How to make an engine from the iron designer. Children's iron designer

Every year, the toy industry develops, offering the consumer all new products instead of old. The metal designer, a former inextric dream of every Soviet boy, seemed to have passed his position with more colorful plastic sets of LEGO. However, it is not necessary to think that the old Soviet invention is riveted in the fly, it is still in demand and continues to be issued.

Today's manufacturers began to produce it in a wider range, and now it looks much a more competitive product than before that.


The popularity of the plastic designer seems obvious: such material and brighter, and more convenient, and easier, and not poisonous, and the injury with it is much more complicated than the metal detail. However, it is precisely a set of metal much better than a child better, and a versatile.

  • The plastic details of the constructor are usually characterized by a very high attractiveness for kids, as they mimic what they must simulate in a specific assembly, but because of this, they cannot be applied in any other option.
  • Iron sets are completed from universal parts, allowing children's fantasy to play and create something original, including due to the compilation of parts from two different sets. In this case, the instruction that allows you to quickly assemble something specific, also present.

  • The parts of the Iron Designer there are no grooves that are simply inserted into each other, so each item has to screw themselves to another with the help of cogs, nuts and a wrench - everything you need, of course, comes with. It turns out that the assembly process becomes much more complicated, and therefore the developing effect is more expressive.
  • The iron designer is not created for the boys alone, they can use the girls. Perhaps the girl will be somewhat more difficult to come up with an unusual idea for an interesting assembly, but still it is possible.
  • Today, companies produce the widest range of sets of iron designer, because it is not difficult to choose something corresponding to a child (from a preschooler to a teenager).


Unfortunately, there are no such goods that there would be no shortcomings at all, and all the favorite metal designers, naturally, also have certain features that can push doubts about whether it is worth choosing such a gift. Children's railway designer has a number of shortcomings, which you need to know before buying.

  • Gifts of this kind are suitable except for senior preschoolers, because children under 6 years old buying this toy actually contraindicated. Even if the details of the constructor are made in fairly large sizes, nuts and screws with washers are still present in the set, which are very easy to swallow. Consequently, such a set is often perceived as school, while the relationship with the school and duties itself can reduce the interest of the baby to construct.

  • The iron designer allows you to independently make the most unexpected crafts, but this statement is more true in relation to adults, whereas for the kids the task may be rather boring. A child from 10 years and older will be able to deal with complex instructionsYes, and that - only in the presence of your own formed interest, and there can be no speech about the independent design of a new toy at an early age and speech. Consequently, children perceive work with such a designer in the school walls, rather as a duty than as an interesting and exciting game, which is due to the basic value of the set.

  • The insane popularity of plastic designers for children is largely due to their brightness, in this indicator they are significantly ahead of any competitors. Today manufacturers try to paint even metal sets, however it is unrealistic with the brightness of plastic competitors.As a result, the child perceives school design as not a very successful imitation of the game, instead of learning at ease.
  • Due to its strength, metal parts have an increased degree of injury.It is clear that in a high-quality set there should be no pointed or poorly treated surfaces, but at least one child's large detail can throw in another, and the blow can be quite strong. Children, alas, do not understand the dangers of such games and sweatshirts, and therefore, without thinking, can cause trauma with the help of gaming parts.


The varieties of metal designers are quite a lot - they can be small or large, intended for children of different ages, universal or narrow-controlled, promote the assembly of models from some particular industry. If the purchase is not carried out for a class or a mug, and for one child, all these parts must be taken into account.

It should be understood that the age recommendations are indicated on the box not just like that. Although the child may be ahead of his peers on the development or a little lagging behind them, in general, such instructions are very valuable, allowing you to understand whether the baby will be interested, and whether he can cope with the task.

At the same time, the task should still be quite difficult if the parents want to obtain an explicit effect of the development of the child's mental abilities.

And so that he did not bother, you will have to choose a set with a certain story, which is close to the child. It should be recognized that such products are more focused on the boys, no matter how hard the manufacturers have to expand the range, all the same kits relate mainly to assembling technology. But here is not so simple, so it is worth an once again to ask the sets offered in our time.

  • The topic of the future has always been popular among children, so the set from which the beautiful transformer robot will turn out to be an excellent gift for the baby.. As a rule, such sets do not assume a large number of models collected. However, the fact of the transformer suggests the presence of at least two variations of the finished model, unlike each other.

  • Children are also very interesting the topic of flights, and although the times of the Popular Population of Gagarin has long passed, The aircraft or helicopter of its own design will still be considered a very well-tone toy. Many boys dream to climb into the air, and have the right to say that you yourself assembled an aircraft, albeit a toy - this is a very significant argument for respect in the circle of friends.

  • Typical men's interests appear in the boys as a child, so the young mechanic will surely come up with the ability to collect various wheeled techniques.A good universal set gives excellent opportunities for this: you can collect a tractor or tank, a truck or even a simple motorcycle.

Such a 3D model, if you wish, you can even play, although it is more and a sign of engineering genius of the boy and the reason for his immeasurable pride.

You should not ignore the fact that now manufacturers have moved from the canon, according to which the metal designer must be a banal set of nuts and washers. Now even in a metal set, it is often part of the details from other materials, most often meant, of course, plastic capable of imitating tires of vehicles, transparent glass, and much more.

Another popular material for the manufacture of individual parts is tires, which also allows you to achieve greater truthfulness of the collected models than usually do not sin the classic versions of the designer of iron. However, revolutionary development is a classic screw designer with an electric motor.

On the one hand, there is nothing incredible in such a decision, on the other - the Soviet developers for some reason did not guessed to provide such an option. As a result of the addition of a simple mechanical motor, similar to what is used in toy plastic machines, the collected models can move independently!

Naturally, the parts are processed in such a way as to maximize the coincidence with the motor mounts, however, the young engineer self-esteem after working with such a gift simply raises: he literally collected a self-propelled mechanism! After such a childhood, the choice in favor of any technical or design profession should no longer be surprised, but such a way in our country is still considered honorable and profitable.

Features of choice

A wide variety of models presented in the market may confuse an inexperienced buyer because It is worth paying attention to important details that contribute to the correctness of the choice:

  • quality certification is the first sign that the product is worthy of shopping, especially since you can see it, without even unpacking the goods;
  • the age limit on the package is not just like this: it is not necessary to purchase a child for 4 years a designer designed for 9-year-olds, and vice versa;
  • poorly treated metal parts may cause injuries, so they should be examined for the absence of sharp edges or jar;
  • much attention should be paid to the quality of fasteners, which should not be problems with cuts and carvings, otherwise the entire set will be useless;

  • when buying a designer for children under 5 years old, there is still a relevant problem of swallowing small parts, because in the set there should be no fragments of less than 50 mm;
  • although overall metal is much safer than the same plastic in terms of environmental friendliness, the danger can represent the resulting rust or used poor-quality dye, so if there is a strange smell, it is better not to take goods;

A good constructor involves the assembly of numerous different models from one set, but in its direction they should at least partially affect the sphere of the interests of a particular child.


In certain situations, it should be simply trusted by the manufacturer who has proven itself due to quality products. The bulk of consumers is not in vain chooses one or another brand: in the age of information technologies, any serious defects would quickly become publicly public, so well-known manufacturers simply do not allow themselves to do their work badly.

Among Russian trademarks, it is worth allocating the Tenth Kingdom, which is focused mainly on products, designed for school lessons. You can not pay attention to the products of the Samodelkin brand, which took the name in honor of the Soviet cartoon character, assembled from the details of a similar designer. Russian designers are distinguished by good quality and quite a democratic price.

Imported sets deserve respect. Although Western toys are traditionally perceived as something bright and beautiful, and, we honest, superior to domestic analogues, even the Americans have variations on our iron designer. Another thing is that similar products looks much more beautiful, for example, outside may not be visible perforation done to screw the bolts.

On the other hand, such a designer is usually less universal, since it is a kind of lego, only made of metal. A good sample of such a product can be called sets manufactured by the American firm Meccano. Such a toy would take a worthy place in the nursery. However, the suggestion will be the assumption that imported products will cost parents much more expensive than the Russian.

But in Chinese products the quality is often as low as the price. It should not be argued that absolutely all Chinese metal designers are harmful, fragile or poorly processed, but such complaints are not so rare phenomenon. Decent samples come across, but a big problem is that the average Russian consumer does not remember the Chinese brands names, which is why the goods from China for him is always abstraction.

Such metal designers in recent years have become increasingly popular in Russia, including thanks to various purchase services directly from China by literally renting prices.

At the same time, it should be remembered what kind of acquisition - always the risk of spending money, albeit small, to the goods, which absolutely not deserved consumer attention.

Overview of the metal designer No. 7 (production of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod), see the following video.

Hi friends. A very long time did not make reviews of crafts of creative personalities. He could not allocate time for this, conducting his master classes, driving around the exhibitions IT () and starting their mini-earning and changes that wrote on the blog.

I will send descriptions for the pictures and the works yourself, and the author will announce itself in the comments, if he wants.

The first sets began to do as much as in 1901 in England.

Initially, there was an idea to create existing layouts to demonstrate projects, such as bridges.
But the material from which layouts collected should be universal. So the idea was born to use perforated stripes. Therefore, their models are obtained unique in the complexity of mechanical solutions and designer beauty.

Lift control node (stacker):

This is like a tiger tank.

An-2. It seems like.

Mini model. The idea is taken from foreigners, but our all details.

Cubism. The angular sides of the cubes of great and small. Big collected from the regular corners of the designer, and in Maltless Cuba put his parts for connecting the sides. The clearance turned out to be minimal.

Retro car took from Meccano (red) gathered from our items except wheels, headlights and covers on the hood.

Made templates for the manufacture of coated sheets from different firms. So far, only from the dialing of youth 4 converted to a millimeter standard. And sheets from the GDR-Ovsky set CONSTRUCTION 100. There are some duplicate drawings, it is for filling the sheet. Some details resemble a complete set of Mercur's set.
Drew in Word program. It seems, it did not work badly, but it is better to make templates on millimeter paper. It will be more accurate.
The material will take from the covers of bougal folders. There are folders with a normal thickness. I would like more, but what is, then we will use it ..
Thrust holes with a set of pixels for recipe for holes in rubber. It is not expensive worth about 300 rubles

This turned out to be a retro memory truck. There are homemade details, it is a loop on the doors, wheels and many other converted details from our sets. Trial option to make improvised headlamps from Ketchup. In principle, in these caps, you can install LEDs and power the headlights. It is possible to also add this model with loop on the body and the lifting mechanism for the body. Although the lifting mechanism is for another type of trucks. Or make a roof on the body or put awning. I think from Lego, add colored overall lights. You can paint the black paint wheel, it is like to highlight the external wage, as if the model has rubber wheels.
How people think, can I recommend manufacturers to create such a set?

How I make a loop.
Yes, the lesson is long, vigorous and ungrateful. A little distracted and all ... loop on the release.
And so, we take the panel 5x5 or 5x10, it is better than 5x10 there the metal is easier to begot. We deploy on the anvil turns on the panel and outlined future blanks for loops. Everything can be seen in the photo.
Well, then the case of the technique ... Mode, Genne, saw, nails mode, and drive the loop to each other.

Attempt to make gear sets.

It turned out such an expression ... not a well-known model of the aircraft ... objections and comments are accepted. 🙂

I decided to continue the collection of old tanks of the time of war. This time it is the English Tank Cromvell MK 4 (A27M). This is the first version of the model. I will clarify some small details, maybe I will add some small details on the tower. Caterpillars will not put. Perhaps the way they are after the disassembly of the KV-1. We must still break the wheels. The tank gun made from the telescopic antenna.
Where two tanks together are strongly seen how the coating of iron in the air is oxidized. It becomes pale, matte, then starts to darken. Iron on the second tank lay all this time in the package. Constructors were bought almost simultaneously. Conclusion: the poor one of our coverage, although not all manufacturers of designers. Anyway, soblot!

Sample make big wheels 3 and 4 option

Part of my tool.

Here is the continuation of the retro series. This is the Paris Taxi of the early last century. This is not a complete analogue, any model. In those days there were a lot of models of this type, and the series of cars were very not significant.

Mekano has decent models for re-construction, our material and technical base is very small and depends on the amateur wallet. Not everyone wants to spend several thousand rubles for 3-4 dozen details.
In short, the model is not yet a finite option. It is necessary to make the front bumper and the rear too. Maybe it's worth hanging the spare tire from behind. On the roof make fences for suitcases.
In short, take another model for assembling from domestic parts to criticize. I tried to paint the wheels from an ordinary aerosol can with alkyd enamel for internal and external work, it turned out not bad, in my opinion.

That is what I remember my childhood. Easy including because of the abundance of interesting techniques and iron around. Parents, especially dad, surrounded me with small nails - then the engine from Zaporozhets on the kitchen table, then disassembled to repair a color tube TV, then a portable radiol of Mriya, who was able to play a gramplasty on weight. But most importantly, my parents sometimes bought various interesting constructors. And the most memorable for me was a set of "Electrical Engineering in 200s".

Photos from the virtual museum and reference book - Domestic radiotechnics of the twentieth century

Now, unfortunately, there are no such, including abroad. I constantly look at the shelves of stores with toys and in our country, and when I go through Europe. There is nothing like that. And this designer was good because he combined a lot of various parts and components, from which it was possible to collect both toys and conduct entertaining physical and electric experiments. For example, you could collect telegraph.

Photo from the community Made in Leningrad

Or the electric motor-fan, or self-made galvanic battery, in general, the designer corresponded to the name - one could collect two hundred unique crafts, not counting their invented.

And now, when my son is growing, I also want to surround it with interesting technical pieces. And one of them is such a designer. I don't want to buy uncomplete used 30 years old, because there is a tragedy :) Yes, and it is almost impossible to find it on the flea markets. But it is quite possible to collect something similar from the available details, and without much effort.

First, the basis, ordinary inexpensive metal designers who still can be bought in toy stores.

And secondly, what will revive this constructor will add movement. These are motor, wires and batteries. Where to take them? Ha, sure if you have children, you know what Chinese toys are. They certainly buy as a gift to children both parents and grandmothers, acquaintances, guests of the parents. All these flying dogs, jumping machines, bunting aircraft - all this breaks in an hour (day, week) and flies in the trash. But they flew into the trash only after the mining of them the main treasure :)

DC motors. Given the fact that children are growing four, it has accumulated this wealth. What do these motors help? But what. Somehow a couple of years ago, we pissed down with my son in my instruments and I suddenly suggested him, and let's collect a car from the stick. Who will not agree to this? We took a trim of some kind of bar, a motor, nails, a AAA battery and grind up it in 30 minutes.

From nails and sticks, literally, it turned out a non-market self-propelled toy. The child did not let her out of the hands all evening, and after showed all guests - "see what a pope of the Limousine and I have done!" But I decided, it's time to do such things at a more serious level. At first we collected a windmill, a memorable object from the last journey in Europe.

It turned out so cool that only one remained, stocking details for such crafts in sufficient, industrial, quantities :) on the market I purchased any switches, battery holders, rubber bands. Grandmothers and acquaintances were said that now our best gift is a metal designer. And after some time, my son became owners of the most steep set of possible. It was possible to start to create.

The next our craft is a plane. Two-door fighter.

Where the plane, there is a helicopter. The son-carrying screw was tuned by two additional floors, so it seemed better to him.

With this toy helicopter, the child played longer, for the carrying screw was easily used as a disk saw Bulgarian - a helicopter was poured a lot of things in the house - to the joy of mom :)

Now she walks with reluctance, it is necessary to register the mechanism.

But immediately after the manufacturer, a shagish car, as her son nicknamed, he had a cheerful tread on all :)

And the latest of our crafts. For its manufacture, I bought a set of radio control on Aliexpress, a remote control with a receiver, a motor with gearbox and wheels, a steering servo and a motor control scarf. All these things are available on Ali shaft of a variety of sizes, capacities, opportunities. We made a radio-controlled tricycle with full-fledged control - gas, brake, steering.

Duri in this furious tricycle so much that it is difficult to touch without slipping. But it is easy to make a police turn.

Below the video of an unequal battle of a mad typewriter and caterpillars. The caterpillar and I were collected for the exhibition in kindergarten, there I needed a handicraft from a natural material, well, we were from coconuts, chestnuts and elements of the designer built a real zooooooooochine slow caterpillar. Became due to the gear of the tracks of the video slightly tightening, "

These wonderful things can be made from an ordinary metal designer, debris of old toys and some number of purchased parts. The only necessary parent's skill is to be able to solder a little, without it it will be difficult with all these wires, switches and batteries. Well, of course, fantasy, but usually children have even more than adults, so attract the child, he will tell you what to do.

There is, of course, another way. For example, ready-made sets of Lego. Lego has a windmill.

There are all sorts of racing cars and trucks.

In general, Lego has everything, including robots and sets for their configuration and programming.

But personally does not lie to Lego Soul. And the son has a problem with Lego, once the toy dropped, and she is to smit on small cubes, it's very disappointing to collect all. And it is worth Lego Nemeryan, especially interactive robotic kits with motors or limited series of all sorts of stars from star wars. Our metal will be even taking into account the purchase of remotes to Ali.

There is also an original metal designer, mekkano. But he is again very expensive and get it in our lands not easy. Therefore, here is the final photo of our wealth.

The metal designer is considered a complex toy and embodies the dream of any boy "work" with tools similar to adults.

The cold metal fascinates, allows you to create the most complex models of an engineering screwdriver, keys, bolts and screws. An interesting model for assembling the model will seem not only to children, but also adults. Metal intellectual toys are a real excursion to the world of children's thinking and fantasy.

The main idea of \u200b\u200btoys

The equipment of each product consists of components, similar to those that store dad in their drawer with tools: nuts, brackets, screws, other fasteners. All this seems to be a baby as a real, only executed in miniature.

Metal items are bonded with each other by screwing the bolts suitable. The plates can be straight, curved, narrow or wide, each element of the plate is perforated with holes.

This makes the designer universal, makes it possible to create models, guided by fantasy only. Sets with a variety of elements allow you to collect the designs of various scale and varying degrees of complexity.

Samples of finished products are depicted on the package, the assembly scheme and instructions for use are attached. The boy can successfully create unique mechanisms and facilities, collect crafts for school and pre-school sessions and play the game collected models.

Self-made toys - the subject of the boy's pride, so do not ignore child interests, it is important to attach a child to design from an early age.

A smart toy will allow parents to pass the child for a long time and go about their affairs.

Before starting the game, it is important to explain to the child that initially the design may not work, but the correction of errors will further achieve the desired results. The solution of the set and non-standard tasks is the main purpose of the national team.

Differences from other species

Call a metal designer toy is difficult, rather, it refers to serious intellectual work conjugate with creativity. Collecting the components of the elements, the child is constantly referred to the instructions, develops the smelting, patience and gets the result of its hard work in the form of a finished machine or construction crane.

In the game, there are many small elements that need to be carefully combined with no grooves, which is inherent in other types of assembly toys, and bolts, washers and nuts with a special toolkit. Details When designing, you need to constantly recalculate in order not to be mistaken when installing the necessary items.

The assembly structure has movable components that can be loosen or delay depending on the nature of the finished product. From the metal elements of one model, you can create others, and it is not always necessary to act according to the instructions. This will allow the child to develop and improve the logical line of imagination.

By establishing the interaction of items according to the type of compound, the baby builds his own approach to the process, forms personal preferences, raises self-esteem. With the proper design of complex parts into the finished design, the boys experience indescribable pride in the invention.

Advantages of gaming assembly:

  • Universality and the ability to deviate from the instruction;
  • Details of different modifications and special tools complement each other;
  • Suitable for practicing solo children;
  • Divided by age and intellectual development.

For preschoolers, such a designer is suitable as a training for school and labor disciplines. Interest in the assembly of products made of metal changes the behavior of many children, developing prostibilities, a concentration of attention, contact with adults at the level of discussion of action associated with the assembly of the required product.

It is proved that the designer's assembly develops a clear and beautiful handwriting in a boy, which is important when you see clear lines and alphabetic designations.

Benefit from smart toy

Metal plates with perforation for the design of steel are known last century. The manufacturers of designers in those years were unlikely to be guided by serious pedagogical motifs, because the world of bright plastic was not yet conquered, and the tree and metal were basic materials for the manufacture of children's toys.

The popularity of the logical toy from the metal did not slow down the turnover, but on the contrary, interest in it is intensified every year.

The game assembly toy is designed to collect not only parts from the instructions, but also others that can only come to mind. This allows you to develop imagination and logic.

Assembly toys from metal are designed for children from 5-6 years. In some cases, they are used in labor lessons in kindergarten and school, for the manufacture of crafts.

In the process of zealous lesson, boy:

  • gets of technical thinking and logic aces;
  • develops fine motility of hands;
  • develops concentration;
  • development of creative potential and systemic thinking;
  • increases attentiveness and coordination of movements.

The psyche is developing a sense of satisfaction, after collecting the model and adequate self-esteem.

The assembly and design was always considered a good way to relieve tension and stress, develop a personal opinion about themselves, learn how to make achievable goals and overcome difficult tasks.

Boys these abilities will help in the future, as many technical specialties in higher educational institutions are widely available for them. Proper systemic thinking makes it possible to increase school performance.

Types of metal designers

Now metal designers have many modifications, and the assembly can be used the most unusual models. Classic machines, cranes, steam locomotives - today were very modernized until unrecognizable.

The kid can collect a real aircraft, a tower, a truck with a big body. The dimensions of the constructor vary from medium to large, and the number of parts in the kit is always different from each other.

Many modern types of designers are equipped with electronics. It is very exciting, as the illusion of the game is created truly: with tanks, machines, signal missiles and other things. Technical devices after assembly are capable of publishing characteristic sounds, highlighted, some movable parts can be controlled remotely.

If the constructor is classic, without additional devices, then the kid itself manages the finished product.

A logic game of metal can be produced for small children from three years and for older children. They are distinguished by some complexity of the assembly and the level of intellectual perception in children.

Mini-designers are suitable for beginners. They are characterized by a small number of details, the simplest assembly and instruction scheme.

Completion of metal designers

Items are strict quality control from manufacturing to packaging. Depending on the type and type of assembly, the fragments of the designer can include cords, plastic or rubber parts. Included to the designers there is a set of assembly tools and instructions.

If necessary, special notes and scheme of non-standard combination of fragments, the use of elements with electronics, security rules at the moment of the game are indicated.

How to choose a metal designer

Buying a logical metal toy should be thought out, since the type of classes refers to serious. It is worth considering some nuances that do not push the baby from further design and self-development.

  • Marking on packaging about mandatory quality certification;
  • Designation on the packaging about age limit;
  • Metal plates for inspection must be smooth, without pointedness and untreated protrusions;
  • Fasteners are required to be clear cuts and threads without visible marriage;
  • Details of toys for children under 5 years old should not be less than 50 mm;
  • The product should not be smelling paint and rust;
  • All components of fragments must comply with security requirements.

Themed directions

When buying a gaming assembly toy, parents are often guided by the child's preferences. It is impossible to attract his attention to uninteresting classes, so manufacturers are developing models of metal designers, taking into account the interests of young inventors. Adopted areas include designers in technical and futuric style.

Technical style

Aims to create classic combat and specialized machine models: armored vehicles, tanks, military aircraft, guns, firefighters and signaling machines with beacons, police crews and motorcycles, tower and lifting cranes.

This type of assembly game is suitable for older children, in order to further use the finished product as an addition to its own toy collection.

Futuristic style

The direction is characteristic of creating famous cartoon heroes. In the configuration of such assembly games there are additional parts from high-quality bright plastic, cords, rubber bands.

This game is suitable for an earlier age category, has large-size fragments, bright color solutions. Cartoon characters are associated with the baby with a positive. Finished products can be used as a toy or room decoration.