Wherever interior doors be opened. Where to open interroom doors in the apartment - Requirements and common sense

This, it would seem, a simple question is not a definite answer, because if you bring together a slope, individual preferences and cultural and historical traditions are opened by many of the most unexpected nuances.

Entrance door

Historical and esoteric traditions in this issue contradict modern construction standards. Since ancient times, in the northern climate, the doors of the houses were wrapped in only inside, because when the drifts will be outlined outside, otherwise it is simply impossible to open it. Only when the porch appeared, which defended the house from snow drifts, the doors began to open out.
The ancient Chinese tradition Feng Shui is solidar with the beliefs of our Slavic ancestors. The door is the most important part of the house through which luck penetrates and positive energy penetrates, so it can only be opened inside that this positive stream is not interrupted.
His huts, and specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Snaps in this issue adhere to a completely different opinion: the doors on evacuation outputs should be opened exclusively in the direction of exiting the building so that in the case of PE wounded it was convenient to endure onto stretchers.
In addition, if the entrance door opens out, it is almost impossible to knock, therefore criminals trying to penetrate the house with the goal of robbery, you will have to spend more forces and time to hack. So, the outdoor door opening is considered to be more correct, from the point of view of rescuers and law enforcement officers.

Another thing is that on a close staircase of an apartment building comply with this prescription is not always possible. In addition, it confesses with another rule, which says that the direction of the opening of the doorway must be coordinated with the nearest neighbors, since the open door should not interfere with the evacuation of people in the event of a fire, etc.

Interior doors

All these recommendations relate to mainly the entrance doors of apartments. In the private space, it is hardly anyone hinders to install the door as it is convenient for you. And what experts are advised about interior doors?
Snaps are more interested in bathroom, kitchen and bathroom. In these rooms, the doors should be opened outside so that in an emergency could be released, just pushing the door. If a person who inside becomes bad, such a door is easier to open, because the likelihood of its accidental blocking is extremely small.
These recommendations should heed. True, if the door swings into a narrow corridor, it can knock on the forehead passing by a member of the family - and then he will need medical care.

Conclusion Simple: In the close space it is better to equip the entrance as weighing common sense. In the end, if the places are disastrously lacking, you can install the sliding door, which is especially relevant for small bathrooms, tiny kitchens and dressing rooms.

It is recommended to choose the door to choose the door opening inside, since it is easier to knock it out in an emergency, if suddenly the child goes from the inside. However, the age of children is also important. In rooms for the smallest rarely, castles and constipation are rarely installed, but the door opening inwards can be accidentally toddling.
In general, the decision is for you again.


What else to consider choosing the direction of opening interroom doors?

If two doors are located close to each other, it is worth thinking about transferring the doorway, if it is impossible, consider the option when one door opens into the room, and the other in the corridor. In any case, the doors should not block or block each other. It is attendable!
If the door is located in the corner of the room, it should break into the side of the nearest wall, without a barking room overview. When the door is located in the center of the wall, it is more correct to open it towards the window so that the light from it falls into the corridor or the neighboring room.

Right or left?

The door to and left the door to the right or left, and the cultural and historical differences are published on the scene. In Russia, "right" is called the door, which loops are located on the right, and the handle is left. In European countries, the case is exactly the opposite: the "right" doors on the right there is a handle, and the loop on the left.

Therefore, if you buy the door of imported, not Russian production, make sure that you ordered exactly what you need.
By the way, if you are left-hand, take advantage of the opportunity to equip comfortable doors at least in your home, because in public areas, the opening of the doors is usually designed for the "right" majority.

The choice of the direction of the opening may seem trifle on the scale of repair, but the incorrect installation of the doors becomes the cause of inconvenience and even injuries. Therefore, solve the problem on the basis of specific living conditions, safety considerations and common sense. Also, remember the folding, sliding and rotor doors, because sometimes they can become exit from a difficult situation - in the literal and figurative sense.

The importance of building prescriptions

Construction rates define all layout nuances, including even such trifles as a direction in which interroom doors should be opened. The requirements specified in SNiP are based on fire safety techniques.
They are observed when installing door boxes for safety in emergency situations (fire, smoke, gas leak, etc.), for the rapid evacuation of tenants. The door should not be an obstacle to the way out of the building.

On this basis, in all places of the accumulation of people - shopping centers and office buildings, factories, hospitals, etc. - It is forbidden to install interroom doors, without observing fireproof norms.
The main thing is to adhere to the rule: the door should open in the direction of the room in the corridor leading to the main outlet of the building.
With residential buildings, everything is not so unambiguous.

  • In apartment buildings, the doors overlooking the common corridor are established in strict accordance with the project. If you wish to change the opening direction, make sure that it does not prevent the neighbors to leave their apartments.
  • On the territory of the apartment, construction regulations do not work. Here the owner decides which side to put the interroom door. It usually depends on the preferences and features of the planning.

Available models

Solving, which side, to put the doborities of interroom doors, the owners of apartments and private houses are usually guided by considerations of convenience, which depend on the specific situation. There are several possible options depending on the model of door structures:
  • Swing single doors - demanded, familiar design. Tight closing around the perimeter excludes drafts and gives good sound insulation. Installation is standard, and the direction for the opening can be any - as it will be more convenient to the owners.
  • Bivalves swollen interior doors are also suitable for premises of any type, whether it is a residential building or the office of a large company. The optimal installation option is in spacious rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 15 squares.
  • The harmonica door with a folding mechanism is recommended for small rooms and narrow corridors, where swing models would occupy a useful space, which is not enough.
  • Sliding door coupes are also suitable for rooms in which there is little space, perfectly fit into large doorways.

Mounting options

In most cases, residents enter apartments with a pre-sample finish, but often housing is purchased in a state of construction box. This means that there are no partitions in it, not to mention the doorways. In such situations, owners have to independently organize space or attract a designer task.
If you are developing room planning yourself, in the process of reviewing opening options for interior doors, take into account several important points:
  • The door leading from a small room in a spacious one should open towards a large room.
  • The exit from the toilet or bathroom should also be sent outward. This recommendation is based not only on safety, but also on the considerations of saving the bathroom space.
  • The door leading from the kitchen should be opened in the corridor, but it is optional if the kitchen area is large, and the corridor, on the contrary, narrow and cramped. Here you need to focus on specific conditions of the situation.
  • If the opening is located next to the wall, then you do not have to think long, which side to install the interroom door. The best choice is a swing structure, the cloth of which will be pressed to the wall when opening.
  • When designing, consider the location of switches and sockets: the open door canvas should not block them.
  • If there are several windows in the room, try to plan space so that the door is opposite one of the window openings. So you add a corridor of natural light.
  • Doors leading from the corridor to neighboring rooms and close to each other must be opened inside. Otherwise, with simultaneous opening, one can prevent other people passing by people, turning the corridor.
  • Typically, the doors in the loggia are opened inside the living rooms. If the width of the balcony allows you to install an interroom door with opening inside. So you will save the useful living space, freeing the zone near the loggia for furniture.

Attention! Interior doors with opening to the side can be mounted as you like. Another thing is to transfer the doorway. If you want to change location, you will have to coordinate redevelopment in the BTI.

If you have doubts about the installation of interior doors, please contact Rada Doors employees. Consultants of the company salons will give detailed advice on this issue.

Perhaps, not many wondered, in which direction should the door in the apartment be opened? The answer seems obvious - out. But is it all unambiguously or still there are situations in which it is more convenient to open the opening door inside? We will help you to figure it out in this topic, taking into account the SNIPs and household practicality.

Which way opens the door according to SNOP

There are technical regulations and SNiP, which are approved by federal law and determine the location and option for opening doors. At the same time, they extend exclusively to objects of industrial and public appointments. In such buildings, sprinkling the entrance door in the apartment is performed in the direction of movement towards the street. In addition, it concerns only those places located on the path of evacuation.

As for apartment buildings, in existing fire safety standards and any other, there is no clear answer to the question of how the door should be opened in the apartment. Accordingly, each establishes the design to its taste. Of course, most people order doors opening out, that is, to the site.

Location of doors in the apartment and other factors

To pick up the optimal opening of the front door to the apartment, you need to consider a number of factors to subsequently do not regret the decision. Architects, designers and interior designers recommend adhering to the following rules and recommendations:

  • Comfort and convenience. These factors must be determining when choosing a door to open the door.
  • Location and options for opening adjacent doors. An erroneous choice in this case can lead to a situation where two entrance doors simply will not be opened simultaneously, facing each other. Such a state of affairs can lead to conflict situations.
  • The opening side of the second door in the opening. Often the owners of apartments establish the second frontier of protection from cold, outsiders and intruders. In this case, two doors should be opened in different directions: one inside, and the second outward.

Guided by these uncomplicated rules, the conclusion suggests: convenient direction of opening the doors - outwards.

Why is the door better to open out?

The type of breaking out has pluses. It is them most often pushing people to choose the opening of the doors in the apartment just outside, that is, to the site. Let's deal with what exactly this is due to:

  • Going out of the apartment, you do not have to retreat back to 1-2 steps to open the door.
  • If the main door will open out, you will be able to install the opening of the opening one more with the opening inside.
  • Saving space - hardly the main advantage. When the entrance door opens into the hallway, near her at a distance of almost 1 meter, you do not put a bedside table, no wardrobe.

How should do the doors in safety apartments? For burglary and convenience of evacuation in case of fire, it is better to order installation with opening out.

When do you install doors with opening inside?

Despite all the advantages, many had to be in apartments in which the entrance door opens inside. For example, door leafs open inwards in apartments located in the houses of the Old Building. Previously, this layout was used in construction so that the tenants of neighboring apartments did not block access and did not create mutual discomfort.

Opening the door in the direction is required in cases where there is an additional door that opens out. It can not be in any other way. Another common situation is the presence of a narrow tambura. With such conditions, you simply can simply be able to open the door outwardly, but there are exceptions.

How should the doors in the house be opened? This question worries everyone who plans to install new door structures. To answer it correctly, it is necessary to take into account the usability and rules of a rational organization space and, in addition, to meet the requirements of fire safety.

Where should the interroom door from the point of view of convenience?

Usually interior door blocks are installed so that they opened in the room. This is due to the fact that opening towards the corridor create inconvenience when driving furniture or large household appliances. And the door canvas in the nursery should be able to open the room inside the room so that it was possible to break it if the kid will randomly closes.

- bivalve or single-signed - in open state should not burn the room. Therefore, choosing, in which direction do the doors should open, it is better to install the opening of the canvas towards the nearest wall.
To decide where the interroom door must be opened, it is necessary to open at the stage of ordering door blocks. In the online store of the Porta Prima factory you can order both left and right door blocks, with opening out or inward.

How should do the doors from the point of view of fire safety?

In accordance with the construction regulations, the door to the apartment of multi-storey buildings must be installed with the opening out of the movement. This is the most correct option from the point of view of fire safety if you need to quickly evacuate the tenants or make the wounded onto stretchers. But choosing how the fire safety doors should be opened, it must be borne in mind that the open sash should not block the exits from neighboring apartments and not to prevent free evacuation. Therefore, discussing the issue of opening up with the manufacturer, it is necessary to make sure that the open door canvas will not block their neighbors from the apartment.

Fire safety rules do not impose strict restrictions on opening interior doors. However, thinking where the doors must be opened, it is necessary, first of all, to make it so that they do not interfere with each other and did not create inconvenience in the case of simultaneous swallowing.

Organization of the interior on Feng Shui - How should the doors in the house be opened?

Following the advice of the teachings of Feng Shui, you can attract positive energy to the apartment or house. To do this, it is necessary to properly arrange all the elements of the interior and take into account how do the doors should open along the hair dryer.

Interior doors from the point of view of Feng Shui play a central role in the distribution of vitality. And the doctrine clearly defines where the door to the bedroom should be opened, living room or kitchen: they should open strictly inside the room and left from the incoming one. Another Feng Shui rule states that when opening, interior doors should allow to see most of the room. And in no case do not rest in the wall, wardrobe or other furniture items. In addition, they should not spontaneously open or close so as not to disturb the circulation of vital energy flows.

Where and how do the doors should operate according to the rules of fire safety?

The correctly installed door is a guarantee of the safety of living or working throughout or in separate rooms of people in case of emergency. In addition, for the "wrong" doors, the owner of the house threaten serious fines or even a trial. Therefore, when installing all types of door structures in an apartment or an office, it is important to comply with fire safety rules. And for this it is important to know how and where (that is, in which direction) the "right" doors are opened.

Often, a collective panic attack is possible during a fire. The life and health of the indoors may depend on each detail of its arrangement. One of the most important details is the correct installation and correct location of the doors. This account provides certain fire safety standards, which should be steadily adhere to. Doors are obliged to be properly located and turn off in the right direction, in order to the critical moment to become assistants in the salvation of people.

How and where the entrance doors are opened correctly

This material is obligatory to assimilate both the owners of apartments and residential premises and the owners of offices and factories. The primary regulations for the placement of doors are simple: structures should not interfere with each other, and it is obliged to open "outside" to avoid obstacles to the population.

The apartments and residential buildings are considered evacuation and therefore always opens "to exit." This will speed up the way out of the room in the case of fire. Also, it is also impossible to change the direction of opening the doors or mount the additional if they may interfere with the emergency exit of residents of neighboring apartments.

Important! For public buildings (most often), the same rule is valid: the doors in the parts of the evacuation plan are open outward.

How to install interroom doors

Doors in the residential room can be turned off in and outside. However, in small rooms such as a sorter or bathroom, they are obliged to appear out. This fact will help you quickly get out of the room when an emergency occurs. As for other parts of the residential premises, there are doors to open the door to a large room. For example, the sash in the opening between the corridor and the hall will be reached in the hall.

Scroll into the large part of the room in size to the incoming impaired all its space. When the entrance is located in the corner, the door should open to the nearest wall. In the case of the input door location in the middle of the walls of the sash should open to the switch. This is done for fast and convenient light inclusion.

If two interior doors are located nearby, when opening, they should not hurt each other. And, more importantly for security, located near the door should not block one other.

For public buildings in which a large number of people are regularly located, another rule is valid: doors leading in frequently filled with employees or visitors corridor or hall, should open inside, that is, on themselves. It protects people passing from shocks and injuries.

Evacuation doors

According to the rules of SNIP, wooden and metal evacuation doors should open towards evacuation, that is, outside.

  • private houses;
  • offices in which less than one and a half dozens of people are constantly working;
  • pantry less than 200 m2 in size;
  • sanitary nodes.

Doors in boiler room

Boiler rooms are part of both residential and public premises and buildings, or be located nearby. For the premises of this type there are two main rules:

  1. The door of the boiler room overlooking the street.
  2. Doors from the boiler room to another room or room open to the boiler room. This is done for the preservation of people and property in case of an explosion.

Thus, most often the doors (especially entrance) will be walked out. This rule acts both for residential and office space. This and other standards of fire preservation on door opening are aimed at ensuring the safety of people in the building.

Which way should the door: video