Take the quiz what kind of vampire are you. Vampire or donor? Determine your type of energy

It is hard to believe, but there are such individuals according to their birth numbers. To understand whether a person has this gift is simple. Take the test and find out.

In the article:

Energy vampires by date of birth - how to find out

simply. See how a person behaves in society. There are separate, signs by which they can be identified.

Sometimes it is difficult to judge by primary signs whether a person has a quick-tempered or whiny character. In order not to harm loved ones, take this test to your friends and determine if you are the one who feeds on someone else's energy.

You will find out who from the environment you need to beware of, and who is regularly forced to “feed” such personalities with energy. How to dispose of the information received is up to you.

Energy Vampire Test

Decide what type of person you are. There are five of them:

  • energy-eating vampires;
  • victims are donors;
  • neutral characters;
  • white magicians;
  • black wizards.

For testing, take a piece of paper, a pen.

Write your date of birth in full. Let's take 06/18/1994. Add up the numbers (1+8+0+6+1+9+9+4=38).

The result must not be a two-digit number. Add up the two resulting numbers (3+8=11). Once again (1+1=2).

As a result, one number remains. In our case, this is 2. It can be used to determine belonging to energy bloodsuckers.

One or two

If the result of the test is the number 1 or 2 - this person is a vampire. Consciously or not, he draws energy from those around him, using the resource to achieve his goals. Perhaps the victim of circumstances is not to blame that nature has given such a gift.

Find out if the test-taker knows about his abilities. If he wants to get rid of them, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. You need to learn to control the process and not succumb to the desires of his evil "I".

Do not be afraid if such a person lives with you under the same roof. Many are able to draw energy from others. It is not fatal if it happens unconsciously. Learn to set up barriers correctly, to defend yourself even from involuntary attacks.

If your acquaintance deliberately replenishes resources at the expense of others, protect yourself from communication with this character. There are several techniques that will help you and.

Numbers five and seven

The people who get these numbers as a result should be especially careful about who they communicate with. They - donors. Subject to negative influence, it is easier to attack them.

Carry with you, which will protect you from the effects of evil, repel the attack. Learn to build mirror, energy barriers. They will help protect you.

Regularly replenish the reserves of vital energy, as it tends to run out quickly. To do this, visit places of power. It is important that these are not cemeteries (where you can become easy prey for sorcerers), but places filled with positive energy:

  • temple;
  • churches.

Walk in nature more often, as contact with it will restore lost strength.

Threes, sixes and eights

you especially lucky. You do not have the ability to take energy from others. But you won't become a victim either.

Such people neutral. Their energy is so powerful that it automatically creates a barrier around them, and a vampire rarely manages to break through it.

You are practically invulnerable. As a precaution, carry a talisman against evil forces with you, build protective barriers.

number nine

You have supernatural powers, but you are not a vampire.

The number 9 is characteristic of people with powerful positive energy, they can be white magicians.

If you do not develop the potential, it will remain unmanifested. Work hard to become a good wizard.


Those born under this number have an unusual gift. They are able to move from one state to another. Such people are strong black magicians. When they have a sufficient reserve of strength, they can remain in a neutral state and will be reliably protected from any extraneous negative influence.

Finding that their strength has dried up, they can become vampires and feed off the victims.

The black magician can take on the abilities of people born under the number 4 and control energy flows.

The most successful couples

Feeding on other people's powers isn't so bad. Such people can be helpful.

If the family has a vampire and white magician, this is an ideal union, since the second may not know where to put all the energy. The first one will take the rest, there will always be a balance in the pair.

Often the union donor with a vampire(or black magician) may be successful. To do this, the first need to do what you love, sports, a lot of rest. So he will accumulate positive emotions that he will share.

Neutrals and whites- harmonious combination. They understand each other and support each other. But such a family prefers business relations, friendship, rather than love.

Donors and whites- great couple. The exchange of energy occurs by mutual agreement, without the use of force.

A strong friendship is possible between donor and neutral. The second will protect a friend from the harmful effects, and then both will be reliably protected from extraneous influence.

Vampire and black- a good combination. The magician is able to control the flow of energy, his companion will not have to starve from its lack.

A controversial combination vampire (or black) and neutral. If these two live in the house, there will be no harmony in the relationship until the first one learns to control hunger and stops attacking the neutral. Or it will be fueled by other sources.

Energy vampires are people who by nature have an underestimated energy potential, and therefore are accustomed to consuming other people's energy. To do this, they use different methods: scandals, humiliations, complaints and other psychological manipulations, the main purpose of which is to provoke you to emotions.

In this article, we will tell you how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth using a simple test.

According to this doctrine, all people are represented by the following types:

  • vampires;
  • donors;
  • neutrals;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

And to find out which of the categories you personally belong to, we suggest you resort to a simple calculation. You should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you get a two-digit number as a result, you will need to add the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bagain to end up with a single-digit number.

Let's look at this with a specific example:

Date of birth - 05/25/1994.

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 =35.

Based on the resulting value, we can conclude what kind of person you are in terms of energy. Next, we will consider which numbers correspond to which category of people.

Energy Vampires: Ones and Twos

But one should not immediately try to accuse such a person of all mortal sins, because for the most part the vampire takes away the energy of those around him completely unconsciously, because such is his essence, and he is not able to change it. If it so happens that your close relative acts as an energy vampire, whom you cannot not communicate with, talk about this topic and offer alternative energy sources.

For example, a pet would be an excellent donor. In addition, nature, sports, good music will fill you with energy.

Energy donors: fives and sevens

You are lucky if, as a result of mathematical manipulations, such numbers are obtained. They characterize the typical donor. But you can recognize him not only by calculations - you need to find the most cheerful, noisy person, whose life is always in full swing around - this is the standard donor.

And if you look even more closely, then next to the donor you will always find a couple of "bloodsuckers" who, like fish-stickers, do not want to leave the walking storehouse of energy and are fed by life force from it.

But if the donor is strong, he may well cope with several energy pumps, the main thing is that their number does not exceed all permissible limits.

Neutrals: threes, sixes, eights

In some cases, neutrals can be fueled by the energy of others, but this is more of an exception to the rule. It turns out that neutrals refer to ordinary people, who are now the most.

White magicians: representatives of the number nine

It should be noted that nine is a rather rare number in the date of birth. In terms of its energy potential, it is stronger than even the most powerful donor, because in this case, not a single vampire can take your energy without obtaining your consent.

It is also noteworthy that the representatives of white magicians themselves generously give away their vitality to others. It is the “nines” who become psychics, healers, brilliant doctors, these are all white magicians who managed to reach their full potential.

Black magicians: four

And the last category of people is a group of black magicians who have the number four in their date of birth. Along with their white opponents, they also control energy flows, so they never experience a lack of energy. But if the black magician wishes to suck strength out of someone, he will not need to resort to any specific methods at the same time - scandal, complain or talk a lot - just come up, take as much energy as you need and leave.

Note that black magicians are not a very common category, and those who were able to fully develop this potential in themselves can be easily counted on the fingers.

Energy vampire signs by date of birth

There is another method for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth. The amount of one's own energy is a constantly changing indicator, which depends on many factors (state of health, emotions experienced, and so on).

Next, we offer you a second way to interpret the meaning of your personal number. Its calculation is performed in exactly the same way as in the first case - just sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit.

And then we turn to this interpretation:

  • if the final result is less than five, the person has low energy, he constantly needs energy replenishment;
  • if the final number varies from five to seven - your energy is normal, you do not need to vampire others in order to take their energy;
  • and if the final result exceeds seven, you have so much energy that you can share it with others without loss for yourself.

Which of the described methods to believe, it is up to you to decide. And we offer you effective recommendations on how to restore your energy after communicating with a vampire.

Ways to replenish your energy

If you yourself are an energy vampire or have suffered from the actions of such a person, you need to restore the disturbed energy balance as soon as possible.

  1. Spending time in nature will help a lot: walk barefoot on the grass more often, lean against tree trunks, bask in the sun and feel that the forces of nature fill every cell of your body with vital energy.
  2. Contact more often with animals or plants - they also bestow vitality.
  3. Turn on your favorite musical compositions, with their help you will eliminate the source of irritation and negative thoughts.
  4. Shown to take a shower. Water perfectly eliminates all negative energy.
  5. Fill yourself with joyful emotions and positive experiences as much as possible - for this, communicate with friends, have fun and concentrate on the positive.

Now you know how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth and how to restore energy after communicating with him. Finally, watch the informative video:

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and way of life. In addition, we have different energy. The nature of human connections and contacts depends on it. Have you thought about why you are friends with this particular person, and the other is completely unpleasant for you, although he is not bad in character and very attractive in appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to a compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. You can determine your type using numerology. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 02/17/1990 = 1+7+0+2+1+9+9+0 = 29; 2+9 = 11; 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is an energy type number. Now you need to find its decoding and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires. Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of the people around them. They need a constant supply of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. The process of absorption of energy, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors. Numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors are those who give energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their life forces leave each time.

Neutrals. Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take, but do not give energy. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape.

white magicians. Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing ability to control their energy. They can give it away when necessary, but they themselves never seek to take energy.

black magicians. Number: 4. Representatives of this type can be neutral, and can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Relationships between people are built on the basis of these types. Oddly enough, but the union of the donor and the vampire can be very successful for both, unless, of course, the energy of the donor is enough for two. And if the donor himself suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with the vampire will only bring him negative. Neutrals and white magicians are a very successful union. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are a balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common ground.

Vampires and black magicians are an unsuccessful union. Each of them will try to draw energy from each other, which will lead to the devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to charge the magician with energy at the right time. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

We are interested to know if you managed to calculate your energy number, tell us in the comments who you are, a vampire or a donor? If this information was useful to you, click on and

16.07.2013 14:42

Numerology allows you to calculate not only your life path by date of birth, but also to identify abilities ...

There are a lot of energy vampires, but it is impossible to recognize them right away. Frequent and close contact with them...

Hearing the word vampire, some people panic, others are delighted, and third parties remain completely indifferent. In fact, the definition of the word vampire is quite ambiguous, since even in the most fantastic films and mythical legends, vampires are different. Some creatures are represented as voracious blood-sucking killers, while others remain sensitive and vulnerable, even in the other world. Such features are also inherent in ordinary people, and the “What kind of vampire are you” test allows you to find out which of the fantastic bloodsuckers a person is by nature, zodiac sign.

What can you learn by taking the test

By giving answers to simple questions that allow you to mentally immerse yourself in a comfortable environment that is not related to reality, the test-taker has the opportunity to evaluate his abilities, as well as look at his inner world with different eyes. Having determined which of all the vampires that exist in our time is a person, he can understand what he is inside: gentle, passionate, evil, formidable, sweet, responsible, suffering, or some other kind of person. Also, the passion test “What kind of vampire will you be” will allow you to determine how to behave with others in order to achieve your life goal.

Psychologists' opinion about the vampire test

According to psychologists, a test with pictures “What kind of vampire are you” in the form of a game must be passed by individuals who cannot find their purpose in life. Thus, if a person does not understand what is hidden behind his external image, who he is in his soul, and what to do with it, tests developed by experienced psychologists will help him figure it out.

Energy vampires suck out the life energy of others, plunging them into apathy, pessimism, and even nervous breakdowns. You can recognize such people in various ways: by calculating by date of birth, by noticing a number of external signs, or by analyzing their behavior.

Who are energy vampires

There are people who unconsciously or consciously “pull out” someone else’s energy, thereby feeding on it. These people are called energy vampires. Just as those who want to satisfy physical hunger are able to steal food from other people, the vampire steals life energy from those around him.

Who is the most likely victim:

  • a sympathetic person, a good and reliable friend, who is always ready to help in difficult times in order to get his location, energy suckers use tricks, gaining the trust of a generous person, and then use it. It can be either a girl or a guy;
  • overly trusting and respectable people can attract an energy stick and, without suspecting anything, do good deeds, thereby opening up to him, and he, playing with feelings, more and more attracts the victim to his person in order to absorb vital energy;
  • a merciful person who is not indifferent to the troubles of others.

Energy vampires are fueled by the vitality of gullible and sympathetic people.

Is it possible to become or cease to be

The tendency to vampirism can be not only innate, but also acquired. People temporarily become thieves of other people's vitality as a result of:

  • illness;
  • experienced stress;
  • the absence of a loved one or partner to rely on.

Small children and old people also often "vampire" energy. The first - due to the fact that they themselves are not yet able to quickly replenish it, the second - as a result of a natural decrease in vitality, lack of activity and positive communication. So, if it seemed to you that the grandmother at the entrance was constantly looking askance at you, then it didn’t seem to you.

Young children can be energy vampires when they lack parental love and attention.

You can stop being an energy vampire. To do this, it is enough to learn how to replenish vitality on your own:

  • spend more time in nature;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • fully rest;
  • make time for hobbies;
  • enjoy every little thing that happens in life.

If a person learns to take energy from nature, favorite pastime, activity, he will not need to steal it from others.

How much harm can they cause and to whom?

Contact with such a person may cause you:

  • physical ailments (pressure drops, heart problems and sudden headaches);
  • neurological disorders (feeling of exhaustion, decreased ability to work);
  • emotional changes (despondency, loss of interest in activities, decreased self-esteem, nervous breakdown, loss of life purpose).

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth

To calculate, you need to know the day, month and year of birth of a person. For calculations, it is worth preparing paper and a pen.

Write down the full date of birth on a piece of paper, for example, 02/06/1995. Then calculate the sum of the numbers you wrote down (0+6+0+2+1+9+9+5=32). It turned out a number of two digits, it must be reduced to one. For example, we got 32, add 3+2=5. By this figure, you can determine whether a person has a tendency to energy vampirism.

You can start with friends or relatives: calculate the potential of your boss, girlfriend, or even mother-in-law. Not always disposition or disregard for your person speaks of vampirism.

One or two

If after the calculations you get 1 or 2, most likely this person has a tendency to steal vitality from others. Intentionally or not, but he feeds on your energy, replenishing his strength for vivacity and action.

Do not immediately break off relations with this person. First, try to figure out if he knows about his features. Perhaps when you talk to him about it, together you will definitely find a common solution to the problem.

If one of your family members turned out to be a potential vampire: a husband, mother or brother, then you should not be especially afraid of him, limit communication with him, because there is no threat to life as such. You just need to be more careful not to give in to attempts to provoke you into any emotional outbursts.

Ones and twos are the most aggressive energy vampires

Threes, sixes and eights

If the result of your calculations is the number 3, 6 or 8, this person does not have the ability to draw life forces out of people. On the contrary, such a person has good immunity to energy vampirism. She is strong in spirit, has a fairly stable character and a powerful aura that creates an impenetrable armor around her that is insurmountable for an energy sucker.


The number 4 means that the person has supernatural powers. If this potential is developed, such a person can become a powerful sorcerer. Persons whose date of birth comes down to four are fickle in their connections, they have no tendency to become attached to people. Thus, they protect their energy. But if suddenly, due to illness or stress, their supply of vitality is exhausted, he can easily become an energy vampire, and strong enough not to let go of his victims.

Five and seven

It is important for people with a five or seven to be very careful when making new acquaintances. They are the most vulnerable and can become easy prey. To protect yourself, wear a ward that will create powerful armor around you and will not allow you to steal your energy. You tend to quickly expend vitality, so to replenish them, get out into nature more often, go for walks, find time for a hobby that gives you pleasure and fills you with positive emotions.

It is important for fives and sevens to regularly replenish their energy reserves, because they are among the most likely donors of vitality.


If the result is the number nine, the person whose date of birth you worked with has magical powers. Such a person cannot steal someone else's energy, on the contrary, she has a very clean and bright aura. Initially, the “nines” have the greatest gift, in order to develop it and achieve great success, you should actively work on it. Otherwise, it may never open up.

Video: how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth


vampirism by zodiac sign

All signs of the zodiac can be both vampires and victims. According to the horoscope, only a predisposition to absorb other people's vitality can be calculated. Much depends on the environment, lifestyle and other factors.


Aries show very strong abilities to steal other people's energy, and this extends not only to family members and relatives. Outsiders can also fall under the influence of a vampire. With his arrogance and habit of expressing himself in a rude way, he unsettles the victim. If she begins to show aggression in response, the goal has been achieved. Negative emotions are released outward, allowing the Aries vampire to quench his thirst.


For Taurus vampires, it is important to establish tactile contact with their victim. Such people skillfully use their ability to arouse sympathy and compassion for others in others, while during a conversation they touch various parts of the body:

  • shake hands;
  • hug;
  • touch the shoulders.

Telling heartbreaking stories about how unfair fate is to them, Taurus evokes sympathy from the victim and absorbs her energy.


Gemini vampires satisfy their energy hunger by spreading a variety of false facts. It can be someone's unconfirmed rumors, gossip about other people. They feel lonely and rejected if they do not engage in verbal communication with someone for a long time. Representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to frank phone conversations that try not to finish as long as possible.

Vampire twins are prone to long conversations, especially on the phone.


Cancers are accustomed to setting a goal and gently but persistently achieve it. Such people give the impression that they always have everything under control. They can be quite strong vampires or, on the contrary, become a victim of an energy sucker, but there will be no particular harm from this, since representatives of such a zodiac sign are able to quickly restore their energy losses.

a lion

Lions draw the energy of admiration, becoming the soul of the company


Virgo's sensitivity helps them recognize the energy vampire. Sometimes they try to set him on the right path, urging him to think about his misdeeds. At the same moment, representatives of this sign do not reject the offender, but voluntarily give him their attention, surround him with care, and express a desire to support him. Virgos are not particularly afraid of the machinations of energy suckers, if they are provoked into a conflict, they try to settle it or simply ignore it.


Libras are harmless and never provoke scandals. They are energized from outside. When those who start a conflict with all the ensuing consequences come into view, most often representatives of this sign prefer to remain on the neutral side. In doing so, they absorb the vitality of those who quarrel.


The most insatiable energy vampires are Scorpios. Starting a scandal with colleagues or a loved one, they know exactly what strings to pull in order to get the desired treat. After contact with a representative of this sign, you can feel physical discomfort:

  • aching headache;
  • tinnitus;
  • prostration.

The most harmless Scorpio vampires are signed by the energy that is released during sex, which is why they are great lovers.

Scorpios are one of the most insatiable energy vampires.


Among Sagittarians - the smallest number of energy vampires, since the patronage of the planet Jupiter provides them with good nourishment. In exceptional cases (illness, stress), representatives of this sign steal other people's vitality in this way. They categorically express their point of view as a fact that is not subject to discussion. This causes a storm of indignation - this is exactly what the hungry Sagittarius was waiting for.


Capricorns are used to getting their portion of vitality by establishing patronage over other people. Often, energy vampires who belong to this zodiac sign show real bloodthirstiness at work, exhausting their colleagues with remarks and moralizing, finding fault with every little thing. This is also the fault of teachers in universities and schools.

Such assertiveness often deprives the victim of confidence in their actions, she forgets about the boundaries of her duties and unconsciously tries to do someone else's work so that she is not considered an unimportant employee or student. Capricorn vampires feed on feelings of chagrin, despondency and confusion, suppressing the will of their victim.


Aquarians are recharged by dynamic and positive people. Representatives of this sign are open by nature and quickly find a common language with anyone. Their sociability helps to make a large number of friends, and among them there are quite a few carriers of powerful energy.

Aquarians are fueled by positive people, entering their circle of trust.


Pisces are easy prey for the energy vampire. They are distinguished by a refined nature and weak character. Becoming a victim, representatives of this zodiac sign reach the last stage of apathy and begin to need recharging themselves. They get their portion of vitality by telling sad stories from life, evoking sympathy and pity in people: she is a bad mother, an unhappy wife, and no mistress ... Is it a pity? That's it!

How to recognize by visual signs

Important signs of vampirism are wrinkles between the eyebrows and around the lips. They indicate constant indignation and dissatisfaction with life, which are expressed with the help of facial muscles. Most often, such irregularities are very noticeable in older people, but these grooves can also appear in young people. In the second case, you need to be extremely careful.

Another feature is the look. Have you noticed that sometimes a person looks at you in such a way that it becomes creepy, you want to fall into the ground or run away? Thus manifest themselves those who steal the vitality of others. Another option is an eternally sad look that drives one into melancholy.

The color of the eyes of energy vampires tends to change, the shade becomes cloudy or very bright. The second option manifests itself when they receive a portion of vital energy, especially from a large number of people.

In people who have the ability to drink other people's vital juices, the corners of the mouth are most often slightly lowered. It can also be a sign of a capricious, quarrelsome nature and constant discontent.

Their face most often expresses:

  • despondency;
  • sadness;
  • disappointment;
  • excitement.

If there is such a person in your circle of acquaintances, pay attention to what emotional state you have after communicating with him.

The skin of energy vampires is most often pale, the gait is sluggish, uncertain, as if a person’s thoughts are very far away. Often such people are thin, and they use this feature of their physique, boasting about it. They do this, for example, so that those around them, who dream of a slender, graceful figure, envy and additionally feed them with their emotions.

External signs of an energy vampire in the photo

How to identify them by behavior

If you communicate with a person for a long time, the easiest way to determine whether he is an energy vampire is by his behavior.

evoke compassion and pity

Most often they are not interested in questions of self-development, improvement. They constantly impose a negative mood on others, complain about fate, tell how fate is merciless to them. Surrounding, experiencing compassion, feed them.

Provoke quarrels and annoy

Those who like to profit from someone else's energy deliberately start a scandal, one might say, from scratch, provoking others. Energy vampires often become the instigators of various brawls, trying by any means to draw as many people as possible into the conflict. Having arranged a performance, they fade into the background and absorb the energies of rage, irritation and despair.

Often you can meet such people in long queues, especially in clinics, where conflicts often arise.

Energy vampires often provoke conflicts.

Vampires tend to spoil the mood of others in all possible ways, for example, with the help of sounds:

  • listening to music loudly
  • loudly and emotionally tell someone something on the phone;
  • creaking chair;
  • drumming their fingers on the table.

Such actions can cause a storm of negativity, which feeds such a person.

When communicating with an energy pump, it seems that time has slowed down, there is no way to find a common solution that would satisfy him and be acceptable to you. He often changes his mind. All in order to make you nervous and keep you in this state for as long as possible.

Lying and insincere

Vampires are trying in every possible way to harm others by spreading rumors and gossip. They enjoy watching when people begin to sort things out, enter into an argument or blame each other. Their main goal is to sow enmity, turn friends into bitter enemies.

It is common for such people to deny their words, not to fulfill these promises, not to return borrowed money on time. Fans of feeding on other people's energy are often late for meetings, they do not warn, if they are not going to come at all.

Cause embarrassing situations

Energy vampires are not tactful in their actions. They may brazenly ask for a visit or simply come to your house without an invitation. When it is time to leave, energy suckers enjoy the awkwardness of the situation, absorbing the emotions of the owners. Such people like to take others by surprise, to notice embarrassment or confusion. These are stubborn people who like to poke their nose into other people's business.

Energy vampires love to invade the living space of others.

Create feelings of guilt

Energy vampires often feed on guilt. They love to be asked for forgiveness. Thus, those who like to profit from the life force of others exalt their person to incredible heights. They are good at making a person think that he acted dishonorably and shamelessly (even if not so), to disgrace someone in front of others.

Nobody is trusted

Often, energy vampires weave intrigues, luring them into their invented world. Therefore, it is natural for them not to trust anyone, because they are very afraid of exposure. Craftsmen stealing vitality never show sincere feelings. For each person, they choose a different image so that no one can find out about their deceit.

They want to be the first in everything at any cost

The meaning of the life of vampires is based on always being in a winning situation. In any dispute, they will find how to profitably get out of the situation. Energy suckers believe that they must always and in everything be better than others.

Energy vampire seeks victory by any means

They love to manipulate people.

Energy vampires play with the feelings of others, create situations that force them to do or feel what is beneficial to them. For example, they may threaten their partner with breaking up, realizing that they will not do this.

Physical touch is the easiest way to absorb someone else's energy. They transmit life force like electricity through wires. With a large crowd of people, the level of discomfort increases, and people are more aggressive. This is used by energy vampires, hitting someone with an elbow or allegedly accidentally pushing someone standing next to them.

Video: how to recognize an energy vampire in a man


How to behave to protect yourself from energy loss

Ways to deal with an energy vampire:

  • strengthen your self-esteem;
  • train character;
  • do not let your feelings be manipulated, respect yourself;
  • trust your intuition, don't be too gullible.

If you are in constant contact with an energy stealer, try to make eye contact as little as possible.

To protect yourself from energy vampirism, it is important to strengthen self-esteem and learn to love yourself.

Use intentionally against the vampire what he is so afraid of:

  • don't be afraid to leave him alone;
  • boldly speak directly to his face about his mistakes and weaknesses;
  • learn to say "no";
  • from time to time be the first to invade his personal space.

Another way to protect yourself from a vampire is to build a barrier between you. Imagine that a wall is growing and strengthening between you, which reliably protects you from its influence.

Video: how to calculate an energy vampire and protect yourself from it


What to do if you yourself are one

If the signs of energy vampirism indicate: "Yes, it's me!", Do not despair and "go over to the dark side." Realize that in the current period you really need additional nourishment. Not receiving it naturally, you unconsciously learned to take away the vitality of those around you.

All you need is to learn how to replenish energy with the help of nature, favorite activities, physical activity. Be positive, develop, rejoice even in small things. Then you will have enough strength, and you will not have to take it away from others.

An energy vampire can be calculated by date of birth or horoscope; external signs also indicate a tendency. But the most accurate way to determine is the analysis of human behavior. Constant complaints, provoking conflicts, manipulation - all these actions are habitual for those who draw out the vitality of others.