How to care for roses in the spring after winter. Care for roses in spring: trimming, treatments from diseases, pests Spring treatment of roses from pests

Beautiful and luxurious. Queen gardens and flowers. It is not only the main decoration of floristic compositions, but also an indispensable basis in cosmetology. This bush plant has a feature of blossoming several times over the summer and delight with their delicate buds the whole warm season.
Unfortunately, sickness and pests of roses are not less common than other garden colors. Even the novice gardener is struggling with them. Otherwise, bushes will not bloom so often, and the leaves will become weak.

Rose disease - description and methods of treatment

Incorrect care or its absence, will lead to the weakening of the pink bush.
The lack of light and moisture make the flower unstable to various diseases:
  • Black spotty
  • Puffy dew
  • Chlorosis
  • Rust
Black spotty is a fungal disease in the form of ferrous spots propagating on the surface of the leaves. Spots are similar to the rays, with a strong infection, the leaves dry out and fall. Effectively help the removal of patients with leaves, followed by their combustion. Pumping and soil treatment with chemical solutions.
Puffy dew, most often amazing young shoots. It appears on the surface of the leaves in the form of a mild flying, spreading completely along the bustle leads to the elimination of leaves and the death of young shoots. Tip, autumn carries off bushes, collect and burn the leaves. To resist the earth with the turnover of the formation. This will reduce oxygen to a minimum in fertile layers. The fungal pathogen dies.
In chlorose, the leaves whiten or yellow, thicken and become fragile. Their edges are twisted. Most often, young pieces of pink bushes are sick, and the tops of the shoots die. For treatment and prevention it is necessary to establish the composition of the soil. After all, this disease arises due to a lack of zinc, magnesium, manganese, boron, etc.
Rust manifests in spring on the stems around new leaves in the form of a mass of rusty. This disease is particularly enhanced during a wet spring. In pink bushes, the metabolism and photosynthesis is disturbed. Leaves dry, stalks are deformed, the buds are weak. Popple soil helps from rust. Pruning patients with elements, burning leaf and stems. Rose diseases require timely treatment.

How to treat the TRU on roses

The insect is located in huge quantities on the back of the leaves. The larvae is so small that sometimes it is impossible to see. They grow rapidly, turning into females without wings, which produce offspring to 10 times a year. By the end of the summer season, individuals with wings appear. Such a wave is already postponing the eggs that will be winter and in a favorable period will appear new hordes of pests.
The bushes, damaged tool, are poorly growing, ugly flowers are blooming on them, fall leaves, shoots become curves. How to handle bushes?
Suitable means for spring treatment, before the kidney has chemicals: carbofos, metation, Rogor. You can mix kerosene with water - 200 grams: 10 liters.
The folk remedy has proven well.
  • garlic or bow - 300 gr.
  • tomato leaves - 400 gr
  • water - 3 l
Leaves to grind and onion (garlic) crush, pour water and give it in heat for several hours. Strain and bring to the volume of 10 liters. For greater efficiency, add a household soap. Processing the bush for a week at least five times a day.

How to treat roses from a spider tick

Weather tick - dangerous pest. If roses grow in greenhouses, it can multiply all year round. They harm leaves from the bottom. Saw juice, thereby damping the plant of nutrients.
You can process roses from a tick by spraying. The easiest way is daily treatment with cold water. Insecticides:
  • Akrex - 0.08%
  • Isofen - 0.05%
  • Omaith - 0.01%
When and how to treat roses from a spider tick depends on open or closed soil. In the latter case, phytodeter and actor are better suitable. They also destroy the larvae in the ground.

Means for treating roses from pests: video

Roses pests are selected depending on the time of year, the features of the insects and soil themselves. If the processing is carried out competently, the shrub will be gratefully delight for more than one year with its colors.

But the work of a true gardener. Only they know what to decorate the area by a capricious representative of the genus -. This article contains effective roses care councils in the country.

When to remove the shelter

Usually, the disclosure of the bushes is carried out with the first persistent spring heat, but depending on the weather and the region, the disclosure time varies. The main condition is rather hard. First, it is necessary to make partial disclosure, leaving roses for a couple of days for venting. If you used the shelter from dense, for example, tarpaulin, then it is impossible to pull with disclosure: the junction of the bushes is much more dangerous than the freezing. After removing the shelter, the shoots must be sharpened.

Important! To avoid burns on the distances from the light of shoots, remove the shelter in cloudy weather.

Inspection and trimming bushes

After wintering, healthy shoots should remain green, but the main dangers, such as mold, frost - longitudinal bark breaks, as well as infectious burns hide at the base of the bush.

In the spring of roses can have a lot of frozen, sick and broken branches, while the closures need to trim until the middle of the stem is white, and moldy - removed completely.

Signs of gray mold on shoots following:
  • the upper slice of escape will rapidly boil;
  • escape is covered with fluffy gray mycelium;
  • stem areas brown;
  • on the shoots there is a gray raid.
After the elimination of such infected branches, the bush must be sprinkled.

Important! Do not rush to trim shoots, covered at the base of the bush with a white bloom. This spraying is a "snowy" mold, which disappears in the sun in the first two weeks after removing the shelter.

Further circumcision is the formation of a bush crown. To do this, you need to choose a couple of the most healthy branches and trim them with a secateur of the painter to the first strong kidney.

Crop branches stands on a half-meter above the already developed kidney, which grows into the outer side of the bush, and not internal.

The product of the cut above may entail the dieting wood. You also need to trim all shoots growing inside the bush. Try to form a crown so that the center of the bush remained empty.

Rose garter

Flumbes, before hiding for the winter, usually be flexible, so after disclosure and straightening the branches of the spring, the bush may seem to be one-sided.

It is corrected by support. It is necessary to pry a foaming edge of the bush to the pods and leaving with wooden bars or tie a garden wire to the installed support.

The plenty roses must be tied to supports and summer, forming the desired shape of the bush. As a support for climbing roses, you can use stretched grids, arches, pillars and conical structures.


Spring roses require rare, but abundant. Since the air is not yet extremely dry, and the soil does not overreact, frequent watering can provoke fungal diseases of the bush.

As for all plants, producing watering better in the evening, when there is no effect of direct sunlight.

Did you know? The smallest rose in the world - a rose of the SI variety, derived by the Indian nerd by the Indian Chietatat, has a 5 mm bud, and in the open form reaches a diameter of 1 cm.

Watering is expected as the soil drying. In a particularly arid area, it is recommended to install a watering system with sprayers.


Spring roses, like the rest of the plants on your site, you need to feed. After the first winter after planning, the bush is enough to feed - and.

At the same time, the feeding must be made with watering or after it so as not to burn a young root. In this case, the plant will overload.

Further fertilizers are also accompanied by a mineral feeding, which should include potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Such fertilizers are produced in liquid form and in granular.
Fertilizers are enough twice a year:

  1. In the spring after trimming;
  2. In the summer after the first flowering.
Overload the plant with fertilizers much worse than not to give them at all. Frequent fertilizers are important when the soil is not adapted to the landing of a particular type, or if you decide to transplant the bush.

Did you know? To get 1 kilograms of pink oil, you need 3 tons of red rose petals or 5 tons of white.


After the spring feeder, spend.

This event helps the proper development of the plant: holds the desired level of moisture, prevents the root of the root and leaching, reduces the amount, retains the soils and maintains temperature regime throughout the year.

Mulching can be carried out regardless of the time of year and the growth stage of the bush, but the optimal option, as when applying fertilizers, will be twice a year - in the spring and at the end of summer.
As a mulch, you can use both organic (bark, hay) and inorganic (gravel, pebbles) materials.

Mulching agrotechnology is simple:

  1. Free the root stretch from weeds;
  2. With a small layer of mulch, cover the soil at the base of the bush, while not covered by the branches themselves;
  3. If this is an organic mulch, wait until the layer overloads, and blend it out of soil;
  4. Put a new layer of mulch.
Mulch, which is suitable for any type of plants, and roses including - a korlard or chicken litter. In this case, the mulching process is also a fertilizer.

Rose cultivation is a cotton one, but pleasant. Proper care for roses in the spring at the cottage is a guarantee that pink bushes will be perfectly developing and delighting the summer houses with charm of lush colors and an exquisite aroma.

Perhaps not to find a person indifferent to roses. And each self-respecting dacket will definitely find a place for a couple of bushes of the queen of flowers, or even a whole rosary. But just to plant is not enough. It is necessary to ensure timely care for garden roses, starting from the onset of the first heat and to the coldests. In winter, plants are in hibernation. In the spring, the basis of the well-developed development of pink bushes throughout the season is laid. You should consider step by step, how to do it.

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    Spring Actions

    The first thing to be done with the onset of spring and the beginning of active melting of snow is to protect the pink bushes in the garden from excessive moisture, because the flooding can be destructive for them. It is necessary to break through small tap grooves so that the melting water moved away from the bush.

    If wintering was held under the shelters, it was time to remove them. But you need to do it gradually. As soon as all the snow comes down, and stable heat will be established on the street (it is very important that the shoots do not frozen), should begin to ventilate the covered bushes. To do this, it is enough to raise the underfloor material and leave for several hours in this position. When the soil fills about 15 cm, you can partially open bushes from the northern or east side. And after 2-3 days, choosing a windless cloudy dry weather, carry out the full opening of the bushes.

    The following task is to protect landing from solar burns. Therefore, they need to be diagnosed with paper, fine agrovolock or fabric. Then adaptation to the Sun will pass painlessly.

    Now it's time to unintegone bushes. By the way, in the southern regions, where rosaries may well be overwhelmed without shelters, spring work begins with this stage. In the garden gloves manually, so as not to damage the young piglery, it is necessary to care for the land. You can use a stream of warm water. Then the priority soil is jammed, and the vaccination places in varietal roses are lubricated with 1% copper sulfate solution.

    If young sprouts are not observed on the bushes, it does not mean that roses after the winter died. It is necessary to simply wait a bit, since the pig can be delayed.

    When breeding on a plot of plenty grades, they are time to fix on supports (trellis).

    Elimination of problems

    After the roses were disclosed and inflicted, they should be carefully examined for freezing, sparing and presence of infectious diseases.

    Frozen twigs will be dry, dark brown. They are definitely removed. It happens that the kuste overwhelmed looks inhabited. But you should not hurry to throw it away: he can go to growth from renewal points. So cut the branches and watch a pink bush. Approximately in May he must come. There is an easy way to check, live plant or not: you need to move a bush. If it is staggering - the root died, if not, is viable.

    It happens that warm weather at the end of the autumn provokes a slotting, and the offensive of frost causes its freezing. As a result, crackers from large in size can appear on shoots. When the early spring again begins, the cracks become a favorable medium for penetrating under the boring of pathogenic bacteria. If large cracks were found during inspection, damaged branches should be trimmed, and small frosts to be disinfected by manganese or copper vitrios (1% solution). For convenience, you can take a small brush. Then all the locations of damage should be lubricated with garden boraner.

    Messengerity can be observed from those plants that were not subjected to autumn processing. It is necessary to wipe the resulting mold and rinse the places with an iron vigor or a copper-soapy preparation.

    The reason for the spontaneousness is usually late to remove the shelter. Red-brown spots on shoots may indicate it, which are gradually darker to the center. Spottedness can spread to the entire branch. Infected shoots are cut to a healthy tissue and burn, and the bush is treated with copper-containing fungicide. It can be a composure of copper or a similar means. With full damage, the bush is not subject to treatment, only irrigation and burning. But shoots with small lesions can be left at least to summer trimming after flowering.

    Required trimming

    Caring for roses after the winter includes their pruning. For work, you will need a sharp secateur, garden saw and garden var.

    Several important points on which I would like to focus:

    • trimming is carried out every spring;
    • it is necessary to perform it before the scattering of the kidneys;
    • it is impossible to leave hemp when removing the entire branch, they are cut into the "ring" - to the very base;
    • slices are made at an angle of 45 ° above a healthy outer kidney by 5 mm;
    • in the formation of the bush, there are 5 strong branches, everyone else is removed to the "ring";
    • the secator should be disinfected after each bush.

    Trimming roses is sanitary and formative. The first is performed by sanitary trimming, it consists in removing old (more than 4 years) and damaged branches, as well as the growing bush of escapes. Sections are definitely embarrassed by garden borants or green in order to avoid infection. Attention should be paid to the grafted plants: all wild shoots from the bottom of the vaccination are also deleted. Then the bushes are slightly plunged and processed by shoots and earth around them chlorine copper.

    The objectives of the forming trim are:

    • stimulation of active growth;
    • formation of a bush.

    The timing of this stage of caring for roses in spring at the cottage for different types may differ. For example, the forming trimming of the early-sighted varieties is made in April to the dissolution of the kidneys, and tea-hybrid, soil and plenty - in May after their dissolved.

    Types of manipulations

    Trimming may be weak, medium and strong.

    For parks and plenty roses, weak trimming are necessary: \u200b\u200bthe top of the escape is cut, and 7-10 kidneys are left on the branch. Of these, short shoots will grow, which in June will get plentifully. However, such flowers are not suitable for cutting.

    The most common is medium, or moderately short, trimming. On shoots leave 5-7 kidneys. Young twigs will be longer, however, they will bloom later than with a weak pruning.

    With a strong trimming, bloom will start a month later. There are only 2-3 kidneys on shoots, of which powerful shoots will grow. It is not worth shocking the plenty varieties in this way, they may not bloide at all. But the old bushes with a strong trimming can be completely rejected.

    Tips, as in the spring you need to crop different types of roses:

    1. 1. Schraba, plenty and parks need a weak trim. Repeatedly blooming plenty varieties (long) shoots do not touch, but shorten the side, and then a bit. And once blossoming varieties in the spring are not cut in the spring.
    2. 2. Types of floribunda, tea-hybrid and polyanths form using medium and severe trimming.
    3. 3. Stambling varieties are subjected to thinning and weak trimming, and soil - sanitary and rejuvenating.
    4. 4. Miniature plants neatly thin and shorten shoots 2 times.
    5. 5. Crasing the repair species, 6-7 kidneys leave on branches. This will allow the plant to bloom in the current year and will give a good shoot of shoots for the next year.

    Falker Plants

    How to care for roses after trimming? When the first leaves appear, the plant begins to intensively consume nutrients from the soil. Therefore, you need to spend the first feeding. How to do it right? Start with a rich watering of the Earth around the bushes with warm water. Then in a circle, at a distance of approximately 15 cm from the trunk, make nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can be Kemira Spring or ammonia Selith. The norms are spelled out in instructions for use, and they cannot be overstated. Roses are the case when the lack of nutrition is better than its excess. Then shuffle the earth and again paint with warm water. Remember this sequence: we water - bring dry fertilizers - fall again. You can pre-dissolve mineral fertilizers in water, and then deposit in liquid form.

    A week later, it is necessary to help the organic. Under each plant, we pour out 0.5 by the engine buckets (it should be strongly overworked) and slightly shower it into the ground. Then we water.

    If after making mineral fertilizers, it was rained, the bulk of fertilizers from the soil can wash themselves with water, after 2 weeks should be repeated with nitrogen.

    I like pink colors and extractive feeding Calcium Selutyra. It should be sprayed not only bushes, but also the soil under them. The procedure is carried out when setting dry warm weather in the evening.

    Feed pink bushes 2 times a year - in spring and summer (before the second wave of flowering). If young plants are less than 2 years old, it is not required for fertilizer. The nutritional soil in which they were planted will provide them with the necessary elements for active growth.

    After pruning and feeding, rose bushes are mulched. This is necessary to hold moisture and creating an optimal microclimate in the soil. For mulching, you can use overwhelming sawdust, hay, peat, humid or pebbles. The mulch should be a smooth layer (4-6 cm) to cover the ground, but not to close the trunk.

    Protection against diseases and pests

    In order to prevent diseases and protection against insect pests, roses are treated in spring with special means - insecticides and fungicides. The first time spraying is produced 3-4 days after trimming.

    It is well protected from diseases of kerosene solutions (1 tsp by 10 liters of water) and 3% of copper sulfate. For the prevention of fungal diseases, roses can be treated with phytoosporin or wood ash solution.

    The universal powerful RoseClear preparation has been perfectly proven. When using it, you can immediately solve 2 tasks: protect both pests, and from diseases. The frequency of processing bushes in the garden is every 2 weeks. Preparation of the working solution must be performed strictly according to the instructions.

    For spraying, you choose a windless day, and better - the evening. Do not forget about safety measures: Before starting work, put on the mask respirator and gloves.

    If roses petals are planned to be collected for the preparation of jam and other nutritional purposes, it is impossible to handle plants with eradicates. In this case, it is better to refer to folk remedies: use the solution of the economic soap (200 g of soap on 10 liters of water), cluster and pyrzymes.

    Caring for flowers timely irrigation is completed. Let it be not frequent, but abundant.

    Spring roses care on the country area may seem laborious and burdensome. But when roses are flourishing in all its glory, all difficulties will be forgotten. Only admiration and satisfaction from the work done remain.

Without preventing diseases or their treatment (if necessary), roses will quickly cease growth and can be completely perished. Processing roses from diseases and pests is one of the most important care measures for these flowers.

To save these beautiful flowers on your bed, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the material of this article. It describes the details of the spring processing of roses from pests and diseases, symptoms and photos of common diseases are presented, as well as methods of their treatment.

Diseases of roses with photos, description and treatment

There are several diseases that can affect rose bushes. Consider the most common of them, and tell you how to deal with the disease. You can see how this or that illness looks like 1.

  • Puffy dew

Appears in the second half of summer on varieties with gentle soft foliage. On young shoots, leaves, buds and fruits appear spots of white mildew. With damage to the plant's disease, the growth is twisted and slowed down.

To eliminate tormentous dew, special means are used. Before spraying with chemicals, the affected shoots are cut off, they are treated with a decoction of the chewing, the nast of nettle, the cooler and the infusion of a cowboy and ash. During the summer, if necessary, plants spray with copper-soap liquid, sulfur-containing drugs (for example, teesite jet or toopases).

  • Burn escapes

It appears on plants due to damage to the crust, with an early shelter of bushes in the fall and late disclosure in the spring, as well as during the spring trimming in crude, foggy weather. On affected shoots, brown, later black spots appear.

Figure 1. Signs of common diseases: A - Mupp, b - burn burn, in - rust, g - gray rot, d - black spot

To prevent the burns of shoots, it is necessary to cover the flowers in the fall only in dry weather. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the shelter in the spring, and the affected shoots cut off and spray the stalks of fungicides. The cutting tool throughout the season should be disinfected in a solution of copper sulphate (2%).

  • Rust

Appears in the form of rusty tubercles on the branches, the kidneys and the upper or lower side of the leaves, stiffs and young shoots. Decorativeness and winter hardiness roses are reduced. To eliminate rust, contaminated plants spray the nettle, horsetail and wormwood or 0.02% solution of the drug strobe, with an interval of 2-3 weeks. In the spring and autumn for the prevention of the bushes spray with a solution of borobo liquid.

  • Gray Gnil

Appears during the period of cool, rainy summer in thickened landings. Especially suffering terry and dense terry varieties. The kidneys, flowers, leaves, shoots, they turn yellow, dry and fall.

When the first signs of the disease are found, the conditions of maximum dryness create, remove the affected parts of the plant and feed the manganese microfertilizers.

  • Black spotty

Appears on the leaves in the form of dark brown spots. Such leaves fall apart, and the plants are poorly overwhelming, weaken, and practically do not bloom the next year. In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is carried out a periodic feeding of plants with a weak solution of manganese, and when the first symptom is detected, the bushes spray strap and chewing.

From the video you will learn from what diseases can roses may suffer, and what measures should be taken for treatment.

Types of disease

All diseases are conditionally divided into several types, depending on the causative agent, which provokes them. So, there are spottedness, bacterial and mushroom diseases. An example of bacterial disease can be considered a bacterial cancer of the roots, which is provoked by a separate type of microorganisms and causes the formation of specific outlook on the roots.

Mushroom diseases are caused by a fungus, which penetrated into the tissue of the plant, forms a fungne and quickly spreads not only one bubble, but also by other plants on the flower bed (for example, rust).

Spottedness develop in conditions of high humidity and accompanied by the formation of black, red or brown spots on the leaves, stems, and sometimes even buds.


Each group of disease has its own characteristics and characteristic symptoms, which should be taken into account when selecting means for treating spring from diseases and pests. However, in most cases, processing is carried out by special chemicals that are universal, and are used to eliminate the symptoms of any disease.

Pest of roses and fighting them: Photo

Roses, like other garden plants, are exposed to pests that not only spoil the appearance of bushes, but also significantly weaken them.

Pests can be (Figure 2):

  1. Caterpillars: They eat leaves and buds, emitting the leaves of the web and twist them into the tube, where they are pounded. When caterpillars appearing for spraying, the tobacco, pepper, wormwood, cloths made of burdock, onion and garlic with tomato leaves are used. With a strong damage, the bushes spray with solutions of accility, karate or decis.
  2. Cobbled tick: Small, grayish-green colored ticks towards the end of summer becomes bright red. Mounted on the bottom side of the sheet, sucks juice and excretes the tops of the web sprays. Such leaves are yellow and fall. The strongest defeat is observed in dry hot weather. The affected leaves need to cut regularly and burn. In addition, the lower part of the leaf is sprayed with tobacco champs, chewing, infused dandelion and garlic.
  3. Rostinal sawmill: Danger represent pest larvae, which penetrate the escapes, damaging them. As a result, the young stems turn down and gradually die away. When a sawder is detected, all damaged shoots are removed to healthy wood and burned. For the prevention and treatment, the infusion of Boligolov, wormwoods and a solution of the preparation of accuters are used.
  4. Green Rose Tough: Pest females are fixed on leaves, buds and young shoots. They drink juice of the plant, causing him gradual death. To eliminate the green tool, spend a spraying of tobacco, wormwood, nettles and pepper.
  5. TRIPS: These insects are sucking from the plant cell juice. Dry spots appear on the damaged plant, damaged organs are deformed and losing their decorativeness. Reproduction contributes dry, hot weather. The affected parts of the plant are removed and destroyed, spray with informs of nettle, chiurela, a thousand fellow. With a large lesion, they spray with solutions of accuters, actara and confident.

Figure 2. Basic pests: 1 - leaf-racing caterpillars, 2 - web tick, 3 - Rostinal sawmill, 4 - green rosal TLL, 5 - TRIPS

It is recommended to attract in the garden with roses of birds that will eat larvae and pests themselves, thereby providing natural protection roses. From the video you will learn all about the pests of roses and ways to combat them.

Room Rose Diseases and their treatment with photos

Rooming rose, like other flowers for the house, can become a victim of infectious diseases. Their symptoms and treatment will be described below (Figure 3).

Note: Almost all roommates are caused by environmental factors: bacteria, viruses and fungi, which can be in the air, or improper departure: increased temperature, humidity or excessive irrigation.

Most often room varieties are affected by mildew, which occurs with a lack of fresh air and high humidity in the room. At the initial stage, the leaves and stems are covered with a characteristic white bloom, and then gradually twist and dry out. To combat the disease, the chemical preparations of Fundazol or Topaz are used.

Figure 3. Signs of indoor roses (from left to right): Muced dew and black spot

In addition, on the bedroom varieties, brown or yellow spots can often be seen. These are signs of spotting, which can have both bacterial and fungal rock. To eliminate the disease, all the affected parts of the roses need to be removed, and the plant itself is sprayed with any preparation based on copper.

Diseases of Chinese roses and their treatment with photos

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, this is a flower of extraordinary beauty. In addition, it is considered quite unpretentious, but with the wrong leaving or inattention flower, even hibiscus can affect diseases and pests (Figure 4).

Note: Most hibiscus diseases are easy to determine the appearance of the leaves. If they are wishes, covered with stains or began to fade - your flower urgently need help.

The most common hibiscus disease is noncommunicable chlorosis, which occurs when the fertilizer dosage fails. The main cause of development is the lack or oversupply of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium or iron in the ground. In this case, the leaves of the plant begin to gradually turn yellow and fall, and the stalks become thin and weak. To eliminate the disease, you need to change the dosage of fertilizers.

The second prevalence is the disease of infectious chlorosis, which occurs under the action of viruses or fungi. Symptoms are similar to the non-infective form (yellowing and foaming of the leaves, the general weakness of the plant), but in addition to them, Hibiscus completely stops flowering.

Figure 4. Symptoms of Chinese rose diseases: noncommunicable chlorosis, infectious chlorosis, burn

In addition, Hibiscus is very sensitive to the lighting mode. If you sharply rearrange the flower with a shade to light, burns may appear on the leaves. Also, culture often affects bacterial spottedness, which provoke bacteria, and to combat them you need to use special chemicals.

Black spotlight on roses: treatment

Black spotty causes a fungus that requires special treatment. It strikes not only the leaves and young stems, but also flower petals, so it will be difficult to miss the symptoms of the disease.

Spore fungus is transferred to water drops, so the disease is especially actively developing in rainy weather.

How to recognize the disease

It is easy to define black spotty. When lesion, small black spots appear on the leaves, which are rapidly incremented in size and covered with mushroom spores (Figure 5).

As the disease develops, the leaves begin to fall, and first the upper, and then the bottom. Having lost the leaves, the culture quickly weakens and dies. To prevent this, it is necessary not only in time to take measures to treat a plant, but to comply with some preventive measures.

Black spotlight: Prevention measures

If you found signs of black spottedness, all the affected parts of the plant need to immediately remove and burn, as they are not suitable for the manufacture of compost.

Figure 5. Symptoms of black spot

The plant itself is sprayed with fungicides containing copper and zinc (for example, Fundazole), and for the prevention, they spend a spraying of a three-percent solution of copper sulfate before shelter roses for the winter.

Infective Burn Roses: Treatment

Infectious burn also belongs to mushroom diseases, but appears in autumn and spring when the plant is at rest.

The wounds that remain on the leaves and stems from frost or non-accurate trimming are promoted. It is through these mechanical damage to the fungus penetrates inside and quickly applies, and it can hit not only roses bushes, but also blackberry and raspberry.

Infectious burn is a greater danger, since it is long and is seriously treated, and if the use of chemicals did not bring the desired result, the bush is better to completely remove.

Signs of infectious burn

There are several characteristic features that will help to recognize infectious burns. At the initial stage, dark brown ulcers appear on the stem, which gradually spread throughout the plant and can cause its death (Figure 6).

In addition, on weakened plants, ulcers may appear not only on the stems, but also on the leaves and young shoots. These spots contain spores fungus, which are spread with water or wind.

How to prevent infective burn

So that the infective burn does not spread throughout the site, all damaged parts of the plants are cut and burned. For the prevention, a spraying of bordeaux liquid is used, but this method can be used only before the start of the renal dissolve.

Figure 6. Signs of infection burn

Preventive measures also include neat trimming and thorough shelter of bushes for the winter. If the plants stems are damaged, the fungus penetrates inside through the cuts and quickly spreads. Before the shelter of the plant, it is desirable to process with a solution of copper sulfate (3%) or borobo liquid, and in the second half of July, sprayed with potash fertilizers.

Puffy dew on roses: treatment

Puffy dew is a fungal disease that affects the leaves and stems predominantly, but sometimes occurs on buds. Increased temperature and humidity contribute to the development of the disease.

It is necessary to treat torrential dew after finding the first symptoms, because it affects not only roses, but also other ornamental, vegetable and fruit-berry cultures.

Signs of infection

A characteristic sign of pulse dew - the formation of a white plaque on the leaves and stems. But this is far from the only symptom that can help determine the disease (Figure 7).

Puffy dew also causes the formation of dark red spots on the leaves and shoots. As a result, the leaves are deformed, dry and fall.

How to prevent the infection of torment

In order for the bushes, there are no signs of malieving dew, you need to regularly cut the bushes and remove weeds. In addition, it is impossible to make nitrogenous fertilizers too often and abundantly, and during the bootonization period all plants must be treated with fungicides.

Figure 7. Symptoms of mildew

In addition, the prevention uses a spraying of a cowboat with an interval in two weeks, and from mid-July - to carry out a potassium sulfate.

Prevention from diseases and pests

Roses are good on the flower bed and with other colors (Figure 8). In addition, they protect bushes from pests and diseases. For example, if you put a calendula or lavender nearby, you will prevent the attack of Tly, and the velvets protect against ticks and nematodes. The garlic planted next to flowerumba will prevent fungal and viral diseases.

Note: Not only plants are capable of protecting a rose, but also insects. So, ladybugs eat to the TRU, and the zlatagographs and predatory insects destroy ticks and pest larva. Birds are greatly benefited, which eat larvae and adult pests.

Figure 8. Natural rose defenders on the flowerbed (from left to right): Calendula, Lavender and Velhets

However, this does not mean that cultivation should be allowed on samothek. In rainy weather you need to observe the condition of plants and periodically carry out prophylactic spraying with chemicals or vegetable-based preparations. When the first signs of illness are discovered, immediately proceed to treatment.

Beautiful rose love many gardeners. Luxury buds decorate your site from spring to autumn. However, so that Rose is infinitely pleased with our view, it needs constant care. This is especially true for spring treatment of roses.

In the spring you need to remove winter shelters from pink bushes, install supports, trimmed bushes and tie them. But this is not enough. In order to help our favorites quickly back to life after winter cold weather, the spring treatment of roses should be held. Let's find out what you need to treat roses after the winter.

What to treat roses in early spring?

Spring sun is very dangerous, since under his scouring rays can be burned hard. It also applies to not only people, but also roses: their disclosure can lead to burns. Many gardeners are recommended to fully open roses only when the first leaves appear on trees and shrubs. Moreover, to open the bushes of roses must be first from the north side, gradually catching the plants to the bright sun. After removing the shelter with roses, it is necessary to differ them.

In the spring, our main task is to do everything possible so that roses earned the root system. You can pour the ground under the bushes with warm water. And after that, pour under a bush of 3-4 liters of urea solution or ammonium nitrate at the rate of 1 tbsp. Spoon on 10 liters of water. You can close in a wet soil dry fertilizer for 2-3 g per bush, but keep in mind that fertilizers in liquid form are still more effective.

If during the winter, roses were damaged shoots, then here the colors need your help. Places covered with mold should be rinsed with a rag or tassels in a solution of manganese or copper vapor. If you are using a manganese, then make it a bright pink solution, and if we decided to use the copper vitriol, then use 1% solution (10 g per liter of water).

In the spring processing of roses can be carried out with a complete fertilizer with trace elements. Distribute dry fertilizer around the rose bush to wet land. After that, the soil is slightly loosened with the boards. Then it is necessary to climb the peat, humus or their mixture.

Processing roses in spring from pests and diseases

Beautiful roses, to great regret, attract not only a person, but also of various pests. Very often there is a fungal lesion of roses. In addition, caterpillars, ticks, fault can attack roses. Therefore, in the spring, as soon as green shoots begin to actively grow, the rose treatment should be processed by special drugs. How to handle roses from diseases?

There are many universal means of combating roses diseases, for example, universal RoseClear - insecticide and fungicide connected together. The tool prevents the appearance of ferrous spots, mildew, rust and Tly.

If you find on the leaves rusty stains, it means that your roses have been attacked or worm. Spray early spring soil under the rose bushes with a 35% solution of iron vigor. In preventive purposes, plants can be treated during the period of renal dissolving by the 15th burgundy fluid. If necessary, re-processing can be carried out in 10-15 days.

When the roses of mildew on young leaves appear on the young leaves, spray the plants with a solution of ash or a cowboy, which will serve both feeding, and fungicide.

In order for the processing of pink bushes to be effective, it is necessary to carry it into the windless and dry weather. If it's hot on the street, handle roses in the evening. So you will avoid probable sunburn in plants. In cool weather, you can do it in the afternoon. Such preventive treatment is carried out twice for the season: in spring and after the first period of roses flowering. When carrying out processing with such drugs, be sure to follow the precautions.