Menshikov, the bright prince Alexander Danilovich. BUT

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov is a Russian military and statesman, the associate and favorite of Peter the first, resident of the Military College and the first general governor of St. Petersburg. Menshikov was the only nobleman in Russia, who was honored with the title "Duke of Izhorsky". After Peter I's death, during the reign of Catherine I, he actually ruled the Russian Empire. Under Peter, Alexander Danilovich was a generalissimus of land and sea forces.

The future generalissimus was born in 1673. His father was a court riding, and then, hitting the "fun regiment," was reached by the title of Capral. Because of poverty, he could not give the son of education, so the boy was given to training a pitaker. For days, he traded on the street with pies. Soon, thanks to its natural mind and the intelligence, Alexander faced F. Ya. Leforta - the Swiss military figure who was in the Russian service and speaking as a mentor Peter's first, and was taken to the service.

Carier start

Menshikov was determined in the Preobrazhensky, at that time "fun" regiment. Soon, at the age of 14, he became the most favorite twin of Peter I. Thanks to the emergency point, curiosity, as well as the execution of A. D. Menshikov finally placed the king. In the Azov campaign, they even settled in the same tent. Then Alexander received his first officer rank. During the journey abroad, he was a permanent satellite of the king, and on his return to his homeland began to support Peter the first in all his endeavors. Soon Menshikov began to command the dragoon regiment. It's time to get acquainted with the first military merits that Alexander Menshikov became famous.

North War

In 1700, when the Northern War began, the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops appointed Sheremeteva Boris Petrovich. Under the name of Captain Peter Mikhailov during the troops there was a king himself. Menshikov, who in 1702 distinguished himself when taking the Noteburg, was erected into the guards and along with the king accompanied the troops. He was also appointed the Komentant of the fortress disheveled by the Swedes, which was renamed Shlisselburg.

In 1703, A. D. Menshikov, together with the king, took part in the capture of Nienscans and made a significant contribution to the first seaside victory over a pair of Swedish ships. For this achievement to him, along with the king, the Order of Andrei Far Called from Admiral Golovin. Then Menshikov appointed the Governor of Estlandia, Karelia and Ingermanland. Peter first went to Moscow, and Alexander Danilovich with special enthusiasm engaged in the arrangement of the edge obtained. Thanks to its energetic, initiative and administration, the new city has become rapidly rejected and grow. Menshikov also instructed the construction of Kronstadt and the Kronshlot, which should have become a base for an expanding military fleet.

Army management

In 1705, the front of the fighting (war with Karl XII) was moved deep into Lithuania. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov served as head of Cavalry at Field Marshal Oglvi. However, this did not prevent him from acting absolutely independently. When in the summer of 1706, the illiterate actions of Oglvi and Grodno accepted the king, Field Marshal fired, and the head of the Russian army was appointed young Menshikov.

In the middle of the autumn of the same year, Menshikov with his army during the battle in the city of Kalishe broke a 30-thousand enemy army of General Mardefeld. This battle was the first correct battle won by Russians from the Swedes, who were previously considered invincible. After this battle, A. D. Menshikov was already the prince of the Roman Empire in 1702 in the graph of the Roman Empire. And in 1707, Peter first complained to him the title of the Llest All-Russian Prince of Izhora Earth. At the same time, the military was provided to the city of Yamburg and Coporye.

Battle under Poltava

When Karl Xii decided to transfer the battlefield to Russia, the prince, despite the king's opinion, was sure that the king would most likely go to the Ukrainian lands. In September 1708, Peter first with the assistance of Alexander Danilovich under the forest won the Levanguckus. In early November of the same year, Menshikov once again provided a king service. When Peter received the news about the treason of the hetman Mazepa, the prince, not thinking, went to the Hetman capital, took her attack, destroyed the fortress and burned food reserves. He did all this almost in front of the Swedes. As soon as Menshikov is largely due to the unsuccessfulness of Mazepa's designs.

A skillful sabotage under Poltava allowed the king to go to the city. During the Poltava battle, held on June 27, 1709, A. D. Menshikov performed as the commander of the left wing. He once again demonstrated his leadingness and courage. When the battles were silent, he went to pursue the Swedes and ultimately for the passing forced Lewenga Paul to surrender. For this prince generously awarded the military. He not only gave it to his rich estates, but also complained about the Feld Marshals.

Question with wives

Alexander Danilovich promoted the king not only in military affairs, but also in his personal life. In particular, he helped him get rid of the unloved spouse Evdokia Lopukhina. After her, the king was close to his first love for some time, Anna Mons, however, since 1704, his heart belonged to the Livonian captive March of the Skavron, which in the future will become Empress Catherine. The girl lived in Menshikov's house and was close to him. Here the king with her and met. Communication Martha Skavron with Peter and its gradual elevation, which ended with marriage, was strongly reflected in the life of Field Marshal. In 1706, the king made him legitimize their close relationship with Darya Mikhail Arsenyeva, who with relatives included in the close circle of Catherine and Sisters Peter, Natalia.

Last feats

In the early 1720s, the hero of our conversation made his last military exploits. In addition, the revelation of its abuse in circulation of statements, which caused temporary cooling in its relations with the king. In the 1710 Menshikov instructed to complete the conquest of Livonia. He coped with the task of his bang. When in 1711 the king went to Moldova, Field Marshal remained in St. Petersburg, where he was engaged in the construction of the city and the management of the conquered edge.

At the end of 1711, the Duke of Kurlyandsky suddenly left the life of the life, who immediately took his wife the niece of the king, Anna John. Because of this, Menshikov had to join the army in Kurlydia. In 1712, he headed Russian troops in Pomerania, where the front of hostilities with the Swedes moved. In 1713, Field Marshal was with the army in Holstein and under the command of the Danish king took part in taking the Teningen fortress, won the Swedish General Stenbock, won Stettotin and, bringing the Russian army to Danzig, returned to St. Petersburg at the beginning of 1714.

Since then, he has not participated in military battles. In those times, the revolutions scored a conflict regarding the abuse of Prince than. A. Kurbatov - Vice-Governor Arkhangelsky played a decisive role in the development of the conflict. In 1715, the king was forced to conduct an investigation against his favorite. The case was delayed for several years. Ultimately, Peter the first ordered a serious amount with the commander.

Further events

The St. Petersburg Governor-General in 1718 took part in the search for Tsarevich Alexei. After his death, Menshikov was with the king in good relationship. In 1719, Peter first appointed him by the President of the Military Collegium with the rank of counter-admiral. The sovereign so much trusted the military that he even instructed him to participate in the affairs of the Supreme Court for the disclosure and persecution of all kinds of official crimes, in particular the abuse of Kazna. Vasey came at that time. In abuses accused a number of first statesmen, including Menshikov himself. Asking for forgiveness from Peter and reinforcing his words with 100 thousand Chervonians of the fine, the counter-admiral was able to pick up with the king.

In 1722, Peter, together with Catherine, went to the Persian campaign, leaving Menshikov in St. Petersburg, so that he together with other nobles temporarily headed the government. Upon returning the sovereign, Alexander Danilovich again fell into his disrespectness. The reason for this was the wrong treasury and robbing, as well as illegal misconduct in the management of the crison. In Penalty, Peter took the tobacco sputum from Menshikov, deprived him of the title of Pskov governor and took the mazpey's presented earlier. In addition, the counter-admiral had to pay a fine of 200 thousand rubles. According to contemporaries, in addition, Peter has fallen off the casnocrad to his own cane. Soon, however, they repeatedly recalled: it hurts the king Menshikov. Before the death of the sovereign, the hero of our conversation once again was exploring abuse. This time Peter dismissed him from the position of the governor. In this post, the Temperator was staying in the whole 22 years.

The period of the Board of Catherine I

When Ekaterina became reigning, which was obliged to Menshikov, he actually received the management of the state in his hands. In the Supreme Secret Counter, the counter-admiral belonged a decisive role. In 1726, Menshikov, aware of his meaning for the empress, decided to become the duke of Kurland, the throne of which was vacant the throne at that time. The Polish king strongly wanted this position to get Moritz Saxon. Then Alexander Danilovich had to contradict the Poles with the intervention of Russian military. As a result, the Polish Sejm did not approve Moritz Duke. However, Menshikov still had to abandon this venture due to the persistent unwillingness of the Kurneda nobles to see his duke. Then Alexander Danilovich decided to give his older daughter Maria Alexandrovna for the heir to the Russian throne of Peter Alekseevich. The Empress agreed to this marriage.

Death of Catherine I.

When the Empress died, instead of the young emperor, engaged with Maria Menshikova, unlimited government administration actually received Alexander Danilovich. The upbringing of Peter the second he instructed the Vice-Chancellor Osterman. The arrogance and arrogance of Menshikov in relation to the young emperor, the rapprochement of the last with the Dolgorukov, and the intrigues of the enemies ended up taught the counter-admiral. Prince Menshikov due to another collision with the wayward emperor fell into opal. Soon all the palace was ordered not to accept Alexander Danilovich and his relatives. In this regard, Menshikov turned to the king with a request to let him go to Ukraine. In response, he was deprived of the nobility and orders, and his daughter was left without court servants and crew.

On September 11, 1727, Admiral General ordered the convoy to go along with the family in Ryazan province, in his estate Rannenburg. Alexander Danilovich left St. Petersburg with a rich majority and serving, but he had all selected on the way. But even this turned out to be few enemies Menshikov. Because of their slander and skillful Facts, April 8, 1728, the Supreme Secretary Council decided to send Prince and his family to the link in Berezov. Alexander Danilovich confiscated 6 cities, 13 million rubles, several hundred pounds of precious metals and stones, as well as 90,000 peasants. On the way to the link, Menshikov's wife died.

In Berezov, the commander with enviable hardness transferred his misfortune. November 12, 1729, Generalissimus Menshikov Alexander Danilovich died. He was buried near the church constructed. The eldest daughter of Military Maria died a little earlier. And the two other children returned from the reference during the reign of Empress Anna. So his story finished the glorious commander Alexander Menshikov. The years of Life of Generalissimus: 1673-1729.

Historic portrait

Alexander Menshikov, whose biography in our presentation comes to an end, thanks to his mind, aquet of energy, intuition and grip was an indispensable associate for Tsar Peter the First. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his poem "Poltava" so described the prince: "Happiness is a faded, semi-entertaining lord." After the death of the royal adviser, Franz Yakovlevich Lefort Peter said: "I had one hand, stolen, but faithful." So he characterized Prince Menshikov. At the same time, regular treasures from Generalissimus forced the king to keep his beloved on the verge of opals. With Catherine of the first Menshikov, for two years, actually led the state for two years, but its immense ambitiousness, often turning into arrogance, played a foul joke with him. Having made a lot of enemies, Alexander Menshikov, whose historical portrait shows that if desired, he could be an excellent diplomat, lost his practical all that he had.


Today we met such ambiguous person, as Generalissimus Alexander Menshikov. Interesting Facts From the life of the prince and the description of its activities shows how a simple peasant in fairly difficult times was able to achieve the prosecuted heights. Therefore, despite the rapid criticism towards Menshikov, he certainly deserves attention.

Generalissimus and Admiral was under arrest on the order of the young grandson of Peter the Great and was deprived of all posts, titles and titles. Experts note that Menshikov's role in the history of Russia "is easier to underestimate than to overestimate." About life, merits and causes of opals of a powerful anemone - in the RT material.

On April 11, 1728, Alexander Menshikov was sent to Siberian Berezov. In the Petrovsk Epoch, he actually rules for all Russia, but after the death of the great reformer, he fell into disrespect of his young grandson. According to historians, an excellent strategist and a master of political games has become a victim of personal hostility.

The formation of Ranzedorza

There is no reliable data on the origin of Alexander Danilovich Menshikov today at the disposal of historians. According to the official version of Petrovsky times, the father of the future prince was a Lithuanian nobleman from ancient kind, he was captured during the Russian-Polish war and entered the service for the sovereign Alexey Mikhailovich, and the mother was a daughter of a famous merchant. However, the noble origin of Menshikov was questioned by many historians, in particular Professor Nikolai Pavlenko. According to the evidence of contemporaries, Menshikov traded with cakes.

"Menshikov, even if he was the son of an employee and pickham, a child could well sell some of the pies somewhere. In Moscow, this story lived for many years. His reliability is witnessed by many people - including well-known diplomats, "the doctor of historical sciences told RT in an interview with RT, Professor SPbSU Pavel Mobot.

At the age of 14, Alexander became the twin of Peter I and quickly won his trust. Menshikov participated in the creation of hazardous troops, in the Azov campaigns and the suppression of Streletsky Bunta, traveled with the king in Western Europe, helped him create a navy. In 1700, he received extremely high at the time the title of Lieutenant of the Bombardir Rota of the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, whose captain was Peter himself.

For Menshikov, nothing impossible existed. He was always taken to fulfill any order of the sovereign. Valuable for the Trooptore, the quality was that he knew how to merge a hot-tempered monarch and quickly "stew" his anger. According to the story of the historian Andrei Nartov, Peter somehow got angry with Menshikov and promised to send him to trade with cakes again. Alexander Danilovich jumped immediately into the street and demonstratively returned to the king already with a body of pies in his hands. Peter laughed and forgave his associate.

Ratish glory

Menshikov took an active part in the Northern War and reached in considerable success. In 1702, he had a serious support to the prince of Mikhail Golitsyn when taking Notesenburg (now the Harbor fortress), leading on his own initiative to help the commander at the decisive moment of the fighting of the guardsmen. In 1703, he together with Peter participated in the marine battle with the Swedes at the mouth of the Neva who ended up Victoria of the Russian Fleet. In the same year, even before the official laying of St. Petersburg, Menshikov became his governor-general. In this position he stayed for many years, led the construction of the city, shipyard and weapons.

In 1702, Menshikov was erected to the county, and in 1705 - in princely dignity.

During his lifetime and after death, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov spread a lot of rumors flaying his rumors. One of the most unpleasant - about the illiteracy of the Assistant Peter I. The historian Pavel Krotov, these statements completely refute.

"Similar conversations are the fruit of the activities of Menshikov's political opponents. And they believed even part of modern researchers who paid attention to the fact that the documents instead of Menshikov himself, as a rule, wrote his assistants. However, the fact that the connoissets did not write himself, it is most likely a consequence of the fact that Menshikov emphasized his high status. And also the fact that he had very little time. We reached the signatures made by Menshikov personally derived from a clearly confident hand. In addition, his speech, recorded in the documents, and free ownership of the German language testify in favor of what he was a competent person. Although his main teacher, of course, was the life itself, "Krootov told.

According to the expert, the contribution of Menshikov to the history of Russia "is easier to underestimate than to overestimate."

"Without such an assistant, Peter, most likely, would not have become great, but would just be first," the mobri summarized.

According to the head of the School of Historical Sciences HSE, Dr. Historical Sciences Alexander Kamensky, a fundamental assessment of the activities of Alexander Menshikov depends on the assessment of the reforms of Peter I.

"Menshikov is difficult to evaluate in the category" Positive "or" negatively ". He was a major statesman, one of the nearest associates of the king, on which the monarch could always rely on. Peter's reforms themselves are the subject of hot disks of historians. And if we appreciate them positively, then we should also assess the activities of Menshikov, if somehow otherwise, the activities of the Peter's companion appears in a different light, "the historian summed up.

Historians argue that many documents about the life of Alexander Menshikov are still unexplored, although films are removed about him, write articles and books. A close friend of Peter, the hero of Poltava, the favorite, Generalissimus and the admiral of the White Flag, the first builder of St. Petersburg ... His merits before Russia were huge, his life was amazing, his personal state was one of the biggest in the empire, his korestolube did not know borders. Among the "chicks of Petrov's nest" is the most controversial figure.

The origin of A.D. Menshikova is unknown. Many researchers tend to believe that he was born in 1673 in the family of Konya, and in childhood he traded his patties from the tray. A broken boy noted an ingenian in the Russian service Franz Lefort, who took Alexander to his service. At the age of 20 in 1693, Alexander Menshikov became the "tsarist funny warrior" - the scorer of the Preobrazhensky regiment. He accompanied the king in all his trips, participated in all sovereign fun, turning from the twenty in the right friend and comrades. Menshikov became an active participant of the Azov campaigns of 1695 and 1696, where he distinguished himself with courage when taking turkish Fortress Azov. Menshikov together with Peter visited Europe as part of the Great Embassy in 1697-1698. Alexander Danilovich military career is closely connected with the Northern War, when Russia opposed the Swedish empire in the Baltic States. Menshikov headed Cavalry.

In 1702-1703 Noteburg and Shlisselburg fortresses were taken. The capture of these fortresses meant the actual transition of all Ingermanland under the control of Russia. Governor of this region appointed A.D. Menshikov, who actively manifest itself in any role. Being a faithful performer of Will, Menshikov did not forget to show his personal qualities. For example, during the siege of the Narva Fortress, it was able to overcome the experienced Royal General Gorna, the commander of the city, the rejected Russian soldiers in a similar Swedish form. Ingermanlandenya Menshikov for the first time declared itself as a warlord. For the victory over the army of General Maidel, who was going to master the construction of St. Petersburg, Menshikov is awarded the title of the Governor General of Narva and all conquered land near the Gulf of Finland. At the same time, he becomes a general over the entire Russian regular cavalry.

It was the troops under the command of Menshikov defeated the Army of Charles XII a number of defeats in Lithuania. For merits to the Polish crown in 1705, Menshikov is awarded to the Polish Order of the White Eagle, and in next year Thanks to Petrovsky efforts, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov becomes a bright prince. Then the Polish king of Augustus, who constantly suffered from the Swedes of defeat, decided to attract Menshikov to the Polish service, complaining Alexander Danilovich, the title of commander of the Flemin infantry regiment, who was renamed the regiment of Prince Alexander.

However, the real glory of Menshikov was still ahead. Menshikov decides to attack the Swedish-Polish positions under Kaliche, and on October 18, 1706 he splits the forces of opponents. For this success, Peter I complained Alexander Danilovich's rod of the commander on his own hand drawn. The precious rod was decorated with big emerald, diamonds and princely coat of arms of the genus Menshikov. This work of jewelry art was estimated in a huge amount for that time - almost three thousand rubles. During the war on the Polish lands, the bright prince Alexander Menshikov was erected into valid secret advisors and became the prince of Izhora. And again, for combat merits in confrontation with the Swedish king Karl Xii.

Ukraine tried to use the confrontation of Sweden and Russia in their own interests. Hetman Mazepa prepared food and supplies for the Karl XII army in the city of Baturin. But Menshikov took the city by storm and upset the plans of the enemy.

The decisive land battle between the Russians and Swedish troops occurred on June 27, 1709 by Poltava. Cavalry under the command of Menshikov bravely fought against the coming Swedes. For participation in Poltava battle, the sovereign honored Menshikov title of General Field Marshal. Such a rank before that in the Russian army had only Boris Vasilyevich Sheremetev.

Memshikov after the defeat of the land forces of the Swedes put a lot of effort so that Russia would fulfill its allied obligations to the Rouch Respiracle and Denmark, so until 1713 he commanded Russian troops who freed the Poland, Kurland, Pomerania, Holstein from the Swedish troops. For the siege of the city of the fortress of Riga, he received from the Danish king Friedrich IV Order of the Elephant. The Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm awarded the Russian-General General-Field Marshal Order of the Black Eagle.

Since 1714 A.D. Menshikov was engaged in governor general in St. Petersburg, and also managed the Baltic States and Izhora Earth, conducted public revenue fees. During frequent departures of Peter I, he headed the Office of the country and twice was president of the Military Collegium (1718-1724 and 1726-1727)

However, the leaving from the lowest Russian society of Menshikov could not miss the case so as not to gain one or another amount to the hands. And, starting from 1714, Alexander Danilovich was constantly under investigation for numerous abuse and embezzlement. He was repeatedly subjected to Peter I with huge cash fines. But this did not affect the personal state of Menshikov, who was the second after the sovereign of the landowner in Russia itself.

After the death of Peter the Great in 1725, the position of Menshikov harded: erecting to the throne Empress Catherine I, the bright prince became its favorite, the actual head of the state, without which no question could be resolved.

However, due to illness, he failed to resist the influence of the princes of Golitsyn and Dolgoruki on the new Russian monarch. September 8, 1727, Menshikov was accused of state treason and embezzlement of treasury. He is exposed to the royal opaire, and then arrest. All property was confiscated, and Menshikov with his family was exiled to the Ostrog Birch, where soon and died. Children of Prince - Alexander and Alexandra - Empress Anna Ioannovna allowed back from the link.

Favorite Peter I and Catherine I, which opens up a number of Russian Tree times of the XVIII century. The year of his birth is exactly known: in one news (Burhgolz), he was born in 1673, according to others (Golikov) - in 1670, it was not quite clearly found and the origin of him: according to some, his father was a court string, the words of others - the corporal of the Petrovsky Guard; There is also news (later) that M. in the youth sold the pies on the streets of Moscow and fed with this fishery. Peter's acquaintance with M., as usually accepted, took place through Leforta, who took M. to the service. There is no doubt that M. served in the Preobrazhensky regiment from its very institution, for several years he performed the duties of the twin during Peter and acquired its location, which soon turned into close friendship. From 1697 M. Estracted with Peter: together with him there is a Azov campaign, together goes abroad and returns from there, participates in the Streletsky wanted list, performs important orders; Its influence begins to outweigh even the effect of lephate. After the Narva battle of M., together with the king, he participated in the actions of the Russian army in Ingria, and he showed greater courage and non-free military talents. After taking in 1702 by the Noteburg, he was appointed to the commandant of this fortress, then the governor of newly conquered regions; In his maintenance in the so-called Izhora stationery, many nationwide income were transferred to Peter. Talented and energetic, M. did not stop before the sake of satisfaction of the needs arose due to war; Its fast, decisive actions quite fit the king's cycling energies; Even sort of elementary education (he could hardly sign his name), he replenished this lack of natural reality, which still developed in the responsible situation as he had to occupy. In 1705, M. was called in Lithuania, where military actions focused on this time, and here he acted first as an assistant Feldmarshal Ohilvi, superimposing over the cavalry, and then, from 1706, as an independent commander-in-chief. In the same year, he won the Swedish General Mardefeld at Kalishe. It was the first victory of the Russians in the correct battle, and M. was generously gifted for her. Even earlier, in 1702, he received a diploma for the advantage of the graph of the Roman Empire; Now he was erected in San Prince Roman Empire, and in 1707 Peter erected him to the dignity of the brilliant prince Izhorsky. Having received the news about the treason of Mazepa, M. attacked Baturin, took him an attack and cruelly ruined, having interrupted almost all the inhabitants. For the Poltava Battle of M. received Feldmarsh dignity. Until 1714, he took part in the campaigns of Russian troops abroad, in Kurlydia, Porceania and Holt, and then his activities focused on the issues of the internal device of the state, touching, due to his proximity to the king, not all the most important state needs. The most diligent employee of Peter M. was, however, not so much due to the clear consciousness of those principles, which the activity of the converter was sent, how much due to self-real motives, and these latter attached to all his figure a lot of painting. "Singher-magnetic lord", according to Pushkin, "Child of the Heart" of Peter, as his last in his letters to him, was a terrible bribe and casnocrad and, despite the awards, in abundance, poured on him, increased his condition with all disgraced means. Not satisfied with bribes from the petitioners, he robbed the border of the estate of the Polish gentry, fixed the Malorosiysk Cossacks, took the land from the landowners imprisoners with his estates, finally, crushed the treasury on all sorts of contracts. In 1711, Peter first learned about such abuses M., and three years later was appointed, according to the Donos Kurbatov (see), a special investigative commission. Since then, until the end of the reign of Peter I M. almost did not come out from under the trial. Numerous investigative commissions revealed the grandiose abuses, but their exposure only missed the confidence and the location of Peter to M., without having deprived the latter fully effect and power. In addition to the people who remained still at Peter attachment to a pet, in addition to the intercession for him, Catherine, who became acquainted with Peter and who fed a warm feeling towards the first perpetrator of his elevation, other considerations could act here: in the face of M. Peter, he treated one of the most gifted and devotees to him employees. Both the devotion of the king and the personal interests of M., closely related to reforms, made it the enemy of the Party of Adherents of the Starny. In such a role, he performed, by the way, and in the collision of Peter and Son. Many of the contemporaries are unlikely, however, thoroughly considered M. The main culprit of the death of Alexei Petrovich. Be that as it may, the abuse of M. safely went with his hands; Commissioning with their disclosure with cash fines, he successfully drove his enemies, including sometimes very strong people, such as Shaffirov. When establishing the colleges M. was appointed in 1719 by the President of the Military Collegium. Only by the end of the reign of Peter, after the famous Monsov has undermined the confidence of the king to Catherine, M., the newly conveted abuse, was seriously dangerous, but soon the next death of Peter opened him the road to even greater power. The main culprit of the erection of Catherine I (see), he became with this weak and unable to be the true ruler of the state. The Supreme Council established in part due to the desire of other nobles to put the limit of Samovistia M., soon became a simple tool in his hands. To strengthen its position, he tried to achieve the election of the throne of the Kurland Duchy with the help of Russian bayonets, but this attempt was not crowned with success. Then M. accepted other measures to ensure itself in case of death of Catherine. Without counting on the opportunity to eliminate the son of Alexei Petrovich's son, in favor of the daughters of Peter and Catherine, he moved to the side of this candidate in advance; At the request of M., Catherine gave his consent to the marriage of the young Peter Alekseevich with his daughter M. Found after the death of Catherine, the testament (subsequently, it was subsequent) declared the heir to the throne of 12-year-old Peter and established the regency for his major regency and the Supreme Secretary Council. But the duke, at the insistence of M., went to Holstein along with Anna Petrovna; The actual ruler of the state remained M., who lost the emperor with his daughter Maria and received the title of Generalissimus. Selfhood M. was now laid on the square, turning sometimes on the emperor himself; This is him and destroyed. Trying to reconcile with old kinds, he closer to Peter II Dolgoruky, who took advantage of this to restore the emperor against M. September 8, 1727 M. was arrested and on the other day the decree reference to Rannburg followed. Following all his huge riches were confiscated, and after M. was found in Moscow, he was exiled with his wife, son and daughters in Berezov, where he died on November 12, 1729.

Literature. Esipov, "The livelihood of A. D. M." ("Russian Archive", 1875); His, "Link M. in Berezov" ("Domestic Notes", 1860, No. 8 and 1861, Nos. 1 and 3); Kostomarov, "The History of Russia in the life-writings of its leaders" (t. II); Shurabalsky, "Prince M. and Graph Moritz Saxon" ("Russian Bulletin", 1860, Nos. 1 and 2); Karnovich, "The Intervention of Russian Policy in the election of Moritz Saxon Duke Kurnedandsky" ("Ancient and New Russia", 1875, Nos. 9 and 10); Porozovskaya, "A. D. M." (St. Petersburg, 1895; in the Biographic Library of Pavkova); Lazarevsky, "Description of the Old Malorus" (t. I).

V. Mr.


Menshikov, the light prince Alexander Danilovich

Feldmarshal 4 General, 1st Generalissimus.

Menshikov, Prince Alexander Danilovich, paved his way to the honors of the service, useful state.

He was born in the vicinity of Moscow on November 6, 1673. [ Contemporary Berkgolts.. See HIS Notes.] Without every formation, but a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature, a beautiful appearance, a muddy mind, a beautiful appearance, this extraordinary person turned over, through a sonorous voice and sharp answers, the attention of Leforta, with whom inadvertently met on the street. Petrov's favorite took him to his service and soon forced to give way to the sovereign. They were almost the same years [Peter Great was born on May 30, 1672], equal growth. Peter was not mistaken in his choice. Event is referred to 1686.

Menshikov first received the post of Campner and, being abruptly with the sovereign, carefully performed the instructions given to him; did not dissuade the inability; remembered orders; He kept the secrets and with rare patience, the flawedness of the Lord of the Lord, whose bed was usually sleeping. The power of attorney to Him Peter agreed against him. He recorded him in the company Funcomposed of some nobles; He witnessed the first experiences of his courage when taking Azov (1696). Next year, Menshikov had the happiness to open a comprehensive plot against the monarch; accompanied him in other people's edges, in the rank of nobleman; was in Prussia, England, Germany and in Holland, where, together with the state truck, he studied the ship structure from August 30, 1697 to January 15, 1698; I went every day to work, having an ax over a belt; He received a written praise from the inlet carpenter for the presented adjacent and success. The screen begins the rapid elevation of it: returning to the fatherland, he granted a sergeant Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (1698); In 1700, the guarantor of the scorer company [ Bombardir Rota Instituted under the Preobrazhensky regiment by Peter Great in 1695. He was a colonel shelf and the captain of the company]; In 1702, the Governor of the Noteburg renamed Shlisselburg. Menshikov, whom Peter the Great called in his letters Aleksasheyu, Watch your heart[Mein Herzenskind.. Then Peter the Great often referred to Menshikov brother: MEIN BRUDER.], participated in the capture of this fortress by Field Marshal Sheremethev: He led the brave warriors to the attack under the hail of the enemy bullets and the boot. Communicated with a review of the monarch when he appeared to him with his sentencing of his gratitude: " You are not borrowed to me; Invalued, I didn't think about your happiness, But the benefits of the general. If I knew who more decent, That would not produce you"In the same year, Emperor Leopold suggested Menshikov County dignity of the Roman Empire; In the next, he was when taken Nienschman (May 1st) and several Swedish vessels at the mouth of the Neva-River, the sovereign (7th day); received, for the rendered courage, the Order of St. Apostle Andrei First Called, on the thirtieth year from birth; granted the first general governor of St. Petersburg (1703) [Menshikov corrected this position twenty-four years]; promoted the conquest of Derpte, Narva and Ivan-Cities; awarded Genuine-General (1704); Retained the nine-day squad of the Swedes, who intended, under the command of General Maidel, to master Petersburg; named by the Governor of Narva and all conquered places; General over all Connection; he received the Polish Order of the White Eagle (1705) and a diploma for the advantage of Prince Roman Empire (1706). [Love Peter the Great to Menshikov before extended that in 1703 it was sent to Vienna, General Lieutenant Rosen to work for him Noency title, with the promise of the ministers of ten thousand guilders; But Baron Gizen's embassy was more successful.] Then the king of Augustus granted Menshikov's chief of the Fleming Infantry Regiment, which began to be called poliver Prince Alexander.

Menshikov's merits corresponded to awards. Being in Poland with ten thousand troops, he won on October 18 (1706) under Kaliche famous victory over the Polish-Swedish corps, which was led by General Mardefeld. The enemy camp was located at a fortified place; The river is simple and the swamps surrounded it. Menshikov, amplifying the shelves their succons and Poles, faithful to the King Augustus, ordered Kozak and Kalmyks to bypass Swedes. Mardefeld was forced to leave a profitable location. Began battle, about three hours continued. The infantry Swedish mixed at first our Connection, but Menshikov, having hurried of his dragoon, resumed the battle. Poles first retreated; Swedes continued to fight until the night; Then, that would be tilted, turned into flight. The enemies fell in place up to five thousand people. General Mardefeld, 142 Headquarters and Ober-Officer and about 2500 ordinary orders were captured. 3 guns, 26 banners and 400 guns increased our trophies. Only 408 people were killed and injured on our side. Victory this exclusively belongs to Menshikov, because August II was a viewer, concluding a secretly truce with Karl Xii. Peter Great S. indescribable joy -how Menshikov notified in his letter - got news about victory over the enemy, what else never happened; He granted his favorite wand, decorated with great emerald, diamonds, emblems and princely coat of arms of three thousand rubles; It made it later to the lieutenant colonels of the Preobrazhensky regiment. With some frankness, he was explained then with the state truck! "Perhaps," Menshikov wrote, "the experts of the local generals wagate from themselves from themselves with letters to them, or in letters to register to each of them especially for their good governance."

In 1707, Menshikov commanded the Connection and advanced troops located in Poland; Granted by the actual secret adviser, prince Izhora (May 30) and, not satisfied with his meaning, urged Baron Gizen [see About Baron Gizen below in this biography] to work out the dignity of the Kurfürst; But Gizen, who received (1707), the portrait of Peter the Great without major diamonds, held by Menshikov, refused to travel to Vienna. [ Weber, Part 2, p. 45.] Then Hetman Fuck, Marshal Volovich, Voevod Trotsky and many Velmazbras Polish witnessed the noble origin of Prince Izhorsky! At the top of the honors, he was not afraid of jointing, the power of her suppressing the main dignitaries in the state: Admiral-General Apraksin and managed by the Embreneous Affairs of Golovkin, of which the first, while Menshikov had no importance, was the lieutenant colonel of the Semenovsky regiment, the second supreme Room [title, which corresponded to the current overall chamber member]. Sheremetyev alone, boyar from 1682 and the Feldmarshal general, when Menshikov was the guarantile of the scorer company, did not adorn the chela decorated with laurels.

Forging new experiences of his courage in the battle under the forest (1708), where Peter the Great completely defeated the Swedish General Lewengaupte, Menshikov went to Malorossy for notes for the actions of Mazepa and the turnover destroyed the goats of the traitor, took the attack of Baturin (November 3); betrayed the edge of the sword of all residents, not excluding babies; He drew into the ashes of the beautiful Hetman Palace, decorated according to the customs of Polish, thirty mills, bread shops made for the enemy; Maspea seized the property, forty cannons, except for the Mortira. The sovereign occupied by military actions left Menshikov without awards for this military feat, but at the beginning of 1709 (February 9) accepted from St. Son's newborn son, Luka PetraAnd he complied with his guarantor of the Preobrazhensky regiment, gave a hundred yard on the cross. [Prince Luca Petr died in 1712.]

Glory expected Menshikov on Poltava Field: Having supplanted a squad of the Swedes from one Retrantist, turning him into flight, the prince of Izhorsky distracted the attention of the enemy from the city and contributed to the strengthening of the garrison of our 900 warriors; Then, in an unforgettable day of battle, on June 27, he stopped the rapid desire of the Swedes who made their way through our redoubts, gave time to Connection to retreat in the best order. Two horses were killed under it at that time. Following the fact that Menshikov attacked General Ross, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the Swedish army, scattered the leaded detachment, forced to surrender to General Renzel; Having met the three-thousandst reserve corps of the enemy, destroyed it and returned to the monarch with the victory and prisoners. "If," says Voltaire in the history of his Karl XII, "Menshikov made this maneuver himself from himself, then Russia is obliged to him with his salvation; if he performed the order of the king, then Peter was a worthy rival Karl XII." The main battle began, and Menshikov, under which then the third horse was killed, promoted the victory, hitting the Swedish to Connection with such a force that she turned her to escape, meanwhile, as Feldmarshal Sheremetev, who was in the center, tilted the infantry bayonets. Swedes rushed to Reshetilovka, pursued by Prince Golitsyn and Baur. On July 1, Menshikov attacked the enemy under the dressingly with a ten-thousand only army and a courageous Natius forced fourteen thousand people to put a weapon. Among the prisoners were: General-Annef and Riga Governor-General Count Levenga Paul; Major General Craz and Cruz; Adjutants General Count Duklasa and Boyd Count. The grateful monarch hugged Menshikov in the presence of an army, he kissed him several times, exalting great feats, his works; He granted him (July 7) the rank of the Second Russian General Feldmarshal and did not want to have a solemn entry to Moscow without him: December 15, Prince Izhorsky arrived in the village of Kolomna, where Peter the Great expected him; The 16th, the inhabitants of the ancient capital saw the beloved of their monarch and beside him, on the right side, in the Preobrazhensky uniform, with a naked sword - Menshikov.

In 1710, Menshikov participated in the Siege of Riga; Received from Friedrich IV Danish Order of the Elephant; In the same year (October 31), Viedena in the houses of St. Petersburg Church, Hutinsky Archimandrite Feodosius, Tsarevna Anna John with Friedrich-Wilhelm, Duke Kurlyandsky. [Duke Zalemog in St. Petersburg on January 3, 1711, and 9 numbers died at forty versers from this city.] In 1711, Prince Izhorsky warmed by Russian troops in Kurlendia; In 1712 in Pomerania, where although he consisted under the authorities of the King of Polish, but he had a secret command from the sovereign to notice for all the actions of August, who brought the fair suspicion of the owner of Russia. In 1713, being with an army in Holstein, under the team of the Danish king, Menshikov participated in taking the Teningen fortress (May 4): a garrison consisting of 11,000 people surrendered to the winners of 19 guns, 128 standards and banners, many rifles, pistols, peak and other military shells. Friedrich IV gave a portrait of his portrait his portrait, shrouded with diamonds. Following the prince of Izhorsky, fulfilling the orders of Peter the Great, concluded two convention With the cities of Hamburg and Lubeze, on June 5 and 15. They pledged to pay Russian in the treasury, in three times, for the trade made by them with the Swedes: 233333⅓ Thalers [Hamburg 200000 Tal.; other love]. Stetin's taking was crowned in that year Menshikov's military actions, which was led by Russian-Saxon troops. He gave the fortress conquered by him (September 22), which belonged to the Holchtinsky court, in the sequestration to King Prussian, for which Friedrich Wilhelm pledged to pay Russia, on the annual term, 200,000 Reichstarters and laid the Order of the Black Eagle on him. On a return route to Fatherland with a twenty-sest thousand, 300,000 Guldenov recited from the city of Danzig and arrived at St. Petersburg in February 1714.

Then the brave warlord put into the sheathing sword and began to increase his vast state, he was under someone else's name in all governmental contracts. Several investigative commissions were established above him. Feeling her guilt and knowing the mercy of Peter the Great, his favorite was forced to appear to the court with the guy, which he filed in the hands of the sovereign. Rasskowning, vividly written on Menshikov, a pitiful voice, who asked him for forgiveness and, in particular, unfavorable laurels, who decorated his man, hacked the Terrible Monarch. He took the request from him and, read, said: " E., brother, and you didn't know how to write! "Then he began to correct. At that time, the youngest dick rose from his place and invited comrades to follow his example." Where are you going?" - i questioned him with anger sovereign. "To go home. What do we do here, when you yourself teach the criminal, as he is justified." The Great Monarch answered the captain, with a gentle view: " Sit down in your place and speak, what do you think". The captain demanded that Menshikov's request to read out loud, and he, as the guilty, to become at the door and, according to reading, was expelled from the presence." Hear, Danilych, How should they come!" - said the sovereign to his favorite. Then the members starting with the younger, began to offer their opinions on the punishment of Menshikov: they sentenced him to the link and even to the deprivation of life. The turn to Peter the Great; Having a voice, he uttered the judges: " Where is the case about the life and honor of the person, then justice requires to weigh the scales of impartiality as a crime of his, So and merit, Remitted by the Fatherland and Sovereign, and the merit will repolce crimes, In this case, mercy should praise on the court". After this monarch, there was a briefly all the feats of Menshikov; mentioned that he saved and his own life." so, "Petr Great concluded, - according to mine, Pretty will be, Having made him in the presence of a crime strict reprimand, punish, Commonly embezzlement; And he still needs me, And maybe more purely deserve it"." We are all, I hope, "the younger member then announced," now I agree with the will, the sovereign. When he had happiness to save your life, then, in fairness, and we should preserve his life. "But, having saved from the execution of his pet, Peter the Great ordered to punish the twenty of the Novgorod Vice-Governor Korzakov [see him in the biography of Prince Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgoruk ] Having helped Menshikov in secret officials; approved in 1717 the death sentence over Major Guard Semenovsky Regiment Prince Volkonsky, who, pleaseing the prince of Izhorsky, improperly made a consequence over Solovyov. [Prince Volkonsky was shot in St. Petersburg, near the Church of St. Trinity.]

Meanwhile, Menshikov remained a governor-General in St. Petersburg, every day went to the military board, to the Admiralty and Senate, although he was not then a senator. Not to suffer ceremonial techniques, Peter the Great laid a treat to Prince Izhorsky the facilities of his own and foreign ministers. His dinners in solemn days consisted of two hundred eats, served on the gold service, which were prepared by the best French chefs. Menshikova House was located on Vasilyevsky Island, where now the first Cadet Corps. The decoration of the rooms served: wallpaper Tophna and tapestry, presented by a sovereign in Paris; big bronze watches with battle and chimes; chandeliers of colored crystal with gold and silver branches; Large Venetian mirrors in mirror frames with gold-plated hoops; Persian carpets; Tables on thick-mounted legs with calculations from a multicolored tree, which represented all kinds of animals and birds; Sofas and chairs with high backs, which showed the coat of arms of the owner with the princely crown. The house extended an extensive garden, the best in St. Petersburg after the royal, with greenhouses, fruit trees, poultry houses and a small zelery. Menshikov had his chambers, chambers-junkers and crashes from the nobles. The latter were considered Guard Sergeants. In the city he traveled with an extraordinary maturity: leaving the coast of the Neva with a numerous retilt, Petra's favorite sat usually into the boat, having a green velvet inhabited and separated from the outside. She moored to St. Isaac Pier, where the Senate now. Menshikova carett was expected there, made like a fan, on low wheels, with a gold coat of arms on the doors, the big princely crown of the same metal on the imperial and the hardened six horses. Bring them consisted of raspberry velvet with gold or silver jewelry. There were boosters and servants of the house in a rich liver; Then they drove the musicians and fiction riding, in blue cloth and velvet cafts with golden pose on the seams; The carriage had six chamber-junkers, of which one kept behind the handle of the door. The detachment of the dragoon of the princely regiment was a procession.

The sovereign, leaving the capital, instructed his family Menshikov. He was an Ober-Hofmeister of the Unfortunate Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and removed from him, for his own species (1705), a worthy mentor, Gizen [Gizen sent first to Berlin, and then to Vienna Minister and found Menshikov dignity of the imperial prince], at that It's time as the latter began to destroy prejudice and bad usages in the porphyronos young man. When in 1718 the heir to the throne was devoted to the court of Peter Great, Menshikov took an active part in this important event: every day went to the fortress; was in the courtyard of interrogations and torture; Seeing Tsarevich and on the day of his deathJune 26th. IN notesMenshikova is placed that "the 27th of the one of the month he listened to the lunch in the Trinity Church, where he congratulated the sovereign with a formerly in half a battle; dinner on the postal courtyard, and in the evening he went to the garden of his royal majesty, where are pretty having fun And where they drove down at home in the twelfth hour. "Peter the Great continued to provide him with his own favor: August 20 (1718), visiting Menshikov after dinner and learning that he rests, went back to the palace; November 23 (1719) , on the day of the angel of his pet, arrived in the sixth hour of the Popolunion to the Nevsky Monastery, where he served himself with Menshikov's vigil vigil, Liturgy and Prayer, in the continuation of which in honor of the birthday room, one of the guns are sixty once, - and, at the very time, the office investigative , chaired by Major General Prince Golitsyn [Prince Peter Mikhailovich, Native Brother Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn. He enjoyed a special mercy and powers of the sovereign; he was then a lieutenant-General and Guard of the Transfiguration Shelf by Lieutenant Colonel; Died in 1722], threatened to plant Menshikov under Guide for insulting penalties. The dominated fifty thousand peasants responded insequences His six thousand rubles, begged the sovereign to forgive him this debt into respect for the significant profit made by him the treasury! Peter the Great wrote at the request of him: " Do not take".

With a notable way, Correspondence of Menshikov with the king. Before he called the sovereign in his letters: Mr. Captain, Colonel, Counter-admiral; I started with usually with the words: " Donosha your mercy"; Signed simply:" Alexander Menshikov" [Menshikov never subscribed to the prince]; allowed himself sometimes not to fulfill his commands; But since the time he was under the investigation, did not otherwise wrote to Peter as: " All-storey sovereign! Donosha to your royal majesty, Father and sorts and. Your Tsarist Majesty Leniest Slave". He then did not stick to the change of the commands of the monarch; even about his own needs was not directly towards him, but by the secretary of the Tsarsky, Makarov, asking him, as her gracious and benefactor, to report on the case of His Majesty. With all those sovereign, on the day of a peaceful celebration with Sweden (1721), Menshikov made from Shaubenacht in Vice Admirals [Prince Menshikov was granted by the Fleet captain in 1708; Scheubenacht in 1715] and in the same year he deprived him of the violent lands in Malorossey, betrayed the court of Dejaca Losev, who, in the please of the prince of Izhorsky, was made of the wrong frequency. The corestolube of the pet Petrova did not have limits: to a huge state, he attributed even more than thirty-two thousand runaway different titles. The sovereign ordered them to harvest in the former dwellings on the responsibility. Many of this: Menshikov cut off from many poor owners of the Earth, adjacent to his extensive possessions, and when Peter the Great found out about this in disabilities, it was afraid of the righteous wrath of the monarch, he appeared to him in a simple officer Mundir, fell to the feet of Petrov, plunged all his orders and the sword, spoke, shedding tears, what recognizes yourself unworthy signs of honor; begged to punish it at discretion, not making only enemies! He knew the generous heart of his Lord! Live repentance has always disarmed the anger of Peter. The Ekaterina's Representation also contributed to Menshikov: the sovereign, after a strict reprimand, ordered to return the land offended and satisfy all the damages applied to them; continued to trust him: instructed before going to Persia (1722) to have supervision different worksproduced in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, the Shlisselburg Fortress and in the Ladoga Channel. Menshikov notified the emperor about what was happening: in the Senate, in the colleges, in the capitals; reported received information from other seaside edges and at the same time, according to personal displeasure, discharged the unfortunate pickener of Baron Shafirov, was the main culprit of his fall; Celebrated November 6 in St. Petersburg his birthday at the thunder of seventeen guns placed near the house!

In 1724, Menshikov lost the title of President of the Military College, which he received in 1718, with the institution itself. The prince repinn is defined in place. According to Bashvich, Peter took the main funds from his favorite to impassive enrichment. Then he paid two hundred thousand rubles of penal money, and suddenly all the decorations in his house disappeared; on the walls appeared simple wallpapers! The sovereign was angry, seeing such a change, demanded an explanation. "I was forced," Menshikov answered, "to sell her tapestries and a landflows, so that although somewhat satisfy state recovery!" " goodbye, "said the sovereign with anger. - In the first reception day your day, If I find here the same poverty, not corresponding to your rank, then make you pay another two hundred thousand rubles! "Peter Great kept his word: I visited Menshikov; I found it still decoration, a decent prince Izhorsky; admired rich furniture, not mentioning the past, and was extremely fun. [See Notes Bashvich in Store Bureuts, t. IX, p. 352.]

In such a crammed position, Menshikov was when an inexorable death stopped the life of Peter Great for the Fatherland (January 28, 1725). An extensive field has been opened with impossible plants of ambition! There was no monarch, and the first ranks of the empire were locked in one room of the palace, consistent, among themselves, on the erection of the young Grand Prince, the son of Tsarevich Alexei. The sentries were delivered at the door, with the prohibition of Menshikov. What did this brave man did, whom everyone was afraid? He ordered to bring the rob of the Preobrazhensky regiment and with her right went to this room, ordered the door to break the door and proclaimed Ekaterina I Empress All-Russian. No one expects such a bold act, no one daring to contradict, everyone swelled! [Event This is transferred to the city of Burevin's eyewitness, Field Marshal Count Minich.] Thus, a poor liflyand, who was in the service of the pastor; entered into a marital afternoon to take Russian Marienburg (1702); That day, lost her husband killed in the battle; presented by the soldiers General Bower; Patronized by Feldmarshal Count Sheremetyev and Menshikov, in the house of which lived two years [ Nordberg, Tom the second, p. 253] and from where he passed into the palace (1705) [see In the letters of Menshikov, stored in the Moscow Archive of Foreign Affairs, one from coven, dated March 9, 1705]; Made in 1707 spouse Peter the Great; justified his choice of his unfortunate trek in Moldova (1711); Crowned in Moscow (1724), but before the end of the sovereign, an equitable suspicion of it [see Preface of the bureuta to the IX store], "took a scepter from Menshikov's hands, which is obliged to his initial elevation! All commissions that have consequences over the prince of Izhoras in stateless contracts and plunders were immediately destroyed; The number of peasants increased to one hundred thousand souls; Baturin city ( which the -according to Menshikov - as if he was promised to Peter GreatWhat he referred to the Cabinet Secretary of Makarova) was also owned by his property. [Peter Great resolutely refused Menshikov's award of Baturin.] He is named by the first member of the Supreme Secret Council, established by his submission to derive the power of the Senate; The eleven-year-old son was granted by a real chamber, the guarantor of the Preobrazhensky regiment, the Kavaler of the Order of St. Catherine [Prince Alexander Alexandrovich Menshikov One of the men had the ladies' Order of St. Catherine]; The wife was awarded the same sign of the differences, which were decorated at that time only the Operation of the Imperial House [In addition to the Empress, then the Order of St. Catherine: Duchess Holstetskaya Anna Petrovna; Zesarean Elizabeth Petrovna; Duchess Mecklenburg Ekaterina Ioannovna; Duchess Kurland Anna Ioannovna; Tsarevna Praskovya John and the Great Princess Natalya Alekseevna]; Both daughters, Princess Maria, engaged with Count Peter Safejoy, and Princess Alexander, received portraits of the Empress for wearing on blue bays; The future son-in-law is ranked with the highest court Camerogen, granted by Cavalier of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, also awarded the portrait of the public. Following that Menshikov again began to manage the military board in the rank of the president again, had the right to complain to the colonel and, being a vice-admiral, allowed the introduction of the Admiral General of Count Apraksina; He managed both external affairs or, it was better to say, was the first everywhere, acting on Catherine.

But the power did not exclude the ambition. He walked more: referred to as the Duke of Izhora, the bright prince of the Roman and Russian states, the Reichs Marshal and the Commander of General-Field Marshal, the Military College by the President, the Fleet of the All-Russian Vice-Admiral, Governor-General of the province of St. Petersburg, a valid secret adviser, Lieutenant Colonel of Transfiguration Liebe -Gardia, Colonel over the three shelves and captain of the company Bombardirskaya [ Cases GL. Moscow. Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1726.] - missed dignity generalissimus[Arsenyev. Cm. The reign of Catherine I.. It is not known why Menshikov remained General Field Marshal. He wanted to be generalissimus following the example of Prince Eugene. There], for Duchy Kurland; went to Mitava; destroyed the deliberate marriage of the duchess of the Duchess of Kurland Anna John with the glorious Morita Saxon, elected successor of a childless Duke Ferdinand; His power tried to destroy the choice that did not agree with his species, and, deceived in Hope, returned to St. Petersburg, without obtaining the desired one. Kurlyandtsy declared what can not have Menshikov Duke, for he is not a German, not Lutheran confession.

Meanwhile, in the absence of the Plusolubets, several concedes convinced the sovereign to sign a decree on his arrest on the road, but the Minister of the Holchtinsky courtyard Count Bashchevich stood up for the favorite of happiness, and this command was canceled. In vain Menshikov tried to take revenge on the secret enemies - they remained unharmed, to the annoyance of offended Velmazby. Anticipating an important coup, which had to follow in the state, he inclined his empress, upset his health, to provide the spiritual testament to the young great prince the right to the throne, with so that Peter, when it reaches perfect age, married his daughter, Princess Mary. Meanwhile, the opposite side also acted: Graph Tolstoy, Head Oyoy, was afraid of the Mystery of the Tsaritsa Evdokia Fedorovna for participating in her son, Tsarevich Alexey, and persuaded the sovereign to send the Grand Duke in Fountains, appointing one of the daughters: Anna Petrovna or Zesarevna Elizaven. Duke Golucket supported it for own benefit. Catherine, weak recently, did not know what to decide. From the insight of Menshikov did not hide the ideas of enemies of him: the death of them was inevitable.

In April (1727), the sovereign disease increased. Menshikov arrived at the Palace of the 10th [see Casual Notes Prince Menshikova 1727.] And it was abruptly. Soon he introduced himself to the case to triumph over opponents. The 16th day, when the entire courtyard indulged in extreme disheartening due to the desperate position of the Empress, the Politzmeister General Count Devyer, who belonged to the opposite party, despite the close relatives with Menshikov [Count Anton Manuilovich Devyer was married to the native sister of Prince Menshikov. His last senses, when he began to wrap, but Peter the great agreed his pet, the mailing Devière. Since that time, he became a secret enemy Menshikov] and probably that day was not in a sober form, he began to join the niece of the sovereign, Countess Sophia Karlovna Skavron, speaking to her: " not needed to cry! ". And after that, approached the Great Prince, who was sitting on the bed, took a place beside him and said:" O what are you sad? Drink wine glasses". Then he told him in his ear: " Let's go to the stroller. It will be better for you. Your mother does not be alive". All this happened in the presence of the daughters of the Empress, the deviere was sitting. [ Arsenyev. Cm. The reign of Catherine I.. Soon it will be printed.] Ten days passed, and the guilty remained without proper punishment.

At the end of April, the sovereign received some relief. The 26th of the Duke of Izhorsky went to his house, on Vasilyevsky Island, taking his great prince Peter Alekseevich and his sister, the great princess Natalia Alekseevna: the first spent the day in the rest of Menshikov's son, the second of his daughters. He had a secret conversation that day with the Chancellor of the Graph Golovnaya and the actual secret adviser to the prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn. Then the Investigation Commission is dressed, chancelter by Chancellor, above the Graph Devyer for the great it, evil tips and intentions. Members appointed followers of Menshikov: Golitsyn, Lieutenant-General Dmitriev-Mamonov, Prince of Yusupov and Colonel Famyshn. Ordered by torture interrogate guilty of his accomplices. He called Tolstoy, Buturlin, Naryshkin, Ushakova, Skyrovakova-Pisareva. On May 2, the Empress felt a fever, a dry cough opened, and Menshikov moved again to the palace, Topil (on May 5) Golovkin: so that he rather solved the investigative, So that the extract was compiled without interrogation of all accomplices. [Arsenyev, Cm. The reign of Catherine I..] The will is executed. On May 6, Catherine, shortly before the death of his who followed in the nine o'clock in the afternoon [Ekaterina I died from the Nakaya in the light, in the 45th year from birth], signed a weak hand to the punishment of criminals, who daring to dispose of the heritage of the throne and resist the wedding of the Grand Duke, Highest Will. [In this decree, it was not mentioned about the attempt to arrest Menshikov.] On the very day, Petra Great Petr, Count Peter Andreevich Tolstoy and Ivan Ivanovich Buturlin [see Biographies of Count Tolstoy and I. I. Buyurlin in the second part of my Acts of famous commander and ministers of Peter the Great. The Biography of Ushakov is placed there. About Naryshkin, Devière and Skyrovak-Pisarev, see my Dictionary of memorable people of Russian earth] devoid of ranks, the signs of differences; The first is exiled, along with the son, in the Solovetsky monastery, where the life of the famous feats in poverty cumshot; The second sent to the far village; Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin was also delayed and removed from the capital; Andrei Ivanovich Ushakov, who served in the guard Major, was transferred to the Army Regiment; Count Devyer and the former Ober-Prosecutor of Skyrovak-Pisuses are punished by whip and exiled to Yakutsk.

The next day (May 7), Menshikov woke up earlier than ordinary, in the fifth hour, and immediately put on the uniform, his orders. Immediately began to go to him by members of the Supreme Secret Council, Holy Synod, High Senate and general selected in St. Petersburg. [The main specials were: General-Field Marshal Count Sapega; Admiral General Count Apraksin; Chancellor Count Golovkin; Vice-Chancellor Baron Osterman; Valid secret adviser Prince Golitsyn; Archbishop Faofan Prokopovich and with him three bishings; Generals: Ginter, Volkov, Dmitriev-Mamonov, Prince of Yusupov, Saltykov; Secret Counselor Makarov; Holstein Minister Count Bashevich; Vice-Admiral Zmaevich; Schaubenacht Senjanin; Prince Hesse-Gomburg; Majila General: Senyavin, Gokhmut, Korchmin, Volynsky and Urbanovich; Senators: Prince Dolgoruky, Prince Cherkasy, Naumov, NeloSky; The actual secret adviser to Stepanov.] In the outcome of the eighth hour, they went to Zesarevnam and, together with their Highness and Duke, Holchtinsky went to the larger room, where the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich came, followed by Menshikov, and sat down in the chairs set for him on an exalted place. Contemporary, Duke de Liar [Spanish in Russia Ambassador], gave us that the grandson of Peter the Great was high height, Belokur, beautiful, strong addition. On his face, he was depicted with meek thoughtfulness and together the importance, determination. He had a good heart, happy memory; He was generous and favorable to others, but did not forget his Sana. Menshikov presented the spiritual testament of the late empress, printed on it and handed Stepanov's actual secret adviser, ordered to read out loud. Deep silence reigned in a numerous meeting; Everyone wanted to know what Catherine's Will was listened to with attention. "Although the mother of our love, the first article of the spiritual, - our daughter, Duchess, Duchess, Holstetskaya Anna Petrovna and Elizabeth Petrovna, could be preferably appointed by our successors, but taking into respect that the mascul's face is more convenient to move the management of such an extensive state. We assign yourself the successor of the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich. " The articles that were followed by the guardianship during the minority of the emperor; The power of the Supreme Council was determined, the order of the heritage of the throne in the case of the death of Peter; The twelfth is amazing those present. "For excellent services rendered by the late spouse to our and us by Prince Menshikov, we cannot reveal more evidence of our mercy to him, as the Russian one of his daughters to the throne and therefore, as the daughters of our and the main one, to promote To the engagement of the Grand Duke with one of the daughters of Prince Menshikov, and since they will soon reach the majority, to a combination of their marriage. " Everyone was silent, without daring to express his feelings, although they guessed that it was not a sovereign, and her favorite was this spiritual. [Empress Anna Ioannovna ordered the chancellor of the County Golovin to burn spiritual Ekaterina I. He performed the highest will, retaining a copy.]

Peter II was proclaimed by the emperor in the tenth hour (May 7) with a cannonal film in the St. Petersburg Fortress, Admiralty and Yacht, who were standing on the Neva. Having congratulations from the first ranks, he went to the Guards Regions, Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, who surrounded the palace and immediately swore a young monarch. That day Menshikov was granted by Admiral; May 12 by Generalissimus; 17th he transported the emperor to his home to Vasilyevsky Island, which is called the island Preobrazhensky; The 25 numbers began to execute the giant plans of his: In the outcome of the third hour of the afternoon, the wedding of eleven-year-old Peter II was made with a sixteen-year-old Prince Maria, after the prayer, to whom were invited: Feofan Prokopovich, Archbishop Novgorod; George, Archbishop Rostov; Athanasius Kondoid, Bishop Vologda, and Feofilakt, Archbishop Tverskaya. The main acting face was Faofan, who lost Maria in 1726 with the Count Safejoy! [Cm. The biography of Feldmarshal Count Sapga.] On the objects, called it: Pious sophistication Maria Alexandrovna. After the sacred ritual, the general studies and foreign ministers were admitted to the hands of His Majesty and its highness with thunder of instrumental music on the choras and playing on pipes and lytionales in the gallery. In churches began to remember the daughter of Menshikov as a collapsed imperor's bride. She was appointed a special state court, with a content of 34 thousand rubles. Native sister of Princess Menshikova, Varvara Mikhailovna Arsenyev, Varvara Mikhailovna Arsajnieva, was determined, with the provision of the right to follow the wives of General Field Marshal; Gofmaster of the 4th class granted her brother, Vasily Mikhailovich Arsenyev; Among the two chamber meters of the 6th grade was Prince Alexey Dmitrievich Golitsyn; Four chamber-junkers are kept in the 8th grade.

Princess Maria, Krotkaya, beautiful, perfectly brought up, did not have rivals in St. Petersburg: a slim mill, an amazing white face on which a gentle blush was always played; black, fiery eyes; charming smile; Beautiful, even under a powder, then used, curls, casually developing on the shoulders, - a weak image of the charms of her, skillfully transmitted in the modern portrait! Menshikov passionately loved her daughter and knew how to defiguously destroy the deliberate alliance with sapega, marrying him on the native niece of Catherine, Countess Sofa Karlovna Spavronskaya. But Maria, depriving the groom, with whom the friendship joined her from infancy, was doomed to sacrifice! Peter did not like her because it was forced to love; Beglore sister's knees to prevent his marriage with Menshikova! [ LESTOK. Cm. Score Bureuta, part 1, p. 18.]

On June 29, the emperor bride, sister and native aunt, Varvara Mikhailovna Arsenyev, received the Order of St. Catherine; The son of Menshikov, erected on May 7, in the dignity of the Ober-Chamber, granted the Kavaler of the Order of St. AP. Andrei First Called, on the fourteenth year of its age. Menshikov ordered the Secretary, Frank Vista, so that for the future 1728, the names of the members of his house, with the years and year and year of birth, were added to the future 1728. [Cm. menshikov affairsstored in the Moscow Archive of Foreign Affairs.]

Not torture rivalry, Prince Izhorsky removed the Duke of Holstein from Russia with his wife, Zesarean Anna Petrovna; Prevented the Queen of Evdokia Fedorovna, the parent of the Unfortunate Alexey, to correspond with the August grandson; sent it to Moscow, for guard. Noble hated the ruler of the empire for exorbitant pride, unlimited power: confident in his power, he despised a secret Ropot. Foreign courtyards provided him with a special respect: Emperor Karl Vi suggested the duke of the goat in Silesia; Named Menshikov in his letter from 19/30: highborne, Caverny uncle; Separed the joy of her about the deliberate marriage of Peter II with his daughter. [Cm. S.-Petersburg Vedomosti 1727, July 21, p. 6.] King Prussian presented his son of the Black Eagle; Crown Prince Anhalt Dessau searched for the hands of Princess Alexandra.

But while Menshikov was on the left, thinking about the Duchy of Kourneda [see Biography of the Lassi Graph], the enemies acted: Prince Ivan Alekseevich Dolgoruky, an inseparable friend of the emperor, the young man himself is a beautiful, ardent, threatening, trained with his own, especially uncle, Vasily Lukich, Covurch, to all prospims, which are only sophisticated courtesy: He hated and caressed Menshikov, tried to remove his son to other rooms and, engaged in games, reminded Peter: how dangerous for the entire state is the excessive power of the subject; Divorced will be his related ties with the state truck; repeated indifferently that Menshikov will eventually come to the throne over time; That one word royal can turn it into a primitive state. The emperor agreed with the Dolgoruky, promised to keep deep silence until a convenient case. This case introduced himself: merchants Petersburg brought Peter II nine thousand Chervonny. He sent them as a gift to his sister. Menshikov met the sent and, having learned that he was caring for the Great Princess, said: "The emperor is too young, to know due consumption of money: take it to me; I will have the case to talk about them with him." The sent was not dead to disobey. On the other day, the Great Princess Natalia Alekseevna - which Duke de Liariya describes not a beauty, but excellently educated, clever, a meek, who freely spoken in French and German, all beloved [Great Princess Natalia Alekseevna was the year and three months older Peter II. She died, for 15 years, November 22, 1728, after a long illness. " Russian and foreigners, - writes de Liar - - notable and poor melted her death"] - I came, as usual, visit the sovereign. Peter asked her:" Isn't yesterday's gift for gratitude? "She answered that he had not received any gift. Monarch was simply unhappy, and his anger increased when he learned that he had learned that he had learned that he had learned that he had learned that he had increased him Menshikov ordered the money to himself. Calling him, the sovereign with the heart asked: "How did he stop being sent to fulfill his order?" Menshikov, Nimalo, who did not expect such a realization, was strongly struck by him and answered: that the state needs money, the treasury is exhausted. , and that he intended to make an offer to His Majesty about the most useful use of this money ";" What, "however, he will not only give nine thousand Chervonny, but, if you have a sovereign, and a million rubles from my own property." Peter, Sticking the foot, said: "I will teach you to remember that I am the emperor and that you have to obey me." Following the sim, he came out of the room. Menshikov followed him, and this time softened him relentless requests.

Soon then, the duke of Izhora dangerously zalenogozhu and, preparing to leave earthly greatness, wrote two spiritual testaments: family and state. The first instructed by his wife, the bright princess Darius Mikhailovna, and the Sobechniet, Varvar Mikhailovna Arsenyeva, contain his house to the perfect age of children and parenish Pear their upbringing; ordered children to have love, respect and obedience to mother and aunt; appointed his son, Prince Alexander, the heir of all at home and gave him useful tips, most of all inside store loyalty and hot love for sovereign and Fatherland; i put myself as an example: how with infant years he was adopted in the mercy of Peter the Great, and with its loyalty and well-known light jealousy surpassed all peers in trust at the sovereign. In conclusion, the spiritual ordered to pay his debts and asked for forgiveness from everyone who was wrong offended. In the state act, Menshikov appealed to the emperor as requested: 1) to the coming in the age of adulthood, on the will of the head of the head of grandmother (Catherine I), to be obedient Ober-Hofmeuser Baron Osterman and ministers and do nothing without their advice; 2) beware of slanderers and progressive secretly and to raise the ministers about them in order to warn themselves from many disasters, which occur from the ko - the ancestors of His Majesty underwer; 3) take care of their health, and in driving and other fun to do moderately and carefully; fatherland well-being depends on the health of the sovereign; And finally, 4) advised Peter II in all this way to control himself, so that all actions and feats would fit the dignity of the imperial, and it is impossible to come to this, as through the teaching and instruction and through the help of faithful advisers. In conclusion, I reminded the sovereign, what care he had in his upbringing and how desperate manner served him in the perception of the throne; I asked to have a faithful service in the memory and to keep the last after him in the grace, also to be merciful to the engaged bride, his daughter, and the promise committed before God at similar time Entry with her in legal marriage. [Cm. The reign of Peter II., Sochi. K. I. Arsenyev. St. Petersburg, 1839, p. 32 and 33.]

Menshikov's enemies could act freely. Between them, hectare was Oterman, who was superior to the upbringing of the emperor. He became famous for the glorious world of Neostadt, then managed by foreign affairs; With the mind of the sophisticated joined the foresight of the experienced minister; It was careful and tied together when they demanded circumstances; Above himself could not tolerate anyone. For a long time, Osterman conscuted with the Dolgoruky about Lamshakov's overthrow, who did not like because he prevented him to be the main thing, often did not agree with him, rustled him, without respecting the title of Vice Chancellor, wearing the Andreev ordinary. Looping from the disease, Menshikov went to Oranienbaum, his country house, to sanctify the church built there in the name of St. Panteleimon-Healer and, instead of requesting the emperor to themselves, sent an invitation with a disregard. Peter refused under the pretext of unhealthy, and proud wine during the consecration of the temple, on September 3, Archbishop Fauofan, took a place in the form of a throne cooked for the emperor! Among the visitors were: General Admiral Count Apraksin, Chancellor Count Golovkin, Valid Secret Counselor Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn, Chernyshev, Golovin, Bestuzhev, Ivan Lvovich Naryshkin and many other dignitaries. Cannon's cannon flush on that day.

The bold act Menshikov served for his enemies with a convenient means to apply the last blow to the power of it. They persuaded the emperor to free themselves and Russia from a person who had not believed to be the limits. Considering yourself in the same strength and without seeing spaced networks, the favorite of happiness went to Peterhof (September 4), was at the sovereign [see Notes Menshikova], who spent many rustic Osterman and the next day I went to Petersburg, examined the first places, spent an hour and a half in the Supreme Secret Council, gave a pride everywhere testimony, made orders for the reception of Peter in his house, banned the treasurer Kaisarov to let go of money without his own prescription .

On September 6, Lieutenant Saltykov General declared Menshikov so that all the furniture and things of the sovereign were transported to the summer palace. At the same time, his son's furniture was returned, which as an Ober-Chamber was under the emperor. In confusion, his Menshikov made an important mistake, dissolving the Ingermanland regiment on the apartments, his devotee, who stood before that time, for his safety, in the camp on Vasilyevsky Island. [Menshikov was Colonel of the Ingermanland regiment from his institution itself and, according to Count Bashvych, had the right given to him by Peter Great, choose officers to this regiment and produce them to the ranks. Cm. Score Burelish, h. IX.]

On September 7, Menshikov was in the Supreme Secret Council. [Cm. Notes Menshikova.] The sovereign returned to St. Petersburg, spent the night in a new summer palace and for the other day Early, Saltykova sent to the distressed Welject, with the orders not to enter into any cases and not to travel from home to further command. Menshikov's princess hurried to the palace to fall to the legs of the sovereign and to die, but the entrance to them was prohibited. Petra's favorite resorted to the last medium: he wrote to the emperor, tried to justify himself, begged, so that the sun does not go to his anger; asked dismissal from all cases for old age and diseases; I was looking for the patronage of the Great Princess Natalia Alekseevna, but it remained without success. The living rooms are empty! Only two people left him devotees: Lieutenant-General Alexey Volkov and Major General Egor Ivanovich Famyshn. They dined with His 8 numbers, persuaded the blood of the blood. [ VolkovBeing at Menshikov, granted to Major General and Members of the 200725 Military College; Made into Lieutenant-General on May 18, 1727 and, in the same year, in August, he received the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. Famyshn.from 1723 he served as an Assistor in the Military Collegium; He was granted in 1725 by the Commandant of the St. Petersburg Fortress, Major General in 1727. They both were injured in the fall of Menshikov; Lained ranks, and the wolves of the sign of the difference. Empress Anna Ioannovna returned to them for the previous title. Famyshn served (1730) in Persia, under the authorities of Luvashov General; He died on October 9, 1731.] The venerable people who are worthy of being transferred to the offspring!

On September 9, the Menshikov go to Ranienburg, the city, they themselves built (located in the Ryazan province), and, with the deprivation of the ranks and the signs of the differences, to live there is slow-minded, under a non-grade supervision of the Guards officer and Capralia; The estate is left under it; Princess Maria should have returned to the emperor wedding ring His, worth about twenty thousand rubles. [Cm. The reign of Peter II., Sochi. K. I. Arsenieva; St. Petersburg, p. 40.] Opened surname, retaining his wealth, assumed to have a pleasant refuge in Ranienburg and, without losing hope that happiness will be done to him favorable, left St. Petersburg in rich crews, like a strong one, not an exile . Inappropriate pomp is even more annoying his enemies. In Tver, it is ordered to seal all Menshikov's things, and he only needs to leave. Here rich carriages were selected, put him in a kibitu with the announcement that the estate was taken in the treasury; Guardy doubted and supervised over it. In seven versts from this city, grievous sadness and unwashed tears stopped the life of unhappy spouses: she lost sight a few days before his death, overlooking the grief. Almost at one time with Menshikov arrived in Ranienburg, the actual Stat advisor of Plescheev for the work of investigations in different abuses and misconduct it. He was accused of misfortunes Tsarevich Alexey Petrovich, the parent of the emperor; in secret correspondence with the Swedish Senate during the disease of Empress Catherine I; In the assignment of sixty thousand rubles belonging to the Duke of Holstein, and in many other abductions. He was sentenced to reference to the city of Berezov, Tobolsk province. [Berezov is located from St. Petersburg in 4034 versts, lies under 63 degrees of latitude, on the left bank of the Sash River, which flows into Ob.] With the courage, a decent hero, heard Menshikov, a formidable sentence and, turning to his son, said: " My example will serve you by instruction, If you are when you returned from the link, Where should I die! "He was sent on June 2, 1728 with a family of water to Kazan. Lieutenant Guard Stepan Kryukovskaya and twenty retalkable soldiers of the Preobrazhensky battalion accompanied it. He was allowed to take ten people of yard people; determined for the content of five rubles a day. [From Letters of the Tobolsk governor of Prince Dolgoruky to Count Vladislavich dated June 19, 1728]

Hence the new era in the life of Petrova's favorite, memorable, for he had previously triumphant over the enemies of the Fatherland and was a slave of his passions - in the malfoliacs appeared the winner over them, surprised the offspring of the unusual hardness of the Spirit, perfect selflessness. Alienated from the whole world, among the icy deserts of Siberia, where winter is constantly going on seven months; Dawn then at ten o'clock in the passion, and it is diminished at three; Frost comes up to 40 ° with unbearable wind from the Arctic Sea; where spring from swampy vapors is thickly impenetrable for vision mist; in the fall as well, with strong northeastern winds; Where in the summer heat continues no more than ten days; Earth, due to cold nights, melts only on a quarter of Arshina; The sun is hiding in the afternoon for one hour behind the northern high mountain - Menshikov did not ropat on fate, she conquered her with humility and encouraged his children. I do not regret myself, he shed tears about them, and found himself worthy disasters, his comprehest, with the mondation was indigestion. Before this weak addition [" Ottage Danilycha"I wrote Peter the Great to the princess Menshikova], in the link became healthy; I saved the amount from the money received by him that I built a wooden church on it, in which it was kept working when building himself with an ax in my hands. [Unfortunately, Church This burned in 1806; but the foundation is visible.] He called the bell, when the time of church ministry came, fixed the post of Dycachka, sang on the closer and then read the versions of the editing books. " Good to me Lord, - he repeated incessantly in prayers, - yako smirch me! "So spent time in Berezov exile, who once welcomed Feofan Prokopovich with the words:" We are visible in Alexander Peter! "; Who erected on the throne Catherine and, before his reference, he intended to combine the son of his son with the great prince of Natalia Alekseyevna. Soon his favorite daughter, Maria, she sneaks. In Berezov, there were no doctors. Menshikov saw that the new cross expected him that Maria approached the end of earthly suffering, and tried to hide his sadness from the children. His sorrow was fulfilled. His premonition was fulfilled: he lost his daughter (1729); he chosen her the grave and lowered the remains of the innocent prisoner in the marry earth!

The pride of the Great Husband was launched! Irrigated tears The last dwelling of Mary, he consoled himself thoughts that he would soon connect with her; In advance, with a dim light of fish oil, which grown in his barracks, prepared a coder coffin [Berezov remained another part of a cedar forest called in antiquity mysterious, who worshiped the scenario during pagan]; He expressed a desire to be buried beyond his daughter, in a bathrobe, shoes and in a quilted silk hat, which was then wary; He advised the children to impose all hope of God, to expect soon liberation. " You are innocent, - he spoke, - suffer for me; circumstances will be changed! .. "; fulfilled the rite, the church imposed on, and then, fasting with the closest to heart, kept deep silence, refused food, except for cold water used by him in a small amount [cm. Transformed Russia, Sochi. Weber, part 3, p. 178. Weber was located a resident of the Hannover courtyard in Russia]; Died on October 22, 1729, on the 56th year from birth.

Three Arsshina Merzla Land took their famous exile in the bowels, at the altar of the church built by him, ten seats from the banks of the River Soskov. Now the earth embankment towers on the wrong place, surrounded by a wooden grid.

Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov was the growth of two Arshin, twelve vershkov, two vertices less Peter the Great; Slender sobody; Mind and ambition bright colors Depicted on his face. He had a stinging smile; The sharpness was different [Peter Great notified once Menshikov, that the connected fleets, English and Swedish, made a landing on the island of Nargian and burned out of us and bath. "Do not ask to sadness," Menshikov answered, "but give way to the section for the section: Bath with Swedish, and the English fleet!" The sovereign called the headed children built by the ships. "Children of Ivan Mikhailovich," the great Menshikov wrote to Peter, "recently known, they began to go so well, as it should not be"]; I got up usually at six o'clock and earlier, dinner at nine, went to bed at ten o'clock; No affairs to the other day; loved to give lush lunches; He decorated himself with orders and, because of weak health, it was sometimes in winter in front of the Guards shelves on a richly removed horse, accompanied by general, in silver paracted cafetan on Sable Fur, with the same abbreviations [see Notes contemporary Nachpin]; I tried to improve the cloth factories in Russia [the cloth factories were under the jurisdiction of Menshikov. In the outcome of 1705, Peter the Great wrote to him: "The cloths are made, and this is a fairly pretty business, and the fruit gives the god of a fair, of which I did to the holiday of Caftan. Give you to see you in joy and thank you for him"] ; was a guideline with foreigners; condestees to those who did not want to seem smarter than, pleased him, and could not see anyone above him; pursued equal; It was dominated, Musthelen, Rough, Breast-Friend, Alchen for acquisitions; Tolerated often beatings from Peter the Great! [According to the link Menshikov to Siberia, he found from him: 1) nine million rubles in the banking tickets of London and Amsterdam banks and in other borrowed acts; 2) four million rubles of cash; 3) diamonds and various jewels in the amount of over a million rubles; 4) 45 pounds of gold in ingots and 60 pounds in different vessels and utensils. Some silver sets were three, each in 24 dozen plates, spoons, knives and forks. The first is made in London, the second in Augsburg, the third in Hamburg. Over this, Menshikov ordered for himself the fourth silver service in Paris, in 1727, and sent 35500 Efimkov to this subject.] But Menshikov, with all his weaknesses, will remain a great man and has the right to respect Russians as a savior of the life of an unforgettable monarch, His favorite and invincible commander. [Menshikov's motto on herb was the following: virtute Duce., Comite Fortuna.(i.e. valorian guide, Satellite satellite.) The Royal London Society established to spread natural sciences has adopted it in its members in 1714.]

He married in 1706 with Darya Mikhailovna Arsenyeva, which occurred from an ancient noble last name, known in Russia from the XIV century. Contemporaries respond about her as the first beauty in St. Petersburg. [Cm. Notes of one foreign minister, Former in St. Petersburg in the State of Peter Greatpublished in French in 1737.] Peter the Great and Catherine I respected her; The latter called Menshikov's princess in letters: light for its own, expensive bride; Thanks for non-decoration of children; asked not to leave and continue to scriptures and so on. She was a respectful mother and a gentle spouse; In separation with her husband, not only begged to take care of their health, but also Peter the Great: To write to him about that; checked, with a fall in its own, not about the lost wealth, deprived of the honors, but about the deplorable state of close to heart; Died in seven versts from Tver, in 1727, losing sight, at the forty-seventh year from birth.

Menshikov's children are released from the reference by Empress Anna Ioannovnaya in 1731: the seventeen-year-old son, who returned to the princely dignity, granted by the congrist of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Daughter, Princess Alexander, who was older than his brother, extremely resembled her mother: had the same black eyes, black hair, a pleasant smile, a gentle blush on his cheeks - Granina and the next day on arrival from Siberia was issued for Gustava Biron, Major Guard Izmailovsky Regiment. He was the native brother of the duke of Kurlyandsky; man - according to Manstein - simple and without education, but good rules; Then erected into General-Annefa. She died in St. Petersburg in 1736, on the 24th year from birth.

Prince Alexander Alexandrovich Menshikov, until the fall of his father, he studied Russian, Latin, French and german languages; The law of God, history, geography, arithmetic and fortification. He did not have any inclinations to dance, and when his father punished him (1722) for small successes, an eight-year-old young man said: "We still have time to learn to dance! Before you should know the most useful sciences." [ Berkgolts.. Cm. Shop Bulish, t. XX, p. 420.] In this Menshikov, the son (1725) he urged him time to take place, run out of idle, Go to class. "There is nothing better in young days of labor and teachings," Menshikov wrote, " son punished, in old age rod father and merry mother; But both the good actions are studying young men from others, like a ship that is managed by the steering wheel, then you should listen and read your governer, Mr. Professor Kondrat Geninger, determined by her imperial Majesty, which is obliged to convey the sovereign about the naradensity of sciences or foolishness behavior, from what you happened to be a mustleva, and I will not be without shame. "Next, the father demanded that every morning the young man brings thanks to God and then dressed up, read the learned on the eve; ordered him to translate instead of fun, for parents received foreign newspapers, and if curious military or other words will be placed in them, look at Lankarth: in which parts of the world and in which state it happened; under any horizon And what a designated place has a provision that he could subsequently, during conversations, it is thorough to judge the meaningful objects. In conclusion, the son was obliged: in the two-month and gentlemen and the Holidays, also on Sundays to go to the holy church to the liturgia and, during then, to stand with fear and singing with attention, especially the apostle and the gospel, arguing about the law of God and reward. For the failure to fulfill all the marked articles and disobedience, Gvernera promised to finish. [Cm. in menshikov affairsstored in Moscow. Archive min. Foreigner Affairs: Proposal to our son, Light prince Alexander.]

We saw the above that young Menshikov during the power of the Father, having only thirteen years, erected to the dignity of the Ober-Chamber, was the cavalier of the Order of St. AP. Andrei First-Called, St. Alexander Nevsky [Prince A. A. Menshikov received Alexander Order along with Andreevsky in 1727], St. Catherine and Prussian Black Eagle. Having entered in 1731 by the guardian guard to the Preobrazhensky regiment, which was lied by a lieutenant since 1726, Prince Alexander Alexandrovich fought under the banners of Field Marshal Count Minich, when taking obstacles and Khotyn; Produced in 1738 for excellent courage from the lieutenants to captain-guards; Then he received in the Preobrazhensky regiment of rank seconds-major (1748); served with honor in Prussian war; He was granted by Cavalier of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky and a lieutenant general in 1757; The first was notified by Moscow residents in 1762. On the weighing for the throne of Empress Catherine II and led them to the oath; erected then in General Annefa; died in 1764, on the 51st year from birth, remaining memory brave warrior and a well-mounted citizen. He was married to the princess Elizabeth Petrovna Golitsyn, Daughter of Prince Peter Alekseevich, Kavalera Order Holyp. Andrei of the First-Called, who served under Peter the Great Household Stolnik, Minister in Vienna, Senator, Governor in Arkhangelsk, Riga and Finally, in Kiev, where he died in 1722.

From the children of Prince Alexander Alexandrovich Menshikov, Prince Sergey Alexandrovich is known. He served, first, the PJ with the highest yard; Then he arrived (1762) to the Preobrazhensky regiment by the lieutenant; awarded, in the rank of lieutenant colonel (1770), for the brave courage provided to him Zadunaysky, Order of St. George 4th grade; there was an emperator of Ekaterina II, an empertant; Major General (since 1778); Liestch General (since 1786); senator; He received the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky; Chin a valid secret adviser when dismissing from service, in respect of the long-term and exhaust continuation of (1801); He died in 1815. His spouse, Princess Ekaterina Nikolaevna, was also from the name of Prince Golitsyn, the daughter of Ober-Gofamarshala Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich. [Cm. The end of the biography of General Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn.]


Menshikov, the light prince Alexander Danilovich

(1674-1729) - Llest prince Izhora, Generalissimus and Field Marshal General. The question of its origin is still over the end, but not yet found out. Martovtransmits the words of Peter V., from which it can be seen that M. was a pieder, the same argues and Manstein; according to the same BUT. Gordon, M. was the son of the Capral of Predob. p., which finds the official, confirmation and reference to the title light. kn. Izhora (1707). For 2 years before this diploma bar. Guizseni wrote about M. that "he comes from good. The names well known in Lithuania." Untheratedleads to the conclusion that if it is not quite reliably its origin from the noble. Lithua. surnames, then even more anecdotic stories about the boy's walking M. in the quality of the street. Pirror. Being peers Peter, M. 12 liters. From the genus in 1686, he took upon him the post of Cameryman and quickly acquired not only confidence, but also the friendship of the state. Gifted by nature isp. Mind and beautiful. Memory, he, never dissuade the unnecessary-stew, performed all the orders imposed on him, remembered all the orders, could keep secrets and, finally, with rare. Patience removed the flash. The character of his lord. In 1696, in the rank of Bombardir, M. participated in the capture of Azov, and in 1697 he provided Peter Gromad. merit, opening a conspiracy on his life. During the 1st Travel of Peter in Europe, M. consisted in a retinue Ros. Ambassador and in Holland together with the king successfully studied the ship. science. With the death of Lefort in 1699, fastest begins. Increasing M., who took place for the 1st beloved of the king. In 1701, he is already a bomb-r-lieutenant. Petra letters to M. from 1701 to 1706 serve convinced. The proven will exclude. Location to Him King. The king writes him: "Maine Hertz and Maine Herzcekin", and from 1704 - "Maine Libsta Kamarat", "Maine Libsta Frint" and "Maine Bruder". In 1702, M. participates in the capture of Noteburg and as a reward for courage is appointed by the commandant of the brought fortress. In the same G. Imp-r Austra. Leopold granted M. Count. Costs in Rimsk. Empire. On May 1, 1703, M. participated in the capture of Nienscans, and on May 7 - when capturing the state of the State-Rem 2 Swedish. Ships at the mouth of the Neva. For this 1st Mor. The victory of M. was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First Called. In 1703, M. was appointed 1st Governor of St. Petersburg. In 1704, he promoted the conquest of Derpte, Narva and Ivan city, drove from St. Petersburg. Swede. The detachment of General Maidel and was produced in Governor-General, also received the title of Governor General In Grey, Karelia and Estland. The awards continue to pour on M.: In 1705, he is Cavalier Polish. Order of the White Eagle, in the same year imp. Joseph buys himself a diploma to the CN. Roman. Empire, and on May 30, 1707, Petr V. will build M. in the womb. kn. Izhora. If there are also frequent awards received by M., then their merits were not less great. BUT. Z. Mumylaevsky, determining the estate of M., m. Pr., writes that among the associates of the king M. was unity. Person with Nazvos. military. talent, wide. Eyemer, initiative and ability to take a lot to their answer. Despite full. Unanimage-SN M. (he barely owned a diploma), the king highly appreciated his natural. Dating. Even during a person. The presence of Peter in the army M. had a big impact on the course of operations, and in the absence of the king the influence of it even more increased. Further characterizes M. Dr. Military. historian, BUT. TO. Bayah: "Peter," he writes, "M. was convinced of the Talendl. And he trusted his strategist., Admin. And V.---raise. Reasons. Almost all instructions, directives and instructions that Peter gave their generals, passed through the hands of M . Peter, as it were, he considered M. his headquarters headquarters: Throwing a thought, the king often instructed to develop it to his beloved, who always knew how to develop the thought of Peter and pour it into a proper form. Worked M. Ttyryimo and without a slowdown allowed all the questions, quickly appreciated. reported and immediately dictated to his secretary. " In particular, M. stood out as beautiful. Cavival. Chief. During Grodno. Operations M., Commander K-Tsei, at the same time played exclusted. The role in the army, which was commanded by Feldm. Oglivi. He was a negloss. Representing the king at the army. In 1706, there was an allied column. Forces, or rather, Kyy M. with Swedish. The detachment of General Mardefeld from Kalisch. Thanks to the claim, M. and husband Wu Rus. Forces, the Swedes were broken down by the head. As a reward for this victory, M. received from Peter the rod, decorated the precious. stones, 3 thousand rubles. And was produced in the Lieutenant. Preobrazhensky regiment. In 1707, M. again with K-Tsei was put forward to Lublin (in May), and then to ensure movement - to Warsaw, where he remained until September. 1708-1709, who gave Peter and Russia to victory under the forest and Poltava, covered M. even greater than the glory and as a cavalier. Head and however, a senior. Warhead. In Operations against Lewwenga Paul, he managed to quickly establish communication with him and extract important. Information about the number of prot-ka. During the whole period from Forest to Poltava, M. often showed that szorzl-test and strives, which lacked Sheremetyev, who separated the highest command of the army with him. Often M. even warned the instructions of the king at their disposals (so many). Under Poltava M. showed himself energetic. Cavalier. General, everywhere sleeping and everywhere gaining success. After Poltava, pursuing the Swedes, he will solve-Stew, bordering the military. arrogant, forced the remnants of the Swede. Army put weapons in the surplus. For Poltava, the state-ry erected (July 7, 1706) M. in San 2rd Ros. General Feldmarshal. 16 decaber. 1709 M. participated in celebrations. Peter's entrance to Moscow, being right. the hand of the king than it would be particularly emphasized to exclude, merit m.; 2 FVR. 1710 M. was produced in counter-admirals, having received Chin Cap. 1 rank only in 1708 after the forest and mastering rebel battleship. In the same 1710, he participated in taking Riga, and in 1711 he commanded the corps of the troops sent to Kurlydia. In 1712, M. was in Polaria, where although I was under National Polish. King, but had secrets. The command of the king is followed by August II. 1713 Caid M. in Holstein in submission to Cor. Danish; For participation in taking on May 4, the fortress of Teningen he received from Friedrich IV his portrait, shirred Brill. Finally, in the same 1713 M., according to Petra's order, he concluded two conventions with Hamburg and Lommecom, bypassing these cities in a cash contribution in 233333⅓ Tal. For their trade with Sweden, and took the head of Rus. Saxon. Troops Stetin, given later Prussia. On the way back to Russia at the chapter 26-thousand. The troops M. recited 300 thousand Guld from Danzig. And in the FVR. 1714 arrived in St. Petersburg. This ends with a V-camoy. activity m.; Casting almost continuously since the Azovsk. hiking. When we show yourself to give himself. A regimental degree, recovered, like no one, by the grace of his monarch, M. already during this period showed and denied. Parties to their character, just increasing over time. With the end of the military. M. activity begins its morals. Fall and associated cooling to M. Peter. Not pleased with the htched hurt. The state, M., seeks to increase it, without understanding the means, not believing with the interests of the treasury, and under someone else's name is included in different Kazen. Contracts. Having learned about this, Peter, despite the entire binding to your pet, established several. follow-up Commissions, and then the court. However, when members of the Court, making sure the guilt of M., began to define him a punishment, hesitating between the reference and deprivation of life, Peter said: "Where the case is about life or honor of a person, then justice requires to weigh the scales of impartiality as a crime of him and him and The merits rendered to them from the edech and state-ryu, and the merit will repolce crimes, in this case the mercy of the village d. And, listing all the merits of M., the king concluded his speech with the words: "And so, according to my opinion, it will be quite enough, making him in the presence of a strict crime. Reprimand, punish it. A fine, commensurate theft; and he still needs me And maybe you still deserve it. " Avoiding the punishment, M. remained the Governor-General SPb., Obl.-Hofmeister Unhappy. Tsar-Cha Alexei Petrovich, arranged on behalf of Peter in his yard on Vasil. O-ve (subsequently the 1st Cadet. Corps) celebrations. Receptions (as it used to do Lefort) foreign. ambassadors, etc. ... But all this was no longer fastened simple. and heart. attitude to Him King. Nevertheless, in 1718, M. took the departments. Participation in the investigation in the case of the Tsar-Cha Alexei Petrovich and saw him on the day of his death, on June 26th. In the same 1718 M. was appointed 1st president of the military. The College, and in 1721, on the day of the conclusion of the world, Gin V.-Adm-la was received. But in the same 1721 M. Again the anger of Peter for the new. The embezzlement, and although Catherine's intercession was saved then from the end. Opals, but still in 1724 he was deprived of the title of President Military. College than M. Heads took away. Means for incommant. Enrichment. When, after Peter's death (28 Jan. 1725), the first ranks of the state were locked in one of the rooms of the palace for the meeting on the erection on the throne of the young led. Kn. Peter Alekseevich, M. with the Rota of the Preobrazhensky Regiment broke into it and proclaimed the spouse of Peter V., Catherine, the Imp-Tsei All-Russian. In Catherine I M. found a new mighty. Call-CSU. All follows. Commission on CN. Izhoras were immediately abolished. In short. Time 50 thousand shower of peasants. Which still owned M., up to 100 thousand mountains were increased. Baturin was made by his own - Stew. In 1726, according to M., the IMT established the top. secrets. The Council, the 1st member of which was appointed M. He again became the head of the military. The college, received power to produce to the rank of Colonel, allowed the presentation of the ADM General. c. Apraksina, being V.-Adm-Lom, managed external. Affairs, in short, was everywhere first, everywhere and all disposal on behalf of Catherine. Anticipating soon. The death of imp-tsa, M. managed to add it to the Spirit. The testament, according to which the throne passed to the led. Kn. Peter Alekseevich so that Peter to achieve the anniversary marriage with the daughter of M., Maria. On May 7, 1727, Peter II joined the throne. On the same day, M. was produced in ADM-Li, on May 12 received a long-welcome title of generalis-sa, the 17th of the Imp-ra in his palace at Vasil. O-B, and the 25th took place. The engagement of the young imp-ra with Prince Maria M. In the churches, the daughter of M. began to remember how to be engaged. The bride of impressed. Vanity and power M. These days reached the highest. The limit: he ordered to be included in 1728 in the calendar, between the PCARSK Persons. The names, the names of the members and their family, deleted Hertz from Russia. Holsteinsky with his wife Cesse. Anna Petrovna; I prevented the Queen of Evdokia Fedorovna, the grandmother Imp-ra, corresponded to his Aug. The grandson and, finally, under guard sent it to Moscow. Foreigner The monarchs were in a hurry to give M. its exclusions. Attention; Karl VI implied him Herz-to the goat in Saxony and in his letter called "Highborne, Caverny Uncle". But, struggling and removing their Jann. Enemies, M. could not destroy and remove from the Imp-ra even more coli-in secret. Kn. Dolgoruky managed to inspire the thought of the thought that he is one Czarsk. In the word m. End of the accompanied M. and remind him of his place - the place is simple. Patched. The case to say this word soon introduced himself. Having received money from imp-ray to transfer them to the sister of the state. Kn. Natalia Alekseevna, M. assigned them to himself. Having learned about it, Ipt-R went out of myself and said M.: "I will teach you to remember that I am imp-p and that you have to obey." The resulting danger. M. disease and a number of his new. Related. Actions completed the case. M. was arrested and he was ordered to go to the city of Rannburg (Ryazan. Lips, built by himself), with deprivation of all the ranks and signs of differences. Princess Maria had to return the imp-ru wound. ring. Magnificent departure is Opt. Velmazby in Rannburg only irritated his enemies. In Tver, all things M. were sealed, and he was left only the most necessary. Here, in 7 faith From Tver, a new grief has comprehended M. - His spouse died. In Rannenburg, almost together with M. arrived action. Art. owls. Plescheev for the production of consequences over the former temporary. M. was recognized as involved in the malfunction. The death of Peter II, Tsar-Cha Alexei Petrovich, is accused of secrets. correspondence with the Swede Senate during Catherine I sick, in the assignment of 60 thousand rubles, owned by hertz. Holsteinsky, and in large. friend. embers. He was sentenced to reference in Berezov (Tobolsk. Lips.). Munet, but listened to M. Grozny sentence and, turning to the son, said: "My example will serve you to you, if you are returned from the link where I should die." In Berezov begins new. The era of life M. If earlier he was a slave of his passions, then here the hardness and the greatness of the spirit, the submission of fate once again emphasizes. The mind and character of this will exclude. man. He not only does not pour to his fate, but finds the energy in itself to continue to work, and from left at his disposal. rubles a day collects funds to build in the Berezov of the Church. And again, as in the Russian wounds. Youth in Holland, together with his venance. A friend, M. Works with an ax in hands on creating this time the temple, calls the bell, corrects the post of dehcling, sings on the closer, finally reads the people useful. books. In Berezov, M. suffered another test - she got sick and died herself. Daughter Maria. He helped her the grave in Merzl. Soil and lowered the remains precious for him, and 22 Oct. 1729 did not even become M. He was buried at the altar of the church built by him in the grain prepared by him in advance, next to his daughter. Son of his Alexander. Former during the power of the father of Ob.-Chamber and Cavalier of the orders of St. Andrew of the First-Called, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. Catherine (unity. A man who had this Order) and Pruss. Chern. Eagle, in 1731, the Prap-Kom in the Preobrazhensky regiment was enrolled in which he had previously been lighter, he fought under the boss of the mini away when taking OCC and Khotin, participated in the seven-year war and died in 1764 in the rank of General Annef, leaving Memory "Brave. Warrior and Goodman. Citizen". ( Bantice-Kamensky - (1673-1729), State and military leader, associate and a close friend of Peter I, General Field Marshal (1709), Generalissimus (1727), the bright prince (1707). In 1702 he participated in the storming of the Noteburg (see the Schlisselburg Fortress), appointed ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

- (1673,1729) Russian State Affairs, Supporter Peter I, Llesty Prince (1707), Generalissimus (1727). Son of the court graze. A large commander during the Northern War 1700 21. In 1718 24 and 1726 27 President of the Military Collegium. With ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Russian State and Military Affairs, Count (1702), Llest Prince (1707), Generalissimus (1727). Son of the court graze. From 1686 Denger Peter I. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (1673 1729), state and military leader, associate and a close friend of Peter I, General Field Marshal (1709), Generalissimus (1727), the bright prince (1707). In 1702 he participated in the storming of the Noteburg (see the Schlisselburg Fortress), appointed ... ... St. Petersburg (Encyclopedia)

- (1673 1729), Peter I companion, a light prince (1707), Generalissimus (1727). Son of the court graze. A major military leader during the Northern War of 1700 21. In 1718 24 and 1726, 27 President of the Military Collegium. In Catherine I, the actual ruler ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (1673, Moscow, according to other data, near Vladimir, - 1729, Birchov), state and military leader, associate, graph (1702), bright prince (1707), Generalissimus (1727). Menshikova's father was a stable (according to other information, marked). ... ... Moscow (Encyclopedia)

Portrait of A. D. Menshikov. 1716 1720, Unknown artist. Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (November 6, 1673, Moscow on November 12 (Article.) 1729, Birchov) Russian State and military figure, associate and favorite Peter Great, after ... ... Wikipedia

Menshikov, Prince Alexander Danilovich paved his way to the honors, useful to the state. He was born in the surroundings of Moscow on November 6, 1673. Without all the formation, but the giggled, a rapid mind, the courage, a beautiful exterior, this extraordinary person turned over, through a sonorous voice and sharp answers, the attention of Lefort, with whom inadvertently met on the street. Petrov's favorite took him to his service and soon forced to give way to the sovereign.

They were almost the same years [Peter Great was born on May 30, 1672.], the same growth. Peter was not mistaken in his choice. Event is referred to 1686. Menshikov first received the post of Campner and, being abruptly with the sovereign, carefully performed the instructions given to him; I did not dissuade the impossibility; remembered orders; He kept the secrets and with rare patience, the flawedness of the Lord of the Lord, whose bed was usually sleeping. The power of attorney to Him Peter agreed against him. He recorded him in the company of rave, composed of some nobles; He witnessed the first experiences of his courage when taking Azov (1696). Next year, Menshikov had happiness to open the comprehension against the monarch; accompanied him in other people's edges in the rank of nobleman; was in Prussia, England, Germany and in Holland, where, together with the sovereign, he studied the ship structure from August 30, 1697 to January 15, 1698; I went every day to work, having an ax over a belt; He received a written praise from the inlet carpenter for the presented adjacent and success.

The screen begins the rapid elevation of it: returning to the fatherland, he granted a sergeant Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment (1698); In 1700, the guarantor of the scorer company [the bombard of the company was established under the Preobrazhensky regiment by Peter Great in 1695. He was a colonel shelf and the captain of the company.]; In 1702, the Governor of the Noteburg renamed Shlisselburg. Menshikov, whom Peter the Great called in his letters: Aleksashyu, the child's child, participated in the capture of this fortress by Field Marshal Sheremethev: He led the brave warriors to the attack under the hail of the enemy bullets and the boot.

Menshikov's merits corresponded to awards. Being in Poland with ten thousand troops, he won on October 18 (1706) under Kaliche famous victory over the Polish-Swedish corps, which was led by General Mardefeld. This victory is extremely belonging to Menshikov, because Augustus II was a viewer, concluding a secretly truce with Karl Xii-m.

Peter the Great with indescribable joy - as Menshikov informed in his letter - received news about the victory over the enemy, which has never happened; He granted his favorite wand, decorated with great emerald, diamonds, emblems and princely coat of arms of three thousand rubles; It made it later to the lieutenant colonels of the Preobrazhensky regiment. With some frankness, he was explained then with the state truck! "Perhaps," Menshikov wrote, "Oblocked by the local generals, hesitate to write letters from themselves, or in a letter to register to me to each especially for their good governance."

At the top of the honors, he was not afraid of jointing, the power of her suppressing the main dignitaries in the state: Admiral-General Apraksin and managed by the Embreneous Affairs of Golovkin, of which the first, while Menshikov had no importance, was the lieutenant colonel of the Semenovsky regiment, the second supreme Room [title, which corresponded to the current overall chamberra.]. Sheremetyev alone, boyar from 1682 and the Feldmarshal general, when Menshikov was the guarantile of the scorer company, did not adorn the chela decorated with laurels.

Apviving new experiments of his courage in the battle under the forest (1708), where Peter the Great completely broke the Swedish General Lewengaupta, Menshikov went to Malorossy for notes for the actions of Mazepa and his turnover destroyed the goats of the traitor, took the attack of Baturin (November 3); betrayed the edge of the sword of all residents, not excluding babies; He drew into the ashes of the beautiful Hetman Palace, decorated according to the customs of Polish, thirty mills, bread jackets made for the enemy; Maspea seized the property, forty cannons, except for the Mortira.

The sovereign occupied by military actions left Meshikov without award for this military feat, but at the beginning of 1709 (February 9) took from St. Peter's newborn son, Luka Peter, and complained his guarantor of the Preobrazhensky regiment, gave it to the cross of the courtyards [ Prince Luka Petr died in 1712.].

Glory expected Menshikov on Poltava Field: Having supplanted a squad of the Swedes from one Retrantist, turning him into flight, the prince of Izhorsky distracted the attention of the enemy from the city and contributed to the strengthening of the garrison of our 900 warriors; Then, in an unforgettable day of battle, on June 27, he stopped the rapid desire of the Swedes who made their way through our redoubts, gave time to Connection to retreat in the best order. Two horses were killed under it at that time. Following the fact that Menshikov attacked General of Roos, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the Swedish army, scattered the leading detachment by him, forced to surrender to General Renzel; Having met the three-thousandst reserve corps of the enemy, destroyed it and returned to the monarch with the victory and prisoners.

"If," says Water in the history of Karl XII, "Menshikov produced this maneuver himself from himself, then Russia is obliged to him with his salvation; If he performed the order of the king, then Peter was a worthy rival Karl XII. " - The main battle, and Menshikov, who was killed then the third horse was killed, promoted the victory, hitting the Swedish to Confitsa with such a power, which turned her to escape, meanwhile as Feldmarshal Sheremetev, who was in the center, knocked over the infantal bayonets. Swedes rushed to Reshetilovka, pursued by Prince Golitsyn and Baur. On July 1, Menshikov attacked the enemy under the dressingly with a ten-thousand only army and a courageous Natius forced fourteen thousand people to put a weapon.

The grateful monarch hugged Menshikov in the presence of an army, he kissed him several times, exalting great feats, his works; He granted him (July 7) the rank of the Second Russian General Feldmarshal and did not want to have a solemn entry to Moscow without him: December 15, Prince Izhorsky arrived in the village of Kolomna, where Peter the Great expected him; The 16th of the inhabitants of the ancient capital saw the beloved of their monarch and beside him, on the right side, in the Preobrazhensky Mundire, with the nude Spade - Menshikov.
Meanwhile, Menshikov remained a governor-General in St. Petersburg, every day went to the military board, to the Admiralty and the Senate, although he was not then a senator. Not suffering ceremonial techniques, Peter the Great laid on the prince the treatments of its own and foreign ministers. His dinners in solemn days consisted of two hundred Kushans, served on the golden service, which were prepared by the best French chefs.

Menshikova House was located on Vasilyevsky Island, where now the first Cadet Corps. The decoration of the rooms served: wallpaper Tophun and Hoblinovy, presented by a sovereign in Paris; big bronze watches with battle and chimes; chandeliers of colored crystal with gold and silver branches; Large Venetian mirrors in mirror frames with gold-plated hoops; Persian carpets; Tables on thick-mounted legs with calculations from a multicolored tree, which represented all kinds of animals and birds; Sofas and chairs with high backs, which showed the coat of arms of the owner with the princely crown. The house extended an extensive garden, the best in St. Petersburg after the royal, with greenhouses, fruit trees, poultry houses and a small zelery. Menshikov had his chambers, chambers-junkers and crashes from the nobles. The latter were considered Guard Sergeants.

In the city he went with an extraordinary fitness: entering the shore of the Neva with a numerous retilt, Petra's favorite sat usually into the boat, inhabit the green velvet and the separated outside. She moored to the Isakiev pier where the Senate is now. Menshikova carett was expected there, made like a fan, on low wheels, with a gold coat of arms on the doors, the big princely crown of the same metal on the imperial and the hardened six horses. Bring them consisted of raspberry velvet with gold or silver jewelry. There were boosters and servants of the house in a rich liver; Then they drove the musicians and fiction riding, in blue cloth and velvet cafts with golden pose on the seams; The carriage had six chamber-junkers, of which one kept behind the handle of the door. The detachment of the dragoon of the princely regiment was a procession. The sovereign, leaving the capital, instructed his family Menshikov. He was an Ober-Hofmeister of the Unfortunate Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and removed from him, for his own species (1705), a decent mentor, Gizena, at the time, as the latter began to destroy the prejudice and bad concerns in the porphyron-axis young man.

When in 1718 the heir to the throne was devoted to the court of Peter Great, Menshikov took an active part in this important event: every day went to the fortress; It was during interrogations and torture: he saw Tsarevich and on the day of his death on June 26.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Investigation, chaired by Major General Prince Golitsyn, threatened to put Menshikov in custody for insulting penalties. The corruption of fifty thousand peasants responded to the lack of six thousand rubles, begged the sovereign to forgive him this debt into respect for the significant profit made by him the treasury! Peter the Great wrote at the request of him: do not take. Cooled Correspondence Menshikov with the king. Before he called the sovereign in his letters: Mr. Captain, Colonel, Counter Admiral; I started usually with the words: I donose your grace; Signed simply: Alexander Menshikov [Menshikov never subscribed to the prince.]; allowed himself sometimes not to fulfill his commands; But since the time he was under the investigation, did not otherwise he wrote to Peter, as: the all-consant sovereign! I donose your tsarist majestation, father and sovereign and so on. - Your Tsarist Majesty a sexy slave. He then did not dare to change the commands of the monarch; Even about their own needs, he did not appeal directly to him, but by the secretary of the Tsarsky, Mkarov, asking him, as his gracious and benefactor, to report on that if His Majesty.

Menshikov notified the emperor about what was happening: in the Senate, in the colleges, in the capitals; reported received information from other seaside edges and at the same time, according to personal displeasure, discharged the unfortunate pickener of Baron Shafirov, was the main culprit of his fall; celebrated on November 6 in St. Petersburg his birth at the thunder of seventeen guns placed near the house! Even the ambition was proud of his power when it fell notably. From 1721 on the day of his name, only 31 shot from guns were produced; The illumination in the city ceased; Following her and pallets from the guns (from 1723).

In 1724, he lost the title of President of the Military College, which was received in 1718 with the institution itself. According to Bashvych, Peter took the main funds from his favorite to incomplete enrichment. Then he paid two hundred thousand rubles of penal money and suddenly all the decorations in his house disappeared; The walls were simple wallpapers! The sovereign was angry, seeing such a change, demanded an explanation. "I was forced," Menshikov answered, to sell her telles and landfills to although somewhat satisfy the government recovery! " "Farewell," said the sovereign with anger. - In the first reception day, yours, if I find here the same poverty that does not apply to your rank, I will make you pay another two hundred thousand rubles! - Peter the Great kept his word; visited Menshikov; found still decoration, decent prince Izhorsky; He admired her furniture, not mentioning the past, and was extremely cheerful.

In such a crammed position, Menshikov was when an inexorable death stopped the life of Peter Great for the Fatherland (January 28, 1725). An extensive field has been opened with impossible plans for him! There was no monarch, and the first ranks of the empire were locked in the same room of the palace, held among themselves on the construction of the young Grand Prince, the son of Tsarevich Alexy. The hourly was delivered at the door with the ban in letting Menshikov. What did this brave man did, whom everyone was afraid? He ordered the rob in the preobrazhensky regiment and went straight to the room, ordered the door to break the door and proclaimed Ekaterina I Empress All-Russian. Nobody expects a bold act, no one daring to contradict, everyone swelled [the event was transmitted by G. Bishin's eyewitness, Field Marshal Count minich.]!

Thus, a poor liflyand, who was in the service of the pastor, who entered the marriage on the eve of the taking of Russian Marienburg (1702), on that day the husband was killed in the battle; presented by the soldiers General Bower; By Feldmarshal Count Sheremetev and Menshikov, in the house of which she lived for two years and from where he passed into the palace; Made in 1707 spouse Peter the Great; justified his choice of his unfortunate trek in Moldova (1711); Crowned in Moscow (1724), but before the end of the sovereign, an equitable suspicion of him.

On the cooling of Peter the Great to Catherine, it can be judged at the next event: in 1724 on November 24, on the day of its tezo-estate, the guns were taken from the guns only 21 times instead of 51.] - accepted the Scepter from Menshikov's hands, which is obliged to his initial elevation!

All commissions that have consequences over the prince of Izhoras in stateless contracts and plunders were immediately destroyed; The number of peasants increased to one hundred thousand souls; The city of Baturin (who - according to Menshikov - as if he was promised by Peter the Great), it was also given to his property [Peter Great resolutely refused Menshikov's award of Baturin.].

It is called the first member of the Supreme Secretary Council, established by his submission to derive the power of the Senate; An eleven-year-old son was granted by a real chamber, guarantor of the Preobrazhensky regiment, the cavalier of the Order of St. Catherine [Prince Alexander Alexandrovich Menshikov One of the men had the ladies' Order of St. Catherine.]: The wife was awarded the same sign of the differences that were decorated at that time only Imperial house; Both daughters, Princess Maria, are engaged to the Count Peter Safehoy, and Princess Alexander received portraits of the Empress for wearing on blue bays; The future son-in-law is ranked with the highest court Camerogen, granted by Cavalier of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, also awarded the portrait of the public.

Following that Menshikov again began to manage the military board in the rank of the president again, had the right to complain to the colonel and, being a vice-admiral, allowed the introduction of the Admiral General of Count Apraksina; He managed both external affairs or, it was better to say, was the first everywhere, acting on Catherine. But the power did not exclude it. He walked more: referred to as the Duke of the Izhora, the bright prince of the Roman and Russian states, Reichs-Marshal and the commander of General Field Marshal, the Military College by the President, the Fleet of the All-Russian Vice-Adimiral, Governor-General of the province of St. Petersburg, a real secret advisor, lieutenant colonel Preobrazhenskaya Life Guard, Colonel Over the Three Shelves and the Captain of the company Bombardirskaya - enforced to the dignity of Generalissimus, for the Duchy of Kurland; went to Mitava; destroyed the deliberate marriage of the duchess of the Duchess of Kurland Anna John with the glorious Morita Saxon; I tried myself to destroy the choice that did not agree with his species, and, deceived in Hope, returned to St. Petersburg without obtaining the desired one.

Kurlyandtsy declared: that they could not have Menshikov Duke, for he is not German, not Lutheran confession. Meanwhile, in the absence of the Plusolubets, several concedes convinced the sovereign to sign a decree on his arrest on the road; But the Minister of the Holchtinsky court, Count Bashevich stood for his favorite happiness, and this command was canceled. In vain Menshikov tried to take revenge on the secret enemies - they remained unharmed, to the annoyance of offended Velmazby. Anticipating an important coup, which had to follow in the state, he inclined his empress, upset his health, to provide the spiritual testament to the young great prince the right to the throne, so that Peter, when he reaches perfect age, married his daughter, by Pritation Marieu.

Meanwhile, the opposite side also acted: Count Tolstoy, Head, who was afraid of the Mystery of Tsaritsa Evdokia Feodorovna for participating in her son, Tsarevich Alexy, and persuaded the sovereign to send the Grand Duke in Fishery, appointing one of the daughters: Anna Petrovna or Zesarevna Elisaven. Duke Holchtinsky supported him for his own benefit. Catherine, weak recently, did not know what to decide. From the insight of Menshikov did not hide the ideas of enemies of him: the death of them was inevitable. In April (1727), the sovereign disease increased. Menshikov moved to the Palace of the 10th day and was abruptly with it.

Soon he introduced himself to the case to triumph over opponents. The 16th day when the entire courtyard made an emergency dishephere due to the desperate position of the Empress, a police officer-general Count Devyer, who belonged to the opposite party, despite his relative relationship with Menshikov [Count Anton Manuilovich Devyer was married to the native sister of Prince Menshikov. His last senses, when he began to wrap, but Peter the great agreed his pet, the mailing Devière. Since that time, he became the secret enemy Menshikov.], And probably that day was not in a sober form, he began to twist the niece of the sovereign, Countess Sophia Karlovna Skavron, saying to her: not need to cry! "And after that, approached the Great Prince, who was sitting on the bed, took a place beside him and said: what are you sad? Drink wine glasses. Then he told him in his ear: we will go to the stroller. It will be better for you. Your mother does not be alive. All this happened in the presence of the daughters of the Empress, the deviere was sitting [Arsenyev. See the reign of Ekaterina I-th.] Ten days passed, and the guilty remained without proper punishment. At the end of April, the sovereign received some relief. The 26th of the Duke of Izhora went to his house on Vasilyevsky Island, taking his Grand Prince Peter Alekseevich and his sister, the Great Princess Natalia Alekseevna: The first spent the night in the rest of Menshikov's son, the second of his daughters. He had a secret conversation that day with the Chancellor of the Graph Golovnaya and the actual secret adviser to the prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn.

Then the Investigation Commission is drawn, chancel by Chancellor, over the Graph Devyer for the great products, evil advice and intentions. Members appointed followers of Menshikov: Golitsyn, Lieutenant-General Dmitriev-Mamonov, Prince of Yusupov and Colonel Famyshn. Veneered by torture interrogate the guilty of his accomplices. He named: Tolstoy, Buturlin, Naryshkina, Ushakova, Rotorova-Pisareva. On May 2, the Empress felt a fever, a dry cough was opened, and Menshikov moved again to the palace, Toropil (on May 5) Golovkin: so that he would rather solve the investigative thing, so that the extract was drawn up without interrogation of all accomplices [Arsenyev. See the reign of Ekaterina I-th.]

The will is executed. On May 6, Catherine, shortly before the death of his who followed in the ninth hour in the afternoon [Ekaterina I - I died from a mug in an easy, on 45 from birth.], Signed a weak hand to the decree on the punishment of criminals who dare to dispose of the heritage of the throne and resist the Grand Prince who happened on the highest will [in this decree, it is not mentioned about the attempt to arrest Menshikov.].

On that very day, Petra Great Petr, Count Peter Andreevich Tolstoy and Ivan Ivanovich Buturlin [see Biographies of Count Tolstoy and I. I. Buturlin] are devoid of ranks, signs of differences; The first is exiled along with her son in the Solovetsky monastery, where she cumsied in poverty, famous for famous feats; The second sent to the far village; Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin was also delayed and removed from the capital; Andrei Ivanovich Ushakov, who served in the guard Major, was transferred to the Army Regiment; Count Devyer and the former Ober-Prosecutor of Skyrovak-Pisuses are punished by whip and exiled to Yakutsk.

The next day (May 7), Menshikov woke up earlier than ordinary, in the fifth hour, and immediately put on the uniform, his orders. Then the members of the Supreme Secret Council, Holy Synod, a High Senate and General Senate, who was in St. Petersburg began to go to him. In the outcome of the axis, they went to Zesarevnam and, together with their Highness and Duke, Holchtinsky went to the larger room, where the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich came, followed by Menshikov, and sat down in the chair, set for him on an exalted place. Contemporary, Duke De Liri [Spanish in Russia Ambassador.], Gave us: that the grandson of Peter the Great was high growth, Belokur, beautiful, strong addition. On his face, he was depicted with meekly thoughtfulness and, together, importance, determination. He had a good heart, happy memory; There was a generous and favorable to others; But I did not forget my Sana. - Menshikov presented the spiritual testament of the late empress, printed onely and handed Stepanov's actual statistical adviser, ordered to read out loud. Deep silence reigned in a numerous meeting; Everyone wished to know: what was the will of Catherine, listened to with attention.

"Although on the mother of our love, the first article of the spiritual, - our daughter, Duchess, Holstetskaya Anna Petrovna and Elizaveta Petrovna, could be mostly appointed by our successors, but taking into respect that the person of the men's sex is more convenient to move the burden of management such an extensive state. We assign yourself the successor of the Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich. " -

The articles that were followed by the guardianship during the minority of the emperor; The power of the Supreme Council was determined, the order of the heritage of the throne in the case of the death of Peter; The twelfth is amazing those present. "For excellent services rendered by the late spouse to our and us by Prince Menshikov, we cannot reveal more evidence of our mercy to him, as the Russian one of his daughters take the throne, and therefore they order both the daughters of our and the most important our facilities to promote The engrave of the Grand Duke with one of the daughters of Prince Menshikov, and since they will soon reach the majority, to a combination of their marriage. " -

All silent, not dare to express his feelings, although they guessed that it was not a sovereign, and her loved holds this spiritual [Empress Anna Ioannovna then ordered the Chancellor of County Golovna to burn the spiritual Catherine I. He performed the highest will, saving a copy.]. Peter II-th was proclaimed by the emperor in the tenth hour (May 7) with a cannonal film from the St. Petersburg Fortress, Admiralty and Yachts, who stood on the Neva. Having congratulations from the first ranks, he went to the Guards Regions, Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, who surrounded the palace and immediately swore a young monarch. That day Menshikov was granted by Admiral; May 12 by Generalissimus; On the 17th, he transported the emperor to his home to Vasilyevsky Island, which is called Preobrazhensky Island; The 25 numbers began to execute the gigantic plans of his: In the outcome of the third hour of the afternoon, the collapse of the eleven-year-old Peter II, with the sixteen-year-old Mary of Mariey.

Noble hated the ruler of the empire for exorbitant pride, unlimited power: confident in his power, he despised a secret Ropot. Foreign courtyards provided him with special respect: But while Menshikov was on the left, thinking about the Duchy of Kurlyandsky, his enemies acted: Prince Ivan Alekseevich Dolgorukov, an in -ureous friend of the emperor, the young man from himself is a beautiful, ardent, lifeling, trained with his relatives, in Features of the Uncle, Prince Vasily Lukich, Covurch, to all the prions, and only the sophisticated courtiers are different: he hated and caressed Menshikov, he tried to remind him of his son and, engaged in games, reminded Peter: how dangerous for the entire state is the excessive power of the subject; Divorced will be related to his sovereign; Repeated incessantly: that Menshikov will eventually come to the throne over time; That one word royal can turn it into a primitive state. The emperor agreed with Dolgorukov, promised to keep deep silence to a convenient case.

This case introduced himself: the merchants of Petersburg was brought by Peter II Ten thousand Chervonny. He sent them as a gift to his sister. Menshikov met the sent and, having learned that he carries money to the Great Princess, said: "The emperor is too young, to know due consumption of money: take me to me; I will have the case to talk about them with him. " - The sent was not dead to disobey.

On the other day, Peter asked Princess: "Isn't yesterday's gift for gratitude?" - She answered that she did not receive any gift. The monarch was simerly unhappy, and his anger was still increased when he learned that Menshikov ordered the money towards himself. "Calling him, the sovereign with a heart asked:" How did he bother to prohibit the messenger to fulfill his order? " - Menshikov, Nimalo, who did not expect such a realization, was very amazed and answered: "That the state needs money, the treasury is exhausted and that he intended to make a proposal to his majesty about the most useful consumption of this money; What, however, he will not only give ten thousand worms, but, if you have a sovereign, and a million rubles from your own property. " - Peter, stuck nagu, said: "I will teach you to remember that I am the emperor and that you have to obey"; Following the sim, he left the room.

Menshikov followed him and this time softened his relentless requests. Soon then, the duke of Izhora is dangerous Zamenogo and, preparing to leave earthly greatness, wrote two spiritual testaments: family and state. The first instructed by his wife, the bright princes Darius Mikhailovna, and Sobachochina, Varvar Mikhailovna Arsenyeva, to keep his house to the perfect age of children and parents swaying to their upbringing; ordered children to have love, respect and obedience to mother and aunt; Appointed his son, Prince Alexander, the heir to the whole house and, giving him useful advice, most of all inspired loyalty and hot love for the sovereign and Fatherland; I put myself as an example: how with infant years he was adopted in the mercy of Peter the Great and his own loyalty and knowing all the world surpassed all peers in trust in the sovereign. In conclusion, the spiritual ordered to pay his debts and asked for forgiveness from everyone who was wrong offended.

In the state act, Menshikov appealed to the emperor with requests: 1) before the coming in the majority of the grandmother's sovereign (Catherine I-th), to be obedient Ober-Hoffmeister Baron Osterman and ministers and do nothing without their advice; 2) beware of slanderers and progressive secretly and to raise the ministers about them in order to warn themselves from many disasters, which occur from the ko - the ancestors of His Majesty underwer; 3) take care of your health and in driving and in other fun to do moderately and carefully; The well-being of the Fatherland depends on the health of the sovereign; And, finally, 4) advised Peter II-Mu in all this way to control himself, so that all the actions and feats would fit the dignity of the imperial, and before this, it is impossible to reach this, as through the doctrine and instruction and through the help of true advisers. In conclusion, I reminded the sovereign that he had about his upbringing and how desperately served him in the perception of the throne: he asked to have a faithful service of him and keep him in the grace the last name after him, also to be merciful to the engaged bride, his daughter, and, According to the promise committed to God, at such a time to enter into a legitimate marriage

Menshikov's enemies could act freely. Between them, hectare was Oterman, who was superior to the upbringing of the emperor. He was careful and tied together when they demanded circumstances; Above himself could not tolerate anyone. For a long time, Osterman conscuted with Dolgorukov about Lamshakov, who did not like because he prevented him to be the main thing, often did not agree with him, rustled him, without respecting the title of Vice Chancellor, wearing the Andreev ordinary. Looping from the disease, Menshikov went to Oranienbaum, his country house to conjoin the church built there in the name of St. Panteleimon-Healer and, instead of requesting the emperor to themselves, sent an invitation with a disregard. Peter refused under the pretext of unhealthy, and proud wine during the consecration of the temple, on September 3, Archbishop Fauofan took a place in the form of a throne cooked for the emperor!

The bold act Menshikov served for his enemies with a convenient means to apply the last blow to the power of it. They persuaded the emperor to free themselves and Russia from a person who had not believed to be the limits. Considering yourself in the same strength and without seeing spaced networks, the favorite of happiness went to Peterhof (September 4), he was at the sovereign, he spent many rustic Osterman and went to Petersburg for another day, examined the ones, spent one and a half hours in the Supreme Secret Council, Proudly gave an everywhere orders, made orders for the reception of Peter in his house, forbade the treasurer Kaisarov to let go of money without his own prescription.

On September 6, Lieutenant Saltykov General declared Menshikov so that all the furniture and things of the sovereign were transported to the summer palace. At the same time, his son's furniture was returned, which as an Ober-Chamber was under the emperor. In confusion, his Menshikov made an important mistake, dissolving the Ingermanland regiment on the apartments, he stood before the safety of him in the camp on the Vasilyevsky Island [Menshikov was a colonel of the Ingermanland regiment from his very institution and, according to Count Bashevich, had the right provided He is Peter Great, choose officers into this regiment and produce them to the ranks. See Bishing, h. IX.]

On September 7, Menshikov was in the Supreme Secret Council. The sovereign returned to St. Petersburg, spent the night in a new summer palace and the next day she sent Saltykov to the distressed Wiel, Saltykov with the orders not to enter into any cases and do not go out of the house to further command. Menshikov's princess hurried to the palace to fall to the legs of the sovereign and to die, but the entrance to them was prohibited. Petra Great favorite resorted to the last medium: he wrote to the emperor, tried to justify himself, begged himself: so that the sun would not go into his anger; asked dismissal from all cases for old age and diseases; I was looking for the patronage of the Great Princess Natalia Alekseevna, but it remained without success. Empty the living rooms! Only two people left him devotees: Lieutenant-General Alexey Volkov and Major General Egor Ivanovich Famyshn.

On September 9, Menshikov went to Ranienburg, the city, they themselves built (located in the Ryazan province), and, with the deprivation of the ranks and the signs of the differences, to live there is slow-minded, under a non-primary supervision of the Guards Lieutenant and Capralia; The estate is left under it. Princess Maria was supposed to return his wedding ring to the emperor, worth about twenty thousand rubles. "I am guilty and confessed to this that he deserved punishment," said Menshikov sentenced to an officer; - But not the emperor condemned me! " Then, giving the Order, said: "Here they are: I expected to send them to them, and in order to put them in a special box. If you ever take off with these fumes, learn from my example, how little they serve to our happiness

Optiance, retaining his wealth, suggested to have a pleasant refuge in Ranienburg and, without losing hope that happiness will be happy to be more favorable, he left St. Petersburg in the afternoon, in rich crews, with the mighty and a penetration of a numerous, as a mighty, and not an exile. The crowd of curious surrounded the train: Menshikov bowed from his carriage on both sides, forgiven with everyone with a fun face. His calm, probably, outdoor, and inappropriate magnificity even more annoyed enemies. In Tver, it is ordered to double the guard, seal all the things of the exile, and he only needs to leave. Here the crews were selected, and he learned that the estate was all taken in the treasury.

Almost at one time with Menshikov arrived in Ranienburg, the actual Stat adviser Shtcheyev for the work of the investigation of various abuses and misconduct it.
He was accused of misfortunes Tsarevich Alexy Petrovich, the parent of the emperor; In the secret correspondence with the Swedish Senate during the disease of the Empress Ekaterina I-th; In the assignment of sixty thousand rubles belonging to the Duke of Holstein, and in many other abductions.

He was sentenced to reference to the city of Berezov, the Tobolsk province [Berezov is located from St. Petersburg in 4034 versts, lies under 63 degrees of latitude, on the left bank of the sucks, flowing into Ob.]. - With courage, a decent hero, heard Menshikov, a formidable sentence, and, turning to his son, said: "My example will serve you to you, if you are returned from the link, where I have to die!" So said, so I acted then Petrov's favorite, but the spouse of unfortunate did not have His hardness: grave sadness and unusted tears stopped her life on the road, in 12 versers from Kazan.

A few days before his death, she lost sight, overlooking the grief. Sad Menshikov continued his way, accompanied by Lieutenant Guard Stepan Kryukovsky and twenty retired soldiers of the Preobrazhensky battalion. He was allowed to take ten yard people from Ranienburg; Defined on the content of five rubles per day. In the remote Siberia already knew about the fall and reference of the former generalissimus. The inhabitants of Tobolsk flocked every day in a set to the shore of Irtysh, questioning the coming: "Will he be soon? Isn't it happen? " Finally, their desire was fulfilled: they saw the exile, which were recently overwhelmed by Velmazby.

Then from the crowd was thrown to the mud into the son and daughters of Menshikov. "Throw me in me," he said, "let the mission hit me one, but leave the poor, innocent children of my children alone!" In Tobolsk, the governor sent Menshikov to prison, according to the orders of the emperor, five hundred rubles. "Tsarist Grace," the expenter said the money handed over to him, "I will not bring me any benefit in the far, wild country, if I can't stock the necessary things here to alleviate my lot."

Request was respected: he bought himself an ax and other tools for cutting and treating trees and for agriculture; I also have a lot of seeds, fishing nets and some meat and salty fish; The rest of the money ordered to distribute the poor. On the way to Berezova, Menshikov saw in one hut of the officer, who, after a long abolish, was returned to St. Petersburg from remote places Siberia. This officer had once been an adjutant and did not recognize the proud, magnificent prince Izhorsky, who then briefed the long beard, who had a naked Tulup; But Menshikov called the former subordinate by name. "How I am known to you," an officer surprised is the exile, - and who are you? " - "Alexander," - answered Menshikov. - "What alexander?" - cried an angry visitors. - "Alexander Menshikov". "I really know His lordship," said the officer, "and therefore I do not advise you to call you when I have it." - "And you do not recognize Menshikov?" - continued the exile. The officer looked at the imaginary stranger as a madman. Then Menshikov took him by the hand and took to the window. "" Brushing well in the features of the former general, "he said. Long officer looked at Menshikov, not trusting him; Finally began to recognize and exclaimed with amazement: "Ah! Prince! Your lordship, which event you have undergone a sad state, in what I see you? " "Let's leave Prince and Lightness," Menshikov interrupted. - I am now a poor man, how born. The Lord, who erected me to the height of the migrations of the human, reimbursed in my primitive state. "

Then the exile retraced the surprised to the officer all the events that followed the state in the death of Peter the Great, how he entered the throne of Catherine, as he had gained his daughter with Peter II-m. "I thought," continued Menshikov with a deep sigh, "that he had secured himself from people who had seen only fans that I would calmly enjoy the fruits of my care; But during the showdown, treacherous longitudes, animated and keeper [Count A. I. Osterman.], even more treacherous, instantly overthrew me into a distressed state, in which now I am. I confess sincerely, I deserved it. The deprivation of all the benefits of earth and freedom does not cause me any grief, but (he pointed out with tears on his children), here are my sorrows of sorrow: born in abundance, they share the punishment for crimes in which they did not participate! Our life in the local world is uninterrupted coups; I hope on the justice of Almighty: he will return them once in the depths of the Fatherland, and the current disaster will serve them by the lesson, how much needs to hold their passion and limit the desires! You are going to Moscow and you will be in intercourse with Dolgorukov: all the power is now in their hands; But they do not have the necessary qualities for the fulfillment of wise presenters of the Great Monarch! Tell them that you saw me on the way back and that the restless move, the cruelty of the local climate was not only not weakened by my health, but still strengthened it that in my captivity I enjoy my freedom spirit, who did not know when the rules of the state.

The officer's story was sad, and when Menshikov said goodbye to him when he sat down with a cheerful face in a kibitu, the officer could not resist his tears, for a long time he had his own eyes. - alienated from the whole world, among the icy deserts of Siberia, where winter is constantly lasts seven months; Dawn then at ten o'clock in the passion, and it is diminished at three; Frost comes up to 40 ° with unbearable wind from the Arctic Sea; where spring from swamp vapors is thick, impenetrable fog; In the fall, also with strong northeastern winds; Where in the summer heat continues no more than ten days; Earth, due to cold nights, melts only on a quarter of Arshina; The sun is hiding in the afternoon for one hour behind the northern high mountain - Menshikov in Berezov did not ropat on fate, she conquered her with humility and encouraged his children.

Before this weak addition ["Denitovich", "wrote Peter the Great to the Princess Menshikova.], In the link made healthy; Built with the help of servants of their wooden house on the steep bank of the river such; Diva there a garden and accumulated from the money received by him such an amount that I built the church for her in the name of the save, working with the structure itself with an ax in my hands. He called the bell, when the time of church ministry came, fixed the post of Dyachka, sang on the pollosy and then said protiferous teachings by versions. "Breeding to me, Lord - repeated Menshikov indiscriminately in prayers, - Yako, smirling me!" - Every day, before dawn, he went ashore to admire the magnificent spectacle of the awakening of nature; Returning to the hut from the church, forced children to read the sacred books or transferred them the curious incidents of his life they recorded. It is not known where a priceless manuscript was released; But Berezovsky Matvey Bazhenov, who died in 1797 by 107th from birth, often found them in these classes.

Menshikov loved to talk with him and, by the way, admitted to him: "That then death has not yet frightened him as at an altitude of greatness." So the famous exile spent the time, which, once, welcomed Feofan Prokopovich with the words: we are visible in Alexander Peter! "Which built to the throne Catherine and, before the reference of his own, he intended to combine her son with the Great Principal Natalius Alekseevna. Split celebration of faith! In happiness, Menshikov won the enemies of the Fatherland and was a slave of his passions - in the malfoliacs appeared the winner over them, surprised the offspring an unusually hardness of the spirit, perfect selflessness.

Soon his favorite daughter him, Maria, Skaplya. There were no doctors in Berezov. Menshikov saw Mary approached the end of earthly suffering - and tried to hide his sorrow from the children. The foreboding was fulfilled: moving in the best world, the innocent Uznage comforted his father, which is not afraid of death. Mary was not (1729): Menshikov stood her grave and lowered the remains precious for him in the ground! The hardness of the Great Husband was laid! Irrigor the last dwelling of the daughter, he consoled his thoughts that he would soon connect with her; In advance, with a dim light of fish oil, which grown in his hut, prepared a coder coffin [in Berezov, another part of a cedar forest, called in ancient times the mysterious, worshiped the deft during paganism.]; I expressed the desire to be buried to Mary, in a bathrobe, shoes and in a quilted hat, which was then wore; Hold the rite, the church imposed, and then kept deep silence, refused food, except for cold water used by him in a small amount

Finally hit the fatal hour! He called his children and said to them: "I feel my friends, which will soon go from this temporary life into eternal. I did not think that I didn't think that I didn't think about death: here I only found out the whole bustle of this world and got close to the grave. As I would calmly reach it, if B, being before the face of the Lord, I had to give him a report only about the time spent by me in the link! But the mind, and more faith are instructed by me that the mercy of God, to which I hope, is infinitely like an infinite justice! It would be easier for me to part with you if I didn't confuse me that you would return to where the vice triumphes over the virtue, where hearts do not preserve primitive innocence, the main decoration of yours. If this misfortune is inevitable, follow the examples that I filed in Berezov. Maybe among the fuss of great light, you will not once be regretting the local imprisonment! Forces leave me. Near, my children so I blessed you! " - Menshikov lifted her hand, but he could not possess her - she sank, the head fell on the pillow, the children were sobbed, and the last sigh of him was heard on October 22, 1729.

He was only 56 years old from birth. Three Arsshina Merzla Land took their remains of the former ruler of the Empire, Duke of Izhora, Generalissimus of Russian troops, the altar of the church worked on them, ten seats from the banks of the Sash River. Nowadays, the earthen embankment towers in the same place, surrounded by a wooden lattice [before the definition of my governor in Tobolsk, Menshikov remained forgetting. In 1825, I instructed the Berezovsky city and the city of Andreev, extremely nonsense and diligent: to open the burial place of Petrov's burial, whom the biography was still in young years and respected memory. G. Andreev accepted my words literally: I saw the old-timers and found out from the Kozak Ivan Shahov (who then had 57 years old): that the century of Berezovsky Matthew Bazhenov, whom he was a counselo, lowered Menshikov's coffin in the grave in 1729, often visited her with him ; That she is on Kozochor, at the altar of the burnt church of him, ten seats from the bank of the River Sash, where the remainder of the stone foundation is visible.

Gingerbread began to go: ordered first digging the land at the place (July 30, 1825); Then he ordered to chop her axes in the depth of three Arshin with a quarter, for the land does not freeze in Berezov only on a quarter of ARSHIN: there was a coffin, long in a sage, upholstered with a red cloth, with a silver pose in the form of a cross on the roof. It was opened; removed the ice that covered the body of the deceased; Raised silk bedspreads: lying in the coffin was a high height, leaning, with a wretched beard, hairless, had thick eyebrows, all his teeth preserved, as if rested in the arms of deep sleep, and in a bathrobe, in a quilted hat, under his head was woven, And at the top there was a whisk, in green pointed shoes on her legs with huge heels, narrow down.

Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov was the growth of two Arshin twelve vershs, two vertices less Peter the Great; Slender sobody; The mind and ambition bright colors were depicted on his face. He had a stinging smile; I was distinguished by the sharpness and trick [Menshikov did not know how to read or write and learned only badly sign your name; But in the presence of people who did not know about, hid their illiteracy and showed the appearance as if he reads papers. When His own orders got into the abduction of huge amounts and in different oppressions, he justified: that, without knowing how to read, not to write, did not know the content of the secured papers. - Willboon.]; I got up usually, during my value, at six o'clock and earlier, dinner at nine, went to bed at ten o'clock; No affairs to the other day; loved to give lush lunches; Decorated himself with diamond orders and because of weak health, it was sometimes in winter in front of the Guards Shelves, on a richly removed horse, accompanied by the general, in Silver Parchka Kaftan on Sable Fur, with the same abbreviations; I tried to improve the juice factories in Russia [Sukonny factories were under the maintenance of Menshikov]; established crystal plants in Yamburg; was a guideline with foreigners; condestees to those who did not want to seem smarter than, pleased him, and could not see anyone above him; pursued equal; It was dominated by Musthelen, Rough, Cruel, Alchen to acquisitions.

[According to the link Menshikov to Siberia, he found from him: 1) nine million rubles in the banking tickets of London and Amsterdam banks and in other borrowed acts; 2) four million rubles of cash; 3) diamonds and various jewels in the amount of over a million rubles; 4) 45 pounds of gold in ingots and 60 pounds in different vessels and utensils. Some silver sets were three, each in 24 dozen plates, spoons, knives and forks. The first is made in London, the second in Augsburg, the third in Hamburg. Over this Menshikov ordered the fourth silver service in Paris, 1727, and sent 35.500 Efimkov to this item.]; Tolerated often beatings from Peter the Great!

But Menshikov will remain a great man with all the weaknesses and has the right to respect Russians, as a savior of the life of an unforgettable monarch and an invincible commander [Royal London society, established to spread natural sciences, adopted Menshikov in its members of 1714. His motto on herb was the following: Virtute Duce, FORTUNA coither; i.e. valority guide; Happiness satellite.]

[Cm. Transformed Russia, op. Weber, h. 3. p. 178. - Weber was located a resident of the Hanover courtyard in Russia.].