Kitchen MDF. Advantages and disadvantages

MDF - reliable and durable material that has been widely distributed in the production of cabinet furniture. MDF has a number of features that are important when purchasing is its strengths and weaknesses that can affect the choice of furniture.

1. Structure of material
The structure of the MDF determines the high density, homogeneity, strength and smooth surface of the plate - in essence it is wood flour glued under the influence of high temperatures and pressing. The particles of each other are associated with pressing paraffin and lignin - a natural substance that is found in natural wood.

2. Ecology
The binders used in the production of MDF are responsible for its environmental friendliness - the minimum level of harmful evaporation. Most often, according to this criterion, MDF is compared with a chipboard, in which particles glue with formaldehyde resins - and the comparison here comes in favor of MDF. The environmental friendliness of the MDF often becomes a determining factor when choosing a bedroom or a children's room, where safety is particularly important.

3. Strength
MDF plate - durable material, reliably holding fasteners, due to its dense homogeneous structure.

4. Smooth surface
The smallest particles in the structure of the slabs make her surface smooth, without roughness and irregularities, unlike the main "competitor" of MDF - chipboard. Thanks to this feature, a decorative layer - enamel, plastic or PVC film - creates a perfectly smooth coating of the MDF plate.

4. Resistance to moisture
The material has high resistance to moisture, especially if in the process of production of the plate it is specifically made by waterproof. Waterproof MDF plates are not afraid of temperature drops, mold or fungus. Therefore, furniture from MDF for the bathroom is a completely acquitted choice. However, buying furniture in a room with high humidity, it is worth checking the quality of the processing of the ends so that the water does not have a chance to get inside the stove.

5. The possibility of fine processing
Another criterion in which the MDF clearly exceeds the chipboard, is the possibility of thin processing of the plate. MDF can be milling or manufacturing figured elements from this material. This feature approaching the MDF to the natural array of wood makes it a suitable material for the manufacture of original furniture facades with fine treatment, elements of thread and a variety of decorative details.

6. The possibility of making radius facades
MDF has a feature that benefits the MDF on the background of other materials for the production of furniture is plasticity. From the MDF it is easy to make radius furniture facades - convex or concave, embodying interesting and unusual design solutions.

7. Cost
In terms of its characteristics, MDF is approaching natural wood, but it will cost Furniture from MDF will be cheaper than the furniture from the array. But compared to furniture from the chipboard, the price will be higher. Therefore, today manufacturers of furniture offer a compromise: simpler, not requiring fine processing furniture housings made from chipboard, and facades that combine complex design and original decorative solutions - from MDF.

7. What is afraid of MDF
With all its advantages, the MDF has a flaw, which is important to know when buying furniture for the kitchen - the material cannot boast of high temperatures resistant. At temperatures above 70º, the surface of the plate may be deformed, and the decorative coating is to crack or compress. Therefore, in the kitchen, furniture from MDF is better to keep away from open fire and protect against excessive heating. Also, MDF may suffer from the fall of a heavy item to the surface from which the dent will remain. Therefore, if MDF is quite suitable for furniture facades, it will be a chipboard as a material for the kitchen countertops, for example, a more economical and functional option.

Nevertheless, the name "MDF panel" is beautiful and change it is unlikely to become, just if you buy panels in the store, remember that the easier panel, the less their density, but at the same time the price of such panels is also less. It is logical, despite the fact that woodworking and furniture production are used for the manufacture of fibreboard plates, these very waste also have a certain price. And the smaller the waste during the production of the panels was used, the lower the cost of the panels. That's just the less density, the less strength and should be remembered.

As a rule, under the MDF panels, the default wall-mounted panels used in the interior decoration of walls and ceilings are meant. Meanwhile, the MDF panels are used more and more often in the manufacture of furniture and covering outdoor doors, but such panels are simply called MDF or MDF slabs in order not to be confused. Then we will discuss only wall panels.

The advantages of the MDF panels:

High availability

Now MDF panels are sold in almost all small and medium-sized cities, not to mention large, where the number of shops and supermarkets selling panels is measured with tens and hundreds.

Relatively low price

The price of panels, depending on the quality, density, profile and producer countries varies within 7-15 $ / m 2. This is not the cheapest finishing material, but taking into account the fact that the panels simultaneously align the surfaces and do not require additional finishes unlike dry, and even more wet plaster, then such a price is quite acceptable.

Mounting speed

In the presence of appropriate work tools on the installation of MDF panels, there will be no time. But a lot may come to the framework of the framework under the firmware. However, the framework of the frame is a common theme for most sheet and rack finishing materials.

Easy mounting

The MDF panels are sufficiently light and strong enough, to wash the wall panels and even the ceilings may well be one person.

Normal appearance

MDF panels typically imitate wood pattern with a high degree of reliability. The only thing that lacks in this imitation is relief and diversity. The fact is that the drawing on the panels is too correct and on all purchased panels can be almost the same. Therefore, when finishing large areas, avoid using panels with a well-pronounced pattern so that it does not work as in the photo below:

However, if you consciously strive to achieve such an effect and are a fan of optical illusions in general and roadwork in particular, then for such purposes the panel with a repeated pattern is the most.

Additional heat and sound insulation

Even if the space between the main wall or ceiling and the MDF panels will not be filled with appropriate heat-insulation materials, it is still sound and thermal insulation will improve by 10-30% depending on the quality of the performance, the average thickness of the air layer, the presence and quantity of cracks on Walls or ceiling, as well as depending on the material of the frame. To increase the sound insulation, it is better to make a wooden frame. There will be no additional thermal insulation in private houses, and with the ceilings from the MDF panels in high-rise buildings, additional sound insulation is also useful.

Disadvantages of MDF panels:

Limited design features

Usually the design of walls or ceilings from MDF panels is reduced to the selection of texture and color of the panels. However, there is always the opportunity to play with flowers:

And besides the MDF panels, you can sow not only smooth walls or partitions, but also to do quite complex in terms of construction and even make some imitation of arched ceilings. So the above limit is not even a drawback, but in some sense, the dignity of the MDF panels, if you can use it correctly.

Reducing the useful size of the room

As a rule, MDF panels are mounted on the frame, not at all the obverse, but taking several thousand necessary cubic centimeters from the size of the room. For example, when finishing a room with dimensions of 5x4 m with a height of 2.5 m, even if the width of the used bar is 2 cm, then the volume of the room will decrease more than 1 m 3, because the panels also have a thickness of about 1 cm, which means the total reduction in volume will be about:

(4 + 5) · 2 · 2.5 · (0.02 + 0.01) \u003d 1.35 m 3

However, this is a general drawback when using finishing materials that are for frame. For large-sized apartments, it has no fundamental importance, but in small-sized apartments each square and cubic centimeter on the account.

Low fire resistance

The MDF panels are a flammable material and should be considered. And when installing sockets and switches on the walls, placed by the MDF panels, it is desirable to use metal pickles.

Low water resistance

When directly entering water and even when the condensate is sedentised, which may be happening if the panels are separated by the walls on a warmed loggia or balcony, the MDF panels swell and lose an attractive appearance. This is especially critical for outdoor and inland corners.

Low strength laminate

The MDF panels themselves do not differ much from the long-known local consumer. The main highlight is a laminating layer on which the corresponding drawing is applied. However, the laminating layer is too loud name for a thin paper layer. It is not difficult to damage the lamination layer, but to restore it - a difficult task, because the walls of the walls are sometimes changed every 3-5 years, like wallpaper. Nevertheless, for offices and various kinds of official institutions, wall decoration with MDF panels is one of the most optimal options.

The MDF abbreviation is a tracker with the English phrase "Medium Density Fiberboard" (MDF), which means "mid-proper fibrous coating". MDF. - This is a modern material that is produced in the process of pressing in a vacuum of wood dust. It should be noted that, in contrast, from DVP, the production of MDF does not imply the use of Epoxy resins and phenol harmful to health. Therefore, wall panels made on the basis of MDF, it is permissible to use where elevated safety and hygiene requirements are noted - for example, in the production of kitchen furniture, sets of children's furniture, in the decoration of walls of kitchen and rooms, etc.

The front part of the MDF panels are treated either with melamine paper or lacquered veneer made of valuable wood. This makes it possible to give the panel a beautiful and aesthetic appearance, choose from a wide variety of colors and textures. In addition, the melamine layer and wear-resistant varnish reliably protect the panels from moisture exposure to prevent surface burning under the influence of sunlight.

First of all, the ecology and universality of this material are determined. MDF is a modern environmentally friendly material, which in characteristics can be compared with natural wood. Due to the use of in production, only natural materials and MDF substances does not have a negative impact on human health and well-being, even with time there is no toxic or harmful substances.

Thanks to the attractive appearance of the MDF panels can be used in various fields - they often make furniture, finish the walls of the premises, mask telephone, computer, electrical cables, etc. Important advantages of material are excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics.

It also has the fact that the material is very easy in montageConducting work with its use takes a minimum of time. For the design of the room with wall panels there is no need to pre-finish the walls - remove the old paint or wallpaper, level the surface, plastering and conducting other operations, which, as a rule, take a lot of time. During the work on the decoration of the MDF walls, dust, dirt, waste, etc. is completely lacking.

MDF panels Require minimal and easy care - it is enough to occasionally wipe the plates with a wet cloth or one of the special funds that are sold in excess today in stores. MDF panels are easily dismantled, so if necessary, any damaged areas can be quickly replaced.

An important advantage is the low price of the panels and the absence of the need to attract professionals to work. The panels are easily transported to the place of repair, and work with them will not seem difficult even non-professional elements that have no experience in carrying out construction or repair.

Before purchasing the panel, you need to accurately set the desired amount of material. For this, the surface that will be subject to cladding is carefully measured, given the height of the room. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bdoor openings and windows into the calculation does not turn on. For panels today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of corners, planks, plinths serving decoration and facilitating installation.

The variety of drawings and a wide color scheme for decorating panels make it possible to choose the design of MDF for every taste, in accordance with the interior and style of the room, the walls of which will be separated by this material. Today you can select four grade wall panel decor - medium, classic, fantasy and modern. Panels can be combined with each other, creating interesting drawings and effects. Well and stylishly look at the MDF panels that imitate various surfaces - wood, brick, stone, foliage, etc.

Most often, the MDF panel is used to finish the indoor walls of the room. This material is durable, durable and resistant to any mechanical impacts, dust is not delayed on it, and the quality of the panel remains over the years.

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Date: 2012-03-12 10:13:36
Thanks to the modern assortment of kitchens, a variety of their models, shapes and styles, it is possible to choose an optimal product for the premises of any layout. Today, the buyer reveals a wide selection of products that differs in manufacturing materials and design. Special place among them occupy kitchen MDF. Advantages and disadvantages These products tend many buyers to give their preference to them. Due to the high performance characteristics of MDF, this material gains increasing popularity. Products in some aspects even bypass wooden counterparts, since they are resistant to change of humidity.

Advantages of Kitchen MDF

One of the main advantages of such kitchens is that they are not scary moisture. Therefore, if the hostess accidentally shed water on them, it will not bring any harm. This result was made possible through the use of a special technological method in the manufacture of MDF. With its production, special substances are used, combined with a wooden filler. As a result, the resistance of the tree to high humidity increases significantly.

Besides advantages of Kitchen MDF These are resistance to the effects of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. The material is reliably protected from their reproduction. Kitchens are characterized by hygienicity, and almost all detergents will be suitable for their cleaning.

Kitchen MDF is safe to use. They include carbamide resin, for the manufacture of which natural components are used, besides, it is considered non-toxic substance. If compared advantages of Kitchen MDF With chipboard, over time, harmful phenolic compounds are distinguished into the atmosphere.

Other advantages of kitchen MDF

If we talk about flexibility in the use of Kitchen MDF (it is also called a fiberboard with an average density), then they are not inferior to wooden analogues. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, it is possible to produce furniture of a wide variety of high quality. Kitchens can have belonging to any modern style and direction. The external finish of the MDF can ideally imitate metal, wood or other materials.

The use of veneer is considered one of the most natural designs. In addition, he is simply gorgeous on the texture and resembles a tree. Such kitchens are perfectly combined with upholstered furniture.

When all sorts of glass inserts are used in the design of the kitchens, it looks pretty modern. As an example, you can consider matte translucent doors that will look great in the kitchen of any style. A wide selection of colors used and all sorts of shades will help you choose a kitchen for any room.

And the most undeniable the advantage of Kitchen MDF. is its cost. Practical and inexpensive they continue to conquer the market, repeatedly proving their high performance characteristics.

Disadvantages of kitchen MDF.

Basic disadvantage of Kitchen MDF. It is its high flammability. Therefore, experts recommend the detail to consider the location of the kitchen in such a way as to protect it not only from the potential contact with open fire, but also hot objects. If there is a wiring, its isolation and security should be held near the MDF.

In addition, MDF cuisine is subject to mechanical damage. You should not fear random little damage - they will not be able to harm, but if the blow strength is significant, the appearance of the product will be spoiled. The reason for this - the MDF density is significantly inferior to the Fiberboard and chipboard. Modern MDF plates are distinguished by excellent resistance to high moisture, but the plates of old production in this respect are lame. Therefore, when choosing a product you need to be careful.

The above features of the kitchen of MDF show that they can be the best option. Weighing everything in and against, you can make a right decision on choosing a material for your kitchen.

MDF is the initial letters of the MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD. The technology that is currently used in the production of MDF is a refinement and improvement of technology that was used to produce tree fiber plates - DVP, produced from the smallest fractions of wood sawdust. In the production of MDF fiber, wood is dried, fasten and form in the form of a plate, which is undergoing the treatment of high pressure and high temperatures. Paraffin and lignin are used as fastening elements. Lignin is a natural substance contained in each tree. It is obtained by a lignin of wood by treating it with high temperatures. In the production of MDF, harmful resins and phenol are not used. Based on the foregoing, it can be safely argued that MDF is an environmentally friendly material. Among the main advantages of MDF can be called:
- A sufficient level of softness, thanks to which the MDF is very easy to use the finest treatments, which makes it a favorite material of furniture makers and designers, as it allows you to implement the most bold solutions. Despite the fact that MDF is used in many industries, mainly MDF - furniture material.
- despite the fact that MDF adopted all the advantages of the wood, it is cheaper at times.
- The service life of products from MDF is many times the service life of solid wood products.

As a lack of MDF, the furniture can be called not the magnitude of the release of this material in our country.

As mentioned, the MDF is used in many areas, but in the furniture industry it is used especially actively and there are many reasons for it. In the manufacture of furniture, it is used mainly by an array of wood, DVP (wood fiber plates) and chipboard (chipboard). All these materials are almost unsuitable for painting.

A tree is an excellent natural material, easily succumbed to the finest processing, but it does not carry the impact of moisture, dries and cracks. Under varnish cracks on wood is not noticeable, but under the paint, especially under the light, instantly rush into the eyes.

Chopping plates (chipboard) is a fairly strong material, perfectly suitable for painting, but does not tolerate moisture effects and does not give in to milling. Warflake plates (Fiberboard) are very thin material, processed with great difficulty, no moisture is carried out, they cannot be uniformly stained.

MDF furniture perfectly gives back fine processing, milling and grinding. MDF Furniture can be perfectly painted. Finished products from MDF furniture are not thrown, they do not crack and do not dry. MDF, having all the positive qualities of the tree, completely devoid of flaws, which are inherent in the tree: low density, heterogeneity, the presence of bitch, tendency to rot. In the production of MDF plates, glues containing formaldehyde do not apply, therefore, the furniture made from MDF received permission to use in children's institutions, in hospitals and in those rooms that require a high degree of protection against exposure to the external environment. MDF furniture is a universal material, so it is widely used for the manufacture of furniture for offices and for the home, made of doors, countertops, window sills, floors, plinths suspended ceilings, packaging, containers, toys for children, school supplies and much more.

Separately, it should be said about the advantages of MDF furniture, which make it an indispensable material for the manufacture of furniture for the kitchen and for the bathroom. In addition to the fact that MDF is not afraid of moisture and steam, does not crack and does not change the form, it does not form mold and fungus, the structure of the MDF slabs allows you to drink beautiful rounded corners.

MDF Furniture is often covered with polyvinyl chloride film, the resulting material is called laminated MDF. PVC film will allow MDF plates to play any color and shade, right up to the structure of the tree. MDF laminated is somewhat more expensive. It is worth noting that the furniture facades made from the oak pine or beech cost percent on sixty more expensive than the facades made of laminated MDF. And this is despite the fact that the constant impact on the moisture tree leads it into disrepair, and laminated MDF is not susceptible to its impact, so there will be quite a long time.

MDF plates without exaggeration can be called the most promising material of the twenty-first century. Its positive qualities are not only in high environmental indicators, at an affordable price and multifunctionality, but also in the raw materials from which it is produced. MDF can be made of low varieties.