How to make a brick barbecue. Barbecue with your own hands: We make a barbecue of brick or metal, step-by-step instructions with photos

Each cottage or country house, except for many concerns and some unpleasant moments, implies the periodic preparation of kebabs. But to fry meat on coals correctly, you will need a high-quality brand. And how to make brick brazals with your own hands, their drawings and photos, you will learn below.

Preparatory work:
  • zoning of the terrain;
  • the best options for the device brazers from brick;
  • necessary materials;
  • the best drawings of brick mangals.

Mangal with her hands from a brick:
  • fundament device;
  • starting masonry;
  • construction of soccer;
  • preparation of warmer and stops for the lattice;
  • working surface;
  • tips for the manufacture of mangal;
  • brick mangals: drawings, photos, video.

Main preparatory work

Of course, the brazier is not an ordinary structure, so it needs to be careful. Starting from the location planning, where the construction will be built, completing such subtleties as the presence of water supply, suitable countertops for convenience and even lighting. For this reason, first of all, you need to consider the preparatory stage.

  • Zoning the terrain.

If you have already set yourself a goal - the construction of a brick manga with their own hands, it is worth starting to find a better place for its construction. This is not a simple portable product from the metal, which you can set anywhere, the calculations and drawings are playing a huge role here.

Placement Requirements:

  • relatively smooth plot;
  • removal from the house of neighbors, the resting place in order to eliminate interference from smoke for full-fledged life;
  • proximity to your own country or house, in order to carry out light, water or other necessary communications;
  • the presence of a small area for the construction of the picnic zone (this is the place where you could lay out the cooked meat or leave the products).

Best Brick Mangal Options

Street brick brazier is a simple structure that is not highlighted by special tricks, such as special furnaces or barbecue. But be that as it may, interesting options are offered that you can implement on the land plot.

  • The easiest option includes the designs of a small brick box in the hall where coals will be added, and the meat on the skewers hangs on top of it.
  • An excellent option will be the so-called island. It has a compartment for coal and a fire, and the shelves will be placed on top: first the grille for meat, after which special stops that are used to hold skewers with kebabs.
  • Another excellent option is not much different from the previous one. It has a working surface that is not at the top of the mangala or not far from it. It is well suited as a stand or table for saucepans, knives and other devices that will be needed while preparing for a picnic.

Necessary materials

In addition to the drawings themselves and the photo of the Brick Mangals made by their own hands, you can use some devices. We present their approximate list:

  • slaked lime;
  • heat-resistant brick;
  • cement package;
  • metal corners;
  • sand bag;
  • red brick;
  • reinforcing mesh or reinforcement rods;
  • wire (to strengthen brickwork);
  • tile (if your project provides countertops.

Surely you noticed that the list of necessary materials proposes varieties of bricks. It is quite optional, but in this way you can save. All because only heat-resistant brick is capable of withstanding high temperatures. But, unfortunately, its price is not small. Therefore, it is better to use a red brick where the brazier is not exposed to strong heating or heating is completely absent. Of course, it is good to save on it exactly will not work, but still nice.

Brick Mangals do it yourself: drawings and photos

Naturally, without studying the drawings before construction it will be difficult. Therefore, our "repair" portal offers the most suitable brick mangal schemes or take advantage of the ready-made offer.

There is nothing terrible in the fact that many people plan to build a street of mangala, namely the summer complex. On it you can provide not just a place for firewood, but also a brazier, and a firebox with the door, sink, a worktop and much more. And here you have a great drawing.

If you are not satisfied with this option, then find a huge number of diagrams and drawings for every taste, since today the Internet is shot by hundreds of different solutions, which are glad to share craftsmen.

Make a brazier with your own brick hands

The majority believes that the foundation does not need for the mangala, and it can be built in the dug pit, which is falling asleep by rubble. This solution is rooted incorrect, since the slight distortion of the soil completely destroys the design over which you worked so much. Your money and time will be spent in vain. Therefore, the foundation is considered a mandatory point.

Step-by-step stages of the foundation

To create a reliable and durable foundation, you need to perform the following operations:

  • First you need to choose a suitable place where a brick brand will be built. About his advantages of choice we have already been noted above.
  • Square sizes with a side of 120 cm are perfectly suitable.
  • With the help of pegs and a special beat, place the selected area.
  • Take the shovel and dig a hole in a depth of 25 cm.
  • Install formwork.
  • Prepare a solution, sticking to the sand ratio to cement 3 to 1.
  • Pour the solution into the pit.
It is important not to forget that the foundation must be reinforced. To do this, one of the following options will be perfect for:
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • rods of reinforcement.

It is worth noting that if you select the grid, it will have to be paved twice. Moreover, the first layer is placed when you already foul with a third part of the pit. Then the base must be pouring another one third, having paved another layer, after which the pit is completely filled with a solution.

The rods should be laid in the middle of the base of the pit, after which it is completely flooded with a solution. As soon as the foundation is flooded, he needs to give time so that it is normally standing out. For this, there will be not two weeks enough.

Getting Started Brickwork for Mangala

So that the brazier was quickly built, but at the same time it turned out to be neat, it is necessary to perform a small fitting. Of course, the order of brick mangaal is not such an occupation that needs to be done quickly, and therefore it will take a kind of fitting that is as follows:

  1. They take bricks that are shy away on the foundation.
  2. Carefully study and remember the results of fittings.
  3. Such actions allow during the construction of the manga to use whole blocks and halves of bricks.
  4. Of course, if you already have a trained lattice, pallet, their parameters should be considered by performing preliminary masonry.
  5. As soon as you decorate all the bricks, it is recommended to circle a laying line and fix that in the future to follow it without having a border.

Before proceeding with the masonry, you need to prepare bricks. Not everyone knows that they are able to absorb moisture, which leads to poor structural strength. Therefore, the day before the construction start, it is recommended to wet them well or even leave in buckets with water all night.

Take the construction of the mangaal when the bricks are dry outside, but turn on moisture inside itself.

It's time to take the case. Take bricks and mortar and lays out the first row. Always make sure that the space between bricks is well filled with a solution, and the bricks sat in the order that we have noted earlier. To make bricks in solution, use a rubber hammer.

Construction of socle

When you build the first row, you can use it as a guideline during subsequent rows of masonry. Moreover, the masonry should go in a checker order. It implies that each row will be shifted to the Polkirpich to the side. In this case, each row should begin with an angle.

It is no secret to anyone that during the masonry you will have to check the design plane from time to time. To do this, use the level and plumb. At least once in two or three rows, it is necessary to check. If you do not do this, the probability of skew will be too high.

The laying on the angular compounds is rejected using metal wire.

Preparation of brazier and lattice stops

To ensure the reliability of the base of the mangala, you need to prepare special attachments. You can use the choice:

  • metal corners;
  • reinforcement rods.

Also, refer to the presence of the lateral intervals of bricks, which will not be filled with a solution. They are used as a trench for air intake. It's no secret that you will not express a fire from the regular intake of oxygen.

If we talk about the crate, then you can install it both on special metal rods and simple protrusions that are formed in brickwork. If you will lay out bricks across the wall, and they will perform in the inner side of the ferry, it will be a great place for the grid.

Working surface

How to make a brick brazier, we learned, but on this work will not be completed. We also need to equip the work surface. Without it, you will be difficult during the holiday and picnic.

The high-quality countertop must match the following properties:

  • high strength;
  • simple cleaning;
  • comfort;
  • weather resistance.

Make a tabletop such that it is at an optimal height and was convenient to use. Commier and about its appearance. Well, if you use to finish the tile, which is designed for sidewalks or floors.

This surface will be highly durable, will not scratch and it will be easy to wash, without delivering you no inconvenience.

As noted above, it will not be superfluous to make a water pipe and a rack. Thus, you get rid of the loss of time for frequent walking in the house for solving household problems. Of course, everything needs to be planned in advance, and the water pipes are recommended to display through the base of the mangala.

Moreover, you can think about the lighting on the site, where the kebab will be prepared. It often happens that you have to prepare meat on the dark. Therefore, the lighting will definitely prevent youer.

Photo of brick mangals

Summing up, it is worth considering different options for brick options that you can create with your own hands, in photos.

First of all, we consider two such simple variants that differ not only for simplicity available to each, but also high speed of the structure.

Now we offer to look at more advanced designs that will have to spend more time and effort. But they fully justify themselves, since this brazier acts not only as a fixture for meat frying: barbecue and kebabs, and a highlight and real pride of your yard.

Finally, we give a few more photos on which serious mangals are also marked. One of these even acts as a real complex for making meat. This is an original summer kitchen, which is adapted only to the preparation of kebabs and barbecue. Of course, to build it with your own hands is a fairly energy and resource-intensive process, but you will be proud of the created artwork for a long time.

We decided to complete the material by inviting readers a useful video, because it is better to see once than to read ten times.

On it, the specialist available explains all the subtleties and nuances of planning and construction of a brick manga on its plot. To do this, it will demonstrate the masonry, as well as technology on a special designer having a reduced size.

What can be more beautiful rest with relatives or friends in the fresh air. Pleasant pastime is most often complemented by a picnic with cooking meat or fish. To do this, there are various folding fixtures of the type of mangal or grill type. If you are the owner of a country site, then once the stove-based barbecue will be the very place around which it can be collected with close people for tasty lunch and pleasant conversations. Despite the seeming complexity, a barbecue from bricks can be easily built with your own hands. The photo of the existing structures, drawings and schemes of apartments, tips and recommendations of experienced cooks will be greatly facilitated.

Features and Barbecue Benefits

Barbecue, built with your own hands, will be not only a functional addition, but also a real decoration of the country area

Barbecue oven in its functionality is much superior to other designs intended for cooking outdoors. Brick barbecue allows you to cook kebab or steak, bake fish or vegetables, smoking fish and meat products, cook first and second dishes, dry fruits or mushrooms and much more.

Being in some extent symbiosis of the manga, grill, smoking and lattice, barbecue has both features that make this design unique and efficient:

  1. The construction has a rear wall that allows you to evenly distribute the temperature throughout the internal volume and maintain heat.
  2. The use of chimney allows you to create cravings and divert smoke from the cooking zone.
  3. The combustion of fuel occurs in the furnace, and not in the metal pallet, as, for example, in a grill or grill. This makes the design more secure and durable.
  4. Heat in the barbecue stove is consumed more rationally, because even after cooking dishes, structures support high temperature.

A huge advantage of the design is that the barbecue allows not only to cook food, but also to heat the room. This can be a real find for arbors of a closed or semi-open type, allowing to relax with comfort not only in the summer, but also in the offseason.


There are many garden barbecue furnaces, among which several types of structures that have the following features can be distinguished:

  • increased open type firebox (it is used as a garden or a conversational fireplace) and a built-in grid or spit;
  • fire chamber such as a Russian oven, for cooking pies, baking, etc.;
  • frame for mangala or stationary construction for making kebabs;
  • niche for Kazan;
  • smoke camera for homemade smoked smokers;
  • cooking plate.

The truly universal structures are a barbecue complexes, which are multifunctional structures, which include all the above-mentioned add-ons.

Photo Gallery: Design Options

Barbecue furnace equipped with a smokehouse One of the most popular designs is a barbecue with a firebox, which in form and functionality resembles an ordinary fireplace Multifunctional barbecue oven with a hob and smokehouse. True summer kitchen, isn't it? Barbecue combined with a Russian oven Barbecue with mangal and niche for Kazan

Barbecue Garden Stove Design

The simplest furnace barbecue is a brick building thick in a half-clip, laid in the form of the letter P. The height of the design can be from 1 meter and more. Of course, than a dimuiser, the stronger the concrete base should be on which it is installed.

Construction of a simple barbecue furnace

Schema of a simple garden furnace with a grate grid

At around 70 - 75 cm from the floor in the side walls of the structure, protrusions were made of bricks laid across masonry. When operating, the pallet is based on these protrusions, in which the combustion of charcoal or firewood occurs. At a distance of 10, 15, 20, 25 cm from brick protrusions in the side walls, the guides are built into the barbecue. Due to the ability to adjust the height of the grille for products at the desired height, you can choose the optimal temperature mode.

The side and rear walls of the stove are performed both windproof and heat accumulating function. It must be said that in more complex designs, the barbecue working chamber has a vaulted form and a narrow smoke channel, improving the economy of the furnace and the efficiency of its efficiency.

The combustion zone is laid out of chamotte refractory brick, which is placed on a solution from the heat-resistant cement and river sand. In some cases, clay-sand composition is used, adjusting the mass fractions of the components depending on the fat content of clay. The walls of the design are emitted from red facing bricks using a conventional cement-sandy solution.

Often the design of the barbecue is complemented by comfortable working surfaces, a Russian oven, washing, various niches and shelves. This makes the oven more functional and easy to operate.

Preparatory stage

At the preparatory stage, the place is chosen for future construction, the design and size of the barbecue, and are also reserved by the necessary tool and materials.

We are determined with a place for a garden furnace and its design

When choosing a design, sizes and barbecue space, a few rules are guided by:

  • the distance from the construction to the house should not be large, because in the cooking process will have to repeatedly go there and back;
  • next to the hearth should not be trees and shrubs;
  • during construction, take into account the wind ros - the smoke from the barbecue should not go towards the house;
  • design and style designs must coincide with the estate style and advantageously emphasize its strengths;
  • in a small area, a small stove with optimally located working areas will be harmoniously;
  • barbecue Large size requires the construction of a durable foundation.

In addition, it is necessary to foresee how protection will be protected from rain, think over the design of additional elements of the type of grille, smokehouse, a working surface with a washing, etc.

Drawings and sizes of the future furnace

Since each site has its own unique landscape and planning features, then, most likely, you yourself will determine the dimensions and appearance of the barbecue. However, when developing a scheme, it should be borne in mind that the height on which the grille has convenience and safety. For people of medium height, the grill and the countertop are located at the level of the ninth or tenth row of bricks. Otherwise, it will have to be touched constantly, or, even worse, be in dangerous intimacy from the fire. The pallet or the lattice is installed on metal rods laid between bricks or refrigerated to the protrusions in the masonry. Better if all additional equipment is removable. In the future, it will facilitate care for it, and besides, the lattices, the brazier and the pallet can be removed for the winter so that the metal is not covered with rust.

Barbecue drawing with friends

Drawings Barbecue dealers

In its work, you can use the drawings of the barbecue furnace with dimensions of 1500x7500 mm. Taking them as a basis and adding the desired working surfaces, you will receive a functional structure that will meet all your requests. If necessary, the dimensions can be changed by retaining the proportions of the main parts. Do not forget to provide in your design place for fuel. In addition, we remind that the grill is installed at an altitude of about 70 cm, and the furnace is located 10 cm below.

Materials and tools

In the construction process, two types of bricks are needed - chamoten, which lay out the furnace and facing. For masonry it will be necessary to prepare two types of solution - clay for the combustion zone and sandy-cement for the furnace housing. In the process of work, you can use ready-made construction mixtures. In addition to bricks, clays, sand and cement, you will need:

  • gravel or fine crushed stone - for the foundation;
  • rod or reinforcement grid - for reinforcing concrete;
  • formwork boards;
  • sheet metal - on the size of the barbecue;
  • fire doors and pissed;
  • grate;
  • stove with burners;
  • door of the smoke channel;
  • steel corners or fittings for overlap;
  • plywood with a thickness of 20 mm - for the manufacture of arched frame;
  • ruberoid;
  • concrete mixer;
  • bulgarian with stone and metal circles;
  • bricklayer and rubber hammer;
  • trowel;
  • construction plumb and bubble level;
  • shovels (Soviet and bayonet);
  • tribes;
  • veser;
  • cord and pegs.

After everything is ready, proceed to the markup and construction of the foundation.

Step-by-step barbecue construction instructions

The construction of a brick stove of a barbecue with your own hands is best done in stages, starting to the next point of the plan only after the complete completion of the previous stage. This will make the work qualitatively and without errors.

Arrangement of formwork and installation of armoo

During the construction, wetting of the structure is not allowed, so the construction is installed on the design or the masonry is covered with polyethylene film.

  • The vaulted overlaps of niches are laid out, starting from the 9th row of bricks.

    The 9th row is completed by installing jumpers for vaulted overlap niches

  • 10 and 11 row forms overlapping and pedestal.

    After laying 10 and 11 rows, jumpers are installed under the tabletop

  • 12 row is performed skidding. This is a tabletop. To highlight it against the background of masonry and make the design more convenient, at this level make a quarter of a brick.

    12th row. Starting from the countertops, the burning zone lay out refractory bricks

  • From 13 to 15 a row lay out the furnace.

    Rows 16 - 24 form a heatpace

  • To ensure the smoothness of the alignment of the furnace of the furnace, each top row shifted relative to the lower on the ½ brick.

    Narrowing tube barbecue

  • The smoke tube is expelled to the desired height, completing it the so-called cap - the ledge of the masonry on ¼. In this case, only a sandy cement solution is used. To prevent the sediment from entering into the structure, a metal headset is installed in the smoke of the chimney.

To decorate the surface of the stove in the construction process, masonry seams are expanding. In addition, if desired, the design can be plastered and painted into tone to other facilities located on the garden plot.

Features of operation

In order for the bake of the barbecue to serve and rejoiced you for many years, it should take care of it regularly. Each time after using the grill is thoroughly cleaned from food residues, otherwise, during the subsequent cooking, nothing and dirt will fall on fresh products. Washing the parts of the barbecue can be started only after the overtakers of the stove. By the way, it is a lattice barbecue most susceptible to destruction, so it is necessarily kept clean and dry.

The surface of the flue chamber is washed from Gary as contaminated, and the cleaning of the chimney from the soot is performed at the beginning of each season.

When operating a barbecue, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • in the cold season or after the rain, you should not immediately disperse a barbecue for full force, since a sharp drop of temperatures will lead to the appearance of cracks. It is better to dry the inner surface of the furnace within 20 - 25 minutes with a small flame. In addition, if there is no headpoint over the chimney, then it is necessary to remove water and snow from the furnace;
  • for the ignition of the barbecue, use special liquids, charcoal and a device, called the starter (special container for fuel and charcoal). It is forbidden to use gasoline, kerosene and other fuel and lubricants;
  • for 15 minutes after ignition, it is forbidden to cover the barbecue cover. Otherwise, the formation of a combustible gas, which, after removing the lid and sharp access of oxygen, can ignite with flash and cotton;
  • the taste of products prepared on the barbecue is directly related to the quality of fuel. No one is secret that in this case the best option is the wood of fruit trees;
  • cleaning the focus from the residues of blown fuel should be performed after each cooking;
  • when using a barbecue, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the safety regulations, constantly controlling the intensity of burning and using protective gloves.

Treat your barbecue furnace carefully, and it will thank you for a long, impeccable service and delicious, nutritional dishes.

Video: Brick barbecue with your own hands

Having allocated a few days and a certain amount of money for the construction of a stationary barbecue from a brick, you will receive a unique construction in its plot, which will become the center of the gatherings with friends and relatives. Besides the fact that the garden furnace will give you the opportunity to please close delicious dishes, you will also get invaluable experience capable of raising your own self-esteem and increase the credibility among colleagues and acquaintances.

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It is difficult to imagine a holiday in a country house without fried meat on coal. Metal mangals, undoubtedly, are comfortable and inexpensive structures. But as if carefully you treat them, any metal goes around with time, and you will have to think about a new purchase. In addition, the metal brazier must be removed after use so that the hunters for someone's kind hunters are hung on it into your absence. The most correct and reasonable way out is to build a barbecue from a brick. The editorial board gathered for you, in our opinion, the most interesting ideas of finished projects, as well as detailed instructions for the construction of the foundation before the outer decoration.

Beautiful barbecue stove will decorate your yard

The main thing in the design of the garden brazier is the correct distribution of heat. For this, a barbecue and a brick bracket have three vertical walls and chimney for drawing products of combustion. The heat from the fuel rushes up, in the hood, so that such a manga has a pleasure. Such garden furnaces hold warm long, so you can fry not one meat batch until the coals are cooled.

This is all about the practical side of the case. But there is a purely aesthetic - such structures made with their own hands can become a real decoration of the recreation area on your site. Here the main thing is to comply with reasonable proportions and correctly combine the architecture of the structure with the general design project of the estate. The most popular today is a country style that combines rustic simplicity and practicality with thoroughness and special aesthetics. Natural stone in decoration and powerful canopies capable of hiding from bad weather - these are the main signs of this style.

Look at the photo, how the barbecued bricks may look like.

Pros and cons of brick barbecues

Skeptics may argue: why have it to be stood with such costly and heavy construction, when it is much easier to dispense by the mangal of the factory manufacturer from a thick-walled metal? Let's consider everything "for" and "against" a brick garden fireplace.

Long service life - such mangals do not rust and do not go beyond.A solid construction takes a lot of space, requires the selection of a separate platform, safe for working with open fire.
Excellent heat conservation, which allows economically to spend fuel and evenly deliver meat.The brick brazier is not mobile, it cannot be moved.
The possibility of incorporating a design into a common architectural ensemble, decent registration of the recreation area.For the construction of a barbecue, a special heat-resistant material is required.
The possibility of construction with their own hands and the variations of the finish.

The dimensions of the brick barbecue directly depend on your needs. Drawings and photos of various designs is easy to find on the Internet, will not be difficult to choose an option suitable for your yard.

Article on the topic:

Brick BBQ complex: dimensions and design

If you planned the construction of a street barbecue from a brick, it makes sense to consider a comprehensive design. It can be included in it working surfaces for arrangement of dishes and cutting meat, fuel storage woodcut, cauldron, additional tools for smoking meat and fish.

You can navigate to the following dimensions:

  • the minimum width of the furnace is 60 centimeters, optimal - 80. Dimensions of a lot depends on the brick used;
  • the height of the grill is 70 centimeters. These parameters can be adjusted for your height;
  • the furnace itself, the fuel scene is located in 10 centimeters below the grill;
  • barbecue height is at least 2 meters, and taking into account the chimney - all 3.

These are the size of the simplest design. Add countertops to them and other adaptations you need, and get the total size of the complex.

How to choose the right place for barbecue

Location - Important moment in the construction of a barbecue complex. There are several seats on the selection of territory:

  • the oven with open fire can not be built near wooden buildings and other flammable objects;
  • the location of the complex is better to choose away from home so that smoke and aromas of food are not in open windows;

  • smoke from the furnace should not disturb your neighbors, otherwise your plans for kebab can be torn by the arrival of the fire team.

If you summarize these requirements, it turns out that the best option is the location of the barbecue - the back courtyard from the leeward side.

Article on the topic:

Brick Barbecue Projects: Popular Models

Any construction starts with the project. It is impossible to do without it and in this case. A sketch of your future complex needs to be turned into a co-order. It is not easy, so for beginner masters, the best advice will take advantage of the drawings and photographs of the projects of a barbecue from a brick with a ready-made friend. So, it will be easy to imagine the location of each brick. This drawings for the manufacture of a barbecue of bricks can be found on many resources. We selected for you somewhat for example.

How to build a bake barbecue from brick do it yourself

It would seem that the construction of the mangala is a simple matter. Nevertheless, approach it is with full responsibility. From your approach will depend on the durability of the structure. Properly selected material and stable design, a good finish - all this is the essential of success.

Selection of material and necessary tools

For the construction of the foundation you will need cement, sand and gravel or rubble. Foundation reinforcement is performed using metal fittings. For an oven, in addition to bricks, you will need to buy a sheet of stainless steel, a metal pallet, a roof tile, a metal corner and a wooden bar.

And now about what brick is used for barbecue. Keep in mind: the brand can only be built from a special, refractory brick, and such qualities are far from every building material.

For the construction of a barbecue, only chamotte or ceramic brick is suitable. From chamotte, they usually make the fiber itself, and ceramic is used to build a pipe. The main requirements for brick for mangala:

  • brick density in technical documentation - from 20 to 100 units;
  • frost resistance (marked in the documents of the letter F) - from 30 to 300;
  • brick should not have cracks, chips or other visible defects;
  • the porosity of the material must be low, and the painting is uniform.

You can quickly check the brick right in the warehouse: knock on the hammer on it. From a good whole brick tool will bounce. Poor quality will immediately "pop up" cracks.

For work, the conventional bricklayer tools will be required: shovel and trough for the preparation of a binder mixture, trowel, construction level, a tool for the box.

Basics of drawing up the drawing of a barbecue brick

It all depends on whether you are going to build a stove with an exhaust or to build a gazebo around it. If it comes only about the mangale, it will come down and a primitive drawing with the calculation of sizes. It should be repeated from the dimensions of building materials. The foundation height is usually 3-40 centimeters, dimensions - one square meter. Under the roasting usually planned woodcut. It is much more difficult if you are planning a brick barbecue in a gazebo. Here you have to start with the layout of the Sport itself, the calculations of its area and the place of location of the brazier.

Before the mangal, there must be a meter of free square to be comfortable to cook. You still need to consider where the table will be located, and plan a place to nominate chairs.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a barbecue furnace with an oven and a cutting table

We will analyze how to independently create a monolithic barbecue with a brick with a cutting table.

IllustrationDescription of action
Work begins with the definition of the place and markup of the site under the barbecue complex. After marking, select the land for about 20 centimeters and install flights for fill.
Fill the cooked place with rubble and prepare the reinforced frame for fill.
Fill the prepared platform platform. Use high-quality grade cement for pouring no less than 300.
The bottom of the barbecue can be folded from foam blocks. They will not be subjected to heating, as they are not directly contacted with the roasting.
The author of this project used the original idea - applied to filling the base of the brazier wave slate. Made to it sides and secured on the solution directly on the base laying.
Fill the base with concrete mortar and wait a few days until it becomes.
For ferry, you need to make a metal pallet from thick-walled steel.
A small oven for the preparation of baking on the open fire can be made from the old gas cylinder.
After installing the stove, you can place a place for the roast and begin the laying of its walls.
Consistently follow the masonry. By the way, the rear wall can be made from the less "elegant" brick, as it will still turn from smoke after the first cooking.
To install the chimney pipe, gradually narrow the laying up.
The chimney tube can be adapted from a concrete pipe or an old metal barrel.
Cutting table lay out ceramic tiles. This surface will be convenient to wipe.
The bottom of the design must be closed. To do this, make wooden doors.
Install the doors and place inside the firewood and the necessary inventory for cooking: babysitters, grilles and so on.
Install over the roasting grid for meat. To install the grid in the masonry process, you need to withdraw metal pins to which it will rely.
Enjoy the process. In such a complex, you can cook pies, and bake meat and vegetables.

Video: Step-by-step brick barbecue

How beautiful to separate the barbecue from the brick

The design of the barbecue can be very diverse. You can use a natural stone, it looks very colorful against the garden background. Tile, colored bricks, plastering and using real tiles are popular with popularity.

There is a huge number of different projects, such as angular barbecue, complexes with a cauldron, with a gazebo, etc. The choice of models is limited only by fantasy. It is also necessary to take into account the features of the landscape design and the design of the arbor.

What to pay attention to when choosing a brick barbecue project:

  • Distance from home. The kitchen should be close to the street barbecue, so as not to go for the products or dishes too far.
  • The appearance of the furnace must correspond to the architectural features of your home and the landscape design of the plot.
  • With a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe local area, it makes no sense to choose a project with a large gazebo.
  • The foundation should be durable.
  • Choose barbecue projects that are most suitable in height and form.
  • The size or canopy must correspond to the number of resting people.
  • Pay attention to additional options. You may need a barbecue with a smokehouse or a cauldron.
  • By choosing the project you like, examine the design of the lattice and spit. They should be comfortable for cooking your favorite dishes.
  • It is necessary to preserve a safe and convenient pallet for coal, which should be well protected from wind gusts.

Brick barbecue with a cauldron

Especially popular among residents of country houses and dacnisters use a brick barbecue with a cauldron. With them, any event turns into a chic holiday. You can invite your friends to weekend, prepare delicious dishes in the fresh air.

Kazan is ideal for these purposes. Such a model will allow you to enjoy the taste of the aromatic Uzbek pillion, dollars or juicy meat with vegetables. Barbecue furnace with a cauldron can be purchased at an adequate price, but if you wish the maximum comfort, it is better not to get involved in excessive savings.

The oven with the cauldron can also be used as a conventional slab. It makes it possible to cook soup and cook absolutely any dishes. To do this, the hole is covered with a special cast-iron sheet.


Buing a barbecue complex on the territory of its country house, you will be transferred to a new level of comfort. You will not only prepare your favorite dishes, but also be able to simultaneously enjoy communication in the fresh air in a circle of loved ones.

But to achieve such a result, you need to study various barbecue projects and choose the most suitable for your requirements. First of all, pay attention to the technical parameters and characteristics on which the safety and reliability of the furnace depends. And only last time - on the appearance of the design.

Before embarking on the construction of a brick barbecue with your own hands, drawings should be made and calculated with their help the number of necessary building materials. At the same time, the scheme must be created independently, since the universal barbecue designs do not exist.

Drawing up a plan of events

During construction, we must be guided by the general instructions that act for any type of barbecue:

  1. the grill should be made not lower than 70-80 cm, taking into account the growth of the owner;
  2. the stove is traditionally located 10 cm below the grill;
  3. it should be provided for a niche for firewood and cabinets, a hook for forceps.

At the same time it is necessary to take into account all the minor details so that it was later convenient to use the construction. When drawings are ready, you should make calculation, make a plan of activities and prepare a list of building materials (including for the foundation).

The list of materials for basic works should be:

  • chamotte and facing brick;
  • clay and ordinary solution;
  • metal rods D-30 mm;
  • sheet of steel 5 mm;
  • fire doors and pissed;
  • grate.

And to improve the foundation:

  • construction mixture;
  • reinforcement rods;
  • plaques for formworking;
  • crushed stone and sand.

The construction of the furnace occurs on the slab base, the frame is erected from chamotte brick. After that, it is facing a stone. Suitable granite, sandstone, dolomite, brown stone. You can show fantasy and give the fireplace any bizarre form.

Why from brick?

Very often, mangals and barbecues for giving are created from the girlfriend: barrels and, a little less often you can see the welded structures (from the simplest to the artistic casting). Much less often make a barbecue brick with your own hands. Many are convinced that they practically do not differ from portable designs.

But heat distribution scheme in brick structures is completely different. The heat from coal in open mangals is directed up, making heat treatment of only one side of meat. Therefore, when processing, it is necessary to periodically turn the product on the other side to ensure its uniform frying.

The brick design of the barbecue acts as a brass cabinet, only without the door. Heat, reflecting on its inner surface, acts simultaneously to the entire surface of the product, providing its uniform processing.

This greatly improves the taste quality of dishes, makes them more juicy and gentle.

In this regard, it can be noted the following advantages of a brick barbecue compared to a metal brand:

  1. uniform processing of food;
  2. the ability to build complex structures with an additional hob, smoking, grill and washing;
  3. barbecue can be made one of the most attractive parts of the site.

How to make garden barbecue

Like any other building, the barbecue for the cottage is being built on the foundation. The pavilion must harmoniously fit into the design of the site. Since this pavilion is to have year-round use, it is better to build a garden type of the hearth.

The fireplace device must comply with the basics of safety, the pipe should be removed on the roof. The construction of such a design has a rather complicated technology. Externally and functionally it is a fireplace that is used to decorate the internal interior of the cottage.

Themed Material:

A gazebo or pavilion with a fireplace can be stylized under a fabulous hut for receiving guests or equip as a summer house with kitchen utensils, dining room furniture, a solester and a TV. If the barbecue is located in the pavilion, it is better to entrust its construction to specialists, but if there is a little experience, you can try to build yourself.

The basis of the elementary design of the barbecue is a quadrangular frame, coal is placed on which the grille is placed. Such a structure, like a fireplace, is desirable to make a multifunctional: down to build a woodcut, over it - a kitchen shelf, above - directly the barbecue itself, and smoking can be located above it.

In this case, the construction will be a multi-storey. It should be determined which the design of the future fireplace for the cottage should be, and then make drawings, and outline the construction plan.

Barbecyshnitz options

Considering the barbecue projects from the brick, sometimes there is a desire to supplement the drawings with their elements in accordance with personal preferences. Some future owners, when building a brick barbecue with their own hands, are equipped with an additionally mangal and stove.

Barbecue can be quite diverse:

  • barbecue Fireplace;
  • barbecue grill;
  • multifunctional structure;
  • barbecue with one hearth;
  • barbecue with mangal and Kazan;

Additional devices for such furnaces are very diverse. For example, oven, spit, tandoor, cauldron and others. Among the complex structures there are hand masonry and prefabricated.

An interesting idea is a complex. Stationary structures can be constructed in the form of a three-story design. Semi-finished products are located in the chamber on the lattices or hang. For cold smoking inside the chamber, clammer is placed with coals and a baking sheet with chip, and for hot - in the furnace put the lamps of the respective tree breeds.

Such a smokehouse has only one minus: it strongly absorbs odors. Therefore, if you process meat after fish, it will acquire a specific smell, and sometimes even a taste. In this case, it is better to make this device from iron.

Barbecue Barbecue

The positive aspects of the installation of the barbecue furnace consist of its decorative appearance and functionality. It is better to establish such a structure not outdoors, but in the pavilion or summer kitchen.

Consider a step-by-step barbecue plan for giving.

Step 1: Foundation

Originally elected a place to build. When placing a barbecue in the construction, it is necessary to prepare a foundation for it. Together with it there is a base for a barbecue furnace, it is similar to a slab foundation.

Kotlovan makes 0.3 m more design dimensions, and a depth of meter. The formwork is installed and the sand-gravel "pillow" is placed on its bottom. It is covered with the first layer of solution (0.2 m), and then steel bars are stacked like a lattice. From the end of the fill until the solution must pass 1-3 weeks.

Step 2: Preparation

Before starting construction, the construction materials should be selected. It should be remembered that for the construction of the oven requires two types of bricks: the main refractory and facing. At the same time, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace, only a chamotte brick-resistant chamotte brick is stacked with high temperatures, which has excellent heat-saving qualities and long-term heat transfer. And a standard refractory brand of brick is admissible as an outer decoration.

Step 3: Construction

The construction of the construct uses the order scheme (see below). It takes into account the usual sizes of bricks - 230 * 114 * 65. For the furnace and furnace, the laying of bricks should be carried out only on the clay solution, and in places that do not directly directly with fire is allowed to use the usual.

For a chamotal solution, a red clay, cement, sand and water is required.

Step 4: Fug

After the construction of the furnace in the furnace and the brazier, firewood is laid or coal, and then set on fire. This is necessary for firing the inner surface of the furnace walls. The heat is brought to the maximum possible.

This is one of the most functional ovens for giving. For small sites, a simplified scheme will fit. Choosing a type of garden barbecue must take into account all its parameters: functionality, dimensions, placement location in the country area. For convenience and durability of the design, it will be advisable to build a gazebo or pavilion.

Step 5: Drying

After going to the furnace, the next stage will be drying. It should be carried out in a summer time with clear weather - at least 5 days, and in the fall under cloudy - up to 20 days. At the same time, it should be covered with a possible rain with a protective film.

The final stage will be the decoration of the furnace. It should be released bricks from the surplus of the solution, to apply in the right places to highlight the seams. After that, the barbecue oven is fully ready for use for its intended purpose.