What self-tapping screw is baptized by a gender. Self-tapping screws

Camping outdoor coverage in his home, the owners intently choose the highest quality materials, but not only the reliability and durability depends on them. Even the most expensive tipped board can quickly fail if it is wrong to attach to the base.

Today, the masters are available several ways to lay and fix the first floor, therefore, before mounting the floorboards, you need to consider all the options and choose the optimal one.

For what reason the flooring can be laid

Can be installed on different types of surface. As a base can be:

  • concrete floors with an aligning layer;
  • lags located over overlaps or laid on brick supports;
  • false base from moisture resistant plywood;
  • old floor;
  • a rough base of low-grade lumber.

Before attaching the floorboards, you should free them from packaging and decompose in the room in which they will be laid, for 3-5 days. It is necessary so that wood is used to the surrounding climate and was not deformed after fixing. It is also very important that the humidity level of the base is not exceeded 12%, and the index inside the room was within 50%.

Methods of fixation board

Fastening the boards is carried out in one of three possible ways. Namely:

  • with glue;
  • special clamps (cleathmen);
  • nails or self-drawing.

Mounting nails

To begin with, consider how to mount the floorboards with nails. Immediately, it should be noted that this method can be applied only under the condition of fixing the flooring on a solid wooden base or by lags.

So, the installation technology includes the following steps:

  1. From the square of the square section at a distance of 70 cm, lags were installed, previously treated with antiseptic composition. The thickness of the boards should be within 50-70 centimeters.
  2. The sound and thermal insulation is stacked. For these purposes, mineral wool or clamzite can be used.
  3. On top of the insulating materials begin to mount the boards, having their daddy side to themselves.
  4. The first bar attacks nails so that their caps do not prevent further installation of the plinth.
  5. All subsequent boards are fixed with nails, which are neatly driven into the groove at an angle of 45 degrees. In cases where the plank is shorter than the length of the room, the docking of the two elements is located on the lag.
  6. Upon completion of the laying of the first floor, you can proceed to its grinding and decorative processing.

In the same way, you can mount the gender by self-draws. To this end, they choose special fasteners designed for work with wood.

Screws on wood

If you decide to install with your own hands, probably the question will be in front of you: what kind of self-drawing to mount the sex board?

Professional masters during the installation of the boardwalk have long been using special screws, as they provide the most strong fixation of the planks and contribute to an increase in the life of the wood material. The main difference of such products is their form and the presence of a protective layer.

For a long time, it protects the metal element from the formation of rust, which can lead to a weakening of fasteners. There are different sizes, the choice of which depends on the thickness of the floorboard.

The tip of the screw is made in the form of a blade, due to which the product is easily screwed into the board, inlet wood fibers around its thread. At the base, the metal cap is completely smooth, which makes it possible to attach to the base as much as possible. Thus, the self-sufficiency is securely fixed in the structure of the facing material and ensures the stationary of the boards until they need to be replaced.

Features of laying floor with glue

This molding method is widely used in low ceilings and can only be carried out on a solid and smooth base. The process is very similar to the flooring of the parquet, however, it is characterized by the fact that the planks are additionally fixed by self-draws. To understand how to edit the sex chalkboard correctly with glue, this technology should be considered more details.

  1. First of all, the base is coated with waterproofing material, on top of which the moisture-resistant phaneer is placed with a thickness of at least 18 mm. It is screwed to with screws or dowels. Before attaching the floorboards, the prepared surface is thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust.
  2. With the help of a toothed spatula, the glue is applied to the base, where all the elements of the flooring gently join.
  3. Additionally, screws that ensure their immobility can be screwed into the grooves of the boards.
  4. In some cases, the grooves are also missing for a stronger glue, after which they are planted on the tops of the previous row.

Fastening clamps

Often, the manufacturers of the headboards are equipped with special clamps. They help to consolidate the material with a secret way, so that all the fasteners are invisible. So, consider the technology of installation of wooden loafing of the help of curvators.

  1. Special planks are installed on the inner protrusions of the grooves, which are recorded by self-draws. It should be noted that the head of the bolt should not prevent the tight entry of the spike in the groove.
  2. With the help of nails, the whimmer is naked to the base, after which the boards of the next row are inserted into the groove. Their mount is carried out in the same way.
  3. If the last bar is not fully included in the remaining space, it is cut to the desired size and fasten with nails or self-draws.

Installation of the headboard is the most important stage in the repair process because the quality of work depends the strength and durability of the entire finish. We hope, having studied this information, you will understand how to mount the sex board, and you can independently fulfill all the upcoming work.

Wood is perhaps the best type of material for flooring, which "suitable" and ecology, and aesthetics, and in practicality literally to everyone. In addition, such a coating is fairly easy to mounted (and dismantled) - in the process of fixing, special self-tapping screws are used for geepboard or chipboard.

And in this article we will look at such "sex" self-tapping screws, touched upon the assembly schemes of the floor covering, where these hardware products appear.

Self-tapping screws - Features

Self-tapping screw "works" much better than the usual nail, which strives to slip out of the bar under the influence of operational loads. The self-sufficiency is kept in the wood practically "tightly".

However, such stability is not shown all screws, but only special self-tapping screws for flooring. The tip of such a hardware product is equipped with a "blade" - tip, the shape of which resembles the cutting edge of the perceptual drill. Thanks to this tip, the screw is screwed into wood of any density without pre-drilling at the point of installation and stuck in it.

Wood fibers are woven into the screw groove on the straightener of self-pressing and not allowed to be shifted under the influence of transverse or longitudinal loads. It is possible to dismantle such a screw, only the moment of rotation by turning on the reverse screwdriver.

As a result, the fastening of the genital boards with self-draws of this type is carried out very quickly, and the board itself remains stationary up to the destruction of the coating or beams.

Moreover, metical products with a secret hat, a diameter of a 3.5 millimeter, from 35 to 55 millimeters and a length of 35 to 55 millimeters, are used as a "genital" self-tapping screws. Such a screw is not "bulk" thin sex board and piercing a fairly thick coating. Moreover, a screw cutting step (1.8 millimeter) and a groove angle (40 degrees) are selected for the maximum gentle installation mode. Therefore, such a self-tapping screw is simply impossible to split even the finest and fragile plate of the floor covering.

Special attention deserves and covering such self-proof. It guarantees anti-corrosion protection and conditionally visible part - Hats, and hidden in a rod board. The coating on the basis of copper and zinc is applied to the self-sufficiency micron layer (according to the electrolysis deposition method), so such protection is covered with each square millimeter of the product.

Schemes for fastening boards with self-draws

With such self-drawing, we have already figured out the gender board, so let's move on to the review of the flooring installation technology.

Inter-storey and base floors can be assembled on the basis of concrete slabs or beam structures, trimmed by the chisty and rough layer of sawn timber. As the first (draft) layer use an outdoor board with a thickness of 5 centimeters or an oriented chipboard with a thickness of about 2 centimeters.

An additional layer of thermal insulation (polystyrene film is 1-1.5 millimeter), on which laminate, parquet, linoleum or sex board is placed on top of the draft coating.

For fastening the finishing coating, as well as for fixing to the crate of overlapping a "rough floor", use the "sex" screws that interest us. Moreover, the mount is possible, both through the board, when the spraying plane pierces the plane of the coating in a predetermined point, which is then riveted by the "hatch" of the same wood and through the bottom face of the scales, sliced \u200b\u200bon the side end of the board.

However, the direct fixation method will, yet, more reliable, and the operation itself will pass much faster.

Well, in practice, the process looks like this:

  • On top of the heat-resistant coating, along the walls, arrange the boards, laying them on the end. Thus, the gap is formed between the first number of the boards and the wall, which then closes the plinth.
  • Further, along the walls, the first row of the boards are placed, which is assembled with the focus located on the end. The second row is stacked with the disperse - the transverse seam should be overlapped with a whole board from the previous row. Etc.
  • After 3-4 rows of the board "knock down" together, shifting the wall. After that, you can proceed to drowning hindolar holes and fixing the boards on the self-tapping screw with the subsequent sticking of the melancholy fastening with a veneer from the same wood. Self-tapping screws are screwed up 30-40 centimeters, but at least two pieces per board.

After completion of the operation, the pure surface is made by the "verse" and operates with a varnish, which will fill the slots between the boards and finally secure the "hatching" from the veneer over the hinge holes.

When building their own home, it is not enough to pay attention to what materials are used for this - it is also necessary to approach the method for fastening these materials. As you know, any building material "requires" its fasteners and a way to use it. It is not an exception in this regard and the floorboard. Considering the loads that fall on its share, the choice of the method of fastening the floorboard simply cannot be a minor question. After all, if the boards are fixed not enough, they, after a short time, will begin to "demonstrate their dissatisfaction", loosening and changing their position, and the smooth and smooth initially milking floor will not just creak under their feet - it will literally decay on individual components.

What fasteners are used to fasten the floorboard?

Today, manufacturers produce special self-tapping screws for geepboard, which provide reliable mounting board to the base and guarantee a long service life of the floor covering without any additional investments in its repair.

True, it is worth noting that such self-tapping screws are somewhat more expensive than conventional fastening elements used in construction. But at the same time, they perform their work very high quality and most effectively. And as a result, all the flooring will last much longer than if ordinary self-tapping screws were used for fastening the boards. Savings on self-drawing in this case is a practically guaranteed need to repair the floor as soon as possible. Yes, and on the boards themselves, the fasteners that are not intended specifically for them can have a very negative impact - for example, a crack can go from screwing down such fasteners on the board.

Features of self-tapping screws.

As a rule, self-tapping screws produce several standard sizes: 3.5x35, 3.5x40, 3.5x45 and 3.5x50 mm. The size of the self-press is selected depending on the thickness of the flooring used during the installation of the flooring. All self-tapping screws have a special protective coating that prevents the possibility of corrosion on their surface.

And it is possible to learn special screws for fastening the floorboard very easily - there is a cutter on their tip, which allows you to screw these screws into the board without pre-drilling holes. This allows you to provide more "dense" entry of the self-built itself, and therefore, and more strong fixation of the board on the ground. In the same case, if you first drill a hole for a self-based on the basis of the floor, a spontaneous twisting of the self-pressing can occur, and it is not always possible to choose the reduction diameter of the drill to the subsequent "landing" of the board to the self-sufficiency.

It is worth saying a few more words about the geometry of milling cutting on a self-tapping screw - the angle of cutting is selected in such a way that the touch is easier to enter the tree, without breaking the board. Yes, and the entire form of self-proof is subject to this task.

Another feature of the self-pressing for fastening a wooden board is the lack of threads on its top - it allows the self-tapping screw to the base to the base more tightly.

  1. The distance between the individual self-pressing when fastening the wooden board to the base should be from 25 to 30 cm.
  2. Some masters recommend using a special glue, which is used when laying parquet when laying a floorboard on a horizontal base. This is a completely possible option if there is no additional waterproofing interlayer between the boards and the base - for example, moisture protection film. But it is important to know that special glue can only be an additional way to fasten the board - the main method still remains self-tapping screws. Without them, it is simply impossible to achieve enough secure attachment.
  3. Ideally docile on each other of the flooring board, you must not forget that the floor covering should not be close to the walls of the house throughout its perimeter - between the edge of the coating and the wall should be left around 7-10 cm of free space.
  4. There is an opportunity and completely "hide" the screws used when installing the wooden floor. To do this, you need to "drown" the screw of the self-pressing board into the board for several millimeters, and the resulting hole to "disguise" with the help of a piece of wood suitable and shape, the breed of which should coincide with the breed from which the boards are made. Some manufacturers of elite building materials produce such "traffic jams" included in the kit to the boards themselves.

The self-tapping screw is a fastener, which consists of a rod with an outer thread and head. When screwing up the product, an internal thread is formed into the required part, which allows us to ensure the most strong connection of the blanks. When choosing a suitable tree self-pressing, it is necessary to take into account not only the specific type of product, but also its length.

Classification of wood mesites in color design

Manufacturers produce many species of fasteners used to work with wooden blanks. The main characteristic feature of such products is a wide thread. However, there are self-tapping screws and with fine carvings, and most often they are used to work with wood solid rocks.

Depending on the color of hardware happens:

  • Black used mainly for draft works. Basically, this is due to the fact that these products have a rather low resistance to corrosion processes, and with high humidity of the environment, rust is quite quickly formed on them;
  • Yellow and white. Products of this group are covered with brass or zinc, which helps to increase the service life of the fastener. Both options are distinguished by a rather high price.

Rules for selecting the length of self-building

When choosing a hardware to work with wooden parts, it is necessary to be guided by a simple rule. The screws must be included in the main billet to a depth of 1/3 from the thickness of the attached part. If two wooden billets are additionally fixed by the angular elements, in which case the methis should be depicted to 1/4 of the stripped part.

Based on this, you can make certain conclusions:

  • Self-tapping screws up to 35 mm is ideal for fastening drywall structures with a wooden basis, and in addition, they are perfect for work with a wooden framework and OSB;
  • Highlight, the length of which is 51 mm, is ideal for working on a two-layer cutting of a wood frame with plasterboard plates. It is recommended to carry out such an operation in places where there is increased permeability;
  • If a methim is used from 75 mm long, then it is pre-drilled a small hole in a wooden basis. Otherwise microcracks may occur, and fibers will be damaged;
  • If there is a need to use screws with a length of 100 mm, then in this case additional difficulties may arise. And therefore, to avoid them, enough in a pre-drilled hole drop a bit of machine oil.

Stroy Plus directly cooperates with leading manufacturers of fasteners, and therefore ensures that all products presented in the catalog fully meets the requirements of GOST. Turning to us, you will get the opportunity to purchase selflessness on democratic rates. And if in the process of work you will have any questions, our managers are ready to give you recommendations. Call us, or write, and we will help you not only save money, but also save your time.


Fireboard fixation methods
Fixation of flooring nails
Adhesive Method
Fastening clamps
Special Self-tapping screws for genital boards
Installation recommendations

Highlighting the floors in the house, except for choosing the type of flooring, it is necessary to especially carefully approach the selection of the method of fastening the acquired material. For any building material, their fastening methods are used, including for geepboard. Consider how to fix the sex board with the most reliable and popular methods.

Fireboard fixation methods

Flooring is experiencing quite serious loads, so it is necessary to approach the choice of the attachment method.

If some floorboards are fixed not well, then after some time they will begin to break out.

As a rule, this happens after a short period of time. The floorboards shifted, initially the smooth floor begins to make an unpleasant creaking sound, and often it is just collapsed.

There are several most common methods for fastening the fender:

  • secret method, that is, the use of screws or nails;
  • with glue;
  • clamping.

Fixation of flooring nails

In this case, the fastening of the geepar is carried out on a wooden base, which can be solid or made of lag.

The first row of genital boards is attached using nails, which at an angle of 45 ° are driven through the comb into the base. Next they ride in their place. You should pre-drill holes for fastening elements. This is done in order not to damage the ridges.

During the adjustment of the next row, nails need to be hide. All subsequent ranks of the boards are fixed by riding nails through the surface.

When the coating is repaired and several flooring changes, then you need to make sure that all floorboards end under the center of the Rigel. Otherwise you can get no durable coating.

Adhesive Method

If the flooring flooring will be carried out on a solid base, then it can be fixed using glue. For this, the grooves of the boards are missing with adhesive composition, it is possible to use conventional PVA glue, and then planted on the tongs of the previous row.

The glue should be applied with a thin layer in 50 cm increments along the entire groove. On the final tipped edges should also be applied the adhesive composition.

Fastening clamps

Some types of boards are supplied with special clamps that are inserted into the slot exhibiting on their inner side. These items are designed to connect boards with each other. So, how to put a sex board using this method of fixing?

To do this, follow the following technology:

  • A waterproofing material is stacked on the draft floor, which should be fixed in the walls of construction scotch.
  • In the gap of boards, stacked first, you should drive the clamps with a hammer. It is done in the direction of Shpunta.
  • The ends of the slats are wedged with glue, and then the first row is stacked.
  • Between the wall and boards, the wedges should be inserted with a thickness of about 1 cm.
  • On the second row of boards are also attached clips. The floorboards are fixed in place, carefully tapping the hammer through the bar on the edges of the row.
  • The remaining rows are similar.
  • Then the wedges between the wall and the coating are removed.
  • Installation of plinths.

Special Self-tapping screws for genital boards

Professional masters for fastening the flooring use special self-tapping screws for geepboard. The use of such a fastening material allows you to get reliably fixed and with a rather long service life of the floor.

Compared to conventional self-drawing, the cost of this type is much higher. However, in their properties, they are more effective.

Special screws intended for the genital boards, possess the following features:

  • These fasteners are available in various sizes. The standard cross section is 3.5 mm, the length can be 35, 40, 45 and 50 mm. Depending on the thickness of the genital board, the size of the screw is selected.
  • This floorboard fastener is not subject to corrosion, as it has a protective coating.
  • At the end of the self-drawing there is a cutter, which allows it to screw into the wood without pre-drill holes. In addition, such a structure allows the screw to enter more tightly, and therefore fixing the genital boards to the base of the floor will be more durable.
  • Sawse care has a special milling cutting. It has such an angle in which the fastening element is easily included in the wood and does not split.
  • Another structural feature consisted in the absence in the top of the threaded cutting in the upper part of the threaded cutting. This design allows the flooring to more tightly lay down to the base.

We give several tips, how to put the sex board correctly:

  • Fastening the floorboards to the base with screws is necessary in 25-30 cm increments.
  • Some masters recommend, before laying a gender board and fix it to the base, apply glue on it, which is used when mounting a parquet floor.

    This option can be used if the waterproofing layer (for example, the polyethylene film) did not fit. The method of fixation using glue cannot be used by itself. It applies only as an addition to the main method of fastening through nails or screws.

    Why the floor is fixed with nails and not self-drawing?

    Without them, it will not be possible to get a durable and reliable fixing of the fender (read: "How to raise the floors from the board - step by step instructions").

  • All over the perimeter of the room should not be dense adjuncing boards to the wall. It is necessary to leave the gap between the wall and the gender boards are approximately 10 mm. He will act as a deformation seam.
  • Screws, which are used when mounting the board, can be completely hidden. For this hats of self-tapping screws, it is necessary to drown in the wood about 3-4 mm. The holes formed at the same time can be hidden by pieces of wood that will correspond to their shape and size. It should also be the same wood-haired wood boards. Most firms that produce high-quality lumber, equip their products with such traffic jams.

From how to put the sex board will depend on the strength, reliability and service life of the floor covering. Therefore, the correct fixation of the genital boards is a very important point in the installation of the floor, therefore, it is worth approaching the choice of a method for fastening boards with special care.

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Self-tapping screw or nail, what to choose?

Unfortunately, the question that has become an epigraph to this material is, what to choose during construction, self-tapping screw or nails, not celebrating enough and many developers are known, when no one really could explain what exactly needs? This question is not only not idle, but also not having a unambiguous response during the period when some technologies are ousted by others. However, the advantages of connections on nails or self-drawing can be considered, choosing one or another fastener depending on the type of work.

Pluses of nails

The main advantage of the use of nails can be considered the age-old traditions of their use, revealed and weak and strengths of fasteners. A scoring nail can be confident that such a connection will be stopped on the cut forever, pressing parts of the wood to each other, because The steel body of the nail is stronger than wood and rather give the vegetation than the hardened forging or rental. Even the connection overlapped over the years from the swelling and drying will remain reliable, it is meant only a cut or a shift, allowing the same house to be changed to change its geometry, while remaining a strong structure. Self-tapping screws also withstand large linear loads, yielding, however, connect on nails. The reason for this is the smaller diameter of the screws and their elevated hardness, therefore, fragility, therefore the slightest adhesion of the clamping efforts entails the complete destruction of the design. Speed \u200b\u200bby household, nails withstand wave loads, and no self-tapping screws.

What are the advantages of screws?

The weak point of use of nails is their unreliability from loads along the axis of the nail, the so-called escort force, almost everyone has successfully pulled out nails from the boards.

Fastening of the floorboard, a description of all available ways

You can deal with this, you can driven nails at an angle to the compound plane, or punching them through and flexing from the reverse side. Self-tapping screws in this regard have greater functionality, incredibly strongly pressing each other connected parts. But here, the tension of the metal of self-tapping screws can cause the opposite effect when, with wetting and swelling, the hats come off, completely relaxing the connection. By the way, at the swelling of the tree, very large stresses arise, in the old way this way even stones mined, watering dry wood, drove into the crack of the rock monolith.

Even if you decide to still use the screws, most retreats from the technology of their installation, when it is required to drill a pressed part, cencing a hole under the hat and only then twist fasteners. We simply spin self-tapping screws and about the magnitude of the clutch judgment according to indirect signs, Bulk the Hats, absolutely no paying attention to the fact that even the slot may remain in the connection. We know the nail, we know that 23 of its lengths must be in monolith, and 13 in the pressed part, which is true for both self-draws, but few of us choose them not only along the length, but also largely naked, without a threaded part.

From all this, you can do simple conclusions:

  • the self-tapping screw is still better to use indoors, where there is less likely to enter moisture and loads are more determined and static;
  • self-draws are easier and more reliable to mount leafy materials, such as Faneru, Plasterboard, etc., pressing them to frames or other carriers, fixed elements;
  • nails remain a more reliable type of fastening of wood external buildings, providing reliable and long-term operation, confirmed by time;
  • in addition, where it is difficult to predict offsets, the same gate or lightweight structure, nails will be rushing.

Type of nails and choosing their size

When erection of wooden houses and temporary structures, any type of nails can be applied from the tree (Fig. 1).

When choosing nails for building a house, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • whether nails will be exposed to a wet environment;
  • what materials need to be connected;
  • what is the most suitable size of nails;
  • what covered the surface to which the design (paint, varnish, putty) is mounted.

When working with details of structures exposed to a wet environment, galvanized nails are used. The same nails are used in the structures located in the air or under a water-based paint layer.
For fixing various materials, various types of nails serve. The length of the nail is chosen so that when connecting wooden parts it is 2.5 thicknesses of the material attached. In such cases, such as, for example, in the fastening of roofing coatings, the length of the nail is determined by the depth of its entry into the wooden base. Minimum entrance for nails with a corrugated bowl of 30 mm.
Unprocessed nails are used when fastening the formwork, other temporary structures and parts of the frame, remaining invisible (traffic jams, lining boards on the roof, etc.).
Connection of wooden parts with nails. When entering the wood, the nail spreads fibers, which can lead to cracking. So that this does not happen, nails can not score too close to the edge or by the end of the board (Fig. 2), and the gaps between nails should be quite large.

Tree exposure to cracking when driving nails depends on its humidity.

Laying of wooden floor on lags

In the wet wood, the nail is easier to score than in dry. Although raw wood will withstand nails and close to the edge, cracks will appear when wood dry. It is impossible to drive nails at the edge of thin and wide boards, since the reduction voltages will cause cracks at the site of clogging of nails.
Nails must be located in the shaded zone. Distance from the edge depends on the thickness of the nail (Fig. 3). The size of the nail is indicated as follows: 75 (length 75 mm) x 2.8 (thickness 2.8 mm).

Fasteners for genital boards

You decided to make a wooden floor, but do not know which fasteners are used for the genital boards, then to attach a germ board, take the screws.

Features of selflessness for genital boards

For fastening the floorboard, the self-tapping screw is much better than a regular nail. After all, the ordinary nail of that and looked can slip out of the board in the process of its operation.

How to mount a gender board

But the self-tapping screw to the board will hold very well.

But the self-tapping screws are different, and not everyone can stick in the tree firmly, they are suitable for the flooring for floor coatings. At the tip of such a self-building there is a special tip - a blade, it is something similar to the cutting edge of the feathery drill. With this tip, the self-tapping screw is screwed into any kind of tree, regardless of its density, and there is no need to reassure the tree pre-it, it will not get stuck in it.

Wood fibers are beginning to be fried into the screw groove, which is located on the rod screw, and therefore it is not shifted in the process of exposure to loads, both transverse and longitudinal. You can unscrew the screws of this type, you can only be screwdriver installed on the reverse.

For genital boards, self-tapping screws with a special secret hat are used, its diameter is three with a half-millimeter, and the length ranges from thirty-five to fifty five millimeters. This self-tapping screw does not break even a thin sex board and can pierce a rather thick coating.

Also on the coating itself also worth paying attention to. The coating gives a warranty from corrosion and visible part of the hat, as well as a rod that is hidden in the board. The screw is covered with the basis of copper and zinc, and they are applied by a micron layer, as a result of which each millimeric score is coated.

How attracted self-tapping screw

After we figured out, with the varieties of self-soles, go to the process of installing the floorboard.

Overlapping between floors can be made from concrete slabs, or structures from beams, then they are trimmed with clean and draft materials. For the draft layer you can use outstanding boards, the thickness of which should be five centimeters.

After styling the black floor, they make the heat-insulating layer, for which the polystyrene film is used, its thickness must be one, one and a half millimeters, and after that we go to the installation of the floorboard.

To attach the purple floor, as well as to make the shape of the draft floor, it is sexual self-tapping screws. It is possible to mount or through the boards so that the spray plane pierces the plane in the pre-drilled hole, and then it is hiding with the "hatch" of the same color, from the same tree, or through the facet of the granular lock, which is available from the side end of the geepboard.

But it is best to use the method of pass-through fixation, it is much easier and work will be made much faster.

Fastening the board in practice, how it looks like

After the heat insulation is laid, it is necessary to place the boards along the wall and lay them out. We do it in such a way that the gap is formed between the very first row of geepar and the wall. This gap is then closed by floor plinth.

Now the wall is put on the wall of the first row boards and are mounted with a focus on the laying on the end. The next row put it with a disperse, seams need to be overlapped with a whole board from the previous row. Approximately after the fourth row, all the boards need to be knocked down and moved to the wall, and now we make secret holes, fix the boards with self-draws and put the attachment points. Self-tapping screws in every forty centimeters, but not less than two screws on one board.

Proper fastening of the floorboard on the video below: