Who is happy in Russia: the mysteries of sociology. Who is happy in Russia: mysteries of sociology significance of the concept of happiness in social processes

What for the year we lived, Svetlana Gavrilovna? Prime Minister announced that over the years of reforms he was the best in economic indicators? How did his people perceived?

With moderate optimism. 33 percent of respondents believe that 2003 was better for the country than the 2002th, and 11 - worse. But this is "for the country", and "for ourselves" withdrawn a little more pessimistic formula: 35 percent believe that the year was better than the previous one, and 19 is worse.

It is hardly possible to say that people felt economic growth, which everyone says so much.

- And what year, from the last, experienced by us, did we perceive with the greatest optimism?

2001 Then 42 percent said that the year was better than the previous one. And after optimism, it was dragged sharply and keeps at about the same level.

- How do Russians look at the new year, 2004?

Approximately the same as for the 2003th - with careful optimism: 39 percent of respondents said that the new year would be better than the previous one. But the expectations that 2004 will be worse than the previous year, decreased sharply - only six percent of Russians think so. A good relation: 39 percent hopes for the best, and only 6 await deterioration.

- What holds back optimistic expectations?

Judging by the surveys - obvious poverty. The saddest people are the most active ages of the most active ages.

Our pessimists, by the way, are afraid not hunger. They are inhibited in the inability to build some long-term plans for the existence of their families related to the formation, improvement of housing conditions. And the optimism of Russians lives, rather, in hopes than in the plans. If a person builds plans, he imagines some kind of action algorithms for their implementation, in a year I will increase the salary or I will take a loan, buy housing, teach children. And hopes are associated with internal self-seeming, with resistance to a healthy psyche: tired of living with the mood that "everything is bad" and "will be even worse."

- What worsenings are pessimists waiting?

Negative expectations are associated with reform of housing and public utilities, fear that the water will not be that prices will incredibly.

- And who are our optimists?

This is usually people in demand professions, confident in themselves, not afraid of changing jobs.

In Voronezh, on the focus group held by our sociologists, one woman listening to talking about how everything is bad, how difficult it is to find work because of the age qualification and in what dark and dirty entrances we live, just shrugged "I am in a year I changed three places of work and found what I need. And the dirty stairs I myself sweep and screw the new light bulbs. "

- The foundation of Russian pessimism is poverty. And what are the foundations of optimism, in addition to their own dynamism?

Optimists consults Russian payback on external debt, the strengthened ruble, which cuts unemployment. Unlike Moscow intellectuals, who perceive the new State Duma, almost like the end of civil society, the "man from the street" connects with him the most optimistic expectations. For many, the more consent between the Duma and the government, the better. Less disagreements, fewer red tapes.

- What else are the hopes of people?

With the solution of economic problems. With consolidation of society. Social disintegration is felt as a very serious problem.

In addition to ordinary citizens, you are still interviewing experts, local elites, their anxiety and expectations are different?

They are concerned, for example, the fact that the country's actions and government actions have not yet been announced in the country, there are no long-term landmarks.

- And the doubling of GDP?

Well, it is perceived as the slogan. At the expense of which GDP will raise twice, experts do not understand.

They are also worried about the problems of housing and communal services, an outdated judicial system, serious shortcomings in the work of law enforcement agencies, bureaucratic restrictions, the poverty of local budgets.

- How many Russians adapted to the new reality of life?

About 40 percent. This is a lot. They feel confident and just give rise to optimism.

- Which of the serious negative feelings of recent years has gone from public sentiment?

The sensation disappeared.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budgetaryEDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONHigher professional education

"Saratov State UniversityName N.G. Chernyshevsky "

TOampedra Theory and History of Sociology

Graduation qualifying work Specialist

on the topic: Happiness as a phenomenon of sociological analysis

Students: Titov Oksana Aleksandrovna

Scientist: M.B.Arakcheev

Saratov 2014.


Section I. Happiness as an object of sociological analysis

Section II. Determinants of happiness (on the example of research in the city of Saratov)


List of sources used



Almost any type of society in a particular historical period is characterized by a certain set and hierarchy of values, which act as a method of social regulation and orientation. The values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of a specific period of time of one or another culture also lie at the basis of the presentation of people about happiness. Accordingly, their understanding of happiness people build all their vital strategy, make plans, implement other values, such as family, children, work.

Happiness in his ideal understanding is the main goal of a person , What contributes to the activation of all his life forces, makes disclose the physical and spiritual personality potential. Study of people's ideas about happiness as a higher value allows you to identify transforming moral imperatives, relevant for one or another type of society.

Still in the Old Testament in a fairly simple, accessible to the ancient people shaped, the following law was already formulated: "Your future happiness, welfare (or even life) will depend on what you do in the present, violate or not certain norms. Having broken the commandment of the Creator and hitting the influence of Satan, the first people were forever lost "congenital" happiness and immortality. " The study of social ideas about these imperatives makes it possible to disclose how an individual understanding of happiness by each person determines the existing social reality in modern society. It is important to note that the main components of the category "happiness" are satisfied with life, emotions and, most importantly, the set of values. The last component is directly related to the socialization of the personality and the development of society and culture. Those knowledge that is and which a person accumulates, those aspirations and desires, as well as the set of opportunities, is and determines happiness. The coincidence of desires and opportunities makes a person happy and satisfied with his life, and if, on the contrary, it leads to the emergence of bad emotions and even deviating behavior. That is why the study of the problem of happiness is important today for a separate person, so for society and for researchers.

Happiness is also a sociocultural phenomenon that unites many aspects of social reality, each of which is important for both a separate person and society as a whole. The relevance of the problem is determined by the special significance of the concept under study, as well as a request from society, due to the natural desire of each person to be happy and the need to improve the social health and quality of life of the population.

Purpose of final qualifying work - Reveal the semantic content of the phenomenon of happiness and its determinants.

Object work - The main determinants of the phenomenon of happiness.

Objectives of research:

1. Reveal scientific approaches to understanding happiness

2. Compare psychological, philosophical and sociological understanding of the phenomenon of happiness

3. Allocate the main factors for the formation of happiness

Since the examination of the category under study, the problem of human happiness was considered first in philosophy, then in psychology, and the last place - in sociology. In domestic and foreign sociology, happiness was practically not investigated, there is no single opinion regarding the content of this phenomenon and the mechanisms for the formation of individuals of individuals on happiness. It so happened due to the prevalence of the opinion that the operationalization of this concept through specific indicators and indicators is impossible. Later, this judgment began to be questioned, the result of which was the first attempts to sociological interpretation of this phenomenon.

Interpretation of the content of the phenomenon of happiness was carried out by representatives of various scientific disciplines. Researchers P.S. Gurevich, A. F. Losev, Yu.M. Lotman, K. Neshev, V. Tatarkevich, S.S. Horuzhiy paid attention to the socio-philosophical characteristics of the phenomenon of happiness.

Happiness from the point of view of sociolinguistics reveals in the works of this year. Vorkacheva, I.S. Gavrilova, A.A. Zaliznyak, I.B. Levontina, S.S. Neretny, B.A. Rybakova, I.V. Sidorenko, A.D. Shmeleva, M. Fasmer.

The last decade in the United States is actively developing the scientific direction of "Positive Psychology", leading representatives of which are E. Dierner, M.Chentmikhai, M. Seligman. As part of this direction, empirical studies were conducted, the analysis of the results of which allows to identify the factors affecting the sentence of the state of happiness. J. Argail, D. Vaillant, D. Kaneman, D. Keltener, S. Murray, E. Respes, M. Finchman, S. Khazan, L. Harker, G. Howard made a great contribution to the study of the research subject.

From a sociological point of view, the use of the theory of social representations reveals the methodological opportunities in studies of such a multi-valued phenomenon as happiness. The author of this theory is a French sociologist and a social psychologist from C. Moskovichi, and his successor is a sociologist of the University of R. Vinchoven.

Among the domestic scientists analyzing the content of the phenomenon of happiness are devoted to the work of I.A. Jadijan, E.L. Dubko, V.G. Ivanova, O.V. Mitina, E.L. Smirnova, E.P. Pavlova, V.F. Petrenko, B.I. Popova, V.L. Titova.

To measure happiness, a methodology for studying the value orientations of M. Rokich, "The scale of happiness" M. Fordis, the "scale of life satisfaction" by E. Dierner, "The Scale of Affective Balance" V. Brandburn, "Test of Sensation Orientations" D. Krambo and L . Macholics based on the theory of existential vacuum V. Frankl, methods for measuring "indexes of happiness" ("OECD Better Life Index" ("Life Index"), "LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX" ("Promper's Index"), "Gallup World Poll" ( "GALLAP World Research") and "The Happy Planet Index" ("The index of happiness on the planet").

Taurete-methodological database of qualification work is:structural functionalism, a value approach, a comparative analysis, as well as the principles of sociological analysis, which are developing in the works of Russian and foreign researchers in the field of sociology and social psychology, with humanistic and cultural and analytical paradigms.

The empirical base is:

1) Copyright research on the topic "Reflection of happiness in the consciousness of residents of Saratov", conducted in July 2011, whose goal was to study the interpretation of happiness in public opinion. The type of sampling is the quota-territorial, the ratio of men and women is 50% by 50%, the number of respondents is 200 people. Survey method: handouting survey. Data analysis methods are descriptive and correlation analysis.

2) Copyright research on the topic "Comparative analysis of the definition of happiness in psychology, sociology and philosophy", conducted in August-October 2013, the purpose of which was to identify differences and similarities in understanding and determining the category of happiness in such sciences such as sociology, psychology and philosophy . Data Analysis Method - Traditional Internal Document Analysis.

3) VTsIOM research data

This temporally developing copyright studies whose results were presented at various conferences:

· Annual Scientific Student Conference "Social Problems of the Region Eyes of Students" of Saratov,

· Annual International Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov-2013" Moscow,

· Annual All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth Volunteering in Russia: History, Experience, Practice" (2012, 2013) St. Petersburg,

· Scientific and practical conference of students of graduate students and undergraduates "The Tribune of the Young Scientist: Actual Problems of Science Eyes of Youth" Murmansk (2012),

· "Days of Student Science" with the organization of the XIV scientific conference of students and graduate students of Samara (2013) year and in others.

The graduation qualifying work of a specialist consists of an introduction, 2 sections, conclusions, a list of used sources and application applications - 60 pages.

happiness Sociological Philosophical Psychological

SectionI.. Happiness as an object of sociological analysis

In order to most fully disclose the phenomenology of happiness and ideas about it, a detailed theoretical analysis should be carried out, which allows you to determine the diversity of views of representatives of various sciences on the problem studied. Consideration of various aspects of the problem of happiness, including philosophical, psychological and sociological, will allow, from our point of view, to identify the meaningful characteristics of this concept, to develop a conceptual scheme for studying. We first to explain to the sensible dictionary VI Dahl, which determines happiness as rock, fate, part and fate, share. Accident, desired surprise, luck, success, disporion in business, prosperity, well-being, earthly bliss, desiccable life without grief, shatter, anxiety; Peace and contentment, in general, all the desired, all that he could and will catch a person in convictions, tastes and habits of him.

In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova Happiness is the feeling and condition of full, higher satisfaction, success, good luck. As can be seen, in both dictionaries interpret happiness almost identical.

However, scientific understanding of the category "Happiness" has an extensive range and includes a complex, systemic solution of a number of religious, moral and ethical, psychological, socio-economic and philosophical aspects. The category of happiness is widely represented in various philosophical and religious exercises, starting in ancient times to the present day. Folklore traditions of almost all nations contain various in the content of the description of happiness and are reflected in literature, art and are used in everyday speech as a category reflecting the highest degree of well-being, satisfaction with life, the peak of positive emotional states, the peak of the spiritual development of man.

The philosophical aspect of happiness at different times with different content and depth was considered outstanding thinkers of the past, for example, Aristotle (1-me-and 10th books "Niccoming Ethics"), L.A. Seneca (work "On a happy life"), A.M.S. Boeziem ("philosophical consolation"), Augustine blessed ("On a happy life"), Foma Akvinsky ("Treatise on Happiness"). G.V. Leibniz has developed an optimistic doctrine about theoditis, Gelving in the poem "Happiness" made a philosophy of intelligent egoism. L. Feyerbach in the work of "Eudemonism" affected the problem of happiness through the emotional side of human communication. R. Descarte and applied to the phenomenon of happiness in labor "On Passions", J.S. Mill has indirectly addressed this issue in its work "On Freedom".

Democritis believed that he was happy who was satisfied with a little. Happiness is not in wealth, it is not in herds and gold, not in slaves and not in money. Happiness is in the shower. If animals have the main thing - their corporal nature, then a person is a mental warehouse.

Aristotle believed that one happiness seems to be virtue, others - reasonableness, the third - famous wisdom, and otherwise all this together or something one in the combination with pleasure or not without the participation of pleasure, there are those that include the concept of happiness and external well-being .

Socrates said that happiness is a pleasure without stirring conscience. Empedocl believed that happiness arises when such a thing appears with the like. Heraclit mentioned that the happiness of a person is not in passing by bodily pleasures, in this case, he would like to be bulls, saturated grass of the stomach, and in order to proceed from the voice of the mind, allowing a person to show natural behavior associated with understanding, the laws of necessity (Logos) . Moderation in satisfying needs contributes to the development and improvement of human intellectual abilities.

In Rome, the word "happiness" meant the name of the goddess - Fortune. The word "Fortuna" itself had two more meanings - luck and fate. The goddess was portrayed with a horn of abundance, wheels and steering oars. That is, she personified the Divine mercy, which can only be given to the decent one. Therefore, the perception of happiness as a category in the Roman Empire was purely practical. It was the welfare and the possibility of fulfilling desires.

The Italian Thinker of the Renaissance Pietro Pomponazzi believed that a person naturally strives for happiness and avoid misfortune.

Blaze Pascal believed that all people seek fortunately - from this rule there are no exceptions. All methods are different, but one is one. That is, happiness is an incentive motive of any actions of any person, even one who is going to hang around, as the author thought.

Ludwig Feyerbach, argued that where there is no desire for happiness, there is no striving there and that the desire for happiness is the desire of aspirations. In his opinion, the first duty of a person is to make himself happy. If you are happy yourself, - L. Feyerbach said, - then you will do happy and others. Happy can see only happy around themselves.

F. Bacon said that the form for casting happiness is enclosed in us, but the metal from which it is cast, we must find out of us.

Most often in philosophy, happiness is considered as an experience of satisfaction with life as a whole, a general reflective assessment by the person of his past and present or as the frequency and intensity of positive emotions.

A number of philosophers in the structure of happiness distinguishes certain elements: well-being - life without grief, deprivation, diseases, loss, injuries; satisfaction of needs; contentment; Reformative happiness without joys (due to this component, happiness seems subjective, indefinite, different); "Evaluation of life as a whole" from the standpoint of human significantly and mandatory; Something that has a good educational impact on humans; Own spiritual state requiring great preparation and developed holistic perception. As a rule, the authors associate these elements with each other, and if one of them weakens, the accents are transferred to another.

1) Rock, fate, fate, share; That is, to be happy at first was understood as "to be under the mercy of the Higher Forces";

2) Accident, desired surprise, success in affairs; That is, to be happy, may mean that a person can be like an accomplice of his fate;

3) happiness - prosperity, well-being, peace and contentment; Life without grief and worries - a more specified version similar to "Happiness for the Poor".

Thus, it can be noted that the philosophical definitions of happiness imply various aspects of human existence: gnoseological, ontological, axiological and ethical . Despite the ambiguity of understanding the essence of happiness by philosophers of various times and directions, one can distinguish the universal idea that the desire for happiness is originally inherent to each person and constitutes an integral part of its nature. Potentially, every person can be happy if it makes certain efforts to achieve it. Depending on the elected perspective, the semantic content of the content of the concept of happiness can be significantly modified. This is the feature of the philosophical approach to understanding happiness.

Meanwhile, the psychological aspect of happiness is important for us, which, mainly, implies the analysis of a certain mental state of a person, which can be characterized by this term. Here you can talk about the shortestream state of the experience of joy, an extraordinary spiritual lift, a feeling of flight, love, unprecedented tide of the strength and the waiting for the experience of this state. A more detailed analysis of the psychological aspects of happiness should be considered separately.

Transformation of philosophical ideas about happiness in a psychological concept that is possible to study empirically, there was a long time ago and difficult to reflect in various psychological directions.

In foreign psychology, to a greater extent, the study of the category of happiness is limited to the search and measurement of its quantitative equivalent in various scale and scoring assessments. At the same time, the main empirical question is the question: "Who can be considered happy?".

M. Argail wrote: "It is quite fair to ask the question:" How much the feeling of happiness or satisfaction is the property of the person? " For example, people suffering from depression are in the depressed, the oppressed state most of the time or do not go out at all. Healthy people have a condition or mood usually varies depending on the specific situation. And the question arises again: is the happiness of the heritage of "happy nature" or derived from a sufficient number of pleasant situations and sensations. The adherents of "downward theory" believe that everything depends on the person himself, that is, happy people interpret and evaluate life situations more positively, and simple summation of pleasant events is not a reliable indicator of happiness.

It is enough to be distributed in psychology an idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness as a "clean" pleasure, as about the experience of "solid bliss." Such an understanding incorrectly and leads, on the one hand, to distortion, perversion of life goals, on the other, to pessimistic conclusions. The first is expressed in the fact that some people in pursuit of happiness seek to escape from overcoming all sorts of life difficulties, from anxiety and worries. As a result, struggling with sadness, they fight and joy. The lot of these individuals becomes almost a constant feeling of boredom, as an expression of cruel emotional starvation. Sometimes the parents show their children to such a fate, showing hyper-beette.

One of the most important components of happiness, according to a number of researchers, is the satisfaction of a person in various spheres of its livelihoods. So, ppm Kartko indicates that happiness is satisfaction with its own being. The author allocates two kinds of such satisfaction, taking it for the equivalent of happiness:

1. Satisfaction on the occasion of specific life events - episodic happiness as a result of good luck, success and in general any achievement of the desired one.

2. Satisfaction as a background characteristic of relatively large periods of life, the overall feeling of the degree of "luckyness" of life.

Ppm Kartko believes that the satisfaction of the first kind is the result of satisfying the specifically updated need.

The satisfaction of the second kind is the integral characteristic of how important the satisfaction of this updateable need (for example, drinking wine) does not contradict the ability to satisfy other needs (maintain good relationships with family and high self-esteem). The contradiction will immediately give itself to know internal tensions.

Meanwhile, a number of Russian psychologists are also trying to explain the essence of the category of happiness. So, E.A. Petrova believes that "Happiness is when you understand and accept you." The situational impression is caused by sentence of satisfaction, and the achievement of the necessary image as a whole makes a person happy. The subject of psychological research, according to the author, should be the contribution to the phenomenology of happiness measures of adequacy / inadequacy of the image:

1) I am;

2) the social role of the subject of communication;

3) situations of communication;

4) the meaning of life.

Another psychologist A.N. Leontyev otherwise considers happiness. The meaningfulness of life is the common name (obtained at the level of the phenomenological description) for a number of specific psychological conditions, directly identifiable in consciousness in the corresponding series of experiences from pleasure to the sense of "justifiation of the existence", which is according to A.N. Leontiev, "The meaning and happiness of life." "Impossibility" also has its positive phenomenology, whose name is meaninglessness, and concrete states are despair, hopelessness, intact, inevitability. Combibly recognize the desire for happiness with the Regulations on the Special Strategy of His Implementation - the idea of \u200b\u200bA.N. Leontiev. However, the production itself, "some kind of purpose" of a person automatically happy does not. No wonder the classics of world literature showed us a lot of human types with great potential accuracy, which setting the goal of enrichment and the fierce persecution led not to happiness, but to full soul crash.

So, Russian researcher B.I. Dodon believes that suffering, that is, the experience of certain negative emotions, by no means antipod of happiness as feelings. Moreover, the latter is unthinkable without suffering, as an unthinkable pleasure from food without a feeling of hunger, enjoying rest - without fatigue. The happiness of the artist develops not only from joys, but also from the Muk of Creativity.

Happiness - according to B.I. Dodonova - in his integrative psychological terms - there is emotion, but emotion that evaluates the facts not from the perspective of private needs, but from the point of view of how much person manages to exercise.

B.I. Dodon believes that real happiness requires a person of such an authority at which it implements all its human potency. And it is impossible to do, climbing in a narrow world of personal well-being, taking off his "self-effectiveness" from the struggle for the implementation of high ideals of humanity.

Happiness, as follows from the works of B.I. Dodonova, there are not only high-quality, but also quantitative parameters. Happiness he identifies with emotion, with a "multicolor experience", since it is associated with an assessment of the self-effectiveness of a person in a variety of spheres of its life and activity. Being a combination of different experiences, the emotion of happiness, nevertheless, of course, is not the simple amount. As the author indicates, happiness is not at all a simple complex of any experiences, at least and successfully combined with each other. Inevitably, including different emotional assessments, including negative, it is at the same time there is an integrating the overall positive assessment by the person of the flow of his life.

In order to make it possible to achieve happiness, the objective value of the activity and its personal sense should not disperse with each other. If this activity is aimed at creating certain values, then these values \u200b\u200bmust be the main motive of the subject's activities. Another necessary condition for the achievement of happiness is the pleasure of its process itself, according to B.I. Dodon.

Another domestic psychologist A.N. The bow notes that a happy life and happiness should be distinguished as a mental state. As well as satisfaction with life or its individual spheres. The happy state of the psyche in nature cannot be long. The author indicates that the reason for happiness can be love, marriage, the birth of children, scientific or sports success, even a well-organized and spent holiday. The ability to experience a mental lift on the occasion of a holiday, that is, in a predetermined day, regardless of whether something joyful happened, it deserves attention and study. Perestroika feelings take time and easier occurs in the usual framework of the rite and ritual. The festival itself is shorter, and such training allows you to brighter and fully experience moments and lifting hours.

A.N. Onion believes that there is a feeling of happiness and without a special reason - from the completeness of life, health, talent, good attitude of others. "... Even the serfs and slaves knew the rare moments of happiness," the author indicates.

According to A.N. Luka, the highest joy delivers a person overcome difficulty; The greater the difficulty, the more complete the feeling of happiness. But, according to the author, this is a lot of strong, spiritually rich natures.

So, as we see, the methodological problem of breeding the concepts of satisfaction and happiness arises. Satisfaction is understood in psychology as an emotional experience of well-being associated with the satisfaction of certain needs, the absence of fruistrating circumstances and cognitive contradictions in the reflection of their own being. Thus, subjective well-being is an important indicator of experiencing a personality of happiness. In this regard, we consider it necessary to consider the signs and criteria of the subjective welfare of the individual, which is the object of studying sociologists.

Analyzing the criteria of a happy personality, sociologists on a par with psychologists always assigned an important role to mental equilibrium and related harmony of the organization of the psyche and its adaptive opportunities, the adequacy of subjective perception of reflected subjects, phenomena and circumstances, compliance of mental reactions of external stimuli, orderliness and caused by the conditionality of mental phenomena , critical self-esteem and assessment of surrounding circumstances, the ability to adequately change behavior in accordance with the changes of the environment and its organization in accordance with the observed moral and ethical standards, a sense of attachment and responsibility towards loved ones, the ability to draw up and implement their own life plan.

Abroad, representatives of sociology interpret this concept as well-being in the broadest sense. Well-being is a multifactorous construct representing the complex relationship between cultural, social, psychological, physical, economic and spiritual factors. This complex product is the result of the influence of genetic predisposition, environment and features of individual development. This wording of well-being is most consistent with the definition of health recorded in the preamble of the World Health Organization's Charter (1948): "Health is not only the absence of any diseases and defects, but also the state of full physical, mental and social well-being." Then the question is to determine the concept of well-being, which was considered in psychology in the context of studying happiness, subjective well-being, satisfaction with the life and quality of life.

In various sociological studies on the study of optimal well-being, the central direction was the problem of the subjective well-being of the person, which initially included the concepts of happiness, satisfaction with life, positive emotionality, psychological health, the resistance of the Spirit. One of the first was the study of N.M. Bradburn, which showed that the scales of a negative and positive affect, in essence, are not connected with each other, showing independent correlations with a scale of general well-being. Subsequently, the understanding of the happiness defined as the balance between a positive and negative affect is widespread.

At the first stage of the study of subjective well-being, the following description of a happy person was obtained: young, healthy, well-educated, well-paid, extraved, optimistic, carefree, religious, married man with high self-esteem, martial spirit, modest aspirations, any gender and level of intelligence. Therefore, it was proposed to speak not about the real level of well-being, but to consume the term "declared", or "recognized" happiness.

Such orientation of researchers of subjective well-being is associated with the principled position that it is estimated solely by the Individual itself from the standpoint of its values \u200b\u200band goals. Since the latter are always individual, it cannot be universal for all the structures of well-being, and the only thing that remains is to study the factors that affect this feeling of happiness and satisfaction. In this context, it is preferred to use more term "quality of life associated with health", synonyms for which are the concepts of the subjective state of health and functional status.

Most of the work devoted to the issues of studying the quality of life contains the description of those spheres of life, which is usually directed by the attention of researchers: physical, psychological and social.

1. The somatic measurement includes side effects of sports and / or treatment.

2. The psychological measurement is the degree of well-being of a person determined in the terms of discomfort and distress.

3. Psychosocial reflects the so-called psychosocial stressors, which include both serious, dramatic (loss of work, divorce, the death of a loved one), and everyday (they are described as "clashes" - annoying, frustrating environmental requirements that characterize everyday cooperation with It) stressful situations and events.

So, E. Skripthunova and A. Morozov, studying in 2002 the presentation of young people about happiness, revealed that the statements of young people regarding the fact that they mean to be happy for them. A third of the respondents includes a description of a good family. Each fifth tends to material well-being and friendship. Each sixth mentions the characteristics of work and love. Only 10% mentioned the mental state and only 3% were included in the concept of happiness, social issues and welfare of the country. In the hierarchy of the spheres of life, the family and marriage in achieving happiness got only in 7th place.

Working in the hierarchy of the spheres of life came to the first place (together with communicating with peers), but only 17% of respondents included the characteristics of work in the concept of "happiness". Only 3% of respondents in the concept of "happiness" have entered public issues. 11% of respondents of young people could not determine what happiness means for them.

Thus, various empirical studies show that people about a happy life are in many ways in a value plane, in a kind of combination of terminal and instrumental values, therefore, one should consider the problem of the value regulation of social behavior. Also, this category as well-being is also deserved in the field of view of sociologists: material, psychological, social.

In order to identify differences and similarities in understanding and defining the category of happiness in such sciences such as sociology, psychology and philosophy, in August-September 2013, a copyright study was conducted on the topic "Comparative analysis of the definition of happiness in psychology, sociology and philosophy." Research Toolkit: The method of traditional internal analysis of documents.

The object of the study was the publicly available scientific, journalistic and monographic literature on three scientific directions. The subject of the study was similarities and differences in approaches to the definition of happiness in sociology, psychology and philosophy. The objectives of the study included:

1. Allocate the meaningful part of the definition of happiness in each of the three scientific directions.

2. To identify similarities in the interpretation of happiness of each of the three sciences

3. To identify differences in the interpretation of happiness of each of the sciences under consideration

The results of this study showed that in sociology the main ways of achieving happiness are considered: the achievement of values \u200b\u200b(mainly material), satisfaction of needs (also mainly material), the implementation of its potential, personal interests. Also, a source of happiness can be family and health.

As for the sociological aspects and the nature of happiness, the following can be noted: the feeling of happiness is inconvenient, depends on the sources and from various subjective factors (gender, age, social situation, income, education, etc.). At the same time, happiness is characterized as the highest limited experience. In the field of values, happiness is above the rest, as a metaity.

Happiness for many researchers in the field of sociology acts as a synonym for subjective well-being, the state of satisfaction with all parties to life. Therefore, it is considered in sociology more often as a short-term sense in a specific period of time. Important interest for the sociologist is the study of precisely factors affecting the presence or absence of a sense of happiness at a particular period of time or in a particular society (see Appendix No. 1).

Happiness from a psychological point of view is extremely subjective, depends on the type of personality, his psychological structure and is perceived as a result of its personal achievements in the form of a certain emotional state (each person has its own combustion of emotions and experiences).

As the main aspect of happiness, an emotional color can be distinguished here, the psychological warehouse of the personality. And, most often, psychologists characterize happiness as an emotional state of a person who can be both long and short-term.

Here, important aspects are also the fact that personal assessment of a happy state is important for the personality, assessing its capabilities to achieve this condition. That is, happiness is considered psychology from the position of an individual personality and its internal features and qualities (see Appendix No. 2).

The philosophy is extremely ambiguous in its approach to the definition of happiness, it mixes a sociological and psychological approach. The main ways, fortunately calls both the material well-being and the development of the personality, the implementation of its potential, etc. As a rule, even if the source of happiness is financially well-being, then only the minimum necessary for life. But the analysis of the aspects of happiness allowed to distinguish the differences in the approaches to happiness: happiness appears in philosophy as the highest good of the soul equilibrium, as the main achievement in a person's life, the meaning of existence. And, most often, happiness manifests itself as a set of experiences (joy, pleasure, etc.). The main thing for philosophers is a view of a person for happiness, namely the presence of a person's faith in achieving happiness. The spiritual component of happiness clearly prevails in the philosophical approach.

It is important to note that, according to philosophers, happiness is achieved at the end of the human life path, and sometimes after death. Thus, it can be said that a happy person will leave behind the completed affairs and good memory, it may not have understood that it was happy (see Appendix No. 3).

As the similarity of all three scientific approaches to the definition of happiness, we can call the interweaving of all these approaches among themselves. So, the paths and sources of happiness in all approaches are similar to among themselves, only some sources prevail, and in philosophy, many factors, from sociology, and from psychology are sources.

If we talk about the differences in honey definitions in each of the sciences, it should be noted that the predominant source of happiness in sociology is the material wealth of a healthy person in the family circle. A person who has the result of his personal achievements to appear the form of a certain emotional state in terms of psychologists. In philosophy, as already noted earlier, such a source can perform anything, as well as a mixture of several sources. The difference here is the amount of each source (minimum for life).

In addition, all 3 directions differently characterize the time frame of the sensation of happiness: sociologists focuses on the inconstancy and limitedness of the feeling of happiness, psychologists - as on his duration, so on short-term (one of two), and philosophy also considers happiness achievable, as a rule , Only at the end of the life path.

Sociology pays great attention to factors affecting happiness. Psychologists are interested in a personal approach, i.e. Effect of personality on the feeling of happiness (assessment, individual qualities, emotional color, etc.). Philosophy also considers happiness from the position of the inner spiritual world.

Submit a difference in approaches to definition of happiness in the form of a generalized definition for each of the considered Sciences:

1. Sociology: happiness is a limited experience as a result of satisfaction of needs, characterized as a subjective well-being and overall satisfaction with life, which is mainly due to material wealth.

2. Psychology: happiness is an emotional state characterized by subjectivity and personal assessment of this state.

3. Philosophy: Happiness is the highest benefit, which is the main sense of human life.

Thus, happiness for many researchers in the field of sociology acts as a synonym for subjective well-being, the state of satisfaction with all parties of life. Therefore, it is considered in sociology more often as a short-term sense in a specific period of time. Also, from the point of view of sociology, the feeling of happiness is limited, depends on the source and from various subjective factors (gender, age, social situation, income, education, etc.).

SectionII.. determinants of happiness(On the example of the rise in the city of Saratov)

As noted earlier, from a sociological point of view, "happiness" is considered as a state of a person who meets the greatest internal satisfaction with the terms of its existence; the completeness and consciousness of life; Implementing your human destination. None of the sciences have not yet managed to present summarized data on this topic. Only sociology was able to determine the factors affecting happiness and give an almost complete picture of the nature of this category. But today the determinants of happiness are not studied enough, which leads to the need to study this topic.

To begin with, it should be determined that we will understand under determinants. Human behavior remains a mystery even for the most experienced psychologists. None of them can predict him quite accurately: the reaction in one way or another will determine many factors. We can only be sure in one - human behavior is very difficult, that is, it is structurally difficult, and it is explained by a multitude of factors. To understand him at least after what has already happened, psychologists use the concept of "determinants". This means that defining factors.

In modern psychology, three types of factors are distinguished: hereditary, cultural and social. The hereditary factors associated with the peculiarities of the brain are still called "physiological determinants". These are unique features for each individual person who determine how large an anxiety threshold is as far as a person is concentrated and conservative or, on the contrary, scattered and impulsive.

Cultural determinants of behavior are factors such as rituals, traditions and norms. French feminist and woman brought up by canons of Muslim morality will vary in various ways in the same situation (an example - to betray her husband). The determinants of psychological relating to the category of cultural can vary under the influence of the changed situation, for example, when changing the place of residence, traditional peoples begin to imitate in the direction of life Western.

Social determinants are the impact of micro-operation per person. Their difference from cultural - in greater imyarchiness and daily influences. Academician Pavlov called the result of such influences with conditional reflexes. It is these determinants of behavior that make easier to change. However, even social devices are sometimes difficult. The harder the psyche of a person or another, the harder it is to change it or her determinants. This is an axiom from the theory of systems. So more important is nature or environment? Even the use of the study method of separated twins does not always allow shed light on this problem, as examples of such families, fortunately, a little. It is necessary to remember that human behavior cannot be fully reduced to three types of determinants. It is much more complicated due to the fact that is flexible and volatile. It can not be predicted according to the "Dano" model - "result", at least - complex forms, such as training, love, religious practices. "Dano" is constantly changing: a person receives new information or from his memory "pops up" formerly forgotten information. But what exactly will occur to this or another person - it is impossible to predict. Therefore, it is so difficult to deal with forecasts in scientific research.

To go to the consideration of the determinants of happiness, you should contact the structure of the category of happiness and allocate the main factors of happiness. So, as structural elements of the phenomenon of happiness, the following can be distinguished:

1) the emotional component, which is related to the feelings and sensations that the individual is experiencing during the life;

3) The value component determines the value orientation of the personality actions, and also draws attention to the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness as values.

There is also an approach to analyzing the structure of happiness, which is based on the conditions for the possibility of the latter: Analysis of internal and external factors. The internal factors include beauty, good luck, health, material well-being, social stability, beloved work, the availability of friends, support and love of loved ones.

The external factors include mental health, common sense, goodwill and positive emotional orientation - altruistic, communicative, aesthetic, cognitive, etc.

The internal conditions of happiness include the psychological type of personality, the development of the emotional sphere, the ability to adequately assess their individual capabilities. Philosophers since ancient times have emphasized the importance of internal factors of human existence and their relative independence from external conditions.

M. Argail In his book, "Psychology of Happiness" offers a social and psychological analysis of happiness, the factors of which act at the same time as sources, and as conditions, and as areas of satisfaction with life, and sometimes as the characteristics of the subject itself. These factors have a sociocultural conditionality. The author also focuses on the degree of individual inclusion in the system of socio-economic relations and treats it as an indicator of happiness.

Social relationship system;

Material welfare;


Social status;

Some social and demographic characteristics of the individuals who are amenable to measurement and detect a statistically significant connection with life satisfaction.

M.Arguil in his works also talks about three aspects of happiness:

satisfaction and various areas;

positive emotions;

distress, including anxiety and depression.

The factor of general satisfaction can be divided into the following components: satisfaction in specific areas (for example, work, maritime, health, own significance, competence, self-expression). Welfare parameters also focus the emotional side of happiness: a sense of mental lift and other positive emotions that are usually told, characterizing their good mood for a certain time. The third important value is the psychological distress, which is associated with satisfaction with the inverse dependence. The measured value here is based on ideas about misfortune, depression and irritation, anxiety and anxiety. It should be particularly closely taken to this component as health that is in close connection with others and is both the cause and consequence of these values.

In achieving happiness, the dominant role is allocated to interpersonal relationships and social connections to which:

Love and marriage;

Execution of the social role of the parent;

Relatives and specificity of relationships with them;

Relationship at work;

Depending on the extent to which these indicators of the individual inclusion in the social relationship system are presented in the system of human life, and how adequate they can also speak of the degree of happiness of the person.

Happiness, as well as mental and physical health, increases with certain social relations of the individual; With their loss and under the influence of other stressful situations, the state of depression comes. These important results are characterized by stability and are of great importance.

As an example, the woman in marriage, having a job and children less susceptible to depression, for, taking care, maybe not so about her husband, as about children, she simply has no time, and forces for despondency, And thanks to the maternal instinct, configured to the constructive solution of emerging problems.

Mental disorders are provoked by strong stress and weak social support. Just like the fact that in the work, a variety of and relatively difficult work is desirable for "natur creative", while other preferable will be stable operation.

Relaxing such an important factor of personal happiness, as work, M.Arguil conducts an analysis of the impact of work as an individual employment area and a source of material well-being based on a number of indicators, among which the sense of happiness is influenced by the individual:




Promotion opportunities;

Attitude to the company (organization).

One of the significant indicators is internal satisfaction with the work, which includes the degree of success of the work, achievement, recognition and official promotion.

As for motivation, it should be noted that the motivation is higher with the free choice of the problem and in the presence of competence. Success contributes to obtaining more satisfaction from the task and provides motivation to continue [Argail M. Psychology of happiness. P.70]. That is why for people with a high need for success so significant competence, ability to effectively; This in turn increases the joy of the activity process and enhances the inclusion of the task.

In many studies, one of the most important social components of satisfaction with work is the factor of interpersonal relationships. This factor can be a stimulating source, and dissatisfaction prerequisites due to emerging disagreements. A factor of satisfaction with work is of particular importance, as it has a direct impact on life satisfaction.

Another factor of happiness associated with the work of a person is the functional motive - an urge to activities in which the process of activity itself brings emotional satisfaction, and not achieving it (in the form of consumption of the subject or its creation) result. The development of ideas that the activity can take pleasure in itself can be traced from the times of antiquity. In "Nikomakhova Ethics" of Aristotle, such activities are considered as a sign of a happy, or blissful, man, and the urge to such activities - how to encourage life, because Life is understood as a kind of activity. In the didactic psychology of the 19th century, the functional needs were associated with the naturally determined need to train the bodies, whether it is a physical body (physical and functional needs), or psychological qualities (mentally functional needs), such as vision, hearing, speech, emotions, will, etc. . (V. Jerusal. Textbook Psychologists.). In the psychology of the 20th century, various types of functional motives were engaged in research. Thus, the study of the children's game led to an understanding of the game behavior as aimed at the very purpose of carrying out activities, and not a practical result (V. Stern, K. Bühler, A.N. Leontyev). R. Woodvorts in 1947 attracted the attention of researchers to the existence of such a need, as a need for perception, which led to experimental work on indicative activities (D. Berline, Harloou) and the phenomenological description of the emotion of interest (K. Izard). In the studies of intrinsic motivation, it is also possible to find an analysis of the subjective feeling of "joyful absorption of life", in which the individual, as it were, completely dissolves in the subject, to which its activities are directed, and forgets about the existence of his own me (M. Vertheimer, A. Maslu, etc.) .

In typial analysis of functional motifs distinguish:

Body-functional motives focused on their own bodily organization associated with the satisfaction of the discharge of physical stress and motor activity ("muscular joy") and having, above all, the biological basis,

The objective functional motives (or subject interests) focused on the surrounding world, to which the defined needs in the game, in communication and emotional experience, in knowledge, in artistic creativity and in which the dominant role is played by ideas, fantasy and, ultimately , social factors.

Another important component in assessing life satisfaction is the leisure, the form of its organization, the specifics of social leisure personality. The role of leisure as a source of satisfaction is explained by the fact that it gives space for activities related to internal motivation, contributes to obtaining satisfaction from communicating, strengthening the sense of identity.

As for the psychological factors, on the basis of many studies with a high probability, a steady relationship between such a type of personality as an extrovert and a feeling of happiness is supposed. Extraversion, as is known, correlates with a positive emotional state and satisfaction, but not with a negative emotional state. According to the researchers, individuals engaged in "finding the sensation" (which correlates well with extroversion), the most often feeling a sense of joy. Sociability and latitude of social contacts are associated with happiness.


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What is worried about ordinary residents of the metropolis Most, what major questions are facing our society, the head of the Sociology Department of the Siberian Federal University, the head of the Sociology Department of the Siberian Federal University told the AIF-Krasnoyarsk correspondent Dmitry Trufanov.

Ivan Vasiliev, Correspondent "AIF-KRASNYARSK": The media constantly refer to sociological research on different topics. The phrase "sociologists say" serves as evidence of the fact with which it is not accepted. But the authors of these studies often remain anonymous, analogue of "British scientists", which constantly investigate something and prove. How does the research picture in Russia look like in reality?

Dmitry Trufanov: It is necessary to distinguish sociology as professional activities of specialists with an appropriate level of qualifications from "sociology" as a marketing and PR tool.

To be confident in the reliability of the results of the study, it is advisable to ask questions, by whom when and how these results are obtained. In Russia, the leading scientific center is the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Large and authoritative organizations are also WTCIOM, Levada Center, the Foundation "Public Opinion", Romir Research Holding and a number of others. Along with them in each subject of the Russian Federation there are sociological centers that are engaged in regional issues.

Sociology like science is young enough. What is due to its need for modern society? What tasks does she help solve?

Its necessity is related to the need for relevant information about how society is located, in which direction it develops, as the social behavior of people is being formed. Any managerial impact on society by the authorities gives rise to certain social consequences. In order for such an impact to be productive, and the consequences of positive, decision makers should have full and reliable information. For example, we studied the population's attitude to the so-called anti-bacter law for several years. It made it possible to see how it works. Sociology is the most important tool for obtaining topical information.

How accurate can be the calculations of sociologists? Still, this communication with people, it means, the errors are inevitable.

The accuracy of the conclusions depends on how professionally the research toolkit is applied. You can find the erroneous opinion that you can draw up a questionnaire, to interview people and to calculate the result can anyone without special education and experience. Alas, it is not. There are strict rules that are subject to the process of theoretical research development, design methods for collecting information, processing the data obtained. Of course, the error in sociological studies is present. But there are methods to reduce it to a minimum. So, in modern mass surveys of public opinion, the error is within only 3-5%.

Do not believe our eyes

Have you ever had cases when the results of the study were put into full amazement? That is, the real state of affairs in the minds of citizens was not at all as expected?

Our ideas about the world are far from always faithful and are often the myths. For example, you can find the opinion that today people in Russia are increasingly dissatisfied with how their life makes up, do not feel happy. VTsiom surveys talk about the opposite: the social well-being Russians tends to improve. Or, for example, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in recent years we have encountered a curious tendency. Traditionally, the nationality factor has an impact on attitude to foreign labor migrants. So, at the present stage, multidirectional trends are observed. On the one hand, increasing the level of the tolerant relations of Krasnoyarstsev to representatives of other nationalities and improving the situation in interethnic relations, on the other - the growth of a negative attitude to foreign labor migrants.

What questions and socially important issues of research among the region's population show the largest split?

In general, we do not fix tendencies to split public opinion on key issues of social life at present. Of course, people have different opinions and points of view on one or another problems, but it is split in the exact sense of the word, in my opinion that is not observed today. On the contrary, at a mass level, we can talk about the trend of strengthening the solidarity of society. In general, studies show that Krasnoyarstsers are concerned about the issues related to the exercise of their lives and plans for the future. These are issues of availability and cost of housing, quality of roads, availability and quality of medical care, employment and a number of others. Plus, the issue of ecology is increasingly relevant. Environmental situation in the city does not suit many. Moreover, in Krasnoyarsk, a phenomenon of environmental migration is formed, when residents of our city move to permanent residence in other regions due to adverse environmental conditions in Krasnoyarsk. This migration type is more susceptible to young people, which in the deepening of this trend can create significant risks for the development of the city and the region as a whole. They are associated with the erosion of human capital, when more and more people choose for their professional, family, personal self-realization are not Krasnoyarsk, but by other cities and districts.

Hands on the pulse

How often do the authorities order sociological research? A third-party observer may have the feeling that they do it only to the elections.

They turn to sociological research regularly and in a wide range of issues. Although during the election period, of course, too. Almost all major areas become objects of research. These are questions of ethnic and religious tolerance of residents, social well-being of various populations, health issues and quality of medical care, relations of people to various legislative initiatives, issues of culture, domestic tourism, organization of urban life and a number of others.

A survey in Krasnoyarsk, conducted in 2016, showed that 87% of the city's inhabitants are completely or fully satisfied with how their lives are. This does not mean that they do not have the desire to change anything in their lives, city or edge. But while in research we have not set these issues in front of them. This is an important and interesting topic, and we, I believe, will include it in future research projects.

How difficult is it to carry out a serious sociological study on a given topic? How much time (person, rubles) is it for this?

The complexity of each specific study depends on the tasks that are delivered. The more questions than they are more difficult, the more difficult and the very research itself. Another factor is the availability of the object of the study. There are studies that are local social communities. For example, residents of an apartment building or residents of a city district. To come into contact with them, the minimum amount of resources is sufficient. If the object of the study becomes, for example, the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the level of complexity of the study increases. If we are talking about a mass survey using a big sample, the number of research team can reach several dozen specialists. Works may require several days to several months and the volume of financial resources up to several hundred thousand rubles.


Dmitry Trufano V. Born in 1977 in Zheleznogorsk. He graduated from the CAP named after V. P. Astafieva. Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology, SFU, General Director of Sociological Research Center for Public Opinion Monitoring.

Ivan Vasilyev

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  • In order to most fully disclose the phenomenology of happiness and ideas about it, a detailed theoretical analysis should be carried out, which allows you to determine the diversity of views of representatives of various sciences on the problem studied. Consideration of various aspects of the problem of happiness, including philosophical, psychological and sociological, will allow, from our point of view, to identify the meaningful characteristics of this concept, to develop a conceptual scheme for studying. We first to explain to the sensible dictionary VI Dahl, which determines happiness as rock, fate, part and fate, share. Accident, desired surprise, luck, success, disporion in business, prosperity, well-being, earthly bliss, desiccable life without grief, shatter, anxiety; Peace and contentment, in general, all the desired, all that he could and will catch a person in convictions, tastes and habits of him.

    In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova Happiness is the feeling and condition of full, higher satisfaction, success, good luck. As can be seen, in both dictionaries interpret happiness almost identical.

    However, scientific understanding of the category "Happiness" has an extensive range and includes a complex, systemic solution of a number of religious, moral and ethical, psychological, socio-economic and philosophical aspects. The category of happiness is widely represented in various philosophical and religious exercises, starting in ancient times to the present day. Folklore traditions of almost all nations contain various in the content of the description of happiness and are reflected in literature, art and are used in everyday speech as a category reflecting the highest degree of well-being, satisfaction with life, the peak of positive emotional states, the peak of the spiritual development of man.

    The philosophical aspect of happiness at different times with different content and depth was considered outstanding thinkers of the past, for example, Aristotle (1-me-and 10th books "Niccoming Ethics"), L.A. Seneca (work "On a happy life"), A.M.S. Boeziem ("philosophical consolation"), Augustine blessed ("On a happy life"), Foma Akvinsky ("Treatise on Happiness"). G.V. Leibniz has developed an optimistic doctrine about theoditis, Gelving in the poem "Happiness" made a philosophy of intelligent egoism. L. Feyerbach in the work of "Eudemonism" affected the problem of happiness through the emotional side of human communication. R. Descarte and applied to the phenomenon of happiness in labor "On Passions", J.S. Mill has indirectly addressed this issue in its work "On Freedom".

    Democritis believed that he was happy who was satisfied with a little. Happiness is not in wealth, it is not in herds and gold, not in slaves and not in money. Happiness is in the shower. If animals have the main thing - their corporal nature, then a person is a mental warehouse.

    Aristotle believed that one happiness seems to be virtue, others - reasonableness, the third - famous wisdom, and otherwise all this together or something one in the combination with pleasure or not without the participation of pleasure, there are those that include the concept of happiness and external well-being .

    Socrates said that happiness is a pleasure without stirring conscience. Empedocl believed that happiness arises when such a thing appears with the like. Heraclit mentioned that the happiness of a person is not in passing by bodily pleasures, in this case, he would like to be bulls, saturated grass of the stomach, and in order to proceed from the voice of the mind, allowing a person to show natural behavior associated with understanding, the laws of necessity (Logos) . Moderation in satisfying needs contributes to the development and improvement of human intellectual abilities.

    In Rome, the word "happiness" meant the name of the goddess - Fortune. The word "Fortuna" itself had two more meanings - luck and fate. The goddess was portrayed with a horn of abundance, wheels and steering oars. That is, she personified the Divine mercy, which can only be given to the decent one. Therefore, the perception of happiness as a category in the Roman Empire was purely practical. It was the welfare and the possibility of fulfilling desires.

    The Italian Thinker of the Renaissance Pietro Pomponazzi believed that a person naturally strives for happiness and avoid misfortune.

    Blaze Pascal believed that all people seek fortunately - from this rule there are no exceptions. All methods are different, but one is one. That is, happiness is an incentive motive of any actions of any person, even one who is going to hang around, as the author thought.

    Ludwig Feyerbach, argued that where there is no desire for happiness, there is no striving there and that the desire for happiness is the desire of aspirations. In his opinion, the first duty of a person is to make himself happy. If you are happy yourself, - L. Feyerbach said, - then you will do happy and others. Happy can see only happy around themselves.

    F. Bacon said that the form for casting happiness is enclosed in us, but the metal from which it is cast, we must find out of us.

    Most often in philosophy, happiness is considered as an experience of satisfaction with life as a whole, a general reflective assessment by the person of his past and present or as the frequency and intensity of positive emotions.

    A number of philosophers in the structure of happiness distinguishes certain elements: well-being - life without grief, deprivation, diseases, loss, injuries; satisfaction of needs; contentment; Reformative happiness without joys (due to this component, happiness seems subjective, indefinite, different); "Evaluation of life as a whole" from the standpoint of human significantly and mandatory; Something that has a good educational impact on humans; Own spiritual state requiring great preparation and developed holistic perception. As a rule, the authors associate these elements with each other, and if one of them weakens, the accents are transferred to another.

    • 1) Rock, fate, fate, share; That is, to be happy at first was understood as "to be under the mercy of the Higher Forces";
    • 2) Accident, desired surprise, success in affairs; That is, to be happy, may mean that a person can be like an accomplice of his fate;
    • 3) happiness - prosperity, well-being, peace and contentment; Life without grief and worries - a more specified version similar to "Happiness for the Poor".

    Thus, it can be noted that the philosophical definitions of happiness imply various aspects of human existence: gnoseological, ontological, axiological and ethical . Despite the ambiguity of understanding the essence of happiness by philosophers of various times and directions, one can distinguish the universal idea that the desire for happiness is originally inherent to each person and constitutes an integral part of its nature. Potentially, every person can be happy if it makes certain efforts to achieve it. Depending on the elected perspective, the semantic content of the content of the concept of happiness can be significantly modified. This is the feature of the philosophical approach to understanding happiness.

    Meanwhile, the psychological aspect of happiness is important for us, which, mainly, implies the analysis of a certain mental state of a person, which can be characterized by this term. Here you can talk about the shortestream state of the experience of joy, an extraordinary spiritual lift, a feeling of flight, love, unprecedented tide of the strength and the waiting for the experience of this state. A more detailed analysis of the psychological aspects of happiness should be considered separately.

    Transformation of philosophical ideas about happiness in a psychological concept that is possible to study empirically, there was a long time ago and difficult to reflect in various psychological directions.

    In foreign psychology, to a greater extent, the study of the category of happiness is limited to the search and measurement of its quantitative equivalent in various scale and scoring assessments. At the same time, the main empirical question is the question: "Who can be considered happy?".

    M. Argail wrote: "It is quite fair to ask the question:" How much the feeling of happiness or satisfaction is the property of the person? " For example, people suffering from depression are in the depressed, the oppressed state most of the time or do not go out at all. Healthy people have a condition or mood usually varies depending on the specific situation. And the question arises again: is the happiness of the heritage of "happy nature" or derived from a sufficient number of pleasant situations and sensations. The adherents of "downward theory" believe that everything depends on the person himself, that is, happy people interpret and evaluate life situations more positively, and simple summation of pleasant events is not a reliable indicator of happiness.

    It is enough to be distributed in psychology an idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness as a "clean" pleasure, as about the experience of "solid bliss." Such an understanding incorrectly and leads, on the one hand, to distortion, perversion of life goals, on the other, to pessimistic conclusions. The first is expressed in the fact that some people in pursuit of happiness seek to escape from overcoming all sorts of life difficulties, from anxiety and worries. As a result, struggling with sadness, they fight and joy. The lot of these individuals becomes almost a constant feeling of boredom, as an expression of cruel emotional starvation. Sometimes the parents show their children to such a fate, showing hyper-beette.

    One of the most important components of happiness, according to a number of researchers, is the satisfaction of a person in various spheres of its livelihoods. So, ppm Kartko indicates that happiness is satisfaction with its own being. The author allocates two kinds of such satisfaction, taking it for the equivalent of happiness:

    • 1. Satisfaction on the occasion of specific life events - episodic happiness as a result of good luck, success and in general any achievement of the desired one.
    • 2. Satisfaction as a background characteristic of relatively large periods of life, the overall feeling of the degree of "luckyness" of life.

    Ppm Kartko believes that the satisfaction of the first kind is the result of satisfying the specifically updated need.

    The satisfaction of the second kind is the integral characteristic of how important the satisfaction of this updateable need (for example, drinking wine) does not contradict the ability to satisfy other needs (maintain good relationships with family and high self-esteem). The contradiction will immediately give itself to know internal tensions.

    Meanwhile, a number of Russian psychologists are also trying to explain the essence of the category of happiness. So, E.A. Petrova believes that "Happiness is when you understand and accept you." The situational impression is caused by sentence of satisfaction, and the achievement of the necessary image as a whole makes a person happy. The subject of psychological research, according to the author, should be the contribution to the phenomenology of happiness measures of adequacy / inadequacy of the image:

    • 1) I am;
    • 2) the social role of the subject of communication;
    • 3) situations of communication;
    • 4) the meaning of life.

    Another psychologist A.N. Leontyev otherwise considers happiness. The meaningfulness of life is the common name (obtained at the level of the phenomenological description) for a number of specific psychological conditions, directly identifiable in consciousness in the corresponding series of experiences from pleasure to the sense of "justifiation of the existence", which is according to A.N. Leontiev, "The meaning and happiness of life." "Impossibility" also has its positive phenomenology, whose name is meaninglessness, and concrete states are despair, hopelessness, intact, inevitability. Combibly recognize the desire for happiness with the Regulations on the Special Strategy of His Implementation - the idea of \u200b\u200bA.N. Leontiev. However, the production itself, "some kind of purpose" of a person automatically happy does not. No wonder the classics of world literature showed us a lot of human types with great potential accuracy, which setting the goal of enrichment and the fierce persecution led not to happiness, but to full soul crash.

    So, Russian researcher B.I. Dodon believes that suffering, that is, the experience of certain negative emotions, by no means antipod of happiness as feelings. Moreover, the latter is unthinkable without suffering, as an unthinkable pleasure from food without a feeling of hunger, enjoying rest - without fatigue. The happiness of the artist develops not only from joys, but also from the Muk of Creativity.

    Happiness - according to B.I. Dodonova - in his integrative psychological terms - there is emotion, but emotion that evaluates the facts not from the perspective of private needs, but from the point of view of how much person manages to exercise.

    B.I. Dodon believes that real happiness requires a person of such an authority at which it implements all its human potency. And it is impossible to do, climbing in a narrow world of personal well-being, taking off his "self-effectiveness" from the struggle for the implementation of high ideals of humanity.

    Happiness, as follows from the works of B.I. Dodonova, there are not only high-quality, but also quantitative parameters. Happiness he identifies with emotion, with a "multicolor experience", since it is associated with an assessment of the self-effectiveness of a person in a variety of spheres of its life and activity. Being a combination of different experiences, the emotion of happiness, nevertheless, of course, is not the simple amount. As the author indicates, happiness is not at all a simple complex of any experiences, at least and successfully combined with each other. Inevitably, including different emotional assessments, including negative, it is at the same time there is an integrating the overall positive assessment by the person of the flow of his life.

    In order to make it possible to achieve happiness, the objective value of the activity and its personal sense should not disperse with each other. If this activity is aimed at creating certain values, then these values \u200b\u200bmust be the main motive of the subject's activities. Another necessary condition for the achievement of happiness is the pleasure of its process itself, according to B.I. Dodon.

    Another domestic psychologist A.N. The bow notes that a happy life and happiness should be distinguished as a mental state. As well as satisfaction with life or its individual spheres. The happy state of the psyche in nature cannot be long. The author indicates that the reason for happiness can be love, marriage, the birth of children, scientific or sports success, even a well-organized and spent holiday. The ability to experience a mental lift on the occasion of a holiday, that is, in a predetermined day, regardless of whether something joyful happened, it deserves attention and study. Perestroika feelings take time and easier occurs in the usual framework of the rite and ritual. The festival itself is shorter, and such training allows you to brighter and fully experience moments and lifting hours.

    A.N. Onion believes that there is a feeling of happiness and without a special reason - from the completeness of life, health, talent, good attitude of others. "... Even the serfs and slaves knew the rare moments of happiness," the author indicates.

    According to A.N. Luka, the highest joy delivers a person overcome difficulty; The greater the difficulty, the more complete the feeling of happiness. But, according to the author, this is a lot of strong, spiritually rich natures.

    So, as we see, the methodological problem of breeding the concepts of satisfaction and happiness arises. Satisfaction is understood in psychology as an emotional experience of well-being associated with the satisfaction of certain needs, the absence of fruistrating circumstances and cognitive contradictions in the reflection of their own being. Thus, subjective well-being is an important indicator of experiencing a personality of happiness. In this regard, we consider it necessary to consider the signs and criteria of the subjective welfare of the individual, which is the object of studying sociologists.

    Analyzing the criteria of a happy personality, sociologists on a par with psychologists always assigned an important role to mental equilibrium and related harmony of the organization of the psyche and its adaptive opportunities, the adequacy of subjective perception of reflected subjects, phenomena and circumstances, compliance of mental reactions of external stimuli, orderliness and caused by the conditionality of mental phenomena , critical self-esteem and assessment of surrounding circumstances, the ability to adequately change behavior in accordance with the changes of the environment and its organization in accordance with the observed moral and ethical standards, a sense of attachment and responsibility towards loved ones, the ability to draw up and implement their own life plan.

    Abroad, representatives of sociology interpret this concept as well-being in the broadest sense. Well-being is a multifactorous construct representing the complex relationship between cultural, social, psychological, physical, economic and spiritual factors. This complex product is the result of the influence of genetic predisposition, environment and features of individual development. This wording of well-being is most consistent with the definition of health recorded in the preamble of the World Health Organization's Charter (1948): "Health is not only the absence of any diseases and defects, but also the state of full physical, mental and social well-being." Then the question is to determine the concept of well-being, which was considered in psychology in the context of studying happiness, subjective well-being, satisfaction with the life and quality of life.

    In various sociological studies on the study of optimal well-being, the central direction was the problem of the subjective well-being of the person, which initially included the concepts of happiness, satisfaction with life, positive emotionality, psychological health, the resistance of the Spirit. One of the first was the study of N.M. Bradburn, which showed that the scales of a negative and positive affect, in essence, are not connected with each other, showing independent correlations with a scale of general well-being. Subsequently, the understanding of the happiness defined as the balance between a positive and negative affect is widespread.

    At the first stage of the study of subjective well-being, the following description of a happy person was obtained: young, healthy, well-educated, well-paid, extraved, optimistic, carefree, religious, married man with high self-esteem, martial spirit, modest aspirations, any gender and level of intelligence. Therefore, it was proposed to speak not about the real level of well-being, but to consume the term "declared", or "recognized" happiness.

    Such orientation of researchers of subjective well-being is associated with the principled position that it is estimated solely by the Individual itself from the standpoint of its values \u200b\u200band goals. Since the latter are always individual, it cannot be universal for all the structures of well-being, and the only thing that remains is to study the factors that affect this feeling of happiness and satisfaction. In this context, it is preferred to use more term "quality of life associated with health", synonyms for which are the concepts of the subjective state of health and functional status.

    Most of the work devoted to the issues of studying the quality of life contains the description of those spheres of life, which is usually directed by the attention of researchers: physical, psychological and social.

    • 1. The somatic measurement includes side effects of sports and / or treatment.
    • 2. The psychological measurement is the degree of well-being of a person determined in the terms of discomfort and distress.
    • 3. Psychosocial reflects the so-called psychosocial stressors, which include both serious, dramatic (loss of work, divorce, the death of a loved one), and everyday (they are described as "clashes" - annoying, frustrating environmental requirements that characterize everyday cooperation with It) stressful situations and events.

    So, E. Skripthunova and A. Morozov, studying in 2002 the presentation of young people about happiness, revealed that the statements of young people regarding the fact that they mean to be happy for them. A third of the respondents includes a description of a good family. Each fifth tends to material well-being and friendship. Each sixth mentions the characteristics of work and love. Only 10% mentioned the mental state and only 3% were included in the concept of happiness, social issues and welfare of the country. In the hierarchy of the spheres of life, the family and marriage in achieving happiness got only in 7th place.

    Working in the hierarchy of the spheres of life came to the first place (together with communicating with peers), but only 17% of respondents included the characteristics of work in the concept of "happiness". Only 3% of respondents in the concept of "happiness" have entered public issues. 11% of respondents of young people could not determine what happiness means for them.

    Thus, various empirical studies show that people about a happy life are in many ways in a value plane, in a kind of combination of terminal and instrumental values, therefore, one should consider the problem of the value regulation of social behavior. Also, this category as well-being is also deserved in the field of view of sociologists: material, psychological, social.

    In order to identify differences and similarities in understanding and defining the category of happiness in such sciences such as sociology, psychology and philosophy, in August-September 2013, a copyright study was conducted on the topic "Comparative analysis of the definition of happiness in psychology, sociology and philosophy." Research Toolkit: The method of traditional internal analysis of documents.

    The object of the study was the publicly available scientific, journalistic and monographic literature on three scientific directions. The subject of the study was similarities and differences in approaches to the definition of happiness in sociology, psychology and philosophy. The objectives of the study included:

    • 1. Allocate the meaningful part of the definition of happiness in each of the three scientific directions.
    • 2. To identify similarities in the interpretation of happiness of each of the three sciences
    • 3. To identify differences in the interpretation of happiness of each of the sciences under consideration

    The results of this study showed that in sociology the main ways of achieving happiness are considered: the achievement of values \u200b\u200b(mainly material), satisfaction of needs (also mainly material), the implementation of its potential, personal interests. Also, a source of happiness can be family and health.

    As for the sociological aspects and the nature of happiness, the following can be noted: the feeling of happiness is inconvenient, depends on the sources and from various subjective factors (gender, age, social situation, income, education, etc.). At the same time, happiness is characterized as the highest limited experience. In the field of values, happiness is above the rest, as a metaity.

    Happiness for many researchers in the field of sociology acts as a synonym for subjective well-being, the state of satisfaction with all parties to life. Therefore, it is considered in sociology more often as a short-term sense in a specific period of time. Important interest for the sociologist is the study of precisely factors affecting the presence or absence of a sense of happiness at a particular period of time or in a particular society (see Appendix No. 1).

    Happiness from a psychological point of view is extremely subjective, depends on the type of personality, his psychological structure and is perceived as a result of its personal achievements in the form of a certain emotional state (each person has its own combustion of emotions and experiences).

    As the main aspect of happiness, an emotional color can be distinguished here, the psychological warehouse of the personality. And, most often, psychologists characterize happiness as an emotional state of a person who can be both long and short-term.

    Here, important aspects are also the fact that personal assessment of a happy state is important for the personality, assessing its capabilities to achieve this condition. That is, happiness is considered psychology from the position of an individual personality and its internal features and qualities (see Appendix No. 2).

    The philosophy is extremely ambiguous in its approach to the definition of happiness, it mixes a sociological and psychological approach. The main ways, fortunately calls both the material well-being and the development of the personality, the implementation of its potential, etc. As a rule, even if the source of happiness is financially well-being, then only the minimum necessary for life. But the analysis of the aspects of happiness allowed to distinguish the differences in the approaches to happiness: happiness appears in philosophy as the highest good of the soul equilibrium, as the main achievement in a person's life, the meaning of existence. And, most often, happiness manifests itself as a set of experiences (joy, pleasure, etc.). The main thing for philosophers is a view of a person for happiness, namely the presence of a person's faith in achieving happiness. The spiritual component of happiness clearly prevails in the philosophical approach.

    It is important to note that, according to philosophers, happiness is achieved at the end of the human life path, and sometimes after death. Thus, it can be said that a happy person will leave behind the completed affairs and good memory, it may not have understood that it was happy (see Appendix No. 3).

    As the similarity of all three scientific approaches to the definition of happiness, we can call the interweaving of all these approaches among themselves. So, the paths and sources of happiness in all approaches are similar to among themselves, only some sources prevail, and in philosophy, many factors, from sociology, and from psychology are sources.

    If we talk about the differences in honey definitions in each of the sciences, it should be noted that the predominant source of happiness in sociology is the material wealth of a healthy person in the family circle. A person who has the result of his personal achievements to appear the form of a certain emotional state in terms of psychologists. In philosophy, as already noted earlier, such a source can perform anything, as well as a mixture of several sources. The difference here is the amount of each source (minimum for life).

    In addition, all 3 directions differently characterize the time frame of the sensation of happiness: sociologists focuses on the inconstancy and limitedness of the feeling of happiness, psychologists - as on his duration, so on short-term (one of two), and philosophy also considers happiness achievable, as a rule , Only at the end of the life path.

    Sociology pays great attention to factors affecting happiness. Psychologists are interested in a personal approach, i.e. Effect of personality on the feeling of happiness (assessment, individual qualities, emotional color, etc.). Philosophy also considers happiness from the position of the inner spiritual world.

    Submit a difference in approaches to definition of happiness in the form of a generalized definition for each of the considered Sciences:

    • 1. Sociology: happiness is a limited experience as a result of satisfaction of needs, characterized as a subjective well-being and overall satisfaction with life, which is mainly due to material wealth.
    • 2. Psychology: happiness is an emotional state characterized by subjectivity and personal assessment of this state.
    • 3. Philosophy: Happiness is the highest benefit, which is the main sense of human life.

    Thus, happiness for many researchers in the field of sociology acts as a synonym for subjective well-being, the state of satisfaction with all parties of life. Therefore, it is considered in sociology more often as a short-term sense in a specific period of time. Also, from the point of view of sociology, the feeling of happiness is limited, depends on the source and from various subjective factors (gender, age, social situation, income, education, etc.).