Laboratory work Subject: "Flower structure. Building and variety of flowers

Laboratory work Subject: "Flower structure". Objective: Secure the knowledge of the structure of the flower, as the organ reproduction organ. Equipment: Fulings of plants flowers.

Slide 27 from the presentation "Flower Build" To the lessons of biology on the topic "Flower"

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"Escape Biology" - in the fur. Part of the tube and sh to r eyepiece table before R. Top Running. Rus bot ... Alicar alone. Cytology Cell Science. S t r o e n and e. To the lens, the drug. The breeding organ. C. vessels - min. Lob. With t e b e l b. Moving functions. B-in puts rash. In stock. Xylem. Straight. CL. the juice. Back. V. Sady, Parks. Skin.

"Structure of the stem" - the functions of the stem. Plantain. Extended shortened. Dandelion. Conclusions: The external structure of the stem. Subject: Stem. Plantain Dandelion Dandelion Daisy Primulus. The internal structure of the stem. The external and internal structure of the stem. Conductive reference. Sunflower corn Astra Gladiolus. Cropped stems.

"The structure of the sheet" - the leaves of cacti turned into spines. Dense omission on the leaves. Leaves - needles. Leaves - traps. Juicy leaves of clergy and melted. Why do leaves change the leaves in the fall? Leaves and moisture factor. Wax raid, small leaves. Shadow leaf. Leaves of plants of wet habitats - hydrophitis. Aloe, Agave, Tolstyanka, juicy leaves and soft.

"Seed fruit" - in this way, it is possible to divide the fruits into single-member multifestyle. The number of seeds depends on the number of sicks inside the ovary. MOU "Spasskaya Main Communication School." Juicy and dry fruits. But many plants in the wound a lot of sicks. Single-family and multilateral fruits. Types of fruits.

Laboratory work

Subject.Building and variety of flowers.

Purpose:learn the structure of flowers, learn to determine the parts of the flower;

examine a variety of flowers.

Equipment: Flowers of houseplants,

Instrupturesafety and rules for use

laboratory equipment and dispensing material.


    Consider the proposed flower, we define it parts and mark them in the notebook.

Figure 1.

    Consider the proposed flower models in Figure 2. Determine and write down the number (Numbering can be repeated):a) what of them double perianth ; b) which - Simple ; c) which flowers venchik spacked ; d) of which surrounding.

Fig. 2.

    Among the proposed flowers in Figure 3, determine which

flowers same-sex and what oboy

Figure 3.

    Conclusion: Insert the missed words

1. Flower - ............... organ of coated plants. It usually is located on ............, which ends .................. They are clouded ............ .., ............. And ............

2. Chassels form ................ and petals - .................. ..

If there is a cup and a bunker in the flower, the perianth call ..........

If there are stamens and pestles in the flower, it is called ................

If there is only ............... or only ............ .. - same-sex.

Donetsk Aya. general educationand I School I-III Steps No. 83 named after G.I. Balanova

Development of a lesson on the topic: sexual reproduction. Building and variety of flowers. Laboratory work number 9 "Building and a variety of flowers", in grade 7.

Developed a biology teacher

Shtz T Aityan with Ergeevna

Lesson number 20.

Subject: Sexual reproduction. Building and variety of flowers. Laboratory work number 9 "Building and a variety of flowers."

Purpose: Acquaint students with the structure of the generative bodies in plants. Variety and classification of flowers and plants depending on the structure of the flower; Symmetry of flowers.Develop attentiveness, ability to generalize and analyze, allocate the main thing, compare. Bring up careful attitude towards nature; The recording culture when performing the practical part of the work.

Basic concepts and terms:generating bodies, flower, blossom, flowerwater, perianth, cup, wreath, stamen, pestle.

Concept: Let the flower definition. Pay attention to the fact that the flower is practically a modified escape. Consider the structure of the flower and the functions of individual elements. To form the concept of rim and separation flowers, as well as about single-bed and downtar plants. Consider various forms of flowers and pay attention to the type of symmetry.

Type of lesson: Interactive.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Actualization of reference knowledge.

Before moving to the new topic, students are invited to recall the previously studied biological concepts.


  • What is reproduction? Name the main types of reproduction.
  • Name all known synonyms for the definition of "sexual reproduction".
  • Do you think why the sexual reproduction is called the generative?
  • Does all plants have a flower? Name the plants that do not have flowers.
  • What is the flower from?

III. Motivation of educational activities.

  • The appearance of the first slide on the multimedia boardSubject: sexual reproduction. Building and variety of flowers. Laboratory work number 9 "Building and a variety of flowers."
  • Message to students that during the lesson they will get acquainted with the material according to the following plan, (it is written on the board):


4 Symmetry

1 modified

escape 2 Flower Build 3 Classification of Flowers (Plants)

  • In parallel with explanations of the topic on the board, the teacher records new terms, concepts as a dictionary.

IV. Studying a new material.

Story with interview elements, using problem situations.

Demonstration of slides - photos depicting plants during flowering period. Classical music sounds. The teacher reads the poem.

Flowers, flowers ... How many of them

And pink and blue

Like moths on thin skeners.

Flowers, flowers ... Everywhere, everywhere

I smile all day

Live rainbow hesitory ...

Flowers, flowers ... And there and here

They laugh and bloom.

Discussion of seen material. Aesthetic value of colors.

Study of the cherry flower. Slide "Flowering Vishni Branch", "Longitudinal cut of a cherry flower."

Students are invited to comment on this scheme (problem situation). Slide - Appendix No. 1.

The teacher fills in the dictionary: Pestik, stitch, petal, cup, color, flower maker.

Using the slide - Applications No. 2. "The morphological structure of the flower".

The teacher talks about such education as:

  • Went (threatening, free-glade).
  • A cup (compensation, free-oscillate).
  • Picker: Double, simple (weden, cup).

Slide demonstration - Appendix No. 3 "Tulip flower".

The teacher fills in the dictionary: a whisk, a cup, a perianth. The supervisor suggests returning to the study of the main parts of the flower.

The teacher reads the poem.

Flower prepared honey all night

Bee - Sweetheart waiting for a visit.

Take, they say, but as a friend,

I have a service

Dust flour this transfer neighbor ...

Bee carries her, and here -

The flower faded and ripes the fruit.

Problem situation. Students are invited to discuss the process occurring in a flower. And answer the question why pestle and stamens are the main parts of the flower.

Demonstration of Slide - Appendix No. 4 "Microscopic Structure of Stamens and Pestley".

The teacher fills the dictionary: male and women's gametes.

Problem situation. Students are invited to sum up 2 points of the lesson plan.

Flowers classification:

  • Oboy.
  • Same-sex.

Plants with same-sex flowers are divided into:

  • One-bedroom.
  • Dwoom.

The teacher fills in the dictionary: Obroat, same-sex, single-dollar, dowomular.

Demonstration of Slide - Appendix No. 5 "Corn during flowering"

Problem situation. Students are invited to summarize the 3 points of the lesson plan.

Symmetry of flowers:

  • Actinorphic (cherry, apple tree ...).
  • Sigomorphic (peas, beans ...).
  • Asymmetric (chestnut, gladiolus).

The teacher fills in the dictionary: Actinorphic, Sigomorphic, asymmetric.

Summing up 4 points of the lesson plan.

V. Performance of laboratory work.

Appendix No. 6 "Instructive Card" for laboratory work.

Vi. Generalization, systematization, knowledge control, skills, students' skills.

Chamomile game (check yourself).

On the reverse side of the petals, the terms are recorded, the concepts studied in the lesson. Students are invited to tear the petal and disclose the term studied in the lesson or the concept (from the dictionary filled in the lesson).

VII. Homework.

Paragraph 27 to learn, to questions 1-7 with 115 answer orally. Prepare interesting facts about flowers.

Laboratory work number 9

SUBJECT: Building and variety of flowers.

TARGET: Having studied the structure of the flower of the plant proposed to you, prove that it is a reproduction organ.

EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Slide image of a flower on a multimedia chalkboard, herbaric collections of flowering plants, flower of indoor and ornamental plants, tutorial.


  1. Consider a flower. Find a flower mark, a blossom, a picker, the main parts of the flower.
  2. Calculate the number of cups, petals, stamens, pestles.
  3. Determine the type of perianth, cup, whisk.
  4. With the help of drawings 97.98 in the textbook, study the microscopic structure of the stamens and pestle.
  5. The flower you studied describe the plan below. To do this, it is sufficient to emphasize the sign characteristic of your flower.



Type of perianth:

1. Simple. 2. Double.


1. Separate. 2. Agriculture


1. Freewood. 2. Surrounding

Coloring a whisk:

1.Noyar. 2. White. 3. Yellow. 4. Red.

5. Pink. 6. Blue. 7. Violet.

Flower symmetry:

1. Right. 2. Incorrect.

3. Asymmetric.

The presence of stamens and pestles:

1. Overclock. 2. Pestish. 3. Stagger.

What is inside the anther:

What is inside the margins:

1. Seeds. 2. Pollen grain. 3. Sumpers.

OUTPUT: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Development of a biology lesson for grade 7. The lesson is aimed at the formation of students' knowledge of the generative organs of the plant, fixtures for pollination and reproduction of plants; types of inflorescence; familiarize yourself with gender reproduction; show its importance for plants in nature and the use of man to remove new varieties of cultivated plants.



Building and variety of flowers.Types of inflorescence.

Laboratory work number 9 "Building and a variety of flowers."


Educational. Continue to form knowledge of students on the generative organs of the plant, fixtures for pollination and reproduction of plants; infloretia types; familiarize yourself with sexual reproduction; show its importance for plants in nature and the use of man to remove new varieties of cultivated plants.

Developing. Develop the ability to compare biological phenomena and make appropriate conclusions and generalizations; The ability to think logically; Develop attention, observation, imagination.

Educational. Bring up careful attitude towards the environment and plants of the native land; bring up pride for achieving Ukrainian breeders.

Type of lesson. Mastering new knowledge.

Form lesson. Synthetic.

Scene of the lesson in the educational topic. Current.

Methods and methodological techniques:

1. Informationally recipe:

a) Sluban: story-explanation, description, conversation, student messages, work with a textbook, m \\ m board.

b) visual: illustration, demonstration, TSO;

c) Practical: Performance of laboratory work.

Testing techniques: statement of information, explanation, receipt of the text and illustrations of new knowledge, work with handouts.

2. Reproductive.

Training techniques: Presentation of material in the finished form, concretization and consolidation of already acquired knowledge.

3 Problem - Search: Stopping a problematic issue.

Training techniques: setting interrelated problem issues, intensifying attention and thinking.

4. Visual: Drawing circuits.

5. Suggestive : Application of various types of art.

6 .Rextoicing: Psychological unloading

Materials and equipment: Schemes, drawings, tables, m / m board.

Basic concepts and terms: sexual reproduction, pestle, stitch, ovary, sperm, pollen, seed, inflorescences.

During the classes

I. Actualization of supporting knowledge and sensual student experience.

Check students' knowledge of vegetative organs, modified shoots, plants leaves.

Remember the reproductive bodies and what applies to them.

II. Motivation of educational and educational activities of students.

Task: Creating an emotional mood

(Therefore, it is important to choose the correct inductor)

Sounds "Waltz Flowers" from Ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky, on the screen Image of various colors (see Slide No. 3)

Biology teacher: Listen to the music of the Great Russian Composer. Try to imagine that joyful dance of the colors that you create the strength of your imagination.

There is nothing more beautiful on Earth and tender flowers - of this fragile and precious gift of nature. There is nothing poetic and picturesque colors - this wonderful music, amazing harmony of forms, lines, beauty.

You pass by the flower! Fix, look at the miracle you could not see before. He knows how no one can do on Earth!

This is a problematic question, what do flowers do on the planet?

III. Perception and assimilation of students of the new material.

Flower - modified shortened and limited to growing escape, carrying perianth, stamens, pestle, And at the same time, the flower is the organ of seed reproduction of plants.It consists of flooring, colorful, perianth, stamens and pestles.The generative body, the organ of sexual reproduction (seeds reproduction). Develops from the generative (flower) kidney.


porceliers main parts

simple double

(Wenth) (Corn + Cup)

Pestik ♂ Yakinka

(Rylza, Column, Zajaz) (Bellow, Stagger Thread)

Functions of the perianth:

1. Protection of the pestle and stamens from adverse environmental conditions;

2. Recruitment of pollinkers

Consider the main parts of the flower - pestle and stamens.

Stychkin - the male breeding organ of plant reproduction, consists of a sticky thread and anther, in which pollen matures, containing men's sexes - sperm.

Pestle - The female breeding organ, it consists of a stall, a column and a wound. Wriverer contains in itself. One of the Summer - single-heated fruit (plum), a lot of geeks (raspberry) - multifaceted fruit. (Record in a notebook).Next should Introduction and testing of concepts: "Simple and double perickerel", "Oboy and separate flowers", "Right and incorrect flowers", "Formula Flower".

1) the perianth consisting of a cup and a whin is calleddouble.

2) the perianth who does not have a cup and sewers calledsimple.

3) flowers that have and pestles and stamens are calledobroat.

4) flowers that have only pestles or just stamens are calledpestical or sticky, or separately.

5) If pedestal and sticky flowers develop on one plant, then these plantsone-bedroom.

6) If pedestal and sticky flowers develop on different plants, then these plantsdwoom.

7) Flowers through which you can spend several symmetry planes, are calledcorrect.

8) Flowers through which you can spend one plane of symmetry, are calledwrong.

9) Flowers through which can not be carried out by a single axis of satry - asymmetric.

\ The scheme is sketched in a notebook.


Ozoepace single-salts

Stamens and pestles in one pissile flower

One-Doma Plant (Cucumber, Corn)

Divorberry Plant Bedroom Plant

The features of the structure of the flower can be noted abbreviated as a formula.

When it is compiled, the following abbreviations are used:

H - sewers; ∞ - set;

L - petals; * - right flower

T. - stamens; - wrong

R - Simple pericher.

Flowers are rarely located one by one (tulip, rose). Most plants have flowers collected in inflorescences.Socuagement - This is a group of flowers on a specialized shoot. Biological evolution went towards an increase in the number of flowers, a decrease in the size and formation of a dense group. The main function of inflorescences - serves to attract insects - pollinators. Inflorescences differ in a large variety. If the flowers are located on the main axis, such inflorescences are called simple.Simple inflorescence more diverse:

Brush (Lily of Lily) - Head (clover) - Copper (corn) - Colosis (plantain)

Umbrella (Primula)

Inflorescences will be difficult When the flowers are located on ramifications, that is, on the second and third-order axes:

Makeup (Lilac) - umbrella (dill) - spikes (wheat)

Flowers that are placed by Guoups form inflorescences.

Inflorescence - This is one escape or system of shoots having flowers. There are different number of flowers in inflorescences: from several pieces to several thousand.Inflorescences are divided bysimple and complex. IN simple inflorescences Flowers are located on the main axis of inflorescence, and insophisticated - on the side axles of the inflorescences that are located on the main axis.

In insective plants, the flowers are collected in inflorescences that are well visible at a distance (for example, sunflower). Popile plants have inflorescences to enhance pollen into the pestle (wheat). In inflorescences, a larger amount of fruits are formed than in individual colors, and this contributes to the increase in the size of the species and its distribution.

IV. Comprehension of objective connections and interdependencies in the material studied.

Performance of laboratory work number 7 "Building and a variety of flowers."

V. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Flower - a shortened, modified and limited escape, which is adapted for sexual reproduction of plants. The main functions of the formation of education, games, pollination, fertilization, formation of seeds and fruits. Inflorescence - this is a combination of flowers located in a certain order having a common axis.

  1. What parts of the flower are in its center and what is their structure? (Pestik: Stretch, Column, ovary with seeds; Stamp: Stomaching thread, dust with pollen).
  2. What is the simple perianth different from double?(Double consists of a whin and a cup, and simple - only from the whin).
  3. How do rope flowers differ from same-sex? (In richer flowers there are pestle and stamens, and in same-sex - either pestle or stamens).
  4. Plants with same-sex flowers can be dug-walled and one-bedroom. What plants are called one-bedroom? Give examples. (these are plants, with same-sex flowers, located on one plant. Birch, cucumber, corn: pestle and sticky flowers are on one plant.)
  5. What plants are called dwarm? (These are plants with same-sex flowers, located on different plants: the tagging on one, and pestle on the other. Nuts dwarm, sea buckthorn, Iva, poplar).
  6. Describe on the formulas of plant flowers: buttercups - h5 l 5 t ∞ n ∞; Furki - h 2 + 2 l 4 t 2 + 4 p 1; Pea - h (5) l 3 (2) T (5 + 4) 1 p 1.
  7. Using the table "Flower Build", make it a formula. (H 5 l 5 t 5 p 1)
  8. Decide the biological task. In the flowers of the cherry, a perianther formed by a cup and a wedge is developed. What is the form of a picker of the tulip? (Petals Vidnik).
  9. Decide the biological task. Cherry flowers and tomato flowers have one pestle. However, in the resulting fruits, cherry develops on one seed, and in the fruits of tomato several dozen. What is it connected with? (This is due to the number of sicks in the vessels of the pestle. In the margin of cherry 1, 1 seed - 1 seed, and in tomato there are several dozen of the nurses and the same seed).
  10. Biological task. At the beginning of the flowering of cucumbers blooming flowers, the so-called "sweeps", and then flowers appear with "cucumbers". Is it possible to get a crop of cucumbers in the absence of empty flowers? Reply explain. (No, the crop of cucumbers in the absence of empty-flowers can not be obtained. Empty-fifth flowers - pestile flowers, with cucumbers - pestle. Without empties, there will be no pollution and cucumbers will not.)

Vi. Summing up the lesson.

VII. Providing and explaining homework.

Think about why flowers differ among themselves? What is their meaning?

Laboratory Work on Biology Grade 7 # 6 - Flower Building

Consider the flowers offered to you. Find all the basic flower elements of a flowerwater, a color, perianth, stamens and pestles.

Fill the table.

Draw a flower and sign it the main parts.

Cut the marking across and consider it with a sublouris. (You can use the picture or table.) Locate the Sumpers. What is being formed from the sick and promise a pestle?

Summer: Semen.

Varnish Pestika: Fruits

Take output.

What are the features of the structure of the flower?

The structure of the flower is associated with the functions performed: there are genital formation organs, attracting pollinators, protection.

What are flowers? Why are they called that?

There are rims - because they have pestle and stamens on one flower; Descipients - since pestles and stamens are formed on different flowers.

What role do flowers play in the life of the plant?

Flowers - organs of breeding of flowering plants.

What is the difference in a doubler plant from one-bedroom?

In downtar plants, t-shit and pestile flowers are developing on different plants.

Coloring flowers in land and water plants is very diverse. Naturalists have long noticed that plants blooming in the evening or at night most often have a white flower whisk. How can you explain this phenomenon?
White colors are better visible in the dark for insect pollinators.