How to make a septic tank from the Eurocuba. Septic from the Eurocuba do it yourself

Septic from European-daisy allows you to ensure efficient cleansing of waste houses or in summer spending. Its popularity is explained by simplicity of installation and operation, economic benefits. In the complex with properly arranged drainage will qualitatively fulfill its functions for many years.

The Eurocup is a container used for reliable transportation and subsequent storage of non-food products of liquid consistency. In the manufacture is used - non-toxic, strong and non-corrosive material. In addition, the containers have sufficient capacity. Additional strength provides steel framework over the entire outer surface of the products. The eurocables provide a hole for a drain, the neck of which screws up the lid.

Design Septica from Eurocubes

In private households, the least labor costs installation of septica from cubes with their own hands. In this case, the sewage from Eurocubes is most often equipped with two compartments. Where the sewer tube is connected to the first chamber in which the strokes pass primary clarification. Then they go to the next compartment. There is an anaerobic waste decomposition and the process of cooking continues. From the second chamber Septica water enters special zones for final finishing on the ground level.

In the tanks include ventilation pipes, as well as nozzles at the entrance and outlet for the passage of liquids. Additionally, the nozzle is installed as an intermediate element when overflow of partially illuminated waste to the next chamber from the first one.

All device septica is insulated by foam plates or other materials suitable in this situation, and the joints of the wall connection and the supposed pipes are isolated with the help of sealant. For the full operation of the second eurocuba, it is mounted slightly below the previously set.

Advantages and disadvantages

Septic tank made using plastic Eurocubes has a number of advantages:

  • low weight, which allows installation work independently;
  • the tightness, durability of the design and stability of the material to the effects of aggressive factors, even with the device on the soils above the corner at a high level of groundwater;
  • metal frame as a constructive element of Eurocubes, reduces the load from the soil pressure;
  • non-volatility;
  • thanks to the additional insulation of septic typing, it is possible to use all year round;
  • when installing, it is not necessary to attract special equipment and there is no need for a device of massive overlaps;
  • acceptable price, especially this is noticeable when purchasing previously used products;
  • easy both in the maintenance of septica and during operation.

If additional cleaning is provided, the drains that have been processed are suitable for recycling.

Despite the noted pluses, septicities from Eurocubes are also not deprived of the shortcomings:

  • the thin walls of containers are subject to deformation under the influence of soil, and the metal frame may not cope with the confrontation of such pressure. As protection, the space between the walls of the pit and containers is poured by concrete.
  • due to the lightness of the plastic, the septic design can emerge if the groundwater is heated, so the essay is mandatory condition for a concrete basis.

Calculation of septic tank

The Eurocups in production receive standard capacity 800, 1000, 1200 liters. To determine the volume of the capacity capable of as much as possible to solve the problems of private house-building in a particular case, it is required to produce uncomplicated calculations.

The daily rate is determined by multiplying the number of people living houses for 200 liters (fixed indicator). Since it is assumed that fluids are in the septic to about three days, then the obtained performance is multiplied by 3 (also indicator established by norms). Taking into account the possible addition in the family or unforeseen guests, the volume required by calculations increases even by about 20%.

How to make a septic tank from eurocubs do it yourself

Creating a design from Eurocubes for a private house with your own hands implies first of all the preparation of the pit. The pit needs to be kept wider than the sizes of the tanks themselves. Approximately half the meter or slightly less, taking into account the addition of insulation and concrete base. It should also be envisaged that the sewer pipes require a mandatory slope when installing. In the same stage, the filtration trench is rotated for the perforated pipe.

A sand-gravel pillow is arranged for the bottom of the kittle. From above, it is poured with a solution of concrete, roll up and attached metal loops, designed as clamps for tanks. The time settled on the complete drying of the concrete fill can be spent on preparations for the installation process itself.

Holes should be done along the walls of the containers: in the first - for the incoming pipe and the further movement of biosecats; In the second one hole will be the entrance from the first Eurocuba, and the other is intended for the pipe to the filtering field. On the surface of each cube it is necessary to make a vent hole. At the same time, its location should be over the overflow system. To ensure the slope of pipes in the direction of wastewater movement, each subsequent hole is shown below the previous one. But it is important to remember that the level of the second tank will be below the first.

In each of the tanks, the septic is placed a tee, in one of his holes connect the inlet pipe. The second, from the opposite side, is intended for drain into the compartment, the ventilation riser is connected to the third.

Pipes are adjusted to the tee, and to the weekend fasten the nozzle. Connection locations need to be tightly sealed, after which, using the reinforcement, to connect all the eurocaps used with the reinforcement.

Installation process Septica from Eurocubes.

  1. The tanks are installed on the bottom of the pit, securing their metal cables or clamps to hooks, rings or other elements in a concrete basis. The Eurocups themselves are connected, welding the elements of the reinforcement to a metal basis.
  2. In trenches, cover, observing the bias, pipes.
  3. Incoming and emerging systems are connected to a septic and mounted ventilation risers.
  4. Capacities are placed on all sides insulation, after which the free space from the walls of the pit to the surfaces of the tanks is poured concrete, which will protect the walls from the crumpled. Eurocubet grille is used as fittings. The fill with concrete solution is performed in stages. For reliable solidification, it is necessary to distribute it by portions, by layers.
  5. In the reservoirs prepared on the surfaces, the pipes for ventilation are mounted, buttons are sealed.
  6. The finished system of septic is filled with water. Then together with the trenches fall asleep with sand or gravel, and on top of the soil layer.

Operating Rules

Factory supplies have drain holes. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the leakage by processing hermetically not only connecting seams, but also threads. Then close these places with a lid. For uninterrupted operation, the system should be monitored so that the containers do not overflow. It is also mandatory to carry out the following activities:

  • it is impossible to throw subjects to the sewage, which are capable of clogging;
  • an entrance to the septicch should be free in case of attracting an assessing machine;
  • during them, it is necessary to leave a little sludge, which contributes to the activation;
  • not allow in winter filling the septicity completely;
  • periodically add special biopreparations;
  • preventive work, it is recommended to carry out in the fall, because at this time of the year microorganisms are less active. In compliance with this condition, the likelihood of an unpleasant odor is excluded.

Install the septic tank from Eurocubes is quite possible on its own. But it should be remembered that all the sanitary standards should be respected.

Septic from Eurocubes. In homes and cottages that are a wonderful holiday occur. But without a comfortable and convenient septica, it is almost impossible. After all, the sewage system plays an undoubtedly important role, especially in large families where there are small children. After all, it is the babes who are constantly in need of washing of hands, face and permanent means of hygiene.

Most manufacturers offer the sale and installation of the Septic, however, the prices for these services are translated and many not by pocket. From this article, you will learn about the installation of Septica from Eurocubes yourself.

Eurocube - These are plastic (polyethylene) containers with a wooden or metal pallet intended for storing or moving liquids. The Eurocup itself is placed in a special metal case, protecting against damage. Weight is about 67 kilograms.

Maximum accommodating volume of liquids of 1000 liters. Septic tissue is a cleaning design, represents two eurocubes, the same in size. They put pipes for air removal (ventilation), pipes at the entrance to enter the septic tank and outlet.

On the nozzle at the exit from the pipe, the check valve is set, so that fluid after cleaning could not penetrate back to septic tank. For more efficient work, both septic tightly fasten a little shifting them vertically.

How to build septic with your own hands

Features of homemade septica

Self-installation Septica from Eurocubes is one of the most economical options. But with the correct installation of such a septic, it will be very effectively cope with its duties. But it is worth taking into account that before independent installation, such a septica needs to be familiar with all its features and nuances, and that its installation will require tremendous effort and costs.

It is almost impossible to establish it to one person, so you should take assistants for this. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to dig a lot of land for the pit to which Eurocub will be placed. It is very overall, despite the relatively small weight.

Remember that the septic installation will be successful only subject to the installation rules. Otherwise, the maximum in a year it is influenced by many factors.

At the stage of the design of the project, you should not forget that you need additional cleaning, since the Eurocups for septica are not capable of cleaning water to 100%. The third container and filtering will need a sufficient number of space.

Design Septica

Pipes are depicted at a depth of no more than three meters, but also at least the level of water freezing. Since the septic tank itself is not able to clean the liquid 100%, it is necessary to choose the next step additional filtering method:

  • Filtering well
  • filtration field
  • filtering embankment (mounds).

At the next stage we will make a septic tank from the Eurocuba. But it must be complemented with pipes, tees and other materials. Due to its composition, it is able to withstand compounds with many poisonous chemicals and not to create an absolutely no reaction. Passing this stage of installation should carefully close the location of the plum on all Eurocubes so that the fluid can not get into the ground.

Rules for connecting pipes to septica 20 cm below from the top of the tank. Next, cut the hole under a couple of tees, insert them. After that, the hole is carefully closed and coated with waterproofing material. Pipes are best used plastic, as they have a longer life.

To one teach, connect the pipe to the top for cleaning and the inlet tube, the pipe connecting and additional ventilation pipe joins the other tee.

Installation and installation

After completing all previous steps, you can make a septicity from Eurocubes. The kind of soil plays a huge role. For example, in clay land, it should be carefully tamped, to make a sandy-gravel pillow, to make a cement screed, so that the soil will certainly "swam".

The next step is omitted by Eurocub in the dummy pit, it is desirable to fix it too. Next, connect the pipes to the entrance and exit from the septic. All this is recommended to be insulated with foam or other thermal insulation material. We fall asleep all the sand and fill with water tank.

If the level of groundwater is large enough, it is necessary to arrange additional protection for septic. The space between the pit and cube is installed fittings and poured there with concrete if you follow all the rules and will be very careful, then the walls will not change their form.

Concrete topped with a cap or not, depends on the location and earth coating. If suddenly the pipe will perform above the surface, it is necessary to organize protection for them so that no garbage falls inside the tank.

Further operation

Homemade septicity is necessary to expose the periods to a thorough omotor if you want it to serve you for a very long time. Mounted, a larger pipe in this will help you. On the surface of the waste in septic, there may be any elements that are not subjected to decomposition, they should be removed. The septicity cleansing frequency depends on how often you use the sewer system.

Every autumn you need to inspect whether the remnants of solid masses are on the bottom. If any, it is recommended to call a special service or pump out the pump. In the spring, the state of the septica should be checked if any breakdowns or malfunctions are needed to be eliminated. In no case do not start the sewer system during fails, this may lead to the fact that waste will fall into the ground cover, it can be dangerous.


One of the most important advantages is the possibility of operation without connecting to electricity. Most often, this factor affects the choice of septicity from European-daisons.

Also undoubtedly important quality is the ability to install additional blocks, it will help to increase the volume of the sewer system. For this purpose, additional pipes are installed at the initial stages of mounting.

In general, the European Commission is able to serve you a very long amount of time, but if the frame of the septica is destroyed - the eurocuba plastic container can be destroyed due to corrosion.


Pay attention to the fact that you will leave for an independent installation of the septica. But if you do everything right, this system will delight you not one year. Cons are:

  • Complex installation
  • Requires constant control,

The longest amount of time is the breakthrough of the pit. This is a very heavy physical activity. It is also not worth saving on the material for the septica, since if you choose good goods, he will be able to serve not one dozen years.

As properly and efficiently organize a sewer in the country area with your own hands, a question that often occurs in people deprived of the opportunity to use a centralized version. And really the need for autonomous, and the main thing is the effective system of disintegration and waste is simply necessary for the comfortable existence of a modern person in a private wooden house.

And although in our consciousness, the thought was firmly so much that only a cesspool was a way out of the current situation, this is far from that. Now the septic tanks are becoming increasingly distribution (cesspool with several cleaning cameras, see Septic with your own hands), due to a more thoughtful unclean filtering system and excellent productive power.

As the basis for wastewater there are many different materials. Consider one of the most simple and effective of them - a septic tank from Eurocubes with their own hands.

Memo: Eurocube - Capacity for transporting large volumes of fluid.

It turns out that way out of the house we derive the pipe at a depth of 50 cm until the sewer pipes reach the septicity. well. Septica himself, shouting in the spring with a lifting of groundwater, strengthen / insulate the walls, so that the soil did not survive septic tank. It turns out, from the surface to the tops of the septica near the meter. Septic with top insulation and fall asleep rubble / earth.

drawing / Schemes Septica from Eurocubes

Make a septicch from the Eurocuba with their own hands will be able to even a person who is more familiar with construction, it is enough to know several basic rules.

The advantages of the Eurocuba with respect to other embodiments septicism are indisputable:

  1. The price of it is quite low, compared with similar structures (plastic septics).
  2. The time required for the device of such a septica will not exceed 2-3 days, provided that all the basic works you will perform one.
  3. Plastic from which the Eurocub is made is durable and has excellent waterproofing.
  4. Such a septicch requires a minimum of additional work, there is no need for its overlap and additional finishes as opposed to septica from concrete rings.

Getting to work

As in any other case, it is necessary to determine which goals, and the results we set themselves. By making the necessary calculations on the average daily sewage volume, with which the septic is to be cope, proceed to the search for the necessary cubes. Remember, the total amount of septic tanks must be at least three times to exceed the daily drain.

Tip: Preferably, the flow tanks are no more than two, this will reduce the total number of connections between cameras, but will not affect efficiency.

Next, armed with a shovel (or honeying the desired technique) proceed to the ruin of the way with your own hands. Due to the fact that the Eurocube is sealed and an additional drainage system will be used to outflow, the location of such a septica can be in any convenient location.

From farmer to the designer.

Prepare a hole for future sewerage, proceed to direct installation septica from Eurocubets do it yourself. To do this, at the bottom of the pit it is worth making a pillow of sand or rubble. Well, in the event that there is a risk of dusting the soil under the weight of the filled cube (and, accordingly, the danger of damage to the connecting pipes) It is worth making a concrete tie.

Note: At the end of the installation, you need to be convinced of the tightness of all pipe connections. As an additional isolation, it is worth using a special sealant or liquid rubber.

so looks almost ready septic

The sequence and filtering scheme itself is reduced to the following. Through the pipes, the drains fall into the first section of the septica, where the separation of heavy particles occurs and their sedimentation on the bottom of the tank. Further, when a certain level of waste (approximately 50 cm), septic septica fall into the second chamber of the connecting tube. Alternatively, you can use the height drop (the second Eurocub is set below 20-30 cm).

The second chamber is equipped with a special drainage pipe (possibly use of several pipes), which is at the level of 15-20 cm from the bottom of the cube. As an improvement in the drainage ability, it is desirable to further construct a drainage well or the filtering field.

Both cameras are equipped with a mandatory ventilation pipe protruding over the soil for a couple of meters. In the Nutria of the first chamber, the ventilation tube should be 10-15 cm higher than the connecting pipe, and does not only take the role of removal of harmful evaporation, but also serves to pump unclean by the car by the machine.

Tip: It is better to do a ventilation pipe from several elements, in order to disconnect the upper part when necessary and use it to pump waste.

In the second chamber, the ventilation pipe should also be located at 10-15 cm, but already from drainage pipes.

After cooking and inspection of all connecting elements, the Eurocube occupy its reserved place in the pit and re-recorded this time is capitally fixed with pipes.

Video septicch from eurocubs do it yourself

With high groundwater

Alpine slide - Filtering field

If level groundwater high, then here you have to make a bulk field of filtration - it can be issued in the form of an alpine slide :).

So, at a high level of soil, the septic is mounted as usual, but here you will have to carefully consolidate the Eurocup to the bottom of the pit, TC at a high level of soil, they can pop up and damage the tightness of the compounds. Then you need another container (you can install the third Eurocub as an additional filter block or well). The third compartment sets the pump with a float switch, which will pump water into the filter field that we made above groundwater.

Elimination of installation of septica from Eurocubes.

Septic from Eurocubov crushed soil

The final stage is the formation around the outer wall of the concrete screed to protect the cube from the pressure on it soil. If the soil is rather loose, you can do the simple mobbing of the sand around the cubes or install the OSP panels / slate / professional flooring.

On this, the process of creating autonomous sewage can be considered completed.

For drainage it is worth using special perforated pipes raised by large rubble. Crushed stone will prevent the casing of pipes and has excellent bandwidth.

If possible, try to apply additional wastewater removal tools for example: filter well or special biological mixtures.

Plastic is very sensitive to low temperatures, so it is not necessary to allow its full filling in the winter, in a strong frost, it can simply crack from the internal pressure. One way to avoid this problem is to build a septic tank below the level of ground freezing or additionally insulated it.

To give greater stability, the Eurocube from the impact on it is soil, you can make it an external crate of a rocky wire.

Septic from Eurocubes is an effective autonomous waste and sewage removal system. It provides a comfortable life of a person in a country house where there is no central sewage.

Sewage Design from Eurocubes

Cubes that we will use for the manufacture of septica are made in the form of containers from polyethylene resistant containers. Such material during contact with the aggressive medium fully retains its mechanical and physical properties. Containers are placed in a welded frame frame from metal profiles. The volume of Eurocubes is different - 640-1250 liters. From the inside the described containers are additionally strengthened with special shields (they are placed in the corners).

Due to this, polyethylene containers are well opposed to operational abrasion. Eurocube possess other advantages. They: fully sealed; can withstand due to the presence of steel profiles and ergonomic cubic configuration, serious loads; oppose the effects of the external environment. Such containers are initially manufactured for long-term storage and transportation of aggressive substances. Therefore, they can be called perfect for the construction of autonomous.

Septic from Eurocubes is characterized by a number of benefits:

  • high speed construction system with their own hands;
  • the ability to purchase exact containers for the minimum cost;
  • ease of use and care;
  • excellent waterproofing of containers and their durability;
  • small scope for the preparation of plastic containers under the cleaning system.

The lack of eurocubs belongs to their relative ease. If the flooded waters will pour your country plot, they may well "drink" to the surface of the soil. It can be avoided by fastening the containers to the concrete base with tight belts and cables. Also, the Eurocups with thin walls can be deformed under the influence of increased loads. Such containers use to improve the septication is not recommended.

  • perform thorough waterproofing of containers;
  • competently choose the place of their installation, taking into account the terrain relief in order to reduce the effect of bunching soils on septicity stability;
  • tie containers with each other with steel rods;
  • protect cubes from strong squeezing (fully concrete ditch under the dacha sewer or make the container trim from the board).

Such events significantly increase the efficiency of functioning and reduce all its "minuses" to a minimum.

Cate sewage without pumping of stocks - Device diagram

Having made a septic tank from Eurocubets with their own hands, you will receive a reliable and fairly environmentally friendly "mini-sewer" at your disposal. The basis of its work is the separation (mechanical) of large particles of waste existing in wastewater. It becomes possible thanks to the two-level septic design, which provides the so-called "phenon phenomenon".

The scheme of operation of the system looks like this:

  1. From the sanitary equipment, wastewater in the pipes go to the first container. It occurs in it the separation of heavy fractions, which are lowered on the bottom of the plastic container.
  2. When the level of waste reaches a certain level (its value depends on the volume of Eurocubov used), they move to the adjacent container. The flow of large particles is ensured by the fact that there is some height difference between the tanks.
  3. By drainage tube, waste from the second container is discharged into the ground. Pipe, note, is mounted for about 20 centimeters above the bottom of the container. At its end, the check valve is mounted. It prevents the likelihood of an inverse time to the wastewater pipe.

Often, special biological activators add special biological activators. They form a special environment in tanks, which effectively breaks the wastewater. The use of activators provides waste with a minimum volume of undisguised fractions (not more than 0.5% of the total amount of effluent). Due to this, wastewater falls into the land, which does not cause any damage to the environment.

Improve the cleaning system for the cottage, which does not require waste, can be improved by means of filtering fields on its country site or a drainage well. As you can see, to make a truly effective "private sewer" for the cottage is quite real.

Preparatory stage - we take into account all the little things

High-quality sewer without pumping You will be able to build in the event that you correctly select the volume of containers and select a place to install the system, and also purchase all the necessary tools and materials. First you need to decide on the place where you will build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. Pick it up so that:

  • septic from home was located at a distance of more than 5 meters, and from other buildings - 2 meters;
  • it was possible to provide the slope of the sewer tube for each meter of at least 2 centimeters;
  • it was possible to easily approach containers for their service;
  • the pipeline did not have bends (if they could not do without them, it is necessary to install intermediate wells).

In addition, it is worth understanding that excessive removal of the septica from the residential building will require considerable costs of the extended pipeline. A large length of pipes contributes to the formation of blocks in them, which you have to clear. Therefore, you do not need to build a septic tank without pumping at a distance of more than 15 meters from the house even when the area of \u200b\u200byour country site allows you to do this.

The volume of containers is selected by the number of sanitary equipment installed in the house, and the number of permanent residents, as well as the activity of the use of sanitary equipment. If in the country you are only in the warm season, it is enough to take the Eurocups of 650-800 liters. But when people live in the house constantly, it is better to establish more roomy tanks. According to existing standards, one person consumes about 200 liters of water per day. Septic tank is recommended to be installed three times more by volume.

It means that 3 people live in the house, you will need to make a septicch of two cubes with a total volume of 1800 liters. This is quite enough for a comfortable life in private house-building.

We proceed to the work - we prepare a pit and containers

Plastic Eurocups we will install in the pit. It must have certain geometric sizes. To determine them simply - add 15 cm of length to each side of the used containers. And digging the resulting parameters. At his day should make a gravel pillow. It is then pouring a concrete solution (up to 0.3 m thick) and immediately mount metal loops into it. They will be needed for fixing containers.

At the land stage, there is also a trench. In them you will lay the sewer pipes. Please note - it is necessary to provide a small slope of trenches towards the installed system for collecting and cleaning wastewater. Now you can proceed to the preparation of containers. In them, we need to make several holes for ventilation and pipes (input and output), and plums in the lower parts need to be carefully sealed. If you put a system with two cubes, you need to stock up four 10-15-centimeter pipe segments and tees. The latter are inserted into the capacitance as follows:

  • around the gorlovin containers perform a cut (it should have the type of litera P);
  • reject the edge;
  • install the tee.

Next make holes from bows of tanks. Pipes will be supplied to them. In the first Eurocube to the hole will be connected to the sewer tube. It will connect the internal system and septic tank. Connection is done quickly and without difficulty - cutting the pipe product of the desired length, serve it into the hole and secure to the tee. Be sure to seal the locations of the individual elements of the system! Above the tee must provide a vent hole. It is usually inserted into the pipe with a cross section of 5 cm, no less.

On the other side of the cube, another hole is performed - the outlet. It should be somewhere 0.2 m below the first. The same hole make in the second container. Then connect their pipe - use tees. Over them also need to equip outputs for ventilation. After that, you need to weld the EUROKUBOV Corps (it is allowed to additionally use reinforcement rods). Due to this, the containers will not shift in relation to one to another. And then you need to close the neck of the cubes, to bore them (as much as possible) rivets and deceive with a sealant.

Install Septic - Serial Assembly

After drying the concrete in the pit, the Eurocube is lowered in it (do not forget that they should already be bonded between themselves) and fix them with a cable to loops mounted at the bottom of the pit. If the soil is unstable in the area, and there is a possibility of flooding, cover the capacity by boards or sheet profile. Pouring a concrete solution of the gap between the Earth and the walls of the cubes to increase their stability is also allowed.

But concrete should be poured only after you fill the containers with water. The next important stage of work is the insulation of Eurocubes. Such an operation should be done necessarily, otherwise aerobic bacteria will not be able to decompose the drains at low temperatures. The insulation of containers is most often carried out by polystyrene foam plates or slices of foam.

You can only put a layer of insulation on the surface of the Septic surface and fall asleep its land, leaving on the surface only the outs of pipes (cleaning and ventilation), and pave perforated pipe products for drainage. Their recommended diameter is 5 cm. Drainage is connected through a tee to the output tube of the second eurocuba, and then fall asleep with its gravel (layer - about 20 cm) to eliminate the risk of systemalization of the system. Your summer cottage is ready!

For the arrangement of autonomous sewerage, you can go a few ways. One of them is septic.

This installation consists of 2 tanks, between which there are overflow pipes. Sewer drains, falling into these containers, as a result, waste is lowered to the bottom, and purified water moves on. Water coming out of the installation is quite clean. Therefore, its fall in the soil is harmless. Here .

Installing septicity is more profitable than to equip a standard cesspool. After all, for the septicity, the services of the associate is ordered much less frequently. Asshenizer must simply remove solid residues that are located on the bottom. This leads to a significant savings.

Helpful information:

Septics can be budgetary or industrial production (), and you can make such a sewage device with your own hands from the Eurocuba. Of course, the production option is better, complete with it everything that will be needed for modern waste processing. But he has a significant disadvantage - the cost that cheap you can not call. The arrangement of the sewage collection site from Eurocubes is one of the most acceptable options.

What is Eurocube?

Eurocube is a container intended for storing or transporting liquids. It may be water, food or fuel. The material for the Eurocuba serves as polyethylene, the walls of the product are distinguished by large thickness and durability. It can be placed 1000 liters of fluid. Acquisition of Eurocub is easy, they sell economic outlets. Most often, such tanks are used to store water in dachas, household sections.

It is known that the normal operation of Septic is possible if its volume accommodates water consumption for 3 days. So, 540 must be multiplied by 3 days. It turns out 1620 liters. Such must be the volume of septic tanks. Consequently, 2 eurocubes should be taken on the arrangement of septics. The resulting system will be able to work without problems. Even some stock will remain. Tanks do not even have to fill up to the top mark. After all, overflow pipes are located below.

Sealing Tip Board

According to experts, plastic pipes having a diameter of 110 mm are ideally suited to arrange sewage. This diameter allows you to easily mount the sewage system, because the pipe coming from the toilet bowl has a similar diameter.

The filtration system in septica from Eurocubes is as follows. Streams of the house go through the sewer pipes in the first separation of the septic. Here, heavy particles settle, and the dirty water accumulates to the level of the half meter. When the desired amount of fluid is cheer, water flows through the pipe into the second part. It is possible to facilitate the flow through the rehabilitation of the second container by about 30 cm below.

The second part is complemented by drainage pipes, they are installed at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom. To improve the result, the drainage well is equipped or the filtering field.

The resulting septicch needs ventilation pipes. They are inserted into the first and second container. The height of the pipes above the soil level is 2 meters, it is necessary that the evaporation go up and belong to the wind. The pipe emerging from the first compartment is fixed so that it starts above the connecting opening of about 15 cm. It includes not only ventilation functions, but also to ensure the possibility of pumping the rally by the assessing agent.

Tip! To facilitate the access of the hose of the asserenizer machine to the first tank, the pipe should be made detachable. Then you can easily disconnect the upper part of the pipe, and insert the chain machine hose into the lower part.

When installing the pipe into the second container, it is necessary to place it at a distance of 15 cm from the drainage pipes.

When preparatory work is completed, the Eurocups must be installed at a permanent place in a specially eliminated pit, and then carefully consolidate all the connecting elements and pipes. Typically, for this uses slings.

How to choose a seat under the sewer from Eurocubes?

There are several rules that need to follow when choosing an ideal place for septic.

  1. The laying of sewage pipes should go through the shortest path, it should be straight.
  2. If you need to install a septic larger than 15 meters, you need to build a revision well, it will be required when forming a blockage.
  3. If you have to lay pipes with bends, there are rotary wells in the places of bends.
  4. The septic should be guaranteed by the unobstructed entrance for the equipment of the Asshenizer.

Features of trench laying

The trench is paved under the sewer pipe that connects the house and septic tank. The colder the climate of the area, the deeper the trench should be done. In the center of Russia, they usually make a depth of 50 - 100 cm. To protect themselves from moving, it is better to warm the padded pipe with a mineral wool or a polyster.

When laying a trench, it is necessary to take into account the bias required for the subsequent premition of the Self-selection. Typically, the pipe is packed so that the slope is 2 - 3 cm per mongon meter. This means that on 8 meters of the sewer pipe, the difference between the first and last point of the pipe will be 16 - 24 cm.

When the trench is completely dug. Its bottom is covered with a solid layer of sand. This is done so that in the course of operation because of the serangement, the locations of the compounds are not disturbed, the sand pillow will be hampered.


Drop the pit for the Eurocup is easy. The main thing is to follow some conditions.

  1. The size of the pit must exceed the sizes of Eurocubes. Only in this case can be calmly put the container there. No need to forget about the heat insulation. You must have a place to place insulation or to improve the strengthening of the container.
  2. The bottom of the pit need to pour concrete. The solid foundation guarantees the stability and reliability of the entire design. Otherwise, individual containers can be shifted, then the whole design will be disturbed. Sometimes instead of concrete uses a mixture of gravel and sand. But it is less reliable foundation.
  3. So that the soil does not appear and did not press the capacities on the walls, the walls of the pit close with metal sheets or a simple slate.

Tip! The arrangement of a complete concrete box in the pit is more appropriate than strengthening the walls with other materials. To do this, formwork is installed and a concrete solution is poured. When the recovery is fixed, the containers are fixed by attaching them to the base. Otherwise, the entire installation under the action of flood waters can occur.

If you follow all given advice, septic tanks from Eurocubov will become a reliable element of the sewer system, for many years will be operated.

Order of installation of sewage from eurocubs

2 Eurocube prepared with plastic pallets. The volume of each of them should be 800 liters.

Plums from Eurocubets are hermetically cleaned.

Measure whether you can insert a tee in the neck. If it does not go out, the neck will have to expand. Use the grinder.

Then they flexion the edge and re-make measurements.

Take a short tube, if there is no short, you can shorten any other size to the desired size.

Tip! All work with the grinder should be carried out exclusively in the presence of protective covers and protective gloves. The master in the photo breaks security measures. This is not recommended. When working, it is necessary to observe all precautions, otherwise everything can end the injury.

Compare the pipe and tee, look, whether they are docked.

The sewer pipe coming from the house has a diameter of 110 cm, the same sizes are made in the tank where wastewater will fall.

The prepared short tube is inserted into the Europeanob.

Over the location of the tee makes the slot designed to further edit the pipe for ventilation. The short fragment of the sewer tube is inserted into this slot.

In Eurocube, make a roset of a round form for mounting overflow pipes. It should be lower than incoming.

The edges of the holes are processed.

The second cube shifts 20 cm below the first to use the amount of tanks with the greatest benefits.

The connecting pipes need to install tees so that there is an opportunity to equip the ventilation output, as well as clean the connection zone as contamination, then the crust is not formed in the lumen.

All locations of pipe connections and capacity are processed by sealant.

This should look like a finished joint.

Install the ventilation and clean tube with a plug.

Steel framework parts with welding equipment are firmly connected. Additionally mounted fittings. It is needed to enhance strength and rigidity.

Putting from wood. Instead, you can use a professionalist or concreting.

Since the septic tank made by their own hands from Eurocubes will not be able to completely clean the water. It is necessary to supplement the system with a drain field. In this case, you can get good waters.

Decoration of the drainage field

The function of the drainage field is to fully clean the waters coming from the last Eurocuba. To do this, the tube is cut into the Eurocub with a diameter of 50 mm. After installing the pipe, the joint is sealed.

The drainage field has several layers, which can be cleaned by pollution of different sizes:

  • the grinding stone is large, it is necessary for the detention of all major particles overlooking the pipe;
  • next - sand, to remove small particles;
  • the last layer is gravel.


The sewage from Eurocubes is easy to make, but it is impossible to violate the basic rules for creating such a sewage treatment plant. First, a proper bias is needed for sewer pipes. Secondly, the tightness of the connection is obligatory. Thirdly, insulation should be ensured. If you comply with all the requirements during construction work, you will receive a high-quality sewer system capable of serving the house for a long time.

Regular maintenance costs Septica consist of a purchase of special bacterial compositions that are needed for the processing of solid organic waste. Also, it will also be necessary to order an altar machine for pumping the snap.

Thus, the construction of septica from Eurocubov takes a little time and costs cheaply.


