Metal fences and fences. Restoration of fence in the country Repair of brick fence

Dacha is for most residents of large cities the only place where you can not only take a break from the usual restless life, but in some sense to recover, get the necessary energy stock. Of course, to be in the country it does not work as often as I would like. But even for those brief moments, it is necessary to find an opportunity not only to work in the garden or repair some kind of element in the construction, but also to relax. Sometimes it is working in the fresh air that allows you to distract from any experiences and forget about fatigue.

A wooden fence is often screwed and loses appearance, so they put a new fence and processed by it with antifungal agents.

It is sometimes easy to cope with the repair, and sometimes it is completely impossible to do something completely. Most often, the problems with the repair concern such elements of the structure as a fence, roof and sewer system. Depending on how serious is the damage, as well as from which materials, one or another construction is constructed, you can cope with the task yourself or resort to the help of professional workers.

Repair the fence in the country do it yourself

In order to make a small restoration of one or another part of the fence, you can not resort to hiring employees, it will be enough to be your own forces. So, to replace several boards in one of the links, you must first completely dismantle damaged materials. Similarly, it is necessary to act with other materials. For example, if the fence from the chain grid was damaged by anything or rusted, it is necessary not to simply align or put a patch, you will have to replace the entire spoiled area.

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Repair of a wooden fence at the cottage with your own hands

There are several options according to which there is a need for a restoration of a wooden fence. Most often, this is due to the fact that this material is not entirely durable and reliable, it is exposed to moisture, malicious microorganisms and, which is completely natural, is one of the most combustible materials. Therefore, at the stage of first construction, it is necessary to take care of preventing too early repair of the fence.

So, on the state of the fence from the tree may affect its long period of operation, damage to fungus or natural phenomena.

Damaged board or thrills need to be replaced. To do this, it is necessary to use materials such as:

  • nail holder;
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • nails;
  • plane.

First of all, with the help of a nail and saws, you must disconnect the part of the fence with your own hands, which turned out to be damaged. After that, it will be necessary to prepare new materials to fill the resulting emptiness between boards or bars. If the bottom of the fence is damaged by fungus, then this means that the soil is too wet. In order to subsequently neither the soil nor the fence are mocking, it is necessary to avoid landing at the fence of too busy plants. In addition, it is necessary to leave between the lower edge of the fence and the surface of the Earth, a small gap (approximately 5-10 cm), which will ensure the ventilation and soil, and building materials. If this event is impossible, it is necessary to separate the bottom of the fence to separate the waterproofing material. For this, run rubberoid or only. This must be done at a distance of about 20-30 cm from the bottom edge of the boards.

In order to avoid exposure from insects or mold, you need to treat the tree with your own hands with antiseptic solutions, which counteract the above damage. Thus, and with your own hands, you can restore some kind of part of the fence, but you can hire professionals.

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Repair of the collection of bricks in the country do it yourself

Often not only in connection with a period of limitations need to repair fencing. There are also such situations that force homeowners to start some rework even before those or other elements of fence fail. The reason for such a quick repair can be allowed at the construction stage of any flaws. So, in a brick fence, it is quite often incorrectly carried out by installing support pillars. Most often, these pillars inside have a metal rod. It is used to strengthen the entire design, which is subsequently separated by either metal or brick. Stone in most cases is used only on the surface of the Earth. If this metal rod (for example, a pipe) is fully laid by brick, then for the fencing itself it is normal. If the same is observed in the place where the gate should be, then attaching the metal sash to such supports will not work.

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How to remake the support poles of a brick fence?

Many mistakenly believe that the gate can be attached on 2-3 lags, which were welded in advance to the metal pipe and are derived from bricks. Such a small amount of metal is completely insufficient so that the gate is attached to these pillars reliably. In addition to the inclination that leave rusty traces on a brickwork, these lags will not allow you to do.

Therefore, if the metal rod still remains inside the brick pillar, you will have to dismantle the post and then make a new brickwork, but in this position so that one side of the metal pipe spoke out of the brick. If you are not going to start with such radical actions, you will have to use the fastening of additional supports for the gate. To do this, you will need at least 2 long pipes that will be lined in the ground next to the brick columns. They should be lined at least 70 cm into the ground in the case when the height of the fence is 2 m. In order for these supports to be not risen due to poorly rammed soil, it will be necessary to put another pipe between them in the ground.

It is welded on both ends to the already installed vertically columns. This pipe must be poured with concrete solution. It consists of:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • rubble;

First, the cement and water is mixed, then sand and crushed stone add to the ground. The first 2 ingredients must be taken in 1 part, and the next two are 3 parts. This solution is pouring the pipe horizontally lying in the ground, let it dry in at least a day. After that, it will be possible to fall asleep the ditch of land, sand or crushed stone. But even if after such events in the reliability of the gate attachment, you will doubt, you will need to consolidate the support data also from above. To do this, you need the same length of the pipe that was omitted under the ground. It is also welded by both tips to the tops of those supports that are installed vertically next to the brick columns. Do not forget that previously all untreated materials should be cleaned of rust or other damage.

Thus, if you organize the repair of the fence from the tree, then you will probably be able to successfully cope with this task even alone. When repairing brick fences, most likely will have to seek help from specialists. After all, for example, when reworking pillars for the gate, the welder will need. This event should not begin if you do not have the appropriate qualifications.

From this article you will learn how to make the current repair of a brick or stone fence. We will tell you what tools and materials will be needed for this, we will give advice on the repair of the foundation and masonry, we list ways to eliminate cracks, sealing and publishing seams.

Analysis of the state of foundation

As a result of winter frosts, thaws and spring melting, the foundation of a stone fence can be flooded, seeking or remarking. The appearance of such serious problems usually means that the following errors were initially made in the foundation device:

  • ignoring the features of the structure of the soil and relief on the site;
  • lack of depth of bookmarking foundation;
  • improper base device (pillows);
  • lack of reinforcement;
  • lack of drainage;
  • low quality fill itself.

Visually, all this is manifested in the form of end-to-end cracks across the entire width and height of the foundation, the displacement of rows and noticeable deformations (defunctions or intimidation) of brick or masonry.

Attempts to repair such a section of the fence with the help of piles, subfers and seals of the soil or additional fill of the concrete at best, will lead to the fact that the further destruction of the foundation and masonry will be only delayed for several months, and at worst (what happens is much more often) - to uneven redistribution Load and the beginning of the destruction of neighboring sections of the fence. Therefore, the only right solution is usually the complete dismantling and replacement of the entire part of the fence with careful observance of technology.

Fragment repair in the foundation

If the foundation and laying are visually displaced, then to determine the nature of the crack (active, expanding or passive), it is necessary to examine this section of the fence using a level and plumb, and also apply a thin layer of alabastra or cement mortar (lighthouse). If in a week the lighthouse will remain as a whole, and the crack itself is short and not through, it is enough to close it with the help of a solution of the same brand as when filling the foundation.

Attention! Even the smallest and harmless cracks in the foundation in the foundation are needed immediately after their detection, since the moisture falling into the cracks and the roots of the plants will continuously work on their expansion.

Required tools:

  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • metal brush;
  • trowel;
  • device for flushing cracks with water under pressure.

Procedure for performing work:

  • expanding the cracks with a chisel, we remove the crown pieces of cement at its edges;
  • we remove the cement and stone crumb, clean the cracks using a metal brush;
  • rinse with water under pressure, remove dust;
  • fill the cracks with cement mortar.

Repair of support pillars

Due to the presence of a foundation, the ordinary supports of a stone or brick fence are carried out mainly non-bearing, but a decorative function. The exception is only the support pillars to which the gates and wickets are attached. Being manufactured from the same material as the main masonry of the fence, carrier pillars should either have inside the support metal pipe, or be reinforced outside the entire height of the welded frame from metal corners and strips. A gate is attached to such an internal or exterior frame.

If the stone or brick pillar has already gave cracks, without preparing the weight of the incorrectly installed gate, then any attempts to seal the fasteners back to the masonry will be useless. In this case, the pillar is preferably fully disassembled (including the dismantling of the foundation) and reinstall, setting the metal tube inside it and welding the elements of the gate attachment directly to it. Regardless of the depth of the foundation, the supporting tube must be in-depth to the ground at least 70 cm.

A compromise version of the repair of a brick or stone pillar (without disassembly) includes such steps:

  • full removal from masonry metal fasteners;
  • replacement of destroyed bricks;
  • sealing cracks and holes in the masonry;
  • strengthening the column over all four corner corners from metal corners (they must be combined with the help of metal strips, welded or screwed every 40-50 cm).

Detection of cracks in the masonry and the causes of their occurrence

Before rebuilding any crack in the laying of the fence, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of its occurrence, otherwise the repair will be useless. Cracks in brickwork arise for the following reasons:

  1. Combined impact of moisture, frost and sun.
  2. Problems with the foundation of the fence (their elimination is described above).
  3. The use of unsuitable types of bricks.
  4. Poor waterproofing foundation.
  5. Use in one masonry of different brands of bricks and stones.

It is obvious that the problems caused by the use of materials absolutely not suitable for masonry (for example, an unconditional, hollow, silicate or insufficient frost-resistant brick), as well as the use of different types of stone in one masonry, can be solved only by dismantling and replacing the entire problem area of \u200b\u200bmasonry. The same applies to cases where the waterproofing substrate between the foundation and masonry was not properly arranged.

Classification and elimination of cracks, replacement of cracked bricks

Consider the repair of cracks in the masonry of the fence, not caused by the problems with its foundation, that is, resulting from atmospheric influences and the natural muffling of bricks and concrete.

Required tools:

  • chisel or scarpel;
  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • metal brush;
  • washing tool;
  • trowel;
  • tube injector and syringe for injection of solution;
  • drill and hacksaw for metal.

Procedure for performing work:

  • installation and subsequent beacon check (see above);
  • the expansion of the crack chisel, its cleaning with a brush and washing with water under pressure;
  • manual filling with a solution (for shallow cracks with a width of up to 8 mm);
  • drill holes to the perforator and the injection of the solution inside the masonry (for deep cracks width up to 20 mm);
  • removing the crushed or split fragments of masonry and installing a lock from new bricks (for cracks width more than 20 mm);
  • installation on both sides of the fence of lining made of metal strips or segments of the profile attached to the masonry through bolts or anchors (in the case of particularly long and deep cracks).

In the latter case, a strip steel is used as a liner with a width of at least 50 and a thickness of at least 5 mm, and as anchors - metal rods with a thickness of at least 20 mm. The distance between the places of anchors should be equal to the double wall thickness.

Final Stage: Cleaning, sealing and publishing seams

Required tools:

  • to clean the seams - the same as used for cleaning and sealing cracks;
  • to fill the seams with a solution - Kelma, vertical and horizontal extension, wooden rail, plastering falcon.

Procedure for performing work:

  • cleaning damaged seams from dirt and residues of an old solution to a depth of 15-20 mm;
  • wetting water masonry;
  • filling of seams with a solution;
  • sealing the solution and the creation of the desired shape of the seam by the branch of the appropriate size (after the solution slits slightly to the plastic state);
  • removing the residual solution with a brush or cloth.

Now rarely meet a wooden fence in private home ownership - concrete and iron structures came to replace him. But it was the tree that can give comfort and heat, create an atmosphere of comfort - wooden fences have always been and will be in priority among beauty and style connoisseurs. The fences of the considered species are often used in summer cottages - conveniently, inexpensive and suitable for the general style of country possessions. Unfortunately, the tree of time loses its attractive look, and the humidity provokes the appearance of fungus, mold, which spoils and the quality of the fence. How to repair a wooden fence with your own hands, if there are no specific knowledge and the necessary experience?

Required dismantle

Before starting any repair work, a wooden fence should be dismantled. And even if only one sections are damaged, it is necessary to examine all the barrier and reveal the possible places required by repair / replacement.

Note: Dismantling of a wooden fence is obligatory - when trying to conduct the necessary repair work in a suspended state, the desired quality will not be achieved due to the difficult access to the lower parts of sections and supports.

For dismantling work, you will need the following tool.:

  • nail holder;
  • lever arm;
  • hacksaw;
  • keys / screwdrivers - in case there are appropriate compounds;
  • a rubber or wooden hammer - it will minimize the risk of damage to the parts of a wooden fence.

Work with supports

Be sure to repair a wooden fence begins with a pillar survey (supports) on which the whole design is attached. Ignoring this recommendation, it is impossible to achieve high quality repair work and will soon have to either replace the fence or once again carry out full repair.

Metal supports

Even if the metal supports are not changed outwardly, but you know exactly that their replacement has been held for a long time and in the ground the poles are not concreted, then you will have to pay time to them. To work you need to cook the following tool:

  • scrap and shovel;
  • bulgarian or hacksaw for metal;
  • metal brush for rust removal;
  • brush with rigid bristles.

What is included in the concept of metal support:

  1. The columns are completely digging out of the ground.
  2. The entire surface of the support is cleaned from dirt, rust and old paint.
  3. Prepared surfaces are painted.
  4. The underground part of the metal supports of the wooden fence must be processed, besides paint, reversible mastic - it will extend their life and prevents rust appearance.

Important:if you wish to provide additional protection for the above-ground part of metal columns, they can be treated with orthophosphoric acid or special protective compositions. Special attention is paid to places of joints, corners and holes.

Pillars from wood

Most often after digging wooden supports, the active rotation of their underground part is marked. In this case, it must be cut off, and the remaining surface to investigate on the subject of rot / mold and clean the part of the support. Ideally, the next stage should be a complete drying of a wooden support, but it is possible to implement the stage only with the technical capabilities and the availability of time. You can resort to an accelerated procedure for processing a wooden pillar: it is processed by a special antiseptic, then covered with bitumen and painted.

If, after removing the rotten underground part, the wooden support has become much shorter and stopped approaching the fence, then you can build up on the bottom of the board of the board. Only a pre-board should be treated with antiseptic, protective compositions and bitumen. Some masters recommend wrapping the base Ruberoid: this is permissible, but not the best option.

Some craftsmen are treated with wooden supports - charred them with a soldering lamp, thereby protecting them from rotting. This process is quite time-consuming and requiring certain skills, therefore it is advisable to resort to the help of special fluids - may be more expensive, but it is more reliable and faster by processing time.

Before getting to work with wooden supports, prepare the tool:

  • hacksaw or chainsaw;
  • sharp knife;
  • a hammer;
  • brush for painting work.

Asbestos cement pipes

They are often used to install a wooden fence, despite the fact that asbestos cement is the least practical material compared to wood and metal. If any damage on supports from asbestos-cement pipes are detected, then it is better to replace them immediately - the repair is inappropriate.

When installing the material under consideration, as a support for a wooden fence, you need to immediately equip them with the upper plugs - this will prevent water from entering the pipe.

Repair stable

Before repaid to the repair of the fence sections, check the condition of the stable (crossbar). This is the second most important element that should be strong and reliable. Their task is to transfer the load on the intake poles.

As horizontal alone, wooden beams are most often used (less often metallic). Wooden countries are not too durable, with strong wind gusts they can break or "fly away" along with the sections attached to them.

To connect damaged wooden crossbars, you can use a segment of a thin-walled metal pipe as a coupling.

Note that since the crossbars are not in contact with the Earth, they are not necessary to process with waterproofing solutions.

Wooden fence sections repair

After working with supports, you can start repairing sections of a wooden fence. But before dismantling them, or numb each section with a marker, or draw the sequence of their location on a piece of paper. The fact is that it is very rare between all the supports withstanding the same distance, and the number of boards in sections may be different. The previously conducted recording of the sections of the wooden fence will help to quickly install them after repair.

Repair of sections is carried out in the following sequence:

After the end of the above stages, it remains to repair metal fasteners. It is advisable to make a full-fledged replacement of rusty and discharged bolts, nails, screws and screws. But if there is no such possibility (for example, boards in a wooden fence are too narrow and can crack when attempting to replace metal fasteners), then do the following:

  1. Nails neatly wooden or rubber hammer will hammer until it stops in the board.
  2. Screws and screws are tightened in all possible places.

If the screws and screws are too damaged by rust, then first need to be treated with special solutions that are able to facilitate the process of unscrewing / twisting metal fasteners.

Note:nails should always be clogged strictly perpendicular to the wooden surface, and their caps in no case cannot be completely covered in a tree completely - it will damage wood.

The final stage of repair of sections of a wooden fence with their own hands is the final processing. Wood can and need to be treated with an antiseptic, a simptic, impregnation or varnish - will suit any composition that will protect the material from rotting, the accumulation of insects and moisture. The easiest way to process wood is to predict and cover the decorative layer of paint.

Important:when processing sections of a wooden fence, the finish coating should be added twice the remedy at the places of intersections of the lag and boards, the location of the fasteners.

Some designer fantasies do not mean painting wood for fencing, but in this case all metal parts need to be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. For this, domestic products on an oil basis are categorically not suitable - they are ineffective and can have too short-term action.

Installing a wooden fence with your own hands

The final stage of the described process is the installation of the fence. This is a simple job, but there may be a problem - the incomprehension of the flight and the length of the section, which happens more often when replacing wooden plates and lag. If this happened, you will have to add the missing length of the lags and it is better to make it a metal plate.

After a complete installation of a wooden fence with their own hands, it is necessary to once again handle the paint or an antiseptic means of docking the section of the section to supports.

As a result, you should have approximately such a design:

Repair of a wooden fence with your own hands - the business is troublesome, but not complicated. With a minimal set of tools and a small experience in conducting any repair / construction work, the result will be positive.

Professional masters. We employ people, many years engaged in the installation and repair of various types of fences, which indicates the experience and high level of work; Low prices for repairs. The cost of various repair work is relatively different from the proposals of many performers; Use of high quality materials; Fast repairs. Our specialists are used in the work was done. In connection with all those listed, I recommend Ilder-Fence to everyone who wants to build a beautiful, durable and solid fence for reasonable money.

Repair of fences of various types.

Even such solid fences like brick or concrete is subject to destruction under the action of precipitation and other external factors. Especially vulnerable, not only before natural, but also before mechanical impacts are lightweight structures from wood, chain grids and professional flooring, which have no foundation and prone to skews, deformation and breakdowns, especially with poor quality installation, which happens, unfortunately , often. If your fence requires a complex, or small repair, and you do not have the ability to implement it yourself, you can seek help in our company, whose specialists are willing to perform the necessary work on cosmetic, or overhaul of fences from the professional flooring, chain grid, wood, Stakenik, brick. The impacts are lightweight structures from wood, chain grids and professional flooring, which have no foundation and prone to skews, deformation and breakdowns, especially with poor quality installation, which happens, unfortunately, quite often. If your fence requires a complex, or small repair, and you do not have the ability to implement it yourself, you can seek help in our company.

Repair of fences from corrugated

The most popular is such a service as the repair of fences from the professional flooring due to the popularity of this type of fences from owners of private houses and dachens. Despite the sufficient strength and stability of the handset to external influences, the sheets can be easily damaged when they hit, rust can be formed in the bonds, and supports, if they are illiterately installed, can quickly

lost stability. Masters of the "Leader-Fence" company are ready to fulfill any repair work on the restoration of the operational and external qualities of the fence of a professional flooring, including: repair and alignment of posts; replacement of individual elements of fence: pillars, lags, unsuitable sheets, as well as screws;

repair of the foundation; Alignment of sheets of professional flooring; Elimination of defects: rust, dents, small scratches. In addition, we can always order the repair of wooden fences, which may include: replace damaged elements; fastening missing boards; strengthening or replacing pillars; processing protective compositions; Painting fence. If necessary, we will repair the fence made of metal stakenik, grid, polycarbonate, bricks. The cost of repair services is determined after the inspection of the site and the formation of the list of necessary works.

The need to update the fence comes when he was well served as a few years, is in good condition, but it looks like an old fence. Instead of new construction of the fence, you can update your fence, giving him a new life. You need to take a walk along the fence and evaluate the general condition. Highlight any damage on the fence that can be repaired or replaced with a new panel. Make sure that the fence posts are still in good condition and firmly stand in the ground. If you can rent a clean high pressure car, followed by applying to the fence, you can use this solution to remove mold and insect damage. Double dirt and dust from the fence, to identify hidden damage. After cleaning, you will find that the concrete fence looks much better than seemed at first glance.

Spend current repairs

While the fence dries after cleaning under pressure, you can bypass the fence and install the missing fence panels, or replace galvanized nails (screws). Cracked and split elements of panels, intricate pillars, can be repaired with the help of construction glue. You can prepare a thick mixture of glue, which can be applied even to large holes. If you are going to paint the fence to give it a fresh, updated look, you will need to cover plants that grow next to the fence, protective film or cloth. You can also use newspapers and deployed cardboard boxes, however, do not leave the coating for too long. While you are covering plants, you can detect rare and protected plants in their yard. The correct solution will be a note and informing the local botanical garden. If you want to protect any metal fence elements, such as hinges and gate valves, you can use the construction tape. On the other hand, the best solution can be painting metal elements, since the paint prevents rust. If you decide to cover metal items, do not forget to remove the construction tape at the end of work. You can also additionally take care of metal elements covering them with wax.

Painting of fence

While painting the fence has significant protection from weather conditions, it is worth taking care of an additional sealant layer. The effective solution will be the use of sealant-based paint, which will save a significant amount of time for you. Painting the fence without a sealant, only for a short time will protect the fence, after which it will have to repeat the work. Wood is likely to be dry. This means that the wooden surface of the fence will absorb a much larger paint than you could expect. Be careful in purchasing paint, be sure to take an additional amount of paint. However, there are good news, dry wood dries faster. One high-quality paint layer should be enough, but if you see some sites that, in your opinion, require an additional painting of the fence, Kraft. Remember that sealant and paint perform different functions, however, only sharing guarantees a long service life.