How to transplant the gooseberry in the spring. Autumn Gorge Transfer: Optimal Terms and Technology Transplant

The change of the location of berry bushes is quite often the need. Plants react differently to the procedure depending on its timing. Special attention requires a gooseberry transplant in the fall to a new place, as many factors have to take into account.

Targets of transplant

Tolerate bushes from place to place for the following reasons:

  1. Redeveloping a plot related to the construction or the need to plant new crops.
  2. Locking a cutlery or a gag to a permanent place.
  3. The transfer of the plant, if it was originally planted on an unsuitable place for it: insufficient lighting, water is stared, and this leads to frequent diseases, or there are unsuitable or increasing neighboring cultures that cannot be transferred.
  4. Natural aging bush or its excessive growing.

Dates for spring and autumn transplant

Gardeners unambiguously believe that a better term when you can transplant the gooseberry to another place, is autumn. Plumbing plant completes the vegetative cycle, plunging into a state of rest. Any manipulations carried out with him will not harm. From mid-September to mid-October, and in the southern regions for a couple of weeks later, - the best program of transplant.

The optimal temperature is from 8 to 15 ° C. Before the cold, the bush should have time to take care of a new place, so the reserve of time to frost should be at least 20 days. Deadlines, when it is permissible to transplant the gooseberry in the Volga region - the third decade of October, in the Moscow region and the Central Lower - until mid-October, in Siberia, the Ural region are beginning to transplant in August. In the spring, it is not worth disturbing the bush: he wakes up early, with the first heat.

Catch the moment when the two most important factors of prosperous transplant will come together, it is very difficult: the spring transplant is carried out when the kidneys are not yet swollen, but the Earth warmed well. Dachnik's experience shows that it is rarely manifested in practice. The root system in the spring works on the development of an overhead part, the adaptation of the plant in a new place passes for a long time, the risk of its diseases increases, it gives an unimportant crop.

Remember! Weak, sick bushes are transplanted only in autumn, as a last resort in summer, if their condition threatens growing cultures in the neighborhood.

It happens that circumstances force the dacket to solve the task, is it possible to transplant an adult gooseberry in the summer. But during this period there is an active build-up of shoots, the formation of fruits. Therefore, the procedure is postponed to autumn, excluding extreme cases.

Preparing tools for work

To carry out the gooseberry transfers to all the rules, instruments will be required:

  1. Cepping or garden scissors.
  2. Shovel.
  3. Forks, sometimes scrap, to extract the roots of strongly scorched adult bushes.
  4. The ax, they can be chopped by thick dry or sick roots.

Working instruments are well sharpened, the cutting surfaces are treated with any deucastor.

Place disembarking

The right choice of the gooseberry landing is the main factor that determines the normal development of the bush, its fruiting and protectedness from diseases.


The plant needs a lot of sunlight, so even half-directed areas are unsuitable for its disembarkation. Outdoor for the Sun all day plot protected from drafts and north wind gusts - the best place for the gooseberry.

Note! If it is planned to send bushes along the hedge or the wall of the structure, the indentation of them makes no less than one and a half meters to ensure good ventilation of the bush and comfortable collection of berries.

The best predecessors

Space the roasted bushes are best in those areas where potatoes, swallow, legumes grew before it. As a rule, the soil after such cultures (they are called disappeared) remains loose, with a small amount of weeds, and after legumes - saturated with nitrogen. The worst predecessors - currants black or colored, raspberry. They not only strongly deplete the soil, these plants have common pests and diseases, therefore, even neighborhoods are avoided with them.

Source requirements

The best soil for the gooseberry is considered fertile loamy, with an average density. If the soil of the country area is excellent from the ideal, it is refined, making barelorders or seals. The plant loves neutral soil, and this factor fully determines the health of the bushes - in an acidic or alkaline environment, they immediately begin to root. If the pH indicator of the soil on the distance from neutral, corrective additives contribute.

Important! The close location of the groundwater, the moisture stagnation after the rains or melting of the snow is unacceptable, because at the gooseberry, including new varieties, low immunity to fungal diseases.

Technology Transplant

Work does not take away a lot of time at the gardeners, if you follow the instructions, how to transplant the gooseberry in the fall to a new place.

Planting Yama

Prepare a pit under the gooseberry per month before the expected date of movement of the bush. During this time, the prepared soil will be good, nutritious additives come into contact with it. The depth of the pit is 50-55 cm, the perimeter depends on the volume of the root system of the transplantated bush. It is usually determined by the size of the crown, given the upcoming trimming.

4-5 water veterins are poured into the dug hole and laid two layers:

  • drainage from broken red brick, pebbles, gravel or gravel of the middle fraction;
  • fertile - part of the extracted soil with the addition of nutrient components.

How to prepare and dig a bush

Step by step processing of the roaming bush to the transplant is as follows:

  1. Conduct trimming, removing old and unprospective branches. Leave 6-8 healthy shoots. They are also cut by about a third.
  2. Note! The root pig is engaged, since it will take the strength required for full rooting.
  3. Drink a bush around the circle, retreating from the center by 30-35 cm.
  4. Thick roots leaving the boundaries of the circle, refurb.
  5. A shovel, forks, in difficult cases using a scrap, a bush is extracted from the soil, laid on a piece of tarpaulin or a plywood sheet.
  6. Turn the bush to a new place.

Traditionally, the autumnal transplant of the adult gooseberry is combined with a division of a raped plant into several new bushes. To do this, the parent plant needs to be completely released from the ground and divided into parts so that each of the main and apparent roots.

The transshipment (with the preservation of an earth coma) is transplanted by young, not strong bustards. ONLY a healthy shrub roll up so that the soil is not transferred to another place of causative agents of diseases. If the transplantation is necessarily changed due to diseases, the land is completely removed, carefully examine the roots and cut rotten, dry, suspicious.

In order to plant a bush, at the bottom of the pit, a low earthy holly was poured on the bottom of the pit, set the gooseberry on it, sending roots on the rocks. Then the pit gradually fill the earth with the addition of compost, moderately trambus. The rolling circle is watered with water from the watering can with several techniques, swaying so far as it sedes. You can bu in the root neck, but not more than 2 cm.

Ways to landing gooseberry

Three ways of planting are isolated: Brush, tape, single. A bush method is suitable for spacious, outdoor sections. The landing pits have rows, withsting interval between them 2.5-3.0 m. The scheme is chosen linear (in one row), chess, in several rows. The ribbon landing is carried out in the trench of a width and a depth of 50 cm.

Saplings have obliquely, with a step of 50 cm. Fruit bushes will look like a rowing, they usually leave for 3 escapes from among the current year's increment. The advantage of the ribbon - the bushes form a glorus, for which it is easy and convenient to take care of two sides. Single landing is chosen if there is little space.

At least 2.5 × 2.5 m in the center, one bush placed at least 2.5 × 2.5 m in the center. Collect usually plenty of fruitful varieties to get a decent amount of berries. Such a bush will become an element of the design of the site.

After disembarking: Watering, mulching, preparation for winter

Immediately after the transplant, the gooseberry watered and mulch the soil under the bush. Before the final cooling, the main care for the care is to maintain the soil moist, storing the mulching layer. Watering is carried out every 3-4 days, pouring 5 liters of water out under the bush. Before pouring water, the mulch is moved away, then the rolling circle is covered again. With frequent rains, the irrigation rate is adjusted, based on the state of the soil.

In order for the transplanted roasting bush to overrev and loss, the rolling circle is closed with a thick layer of sawdust. In the regions with cold winters, the base of the bush is falling asleep with dry leaves. With the onset of spring, the layer of insulation is cleaned.

Possible errors and their consequences

Pre-digging of bushes. Roots without land dried very quickly, and the plant is badly leaving in a new place, often sick. If this happened, the bushes are immersed for several hours to the tank with a slight warm water.

Digging the pit on the day of transplant. Soil does not have time to compact, which is fraught with an excessive blowing of the root cervix. In this case, when landing, the bush is fixed with auxiliary means so that the root neck is at the level of the ground surface. During the backfill, pay attention to the fact that a sufficient amount of rammed soil falls under the foundation of the bush. Adding mineral fertilizers to the soil on the day of planting. It is not recommended to do this at all, and if the granules and dry mixtures were added by ignorance, the soil is replaced. Autumnal transplant almost does not harm the plant.

A gardener who knows when and how to transplant the gooseberry in the fall, choose the right place for the plant and prepare it for landing, can count on full, fast adaptation and excellent harvest of berries already in the future season.

The gooseberry of remainslessly producing-sacrigorousness, high-year and wonderfulness, high-yield and wonderfulness. Cerebrovnikovarvaryatvarius, jams, compotes, or ochetyposto. If you provide for cruise-and-dubbivnogenous conditions, cancer and not two years, and not two years old, but as many as 20 years. In the SuspiratesDezdental High Snapseckests.

Gooseberry: Transplantation in spring and autumn, its goals, the peculiarities of growing bush

That your bush be fruitful as long as possible and more efficiently, you need to create certain conditions for the plant. For example, for large sweet berries you need a lot of light, but not too much water so that the roots do not start.

You need to carefully follow the condition of the bush to understand when you can transplant the gooseberry to another place. Most often, the gooseberry can be fronen on the same place for a long time, but the gardener may have reasons for transplanting: the places of redevelopment, the scene of the initial landing place, have ceased.

As a rule, immediately after deciding on a transplant, the question arises when it is better to transplant the gooseberry, in the fall or spring. Experienced gardeners recommend transplanting a bush at the beginning or middle of the autumn, when the plant has already finished fruit. So it is easier to survive the transplant, it adapts faster to a new place due to the completion of the deployment and wintering, and the gardener will not have to especially worry about the departure.

The transplant to some extent contributes to the rejuvenation of the plant. If the bush was originally planted on a well-lit place, but the berries are still small, it is worth trying to transplant it to a new place to update.

If you wish, you can transplant the gooseberry and spring. It is well tolerate this procedure, but if there were already problems with a bush and it is in a weakened state, it is better to wait until the autumn, so as not to injure the bush during the slowness.

To get a big harvest of the gooseberry, you should not try to grow it on clay, heavy or acidic soils.

The gooseberry bush has a powerful developed root system, so does not need frequent watering. For the same reason, it is not necessary to plant a bush to a plot where the groundwater is sometimes closed. The gooseberry is able to extradite moisture itself, but begins to hurt when overvaling.

The transplant is required if several bushes planted nearby rush and interfere with each other. In this case, they will not have enough lighting and nutrition. If the bushes are very scattered, between them you need to observe the interval of 2 meters.

The gooseberry will grow and fruit better if the soil regularly loosen. This is especially true of heavy soils. However, it is worth remembering that roots can be very close to the surface, so it is necessary to loosen carefully.

How to transplant the gooseberry bush: rules of transplant

For those who do not know how to transplant a big gooseberry bush, there are a large number of video materials on the Internet. However, this procedure is very simple, a beginner can cope with it. The gooseberry is very good at a new place and does not cause any trouble.

If these simple rules are met, the gooseberry is quickly adapted and begins to be froning the next year after a transplant.

How to transplant gooseberries to a new place: choice of place and departure after transplantation

Before transplanting the gooseberry bush, it is worth thoroughly consider the new place of cultivation, since the crop will depend on the right choice of place. There are several features that should be considered when choosing a new area under the gooseberry.

  • Choose places with good illumination, but protected from wind. If there are buildings and fences next to the place, they should not discard the shadow on the bush.
  • Do not put the gooseberry in place where currant or raspberry grew to him. These shrubs have common pests that can be stored in the soil.
  • The soil on the plot should be sufficiently light, fertile and neutral. If the acidity is increased in the soil, add lime to it before boarding, and in heavy clay soils - sand, in sandy - clay, so that it turns out a sublinous soil suitable for the gooseberry.
  • No need to plant the gooseberry in the lowlands, as there often the moistened soil. For the gooseberry, a large amount of moisture in the ground is destructive. It is best to plant a gooseberry bushes on small hillocks.

After transplanting the bush, you need to pay special attention to him. If you set out the goal of transplanting the old gooseberry bush to rejuvenate it, the annual trimming will be required. Only last year's branches are better fruiting, so every year old branches are cut in front of the bush and only young in the amount of 6-8 pieces are left.

The transplanted gooseberry must be released from weeds, flowing the soil near the roots. It needs to be done by hand not to damage the root system.

The gooseberry does not need frequent feeding. It is quite autumn to easily equip the soil with a compost and organic fertilizers so that the shrub is actively fruiting and grow. You can also mulch the soil to slow down the growth of weeds, reduce the evaporation of moisture and contribute to the fruit of the gooseberry.

The transplanted bushes are preferably not touched until spring, and in the spring you can treat them from pests. Well helps the processing of boiling water bushes, which is carried out early in spring, when it has not yet come down the snow.

All gardeners in which the gooseberry grows on the site are faced with the need for its transplant. Redevelopment of the area, cutting trees, creating a shadow above the berry bushes, or initially an unsuccessful choice of place - these are the main reasons for which the gooseberry transplant is required. It is worth noting that the gooseberry is unpretentious and very quickly adapted in a new place if the bushes are transferred in all the rules of agrotechnology that you will learn from this article.

Use of transplant

When there is a need for a gooseberry transplant, many gardeners worry about how harmful or is this process for a bush? If we are talking about the old scratched plant, then for it, division and transplant to a new place will undoubtedly be very useful, as they contribute to rejuvenation.

The gooseberry bush can live for quite a long time, but abundant fruiting is observed only in the first 9-12 years. Then the shrub begins to grow old, and the yield falls. And in this case, the timely transplant will help not only save the bush, but also to extend his fruiting.

As for young fruiting bushes, the transplant procedure can also benefit the plant in the event that the location and time is correctly selected. You can transplant an adult gooseberry bush in spring or autumn, but the most suitable time, nevertheless, is considered to be autumn - from mid-September to the end of October. During this period, shrubs are completed in the vegetation cycle, and they come in peace. Such a plant after the transplant will not move into growth, and will be able to root well before the onset of constant cold weather.

In the spring, the gooseberry is more difficult to transplant, since the culture is characterized by a very early movement of juices. The kidneys appear on the gooseberry shrubs, then the floral brushes, and by the end of May you can already observe small green fruits. Because of such a rapid vegetative process, it is very difficult to track the moment of the start of the juice movement.

The only time when you can transplant the gooseberry in the spring remains the end of March - the beginning of April, as soon as snow comes down, but at this time, as a rule, the soil still remains frozen, so the autumn transplant is considered more promising and useful for the gooseberry.

Choosing a new place

The location is crucial for the growth and fruiting gooseberry, so the selection of the site should be suitable with full responsibility. It must comply with the following requirements:

  • located in the solar, protected from strong winds and draft place;
  • do not land the gooseberry after currant or raspberry - these cultures have common pests and diseases, so the transplanted bush is most likely to be sick in a new place;
  • gooseberry moisthed, but excessive soil moisture caused by the close location of groundwater, it is harmful for it, since most of the varieties do not have immunity to fungal diseases, in particular, mildew;
  • the perfect soil for the landing is the fertile loam of medium density - if your soil is drowned, but it is not enough humus, it is not enough to correct the situation by adding a small amount of humus or compost, too dense clay soil can be made more loose with sand and peat;
  • the soil acidity for the gooseberry must be neutral (it is fundamentally important) - in acidic soil the plant is immediately ill, therefore, the increased acidity must be aligned with lime.

How to determine the acidity of the soil? There is a very original "folk" method, with which many gardeners check the pH level.

It is as follows: the handful of fresh cherry or currant leaves should be placed in glass dishes, pour boiling water and close the lid. When the water cools, throw the ground lump in it, and trace the color change. If the color remained green, then acidity is normal, the red shade indicates an increased acidity, blue - about its decrease.

Preparation of instruments

Working instruments and inventory required to transplant plants should be prepared in advance so that they are then not distracted by their search. What might need to work?

  • garden scissors (secateurs) - to trim the bush before transferring to a new place;
  • shovel - for digging and falling asleep sitting;
  • scrap or garden forks - may be required if the bush is old and deeply rummaged (in this case, with the help of one shovel, it will not be able to dig);
  • the ax - with it can be chopped by old dry roots;
  • bucket for watering.

Rules for transplanting

The process of transplant itself does not take much time, but first it is necessary to spend all the preparatory work.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out a solid trimming of a bush, removing approximately half of its crown. Saving the gooseberry prickly and cope with them is not easy, so you can remove branches with parts. Leave on the bush need no more than 7-8 young shoots, shortering them by a third.

Landing Pits are recommended to dig in 1-2 weeks before transplanting, then the soil will have time to settle, and fertilizers to interact with the Earth. The shine depth should be at least 50 cm, the width depends on the size of the root. On the eve of landing, landing pits are well moisturized, pouring into each 3-4 buckets of water. If the soil is not fertile enough, then 0.5 buckets of humidiation or compost should be added before irrigating, mixing the fertilizer with a part of the Earth, digging out of the pit, then fall asleep everything back.

The transplant process itself consists of the following steps:

  • The cropped bush is dripped within a radius of 35-40 cm, trying not to damage the main roots - small side roots can be chopped with a shovel.
  • Further, using the shovel and scrap, you need to try to extract a bush from the ground, put it on a piece of film and move to the landing site.
  • Too volumetric lateral roots can be cut off with a shovel or ax. Do not worry about the fact that it hurts the plant - the gooseberry is very harmful, and its root system is rapidly restored.
  • Next, we lower the bush to the landing pit so that it is bundled about 5 cm below, the earlier, in the old place.
  • We are growing the roots, and fall asleep the earth, sealing and watering the water every layer so that the emptiness is not formed.
  • After disembarking, the rolling circle is mounted by an organichea, best of all peat crumb.

Before each irrigation, you need to cut off the mulch, and then return it to the place. It is permissible to cover the soil around the bush with a dense material, for example, rubberoid until the plant is taken.

With a mass transfer of the shrubs of the gooseberry, it is necessary to immediately dig up the required number of landing holes, adhering to the scheme: 1.5x1.5 m. This is the most acceptable distance between the plants and in the alarms for any gorge variety, taking into account regular planned trimming. The gooseberry has a very high survival rate, so re-examing it in the fall, you can count on a good harvest already next in spring.

Video "How to transplant the gooseberry"

From this video you will learn how to properly transfer the gooseberry.

You can transplant the gooseberry as in the fall and in the spring, but the autumn transplant is always preferable than spring. This is due to the fact that the vegetative period of the gooseberry begins very early, and if you do not have time to transplant it to the dissolution of the leaves, this operation will adversely affect the growth of the plants. Therefore, if it so it happened that in the autumn you did not have time to move the plant to a new place, do it in the spring, but as early as possible - in the first warm "window" after the winter.

Preparation of the site

If the site under the spring landing of the gooseberry is clogged by weeds, then it must be prepared since autumn. The land is drunk, and all the roots of weeding plants are selected. This is done in order to subsequently the bush is not clogged with many years of grass, which will be very difficult to get from the spiny branches of the gooseberry. A compost is made under the people, and if the soil is clay, you should also add sand. In the spring, digging the landing hole, it is made in it 200 g of lime, and humus, and all this is drunk at the bottom of the pit.

How to dig up a gooseberry bush?

During the transplantation, the bush will cut off and this can be done before it is digging, so that the spiny branches interfere with the resetting process as little as possible. All the branches damaged in winter are cut and everything is very old and weird. Breaks are also cut off, leaning too low to the ground and thickening the middle of the bush. One- and two-year shoots are cut into a third of the length. Such a tough trimming contributes to the fact that the plants will be directed primarily on its rooting, and the gooseberry is faster in a new place.

Having retreated 40 cm bush, it produces deep-drying. If the roots appear under the shovel, they just need to cut through the secateur, do not try to dig the root system completely. When the ditch around the bush will be sufficient to pull the bush, it needs to be pulled over the branches, grasping them at the base. Assistant at this time should help, raising a bush from below the shovel. The dug plant is transferred to a new place and is located in the center of the landing pit.

Landing gooseberry

In the ground that was extracted from the new pit, 40 g of superphosphate and sulfate potassium and a bucket of humoring and mixed are added. This mixture is falling asleep between the roots of the gooseberry, which is shaken from time to time so that the soil filled the emptiness as much as possible. When the pit is filled, it is poured with two buckets of water and wait until it is absorbed into the soil. After that, they sleep still soil and water again. The ground around the bush is mounted peat or humus. Fertilizers embedded in the pit during the landing will be enough for the bush to eat 3-4 years without additional feeding.

In the year of planting the yield of the gooseberry will be very weak, or it will not be completely, but for the summer, with good watering, the bush will enter into force, and next year it will be fruitful in full force.

The gooseberry bushes over the years we are intertwined with each other to put this shrub in order, it must be transplanted. Such events are carried out in cases where there are problems with the yield, when the place turned out to be inappropriate, and the plant becomes weaker every year. Sometimes the need for transplant is caused by the desire to free the place for other purposes.

When to plant and how to choose a landing place?

When can I transplant the gooseberry? The most appropriate time for these works is autumn. Positive moments in favor of choosing this time of year are as follows:

For the gooseberry, the places that are well illuminated by the Sun and the wind are not added.

It is not suitable for him with raw and clay soil, such a soil will contribute to the development of fungal diseases. Waiting for a good harvest from the shrub placed in such a place is not worth it.

When choosing a place for a gooseberry, you should pay attention to the following features:

Going to plant bushes near the fence or next to the young trees, it is necessary to take into account their growing in the future.

Methods and rules for transplanting, seedlings

Spring transplant should be carried out in exceptional cases. For example, if the gooseberry transplanted in the fall fell under frost due to the early arrival of the winter.

The complexity of the extension transplantation in the spring is that due to the early appearance of the kidneys, it is necessary to be constantly near him. If I'm missing, the gooseberry transplant will be postponed for the next season.

Due to the damage to the roots, and this cannot be avoided during a transplant, the blossomed shrub in a new place may not take care.

In horticulture there are two ways to plant and reproduction of the plant: together with an earthen room and in the form of seedlings. The seedling is a wood plant, whose roots are cleaned from the ground. They are not subject to long storage, and they are more difficult for them, since their root system suffered greatly.

For autumn shrub transplants, both options are suitable, but for the spring planting seedlings is not an option. Their root system will not have time to root before the movement of the juice.

The most suitable for breeding the gooseberry young seedlings, which are just 1 or 2 years old, they are much better leaving, than seedlings older. The main roots covered with yellowish bark must be at least three, and in length they must reach about 15 cm.

Uriscound roots must also be developed, the upper part should consist of two stalks reaching 0.4 m in a height. There should be no leaves on a prepared sapling. If there are unhealthy roots, they must be removed. After conducting the preparatory activities, it remains to be stimulated by the root system.

For this, the seedlings (15-20 pieces) need to be placed in the chat prepared by the following recipe:

  1. Chernozem - 1 kg.
  2. Clay - 1 kg.
  3. Korniner - 1 or 2 bags.
  4. Aktara - 6 g

All components to connect and add 3 liters of water.

Compliance with the rules of transplant will contribute to better rooting of bushes, namely:

In a new place, the landing depth should be 5 cm more compared to the previous place. While the plus temperature on the street, the gooseberry need to water all the time.

Mulch with watering should be removed, after the event you need to return it to the place. In winter, the landing site must be insulated with sawdust, it will be enough.

Gorge breeding and care for it

In order to multiply the bushes of the plant, you can apply the most common method: method of horizontal chain. Early spring, without waiting for the dissolution of the kidneys, the nearby area must be given the shape of a saucer.

Healthy young branches should be burned to this area and make them up with earth with wooden hooks. From the side kidneys located on these branches will grow new shoots. They, reaching 10 - 15 cm, should be raised by the earth. With the arrival of autumn, they should be digging and those who have developed well can be put on a permanent place.

Another way of reproduction of the shrub is carried out with the help of cuttings. In mid-September, it is necessary to cut some amount of weed shoots. The top soft part needs to be cut, then you need to make two cuts: one - over the kidney, and the second is from 25 to 35 cm from it.

Then in the prepared band, an in-depth by 20 cm, you need to install these shoots with an interval of 15 cm, two kidneys should remain above the ground level. After the trench, the earth should be filled and seal it. A year later, they need to be planted for a new place.

To care for the gooseberry, as for other berry bushes, it is necessary, otherwise the shrub will no longer bring a crop. In the fall, measures should be held on the protection of plants from diseases and pests.

From how the gooseberry is treated, the harvest in the next year depends. To protect bushes from fungal diseases, you need to use a means prepared by dilution of 50 g of chloroxy copper in 10 liters of water, or borobos liquid. Protect from tool, sawmakers and fires will help the composition prepared from 20 g of carbofos and 10 liters of water.

Before spraying, you need a shrub and a plot around it to put in order. Treatment of sites near the trunks should be started with the removal of weeds. It is desirable to delete them together with the root, otherwise their presence will be permanent. Next, it is necessary to break the land and mulch.

Simultaneously with the processing of the nearby circles, it is necessary to feed the plant, it will take potassium and phosphorus for this, it is enough to take 20 g and 30 g on a bush, respectively. It will not be superfluous to make a nutritional embankment, not more than 10 cm, under a plant from a humus or peat in a pair with wood ash. It is advisable to catch the shrub before the onset of cold weather.

If the autumn is rainy, you don't need to water the gooseberry, if there is no rain, it is necessary to water the gooseberry. At the same time, the norm on one bush is 30 liters.

To shrub brought a good harvest, it is necessary to trim the branches of the gooseberry. In the first and second year after the plant was planted, it is necessary to trim shoots that were damaged and located close to the ground.

There are such gorgeous varieties who have a lot of shoots appear near the roots. These bushes for 3-4 years old need to cut forward, it is enough to leave 2 or 3 healthy, young escapes. When the bustle is 5 or 6 years old, the number of branches should be 15 - 18 pieces. Further, 1- 2 old and weak branches are subject to circumcision. Cutting the plants can be performed in the fall when the leaves are reset. To carry out work, use a sharp secateur, then the cuts will be smooth and smooth.

In addition to leaving, which is held at the autumn time, it is important to pay attention to other events.

For the winter, the Earth becomes dense, so with the arrival of spring it will be necessary to break it. Since the gooseberry loves loose soil, it is desirable for the whole season 4 - 5 times to loosen the earth. Throughout the season, after it was poured, or rained, it is necessary to mulch the soil to keep moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

About how to transplant the gooseberry in the fall, it is useful to know not only those who need to update the site, but also to those who are interested in how to land the gooseberry and when the gooseberry is replant to increase the area planted with this plant. Replanting and sazing for the first time in the fall of the bushes of this culture, you should not worry that they do not fit.