When to transplant the gooseberry: features, technologies and reviews. Gooseberry: When and how to transplant to a new place how to transplant the gooseberry bushes in the spring

It happens that the gooseberry bush, planted seemingly in compliance with all the rules when booking the garden, in a few years it turns out to be uncomfortable. Whether the planning changed during this time, whether fruit trees grew up, giving a lot of shadows. Is it possible to move an ever-growing gooseberry bush to another place while retaining it for your garden? Or will you have to harde it, and in return to plant a new one?

Fortunately, the gooseberry is quite easy to transfer the transplant, even in a very migrated age. As a rule, they make it in the fall, after it feels all the leaves. Early spring, before the start of the blown of the kidneys, is also suitable, but only if there is an opportunity to regularly and abundantly water the transplanted plant. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the spring gooseberry blooms very early, and the root damage will not be damaged to it.

A bush, scheduled to move, must prepare in advance. First of all, carry out a cardinal trimming, deleting most of its crown. If this is not done, the root system damaged during transplantation may not cope with too much load, do not be able to "feed" the above-ground part of the plant. In this case, the gooseberry will take off in a new place slowly, difficult, and may even die.

If a completely young bush or a seedling transplanted, then all its branching is definitely cut off, leaving no more than eight kidneys in annual growths. In more adult bushes, every annual increase should be shortened by half. Next year leave from three to five of the strongest zero branches, cutting their unseen tops. The rest, weak or unsuccessful shoots are eliminated.

After trimming, the gooseberry bush should be inhaling, retreating from the base of at least 30 cm in all directions. Too thick roots will have to refresh or even cut the saw. Then the plant is neatly taken out, preferably along with a lore land, and transfer to the new place of residence.

In a new place, first of all, you need to dig up the landing pit. It will need a large enough - the roots of the bush must fit freely together with the Earth's room. It should be borne in mind that adult shrubs should be placed at least one and a half meters from each other. The bottom of the pit needs to thoroughly shed water so that there was a marginal margin required by damaged roots.

Soil mixture for filling the pit is prepared separately. For it, it is necessary to complete, with the top, a bucket of well-overworked compost or manure, not less than 100 grams of superphosphate and two glasses of wood ash. Over the lack of ash, potassium sulfate can be used - about 40 g per plant.

Part of the mixture is poured at the bottom of the pit with a small holloch. A bush put on this hilly and carefully straighten all its roots. After that, they fall asleep the remaining soil mixture in such a way that the root neck turns out to be blunting into the ground by 10 cm. This contributes to the rapid increase in the apparent roots at the base of the branches. During the backfill, it is necessary to monitor how uniformly the soil falls around the roots - the formation of voids is unacceptable.

When the pit is falling asleep, the ground around the bush is smoothed and slightly plugged. Then they are abundantly watered and mulched by a compost, peat or any other organic material. Some experts even advise to cover the priority circles of transplanted plants in Ruberoid - to reduce evaporation and prevent the formation of soil crust. During irrigation, the rubberoid is cleaned, and then returned to the place. This method significantly increases the accessibility of the bushes.

Sometimes you have to make redevelopment in the country area or in the garden. For this you have to cut the trees and transplant shrubs. Then the question arises - when can I transplant the gooseberry? The answer is simple - the gooseberry transplant is made in autumn or spring.

How to choose the right place to transplant gooseberry?

Autumn or Spring is the best time of year in order to organize a gooseberry transplant. And yet, when better to transplant the gooseberry?

The most optimal season for the gooseberry transplant process is autumn, or more precisely October or September.

During this period, the shrub is in "Soothe", he is already fruitful, and, let's say, went to wintering. This is determined by the fact that the gooseberry is not wondering, and rather quickly moves from the cold season to the warmth. At this time, he is already preparing for ripening, his kidneys are flooded early, and during the swelling of the kidney the root system should not be injured. True organizing the gooseberry transplanting process - it will help the bustle to be rejected and more fruit. The most important thing in this process is correct to choose a place to transplant.

When selecting a site for the required gooseberry transfers in autumn, some important points should be taken into account:

  • The gooseberry loves the place where there is good solar lighting;
  • Where the wind blows to transplant the gooseberry is impossible;
  • The soil should not be wet and without intimacy with underground waters, since the gooseberry does not like constantly moistened soil;
  • The land must be drigly, if it is not suitable, it is easy to fix, for example, if a lot of clay, or the soil is heavy, it is advisable to add a little sand, and in the opposite case you can add clays;
  • It is unacceptable that the soil has high acidity, in this case you need to add lime to reduce acidity;
  • On the plots where the currant currant or raspberries crossed the gooseberry are not recommended due to common pests, in this case they will very much harm the shrub.

After the selection of the area for the process of transplanting the gooseberry, the land should be accurate and remove the remnants of various rhizomes and all weeds. Further, the bush should be cut off all unnecessary and old branches, thereby leaving no more than seven young and healthy processes that should be shortened before the transplant, leaving the entire length of the escape of two thirds.

Subsequently, the annual trimming of the shrub is necessary, since only branches and stems bring berries, which grew last year. Every year you should leave only six or eight new shoots. In this case, the shrub will bring a large harvest of the gooseberry.

Possible Gooseberry Transplanting

The process itself takes not so much time. Everything is done consistently and stages:

  • The prepared gooseberry shrub is drowning around, the distance directly from the shrub should be at least 30 centimeters.
  • If there is a thick root, then they can be safely refurbished or a shovel either by an ax.
  • Subsequently, by scrap or shovel, the bush must be obtained from the soil and be sure to put it on a polyethylene film so that it can be transported to a new segment for transplant.
  • In the selected zone for the gooseberry transplantation, a pit is broken, it needs to make a slightly larger diameter than the root system of the gooseberry.
  • The shoe depth must be about 50 centimeters.
  • The fossa is abundantly supplying water, for this you need to pour about 70 liters of water into the hole, it is about 3-4 buckets.
  • Then, a portion of the earth removed should be mixed with a compost, and in no case with, otherwise the root system is damaged and the final result will be deplorable.
  • After the gooseberry bush is installed in the yammer, the remaining gaps fill the earth.
  • The land should be tamped and pouring a good amount of water again.
  • At the end of the cutting of the gooseberry, the bush is covered with dry soil, and the mulch is sprinkled on top, you can use peat crumb.
  • Before the onset of frosts should systematically water the shrub.
  • It is not necessary to cover the bush for the winter.

There is another way of transplanting the gooseberry, but it is suitable for mass resetting, that is, in large summer cottages:

  • The main difference is to immediately prepare a place to transplant the gooseberry, where to schedule the fumes for transplant.
  • The bushes are transplanted by an ordinary way, including an interconnect space (the distance between the rows should be at least 1.3 and not more than 1.5).
  • If several bushes are immediately subjected to a gooseberry transplant, then you need to know that the distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 and no more than two meters.
  • Next boiled bushes according to standard technology.
  • Pereparing the gooseberry is needed one separate bodice into the prepared pits.
  • If the pits diameter are less than the root of the shrub, then it must be increased.
  • The whole rest of the procedure is done absolutely as well as with a separate bush.

If necessary, you can see how the gooseberry transplant is made in the fall, the video provides an opportunity to clearly make sure that much strength and time is required.

In the fall, the gooseberry transplant is carried out not only because in the spring you can displaced it due to the fact that the shrub has already begun to prepare for fruiting, but also in order to cleanse part of the section under, or lawn.

Also, the ways of transplanting the gooseberry can be useful to gardeners for the reproduction of this berry bush. The gooseberry transplant in the fall guarantees high shrub accents, so the next year there will be a good harvest of berries.

A little about leaving the gooseberry transplantation

Gooseberry shrubs are not whimsical. Care is limited to the removal of weeds, which is desirable to carry out with their hands, as the roots that are located close to the surface of the Earth can be damaged by instruments intended for weeding.

Of course, the gooseberry requires watering and feeding. In order to satisfy the need of a gooseberry bush in obtaining nutrients, you only need to create a new protective layer in the fall, which consists of a land mixed with a compost and. If desired, the mulching layer can be increased, it will contribute to good fruiting and faster growing shrub.

How to transplant the gooseberry (video)

The gooseberry grows almost every country site. This shrub is properly in care and annually delights gardeners with sweet berries, from which you can cook jam, jam and compotes. However, sooner or later, the gooseberry transplant. This has a positive effect on yields. Consider this procedure.

When to transplant the gooseberry in the fall

Optimal time for this event is considered September or October, depending on the onset of cold weather. The fact is that at that time the shrub has already passed the stage of fruiting and is alone. Some gardeners, in their reviews speaking about when you can transplant the gooseberry, argue that it is better to do it in the spring. This is not quite so.

It should be borne in mind that during this period of the plant, on the contrary, "configured" to start fruiting as quickly as possible. Calculate the time when the shrub has not moved to the preparatory stage, it is very difficult. Therefore, in order to correctly determine when you can transplant the gooseberry in the spring, you need to be a real specialist in that area. If the plant is already starting to produce the kidneys, it is unwanted to disturb it. Usually, when moving shrubs during this period of time, it does not take root. Because speaking when it is better to transplant the gooseberry, experienced gardeners recommend producing this procedure in the autumn period. In this case there is no risk to disturb the rhizome of the shrub. If you make a transplant when the kidneys have already begun to form, then the plant will weaken and starts to root.

Deciding when you can transplant the gooseberry to another place, you need to prepare work. From this will depend much.

Choosing a place

It often happens that the gardener regrets that they landed some kind of plant, without paying the pre-location of the beds and trees. It should be borne in mind that the gooseberry grow well on fertile soil, so it is important to keep in mind this nuance.

This shrub loves outdoor sunshines. At the same time, the plant should be reliably protected from severe busting winds. Also, rash when we transplanted the gooseberry, you need to consider that it should grow on quite dry areas. If the groundwater is too close to the surface, the shrub will often suffer from fungal diseases. At the same time, it will be froning very small berries.

What land is better according to reviews

In order not to attack other people's rakes, it is worth reading the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

For this plant is most suitable for sand and sand loam. If only clay is dominated on the site, then it must be diluted with sandy material, and vice versa.

The plant should not be transferred to the place where the currant grew to it. After these crops, the Earth is too depleted.

How to make a correct transplant

Since the prickly shrub blooms very early, deciding when to transplant the gooseberry, it is better to give preference to the autumn period. If the procedure is made in September or October, you can cut a bush, removing all old branches. It is best to leave only the youngest shoots. Those who give advice on when to transplant the currants and the gooseberry is better, it is often said that this procedure can also be taught. However, it is not worth risking.

The autumnal transplant must be made as follows:

  • Turn the cropped bush from all sides at a distance of at least 30 cm from the roof of the gooseberry.
  • Call all thick roots with a sharp ax.
  • With the help of scrap and shovel, remove the shrub from the soil, put it on the film and relocate to the place of the new landing.
  • Drop the pit, the diameter of which will be slightly larger than the root of the gooseberry. In this case, the depth of the excavation should be approximately 50 cm.
  • Pour four buckets of water into a pit.
  • Pour a mixture cooked from the removed soil and compost.
  • Install a shrub into the excavation and fill all the empties of fertile soil.
  • Take the land.
  • Scroll the base of the bush with 3 buckets of water.

Deciding, as and when to transplant the gooseberry, should not relax. Plant requires subsequent care.


In order for the plant as quickly as possible, after the transplantation, immediately after its final irrigation, it is necessary to hide the land with a special material. For mulching, you can use:

  • Dry peat crumb (better to take the lowest).
  • Twently reworked manure that needs to be thoroughly crushed.
  • Woodworms of deciduous trees. If you use a cheva, it will oxidize the land.
  • Cora or chip.

Mulch allows you to protect the bushes from the excess evaporation of moisture. In addition, weeds will not break through this natural material. At the same time, the mulch layer should be at least 10 cm. Do not be afraid that water will not flow through the material.

Mineral fertilizers

Gooseberries take about 1 month to take care. The main sign that the plant normally perceived the relocation is the emergence of new kidneys, of which the fresh leaflets will begin to slander. If the foliage continues to be green, then this means that the gooseberry fully passed on and will give a long-awaited harvest. A few weeks after that, you can start feeding the shrub. It is best to use nitrogen fertilizers. They contribute to the faster and healthy growth of new stems and foliage.

If, deciding when to transplant the gooseberry, the choice fell in favor of the spring landing, then the procedures for feeding will be the same.

Organic fertilizers

In this case, it will also be about additives containing nitrogen. Most of all it in the bird litter. However, it is categorically forbidden to apply it in pure form, otherwise the gooseberry can get serious burns or perhaps. In order not to risk, you need to thoroughly dissolve in water and insist it at least 7 days. The infusion obtained must be poured under the base of the shrub in the amount of one bucket on the plant. Before you make fertilizer mulch, you need to remove.

Also, according to the reviews of experienced gardens, the feeder is better to choose liquid. There is no difference, which fertilizers are used (mineral or organic). Before making the procedure, the gooseberry must be thoroughly pouring.

The soil microflora is activated only at positive temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended to make feeding in April when the air warms up to +12 degrees. In addition, it is worth considering that the microflora should not be used in conjunction with mineral fertilizers.

Summer plant care

In the hot season you need to pay special attention to watering the gooseberry. If the in the summer does not come rain, the shrub must be supplied with water at least twice a week. Such watering continues until July. In the middle of the summer season it is worth making water a little less often (enough 1 time in 7 days). If the summer is too arid, then it is necessary to shed not only the soil, but also moisturize and the crown of the bush. Such a procedure is called sprinkling.

It should be understood that the gooseberry "breathes" with the help of the entire surface of foliage and stems. In the arid period of the plant tissue begin to narrow, because of which oxygen is worse penetrated cells. If you cool the crown with water, it will relax cell membranes.

It is possible to water the plant only in the early morning when the rays of the sun have not yet begun to burn shrub, or late in the evening when it's not so hot on the street. If water turns into "boiling water", it can cause irreparable harm to the gooseberry.

Preparation for autumn and winter

So that the plant felt well in the cold season, it is necessary to produce certain preparatory work. To do this, it is necessary to hide the gooseberry abundantly when the ambient temperature decreases to +8 degrees. Under each bush, it is necessary to make at least 50 liters of water. The plant should get so much moisture so that its nutrients are enough before the snow starts to melt.

After that, you need to protect for this will suit:

  • Dry lawn grass.
  • Smered hay. It is better to go through and remove all seeds.
  • Sawdust.
  • Foliage of healthy plants.

It is not necessary to cover the crown, since it is well tolerating freezing without additional protection.

Possible mistakes

Gardeners know whether it is possible to transplant the gooseberry when it is better to do, and what events are required to protect the plant. However, often novice gardens make some mistakes:

  • Shrub shrub as a regular seedlove. It is important to understand that it is impossible to completely cut the roots of the adult plant. They must remain an earthen com. Otherwise, the plant may not come.
  • Watering just a transplanted plant is too cold water. The temperature of the fluid should be no lower than +18 degrees and no more than +25. If the water is cold, then the plant will begin to feel bad, it drupt and, ultimately, may die. In this case, the situation will not be able to correct even with the help of powerful fertilizers. Some sites have artesian wells. The water in them is extremely cold, so it cannot be used for watering the gooseberry without prior heating. In addition, for the day of the soil could hard warm. If it takes out ice water into the hotstry, then there will be a sharp difference in the temperature regime.

Although the gooseberry is a rather unpretentious plant, it requires periodic watering and feeding. In this case, he will always delight the large harvest of large and sweet berries.

The gooseberry is transplanted, like other shrubs, autumn or spring. Moreover, autumn is a more preferable season. A bush after fruiting is preparing for the winter, he has a period of rest.

In such a state, the gooseberry will better postpone the change of habitat. The best month for transplant is October, before the onset of frosts. Sometimes circumstances make up so that the plant failed in the fall. For example, because of the early autumn frosts or due to the lack of free time at the gardener.

In this case, the bush can be transplant in spring. But here there are nuances. The gooseberry belongs to the species of shrubs that awaken very early, literally with the onset of the first warm days. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment.

If the kidneys have already tried to grow, then the roots of the bush also started the growing season. In such conditions, the bush may not at all come up in a new place or will hurt and fall behind in growth. The best spring month for transplant is March. In the northern regions it may be the beginning of April.

So that the gooseberry bush worried well and regularly fruits, for him you need to choose the right place.

It must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Good lighting sun.
  2. There is no constant blowing by the winds. Plants feel good near some buildings protecting them from drafts.
  3. The gooseberry loves the wet soil, but does not tolerate the close grounds of groundwater and water stagnation. It does not fit the bustice on the site, where the rainwater is badly absorbed by the soil.
  4. The gooseberry bushes grow well on fertile and light soils, reacts negatively to the acidic medium. If the soil is superfluous, it can be deselected ash or lime. Clay soad fertilize sand, humus or peat.
  5. Among the precursors of the gooseberry should not be raspberry or currants. These plants are subject to the same diseases, so the bush will be sick and lagged in growth.

Previously, clean the landing site from garbage, weeds and other vegetation.

It is easier and faster to determine the level of acidity with the help of lactium paper. If you do not have it, the people's way will help. It is necessary to handle the leaves of Cherry to pour in a can of boiling water and wait for the cooling of infusion. After that, a lump of land is thrown into the bank from the place where the acidity needs to be determined.

Watching the color of the water:

  1. Greenish tint - the acidity is normal.
  2. Reddish - elevated.
  3. Blue - reduced.

First of all, we will define where to transplant the gooseberry in the fall. Most gardeners agree that the best time for transplant is early spring and autumn after harvest.

The spring tree wakes up literally with the first warm days, therefore the gooseberry transplant in the spring under its active growth is not recommended. That is why the gardener who decided to perform this work in the spring will be from force for several weeks to carry out this work.

If we talk specifically about the best time when you can get a gooseberry in the fall, then this end of September is the beginning of October. At this time, the gooseberry bush is preparing for winter hibernation, so it can be easily transplanting it without fear for a subsequent growth.

But at the end of October and November it is not recommended this work. At this time, the first frosts are no longer uncommon, and in the cold plant can die quickly. Let's talk about how to transplant the gooseberry correctly.

The right choice of the gooseberry landing is the main factor that determines the normal development of the bush, its fruiting and protectedness from diseases.

For various reasons you have to transplant the gooseberry in the country area: the bustling bushes is initially incorrectly selected or allocating the territory for construction. Sometimes you have to completely remove all bushes, sending them to a new place of residence. At the same time, it is important to adhere to certain rules so that the plants take root faster.

When to transplant

The gooseberry transplant can be produced in spring or autumn. Spring transplantation is less desirable, since:

  • the plant is very quickly "awakened" after the winter peace, in this regard, it is difficult to choose the optimal time for the procedure, because it is necessary to carry out the procedure before the start of the deployment;
  • during the formation of kidney, the roots of the gooseberry is undesirable to be injured, since the main forces of the plant are aimed at the development of the upper part, and not the strengthening of the underground.

As a result - the transplanted bush adapts slowly, it develops badly, the harvest quality drops.

In the summer, it is also undesirable to transplant the gooseberry, because at this time the green mass is increasing, damaged roots will adapt for a long time.

Preference is better to give the autumn procedure, because:

  • the bush has already completed fruiting, so all the forces will be sent to strengthen the root system, and not the development of the upper part;
  • he gradually passes into the rest stage, so it can be easily adapted to new conditions;
  • pereparing the gooseberry in the fall is much easier than in the spring.

It is better to transplant the gooseberry bushes in the fall after focusing. The optimal deadlines for the Culture Transfer to a new place - September-beginning of October. One-year and a half is enough so that the bush strengthened before the onset of frosts.


The right plot is a certain guarantee that the bush is not just attached, but also will increase fruiting. When choosing a place you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • not the best neighbors or predecessors will be currants and raspberries, because they have common pests and diseases with the gooseberry, which may be inherited;
  • you can transplant the gooseberry after potatoes, legumes and beets, clover or lupine;
  • culture loves sunlight and humidity, but wetlands should be avoided with stagnant water: in such conditions, the fungus develops well, against which many varieties of the gooseberry have no defensive immunity;
  • the place must be protected from winds.

An important role plays the type of soil on which culture will grow. It must have the following characteristics:

  1. Ease. Gooseberry grows well on loam. Heavy land can be facilitated by the introduction of sand and peat, and it is too easy to intervene clay.
  2. Weak acidity. To check it, it is put into the container a little leaflets of currant or cherries, poured them with boiling water (0.5 l), are covered. When the water cools, it is sent to a lump of the checked soil. If the water remains green, it means the acidity is normal, if blushing is sour, and the formation indicates insufficient acidity. Drop the acidity can be made of lime or dolomite flour.
  3. Fertility. To the bush can receive nutrient elements from the soil necessary to restore forces and development.

Featuring the area, it is drunk and cleaned, removing all plant residues, place places for planting. After that, go directly to the procedure.

How to transplant gooseberries

You can transplant the gooseberry bush in two ways: together with an earthen room or a seedl.

Landing bush with a room

Before boarding an adult gooseberry, all the old and extra shoots are cut out. As a result, no more than 7 youngest and healthy branches should remain. They are shortened by 1/3.

Now you can dig up a shrub. For this:

  • swinging it around the circumference at a distance of about 30 cm;
  • refurb the thick roots stretching further;
  • gently shovel take a bush from the soil and lay it on the film so that you can move to a new place.

When transplanting a large bush of the gooseberry, the diameter of the drunk part is determined by the size of the crown and get very neatly so as not to damage the numerous roots.

Further actions are held in stages:

  1. Pit preparation. It is digging around the half-meter depth and slightly exceeds the diameter of the size of the bush. A few buckets of water poured into it.
  2. Installing the bush.
  3. Flipping emptiness with a mixture of land and compost.
  4. Dusting soil.
  5. Abundant irrigated by shrub fixed in the ground.
  6. Floating with dry ground and mulching.

If the gooseberry mass transfer is scheduled, then it is important to consider the following:

  • plot for landing is prepared in advance, pits can be digging directly before landing, but it is better to outline their place in advance;
  • shrubs are planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m;
  • between the rows leave 1.3-1.5 m.
  • the bushes are transplanted one by one into individual wells;
  • if the diameter of the dug hole is small, then it increases.

We can transplant a small plant at any time (except for winter, of course). Only it is necessary to dig a section somewhat greater than the sizes of the crown so that when digging, the root system should damage as little as possible. Next - in general scheme. In August, you can transplant the exact method of a very small gooseberry process.

Sedna landing

The main difference of a seedling is the root system purified from the soil. That is why they can not be stored too long, and they adapt to new conditions for a long time, because their roots were injured when digging and cleaning. For the spring planning of the gooseberry, this option is exactly not suitable, since the roots will not have time to adapt until the beginning of the cojoint.

For the landing take a young bush (not older than two years), on which there are no less than three main roots with a length of about 15 cm. Pressure roots should also be developed. The above-ground part consists of two shoots with a length of about 40 cm, freed from the leaves.

The preparation of the gooseberry seedlings to the transplant is to remove unhealthy roots and stimulating the entire root system in a specially cooked bolt (on 3 liters of water take 1 kg of clay and chernozema, Packet Korevin and 6g actara.).

Cutting the gooseberry in the fall on a new place by seedlings is similar to the previous way:

  1. Prepare a hole.
  2. Mattles in her a small hilly of the earth.
  3. It is installed on it a vertically or slightly under the tilt so that the root neck is bundled by 7-10 cm.
  4. Holding the trunk, fall asleep the soil, periodically seal it. At the same time, the bush shake a little that the Earth filled all internal voids.
  5. Spilled and mulched, twigs are cut to lower kidneys.
  6. For winter, seedlings are covered with sawdust.

Caring for the gooseberry after resetting lies in timely watering. The mulch is cleaned before the procedure, and after moisturizing they return to the bush. For the winter, the gooseberry does not need to cover. It is enough just to insulate sawdust.