How to make a greenhouse from old window frames with your own hands - photos and videos. An example of construction of greenhouses from window frames: Let the old windows of the greenhouse from the RAM do it yourself

Old windows, which today often change to double-glazed windows, enclosed in plastic, usually sent to scrap. But they can give a second life using the greenhouse during construction. Moreover, when the factory product is made of polycarbonate, for example, and the money profile is not enough. And then there is a good, safe for plants and, most importantly, free material. Window glass has sufficient strength and perfectly misses the light, important for the life of plants.

It is not necessary to get old old frames of special work, especially when they need only a few for a small greenhouse. Well, if they are preserved after disassembling the old construction or replacement for double-glazed windows. In the extreme case, the required number of old frames can be asked for friends and neighbors who performed the overhaul of housing, or agree with the installers of plastic windows that their dismantling products simply take the dump.

From the material obtained, you can assemble the main parts of the greenhouse. This process is creative. You will have to delve into the nuances of the foundation device under the planned design and determine the location of each window frame in it. When problems appear with fitting composite elements of structures, pieces of polycarbonate, mounting foam and screws, sealant and conventional cement can come to the aid.

In general, for the assembly of greenhouses from old windows there are three main options:

  • Walking the bottom of the frame with wooden boards. This will be guaranteed that when watering plants or soil peopling, the greenhouse glass will remain as a whole.
  • The finished frame to glazate the material taken from the old windows. Then the greenhouse will look fully, and the frames can be applied at its discretion.
  • Docile the window frames into a single design. If they have different sizes, you have to show ingenuity. To begin with - to make a plan for placing frames in the design so that the structure looks harmonious.

Benefits of greenhouses from old windows

In connection with the availability of material and a simple assembly, you make a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, even a newcomer in this matter.

The advantages of such a facing "face":

  1. Wood is strong enough, with good care, the frame made of it will serve not be one year. High-quality treatment of wooden products makes them invulnerable to the effect of precipitation and sunlight.
  2. The glass of windows, in addition to the good ability to light, qualitatively protects the inner space of the greenhouse from the outer cold air.
  3. The assembly of the design of the window frames of many attracts that in such a greenhouse it is convenient to perform ventilating through any former.
In addition to the above, in the construction and use of such a building there are many more positive moments:
  • Efficiency and practicality. They are due to the fact that at low costs for the purchase of consumables, it is possible to obtain a greenhouse ready from external influences. Most often, old frames are covered with paint and not even one layer.
  • Environmental Safety. Wood as a natural material harmoniously fits into the inner space of the greenhouse.
  • Durability. It depends on the type of wood, which was used in the manufacture of the frame. The most endless rocks are oak and larch. A greenhouse with a wooden frame on average can serve 5 years. However, this period varies depending on the care of the construction and climatic zone of its location.
  • Heat capacity. Window frames perfectly retain the accumulated heat. Unhindered sunlight passing through them contributes to warming the greenhouse with a natural way.
  • Quality lighting. Due to the high light window glass light, the greenhouse space is illuminated not worse than beds outdoors. Harmful Ultraviolet radiation can be eliminated for some plants by gluing a tinted film on the glass from the inside of the greenhouse.
  • High strength of wood. This quality is indispensable for the stability of the greenhouse from window frames. It can be enhanced by impregnating products with modern drugs.

Tip! If there are no glass in assembled for construction, instead of them, a cellular polycarbonate can be successfully used or in the worst case - polyethylene film.

Technology installation of greenhouses from window frames

The design of the greenhouse from the RAM includes support, frame and coating. Consider the phased production of each of these items.

Preparation for the construction of the greenhouse

This stage of work includes a choice of space for the construction, its design, preparation of materials and the necessary tool.

Before making a greenhouse from window frames, it is necessary to compile its detailed drawing with the scheme for placing the frames, especially if they are different sizes. Previously, each frame will need to be measured. The total width of all products determines the length of the greenhouse. So that it is symmetrical, it is recommended to select the frames of one height.

The width of the structure should be chosen in accordance with the planned sizes of the beds and passes, convenient in terms of walking movement and the passage of a shopping cart. The width of the garden in the greenhouse is usually 1 m.

After drawing up a detailed drawing, it will not be difficult to calculate the consumables required for the construction of the greenhouse: fasteners, nodal parts, accessories, etc.

When the dimensions of the future greenhouse are already defined, you need to choose a place to accommodate it. From how correctly this is done, the functionality of the structure will depend on. It needs even well-lit plot. Near the greenhouse should not be objects capable of sharing it: high trees, fences, other buildings, etc. In addition, such structures are not recommended to be located on the path of dominant winds. In winter, this will reduce the thermal loss of the greenhouse. Ideally, the longitudinal axis of the greenhouse should navigate from the north to the south.

The ground under construction made from old windows should not be raw and durable, since the mass of similar greenhouses is very significant, and excess moisture for the wooden structure is destroyed. Successful for the greenhouse structure of the soil should consist of a lower sand layer and the upper layer of fertile black soil.

If the ground on the clay area, the place for the construction of the greenhouse should be filled with gravel, on top of it to make a pillow with a thickness of at least 100 mm from the sand, tackle it and put it with fertile soil. For such a "cake", it is pre-needed from the entire area of \u200b\u200bconstruction to remove the top layer of the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm.

Large importance is the level of groundwater. For the greenhouse, it should be at least one and a half meters down. Raw ground for the construction of such structures is not suitable.

Processing old windows

If it is planned to build a greenhouse from old window frames, they should be prepared properly. Pre-material must be carefully examined for damage. To facilitate this and subsequent work with frames, it is required to remove the glass and all accessories - spivelights, handles and so on. After that, the surface of the products should be cleaned of paint to wood. If you are detected by rotten elements, they must be replaced with new ones.

Purified frames must be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect in the future the construction of dampness, mice and insects.

The presence of small cracks is easily corrected by a special putty for wood. After drying it, the problem areas need to be pulled out by sandpaper. Then the prepared surface of the frames must be painted enamel for outdoor work. Such paint is not afraid of moisture and frost.

The height of the walls of the future greenhouse from the frames should be planned at least 1.7-1.8 m. The overall height of the structure depends on the magnitude of the slope of the roof. To cover from the film, it must be greater than for a polycarbonate or glass coating.

Construction of the foundation for greenhouses from windows

Stationary framework, which is not dismantled for the winter and can serve as 3-5 seasons, has a solid weight and therefore requires a strong foundation. Another need for its construction is a small height of the window frames, it is an average of 1.5 m. For comfortable movement inside the greenhouse, it is not enough. Therefore, the missing up to the norm of two or three dozen centimeters can be increasing the walls of the foundation. Another advantage of such a solution is to eliminate direct contact of wood nose frame with a soil. So, the window frames of the greenhouse will rot less.

Deciding on the desired height of the structure, it is easy to calculate the vertical size of the above-ground part of its support. The overall height of the frames and walls of the foundation should allow you to move around the greenhouse without flexing.

Concrete belt foundation is considered the most reliable. After choosing a place and breaking the site for construction along its perimeter, you need to dig a trench with a depth of 50-70 cm, depending on the level of primerization of the soil. The standard trench width is 15-20 cm. Big depth of the excavation will make the construction of the unpromainable. This will give an opportunity for an early plant landing at the beginning of spring.

The bottom of the trench must be filled with rubble, and on top of it create a sandy pillow with a thickness of 10 cm. Then it must be soaked with liquid concrete, fill the trench with stones and pour the remaining mixture into it, filling the extraction to the surface level of the soil.

Another day you need to install a panel formwork to raise the walls of the foundation to the required height. It is usually 15-25 cm. In the formwork you can put stones or fittings, which will make the above-ground part of the support under the greenhouse. After that, everyone should be poured with concrete and leave for 28 days to complete it.

You can ignore the formwork device, performing the above-ground part of the support from a wooden bar with a cross section of 150x150 mm. To obtain an additional 30 cm Heat height, eight bars need to be paired on each other. Before mounting, they should be soaked by car oil. Broadbells must be connected to the brackets, and the end joints of the structure to strengthen with metal corners. Frame from the foundation should be separated by rubberoid waterproofing.

For a miniature greenhouse foundation, it will be enough to dig a trench with a depth of 30 cm, fall asleep it at the beginning of rubble, then sand, and then on top immediately mount the reference frame from the bar. The minus of this solution is such a greenhouse in winter to freeze.

Mounting frame for greenhouses from window frames

It consists of racks and two strapping - upper and lower. For the strapping, metal corners or a timber and boards can be applied. Horizontal bottom strapping from steel corners should be performed when pouring the top of the foundation for a durable compound of metal parts with support. The side stands of the design in this case should be made from the same corners, then weld or fix with bolted bolt connections on the lower strapping. The height of the upper strapping is required to determine with special care. It is important that the wooden frames suddenly be behind its line - above or lower.

For the manufacture of a wooden carcass, greenhouses will need a timing segment 100x100 mm, eight boards with a thickness of 40 mm, four side racks and several intermediates. Their number depends on the number of windows that need to be installed. For example, if the frame in length will consist of four frames, and in a width of two, you will need three racks per each of its sides and one on the end.

The size of the cross section of a bar for racks should be at least 50x50 mm. All compounds of wooden framework parts must be performed with metal corners, having previously drilled seats for screws for screws in the wood. Steel parts are desirable to protect against rust anti-corrosion enamel.

The frame assembly should be carried out in this order:

  1. Attach to the foundation anchor bolts Bar 100x100 mm. It will serve as the basis for further installation of the frame.
  2. Install side racks by checking them vertically building level.
  3. Performing on the conjugation of a word in the drainage, with the help of nails, fasten the boards forming the lower strapping of the greenhouse frame.
  4. Install intermediate racks. The distance between them should correspond to the width of the window.
  5. Run boards on the racks upper strapping.
  6. For protection from rot and the invasion of insects, the frame racks must be treated with an antiseptic.
A double roofing frame is convenient to shoot down down on earth, and then install the structures on the walls. The central risers that serve the root support are recommended to perform from a more powerful timber than the one that will be used for the remaining elements of the roof. For rafters and skate, you can use a timing by a cross section of 50x50 mm. The intermediate rafters of the roof frame can be made of a thick board instead of a bar. The distance between them usually corresponds to the width of the frames.

Device coating greenhouse

The coating of such a greenhouse is recommended to do from polycarbonate or polyethylene film. The frames for this are suitable less. The fact is that they strongly increase the weight of the structure, and it is uncomfortable to mount the glass on the roof rods. Another thing is plastic or film. They can be easily removed for winter. And the glazed frames that are hardly disassembled, in the winter will accumulate snow caps, creating additional loads and thereby shortening the life of a wooden carcass greenhouse.

For film coating design from window frames, the slope of the roof rods should be large. It is useful for water from the rain on the film with her deflection, it is not delayed and dragged down. Polycarbonate sheets have greater rigidity than film. Therefore, when used to cover the bias of the roof of the greenhouse can be less than in the previous case.

Cellular polycarbonate sheets need to be recorded on rafters and frontions with bolts with wide washers. To protect the walls of the greenhouse from rainwater, it is necessary to leave the sinks of the roofs that should be outside the lateral enclosing structures by 150-200 mm.

Film on the frame is conveniently mounted simultaneously from different sides. Therefore, this operation is better to perform together, easily controlling the magnitude of the tension of the material. For its attachment, thin wooden rails are suitable, which, after pressing the film, must be fixed with nails on the roof frame.

In order for the maximum to reduce the sacking of the film on the greenhouse, it is recommended to lay the coating on the mesh frame from the cord, stretched between the roof rafters.

Fastening window frames in the frame

After the roof is made, the greenhouses can be installed in its frame window frames. The fixation of these elements of the structure should be performed from its outdoor side with the help of screws. The gaps between the frames need to be filled with mounting foam, and for maximum tightness to close with thin straps.

The glasses in the frame must be laid on the sealing composition, and then fasten the strokes. In this case, the movement of air through the closed frame will be excluded.

When installing the frames it is necessary to check the state of the vents. They should not be blocked. In case of needing, they must be corrected. To hold the vessels in the closed position, you need to nourish the hooks. In addition, you should come up with a lock that holds them in an open form.

The greenhouse doors should be installed in the end of the structure. If she is narrow, then her end can be left without frames at all - they will not fit there. It will be easier if in this case the whole end, except the doorway, to strip film.

Door box need to be made from the bar. The door leaf on it can be hung using a loop, taken out of window frames. After that, it will remain pumped up a fertile layer of the Earth to the greenhouse, make a bed and start planting plants.

How to make a greenhouse from window frames - watch video:

As you can see, an environmentally friendly and comfortable greenhouse from window frames can be built on their own penny. Think about this opportunity when old windows in your home are gathering to change new modern glass windas. Good luck!

Today, greenhouses are built from a variety of materials. It can be polycarbonate, and metal-plastic, and other similar elements. However, many consumers are set in a short time to build an inexpensive greenhouse from more accessible and easy-to-use materials. Not bad structures are obtained from ordinary window frames. Today we will analyze in detail how to make a greenhouse from such details.


It is not a secret for anyone that the presence on the section of the greenhouse allows to improve and increase the harvest in the cool spring season, when planting plants are not possible in the open soil. Young sprouts and seeds in greenhouse conditions grow pretty quickly and develop, and by the time the onset of the first warm days is flourished.

Currently, most of the owners of apartments and private houses change old wooden windows into plastic in their dwellings. As a rule, after the completion of all installation work from the previous frames, they simply get rid of - throw out, removed away as unnecessary. In fact, such details can still come in handy. With their use, it will be possible to build a neat and inexpensive greenhouse.

Do not get rid of glasses in such elements. They will be needed for greenhouses, since they are able to maintain the optimal and comfortable temperature regime for plants.

With the use of old wooden frames, you can build a very reliable and strong framewhich will support the design of the greenhouse over long.

Nelishes in such buildings will be the windows on the windows. They will be useful to ensure ventilation in the greenhouse. In addition, with the help of these elements, you can adjust the temperature in the inside of the entire structure.

In itself, the tree is a reliable and sustainable material, however, buying new wooden parts for the manufacture of the greenhouse will be invoicable, as they will cost anyhow. That is why buildings collected from old window frames are a great and inexpensive solution.

In addition to wooden, plastic double-glazed windows are often used in the construction of greenhouses. Many owners are used in the construction of such buildings old balcony windows having an impressive weight.

If you dwell on the main advantages of such designs, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • In the inside of the greenhouse, high-quality ventilation will always be present thanks to the fortakes on the old windows.
  • With the help of window frames from wood or PVC material, it will be possible to build a stationary and unintended greenhouse in the shortest possible time.
  • Under these conditions, it is possible to grow coloring flowers, fruits and vegetables.
  • The greenhouse, built of old frames, is also good because it has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • In such a building it is possible to establish additional lighting devices. Thus, in the greenhouse from the windows it will be possible to combine and natural, and artificial lighting.

There are no serious deficiencies in such structures. The only deficiencies that many users say is that it is difficult to find the required number of frames of identical dimensions so that the greenhouse turns out to be more even and neat.

Homemade greenhouses from window frames are often unclear. Similar structures can be built with their own hands. Moreover, such works, as a rule, do not take much time and strength.

Independent construction

As a rule, inexpensive greenhouses from old windows make the owners themselves. Such works can not be called too difficult and inaccessible, however, a certain algorithm for actions should be followed so that the greenhouse is high-quality and reliable as a result of the greenhouse.

Preparation of drawings

First you need to make all the preparatory work. Directly to the assembly of greenhouses can be passed only after this step. Otherwise, the design may turn out to be uneven, and its location will not be the most successful.

First you need to find the right amount of wooden window frames with the same sizes. If you have not been able to stock such elements, then you will have to make all your skills and skills concerning architectural issues. We have to measure each frame separately, record the resulting value on paper, and then try to make a suitable drawing.

In the preparation of the project, the greenhouse needs to consider such parameters:

  • The ratio of the dimensions of the frames and the necessary height for you. The recommended height of the walls in the greenhouse is 180 cm. If you can not put the frames on each other, then you will have to build a slightly wall at the bottom with the use of other materials.
  • Roof. Often for the roof structure, metal irises or a bar are chosen. These dense and reliable materials are needed, because during the winter season they can accumulate snow. Under its load, "fragile" roofs will break.
  • Also, when drawing up the drawing of the greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account the lip of the roof. It is recommended to send along the north-south axis so that in the greenhouse is sufficient and correctly lighting.

Only with the use of drawing can be built neat and aesthetic greenhouse.

Choosing a place

To mount the greenhouse from old windows, it is very important to choose a suitable place, since it is from it that the functionality of such a design will depend on it. Experts recommend to have greenhouses exclusively on smooth surfaces that are sufficiently lit by the Sun from all sides.

Moreover, it is necessary to choose a place protected from constant and strong winds.Near the greenhouse should not be high structures or trees - they will create large shadows that can fall on plants in a panic.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the greenhouse from old windows should stand so that its longitudinal side is from the northern part to the South.


The land under greenhouse must necessarily be dry and clean. According to experts, the most successful is the option at which there is a sandy soil under the black soil.

Glasses in old frames most often have a lot of weight, so the soil under the greenhouse should be well tumped. This criterion is especially important if we are talking about the montage of the greenhouse without filling the foundation.

If your site is located in the clay area, then the selected place will be needed to prepare to install the greenhouse. To do this, it is necessary to make a gesture from the gravel of the middle fraction, and then build a special pillow from the sand with a thickness of at least 10 cm. At such a base, it will be necessary to fall asleep fertile soil.

When choosing a place for the construction of a greenhouse, you need to take into account the location of the groundwater. They should be located at a depth of at least 1.5 m. If the soil on your site is too wet, then it is not recommended to build a heavy greenhouse from window frames.

Design options

Greenhouses from window frames may have different designs. Consider the most popular options that many users choose:

  • For the bottom of the frame, it is possible to use the cladding boards. With such a design, wearing the beds, you definitely do not damage the glass elements and do not hurt yourself. Similar problems will be able to avoid both swing or watering the beds.
  • In the already ready frame, you can insert glass from the same window frames. Such a design will look especially attractive and interesting.
  • Window frames can be docked together. With similar design, the design of the greenhouse will not be the most presentable. And if the frames are returned in the size parameters, it will be very difficult to connect.

Some gardeners prefer to build high-quality greenhouses not from wooden window frames, but from double-glazed windows with plastic profiles. Someone buys them specifically for such construction works, and someone in the arsenal has unnecessary PVC structures. Greenhouses from such materials are very durable and reliable. They are not subject to mechanical damage and serve for a very long time. However, double-glazed windows have an impressive weight, so they can only be installed on well prepared and dry soil (preferably with the foundation).

The most popular designs from double-glazed windows are connected to a row of windows from all sides of the construction. Such structures can be supplemented with a batch roof from similar materials.

Heavy greenhouses from double-glazed windows can have any form and structure. They can be built in mini format or make very large - it all depends on the desires of the owners. Of course, classic are squares of square and rectangular shape. A little more than the polygonal structures.

Detailed guide

To build a high-quality greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, you need to stock in the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • screwdriver (it can be electric);
  • circular saw;
  • chisel;
  • special drills for wood work;
  • construction level;
  • as a carbon;
  • roulette;
  • mounting foam;
  • fasteners.

If you have already selected a suitable place to install the greenhouse on the site, then you can move to the construction of the foundation. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended to be done if the soil and the weight of the future structure requires.

Consider step-by-step instructions for the installation of the foundation for the greenhouse:

  1. To begin with, the dedicated area must be cleaned from dirt, garbage, weeds, hemp and other similar items.
  2. After that, you need to move the size of the greenhouse on the cleaned area and score small stakes around the perimeter. Between them should stretch the cord or rope.
  3. Further in every corner and near the parties it is necessary to dig up small pits, the depth of which should be not more than 0.5 m - the level of primerization of the soil.
  4. In the velocked yams, you need to fall asleep rubbank, and then the ravenness of it.
  5. The next step will be the construction of a formwork. In each pit, you need to insert an asbestos-cement pipe with a diameter of no more than 15 cm. Next, you need to make alignment and insert the reinforcement.
  6. Strengthen the design of bricks, and then pour concrete.
  7. Further, on the foundation it is necessary to assemble the lower crown from the bar and beghed in its iron plates.

Note that the concrete will only dry in a couple of weeks. After that, the playground under the greenhouse must lay a brick around the perimeter. As a result, you will have a flat plane, thanks to which the greenhouse will collect it easier and easier.

Next, you can move to the manufacture of the carcass of the greenhouse. To do this, you can use a timber or boards. But first you need to measure the width of the frames. Memore from the perimeter of the flooded basement of the segments that exceed the width of the window structures by 5-7 cm. These places should be noted.

In the noted points you need to fix the ranks of the bar having one height. Then, along the top of the poles, you need to stretch thread. Use the level so that the tops can be adjusted. If there are outstanding elements on the poles, they need to be cut.

After that, you need to take a bar and put it on the tops in a horizontal position. Thus, you will have peculiar cells to install window frames. Now you should mount the windows themselves, not forgetting about the doors and windows. Bold all the details as securely as possible. Work carefully not to split glass items.

All slots and joints should be treated with mounting foam. The truncated foam is recommended to cover with putty or paint - this will help protect this material from excess dryness.

The last stage of the construction of the greenhouse will be the installation of the roof. It can be two- or single one. Consider more of the roof installation process on the example of a single design:

  • First you need to lay out the boards on the wall strapping under the support of the rafter. Be sure to mark the nests for mounting the inclined beams of the future roof.
  • In each corner of the side wall, put the racks to form a slope. Between them you need to put a bar. The front of the roof will be fastened for it.
  • Now you need to install side boards into the roof and attach them to the front part on the screws.
  • Make the grooves under the planks of the rafter in the extreme board. To do this, it is recommended to apply a special template that is the cut letter "P".
  • Next, you need to pull the cord and check that all rafters are located in the same plane. Top plays roofing material. Specialists advise to use material from cellular polycarbonate, glass or special film.

As a result, you should get an attractive and neat greenhouse. The main thing is not all stages to use the level so that the design is smooth.

Opole owners

Greenhouses collected from old wooden or polyvinyl chloride frames are found in many areas. The popularity of such structures is explained by their low-cost and fairly simple erection.

As a rule, reviews about greenhouses from the frames are positive. Such structures have appeared very warm to many owners. Such conditions are very comfortable for growth and flowering of various plantations.

In addition, many users noted that the construction of such greenhouses seemed to them quite simple. The main thing is to choose a suitable place to build and make a detailed drawing of the greenhouse. Then in the process of assembly work you will not come across different problems and non-stalks.

However, some people claim that their greenhouses from old frames served less than 5 years, after which they began to rot in the lower part in contact with the Earth. The hosts faced with such problems, recommend painting the greenhouse annually to extend their service life. Other significant shortcomings, users did not notice.

If you are going to appoint a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands, then you should consider some recommendations from professionals. Perhaps they will help you avoid many problems in the process of making a greenhouse:

  • When erecting greenhouses from window frames, it is recommended to use the electrical instrument - the jigsaw, the screwdriver. With such devices, it is much easier to work.
  • Consider that the greenhouse from old frames is suitable only for domestic household plots. Grow vegetables and fruits on an industrial scale in them can hardly - for such plantations it will take a more reliable and expensive design of metal.

  • If you want to make a greenhouse frame from a bar, and not from the boards, then you need to take into account its thickness. Too thin bars may not withstand the weight of the whole design. Such buildings will not serve for a long time.
  • So that the entire design is more stable and reliable, vertical backups should be installed. They are recommended to prepare at the construction stage of the frame.
  • If you want to sit on a greenhouse from the windows of a roof consisting of polycarbonate, then glass is better inserted only after the completion of all roofing works.
  • For the roof improvement, it is not recommended to use old windows. It is better instead of such elements to use a special polyethylene film or polycarbonate.

Fresh and environmentally friendly vegetables are always welcome "guests" on our table. The owners of country sites make a lot of effort to grow "their" cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. However, only hard work here is not enough. Indeed, to obtain high yields it is necessary to create a seedl of suitable conditions for growth and development. Therefore, a great outlet is a greenhouse - you can build a design from inexpensive and affordable materials.

Today, many in the dwellings remove old window frames, replacing them with comfortable and practical glazing. But such Ramam can give a "second life" by applying them for the construction of a greenhouse or a greenhouse. So, today we will deal in detail how to build a "house for vegetables" without significant costs.

Greenhouse from old frames: pros and cons

Before starting the construction of the greenhouse, you should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of such a project. First about the advantages:

  • Available project cost. It is enough to assemble the desired number of unnecessary window frames left after repair, and the main material you are provided. It is much cheaper than using greenhouses from new blocks to build.
  • Fast mounting. After filling and drying the foundation, it remains only to assemble the frames in one whole - and the greenhouse built by their own hands is ready. This stage will take just a few days, but it should be carefully prepared.
  • A set of accessible tools. Hammer and nails - that's all you need.

Useful advice: if possible, it is better to use the power tool and the screwdriver. If there are no useful things in the farm, they can easily rent them.

"Cons" greenhouses from old window frames:

  • Constant construction. The old wood is breathing, and the gaps are formed through which moisture can penetrate and other adverse environmental factors.
  • Limited service life. If old window blocks used as a raw material for the manufacture of greenhouses, then their service life is quite small. True, 5 years old, such a "house" for vegetables and seedlings will definitely serve.

Note! Old window frames - suitable material for the construction of greenhouses for the "home" loft. However, for cultivation, for example, cucumbers, in the "industrial" scale, it is better to choose metal products or steel pipes. Of course, it will cost much more expensive, but the design will turn out more reliable.

Greenhouse from window frames for teapots

Before proceeding with the construction, you should consider important details. For example, do you need to make a wooden frame or can you skip this stage? It will depend on the thickness and configuration of the collected window blocks. With a significant thickness of the frames, it will be possible to completely do without a frame.

Forest materials:

  • Rubble and sand- for the foundation of the future structure. Of course, you can build a greenhouse from window frames without foundation, but reliability will be dubious.
  • Boards and bar of different sections- on wall racks 50 x 100 mm, on angular - 100 x 100 mm.
  • Furniture- nails, door and window loops, locks and handles on doors, steel eaves, antiseptic agent for wooden surfaces. When building a roof from a sheet of steel, this material will have to be purchased.
  • Old Ramami.

Required tools:

  • a hammer
  • screwdriver - can be electric
  • a circular saw
  • chisel
  • drills on wood
  • level
  • galnik
  • roulette
  • slice from cord
  • mounting foam
  • screws

Greenhouse with your own hands - drawings

Any construction begins with the design of the future facilities. However, in our case, it will be necessary to simply collect the design of the finished modules. We carry out such preparatory work:

  1. We decline the window frames on a flat section of the Earth, choosing details for lateral and end sides. We achieve the most ideal compatibility of "Puzzles".
  2. We measure and fix the results of the layout.
  3. We make a detailed drawing on paper with all parameters and dimensions of parts.
  4. We prepare three more drawings - the foundation, frame and roofing part of the future greenhouses from the window frames.

How to build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands - step-by-step guide (with photos and video)

So, after the acquisition and preparation of all necessary tools, you can start work.

Step number 1. Choose a place under the greenhouse

The structure for the structure should be chosen taking into account the fact that plants will need the maximum availability of sunlight. Therefore, nearby there should be no capital buildings or high trees, obscure sunlight.

If you plan to build a greenhouse from frames for the film, you should choose a platform that strong winds do not flush. Otherwise, a disruption of the design microclimate is possible, which will adversely affect plants inside. However, even a glazed greenhouse is not recommended to be placed on a windy plot - to avoid loads.

The soil should be dry and dense, because in a wet and swampy medium it is possible to send and subsequent deformation of the wooden structure.

Step number 2. Foundation under greenhouse

The selected plot needs to be cleared - remove the garbage, targeting roots, weeds and stumps.

We carry the dimensions of the future greenhouse on the site and drive small stakes around the perimeter, between which we stretch the cord or rope. Now in every corner and near the parties you need to dig a small pits to a depth of 0.5 meters - at the level of the primer of the soil. In the pits, we smear rubbank (somewhere about 10 cm) and tamper.

Now on the formwork queue - insert an asbestos-cement pipe into each pit (diameter 10 - 15 cm), align in the level, insert the reinforcement. The design should be strengthened in position with bricks, and then pour concrete. We collect on the foundation the lower crown from the bar and fasten the plates of iron.

If it is planned to build a greenhouse from window frames without foundation, it is enough just to make a strapping from the bar and put on the ground. For the purpose of waterproofing, you can use the runneroid in which the bars are wrapped (in the photo).

As a rule, concrete finally dries after a couple of weeks. After that, the plane under the greenhouse throughout the perimeter of the foundation can be postponed with bricks. Thus, it turns out a flat site, which greatly facilitates the subsequent assembly.

Step№3. We collect a carcass of greenhouses from window frames

The construction assembly is carried out in such a sequence: installation of columns and frames from a bar to which we attach window frames.

Important! If you plan to use the timber, and not the boards - be sure to take into account their thickness. After all, too thin a bar simply will not stand the weight of the whole design and at any time can fall apart as a card house.

To begin with, we measure the width of the window frames. On the perimeter of the foundation, I refue the segments, the length of which exceeds the width of the frames by 5 - 7 cm and mark these places. At these points, you fix the standing vehicle of the same height. Then on top of the poles stretch the thread in the level in order to correct the tops. If there are protruding parts, you need to cut them.

We take timber and put horizontally on the "tops". Thus, "cells" are obtained for window frames. Now you need to install the frames, not forgetting about the door and the window, and securely strengthen all the details.

Using the mounting foam we close the gap between modules and stained. Dry foam professionals advise time or paint, which will avoid drying out.

Step No.4. Making roof

The roof can be a single or bounce - we will stop in the first version. To begin with, we put the boards on the wall strapping under the plumbing. At the same time, it is important not to forget to place the nests for installing the inclined beams of the roof of the greenhouse from the frames.

In each corner of the side wall, we put the racks - the slope is created. Between the racks, we laid the bar, which fix the front door of the roof. We put the side boards into the roof and attach to the front chalkboard with screws. Under the boards, rafted the grooves in the extreme board, for which we use the template (the letter "P", carved taking into account the width and height of the socket).

Now stretch the cord and check that all the rafal beams are in the same plane. On top it is placed roofing - it is desirable to do from cellular polycarbonate, glass or films.

Each of these materials has its advantages and disadvantages. If you build a greenhouse from frames for the film, then such a structure will not have an excessive load on the foundation. True, polyethylene is required to periodically water water to knock down dust and dirt. As a cover, many prefer polycarbonate. It remains to adhere the door and the ventilation window and the design is ready.

Greenhouses from window frames: Photo

There are many different greenhouses - small, large, single-sided, double, arched. The photo presents different design options.

As you can see, a greenhouse with her hands from the window frames is not such a difficult construction (even for "kettles"). Here it is important to carefully examine all the details and carefully carry out measurements. Well, of course, stock patience and tools - and it will definitely go! After all, such a greenhouse can be equipped with a heating system, water supply, to carry out light and other amenities. Good luck in your work!

What material for the greenhouse is better? Each owner will answer this question in different ways. First of all, the choice depends on financial capabilities.

Greenhouse from old window frames is a budget option that does not require serious capital investments. This design is easy to make it yourself. The construction process takes not so much time.

How to choose the material for homemade greenhouse

How to build:

  • incover in the land of columns treated with fungicidal preparations;
  • attach flexible branches to them;
  • the distance between the columns is no more than 1.4 m;
  • connect the ends of the branches opposite;
  • frame ready;
  • stick.

Option number 2.telitsa metallic grid

For the manufacture of this sufficiently durable design, take a welded grid or a challenge:

  • at sufficient depth, fasten the columns in the ground;
  • perform a strapping from a bar or boards, secure the grid on it;
  • pull the transparent film on the frame.

Greenhouses from old window frames

Many owners make shelter for plants from unnecessary frames, which, after repair, some people simply thrown into a landfill. Of all the types of structures from the primary materials, this is the most durable and durable. The cost of work is minimal.

The second life of old windows

The design deserves more attention. Examine all the nuances of the building inexpensive and reliable greenhouses.

Design features

  1. Such a design passes sufficiently light and protects plants well from the effects of atmospheric precipitation. Prevent high humidity will help regular ventilation.
  2. The design will serve not one year. In such a building you can install the system
  3. The usual homemade master will be able to build an inexpensive greenhouse. Patience is required and accuracy. The assistant does not hurt.

More precisely, the frames are selected and fitted, the better the design looks.

Where to install a greenhouse?

Place requirements Several:

  • smooth, well lit, protected from wind plot;
  • no near high trees or high-rise buildings, creating a shadow;
  • a longer side of the greenhouses need to be located from north to south.

Nuances that you need to know:

  • choose window frames of the same size;
  • make sure that the glasses be integer, and the tree is not rotten;
  • curlerate the required number of frames, take a couple in the margin;
  • before installing, remove all the accessories, remove the old paint, treat the tree with the composition of fungi;
  • after drying the fungicide, paint the frame.

Pros and cons of greenhouses from old windows

Advantages are more than flaws. Judge for yourself.

Positive sides:

  1. glass misses ultraviolet. Plants are quickly drawn and well fruit;
  2. correctly assembled greenhouse retains sufficient heat;
  3. glass is putty in order lighter than the film;
  4. broken glass is easy to replace.

Disadvantages of the structure:

  1. for heavy glasses, the foundation is needed;
  2. large degrees can damage the coating;
  3. without venting into sunny days, indoors may be too hot.

These shortcomings are not so serious to spoil the overall impression of the greenhouse from the window frames. Many of them are easy to eliminate.

How to build a greenhouse from old windows

Before starting to build, prepare enough material

Pay attention to the nuances:

  1. First, find a sufficient number of old windows. Perhaps you will need not one day.
  2. Secondly, examine the material on the topic and watch the video. You must clearly imagine how to act.
  3. And finally, disperse over time. From unnecessary frames freezes about three weeks. For such a term you will probably have time to find suitable frames.

Contact the firm engaged in installing plastic windows. Perhaps employees will tell you the address where free material for your greenhouse will appear in the near future. Try, most likely help you.

If you build a greenhouse with your own hands

Help the owner will have schemes with inflicted sizes that can be taken as a basis. If you plan to build a design of a different size, be sure to draw a drawing of the future structure.

Do not build on the eyes. Measure each frame. You will understand what size it turns out.

Pick the old windows of the same size. So they will be easier to fix.

Special attention is paid to the location of the frames. Install them strictly by level. Pobbled frame will lead to various problems.

On the drawing, mark the location of the beds and passes. The width of the bed - near the meter. It is desirable that free space remains for walking.

If the construction is big, make a pass on the width of a small cart. Wearing fertilizers in the vendors - a bad idea.

Caracas for greenhouses from window frames

For strength and reliability of homemade shelter for plants, make a wooden frame. You will need a timing of 50 x 50 cm or a high-quality dry board, suitable in size to the width of the window frames (4 cm).

Long window frame elements attach to stands. So it will be reliably isolated with a slit between adjacent frames.

Frame details:

  • rack;
  • lower strapping;
  • top strapping.


  • nails;
  • screws.

What's better? Of course, screws. They are more expensive, but the connection is more durable. Fix the frames not only from the outside. Inside the mount, spend on the baseboard of the middle thickness.

After connecting the frames, all the cracks blew the mounting foam. Do not dreach, high-quality design will be well kept warm even in the cold.

Does the foundation need?

Most of the owners equipped the homemade greenhouse from window frames do not regret what they made the basis for their greenhouses. The foundation will not only be a good support for the frame. Pouring base helps maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse and reduces heat loss.
Types of foundation:

  • tape;
  • point;
  • metal.

The most durable and reliable - tape. The plot depth depends on the region. Specify the depth of the primer of the soil in your area.

The foundation is poured around the perimeter. The width of the base is at least 100 m. For the winter greenhouse, the foundation from the outside will warm. Slabs are suitable, which has high water repellent properties of polystyrene foam.

Comable version of the belt foundation is concrete or stone masonry. Check the quality of the fill of the base level. Socials are not allowed.

Production of greenhouses from window frames

A good help will be a detailed video instruction. After watching this material, any owner can easily figure it out in all the intricacies of the manufacture and installation of homemade shelter for plants.

Useful advice
There are little things that can affect the operation of the homemade greenhouse. Pay attention to them:

  • The frames should not be rotten. Unfortunately, throw away the frames even with small rotten areas.
  • Check whether files are open.
  • Do not forget to treat the tree by fungicidal compositions, otherwise the frame will be rotten;
  • Do not make tracks with a width of less than 50 cm - will inconvenient will walk between grown plants;
  • Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse. Excessive humidity and high temperatures worsen plant development.
  • The best material for the roof is polycarbonate or, in the extreme case, film. The window frames are too heavy, too much sunshine passes through them, and the plants overheat.

Greenhouse from window frame photos

Options for homemade greenhouses are sufficient.

Build a homemade greenhouse, taking into account the recommendations and enjoy the fruits of your work.

Greetings to all. If there is no money to buy materials to build a greenhouse on their own, then you can apply old window frames. Today, almost all apartments change windows on plastic counterparts, so there will be no problems with searching for such a material.

In most cases, old frames simply throw out, so you can agree with institutions that massively insert plastic windows or with your neighbors.

It remains only to learn the nuances of construction, after which to start creative process. If not all frames are suitable, then you can use small sheets of polycarbonate, mounting foam or polyethylene film.

Despite the fact that such an embodiment of the greenhouse is economical, you can create a beautiful and functional design for growing plants and fruits all year round.

Before construction work, you need to dismantle all the fittings. For convenient mount, glass should be removed for a while. In order not to get confused, it is recommended to mark them with an ordinary marker. Plus, therefore, you can avoid cracks on the glass.

Paint and varnish with wooden frames must be considered, after which it is necessary to treat a special antiseptic to increase the service life of the future greenhouse.

Before starting building a greenhouse with a large area, it is recommended to make a mini-greenhouse to begin with, it will allow to understand the entire process of building the construction.

Frames are used as roofs that are fixed to the basis of wood. In order for a greenhouse room to air, its width must correspond to the width of the old frame. In this case, during the day you can open the roof. Length can be 2-3 frames.

For the manufacture of a frame, you need to prepare 4 bars and boards. In the corners, bars are launched, after which the boards are nourished. To make a tilt for the scope of natural precipitation, the front shield must consist of three boards, and the side and rear of four. The top board will need to cut under the desired angle. After that, the shields are attached with the help of self-tapping screws, to the inserted bars.

Since the future design will be small, then the glass is not necessary to extract.

Installation process:

  • Old frames must be laid across the frame and attach to a high (rear) wall with a loop.
  • It is not necessary to fasten the frames between themselves, this will allow you to restrict them at any time to ventilating them.
  • For reliability, you can install the hook on one side.

Stationary greenhouse

To build a solid construction, you will need more strength and time. Such a greenhouse has a greater mass, so it is necessary to prepare the foundation.

  • First you need to knock the pegs on all corners, then pull the twine. It is important that the design is viewed to the south, solar rays have always fallen on the plants.
  • Make a trench depth of no more than 0.5 m and 20 cm wide. In the northern regions, the depth can be 0.7 m. As a result, the greenhouse will not freeze.
  • The base is covered with gravel and sand with a layer of 10 cm.
  • The concrete is poured on top.
  • To raise the foundation slightly, you need to make a formwork the next day.
  • Leave up to dry.

Montage Karcasa

About two weeks after the fill of the ribbon foundation, you can proceed to the installation of the frame (rack with strapping). For this, bars and boards or metal corners are used. In the latter case, the strapping must be done during the fill of the foundation. Side racks are connected to the bottom with bolts.

If wooden materials are used for the strapping, then you need to prepare the 10x10 timber, for strapping 8 boards, 4 bruses 5x5 for lateral and intermediate racks. Screws and metal corners are used as fasteners.

  • Anchor bolts fasten the timber 10x10.
  • Using the vertical building level to set lateral racks.
  • With the help of nails fastened lower strapping. For reliability, you can use furniture corners.
  • The distance between the intermediate racks must correspond to the width of the frame.
  • Secure upper strapping.

If it is supposed to make a double roof, then the frame is recommended to be done on Earth, then put on the design. The central risers are made of thick wood, and the rafter legs and a horse from the 5x5 bar.

Roof material

Since the design of old windows is sufficiently heavy, then the roof is recommended to sew polycarbonate or film. In this case, the roof can be removed in the winter to avoid the load on the roof. Both materials are easy and easy.

Fixing window frames

  • From the outside, the material is attached by self-draws.
  • To ensure tightness, the gaps are closed by mounting foam and plank.
  • In the next stage, insert into the glass frame, the edges are lubricating with the help of sealant.
  • Check the construction of the construction level.
  • Fix hooks on the velocity.

Installation of doors

With the end of the greenhouse design, the door is mounted. The box is made of high quality bar. You can use any available material as the door cloth.

Now you can float the floor of the ground and start gardening.

Are there old window frames? Make a greenhouse with your own hands (video)

If all the nuances of the construction of a greenhouse from old frames are not understood, then you can read another instruction.

As noted above, the design of window frames is sufficiently heavy, so you need to prepare a ribbon foundation. You can use one of the possible options:

  • A rock.One of the most expensive materials. However, this allows you to build a reliable and solid foundation.
  • Brick. Also is not a budget option. With a competent installation, a long time can be served. Withstands a wooden design.
  • Concrete. Such foundation is the most durable and reliable. Service life can be several decades.
  • Wood. This is a durable material, however, not durable. A few years will need a replacement.


The construction of old frames is already a reliable framework. The main thing to adhere to simple installation rules. To ensure stability, it is necessary to fix old frames on the basis of, after which it can be used between them, for this you can use one of the mounting options:

  • Self-tapping screws and metal corners. This method is the easiest. During installation, it is necessary to observe the level. The corner is attached from the inner and outer side of the angle with the help of self-tapping screws. Such a fastening is very reliable.
  • Nails and bar. Simpler method. Frame from the inside is shot down by small bars.
  • Wire and Homut. The most fiscal option. In this case, the places of fastening need to make the turns of the wire. If possible, clamps are used.


Before working, it is desirable to develop a step-by-step plan to make a greenhouse with their own hands in a short time. An important step is to install the structure on the basis. It is necessary to fix on the foundation all the components of the fasteners.

To the foundation you need to secure the metal corner with anchor bolts or with the help of a welding machine. After that, to secure old frames. In addition, the frames must be interconnected. Works need to be performed without a rush and sequentially.

Greenhouse coating

Since the greenhouse of window frames has a lot of weight, it is not recommended to cover it with glass. But if the design has a small area, then you can make an exception.

It is best to use a polyethylene film. To do this, make a simple crate from the rail or steel wire. Then the film is covered. It is attached with the help of clamps or clamps.

Video 1. Example of homemade greenhouses from window frames (glass)

Video 2. Greenhouse 5 meters by 3 meters with an oval roof (frame + polycarbonate). The most fiscal option

Despite the fact that the greenhouse was made on its own, it must be checked for tightness, reliability, stability, light skip, possibility of airing and by other parameters.

Now you know how you can use old window frames. After the construction of the design, you can proceed directly to landing crops.