Unusual mystical places on Earth. The most terrible places on earth

If it seems to you that the scary of the castle of Dracula in the world is nothing, it means that you read a lot and travel a little. The island of dolls, the cemetery of hanging coffins, the suicide forest - Elle picked up the top 10 of the most terrible places in the world, a visit to which can not only expand your horizons, but also to deprive sleep.

Naska is the name of the city and the desert plateau in the south of Peru. The tiny city with a population of 27 thousand people constantly tee tourists. Some want to look at the mysterious drawings left on the dry desert soil, others - to visit the Cemechilla cemetery. Raisy in the suburbs of Naska, this necropolis is literally open for visitors. Imagine large holes laid by sticks in which the dead are sitting. An amazing embalming technology has kept the body - at least the bone - in perfect order. Among the inhabitants of Chachilla is full of those who can boast of magnificent hairstyles - this is despite the fact that the last dead man buried the 11th centuries ago.

The city on the shores of the river of the same name is two kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Until on April 27, 1986, it was a rapidly developing atom, all residents of which one way or another were related to nuclear power plants. Immediately after the monstrous accident at the station, almost fifty-thousandths of its population was evacuated and the city turned into a monument. Rather, the memorial. So it costs more than thirty years empty, becoming a terrible open-air museum. Residential buildings, hospital, kindergartens and schools, playgrounds, ferris wheel - everything remains. And not a single soul.

In the Echo Valley, that in the Philippines, full of rocks. The coffins hang closely to his friend. Local are convinced - the higher the body of the dead man is located, the faster it will be in heaven. Make them to merge the bodies - useless. Tradition to bury the dead in the air there are more than two thousand years, and how and what the coffins are attached, the locals do not tell - this is a secret.

In the suburb of Mexico, there are many islands, the most famous, of course, La Isla De Las Muñecas, the island of dolls. In the fifties of the last century, the young man named Julian Barrera witnessed the death of a child, girls, drowned by this island. Barrera left her doll, and from that moment he began to be the spirit of the victim. To drop the Spirit, Giulian began to hang on the island found on the trash old dolls. And in the end, it was settled on this island. In 2001, after his death (Barrera, like the same girl, drowned next to the island), the case was continued by enthusiasts, his relatives. Dolls here a lot and together they look very terribly.

The present name of the mansion located in Transylvania is Bran, but he knows, of course, as the castle of Dracula, the Count Vlad Fourth, who received a nicknamer, because of love for sitting on the count of his subjects. The castle built on the edge of the abyss is an absolute embodiment of the Gothic style: a dark decoration, coming sounds (the reason for which the chimney is starting to buzz with strong wind). The main attraction castle is a bedroom Dracula with a huge bed, it is here, according to the legend, the owner preferred to drink the blood of his victims. Looks like a "house" very well-keeped, for which Francis Ford Coppol, who invested in the reconstruction of the castle, when he removed his shielding of Bram Stoker's novel.

In the Czech village of Lukov from the XIV century there is a church of St. Jiri (St. George). He emptied in 1968, after the fire began during the funeral and the roof fell. A few years ago, the sculptor Yakov Hadrava, preparing for the surrender of the thesis, decided to turn the church to the site for his experiments. And populated the empty building with human statues whose head is covered under bedspreads. The spectacle is fascinating and terrible. Teachers, by the way, also penetrated the diploma Yakov - in this original form - accepted.

The famous Mount Fuji is known not only by itself: her foot is lying Aokigahar, a dense forest in which the rocky caves are full. In Aokigahar, it is incredibly quiet and very, very gloomy. Already in ancient times, the forest was considered the place of "residence" of monsters and ghosts. And it was here that the inhabitants were overlooked and left their loved ones, which could not be contacted - weak antiquities and children. The Dark Reputation of Aokigahar is might and main in the way of people, inclined to reduce scores with life. Over the past 60 years, the bodies of more than five hundred suicides were found in the forest - in this sense, Aokigahar is inferior only to the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

It is not surprising that the "forest of suicides" under the string is nobbled by signs calling for potential suicidants to catch up. The Japanese believe that by entering Aokigahar, it will not be possible to get out of it. Therefore, only rescuers, looking for those who want to commit suicide, are visited, and cough tourists.

Here are four centuries in a row, until the end of the XVIII century. There was little space, a lot of bodies. As a result, there are more than 100,000 dead on a small area. To all the places enough, the old tombstones fell asleep the earth and immediately set new ones. Thus, 12 layers of graves typed. Over time, some layers, because of the requested Earth, climbed into the light of God, having gone to the later, and the cemetery became like a crowd at a rush hour in public transport.

Here it is, South American Gothic in all its glory. Swamp Manchac spread out not far from New Orleans and calls not otherwise as a marsh of ghosts. Slaves from their owners fled here, but none of them from here was chosen - everyone was eaten by gigantic crocodiles. The spirits of the dead and the most crocodiles are the main ingredients in the terrible mencle menu, places, so attracting tourists. The swamp is actively expanding excursions, both in the day and at night.

Built in Portugal in the XVI century, the chapel is packed by the remains of the monks: more than five thousand people are resting there. Bones, skull here everywhere, where neither throw a look. And the inscription on the roof of the building is "better the day of death than a birthday" - sets up an optimistic way.

Despite the fact that the abandoned cities and terrible corners of the Earth suggest horror on impressionable tourists, hundreds of travelers in search of acute sensations are constantly coming to these worst plates of the planet.

Prague cemetery

One of these terrible places in the world is the Prague cemetery with 12 thousand ancient gravestones, which operated in the Czech Republic for four centuries. In this cemetery, there were their latter sweeps of missing travelers, but most often the luxurious processions were buried wealthy citizens. The territory of the cemetery is small, but 100 thousand dead is resting here. It is noteworthy that the older burials were sprinkled, then the new dead were buried on top of them. Thus formed about 12 tiers: now travelers can observe a terrible picture - the interlaced land has exposed several upper "floors" with coffins and gravest plates.

St. George Church

The St. George Church is also in the Czech Republic, in one of the tiny villages: tourists go to the abandoned temple attracted by an unusual legend. Once during the next funeral, the roof over the church collapsed. Onswor holy place of Czech artist Hadrava decorated with numerous sinister ghost sculptures.

Mexican island of abandoned dolls

The Mexican island of abandoned dolls attracts lovers of adrenaline exotic forgotten toys. In the middle of the last century, the hermit settled here began to collect and "settle" on the island of the dolls thrown into the garbage. About a thousand broken and mutilated toys are tied to trees - many dolls are sitting on Earth or hang on the branches: so the hermit decided to perpetuate the memory of the drowned in the Girl Bay.

Chapel of bones

The next terrible place of the world is impressive - the chapel of the bones, built by many centuries ago by the monk-Franciscanian in one of the cities of Portugal. A small chapel in size holds the remains of five thousand monks. The roof and walls of the tomb are decorated with intricate inscriptions in Latin.

Paris catacombs

Paris catacombs famous for the whole world are a winding system of underground tunnels with extensive caves and descents. The network of communications with a length of up to 300 kilometers runs under Paris: more than 6 million people found their shelter here.

Japanese island Hasima

The most mystical destination of the world also consider the Japanese Island Hasima. This abandoned mining town once gave the country coal: Quarry and Mine worked at the end of the 19th century. Here went in the hope of earning: miners tightly settled the island with families. Almost 40 years ago, the company became unprofitable, coal mines were closed. Now this island has become popular with the tourists by the Ghost City.

Savizian forest

Jukai, the famous suicide forest is located on one of the Japanese islands and entered the story as a bad place, where thousands of people have reduced the scores with life. The forest initially used bad glory thanks to the old legends about ghosts, and since the middle of the last century, suicides were intended into these terrible thickets. Downtown for several hundred meters in the forest, along the tracks you can find things - shoes, clothes, bags of departed from life. Knowing how attractively a place for people with a weak psyche, authorities set a warning poster with a confidence phone number.

Burial of fiery mummies Kabayana

Among the most mystical places in the world are also called the burial of fiery mummies Kabayana in the Philippines. These remains of more than seven centuries: Local believe that spirits of mummified deceased still inhabit the burials. The peculiarity of local customs - buried mummies in small gold capsules from the tree, laying the bodies of breath in the most inconvenient poses.

Magic market of Achodsev

In the magical market of Achodsev, which lies in the center of the capital of Togo, you can see sorcerers, which still practice magic Voodoo and enjoy in the rites of a terrifying type of dolls. Customers and fans of monstrous artifacts are offered to buyers and fans of monstrous artifacts, magical accessories, drugs and potions, dried monkeys, hare and chicken paws, various souvenirs and local charms.

Mental hospital

In the ranking of terrible places in the world of tourists attracts the old psychiatric hospital in the city of Parma: once she was one of the successful clinics in Italy, but over time the building became unfasteless. The masterpiece from the object made an artist from Brazil, who painted the walls of the hospital with silhouettes of patients. Ghostly figures decorate the building by rare visitors a terrible atmosphere of an Italian abandoned hospital.

Plague Island

In Italy, there is another terrible landmark - a plague island in the Venetian lagoon. It has long been adapted for the residence of the patients who referred here from all over the country. There are more than 16 thousand plague, but local people believe that their souls did not calm down and still twist over the graves. The gloomy reputation of the island is supported and legends, according to which terrible experiments put on patients.

Saintreilia city

The connoisseurs of the genre of horror and realistic computer games are going to the American city of Saintreilia for special impressions: it was here that the famous horror movie "Silent Hill" was filmed. This town in Pennsylvania is famous for the fact that because of the extensive fire, the population almost left these territories. The underground fire is not yet extinguished: the atmosphere of hopelessness is emphasized by ash particles in the air over empty streets with destroyed houses.

Mount Crosses

The most mystical places of the world in the last century were replenished with a new attraction - the mountain of crosses with old Lithuanian crosses is a terrible view of a hill that is not at all a cemetery. According to numerous legends, everyone who installed the cross here will receive good luck and change fate for the better.

Cave in Belize

The cave in Belize attracts tourists a strange atmosphere of the cult of ancient Maya. This unusual archaeological monument is located near Tapira Mountain and is famous for a kind of cathedral, equipped in one of the cave rooms. There were bloody sacrifices for terrible deities. Maya also believed that it was here that gates to the underworld.

Cemetery Chauchilla

In the list of the most terrible places of the planet turned out to be the Peruvian ancient cemetery of Chachill. The attraction of the country is close to Nask Plateau known to the Ufologists. Necropolis was discovered by scientists about a century ago. Attracted the attention of archaeologists. Method of burial: the dead seated into the graves, covering their bodies with a special composition. Thanks to the ancient recipes, the dead is perfectly preserved: the dry climate of the Peruvian desert contributed to this.

Snake Island

In Brazil, the Snake Island is considered the most terrible place: the territory is famous for the presence of a huge number of serpets - here on every square meter of forest land can be found up to six dangerous and poisonous reptiles. Now tourists are forbidden to visit Kamead Grandi due to the risk of attacking huge poisonous reptiles.

Paw triangle

A molars of the most terrible places in Russia got a molars: this is a remote village of Perm region, in which an abnormal activity of UFOs is noticed. Formerly, Mansi lived here, who made sacrifice to their gods on a stone plateau.

Also in Russia there is its own exotic city of the dead: the small Ossetian village of Dargavs is famous for its richly decorated scholets.

Overto Bridge

One of the bridges of Scotland, Overto, became sadly famous for the inexplicable cases of suicide among dogs. Dozens of pieces rushed down on the stones and dying, and the survivors went up to repeat the attempt.

Hanging coffins Sagada

The list of the most terrible places of the planet would be incomplete without hanging saga cages - in the forest of one of the villages in the Philippines, original funeral structures are arranged. Local bury the dead, hanging them, so that the souls of the left ancestors were closer to the sky.

Sanctuary of Tofet

In the Tunisian Sanctuary of Torch several centuries ago, they sacrificed animals and children: such was the peculiarity of the bloody religion of the old Carthage.

Unfinished metro in Cincinnati

The grand construction is striking the atmosphere of abandonality - unfinished metro in Cincinnati. The depot was built at the end of the 19th century, but the branch was frozen for economic reasons. Now the depot can be trapped several times a year, although diggers from all over the world are often visited by an unfinished metro on their own.

1. Cytay hosted black bamboo.

In many countries, there are so-called "valleys of death", where mysterious and abnormal phenomena regularly occur. One of the most strongest abnormal zones in the world is considered to be the Hayju Valley in the south of China, the name of which is literally translated as the "Hollow of the Black Bamboo".
For many years, a lot of people lost in the hysterious circumstances in the mysterious circumstances, the bodies of which were not found. It is quite often terrible accidents occur and people die.
So, in 1950, the plane crashed in the valley for an unknown reason: there was no technical problems with the vessel and the crew did not report a distress. In the same year, according to statistical data, about 100 people were missing in the hollow!
After 12 years, the valley "swallowed" as many people - the whole geological exploration group disappeared. He survived only the guide, which told what happened.
When the expedition approached the valley, he was a little behind, at that moment a thick fog suddenly appeared, because of which there was nothing to be visible within a radius of about a meter. Guide, feeling inexplicable fear, froze in place. A few minutes later, when the fog dissipated, the band was no longer ...
Geologists, as well as all their equipment, were not found.
In 1966, the detachment of military cartographers disappeared here, which were engaged in adjusting the relief maps of this area. And in 1976, a group of foresters disappeared in the hollow.
There are many versions explaining the anomalous properties of the black bamboo hollow - from the action of a person's consciousness of vapors secreted by rotting plants, and strong geomagnetic emissions to the transitions in this zone in parallel worlds.
Be that as it may, the mystery of the Chinese "Death Valley" still has not been solved, which attracts many tourists here. There is even a souvenir trade here.

2. Dolina headless gold kits in Canada

In the north-west Canada, there is also a valley that has similar gloomy fame. Until the beginning of the 20th century, this desert area did not have the name: she received his terrible name only in 1908, after the skeletons of the overwhelmed three years earlier, the gold kits were found beheaded
By the end of the XIX century, the Golden Fever covered the North-West Canada - in 1897, incredibly large-scale mining of precious metal was carried out in the famous Klondike.
A year later, the Klondike fever ended, and wishing to be easily and quick to get rich had to look for new "golden places". Then the sceners went to the valley located along the South Shanni River, which local Indians went by the party.
The gold killers did not pay attention to the superstition. They had no longer seen them. It was the first official registered incapacity of people in this area.
In the Canadian police card file, official data on the numerous victims of the valley are preserved: since she received its unavailable name, people regularly disappeared, and then their bodies were beheaded.
Interestingly, most of the dead were gold kits, while each of them was distinguished by a strong physique and could stand up for himself.
It was assumed that the gangsters, or locals, thus protect their gold in the Valley of Headlines. Indians, however, argued that people kill the local "snowy man" - Saskwach.
In 1978, an expedition led to the Valley headed by Henk Mortimer's scientist. Six researchers were equipped with the latest technology and, of course, were ready to defend themselves.
Reaching the place, scientists reported that they installed the tent and depart deep into the valleys. Closer to the evening another call rang. The operator heard a writhing cry: "Emptiness comes out of the cliff! It's terrible ... ", after which the connection was interrupted.
Of course, the rescuers were sent to the expedition parking place, which, arriving there on a helicopter after half an hour after the message, did not find any people nor tents. The decapitated body of one of the researchers was detected only six days after the tragedy.
After that, the terrain found the fame of mystical location. And people continued to disappear ... In 1997, a group of scientists, specialists in the anomalies and military, who also disappeared into an ominous valley. The last thing they reported is: "We are surrounded by a thick fog" ...
The mystery of the murderous valley is not disclosed to this day, but, despite this, curious tourists continue to see her willingly attend.

3. Islands of the island of Sebl in the Atlantic Ocean

In the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 180 km south-east of Canada's shores, drifting the "nomadic" sick-like island of Seb.
Since this small island has been opened by Europeans, he inspired the most real horror of the navigators. As soon as he was not called: "Eater ships", "island of shipwrecks", "deadly saber", "Ghost Island" ...
And in our time, the secl is called the "Cemetery of Atlantic." By the way, his official name in English means black, mourning color (Sable).
Of course, such a sad fame was not accidental - here shipwrecks really constantly happened. It is now difficult to say how many ships found their death here ...
The fact is that in the coastal waters of the sabral, navigation is very complicated due to two currents found here - Cold Lambrador and warm Golf Stream. The flows generate the waterways, huge waves and the movement of the sandy island.
Yes, Sable moves in the waters of the ocean. To the east, with an approximate speed of 200 meters per year. Moreover, together with the position of the cunning island, which is poorly visible due to permanent fogs and gigantic waves, is constantly changing and its size.
So on the XVI century cards, his Dina was about 300 km, now it decreased to 42. It was assumed that the island would continue to completely disappear, but in the last century he began to increase
The fate of the crashing ships aggravated the nature of local sands - they quickly delay any items. Huge courts were hiding under the ground completely in just 2-3 months.
The last victim of the insatiable island was the American steamer "Manhassent" in 1947. After that, 2 lighthouses and a radio station were installed on the sailing - since then the disaster has finally stopped.
Nowadays, about 20 - 25 people are serving on the island - they serve lighthouses, a radio station and a local hydrometeorological center, and also know how to carry out rescue operations - in case of shipwreck.
These people work in very difficult conditions, and not only because of the permanent fogs and hurricane winds - many of them say that they see the ghosts of dead sailors. Not surprising - they live literally on the bones.
One of the workers even had to be evacuated from the island, since every night he was begged on the help of ghosts with the victim here in 1926, the collapse of Silvia Mosher.

4.kashmar Venice

In romantic Venice, too, have its mystical places. Almost not far from the wonderful canals of the city there is the island of the reseaglet, which has discouraged the dubious glory of the real "horror symbol".
It all started at the time of Rome, when they brought here on the faithful death of the views of the plague to isolate society from them.
In the XIV century, during the second epidemic of this disease, or black death, a hopelessly sacred sick venetians were overgrown, where, in terrible flour, they were forgated with life. People were buried in one huge fraternal grave.
According to beliefs, due to the fact that the dead did not have time to bury, the bodies simply burned, so now the soil island is half consists of human ash. They say, in total, about 160 thousand unfortunate died here.
In 1922, on the terrible island, the "Neighborhood of Lost Souls", discovered a psychiatric hospital. That's where the real nightmare began here - patients complained about wild headaches, and at night they were the ghosts of the dead people, the patients heard wild cries and screams ...
And in Venice there were rumors that the chief physician of this hospital himself hurts and puts experiments on the mentally ill - experiencing prohibited drugs and sophisticated medical techniques on them, and in the bell tower of the hospital carries out lobotomy with the help of heater - chisels, hammers, drills ...
If you believe local legends, soon the doctor himself began to see the ghosts of the reseaglet, after which, in the seizure, madness dropped from that very tower.
In 1968, the reseaglee was finally abandoned, now no one lives here, the bell tower of the hospital serves just a guide, and even fishermen try to stay away from the damned island - they are afraid of the lacquer instead of fish to catch human bones.
The authorities, and the Venetians themselves, refute all these rumors - they claim that the island building would have served just a holiday home for the elderly. However, in its dilapidated rooms, there are still hospital beds and debris of medical equipment

5. Writing Lake Ivachevskoye in Russia

Russia also has its ominous zones. One of them is located in the Vologda region near the city of Cherepovets - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe local Lake Ivachevskoye, on the shores of which are resting both in the summer and winter.
Explorers of abnormal phenomena consider this place with a glible, because people are quite often disappeared. At the same time, as in any other similar case, the explanations of these mysterious phenomena find many - in the disappearance of people accused of aliens and monsters, unknown evil forces and transitions to other worlds.
Some who visited the lake tell that when they approached him, heartbeat and breathing slowed down, and then a feeling of complete serenity appeared. However, already at the water itself, calm was replaced with anxiety, turning into an inexplicable fear - it seemed that there was something hostile nearby.
Other "eyewritten" said that they even felt some power, which forced them to obey themselves. Perhaps that is why suicide occurs here so often.
Four years ago, a group of researchers was sent to the area. As a result, scientists revealed signs of geomagnetic changes in this area, which may cause abnormalities.
Skeptics are found a much more prosaic explanation of people's disappearances - in all misfortunes they blame not far from the lake of the swamp.
At the same time, the most swamps in the XIX century were called alive due to a much larger number of crimes and suicide performed here, unlike the other Russian provinces.
However, local residents, like skeptics, are confident that Ivachevskoye is the most common lake, because nothing strange happened to them there. I think the truth somewhere in the middle.

6.Shotaland Overto Bridge.

In the Scottish old Overtoon estate, which is located a few kilometers to the north-west of the city of Glazko, there is a stone arched bridge over a small river, built at the end of the XIX century.
Until the middle of the next century, the bridge was the most ordinary, and nothing strange with him was connected. And here, in the 50s of the 20th century, completely inexplicable events began to occur here - with one of his niche began to regularly jump the dogs, most of which were broken to death, since the height of the bridge is 15 meters.
Surprisingly, a few surviving four-legged, despite pain and wounds, rose again to that very niche and repeated suicide attempt, as if they were forced some kind of unknown force ...
About once a month, a variety of dogs repeated the fate of their unfortunate precursors. Of course, the appearance of a mystical legend did not make himself wait long.
Local residents began to tell that the deaths of dogs push two ghosts - the spirit of the child, who threw his own father from this place, and his father who repented, flew after Chad.
However, scientists put forward their assumption about the causes of a strange phenomenon. The fact is that rodents live under the bridge, and dogs, taking into account their smell, just follow the hunting instinct. Although this theory does not explain the repeated jumps of dogs that contradict the instinct of self-preservation.
Therefore, those who believe in abnormal phenomena suggest that the Overto Bridge can be a kind of transition to the otherworldly worlds, and dogs pay their lives for excessive curiosity.

7. Puzzles of the Bermuda Triangle.

Perhaps the most famous mystical place in the world is the Bermuda Triangle, the Atlantic Ocean section between the Bermuda Islands, Florida and Puerto Rico.
The name of the Bermuda Triangle has already become the name of the nominal and, of course, we all repeatedly heard stories about the inexplicable and non-trained disappearances in it of ships and aircraft, about the ghost ships, abandoned by the crew, about the mysterious movements in time, instant in space and many other creepy Things.
Explanations to all these phenomena there are also a great set - someone claims that there are aliens here, others believe that temporary or black holes are temporary or black holes in the Bermuda triangle, others suggest that all the faults are in space, and some even think that people kidnap Residents of the disappeared Atlantis!
Skeptics and scientists do not find any mystical skeptics in the evil glory of the triangle - it has been established that this area is very complex for navigation, since there are many shamers here, and storms and cyclones are often born.
In 1502, the Bermudes navigator comes from Spain near the shores of Central America came across the islands surrounded by dangerous flames and reefs. He called them the islands of the devil. And only after a few decades later, they began to be called Bermuda in honor of him.
For many centuries, the Bermuda district of the Bermuda islands confessed dangerous among travelers, but so much unfavorable zone expanded only in the XX century.
It all started in 1950, when the correspondent of Associated Press, one of the world's largest information and news agencies, wrote about the mysterious disappearances in the area called by the Devil's Sea. The famous name appeared only after 14 years in the publication of Vincent Gaddis in one of the spirits.
However, the present popularity of the triangle brought the book of Charles Bermuda Triangle of 1974, where all the mysterious cases that occurred in this zone were collected.
At the same time, it was found later that some facts in the book are notated incorrectly, while other strange cases occurred generally beyond the boundaries of the same triangle.
The opponents of the mystical theory of this area indicate that in many other, the most ordinary places of our planet, inexplicable accidents are also quite often occur.
Be that as it may, in a short time, we can say something mystical in the Bermuda triangle, or not, and there are generally mystical phenomena, or everything anomalous just did not have time to explain science.
One thing is completely clear - rumors, myths and legends are never emerging from scratch.

Our planet never ceases to amaze us. In each corner of the Earth, there are unusual, and mystical places that make scientists and researchers look for a raystery of their uniqueness. To many of them are easy to reach, and they have long become the favorite objects of visiting tourists. Others are located in hard-to-reach places and are still waiting for their researchers. Why do we attract the most mystical places of the world so? Probably, each of us wants to believe in miracles and that there are mystery in the world, which scientists have not yet been able to reveal. We offer readers a selection of 10 mystery and mysterious places on earthwhose riddles are not yet solved.


Blood Falls, or bloody waterfall Can scare anyone who sees it for the first time. This is a rust-red flow arising from the Taylor glacier in Antarctica. This amazing natural phenomenon was open in 1911. At first, scientists thought that the color of water, strikingly resembling blood, was caused by algae living in the lake under ice, from where the waterfall originates. But studies have shown that the color, as well as the salinity of water gives microorganisms inhabiting the lake. Their age is about 1.5 million years.

A unique bloody waterfall - on 10th place among the most mystical places in the world.

9. San Ji Resort

If abandoned homes and hotels produce an oppressive and frightening impression, then the ghost cities are able to cause even greater fear. The fashionable resort on Taiwan coast was built for secured guests. 60 futuristic houses in the form of a plate of UFOs were to become a celebration of engineering thoughts of the resort builders. But then the economic crisis hit and the construction was rolled. However, there is another version - workers who built houses received injury and died. Local residents decided that the wines of all were evil spirits living in those places. Ninth place in the rating of the most mystical places on the planet.


Hayju Valley, or a black bamboo hollow, located in southern China, consider one of the most mystical places on the planet. Many believe that this is the strongest anomalous zone, although no serious scientific research has been held here. The valley has a reputation as a mystical place, since it is credited with many cases of disappearance of people. Eighth place in the list of the most mysterious places on Earth.


Having occupied the 7th place in the list of the most mystical places in the world, is located in the town of San Antonio Del Tegrandam on the Bogota River in Colombia. It was built in 1927 and closed in 1990. An abandoned building has become an attractive place for those who decided to reduce scores with life. It must be said that the appearance and the surrounding area contribute - the hotel is made in the Gothic style and is located near the waterfall in a secluded place, which gives him a rather gloomy look. Despite its reputation, the abandoned hotel attracts many tourists.


On the 6th place among the most mystical places in the world is Indian lake Roopkundlocated at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. Every year, when snow melts, you can see hundreds of skulls and skeletons on its shores. Therefore, the second name of the highland reservoir is "Lake Skeletons". Even at the endXIX. There were rumors that there were numerous human remains on his shore and the day. They say that they were first noticed by pilgrims, once in 12 years visiting the sacred place called Homkund. Their path lies on the shore of Lake Roopkund. The researchers were able to get to the hard-to-reach place only in 1942. Rumors about skeletons were confirmed. After that, the expeditions of paleontologists, anthropologists and geologists reached the lake. On the shores and at the bottom of the lake, hundreds (presumably up to 600) skeletons were found. Approximate their age - from 500 to 800 years. After the general analysis of the remains, it turned out that most of them belong to men.

Many hypotheses of the causes of the death of people in Lake Roopkund were summed up: avalanche gathering, an epidemic, mass suicide. Subsequently, when analyzing the bones, it turned out that damage to them was applied with huge gradines (up to 7 centimeters in diameter). A group of people walking along the banks of the coast hundreds of years ago died due to the strongest hail - this is one of the most likely versions of the appearance of hundreds of skeletons in this place.

5. Island of Lady

The infamous island, located in the north of Italy in the Venetian Lagoon, takes 5 place in the list of the most mystical places in the world. INXIV. A century because of the attack of the Genoese Fleet The population of the island was forced to leave him. For a long time, the pilot was empty, until in 1922, a psychiatric clinic was opened on the island. It existed not long, until 1968, but since then the lead is considered one of the most mystical in terrible places in the world. According to the legend, during the Roman Empire, the island was used as a reservation for patients with plates, which were also buried. Their souls inhabit the lead and now, inspiring fear of all curious, coming to the island behind the sharp feelings.

4. City Machu Picchu

On the 4th place among the most mystical places on the ground is the lost. He is hidden in Peruvian Andes on a high steep mountain with a flattened top. He managed to avoid the invasion of Spanish conquistadors. For centuries, the city was cut off from the outside world, until he was found in 1911. As researchers found out, Machu Picchu was not destroyed - his inhabitants just once left the city. What is the reason forced them to do it - unknown so far.


Great Pyramids Giza and SphinxThe experienced millennia and still proudly towering under the sky of Egypt - in third place in the list of the most mystical places on Earth. They are investigated along and across, but still scientists have not approached their secrets to them. We do not know what these monumental structures were built and how they could survive the destructive effect of time.


The territory turned into a gigantic necropolis cannot not have a mystery. They are considered not only one of the most mystical, but also terrible places in the world. The network of tunnels stretches under Paris 300 kilometers. Initially, they were quarries for limestone mining. Then, when the cemeteries of the growing city ceased to accommodate the dead, the remains of the burial were seized, cleaned and laid in abandoned careers. The dust of more than 6 million Paris is resting here.

On Earth there is a lot of incredibly interesting, unusual and. Do not forget about mysterious, mystical, and sometimes frankly creepy places, looking at which the spirit captures and covers sincere horror. It seems that these otherworldly landscapes broke through to us from another world - the world of nightmares, monsters and ghosts. And despite the fact that most terrible places were created by nature, there are also areas that were created by the dark and terrible hands of the people themselves.

Below is a selection of photos from the most terrible plates of the planet.

The abandoned city of Pripyat, in close proximity to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, at which in 1986 an accident took place, which was killed about 10,000 people who died from the consequences of radiation exposure. Photo: Galtal Ball.
View inside the abandoned Church of Gary, Indiana, made in the Gothic style. Photo: Chris Arnold.
Huge desert of fruitless land in San Juan County in New Mexico. The entire desert is filled with surrealistic landscapes created by combinations of rock formations and fossils.
"Gate of hell" - a place of natural gas in Derweze, Turkmenistan. In 1971, Soviet geologists have discovered the gas field. During drilling, scientists came across the void, which led to the collapse and release of gas. To avoid poisoning people with natural gas, it was decided to set fire to the fault. It was assumed that the burning will stop in a few days, but the fire will still be fire. Photo: Tormod Sandtorv
Whale Valley (Wadi Al-Hitan) is a place of paleontological excavations, where the remains of ancient whales were found. Fossils illustrate the evolutionary process and argue that whales originally dwell on land. Photo: Roland Unger.
Death Valley is the National Park in California, the territory of which is the hottest and dry venue of North America.
If you are afraid of height, then the cliff Trolltunga in Norway would have been almost the most terrible place on the planet. It hangs horizontally at an altitude of more than 700 meters above the RingedalsVatNet Lake and opens a chanting view of the Hardanger Valley. Protective fencing on the rock is not provided. Photo: Terjen.
The desert of the National Park in Namibia, which is a house for a 900-year-old forest of dead trees, which once grown here. Trees do not decompose due to the too dry climate of the area. Photo: Ikiwaner.
Located north of the White Desert, the Black Desert of Egypt is not far from Oasisa Bahariya Oasis. The desert is known for its black sand and black breeds of volcanic origin. Photo: Rolandunge.
Deer Cave in Malu National Park is a house for more than 3 million volatile mice that live on the cave ceiling, at a height, which in some places reaches 140 meters. Cave is located in Borneo, Malaysia. Photo: Robbie Sean.
One of the most gloomy and mysterious cemeteries on the planet is in Sheffield, United Kingdom. Almost all the graves in the cemetery are Unnamed, and the locals say that from time to time there are ghosts roam, explaining that in the 19th century the cemetery was the place of frequent grave.
Hashima Island in Japan has been populated from 1887 to 1974, when coal mining happened here, providing thousands of jobs. When the amount of coal in the field decreased, people began to simply leave the island, as a result of which he was completely abandoned. PHOTO: YAVES MARAN AND ROMEN MEFFRI.
The mountain of crosses is the place of pilgrimage in the north of Lithuania. Over the centuries, crosses, giant crucifixes, statues and thousands of tiny crosses were brought here by Catholic pilgrims. The exact number of crosses is unknown, but according to experts estimates 10 years ago there were about 100,000 there. Photo: Joe Clamer.
The metro of the American city of Cincinnati is one of the largest abandoned tunnels on the planet. The construction stopped back at the end of the 1920s before half of the 25th kilometer line was completed. The metro tunnel is located between the Central Business Area of \u200b\u200bCincinnati and Norwood suburb. Photo: Jonathan Warren
Boiling lake is located in Morne-Python National Park in Dominica. Because of the cracks in the crust of the Earth, endless gas and steam flows are broken out, causing infinite boiling water.
More than 50 large transplants of the Second World War are buried under the thickness of the Truck's lagoon. Many sunken vessels have freight trims, full of tanks, bulldozers, railway cars, motorcycles, torpedoes, mines, weapons and human remains. Some divers also report that they saw ghosts among debris at the Truck's Lagoon Day. Photo: Adam Chorving
The person passes by the walls of the skulls and bones in the catacombs of Paris. The catacombs were used to store the remains of generations Parisians in an attempt to cope with the completion of Paris's cemeteries at the end of the 18th century. Photo: Boris Croat
Abandoned amusement park, not far from Berlin, in Germany. The last visitors of the park were here 13 years ago, since then he is empty, everything overgrown with trees and bushes around everything, and this deserted place looks terribly and frightened.
Lake Kaddo, located on the border of Texas and Louisiana. This is a terrible place full of surreal strange plots. In the lake full of flooded trees and bushes, which grow here more than 400 years.
One of the caves of the island of Phangrong, which is simply sisite with bats hanging from the ceiling. Photo: Jerry Redforne
The chandelier from the bone, hanging in the crypt sedale, the Czech Republic. The crypt was built in the 14th century, after which his walls were filled with the remains of 40 thousand people within 4 centuries.
The grove of the forest is located in the north-west of Poland, it is filled with hundreds of pines, which at the base have a strange bend by 90 degrees. Grove was planted back in 1930. After several years of normal growth trees, they were pressed to the ground, for which a special technique was used, which kept the young trees close to the soil. After several years of such an experiment, the trees were released, and their poles were irretrievably deformed.
Creepy, mysterious bloody-red waterfall erupts from the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica. This waterfall resembles an endless flow of blood feeding out from under the ground. In fact, it is water from an underground lake rich with iron. Photo: Peter Reisk.
Bran Castle, known as "Dracula Castle" stands among the Transylvanian mountains in Romania. It is only one of several places associated with the legend of Dracula, but it retains its mystery and attracts crowd tourists every year. Photo: Sean Gallup.
Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave in Belize, famous archaeological excavations associated with Maya tribes. There are remains, ceramics and other household items. The photo shows a skeleton of a teenage girl, which, judging by the entourage around, was sacrificed.
A flock of vultures flies above the trash dump of La Chureca - the largest landfill of Central America, located in Managua, Nicaragua.
Beds and furniture remained in the psychiatric branch of the abandoned Poveglia Hospital in Venice, Italy. The full Poveglia Island used to be used as a quarantine for the victims of the plague.
The chapel of Kaplica Czaszek in Czermna, Poland is decorated with 3 thousand human bones and skulls and another 20 thousand bone fragments underlying the chapel in the crypt.
Puppet Island, located in Xochimilco Channels South of Mexico City. He became a house for hundreds of creepy dolls. The island dolls are devoted to the memory of a little girl, drowned in the canal many years ago.