What is the best aphrodisiac for women. Aphrodisiacs for women - let's discuss the most famous names of drugs that can be bought in pharmacies

The aphrodisiac is of Greek origin. The name comes from the name of the goddess Aphrodite. The action of an aphrodisiac is aimed at increasing desire and potency. You can buy aphrodisiacs in any sex shop. If you are very shy, then you can turn to online stores for help, where the choice of these products is no worse. If you buy an aphrodisiac that is of artificial origin, then be sure to read its instructions, because the drug may have contraindications.

You will also need instructions because the effect of the aphrodisiac is not the same. There are drugs that take effect 2-3 hours after use, and there are those that take 15 minutes. You need to use them carefully - be sure to pay attention to what medications you take in everyday life, because mixing them with an aphrodisiac can end up badly.

There are naturally occurring aphrodisiacs. The most famous are oysters, chocolate, red wines. Even a herb as simple as dill can increase anxiety.

It is important to remember that in men the center of excitement is located in the genitals, while in women it is located in the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a “helper” that will affect psychological sensations, and not physiology.


The most popular is dark chocolate. It will not be difficult for anyone to find it in the store. Yes, and it is inexpensive. It is a well-known fact that chocolate enhances the production of endorphins.

Endorphins are a hormone of happiness, they relax your chosen one, give her the right attitude for future pleasure.

Among fruits, good aphrodisiacs are:

  • Strawberries - such a fruit can be safely imagined at a romantic dinner. Plus, many women love strawberries;
  • Avocado is only suitable if you are sure that the woman loves exotic fruits;
  • Cherries affect blood circulation and blood flow to the brain;
  • It is considered one of the effective pathogens. But a man needs to use it. This is because celery helps the body produce the hormone androsterone. This hormone is secreted from the sweat glands and attracts the woman's attention;
  • One of the most famous pathogens is seafood. If you decide to have a romantic dinner, then you can put on the table, for example, oysters and red caviar;
  • Among drinks, absinthe and good red wine have strong stimulating properties.

Aphrodisiacs help you relax, feel more at ease, and promote sexual arousal.


Aphrodisiacs such as essential oils should not be dismissed either. They help create a romantic atmosphere in the room, and the girls are relaxing. The following oils can be used:

  • Myrrh - the action of this oil is aimed at liberation and the production of sexual energy;
  • Petite Grain - this aphrodisiac helps relieve nervous tension;
  • Rosemary - essential oil enhances the perception of sensations, and also reduces hormonal disruptions at certain points in the menstrual cycle;
  • Jasmine - this aphrodisiac helps a woman to feel her sensuality and femininity;


Ginger has the most positive effect. It promotes blood flow to the genitals, which, in turn, facilitates the process of arousal and enhances sensitivity. The second aphrodisiac from the category of spices is saffron. It helps relieve tension and increase arousal. You can also use vanilla as a causative agent. The action is aimed at enhancing libido. Please note that spices should be used separately in order to avoid the opposite effect.

The existence of food products that can make the sex life of the fairer sex richer and brighter has been known since antiquity. This knowledge was available only to a few. But nevertheless, they were passed down from generation to generation. Today, almost everyone can familiarize themselves with their list.

Aphrodisiacs for women in food can replace any pharmacy with a similar effect. Thanks to them, the fairer sex can enjoy sex life without the use of chemicals and synthetic drugs.

General information

In any romantic relationship, physical intimacy is essential. But, unfortunately, not all women feel the need for sexual contact. Moreover, only a few are able to get real pleasure from sex. Meanwhile, a lack of sexual desire can negatively affect a love relationship. Therefore, this problem should be dealt with as soon as possible.

What is an aphrodisiac?

Before listing aphrodisiac products for women, I would like to tell you what it is all about.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that can increase. The mentioned word itself came into Russian from Greek - aphrodisios. It literally translates as "related to Aphrodite." Recall that Aphrodite is love and beauty.

At various times, natural aphrodisiacs for women (food) have been called differently. The most common terms were "love potion" and "elixir of love".

In ancient times, such products were very popular. Indeed, in those days, not only the well-being of one family, but also the whole tribe or clan depended on the number of children.

Since then, the role of aphrodisiacs has changed markedly. As you know, they are no longer used to increase the number of children. However, they are often approached for new sexual sensations and passion.

How aphrodisiacs work

An aphrodisiac for women in the pharmacy can be purchased at any time. But most often they are of synthetic or semi-synthetic origin. Therefore, most sexologists recommend purchasing only natural products that, in fact, contain these special substances.

However, it should be noted that many experts believe that aphrodisiacs for women in food cannot act in the same way as pharmaceuticals would do. Experts do not believe that eaten avocado can turn your head, make sex brighter and more intense. But this is a misconception.

Even in ancient times, it was proven that aphrodisiacs for women are contained in products in such quantities that they can significantly increase blood circulation, improve metabolism, speed up the heartbeat and increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

It should be said that such ingredients include antioxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients, which not only support the immune system of the fairer sex, but also help their body fight all signs of aging.

In addition, the high content of vitamins C, B and K in such products contributes to the loss of excess weight.

Proper nutrition for women with low libido

Aphrodisiacs for women in food are good for increasing libido. But for this you need to choose the right ingredients. First of all, experts recommend including nuts, as well as lean meats and cereals in your diet. It is these and zinc. The first significantly increases immunity and helps fight stress. As for the second, it is indispensable for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, magnesium promotes the production of sex hormones and improves mood.

What other ingredients do natural aphrodisiacs contain? Foods containing these substances may vary. For example, fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain not only vitamins, but also fiber. And, as you know, it is she who improves digestion, and also gently cleanses the body of various toxins. As a result, after consuming such products, a woman begins to feel light and free. Her libido is normalized and, as a result, her libido increases.

I would also like to say that the fairer sex, who do not have sexual desire, need to ensure that a large amount of vitamin B enters their body. It is found in fatty fish, potatoes, dairy and legumes. As for the lack of this substance, this leads to a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of depression.

Aphrodisiacs for women in foods (list)

To get new sexual sensations, you should carefully monitor your diet. There are a huge number of foods that contain aphrodisiacs. If earlier their list was kept only by priests and nobility, today such a list is available to everyone. Here it is.


It is a culinary condiment made from any type of red pepper (by grinding). Such a product contains special substances that improve blood circulation and increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones.


This fruit contains vitamin E, essential fatty acids and potassium. Entering the body, these substances improve the production of sex hormones and blood circulation. The miraculous effect of avocados has been known since the time of the Aztecs. By the way, they also used it to increase their libido. Experts say that such a fruit has the greatest effect on the fairer sex.


This tasty and sweet berry contains the amino acid citrulline. It promotes the production of enzymes that improve blood circulation in the pelvis and also lead to sexual arousal.


The mentioned product contains the sex hormone androsterone. It has a stimulating effect not only on men, but also on women. Standing out along with the sweat of the stronger sex, the hormone quite strongly attracts the weaker sex.


It is not a secret for anyone that honey is rich in B vitamins. In this regard, its regular use helps to increase the level of testosterone and estrogen in the blood. This ingredient is effective for both men and women.

So, you have been listed the most popular and effective aphrodisiac products for women. What other foods contain special substances that increase libido? These include nutmeg, garlic, ginger root, asparagus, dark chocolate, seaweed, almonds, cinnamon, vanilla, bergamot, etc.

To get the most out of the aphrodisiac products, you need to choose the right ones. This is due to the fact that some of them affect only men, others - only women, and still others - both on those and others.

It should also be noted that when using such ingredients, you need to know when to stop. For example, everyone knows that a small amount of red wine is very energizing. However, an exceeded dose of this drink, on the contrary, dulls sexual desire quite strongly.

All mushrooms are natural aphrodisiacs. But when using them, it is best to give your preference to morels and truffles.

Absolutely everyone can cook an aphrodisiac dish. The main thing is to use the right ingredients, as well as add a small amount of spices that have an energizing effect (for example, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, etc.).

What factors reduce

To increase your sex drive, you must not only consume certain ingredients, but avoid the following factors that reduce libido:

  • Smoking. This habit has a detrimental effect on the human body, and also leads to the loss of vitamins E, C and A, which are essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Stress and lack of sleep. These factors drain the nervous system, causing chronic fatigue and dulling desire.
  • Caffeine. Studies have shown that this substance causes menstrual irregularities, as well as the occurrence of a number of gynecological diseases. These factors can cause a decrease in libido.
  • Alcoholic drinks. The effect is similar to that of caffeine.
  • Excessively salty and fatty foods, as well as sweet and fried foods. After consuming such a dinner, no aphrodisiacs will help you.

The main purpose of aphrodisiacs is to increase libido in women. These drugs are available over the counter and can help improve the quality of your sex life in many ways.
The use of aphrodisiacs allows:

  • - to increase the degree of arousal;
  • - stimulate the release of lubricant;
  • - increase the tone of the muscles of the pelvic organs;
  • - increase the level of physical activity;
  • - to expand blood vessels;
  • - cause the effect of euphoria.

How do aphrodisiacs work?

As a rule, the effect of aphrodisiacs appears rather quickly and lasts from 3 to 5-6 hours. A few minutes after taking it, the woman feels sexual arousal. If aphrodisiacs are used regularly, a rather persistent effect occurs, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in the sensitivity of erogenous zones, as well as an activation of the production of vaginal secretions.

Are aphrodisiacs compatible with alcohol?

Usually, aphrodisiacs are quite compatible with alcohol, but in each case, you should read the instructions for the drug to make sure of this. There are components whose effectiveness decreases when interacting with ethyl alcohol. But most aphrodisiacs are produced on the basis of herbs and oils that are quite compatible with alcoholic beverages.

What are the strongest afrodisiacs for women?

Strong drugs in this spectrum can cause arousal even if a woman has frigidity. One of the most effective remedies is female Viagra. It perfectly increases the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the erogenous zones, and also makes the orgasm brighter and more intense.
Women's Viagra begins to work in half an hour after taking and works up to 4 hours. But this drug also has contraindications. These include diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, as well as taking blockers and nitrates.

In case of overdose, female Viagra can cause headache, vomiting, weakness, runny nose, gastrointestinal upset.

Oil based aphrodisiacs

Many aphrodisiacs contain natural essential oils. They have a relaxing effect and stimulate blood circulation. Most often, oils are used in the production of aphrodisiacs:

  • - jasmine;
  • - bergamot;
  • - sandal;
  • - cinnamon;
  • - roses;
  • - nutmeg;
  • - fir;
  • - and etc.

What aphrodisiacs are available in drops?

One of the most popular aphrodisiacs in drops is the Spaniard fly. It is based on cantharidin, which is the digestive secretion of the exotic insect Lytta Vesicatoria. This substance has a powerful effect and allows women to:

  1. experience sexual arousal;
  2. to increase the tone of intimate muscles even after operations and injuries;
  3. get an intense and long-lasting orgasm.

Do aphrodisiacs help with menopause?

Of course, taking aphrodisiacs with menopause can increase sexual activity. In addition, these drugs help to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. These include: vaginal dryness, severe headaches, hot flashes, irritability, etc.

Regular intake of aphrodisiacs with menopause makes it possible:

  • - increase the amount of vaginal lubrication produced;
  • - restore blood flow in the pelvic area;
  • - to improve the elasticity of the smooth muscles of the organs "responsible" for active and high-quality sex.

Aphrodisiacs in pills

Some of the aphrodisiacs are available in pill form. These drugs usually have a long lasting effect. They not only increase sexual activity, but also act as therapeutic agents for:

  1. chronic vaginal dryness;
  2. pain during sex;
  3. pathologies of the reproductive system;
  4. menopause and its negative manifestations.

A popular aphrodisiac for women, available in pill form, is the inhibitor Sildenafil. It promotes intense contraction of the genital muscles, increased sensitivity of the clitoris and activation of the mucous glands in the vagina.

How to choose a female aphrodisiac?

The choice of an aphrodisiac should depend on the availability of indications. If the drug will be used for a long time for the treatment of certain diseases, it is better to choose a remedy in tablets. For a single dose, it is more convenient to use an aphrodisiac in drops.

Use of aphrodisiacs after 45 years

After 45 years, muscle tone significantly decreases and libido, as a rule, fades somewhat. Aphrodisiacs provide increased elasticity of muscle fibers, as well as active blood circulation in the pelvic organs. In addition, they reduce the discomfort of menopause.
At this age, you can use any aphrodisiacs based on natural and synthetic components. The choice of the drug is best done after consulting a gynecologist.

Fast Aphrodisiacs

Among the fastest-acting drugs in this group are Silver Fox drops. They are made from natural substances - guarana, damiana, muira. Silver Fox drops are indicated in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. They are completely harmless.
The drug has a stimulating effect within 5 minutes after administration.

Myths and truths about female aphrodisiacs

There are many rumors and legends about drugs in this spectrum. Someone says that they are practically useless, others greatly extol their effect.

The truth is that aphrodisiacs tend to increase natural sexual arousal and greatly exacerbate the sensations of sex. In cases where a woman is not attracted to her partner, the drug may be ineffective.

But in both cases, modern aphrodisiacs are completely harmless to health. Of course, if you buy them in reliable places. In the online pharmacy site, you can purchase only the highest quality and certified reliable drugs for beauty, health and improvement of sexual life.

Sometimes in a woman's life there are various situations, as a result of which problems in an intimate sense can occur. Often, a girl has no attraction to the opposite sex at all. Lack of libido brings some inconvenience, but you should not despair. There are many healthy foods that contain substances that can "awaken" desire in a woman and increase a playful mood.

Oriental spices

Various spices are dearly loved by the inhabitants of the East. It is the Oriental and Asian ladies who are known for their natural beauty and sexuality. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many of the spices are unique natural aphrodisiacs for women.

  1. Ginger root. This plant excites blood in every sense of the word. Promotes blood flow to the genitals, and as a result, increased sensitivity.
  2. Saffron. The plant is stimulating. Saffron-scented oils are perfect for erotic massage. The aroma of this plant increases sensitivity, but you should not overdo it with it.
  3. Vanilla is already loved by many girls, but few people know that this sweet aroma stimulates sexual arousal.
  4. Cinnamon. The spice aroma works in the same way as vanilla. It is enough to spread out a few cinnamon sticks in the bedroom, and both partners will get more vivid feelings of intimacy.
  5. Shatavari. An Indian spice that has recently become more and more popular in Russia. In India she is called "1000 husbands", meaning that by using this herb a woman will have the strength and desire for at least 1000 men.
  6. Ylang Ylang oil. Many essential oils are known for their aphrodisiac effects, but ylang-ylang oil is especially effective on the female body. It can be used for massage, or you can add a few drops to the aroma lamp. A woman herself can take a warm bath with the addition of this oil before a date.

Those who decide to try various exotic spices should be careful. All these products are the strongest allergens, therefore, before using this or that plant, or using oils with these concentrates, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the product.

Other herbs and plants

Many herbs and plants that are not so distant from the European inhabitant are popular for their stimulating properties.

  1. Celery. This product is known not only for its beneficial properties for the female figure, but also for its stimulating properties. The pungent smell of this plant performs the function of an aphrodisiac. Although many find it unpleasant, nevertheless, after it, the girl notice an increase in sexual desire.
  2. Damiana is able not only to restore sensitivity to a woman, but even to improve the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. A plant like angelica activates the production of pheromones in the female body and makes the sensations much brighter and more lasting.
  4. The well-known lemon balm, not only can calm the nerves, but also increase the sensitivity of the girl's genitals, and as a result, make the sensations much brighter.
  5. Almond. This nut promotes the production of female hormones, as a result of which the girl's sexual activity increases.
  6. Among women, dates are famous for their aphrodisiac properties. In order to make a pretty strong date-based aphrodisiac you will need: milk and cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed with each other, after which this yummy can be taken to increase a woman's sexual desire.
  7. Seaweed (and indeed any seafood) are the most famous natural aphrodisiacs, capable of arousing desire not only for herself, but also for men.
  8. Chilli. This burning vegetable accelerates the blood, as a result of which the sensitivity of the erogenous zones in a woman becomes much greater. And this, in turn, contributes to faster arousal.

Herbs and spices can be used in the form of tinctures to combat a woman's frigidity, or simply add to a dish at a romantic dinner, so that communication with a loved one is much more pleasant.

What to add to the diet

If a woman has problems with libido for a long time, she may need to reconsider her lifestyle and include certain foods in her diet. promoting the production and increasing the sexual activity of the female body.

  • In order for a woman to have a sexual desire, she needs to include in the diet foods containing B vitamins. These are foods such as: fatty fish, dairy products, legumes.
  • Everyone's favorite avocado fruit is one of the strongest natural aphrodisiacs. A girl who wants to increase her libido must definitely include this unique fruit in her diet.
  • Watermelon contains substances that produce enzymes that improve blood flow in the pelvic area. As a result, the sensitivity of the genitals increases, and the woman begins to experience sexual arousal.

Decoction and tincture recipes

Of course, the use of this or that product to increase sexual activity will be beneficial, but much more benefit can be obtained by mixing several products. Very often, natural aphrodisiacs are used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, etc.

Guarana decoction

Making a decoction from guarana is quite simple: you just need to pour boiling water over the plant, cover with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. You need to drink at least three cups per day of this tincture, in order to achieve an exciting effect. This drink will work well if consumed with a bite of bananas or strawberries.

Tincture of ginseng and wormwood

These herbs are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew under the lid for 10 minutes. You can drink this drink just before a date in large quantities, or in small portions for a long time. Ginger root complements this "cocktail" well. It is also a natural aphrodisiac.

Exotic way

One of the most ancient and unusual ways to arouse a woman is the "spanish fly" insect. It secretes a special secret that acts on a woman as a powerful aphrodisiac. Naturally, you do not need to consume the insect itself, today in pharmacies you can find capsules and drops with the secret of the Spanish fly. Men in ancient times used this tool in ancient times, in order to get their beloved, simply by adding a few drops to food or drink.

Essential oils

Many essential oils are known for their energizing properties and can be used in a variety of ways, but are best used as incense, or added to water when taking a bath. So, what kind of oils should a woman get in order to achieve sexual arousal.

  • Bergamot oil - it pleasantly relaxes, and the delicate and delicate aroma of this plant will set both partners in a romantic mood.
  • Vanilla oil, as noted above, this plant is recognized as the strongest aphrodisiac for women, as an oil it does not lose its properties at all.
  • Ether of myrrh. This plant has a stimulating effect on the girl's erogenous zones, and as a result, she gets pleasure much faster, and the sensations become much brighter.
  • Neroli. The scent of this essential oil not only excites a woman, but can also prolong the pleasure she receives.
  • Patchouli oil, this tool is able to "soften" even the most dissatisfied and cold-minded woman.
  • E.M. clary sage. This oil contributes to the emergence of sexual attraction in both partners, but it acts more strongly on women, activates all erogenous zones, as a result of which the partners get more vivid sensations.
  • Jasmine oil is able to "awaken" in a woman all natural instincts in relation to a man. Many people note that the woman who emanates the scent of jasmine seems much more feminine and attractive.

"Exciting" dinner

It's not a secret for anyone that many products cause a strong sexual desire in women, and if you combine them together, they will simply give tremendous success and the evening will be unforgettable for both partners. Try to cook at least one dish according to the recipes below and you can be sure of this.

Salad - aphrodisiac

To do this, the salad needs to be purchased in the store the following products:

  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • shrimp -15 pcs.
  • lightly salted salmon - 150 g
  • salad
  • hard cheese - 50 g
  • olive oil - 3 large spoons
  • lemon juice - 0.5 pcs. All these products in themselves are aphrodisiacs for women, and together they will give an even greater effect.
  1. Cut the avocado and cherry tomatoes into small pieces.
  2. Boil shrimps, if they are too large, you can cut them in two.
  3. Cut the fish into cubes, just tear the salad with your hands.
  4. Olive oil mixed with lemon juice will serve as a salad dressing.

The dish is an aphrodisiac

This dish will not only be very tasty and nutritious, but will also contribute to a pleasant continuation of the evening. The amount of ingredients is calculated for two servings.

  • 500 g chicken wings;
  • chicken broth - 400 ml
  • tomato paste - 1 large spoon
  • soy sauce - 1 large spoon
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
  1. Wash the chicken wings, put them on a hot skillet and pour over the broth.
  2. After five minutes, add tomato paste, honey and soy sauce to the wings.
  3. Simmer the wings until cooked, about 20 minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste.

Such simple and tasty dishes will surely arouse sexual desire in a girl, and the pleasure will be much brighter and longer.

It is worth remembering that a woman's sexual arousal occurs primarily in her head, therefore, pleasant light music, compliments and other courtship of a partner will become the most reliable natural aphrodisiac that will cause a woman's natural desire for intimacy. A man should also take care of his appearance, if he is untidy, no means can help a woman relax and enjoy.

There are a lot of drugs and substances that cause sexual arousal in a woman. But it is still better to give preference to natural aphrodisiacs. They do not carry any harm and often cope much better than pharmacy counterparts. It is also worth remembering that the best natural "activator" for both women and men is love. It is this feeling that gives an unforgettable sensation of intimacy and kindles real passion in a person.

Aphrodisiacs for women will add passion to a relationship with a beloved man. It is generally accepted that the use of aphrodisiacs can cause an increased uncontrollable feeling of arousal. Aphrodisiacs can only warm up and increase sexual desire, however, they are unable to provoke passion from scratch, like Viagra.

The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women are used in products for the sole purpose of increasing sex drive. Which aphrodisiacs need to be used or consumed to increase female libido will depend on the centers of sexual pleasure. Products, as well as aphrodisiacs of a sound or aromatic nature, can be attributed to strictly female aphrodisiacs only if they contribute to the relaxation and arousal of the female body. So, sensual aromas, exquisite wine and flickering candlelight can tune almost any of the girls to a romantic mood.

A list of aphrodisiacs in foods for women with low sex drive:

  • Ginger. Using it, you can achieve an increase in the sensitivity of the genitals;
  • The saffron herb can have an effect similar to that of ginger;
  • Vanilla can trigger erotic fantasies and is popular for its attraction-enhancing properties;
  • Cayenne pepper. Affects blood vessels, expanding them, resulting in blood flow to the causative organs;
  • , which is able to affect the production of pheromones responsible for sexual desire;
  • Chocolate, especially with a high cocoa content, can induce the production of happiness hormones. They, in turn, increase attraction to the opposite sex;
  • Melissa is characterized by a tonic effect on the genitals;
  • Almond nuts include special acids of the Omega group, and they increase the content of female hormones in the body;
  • Seaweed can perfectly compensate for the lack of many trace elements in a woman's body and help restore strength.

A special balanced diet can have a beneficial effect on the female body: improve the emotional state and improve mood. And this, in turn, will certainly cause the production of sex hormones.

  • We recommend reading:

The daily diet of women who want to increase their own libido must necessarily include:

  • Vegetable and fruit fruits. These foods contain a huge amount of different vitamins that help cleanse the body. With their use, an improvement in hormonal levels is noted;
  • Decreased libido can be caused by the absence of B vitamins in the woman's body. In this case, fish, milk and cheese, potatoes, beans can act as aphrodisiacs. In addition to replenishing the lack of the required vitamin, the use of such products will increase immunity;
  • Watermelon (if possible), avocado, honey.

Essential oils and spices

Their list is as follows:

  • Anise helps rekindle passion and increase attraction;
  • Mustard seeds and vanilla can awaken sensuality;
  • Cinnamon increases desire and indicators of uterine tone;
  • Cardamom is the main ingredient in "love drinks";
  • Chili and garlic are ways to increase the sensitivity of erogenous points on a woman's body;
  • Muscat is recommended as an excellent craving enhancer;
  • Bergamot, nerola, myrrh, sage and jasmine oils are also excellent.

A natural aphrodisiac of natural origin is considered to be the glands of secretion of the beetle "spanish fly". This secret is called cantharidin. He is a powerful stimulant of sexual activity. Special formulations based on cantharidin are available as capsules, powders or tinctures.

Sound stimulants

Natural aphrodisiacs for women, which include music and sounds of wildlife, should be singled out as a separate group. Here it is worth considering the musical preferences of each particular woman. The noise of the sea, rain or rustle of foliage also, depending on individual preferences, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a woman and is good.

A little romance

There are aphrodisiacs that can neither be eaten, nor smelled, nor heard - these are positive emotions and a good mood. Romantic emotions become almost decisive in matters related to female libido.

Love your chosen one, give her happiness and positive emotions. For women, a trusting and warm relationship is the most powerful aphrodisiac.