How to make and install plates on window peres yourself. Stencils for platbands on the windows

Put the platbands on the windows with your own hands - the easiest and cheapest way to give an outer view of the house individuality and express his character who lived from ancient times to the present day, see fig. In the old days, an illiterate proliferation, focusing on the platbands, could find the dwelling of the desired master, specialist, an official, a physician or a cereal place. Nowadays, the functions of the platbands on the windows are mainly decorative, but the patterns on them did not lose their meaning, see below.


Putnocks on the windows of the housing of peoples who practiced mass wooden architecture appeared simultaneously with windows, "glazed" fish bubble and mica. Initially, their appointment was purely functional: cover up the insulation and windproofing - hemp - in the slot between the window and the log cabin.

Putnquiries with sacred patterns were first marked in ancient Celts, but the genuine flowering of art creation of carved platforms is associated with the merger of the reviving Russia under the start of Moscow and the overall of the Mongolian yoke; Masters of Russia in a tree thread did not know equal. The Bolsheviks recorded the platbands in the remnants of the meshness and declared them the war on the destruction, but at present artistically decorated window platbands are worried about the second birth.

This article is intended to satisfy the reading demand for how to make beautiful platbands on the windows with your own hands, how to give them artistic expressiveness and install in place.


Types of constructive design of window platbands are shown in the photo. Overheads (pos. 1) are attached to the wall; Putting, or boxes (pos. 2) - to the slopes of window opening windows (so better) or in the window frame (worse). Overheads put on the windows flush with the wall; Styled - on the windows in the niches.

According to the capabilities of isolation and protection of the insulation, the windows are divided into framing (pos. 3) and portal, pos. 5. Prial-portal is often complemented by a visor. The platband-framing practically does not protect the window insulation / seal from the winding and put on the windows from the inside or on the windows overlooking the canopy, for example, on the veranda.


Traditionally, the installation of the platbands is made by mounting the wall or slope of the window. Now it is best to use selflessness (4.2-6) x (80x150), if the wall is not wooden - in propylene dowels. The attachment points are placed uniformly at the rate of 1 point per 5-7 square meter. DM surface of the platband defined by its outdoor contour. When mounting the attachment point, the attachment point is placed in a row with a step of 150-300 mm (depends on the mass of the platband, which, in turn, depends on its artistic performance, see below) on the axial line of the protruding part of the carrier (basic) wall. The wells with fasteners heads are either hiding in the elimination of the upper levels (see below), or they are screaming and painted the main tone.

Tubes- "Telescopes"

In modern houses, outside insulated and covered with siding / clapboard, the windows often put flush with the base wall, otherwise the window will drown at all in the wall. In this case, there is nothing left to attach a platband except the window frame. At such a case, tons are invented. Telescopic platbands, but quite reliably they will hold only on windows in reinforced frames intended for regions with a harsh climate; Frame material is a strengthened PVC or modified wood (see below), no particular importance.

The entire "telescopy" of platbands is reduced to the installation of them on the prisoners cut around the place, rigidly associated with the window frame. Reliable platforms on the firmware, on the left in Fig. Telescopic systems of platbands with a groove in the frame (for example, on the right in Fig.) Are not intended for an outdoor installation: a busting of the wind platband can break, breaking at the same time and frame.

If the window frame is a modern wooden or PVC with a groove under the key, telescopic platbands can be placed without removing it. If the PVC window with a wall with an inaccessible base surface is not intended to install a platband, then there is no other way out, how to remove the window, put in the opening box under the platband, attaching it to the base wall, and re-install the window. In this case, the box of the platband must have grooves entering the places of attachment of the anchors of the window.

Tree for co-room

Painted, cut-out and slotted platbands Wooden platbands (see Next) make a high-quality straight pine or larch without bitch. Board thickness - from 30 mm. The driving fir is not suitable: outside the bitches will soon be drawn under any coating, and there they will begin to fall out.

For carved platbands, wood is required, suitable for thread - small-layer, viscous, sufficiently dense - and resistant to outdoor conditions. The best breeds for this are oak and beech, but they are quite expensive. Lipa, alder and aspen are suitable after 2 times the impregnation (the first impregnation - before leakage through) the water-polymer emulsion; Oil, silicone and mineral (mortar) impregnation from rotting does not increase the viscosity and surface strength of wood. Birch is absolutely unsuitable: outside the impregnation will not save it from the damage to mushrooms.

Note: A magnificent carved platband is very simply from cheap plywood, twice impregnated with water-polymer emulsion. Read more about Plywood platbands, see at the end.

Shield for cylinding

Sometimes one board is not enough on the desired width of the platband, but to fasten 2-3 boards into the shield with steel fasteners in this case - a rough error. Wooden shield on steel outside will soon be split, then fastener in the gap between the platband and the wall, and it crouches. But it is also impossible to collect boards to the shield for a milling furniture without additional strengthening, because the closet or table is not intended to withstand strong winds, rain and snow. Split shields from platband boards. For example, see also Fig. below:

  1. On the table or workbench spread the polyethylene film with a 3-fold margin in the width of the future shield;
  2. The boards are folded into the package on the film and glue PVA or waterproof joinery;
  3. When the glue is grabbed, the package of boards turn the film;
  4. Under the package in the film is put on and imposed plywood cheeks on it;
  5. Package with cheeks tightly wind up with a liner;
  6. Under the turns of the cord, pairs of wooden wedges are born so that the cord is stretched as much as possible;
  7. After 2-3 times the complete drying of the cord glue, the cheeks and the film are removed;
  8. From the back of the (back side), the shield is additionally reinforced by stinging the bruks of 40x20, laid by plastics, across the boards.

Note: Boards in the package are collected, following the rules of alternation of orientation of the layers of wood, like furniture shields, see left in Fig.

Not a tree

Wooden unpacked platbands do not matter on any not wooden wall, even if its material imitates the coloring of the tree. In such cases, simple PVC platbands (left in Fig.), Or more expensive polyurethane plaque, other poses are better or put. In fig. Polyurethane platbands can mimic outdoor stucco and painted multi-level cut-out platbands (right in Fig.); The latter option can be a glue team from the elements purchased separately.

Miscellaneous art

Artistically decorated window platbands can be performed, first, framework (pos. 1 in fig. Below) or in the salary, pos. 2; Functionality, i.e. Protection of window seals, those and others are the same. Tubes in the salary are most informative and significant is sacred, as we will talk about below. Fireplacaries in addition to the functional are preferably decorative.

From the point of view of the work on the wood framework, in order of increasing its complexity, are divided into:

  • Cutting - boards or shields are trimmed by figure contour, pos. 3.
  • Rubber, pos. 4 - The pattern is poured into the board / shield. It is relatively rare, because Personal.
  • Promotional multi-level, pos. 5, up to 5 or more levels - revealed patterned modules are attached to a durable simple or cutting basis. In addition to the strength, multi-level platbands are good because the powerful fasteners of the wall hides in the elimination of the upper levels, and the upper levels themselves can be mounted in small imperceptible fasteners.
  • With overhead embossed details, pos. 6. In our time, it can be technologically easier to cut out, because It is quite appropriate on the tree. Purchased polyurethane relief.
  • With low convex thread, pos. 7 - It looks great, but very laborious, you need to choose a lot of wood.
  • With low intended threads, pos. 8 - laboriousness less, but the work is more complicated, because It is very difficult to correct visible flaws.

Note: on pos. 8 shows a platband with t. Pillow thread - angles of protruding fragments smoothed. Watching trim with custodial threads is almost as luxurious as with convex, but also time consuming is almost the same.

As for the colorful decor, the platbands can be painted, pos. 3, unpacked lacquered, pos. 4, or natural species, pos. 7, painted in different colors in levels, pos. 5, 6, and painted entirely, pos. 8. Almost exclusively cut-down platforms are performed by painted, and natural - from particularly persistent wood (bog oak, etc.)

On the sculpture of casual skills

In general, about casing with sculptural thread, high (round, semicircular) and low, see fig. It would be possible not to mention the article with the tag "do it yourself". To the one who can cut the tree, for nothing, how to make and put a platband on the window. But there is one point, a little known and experienced masters.

MDF - I have heard? In fact, this is a trading with MDF, Medium Density Fibreboard, medium density woodcrew. All known fiberboard is a low density fibreboard, low density solid. And there is also an HDF, high density fibreboard, high density fibreboard, we have a little known as a result of relative high costs. All these materials are quite environmentally friendly, because It is obtained by hot pressing of wood mass without a synthetic binder, the difference is only in temperature and pressure of the press.

So, HDF, firstly, under the condition of 2-fold impregnation of the water-polymer emulsion, the rack in external conditions. And on viscosity and density is suitable for fine wood threads, but much cheaper wood breeds for artistic threads and is produced by large absolutely homogeneous plates. HDF is cut as good as a nut, but quite like oak and beech.


A complete set of elements of the Russian salary of the platband is shown on the left in rice; There are also given names for its parts. In specific products, those or other modules may be absent, because They are in importance duplicate each other.

The main sacred value of the Teremet with Kokoshnik and apron; An informative-functional load is carried out, as a rule, gloves and sinks. Timpan with apron usually carries from evil, and Kokoshnik with obsolete, rhesis and windowsill are talismans attracting good. Specific figures for the other were in old Russia their not that in every village, but hardly in every home. In general, the circle with radii, rays or wings (sun), a bird (fire-bird - heirs or Phoenix, or Simurg), horse is a symbol of prosperity and social position, and a fish is a written symbol of Christianity. Universal charms from evil - stylized vegetable ornament based on beneficial plants.

Note: The wing, as part of the bird carrying it in the sky, has the same sacred value as the bird. Winged sun - good messenger. Christian six-square seraphim is nothing but a pagan winged sun with an angelic face.

In the European-Eastern tradition, universal symbols of good - Kartush and medallion. The medallion, of course, the Sun, and the Cartouche is or a stylized tree of life, or on it the Bird Phoenix. It does not contradict Christianity and the Ancient Slavic belief. In Russia, they even took to combine the map with a medallion, for which the trimmer was made by cut, on the right in fig.


In the city, the most important was the wubble on Tympane and Kokoshnik, they are from damage, evil eyes, etc. Patterns of the upper fabrics of the windows of the city house are given in fig. Upper - with a carton, stylized birds, fish (the tails are clearly visible) and not less than 12 positive elements, noticeable to a person knowledgeable.

Nizhny - more for adherents of original beliefs. There in a stylized sunny circle a certain Vine Slavic Deity. What - not quite understandable, but definitely good. Good it tramples evil in the form of a snake: Please note that the lower elements of this boards are asymmetrical.

In the village and, especially in the forest, it was necessary to protect it equally from the upper (evil, saying, etc.) and the lower evil: creep of the reptiles and forest uncleani. Help this was called upon by platbands with a leaning or heavy apron, in height equal or large upper guard. An example of the top and bottom windband boards with a duck-standing apron of a village house is given in Fig. You can taste it independently.


Ornaments of windows of windows are usually built on the basis of T. Naz. Rapporto - self-adjoint in one direction of elements forming a linear seamless pattern on the left in fig. By changing the size and number of rapports, it is possible to quickly develop a rubber platband on any window. Combining only 2-3 rapport, it is possible to get a wide variety of patterns; Stencils of several types of full-distance rapports are given to the right in fig.

The rapports of the pattern do not necessarily have to completely conjugate each other, this will make the pattern visually more complicated and more effectively. For example, the pattern of the upper row on the trail. Fig. It is built by turning "upside down" of each subsequent fragment relative to the previous one. Rappports of other ornaments in Fig. Combated either by broken, or on curved lines (marked red).

Note 5: Registration of the corners of frame platbands are common to the terminal lines, the terminal elements are often difficult, just there is not enough space on the corner. At such a case on the trail. Fig. Dana patterns of equilibrium ornament. Turning 45 degrees, you can build linear ornaments from them. Details are best cut from plywood, see at the end.


If you want to make yourself unique carved platbands, then the main difficulty on this path is the selection of the tool. In addition to flat chisels at 5, 10, 16/18 and 24 mm (pos. And in Fig.) We will need oblique the same width, but necessarily pairs - right and left, pos. B. The angular chisels will be 6, 12 and 18/24 mm at an angle of 90 degrees, pos. IN.

Much more needed semicircular chisels, pos. G: For starters 4, 8, 13 and 16 mm normal, with a gutter depth equal to its width. 4 and 8 mm of the chisels will also be deeply deep, etc. U-robes, and 13 and 16 mm also detached.

For fine artistic threads, there will be more curved chisels-twisters normal, detached and angular by 60 degrees, pos. D1, d2, d3. For custoding, it is not necessary to do without reverse tvkaraz to smooth the corners, pos. D2A. The minimum necessary sizes are noted on the pos. D Red.

Finding the tree threads for wood thread needed in art stores, but buying all the initially necessary rules will be very expensive. It is better to immediately take a set for a tree thread, but not for fine sculptural out of 40-60 items (pos. E), it will not cost it cheaper, and at first it will simply be unclear that the majority of these tools do. You need to take a set for beginners of 12-15 items, pos. Well, it will only be necessary to buy knives and shoals by 90 and 60 degrees (shown by arrows on the pos. E). Tools from such a set can be created by cut-out false elements and perform quite thin geometric threads, see Fig.:

Note: If you have the opportunity to take advantage of a manual milling machine on a tree, then cutting or slotted platbands can be significantly improved visually, while at its edge, the shaped milling chamfer is a flat chamber, see fig. on right.


The most strainable packaging plywood after a 2-fold impregnation of the water-polymer emulsion becomes suitable for the middle-level artistic thread, and under the painting waterproof paint and varnishing acrylic varnish it turns out to be outside with an oak. But more importantly - the strength of plywood, unlike the boards, is almost equal in all directions. The minimum thickness of 30 mm required for the platband is 5 layers of plywood and 5 levels of decoration of the platband. Thus, platbands can be made of plywood, visually almost not inferior to masterpieces of the masters of the past; Compare on the left and in the center in fig.

Vintage carved platbands, a modern plywood platband and a frosic label from plywood

However, the manual jigsion to cut so much plywood for a long time and inaccurately, and the joinery electric lobby for such a thin lace is unacceptable. We need a logging machine, it is a stationary electrolybiz, on the right in Fig. Corporate logging machines are expensive, but not inferior to them can be made with their own hands from the manual electrolyzka (which does not deteriorate from this and remains suitable for the main work), the old sewing machine and other ways, see for example. track. video.

Video: Homemade Lobzic Wood Thread Machine

Note: Machines from sewing machines are safest and may not be electrified if the machine with a foot drive. In this case, the frequency of the pink moves and is regulated elementary without any electronics: it is necessary only more often or less often to jog the legs.

October 14, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

The carved platbands on the windows in a wooden house are a traditional option for designing houses. For several centuries, it was also possible to judge them even about the delight of the owners. Nowadays, many modern materials appeared, but wood products did not lose their relevance and are still popular.

And if you have a wooden house, then the facade is sure to decorate a beautiful framing, I will tell you what kinds it happens, and you need to choose the option that suits best.

Types of mines

I will only talk about wooden products, as plastic platbands are not serious about the wood, it's how to cling to cheap stickers on an expensive car: even though they are beautiful, but impress in any case will be spoiled.

There are several options for products, I will not say that some of them worse or better, each type is suitable for a certain stylist of the structure and it is important to choose the best solution in each case.

Option 1 - finished products

Industry produces standard platbands, the surface of which can be of different configurations:

The form Description
Direct Planks The easiest option that is a qualitatively processed planks with perfectly smooth corners. Such products are well suited for wooden houses in a modern style, the clarity of the lines allows you to well emphasize the beauty of the tree, and at the same time the framing does not look inconspicuous
Elements with rounded edges Such products are often used inside houses and apartments when designing door openings, but they can be used outside if they are suitable for design. In this case, you just need to determine the optimal width of the elements so that the platband looked in the best way.
Semicircular products This option is characterized in that it is a convex surface that is well suited in cases if you need to imitate log or bar. Products should be chosen carefully, since on the oval elements, all flaws are visible very well. Again, such a design is more suitable for modern buildings.
Figured plates The most interesting of the standard options, the surface in this case is not straight, and figure, and the profile may be the most different, as well as the width. This is a kind of compromise for those who do not suit other products, but the simplicity of smooth items also do not really like it.

Another plus is the possibility of making original products under the order, their price will be higher, but you will receive a non-standard framing

As for the workflow, it is simple, because you buy finished products and immediately let them go to work. Plus this option is that the platband can also be used both outdoor, and as internal, while the rest are intended only for use on facades.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to carry out measurements to determine how many elements and how long will you need. It is better to record all the data, especially if the windows are a lot, as you can confuse something and eventually it turns out that you lack the material or, on the contrary, it remains too much;
  • When buying, keep in mind that the products go standard length (usually 2.2 meters), so you need to calculate how many items will be required, because the waste is inevitably formed and sometimes there can be a lot of them. Most often, products from pine are sold, but if finance is allowed - look for a larch platband, it is much more durable;

When choosing, pay attention to the surface: it should not be damaged, blue and other marriage. Also, the material should be dry, if it is wet, then the platband will be deformed subsequently.

  • Work begins with the preparation of elements, the dimensions of each, after which, with the help of a special device, which is called the stub, is cut, the platband is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. So you will receive perfectly coinciding joints that will significantly improve the appearance of the frame;

  • Next, I recommend to apply a protective coating on the platband, to do it better before installation, as you can process elements from all sides. In addition, you will not be afraid to stain the walls and the window, which is also important. You can use both paint and special compositions that will not hide the structure of the wood, the main thing is that they are atmospheric-resistant;

  • The prepared platband can be attached to the place of its installation, it is best to do with the help of finish nails, they are practically invisible and can have different colors to tone to your staining. The products are simply exhibited and nailed to drive the nail to the end and damage the tree, use Dobochnik.

Option 2 - the simplest homemade platbands

If you need an inexpensive and authentic framing on the country window or you like simplicity and natural lines, then this type of product will have to be likewise. Such products are manufactured with their own hands and may be the following types:

  • The easiest option is the unedged board with one uneven side, the material is cleaned from the bark, polished, and the unique elements of an unusual form are obtained. You can thus make a platband and from the edged board, cutting out in an arbitrary order of irregularity on the one hand, as a result, it will turn out very authentic and original design for the window;

  • The second option is even easier: the board is taken and the framing with figured ends is made, they simply cut down as shown in the photo below, and you get a stylish frame. To enhance the effect, it is possible to artificially be the material with emery paper or burn its burner, so the products will look more effectively;

  • Another interesting solution is to create a stencil and cutting one side in a certain way. You can create any profile and transfer it to the material, and after cut by the jigsaw, everything is very simple, but you will get an original frame for windows.

As for the workflow, it consists of the following actions:

  • First you need to find the board of a suitable size and configuration, the thickness of the elements can be small, there will be no load on them. Of course, it is best to have processed elements at hand, but a simple board will be suitable, it will have to grind it yourself;
  • Manufacturing does not take a lot of strength, you need to either arrange one side, or even cut curly ends at all. The surface is then carefully processed by sandpaper, as a result, perfectly smooth elements should be obtained;
  • As for the decorative coating, it can be paints and varnishes, a pre-surface can be used with a plastic or wire brush, which is put on the drill, it removes the soft layers, leaving the textured surface. The protective composition is better to apply in two layers to ensure maximum reliability;

  • The mount is made with the help of finish nails, their length and quantity depend on the thickness and weight of the elements. The main thing is to choose the desired color so that the locations of the fixation are not visible at all after the end of the work.


This solution is very different from the two above as in appearance and the complexity of manufacture. This option looks at times more interesting and original, this is a traditional folk style solution that does not fit on any window.

As for such a platband, I can not not mark a huge variety of options that you can implement, because you can use ready-made patterns, and you can draw your own fantasy limited by the complexity of work. Too frightened ornaments to bring to life much more difficult, remember this.

We will deal with how to make such skilled products with their own hands. Do not be afraid, with all the apparent cord, you will handle work without much difficulty. The main thing is to have everything you need at hand to be patient, the manufacturing process may not be folded, but time takes out decent.

We need the following:

  • The board of the required length and width, it is better to take the processed options to simplify their work;
  • Electrolovik - It will be our main working tool, in addition to it, be pampered by the blades for curly cutting with a small tooth so that the thread quality is as high as possible;

  • We need a drill with a drill in order to drill holes in which the jigsik will be inserted and curly cutting is carried out. There are no special requirements, the main thing is that the drill is wider by the Lobzik web;
  • To make patterns, we will need either ready-made patterns, or homemade options, they must be a necessary scale so that you simply move them to the material without unnecessary problems.

The workflow looks like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a workplace, the board must be stable at a convenient height, so that you do not have one hand to work the jigsaw, and another to keep the workpiece. You can use clamps or just press the element with something heavy, decide what is better, based on the working conditions;
  • Then it is necessary to choose molds, you can find ready-made options on the Internet, you can draw them on the computer, zoom to the desired scale and print. They can be drawn on paper, and can be cut out of cardboard - if you do a lot of items, this option is preferable;

  • An important point of work is to transfer a pattern to a tree if you have cut out of molds, there is nothing complicated, but if on paper, then you need to decide how it is more convenient to make marking. You can put regular copy paper under the sheet and simply circling the drawing - it turns out the exact markup, and if you have no copy across the copy, you can pierce the paper to draw the pattern on the tree after points;
  • When the markup is over, you can proceed to work, all the elements that are located along the edge can be cut and so, but the patterns inside require another approach. In a place where you are more convenient to start cutting, holes are drilled, after which the electrol-box can be inserted there and the pattern is cut, the main thing is to follow the accuracy, monitor the accuracy of the lines and, if necessary, correct them;

  • When the element is completely carved, it comes a turn of tying to perfection. Emery paper is taken, and all cutouts are polished, edges curve and the surface is aligned. As a result, you must have a finished element on which there are no fibers of the tree;

  • Then I recommend putting a protective coating on the platband, it is better to do it before installing it, and not after. Coloring can be both monophonic and multicolored to highlight individual parts of the pattern more clearly;
  • Fastening can be carried out both with the help of finish nails and on the sewage. This option is done like this: Cooks are taken, the hole in the platband is drilled under them and in the window frame. After that, the wanks are well lubricated with PVA glue, is inserted into the frame, after which it is put on the window frame, as a result, the design is securely fixed and there are no fasteners on the outside.

Option 4 - Cashbar with overlap

Another traditional solution that is very popular for more than one century. This type of product has a number of differences from the previous one:

  • The product consists of two parts: the foundations in the form of a flat or curly board and carved elements that can be located on the basis and side of it. Such a design looks more expressive and volume, which is important for those who wish to achieve the maximum decorative effect;

  • In the manufacture, you can use many small elements, which simplifies the manufacture. You do not need to cut the entire platband, you can make a composition of several small parts, and as a result, it is simply an excellent result;
  • You can use different wood species, if a pine or more reliable option is taken for the base, then it is recommended to use an apple tree or cherry for overhead items. They are easily processed and under normal processing serve for a long time. The current solution is to use plywood for lining, this option is good because you can save, and at the same time cutting will be much easier;
  • Another solution is the layout of various carved elements in one product, the luxurious openwork frameds are obtained. The only minus is the complexity of the manufacturing process.

Window carved framents of this type are made in much the same as the above described version, so I will raise only the differences in the working process:

  • To begin, you need to choose the option that you will do if the base is smooth, then just cut the board, if the carved is to do it as usual. The upper decor can be cut from the board or plywood of a small thickness, it will significantly simplify the workflow and will accelerate it;

If you decide to use Phaneur, you must choose the moisture-proof option. Ordinary sheets even with a good coating will begin to swear and rolled after a couple of years.

  • All items are carefully processed by sandpaper, after which they need to be painted. To achieve the largest decorative effect, it is recommended to paint the base into a contrast color to make the pattern more expressive. Krapt the details to the assembly, so that you do not slide and do not bold the surface, it is very difficult in such coupling structures;

  • Installing platbands in a wooden house on the windows is made by any convenient way to you. You can apply traditional specks, you can use finish nails, and you can go easier and apply modern adhesive materials. At one time, the platband had to be glued in the country area due to the lack of another fastener, about 10 years have passed, everything keeps just perfectly.

Option 5 - Carved Put

Without a doubt, it is the most difficult thing in the implementation, but also the most luxurious type of window framing. Currently, two main types of products can be allocated:

  • Manually making with cutters, the most expensive options, because they are made to the end with their hands. On our own, you can make such a platband if you have a certain practice, you will have to master the wood thread to cope with the work;

  • Putnocks made on special milling machines look just great. After all, you can create any pattern or composition on the product, you only need to enter the drawing into a computer program, and it will embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife. Naturally, units have such equipment at home, but you can order a platband and get it in a matter of days.

As for the workflow, it makes no sense about the manufacturer, the thread is the topic of a separate review or even a whole book. Therefore, we will deal with installation, as this is an important part of the work and any errors will lead to a damage of an expensive decor:

  • Most often you get ready-made items without any coating. Often the structure of wood does not close, and high-strength protective compounds are used. It is well suited to the so-called yacht varnish, it is resistant to atmospheric exposure and long retains strength and reliability. Processing is better to spend in two layers to accurately close all sections of the surface, pay special attention to deepening and bending, the composition should get everywhere;
  • When the elements are dried, you need to perform them to fit and determine the position of each part. If the design is assembled, then you can immediately drill holes and insert the specks in them, then lubricate the ends of fasteners with chalk or something else and gently put to the surface, it will remain points in which the holes should be drilled. This embodiment excludes miscalculations and errors;
  • Lastly, the specks and holes are labeled with carpentry glue, after which the platband is installed in its place and is well pressed. On this work is over.


The video in this article will help you understand some important nuances of the topic even better, because it costs one time to see what to read the sheet of text. Choose an optimal solution and implement it, of course, wood carving forces by little, but other options can be realized, and without having special skills. If you have questions, write them in the comments under the review.

October 14, 2016.

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This summer I visited my successful thought - to make some kind of personality from our country house, so that the eye pleased, and from other houses was different.
I thought a little and found a solution, the more grateful to this was preparing. I was long interested in the decoration of houses in Starin, revised a large number of sites on this topic. Even gathered a small collection of photos of platbands and decor elements.
But there, mostly got home from a bar or log, and our house would be covered with siding, and I thought that there would be no such beauty on siding.
In a word, everything was happening and invented, it remained only to do.

I apologize in advance that detailed photos are not enough, because Then I did not yet know about the existence of the club "7Dach" and did not make phased pictures, but just removed for my own interest.

I will tell you how the platband did, in its technology and under the sizes of our window.

Used tool:

  • el.rubanok
  • em.lobzik
  • drill
  • pern drills of different diameters
  • clamps - 4-6 pcs.
  • drill D 4 mm
  • a circular saw
  • galnik
  • pencil
  • paper A4 - sheets 10

Material and consumables (on 1 platband):

  • self 16 mm long - 8 pcs.
  • self-tapping screws 70 mm - 2 pcs.
  • board, pre-dried, 25 mm thick and 150 mm wide - 7-8 m
  • sucks - 45 pcs.
  • glue waterproof
  • emery paper - about 10x20 cm
  • plastic Corner (Perfect Bracket Upper 10 mm For Fastening Mosquito Mesh to Plastic Window) - 2 pcs.

Preparatory stages

1. Creating templates
From my photos, I chose the most you like and reworked it on my own way. You can, of course, draw your individual platband, only first you need to read a little about the chambers of Russia, about the symbols of Beregini, the Sun, etc. in Russian platbands, it is all present.

Photo that served as the starting material

At our windows, the inner size of the platbands from siding is 88x88 cm. This is the starting point in the calculations. Consequently, the side parts should be at an altitude of exactly 880 mm and not wider 140 mm (limited to the size of the board). The length of the upper and lower parts was determined by the eye, the main thing is that they are beautifully combined all together. With the help of photoshop, made a sketch of a platband in a natural size.

2. division in photoshop sketch for details

Obereg Beregin - one of the elements of the platband

Some of the templates

Moved the drawn parts on the dense paper and cut the templates.

3. Preparation of workpieces

Saw the board according to the length of the templates with a slight margin. When sawing, you must definitely choose the planks of the board without large bitch. Sharpened these billets to a thickness of 20 mm and drew the contours of future patterns on them.

He drank email with a narrow saw. Adjusting the tilt of the peel must be put on "0", so there will be no burr around the edges of the cut. Pay attention to the shape of the teeth, the other teeth give poor-quality cuts with burrs around the edge, and brushing it with a sandpaper for all bends is only punishment for some kind of prevention.

Pillet for jigsika

Before proceeding with discharge, you need to screw the holes in the fixed places with a diameter of 8 mm to insert the saw. Then drill round parts of the future voids suitable by the diameter with perovy drill. It is easier than drinking the jigsaw, especially if the diameter of this part is small. Lobzik will not unfold. And only after that you can start the main work by the jigsaw.

Assembling partial sides

Each side of the platband consists of several carved parts, bonded with each other with the help of glue and ducks. The collected carved parts are fixed in the same way on the rectangular sections.


Sucks are glued into the carved parts, which, when assembling, are inserted into the withdrawal nests for glue.



Side part consists of 4 parts

Black point at the bottom - a hole (dried around the place) for attaching a platband to the wall.

Top part

The upper part consists of 6 parts. On the photo for clarity, the locations of the details and the location of the Ducks are marked. Two squares are the places of fastening brackets on the reverse side (they are described below).

The locations of the wizards are noted. Consists of 4 parts.

Collected on dry (without glue)

After the assembly of all sides you need to paint them in the desired color. And only then make the final assembly of the platband.
For me, painting is the most tedious part of the work. You need to cross a small tassel every curl of two layers with intermediate drying. I did the first platband for the monsard window and was handing painting manually, and now I made a set for the remaining 4 windows and dyeing will only be a paintopult.


The platband is attached to the window using brackets for plastic windows screwed by self-drawing to the top of the platband from the back side. With these brackets, the platband clings to the upper part of the siding platband as hooks and hanging on the window. On the bottom in the side parts are drilled by one hole from the side, through them the platband is attracted to the wall with long screws.

Sucks did himself, 200 stood. Enough, a little more and left.

Decoration for the front.

With it, all started with carved lace and platbands began. As in the saying - appetite comes while eating.


By the way, about the financial side: 5 solders cost me a little less than 2000 rubles. Running on the Internet, I found about the same, but simpler, at a price of 8500 rubles. For one set. So minimum of 40000 rubles. Lost in the family budget. Also a pleasant incentive.

The entry is posted in the sections:

For buildings from the log cabin, carved platbands simply suggest for the design of window openings. Their independent manufacture is not at all a whim or attempt to save, because really good masters of wood threads are very few.

Required minimum tool

The manufacture of platbands, in contrast to the artistic carving of the tree, implies the multiple performing the same operations, resulting in a fairly primitive repeating pattern. Therefore, most of the work is performed by an electric tool: so not only the processing speed increases, but also the uniform quality is achieved on different sections.

1 - electrolovka; 2 - drill; 3 - tape grinding; 4 - vibration grinding; 5 - manual milling

The main work is performed by a jigsaw and a drill. The tool must be reliable and high-quality, which is able to be in continuous use for a long time. For stripping and grinding products it is better to use the electrical grinding, at least the simplest tape. Fast finishing relief refinement is possible using a vibration type machine.

If you intend to give extra minor details of the faces of your product, you can not do without a mill. Descents, chamfer and curly buzz can also be performed manually, but only in the presence of a variety of chisels, cutters and specific skills of working with wood.

How to choose wood

Calcarquarters are best suited to suit solid wood: oak, birch, ash, Clane, alder. Since the thickness of the finished product is relatively small (30-45 mm), the solid rocks will be less susceptible to rotting and drying, it has become longer to retain its appearance.

If carved platbands you plan to decorate flat-embossed elements with a variety of small parts, you should give preference to softer rocks with a small pattern of texture. Lipa, poplar, ox, nut and spruce are suitable.

Wood for platbands should be selected and, preferably, chamber drying, humidity not higher than 12%. It is not allowed to preserve tracking or other pronounced defects, large bans. Ideally, you should immediately order calibrated boards with a width of 100-150 mm and a thickness of 30-40 mm.

The length of the billets should be sufficient to completely block the window opening horizontally and vertically with the appearance on each side by 1.5 width of the board. It is important that you initially counted the number of necessary workpieces and, besides them, have acquired a few more boobs of the cheapest breed for training and testing the thread skill.

Making templates and stencils

Practically any wood carving begins with drawing a drawing on a predetermined pattern or stencil. The network of threads in the network is abuse, the main complexity is reduced to the transfer of lines to the part exactly and without distortion. Immediately warn: do not chase for the high complexity of the picture. A set of even the most primitive elements in the correct sequence and with competently chosen retreats takes its modesty and quality processing.

The first embodiment of the markup is the manufacture of a small pattern from plastic or solid sheet material, on which a single element of a repeating pattern is applied. Such a template is consistently applied to the workpiece and becomes a pencil.

It is also possible to manufacture a solid template. You need to take a paper strip of the appropriate width, fold it with a harmonica several times, and then cut the pattern on the principle of christmas garland. The resulting tape should be pasted into cardboard or LMDF, and then cut the desired figures. This method is welcomed with a significant amount of work.

The resulting stencil is subsequently simply superimposed on the board and will be burned with a soft pencil. Ideally, saturated, but accurate cuts and boundaries of further processing should remain. Placing details, you need to take into account the pattern of the pattern, so that the platbands form a solid and completed circuit, and the repeating pattern was not interrupted by the nefple.

Sampling through holes

The first thing is to trim the edges of the workpiece and sample holes in the center. With the edges, everything is simple: cut out the superior jigsaw, retreating from the layout line 1-1.5 mm outward for subsequent processing. For cutting figures in the center of the plane, the part is drilled by the line of each cut, then select the inner contour of the jigsaw.

For the manufacture of large holes, it is wise to use crown drills. In this case, it is necessary to place on the template not contours, and the centers of the circles in which the centering crown drill will be installed. Similar ads can also be used in the manufacture of oval holes or elements with low rounding radius: the complex bend is drilled by the corresponding radius, and everything else is cut with a jigsaw.

When unnecessary parts of the workpiece are drinking, edges need to be carefully treated with rashpil, and then sandpaper. It is recommended to use brus of square, round and rounded profiles to which sandpaper is naked. So you are less likely to "scream" the edges and can get straight corners on each edge.

Rectangular ribs look pretty rude, so they are smoothed by the champers and descents of different profiles. The easiest way to diversify the product is to go through the external and inner contours of the platband with a figured cutter. But manual processing options are also possible:

  • to remove the chamfers, walk along the straight edges of the chips, keeping the angle of inclination of the handle to the parts constant;
  • a semicircular convex descent can also be made by chips by changing the slope of the blade, or use a concave cutter for this;
  • a concave semicircular pairing is performed by a chisel or cutter with a rounded edge. Such elements need to be cut in stages, removing a small chips with a layer behind the layer and carefully controlling the tool blindness and the slope of the handle;
  • if the descent has a complex form with several convex, concave and straight elements, this profile is divided into several steps and is cut into a strict sequence, starting with the widest outer part and ending with the deepest and small tier.

Deaf Thread: Apply Relief

When you were finished with the formation of a form, it would be nice to diversify the remaining flat elements with a simple ornament or vegetable patterns. Here are the simplest techniques of work:

  1. The groove (branch, groove) is made by a narrow chine or a cutter with a square, triangular or concave form of the blade. The carving is carried out strictly along the line, the relief is chosen by a shallow chips and then gripped.
  2. The sheet is a few small grooves, imitating streaks, cropped by a disk knife. From the center between the veins to each of them, small cats are performed by a semicircular chisel, imitating the body of the sheet, then the outer contour is then a thin cutter.
  3. The adjacent flat sections can be diversified with a deaf thread of a small ornament. For example, cut through the two grooves from the edge, forming a triangle with him, and in the center there is a sparkle as a sparkle.

Wood processing and installation of platbands

Due to carved elements, the wooden product has a large surface shape, due to which it is stronger than aging. Therefore, wood should be treated in a special way.

First of all, carved products for accommodation on the facade should be soaked in the antiseptic composition for 5-8 hours, for which you can dig up a small trench in the ground and put a plastic film to temporarily arrange a bath. After soaking the details for several days, dried folded into a stack with lining after 30-40 cm.

When the wood dried, it needs to be carefully taken, seeking smoothness and finally eliminating all traces of cutting and threads. The protective composition is selected in accordance with the type of facade finish, it can be both alkyd enamel and polyurethane varnish, toning or transparent.

Finally, for the proper installation of platbands, the window should be framed with a flat rack with a thickness of 10-15 mm and such a width so that its external edge is visible through the carved pattern along the contour circuit. The purpose of this plank is to eliminate the remaining irregularities of the wall and ensure the reliable basis for fixing the carved element. Often this rail is stained in color contrasting the coating of the reinforcement itself for greater expressiveness of the pattern.

Cashbar can be attached with a straight and oblique trimming, which depends on the type and density of the pattern. The oblique trimming is performed with the wrinkle of each side under 45 °, and the line of the cut must pass through identical patterns of the pattern and do not cross the cut inside the shape.

With a direct trimming, the horizontal element is located between two vertical. Their upper edge must be 1-2 cm above the crossbar if the edged end end. It is also possible to make a thread on the edge of the overall scheme, if in the process of manufacture to carry out the fitting and accurate fit of the platbands. The same fastening of platforms is elementary - for him uses ordinary heap nails without a hat. It is only important that the nail flashes the platband and the bar, speaking at least 5 mm with an inside.

Look at all these platbands on the windows in a wooden house, which are posted on this page. This is not just the beautiful attributes of the wooden facade, which have come down to us from the past.

It has not only decorative, but also purely practical purpose. We will now consider the simplest platband and with that, and on the other hand.

The practical value of the platbands in a wooden house

So, the windquarters on the windows in the wooden house, whose photos you see, not just beautiful skimming on the sides of the window.

The very first and most important of their practical role - they close the slots between the box and the log wall of the house. That is, the platband in this situation is a decorative overall, which covers the jute or moss, which the gap clogged.

After all, in principle, every wooden house is similar to another. You can try to distinguish them on roofing material, for example. But what to do in winter, when all the roofs are covered with a thick layer of snow?

It was the platbands that were therefore a distinctive sign, which could be distinguished at home in a village or city, when there were no tablets with street names and house numbers.

And now it is often possible to hear how to show the way to the request: go to turn, and there will see the house "with swans on the windows."

Decorative platbands in a wooden house

And finally, the platband performed in the traditional style is simply even the simplest house.

Look and imagine that you removed all these carved decorations. What remains? Just boards and logs. And with platbands, any facade becomes alive and attractive.

Tubes on the windows in a wooden house - Photo Gallery

But you choose the most diverse platbands on the windows in a wooden house, the photos of which are provided to us by readers.

See, choose and use the most interesting options in your facade.