Boiler on wood waste. Boiler on wood waste Heating boilers on wood waste

The first boilers on wood waste were designed to dispose of raw materials. Modern models, compared with utilizers, have undergone many changes in the design and internal device, the degree of automation was increased, the combustion process was modified. As a result of technical transformations, an economical boiler has a good heat transfer parameters.

How does a boiler running on wood waste

Boilers on wood waste differ from each other with their design, the internal device and the principle of heating the room. All boilers use pyrolysis burning, forced air supply and removal of combustion products.

The emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from the burning of wood waste are reduced by surviving carbon dioxide. Additional thermal energy, accumulated through the use of a broken system of chimney channels. Preheated gases enter the chimney not immediately, as in conventional solid fuel boilers, but only after it is warm.

The process of burning control, depending on the boiler model, is controlled manually or using automation. A mechanized fuel supply is provided.

Wood waste boilers, gained widespread use in the heating of private houses, cottages, country cottages. Models with a capacity of over 50 kW, often used for heating industrial and storage rooms.

Water boilers on wood waste

Water heating boiler on wood waste, is a heat station with a maximum degree of automation of combustion processes and fuel supply. During operation, the following processes occur:

Boilers working on heat carrier heating are suitable for premises of any heated area. Connected to an already existing radiator heating system filled with antifreeze or water.

Air Heat Boilers on Tree Waste

Air-hery equipment, the domestic consumer is familiar under the brands "" and "", etc. The air heating boiler device for burning wood waste has significant differences from similar models working on heat carrier heating:
  • Fuel supply is carried out manually. Boilers have an enlarged flue chamber. Autonomous work from one bookmark reaches 8-12 hours.
  • Heating of the room with air heating boilers for wood waste is performed by convection. Cold air flows are closed through convection nozzles passing through the boiler fiber chamber. Air warms up and enters the room.
    Pipes on ⅔ are immersed in the furnace, which provides fast heating and high heat efficiency. Hot air enters the room after 2-3 minutes of fuel burning.

Pyrolysis boilers for long burning on wood waste, for air heating, suitable for unheated premises: country houses and cottages in which they live constantly, and from time to time.

What is the moisture of wood waste is permissible

The process of gas generation is possible only subject to certain conditions:
  1. High fuel combustion temperature (600-800 ° C).
  2. Limited air access.
  3. Woodwood moisture no more than 20%.

There are models of mine type capable of working on wet wood waste (up to 42%). But the bulk of the heating equipment is sensitive to the quality of fuel. The main problem is that when combing wet raw materials, instead of carbon dioxide, a couple is produced in a separate furnace of the boiler, steam is produced. Therefore, burn wet sawdust in gas generator equipment will, but only as usual.

Household hot water boilers heating long burning on wood waste, it is recommended to trample with purchased raw materials. In factory conditions, it is easy to create optimal conditions for the production and storage of fuel so that it has a humidity in the range from 6-18%.

Manufacturers of boilers on wood waste

Heating equipment, working on wood waste, offer several large manufacturers whose enterprises are located in the EU, Russia and Ukraine countries.

At the moment, the product range is so extensive that it is possible to choose a boiler that corresponds to any characteristics and parameters of the building. To narrow searches, you can divide all heat generators into two groups, by the country to the manufacturer:

  • Imported boilers - products of the company deserves special attention. The consumer offers fully automatic boilers with a mechanized fuel supply, which differ in economy and a high degree of safety. His products offer German Viessmann and Polish Heiztechnik. Among the convection boilers, you can highlight well-proven "buleries".
  • Boilers of Russian production - Several inferior to Western counterparts in reliability and heat transfer. The main advantage, their low cost, unpretentiousness to the quality of fuel is considered. Products are offered, Teplodar, Danko and others. Convection boilers offers Breneran company, you can also stop the choice of stoves Buttakov, Khokhlov (mine type).
Domestic equipment is a budget version that is characterized by good technical parameters, without special "delights" and engineering solutions. "The Germans" and "Austrians" offer the premium boilers of the class, with full automation, the possibility of remote control, the presence of several security systems and other functions that make management comfortable.

Woodwood boiler house

Automated water heating boilers for housewood, working on wood waste, require compliance with special security measures. Some requirements are negotiated in SNiP and PPB:

Some rules may vary, depending on the region of residence and the type of terrain. Before carrying out installation work, it is worth consulting in the local organs of the fire supervision.

Pros and cons of heating boilers on wood waste

Boiler plants working on wood waste during operation gained reputation as reliable in operation and productive equipment. But, like each heating equipment, boilers have their advantages and disadvantages.

Undoubted advantages are:

  • Reliability in operation - Mechanized boiler rooms, offline can work out the entire heating season without failures. Emergency situations are rarely and quickly resolved using special programs.
  • Efficiency - for waste consumption is responsible for the equipment controlled by the processor. Air supply, fuel, combustion process, are optimized for the actual needs of the room in heat. A lambda probe is installed that allows you to modulate the power of the boiler from 30-100%.
  • Safety - in the camcorder there is a sensor that locks the absence of a flame. If any unforeseen situations occur, the boiler operation stops, a signal is displayed about the causes of shutdown.
Cons associated with the following moments:
  • The use of wood waste with a maximum humidity of 20%. On the territory of the Russian Federation, get dry waste is problematic.
  • High cost mechanized boiler room.
Wood waste stations are a win-win option for the heating of private country houses, especially those located near woodworking enterprises.

The production association (software) "Teploresurs" offers a full range of boiler and auxiliary equipment to create an automated biofuel boiler room (mini CHP) are boilers on woodworking waste. Modern boilers with automated feed and fuel mixing ensure complete combustion of recycling from sawmills with significant humidity with large efficiency (up to 86% compared with 25-50% in conventional boilers on the corner and tree).

The automatic, dosage supply of sawdust and chips leads to the fact that woodworking waste is uniformly, which makes it possible to accurately regulate the water temperature in the boiler (up to 1 0 c), it is of great importance for drying chambers of wood.

Automatic operation with the supply of the optimal amount of fuel and air, which is provided by steam boilers on waste, eliminates the need for permanent duty of service workers. Boilers on the departments of the Teploresurs company are promptly put into operation and work in a variety of climatic conditions. Throughout the service life of the boiler house on wood waste, you will receive comprehensive consultations on work from our specialists.

We produce boilers working on waste processing enterprises - describe, chips, chips. To obtain large thermal capacity, convenience of service and increasing the stability of work in the boiler room most often put boilers on waste, which are purchased and put into operation in turn, which is more rational and more profitable than to immediately run 2-3 boilers.

In which enterprises are the boiler on the waste of woodworking (wood)?

We offer water-heating boilers on wood waste of single heat power from 300 kW to 10 MW, steadily working both on woodworking waste (chips, opil, bark, chips with relative humidity up to 55%) and on a slicing, milling or briquetted peat. Such autonomous boiler houses on wood waste will be effective in wood processing plants, enterprises of the LPK, plywood plants as a complex of drying chambers or heating systems. There are "omnivore" boilers on wood waste operating on any raw material or specialized fuel with higher efficiency. Such boilers on wood waste is beneficial to exploit, first of all, where large volumes of sawdust and chips are formed daily, or on boiler rooms located in close proximity to enterprises that constantly have wood waste or furniture waste. Production Squares and the Teploresource office are located in the city of Kovrov Vladimir Region, and Kovrovsky boilers for burning woodwasters have long been enlisted by a good reputation in many regions of the Russian Federation. A modular design, which has steam boilers on wood waste and their full factory readiness allows you to quickly transport the Kovrov Cuppet "Teploresurs" throughout Russia railway and road transport, which minimizes the delivery time and installation of all equipment.

Fuel warehouse "Live bottom", conveyors, automatic boiler

In each individual project, the waste boilers are equipped with an additional set of equipment necessary for efficient operation: an operational bunker-dispenser, a fuel warehouse of chips and sawdust, a screw conveyor, a scraper conveyor, an automatic control system. Thanks to all this equipment, industrial wood waste boilers are uninterrupted in automatic mode.

Depending on the specialization of your production and prevalence of certain wood waste, our designer will issue the most optimal design option, which will have your boiler room on waste. It can be solid fuel water boilers on wood waste operating on large pieces of wood-loading residues and equipped with a storage bunker with an automated screw inlet chips for its combustion in the diluted firebox of the boiler. Or it is more expedient to be boilers on waste with a gas boiler, equipped with a vortex gas generator with a portion delivery of Svneck sawdust in a hopper of the hopper.

Design and complete set Mini CHP on wood waste

The "Teploresource" design department will help develop a project to modernize the already available mini CHP for equipping it with an automatic dosage system of biofuels. If your boiler room works on an angle or diesel fuel, it is possible to transfer it to a chips, ophov or pellets. Given all the individual needs and features of each enterprise - the customer, our specialists create a project for which your boiler room on wood waste will work with optimal performance suitable for fuel used and the necessary automation of fuel and combustion processes.

Non-returnable combustible waste production is always of interest as cheap fuel for industrial and household needs. During the primary woodworking (round forest sawing), there are sawdust, which are formed in considerable volumes.

Periodic export or disposal of them is poured into significant costs, and their permanent storage in the production site is fraught with sanctions of environmental and sanitary and epidemiological control bodies. The use of sawdust, taking into account their continued education, for the heating of private houses and cottages looks very attractive.

Given the specifics of fuel, it is useful to first be carefully familiar with the characteristics and features of operation. In addition, several words need to be said about the fuel.

Ensuring fuel

So, for permanent heating, the sawdust should:

  • Form in the amount necessary for heating. It makes no sense to install such a boiler with their insufficient quantity. This should pay attention first. For example, a 25 kW boiler in the heating season consumes up to 40 kg of sawdust per hour. On the other hand, the excess volume of sawdust in the warehouse is also undesirable, since their warehousing deteriorates the quality: sawdust becomes dense and raw, poorly burning with low heat transfer.
  • Get cheap. Since sawdust is usually released by the manufacturer for free, the only type of costs will be transportation costs for delivery to their home for heating. It should be borne in mind that they have low density and uncomfortable for transportation.

Consider what you will cost the delivery of fuel, and what, accordingly, there will be its price.

Requirements for fuel

The efficiency of boilers directly depends on the moisture content of sawdust. The use of dry chips and sawdust of carpentry production problems does not cause problems as fuel. The main mass of sawdust is, as noted, waste sawing shops of round forest.

Production waste sawing sawmills on belt sawmills are small (up to 0.3 mm) sawdust with humidity up to 80%. Even with constant forced air supply in the furnace, such sawtuffs burn very slowly because it takes time for their pear. An even greater problem of burning is raw, long stored sawdust, compacted in the crude dusty mass.

Burn such fuel in a specific mode:

  • A dry and raw fuel in the 3: 1 ratio should be supplied to the bracket chamber.
  • The supply of raw fuel can be started only with a set of full boiler power after ignition.
  • Constantly forcibly serve the air with a fan into the fiber chamber.


The workflow is based on the temperature decay of wood, called pyrolysis. In the mode of incidence in the gas generation chamber, pyrolysis gas is released, which burns out in the combustion chamber in conditions of forced air supply.

Are indisputable advantages are

  • High efficiency (up to 85-90%).
  • High economy (up to 8-12 hours of heating on one boiler load). Pyrolysis boilers are more economical than classical wood-having 3-5 times, and gas boilers - at 10-11 times, with approximately the same heat release.
  • Quick heating of the room (30-40 minutes) after the ignition of the boiler.
  • Simplicity and reliability of the design.
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • Low fuel cost.
  • The ability to transfer to a conventional wood boiler mode.
  • Independence of the power of raw materials. The boiler, besides sawdust, can work on the crust, chips, blesses, wood.
  • Easy to maintain and clean the boiler.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Ease of operation allows not to spend money for expensive training of boiler house.
  • Thanks to the cheapness of sawdust and high efficiency, such boilers pay off very quickly.

Options for configuration and work schemes

Consider several options for boiler equipment designed for the heating of a residential or country house.

Boiler room

The most convenient and modern is an automated water-heating installation operating on sawdust, chips, chips. In the presence of a large amount of large-scale part of the fuel, you can purchase a crushing machine for processing a large fraction in small.

Installation includes the following nodes:

  • Bunker for fuel
  • Gas generator
  • Water heating boiler (combustion chamber and heat exchanger)
  • Automatic control unit

The housing project can also provide for various options for placing the equipment: completely outside or indoors, as well as with the removal of individual nodes outward.

Description of the work process:

Speakers are discharged into the heating bunker by automotive themselves (tractor, front loader). To prevent the peeling of sawdust in the bunker there is an agitator for the periodic loosening.
According to the conveyor (ribbon or screw), they are supplied to the gas generation chamber, where in the mode of slow combustion, the thermal decomposition of fuel is occurring with the release of pyrolysis gas. Fuel supply to the conveyor and to the gas generation chamber is automatically carried out.

Pyrolysis gas coming from the gas generator to the combustion chamber, burns completely, heating water. The content in flue gases of unburned components is minimal: carbon monoxide is only up to 1%, nitrogen oxide up to 300 mg / m³. In the combustion chamber, hot air is supplied to the fan, which contributes to a deep burnout of the pyrolysis gas components.

The automation system manages the following processes:

  • Fuel supply to gas generator
  • The fan of hot air is proportional to the volume of fuel in the combustion chamber
  • The temperature of the coolant and its change
  • Fire extinguishing

Boilers on and sawdust Hargassner (Austria) are typical equipment of this level used for the heating of private houses, hotels, offices, cottages in Europe. The power of such boilers is 25 - 55 kW, heated area of \u200b\u200b200-600 square meters. m.

Domestic manufacturers

Domestic manufacturers also offer a wide selection of boilers on sawdust and pellets for the heating of individual housing and small industrial premises.

The proposed boilers are mainly pyrolysis, operating in automatic mode. Technologically combustion process is similar to the above. The only difference from imported equipment is that Russian boilers are usually not provided with automatic fuel supply lines.

Automation Adjusts the fan operation of the fan for a stable set temperature of the coolant, which is set to control blocks. With a planned or emergency shutdown of the fan, the boiler continues to operate at low power. The layout laying, chips and other wood waste flashes in them for 4-12 hours, depending on the selected burning mode.

Long burning mine boilers

Special attention deserves the mining boilers of long burning (Boilers Holmov). These are pyrolysis boilers of a special design. The constructive advantage of them is that the fuel layered in a special mine partially dries out, which allows the use of high humidity for heating.

  • The automation (controller) controls the combustion process, a given temperature of the coolant and the operation of the centrifugal pump.
  • The security system is provided by the boiler emergency cooling circuit and the safety valve.
  • The boiler service takes a few minutes 1-2 times a day.
  • The use of such boilers allows you to damn cottages and small production with an area of \u200b\u200b60 -250 square meters. m.

Own structures

The designs of such boilers, offers in the network a lot of homegrown "self-timer". Without focuses on creative innovations in advertised devices, we note that such equipment cannot be reliable and durable, in principle.

Materials from which it is manufactured, most often do not meet the conditions of operation, the designs themselves are primitive, they do not have the most elementary automatic control and security system. At the same time, a fully equipped factory boiler on sawdust or pellets with a capacity of 20 kW, with a guarantee that can dump a cottage or a country house, costs only about 40 -50 thousand rubles. Agree, this is not the amount, saving which you can risk your own health and housing.

Boilers working in sawdust and other woodworking waste today are the most economically justified equipment for the heating of private houses. When deciding on the choice of such equipment, special attention should be paid to the presence of the required amount of fuel responsible for humidity. If it is supposed to burn the sawdust with humidity of more than 55-60%, then they must be no more than 20-25% of the material being loaded into the furnace. The main fuel should be wood waste with humidity up to 20%.

Development of special boilers, where wood waste is used as fuel (for example, chips), it was provoked by the need to export them to burial. Such processes make wood processing significantly more expensive. The exit from the situation was the burning of the wood waste and the use of the released thermal energy for various purposes.

Today, boilers for burning woody garbage are most often used in the field:

  • Housing heating. Usually it is directly the boiler itself. For private housing conditions, this is enough.
  • Industry. Here, on the basis of the boiler, a special powerful cell is collected, equipped with additional devices (electronic control, a decade, augene for supplying waste to the furnace, smokers).

According to the principle of burning wood boilers on wood waste and chips differ on:

  • Fixed grates. It is divided into 2 sections. In the direct part of it, the fuel is burned, and in the inclined to dry. The most common method.
  • Mechanical lattices. Provides a complex manageable system of alternating fixed and movable grateproof (less often chain). Allows the use of lump fuel with a high percentage of humidity, drying and sorting it by fractions in the process of feeding to the furnace.
  • Fluidized bed. Crushed wood is fed to an inert layer (sand) blowing by air. The gradual removal of sand with air flow causes the need to constantly add it.
  • Torch burning. The system requires chopping wood to small fractions (chips, sawdust). The type of firebox is vortex.

Consider differences and on the principle of heating:

  • Air-ray

The air intake system is located directly next to the furnace, working on the convector principle. The main source of heating is the heat allocated during the combustion of wood. These models require manual loading of raw materials and its low humidity (maximum 20%). Suitable for irregular heating, where the heat return begins in a couple of minutes after the ignition of fuel.

Air heating boilers are often used in drying chambers, including wood drying on wood processing enterprises and sawmills, on which wood waste is always in excess.

  • Water boilers

It uses 2 types of cameras. In one, the combustion of wood, and in another pyrolysis of the heated gases. This significantly increases efficiency, which allows the boiler not only to act as a heater, but also to heat the water (located in a special boiler). The chimney system with a large number of knees also increases heat transfer.

Fuel can be applied not only manually, but also automatically (continuously). In this case, it takes an arrangement of an additional bunker for wood waste. Also, such systems require additional equipment of the boiler by blowing the lattices (especially if there are several grate). If the boiler is present in the boiler on the basis of a plasma arc, then the presence of special sensors controlling whether the ignition occurred. If there is no flame and heating, they give a signal to repeat the arc. Woodwood Woodwood boilers equipped with electronic automation consoles, sensors and continuous fuel supply require additional substitution from the electrical network (consumption up to 300 W per hour). Allow you to work with a more raw fuel with humidity up to 40%.

Manufacturers and prices

Most of the imported boilers of such firms like Hargassner, Viessmann, Heiztechnik have a fairly high price. This is due to the use of a large number of electronics and complex furnace systems. Quality is certainly at the height, but is it worth overpaying for additional functions depends on whether they need you.

Wood waste can only be stirred on solid fuel boilers. To do this, use a number of main points that allow you to exist. this type of boiler:

  • We are talking about the principle of burning fuel in the furnace.
  • About the material that is used for production.
  • On the inner design of the equipment.

If you do not have technical education, you still have to buy a boiler that will have the necessary power to dig up your apartment. Choose such equipment yourself is difficult, but you can.

Types of boilers on the principle of fuel combustion

There are two types of boilers that work on wood waste. Their main differences can be called the category of raw materials on which the boiler works. We are talking:

  • About equipment for which classic burning is needed.
  • About boilers that apply long burning

Classic burning

In the boilers in classical burning, no need to control heating. Since the material is burning itself, until the raw material is over. Thanks to the automatic temperature control, it is possible to control without human intervention, how fast fuel is on. This uses a mechanical sensor. It is separated from the field of heat chain from the metal. When the temperature reaches a given mark, the air no longer comes. Therefore, the burning rate decreases, and then at all can stop the raw material burn. Special equipment is installed for this purpose:

  • First, we are talking about the fan of superior. It can increase the speed and possibility of burning. You can burn briquettes with biomass, meaning waste after processing sunflower seeds. This can be used even when the raw material has an increased moisture.
  • Secondly, we are talking about the sensor measuring the temperature yourself. Thanks to them, you can maintain the desired temperature in the stove, which will protect against the overheating of the boiler.
  • Thirdly, everything is on the machine. Therefore, manage the combustion process using the control panel. It is even possible to use the mobile device to control everything without getting up from the sofa, it is possible thanks to special equipment.

This group of boilers, working on raw materials from wood waste, is inexpensive. The boiler works correctly and without a person, as there is nothing complicated. Its service can be carried out independently. Made housing of the boiler from cast iron. You can use steel. Then the service life of the boiler will be very long.

But there are deficiencies in classic boilers. This is the speed of combustion of fuel raw materials. If you calculate, it turns out that every four or eight hours you need to go to the boiler room and throw up the fuel.

Long burning

To the group of boilers, which are drowned using solid fuel, a long burning can be attributed. Particular types of boilers are included in this group. Wood waste is burned quickly and efficiently.

  • We are talking about pyrolysis boilers.
  • About technique that is known as smoldering type.

The first type of boilers is required to burn raw materials and maintain high temperature with the result. Also, in the process of combustion, gas is released, which also burns in the furnace, increasing the temperature of the boiler, which leads to an increase in temperature in the house.

The advantage of this boiler can be called its high efficiency. One laying of raw materials will burn longer than as much fuel in the classic boiler. In order for the boiler to work correctly, electronics are used. Therefore, without your participation, the boiler will be controlled by the room temperature, the combustion rate. The furnace is made of ceramic material, which is much better than cast iron. It turns out that the performance is higher, efficiency is better.

There are boilers that enjoy the combustion method by pulling or combustion only superficially. Such equipment has a controlled work. There is a water circuit that is located along the entire chamber of the furnace. The fuel is set up, then it is tweaking slowly to the bottom. There are models that, with this form of fuel laying, work up to five days.

It is important to consider that boilers that heat the water using wood waste, which is slow, smashed, have a number of disadvantages. In particular, after a lift of the fuel will not be imputable to it. In this case, the humidity of the raw material should be no more than fifteen or twenty percent.

Choose the right boiler

When choosing a boiler, think about what material it is arranged. This will help you choose it. Since the boiler, with the possibility of heating water, has in addition to the principle of combustion, more different types of material quality.

The best material is cast iron. Its quality and strength is higher than all other materials. For example, the well-known ceramic type of firebox is well kept warm, but is inferior to cast iron by strength. The steel material burns very quickly, especially in boilers with a controlled combustion function.

Calculate the performance of the boiler using the data that one kilowatt power can drop ten square meters of the area. But this applies only to a great warmed room. In places where the windows are dripping warm, or doors are poorly closed, high boiler power is required. Therefore, when installing it, it is important to consult with a specialist so that the boiler power is higher.

Wood waste

The equipment that burns wood waste belongs to solid fuel boilers, designed to work only with it. So consider three points you need to know before what to select a similar boiler:

  1. How raw materials are burned in the furnace.
  2. What material is used to produce a boiler.
  3. What is the construction inside the heat exchanger.

If you do not have technical education, then you can still choose the boiler correctly, given these three principles. Then your boiler is ideal for your home.

The principle of incineration of waste

Allocate two things for which boilers are divided with a different way of burning fuel:

  • The boiler is used, which burns the fuel classically.
  • There is a boiler that uses long combustion of waste.

Classic burning in hard fuel boilers

The main difference between such boilers is that their raw materials burn uncontrollable. That is, naturally. The heat level is tracked using a conventional sensor, which has the simplest connection to the flap. When the temperature rises, reaching the required limit, then the air flow is overlapped into the boiler, as a result of which the burning slows down.

There is additional equipment from modern boilers. It:

  • Fan supporting supervision. It can increase the burning rate that will be held more efficiently. The boiler will be able to cope even with briquettes, which contain biomass, for example, a husk from sunflower seeds. And while even when they have a high percentage of humidity.
  • The presence of an electrical sensor regulating the temperature can help accurately monitor the process of heating the room. Then there will be no overheating in the chamber.
  • Let's still say about automation. You can using a mobile device, control the boiler, its work, if additional equipment is installed.

It is only important to draw attention to the fact that the heating boilers are relatively few. This applies to the equipment that burns wood waste. They are performed using pig-iron or steel material, which in the first case provides a long service of equipment.

There is one significant disadvantage. The fuel laying must be made from six to three times a day. Therefore, after all, it is often necessary to go to the boiler room.

Long burning of raw materials in solid fuel boilers

This is, first of all, about pyrolysis, and in the second place, about the smoldering type of boilers. In the first case, heat is used, highlighted during the combustion of wood raw materials. In this case, even the produced gas also burns, which increases at times the efficiency coefficient. This can be noted that another electronic sensor is used, which can allow fuel to burn for a long time. The advantage is the possibility of firebox equipment from flint.

When using the use of fuel, it is possible to achieve what fun five days you will not enter the boiler room. True, it is impossible to throw the coal, it means wood fuel into the furnace until it should be projected to the end.

Which boiler can be called necessary

Everything is associated primarily with the material from which the boiler was created. Cast iron Many are paying great attention. He is really the best. Well, very heavy. Therefore, use more often ceramics. It is easier at times, but not so durable as cast iron. It can be broken by it. As for the steel, she quickly burns.

It is also important to pay attention to the capacity of the boiler. Its power depends directly from what parameters need to be missed. Only all silent and silent, you can take the next step - choose the boiler.