How to make a hunting house. Distinctive interior in hunting style (66 photos)

Parking. Construction of a house in a taiga for hunters

Here is our old and so native Polyana, where our first residential building stood. The place has already grown up the young threshold and we have already had to cut down a rapid pool. Five years ago I had to produce a total ass, getting rid of thin stiff burtures that grew up with me with the growth and walked all the free space in the glade.

Started July 25, 2009. In two days cleared the place and put the salary - the first crown, the foundation of the entire future construction site

Prepared Brenna for several future crowns, sawed in size, Okrilly. Before leaving, put another pollen.

There were days when it was raining in the morning and before the evening - sometimes drizzling, and sometimes shower. Then we threw more firewoods to the fire, so that you could come from time to time and getting it, they put on a chemical protection raincoat and worked on.

In the rain, the performance of our work fell at times. Raincoats did not significantly rescue from the ubiquitous moisture. Brica were slippery and resembled large slices of soap. It happened that the day did only half avent. Well, the mood was under the weather - gloomy. But the construction nevertheless continued. Already stuck sex. Slowly but the crowns grew by one for one. And now the outlines of the future hut are already visible (we also called this "outlines in our language"). In this context: "Well, already some contours are drawn!"

Near the roofing work. We design and collect the roof of our future dwelling. On earth, it is much easier to prepare the design and more convenient than in place, we invent construction in the course of construction.

The following photo is so-called damn. This is the second to significantly our tool after chainsaws. They did it themselves (or rather did Max). In stores I have never seen anything like that, it is needed for marking logs for the selection of longitudinal grooves.

In the title of the tool already laid its purpose. The feature is birching. Brica is not an ideal form, despite the seeming roundness and the correctness of the form, they have bugs, pumped, irregularities from cut bitch. The line spent on two businesses marks all the irregularities and bends, and if you cut the groove on correctly birching, they will lie tightly on each other, without leaving the gaps.

The above-mentioned log should be put on the place where it will later be located, fix it, so as not to play, did not swing and not let God have fallen. The more accurately they are birching, the less work will then with their fit to each other. Therefore, it is not necessary to hurry. It happens, of course, that even a diligently embarrassed log later, nicknames do not want to go to his place and you can spend half a day on his fit. And it happens and vice versa - it was hidden, and it fell as if everything was there. After the log is threatened, it needs to be removed, turn over with our stamps up, and choose a chainsaw. First sawing along, making from three to five longitudinal cuts (depending on the thickness of the log).

Then drink across, here the number of cuts is unlimited. The more often transverse cuts, the easier it will then be to choose the groove.

Choose a groove ax, first need to knock out all the "cubes" that have been wrinkled. And then it is cleaned and adjust, to grab the groove. (To my great regret, the photo of the logs with the selected groove was not preserved). Then the log swallow and put on the log house, on which the log on which was bred, without forgetting before it put on the bottom log moss, it is better wet.

Now I will make a small lyrical digression that I dedicate to the boards. Boards ... oh, it is probably the most difficult part of the construction. There are no roads to winter. Brought to the forest carrier to an abandoned career. And then about 2 km - on yourself. There were 65 boards. Of these, 17 fortifications and 48 inches. Boards 3rd grade, raw and heavy. Were so: first 1 fortification + 1 inches (17 walker). Then they drag out all the inches, three boards at a time (10 walker). They wore three days, also the fourth convicted a little.

Well, the log house is finally raised. Stop ceiling, rafters are exhibited. EVERYTHING CURRENT AND CURRENT "Draw out contours."

It's time to cut the window on the opening. By the way, the frame with glass found on an abandoned career. So the discovery was adjusted by the size of the found frame.

The boards were sewn, it is necessary on this side of the roof Ruberoid to sharpen. I stand and think how convenient it will be done. I say Julia: "We'll have to make a staircase, it will not work without it." In general, while I thought I did not notice how my wife climbed onto the roof and shouts to me from there so that the referee. "We," says, - half a day will leave the stairs, and the referee can be seated.

In general, I did not expect such construction talents in it. Yes, so deftly it turned out. She pounded, nailed, and I was so, on pickup, as in that prompt - bring, feed, went to FIG, do not bother! (joke).

We bring the last gloss, eliminate small defects. In one place broke the rubberoid when wept. Most likely in that store where we bought it, he was kept lying. I had to close the hole. To do this, a piece of rubberoid is tagged and kicked it with hot gudron.

But the most solemn moment is the first flooding stove. Everything - wintering came to life, breathed. Here is another taedle hut more became more. The sacrament has happened ...

Winter built. And I finish my story. I will sum up. Built from July 25, 2009 to August 23, 2009. For almost a month, it is with breaks. In general, on the rack left the full 14 days. It was possible to build and faster, but the rains were greatly interfered, taking the pace of work on no.

In addition, 4 days out of 14 we wore boards and other materials. Consolidated 10 liters of 92th gasoline and 10 liters of oil for the chain. Building materials: "Inch" board 3rd grade - 48 pieces, board "Society" 3rd grade - 17 pieces, rubberoid - 2 rolls, insulation "Eau return" - 1 roll, well, a small one - nails of different "calibers" , door handles, hooks, brackets, and tools - axes, colongs, nails other.
We came to wintering in the evening. We booked tea, melted the stove in the hut. At night, they thought a little with the help of an outbreak. So our winter looks from the inside.

Flakes flooded, divided the fire, boiled tea. Yulka, drinking another pill from the flu, faced for a few minutes. In the end, I slept almost all day. I won't wake her - let him sleep. During this time, the door and door frame insulated the felt strips. Nasolol firewood. I did everything without a fuss, it does not hurt anywhere. But the most important thing - insulated the gap of the place where the pipe passes through the ceiling. On one hunting forum, the Council asked how best to do, many and in the case responded. But chose the Dmitry Council (om_babai) as the easiest. Here are photos of how it was and how it became.

A real hunting house is a small structure built using the minimum set of construction tools and materials. Such a building serves primarily as shelter from bad weather during hunting, fishing, as well as the collection of forest gifts - berries and mushrooms.
As in any structure, the basis of the hunting house is the foundation. For this purpose, the forest is quite suitable for this purpose. The logs should be cleaned with a bayonet shovel from the bark and let them dry for six months. When you finally decide on the place for future construction, it is necessary to put logs around the perimeter. The walls of the house are erected from infirred materials. The most affordable construction material can be called forest-round forest. Previously need to prepare the required amount of material. Iron brackets can be used as an attachment.
Each row of trees is additionally paved with moss. In this case, in the house at any time of the year there will be warmth. In addition, the hunting house will not need to be additionally caught.
An indispensable attribute of any hunting house is a banquette. Do not forget about this subject of the interior when developing the design of the future house. And for complete comfort, the mattress 140 190 will be comfortable, then sleeping in the house will be very comfortable and can be perfectly resting after tiring in the forests and lakes. Convenient mattress 140x190 is the most convenient and optimal size for any room.
As the overlap, use the same wood-round. To do this, with the help of chainsaw logs divide in half. The ceiling is insulated with moss and earth.
If you want to build a building with a single-sided roof, enough during construction just lift one side of the house, and the skate to do another. Iron sheets are suitable as the roof material. This is the only material that you will need to bring from the construction store. If you plan to make the window and oven in your house, you will also need brick and glass.
Best for a hunting house will fit the global floor. For this, part of the unborn oily clay and three parts of straw or sawdust are mixed. This solution needs to be gently put on the logs and thoroughly tumble.
From the inside the surface of the walls must be carefully launched. The wall solution is made from one piece of clay and three parts of the sand. The walls must be pre-clogged with thin rails, thus making a kind of grid. The lattice must be fill with mortar and carefully dissolve. Now you have a hunting house completely ready!

There are many facilities that allow a person to create them independently without the use of heavy machinery and expensive materials. This can be said about the residential premises, for example, hunting house. Its building should not take a lot of time, as this is just a way to escape from bad weather or other emergency situations. It is perfect for those who prefer hunting or fishing in one place.

Hunting house - how to choose an area

Usually the size of such a building is small, since there is no need for a lot of space for personal belongings. Anything you need - this is accommodating your hunting equipment, and actually yourself. If you go hunting at night, then personal things and hunting will be slightly more. Do not forget that go hunting at night, you will need in any case thermal sight. It allows you to see thermal radiation emanating from animals at night.

How is the construction of a hunting house

To build a house quickly, but at the same time qualitatively, it is necessary to correctly determine the stages of construction, the necessary materials, sizes, layouts and other criteria.Consider the main stages of such a construction site:

  • As in any building, specialists need lay the foundation of. For a forest house perfectly suitable forest-roundabout. To create it, you need to clean the tree from the bark and dry for six months.
  • Cross the selected place and put a tree.
  • Of course, the main material for the construction will be the log house. Select a tree, also clean it from the bark and process. It is best that the logs be the same size. To fasten them, you will need metal brackets.
  • So that you can use the house in the cold time and do not freeze it is necessary to cover the facilities with moss. It will close the gap and delay heat.
  • The roof of the hunting house is tedious to do a single one. It is best to use to create a roof and iron.
  • Floor make clanobeton.
  • Inside the wall must be needed plaster. To do this, you need to mix the clay and sand solution in the 1 to 3 ratio.

Garden and hunting houses are becoming increasingly distributed in today's construction. A separate hunting house in the forest will ensure the comfortable stay of the company of like-minded people who are passionate about this type of fishing. After tedious walking through the forest in search of mining, rest in a comfortable housing will be doubly pleasant.

The location of this building should be as comfortable as possible and close to the hunting grounds. According to Russian legislation, construction in protected areas and forest arrays requires a special permit, the production of which is associated with the mass of the conditions. If you want to build a hunting hut, which is presented to the video, be sure to get ready for several weeks of special instances.

It is easier to acquire a plot in the settlement in close proximity to the forest massif.

For the construction of a house in hunting style will be required. The procedure for issuing this document is determined by the Urban Planning Code and the Administrative Regulations. Permission can be obtained both independently in the department of architectural supervision, and entrust this business to the specialists of the contractor's company. The second option is preferable especially for occupied people.

Usually, the construction site on the foundation is based on the onset of a steady warm period. The type of reference design is determined at. For low-rise buildings from wood, the ribbon foundation of small embedding is predominantly used. The base in the process of work is reinforced with steel or composite rods.

Technology masonry a simple ribbon foundation of small embedding

For many years, North Forest has been developing and successfully implementing projects of houses for hunters, because these people are more likely to choose the rest to nature with the goal of not only to relax, but also to hone their skills. Hunting is a serious lesson who is given entirely and completely. Therefore, it is important to always have a reliable dwelling, in which you can not only hide from bad weather, but also comfortably spend time.

In our assortment, we offer a whole range of sizes from which you can choose the project home of the hunter from the logs of the size and layout you need. All plans are drawn up by real professionals of their case, taking into account the SNiP and the knowledge of all the nuances. Therefore, you can be sure: ready-made solutions are close to ideal, but we value an individual approach, so we make changes to your adjustments without any problems (unless, of course, they do not conflict with the construction norms) to the project.

House, who is always happy, is a bath. Our company has a special offer: a small building that initially can be used as temporary housing, adapting a bath part to the living room, and then, after building the main place of residence, by direct value. At the same time, this option is superbly looking at the site where the project of the House of the Hunter House is built, and perfectly complements it functionally.

The latter mentioned above has the largest number of varieties, of which everyone can choose what is suitable for him. The most modest variation in the collection is the 78-meter house project. The hunter who wants to save, but at the same time get a cozy and comfortable dwelling is simply obliged to pay attention to a similar solution. Despite the small size, the building has two floors and provides the owner with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bthe plan already takes into account the living room, kitchen-dining room, bathroom, storage room, economic room and three more bedrooms!

More large-scale options (from 100 to 121 square meters) make it much more interesting and more profitable to use the existing space by providing space for individual solutions. It is a prerequisite for any building is good thermal insulation, and we guarantee that even our big houses are well preserved heat even during junior frosts due to high-quality materials and advanced technologies used in construction, as well as due to the fact that at the stage of planning the qualified specialists make up the project at home.

Hunter House - the most universal and original version. A huge area in 201 sq.m opens up opportunities for the flight of designer fantasy, as well as to improve additional rooms (such as steam room) directly inside the building and allows you to feel free and spacious on each meter.

If you are seriously passionate about the hunt and are looking for or even just want to have a wonderful universal country house with everything you need for a kindupic rest, be sure to familiarize yourself with the projects of the hunter's houses. Most likely, you will find what you need.

One evening, a paler 20 * 20 mm was hitting my eyes, or rather, I stumbled on them again once, making your way to the workshop.

"Fate" - I said out loud, and echo familiar answered differently.

I lifted her hacksaw and ruthlessly saw on equal cuts

It seemed to me a little and finished the poor lumps by the mill. There was one of the first turning moments (not in life, of course) of that evening. Suddenly there was an insight - which can come from this soup.

Whether it is lying, or nonlapitsa ... such a form appeared.

Under the hot hand, the old box was caught from under oranges, in the cat Cheburashka illegally crossed the border.

... walked the last day of the winding work ...

In the process, an understanding and another revelation came that a house was built, a night light. Whose house will be a secret for me.

House without furniture - Empty box

Already more fun, there is where to sit down and why knock on a spoon. Without the doors, now there is no time - the times are not ... here it also connected the spouse.

We have places, although not the northern, but without the stove in winter, oak can give.

The house should be with the amenities, albeit in the yard.

Conducted electricity, boiled 3V on the battery, put the switches. Digid all this in WC.

And then the collective fantasy suffered us on endless creative fields. Somehow the owner of the construction was determined between the case - let it be a hunter. I wanted to shove so much there, but ... somewhere there was not enough knowledge and skills, somewhere the necessary materials. They built as they could, fueled by simple enthusiasm and receiving an incredible bua from what is happening.

... Beats in a cramped fire ...

May the light be!

By the way, everyone tried to do from wood. Everything was previously considered trimmed, and now it became just a treasure of ideas. Joiner and Morida - our faithful helpers.

Slightly caught up in the snow. And then outside the window to slush and calendar December is not glad.

A little comfort. Hot kettle, interesting book ...

Gun. Everything according to the classics - hanging and waiting for its o'clock.

Well, the final version of what happened. Sani and skiing for winter pokatushek

Hut, hut, stand up to the forest before, to Ivan's rear ...

Quiet flames in the window, someone lives there.

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? For experienced hunters, this is not difficult. People who are passionate about their work or beloved occupation are eating cozy and warm houses with everything necessary for overnight stays along the path or even accommodation for some time if an unexpected situation happened.


Any hunter-fisherman, having a forest site at its disposal, plays a wintering network. Typically, the network consists of the main hut, where you can live constantly, and small winterings, in which you can spend the night along the path. Therefore, the distance between wintering should be equal to one day transition.

The main purpose of the hunter's hut is a roof over the head and strong walls that can cover from the bubble frost, an evil blizzard, a pouring wind (a common version of the insulation of walls of moss is shown in the figure below) and the dangers of night taiga (bearings, so you need to think about the additional Domiking). In winter, there are always some long-term storage products and firewood for a week. Doors in such houses do not close, so that every hunter, forester, mushroom or tourist, which is lost in the taiga, could survive in harsh conditions.

By the way, not only hunters live in small huts, but also herger or indigenous peoples of the North, who know how to build a hut in the forest very quickly. More thans, of course, the construction of winter fishers are engaged in wintering.

Preparation of space for construction

How to build a wintering in the forest with your own hands? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the search for a suitable place to build a house. The main enemies of the hunting base are people and bears. It is desirable that the lodge is generally available only for a person who built it, the maximum - for his closest environment (friends, relatives).

You need to build in a secluded place. Holes should not stand on the banks of the river, on the trail or road, the house should not be seen from the transport passing nearby. So, a distant plot is required. Separately, it is necessary to take into account the viewability of space depending on the presence or absence of foliage on the trees. The listed rules are hard to observe on relatively populated areas. In general, the fishing hidden hidden eye of an extraneous eye can only be in a deserted and wild taiga, in other forests to hide very hard.

The house should not be seen from the air. It is desirable that the helicopter could not sit next to. For this, the logs for the construction takes place not to quickly near the hut, and the part next to the rest is in other places. The most reliable way to hide the house is better - to move away kilometers for 20-25 from the nearest road. This is an approximately day transition.

An approach to winter from the relatively visited place should not be allocated. There should be no trails or roads. The path to the hunting house can run, for example, on stones in line with a dry stream or through a yelnik, where a spring-free coofer is under his feet. Some especially cautious hunters will even pass to their winter every time different expensive.

It is advisable to choose a place on a small omission protected from a strong wind, in the pit. It will save the lower crowns from strong torrential rains and spring floods. In no case cannot build a hut in the ravine. It is permissible to build a house only on a small hill or even terrain. Nearby should be a source of pure drinking water (stream or river).

Choosing and preparation of materials

How to build a hunting house in the forest? A place for construction must be cleared if necessary. The forest will go to the wints, and the stumps usually burn out. The first crown of a small hut is better to do from larch, because this tree rotes more slowly compared to the rest. If no larch is not, then from what is. Under the crown you can put stones or lay the logs immediately to the Earth.

The main material for the construction of a house is the trees of coniferous rocks. Pine and larch are excellent, but you can use fir or fir, cedar. Cedar can be chopped without pity, because thinning sanitary logging clears the place for stronger and large trees. Thick trees are not suitable, the optimal diameter is 15-25 cm. The first few crowns are better to do from the thicker logs, and then use less thick.

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands, that is, without any help? It is more difficult, but it is quite possible. You can drag the logs to the place of construction alone. The experienced Taigans say that raw pine (25 cm in diameter) will weigh approximately 40 kg per meter. For one person, there is enough length of 3-4 meters. The four-meter log will weigh about 120 kg.

It is not necessary to raise the log in a whole log, it is easier to drag the wolf. It is hard, but quite real for one person. If it is absolutely difficult, then you can cut the trees of fond, but then the materials will be required more in quantitative terms. The figure below shows how to pump a tree.

How many materials will need for construction? The optimal height of the walls is 180 cm. So a person of medium height does not have to bend. It turns 9 logs per wall (180: 20 \u003d 9). The walls are four - 36 logs. Additionally, we need wood on the floor and roof. The forest can be chopped with a margin.

Different methods of laying crowns

How to build a hut? From prepared materials, that is, logs, first need to remove the bark. For ham, a pointed shovel is used, a taiga ax or scraper. In early May, the bark is already moving well, but it is better to still use trees prepared in winter. The dried logs are heavier to process, but they are much easier.

The crowns can be laid "in the paw" or "in the bowl". The option is simpler - "in Polterev". The method "In the bowl" allows you to achieve a better fit of the logs to each other, that is, the probability of the occurrence of cracks is significantly reduced. Between the logs is stacked by raw moss. It is better to use the raw, because it does not crumble, dries together with the logs and is a natural preservative, which will slow down the rotting of the tree. MHA must be used more so that no gaps remain.

Additionally, you need to strengthen the corners and window shutters. Bears live in the deaf taiga forests, who often break the house "from the corner". To the wall, window sills, along the corners, behind the threshold and on the threshold often laid apartments with undisguised rally. Hunters are called their "hedgehogs".

How to make floor and roof boards

How to build a hut in the woods? Walls are just the beginning. Next, you need to put the floor, make windows and doors, build a roof. For sex, you need boards that are being done in place. It is necessary to pick up all-layer trees. The log needs to be neatly dissolved on the boards. The ax is first made by small heads at the base of the trunk, then the wedges are clogged so that they hide the entire log diameter. Such boards are much stronger than dried saw, because the fibers are saved.

Floor insulation and laying boards

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? After the construction of the walls, the case remained behind the floor and the roof. Fireboards are not fitted for crude land. The lower layer falls asleep by loose ground or sand mixed with moss, stones of different sizes, polyethylene or any available insulation. Directly under the boards again stacked Moss so that there were no cracks.

How to build and insulate the roof

How to build a hut in the forest with your own hands? The most difficult for inexperienced hunters, who engaged in the construction of the winter, is the roof. The roofs are single-sided and double, with an attic or without. It is better to build with a attic, because in the summer there you can dry herbs, and in the winter so warmer. At any time of the year, the attic can be used as a storage room.

An attic roof can be laid not by boards, but small logs or halves. Between them you need to lay moss, and on top of pouring land and hide with polyethylene. For an intermediate roof (this is a man's attic), the film is optional, but then you need to use more moss to protect yourself from rain. The cold is not so terrible, because due to the attic of the roof in fact it turns out two.

How to quickly build a hut in the forest? If you build a house, you need to quickly, you can build a conventional roof without a attic, but in such a room it will be colder. On top of the log, it is better to lay moss and fall asleep the earth to at least somehow keep more heat inside.

If you wish, it is possible to disguise the roof with a special camouflage network. This can be done on your own. Need any mesh for weaving the basics (rope or fishing, but not a fishing line, because such a design will last long), pieces of moss, leaves, rags, dense ribbons of dark green, gray, brown or white. The camouflage elements are woven into the network structure. Everyone is desirable to tie it out in the center, but with a tendency to asymmetry.

The furnace is the main element of any wintering

How to build a hunting house with your own hands? Roof, floor and walls are. What is not a house? Still, the main element of any hunting house is a furnace. Otherwise, the hut will protect only from the wind, and it will be impossible to spend the night in it. The hunters most often use iron furnaces that quickly give heat, but also quickly cool. You will have to throw up firewood every hour so that the whole house is not cooled.

Brick ovens are heated longer, but better keep warm. For settling life, a good brick stove will need, but you can set iron bricks and stones. So warmly will be saved much longer. I don't need bricks much, it is enough to build a small oven with a cooking surface to conveniently cook food.

How to quickly build a hut? How much does this process take? Construction lasts from a few weeks to months. Much depends on the skills of the hunter in a carpentry case, because the main material (wood) is harvested in place. A person even without a special tool, but with a great practical experience, will build a hunting hunting pretty quickly, but sometimes it happens that all day goes to fit the groove of one crown.

After the construction of the furnace, you can move to internal work. In winter, you need light from a lamp or kerosene lamp, but you need to strictly follow the safety rules, because the housing is wooden. You also need to leave the stock of products and seize firewood.

Important legal issues

The whole land where the vegetation of a forest type is located, sections without a forest, but created for its recovery (gasy, cutting down), land in the forest and next to it belong to the state. The federal leadership is developing a timber policy, sends documents to places, leads the inventory of forest lands and decides on changing the category of sites.

Is it possible to build a hut in the forest? Officially, a plot for construction in the forest can only be obtained if you change the category of the Earth. In the subjects, the Department of Forestry is engaged in this, and the translation of land on an inbuppinated territory is produced by the Government of the Russian Federation.

To reorganize the land, you need to collect a large package of documents that will be considered at the local, subject and federal levels. The whole procedure can take up to a year or more. The process is complex and long. With self-filing there are no warranty of the result.

In many cases, land for construction in the forest is easier to rent for 10-49 years. The duties of the tenant include improving the state of land, soil recultivation, environmentally friendly use, timely payment. On the leased land you can grow seedlings, conduct scientific research, collecting therapeutic herbs and edible resources, install an apiary, hunting, chop trees.

It is possible to free use of forest areas. According to the application, you can get a plot for the period specified in the legislation (usually - up to 10 years). The right to enjoy the land of religion, northern people, ordinary people under a certain type of activity (beekeepers can use plots up to 5 years), serving organizations close to forest and defense.

Hunting wintering outside the law?

The question of the construction of wintering in the undecented territory is the imperfection of legislation. Fishing hunters work under the contract and quite officially, hunting or commercial sections are fixed behind them. In these territories, it is permissible to build temporary residential buildings for the night. Another thing is if the houses are used illegally (poachers) or for year-round residence.

It turns out that wintering in the forest can be built, although current legislation to this issue is as ambiguous. But to build a house designed for long stay, you need to rent or buy land, but only then start construction.

Of course, there are many illegal buildings in Russian forests. Some of them are even used for year-round accommodation, but are unknown by whom and when, they are not registered anywhere, and therefore unlawful and the owner does not have. Such buildings someone can be assigned to themselves or demolish.

Taiga Zimonier plays an important role in the life of each fisherman's hunter. Since the main hunt passes in winter, the need for such wintering is very large. The hunter-fisherman who has a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe forest in its disposal, plays a network of such wintering. The network consists of a basic hut, in which the hunter lives, and Putclothes, in which the hunter will only spend the night along the path of their lands. Since the route it is very big and to get around all the land, you need days, and maybe the week, for each night, the hunter should build a wintering in the taiga, the distance from them should be equal to the day winter transition.

But, in addition to hunters, fishers, the Taiga winter is extremely necessary for life in Taiga to the Taiga hermit, who decided to leave all the benefits of civilization and go to live in the forest. Also in such forest savages live indigenous peoples of the North, for example, Mansi people. They know how to build them very quickly and, as a rule, put the hut only for winter, and in the summer they live in the plagots. But some families have already been overwhelmed from their traditional housing - Chumov and live in the outstands constantly.

Preparation for the construction of winter

If for a good, kindness of the forest should be harvested in advance (recommended in December), then raw logs can be used for a simple hunting winter. Since in this wintering hunter spends the night, maybe two or three maximum and goes on Putuka further. It is not important here, but, first of all, it's just the ability to be guaranteed to spend the night in a warm place, make yourself a food and handle sable skin.

Whether you are a hunter or a hermit, then you will choose exactly wintering, and not a hut. The construction of wintering is much simpler than the construction of a good Russian hut. For the hunter, the main thing is simplicity and reliability, because he has no one wintering in the forest, but a few. And the foundation of the house where his family lives is located in a nearby village or city. The hermit is the same big house for nothing, because it is also important to quickly build a housing for myself and to live in it, because the hermit and other concerns will be enough. But suppose with you that this winterer will be used as an effort while building a good woof. How will it look like ...

So, before building a taiga winter, our hermit or hunter chooses a suitable place. This is either a small glade or a plot right in the middle of the forest. It must be in the affordable proximity to be a water source.

If this is not a glade, then you have to clear the place for construction, the forest at the same time and goes to the crowns. The problem will be with stumps - they usually simply burn out.

Prepared a place, pulled the grass - and now you need to think about the first crown of the future wintering. In general, by and large, you can put the first falling if it is not much expensive to you, but if you are going to live there for a long time, it's better to approach this question more seriously. The first crown of wintering is recommended to do from larch, because it rots very slowly compared to the rest of the trees, but if it is not nearby, then from what is. Under the crown you can put stones, but you can put a brica directly to the ground.

Coniferous species of trees are material for construction. Pine, larch, but you can eat fir with fir. You can also use cedar and chop it without excessive pity, because such thinning sanitary logging on the contrary, clearing the place for larger and strong cedar. Thick trees hack should not be optimally 15-25 cm in diameter. The first two or three crowns are better made of thicker, and the rest are of less. You can drag the birch to the place and one, without a partner. Crude pine pine diameter 25 cm for one meter will weigh about 40 kg (visited the valid cavalry). Length logs, i.e. The length of the walls of your wintering is enough for you about 3-4 meters per person quite. It turns out that the 4-meter log, a diameter of 25 cm will weigh about 120 kg. But you will not raise the whole log, but only one of his side, another you will drag the wolf. It is still hard, but quite real for one person. If it's very hard, then you can cut the trees of the fond, they just need to be needed slightly - and that's it. How to throw a tree, shown in the picture:

Laying of crowns

Before laying the crowns, it is necessary to make a brica, i.e. Remove the bark with them. You can, of course, do not do this, but you are going to live there for a long time? For ham, you can use a pointed shovel, scraper, your taiga ax over hopeless. Approx at the beginning of May, the bark should well sink from the tree, it is also better smelting with already dried logs, harvested in winter. The dried brices are more difficult to process than raw, but they are easier.

There are two main types of cladding of the crowns: "in the bowl" and "in the paw". There is also a simpler version of the method "in the paw", widely used by hunters - "hardworth". The following photos show wintering with crowns laid by these methods.

Laying "in the bowl"

Laying "in the paw"

Laying "hardwood"

The easiest method is "hardworth". When the "in the bowl" method is better adjacent to each other, and, therefore, less likely the occurrence of cracks in the walls. Moss is labeled between the logs, which is fully in the taiga. And raw moss is much better than dry. Dry moss crumble and blows it by the wind, while the raw fits well. It is not necessary to worry about the fact that moisture from MCH will contribute to rotting, everything will soon dry by itself, along with our raw brams. Moreover, a lot of natural preservatives, which slow down the decoration of the tree. Miscean the crowns of your taiga winter should be fine! MHA pity not at all! Otherwise it can be not at all pleasure for you, since in the winter every meager slot brings a lot of problems when cold air will be blown in it.

The photo shows an example of the crowns folded according to the "hardwood" method and the fusion of them. It can be seen that the first crown of the land and the longitudinal grooves of Breign were made.

The longitudinal grooves do not at all. In this photo they are made by chainsaws, but you hardly have it in stock. You can just rush as an ax and put more moss to this place. Actually, the whole point is in moss than it is more - the better!

How much will need to be logged for construction? Well, in general, a lot, but this, of course, is not a response, and therefore let's consider with you. The height of the walls will be rudely speaking, 180 cm, i.e. In order for a person with an average growth, I had to bend. We divide 180 to 20 and we get 9 log on the wall. We multiply on 4 walls \u003d 36 logs. But after all, the winter should have a roof, and the floor. This will require boards, about them later.

How much will need to be logged for boards - it's hard to say. If you shoot the forest with a margin, then this residue from you can come in handy somewhere else. The forest will not impoverish much, given that you will chop mainly as a sanitary logging. Also, you should not forget about the windows with doors - for them you will need to make rods in the logs, and the brica themselves it would be desirable to fix spiked among themselves. To do this, you will need to drill a brict through and to score a wooden thorns into this hole so that the bric is not separated.

How to make boards?

Buy boards and bring them into the forest, naturally, you will not have the opportunity, and that's nothing. Boards are made on site. To do this, you will need to pick up the most straight trees, without spinning and bends of the trunk. For the manufacture of boards, only an ax is required, and everything else is already done using it. It will be necessary to shock a couple of wedges that you will prick a log. The board obtained by this method is called "Len". First, the ax is made of small heads at the base of the trunk, and then the eye of the same ax simply clog our stakes there, in turn: first one, then the second. So that the stakes threw the entire diameter of the trunk. And so this method, neatly we dissolve the log on the boards, which will be much stronger than the drinking saw, because all the fibers are preserved, we have a stake along them. You can also use a wooden sledge hammer instead of the ax, then the blows will be softer.

On the photo of the boards are drunk by chainsaw, but it will look about the same.

In the photo Karelian Robinson Victor from the forum Pierhant

How to make a roof?

Winter roofs are two views: with an attic and without. The attic roofs are single-sided and duples. In principle, you can build any of them. Below you can see examples of these roofs.

Roof with attic

Roof without attic

The roof with a attic one

What is the attic? First, it can be used as a storage room, folding various things there, in the summer to dry herbs. Secondly, with the attic warmer, especially when the attic is closed, as the roof becomes smaller, and warm air rises up. And the lower the roof, the easier it is to keep warm in such a winter. Most hunters build their winter women with a attic. But without a attic to build easier, it will take much less material for this.

The attic roof is, in fact, two roofs: one is located at an angle of 90 ° to the walls, and the second is over it. At the bottom of the photo we see that the first roof can be laid even not by boards, but straight with small login or their halves.

Between the login it will also be necessary to pave the moss, and on top of pouring the earth or to cover the rubberoid (polyethylene). But for the intermediate roof (ceiling), the film is not at all necessary. The photo below shows the mineral wool, but instead there will be moss and earth. In the photo, we see two vertical supports, attached to the walls of the brackets, the lip of the roof and 6 slightly.

On top, the boards are stacked on top, and without special beauty, since it will be necessary to cover with a film from above. To drag rubberoid hard, so you can take a plastic film instead. The main thing is to protect from the rain, and the lower roof will be protected from the heat transfer. The floor is exactly the same from the apparatus.

Furnace Zimonia

The most important element of any taiga wintering is a furnace. Without her wintering will be protected only from the wind, but it will be impossible to live in it. Most often, hunters use iron stoves. Some even make themselves from the girlfriend. What is good iron oven? The fact that she quickly gives heat. When the hunter came from the road, he needs to quickly heat the hut and cook food. With a brick stove it would be much harder, because it was necessary to wait until she was warm. The iron furnace is good for the Putile Winter, but not for a residential, in which a person plans to live long and happily. Because the iron furnace is how quickly heats up, it quickly cools, and you will have to get up every hour to throw the wood, otherwise the house can quickly cool. Therefore, for saddled life, a good brick oven will be required or, at a thin end, it will have to make a pretty iron furnace with bricks / stones. But it is better to spend time and still build a brick oven. The thermal conductivity of the brick, like the stone, is low, and therefore it slowly heats up and, naturally, slowly cools. It is necessary to suffer for a while, while the oven is token, but then you will sleep like a baby, until the morning.

For a small wintering, it is not at all necessary to build a large Russian oven with layers and different compartments. It is enough to build a small one. Here is the following photo example of such a small brick furnace.

As you see, it is not so many bricks for making a furnace. From above - cooking surface. Such will be quite enough for a small taiga winter of hermit. If you wish, you can, of course, more. The question is only in the material. Where to take a brick for the furnace? It can be made from clay himself and collect a raw brick oven.

In principle, I told all the main things, in any case, you will have to get your experience and count only on your strength. Somewhere you decide to do in your own way, but somewhere make mistakes. On errors learn. The main thing is to learn the foundations and have an idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction in my head, and then it's already about you.

For many years, the company "North Forest" has been developing and successfully implementing projects houses for huntersAfter all, it is these people more often than others in nature with the goal of not only to relax, but also to hone their skills. Hunting is a serious lesson who is given entirely and completely. Therefore, it is important to always have a reliable dwelling, in which you can not only hide from bad weather, but also comfortably spend time.

In our assortment, we offer a whole range of sizes from which you can choose the project home of the hunter from the logs of the size and layout you need. All plans are drawn up by real professionals of their case, taking into account the SNiP and the knowledge of all the nuances. Therefore, you can be sure: ready-made solutions are close to ideal, but we value an individual approach, so we make changes to your adjustments without any problems (unless, of course, they do not conflict with the construction norms) to the project.

House, who is always happy, is a bath. Our company has a special offer: a small building that initially can be used as temporary housing, adapting a bath part to the living room, and then, after building the main place of residence, by direct value. At the same time, this option is superbly looking at the site where the project of the House of the Hunter House is built, and perfectly complements it functionally.

The latter mentioned above has the largest number of varieties, of which everyone can choose what is suitable for him. The most modest variation in the collection is the 78-meter house project. The hunter who wants to save, but at the same time get a cozy and comfortable dwelling is simply obliged to pay attention to a similar solution. Despite the small size, the building has two floors and provides the owner with everything necessary: \u200b\u200bthe plan already takes into account the living room, kitchen-dining room, bathroom, storage room, economic room and three more bedrooms!

More large-scale options (from 100 to 121 square meters) make it much more interesting and more profitable to use the existing space by providing space for individual solutions. It is a prerequisite for any building is good thermal insulation, and we guarantee that even our big houses are well preserved heat even during junior frosts due to high-quality materials and advanced technologies used in construction, as well as due to the fact that at the stage of planning the qualified specialists make up the project at home.

Hunter House - the most universal and original version. A huge area in 201 sq.m opens up opportunities for the flight of designer fantasy, as well as to improve additional rooms (such as steam room) directly inside the building and allows you to feel free and spacious on each meter.

If you are seriously passionate about the hunt and are looking for or even just want to have a wonderful universal country house with everything you need for a kindupic rest, be sure to familiarize yourself with the projects of the hunter's houses. Most likely, you will find what you need.