What is postpartum depression associated with? Why is postpartum depression dangerous? How long does postpartum depression last?

Already during pregnancy, a woman prepares for the future role of a mother on a psychological level, as well as for all the difficulties that lie ahead in this period. After giving birth, many women experience fear of breastfeeding and caring for a baby. Fear for the health of the newborn may also appear. However, very soon all fears are left behind, the woman calms down and gradually enters the role of a mother. Unfortunately, by no means all of this period ends well. Some women develop a painful state of anxiety, unreasonable for objective reasons. In medicine, this kind of change is called depression. In this article, we will describe in more detail about this condition, the main reasons and how to prevent it.

What is Postpartum Depression?

This is a rather serious mental illness that develops exclusively in the postpartum period and is characterized by a depressed mood, a loss of former interests. This pathological condition most often occurs in the first or second week after the baby is born.

This type of depression has a direct connection with social, chemical, as well as psychological changes in a lady's life. Fortunately, this pathology responds well to treatment.

The chemical changes in the body are due to fluctuations in hormone levels after childbirth. However, experts still have not been able to find scientific evidence of the link between hormones and depression itself. It is known that during the period of bearing a baby, the level increases 10 times. After the birth of a child, these indicators drop sharply, and after another three days they return to the level that was before pregnancy.

Along with hormonal changes, social and psychological transformations also influence the onset of depression.

Main reasons

Fighting this condition is not only possible, but also necessary. Better yet, prevent the signs of postpartum depression and prevent the development of serious mental disorders. Not all women who have given birth are susceptible to this condition: someone was able to survive it very quickly and now, together with the child, enjoy every new day, while others experience daily bouts of irritation and anger, as a result, it even comes to divorce. Why is this happening? To prevent the development of depression, it is important to know its causes and try to avoid them as much as possible. Provoking factors:

  • Unwanted or difficult pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding problems.
  • Conflicts with the child's father (betrayal, quarrels, scandals, parting).
  • Upset nervous system even before the baby is born.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Financial problems.
  • Lack of basic outside help.
  • Unjustified expectations.

Of course, not all reasons depend on the woman. They are often dictated by social and living conditions. However, the emotional state of a young mother directly depends on her thoughts and daily mood, on her attitude to life and those around her. That is why psychologists strongly recommend keeping all negative emotions to a minimum.


How does postpartum depression manifest? How to understand that you have this particular problem, and not another disease? After all, this can be the most common tiredness from accumulated cases, which often goes away on its own. Experts identify a number of signs that indicate a postpartum depressive state. If they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can confirm the presence of a problem such as postpartum depression.

  • Symptom No. 1. Regular complaints of a woman about suffering from loneliness and excessive fatigue. In addition, mom may experience tearfulness, sudden mood swings, and uncontrollable outbursts of anger. Already now, relatives and friends should sound the alarm, because this is how postpartum depression begins.
  • Symptom No. 2. about the condition and health of the newborn. Very often, a woman arises from the smallest failure. Suicidal thoughts, a dark vision of the future may also appear.
  • Symptom number 3. Provoking conflict situations, daily tantrums, grumpiness. Relatives and friends, as a rule, do not know about the main reasons for this behavior of a young mother. However, it is this that indicates that there is postpartum depression.
  • Symptom No. 4. Feeling of panic and anxiety, accompanied by a strong heartbeat, loss of appetite, regular headaches, insomnia. Sometimes a woman has an irresistible desire to commit meaningless, in the opinion of others, acts. Simple conversations with a young mother most often end in serious scandals.

These are the symptoms that accompany depression after childbirth. If you find one or two of the above signs, there is no reason to worry, as it may be commonplace fatigue. If this figure goes off scale, it's time to sound the alarm and immediately seek help from specialists.

Why is it so important to recognize the problem in a timely manner? The thing is that prolonged depression after childbirth, which in some cases can last for months, often ends in psychosis without the intervention of doctors. This state is characterized by confusion of consciousness, delirium, hallucinations, complete inadequacy. Of course, here we can already talk about limiting the mother's access to the baby.

What factors increase the likelihood of the onset of the disease?

There are several of them, and they all have a different nature:

  1. Age. The earlier a woman becomes pregnant, the higher the risk.
  2. Loneliness.
  3. Lack of psychological support from relatives and friends.
  4. Ambiguous perception of pregnancy.
  5. Children. The more children there are, the higher the chance of getting depression with each subsequent pregnancy.

Types of postpartum depression

Experts distinguish three types of disorders of this nature, which are formed exclusively after the birth of a child:

  1. Postpartum blues. Every woman is familiar with this state, it is a normal reaction of the body to the changes that have occurred. A young mother's mood can change dramatically. Only now does she feel the happiest in the world, and after a few minutes she begins to cry. The woman becomes irritable, intolerant, agitated. According to experts, the postpartum blues can last for several hours or a couple of weeks. This condition does not need specialized treatment, as it most often goes away on its own.
  2. Postpartum depression. Symptoms characterizing this condition most often appear a few days after the birth of the baby. They are similar to the signs of postpartum blues (sadness, despair, irritability, anxiety), but they appear to a greater extent. During this period, a woman, as a rule, cannot fulfill the daily duties assigned to her. When this happens, you should immediately seek help from a psychologist. Despite the complexity of this ailment, depression after childbirth lends itself well to therapy. Moreover, modern medicine offers a variety of solutions to this problem, so that every woman can choose the option that is most acceptable for herself.
  3. Postpartum psychosis is the most serious mental illness diagnosed in new mothers. The disease appears unexpectedly and develops rapidly (within the first three months from the date of birth). Initially, a woman loses her habitual ability to distinguish the real world from the fictional one, and sound hallucinations arise. Other symptoms include insomnia, constant agitation, and anger at the world around you. When initial signs appear, it is extremely important to seek the help of a qualified doctor. In some cases, hospitalization is even required, since there is a risk of harm not only directly to oneself, but also to the newborn.

When does postpartum depression start and how long does it last?

Postpartum depression is considered a more serious problem than the usual blues. If the young mothers who have overcome the blues have already managed to cope with all the difficulties and feel the joy of caring for the baby, then women with postpartum depression feel more and more unhappy and exhausted every day.

Sometimes a lady even before the baby is born struggles with a depressive state, and childbirth only aggravates the problem that has developed earlier.

In some cases, the symptoms of this mental illness appear months after the birth of the baby. Initially, a young mother experiences extremely positive emotions and pleasure from communicating with a child, but after a certain period of time all these troubles begin to exhaust, and the woman herself feels unhappy and depressed.

How long does postpartum depression last? It depends not only on the mother herself, but also on her environment. Very often a woman is in no hurry to seek qualified help from a psychologist, believing that the problem will be solved by herself. Sometimes the fair sex is simply afraid to seek support because of complete self-disappointment and constant concern for the health of the child.

Of course, this attitude only exacerbates the situation. Don't be shy about asking for help. First of all, psychologists recommend talking with loved ones, talking about all the worries. If they agree to take on some of the chores around the house, mom will have time to rest and even consult with specialists.

What should be the treatment?

How to get rid of postpartum depression? It is this question that is most often asked by relatives and friends of a woman who had to face this problem. First of all, you should seek qualified help. Trying to help a young mother on her own is not recommended, since in some cases it is necessary to take medications and consult a psychologist. Self-medication can only aggravate the current situation, which will entail the development of postpartum psychosis.

Depending on the type and severity, depression is treated either on an outpatient basis or in an inpatient setting. The decision on the latter option is made solely on the basis of identifying the risk of suicidal tendencies and the severity of the general condition. Modern medicine offers several treatments:

As a rule, the use of the above drugs implies a complete rejection of breastfeeding, since these drugs can harm the baby. It is important to note that any medication should only be taken after consulting a doctor. When postpartum depression passes, the drugs are gradually canceled, and the woman returns to her usual life.

What should a husband do?

Psychologists recommend that family and friends help young mothers who are faced with such a problem as postpartum depression. The causes of this disease, as you know, often lie in a lack of rest. A husband can help his wife by taking on a number of household chores to meet the physical needs of the newborn. It is no secret that this kind of disorder is less likely to be diagnosed in those couples where the husbands initially took an active part in common family affairs.

An invaluable support for a woman is also the fact that her husband is ready to listen to all her experiences and concerns, to encourage. It is recommended to avoid sharp criticism and condemnation.


The unpleasant consequences include the following:

  • Prolonged depression (more than one year).
  • Suicide attempts.

In addition to complications of a medical nature, rather severe social consequences are possible. First of all, this is the disintegration of the family. Indeed, constant changes in a woman's mood, dissatisfaction with her own life, increased irritability - all these factors often push both spouses to divorce. In addition, some women, in a fit of despair, decide to abandon the child. Typically, this kind of situation is common among single mothers.


How to avoid postpartum depression? The exact causes of this condition are still unknown. That is why experts cannot offer effective measures for its prevention.

However, psychologists name a number of activities that, to one degree or another, help to reduce the likelihood of depression:


In this article, we have described what constitutes postpartum depression in women. The symptoms and causes of this condition may vary from case to case. It is important to remember that depression is, first of all, a rather serious illness. The young mother herself is not to blame for the fact that she has to suffer so much. That is why it is impossible for a woman to simply pull herself together and cope with the problem. After all, not a single person with an effort of will can overcome the flu, diabetes mellitus or heart attack.

On the other hand, the attention of her husband and family helps a woman feel truly loved. It will be much easier for her to find free time for leisure or hobbies. This kind of care contributes to the quick recovery of a young mother and her return to the family.


Most women in the last stages of pregnancy experience a sense of anxiety. The unstable mood increases on the eve of childbirth and after the birth of the child. The nervous state often develops into prolonged depression of varying severity and can be a big problem not only for the mother and her child, but also for the environment.

What is Postpartum Depression

After giving birth, many mothers are afraid of the first feeding of the baby, they are worried about whether they will be able to care for the baby. Often a woman develops a fear for the health of her child, but very soon the fears are left behind. Unfortunately, not all of this period ends quickly and safely. Some women do not stop feeling fear even a few months after giving birth. In medicine, a painful state of anxiety, which is unreasonably objective reasons, is called depression.

This is a serious mental pathology that forms only in the postpartum period. Depression after childbirth is characterized by the loss of former interests, a depressed mood that occurs already in the first week after childbirth, and only grows over time. This disease is directly related to psychological, social and hormonal changes in the life of a lady.


Postpartum depression in women occurs for a variety of reasons. To date, physicians do not have a unified theory on this score. All existing reasons are divided into two groups: socio-psychological and biological. The most proven is a hereditary predisposition. If one of the genetic relatives of a woman had depressive disorders, then the pathology can be inherited and manifest itself under the confluence of certain life circumstances.

The socio-psychological group explains the woman's postpartum anxiety by the peculiarity of her personality, communication problems in adult life, the psychology of growing up, and the level of stress resistance. Psychotherapists distinguish two bases of human well-being: physiological and psychological. The former include the following causes of depression:

  • postpartum imbalance of chemical elements;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • side effects from taking certain medications;
  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term chronic diseases.

Most often, psychoses occur due to psychosomatic disorders. The main psychological causes of postpartum depression in women are:

  • breastfeeding problems;
  • tiredness from lack of sleep;
  • pain after difficult childbirth;
  • increased degree of responsibility;
  • changes in figure;
  • lack of finance;
  • problems with a partner.


Experts divide postpartum mental disorders into three forms. They are formed exclusively after the birth of a newborn baby. Among them:

  • Neurotic... It is manifested by irritability, frequent mood swings. The woman has a heightened dislike for the people around her. Sometimes she undergoes panic attacks, which are accompanied by profuse sweating, tachycardia, and high blood pressure.
  • Postpartum psychosis... Severe depression. It is manifested by delirium, hallucinations, which are embodied in aggression directed at the child. More common in women in labor with bipolar disorder (manic-depressive psychosis). This pathology is treated in a hospital under the supervision of a psychiatrist.
  • Prolonged postnatal depression... The illness begins as a blues associated with postpartum difficulties. A woman tries to be a good mother, but any problem (for example, inability to swaddle a baby) leads to panic. Over time, the condition worsens, the blues develops into despair, prolonged depression.


The first signs of postpartum depression are emotional exhaustion and loss of energy. The woman feels an enduring depression that intensifies in the morning and evening. More and more often, thoughts about the lack of meaning in life arise in my head, a guilt complex develops in front of the child, especially if he has health problems. The woman in labor increases emotional sensitivity, which is expressed in excessive tearfulness with or without it. This condition begins immediately after childbirth and can last from several weeks to several months..

You should not start these symptoms, as they can very quickly turn into serious psycho-emotional problems. Conditions in which a woman needs to see a doctor:

  • changeable mood;
  • short-term memory loss;
  • constant fatigue;
  • tearfulness;
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a constant feeling of guilt;
  • apathy;
  • indifference;
  • migraine;
  • bowel disorders;
  • hypochondria.


Postpartum syndrome, like any other disease, does not always go away without a trace. The long-term depressed state of the woman in labor has an unfavorable effect on the baby and the spouse. Babies who are fed by mothers who are in melancholy are prone to increased excitability or abnormal passivity. During the first year of life, the child may not show vivid, intense emotions at all. Such babies have a lack of mobility, insufficient concentration of attention, and late onset of the formation of speech skills.

Men are also unhappy with the depressive behavior of their spouses, and some even consider this pathological condition a whim. They try to restore their sex life, which they cannot achieve. Ignoring this issue introduces men into a depressive disorder, which constitutes a threat to partnerships in general. Depression after childbirth can have dire consequences for a woman and her family:

  • attempted suicide;
  • exacerbation of depression requiring hospitalization;
  • attempted infanticide;
  • inability to restore relations between spouses.

How to deal with postpartum depression on your own

With a mild degree of postpartum disorder, you can get rid of it yourself. The main thing for a woman is to realize that this is a temporary state, and a positive self-attunement will give a quick relief from depression:

  1. Remember more often that a miracle happened in your life. Feel the peculiarity of the situation, then the household routine will cease to cause negative emotions.
  2. Think about how your child is helpless in this world and needs your love most. Breastfeeding, tactile contact promotes the production of hormones of happiness, so take your baby in your arms, talk to him affectionately as often as possible.
  3. Make sure to take time to be on your own. Each person must have personal time, otherwise he loses his individuality. Take a day off, go to the hairdresser, shop or go to the movies. Even the lactation period should not prevent a woman from living a full life.
  4. Do not be ashamed of extra pounds - this is a temporary phenomenon. Do not listen to those who will give advice to go on a diet or exclude any of your favorite foods from your diet. During stress, you need to eat well, gain strength.
  5. Practice relaxation, meditation techniques. Take time to relax (bath, massage, aromatherapy).


If you cannot cope with the disease on your own, then with the further development of signs of a depressive state, you need to visit a psychologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will give recommendations for correcting behavior. Treatments for depression are individualized. The most effective therapeutic methods:

  • NLP... Neurolinguistic programming techniques allow you to unleash the reserves of a person's strength. An NLP specialist will help the woman in labor to realize her true values ​​and needs, formulate the desired goals and show the way how to achieve them. If the treatment is based on experiencing a negative experience, then the doctor does not tug at the woman's psyche, but teaches new behavior, forms positive attitudes.
  • Psychoanalytic techniques... Doctors work through childhood memories. If the patient's mother had depression after her birth, then the woman's need for emotional contact was not satisfied, so she repeats her negative experience in adulthood.
  • Hypnotic method... Hypnotherapy is effective in the initial stages of a pathological condition. Hypnosis will quickly relieve depressive symptoms. As a rule, a woman's well-being improves after 2-3 sessions. After the course of treatment, she experiences the whole gamut of positive emotions.

Drug treatment is prescribed for a severe form of the disease, when the above methods do not help to get out of the depressive state. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • Antidepressants... Corrects the work of the brain disturbed by depression (Imipramine, Pirlindol).
  • Tranquilizers... They reduce the speed of mental reactions, have a sedative, hypnotic effect (Nitrazepam, Tofisopam).
  • Antipsychotics... Strong psychotropic drugs that work to treat bipolar disorder (Aminazine, Haloperidol).

The most common method of treating postpartum mental disorders is complex therapy with antidepressants, psychotherapeutic sessions and folk recipes. Medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets (oral administration) or in the form of a solution for injection (intramuscular or intravenous administration). Effective sedatives that you can buy at the pharmacy (in consultation with your doctor):

  • Nervohel... Homeopathic remedy with sedation. With increased nervous excitability, you need to dissolve 1 tablet 3 times / day for 2-3 weeks. Contraindications for admission: children under 3 years of age, hypersensitivity to the components.
  • Alora... Non-addictive combination herbal medicine. Has a sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic effect. To reduce mental stress, take 1 tablet 3 times / day for 10-14 days (if there is no individual dosage). Care should be taken when taking the drug for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to avoid postpartum depression

If you know about the possibility of postpartum mental disorder, then you can prepare for it. Prophylaxis should begin during pregnancy. To prevent the onset of depression, you must:

  • to form a warm microclimate in the family;
  • visit a family psychologist;
  • strengthen immunity through proper nutrition, available physical exercise, daily walks in the fresh air;
  • avoid overwork;
  • learn to increase resistance to stress (positive attitude, self-control, emotion management).


After the birth of the child, the mother should have the happiest period in her life, since the baby, who has been so awaited for nine months, has finally been born. Unfortunately, despite the congratulations of the relatives and the gentle sighs of the spouse, we have to return to our daily duties: to wash and iron the clothes, cook food and endlessly soothe the crying baby.

Time in the day is sorely lacking, a woman spends all her energy on ordinary issues, but most of them still remain unresolved. Constant fatigue, irritation, despondency and other negative emotions accumulate, which add up to postpartum depression. This is a condition that is diagnosed in 15% of young mothers. The most difficult feeling that accompanies a mother during postnatal depression is guilt in front of the baby. The woman begins to consider herself a bad example for the child and cannot understand why the baby does not bring her joy.

According to statistics, every second woman turns to a specialist with a severe form of the disease, in which she does not have enough of her own efforts to deal with constant devastation and depression. Then specialists take on the job - experienced psychologists, who give valuable recommendations and prescribe a course of treatment.

During the period of subsequent depression, a woman tries to avoid her reflection in the mirror. During pregnancy, it is easy to forgive yourself for fullness and puffiness, because there is an objective reason for this. Expectations that after childbirth it will be possible to quickly and easily return to their previous forms, were dispelled. Favorite clothes are still gathering dust in the closet. All these factors have a very difficult effect on a woman's worldview. She can't find a reason to rejoice.

It is important to understand that postnatal depression does not necessarily include all of the above points, but several signs should already be a reason to consult a specialist.

Postpartum psychosis is a severe form of depression that manifests itself during the first weeks after childbirth. Among the symptoms of this complication are delirium and frequent hallucinations, possibly paranoia and a desire to harm oneself, the child and others. With postpartum psychosis, a woman is not guided in time, she may lose a sense of space and understanding what is happening to her. This is a very terrible condition, in which only a professional doctor can help.

Causes of the disease

Currently, experts identify several main factors that can trigger the development of postpartum depression:

  • a history of discouragement;
  • stress;
  • events traumatizing the psyche during pregnancy;
  • complications arising during childbirth;
  • alcoholism;
  • depletion of the body;
  • financial problems;
  • lack of support.
Physical changesConsequencesEmotional changesConsequences
Falling estrogen and progesterone levels.Leads to lethargy, boredom, depression.Feeling unattractive.The mood is greatly reduced, self-esteem falls and the objective perception of oneself is disturbed.
Changes in blood volume and pressure.Loss of control over actions.Feeling of uncertainty in the correctness of actions, in the ability to make independent decisions.
Rebuilding the immune system.Mood swings, general apathy.

Women who experience postnatal depression are at risk of becoming a victim of a depressive disorder later in life. When the clinical manifestations of the disease begin to subside, young mothers are quickly distracted by more pressing things, but sometimes the improvement is temporary.

Postpartum depression causes cognitive impairment. During this period, there are many different changes associated with the worldview of a woman.

Experts have noticed that in orphans, psychopathological symptoms are significantly less pronounced than in mothers from a complete family.

Many mothers who are aware of the problem decide to deal with it on their own. With a competent approach and a great desire to get rid of the uninvited misfortune, postnatal depression can be cured at home. You need to arm yourself with a few simple rules.

Medical treatments

Even with all the recommendations, it is not always possible to cope with postnatal depression on their own, without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is not to despair and continue the struggle, since the mother's condition affects the whole family.

Treatment of postnatal depression with antidepressants is considered one of the most effective treatments in medical practice. The effectiveness of the drugs has been proven by a large number of cured diseases. The only thing that stops young mothers from taking antidepressants is breastfeeding. Every woman knows that any medicine in one form or another passes into breast milk.

Specialists prescribe drugs that pose a minimal threat to the baby's health and have no side effects. The main thing is that the medication is taken with the consent of the doctor.

One of the reasons for the development of postpartum depression is a sharp drop in estrogen levels. Therefore, this hormone is used to treat the disease. Specialists prescribe injections that relieve symptoms and significantly improve a woman's mood.

Aside from personal considerations, listen to your doctor's opinion and weigh the pros and cons.

Video - How to cope with postpartum depression

Video - Causes and Treatment of Postnatal Depression

Every 2 woman who has given birth to a child knows what postpartum depression is and how to deal with it. Previously, this term was almost never used. The state of the young mother after childbirth was assessed exclusively on the basis of specific physical characteristics. Doctors were interested in uterine contraction and suture healing. Few were interested in the psychological aspects of the new state. But this does not mean at all that they were not.

The state system some 60-70 years ago was arranged in such a way that a few months after the birth of a baby, a woman had to give her baby to a nursery and go to work. In addition to service, sometimes physically difficult, the young mother also had all the household chores.

Washing, cleaning, ironing and cooking took much more energy from our grandmothers, because at that time there were not so many household appliances, ready-made food sets and disposable diapers.

For postpartum depression, women of the last century simply did not have time. However, this did not abolish the borderline state that could have occurred in a young mother in connection with the new responsibility assigned to her and an increase in responsibilities. It's just that the fairer sex had to become strong, not knowing what postpartum depression can lead to, and how to deal with it.

How did you treat the problem before?

Each family learned to cope with difficulties in its own way. Older relatives played an important role in this difficult period. If the relationship in the house was warm and trusting, then the newly-made mother was helped to get out of postpartum depression as soon as possible. The attention, care and help from the husband played an important role.

When all family members were busy exclusively with their usual affairs, believing that a woman who had just returned from the hospital with a baby in her arms should perform her direct duties without the help of others, a young mother had to look for ways to cope with postpartum depression on her own, and often experience it alone.

This often led to severe psychological problems, which, as a result, resulted in discord in the family. Psychosomatic illnesses became a frequent consequence of a difficult moral state. But in those years, rarely did anyone assume that the cause was prolonged depression after pregnancy and childbirth.

Attitudes towards postpartum syndrome today

In modern society, a lot has changed both in relation to the woman who gave birth, and in medical practice. Aspects of the psychological state of the fairer sex are trying to pay more attention. However, despite the growing number of specialized trainings and seminars that are being conducted with expectant mothers in family planning centers and antenatal clinics, the name of depression after childbirth is increasingly common.

It can manifest itself in different ways. Someone experiences this in a mild form and finds ways to overcome their condition. Others prefer to wait a little until the pronounced manifestation of postpartum depression passes.

Only a few are able to assume that they are exposed to a serious illness that can cause irreparable harm to the health of not only the mother, but also the child, especially if the depression has dragged on after childbirth. In these cases, self-medication or self-discipline will not help. The processes occurring in the body of a woman who has recently given birth are difficult to control by an effort of will. In difficult cases, you should not force the patient to look for a way to get rid of postpartum depression on their own, but timely professional assistance should be provided.

Don't underestimate this disease. Prolonged depression in itself is classified by psychologists as a rather dangerous phenomenon. In some cases, it does not go away without medical attention. Postpartum depression in women is characterized by more than just emotional problems. The entire body experiences severe stress, which affects the nervous and other systems of internal organs.

Doctors do not have an exact answer to the question of how long such a condition can last. This is individual in each case. But the fact that a woman needs to be helped to recover from depression, which has lasted for too long, is the common opinion of doctors. And in this struggle, a young mother cannot do without male support and care of loved ones.

Difficulties in making a diagnosis

The main difficulty in helping a woman during a difficult period is how to recognize postpartum depression. The fact is that during pregnancy and especially before the immediate birth of a child, the body is rebuilt. A large number of certain hormones are produced, which are specially created by nature in order for the expectant mother to mentally and physically prepare for childbirth.

However, the natural mechanisms of regulation of the nervous system are insufficient. Every woman experiences a lot of stress before giving birth to a baby. It is explained by physical fatigue and fear of an upcoming important event, which is accompanied not only by the joy of meeting the child, but also by severe physical pain.

During this period, a woman develops excessive anxiety, mood swings, tearfulness, and sometimes sleep disorders. However, the stress that all expectant mothers experience before childbirth does not mean that they all fall into depression.

The anxiety that manifests itself does not go away immediately after the birth of the child; it is a natural manifestation of accepting a new status. But this state should not persist for a long time. Psychologists and obstetricians say that stress goes away after 3-4 weeks, sometimes after 2-3 months.

This time is enough for the mother to learn to confidently look after the baby and find a common language with him, and also to adapt to her new status in the family. Stress usually does not require consulting a doctor and, under favorable conditions, passes quickly and easily.

Everything is much more complicated when postpartum depression begins, the causes of which lie not only in hormonal changes in the body.

What is Postpartum Depression?

Hundreds of thousands of women immediately after the birth of a child experience unprecedented joy and a surge of energy. But after a couple of hours a strange feeling creeps into the soul, as if struggling with all positive emotions.

A young mother begins to feel mortal fatigue, her mood drops, irritability and anxiety grows. The postpartum woman cannot find the strength in herself for elementary physical actions. These are the first signs of postpartum depression, which is described as an atypical psychological and physical condition, expressed in a certain set of negative emotional messages and a decrease in activity in general.

Approximately 20% of women suffer from postpartum depression, and only 2-3% receive treatment. At the same time, about 80-90% of young mothers have a mild and moderate form of the disease. In most cases, they manage to suppress its manifestations on their own or with the help of loved ones who are able to suggest how to cope with depression, and what to do to restore harmony in the soul and head.

Doctors cannot accurately answer the question of why postpartum depression occurs. Previously, medicine wrote off everything solely on the physiological processes taking place in a woman's body. Science has long known how to treat hormonal disruptions. However, this therapy does not always bring positive results.

Even if we are struggling with barely beginning signs of an unstable psychological and physical state with the help of exclusively medications aimed at restoring the ratio of hormones in the body, the patient may continue to feel fear, fatigue and be depressed.

Observing dozens of families who have recently become parents, experts have come to the conclusion that this problem concerns not only women. There are recorded cases when postpartum depression is diagnosed in men. This proves that such a condition cannot be caused only by hormonal disorders in the body. The causes of postpartum depression are much more complex than normal physiology.

What is the impetus for an atypical perception of reality?

The birth of a child radically changes the life of a young couple. Especially if the first-born appears in the family, many familiar things for some time become inaccessible to the spouses. As a rule, it is impossible to fully prepare for what awaits new parents. After all, every child is different.

Even when a woman theoretically studies what postpartum depression is, its symptoms, and how to deal with this condition, in reality events can occur that can destroy a positive attitude.

In addition to chronic lack of sleep, the notorious hormonal background and general physical fatigue, and sometimes health problems that arose during pregnancy and childbirth, a woman is forced to rebuild her entire daily schedule. Some ladies find it hard to come to terms with this. When grandmothers or other relatives do not help young parents, the young mother is entrusted not only with the responsibility and care of the baby, but also with all the housework, which becomes more abundant with the advent of a new family member.

Added to physical fatigue are various parenting fears. Often, a newly-made mother cannot immediately find mutual understanding with the baby, adequately respond to his needs, correctly perform certain manipulations that require caring for the baby.

In some families, after a woman goes on parental leave, the standard of living is greatly reduced. Expenses are rising and incomes are falling. Material difficulties have a great impact on the general psychological state of the mother and other family members.

Often, after the appearance of a baby, relations between spouses deteriorate. On the one hand, a woman constantly does not get enough sleep and often experiences great pressure from others, to whom she seeks to prove that she is doing well with new responsibilities.

In addition, it changes in appearance and, as a rule, not for the better. It takes several months for a woman's body to get in shape. After childbirth, the vast majority of the fairer sex decreases libido. If there has been surgery or injury during delivery, recovery of sexual activity may take an indefinite amount of time.

On the other hand, against this background, the man, who is entrusted with the double responsibility for the material well-being of the family, does not receive the amount of attention that he could have counted on before. Lack of intimacy and changes in lifestyle sometimes contribute to increased excitability and even aggressiveness of the spouse.

As a result, conflicts and mutual disappointment occur in the couple, because each of the partners expects help and advice from the other on how to survive postpartum depression. And not finding support in a loved one, he feels anger and even more withdrawn into himself. It is almost impossible to cure this severe psychophysical condition without the participation of loved ones. After all, the atmosphere in the house plays a huge role in the adequate perception of each family member of themselves in the new status.

If a woman belongs to a certain psycho-type of personality, prone to mood swings, suspiciousness and isolation, then there is a high probability that the birth of a baby and the difficulties associated with it will only aggravate these manifestations.

Signs of postpartum depression

Like any other disease, the acute psychological state of a woman after childbirth has a number of features that manifest themselves to varying degrees. Symptoms of postpartum depression usually develop between 2 and 6 months of age.

However, these indicators can be individual and depend on the general state of health of the mother, including mental, as well as the social conditions in which she is. Experts say that it takes a woman about the same time to restore physical and moral balance as it does to bear a child. This is the classic answer to the question of how long postpartum depression lasts.

The peak of its manifestations occurs in the middle of the 9-month period after the birth of the baby. During this time period, signs of psycho-physical disorder are no longer regarded as manifestations of ordinary stress. Behavioral changes in a young mother can be classified as symptoms of postpartum disorder. They are usually divided into classic and additional. The diagnosis is confirmed if the young mother clearly shows at least 2 main and up to 4 indirect symptoms.

The classic signs of depression are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. General depression. For several days, the woman's mood does not change. She is sad for no reason. Tearfulness and irritability are often observed.
  2. Lack of interest in activities that were previously enjoyable. Unwillingness to do what you love, even if you have free time. A state of apathy.
  3. Physical inhibition, slowness in movement, sometimes stupor. Indifference to everything that happens around.

Among the additional signals about the development of postpartum depressive syndrome, experts identify the following manifestations:

  • guilt complex;
  • low self-esteem;
  • inability to make decisions;
  • fears for the health of loved ones, turning into phobias;
  • pessimistic perception of the surrounding reality;
  • thoughts or actions that could harm yourself or your child;
  • attempted suicide.

Even a person without medical education is clear that in the last 2 cases the situation has gone too far, and the mother needs urgent help from specialists who can suggest a way to get out of depression and prescribe adequate treatment.

But even the presence of several classic symptoms in a woman suggests that she needs special support and care. After all, if postpartum depression begins, how long this condition lasts depends largely on the atmosphere in the family.

Why is the depressive state of a woman giving birth dangerous?

Any pathological psychophysical state of a person can be dangerous for himself and the people around him. The loss of control over one's own emotions and actions sometimes leads to tragic events.

Today there are many examples of how postpartum depression manifests itself. Everyone knows the egregious cases of distraught mothers committing suicide after killing their children. These women did not always have mental illnesses that worsened during pregnancy and childbirth.

Some victims were driven to an extreme degree of despair by everyday and material difficulties, which were superimposed on hormonal imbalances and physical fatigue. Such a combination often leads to a temporary clouding of the mind, as a result of which a person is not aware of what is happening and cannot adequately assess the consequences of his actions.

At such moments, it is very important that there is someone next to the young mother who will tell you how to cope with postpartum depression and lend a helping hand. After all, even if a woman does not go to extremes, her depressed state has a negative impact on the development and health of the child.

During infancy, the psychological bond with the mother is especially strong. If the main person in the life of a baby all the time feels irritation and disappointment from his presence, then the child becomes nervous and capricious. His sleep is disturbed, appetite may disappear. The baby will cling to the mother. Demand increased attention, which in conditions of an unstable nervous state of a woman will only aggravate the situation.

Children whose mothers did not find a way to overcome postpartum depression in time, lag behind their peers in psycho-speech, physical and emotional development, in the future they are more likely to get sick, which is explained, among other things, by psychosomatic reasons.

The general negative impact of the pathological syndrome on the health of the mother and baby, as well as the situation in the family, should be minimized by the joint efforts of all its members. A universal remedy for how not to fall into postpartum depression has not yet been invented. But a number of measures to prevent it can be taken even at the stage of planning a child and during pregnancy.

How to prevent depression?

Prevention of postpartum depression is one of the best methods, if not to guarantee the absence of this syndrome, then at least to minimize its depth and negative consequences. Even at the stage of planning a child, a couple should become familiar with various specific psychological aspects that will inevitably arise in their life after the birth of a baby.

Responsible parenting involves serious self-improvement. It is better for spouses to organize a joint consultation with a psychologist. The specialist can explain in an accessible and gentle way how to smooth out friction in a relationship, how to avoid postpartum depression.

In recent years, antenatal clinics have increasingly begun to organize courses for pregnant women and expectant mothers, where all issues of concern to a woman are discussed in detail, from preparation for childbirth and the features of the very process of having a child, to caring for a baby and building relationships with her husband in new conditions.

The spouse should also get at least some basic knowledge of how to deal with postpartum depression. The support and love of a partner is simply necessary for a young mother. Sometimes this is enough to overcome the disease.

It is advisable that other relatives help the newly-made parents. If spouses have time to be alone, the relationship will become stronger as a couple. In addition, a woman just needs to have free time when she can get distracted from everyday routines and go about her hobbies or put herself in order.

What can a woman do to combat depression?

A young mother should know several ways to overcome postpartum depression. Healthy sleep is the key to good mood and well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the daily chores around the house.

Food can be cooked for a week or special preparations and semi-finished products can be made on weekends, when the spouse is taking care of the child. Cleaning also does not have to be done every day; it is enough to dust the nursery, but this does not take much time.

It is best to use your baby's sleep time for rest. During these hours, mom can read a book, get a manicure, watch a movie. If the child behaves restlessly at night, then during the day it is advisable to sleep with him.

At least several times a month, you need to leave the baby with dad for a couple of hours to go for a walk or go shopping. A change of scenery is a good way to take your mind off your routine. As for material problems that cause a lot of fear in young mothers, even at the planning stage, funds should be set aside, if possible, in order to create a financial safety cushion for the family in this happy, but difficult period.

In the most difficult moments, you need to remind yourself that all difficulties are temporary, and for a baby, a mother is the whole world, he experiences unconditional and all-encompassing love for her. The realization that someone accepts her for who she is, and desperately needs her care, gives new strength to a young mother.

But this happens when a woman has a mild form of the disease. Consulting a psychologist, rest, healthy sleep and care of loved ones are what works flawlessly in this case. If the pathological condition has dragged on for a year or more, or takes forms that are dangerous to the health of the mother and child, then one cannot do without the intervention of a psychiatrist.

Treatment of postpartum depression in such situations is carried out with the help of individually selected medicines until a positive result is achieved.

According to statistics, depression after childbirth is observed in almost half of the fair sex. The main manifestation of this syndrome is hypersensitivity. Such changes in the character and behavior of a woman are hard to miss. The duration of this condition can range from a couple of days to several years. Below, we propose to consider the main nuances associated with this phenomenon.

Childbirth is a huge physical and mental stress on a woman's body

How does postpartum depression manifest?

Before talking about what postpartum depression is, it should be mentioned that this syndrome can cause the development of life-threatening diseases. It is important to understand that the violation of psychoemotional breakdown should be treated with therapeutic methods. The development of this syndrome is accompanied by serious changes in the foundations of life.

This type of depression often appears within a few months after the birth of a child. At this point, a woman needs male support, since a mental disorder leads to a violation of the ability to perform certain functions. Over time, the main symptoms inherent in this condition lose their severity.

Lack of understanding and care, as well as a lack of recognition of the presence of a syndrome that is difficult to cope with alone, can lead to a deterioration in the physical and mental condition.

Many women, faced with this phenomenon, try not to attach importance to internal changes. Such a "masking" of the existing problem can lead to certain difficulties in further family life. According to statistics, every fifth woman has postpartum depression even several years after the birth of a child. Quite often, this syndrome occurs against the background of unsuccessful childbirth and the birth of a dead fetus. Often, the causes of PDD lie in childhood trauma and conflicts with parents. In this situation, the birth of a child is a kind of mechanism for activating a chain reaction.

How long does postpartum depression last? The duration of this condition depends on the complexity of the syndrome and the severity of the main symptoms. If a woman has a tendency to "blues" and depression, this condition can last for several years. If the feeling of depression is the result of violations of certain functions in the body, then this state can last for several decades. When PRD manifests itself due to the stress suffered, then a few weeks are enough to get out of depression.

In the postpartum period, there is a significant hormonal change in the body, which directly affects the psychoemotional state

Causes of depression after childbirth

After the birth of a baby, a lot changes in the life of a young family. Most often, such changes concern women. Changes in blood volume in the body, changes in blood pressure and hormonal imbalances are the main causes of feelings of loss. In addition, the following factors influence the development of depression:

  1. Predisposition. According to scientists, some types of individuals tend to imitate the behavior of their parents. The most acute manifestation, hereditary predisposition has during stress.
  2. Fear due to feeling of helplessness. Every woman strives to be an ideal mother for her child. However, not every parent can cross a certain psychological barrier. Fear of not meeting certain criteria can lead to thoughts that life no longer belongs to her. Indeed, starting from the moment of birth, she should devote all her time exclusively to the child.
  3. Lack of time. The inability to devote time to oneself and to put oneself in order can traumatize the psyche of any woman. The recovery period after childbirth is often accompanied by a feeling of pain due to changes in the body. In this situation, a woman can hardly cope with her household duties and caring for a child. Lack of rest and the opportunity to devote time to oneself is one of the main reasons for the development of depression.

According to experts, the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression are most often manifested in those women who have previously experienced a similar condition. The category of persons susceptible to the development of PDD includes people with mental illness or experiencing stress during the course of pregnancy. Here you should pay attention to the fact that the presence of this syndrome negatively affects the condition of the newborn. Lack of attention and care, quite strongly affects the formation of an emotional bond between the baby and the mother. According to the researchers of this phenomenon, postpartum depression has a definite impact on the future of the child.

It is in the first months after birth that contact with the mother's body is vital for the child.... When a woman is in a state of prostration, she cannot provide the necessary motherly warmth to the child. Against this background, the baby may have certain difficulties with self-defense and concentration. In addition, a lack of maternal care can lead to difficulties in the development of speech.

Symptoms of postpartum depression build up gradually

The reasons for the difficulties in expressing their own feelings are also associated with the presence of the syndrome in question in the woman. Experts say that postpartum depression destroys not only the woman, but also the child itself. It is much more difficult for children whose parents are faced with this condition to show their own emotions and interest in the world around them.

Clinical picture

The state of depression after the birth of a baby can be expressed by the following symptoms:

Stagnant milk. Having a self-centered nature often makes it difficult to adapt to new conditions. This leads to the fact that the young mother is unable to change the habitual foundations of life. It is difficult for such people to come to terms with the fact that their lifestyle must be completely revised.

Quite often, these mothers consider the newborn as their competitor in the struggle for the love of family and friends. The difficulty of correct perception and the lack of desire to take responsibility for the child's life is the main reason for the emergence of various difficulties and depression. In order to get rid of depression, a woman must again feel needed and desired.

Appearance changes. A condition comparable to panic manifests itself in young women in labor as a result of changes in appearance. Changes in body proportions, the appearance of stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite only aggravate the situation and nullify self-esteem. The presence of financial problems and an attempt at self-restraint only make the situation worse. In order to combat this syndrome, a man must take on some of the household chores. The emergence of free time, which a woman can spend as she wants, significantly accelerates the exit from the depressive state.

Lack of sex drive. Having a baby changes various aspects of family life, including sexual relations between partners. Some women are disgusted by the mere thought of sexual contact, since it was he who acted as the cause of changes in appearance. In a similar situation, coldness and indifference arise between the spouses. It is the absence of previous feelings and emotions that leads women to a depressive state.

Analyzing the questions about how postpartum depression manifests itself, the symptoms and treatment of this syndrome, one should pay attention to the fact that the depressive state can have several different forms of severity.

In some cases, the disease does not develop immediately, but only a few months after the birth of the baby

Neurotic type

This type of PRD develops in young mothers with neurotic disorders. Most often, this condition is accompanied by uncontrolled outbursts of anger and aggression. Often, the development of neurosis is associated with the negative course of pregnancy and the presence of factors such as the threat of miscarriage. Neurotic depression is often accompanied by panic attacks, anxiety, sleep problems, and obsessive fear.

Melancholic form

This syndrome is accompanied by lethargy and lethargy. Some women lose the ability to orientate in space. Quite often, there are repeated changes in mood and behavior. Attacks of hallucinations and the presence of delusional ideas about an infant are much less common. According to experts, this form of PDD syndrome is one of the most difficult. According to statistics, this condition occurs in about forty women out of ten thousand. In medicine, this phenomenon is referred to as "postpartum psychosis".


The somatic symptoms in this form of depression are similar to the neurotic form of the depressive state. Patients with this diagnosis have sleep problems, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss, and panic attacks. The woman lives in constant fear that her actions may harm the newborn. Often, a depressed state manifests itself in the presence of a predisposition to psychosis or the loss of a close relative.

Lingering type

The most common form of the syndrome in question. According to experts, this form of OCP is observed in every fifth woman in labor. Often, women disguise their depression as the difficulties associated with caring for a child. This form of the syndrome is characterized by a feeling of extreme fatigue and a lack of pleasure when dealing with a newborn. A baby's tears can be the cause of acute feelings of guilt, due to the obsession that the young mother is not doing her job.

When depressed, a mother cannot form a deep emotional connection with her baby.

Being irritated and trying to hide negative perceptions of the surrounding reality can lead to serious mental health problems. Avoiding this fate is quite difficult, since the risk group exposed to this phenomenon includes a fairly large number of different types of people:

  1. Women who have experienced a lack of maternal love and care. Most people in this category lacked a sense of security during infancy. Lack of parental affection and attention leads to the emergence of a desire for aggression and sadism.
  2. Women prone to hysteria with an obsessive fear of performing certain actions that could endanger the child's life.

Lack of self-esteem and lack of understanding on the part of loved ones only increase the likelihood of developing a depressive state. The regression provoked by motherhood is interconnected with the memories of conflicts in the family of the woman in labor. Public pressure and the desire to comply with established standards makes life difficult. The danger of this condition is explained by the fact that only fifteen percent of women turn to a psychotherapist with their problem.

Treatment methods

How to cope with postpartum depression on your own? It is impossible to answer this question, since the treatment of PDD syndrome requires complex measures carried out by the joint efforts of specialists in the field of psychiatry and neurology. To determine the treatment strategy, it is very important to undergo a functional examination of the brain. Organic lesions of this organ can significantly complicate treatment. In order to find a solution to the problem that has arisen, you should first visit a qualified psychologist.

In order to defeat this ailment, most women only need a few specialist consultations. However, in more difficult situations, the use of medications is required in order to normalize the functioning of the brain. In this case, women in labor are prescribed a course of antidepressants to get rid of feelings of depression.

Depression must be dealt with with the help of professionals, namely psychologists and psychotherapists.


Many women do not know what to do with their problem and are embarrassed to seek medical help. However, the lack of timely assistance can cause the formation of various diseases in both the mother and the child. At this moment in life, a woman needs the support of others. In men, such problems associated with the birth of a child, as a rule, are absent, and that is why support should be sought first of all from the husband.

Lack of attention and the presence of certain difficulties in adapting to the new circumstances of family life can lead to a chronic form of this disease. That is why one should realize the presence of problems as early as possible and seek qualified help.