Disadvantages of decorative plaster Decorative plaster of walls, its features and application

Among professional builders, disputes do not subside as to which is better - machine or hand plaster. Finishers working with plastering stations see only advantages in mechanical (mechanized) application of a layer of plaster. The old-fashioned plasterers present their arguments. It is very difficult for the customer to understand this controversy.

How is machine applied plaster different from manual work? Widespread automation and mechanization of production processes did not bypass the plastering work. The physical labor of applying the mortar was taken over by the plastering station.

For work, water is poured into it and a dry plaster mixture is poured. Special augers wipe dry components well and feed them into a mixing vessel, from where, under high pressure, through a hose and a mortar gun, the mixture is fed to the wall.

To prevent the solution from sticking to the working surfaces of the machine (the walls of the tank and the sleeve), special additives are added to it. The station operates only on dry mixes of factory preparation. Indoors, gypsum plasters are used, outside, cement-sand mixtures.

This distribution is understandable:

  • Plaster, where one of the components is gypsum, is not used outdoors;
  • Cement-sand mixtures are much heavier than gypsum solutions. Therefore, it is much more difficult for a plastering machine to work with them, as a result of which the plaster feed rate drops by 1.5-2 times.

At the same time, the wear of the augers increases, the replacement of which results in significant amounts. Naturally, no one in the room will plaster with cement mortar.

Advantages and disadvantages of machine plaster

Craftsmen working at plastering stations usually note only positive aspects in mechanized application of mortar:

  • Lack of hard physical labor;
  • The speed of work execution increases 3-4 times;
  • Materials for machine application of plaster are cheaper than similar mixtures for manual work;
  • Consumption of materials is less than when plastering by hand;
  • The cost of the work itself is almost two times lower (from 220 rubles / m2 when working with the station and 550 rubles / m2 when applying 3 layers with a trowel);
  • The quality of work is higher:
  1. the mixture is supplied under high pressure, which contributes to better adhesion of the plaster to the wall;
  2. the plaster solution is more homogeneous in composition, since it is frayed with two screws, as a result of which the surface of the plaster practically does not crack;
  3. errors in the preparation of the mixture are excluded - its consistency is included in the station by the program.

Professionals do not see any drawbacks. In their opinion, the question - "which plaster is better, manual or mechanized" - should not be on the agenda at all.

However, if you carefully study the technology of the plaster station, you can find both direct and relative disadvantages:

  • A high noise level, which excludes work at night, is a relative disadvantage, since during the day the neighbors will understand and tolerate;
  • Work on three-phase current (available only in apartments with electric stoves);
  • Long period of plaster drying - 7-8 days;
  • A lot of time for servicing the station at the beginning and end of the shift, which will certainly be reflected in the price of work with different amounts of plaster (preparation of the station for work according to the regulations should last 2 hours and another 2 hours goes to cleaning the equipment after its end);
  • You cannot plaster the walls in the bathroom and in the kitchen under the tiles with plaster. Manufacturers of dry mortars write on the packaging that the mixtures can be applied to walls in damp rooms, including the bathroom. But nowhere is it indicated that tiles can be laid on such plaster. Practice shows that it breaks and falls behind on gypsum plaster. The plasterers of the machine station completed the work and left, and what happened to the tiles later, they may not know;
  • Mandatory installation of plaster corners in the inner corners, which increases the cost of work.

Which is better, machine or hand plaster

The above advantages of mechanical plaster, it would seem, unequivocally and unconditionally bury the old method of plaster - manual. However, in order to understand not biased, which plaster is better, machine or manual, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis. Only then can you see the difference between these methods.

Since here we are talking about individual customers, we will simultaneously consider an individual house and an apartment, that is, orders for works from 50 m 2 to 250 m 2.

  1. For the price, dry mix for plastering stations is cheaper than similar for work with a trowel. Sounds convincing and at the same time corresponds to the truth. But who said that gypsum-based mixtures will be used for manual plastering? They are very inconvenient to work with and financially costly. The use of cement, sand and concrete mixer leads to the fact that materials for manual work cost 2-3 times less. And the thicker the plaster layer, the more noticeable the difference.
  2. Indeed, when using a dry solution during the operation of a machine station, 3 kg of plaster are saved per 1 m 2 (consumption 13 kg versus 16 kg, respectively). But when replacing it with cement-sand plaster, this advantage disappears due to the low price of the plaster mixture.
  3. The quality of work is higher. The difference between machine plaster and manual plaster, in the field of plaster quality, is imaginary. Subject to technology, there is no difference in quality. The problem of more intense surface cracking in cement plaster is solved by using fiberglass fibers. Its use more effectively keeps the plaster layer from shrinking and cracking than in a gypsum solution applied by a mechanized method.
  4. Bathroom and toilet can only be plastered by hand because of the plaster solution. The best option is to entrust these works to a tiler, so that there are no problems with the quality of the laid tiles later - they will not shift the blame on each other.

As you can see, the advantages of plastering stations have not yet been discovered. Perhaps they are in the cost of work, which is often a decisive argument.

Which is cheaper

Prices for machine plastering work start from 220 rubles / m2 (data for St. Petersburg), with manual plastering - from 250-300 rubles / m2 for the first layer due to the need for preparatory work and about 550 rubles. / m 2 when applying 3 layers.

At first glance, everything is obvious here. But not everything is so simple. If everything is clear with the price tag of plasterers with a trowel, then on the other side it is formed on the basis of many factors.

1. The indicated price is applied for the volume of works from 2000 m 2 and more. With a decrease in volume, the cost of plastering increases. The customer may object - the machine station will complete the work in 5-6 hours. I will pay for them and I will win. But important points are omitted here:

  • It takes time to prepare the surface and install the beacons. They will be included in the price;
  • There are unplastered slopes - they are made only by hand. They are not and cannot be in the price list. It will not work to invite to these works from outside - professionals always refuse, since there is a lot of trouble, but little money. Masters of mechanized plastering take 1.5-2 times more for such work, since their work in general is valued much higher;
  • The price includes the time of moving, preparing the station for work, washing it at the end of the shift. These amounts are significant, while being fixed. It is one thing to divide tens of thousands of rubles by 2,000 m 2, and another, by 50-250 m 2.

2. The price for work does not include the cost of electricity. The landlord will have to pay.

3. Another feature of machine plaster - the price does not include work on the installation of plaster corners. They are paid separately.

To fully understand what is better - mechanized or manual plastering of walls, we will carry out an enlarged calculation of the cost of work per 100 m 2 of the wall.

Machine plaster:

  • price - 350 rubles / m2;
  • layer thickness 1 cm;
  • consumption rate of dry plaster per 1 m 2 - 13 kg;
  • the price of plaster is 410 rubles / bag ("Volma", 25 kg) or 16.4 rubles / kg.

The cost of materials will be 42,640 rubles. Salary - 35,000. For simplicity of calculations, we will not take into account the rest of the costs. In total, 77 640 rubles will have to be paid from the family budget.

When working manually, you will need:

  • cement М400 - 350 kg (14 bags weighing 25 kg at a price of 235 rubles / package) in the amount of 3,290 rubles;
  • fine sand - 1,500 kg for the amount of 3,000 rubles. (30 bags weighing 50 kg at a price of 100 rubles per package);
  • delivery with the rise to the apartment - 4,000 rubles;
  • fiberglass fiber - 200 rubles.

Note: Cement prices can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer. For calculations, Portland cement was selected from the middle price category. There is cement and 135 rubles per bag.

In total, it is necessary to purchase building materials in the amount of 10,490 rubles. The salary will be 55,000 rubles. (100 m 2 x 550 rubles / m 2). The total cost of plastering work is 65,490 rubles.

Calculations without words show the advantages and disadvantages of each type of plastering work.


The above arguments say that a private customer has only one choice: cement, sand, concrete mixer.

The analogs of finishing materials that have appeared recently have not diminished the role of ordinary plaster in the least. This is not surprising, because it has not ceased to be a resistant and durable material, an excellent tool for leveling walls, a finish available to anyone. It is a pity that this preference does not apply to all types of plasters sufficiently. Not so long ago, decorative plaster became available to the mass buyer. Among other materials, this one is one of the best, with undoubted advantages and original advantages.

What is decorative plaster?

It usually resembles a paste that should be applied to the surface to be treated. It is used as an independent finishing material, or is taken as a basis for any other.

Among the most common types of it are found:

  1. Structural... A granular mass, the basis of which is lime and cement, to which pieces of quartz, wood fiber or small pebbles are added. Sometimes both latexes and potassium silicate are used for its manufacture.
  2. Textured... Allows you to create a relief shape of the most varied complexity. The main ingredient in the composition of the plaster is lime flour (sometimes, a polymer material), and marble or granite chips act as a filler.
  3. Venetian... Transparent plaster giving the impression of a wall made of marble. And to create magnificent paintings, color is added to it.

Types of decorative plaster by binding element

  1. Mineral - cement-based; dry mix diluted with water.
  2. Acrylic - based on acrylic resins; ready for sale.
  3. Silicate - on potash "liquid" glass; the finished plaster must be mixed well before use.
  4. Silicone - based on silicone resins; is considered the most technologically advanced material.

It is widely used when interior decoration is performed. It will decorate your home and outside in a special way.

Pros of decorative plaster

It is easy to apply... In the store, along with the plaster itself, there is also an instruction with detailed descriptions of how to get the desired solution, how to apply it to the walls. A roller or staple that you need for work, you can also easily buy.

And the only difficulty is the preparation of the wall surface. Because it must be perfectly clean and well dried after cleaning, and it must also be treated with a deep penetration primer and always of high quality. Otherwise, you will not be able to provide a sufficiently strong adhesion of the finish to the surface. You will plaster it and ... order.

  • It will easily hide the building imperfections of the walls.... Any bumps and nervousness on them will be perceived as conceived so from the very beginning. True, the irregularities that are most noticeable will still have to be eliminated and cracks and potholes to be repaired. If cellulose is present in the decorative plaster formula, it will close small cracks and defects. Other solutions cannot cope with this.
  • It will serve as an excellent insulation... For this, the main condition must be fulfilled so that the processing is carried out only with a high-quality primer, and only the required class of plaster is used.
  • It is the most aesthetically pleasing, original and unusual way of interior design, even if you used the most common plaster. By applying it, you can achieve a variety of effects.
  • It will fit into any interior. There are no restrictions in terms of the choice of style, only your imagination.
  • It is an environmentally friendly material. It consists only of natural elements, such as crumbs of marble or granite, which are safe for humans. The plaster will not absorb odors, it will not pick up harmful gases from the atmosphere. It is not toxic.
  • It will last a long time.
  • She does not require care, and temperature changes, even the most drastic ones, are not scary to her.

The advantages of different types of plaster


  • Inexpensive.


  • It is easy to clean.
  • Fast drying.
  • There are no special requirements for the substrate.


  • Stronger than mineral.
  • Dirt does not attract to itself.


  • Easy to apply.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Highly plastic.

Cons of decorative plaster

The disadvantages of this material are often attributed to its high cost. But if you consider what the result is as a result and how durable it is, then the price seems reasonable and not too high. Sometimes you can't do without a professional when working with decorative plaster. Its consumption per square meter of surface is quite large. Getting rid of a layer of decorative plaster can be tricky.


Every kind of decorative plaster has its own limitations.


  • Only white. If necessary, add any other, you will have to paint after plastering.
  • Low resistance to mechanical stress and, as a result, the appearance of microcracks.


  • Combustible.
  • Ban on the use of facades insulated with mineral wool.
  • Attracts dust.


  • Small selection of colors.
  • Before application, a silicate primer is required, which will require additional funds.
  • A certain skill is required to apply it. Only a professional can provide such speed.


  • Requires special silicone primer.
  • High price.

Some twenty years ago, finishing the walls, you ended up with a gray, rough to the touch wall. Today, with the help of decorative plaster, you can easily create the most bizarre drawing that your imagination will ever have. Successful renovation!

One of the ways to quickly and efficiently level the walls in an apartment and any residential and non-residential premises is the use of mechanized wall plaster. What are the advantages of mechanized wall plastering, and what are its features in this material.

About plastering in the apartment

What is important in finishing work in an apartment? Final result. After the completion of the repair or finishing work, it seems not important how the work was carried out, only the quality result is important. In fact, the opposite is true. The final result of the repair depends on the type of repair and finishing technologies used. This statement is especially true when you need to plaster all the walls of an apartment or house, while ideally displaying the geometry of the rooms and leveling the surface of the walls with high quality.

Only the plaster layer creates the basic basis for a quality repair.

Features of plastering

Everyone knows that plastering work is the most time-consuming, most difficult and costly stage of repair and finishing work.

The classic method of plastering is manual plastering of walls, sometimes multi-layer, with all stages from spraying to pulling out the solution. If you need to plaster a large surface area, then hand plaster will take a long time. According to the regulations, even an experienced professional cannot plaster more than 10 sq. meters of wall per day, excluding preparatory work.

A logical alternative to manual plastering is the use of mechanized wall plastering.

What is mechanized (machine) wall plastering

If you look at the plastering process as a whole, you can distinguish three main stages of work:

  • Installation of beacons to indicate the level of the plaster layer;
  • Application of plaster to the surface;
  • Pulling the solution out with the rule and smoothing it.

Do not think that the use of mechanized plastering of walls will simplify all stages of plastering work. Unfortunately, the beacons and the pulling out of the solution will have to be done manually anyway.

The technology of machine plastering mechanizes only the mixing of the solution, the supply and application of the solution to the surface. In fact, this is not enough. It is the mixing of the solution, which is always needed for plastering work, and its application to the surface is the most laborious process.

  • Details about the technology of mechanized plastering on the website: http://shtukaturka-k.ru/

Benefits of mechanized wall plastering

Let's take a look at the main advantages of mechanized (machine) wall plastering.

  • Cost savings. In fact, machine-applied plastering mix is ​​cheaper. Taking into account the required mixture volumes, we get a clear cost savings.
  • Better mortar quality. The mechanized method of plastering involves machine mixing of the solution. Machine-mixed plastering solution turns out to be of higher quality and plastic.
  • Fast application of the solution to the surface. From the plastering station, through the supply hose and the spray gun, the solution is applied to the wall. The pressure during the supply of the solution allows the solution to be tightly applied to the wall, thereby eliminating air bubbles in the layer of the solution, and the constant supply of the solution reduces the time for applying the solution several times.

After applying the solution to the wall, it is manually leveled using the rules for previously installed beacons. As it dries, the surface is rubbed. The quality of the mortar and the density of the mortar application, in some cases, make it possible to avoid puttying.

In conclusion, there are several disadvantages of mechanized plastering.

Cons of mechanized plastering

  • The work requires the presence of power supply at the facility;
  • It is economically advantageous to plaster only large areas from 100-150 meters.

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The quality of the plaster finish depends not only on the professionalism of the master, but also on the chosen mixture. On the shelves of building stores, there is a great variety of plaster of different composition - here and "time-tested" solutions, and modern materials. Plaster differs not only in price, but also in purpose, properties, advantages. Let's figure out what this material is generally used for and how its main varieties differ.

Purpose and main types of plaster

Regardless of the variety, plaster mixes can perform the following functions:

  • leveling surfaces;
  • increase in noise and heat insulation indicators of the structure;
  • sealing of seams;
  • creation of fire protection.

There are a lot of options for classifying plaster, but most often the composition of the mixture is taken as the base. Accordingly, there are types such as gypsum, clay, lime, cement plaster, etc. The most popular are mixtures based on gypsum and cement, so we will talk about them in more detail.

Features of cement plaster

Over the years, the composition of cement plaster has undergone significant changes. Previously, the mixture was obtained by mixing cement with sand or lime, but gradually many modifications of this traditional composition have appeared. New cement mortars have properties such as plasticity, low water absorption, improved adhesion and others.

Cement plaster can be applied to brick, concrete, aerated concrete, etc. Before starting work, the base is prepared: cleaned of dirt and dust, primed.

Cement plaster is used for both exterior and interior work:

  • alignment of walls;
  • decoration of rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom);
  • finishing of unheated premises or entrances;
  • preparation of surfaces that require an increase in frost resistance.

Benefits of cement plaster

Cement plaster has many advantages, due to which it does not lose popularity among builders even now, in the presence of many similar materials.

  • High strength... According to this parameter, cement plaster is the undisputed leader. In cases where it is necessary to give the surface maximum strength and reliability, experienced craftsmen always choose a mixture of cement - this makes it possible to carry out major repairs of the premises much less often.
  • Good adhesion... Cement plaster does not require the use of additional means to increase adhesion to the base. In this case, the applied solution will retain its integrity for a long time.
  • Moisture resistant... This property allows the use of cement plaster when decorating rooms in which there is a permanently humid microclimate. This is due to the fact that the solution has a dense structure - it excludes absorption, thereby perfectly protecting the base.
  • Affordable cost... As noted earlier, the composition of cement plaster includes fairly cheap and affordable components.

Disadvantages of cement plaster

Cement-based mortars are not ideal - we have identified four main disadvantages that do not allow us to call this material universal.

  • Cement plaster is incompatible with plastic, painted and wood substrates.
  • The large weight of the mortar creates a serious load on the walls, therefore, before application, it is necessary to accurately determine the thickness of the layer - for this, special calculations are carried out.
  • The application process itself is laborious, since it takes place in several stages.
  • In order for the surface to be ready for painting, the plastered walls need to be additionally putty - this increases the finishing time in general.
  • Many cement mixtures harden for a long time - about 3-4 weeks.

However, the last drawback is now a thing of the past. Large manufacturers of building materials modify cement mixtures using various plasticizers - this allows the mortar to harden within a week.

Features of gypsum plaster

A solution of gypsum plaster is made from a dry mixture, which includes not only gypsum powder, but also various plasticizers. To obtain the required pasty consistency, the mixture is diluted with water.

Gypsum plaster is applied manually or by machine method... As a rule, a perfectly flat surface can be obtained even with the application of just one layer of solution.

Gypsum plaster is chosen when necessary:

  • carry out interior decoration;
  • prepare surfaces for painting (wallpapering).

This mixture is not suitable for outdoor decoration, as well as for use in rooms with high humidity.

Benefits of gypsum plaster

Gypsum plaster has almost twice as many advantages as cement plaster. Let's figure out in order why she is so good.

  • Ecological cleanliness... Gypsum mixtures do not contain components hazardous to human health. Their use in residential premises optimizes the microclimate, since gypsum plaster is not as dense as cement, and therefore does not interfere with natural air exchange.
  • No shrinkage... This suggests that the plaster will not crack during the hardening process - one of the important conditions for obtaining a flat surface.
  • Low specific gravity... There are several advantages hidden in this characteristic. Firstly, the low weight reduces the load on the load-bearing walls, which contributes to the long-term preservation of their integrity. Secondly, it allows you to reduce the consumption of the mixture.
  • Plastic... When applying gypsum compositions, there is no need to use a reinforcing mesh - the mixture is already viscous enough to adhere to the surface without flowing or deforming. In some cases, you can apply plaster in several layers without fear of any consequences.
  • Vapor permeability... As noted above, gypsum mixtures are loose, porous. This not only improves the microclimate, but also prevents mold and mildew from forming on the walls.
  • Excellent noise and heat insulation... Gypsum plaster helps to retain heat in the room - the walls covered with it are never ice-cold. In addition, the walls transmit much less noise.
  • High finishing speed... Three days is the normal curing time for gypsum plaster. Only in exceptional cases, this period can last up to seven days (for example, if the mixture was applied in several layers).

The use of gypsum plaster can significantly reduce the time for finishing work - in comparison with a cement mixture, labor costs and material consumption are at least halved.

Disadvantages of gypsum plaster

All the disadvantages of this material are rather arbitrary and usually do not bring significant inconvenience. We have highlighted two disadvantages.

  • As already mentioned, gypsum plaster is used only for interior decoration, since this mixture does not tolerate excessive moisture.
  • The cost of gypsum mixes is about 1.5-2 times higher than cement mixes.

As a rule, these disadvantages do not play a decisive role when choosing a plaster, since the advantages fully pay off two small disadvantages.


At first glance, it may seem that gypsum plaster is of better quality - it is easy to apply, allows moisture to pass through, does not violate the microclimate, and allows you to quickly complete the finish. However, this does not make gypsum mixes universal, which means that you need to choose plaster based on the purpose.

A cement mortar is suitable if finishing of the facade, basement or bathroom is required. He should be given preference even if it is necessary to ensure maximum surface strength, and ideal smoothness "for painting" is not needed. Also keep in mind that cement plaster is more difficult to apply - it will be almost impossible to cope without appropriate experience.

It is better to choose a plaster mix if finishing of the living quarters is necessary, and if you plan to carry out the work on your own. Gypsum plaster is easy to apply and is well suited for pre-finishing.

25 01.19

Which plaster is better: gypsum or cement? All the nuances of finishing during the renovation

During repairs, in almost all cases, alignment of the walls is required. This process is quite difficult for beginners, since a high-quality job can be done not only thanks to professional skills, but also to the right mixture.

It is often difficult to decide which plaster to choose: gypsum or cement. Each of these materials has its own pros and cons. This article will go into detail about the features of these two materials.

Features of gypsum plaster

Gypsum plaster is very popular. Such material is used frequently and has wide application.


The scope of application of gypsum plaster is very wide. In the bathroom, this material is used:

To align the walls.

To prepare the surface before bowing to wallpaper or tiling walls with ceramic tiles.

In order for the wall cladding to be decorative.

This material is great for making concrete and brick finishes. If this mixture is used, then additional use of plaster is not required.

Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum plaster

Advantages of gypsum plaster.

This mixture is a good material for finishing a bathroom or toilet. Its advantages:

gypsum plaster is an environmentally friendly blend. There is no release of harmful substances into the air that can harm the human body.

No shrinkage is required when using gypsum plaster. When the material is dry, cracks will not appear, and the surface will be smooth, as it was before it hardened.

The weight of such a material is small. This can significantly reduce the load on the walls.

Due to its plasticity, gypsum plaster allows you to apply the material without using a reinforcing mesh.

Gypsum plaster has excellent vapor permeability. This allows moisture to circulate normally, so mildew and mildew are not a threat.

It is quite easy to apply plaster of paris. Fast hardening; even a thick layer dries completely in a couple of days.

Gypsum plaster allows you to make the room warm and soundproof.

The main advantages of this material are listed above. Nowadays, it is very easy to find such a material, since there are a huge variety of different mixtures from various manufacturers on the market. You can choose the mixture that you like best or for the price.


In addition to many advantages, the gypsum mixture has its disadvantages:

Gypsum plaster does not tolerate strong moisture.

Gypsum plaster is worth more than other mixtures. Sometimes the price is so high that it is twice as expensive as the cement mixture.

For all its pros and cons, gypsum plaster is used very often to decorate a bathroom.

Cement plaster

Such material is no less popular. It is more reliable and durable. In order to mix the solution, you will need not only cement, but also a little sand and water.

With the help of cement mortar, you can perfectly level the walls. This material is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity. Allows to prepare walls for painting, for gluing wallpaper and for laying with tiles.

This material is versatile and has good technical properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of cement plaster

Main advantages:

This material has excellent strength. It is stronger than gypsum plaster.

Cement plaster quickly and reliably adheres to the wall, and therefore has a long service life.

The cement mixture is moisture resistant. This material is great for decorating a bathroom, even in places where plumbing is located.

Low material cost.


Has considerable weight. Therefore, a correct calculation of the load is necessary.

Freezes for fourteen days.

It is quite difficult to apply such material.

you need to use a reinforced mesh to line the wall.

It is not suitable for decoration, since it has a not very beautiful gray tint.

After the cement mixture hardens, additional processing with a putty is required.

When choosing a material for finishing a bathroom, you need to think carefully about everything and choose exactly the material that is most suitable.