What windows are better to put in a private house: comparisons of windows and recommendations of specialists. What plastic windows are better to put in a private house which windows need to be put

Private house requires big attention to detail, and care for it is significantly different from the service of the apartment. This applies to the choice of windows that will be framed and will be able to emphasize its merits.

It is worth noting that today the market presents a large range of these products, and the difference lies not only in its design, but also in purpose. Consider what windows are better put in a private house.

In contact with

Main types according to the material of the framing

In search of the optimal option It is worth relying not only on the design, but also on the basis. Each view has his characteristics and has positive and negative qualities. The basis of the opening is glass, but the frame becomes another major component. When time comes to replace window openings in the house, the question arises, or private house.

Take note! Rama creates a reliable fastening of glass. From its characteristics will also depend on the advantages and disadvantages of the entire design.

How to choose windows for home based on the material:

In most cases, the best solution in a private house will be plastic windows. How to choose them correctly? To do this, you need to explore the classification.


Due to the fact that the windows of PVC have gained widespread, there are various classifications - By the number of sash, the method of opening, the number of chambers and form. They allow you to better explore the advantages of each type. Therefore, it is very important to know what the types of plastic windows are different for a private house among themselves and what qualities they are peculiar in general. Photos will help Pick up the optimal option.

Separation by number:

  • singman - most often opens all the window;
  • bivalve - one folding sash;
  • three-growing - From one to three functional flaps.

In all these cases, it is possible to make adjustments during the order, this is especially true of the last subtype. but changes will affect the price.

On the number of sash will depend on the optimal size of the windows For a private house.

Camera and opening method

Consider two more important parameters that cannot be ignored when choosing windows.

According to the opening method

Opening method - Also important moment for those who select the options for plastic windows for a private house.

There are such varieties:

  1. deaf
  2. with swivel opening
  3. folded (or Framenny),
  4. combined discovery methods.

In the latter case, there are also its subtypes that may be very helpful in the country.

By the number of cameras

Number of cameras As a classification method also has the right to exist. Thanks to them, it is possible to determine how many glasses will be accommodated in the windows window from PVC.

Options for windows in a private house By number of cameras:

  • single-chamber - two glasses are separated by one partition;
  • two-chamber - three glasses with two partitions;
  • three-chamber, etc.

It should be borne in mind that the main condition for this classification is the percentage of heat power. More cameras are warmer indoors.

Outlines as an important principle of separation

There are also various forms plastic windows for a private house. The photo presents the most common of them.

Eliminate such forms:

  • standard (rectangular),
  • arched
  • triangular
  • round
  • trapezoidal.

However, in the case individual order You can adjust window openings for specific forms. All conditions will dictate designer solutions, as well as the location of the windows.

The above classifications may vary or supplemented in accordance with the criteria. May take into account even design or location.

Frame with layout

For strengthening aesthetic species Designs are often used decorative layouts. And the use allows you to change the external outline of the window opening. In addition, the design with layout in the interior of a private house is modern practice, which makes it possible to emphasize non-standard forms of buildings. Moreover, the use of layouts gives operation vintage style.

Among the layouts, these types of structures can be distinguished:

  • sresp- for internal installation;
  • false-binding - for outdoor mount;
  • pads - Miscellaneous destination.

It is worth noting that the design of this type is perfectly looking and retaining the outer and internal attractiveness of the design. Among the layout options there are also varieties that embody the original designer ideas.

Criteria for selection of window opening in a private house

What windows are better Suitable for a country house? A variety of choice allows you to find the perfect option, but this condition complicates it.

The question arises by which rules to choose plastic structures. The answer to it can be found after familiarizing with the features of different options. You can also pay attention to the advice of experts.

The first moment you need to consider is thermal insulation. As for the isolating from noise, this is not the most important criterion.

For giving a big role plays material Rama. If you are standing before choosing, what framing it is better to put (from PVC or aluminum), then the first option will be preferable. According to the characteristics, they significantly exceed the aluminum analogues. This is especially true At the main criteria - efficiency.

Note! It is also necessary to take into account the type of construction. For example, for a wooden house should create protection against natural impacts, provide a sufficient amount of light and be safe. In addition, weather conditions affect the condition of the walls.

To figure out what size Make windows in a private houseIt is worth studying various samples. This condition will allow you to make the framing of your home harmonious in all respects.

What are the size of the windows to choose for a private house? For the purpose of economy Often used large windows that retain a lot of light, for example, a great solution for a private house. Their destination is also creating the aesthetics of the appearance and the cozy space inside it.

Useful video

When choosing, you need to consider different parameters: the number of sash, material, form. The size of the windows for a private house play not the last role. Follow the recommendations given in the article, and you will find the best option for your specific case.

Recently, orders for the construction of country houses often began to come.

Together with the stream of requests for the construction of his own home, requests for non-standard architectural projects increased.

One of the most expressive details of any building are windows - their size, color, shape.

The abundance of original fillings of window openings, and the very form of such discovers sometimes simply amazing imagination. Everyone wants to make the exact opposite of the gloomy urban apartment with the help of glass.

It came to the conclusion that it is easier to prepare its future customers by writing an article and explaining a part of the questions in it, so as not to repeat every time when it meets with the new client.

Correct windows for the cottage

Depending on the material from which the walls of the house are erected, you need to choose what should be the filling of window openings.

All buildings (except monolithic) immediately after the construction give a small shrinkage. It is laid in tolerances and is taken into account with further finish.

But here the shrinkage that wooden structures give, and the duration of time during which it will occur, it is difficult to calculate. In addition, the tree can play simply due to the change of weather. For this reason, you need to protect everything that may suffer from the impact of this phenomenon.

First of all, the changes in geometric dimensions are subject to door and window pastes.

Some owners of new homes that have not listened to the recommendations of experienced builders may notice this in an unexpectedly emerged crack on the glass.

You can protect the window from damage using a cluster or souls, which becomes a buffer between the frame and the window opening. For the house from the tree, the device of such a compensator is not just recommended - this is a need, because it will allow the window frame to move, leaving the loads that the walking window is created.

House from glass

Live sunlight, transparent wall - these are the conditions that many customers put in the development of the project of the future at home.

Architects sometimes paint such projects that bring them to the construction stage - the case is quite difficult.

Especially interesting and responsible for us is to transfer the architectural picture with the image of the glass wall into a real device of reliable and safe window design.

At the same time, it is necessary to choose which of the materials is the most optimal for the manufacture of panoramic glazing.

I can say with confidence that each manufacturer of windows will insist that the best option is to order panoramic glazing only from the material with which it works.

Trying to be objective, I will say that the glass in the frame from aluminum looks most advantageous in this case.

Facade aluminum systems have long been used in construction, besides, on an industrial scale. Their design features are adjusted precisely under large glazing areas. Aluminum structures differ from other simplicity of installation and availability in service.

A positive role in choosing this material plays the fact that the profile of aluminum is not striking, it is advantageous by emphasizing the beauty of panoramic glazing. Due to its technical characteristics, aluminum racks with a small thickness can withstand significant loads.

Separately, you need to say about choosing the window opening system and doors in the glass wall.

In addition to the simplified folding option for venting out the room in panoramic glazing, there are parallel-sliding and vertically-sliding sash. Their difference is in the opening method and price. If the fittings are issued by a solid company, then its work does not depend on the type of opening. In comparison, the advantage of parallel-sliding.

Which thickness glass is better to choose?

The ability of glass does not change its characteristics, in particular, to withstand wind and dynamic load depends on its size and thickness.

The greater the size of the solid glazing, the more carefully you need to calculate the thickness of the glass - the parameter on which the reliability and safety of the entire structure depends on.

For glazing a rumble of up to 2.5 m 2, the use of 4-hmillimeter glass is allowed. Further increase in the area of \u200b\u200bglazing must be calculated in accordance with special technical documentation.

Standard solutions for this task are as follows:

  • with glass area, about three meters, its thickness is taken at least 6 mm;
  • a further increase in quadrature can occur with a simultaneous increase in thickness to 8 mm.

To some extent, the strength of the glass unit depends not only on the thickness of the glass, but also on the amount of brakes in the double-blade. Than they are more, the better the stability of the entire glass package.

SPO - Double-glazed windows consisting of two stalks forming the air chamber, have dignity in the form of a small weight, but poorly retain heat.

SPD - double-glazed windows of three stalks, in which there are already two air chambers. Due to the extra glass, they are 50% harder, but perfectly copble with the power saving function.

However, progress does not stand still, and the designers connected in a single-chamber package convenient weight and high-quality protection against external temperature effects using energy-saving glass. It is a glass with a special coating that is effectively reflecting both heat from the room, not allowing the output outside and the receipt of the cold or the opposite of excessive heat into the room.

One lack of such glass is its high price.

Significantly cheaper option of a single-chamber package with argon gasped to the chamber - it resists heat transfer much better than air. If such a glass unit consists of energy-saving glass and at the same time made with the addition of argon to the chamber, he is nothing worse than its two-chamber fellow.

High-quality fittings - the basis of the performance of the window opening mechanism

Your pleasure to look at your panoramic glazing or just on new windows very quickly maybe the abyss because of such, it would seem trivia as the details of the fittings.

The fought, not closing the window sash can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes until the master arrives and will not explain that a small detail of the mechanism is to blame. Surely you will hear the reproach from him in the fact that they have chosen poor-quality accessories, and now to replace it, you will need time and money.

It is necessary to ask in advance what manufacturer of the handle, loop, trough, side fittings and other elements of the fittings are considered really reliable.

The main indicators of high-quality details of the window opening mechanism or doors are:

resistance to wear. The unit of measurement of this indicator is a cycle that is equal to one opening-closing window. In the technical characteristics of the accessories, the resource of its operation is measured by the number of cycles. For a standard window, the operation of the opening mechanism should be at least 10,000 cycles.

easy to maintain. It may happen that, opening the window, you will accidentally check the handle, and it will work at once two opening positions - folding and swivel. Without special skills and trying to solve the problem by force, you can withdraw the mechanism. Well, if the fittings on your window is from among popular, and easily can be found such a spare part. But if it's an exclusive, you will have to change all the strapping.

anti-corrosion. Since the details of the opening mechanism are located on the temperature boundary and are exposed to humidity, condensate is their main enemy. If the metal from which the accessories is made is stainless steel, there is nothing to fear. If it is steel with a protective coating, then the age of its work is underly.

performance. A window with good accessories should be easily open not only immediately after installation, until all the details are in the lubricant, but for a long time later. By the way, it is necessary to periodically lubricate any, regardless of the quality, fittings.

For special anti-burglar window accessories there are additional requirements. They change slightly depending on which the six possible security classes belongs to window filling.

Changes in the opposite version touched the shape of the assistant and the device of response slats. This is done to eliminate the opening option of the window outside. Windows with special fittings comply with Western security standard ENV 1627-1630 and marked in accordance with its requirements.

Windows of high protection

Anti-burglar fittings are effective in the case when they are trying to open the window sash, and it is useless if the hacker will simply break the glass.

To protect against such barbarism, roller shutters were constructed, which are installed directly to the window profile, and it does not matter, from which material (wood, aluminum or PVC) window is done.

Unlike the rollside, which are also designed to protect the window and doorways, roller shutters are not striking, because they are not attached on the facade, but in the window of the window or in the windows of window sash.

At the same time, this advantage of windows with rolling shutters when viewed from the room becomes a disadvantage, because it reduces the light of the opening, closing the part it with its guides.

Mansard windows - a separate question

Requirements for windows that are installed in attic enclosing structures have their own characteristics.

Of course, their size and place of installation are coordinated with the customer, but there are conditions that cannot be neglected:

The length of one window or vertical range of windows can not be greater than half the length of the roof slide on which it is installed;

To skip the necessary minimum day lighting, the total square of the windows should be at least 10% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which it is;

The lower border of the window turnout should be at such a level so that the standing person could see not only the sky, but also the street.

Window fillings in the attic structures play the role of the roof element and are exposed to a particularly intensive effects of precipitation. Therefore, the comfort and the possibility of living indoors depends on the tightness of the windows and their framing.

Special attention is paid to thermal insulation, because all warm air is going at the top under the roof near the attic windows.

Acoustic properties are also an important item: heavy rain or hail can deliver a certain discomfort of the horsepower of the attic room. Good windows must have a sound insulation index exceeding 25 decibels.

Dersighted window device

If you have not come across the attic windows yet, you probably do not know about the problem that constantly pursues the windows of this type. This problem is the appearance of condensate due to the temperature difference outside and indoors.

Combat with this unpleasant phenomenon can be conducted using air valves installed in the window profile.

Such a valve, thanks to the ventilation holes, accelerates warm air going under the window, and does not give it to condense on the cold glass.

If there is no additional ventilation in the room, such a solution is almost the only true to eliminate the problem of fogging glass windows in the attic.

Since the attic window is set, as a rule, under the tilt, then the options for the mechanisms of its opening are very different from the mechanisms of conventional vertical windows. They are:

Opening relative to the central axis between the side of the frame;

With the opening relative to the displaced axis between the side of the frame;

With the possibility of opening in two positions: relative to the central and upper axes of the frame;

With opening out (by type of ordinary window) relative to the side, upper or lower axes of the frame.

PVC profile windows

The eternal dispute of manufacturers about what material - PVC or Tree - the window is better, we are unlikely to solve. But it is possible to consider the pros and cons of the plastic window.

PVC windows are cheaper than high-quality wooden. With a large quadrature of filling window openings, saving from plastic installation is essential.

PVC profile is not afraid of temperature differences and high humidity.

PVC windows In addition to periodic lubrication, fittings do not require additional care.

Plastic windows with properly selected glazing and additional cameras in the profile are perfectly coping with the preservation of heat and silence indoors.

Variants of the internal device of the PVC profile

To qualitatively perform its main function - the reliable boundary between heat and cold, between noise and silence - a four-chamber, five-chamber and even six-chamber made from the three-hour profile. Due to this, sound and thermal insulation properties have not only changed significantly, but also improved the bearing ability of the profile itself.

The windows with a six-chamber profile are particularly demand in the cold climatic zone or in areas adjacent to noisy industrial enterprises.

PVC structure

The cost of the final product is plastic window - largely depends on the quality of the plastic itself.

It is no secret that when only the boom of installation of windows from PVC began, rarely met ill quality profile. Now there are quite many large and small enterprises for the production of PVC window profile. In the fight against competitors, hesitating its products, many of them began to use inexpensive raw materials or poor-quality supplements.

A poor-quality profile can be easily determined by a matte surface on which stains from hand-drawn can remain.

But this is not the worst. It is much worse that such PVC will quickly begin shroud and highlight harmful substances, especially if the sunlight is exposed to sunlight.

Ventilation in window profiles

The unconditional dignity of plastic windows is a tightness. But if there is no air movement in the room, that is, additional ventilation, then this dignity passes into a number of disadvantages.

Not only windows begin to be covered by condensate, but also at the indoor itself, mold and fungus appears. This problem is quite serious and is not always solved by a micro-taking system built into the window.

A more radical method - insertion in the profile of a special air valve. Such a device can be equipped with a special air dispenser, feeding a certain, calculated on the volume of a particular room, the amount of fresh air.

Laminated plastic

Standard white plastic color can not be used for all architectural solutions, so a new direction appeared - lamination of plastic for various wood species.

At the factory, white plastic is covered with a special film, which not only changes the color and texture, but also has protective properties.

The ability to play with the color, picking up the windows into the tone or in the contrast with the color of the facade, sharply raised the popularity of PVC profile.

Make the right choice

The windows in any house not only play the role of the enclosing structure, they also serve as a bridge for communicating with the outside world.

For a private house, the appearance and functional abilities of window fillings - the question is special.

For all owners of their country housing, you want the windows to pass more light, less heat and a sufficient amount of fresh air. At the same time, they must protect against the penetration of the room and serve sufficiently long.

If a person building has a house, there is no hard restriction in finance, it is preferable to select windows with a five-chamber profile and a two-chamber glass, consisting of three brazers.

Among the proposals of manufacturers of window systems, you can find triple glass windows. No words - warmly they retain perfectly. But the fact that due to the weight of such a package requires the use of special enhanced fittings for the opening mechanism, scares potential buyers.

To make the window fully responded to all tasks for him, the user needs to decide on the choice of the opening method. There are several such ways, it is:

Standard, right, or left-sided opening of flaps inside the room;

Folded when the bottom of the flap is fixed, and the top is leaking inside. Mainly used for rapid air ventilation;

Combining the usual and folding opening, which change depending on the turn of the handle of the sash.

Recently, accidents have become frequent increasingly related to the loss of children from the windows. The availability of the window opening and the lightness of the opening by simply turning the handle has become a real problem for families with young children.

The folding option partially removes the sharpness of the issue. But there are cases when the child clapped the hand between the frame and the folding window.

Here are two ways to solve the problem: install a plastic window with a window in the children's room, like those used to be in all wooden windows, or make a removable window opening handle.

It should be noted that orders for windows with the window began to flow increasingly. Such an option, in addition to everything, completely solves the issue with ventilation. Indeed, in the winter time of the year, micro-tracking does not often cope with its function, and the window open in the folding mode instantly produces heat.

Criterias of choice

Make the right choice - it means to find a compromise between quality and price.

Appearance is an important criterion, but not the main one.

Window filling can be at all without the opening mechanism - this is when the glass pack is not inserted into the sash, but in the frame itself. Such a "deafer" can serve as one of the large elements of panoramic glazing, and maybe it is simply an additional source of light in a storeroom or a garage.

In the windows of country houses, only a folding version of the sash is rarely encountered. Its main function of temporary ventilating room does not correspond to the very idea of \u200b\u200ba country house, where it should be possible to completely remove the barrier between man and nature.

A window with a rotary flap is usually arranged with opening inside the room. But if the features of the interior of the room do not allow this, then at the request of the customer you can make a sash opening out.

True, this option eliminates the use of a folding position, since atmospheric precipitations will fall into the apartment except air. But with the window closed, the moisture access to the room will be reliably blocked by a thoughtful drainage system built into the window profile itself.

The full functional set provided by standard plastic windows opening systems is assembled in a swivel-fold version of the device of the sash. Here and loose closing is microwave, and swivel, and folding types of opening.

Not limited to strict building standards for urban development, owners of private houses can choose the sizes and shapes of window fillings.

Therefore, standard solutions in the form of a conventional double window are not considered for the country house as the main one. You can find both a window with one sash and a multi-finger composition.

The simplicity of incarnation of various (round, trapezoidal) window configurations with the help of the PVC profile distinguishes it from the window fillings from the tree.

Window profile - the basis of high-quality filling of window openings

The first thing that rushes into the eye when assessing the quality of the window is, without a doubt, its carrying construction consisting of a plastic profile.

The double-glazed glass can consist of four brazers, but if the profile is badly resisting heat transfer, you can forget about comfort in the room.

What is already a profile stand, the smaller in it came, the greater the likelihood that when it is freezing, condensate will appear with the subsequent formation of mold.

This happens independently of how insulation and waterproofing of the window adjoining the slope - according to all the rules, or disorders were allowed.

Speaking on the topic of adjoining, it is impossible not to draw the attention of potential customers to the negative trend of the last time - devices of slopes of plastic.

Of course, it is a cheap, fast and pleasant eye option to finish the wall plane adjacent to the window.

But, first, during the operation of plastic panels, from which the slopes are made, the long-term effect on them is not allowed, since it provokes the release of harmful substances.

Secondly, if a cold profile was used during the window, or if the installer did not fulfill the requirements of the window adjustment device, then the owner will soon find that life in the form of fungal formations is growing rapidly in the space between the panel and the wall.

These moments need to be taken into account, agreeing on the cheap device of plastic slope.

The main brands of the window profile from PVC

The popularity of the PVC profile manufacturer's name depends not on advertising, but from how long this manufacturer works in the construction market. During this time, all the advantages and disadvantages of its products were tested in practice and found their place in the reviews of ordinary consumers.

Judging by the reviews, the first places among high-quality products are occupied by Old-timers: German "Salamander", "", "Rehau", "Veka". True, these firms have long transferred the production of PVC profile into the territory of our country, but it did not particularly affect quality.

The price of the products of these firms is higher than, let's, at Montblanc, but the quality is different for the better.

The problems faced in daily operation Any windows, abound: dust, rain, the formation of condensate and drafts, street noise.

You can solve the complex of these complex questions in one fell, only sobering in the qualitative characteristics of the filling of window openings.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that there are different options for windows: some are more suitable for use in a private house, others - in urban development.

Windows for the city

The residents of the urban apartment overlooking the lively street, most suffer from the noise penetrating.

The best output is a four-or-five-chamber PVC profile and a two-chamber glass.

Sometimes it happens that immediately after installing the window, the noise disappears, but over time it appears again. This is due to problems with the rubber seal built into the window sash. Mechanical damage to the seal or its overheating can cause the penetration of the room not only the sounds of the street, but also moisture and draft. Therefore, it is considered obligatory to periodically check the state of the sealer and lubricate it with silicone lubrication.

If the apartment is almost the entire light day on the sunny side, owners should think about installing windows with toned double-glazed windows or, as an option, with energy-saving glass.

Use as an insulating tool of a glass unit, the camera is filled with argon, not effectively to protect against sunlight.

The sun penetrates freely through the gas, heating the surface that falls under its effect. In addition, the long heating of the package itself can lead to its depressurization and disappearance of protective properties.

Manufacturers necessarily provide a warranty period of quality package with a camera filled with argon or rarely encountered gas Krypton. If you notice a condensate suddenly appeared on the window - a sign of depressurization, contact the seller and require the replacement of the glass package.

From the point of view of the appearance of possible problems, the glass filled with gas is the most vulnerable option.

Argon is very dense gas that does not have a smell color and not a fuel. For a person, he is absolutely harmless. It is possible to notice his disappearance from the chamber of the glass chamber only by indirect features: noticeable cooling indoors and condensate, or, in particularly difficult cases, the formation of ice in the corners of the window.

In urban apartments located on the lower floors or the extension adjacent to the house, it is desirable to install windows supplemented with anti-burglar elements.

A decorative grille can be added to enhanced accessories.

From the possibility of penetration into the room through a broken window can save the tempered glass. This glass is a relative of the armored house, inferior to him for a number of indicators. But even such glass is impossible to smash abandoned stone or blows of a metal object.

To protect the double-glazing can be ordered at the factory to illuminate the outer glass with a special armored armor. Such a glass is not as effective as glued out of several layers, however, even it will force a person who wants to get into the room from the street without permission.

Sender glass with a special protective film from mechanical damage or on the penetration of sunlight can be independently

For this process, no special skills need. It is only necessary for the presence of a window, film and desire.

Country house windows

This window that is suitable for installation in the apartment of urban high-rise buildings can not be used in rural areas.

The choice depends on external factors. Over the city there is no unnecessary noise from which you need to hide behind multi-chamber windows. Therefore, sound insulation does not play a special role.

Increased ceiling requirements, too, can be neglected if the country house is used mainly in the warm season. In this case, the installation of single-chamber double-glazed windows in the frame of the three-hour profile is what you need. Plus - significant cash savings.

In addition to the windows of PVC in a private house, you can install windows with frames from glued timber.

The technical characteristics of these fillings of window openings are few different from the characteristics of their fellow collected from PVC profile. Such windows do not respond to changes in humidity, they are environmentally friendly and thanks to special impregnation practically do not burn.

The choice of wood, from which the wooden sheets for glued timber glued together, very wide.

The most popular oak, pine, larch and fir. The highest quality is the bar glued from larch - it is not subject to rotting, and also easily transfers the differences in temperature and humidity.

The glass unit installed in the frame from the glued bar is no different from the package installed in the window from the PVC profile. The wooden version of the frame is suitable for all recommendations, data for the plastic window. You can use argon, lamination of glass or two cameras - no restrictions.

Windows for balcony

The width of the balcony screen is usually not more than 50mm, so installing a multi-chamber frame in which the profile is wider than this value - a difficult task. In this case, the profile must be selected so that it corresponds to the width of the base to which it rests - the screens of the balcony.

In order not to expose the balcony slab to excessive load, it is better to choose single-chamber glass windows with energy saving glass or gas filler chambers.

Additionally, it is possible to insulate a narrow three-dimensional profile by ordering the foaming of its camera by mounting foam.

The best plastic windows

Determine which plastic windows are best suited for installation in a particular room, it can be based on the analysis of the conditions in which their operation will undergo.

For the southern regions of the country, it is important that the plastic from which they are made, not degraded from high temperatures.

For the cold climatic zone, it is necessary that it does not crack from a slight blow with a strong frost. But in both cases there remains a good condition of the heat transfer profile.

The definition of the "best windows" also implies the best price indicators. If you compare windows from plastic with similar in size but made of aluminum or wood, the advantage will be on the PVC side.

In its category, plastic windows from the profile produced abroad will be most expensive. Does it make sense to overpay by buying an original product, ignoring their domestic analogue? Every question everyone responds at its discretion. My opinion is such: there is no evidence that the domestic profile is worse than imported. But what can significantly affect the quality of the finished window, so this is an assembly on the left production and disorders made by the installer during installation.

If someone considers that choosing a good manufacturer's company, he fulfilled the main task and closed the question with the subsequent quality operation of his windows, then such a person is seriously mistaken. This is half of the case.

The second equally important stage becomes competent, in compliance with all construction rules, installing the window to the window through the opening.

Many users rejoice in how quickly they put a window. And the fact that its sealing is made only by mounting foam, and this is only one part of the device adjusting the window to the wall, nobody tells them.

Meanwhile, there are special insulators in the form of expansion tape psyl and self-adhesive ribbon Vicar with LT. Without them, for construction standards, it is unacceptable to finish outdoor or internal slopes.

Selection of high-quality profile

The market of building materials and, in particular, the production of window products is in constant motion.

Constantly announced the emergence of new durable, living and 50 and 70 years, plastic profiles.

But the fact is that there is no experience in using the material in vivo, to say with complete confidence of its durability it is impossible. Those tests that are exposed to plastic in laboratory conditions cannot be compared with real.

In any case, the profile must undergo certain tests and have a certificate that allows its use in residential premises.

PVC profile width

Basically, the width of the profile used in our country fluctuates within 58mm to 70mm. The maximum allowable width is 90mm, but this kind of excess is available only to foreign users, although these windows can be made and brought from abroad for special order. True, not everyone is on his pocket.

What does the number of cameras in the profile affect?

The number of partitions on the profile slice indicates the number of cameras that play an important role to maintain heat indoors and suppressing street noise.

In this case, the principle works: the more - the better.

The easiest option has 3 cavity-camera, the most filled with 6 cameras.

Profile quality is distributed by classes:

economy - the most affordable, consisting of three cameras, no more than 60mm wide;

standard - enjoying increased popularity due to the average price range and satisfactory technical specifications;

premium - Qualitative, but expensive profile of five - six cameras, about 70mm wide. Externally distinguished by a particularly high quality surface.

By making a choice, for example, for seasonally used cottages, it makes no sense to buy a window with a premium profile.

For the territory with average climatic parameters, it is enough to install the window made from PVC standard-class.

In any case, the choice must be done, relying on its financial capabilities and based on the operating conditions of the window products. If the room has good heating and even in winter there is a need for its constant ventilation, then there is no sense to chase more expensive multi-chamber windows? After all, they will have to pay interest by 20% more than those whose characteristics are quite suitable for you.

Windows of a private house

It cannot be said that in the field of sales of window products there is a problem with the lack of choice. Offers of various firms producing and installing windows at the moment exceed demand.

Since there are options, it is not necessary to save money, you do not need to hurry to make a choice - as practice shows, the windows are not more expensive, rather, on the contrary.

A reasonable solution will view all offers, choose the product suitable for the technical and operational properties that have characteristics corresponding to the climatic zone of construction.

If everything converges, the next step is the analysis of reviews about the manufacturer and the work of installers. The result of the analysis was positive? So you can call the measurer and already discuss the details with it.

Communication with the measurer can help determine the status of the organization in which it works. Lack of laser roulette and time to carefully make measurements of window openings, threatens to install the window with dimensions more or less than the optimal option.

There is one important nuance for the customer - to install the product, be it the door or window, must the one who did it. All solid firms producers have their own installers. If they made violations in the installation, or defects were manifested by the product itself, then there will be no questions with the warranty replacement.

When the manufacturer and the installer are independent one of the other, then they will certainly dump on each other. And in this situation, to achieve truth, the customer will have to be at least to contact the consumer protection society.

Tree, aluminum, PVC - what is better?

The windows are not only the eyes of the house. They play a large role for the formation of the appearance of the entire facade as an element of decor, and also serve as reliable protection against external influences.

After the construction of the walls and the roof of any house, the third stage must be filling the window outlook. With overhaul of the apartment, the replacement of windows is the beginning of the repair process itself.

Therefore, it is not surprising that so many questions set on the topic, which windows are better - from wood, plastic or aluminum?

Firmly can be said that the windows from aluminum will live much longer than their competitors. But their cost makes it lead to a question: will not enough for much smaller money to put plastic windows whose service life is about 50 years? This question is your answer every person.

Someone will say that the tree is an environmentally friendly material, and will be right.

Someone's six-chamber PVC profile, and even filled with insulation, will seem the heat saving - and this is also true.

Therefore, making a choice, you need to proceed from your own needs. But if we analyze, the installation of which type of window products takes first place, we will see that the leading positions and in private houses, and in high-rise buildings, and in kindergartens and schools (this suggests that they have passed special selection) occupy plastic windows .

And this means that people have made their choice in favor of the PVC profile.

What do you need to get from the installation of a plastic window? The answer is simple: maintaining heat, suppression of street noise, lifting moisture access and lack of special plastic care.

Plus, you can make any configuration of sash and even order a device for the window.

And the most important argument - the cost of the finished product is quite accessible to everyone. If you do not have enough money for a premium profile, then you can order an economy class and never regret it.

At the same time, do not forget that with plastic windows, problem points are not excluded. It may be:

  • the appearance of condensate. The reason for this phenomenon is bad ventilation of the room in which the window is installed;
  • draft between the sash and the frame. The reason is the damage to the seal, it is also possible that the window is installed incorrectly or is poorly adjusted adjusting the sash to the frame;
  • the appearance of mold on the slopes - the adjoining of the profile to the wall is made with a violation of the construction norms.

Users can pay attention to the appearance of unpleasant odor if the profile is long exposed to sunlight. This speaks about the poor-quality composition, from which the profile was cast. But this is an extremely rare case, and the consumers themselves are guilty here, who chased the cheapness, not bothering all information about the product.

Making a conclusion from all of the foregoing, I will say that the windows in the house are not installed as often as the wallpaper is thrown. Their installation is, as they say, "seriously and for a long time", so you need to approach the choice, as a basis for analyzing, taking valid feedback from people who had the case with such a type of windows.

Details about windows in a country house in video:

It is impossible to even imagine any private house without windows. They are both "screens in the world", and sources of natural lighting, and an important element of the system ventilation system, and very meaningful component of the general architectural appearance of the building. Naturally, very high demands must be made to the windows so that they fully coped with their tasks and at the same time they did not become a "highway" of heat leakage.

Not so long ago, the windows of wood were almost the only option, so the main task was to find high-quality, well-fitted frames, or an experienced master who will take care of their manufacture. But nowadays the construction market offers a very wide range of window structures made from various materials. Therefore, it is quite acute in front of the owners of housing the question arises about which windows it is better to put in a private house.

Varieties of window frames for manufacturing and design material

In private houses, the old building, as a rule, tried to install not too large windows. Heating was preferably a chimney, and was required to preserve the most comfortable atmosphere in the house, since up to 35% of accumulated heat can be destroyed through window openings.

The modern projects of houses under construction are somewhat different from those options that were widely used earlier - and their facade design and the size of window openings. Up to the point that in some rooms from windows in the usual understanding, completely, creating panoramic glazing. If earlier all the windows were rectangular, today many owners prefer non-standard forms.

Modern materials and structures created from them allow you to enable the window to the developed window with any parameters in size and configuration. They are quite capable of protecting the house not only from the cold, but also from external noise. In addition, the owners have the opportunity to choose such models that will maximize the total facade design of the house.

To properly decide on the choice, you should consider which windows the market offers, and which of them are better suitable for a particular owner of a private house.

So, the frames of modern windows are made of wood, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), aluminum. Quite often, some of the materials are used in the complex.

Wooden Rama

More relatively recently, when there were no other options on the market, there were no problems with the choice, since all the window frames were made of wood. Despite the emergence of new materials, wooden windows and today are very widely popular, as they have a mass of positive qualities. Especially since modern products are manufactured according to new technologies, from high-quality solid wood or from a three-layer glued timber.

The advantage of the structural structure of the glued timber excludes the possibility of deformation of the frames under the influence of moisture and temperature drop. From the glued bar with a thickness of 78, 68 and 56 mm are manufactured so called "eurocline", Which are excellent for the natural conditions of the central strip of Russia. Wood gluing technology ensures the strength of the parts, as well as the durability of windows.

By design, wooden window frames are three main types - single, double separate and paired.

In addition, wooden windows with conventional glass can be divided according to the method of opening. They are:

- deaf, that is, not opening;

- single holders, opening;

- bivalve with one or both opening flaps;

- three times with central or side, or with two side opening flaps;

- vertically-sliding with the lifting bottom flap.

Prices for wooden windows

wooden windows

Single Ramaproviding installation of single glass can be used for summer buildings or economic utility facilities. True, it will often be provided for the installation of a single-chamber glass unit (with two glasses).

Separate Ramainstalled in our time infrequently, since it is not too easy to operate. They only choose if necessary to protect housing from very low winter temperatures. Each of the sash of this window opens separately, and between the external and inner part of the design, an air layer is formed, which is an additional thermal insulation barrier. The second, the inner frame can sometimes be dismantled at the summer.

Paired frames Earlier they were installed everywhere in the apartments of high-rise buildings, so familiar to many of their owners. Considerable number operated And until today. This design represents a common frame into which glazed flaps are installed, twisted with screws.

This option is more convenient in operation, which, however, will not tell about the care. So, to wash the inner side of the glass, the sash must be promoted, and then copp over again. Cleaning the same glass will have to at least once a year, since the frames between themselves are tightly grinding, and the dust is fairly easily penetrating into the space between the sash.

Wooden windows have their own positive and negative features that are manifested in the process of their operation.

Advantages wooden windows can be considered the following:

  • Environmental purity Material manufacturing. This criterion of choice becomes one of the most important, as many household owners try to adhere to the "Ekamil" principle, applying for construction and finishing solely natural, absolutely harmless materials. Wood during the entire period of operation does not allocate toxic substances into the environment. On the contrary, it is capable of creating the most favorable, healthy microclimate in the houses.

In addition, wood is a "breathable" material, thereby reducing the risk of mold on the walls of the room. Unlike artificial composites, constant air circulation occurs through the micropores of wooden frames. This contributes to the natural ventilation of the premises - so, the frame of standard sizes per day passes up to 2.5 cubic meters of air.

  • Durability. These qualities have windows manufactured by a qualified master and of good wood solid rocks, such as oak, larch, nut, cherry and some other options. However, the most popular wood is still pine, due to its affordable price. But it can serve for a long time with the accurate execution of the framework of the frame Master, with the appropriate protective processing of the material and with proper care from the owners of the house.
  • Heat-insulating quality. In itself, the tree is "warm" material. However, heat from the house can leave through the gaps between the design items. Therefore, everyone who lived in houses with wooden frames of an ordinary design, knows that the windows need to be stuck. To this day, special sets are sold for winter insulation of windows. In this regard, the wooden frames cannot be unambiguously say that they reliably protect the house from the cold. Everything depends on the specific Models and quality of manufacture.
  • Ability to repair. Wooden frames in many cases can be repaired, with both their outer surface and the mechanical part. Squares and scratches Even on unscrewed frames are easy to disguise with the help of special compositions. Therefore, if random damage is applied to the frames, or for any reason, the loop of the design, it does not have to be changed completely, since any part of the wooden window can be repaired or replace the desired part.
  • Aesthetics of appearance. Wood has a beautiful structural structure, a pleasant warm shade of various tones, so wooden frames will decorate both the interior of the houses at home and its facade appearance. If desired or need, the frame can be painted in the desired color corresponding to the overall design of the facade or room. The tree is combined with any decorative materials and creates excellent compositions with them.

TO disadvantages Wooden windows include the following points associated with the quality of products and their features of their operation:

  • High price. Products made of high-quality deciduous wood having a dense structure, or from glued timber - are not suiced.

  • Service. Wooden frames must be examined annually, as the material, even well-processed, negatively affect external natural factors - ultraviolet rays, moisture, wind, temperature drops. In addition, this type of frames is recommended to be painted or lacquered, and it will have to do it quite often. The problem of cleaning the inner sides of glasses and frames is also known. To spend this event sometimes you need to spend several hours.
  • Soundproofing. Ordinary wooden windows do not have high soundproofing qualities, even in cases where seals are installed or insulated, stacking joints for the winter period.
  • Flammability material. It is no secret to anyone that wood has increased flammability, so it is treated with special solutions - antipirens. However, over time, impregnation loses its properties and processing must be repeated. If we take into account that the wood build houses that are worth the centuries, then this "minus" is definitely insignificant.

It is produced in our time wooden frames and the installation of glass windows in them. They are more reliably protected by housing from the cold, as practically sealed. But the cost of them at times exceeds the price of ordinary structures from wood, into which each of the glasses is inserted separately.

Metal plastic frames

Metal-plastic windows are used worldwide for more than fifty years. In Russia and in the territory of the CIS countries, they appeared much later, but immediately managed to acquire appreciation from grateful buyers.

The design of metal-plastic windows usually includes the following elements and nodes:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profile. From this material, frame and sash windows are manufactured.
  • The reinforcement elements from galvanized steel are installed inside the plastic profile. They give it strength and exclude the risk of material deformation.
  • Furniture elements. This category of details include handles, locks, seals, staps, covers for ventilation holes, brackets for mosquito nets and other parts, if provided for by the window design.
  • Double-glazed glass, hermetically mounted on frame design. More detailed information about these elements of metal-plastic windows will be presented below, as the glass windows are widely used in other designs of the windows - aluminum, wooden, combined.

According to the design, metal-plastic windows are single-holder, bivalve and three-rolled, with forwarders and without them. And according to the method of opening the sash, windows are divided into several types.

1 - swing.

2 - folding.

3 – Swing-folding.

4 - sliding.

5 - folding.

6 - swivels swinging.

7 - swivels in the middle.

8 - top-water, opening up.

Non-standard opening of windows is most often chosen in complex cases of installation, when the usual design of the design is impossible or extremely inconvenient.

Now it is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of frames from PVC profiles to compare them with other options.

So, K. positive sides The following windows include the following:

  • The first thing that attracts buyers is an affordable product price.
  • Energy saving is the most important quality of metal-plastic structures can be called the second most important when they are selected for the home. Under the conditions of our climate, correctly chosen frames with double-glazed windows are performed with reliable preservation of heat inside the premises.
  • Soundproofing is the quality is especially important for homes located nearby trails or in noisy urban areas. Metal-plastic windows are able to securely protect the premises of the house from external noise, reducing it to 35 ÷ 40 dB. This design quality depends largely on the thickness and the number of glasses in the package.
  • The tightness of high-quality metal-plastic windows is undoubted, as they are capable of not only heat insulating the premises, but also give them protection against dust and dirt. The designs do not let the air, but makes it easy to air the room, as it can be open in several thoughtful positions or include ventilation elements.
  • Comfort in operation. Metal-plastic windows do not require cosmetic repairs, such as staining and impregnation. They are easily given in order with the help of a wet and dry napkin and the means for washing windows. At the winter period, the window does not need to insulate or stick.
  • The PVC profile has very neat external species and are able to transform the facade of the house. The profile can be decorated under wood, metal or cloth, but, as a rule, such windows are somewhat more expensive than ordinary white frames.
  • The strength of the material. High-quality PVC used for the manufacture of window structures is sufficiently durable. It is difficult to accidentally scratch or damage in another way.
  • Moisture resistance. Polyvinyl chloride does not absorb water, so the material is quite possible to name moisture-resistant. And the sealing gaskets installed at the joints of the individual parts of the structure, do not allow moisture to penetrate inside the room.

Now you need to say about possible disadvantages metal-plastic windows that Users note based on their own exploitation:

  • The width of the metal-plastic profile exceeds the width of wooden frames and can vary from 58 to 90 mm. This circumstance slightly reduces the glazed area, reducing the possibilities of natural lighting.
  • The material is not "breathable", and this, along with the tightness of the closure of the sash and in the absence of due ventilation, can lead to the continuous formation of condensate, As a result in the apartment A microclimate begins to create, which is sometimes called the "greenhouse effect". And such conditions are a procure step to the appearance of colonies of mold, the mooring of walls and window slopes, damage the finishes.

Therefore, it is recommended to purchase windows in which special provisions for ventilation (micro-taking) are provided. Some users prefer window frames with windows to ventilate the premises - this option is also available, but it will cost it a bit more expensive. It is possible to solve the problem and installation of a special ventilation valve - any owner of the house should cope with such a task.

Comfortable microclimate in the house without effective ventilation is impossible!

The owners make a big mistake that tend to consider ventilation problems as the optional tasks of the "second plan". On the importance of such a system, on the rules for its creation and improvement, and in particular - on the installation of the supply valves on plastic windows - read in the special article of our portal.

  • Great probability to purchase low-quality products. Today, its metal-plastic frames represent a large number of local producers on the market. The fact that they usually use high-quality profiles of famous brands to work are not yet indicative of the unconditional quality of production. Unfortunately, not all firms engaged in the installation of windows belong to their manufacturing in good faith. And this leads to various problematic situations already during the operation of products. Therefore, before making an order, you should ask about the reputation of the company.

  • Another point to which attention should be paid is the presence of lead additives in the metal. To make sure that the product does not contain harmful impurities, it is worth requesting a quality certificate from the seller. Specialists recommend purchasing metal-plastic products made from German production profiles that correspond to all existing security standardsSo do not contain toxic components.

It must be said that the frames need to ask profile class from which They will be made. The fact is that there are several options that differ in quality and cost. And one of the evaluation criteria is the number of cameras. The more aircraft isolated from each other is created in the profile - the higher its thermal insulation qualities.

  • Premium class - profile has an impeccable appearance and excellent performance. As a rule, there are five or six aircases in the profile. Its thickness - not less than 70 mm.
  • The standard class is a frame that has an average value, but possess improved technical characteristics and aesthetic appearance. This profile variant has three - four air chambers and a thickness of 60 ÷ 70 mm.
  • Economy class are products of basic modification having a low cost. In these profiles, there are usually three air chambers, thickness - up to 60 mm.

Aluminum Rama

If the aluminum windows were mostly installed in industrial buildings, stores and offices, today they are increasingly selected for installation in apartments and private houses. Moreover There are "cold" and "warm" options for such products. Cold aluminum frames are most often selected for glazing balconies or country houses, which are used for accommodation only in the summer. At the same time, for balconies and veranda, the most popular option is

Insulated frames should function well in houses with permanent accommodation. True, due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminum, many residents of the cold regions of Russia relate to such windows yet with prejudice.

By its design and the method of opening aluminum frames are identical to the metal-plastic windows, so they will be repeated, listed them, it is not worth it. However, according to its characteristics, the material differs from PVC, and has its own positive and negative qualities.

The aluminum profile from which frames and sash are made, can have a thickness of 68 or 76 mm. A windows with single and two-chamber windows are made: the first is usually installed in the "cold" options for the frames, and the second, respectively, in insulated. In addition, both "cold" and insulated structures are very well aware of the facilities from external noise. Thus, the parameters of noise insulation of the "warm" version are 58 ÷ 60 dB.

TO positive characteristics Aluminum windows include the following:

  • High strength characteristics allow you to install these products in buildings where an elevated load will be provided on the frame.
  • The presence of powder spraying on the surface of the frames not only protects them from external influence, but also make more decorative. So, the spraying can have different colors, including, imitate a flat pattern of wood or leather.
  • Long service life. Large manufacturers manufacturing quality products indicate the service life of 80 years.
  • Aluminum frames of the compliance with the requirements of the installation) are inert to corrosion processes and other external natural impacts, not fade under the influence of ultraviolet.
  • Easy to maintain - they do not need to warm up for the winter and periodically paint. And cleaning is performed using glasses and soft tissue wipes.
  • Materials used in the production of aluminum frames do not contain toxic substances, so safe for humans and the environment.

Negative qualities Aluminum structures can be called the following:

  • High thermal conductivity of metal. The "cold" option of the frames will not be able to preserve heat indoors, so it is chosen for unheated buildings or as a second glazing. Yes, and in "warm" versions, with a multi-chamber profile, a powerful "Cold Bridge" remains early - precisely because of the high thermal conductivity of aluminum.
  • Aluminum can not be mounted in a complex with other metals, since the destructive chemical reaction is inevitable leading to the emergence of corrosion foci.
  • High cost of products - This criterion often becomes decisive for many buyers, and they prefer metal-plastic frames that have a more affordable price. And they are warm ...

Combined Rama

Combined window frames are made of several materials that are well combined with each other. Thanks to this, products acquire increased functional characteristics, become more durable.

Prices for plastic windows

plastic windows

As a result of working on the creation of window combined frames, an optimal combination was achieved the qualities of different materials that The compositions minimize or completely neutralize disadvantages of each other.

Combined windows are designed to be installed in the glass packs. This type of design is made from different materials, but the most popular combinations:

  • Wood and aluminum.
  • Wood and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

In order to understand that they represent themselves, and what characteristics are peculiar to them, it is necessary to consider the combined versions of window frames a little more.

Window Frames of wood and aluminum

This combination of materials is used in two versions - the aluminum profile is the outer part of the design and covers the wood, or it, on the contrary, is the basis of the frame to which the wooden decorative lining is fixed.

Wooden aluminum Rama.

The windows with a frame of such a structure are less susceptible to external influence of natural factors, since wood is protected by aluminum. At the same time, thanks to the structural structure of the basic material, they do well with the preservation of heat in the premises.

Frames in such a combination of materials are manufactured in German, Finnish or Swedish technology. And each of them has its own characteristics.

  • The German constructions of combined windows are arranged precisely according to the principle described above - this is a single wooden frame, protected outside the aluminum profile. MoreoverMetal plates can be attached to a wooden frame so that the ventilation gap is created between them, which does not allow the condensate to accumulate on their surfaces with sharp temperature differences. However, this option has only swing opening of the sash.

In some models, aluminum linings are fixed close to the outer surface of the wooden section, which allows them to establish mechanisms of not only the traditional opening of them, but also for folding the sash inside the room.

This design option is quite easy to install, but has a lower level of heat and sound insulation than the windows of Finnish structures.

  • The design of Finnish windows consists of a frame on which two flaps are fixed - wooden and aluminum. The wooden part is internal and equipped with a double-glazed window. To the outer aluminum part of the window is mounted tinted, anti-vandal, sunscreen or ordinary single glass, having a greater thickness. The total thickness of the window frame may vary from 95 to 210 mm, depending on the number of cameras in the double-glazing.

The design involves simultaneous or alternate opening of the inner and external flaps. To ensure these processes at the bottom of the space between the external and inner flaps, a metal rod is provided on which special open-window retainers are located.

The disadvantage of this design is the impossibility of opening the frames of the frame in different planes. To "minuses" can be attributed to the fact that the windows are obtained very voluminous and have a large mass.

However, obvious advantage is a high degree of thermal insulation, since the airbag formed between the sash reliably protects it from the loss of inner heat, and also serves as an obstacle for external cold air.

Finland, as well as many regions of Russia, is famous for its cold winters, so it was created a design capable of resolving very low temperatures.

This type of window frames is perfect for installation in a private house, unless, of course, its owners of housing suits the principle of opening the sash.

  • The windows made in Swedish technology, as well as Finnish, consist of two sash - inner wooden with a glass unit installed in it and an external with single thick glass. However, the advantage of this design is a possible bunch of external and inner sash, which makes it possible to simultaneously open them as a lap and with a folding way.

The thickness of the window design also varies, but is usually from 90 to 105 mm.

Aluminum-wooden frames

In this embodiment, the frame was the aluminum part, that is, the structure itself is manufactured from the metal. And wood performs a decorative function and enhances insulation provided inside aluminum profiles. In any case, touch the wooden surface is always more pleasant than aluminum.

Prices for combined frames

combined Rama

For production of the inner facing wooden part of the design Typically, valuable wood breeds with a dense structure are used - it may be beech, oak, ash and others.

Aluminum-wooden frames may have a double opening design ( swing - folding) Or be sliding.

The strength of this type of frames is quite high, but thermal insulating parameters are somewhat lower, unlike wooden aluminum products.

Frames of wood and plastic

Another option of combined frames are products made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and wood. They are as well as those produced from wood and aluminum, can have two combinations, that is, a wooden frame and a plastic lining and vice versa.

  • Wood-plastic frames are most often made of glued timber, which is the main part of the design. Plastic actures the protective and decorative function, and is also an element of additional insulation. This type of product has the same heat-insulating qualities, like wooden "Eurowindows", but the presence of plastic protection against moisture and ultraviolet makes the design more durable. There is a sealed gap between two materials, which smoothes the voltage, which can be created when the temperature drops, since due to the different structural structure of the materials, the expansion parameter is also different.
  • Plastic wooden frames. This option is closer in its technical characteristics to metal plastic frames, since their main part is made precisely from this material, and wood serves as a decorative frame. However, it should be noted that the tree also performs the role of an effective thermal insulator, since the pads of it have sufficient thickness to perform this function - about 8 ÷ 10 mm.

Since plastic is not a "breathable" material, and rubber gaskets make the design absolutely hermetic, it is recommended to choose a frame that have elements of the supply ventilation.

From the side of the frame it is impossible to distinguish from fully wooden structures, but their value will be slightly lower.

Both the first and second variant of frames made of wood and plastic, can have double opening mechanisms - swing and folding. But if you wish from the second, you can refuse, drawing up an order for the manufacture of the window.

Combined windows are distinguished by increased technical characteristics and exploitation. In connection with The fact that the frames of this type are more complicated in the manufacture, there are serious companies with their production, which have appropriate equipment. And this, in turn, means that the risk is reduced to run into poor-quality fake.

The main disadvantage of combined products can be called their high cost.

If we talk about the popularity of the combined frames, then in the first place you can put aluminum tree designs, on the second aluminum-wooden, respectively, the third one can safely give wood-plastic, and the fourth plastic wooden.

Naturally, for residential heated premises, the "warm" options should be chosen, otherwise there should be no comfortable microclimate in the house.

A few words must be said about the care of the combined window systems. To maintain frames in a normal state, for each material, special care products are applied separately.

For example, wood is not recommended to be treated with organic substances, detergents and nitrolakes, which includes acid. To give wooden linings aesthetic appearance and not harm air permeability, it is periodically covered with paint or varnish, desirable on a water basis, natural oils or special wax.

Aluminum structural elements need to be put into order solutions based on silicone, which allows you to preserve the initial aesthetic appearance. In order to disguise damage on metal parts, window proofreaders specifically designed for this purpose or aluminum resin are used.

Plastic design details are perfectly cleaning with a soap solution applied to a soft napkin.

The developers do not stand still, and new materials for window structures are becoming the result of their scientific and technical activities. The most popular options for installation in private homes were presented.

Glass windows

Due to the fact that the frames from different materials are equipped with double-glazed windows manufactured by one principle, the description of this design element is generalized in one section.

To begin with, it is worth considering the design of the glass package - that it represents in principle.

When developing double-glazed windows, engineers have provided and eliminated all the shortcomings of standard windows with the installation of conventional glass fixed by the stroke. Energy saving is achieved due to the following design features:

  • Sealing intercolored vacuum or filled with specially selected gas space.
  • The location around the perimeter of the glass chamber containing a hygroscopic granulat, designed to absorb moisture, which can be formed when temperatures drops.
  • The sealing of the interconnected glasses is carried out with the help of a constant-plastic sealant-volcanizer, which not only isolates the space between the glasses, but also removes the load from them when temperatures drops.

Double-glazed windows are single-chamber, two-chamber or three-chamber. The quality of the heat and sound insulation of the rooms depends on the number of chambers.

There are conventional and energy-saving double-glazed windows. The second differences differ from the usual in that a metal spraying is applied to one or more glasses, which limits the propagation of infrared radiation.

If it is decided to purchase a frame with energy-saving packages, then when they choose, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • Energy-saving packages are made with two types of spraying - solid, designated as K-glass and - I- glass.
  • Solid spraying is worse light trafficRemoving natural light by 20%, but has a higher strength.
  • i - glass is mounted by spraying inside the design, as it can be easily damaged during cleaning.
  • Single-chamber glass, equipped with I- glass, is able to reduce heat loss by 30 ÷ 40% compared to a two-chamber glass with standard glasses.
  • A two-chamber package having two glasses according to its heat resistant characteristics corresponds to a brickwork in 700 mm thick.
  • In addition to energy-saving glasses, light-protective, reduced penetration of sun rays are installed in double-packets, which reduce the penetration of sunlight by 30 ÷ 70%, depending on the selected toning spectrum. Such options are perfect for installation in panoramic glazing or in the windows overlooking the sunny side of the house.

  • Noise isolation. The noise insulating glass is somewhat different with its design from the usual fact that the chambers have different thickness, for example, if in an external chamber the distance between the glasses of 60 mm, then in the inner chamber it is twice as much. External glass has a thickness of at least 6 mm. Thanks to this design, street noise in the premises is practically not heard. This option is simply necessary for the house, the facade of which goes to the busy car track.

At the request of the customer, energy-saving and light-protective glasses can be installed in the design noise insulating Glass package.

If there is no need to install light Soundproofing glasses, then specialists are recommended for houses located in the middle lane of Russia, use two-chamber windows with i-glass. And for warmer regions, single-chamber structures are completely suitable.

Leading manufacturers of window structures

Most windows with double-glazed windows sold in the territory of the Russian Federation are in some extent imported products, since the components for them are delivered from abroad. Assembly installation is most often produced on site in companies that are partners of manufacturers of profiles and fittings.

The quality of window structures depends, both from the manufacturers of the source material and the one who performs the installation. In each region of Russia, there is not one dozen firms to build windows, so it is impossible to list them all and identify the best. But many manufacturers of profiles and accessories are known not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

Wood and combined windows

Frames for conventional wooden windows are manufactured in all regions by local manufacturers. Therefore, this type of structures on the quality of the material and assembly must be chosen at the place of their production, having studied in advance consumer reviews who Already exploit products of a company or individual masters.

The assessment of Euro-windows is usually based on the authority of manufacturers of profiles and accessories.

Windows of Finnish producers

You can call the most popular in the Russian market, as they have proven themselves with reliable energy-saving structures. Due to the fact that the climate of many regions in our country is similar to Finnish, products made on this principle, perfectly arrived in the conditions of cold Russian winters. The most famous brands of Finnish windows are "TIIVI", "Lammin" and "Skaala", so there is a few words about them.

  • "TIIVI" - This company since 1977 supplies wooden and wooden and aluminum tree Window structures. During his work, the manufacturer took one of the first lines in the ranking.

TIIVI windows and frames and frames are made of high quality northern pine and painted with paints and water-based varnishes. This allows for a long time to preserve the surface of the frames in its original form.

Prices for double-glazed windows

glass windows

The company produces four types of window structures - this "Tiivi 1 + 2" (Optimi), "Tiivi 1 + 3", "Tiivi 2 + 2", "Tiivi" deaf window with triple glazing.

The most accessible options for the cost is the design "Tiivi 1 + 2" (Optimi) and "Tiivi 2 + 2" - this is explained by the simplified configuration of the aluminum profile and the minimum number of opening flaps. The box of the window of these models is made of a three-layer glued bar. The glass glass has a reflective coating, and its internal space is filled with argon. The thickness of the outer glass is 4 mm, which reduces the level of external noise to 33 dB.

Windows is equipped with Finnish fittings. There is a choice of colors, which allows you to choose the desired shade to the facade appearance of the house. The advantage of these designs is also the possibility of using blinds installed between frames.

These models, as well as "Tiivi 1 + 3" can be opened only in the same position - the latch.

"TIIVI 1 + 3" has all the characteristics listed above, but in connection with a wider box capable soundproof Premises to 48 dB. Accordingly, the thermal insulation of the room increases. The width of the box of this model can vary from 170 to 205 mm.

  • « Lammin.Ikkunat » - This company is used for the manufacture of its products exclusively perfected selected coniferous wood. The company is engaged in the production of framework for individual orders, given the wishes of the customer.

The "Lammin" windows have durable boundaries and a rigid box, whose wood under pressure is impregnated with antiseptic solutions. The lower part of the box is protected from external exposure to an aluminum profile. The frames are made under a two-chamber, three-chamber and even four-chamber double-glazed glass, on the glasses of which, at the request of the customer, a reflective layer can be applied.

Standard colors of the frames of this manufacturer are black and brown different shades.

"Lammin" produces two-chamber structures with triple glazing, and unlike other models, both frames can be opened at the same time. The outer frame in this design variant is made of aluminum profile. It reliably protects the inner wooden structure from natural impacts.

All windows of this manufacturer show high heat and sound insulation qualities. They are great for mounting in private houses built in regions with harsh winter conditions.

  • Company « Skaala » It was founded back in 1956, and specializes only on the manufacture of windows and doors, both completely from wood and in combination with other materials. Products of this manufacturer are distinguished by increased energy saving indicators, therefore enjoy wide demand. not only in Finland, but also in the UK, Sweden and Russia.

Each type of product of a certain design of this manufacturer has its own name.

Skaala Alfa is wooden-aluminum frames with high energy saving and sound insulation, which are most in demand from buyers. In this design, the glass provides a protective coating from ultraviolet rays, as well as freezing. Glazing consists of two glass windows located at a certain distance from each other. The air layer formed between them is an additional insulation.

"Skaala beeta" - this model is also made of wood and aluminum and has a glazing 2 + 1. The inner chamber consists of two glasses, a frame with one glass with a thickness of 6 mm is installed in the front of the window block, which has a coating that protects it from freezing. It should be noted that this model at the request of the customer can be made entirely of wood, and, both in the opening and "deaf" version.

"Skaala Gamma" is a window with triple glazing. They can be "deaf" or open, fully made of wood or in a combined version - wood, aluminum. In the model with "deaf" glazing, glass are installed on the front of the window block, in the opening versions of glass are separated by an air cushion. Fully closed design provides a higher level of thermal insulation, so if there is two or more windows in the room, you can set one model with opening flaps to carry out, and the rest of the windows are "deaf".

Swedish manufacturers

Swedish manufacturers in the Russian market are not much as Finnish, but several companies still represent their products. And they stand, of course, it is not suiced. Therefore, many craftsmen are taken as the basis of the design of the Swedish windows and make them independently. However, this is possible only when there is all the necessary equipment at hand, and you can only envy joinery work.

  • SP-FONSTER - This Swedish company specializes in the development and production of high-quality wooden windows. Wood used for their manufacture passes the impregnation with antiseptic solutions, which makes products resistant to moisture.

The company produces windows in standard parameters and according to individual orders, according to the dimensions, and taking into account the wishes of the consumer.

The models offered by this company have the following constructions:

- windows with double and triple glass;

- windows equipped with energy-saving glasses;

- windows with sash opening out or inside;

- rotating or hanging on top of the sash.

Other options for structures on individual orders are possible. Moreover, the company is taken to make frames not only ordinary, but also non-standard forms, such as round or triangular. The masters are taken for more complex tasks when it is necessary to establish frames of different designs into one window.

Windows having triple glazing will provide a high level of thermal insulation of the house, which is especially important for Russian winters, as well as protect the rooms from external noise.

All models of this manufacturer are undergoing serious tests in laboratory and "field" conditions. Therefore, you can be sure that they meet all standards for acoustics, heat resistance, energy saving and are guaranteed for long-term impeccable operation.

  • « Hajom " Swedish company, having a centenary experience in the manufacture of wooden windows. During this period, engineers have developed many advanced technologies that allowed raising the quality of products to the highest level.

Specializes in "Hajom" not only on ordinary windows, but also on complex panoramic and sliding structures equipped with unique lifting-sliding Mechanisms that allow the opening of doors with minimal heat loss from the room. The company manufactures its frames from elite wood, such as oak, pine, Meranti, Irok and Tik.

Products of the brand "Hajom" are supplied on the RCCs of Europe, Russia, Canada, the USA and Japan. And everywhere uses a wide demand among connoisseurs of this quality.

Naturally, the cost of the window designs of this manufacturer is quite high. But it fully corresponds to the quality of products that will serve not one dozen years.

German wooden windows

German construction products have long won the confidence of Russian buyers, as they differ in high quality and durability. Are no exception and wooden, as well as combined windows. So, the products of the Kneer and Unilux companies use well-deserved high demand.

  • Company "KNEER" Owns several factories for the production of windows on which products are made of any complexity suitable for use in any architectural styles. Wooden frames are made from high-quality wood of various breeds, including exotic. In addition to wooden, the company is engaged in the production of combined products - wood-aluminum or tree-patinated copper.

In the production of Kneer, we found the use of the most modern innovative technologies. For example, wood is processed in nitrogen medium to achieve its optimal humidity not exceeding 5%. This factor directly affects the strength indicators of the profile and its durability.

Products are strictly controlled by environmental safety, so each product "Kneer" has a certificate of the Bio system. What, you see, it is important for the operation of windows in residential premises.

The energy saving index of the wooden windows of this manufacturer even exceeds the Russian standard. Glass windows have a protective coating from ultraviolet rays.

All Kneer products are accompanied by a five-year warranty, and the total life promised by the manufacturer is at least 40 years.

All windows, without exception, is installed anti-vandal shut-off accessories, ensuring the safety of the house. If necessary, on request of the client, the product can be equipped with additional protective elements.

All masters working on the installation of frames, regardless of the location of production, are allowed only after internships in Germany. So the manufacturer concerns its professional reputation.

Prices for popular windows

popular windows

  • « Unilux » - This is another well-known German manufacturer of wooden and combined windows, which works successfully on the Russian market, as the products are perfectly adapted to our climatic conditions. "Unilux" was founded in 1955, and in 2014 it became part of the WERU GROUP windows corporation, which made it possible to expand the range of materials for making frames. So, now the company has become producing not only wooden and combined windows, but also metal-plastic top quality profiles.

The range of products produced by Unilux includes all the above design. Therefore, it is so wide that you can choose any option to choose the customer, based only from its financial capabilities.

Profiles and accessories for metal-plastic windows

The most popular profiles for the production of PVC-windows on the Russian market were products of famous German companies. In the troika leaders - "Veka", "Kve" and "Rehau", and therefore they should be considered in more detail.

  • Firm "VEKA" He entered the European market with its products in 1968. To date, this manufacturer's products are shipped not only to EU countries, but also to consumers of Russia, Brazil, India, Canada, USA and China.

VEKA products have high profile quality, a variety of sample design, as well as a convenient design of the opening of the sash in different positions.

Profiles of this manufacturer perfectly retain heat and silence indoors, do not miss noise And cold from the outside. They are resistant to aggressive external influences of the surrounding Environments, unpretentious in care and durable in operation.

Today, the "VEKA RUS" profiles are produced on several plants located in Russia. They are made entirely on the original technology and under the control of representatives of the head-country.

The six types of "VEKA" profiles are produced, which have different parameters and have their own names:

— « Euroline."Has a width of 58 mm and three cameras;

- "PROLINE" - width of 70 mm and four chambers;

- "Softline" - width of 70 mm and five cameras;

— « Swigline»- Profile width 82 mm and the presence of five cameras;

- "Softline 82" - width of 70 mm and six or seven cameras;

— « Alphline"- width of 90 mm and six cameras.

The only disadvantage of this brand can be called pretty high Cost, compared with products of other manufacturers of windows from the same material.

  • "Kve" Founded in 1980, and during its work it became one of the leaders in the European market for the manufacture of PVC profiles and products from them. The windows "Kwe" are designed for operation at high humidity and air temperatures from - 60 to +80 degrees. Profiles are easy to care, they show excellent resistance to external natural impacts and to the means of household chemicals.

Frames from the profiles of this manufacturer have reliability and durability, as it is designed for operation within 45 ÷ 50 years. They are made in white and capable of maintaining their appearance throughout the entire period of their "life".

The windows are excellent protection of the house from the cold, which will help to significantly save on the heating of the structure, as well as external noise, as they practically do not miss sounds.

The company "Kve" opened its plants in two cities of Russia, therefore the profiles made on them are somewhat cheaper than German. In the quality, they are indistinguishable, as they are manufactured on imported equipment and certified by ISO.

"Kve" produces profiles, as well as "VEKA", have been awarded their names:

- "Standard" and "Endin" width of 58 mm and three cameras.

- "CBB Energy" - width of 70 mm and three cameras.

- "Etalon +" - a modified "standard" width of 127 mm and four cameras.

- "CBBA Select" - 70 mm width, five cameras.

- "KBE expert" - width 70, five cameras.

- "KBE expert +" - width 127 mm and five cameras.

- "KBA 88" - 88 mm width and 6 cameras.

The cost of products "Kve" is 20 ÷ 25% lower than VEKA products.

  • "REHAU" Works in the field of profiles manufactured over 50 years, and for the period of work the company managed to conquer the markets for the sale of a large number of countries. Including Russia, where it has deployed a network of representative offices since 2002.

The frames from the profiles "Rehau", due to the high accuracy of the fit to each other, provide excellent sound and thermal insulation of the premises. In addition, the frames are equipped with elements of the anti-burglar system, so they are almost impossible to open from the side of the street. In a complex with shockproof glasses, the design ensures reliable protection of the houses from intruders.

In the production of profiles, special additives are added to PVC - antipyrenes that impede the framework of the frames and contribute to the self-activation of the material.

The profile surfaces pass antistatic processing, so that they do not attract dust and dirt, which greatly simplifies the care of the frames.

Rehau company, as well as the two previous manufacturer, opened the enterprise in the production of its products in Russia. The plant is equipped with high-class German equipment and has an international certificate of quality of its products.

Rehau produces a profile for the manufacture of windows and doors of the following names and parameters:

- "Blitz" - width of 60 mm and three cameras.

- "EURO-DESIGN" - width of 60 mm and three cameras.

- "Delight-Design" - width of 70 mm and five cameras.

- BRILLANT-DESIGN - width 70 or 80 mm and 5 or 6 cameras.

— « Geneo."- width 86 mm and six cameras.

— « Intelio."- width 86 mm and six cameras.

- "SIB-Design" - width of 70 mm, three cameras and thermoblock, and five cameras.

The cost of products "Rehau" is lower than "VEKA", but above, rather than the price of the "Kve" windows.

Manufacturers of aluminum windows

Aluminum window production is quite difficult Technological process, so without special equipment can not do. In this regard, making it a choice in favor of these designs, it is recommended to acquire products of proven companies that are not one year to represent their products on the market and won unconditional authority from buyers. One of the best brands put on the Russian market for aluminum designs of windows and doors is "Schuco", "Reynaers" and "PROFILCO".

  • « Schuco » - This is a German company that can be called the leader among manufacturers of aluminum windows. In this direction, the company has been operating since 1951, and at the beginning of its activities supplied its products only on the domestic market. Today, Schuco systems are installed worldwide, or rather, in 78 countries, as they are easy to operate, reliable, durable and have excellent design design. For glazing the frames, this company uses products only verified manufacturers. The same applies to the fittings.

Windows are equipped antzyzlogo Systems of protection, which is important for private houses, the windows of which are not overlooking the landlord, but directly to the street.

The profile has a different thickness - 50, 65 and 70 mm, and is used to install double-glazed windows with a different number of cameras, which provides high thermal protection of the house in the regions with different temperature range. Separately, it is worth highlight a profile of 105 mm wide, having two seals - this option can be used in the most severe winter conditions. In addition, it enhances the protection from the cold installed inside the thermal profile, which also eliminates the risk of deformation of the structure during temperature drops.

Schuco produces both warmed and "cold" windows and doors. The latter are used for installation not only on private and multi-storey houses, but also at airports and hypermarkets.

  • "Reynaers" - This is a large Belgian company for the production of aluminum windows. Suppresses its products in 37 countries of the world, including Russia. Reynaers products are distinguished by high quality, durability and durability, presented in a variety of profile thicknesses and shades of outdoor color.

Recently, the company has expanded its range, starting to produce, except for aluminum structures, combined frames made from aluminum and wood. Last have pretty high Popularity in the Russian market.

The most popular structures include frames made from the following profiles:

— « Reynaers. CS 77 "is a three-chamber insulated profile of 77 mm wide, used to assemble doors and windows in which double-glazed windows can be installed. Insulation is achieved by installing in profiles of polyamide thermal stations that Reinforced fiberglass. Frames made from this profile provide buildings excellent antzlogo Protection.

— « Reynaers. CW 50 " - this profile is used to assemble the perigel designs of panoramic windows or glazed roofs of winter gardens. " Reynaers. CW 50 "has a width of 50 mm, and the thickness of thermostats depends on whether the frame made from it will be installed in the region with which winter conditions. Two-chamber double-glazed glass can be mounted in this profile.

— « Reynaers. CP 155 "respectively has a thickness of 155 mm and is intended for structures of warmed doors. The profile allows the installation of a sliding sash having a weight of up to 400 kg and a height of 3000 mm. The product has antzyzlogo qualities can be equipped with an electric drive for remote control.

Reynaers products are generally characterized as elite, environmentally friendly and high quality at quite reasonable prices.

  • "PROFILCO" -this Greek company was founded in 2001, but for such a short time he managed to establish itself as a reliable manufacturer, quickly react Consumer requests. New developments are manufactured in the Research Center, which is part of the company. In addition, trading offices are posted in different countries of the world, through which buyers can produce the original high quality products.

"PROFILCO" produces various types of profiles that Designed for a variety of structures. For example, PR 50 is used in facade glazing and there are three types:

- "Standard" - for standard glazing;

- "Structural" - for panoramic glazing;

— « Semi-Structura.» l - for solid glazing, when profiles and fasteners are almost invisible.

All three species have excellent sound and thermal insulation qualities. For example, "Standard" and "Structural" can be used for having a thickness of 32 mm and thermal resistant to 16 mm. "Semi-Structural" is intended for double-glazed windows with a thickness of 40 mm and a thermobor in 24 mm.

- The insulated Pr 63 profile is intended for creating window and door structures in which a double-glazed glass with a thickness of 42 mm can be installed. Thermomost installed in the profile provides high sound and heat-stash at home.

- "Warm" profile PR 72 dined with increased thermal insulation qualities, which are provided with a rubber gasket EPDM and the adolescent sash on the frame on width of 8 mm.

- Pr 55 profile can be called intermediate between the "warm" and "cold" option. The product is designed to install a double-glazed glass with a thickness of 32 mm.

- To "cold" profiles include products, labeled PR 52 and PR 43, in which double-glazed windows with a thickness of 32 and 24 mm can be mounted.

- For sliding structures, the manufacturer has provided profiles PR 45, PR 35, PR 32 and PR 26. For the "warm" glazing of these profiles, the PR profile is suitable.

How can I conclude from the above information, for a private house you can choose any of the existing options for windows made from different materials. The choice will depend on the availability of financial capabilities, the climatic features of the residence region, the construction material at home. Play a role, of course, the external quality of windows. For example, for a wooden house, it is better to choose a frame made of wood or combined options - wood-aluminum or plastic wood.

Choosing for the installation of metal plastic or aluminum frames, it is important to take care that they do not have an increased load, which in some cases a wooden structure can withstand. Therefore, before installing them, it is necessary to check the strength of the walls of the window opening and, if necessary, to strengthen it in advance.

At the end of the publication, let us offer to view the video, which gives a subjective comparative assessment of wooden and PVC windows.

Video: Compare wooden and plastic windows