Mini pair for giving. Mini-bath for the cottage: materials, varieties, budget and economical projects

Who did not dream to build a real bath on your summer cottage? But sometimes it is so small that a full-fledged bath structure is simply not "squeezed." In this case, a mini-bath can be excellent out of the situation. In terms of comfort and functionality, it practically does not differ from the banal of standard sizes, and the time, forces and means to build a similar structure will be much smaller. In addition, a small bath is quite realistic to make it yourself. This will be discussed further.

Features of the design of the internal space bath

When creating any project, the first thing is to choose a suitable material for the construction of the structure. And the bath in this question is no exception. So, when building a bath construction, builders use mainly materials such as foam block, brick, timber or solid log. Professionals recommend preference to give natural materials - wood. But this is no longer a matter of taste, but financial opportunities.

When designing a small bath area, you need to adhere to the same technologies as when planning the battery of standard sizes. But in our case, it is still important to take into account some moments:

  1. To build a small bath, a powerful complex foundation is absolutely not required, since we are talking about low loads. Therefore, in order to facilitate the process of earthworks and reduce the consumption of funds, it is quite possible to do with tape / support-pile.
  2. The location of the functional zones should be approached very seriously, because in a small design area, all flaws and imperfect layout will immediately be noticeable and certainly causes inconvenience.
  3. The furnace is best placed in the pre-tribades so that it does not interfere with the wage to the steam room and vice versa. The furnace must be maximally protected from self-burning.
  4. The principle of building the premises in the minibar should be absolutely the same as the standard. So, the shelves must be installed along a deaf wall, the door threshold to raise up up, and make the box low. All this is done in order to delay the pair inside even when opening the door.
  5. In the bathrooms, in no case should there be locks, and all the doors should open only.

Attention! So that in the bath it was convenient to wash and comfortably steam, the construction area must be calculated in such a way that its useful part is at least 10 square meters. m.

Basic mini bath drawing: Compact and functional solution for giving

So, consider the simplest project of the bath design. Any bath must have four main rooms: a pre-banker, a washing, a steam room and a lounge. It is necessary to clearly understand what minimal dimensions may have each of them. So, for the pre-banker and the steers, you can choose the optimal dimensions - 1.5x2 m; Washing can be an area of \u200b\u200b1x1 m; And the lounge is 2 times more washer.

Construction of foundation

After determining all the main parameters of the bathrooms, you can proceed directly to construction work. When choosing a suitable type of foundation, pay special attention to the type of soil area on which the bath will be erected. If the soil is sufficiently solid, and the soil waters lie deeply, then there will be a lightweight foundation. Around the markup of the future building laying flat stones, cover them with a small layer of clay and slightly presses. Top of laying wooden bars. Complete the process covering the bars with waterproofing bitumen.

If there is a ribbon foundation on a plot or wet soil on the site. Prepare a trench, fill it with a layer of sand, then rubble and firmly sink. After put the reinforcing grid on top. It remains to prepare a cement solution, which will need to pour. Do not forget about waterproofing: in this capacity you can use runneroid sheets.

Construction of carcass

There are many options for the construction of the walls of the bath. We will use the easiest and fast - frame. For its construction, we will need the following materials:

  • wooden bars (5x5 cm);
  • boards (minimum thickness - 2.5 cm);
  • foil / Waterproofing film;
  • heat insulation.

Frame Mini Bath: The most simple and fast building

According to a previously prepared project, a frame of BRUSEV is collected. From the inside is trimmed by boards. You can use conventional screws or anchors as fasteners. Do not forget about heat and waterproofing. The first mounted the material that does not pass the heat from the bathhouse. In this capacity, you can use clayzit, sawdust or mineral wool (rarely used). To create a waterproofing layer, bitumen mastic is suitable. The final stage of the construction of the walls is an internal coating (not mandatory, but desirable element).

Council. To finish the washer best to use materials that are well tolerated with water contacts: galvanized, polystyrene, etc.

The point is left for small - build a roof. First you prepare the rafter system and mount it on the frame. After starting the installation of the roof: metal tile, slate, etc. suitable Do not forget about the chimney - it is necessary to leave the free opening on the roof.

To make the appearance of the bath, the completion, as a protective and simultaneously decorative element, the lining or block house is used. Lining is the most common option for finishing the exterior bathhouse. This material is cheap, practical and durable. In addition, it is a fairly successful imitation of a wooden bar. The block house externally looks like a lining, but is distinguished by a more presentable appearance and quality of wood.

Sheathed outwardly under the bay tree will delight its aesthetic look

With the trim, we finished, it remains only to conduct communication. Let's start with the water-sewer system. The water supply system (use the sampling principle) is mounted as follows:

  1. We prepare two 50 liter water tanks, as well as hose and mixers.
  2. We install the tank in such a way that the tank with cold water is half a meter above the tank with hot.
  3. We connect tanks with a hose: one end connect to the bottom of the "cold" tank, and the other to the upper "hot".
  4. As an additional connecting element, use a pipe with a mixer.

To ensure a complete drainage of water after a bath "session", it is necessary to construct an effective drainage system. It's easy enough to do it. It is only necessary to dig a drainage well not far from the bath, and in the washing to do the drain holes, to which the pipes are tested under a slight tilt and direct them to the well.

Scheme of one of the options for summing up communications to the mini bath

For water heating in the washing, a mini-oven or a tan is quite suitable. To ensure sufficient air ventilation in the bath, it is enough to do several wall holes near the entrance and close them with special assault.

On this process of the construction of a mini-bath for dacha can be considered complete. Follow the instructions offered in the article, and you can build a comfortable and high-quality bath for your family.

Video: Mini bath for giving with their own hands

Often, land plots suggest only the construction of only vital buildings. A small area of \u200b\u200bthe plot, the use of each block of land landing or thoughtful simply leaves no place for additional buildings. In this case, there is only one way out for lovers of bath procedures: the construction of a miniban. What is a mini-bath for giving, how to build it and what you need to build it - let's be able to understand.

Read in the article

Mini bath for giving. Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the mini-bath is the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot occupied when it is built. The second, no less important parameter is the cost of building a miniban in the country.

Usually, mini-furnaces for small volumes are metal structures designed to generate steam. As an example, you can consider the furnace for Bathroom Babor "Mini".

Bath furnace Barbara Kamenka Mini

This is a wood oven with dimensional dimensions of 48 × 66 cm and 88 cm high. The steel structure of the field itself is covered with a casing, inside of which there are convection channels. The air, heating in the field of firebox, through the holes in the casing goes to the heater, thereby quickly pulling the stones. As a result, the furnace heats up very quickly, having warmed a small room in a very short time.

In addition, there are also simpler designs of furnaces, in which the heating of the heating is carried out directly, the effect of heat from the combustion of fuel. Using in the steam room, it is necessary to provide a place for the storage of fuel, or canopy near the bath.

With small volumes of steam room, in some cases it is advisable to use electric baths and electrocamers.

On a note! The installation of the heat exchanger on the chimney will allow you to quickly warm the air into the pair. But this option is possible with the corresponding bath dimensions.

Bathhouse mini pools

An additional installation in the bath will allow you to expand the functionality of the bath and add comfort. It is worth noting that the basin bookmark is better initially foreseen in the Bani project, as the mini pools for the bath require water supply systems, water drain, heating.

For this reason, the embedding of the pool into the finished bath case is quite troublesome and costly. There are several varieties of basins intended for installation in a bath:

  • Stationary. In this case, the pool is initially laid in the project of the bath, it is pulled by a pit, the pool walls are concreted and coated with decorative coating. This type of basin is used mainly for full-size bath buildings.
  • Font. Metal or plastic design designed to install in advance prepared bed. To introduce it to operation, only the connection was required to the water supply system.
  • Portable pools. Metal structures with plastic finish. Just like the fonts are installed in the prepared bed, after which they are connected to the water supply system.

Pools can be equipped with water heating systems, hydromassage equipment, but in this case they require the help of qualified specialists.

Mini-sauna for giving

Bathrooms features a view of steam and temperature. In order to make a steam sauna, it is enough to install an electric steam generator inside the steam marker, an electric camera or a sauna on firewood. When using a steam room under the sauna, an interior decoration from one tree of wood is recommended: pines, limes or alder. A mini-sauna in the country should be as closed as possible, almost hermetic. Special attention should be paid to its thermal insulation. This is necessary to maintain inside the high temperature sauna for a long time, with minimal energy costs.

portable sauna

How to build a small bath for giving with your own hands

Before the construction, you should familiarize yourself with the projects of the already built bath and choose the most optimal option. The projects of a mini-bath for giving with their own hands (and frame, and barn) are quite widespread, and it does not represent their work. Before building a small bath, you need to decide on the type of bath, material for its construction and location.

After all organizational issues are resolved, it should be proceeding directly to the construction process. First of all, we build the foundation and, after which you begin the construction of walls and interior decoration.

Article on the topic:

This technology is used to accelerate the construction of not too heavy buildings, other architectural structures. In the article you will find step-by-step instructions for the construction of construction and useful advice of specialists.

The main requirement during construction is accuracy. Everything needs to be done calmly and not rushing. This will build a bath in a short time without excesses in work.

Helpful advice! When purchasing materials for construction, focus on the medium and high price range. Soft materials for the roof, insulation and vapor polypoletor, take the desired estimate in advance, + 10% on the material stock.

An important point in the construction of a bath is not to forget about. For a pair of small volume, enough channel in the wall, for larger premises, the fan installation will be required. It is necessary so that our little bath in the cottage is a place of comfortable rest, not a friendly miasm.


Want to get a bath, but your summer cottage is so small that does not allow the steam room of standard dimensions? The best way out of the situation is a mini-bath. In terms of the level of functionality and comfort, it does not inferior to traditional structures, but there is much less space and does not require serious costs. In addition, a small steam room for giving without problems can be made with their own hands - then we will tell how to make such an idea of \u200b\u200blife.

Even a small bath cannot be built without at least the simplest project, so the first stage of work is to prepare a plan-scheme. Here you need to designate the location of the main objects and their dimensions.

As a rule, four zones are distinguished in the bath:

  • the pre-banker is enough space with an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 x 2 m;
  • restroom - about 2 x 2 m;
  • shower - at least 1 x 1 m;
  • the steam room is not more than 1.5 x 2 m.

Little Bath Plan for Dacha

Thus, we get minimal dimensions of the bath: length - 6 m, height - 2 m, width - 2.5 m. This is enough to arrange a comfortable and practical steam room.

The second stage of work is the fill of the foundation. Determining with the base type, focus on the type of ground of the site.

If the mini-bath is erected on a solid and dry ground, you can restrict ourselves to the lightweight foundation: to put flat stones on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe future bath, cover their clay, in the top, and on top of arranging a dense layer of wooden bars and treat them with waterproofing bitumen.

If you have a soft soil on your site, lay a ribbon foundation: dig a trench, alternately fill it with sand and rubble layers, see the base and fasten the reinforcing mesh on top, and then pour the cement mortar.

Important! Ribbon foundation Be sure to cover the waterproofing layer. The easiest option is the rubberoid sheets.

On the soil with a large content of sand under a miniature bath, you can lay the foundation from concrete blocks. For a lightweight design, there are enough 10 blocks of standard dimensions of 20 x 20 x 40 cm.

Construction frame bath

The best method of building a miniban - frame. It is light, fast and economical. For the construction of the frame you will need:

  • bar 5 x 5 cm;
  • boards with a thickness of 2.5 cm;
  • waterproofing film or foil;
  • heat insulation material.

Bath erection

First, the frame is collected from the bar, corresponding to its dimensions and configuration of the previously developed project. From the inside the frame is trimmed by boards. Use all sorts of anchors and multi-format screws to connect elements between themselves. Insulating materials are mounted on top of the board: as a minorvatu, crumples or sawdust can be used, and bitumen or polymer mastic as waterproofing. Isolate need not only walls, but also the floor, and the ceiling.

Council. The heat and waterproofing of the ceiling is desirable to additionally close the battles - next to wooden boards.

After insulating procedures, you need to take care of the roof. As a coating, you can use slate or metal tile: first mount the rafter system on the frame, and fix the roof on it. Construction roof, leave the opening for the chimney.

Outside, a mini-bath can be seen a block house or clapboard - these materials will give the design aesthetic appearance.

Arrangement of communications

The final stage of the mini-bath is the arrangement of the necessary communication systems.

Feeding and draining water. Feeding can be made self-art:

  1. Prepare two tanks at 50 liters, hose and pipe with a mixer.
  2. Tank for hot water Set 0.5 m below than a cool tank.
  3. The hose is connected to each other tanks: one end. Fix in the lower zone of the cold "reservoir, the second - in the upper zone" hot ".
  4. Additionally, connect the tanks of the pipe with the mixer at the end.

To ensure the drain of water, you will need a drainage system:

  1. Drop near the pair of drainage well.
  2. Make in the floor bath holes for drain.
  3. Move to the holes of the pipe by mounting them with a slight bias.
  4. Direct the pipe into the drainage well.

Washing arrangement

Water heating system. For water heating, you can use a mini-stove or tanes. In the first case, you must first install the device, and then in its very hot place, encroaching the foundation of the chimney, assemble the U-shaped metal pipe: the end of the pipe should be positioned on the housing, and the outgoing is 5 cm above. In the second case, it is necessary to install fan under the "cold" tank and combine them with water supply system with hoses and pipes.

Ventilation system. To ensure ventilation in a small bath, it is enough in the wall opposite to enter holes with a damper.

Mini-bath - the choice of those who do not want because of the modest dimensions of their country area to abandon the full pair. As you can see, it is not difficult to build it with your own hands: the foundation, frame, communications - you will successfully handle these tasks if you follow simple recommendations and rules.

Mini-bath do it yourself: video

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If you pay attention to the country sites that were allocated to ordinary citizens in Soviet times, it immediately arises a thought only about planting vegetables. After all, no, except, there is no place left. But at the dacha, the summer time I want to get into the bath after a hard work day on the site. Few people know, but even in a small area it is possible to put a steam room. Moreover, it will be a purely budget option that does not require special investments. Surely some have already guessed that we are talking about such a building today as a mini-bath for cottages, as well as how to perform all the work with your own hands.

Mini bath in the country really really needed

What are the reasons for the fact that the dacket is not solved on on his site? Of course, this is the lack of funds for the construction and the necessary place on the site. As for the mini bath in the country, it can become the perfect solution to these two questions. Let's try to figure out whether such a construction is worth it or it may be easier to purchase ready and install on the site.

To begin with, the purchase of the finished room for the bath is a simpler exit, but at the same time a different problem arises before the dachnik - because you need a really budget option. And it is impossible to attribute the purchase of a finished building. It is for this reason that today we will consider the personnel construction of the bath. Although at the cost of the ready-made will definitely stop, but a little later.

Everyone invests a different meaning in the concept of "small bathhouse". After all, for some and the territory of the section of 20 acres is considered small. But we will consider precisely the average gardens of 6-8 acres. So, the bath on them should not occupy more than 4-6 m in length and 2-3 m in width. First of all, we will analyze what can be the baths in the country area, from which they can be built, and after we will decide how to fulfill all the necessary work.

Materials from which you can make a small bath in the country area

First you need to understand what the structure will be to. It may be:

Of course, the most common material for such a building was and remains a tree. After all, if you think, what is the bath from plastic and such materials to him. Naturally, the metal can not be about the metal, although some recommend it for the framework frame. And yet, not everyone in the courtyard has the possibility of processing and welding metal, and therefore we will stop on the variant consisting entirely of wood.

Important information! Many manufacturers offer inflatable mini baths with steam generator. Perhaps for someone and sufficiently similar pair, but in the full sense, it cannot be considered to be considered. This is a subjective opinion, and we do not apply for the adoption of it for the truth, but still in Russia people are accustomed to another.

Frame baths as the simplest type of construction

Surely in childhood everyone was built "headquarters" in the forest between the trees. Something similar to and in this case. The initial stage is the assembly of the island, as if the skeleton of the future structure. Interesting the construction of a frame mini-bath with their own hands in that it is possible to do without the foundation, as such. Of course, worse from what a good-quality will not be done, but the main task is a dense sediment of the frame on the soil. Now we will try to explain in stages how construction should pass. In order to be clearer and volume, for an example of a frame, take a lap with a lap, but there will be no changes in the algorithm of action, and therefore there should be no problems in the erection.

Immediately make a reservation that all the work was performed on the computer, this is a complete project. But this applies only to the frame of the bath. Everything concerns finishing and plating will be observed on photographs.

PhotoActions performed
The first thing we did is driven into the soil of piles, at a depth of 2-2.5 m. Although with a dense soil is enough and one and a half
Next is going to the base from the bar
In this case, the timing is connected to each other in this way, after which it is tightened with stiletts vertically using nuts with washers
We collect lags of the floor ...
... After that, we add them additionally from above
Now we start lifting the walls. You can collect them separately, but in the way, as shown in the figure you can perform this job alone
Install the roof racks ...
... and connect them together
Now you need to install a central beam
We start assembling the roof. Rafters are connected by the following
Similar design and should turn out
Now it is necessary to close it with paosoolent material sheets ...
... and from above to assemble a frame for fastening metal tile or slate
Ultimately, he looks like this
It remains to close the roof. Further, paving between vertical racks, the insulation is moving to interior decoration
Paul, after insulation, close with vapor barrier, which should go a little on the wall.
Having covered the wall from the inside of the layer of felt Baptim it with the help of the REC
Approximately so everything should look
Paul overlap the boards to create an "airbag". She will help better keep warm
The center cuts out a water drain hole
Now it came a turn of a flat slate - after all, the floor must be strengthened. Instead, you can use a thick faeer or boards. Sheefer we laid because the floor we will have fabriced tiles
Don't forget about the basis for the furnace
Now also closed the walls with a vapor insulation film. It was not necessary to do this before - you can sell or tear the floor if there is no longer stuffed material
Near the oven leave a naked insulation - the film can melt from temperature
Still as well as the floor - the film is fastened with wooden slats - leave an airbag
It's time to proceed to the final finish of the floor
Near the furnace to the remaining place without a film Place Fresh Asbestos Plate
The point is left for small. After cladding the walls, the clap should turn out this.

At first glance it seems that everything is very difficult. But it can be started to understand - the eyes are afraid, and the hands do. With your own hands a frame mini-bath assemble although it is difficult, but it is quite possible.

Bath from the boards - is it much more difficult for her construction?

In fact, to assemble with your own hands a bath from the boards a little more complicated than the frame. The work algorithm looks like this. To begin with, the same as for a frame, the baseband from the bar is collected, which is placed on the foundation. Flight gender lags. At the same time, the floor can even immediately collect - it will be more convenient. The following steps are to raise the walls, which is made from the boards connected "in the spike".

Thus, the walls rise to the height. After that, you can strengthen them from the inside, lay, and tinkering the clapboard. The roof is rising similar to the previous option. But if the way to build a bath from the boards with your own hands is more or less clear, then with an even more complex option only to figure out.

Banya-barrel - what it is and how to fulfill its construction

The mini-bath barrel is a rather interesting structure that will decorate the landscape of any site. If you give comparisons, then a small tank with cut-off windows and a door will be the most suitable here. Let's try to understand how she is going.

Of the advantages, except for the appearance, you can specify the lack of foundation for such a building, which means the design will be mobile. Of course, provided that it is firmly assembled. For walls, a cutting board will be required (it is better to use spruce or larch) which is connected by the "spike in the groove" method like lining. But the board should be much thicker. The base is performed from 5-6 boards of at least 5 cm thick with a semicircular clipping edge.

Important information! Boards for the base must be thoroughly impregnated with oil or another composition preventing rotting.

Further along, on supports, boards cooked for walls are stacked. After assembling the bottom of the walls, round partitions are harvested with the same way with recesses for the door. Well, after that you can already collect walls to the end in a circle. As for, there is a complete rapid fantasy here. We offer some examples that will help explain how to build a bath barrel with your own hands.

WT is about it all happening. But no matter how the bath was built, it is very important that she will have inside.

Components and equipment - what needs to be installed inside

Of course everyone knows that the oven is the main thing in the bath. But besides the mandatory elements, you can come up with something else can be supplemented. And yet to begin with the main thing.

Mini stove for bath - purchase or do?

This question will definitely not work. If the home master has experience in making such equipment, then, of course, a mini-oven for the baths on firewood will be preferable. If not, you will have to acquire a similar heat generator. In this case, a good and relatively inexpensive solution will be purchased a furnace for the bath "Barbara Mini".

Bath furnace "Barbara Mini" - a very good choice

Does the pool in the mini banter and how to arrange it

The mini-bath pool makes sense to acquire only if the structure of the structure is allowed. Although sometimes it is installed directly near the construction. Of course, this is a pretty good way to relax after the steam room, but if the site is small, it may be excesses.

Sauna inside bath - what is good such an option

At the cottage, it will be very by the way, who in the family does not all love a rather hot steam room. Then, making the fireside on the back of the door, you can exist inside the slight room. The temperature in it will be significantly higher than in the oil. Thus, those who like strong heat will be able to relax, having gone carefully. Others will be in the next room, where the fever is not so much strong.

Article on the topic:

In a separate publication, you will learn about the most successful layouts of a bath with an extension in the form of a veranda or terrace.

Advantages made with their hands a small bath in the country

Before the construction of a miniban for the cottage, the project is the first thing to think about. Without it, nothing intelligent.

Important! Before building a small bath with your own hands, you need to think through the smallest things, starting with the sizes, and ending with the materials and even silence. This will not be distracted from work due to the fact that there was not enough two boards or kilograms of nails.

Of course, a small bath at the cottage is the right thing, and therefore it is worth the construction, despite the seeming complexity.Well, with the complete absence of desire and traction to construction, you can buy a ready-made steam room that you will be delivered directly to the courtyard. The only thing you need to do is prepare a flat pad for it.

Article on the topic:

In a separate publication, you will find interesting ideas for finishing Parims and Rest Rooms, and also recognize the main stages of installation.

A small bath for giving is not a luxury. With minimal construction skills, it can be erected independently in a relatively short time. In addition, the market today presents a wide range of finished designs at quite affordable prices.

In general, choose from what, but so that you can more confidently navigate in all the diversity, below we describe the main varieties of baths.

Historical classification

Even a completely compact bath for giving can have a different design, which, accordingly, provides a difference in sensations when visiting a pair. And here the main role is played by the type of steam supply, as well as its temperature and humidity.

From this point of view, it is more convenient to consider historically established varieties of Parilov:

  • Russian bath is the most popular view of our country. It is a room with a stove-heater, which, in fact, is responsible for injection heat. A feature of the Russian wage is a high humidity, which can be adjusted independently, periodically poured cold water on hot stones.

  • The Finnish bath (she is a sauna) in popularity only slightly inferior to Russian. The designs of these species are identical, but in contrast to the wet Russian wage in the sauna, the air is maintained in a sufficiently dry state. Due to this, the human body more effectively resists high temperatures, so that lovers with experience easily carry heating far for 100 0 S.

Use in the sauna usual to us a broom is only at low temperatures, otherwise there is a risk of earning a strong burn.

  • Turkish Hamam is characterized in that it supports relatively low temperatures. Couples in the room are trying to do quite wet and do not warm up 50 -60 0 S. Thanks to this, in Hamam, you can spend a few minutes, as in a conventional steam room, and up to several hours without any damage to health.

  • The Japanese bath (Furo) is essentially a large wooden tub, which is poured hot water. The globe is usually placed in a hot room (+30 0 s or more) and wet air. There are also varieties of furo, calculated for several people - the so-called Santo. They are distinguished by large sizes, and it is desirable to be immersed in them only after receiving the soul.

Analyzing this list, you can see that small baths for the cottage will be able to build only in Russian or Finnish technology. For the construction of Hamama, the Japanese bath, as well as other exotic options, such as Roman or Mexican pair, it is desirable to build a separate enough room. Naturally, the price of the project will also be appropriate.

Constructions used in private households

By type of fabrication

So, if we decided that a small bathhouse in the country will be built in Russian or Finnish type, it is worth dealing with the features of the design.

In private household, you can implement such options:

  • Mini sauna in the country, which is part of the house itself. If the dimensions of the residential building allow, then a separate room can be distinguished under the steam room with a shower. So we will ensure significant savings on the construction of a separate building, in addition, it will not be necessary to worry about the heat insulation: additional insulation will be required only for the steam room.

On the other hand, it is important to be placed in such a way that the heat from it does not become a source of discomfort.

  • An extension to the house. A compromise option that allows you to comfortably use the steam room even if initially this structure was not laid in the project. Usually, mini baths for giving are attached to the back wall of the house, which allows you to hide them from prying eyes and protect against wind and drafts.

  • Full-size capital construction. This option is suitable for those who want to get the maximum comfort. Of course, the construction of a sauna with their own hands may require serious investment, and it will have to work pretty, but as a result we will have a full-fledged bath, in which you can bathe without regard to temperature and humidity. And if you also attach a terrace to it - the place of rest will be just perfect!

  • Compact variant in the form of a mobile trailer. It is fairly convenient in transportation, it is installed either on the ground, or on a low-power foundation, however, it is distinguished by a relatively small area. In principle, it is possible to bathe in such a trailer, and even comfortably, but in such a format, extremely inexpensive baths for the cottage are produced.

The exception is the technology on which summer houses are made from the container unit.
Baths made according to this technique are obtained quite large and relatively spacious, and they are cheaper than the capital building.

  • A separate group consists of temporary structures that are canopies from tent tissue. They are installed on any level plot and are dismantled after use.

By material

A homemade sauna in the country may well be erected without attracting third-party masters. If it is your option, then you should choose in advance, from which material you will build a steam room.

Specialists lead on this very different recommendations that we tried to reduce into a single table:

Material Dignity disadvantages
  • Original appearance.
  • A fairly simple assembly (in the presence of skills).
  • Good thermal insulation indicators.
  • With appropriate processing - long service life.
  • The complexity in the sealing of joints (pantry).
  • The need to stand out to compensate for shrinkage.
  • The tendency to swelling at moisture.
  • Low fire resistance.
Bar (smooth and profiled)
  • Walls do not require additional finishes.
  • Simple installation.
  • Good heat transfer resistance.
  • Small shrinkage of glued bar, who has passed pre-drying.
  • The need to treat moisture protection drugs.
  • Cheap samples are distinguished by a significant shrinkage.
  • Requires protection against fire.
  • Beautiful laying subject to simple rules.
  • High strength and resistance to external influences.
  • Fire resistance.
  • High value material (especially facing and refractory species).
  • Significant mass of design.
  • The need for additional thermal insulation.
Cellic concretes
  • Easy processing.
  • Good thermal insulation properties.
  • The possibility of laying is not per solution, but on glue, which allows you to form thin unsold seams.
  • High water absorption.
  • A tendency to cracking during deformation.

It should be noted that this instruction contains information only about the main points. So, despite the low fire resistance, the bobbies for giving are often made from the log or bar, impregnated with special protective compositions.

The same applies to foam concrete: Yes, it cracks when drawdown, because this minus is trying to compensate for the construction of the maximum stable base.

By heat source

Another important factor that is worth considering is how our sauna will be heated.

The bath stove can be the most different, but the main thing is that it can heat the steam room and maintain a high (up to 100 ° C) temperature for a long time.

There are such varieties on the market:

  • Drugs - traditional option. The furnace can be composed of bricks, and may be a cast iron or steel container with chimney and a heater located inside the steam room. Usually the furnace is displayed in the pre-banker, which saves a place in the steam room and put the firewood in advance.
  • Gas are more modern and most economical. Main difficulty is the installation of equipment, since only a certified specialist can connect it.
  • Electric - the most compact and easy to use. Are placed in the steam room itself, do not require the installation of the chimney. Most electrical furnaces are equipped with convenient control panels, allowing to adjust the temperature.

Note! The correct solution in the installation of such a furnace will be the purchase or rent of the diesel generator for the cottage: the device consumes a large amount of electricity, so it is desirable to purchase a separate unit to be purchased.

And if you buy ready?

If you do not want to mess around with a construction site, then your choice is a ready bath for giving.

Let's try to figure out what it represents, and what is its features:

  • As a rule, such products are mounted either on the basis of small trailers (sometimes even on the chassis, which makes possible transportation), or on wooden frames, covered with boards.

Recently, cylindrical models have become popular.
They look original, but there are questions to the convenience of use.
It is better to independently inspect the instance that you liked and conclude.

  • Outdoor and inner covering is made of lining. Since such structures are positioned as budget, the lining is mainly taken by pine, though well-processed and impregnated with moisture-proof.
  • More expensive models are collected entirely from the bar, most often profiled.
  • Inside the mobile baths for the cottages are equipped with a small compartment for clothes (he is also a pre-banker), washer and actually steam room. The heating corresponds to the electrocamenaker, but you can find models equipped with a wood-burning stove.
  • The roof is mounted water tank, and under a washing compartment - pallet for drain. In the lower part of one of the lateral walls, the nozzle is removed through which water drain is carried out.

In principle, the purchase of such a product will be quite justified if you do not have construction skills: the construction of even the most simple bath forces by the hired brigade will cost much more expensive.


Dear, budget and very cheap baths for giving can have a different design. And even though they provide us with a different level of comfort, a wide range quite allows us to make a choice in favor of the most suitable option. And in order not to be mistaken, we recommend that you remember the above information, as well as view the video in this article.