Which bath is better? - From cast iron, steel or acrylic. Disadvantages and advantages of pig-iron bath - how the cast-iron bath is better than steel baths? Cast iron or steel bath what is better

The choice of bathroom bath is the most important task when arranging a plumbing unit. It is necessary to take into account many factors: ergonomics, durability, care characteristics. Only on the basis of the comparative analysis of these and some other parameters, you can determine which bath is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel.

The most durable material, of the cast iron presented in the review, is cast iron. This is a metal that is characterized by high resistance to the long-term effects of the aggressive medium. At the same time, it is subject to destruction under shock loads. A well-enameled cast iron bath will serve for many years with neat operation, but one strike will be enough in order for a crack in the day.

Steel is more flexible than cast iron, but, together with this, it gives up corrosion. Considering that Enamel has a flap to swell over time, the steel bath after 7 years of use can start rust. Of course, the first time it does not cause any inconvenience, with the exception of aesthetic. But in the future, the bottom can progress and the bath will begin to leak.

Acrylic is plastic, which is processed under the temperature effects (up to 1250 degrees Celsius). There are two types of acrylic used for the manufacture of baths:

  • Combined. These plastic add certain synthetic components. This approach can significantly reduce the cost of making baths, but affects their strength;
  • Pure cast acrylic. If you take an acrylic bath, then only from pure acrylic. It does not rust, perfectly transfers the temperature differences and is known for its ease. But even this does not save plastic from wear. The average service life of such a bath varies ranging from 5 to 10 years (for example, Huskarl, Triton or Aquanet Libra). After it is necessary to change the upper layer of enamel or impose an acrylic liner.

Bath coating

This item directly affects the previous one. Depending on the coating of the bath, its service life may vary. Steel and cast-iron are covered with enamel. This is a liquid mass consisting of glass, dyes and synthetic additives. It has a characteristic glossy gloss and has the ability to glaze the surface of metal products.

Advantages of enameled bathing:

Plastic baths are covered with acrylic. Liquid acrylic - highly viscous material, which is based on plastic. It documented under the influence of high temperatures and is applied to the bath with rubbing or spraying.

Earlier, masters were actively used by spraying acrylic on enamel (during the restoration of metal baths) or plastic liner. This is an affordable and easy way of applying, which can be easily implemented in the household conditions. But he has its drawbacks - the spraying technology does not allow to introduce plastic into the deep layers, as a result of which the diffusion is incomplete. Over time, such an acrylic is peeled and crumbs, because of which the unkredible "cobs" are formed on the walls.

Rubbing more practical, albeit expensive event. During such applied acrylic, experts achieve the thickness of the protective layer from 1 to 2 mm. Three such layers are quite enough for durable protection of the bath from rusting and cracks.

Advantages of acrylic bathing baths:

  • Caring for acrylic is simpler than enamel. Most modern cleaning products are designed specifically for plastic cleaning. For example, formic acid used in the overwhelming majority bath cleaners are destructive for enamel. Not to mention alkali;
  • Almost any cracks on acrylic can be cleaned with their own hands. With enamel it will not be able to cope;
  • Plastic coating also shines and glitters. In addition, outwardly, these baths look more richly than cast-iron.

Thermal conductivity

Another important indicator when choosing a material from which the bath will be made is its thermal conductivity.

Thermal conductivity - the ability to give heat. For pig-iron baths in this parameter there are no competitors. Fat metal perfectly keeps the temperature, but precisely because of this, it is heated for a long time. This parameter does not change, even if they are put into a cold room (without heated towel railways and batteries).

Steel baths are heated a little faster than cast-iron, but also warmly gives significantly better. To increase their thermal conductivity, experts recommend additionally insulate them with housings or boxes. It is also actively practiced by the method of protecting the walls using an insulating foam.

Acrylic baths are insulated directly in production. Plastic liner is formed, cooled and removed from the shape (template). After its inner side, a thick layer of thermal insulation foam is applied, by type, assembly, but easier and resistant to moisture. So that this layer does not confuse future owners, it is closed by the second liner.

Features of care

The most important parameter on which the durability of the bath is depends - the correct care. This includes not only cleaning, but also periodic inspection and repair (cracking of cracks, restoration).

Consider the features of clean-iron, steel and acrylic bath.

To choose the right cleaning agent, you need to carefully examine its composition. If the composition includes chlorine or any acids - it cannot be used to clean the cast-iron enameled baths. Such products contribute to the thinning of enamel. As a result, it loses his shine and becomes fragile. Similarly with alkaline compositions and acrylic.

Specialist advice, how to properly care for cast iron and steel baths:

  • It is impossible to form the formation of microcracks and chips. This is especially true of Soviet baths. In the USSR, it was customary to combine enamel with zirconium salts. This allowed the fastest to apply the coating, but reduced the corrosion-coating glass coating. Therefore, when cleaning the cast iron, it is not recommended to use rigid brushes or abrasive products;
  • The best option for cleaning the cast iron enamelled bath is a lying or economic soap. It will help to eliminate the gray and traces of rust on the coating and give it shine.

With baths covered with acrylic, things are going to a little better. First, they can be cleaned with acidic means. Plastic is not terrible formic, weak and other "soft" acids. But, at the same time, you need to avoid alkalis, salts.

  • Cleaning is perfectly suitable citric acid. It is capable of removing a lime flaka quickly and without harm to plastic.
  • It is advisable to use either natural brushes or a sponge of medium hardness. Naturally, it is necessary to avoid metal rams and other sharp fixtures for cleaning capable of damaging the protective layer;
  • This is the only type of coating that is allowed to be cleaned by abrasive means. These can be specialized pastes or powders.

Video: What baths are better cast iron, steel or acrylic

Comparative analysis

Specialist Council - which bath is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel, cannot become decisive without analysis. Therefore, we collected in the same table the main parameters and visually compared them.

The bath has long and deservedly become the subject of essential. But if it is selected, many consumers have difficulty. If the dimensions depend directly on the size of the room, then the execution material may be any. What baths are better? It depends on the placed priorities. Mostly on sale you can meet three types of foxes: and acrylic. Cast iron remains a sample of strength, so such an option is chosen by the adherents of the classics. The baths made are the most budget, they prefer to install as a temporary option or, not wanting to spend a lot of money on the purchase. Acrylic bowls are the most beautiful, they are installed in aesthetic purposes.

However, not everything is so unequivocal. Which bath is better, acrylic cast iron or steel depends not only on the characteristics of the material and its price. Each particular person can approach its version. Therefore, it is worth dealing with them more thoroughly.

Thorough cast iron

Cast iron can not be called a plastic material, so the products from it do not have bizarre forms. Baths made of this material traditionally have a classic rectangular or oval view. So that the plumbing looks attractive, the surface is covered by a particularly durable enamel. The material not only gives aesthetic but also protects it from the effects of water and cleaning agents. So that the coating is the most resistant and smooth, the bath is kept in the furnace with infrared radiation.

Despite the fact that the cast iron is difficult to molding, quite beautiful products with soft bends are often found. In addition, thanks to the use of enamel plumbing can be a wide variety of shades. Such products are an order of magnitude more expensive.

Advantages of pig-iron bath

Material is famous for its strength. Baths of it are durable, sometimes withstand active use of not one ten years. Finding out which baths are better, it is worth considering the advantages of a cast iron model, which others cannot boast:

  • Strength. The material is not afraid of extreme temperatures and a sharp drop.
  • Not deformed. The bath does not suffer even when you hit or fall into it a heavy item.
  • Long service life. The appearance remains impeccable even after many years of use.
  • The coating is repaired. Enamel is easy to restore at home when attracting specialists.

If we consider the question, which bath is better, cast iron or steel, then it should be repeated from heat capacity. Steel does not support the temperature, and the water in such a font quickly cools. In the cast iron bowls, the cooling of water occurs much slower. However, considering which bath is better, acrylic or cast iron, then in this case acrylic is more likely to be more practical.

Cast iron is very durable and hard material. Therefore, plumbing from it will not imagine and will not change the form during active operation. The bath is sufficiently heavy, the wall thickness reaches 8 mm, so it does not "walk" even when swimming is quite a heavy person. The design does not require additional fortifications, it is stable, without excessive movements.

Features of cast-iron baths

Finding out which baths are better, to consider the issue of care. Cast iron covers enamel, which has no pores. Therefore, with regular and correct care, the material remains brilliant and smooth for a long time.

Even abrasive means can be used to remove particularly strong pollution and plaque. However, manufacturers advise not to abuse them.

An important criterion when choosing a bath is noise level when water gaining. Cast iron in this plan is the best option. However, acrylic samples have the lowest level of noise.

The range of cast iron baths is wide enough. Manufacturers equip them with handles, and hydromassage function. Therefore, even the most demanding people will be able to choose the appropriate option.

Disadvantages of cast iron

With the mass of positive moments, cast-iron baths often began to replace acrylic. One of the foundations is too heavy. The most common cast iron bath can weigh more than 100 kg. In addition, the choice was not large enough.

However, if the buyer decided that it is this material that suits it in all respects, then it is worth finding out what a cast-iron bath is better. Such a plumbing is bought for a long time and costs not small money. Therefore, it is necessary to approach its choice.

If you are interested in what a cast-iron bath is better, it is worth considering the offers of famous manufacturers. The most popular and well-proven in the market are Jacob and Roca brands. Products do not have fastened forms, but differ in smooth bends, stable enamel and a variety of color solutions.

Ways of restoration of cast iron

Enamel in the cast-iron bath can over time to deform or appear chips due to severe items. But the coating can be restored. For this there are several ways. The choice depends on the preferences and budget of the owner.

Often use the method but this method requires careful preparation and some skill. An easier option, but also expensive - installing an acrylic liner. Moreover, such a method is comparable to the acquisition of a new bath.

A more affordable and easy way is to update enamel. To do this, the old one needs to be well cleaned and degrease. After that, use a special composition that seals microcracks and makes the coating shiny and smooth.


A completely recently affordable alternative solid cast iron was light steel. Such bowls may like many consumers because of their characteristics. Therefore, finding out which baths are better, acrylic or steel, feedback on the latter will help draw conclusions. So, among the positive moments allocate:

  • The font is easy enough.
  • The coating has hygienic properties. It does not multiply pathogenic bacteria.
  • The coating is quite durable, withstands the temperature differences and the chips are not formed during the fall of heavy items.
  • The cast-iron bath remains cold for a long time until it warms up. Acrylic bowls are pleasant even without prior heating. The steel option warms up quickly quickly, which is an advantage for families with young children.
  • Steel plastic, as acrylic. Therefore, products from it can have a variety of forms. On sale you can meet special models calculated for two swimming. Steel font looks pretty presentable and non-standard. Therefore, it is suitable for many modern interiors.

Solving what bath it is better to purchase, it is necessary to take into account the features of the installation. The cast iron version is too heavy, requires not one pair of hands for driving in the apartment. But when installing additional devices does not require. Steel fonts are much easier. It is possible that one person will cope. However, too little weight will not allow to do without additional fasteners.

Disadvantages of steel plumbing

Often, consumers are interested, which bath is better, acrylic or steel. Uniquely can be answered that with the mass of positive moments, steel is still inferior to other materials. Cause in rather significant disadvantages:

  • Thin walls. Steel fonts have very thin walls, so prone deformation during active operation, improper transportation or impact heavy objects. Models with more thickened walls already have a corresponding price comparable to acrylic samples.
  • Of course, the steel warms very quickly. But also quickly and cools. The material does not hold the temperature at all, unlike the cast iron and acrylic. Therefore, in order not to freeze, you will have to constantly add hot water.
  • For installation, a special framework will be required, which is not always convenient. In addition, special means should be purchased for cleaning, abrasives can damage the surface.

Solving which baths are better, you need to pay attention to the noise level when setting water. In steel options, it is the highest. The leader in silence in this case is acrylic. Sometimes manufacturers offer special gaskets that promise to get rid of noise. However, the problem is not radically solved, and the price of the product increases.

Steel option for an incommary buyer

The font of steel is much cheaper than cast iron and acrylic. In this case, the material is plastic, so quite original products are on sale.

Thanks to the properties of steel, designers offer a lot of varied baths of various forms. Color design is also very wide. Despite the higher prices from non-standard forms and bright shades, it is still inferior to acrylic images.

What better depends on its purpose and location. There are small models that are universal for small bathrooms. If there is an opportunity to install a greater font, then a rectangular version is suitable in which you can lie in full growth. There are also samples for older people with handles, with different recesses for swimming small children and options for people with disabilities.

Models from acryla

Quite often, consumers are interested, which bath is better for the bathroom. Recently, the bowls of acrylic are very popular. However, reviews about such baths are ambiguous. All suits everyone, they are pleased with the attractive appearance of the product, simplicity of care, comfortable sensations during the reception of water procedures and low noise. There are users who complain about the fragility of the material.

Why do feeds differ? This largely depends on the manufacturer and its production technology. Sometimes the buyer is focused on advertising, but it happens disappointed. So, what acrylic baths are better? Reviews show that if you choose a product from a proven manufacturer, do not buy the cheapest option and comply with the rules of operation, then the foil will only bring positive emotions.

What is acrylic

Acrylic is a soft and very plastic polymeric material. From it produce cast bowls and extruded models. In order for the surface to acquire a pleasant appearance, it is covered with epoxy resins. Like a steel version, acrylic baths require installation on a special metal frame. Acrylic, as well as steel, has a small weight, so the bath without additional fastenings of unstable and under weight batheing constantly looses.

Advantages of acrylic baths

What acrylic bath is better? This question is interested in most potential consumers. Unambiguously can not be answered. When buying it is worth paying attention to the appearance. Acrylic must be a homogeneous shade, without spots. If there are divorces on the bowl, it is better to give up the purchase. The font definitely should not be taken if roughness or dents are detected.

According to reviews, acrylic baths have a number of impressive advantages:

  • Aesthetic appearance. Acrylic samples are the most beautiful. On sale you can find the fonts of a wide variety of shades, shapes and sizes. The cast iron does not affect such a variety, and the steel is not so plastic to make plumbing fancy forms.
  • Good heat capacity. The cast-iron bath keeps the temperature well, but acrylic in this case is the leader. Steel for this position is in the last place. Even if the water has cooled or only begins to gain, the surface still remains pleasant to the touch. This is important for children and lovers of long water procedures.
  • Easy to care. For acrylic baths sold specifically tool. With it, it is easy to care for the surface. The material does not absorb pollution, so it does not have to rub.

Of course, acrylic fonts are not perfect. They have their drawbacks. But fans of swimming appreciated such models for dignity.

Disadvantages of bowls from acrylic

It is important to understand what an acrylic bath is better. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the maximum temperature indicator. Theoretically acrylic can withstand up to 160 degrees, but it is based on experiments. In fact, the manufacturer can use low-quality materials, so when filling hot water, the bath is deformed.

Some do not like the feeling of the deflection of acrylic and instability. Especially, such a phenomenon does not suit fans of cast-iron options. However, the impression is deceptive, acrylic plastic and under the weight of a person will not break.

Yet fragile material. Therefore, when a severe item falls, it can burst. However, repair does not represent difficulties. In addition, strength depends on the conscientiousness of the material and the use of high-quality components.

Acryl is quite capricious material and requires the use of special means. If you use abrasive preparations, the coating is easy to damage. On the surface there are scratches and the outer gloss is lost.

The price of acrylic samples is much more expensive than steel. However, when the fantastic fox is bought by a conscientious manufacturer, the operational service life will be at least 10 years. But this is subject to careful operation, care and technically proper installation.

What to choose

Almost every family has a bath. What better (reviews will help to decide), depends on personal preferences, the conditions of use, the size of the premises and the financial capabilities of the buyer.

Given the features and characteristics of each material, you must not forget about the price. If the budget is not large, then the usual cast-iron bath is more often preferable. At the peak of popularity there are acrylic bowl, but steel options gradually pass their positions. This situation has its own arguments, given the possible disadvantages. Often the steel bath is chosen as a temporary option if there is no possibility to pay for high-quality acrylic or not the confidence that the floor will withstand heavy cast iron.

But it is also worth choosing what is more important. For someone, the decisive factor will be beauty and aesthetics acrylic, another will prefer the fortress and durability of cast iron. It is important to take into account those functions that family members would like to see in the chosen bowl. Therefore, it is not necessary to look for the ideal option, but to choose the most preferred, with the disadvantages of which a particular family may well humble.


When you have to choose a bath, the coating material turns out to be the most important issue. Everyone has their own advantages, but also there are also cons. It is important to choose priorities and on the basis of this picking a font. For adherents of monolithic, strength and standard solutions, cast iron is an undoubted choice. However, many argue that the bath often suffers from the fall of heavy items, and its form is not very attractive. Steel look decently, it is not expensive and the coating is quite durable. If you install it correctly, then the bottom does not bend under the severity. It does not take place to put buckets or thase. Acrylic look very beautiful, but they can't pour boiling water into such a bowl. In addition, incorrect care leads to the deformation of the material. However, if the main thing is in the font of its appearance and it is not planned to use it for anything, except for swimming, then the option is attractive.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

It is quite difficult - to decide which bath is still better: cast iron, acrylic or steel. Or the choice would not stand behind the bathroom, if it were decided to install a shower cabin into my bathroom. Of course, each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but so I want to not be mistaken with the choice of plumbing. To make a right decision, it is necessary to carefully study the peculiarities of the product and take into account all the nuances.

How to decide on the bathroom bowl? Consider in this article.

Features of structures

It is extremely important to equip a bathroom in the apartment so that all households are as comfortable as possible. The center is undoubtedly the design of the bath, so it is worth it to approach its choice with special attention.

The form also can be diverse:

  • rectangular;
  • oval or just rounded;
  • trapezoidal;
  • angular;
  • triangular.

In the question of choosing plumbing, its size and dimensions of the room itself are also extremely important. Before installing, you need to prepare well: measure all surfaces, draw drawing and markup at the place of installation.

Designer cast iron bath

By installation, all designs can be divided into:

Modern models can also be equipped with internal illumination, aero, turbo or hydromassage functions, as well as aromatic or chromotherapy. In order for the floor, the splashes did not appear and the water accumulated, you can protect the sides with special curtains for the baths. They can be almost from any waterproof material, have a rounded, rectangular or asymmetric form. The canvas are swollen, sliding and folding, like roll-curtains.

Modern curtains in the bathroom

So what a perfect bath must be:

So what kind of bath is still better: or steel, cast iron or stone? To choose with the mind and understand the features of this plumbing, you need to explore the characteristics of each type separately. If you clearly understand what the pros and cons is not difficult to quickly choose a bowl into your bathroom.

A comfortable bathing bath is built into mini-podium

Comparative analysis of 5 important characteristics

The modern market offers a consumer a great many options and bath configurations for every taste and color: here you can find both standard acrylic and cast iron containers and designer models from stone, glass, ceramics, and even wood. But we will consider the most common designs that are most popular and available.

Bath Durability Design Installation Practicality
Cast iron the highest rates of resistance to environmental impact, but complete instability to mechanical damage requires careful circulation and special care for the product. On the surface of the enamel, cracks, scratches and chips appear quickly; they do not differ in variety of architectural sophistication and beauty. Most often it is a bowl of standard geometrically correct shape, symmetrical and unpaired, with thick durable walls; since the product weighs a lot, installation work will be time consuming and complex. Installation is possible only on concrete overlappings, since any other material is simply not able to withstand such weight loads; the resistant coating that does not fade, enamel can stay snow-white and not deteriorate. The cast-iron coating does not create additional noise when pouring water, able to keep warm well. Enamel is resistant to cleansing soap and aggressive chemicals, it is necessary to acquire blessing agents. Even the hottest water is not able to deform the bowl;
Acrylic is a specially treated plastic; There are two types: cast (protected from rust, resistant to sharp temperature changes, has light weight) and combined (in addition to plastic, various additional synthetic components include less durable in comparison with the cast). Any plastic despite all positive qualities can quickly wear out (the service life can reach from 5 to 10 years), then the product should be dismantled and replaced; assortment of cups of various shapes and configurations amazing imagination. Acrylic plastic, so you can have from something to choose: interesting bends, rich in the palette of colors; easy installation, the design of the design is attached to the housing itself. The material is flexible and supportive, so it is easily drilled and cuts into separate parts. In order for the product to be firmly installed in the bathroom, the frame can be enhanced by making the bottom more hard; perfectly retains warm water temperature, no longer allowing it to cool. The material is warm by itself and pleasant to the touch, can quickly warm up. However, care for such a bath should be careful, since the coating is extremely sensitive to the effects of chemical solutions. It is better for cleaning products to acquire specially intended for acrylic. However, it is impossible to pour too hot water inside, otherwise the product can be deformed and spoiled;
Steel it is flexible, but it is easily corrosive under the influence of an aggressive environment; 7 years later, rust can be covered. these are exclusive stainless steel models, which look elegant and stylish in any interior; for a safer and reliable installation, you may need to install an auxiliary frame (several supports from wood or metal under the bowl) so that the bath does not "go" when the man moves during water procedures. The products are also most often installed on the construction foam for greater stability. Sometimes a brick or foam blocks can be materials for a reinforcing frame; environmentally friendly material, products require special care, since water flows and lime floods can remain on the surface. Enamel cannot fit tightly and stay on the surface for a long time, so it will be time to update the appearance of such a bath. It is also a large risk of chipping, microcracks and roughness, products made of steel can deform with time;

The cost varies depending on the complexity of forms and shades. The budget is the standard white models of the usual geometrically correct oval or rectangular shape. The main thing is to always remember the ratio of price-quality. These principles are relevant when choosing a bath from any material, so it is pointless to compare prices.

Products from these materials are ideal for mounting in the bathroom of urban apartments, a country house, cottage and even small studio apartments. When choosing models of a particular manufacturer, it is recommended to pay attention to its reputation, as well as the equipment of the bath itself, for example, the presence, hydromassage or aeromassage function. The video below describes in detail how to determine for yourself, what a bath is better: acrylic, steel or.

How to choose: pros and cons

Of course, I want to choose a good bath so that you do not have to return to the store or independently not eliminate defects during the use of plumbing. A high-quality product can last to serve in its owner, you only need to decide on the material. So it is better: acrylic, steel or cast iron? Let's try to figure out, considering each separately.

Many are resorted to the color therapy to remove the stress after stress or just a working day. To do this, you can install a bath of any pleasant shade, such as red, mint or blue. Such a product will become a real art object in the room and will be like a mood to raise.

Compact built-in angular bath from acrylic olive color


In the production of acrylic bowls, various polymers are used, with which individual sheets are obtained, which are further under the action of vacuum bend and take almost any shape.

  • the plasticity of the material is, consequently, the wealth of forms and design solutions;
  • easy installation with which even a beginner can cope;
  • lightness;
  • high degree of noise absorption;
  • hygiene use;
  • anti-slip and antibacterial surface;
  • long service life - can reach 20 years;
  • maintainability - You can update the surface of the bowl and remove defects.

Each such bath has an amplifying frame, which is manufactured individually under a certain model. It is a steel frame, covered by a protective layer and non-corrosive. The height of the legs can be adjusted to any value.

Acrylic design with frame

  • the product is deployed when exposed to aggressive chemicals;
  • for acrylic destructive boiling water, various paints and varnishes (if suddenly dropped drops), hot air from the hair dryer, etc.;
  • instability to mechanical strengths. Also when falling into a cup of severe item, the material can crack or progress, dents will appear.

If you have chosen the product of the intricate form, deformations in the process of use can not be avoided.

White Asymmetric Bath

Cast iron

Models Chashes from cast iron can not boast of abundance of design solutions. Most often in building stores, the buyer is ready to offer only white baths (small selection of colors) of a rectangular shape.


  • cast iron retains warmth well, water inside does not have time to cool;
  • the material is almost not subject to scratches and cracks;
  • not sensitive to cleaning chemistry;
  • ease of care;
  • good sound absorbing properties.

Cast iron construction is a solid - the bowl will not "walk" and move away from the walls of the bathroom. You will also need an optional frame for amplification.

Sustainability of cast iron guaranteed


  • heavyweight - 60-80 kg;
  • well collect contamination on the surface;
  • a rust may appear;
  • fragility, the bowl may suffer at accidental strike.

To establish such a heavy design one wizard is hardly under power, so it is better to hire a brigade or call assistants.

Snow-white cast iron container on beautiful carved legs


Before buying, it is necessary to make the selected product as much as possible for the presence of defects: cracks, chips and just a factory marriage. The walls must have sufficient thickness - from 3 mm, and the weight should be from 18 kg. Important also the fattened geometry in the form and design of the model. Enamel (with its presence) should be applied evenly and neatly, and the casting is performed qualitatively.

  • little weight - an average of up to 20 kg;
  • easy transportability and installation;
  • the enamel layer has no pores and does not accumulate pollution on its surface;
  • instant and uniform warming;
  • steel is plastic enough, so you can find models of an interesting form and any dimensions;
  • long does not lose production shine and whiteness.

It cannot but please the durability of the steel structure - the service life can reach 15 years with competent care and careful terms.

Reliable stainless steel bath

  • enamel can easily be squeezed due to mechanical and power damage (blows);
  • low noise insulation, no ability of sound absorption, water is severely noise when filling steel bath;
  • increased heat capacity, in view of which the walls of the product quickly take the heat of water, turning it out.

Installation of insulating plates

When it comes to plumbing in the form of bathrooms, it is better to choose models from better durable material than to periodically make disassembly or cosmetic update. It is difficult to determine the definitely, which bath is better: acrylic, cast iron or steel, but the reviews of experienced specialists in the video below will help.

When buying a bath, the owner expects that the product will last for many years, it will be comfortable and beautiful throughout the life. This is an expensive plumbing product, so it is chosen carefully, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various materials, forms, brands. The bath is purchased not only with hygienic purposes. It is from it that depends largely how comfortable will rest will be at the end of the working day.

Warm water with foam is a way to relieve stress, put the body in order and calm thoughts. Manufacturers offer many models. The most popular - from acrylic and cast iron. Compare which bath is better - acrylic or cast iron.

Bath market is very diverse. In addition to steel, cast-iron, acrylic baths, you can meet unique design articles made of glass, marble, faience and even a tree. They are very beautiful, but most often impractical and / or the road.

For many years, the choice was reduced to two materials - steel and cast iron. In recent decades, acrylic products have acquired tremendous popularity.

The owners of small bathrooms are forced to seek the ability to install a set of plumbing devices in a limited space. Corner baths solve this problem: they occupy a minimum of space and at the same time retain maximum functionality

Our compatriots are increasingly choosing acrylic or cast iron baths. Both types are perfectly suitable for installation in the conditions of urban apartments and private houses, and materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing any plumbing device, such indicators are of fundamental importance: durability, design, installation features, practicality, price.

The quality of the baths affect the quality, the reputation of the manufacturer, the presence of additional functions. In recent years, baths with hydro and aeromassage have been specially popular. Such models allow not only to greatly relax, enjoy warm water, but also have a positive effect on health

Strength and durability: cast iron out of competition

Cast iron is one of the most reliable metals. It is resistant to mechanical damage, it is not corrosion, perfectly holds the form, does not bend. The thickness of the walls of the baths from this material has 6-8 mm. The products are very heavy, so manufacturers immediately complete their products with strong resistant legs.

When installing the owner does not have to take care of the additional strengthening of the bath. After installation, it does not shift, does not seek. The surface of the bath is covered with resistant enamels, so that the finished product for many years retains its original appearance. Enamel restoration is not complicated and costs in acceptable money.

The strength of acrylic products in question. In many ways, the life depends on the thickness, the quality of the material itself and the features of the installation. Acrylic is light and plastic. On the one hand, this is unconditional dignity, because Allows you to create products of complex forms and facilitates installation.

On the other hand, the obvious disadvantage, since the bath has to additionally strengthen during installation, and its bottom begins under the weight of a person, because of which there is a feeling of the instability of the structure.

Cast iron models can be very attractive, but the design affects the price largely. If the buyer is ready for additional expenses, you can buy a beautiful cast-iron bath. Models are simple in shape, and decorative functions perform accessories and color clearance

A high-quality acrylic bath is capable of listening to 10-15 years, if the owner chooses it correctly and will not save when buying. If the product loses the presentable appearance, it can be renovated.

Design: manifold acrylic models

Acrylic plasticity allows you to create a bathtub from it a wide variety of forms and sizes. The material can be any colors and shades, and the coating is very resistant, does not grieve over time. The product remains bright and enjoyable for many years.

As for the form, when choosing, it should be avoided by too intricate configurations with multiple bends. Practice shows that the probability of deformation of the complex form is much higher, since a durable polymer is less plastic than low-quality material. Too frosted form - reason to alert.

Cast iron baths are not as diverse and beautiful as acrylic. Their only dignity is a resistant coating. But it does not fade, well resists mechanical influences.

If you care for the bathroom, do not allow scratches and chips, then the enamel will remain brilliant and snow-white. To increase enamel strength, modern manufacturers are added silver, titanium and other metals.

Color therapy is one of the excellent ways to remove the tension, get a charge of cheerfulness. A bright bath will decorate the interior, zonizes the room and at the same time bring positive emotions. That is why color acrylic models are in demand, despite the higher price compared to traditional white

Forms of baths from cast iron leave to desire the best. This is usually the simplest, simple configurations. The material is heavy, no plasticity, and the walls of the products are thick, which really limits the flight of designer fantasy.

Installation: "Monumental" cast iron and "chlipky" acrylic

Which bath is better in the installation - acrylic or cast iron? Even the most modest and thin cast-iron bath weighs near the centner. By adding the weight of the water and bathing a person to it, we get a pressure of 200-250 kg on a relatively small area. This is a serious load that only concrete floors withstand.

In buildings where overlaps are made of wood, it is desirable to install lighter acrylic models or further enhance the building structures, because This material without problems withstands the weight of about 150 kg, and 200-250 kg is an present test for strength.

The high weight of cast iron models ensures their stability. Acrylic baths, on the contrary, begged and seem unstable. However, this impression is deceptive and created only because of a relatively small weight.

The installation of an acrylic bath is largely similar to the installation of steel, but has some features. Knives of the acrylic model are attached directly to the housing. You have to drill acrylic. This material is very fuel to the processing, so you need to be careful not to damage it. In addition to the legs, a hard frame is collected for giving stability, reinforce the bottom

For easy installation, manufacturers are equipped with special legs, which are screwed to the bath. Some owners install baths only on them, but many prefer additional wood frame, metal or bricks to increase stability.

This also affects weight, so it is difficult to accurately decide which bath it is easier to mount - acrylic or cast iron. In the first case, it may be necessary to strengthen, in the second there are some difficulties due to the initial mass.

Practicality: What bathroom is it easier to take care?

Both types of baths are very practical and easy to operate. The cast iron makes not much noise when pouring water from the crane in the bath, and acrylic is even less. Both materials are well kept heat, but acrylic is more convenient in this regard.

The cast iron warms it for a long time, but also retains the temperature of the water for a long time (water cools at 1 degree in 10 minutes). Acrylic is originally not a cold material, its surface is more pleasant to the touch. At the same time he keeps heat even better (the temperature decreases by 1 degree in 30 minutes).

Acrylic baths require more careful care than cast-iron. If the enamel coating is able to withstand almost any impacts, except abrasives, then acrylic more sensitive to chemistry. To care for acrylic, it is advisable to buy special means. When using them, there is no need for a strengthened surface output. Enough to apply a tool and wash off, dirt saming down

You can safely pour water into the acrylic bath, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees. More hot water can cause surface deformation. But the cast iron withstands almost any temperature without consequences. For the care of both types of baths apply bassabosive household chemicals.

Enamel cast iron products are much more resistant to aggressive substances, but it is desirable to still use gentle formulations. The acrylic surface can be corrupted if it is for cleaning to apply too aggressive chemistry or boiling water. How to properly care for the baths of both types, described in detail in the video:

Price: How much and what does the buyer pay for?

The cost of the baths from both materials varies slightly. Prices are formed depending on the design, quality, brand. Simple forms and traditional white color will cost the buyer cheaper than preferably, it is obvious, but too primitive model will not deliver joy.

It is important when choosing not to save on quality, because, by purchasing a deliberate "cheap", the consumer creates a lot of problems. The product may not respond to the declared characteristics, quickly require repair or replacement. To make a purchase decision should if the ratio of quality-quality-design seems acceptable.

Which bath is better - acrylic or cast iron, the final choice always remains for the buyer. Only he himself knows what it expects from plumbing and how it plans to use it. The main thing is the compliance of the purchased product by the needs of the owner and reasonable price

Three signs of high-quality bath

In plumbing stores, the extensive range. Often buyers are simply lost in choosing.

A lot of pleasant models are set, and sometimes the choice is spontaneous, because it is difficult to find out the advantages and disadvantages of each product. There are three main features for which you can determine whether it is worth spending time on the model you like:

  • Wall thickness. If this characteristic is not as important for the cast-iron bath, since the product maintains strength even at relatively thin walls, then for the acrylic model, the indicator is fundamental. The thicker the wall, the stronger the product itself. Typically, the bottom is made thicker so that the design is better to withstand the load, but pay attention to the sides of the model. If the material is thin, whatever the bath is neither the bath, it is better to choose another model even to the detriment of the design.
  • Coating thickness. The fact that the enamel or acrylic coating should be evenly and neatly applied, obviously. But its thickness also has the value: a dense coating is more resistant to abrasion, scratches, chips. It is possible to determine the quality at the installation site of the drain. If you liked some models of about the same price, then by comparing the thickness of the coating, you can make the final choice.
  • Equipment and additional features. It is worth paying attention to the thickness of the bed legs. It is relevant for acrylic, and for cast iron models. Support structures must be stable and reliable. When choosing an acrylic bath, it is better to stay on the model equipped with a high-quality metal frame. If additional functions are needed, for example, hydromassage, they will have to pay extra, but the result is worth it. It is not necessary to deny yourself the pleasure in favor of saving, because the bath is bought for many years.

Feel free to ask sellers about each model you like, but pay attention to the adequacy of their answers. For example, if the seller argues that the entire wall of the acrylic model with a thickness of 6-8 mm consists exclusively from acrylic, then it is probably either noncompetent, or deliberately misleads the buyer.

In the location of the drain holes and overflow of the new bath you can always see the thickness of the coating. More expensive models are usually thicker. If the difference in price is insignificant, it makes sense to overpay for an extra millimeter coverage, in order to save in the future on its restoration

Material for the manufacture of acrylic baths consists of several layers, and acrylic is the top of them. This is a "facial" coating, and the performance properties of the product depend on its quality. Check the thickness at the place of the plum, press the surface of the bath to make sure the strength.

If, when you click on the wall acrylic bath, the wall "plays", it is worth choosing another model, even another company is desirable. This is a low quality material indicator. No framework fully compensates for the lack. Also, the wall should not "shift" or smell chemistry.

We offer video with useful tips for choosing pig-iron and acrylic baths:

Choosing a cast-iron model, check how uniform coating is applied. Roughness, irregularities and other defects are unacceptable. This is a clear sign of poor quality casting and / or enamel. The perfect option is a smooth surface covered with powder paint.

The cast-iron bath is impossible to go nor break. The wall thickness affects the stiffness of the structure, but even thin walls are successfully coping with the loads. In such a bath you can swim, wash, wash animals. If you do not scratch the coating, all these manipulations will not affect the bath

And again about the price. The difference in the cost of acrylic and cast iron baths is small, so you can afford the choice in favor of the material that you trust more. If you can buy a model from a well-known brand, such a chance is worth useing. Manufacturers "named" care about reputation, their products are usually really better than products from little-known firms. Overpaying "for the name", you pay for higher quality.

Sometimes visitors to our store shall share their thoughts on the benefits or disadvantages of goods, and in particular, cast-iron and steel baths, which they have read on the Internet. Since the assortment of the store "San Premium" has both those and other bath options, our specialists decided to express their opinion on this topic. Beyond what the strange thoughts of buyers come from where the strange thoughts of buyers can be mounted in a matter of minutes, if googled, for example, the phrase "cast-iron baths". On the first search results page, you can get a link to one of the site sellers of baths with a subtitle "The main advantages of enameled cast iron baths."

  • "High level of strength and stability to various deformations. In production, the cast iron is used as the highest quality cast iron and modern enamel coating."

Cast iron is a rather fragile material, and it is inappropriate "resistant to deformities". A part of the cast iron receives from the iron ore is not even cut, because it crumbs greatly. Usually it is used as raw materials for steel smelting. It can be said conditionally that cast iron is one of the stages of obtaining steel from iron ore. Unless, of course, steel is the goal. But in many cases, cast iron is quite suitable for direct use.

The phrase "cast iron of the highest quality" causes a question - what quality? Strength, carbon levels, carbon levels? After all, if you measure such a quality of cast iron, as the percentage of carbon, then the cast iron "highest quality" with a minimum percentage approaches the composition to steel. With the same success, it is possible to consider the relative purity of unfiltered water its advantage, although the filtered at the same time will be even cleaner.

  • "High noise insulation and excellent heat capacity."

The fact that in the structure of cast iron is more carbon than in steel, in practice it is manifested in the fact that the vessel from a more fragile cast iron walls should be thicker than the steel counterpart. Thicker cast iron walls with a higher carbon content in the structure are, figuratively speaking, much more "porous" than thin steel. The carbon scattered in the metal thicker creates a certain structure with frequent heat differences on the micro level, allowing warmth longer to linger, and the sound is stronger to dissipate. Because this advantage is essentially agreeing, if we consider the situation that the elements of sound insulation are included in the set of steel baths, and these vessels will be used in a nonopular room during the cold season. But even in this case, the question arises: what is the heat flowing through the water surface, bypassing the bathroom walls? After all, heavier air will carry the heat of water, poured into the bath, of which it would be done.

And this outflow of heat can be much more significant than the difference between the heat capacity of the walls of the bathroom from cast iron or steel.

By the way, some types of sound insulation sheets suitable for fastening to steel baths can be thermal insulation.

  • "Saturation and depth of color. Cast iron baths do not dim, keeping their original color and shine. No other enameled baths look so effectively."

This is a very strange statement if you consider that we are talking about enameled baths. For example, the quality and technology of applying enamels on steel baths allows the management of the company at no doubting to declare a 30-year warranty on its products.

No less confident in the quality of their coating technologies, the enamels and leaders of the German company (Bette), guaranteeing three decades of the impeccable service of steel baths of this brand.

25 years old guarantees for cast iron baths ("Jacob Dalafon") is also an excellent quality indicator, but the authors of statements about the superiority of cast-iron baths apparently do not correlate their words with these facts.

There is a chance that they compare cast-iron baths with some kind of bath-butter objects created from too thin steel with a non-rective enamel coating technology. And if for some reason such a bath will be deformed, the enamel coating may lose the integrity. But in this case, the authors could consider the option of a thin-walled bath from cast iron, which can be broken along with low-quality enamel.

This is another reason why, when choosing a bath, it is necessary to more carefully relate to the qualities directly related to the functions of the goods. For example, to the thickness of the walls of the bath (about which can be judged by relative weight). Simple "Formula" - find out the name of the material, and rely on a biased opinion - with the current level of technology development, it is unlikely that it will be worthwhile to raise the coin or fortune telling on the coffee grounds.

  • "Cast iron is resistant to scratches and damage to aggressive means."

There are brands of steel with similar and even large degrees of stability, but it is not clear who this "advantage" interests in a situation when the metal from which the bath is made should be hidden under enamel.

  • "Thanks to the excellent connection of enamel and cast iron, modern baths have a smooth surface."

The word "cast iron" can be replaced with the word "steel", and the specified advantage will disappear, as if it was simply contrived.

  • "Enameled cast iron baths are easily cleaning, because there are no pores on their surface, preventing the mud accumulation."

Again, we are talking about the quality of enamel, which and manufacturers of steel baths can be flawless.

  • "They have a long service life - more than 20 years."

We have already led an example with warranty periods. It remains only to add that our specialists are fundamentally and carefully choose for the assortment of the store "San Premium" only those products whose reliability is not in doubt. Accordingly, different kinds of the dispute "what product is better" with this approach lose its practical meaning, since if the bath is not the best among other baths with similar parameters, it simply does not fall into the number of goods of our store.

And in conclusion of this analytical work on one of the sources that are unnecessarily gullible visitors, we will give a comment to the overall description of the cast iron found on the same site:

"The cast iron is an aloy of iron with carbon and is rather heavy. Although the cast iron baths are made thin, the weight of the average product exceeds 100 kg. At the same time, high weight provides the bath resistance during operation."

Steel also consists of iron with carbon, only carbon is less in it. But it is less fragile, and therefore the walls are made even more subtle than cast-iron. But still the cubic meter has weighs about 7,800 kg, and the cubic meter of cast iron from 6800 to 7300 kg, because it is ridiculous to call the cast iron "heavy" in relation to steel. What steel baths are easier is because of a significantly smaller material volume than in the case of cast iron. Well, for sustainability during operation, modern manufacturers include a comfortable steel bath, reliable and easily adjustable to the height of the leg.

Conclusion: Steel and cast iron baths - all of them are iron

Compare with steel without reference to the conditions and objectives of use, it is approximately the same "useful" occupation, how to compare diesel fuel with gasoline, without taking into account: who, for what, and how to use them. Therefore, if you need to select the best bath, and there are no measured parameters for which you can understand that one bath "is better" than the other, then even starting the search for the point is not. It is enough to purchase the first thing that happened.

Whether it will be a high-tech bath with a built-in music center and hydromassage or a simple, but high-quality enameled capacity, in any case, one of them will be in something "better" by another. Someone is most worried about the price, and someone is a brand. It is not difficult to understand how the fact that the sellers of the bath can not know more about them than their manufacturers, and experienced buyers of different goods can sometimes know more than sellers of some one. But those and others, and others can learn and share knowledge with other people, creating new opportunities and embody new ideas for a better future.

We wish you a successful acquisition of a high-quality bathroom selected on the basis of well-developed knowledge.

P.S. If someone seemed as if the purpose of this article was propaganda, it really "seemed", as trading with both types of baths deprives the point of excessively to protrude the good properties of some alone.