When they make a carp of a cut. Konopka Sruba: How when and how to do it? Natural interventic insulation

Houses from the bar have a lot of features that are distinguished from buildings from other materials. One of them is that after the construction completion, the house begins to die. This process is inevitably accompanied by a change in the shape and the occurrence of slots between the crowns. These holes open the way for cold air from the street, which when meeting with warm air from the house forms condensate. As a result, mold and even rotting may occur in the premises.

Shrinkage is a natural process, and therefore it is impossible to prevent it. Even the drying of the logs and bars will definitely give a shrinkage. The only thing that remains the owner is to deal with the formation of the gaps. It is for this purpose that a cachatka is carried out - the necessary procedure, in the process of which the gaps arising between logs or bars are manually close.

Materials for Konopkka

All the time that a person is engaged in the construction of wooden houses, he was able to draw up a list of the most effective insulation, the best among which are natural materials:

  • felt;
  • red moss;
  • tow.

But before proceeding to the carp of the cut, it is necessary to prepare the selected material in a special way.

Red moss used our ancestors. He did not lose its relevance and in our time. If you decide to stop your choice on this traditional material for insulation of the house or bath, then you need to know how to make a moss home from a log house. Moss has resistant to rotting and antibacterial properties, but if he is too wetthen after the cacopa, the wheels will begin.

Very dry moss also has its drawbacks - it will not work with a qualitatively to fulfill them, because it will definitely crumble and break. So that it become suitable for use, it must be moistened. The main drawbacks of this insulation are associated with difficulties when it laying on the bars. This problem is easily solved by mixing the moss with packles.

Pacle is one of the most sought-after building materials. This excellent thermal insulator is made of flax and cannabis waste. Pacle, like moss, perfectly protects the tree from rotting.

Felt can not be called the most suitable material for the cutter. The reason for this is that it is more than any other insulation susceptible to rotting and has very low strength. In addition, before using felt you have to soak formalin or other means that can protect against the appearance of moth. Otherwise, after a while in felt, you can find a large number of moth larvae, which will be happy to eat this thermal insulator.

During the construction of houses and baths from the cut, not only traditional, but also modern thermal insulation materials, which are most famous among which is jute and flanutin.

Jute is a modern insulation that is made from the shrub of the lime family. Material has a lot of positive qualities - high strength, density, resistance to moth appearance and rotting, low hygroscopicity. Jute is not able to absorb wood moisture, but well gives it to dry wood.

In room, where air humidity Supported at a rather high level (from 80% and above), the jute insulation will effectively perform its task. Staying dry, jute not only perfectly protects the tree from rotting, but also insulates a log house, supporting a healthy microclimate in the house.

In stores you can meet another material with a similar name, which is often identically identified with jute. We are talking about Jute fiber, which has little to do with Jute and differs from him not only by appearance, but also the quality of performance and cost.

Jute tape is soft to the touch and very pliable material. Use it mainly when closeing the crowns of houses from a bar, as well as around the doors and windows in combination with different impregnations. It is also used to close the gaps and cracks in wood and concrete. It can be laid on the wet bars.

Manufacturers produce jute tape in motches of different thickness and widths. Professional builders have this material enjoy great popularitySince, if you believe them, it is the easiest and clean way of insulation. A significant advantage of this material is the ability to quickly perform a panty, since the insulation can be immediately laid on the log house.

Fleeting is different from Jut with its composition. For its manufacture, only linen fibers are used. However, this does not prevent it from demonstrating the same performance properties as Jooty tape, although in structure it is more harsh. In stores, flanutin is offered in the form of rolls, which make it very convenient for a stretching cavity.

Tools for work

Before you start cauting a house from a bar, you need to resolve the issue with a tool for a cutting of a cut.

For insulation of log houses, devices made of metal and steel are used. Some owners perform this operation using self-made devices made of oak bar, walnut or beech.

Special attention must be paid to the handle tool, which must be made of embossed rubber. A tool intended for cacked should have a non-storm blade, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the insulation used. In addition, the tool should not have roughness, otherwise the material can cling to them and remove from the gap.

For packing insulation, a traam hammer is used - Cyanka.

Shooting technology

Siruba cacked is an uncomplicated technological process that can be performed with your own hands. This is one of the important stages of the construction of the house, which provides for a number of stages.

It begins the cacopat from closeing the gaps in the walls of the house at the stage of its assembly. Primary insulation is not able to completely eliminate all the seams. After all, at the end of construction, the house from a bar is exposed to shrinkage and a drying, which inevitably leads to the emergence of new gaps.

With the onset of cold weather, precious heat begins to come out, which adversely affects comfortable accommodation. In the bath due to this, the temperature in the pair is quickly reduced. In addition, the heat leaving at low temperatures causes the appearance of it from the outside of the facade. This excessive humidity adversely affects the state of wood.

All this is forced to carry out a re-panty after shrinkage of the walls of the wooden structure after 6 months after the completion of construction work. During this time, the timber has time to dry by 90%. The time required for shrinkage depends on several factors - the quality of the material, the time of its workpiece, humidity and weather conditions. Fully shrinkage of the structure ends for 3 years. The final third pant is carried out before finishing the walls when the log house will fully give a shrinkage.

The houses from the rounded log differ in many ways from the buildings from the bircus. Due to the perfect shape and sizes of cracks in the logs are obtained very narrow. But even in this case, it is necessary to carry out a pantry. Although here it will not be possible to do with your own forces. We will have to seek help from specialists. After all, you can rearrange and fill small gaps with too much of the insulation material, and this can cause skews of the walls.

Ways of Konopkka

Cores of cutters are carried out with the help of two main ways: stretch marks and in the set. Sometimes they are used simultaneously. Each of them allows you to use as a heater to pass.


This method of embelling the slots is used for narrow gaps in a litigation. A small number of packles are applied to the slit, and then sting inward, using chisel-pant. But during the execution of this operation, it is necessary to leave 4-5 cm of free edge. The roller created from the packley wrap up into the remaining free edge, as if binding to them, after which they are driven into the gap between the crowns with the help of cacopa and hammer.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that during the twisting roller you need to capture nearby strands. If this is not done, then the roller just falls out of the gap. Make sure that the caulking was performed qualitatively, if you can pull the roller. The work is considered to be completed correctly if the roller remains at the same place. If, as a result of such actions, you managed to pull it out, then this means that the gap was not fully filled.

In the set

This method of cauldium is used mainly to close the large and wide cracks. At first, it is necessary to prepare long bundles of the packle, to form the hundreds of them, and then dial the loops that fill the gaps. The loop should have a thickness comparable to the size of the close-up slit. At first, you need to fill the insulation up the gap, helping myself a set of panty, and then go to close up Niza, using the roadmaker as a tool.

Features of the operation

Although the cutting of the cut is a long-lasting process, it justifies the forces spent. Subject to its correct conduct, the log house will last at least 8 years. But this work should be carried out in accordance with a specific algorithm.

During the cauldron, it is necessary to be extremely neat, trying not to miss the slightest area. It is not worth the hammer strikes with a hammer. On the width of the blade should be made one blow. Therefore, it is best to walk again for a number so that the insulation is not overcame.

The construction technology of houses from a log house has a lot of nuances. One of them is that after the construction work, the house cannot be considered ready for exploitation. After that, there is a shrinkage with it, which is a natural process and takes from 6 months to three years. During this time, new gaps arise between the crowns of the cut, which should be eliminated. It is for this that each owner needs to perform a pant.

In order to highlight the new gaps, it is necessary not only to correctly choose a tool for cauldis, but also insulation. Considering that there are many different materials in the stores, the owner is important to get acquainted with the peculiarities of each insulation to avoid problems both while working with the material and after climbing the gaps.

The development of the construction industry, the emergence of new construction and finishing materials almost does not reduce the number of people who want to build their own wooden house. Especially since wooden buildings have a lot of advantages in comparison with frame, concrete and brick buildings.

But often many and they forget that the wooden log house, whether it is erected from the logs, a rounded log or timber, has such a significant drawback or, rather, a feature like shrinkage and high deformativity of wooden elements. For this reason, the construction of a wooden house is always more pretty long in time - you first need to wait for a shrinkage of a cut, and only then you can start finishing work.

But the shrinkage leads not only to changes in the geometric sizes of logs, but also to the occurrence of cracks and looseness, which are subsequently necessary to seal. Without this, the house will be cold, wet and uncomfortable. To eliminate the defects arising and the walls are carried out.

What is Konopka

The process of the cacopa is to eliminate the lumen between the chub elements with heat-insulating material, which is designed to prevent penetration of cold air flows into the house.

This seemingly simple work requires the performer of patience, accuracy and quite a long time. The technology of cacopa over the past century has not changed practically, so many developers prefer not to do a pantry independently, but use the work of professionals.

The process of cacopa has several goals:

  • correction of defects allowed when assembling a log house;
  • thermal insulation of the house by eliminating cold bridges;
  • elimination of gaps, inevitably arising in the crowns, corners of the house, between window and door boxes and logberies;
  • giving the house of the completed type.

Do not think that it is enough to cross the house once again and on this all the problems will be solved.

Only at the first stage - during the construction of the house - the pantry is carried out twice:

  • after the primary shrinkage of the cut (approximately six months after its assembly);
  • before starting finishing work.

Materials used for cutting cutters

In ancient times, the main materials for the goals of the warming of the cut were moss and wool. They are used now, but other materials, various prices and raw materials appeared on the market. Therefore, any person, even limited in means, can find suitable material for insulation of his home.

In order to properly choose the material for cacopa, it is necessary to know the properties that he must possess (or at least most of them).

These are such properties like:

All materials used to warm the logs are divided into two groups: natural and synthetic.

The natural insulation includes:

  • tow;
  • hemp;
  • felt;
  • linovatin;
  • jute.

Artificial insulation includes:

  • minvata;
  • polyethylene foamed;
  • foam;
  • sealants.

Only sealants deserve attention from artificial insulation.

The remaining insulation should not be applied, as this will lead to undesirable consequences:

  • mineral wool is a good insulation, but it is afraid of moisture and can lead to the development of allergic reactions in some people;
  • foamed polyethylene - material with closed pores, keeps warm well, but it does not breathe, which can lead to the rotation of the crown of the cut;
  • the foam rubber and other materials with open pores are not able to protect the seam from the freezing, as air and water fall into the pores (in addition, the foam rubber sends under the weight of the logs and decomposes into the light).

Sealing seams can be carried out with the help of sealants. This process is much simpler and fast than traditional caulking. Some sealants (for example, neomid) have good adhesion to wood and high elasticity. The application of sealants is made using a construction pistol. The seams obtained in this way are not afraid of moisture, do not decompose under the influence of UV rays, do not yellow and do not mold.

But no matter how good modern sealants are good, most of the owners prefer to carry out a caulkat at home by natural materials.

Natural interventic insulation

Moss - This is the most ancient and to this day there is a fairly effective insulation for a cut.

It has the necessary properties as:

  • excellent hygroscopicity (able to absorb moisture in the amount of 20 times more own);
  • the presence of lignin fibers in the structure, which resisters damage both the moss itself and log logs;
  • bactericidal properties - moss is able to destroy microorganisms.

In front of the pantry, dry moss is wetted in a solution prepared from 200 g of soap and 500 g of oil dissolved in water bucket. Of all the types of MCH, only two types are used as a caculent: forest (cucushkin flax) and red swamp moss.

Moss laid after assembling a church, but during her. For this, the moistened material is distributed by a layer of at least 10 cm on the crowns of the stems across. Ends of stems 10 - 15 cm long produce outward, for subsequent cacopa. The disadvantage of this method is the high complexity of the preparation of MCH (it should be cleared of soil residues and dried) and a rather complicated root process.

Punk You can use, but undesirable.

There are several reasons:

  • punch is difficult to twist so that it does not crumble;
  • it absorbs water pairs well, so it is almost always in a wet state and flies;
  • in the heat, the material is crumpled into the trunk;
  • puffs are very loved by birds using it for the construction of nests.

Thus, the carp of the log house will have to do too often. Pre-pass is treated with a solution of formalin, and then dried. It protects it from pests. It is not too convenient to work with the packles, because it is too tough and it is very difficult to achieve a dense filling of the seam.

Hemp - made of cannabis stem fibers, which are distinguished by high strength and resistance to different impacts.

Felt - Non-woven material made from wine wool. For cacopa, it is cut by stripes. It needs to be preprocessing protective compositions, since it is easily damaged by mole and other pests. Currently, you can purchase impregnated felt, which has already passed the processing by bitumen or resin.

Linen - It is advisable to use their dry wood or glued timber to insulate the house. The material does not have a high density and is afraid of the prolonged exposure of moisture, which can cause rotting processes in it. The shade of linen cachatka is usually gray.

Linnatin - Made from flax and jute, which together form a good insulation. The material of racks to external influences has a good density and property to restore their sizes. After drying the wood, leading to the formation of the cracks, the material reliably fills all the voids formed.

Jute - according to the properties reminds Moss, but it is much easier to work with it. The material has sufficient density in order not to skip the cold and not to produce heat out of the house. Jute is breathable hygroscopic material. In addition to all these positive properties, Jute has a beautiful golden shade, which is very decorated with a house.

Technology insulation of chopped walls

From a long time to this day, two main technologies are used for the insulation of wooden walls.

Stretching - is used mainly for the hood of narrow slots:

  • from the selected insulation, the strand is formed, put it in the gap and pushed by a shovel, leaving the edge of the material with a length of about 5 cm outside;
  • then, a thin roller turns out of the insulation, which wrapped in the heated edge left the free edge and gently using the chisel, clog into the groove.

In the kit - used for the cacopa of large grooves and slots between the logs:

  • the sealer twisted into long strands to 15 mm thick and walked into the balls;
  • then it is neatly unwinding, at the same time clogging the material in the slot using a chisel-cachatka;
  • if the gaps have different sizes, then for the larger the necessary soaplitel thickness are gained by twisting it into the loop.

Tools for the production of work:

  • konopkka (they are different: a set, curve, broken);
  • wooden mall or rubber hammer with a wide brisk.

Konopkka have a steel blade, which should be non-nosed and smooth, otherwise it can damage the seal.

Wooden logs are distinguished by plasticity, a tendency to multiple changes in configuration and volumes during the shrinkage and operation. Weather conditions, features of operation, time building time and wood protection features are also influenced on the state of the log house. In connection with this standards, the primary, as well as the re-cauterization is provided.

Features and reasons

The pantry is called the process of sealing joints and slots between the logs in the log house or the structure from the log. The main purpose of this process is to increase the heat efficiency of the structure. It is carried out by filling the gaps with special seals.

You can careen after all the construction (including roofing) works are completed, or in the process of assembling walls.

Konopka allows you to solve a number of the following tasks:

  • insulation of the room and (as a result) reducing the cost of heating the building from the inside;
  • elimination of gaps and cracks that appeared on the walls as a result of strain and shrinkage of wood;
  • preventing the formation of condensate on the walls as a result of the differences between the temperatures outside and inside the building;
  • wood protection against rotting.

The first canopate is carried out immediately after the completion of roofing works, the second - after the primary shrinkage of the building, after 6-12 months. After 3-5 years, it is re-punctured, since it is in this time interval that the wood shrinkage occurs.

Whether work is needed in the warm season. Winter is not suitable for this because the process will become even more time-consuming, besides, a tree during this period almost does not give a shrinkage.

Houses and baths must be warmed on both sides, the economic buildings can only be seal outside.


All materials for interventation insulation are divided into 2 categories. They are natural and artificial.


There are different natural materials, and all of them have certain advantages. Consider more of their features.


It is one of the cheapest materials that, unfortunately, cannot boast of efficiency. The thing is that the packle absorbs moisture, resulting in the heat loss of the building.

Based on material - linen fibers. Depending on their quality, the insulation may be baulous or rolled. The latter has short and rigid fibers, which complicates styling. The bale panel is softer and more elastic, so it is easier to work with it. The material is complicated in operation: it is not easy to lay it in the slit, replace the damaged area. After the insulation of the seam needs decoration, since it looks inestic. A variety of microorganisms may begin in the package, mole.


It is an environmentally friendly and easy-to-work material for cacopa, has antibacterial properties and high thermal insulation qualities. However, such material attracts the attention of birds that pull the insulation for their nests.

Usually used red or white moss. With an independent collection, it is better to perform such works in late autumn, immediately passing the raw materials after collecting (it is necessary to remove the land, litter, insects). Then the moss is dry, but not too much, otherwise it will become very fragile.


This material is made on the basis of sheep wool, it was considered one of the best interventic insulation. It's all about its low thermal conductivity, combined with high vapor permeability, noise insulation qualities, environmental friendliness, the ability to not pass moisture. Long elastic fibers easily laid even in small gaps.

Of the disadvantages - exposure to moths, rotting. Adding synthetic components to felt allows you to level these disadvantages, but increases the cost of the already cheap material.


Material based on recycled fibers of flax, distinguished by high operational qualities and non-hygroscopicity. It provides a favorable microclimate in the room, since with increasing the level of humidity, absorb an extra moisture, with a downgrade - gives. In addition, this feature allows you to protect wood from rotting.

Due to the composition, the material is absolutely safe.


The material is made on the basis of wood fibers of an exotic tree - jute. Due to the high resin content in the material, it literally repels water, and also provides antibacterial protection of not only interventic gaps, but also adjacent logs. However, the high resin content is also a disadvantage. Under their exposure, the material quickly becomes hard, dries out, which leads to the appearance of slots. It is possible to avoid such a phenomenon by mixing the jute with a flax.


Among the materials of artificial origin also distinguishes several options:

  • Insulation based on polyester fiber. Characterized by biosistance, non-hygroscopicity and vapor permeability. Available in the form of ribbons. Among the most well-known manufacturers can be distinguished by Polyterm (Finland) and "Avarters" (Russia).

  • Pits (Pre-compressed sealing tape). Material with low thermal conductivity, the feature of which is the ability to compress and expand after the deformations and changes in the geometry of wood.

  • Sealants.Sealants on silicone, polyurethane or acrylic basis are also used with a carpathist, but they are not independent seals. Their appointment is the sealing of cracks directly in the logs, as well as applying over artificial seals. A distinctive feature is the ability of sealants to expand and shrink in accordance with the expansion or shrinkage of wood.


The main requirement to insulation for interventic seams is the low thermal conductivity coefficient. In addition, the material must be moisture-resistant, since other waterproofing and vapor-permeable layers are not provided during the cacipe. Since the insulation is in contact with the environment, it must be resistant to the effects of winds, elevated and low temperatures and their sharp shift, as well as to UV rays.

If we are talking about the insulation of the inside of the log cabin, you should choose environmentally friendly seals. They must be non-toxic, not to highlight dangerous compounds under the influence of high temperatures.

The material bioscistance is also important quality associated with its durability. Well, if the seal does not attract birds, insects, does not become home and food for rodents and microorganisms.

Given the laboriousness and high cost, it can be noted that this material should be characterized by durability. The heat efficiency of the sealer should be maintained for 15-20 years.

Warming options, as already mentioned, maybe several. If we talk about the ways to lay the seal, it can be laid in the process of building a church or at the end of construction work.

With internal insulation, thermal insulation of interventic gaps can be combined with the organization of insulation on the principle of ventilated frame. In this case, after the first and re-sealing seals of the interventic seams on the surface of the cut, a wooden lamp is stuffed, the step of which should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation.

Then the insulation is attached between the lags of the frame, on top of it - sheets of plasterboard. Between the insulation and the trim, the air gap is 30-50 mm. Plasterboard sheets are plastered and decorated.

Before attaching the crate, the cut surface is covered with an antiseptic. Similar actions are done relative to the surfaces of the lags.


Specific insulation technique depends on the type of structure and climatic features. It is believed that the new properly constructed log house needs only in interventory insulation. Additional insulation from the inside will break the microclimate indoors and hobs aesthetic log walls. Do not need insulation from the inside and bath, since the extra layer of the insulation will glow, which will lead to the freezing of the wall.

Primary caulkit, sealing small slots are conducted by "rotor", while repeated insulation or liquidation of wide slots - the "VNAB" method.


To implement the procedure of insulation of interventic seams, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • set of cacopa - tool, externally resembling the chisel, with which you can warm the gaps of various widths (from 2 to 10 cm);
  • building cacopa- represents a thick narrow wedge for expanding excessively narrow gaps, allows them to fill them easier and better;
  • flat chiselhaving a blade 50-60 mm wide, up to 5 mm thick - serves to lay the seal in the corners, rounded parts of the cut;

  • kiyanka - represents a hammer of wood, serves to clog the seal;
  • roadter - a kind of cacopa for the formation of smooth rollers from the twisted heat insulator;
  • a hammer - they are hit by Cyanka, driving the seal in the interventory space;
  • insulation.

Power tools, the perforator loses to the described tools, as they do not allow forging a dense roller from the material, but only drive it into the slot.

Methods and technology

Allocate two technologies of the process of cacopa:

  • "Varcomk". It is commonly used in primary sealing seals and involves the maximum stretching of the material along the entire length of the cut. First, the first strand of the insulation is stacked, and on top of it - the twisted second strand. The fibers of the insulation are perpendicular to the direction of the logs, and the ends turn into a flat roller, which is clogged into the seam.
  • "VNabor". The method is used for re-cachatka when the house gave shrinkage. This method provides for clogging a small number of insulation, the strand of which is formed into the loop. Then, with the help of a pivot or cacopa, it is clogged into the slot, and the fibers of the insulation take perpendicular to the wood.

The finish seal process is completed. To do this, use a special tool - a road construction.

If it is decided to cross the house or a bath with your own hands, you should focus on the instructions. Step-by-step process looks like this:

  • Cleansing the interventional gap from dust and garbage. To do this, it is convenient to use the vacuum cleaner.
  • Preparing insulation: Rolled material should be dissolved for the entire length of the cut, with a small (about 20 cm) with a margin. It is necessary because in some areas the material may lie the wave, and it should be enough for one tier.
  • One of the ends of the insulation tape is clogged into the gap using a queen.
  • Then the material is clogged into the gap of the image and panty. It is important to ensure that the seams are sealed, there was no distortion.
  • If a synthetic insulation was used, a sealant is applied over it.

When the insulation stacked in the process of assembling the logs, it must be put on the first row immediately, leaving the fastest ends of the material on both sides. Then the second crown is put on top of it - insulation. So work is carried out to the very last log. When all the work is completed, and the roofing will be carried out, the hanging ends of the sealant with the help of cavropka are clogged into the gaps. Correctly collect hanging ends is needed to the center of the crown.

When laying the insulation (first of all it concerns the MCH) it is important to ensure that it rests evenly on the surface of the logs. It is unacceptable for their shocking through the insulation, otherwise the chopped house will be cold. If a belt insulation is used, then it is rolled along the crown and fixed with brackets. If the tape is over, the next roll is started to lay the pectoris (about 5 cm) to prevent the formation of gaps.

Wooden houses possess many advantages, however, all structures of wood have dried out and deform. Shrinkage gives not only log cabins, but also at home from the profiled bar. As a result, gaps and gaps are formed between wooden elements (bars or bricnos), through which the cold appears. Make a house warm and cozy, prevent the loss of precious heat allows the cutter of a cut. This is a fairly specific and complicated work that is a filling of the space formed by special insulation materials. How is the cacked of a wooden house, when it is necessary to do it, what kind of cachatka do, about this and talk in the article.

The first work that is performed immediately after construction is caulking; And the grinding of the logs, and the impregnation of wood with antiseptics, and the painting of the log cabin are produced only after caulking. What is caulking, and why she needed, they also knew our ancestors, because in Russia, the houses were traditionally built from wood. But today the caulking has not lost its meaning. This procedure allows you to solve the following problems:

  1. When drying wood, cracked and gaps appear in the walls, through which heat leaves, and moisture and dampness penetrates into the house. This can cause development in the crum-processes tree. Core can achieve complete sealing of the joints, insulate the wooden structure and prevent rotting.
  2. Wooden house shrinkage does not always occur evenly. Often, one wall sits more than another, which leads to the breakdown of the whole structure. Wall cacked allows you to align the design and give the house the right form.
  3. Proconial logs of logs and boots are much more durable, since special impregnated materials that do not pass water are used to seal the seams, which significantly prolongs the life of the wood.

Canopate need not only newly built houses, old buildings from wood also need insulation. The proximity of the old church allows you to close the gaps that have been formed over time in the logs, increase the thermal insulation qualities of the house, update the wooden structure.

Some mistakenly believe that the caulking is necessary only in a chopped house, which is subjected to a strong drying and deformation, and cavalo the house from the bar is optional, since the material has already passed the preliminary processing. However, this is not the case, the cacopat's profiled bar is necessary because it also gives a shrinkage, and as a result, gaps and gaps that accumulate moisture appear, which can provoke the formation of mold and fungus.

Many concerns the question: Do I need to hide a house from a bar if you are warming up? Professional masters give an unambiguous answer: of course you need. When the profile bar is drying, the deformation occurs, as a result of which large slots are formed, which even with outer insulation will pass cold air from the street. Brous house canopate makes it invulnerable to wind and cold.

The cutting technology of the cut was developed for a long time, and today it practically has not changed. Of course, the modern industry has made some adjustments to the tools used, fixtures and materials, but the basic rules of the cutter of the cut remained the same.

There are two main methods of cauldium: stretching and in the set. With the first way, the insulation is stretched along the log and one end is inserted into the slot using a special tool. Then, from the free end of the material, a roller is formed, which is filling the groove grooves. To block the cracks in the second way, the insulation is walked into the dog, the hinges are made from it, which are clogged by holes. This method is better to use when there are large gaps between the logs.

The most weak places in Sirubi from the point of view of heat loss are corners. Through them, the wind and cold air penetrates inside the house. Therefore, the masters pay special attention to them. The corners of the cutting corners are made in different ways, depending on the method of cutting at home.

The greatest complexity causes the corners of the corners of a church in the bowl. There are some nuances here. If the house was erected from the bar, the cavity of the angular compounds produce the same material that was laid in the crowns so that there were no discrepancies in thickness. The house from the rounded log or boilers is best insulated with a jute or linen rope.

How can cut a log cabin? This question is far from expressing, since the durability and efficiency of the cacopate is much dependent on the selected material, which must have certain properties. Since ancient times, MOSH was used for the insulation of the wooden structure. It is used today for these purposes, but much less often, since it is quite expensive material. In modern construction, it is most often performed by a caulkit of a cut of packles, jute or flattened. Each material has its own characteristics.

Pacle is a rough linen fiber, but it is necessary to consider that it is very loved by birds, therefore, after the punishment, the pass will have to be treated from birds. It is usually treated with a special impregnation, for example, a oliff, which does not change the color of the tree, can also be painted with oil paint. Painted surface is a reliable insect protection. Another option is to fasten the finishing materials from above: decorative rope or rope.

Jute is made of cannabis, the material has good hygroscopicity, and even with very strong humidity it will remain almost dry. Therefore, the jute is usually performed by caulking a bath.

Linovatin is a durable material made from fibers and linseed waste. It is a wide ribbon twisted into rolls in factory. Flap stretch has excellent thermal insulation properties, absorbs well and quickly evaporates moisture.

The process of shrinkage of a wooden house lasts for several years, so the caulking is carried out in several stages. Blacknian primary caulking is done immediately after cutting a cut. The structure is insulated on both sides (outside and inside) interventovate insulation, which is not very tight for the first time. First close the outer joints, and only after that it is necessary to cross the house from the inside. Mandatory condition - caulking is made around the perimeter of the whole house. You can not legish one wall, and then start the second, third, etc. Konopka raises the initial height of the house by about 5-10 cm, so there may be a blockage of building.

Repeated caulking is performed approximately after a year and a half after the end of construction. By this time, the building is almost practiced, so the secondary piston cauldium is produced very tightly so that there are no gaps and cracks in the seams between the logs. The last time the cauldron is carried out in five to six years after the construction when the house gives the final shrinkage.

In addition to the usual, there is also a decorative caulkite, which is performed in purely aesthetic purposes according to the already regular seams. Masters are finished cutting a cut rope or decorative rope.

What is the complexity of self-cavinc

Despite the seeming simplicity, horseradish - work requiring experience and special knowledge. There are many nuances in the caulking, known only by professional panties. The work is carried out exclusively by the manual method, so the quality of the cauldium is entirely depends on the skill and professionalism of the Contractor.

Of course, you can purchase the necessary materials and independently legitimate the house, but the lack of experience will certainly affect the final result. Many are wondering: can the cavropka fall out after warming up a log of logs or boilers? It depends on how high-quality work was carried out. If the technology is broken during caulking, the insulation is not sufficiently fixed, it is quite possible that after heating it falls out.

Ineptly performed pankral panks, birds will quickly spread to their nests. Professional masters put the material in such a way that the birds could not get to it and pull out. In disruption of the sequence of work, improper laying of interventovation material, the use of different in the thickness of the insulation, the deformation of the structure is possible. In this case, the house will have to be renovated. As for labor costs, the cauldium is not the lungs, the amateur will have to make a lot of effort and spend quite a long time to legitimate their home.

Professional cacopate from the company "Master of Logruov"

Heat the log house and give him a unique color - the work that the specialists of our company perform at a high quality level. The masters have many years of experience and the necessary skills of work, have a profile education and numerous feedback from grateful customers who appreciated the golden hands of professional cavities.


In our work, we comply with the tradition of old masters, as well as we use modern tools and equipment, use proven certified materials, which in the aggregate allows us to keep a high quality bar. We will fulfill the capros of any complexity and volume at an affordable cost. To contact us, go to the page where you will find our data.

The essence of the process of the cauldium is to compact interventical seams and compounds. In order to accommodate in his own home, it became comfortable, without such a stage of construction can not do. What and how to praise a log house - a question that requires a detailed proceedings, since the neglect of them will affect the design of the house as a whole.

The insulation of the pantry of a wooden house is produced by plugging the slots between the logs outside and inside the house.

Types of material for cacola varies: Moss, jute, palable, batting. For each construction, there is a type, for example, a rounded log is made to careen with a rope, which looks like a decorative element. All materials purchased in stores must have quality certificates.

Applied Materials: Features

  1. Moss. Famous long-standing material used for caulking. But now the masters do not recommend applying it for such a goal. Why? Over time, Moss turns into a duchus, and the wind simply blows it out of the gaps. Accordingly, there is no insulation. It is very good to use the moss for a bath both as a seal of seams and for laying a bar or logs. Considering that this natural material never absorbs water, it is better not to find it, but only as the insulation of the bath.
  2. Tow. Also not particularly recommended material for cacopa. It is very difficult to twist so that it does not crumble. And you will have to pull the tight, because the birds have long chosen such a fiber for its own construction. The pairs and condensate absorbs, so the paklet is always wet, and the heat is scattered into the duch, and the caulking will have to do again and again.
  3. Jute. The material of the new generation. Do not confuse with jute felt. Such a sealer is not hygroscopic, therefore, if you care cut into jute, it will remain dry. And the felt will take all moisture, besides, he really loves mole. It is necessary to be attentive to the recommendations of sellers of consultants.
  4. Flap tape. Modern material with all the qualities of Jute: does not interact with moisture, easy to install. But he is much rougher, which will take longer in the work.
  5. Corps with sealant - a new method of compaction and quite effective. Only necessarily the vials with mass should be appropriately marked.

The list is incomplete. Each host can be used in the process any seal, but guided by the belief that she was still built by grandfathers, it is impossible to make a good cavocation - they (grandfathers) did not have selection and did from what would have to.

Kindy tools

To make a job qualitatively, you will need the appropriate tool:

  • konopka set of straight shape;
  • konopka driven rounded;
  • kiyanka;
  • good, tool for roller formation;
  • mittens or construction gloves.

How to root the cut?

Preparation includes all manipulations with a framework: removal of old material, cleansing logs or bar from extra chips and sera. It is perfect for such a work, a centering caulkite is perfect, it will easily get everything too much from the seams. You can spend pressure. It will also be thoroughly walking along the seams of chemical protection against fungus and mold and thoroughly dry them. An exception can only be done for moss caulking - it will still have to wet it.

Then proceed to the process itself. There are two seal laying technologies: in a set and spit. The first is comfortable for ballproof cacopants. The fibers are twisted in the seabelery of the tank and the resulting thread pushing into the slot through the formation of loops and direct cacopa. Cyanka is hit by handles. It is necessary to make it carefully that the tool blade does not damage the material. The second way can be applied to careen logged with jute. The material is spreads to the entire length of the log, and one edge is squocated in the gap, then the second is folded in the form of a roller and a good-to-door, a cough tool, all the material is standing in the seam. It is impossible to rush, otherwise the cacopate will go by waves, and it will have to cut it, thereby leaving the place for the gaps. That's all right.

Before starting finishing works, it is necessary to cross all the slots of the cut and process it with an antiseptic.

The essence of the above is clear. But in order to make a pantle correctly, it does not matter with jute or moss, you should know:

  1. The process consists of three stages: the first canopate, the second and the last one. The first is supposed to do immediately after the end of construction. Do not stand too frown to take care. The material is placed for the sample, so that under the initial shrinkage there were conservation flaws. The second harness of the church occurs in a year, and the last few years later, when it becomes clear that the log house "sat down" finally.
  2. Kinding should not be kept in cold, nor in hot weather. From 10 to 20 º C heat will be just right.
  3. The cutter begins the cutting of the cut from the bottom up and completely in the crown, that is, in bulk. No need to do everything at once, otherwise there is a risk that the layer of material laid in the seam will be uneven.
  4. It is impossible to leave the round elements and angles without attention, for their cauldium, a semicircular tool is invented.

Canopate with different materials

The seal of the cut of the moss is happening as follows: Sorny sulfate is sulfted from the seams, and then pieces of natural material, pre-abundantly moistened, stacked in the slot. Moha is moistrated, otherwise it will be difficult to put it in the seam. But the caulkite of the cut into a piece of sliced \u200b\u200bjute or ribbon is the rotor (the method is described above).

Sealing the seams are accepted on rounded buildings, for their appearance needs a decorative pant. It can be beautifully performing a professional, but it is also worth trying. The pistol mass is squeezed out in the seam and the spatula installed precisely between the logs, the surplus is cleaned.

The sealant is used if the cutting structure is not intended for the skin, beautiful seams are visible from afar.

Konopka Siruba Paclles occurs in a set: twisted the tongue, and by twisting loops, the material is sealing into the gaps and grooves. You need to go thoroughly and push deeply so that the feathers do not get.

Methods in order to cross the log house with moss or other materials are different from each other, but nevertheless one is one - the sealing of interventores and gaps. Mastic carpenters even have such a trick - to level the entire log house with the help of a caulking, lining, where it is necessary, a layer is greater or less. To the dilettans do not do that - there is a risk of sinking a log or a bar.

From such work, like a cutting of a cut, not to go anywhere. Even if the houses are made on high technologies, wooden construction involves such an installation. For comfortable accommodation depends on many factors, but from the cacopa, especially.