How to make a flat hole in glass with a hammer. How to drill glass and cut hole with your own hands how to make a rectangular hole in glass

The glass is extremely fragile material with which it is necessary to behave particularly carefully. In order not to receive additional damages during its cutting, you need to properly use the tools and adhere to the appropriate technique of work. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the cutting device.

Choose glass cutter

Each glass operation requires a specific type of cutting tools. There are three main varieties of glass cutters:

  1. Oil;
  2. Diamond;
  3. Winged;
  4. Roller type.

Diamond glass cutters can work with blanks up to 10 mm thick. Their main element is a small natural diamond, securely fixed inside a special holder with a wooden handle. Little pits are provided for lambing of individual pieces of glass.

Caution! In cheap glassware, artificial diamonds are installed, which are slightly inferior in the strength of natural and can work with a thickness of no more than 5 mm.

Roller glass cutter works due to a solid tip with a metal roller made of tungsten and cobalt alloy.

Oil glaze works on the same principle as roller, but special oil from the tank on the holder is supplied to the tip to reduce the power of friction and thereby increase the service life of the device.

Sequence of glass cutting

To properly cut the glass glass cutter need a set of preparations:

  • Search for a convenient space for cutting. Written table or other smooth surface will fit;
  • Purification of glass from dirt, dust and other extraneous materials;
  • Preparation of protective equipment - gloves, glasses, as well as waste boxes.

Caution! During cutting, glass should not fluctuate or vibrate, its surface should closely fit into the working area.

Diamond glass cutting glass cutting reminds drawing lesson at school. It is enough to take a ruler or pattern, put it to the glass and spend the desired line to be carried out along the necessary line. After that, there will be a shallow, barely noticeable trace on the surface of the material. The process itself must be accompanied by the sound of light crackle.

For work to be performed qualitatively, some recommendations should be followed:

  1. At a distance of 3-5mm from the edge of the glass, it is necessary to reduce the pressure on the instrument to save its edge;
  2. The cutting tool is extremely sharp, so it is not necessary to put pressure on it too much. So you can get a deep slice with convex edges;
  3. The time of the line must be minimal. A piece of meter length glass is cut in 2 seconds;
  4. In no case cannot make a new slice on the same line.

After the line, you need to divide the solid sheet of glass into two parts. Do it with the help of the knob of the cutting tool on the made line. To do this, first slip a piece of glass to the edge of the table, so that the line is at its end, and gently knock on its entire length. You will only stay with hand the second fragment of the glass sheet so that it does not fall.

Caution! For those who will engage in cutting glass for the first time, it is recommended to "practice" on waste and other pieces to gain experience and feel the fineness of working with the tool. In most cases, this is enough to avoid unexpected situations and unwanted losses in the future.

How to cut round hole glass cutter

The cutting of glass with glass cutters implies not only the holding of horizontal lines using templates or lines, but also the creation of some non-standard structures. One of these is cutting round hole inside a solid piece of glass. To make it use the same glass cutter, fixed on a special leg, resulting in a tool similar to a circulation.

The most common devices of this type are made with a rubber suction cup at one end and an adjusting cutter on the other. They are firmly fixed on the surface of the glass and allow to make ovals of different diameters.


Any man should be known how to drill a hole in the glass if you do this using a special drill. You can buy and the usual metal drill, which is also convenient to do holes in the mirror or glass. If you take up this type of work with insufficient experience, you can spoil the glass so that it cracks. Therefore, it should be taken for fulfilling the work, not to overestimate its capabilities. If there is uncertainty in their own, it is better to seek help to an experienced master.

Rules drilling glass

If you have to drill a hole in any glass, it is better to first take off so that it does not burst on any unnecessary piece of glass. When performing the work, a considerable share of diligence, accuracy, patience and care will be required. At the same time, the safety regulations should be performed, otherwise troubles may arise. Before starting the drilling of the opening, gloves and safety glasses must be worn.

When drilling glass close to its edge, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the material. If the glass is thick, then the holes need to be done by retreating from the edge of 25 mm, and if it is thin, then no less than 15 mm from the edge is depicted.

Working a drill, it should be remembered that you need to perform work carefully, otherwise you can cause damage to the fragile subject. If you have to work with a mirror, then it has the same properties as glass.

Before the start of work, the glass is cleaned from dust and contamination. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the place in which you need to drill the hole with a material moistened in gasoline or turpentar. To mark places for drilling you want to take a marker. In the process of performing the work, a manual or electric drill can be used.

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Tools for drilling holes in glass

The process of drilling holes in glass is associated with the use of such types of tools as:

  1. Drill carbide having diamond spraying.
  2. Special fluid allowing to wet the drill or glass itself.
  3. Marker.
  4. Electric or hand drill.
  5. Glass cutter.
  6. Sealing wax.

If you need to drill a hole of small sizes, it is best to use a diamond drill. For this purpose, the usual drill with a small diameter is suitable if the desired tool is missing. The end of the drill is recommended to harden, for which it will be necessary to simply heat the drill. After a sharp pressure into the prepared surge of the end of the drill, which beat, the tool cooling should be waited. If the surguck is no longer mowed, then work is starting to drill holes in the canvas.

For drilling, glass or mirrors can be used by a special tubular drill having a diamond spraying, and a drill in which the revolve regulator is provided.

Making holes are very comfortable and screwdriver, not just a drill. Marking is not done with the help of a conventional way, that is, the cross furnished in the center of the hole. Deciding with the diameter of the future hole, put a label in the form of a square.

If the drill enjoys a newcomer, then it begins to slip greatly with the required mark. So that it was not, you can use a small piece of wood or plastic. It is fixed in the place of glass, where there is a label, for which the scotch is used, and the drill is held in the process of performing work.

It is important to prevent possible overheating of the drill, for which they periodically make special stops. Stopping, the tool together with the product is cooled, wetting them with water. Continue to drill follows on slow motion. No need to produce sharp or energetic movements, making holes in the glass, as its structure is very fragile.

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Conducting preparatory work before starting drilling

After laying glass on the surface, which is not only perfectly smooth, but also durable, otherwise there will be cracking of the material, starts to make marking. It should be achieved that the glass product is located exactly, being motionless. Before it is necessary to take a piece of soft fabric and undermine the canvas. Before the start of drilling, make the layout of the hole, the contours of which should be applied using glass cutter. The frequency of turns of the drill is adjusted to the level of no more than 350 rpm.

To install the drill to perform work in the required place, a selection must be made. For this purpose, the roller type of glass-cutter is installed, which should be turned along the axis, to form a remission. After that, drill a drill. You can avoid overheating drill, working without increasing the number of revolutions, necessarily wetting the drill and glass ite.

To prepare glass for drilling holes in it with the highest diameter size than the size of the drill diameter, it is degreased and noted using a marker location where it is necessary to drill. First make a hole of a small size, and then the nail of the appropriate size is inserted into it or a bolt that will hold tightly.

Next, the rope is tied to the nail, and on the other hand, its end is tied to the glass cutter. They make a special circle, its radius is equal to the length of the rope. When the circle about the nail is made glass cutter, it is cleaned, carefully climbing the canvas so that the circle made from the larger diameter hole, the edges of which are processed using sandpaper.

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How is the glass cutter applied?

To drill glass with glass cutters, the diamond roller will be used. After that, a special metal rod is prepared, which requires a slot by drinking. You can fix the roller using a rivet, which will allow it to hardly fasten so that there are no crosslots. When the drill is ready, it is attached to the drill, after which they are moving to the execution of the hole in the canvas.

When the item will be laid on a perfectly smooth surface, it is degreased, then the outline on the mark is decorated with a plasticine bath. Its sides must be neat. It should be on the upper side of the subject, after which the liquid should be pouring into it. It may be not only water, but also turpentine. Bursts allow only a fluid to fill the bath in a small amount. The main thing is to drill without much effort a drill set for small revs.

When choosing a drill from a solid alloy, one should be taken into account one important point, which is associated with the heating of the drill with glass during the drilling process. The end of the drill must be cooled in a timely manner or other liquid that promotes cooling, which will make the hole perfectly neat. Pumping turpentine follows the recess that is obtained.

To cool the drill, use liquid containing aluminum alum alums that are dissolved in acetic acid. Instead, a special mixture obtained using chipidar cameras in equal parts can be used. Therefore, it is necessary to use plasticine to create protective sides.

If, performing work, rushing, accelerating and adding to a drill, you can spoil the piece of glass. It is drilled until half the size of the thickness, then it turns over, then again continues to drill the hole on the other side to meet the first one. So you can avoid chips from the outside of the canvas. Such a method should be used by performing work at home.

When working in a very slow pace with the application of weak efforts, you will definitely control the power of the push. You need to carefully monitor the speed with which the electric drill drill is rotated. If this type of work is required with the use of bottles or other glass items having seams, it is better to retreat from the seams. This will increase the chances of saving the integrity of the bottle or another subject.

When the need is needed to drill glass, most, most likely, will contact the specialists who will make this work for you, but not free. In fact, the entire drilling process at home is not difficult, as it may seem. In this article we will deal with how to drill glass, as well as how and how can it be done.

Preparation for work

  • Before drilled glass at home, it needs to be prepared for work: With the help of turpentine or alcohol, it is necessary to degrease the entire surface, and then wipe with a dry soft cloth;
  • During operation, it is impossible to allow glass sheet to slide.
  • The sheet must be fully located on the basis.
  • The place in which you decide to drill a hole should be marker or a construction tape.
  • If you do not have hole drilling skills, we advise you to practice on small pieces so as not to spoil the main sheet.
  • The drilling of glass at home is not distinguished by speed. The process will take sufficient time. During operation, it is not necessary to put very much to speed up the work.
  • The drill should be placed at a right angle to the plane. One hole should not be done at a time. From time to time you need to stop and give it a little cool.
  • When you are in the final stage, i.e. When the hole is almost ready, you must flip the glass sheet and drill the hole on the other side. This operation allows you to avoid cracks or chips, as well as you get the opening of the correct form.
  • In order to get rid of small irregularities or roughness on a glass surface, take small sandpaper and treat the sheet.

Drill glass by a regular drill

In order to carry out the drilling of holes in the glass you will need the following:

  • Drills designed to drill ceramic or metal materials;
  • Low-speed drill or screwdriver;
  • Turpentine;
  • Plasticine;
  • Alcohol.

The sheet needs to be located on an absolutely smooth surface. There are nuances here: the edges should not be reduced, and also it should not be fused.

On a drill or screwdriver, you need to set the smallest speed of rotation. In the cartridge, clamp the necessary drill. After that, you need to check the drilling. If there is an increased beating, then it is desirable to change it. The smallest drilling speed is 250 rpm, and the highest 1000 rpm.

Alcohol solution should be deguted to the plane, and then perform at the site of the upcoming hole recess from plasticine. At this deepening, pour a little bit of turpentine and start working. In order to avoid the appearance of cracks, it is not necessary to put pressure on the instrument too hard. Without effort, you gently hold the screwdriver or drill over the glass and drilling holes in the glass.

How to drill glass with sand

In times, when there was no drill and screwdrivers drilling glass with their own hands was made in this way. In order to make a hole with sand you will need the following things:

  • Naturally sand.
  • Petrol.
  • Lead or tin.
  • Gas-burner.
  • Metal mug or other similar vessel.

Surface must be deguted with gasoline, And then, to the place of the future drilling you need to pour a hill of wet sand. Then, with the help of any acute item, you need to follow the funnel exactly the same diameter, which there must be a future hole.

In this resulting form you need to pour a pre-molten mixture of lead or tin. After a few minutes you need to remove sand and remove the frozen piece of glass. It will have to easily move away from the surface. The resulting hole will be perfectly even and will not require work on its additional processing.

In order to heat tin or lead, use a metal mug or other vessel and gas burner. If you don't have the burners, the usual household gas stove is quite suitable.

How to drill homemade drill

The drilling of glass at home will require the preparation of a special drill, which consists of a diamond roller located in a conventional glass cutter and a metal rod. In this rod, it is necessary to make a propyl, in which this diamond roller will be placed in such a way that it is fixed in relation to the rod.

Prepare such a drill fix it in a screwdriver or drill and start drilling a hole. It can be called a modification of ordinary drills having a diamond spraying. Therefore, if you do not have the ability to purchase such a factory drill, you can easily make it with your own hands.

There is another way to prepare homemade drill. You need to take any ordinary drill, clamp it in pliers and keep the gas burner in the flame for a few minutes. After the end of the drill bit, you need to quickly cool it, dropping it into the surgooch. By cooling it, if you have the remnants of Surguc. By this simple operation, you get a tempered tool that can be drilled.

  • In order to prevent the appearance of splits and cracks on the surface, to the place that must be drilled, you must apply a little bit of turpentine or honey.
  • Drill or screwdriver can not be pulled from above much.
  • In the process of drilling it is necessary to take breaks. The intervals should be from 5 to 10 seconds. Also during the break, it is desirable to lower the drill to the water container so that it is cooled. This is necessary in order to avoid melting.
  • It is forbidden to swing a screwdriver or drill from side to side.
  • If possible, it is better to use a screwdriver, because It will work in a more gentle mode with its small turns.
  • In order to handle the surface, you can use not only alcohol, but also acetone.
  • In the process of working with a drill, you should take care of safety: use gloves and glasses.
  • The drilling point in fragile glass should be no less than 1.5 mm from the edge of the sheet, but in the usual at least 2.5 cm.
  • Working with the material is best on a wooden surface.

Work with glass cutter

For full disclosure, it is worth studying how to drill glass at home with glass cutter. It is perfect for the creation of unusual forms or large sizes. In this case, the sequence of actions will be the following.

1. Create the necessary contours for the marker or felt-tip pen, for which processing will occur.

2. In the process of working with glass cutter should not do sharp movements. Pressing to the tool should be uniform and smooth.

3. In order for the cut part dropped, the glass-cutting handle make light tapping on the surface.

4. To remove surplus, use special tongs.

5. Before starting, it is required to check the status of the tool. The roller must be in the middle, rotate evenly and smoothly.

Unusual ways to drill a hole in the glass

1. In order to drill Kaleno glass, it is necessary to prepare a cooling fluid. It will be prepared as follows: in acetic acid it is necessary to dissolve alum alums. If you do not have them, you can mix turpidar with camphor in proportion 1: 1. The resulting solution is made of glass and then start working.

2. If you do not have a drill, you can use a copper wire that you need to hold in a drill. In such a case, the process will occur using a special solution: 2 parts of the turpentine and 1 part of the camphor in which the coarse powder from the sandpaper should be added. The mixture must be put in place in which you need to drill the hole and proceed to work.

3. There is another method of using a similar solution. It is possible to work with a metal cut pipe, which can also be inserted into the cartridge drill. Perform on the surface of the glass ring from plasticine height in 10 mm and a diameter of 50 mm. In the deepening of the ring, pour a solution from camphor, turbidar and emery powder and drill.

The fact that glass is extremely fragile and complex for processing at home material - a well-known fact. However, no one will argue that it would be at least irrational to the House of Specialist-Glassmaker every time you need to perform any small household work related to this material, such as having sink the mirror in the bathroom, install or repair the glass Shelf in bedside table or table. In this article, we offer you simple solutions in situations related to glass processing that can happen in everyday life. Namely - how to drill hole in glass or mirror.

It is possible to do a small hole in the glass by applying an ordinary drill with a tempered drill. The secret is that the drill must be hardening on fire until it starts to blush. After the drill is rolled enough, it is necessary to move it into a container with a pre-cooked savory, the drill will cool in it. After such manipulations, the drill can be safely used for the product of holes in glass surfaces. Immediately before drilling, the tip of the drill must be slightly moiste with turbidar. The drilling is carried out as follows: To begin with, it is necessary to make a small deepening in the glass (you need to drill on low turns of the drill), then stop. To the resulting deepening drop of any technical oil for the best drill.

Attention! When working with glass, it is necessary to comply with the proper safety technique! Working with glass, be sure to use gloves and goggles, it will protect the most vulnerable parts of the body. Sometimes experts also advise to wear a protective mask or respirator to protect the respiratory tract from glass crumbs, inevitable in working with glass. Work on drilling glass must be carried out only in specialized clothing: particles of glass have a sticking property in clothes, which may continue to cause discomfort and cause itching on the skin.

How to make a hole in the glass using a wire?

This technology is almost identical to the previous one, with the difference only that the drill tempered on the heat here is replaced with a wire, which, like a drill, must be fixed in the cartridge drill. First, it is necessary to cover the working surface of the glass with a special composition: 2 parts of the turpidar are taken, 1 part of the camphor and 4 parts of the eath powder. The prepared solution should be applied to the place on the glass in which it is planned to make a hole.

There is also another modification of this method - with the only difference that you will not need lubricating fluids.

For this method, you will need glass cutter and a slightly modified "drill". From the glass cutter, you need to remove the diamond roller, which must be fixed in a metal rod with a predetermined groove. The roller is fixed in the rivet rod. This is done in order for the video to be rigidly fixed in the landing place and did not turn when drilling. Next, such a "drill" is installed in a drill cartridge, and you can easily produce necessary work.

How to drill in glass hole for large diameter?

All the above methods for the production of holes in the glass are suitable only for small household needs, and drill a large diameter holes with similar methods is extremely difficult. But what if you certainly need to drill in the glass or a mirror hole of a large size? Below is a technology that will make it possible to achieve the desired result. However, it is unlikely that this method can be called drilling.

First, it is necessary to clearly carefully and gently clean and completely degrease the surface of the glass or mirror, in which it is planned to produce holes. Next, you should predetermine the point in which drilling will be carried out. Evil sand is stacked around this place: the planned hole will be located in the center. Repeat on the maximum compliance with safety regulations. Working with glass - in a certain sense, a very dangerous and time-consuming process, requiring increased concentration of attention and accuracy.

So, in a specially prepared container is placed solder. It should be warm up to about a temperature of 250-280 ° C, no less. Calculate the number of solder, based on what you need to fill the required sandy form. By filling out the form, it is necessary to leave the tin cool. When tin cool, the unnecessary piece of glass falls off with the solder. At the output you get smooth hole in glass Any desired size.

On this, the transfer of household and accessible to almost each methods of drilling holes in the glass ends.