessary to think for the future, about the family, about the career, about the future, that is, about such things that will later play a decisive role in the fate of each of both. The young man should feel responsible for himself, and for his soul mate.

Life goal is also one of the landmarks of the young individual. After all, to achieve the goal, a person solves certain tasks, it is often difficult and takes free solutions.

If you are growing with difficulty, start with the revision of your daily life. Education is not associated with age or relationships. The more you learn about yourself and learn how to set goals, the faster mature. Prepare for the future, learn how to overcome the vital difficulties, and you will enter adulthood with dignity.


Part 1

Learn yourself

    Open your talents. What makes you unique? Start growing up, being a young man. Your interests, talents and skills will give you some idea of \u200b\u200bwho you can become, so discover talents and decide on your life guidelines. Who do you want to become? What do you want to do? Learn yourself.

    • Being young, engage in music and sports, draw, take part in theatrical productions and read a lot. Do what you like, as well as what you do not have the slightest concept. Try something new, for example, deal with dancing or photography. Perhaps your talents lie in the sphere that you have not yet been involved.
  1. Think about who you will be in 10 years old. You should not plan the rest of your life, but it is important to think about who you want to become. Do you want to go to the university? Are you learning what you want to study, and you have plans for the future? Do you want to start making money as early as possible? Are you going to travel? Make a list of your priorities and goals you want to achieve.

    • If you want to go to the university, think about what item you want to study. Think about admission to one of the local universities or one of the most famous universities. Find out how much training will be at different universities, and think if you can afford it.
    • If you want to start working, think about the amount you want to earn (per day, month, year), and examine the work options that will allow you to get the required amount. Then find out what knowledge and skills are needed to perform this work and proceed to their study and receipt.
  2. Visit new places and purchase new experience to expand your horizons and gain knowledge of life in other corners of the world. Traveling and communicating with people of other cultures will help you to grow faster.

    • Travel is not the prerogative of the chosen. If you can not afford to go abroad, travel through your country - visit where you have never been. Moreover, you can become a tourist in your hometown! Visit the areas of your city unknown to you.
    • WWOOF organization ("Voluntary workers on organic farms") provides an opportunity to work in different countries. In addition, there are many humanitarian organizations working in which you can see the world.
  3. Communicate with people. Communicate as much as possible with a lot of different people. Imitate the actions of those people you respect.

    • Find an example for imitation (at work). Find people whose work you admire. Take an example from such people. For example, if your colleague works well, despite the obstacles created by the department of the department (or the whole company), do the same as he / she.
    • Find an example for imitation (in life). Adult, you can lose old friends and do not acquire new ones. Once you will realize that the people who surround you are your work colleagues. Therefore, make friends who are engaged in completely different affairs (that is, they work in other areas), but who have common interests or hobbies with you. If your friend is engaged in heating and ventilation, this does not mean that you cannot go fishing with him.
  4. Be honest with yourself. Adult, you will be better understood yourself. If you are prone to laziness or love to postpone something for later, then these qualities should not be a surprise for you when you reach, for example, the twenty-year-old age. A teenager can ignore his weaknesses, but an adult should know and fight his shortcomings.

    • Determine your strengths. What do you do especially well? What area do you specialize in? Take time to determine your strengths and personal qualities that you are proud of.
    • Determine your weaknesses. What you need to work on? What keeps you from getting what you want? It is important to determine your weaknesses in need of improvement, and work on them.

    Part 2

    Go as an adult
    1. Control your childhood. There is no clear distinction between childhood and adult life. But growing does not mean that you have to abandon your youth; It means that you must control the ill-conceived (children's) desire and direct the energy of youth to achieve more mature purposes.

      • The kidding is connected with chaos. The child disorganized and not prepared, and his life is very chaotic, while the life of most adults is measured and ordered. Chaos is the lack of control or structure. Determine the elements of your life, which are chaotic, and direct your energy to their organization.
      • The childhood is connected with helplessness. Someone should tie the baby shoes, feed it and emotionally support. Adult man is more independent. Adult, rely in most cases only on yourself, and not on other people.
      • The childhood is associated with the sample. Do not be offended if your colleague gets encouragement, and you are not. Disability is similar to the hysterical in the child. If you do not learn how to manage disappointment (considering the situation at different angles) and move on, it can grow into indignation and anger (like a child).
    2. Learn to say no. Teenagers are impulsive. Teens say "yes" one more cup at a party or ready to do not go to work for a trip for the city. Adult man knows his borders and knows how to stand up for himself. If your friends are going to the music festival, but you work on this day, tell them "no".

      • Take tactical solutions leading to strategic goals. If you have the opportunity to play computer games on the day off or do what will lead to an increase in the service and achieve your goals, then the mature solution will be the choice of the second option.
    3. Dress up your age accordingly. Going to work, leave shorts and a T-shirt in the box. Men and women should wear clean clothes suitable under a certain case. Dress up as you like, on weekends or during vacation.

      Take care of your body. Do not abuse pasta and fast food. After graduating from the university, forget about your culinary preferences and preferences in clothing.

      • Engage in sports and follow nutrition. Many freshmen think that by enrolling the university, you can throw out sports and starting everything that I want. So you get the weight (which is difficult to reset without exercise) and get used to eat badly.
    4. In cases of failure, do an adult. If children do not work out, they begin to fuss. Teenagers are offended. Adults are responsible for their actions, analyze failures and move on. Adult, you must learn to overcome failures and, in spite of everything, move forward. Do not lower your hands if something goes wrong as you planned.

      Support long-term relationships. Being young, you build relationships depending on the circumstances: you are friends with people who learn with which you know. Having matured, you will head new friends (and most likely, forget old). Adults are building relationships on a long-term basis. Learn to distinguish fleeting and long-term relationships, and take active actions to maintain the relationship that you want to save. Communicate with friends, go to each other and take part in the life of your good friends.

      • Also adults, as a rule, support long-term romantic relationships. If you like fleeting relationship, try not to start them for two months and think if you feel better without them. If you are inclined to long-term relationships, stop those of them that do not develop (do not support romantic relationships with a person simply because you like stability).
    5. Develop empathy skills. Meet new people, find out about their lives and try to understand the worldview of other people. Teenagers often think about themselves as more advanced people compared to their parents, and only mature, they understand that their parents grew completely in another world. Being an adult is to be able to understand and sympathize with other people.

      • Communicate with people who are much older than you, and learn from them. At work and in society, look for and contact with people of older generations and adopt their experience, knowledge and wisdom.
      • Read a variety of literature to learn about the worldview of other people. Read about various political ideologies and determine the one of them with which you agree.
    6. Be reliable. The words of an adult must be supported by actions. If you say you do something, do it. It will be difficult for you to maintain relationships at work and in everyday life if you are not perceived as a reliable person. This is forgiven to teenagers and children, but adults must be responsible for their words. People around you should know that they can rely on you.

      • Always feel about friends, native and colleagues with respect. Treat to people as you want them to relate to you. If you do not respect other people, no one will respect you. It will not always benefit you, but you will be much happier.
    7. Rest responsible. Do not have fun and do not drink the way you did in student years. With age, the body wear out. In addition, the unleashed behavior, which is considered normal in youth, after thirty years is considered indecent. If you think only about parties and do not go to work because they came up in a nightclub, then it's time to grow up.

      • Be moderate. Education does not mean that you can't have fun, but you need to know when to stay. Hire a nurse, check with your schedule the next day and show little children as it is done.
    8. Be open. Adult man is confident and is emotionally mature. Do not justify if your boss scolds you for your work. Treat this skeptical.

      • Openness does not mean that you should not to protect yourself or should become a "cloth". Most likely, an emotionally mature man will take objective criticism without offenses or disturbances, but be prepared to answer unconstructive criticism. Learn to distinguish between objective (constructive) and the biased (non-constructive) criticism.

    Part 3.

    Take responsibility
    1. Find a job. Your first job is an important step in adulthood. If you are not a child of rich parents, you need to work. Some begin to work as early as school, and some at the university or even after the university. There is no universal moment in order to start working, but the work is an important step in adulthood.

      • Part-time - a great way to get the necessary skills and additional income (even if your parents still contain you). However, gradually take care of greater independence in making money.
    2. Plan a budget. Perhaps you want to spend the whole first salary on a new electric guitar and two tickets to the concert, but this is teenage behavior. Start making accumulations, putting some part of the salary to the bank account. Plan a budget that will allow you to live comfortably, given the necessary expenses, as well as to make accumulations. Try to balance your income with current expenses and measures necessary to achieve your long-term goals.

      • Monthly expenses include rent, utility costs and nutrition costs. Most expenses can be accurately predicted, but to eat slightly more than you really need (if you are not sure, calculate how much you spend on food for a week, and then the resulting result multiplied to four).
      • Try to post money. We place on the account of a certain percentage of your salary and for several months (or years) you will accumulate some amount. Even if monthly you are postponing a completely small amount, this is a step in adulthood.
    3. Pay on bills on time. It is not easy to start living independently, especially if you still learn. However, it is important to move towards financial independence and take responsibility. Your goal is to stay within the budget and not count on financial assistance (from parents or friends).

    4. Create a good credit history. Pay on accounts on time and use any possibilities to create a good credit history. When signing the lease agreement, deliver your name to utility bills or take timely payment on a credit card to create such a credit history that will help you in the future (in obtaining a loan for the purchase of a home or other major purchases and investments).

      • Often, young people use credit cards unreasonable. Credit card is not a bottomless barrel. Do not pay large purchases by credit card, without thinking about the consequences. With the help of a credit card, perform regular purchases (for example, in the grocery store) and immediately cover the credit card overrun. In order to avoid problems, use the debit (and not credit) card.
      • It is very difficult to buy a house or pay for training without taking a loan. Therefore, most likely, at a certain moment of life you will come across the need to take a big loan. Talk to the financial consultant to find out which credit method is better suited for you.
      • Consolidate debt if you can. Monthly payments on several loans can become incomprehensible and confusing, especially if you do not pay sufficient attention.
    5. Be ambitious at work and take on the performance of new responsibilities. This characterizes your maturity.

      • Take yourself a guiding role if you have given such an opportunity. Do not worry about whether you come to this position or not.
      • Although it is necessary to be ambitious and take over the fulfillment of new responsibilities, feel free to reject proposals that do not coincide with your life goals.
    • Maturity is not age. Everyone is aging, but not everyone becomes mature.
    • Do not rely on others in the choice of life goals. You create your own life. Stop complain and understand that your life is actually the result of your actions (and inaction). You came to this world anything and go with nothing. All that in the interval between these events depends only on you.
    • Education is not a riot against parents. On the contrary, parents can help you find independence.
    • You yourself determine what you are standing. If you believe that you are worthy of a lot, people will feel in communicating with you. If you do not like yourself, people will also feel it. And if you really do not like yourself, you need to work on yourself and correct what needs a correction.