Description of the fire and kitchen inventory. Hiking dishes or what is CLMN what material to choose

Hello everyone.

I think you, like me, not one more or less prolonged way out of nature do not cost any cooking food. This is the weld porridge, and the sick-smelling soup or ear, and fragrant tea, cooked in nature and because acquiring unusual notes.

First, I feel so easier, you do not need to look for firewood and extract, which is especially important in wet weather.

Secondly, you do not need to take some.

It does not say at all about the fact that I do not use the fire.

Bonfire launches for heating and drying things, scaring the gnus and pleasant evening gatherings in a friendly company.

The second that you need to decide - number of consumersTo which we choose dishes.

It is clear that for two - three people, the set is needed smaller than for ten, but what to do when the number of consumers is not known in advance.

It is better to use the Russians - "You may come to someone to someone or someone will come to us." And to look after the option of muddle.

For a couple of consumers, unnecessary dishes can always be left at home, but if a big company is going to campaign, the whole set is useful.

And it is the set, and not separate parts of it. It is more convenient not only from aesthetic considerations.

All parts of the set are very well adjacent to each other and stacked one in the other as a nesting thing: it seems to be a little place, but you will get all the nests, you can feed the mouth.

What is usually a set:

  • one or more saucepan (butchers)
  • pan
  • teapot
  • bowls
  • circles
  • half
  • handle - grip for saucepan and frying pan

I described a complete set of dishes, but in such a configuration, it takes it very rarely.

The kettle and frying pan are replaced by a saucepan, as a bowl serves the lid from the same saucepan, the plug is replaced with a spoon, the knife is not used from the set, but the usual, marching.

Yes, spoons, knives and plugs in the set do not enter or enter very rarely.

Maybe I continued with something, but in order to save space and reduce weight, often, and come. Even in spoons of holes are drilled to relieve them (in the handle, of course, and where did you think?).

So, the preparation was determined, now the choice itself.

We will choose to several criteria:

  • material dishes
  • brand


At times, such materials are not so distant for the manufacture of dishes (including the cast iron, steel and aluminum.

The cast iron in a careful matter did not fit because of his gravity, and steel and aluminum are still successfully used.

To advantages food aluminum You can attribute a small weight, good thermal conductivity and low cost. Due to the good thermal conductivity of food in such a dishes, it practically does not burn.

The disadvantages - the strength of the dishes leaves much to be desired. The dishes of the early years of release, in addition, oxidized and distinguished bad substances.

Anodized aluminum Compared to food, has undergone a number of changes. In addition to low weight, the anodization added to it greater strength and resistance to scratches, and a non-stick coating is even less stability.

True, the price has become twice as high as the dishes from food aluminum.

By minuses include the fact that such dishes are not desirable to use for a fire, only for the burner. Why? We read above.

Stainless steel More durable material than aluminum, but has a smaller thermal conductivity and greater weight. Due to uneven heating, burning food is possible. Steel dishes, compared to aluminum, heats up longer, but also holds the temperature longer.

It can be used both with a burner and outdoor fire.

The price of steel dishes is approximately the same as in the dishes from anodized aluminum.

Titanium dishes - dishes from the field of space technology. It is light, durable, and expensive (infection). The thermal conductivity of titanium is three times less than that of steel and 15 times less than that of aluminum, therefore heathe in it is liquid, it would seem, challenging the task.

But due to the fact that the material is very durable, the thickness of the walls is usually twice as thinner than that of aluminum dishes, and the water in it does not boil much longer. In addition, Titan does not burn lips and retains food hot.

You can also use for a fire and for the burner. It is easier than steel dishes is cleaned from the soot, and it can be done even with a knife (not scratched).

Such a disadvantage as uneven heating is compensated by non-stick properties of material and food does not burn in it.

In addition to any set of metal dishes, plastic plates, bowls, cups, etc. are often attached. I think there is no need to paint them, because no one plans to have great requirements for them. Available in stock, and okay.

Weight An important factor for hiking dishes, because it, like all the rest of the gear, is on the back.

If, for example, take the boilers of the same volume, but made of different material, the gradation of the weight will be approximately as follows:

Based on the above, and guided by the table, it can be noted that anodized aluminum and titanium is the optimal ratio of weight / strength. Stainless steel has greater weight, food aluminum - less strength.


There are quite a few manufacturers in the tourist dishes market today. Here is some of them:

  • Expedition (Russia)
  • Pinguin (Czech Republic)
  • Camping (Ukraine)
  • Tatonka (Germany)
  • Kovea (South Korea)
  • Fire Maple (China)

These brands generally produce excellent products, someone better someone is slightly worse, and whether they stand behind them - everyone's personal matter.

I will only say that the presence of a brand in most cases speaks about the quality of the product (although there are exceptions 🙁), and for this quality, each of them wants to get its own price. And the price of different brands may differ at times.


The table shows the prices, on the same composition of the composition of the dishes, from different brands (2 boosters: 1.5 liters, 1 liter, frying pan, not counting plates)

I will say right away, approximate prices, because it is hard to find two completely identical sets from different brands, but I think for example.

Here is a brief and all about choosing dishes.

Fifth Avenue, Powerful Amphibian Car, Powerful Tank Car, Reliable Alibi, Powerful Alpha Meter, Comfortable Andrazol, Military Attache, Public Audio, Beautiful Ballet Fantasy, Our Bandera, Beautiful Batumi, Powerful Beta Radiation, Our Library - Storage , fashionable bikini, strong brandy, our BTR (armored personnel carrier), summer bungalow, an important bourgeois, favorite Waterpolo, Air Force (no kind of military air forces), a wonderful meeting-meeting, strong whiskey, powerful military-industrial complex (military industrial complex), Dark Veil, Beautiful Gagra, French Newspaper "Figaro", Fashionable Butterfly Tie, Soviet GKO (State Defense Committee), Hot Gobi, Saratov Goron, Wise Guru, Beautiful Neckline, Beautiful Delhi, Young Dandy, Dear Jersey, Geometric Diagonal, Comfortable Sofa bed, our DND (Voluntary People's Friend), yesterday's accident (road traffic accident), beautiful blinds, new utility (housing and construction plant), authoritative jury, comfortable diner-machine, This is a grain, delicious Ivasi, a noble idalgo, a wonderful impresario, a beautiful cacatoo, a yellow rosin, delicious potatoes, a comfortable cafe-dining room, a beautiful apartment-museum, a familiar cliché, a little hummingbird, beautiful configuration, delicious coffee (extra. Delicious coffee), comfortable rocking chair, old Cure, young lady, noble Madame, Italian Marrengo, famous mafios, proud Milady, Bloody Corn, Harmful Mole, Delicious Montpanne, Mysterious UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), Beautiful Ontario, New Ort ( Public Russian television), interesting essay review, beautiful pavilion exhibition, wise padre, young pan, controversial penalty, old pensne, beautiful dress-costume, old cloak tent, fashionable plist, little pony, night porter, vintage press papier - Gaggigal, delicious puree, night randnev, carefree Earlier, our ranch, interesting rugby, old relay, fair referee, interesting rodeo, old piano, squeezing, tasty salami, powerful sirocco, old sombrero, my tabel, absolute taboo, beautiful Tokyo , roofing only, transparent tulle, delicious beans, American FBI (federal investigative bureau), soft flannel, respectable Frau, authoritative FSB (Federal Security Service), Virtuosive Fuet E, Japanese Hokkaido, Japanese Honshu, African Tsetz, Popular Miracle Baby, New Shampoo, New Chassis, Old Chimpanzee, Cheerful Show.

Exercise 31.

Benbankard, Banknotes and banknote, sandals, shoes, bracelet, boots, boots, bucket, aviary and aviary, Georgine and Georgina, Ghetera, Grenok (add. Grekka), Guipure, Giraffe (add. Giraffe), Giraf, Giraffe, Candelabr, key (additional keys), comment, adjust, cuff, attic, monisto, rocker, pancake, placentar, jumped, pursuit, tomato, proska (add. prosk), rail, sandale, sandal, sneaker, slipper, shoe, film, Surname, Chinar and Chinara, Scarecrow, Tentacle, Epolet (Extras. Epole).

Exercise 32.

Any vegetable, any apple, any tomato, all potatoes, tasty rabble, transparent tulle, old sneaker, old shoe, a junior vest, Dedovskaya dad, our persol, our shampoo, high mezzanine, insatiable mouse, huge mol.

Exercise 34.

1. Teeth Wolf sharper dagger. 2. On the old ridge almost left teeth. 3. Corps A new clinical hospital could have noticed at the entrance to the city. four. Corps Horses darkled away. five. Roots Trees kept poorly in or soil. 6. The grandfather's favorite dish was mushroom soup with king. 7. Large loskuta The skin was lying at the table. 8. The boy in heoded clothes ran down the street, losky His clothes were flying in the wind. 9. From the light of the moon, the sky and the sea were painted in dark blue tonya. 10. Sheets The papers were scattered throughout the floor. eleven. Leaves Trees have already been painted in yellow-red tonya. 12. It is necessary to eliminate everything brakeswho interfere with the implementation of economic reform. 13. Torkemose The car was faulty. 14. In my opinion, you do not go bright colors In clothes. 15. Bright red flowers Stood in a vase. 16. How are all old husband, Olga's husband was jealous. 17. Scientists men Committed for a long time, but never came to a single solution. eighteen. Order We were awarded to soldiers immediately after the battle. 19. Jesuit and Dominican order - Some of the most ancient in the Catholic Church. 20. At the time of production practice, we were given factory pass. 21. Simple accounting scores Now replaced computers. 22. Images Tatyana Larina and Natalia Rostova closest to me. 23. The bride and groom began under image. 24. In the morning, the mother got scented from the oven harby. 25. Of bread The field has already slept. 26. School teacherunfortunately not always spiritual teachers Our children. 27. Sons Tarasa Bulba studied in Bursa. 28. The defenders of Moscow in 1812 and in 1941 were true sons Fatherland. 29. In the old part of the city so far borov. Chimneys clean the chicks. 30. Behind the wall, in Klelev, squeezed borovy..

Exercise 35.

1. Engineers We need everywhere. 2. Rybolovsky ships did not go to the sea for three months. 3. Donya Vessels were covered with soot. 4. On the seeker road calmly ran kura. and chickens, and in dust hired porosyat and calves. 5. In the historical museum, I examined the vintage gun. 6. On the border, the border guards very carefully checked our passport And baggage. 7. Guys often cry at night. eight. Citizens, go a little forward! nine. Owners Something long ago did not come. 10. Oil spots Especially clearly stand out on a light jacket. 11. In huge halls hung an old mirrors. 12. Peasants Always with a special tenderness treated the cow-cormal. 13. Admiral gave the team to raise anchor.. 14. Navigator (in the sailors - navigator) Ships were caused to fleet headquarters. 15. Pacific and Northern fleet conducted exercises. sixteen. Farmers Received abandoned farm. 17. Dispatchers The airports decided to start the strike. eighteen. Directors plants were caused to the city administration, and chairs Cooperatives - no. nineteen. Trainers Olympic team - recognized masters. 20. Used syringes Stay in special containers And then destroyed. 21. Only experienced users can work on the convoy chaffins. 22. Valves (in professional speech - vent.) On the gas pipeline were immediately blocked. 23. The factory requires experienced accountants, Tokary (and tokari.), stainears, Malaries, Storam. 24. Almost all the roofs of houses in the fishing village were installed fluger (Add. fleugers). 25. In the edges of the scene, bright jupiter (in professional speech - jupiter). 26. All corks somewhere contracted.

Exercise 36.

1. Raskolnikov wanted to confess to the deed, but he did not have enough strength and courage. 2. In the novel "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov encrypted his views and worldview. 3. Our factory produces tVs High Quality. 4. Wife brought a whole tray with tea. 5. He came to the wedding in Trepier. 6. A rich brother had a lot cattle, and the poor is only one cow. 7. They were ordered to immediately pass everything. weapons. 8. Bosom Earth is very rich. 9. My sister and I washed all dishes, removed her In the buffet and began to wait for mom. 10. Militiaman's profession I like the fact that there are many dangers in it and risk. 11. The boy learned to play the harmonica all music. 12. The guys shouted in the hall and whistle Barmaleya was driven. 13. This medicine was told to accept me before meals. 14. In the yard we have swing broke. 15. I want to give me little vice for a birthday day. 16. Comb scissors thread. 17. I have ended inkAnd I can't write anymore. 18. We painted windows belilag. 19. The essay is well told about neighborhood Schools. 20. Water is also used in economic purposes. 21. Sky is tightened solid gray clouds. 22. My friend and I arrived with dacha one day. 23. This doctor takes only by appointment. 24. The chaffins drove bread through the lady and delivered soldiers on front. 25. one human Nothing can do anything here. 26. Every winter he is sick influenza. 27. B. representation Heroes of Tolstoy everything was different. 28. Heroes of the Borodino battle, as shown by L.N. Tolstoy, belonged to various social medium. 29. Incorrect expressions can often be heard in speech Children. 30. At the beginning of the war, our troops hit several times in the environment. 31. It is now difficult to educate in children right attitude to work. 32. The company organized the work on the exchange experience. 33. It is necessary to calculate power Risk of investing money into this production.

Exercise 37.

Buy kilogram apricots, pineapples, oranges, Group armenian, seven baudes, yield baklazhanov (Add. eggplant), writing many bassen, seven towerno clean blanks, couple bots (Add. bot), labor fever budoney (and budy), play without booth, ten watt, Volt., pack waffel, go from distant verkhovyev (and verkhovy), fresh, no warm gamash, sing five hectares, Give a bouquet georgin, no big nests birds, para gETR, Removal Operation gRAND, five goncharov, five goncharen, para grabel (and grabley), two hundred grammov (additional two hundred gram), five decans, five shoot, squad grenadier (and grenadiers), dragoon (and dragunov), Froach six croutons (add. toast), Group georgian, lot business, not money, para jeans, some share, some domain, cubic meter board (Add. board), lot uncle (and uncle), dial jellya, some mirrors, mirror, lot son-in-law, some kalmykov, lot calories, para calson, lot kamenolomen, diamond in a few karats (and carat), para kedov (Add. ked.), some kilowatt, lot kilograms, kilometers, some brand, some cles, para clips, not pantotokleave without any comments, five copies, some corn, Koretz, five rocker, five kochier, lot kudrey, no big komkoMany tasty kushai, crowd of people, kilogram mandarins, Many free places, some novoseli, remove out scabble, para sock (and socks), some nian, no new wallpaper, not blankets, blankets, lot old, para pantalonMany beautiful pasture, many new bearer, Make a few loops, Pienty without pogon, somewhat clean towels, salad is tomatoes, lot spinned, Psaren., seven puddles, some paths, lot pain, break a few ryuber, many old town, not apply rose, five rubles, some rubel (and rUSL), many vintage sabel, squad sapinov, para boot, light a few candles, some skird, some scotheen., Rota soldier, some nozzles (and nozzles), wait summer, Group tajiks, Tatars, Uzbeks, Yakuts, squad ulan (and ulan), not esche, return from distant gorges, para stocking, some shilev, bank sprot (Add. sprotov - OT sprat), eight sulzhets, some junior, five apple trees, apples, from new yasle.

Exercise 38.

1. We did not have spichek. 2. The boy Armando was the intelligence partisan. 3. The room was five chairs. 4. shot from all ships. 5. I did not have keys. 6. The sisters had many beautiful dresses, and Cinderella was nothing at all. 7. Machine gunners no longer had garnet and patrons. 8. For several kopeck Now you can not buy anything. nine. Guns In the house never kept. 10. Money Always missing. eleven. Slippers I did not wear, and boot I did not have. 12. Dolls I did not love since childhood. 13. Vilk and plate The house did not turn out. 14. No showers It was difficult to go on hot asphalt. 15. Grandma with grandfather loved to drink tea with silence. 16. Summer I'm a little afraid: the monsters won everywhere. 17. without grabel (and grabley) There is nothing to do in the field at this time. 18. per day plowed 15 hectares. 19. I poured my grandmother drops. 20. No nails In Russia, even churches were built. 21. The set lay on the plum mirror and cleansing. 22. In these desert places without horses not enough.

Exercise 39.

1. Films Charlie Chaplin Steel classic world cinema. 2. Novels of the French writer Georges Sand. Popular primarily among women. 3. At the heart of pedagogical views A.S. Makarenko Lies the idea of \u200b\u200braising children through the team. 4. When preparing for the exam on the theory of the language, I used books Wilhelm von Humboldt, Ferdinand de Sosurira, novel Jacobson, Jerzy Kurilovich, S.B. Bernstein, Henric Birnbauma, V.A. DO, P.A. Black. 5. In Moscow, a tour of the Kiev Drama Theater named after Franco was held with great success. 6. Adventures of the Italian adventurerist of the XVIII century Kazanov Fore the basis of the film Federico Fellini. 7. In the works of the German Zoo Wolfgang Ulrich The results of the research of his wife Ursula Ulrich. 8. In classical Japanese literature, princess poems occupy a prominent place Nukada. 9. I can't live a day without black coffeeand wife - without sweet cocoa. 10. Sale of winter began in our store coat. 11. S. Jacqueline Smith We decided to meet at the station metro.

Exercise 40.

1. We returned home around noon. 2. K. midnight Everything in the house subsides. 3. Studies must be completed first May. 4. Starting S. december twentieth The shop holds a Christmas sale. 5. During the game I had to throw off vault, Kingto buy ace. 6. Watch Mars On our territory is best in spring. 7. Hercules asked his father Jupiter Help him make this feat. 8. Expedition by Jupiter While remains unattainable dream. 9. Scouts received a task certainly deliver to headquarters "Language". 10. For breakfast filed language Under wine sauce. 11. I have seen spiritualized persons listeners. 12. Militia of the city asks everyone persons who recognized the criminalcall 02. 13. Take this hat on wooden Balvan. 14. I see in front of myself brainless nerdwho is not able to figure out the elementary things! 15. Multiply numerator first fractiona denominator second fraction. 16. I asked an experienced holder fix old electric heater.

Exercise 41.

1. Trees in the garden Were covered in bulk. 2. B. "Cherry Garden" A.P. Chekhov showed a disunity of people, their inability to listen and understand each other. 3. I always breathe easily in the forest. 4. My favorite character in "Forest" A.N. Ostrovsky is unhappy. 5. We must live in world and harmony. 6. B. peace And death red. 7. His house stood on edge sat down. 8. Our scientists are on front edge science. 9. B. run For one hundred meters, the Russian athlete won the victory. 10. A sedentary lifestyle began to know: I began to choke on begu. 11. We have in rod. Panties were not. 12. In the old one rode Pushkin were politicians and military, and poets. 13. At work she was on good account. 14. B. score The match did not affect it. 15. The right to benefits must be specified in score for electricity. 16. To the shore, he reached a rescue circle. 17. This can only be said in circle Friends. 18. B. root This plant is a lot of trace elements. 19. I am B. root I do not agree with you. 20. In such soil, all plants will rot on korni..

Exercise 42.

Close - closer, closer, closest, closest; rich - richer, richer, richest, richest; stormy - more stormy, the most stormy; important - more important, more important, most important, most important; great - the greatest, the greatest; volvea - more volitional, the most volitional; tall - higher, higher, highest, highest; flexible - flexible, more flexible, the most flexible; smooth - smoother, smoother, the smoother; deaf - Gloover, deaf, the most deaf; proud - more proud, the most proud; bitter (taste) - Horny, more bitter, the most bitter; rude - Rough, rougher, rich, the roughest; thick - thick, thicker, thick, the most thick; cheap - cheaper, cheaper, cheapest; expensive - more expensive, more expensive, the most expensive; greedy - greeding, more greedy, the greedy, the most greedy; hot - hotter, faster, hot, the most hot; hard - Hard, tougher, the most rigid; liquid - fat, more liquid, the most liquid; voiced - Call, more ringing, the most ringing; sour - acid, whicier, acidic, most sour; short - shorter, shorter, shortest, the shortest; beautiful - more beautiful, more beautiful, beautiful, most beautiful; strong - stronger, stronger, strongest, the strongest; steep - cooler, coolest, coolest; easy - lighter, more easy, the lightest, the easiest; small - less, smaller, smallest, smallest; tax - Metal, more designer, most damped; young - younger, younger, the youngest; soft - softer, softer, soft, the most soft; low - Below, lower, lowest and lowest, the lowest; bad - worse, worst, worst, the worst; plain - easier, simpler, simplest, easiest; developed - more developed, most developed; early - earlier, the earliest; rare - less often, more rare, rare, the most rare; cutting - less often, more sharp, the most sharp; timid - more timid, most timid; sweet - sweeter, sweeter, sweet, sweetest; juicy - More juicy, more juicy, the most juicy; controversial - more controversial, the most controversial; urgent - more urgent, the most urgent; strange - more strange, the strangest; strict - stricter, more strict, strictest, most rigorous; dry - land, dry, the most dry; solid - hard, more solid, the most firm; close - closer, closer, closest, the closest; quiet - quieter, more quiet, quiet, the most quiet; fat - thicker, thicker, the fattest; narrow - Already, narrower, the most narrow; frowning - more gloomy, most gloomy; good - Better, better, best, the best, the most good; clean - cleaner, cleaner, clean, the cleanest; sensitive - more sensitive, most sensitive; wide - wider, wider, widest, the widest; young - more young, the most ever; bright - Brighter, brighter, the brightest, brightest; clear - clearer, clearer, as the most clear.

Exercise 43.

1. Her dinners are always more deliciousthan mine. 2. This boat is significantly strongThan that we saw at the pier. 3. In more often, voices always sound more deafthan on the edge of the forest. 4. Two carry such a cargo, of course, easier. 5. His evaluations of the events of steel sharp. 6. His voice became hard, land and strike. 7. The same products are on the market. cheaperthan in the store. 8. This lifting cooler, and TOT more mild. 9. In the south of the stars brightthan in the north. 10. I passed this session worsethan the previous one. 11. The road has become ironing, smooth, without ughabs. 12. Do not leut a lot of water, otherwise the clay will become fatThan this is necessary for the production of dishes. 13. Come later. 14. The gorge has become already. 15. I love tea swealth.

Exercise 44.

1. The opposing team worse The ratio of scored and missed balls compared to us. 2. Semenov - best Player in our team. 3. Business in the team walked all worse. 4. The air in the workshop became all hotter. 5. Our factory turned out to be more advanced compared to plants of other regions. 6. Chilean sauce sharper and bitter Chinese. 7. Your sandals cheaper my. 8. Leaves by late September steel yellow than at the beginning of the month. 9. Your voice callo MY. 10. Make Knot lightweight. 11. The opponent team looked lighter and fresher than our team. 12. Our players are not worse than rivals. 13. An image in your picture more more intense than mine. 14. Children's impressions are always brighter adults. 15. Modern education worsethan pre-revolutionary. 16. ON. older Member of our team. 17. Shvabrin was more educated compared to griny. 18. From this MTSI seems yet more mysterious. 19. This task lighter than previous.

Exercise 45.

1. Our city with eight thousand seven hundred sixth residents Located on the banks of the Volga. 2. S. thousand rubles In your pocket, you should not go to this elite store. 3. My hometown is located on both side of the river. 4. The enemy detachment numbered about six hundred sixty bayonets and near one and a half hundred horses. 5. Light from this star goes around ten thousand years. 6. From our products we have only two apples, five gallets and no more one and a half liters water. 7. Two Students received a registered scholarship this year. eight. Four We swayed in a deaf taigience. 9. If K. twenty-five thousand three hundred sixty seven add forty six thousand eight hundred three hundred eight, then it turns out seventy two thousand two hundred five. 10. I entered the bank with forty five thousand eights fifty eight rubles. 11. The nearest phone was in the village, that is, in one and a half kilometers From the station. 12. Twenty four pieces of ticks Ordered a workshop in stock. 13. Three Kittens already opened their eyes. fourteen. Five The actresses of our theater took part in the international ballet competition. 15. B. one thousand nine hundred sixty first The year the man first overcame the earthly attraction and escaped into outer space. 16. A new anatomical satin of man has been published two thousand six hundred forty seven illustrations. 17. Obeim Daughters managed to enroll in the university this year. 18. B. both States adopted laws on copyright protection. 19. U. both countries have problems with debt payment to international financial institutions. 20. We are gone for hiking fees one and a half day. 21. The construction of the plant should be completed two thousands of the twelfth year.

Exercise 46.

1. Kondrat Bulavin joined the city with thousand soldiers. 2. He managed to get out of the environment with one and a half hundred horses. 3. Starting your business, the young banker had only ten thousand rubles. 4. O. thirty-two rubles I had to forget. 5. The company paid a prize thirty older employees. 6. This role rehearsed three young actresses Theater 7. Three girlfriends Have fun chatting all the way. 8. The village is in one and a half versets From the station. 9. More one and a half thousand participants The rally supported this resolution. 10. Twenty three pieces Tongs ordered the workshop in the warehouse. eleven. Three days I plut in a taiga. 12. The tram stop is in one and a half steps From here.

Exercise 47.

1. The main character goes to the city, where I. It remains to work. 2. The whole generation has grown, for which War is only a story. 3. If there are no owners for dogs for three days, animals Take destruction. 4. Son Menshikova with adjutants met The Grand Duke for Qache. five. Them House at this angle. 6. After reading the address, it crumpled a note and, locking, put it in his pocket. 7. Invited officers who were invited saved the life of the king. On the Senate Square and helped keep power. 8. Head of the shoe section, come back urgently in your office! 9. I found the assistant in his Cabinet. 10. Enterprises built on these shores, merge spent water in the river without preliminary cleaning. 11. Near it There was a whole crowd of curious. 12. Putting pads under the support of the beam and then secure the support finally. 13. Young workers are always treated with the master. And he always tries to answer these questions. He has something to learn. 14. The director told Master that it was not responsible masters. 15. The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written at the beginning of the XIX century. She is Preserved relevance and now. 16. The peasantry of the ages of centuries fed the whole country. It He processed the earth, was engaged in cattle breeding. 17. I imagine a mess on his Raven Kon. 18. Maria Sergeevna asked i bring mine notebook. 19. The dog is a friend of man. She is Helps a person in everything. twenty. Son's life It became like father's life.

Exercise 48.

1. Commission aboutyou are not entitled to see anyone! 2. All efforts need to focus aboutdeposit butchit) on the execution of these tasks. 3. It would be unfair aboutwanted our employees in negligence. 4. Often exactly boys pickles butvisitated (add. Star. Pop aboutvisited) in all kinds of trips. 5. Development of science oblivion aboutpours (add. butinflues) Technical Progress. 6. Paul tried the prur aboutattending the visit to the native city to the traditional graduate meeting. 7. It is impossible to further aboutthe adoption of this decision. 8. Paul often accounted for butstretch money from parents. 9. Sit down aboutliving said, the chairman of the meeting once again drew attention to the need to aboutthe introduction of scientific research into production. 10. No one may aboutchilling you do it.

Exercise 49.

1. On the streets run Some people. 2. It wheel To people with difficult fate. 3. In order not to climb on the road, it is usually hobs Horse, let her bury it, and himself beste nearby. 4. I must recovery By the holiday. 5. I must i will try to win At these competitions. 6. I only pull out sugar in the jar, wang Lid and come to you. 7. That's so I i can annoy Teacher! 8. The nettle is very strong thought. 9. Puppy lyazhet Under the sofa and urchit. 10. Ya singing Behind you in the evening. 11. Mother will challenge All lamps I. package Daughter medicine. 12. He does not have to charge such a responsible task: it is necessary blind In the most responsible moment. 13. Ya i notice Dough, and then rest. 14. If blood baked, It is difficult to process the wound. 15. If water executive Under the bath, it will be difficult to collect. 16. When we shot, then I. lyazhem relax! 17. If you do not surrender now, I ireshechu all House! 18. He is fast eXTENDER New suit, if it will be so casually handle it. 19. Ya turning, getting sick, cuckooAnd everything is no sense! 20. ON. climb On the tip of the tree. 21. ON. lf. you! 22. They never put Briefcases on the parties. 23. ON. navley We have trouble. 24. I will work out for the day, proudsometimes in the evening so execute - I can not move with your hand. 25. I'm not offend. 26. That's distract You from sad thoughts. 27. ON. renounce From us at the first danger. 28. Ya i can win And this opponent! 29. Water. flow From the crane for the third day. 30. They want disgrace us. 31. Boats do not stand motionless, they are a little peasut (Add. covered) On water. 32. Blowing wind, rain splashes To me in my face. 33. Parents are on the platform and mashut Following the outgoing train. 34. Type streams, with roofs capel. 35. Wolf frank In the forest in search of mining. 36. Women stand on the shore and embrelute Lingerie.

Exercise 50.

1. Last time he casting (and zastig) I am surprised. 2. Dog yesterday frochor. 3. I and froze On the spot. 4. ON. sather Parquet mastic. 5. ON disappeared Somehow suddenly. 6. Ya promkov to thread. 7. I am almost used rise with the lark. 8. ON. died At the end of the war. 9. Paul almost dried. 10. Pen. zaleg in the bushes and gnawing. 11. Mayak gus And he lit again. 12. Swimmer almost reached shore. 13. Candle first flashed, and then farmer. 14. Bouquet groin freshness of the morning garden and not vyazh several days. 15. Neckline of the opponent invaded (and invaded) In the location of our troops. 16. After the contusion it is more and more groful (and gloh.). 17. I am glad that avenged (and avoid) This meeting. 18. ON. penetrated In the building of the institute through a black stroke. 19. Me disbel Whose voice. 20. Our squad submitted (and submitted) Attachment from the rear. 21. Friends went into swimming, and I missed sound (and kisa) On the shore for a month.

Exercise 51.

1. Alexey! Lookingwho is under the window? 2. Pink! Dozit Before turning and turning to the right. 3. Andrei! You are welcome, run For me after lunch! four. You only need to want help me! 5. Son, do not turn On the trees! 6. Children! Do not put Briefcases on the parties. 7. Sergey, lige At the window and do not move! 8. Sailors! Nalya On Visla! 9. Mom! Postpone Your departure for three days! 10. Brother! Pass To the mother on Sunday! 11. Friends! Come In the cinema all together: I, Father and you, Anna and Tolley! 12. Anna! Try to see This film - you will not regret! 13. As soon as you receive a translation, notomy me about it. 14. Here you will not be able to drive, better circle This puddle on the right. 15. Mom, please climbing I have a shirt. 16. Lisa! Re-read All the dishes - and you can go home. 17. Please do not spoil Parquet when you drag furniture. 18. Please forget All insults and start life first.

Exercise 52.

To arrest - arrested, arrested, arresting; attack - attacker, attacked, attacked, attacked, attacking / attacking; run - Running, fled, fucked; berecher - Bereghest, Birch, washed (from enemies); beat - hitting, broken, broken; shine - shine / bleaching, shone, blistering; brevel - Razing, wander, Radia; shave - shading, temporable, shaved, shaved, shaving; return - returned, returning; vite - curly, witch; gain - quenching, quenching, quenching, soy; rat - chase / chase, driving, striking, chasing; swear - crest, fun, rowing; nibble - rodent, gnawing, tinzy; achieve - reached / achieved, reaching; breathe - breathable, breathing, breathing; go - traveling, driving, walking; to shake hand) - stupid, grieving; chew - Chewing, chewing, vigorous (naskovo), chewing; burn - burning, gorgeous, burning (in the stove); live - Living, who lived, living; caissure - the started, head, starting; call for - calling, called, called (vgth), call; go - going, walking, walking; publish - the outgoing, published, published, publishing; invent Invented, invented, invented; search - seeking, looking for, desired, looking for; drip - dripping / dripping, dripped, dripped (in a glass), drop / drip; prick - King, Kolovy, Koloti; cloud - climbing, climbing, lazay; climb - the lease, climbing; lisen - licked, lying; wave - Mastery (add. waving), Mahav, Masha (add. Mahaya); wash - washing, soil, washed, mine; to find - found, found, found; pour - filling, poured, pouring; remind - reminding, reminding; understand - who understood, understood, understood; run - running, running; spend - spent, conducted, conducting; live - lived, lived, living; bloom - bloomed, flourishing; cut - cutting, cutting, cutted (yesterday); send - Slot, thank, hazy; remove - removed, shot, removing; dry - drying, drying; to suffer - suffering, suffering, suffering; ramp - a racking, flew, ram; flow - current, chick; find out - recognizing, recognized, recognizable; carry - belonging, carried away, carried away, carrying out; to praise - praising, pounding, praised, hiven (me), praise; go - walking, walking, walking; to want - Want, who wanted; blossom - blooming, blooming, flowering; draw - Drawing, shutting, black (chalk), drawing; sew - Sewing, awesome, shy.

Exercise 53.

1. Mom, already lying All the dishes, with surprise looked at me. 2. Vaska, hurried Foot, bitter crying. 3. Girl, already skulling Kosh, with surprise looks at his brother. 4. And I have all for a long time remove! 5. When we ran to the cart, they saw that the bag porn And flour flew out of it. 6. It turned out to be a bear, rassed At night in the village. 7. Hung out Bear pulled to housing. 8. On the table stood a bouquet blooming ASTR. 9. In the room, as in sowing Garden, quiet and light. 10. The footer of the kitten was long, shopping. 11. We were late for the beginning of the meeting on do not depend from us reasons. 12. In the center of the narration there is an image of a young hero suffering from undivided love. 13. The best workers workers At the construction of the bridge, were noted by valuable gifts. 14. We took only unbelieving dishes. 15. Noise published Waterfall, heard from afar. 16. ... I stay dare You - Artyom. 17. If you work laying Sleeves, we will not fulfill the state order on time and do not get new loans.

Exercise 54.

1. ... the stomach takes place ... 2. ... Disposable yes, delaying ... 3. Enough to fail, it's time to summarize. 4. ... I can win. 5. I can win ... 6. Let me spend you. 7. ... Aunt often moves the iron in Semen Sergeevich.

So, you finally succumbed to persuasion of another enthusiastic romance - a friend, relative or lover, and decided to try their hand in a walking campaign. If you are a typical urban resident who is accustomed to communicate with the lively nature of the maximum on a picnic in the nearest forest stitch, where you can reach the car - you lies the mass of unpleasant surprises. For example, nature may be much more wild than you expected, and it is impossible to interrupt the boning communication with it on the first requirement.

I recommend to learn in detail in detail the route of the future hike and thoroughly track on the map, how far it goes from the nearest settlements. It would be nice to stick with me and the GPS navigator that will help find the road if you still betray from the route. You can survive one rainy night in the mountains, if you know that the next morning go down to the village, where the flight bus will take you towards the sun and the blue sky. But imagine that before the village - several days of the road. And the rain does not erect everything ...

When studying the route, pay attention to the terrain - the path on the plain occupies much less time and forces than the climbing on the rocks and Lazagne across Bul. Also I recommend to look closely to the group with which you intend to go hiking, especially to the head. How much is it to extreme? How ready to take into account the possibilities of each participant? It happens that it is already darkened, everyone is tired, and the optimism of the manager does not run out in any way, and he seeks to bring you to the intended point by the truth and untrue, even if even a straight line through Everest.

Adequately appreciate your physical form so as not to become a burden of the whole group. Can you go boded the pace of rough terrain all day, from morning to evening? With a backpack half of your weight? And if bad weather? Do not forget that even if you are unhealthy, at least, you still need to get to the nearest village with a medpark.

What is needed to take a hike? It goes without saying, a backpack. The volume of the backpack is measured in liters. A naked backpack may seem enormous and clumsy, but not to be heavy - a lot of space is occupied by a sleeping bag and clothes. Try to compare the amount that will occupy the necessary things in the campaign with your physical abilities. A fragile girl or adolescence will suit a backpack in 60 liters, an average man - 80-100 liters.

In addition to the backpack, the classic arsenal of the tourist includes a tent, a sleeping bag and a rug that can be bought in the sports online store PAPASPORT.RU. A few people usually fit in the tent and the choice should be approached very and very carefully, so we assume that someone else takes the tent. Mat and sleeping bag are individual things. The rug puts on the bottom of the tent to protect against crude land, and on top of it - a sleeping bag. It is possible to wrap in a sleeping bag yourself, but you can connect it to "zipper" with a neighbor for the conservation of heat. All these cases in principle can be borrowed from friends remaining at home, or renting in Turkluba.

In addition to personal belongings, the backpack of each participant is also equipped with public - food and public items, such as: boiler, ax, first-aid kit, etc., etc. Some even take the kettle (but only in a water hike, for hiking The campaign is an excess). Do not forget to leave the place for this luggage!

Place the backpack, taking into account the sequence you need certain things. For example, the jacket must lay from above, but a sleeping bag that is useful only in the evening can be put on the bottom. In general, the packing backpack is a whole art! We emphasize only the general points: the load must be distributed evenly and the backpack should turn out to be a symmetric streamlined form.

And a little about personal things. In a well-organized campaign, there is a "fire", "Zaughz", "Medic" - people responsible for a certain activity and having with them all the necessary devices and materials. However, "GOD is escaped." I do not say that you must drag your own boiler about the reserve, but, for example, the backup boxes of matches never happen. The same refers to medicines and food. I always take a personal first-aid kit, someone is inhibited by cookie and lollipops, without which life is not sweet ...

Flashlight or special gas lamp, perochy knife, dishes - a thousand little things! I think it makes no sense to remind that the porcelain cup of the grandmother's service in the campaign is inappropriate, it is best to take a plastic or metal dishes, unbreakable and lightweight.

Last point - clothes. Even in July, on the south coast of Crimea, you may be useful for an unscrewing windbreaker with a hood or down jacket, as well as a warm woolen sweater, socks and pants - best, ski pants. I know when the sun shines on the courtyard and asphalt melts, the first thought - why? These things are unlikely to be needed, only to drag extra load! Believe me, the weather is deceptive and caprip, especially in the mountains. When you will flash the third night with a shower of the fire, and even without it, you still remember the header-ruck left at home, and the swimsuit will call the bunch of hysterical laughter by chance it's timeless from the backpack. So, the main rule of the hiking clothing: it should be waterproof, irreparable and ... be sure to have a duplicate.

Do not forget about comfortable, durable, waterproof shoes. Someone shoes sneakers, someone prefers army boots, but in any case, the first requirement is convenience! Of course, of course, to twitch in a specialized store, but if for some reason you decided to save on the shoes, keep in mind: after a hike, most likely she will go to the scourge. Stones, water, slush - all this will result in hiking shoes in disrepair. Do not take old shoes if it breathes to the incense, so that the rope sweems did not have to tie up the rope.

And socks should be a lot, very much, good and different. Because it is possible that they will be changed three times a day. Sleep in wet socks, as well as put on the outfit, heavy socks are very unpleasant and not good for health. Sleep in the grooved jeans no less disgust. And let you do not confuse the increasing volume of the backpack - it is better to be restrained in this matter! Frozening ointment can coast with tanning cream, sunglasses - with raincoat, ski jumpsuit - with melts. The main thing is that all this is in stock, because there is nowhere to go!

Do you still want to go hiking? Then take a sheet of paper and handle and make a detailed list of all necessary. By the way, train tickets and documents are included in their number. Have a good trip to you, loyal and nonsense comrades, sunny weather and good mood!

K.L.M.N. - This is a common abbreviation abbreviation, which is decrypted as mug, spoon, bowl, knife. This is the necessary set for meals in the hike and usually everyone takes it himself as personal equipment.

As with any tourist equipment from hiking devices there are differences from those that we use in the city. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out which devices can be taken in a hike, and which better leave at home.

Option first, dishes and camping devices

If you go beyond the city by car and do not plan to walk with a backpack, then the most convenient option is large universal sets of dishes. Such sets exist for a very long time ago and probably you remember interesting specimens from the distant past, and now they are just a huge set.

The convenience of the sets is that you can assign one responsible for the dishes so that everyone else cares about other things. In addition, they always have additional plates of spoons or glasses, which can be very useful in nature. In addition, these sets are usually placed in one convenient container, a bag or a basket and no longer need to invent where it all is, it turns out a relatively compact and comfortable way to satisfy the need for cutlery and dishes immediately to the entire company.

Dear gift sets in large leather chests can and look solid, but most often impractical. It is better to choose a picnic kits less presentable species, but much more functional and comfortable. And for sophisticated camping lovers, it is better to choose expensive technological sets from well-known MSR firms (talk about firms later), which are expensive not because of the leather suitcase and brilliance of plates, and due to the quality of all objects, special coatings and unique ways of layouts.

Tableware and appliances for active tourism

For a hike with backpacks, a large set is clearly not suitable. First, the most additional items will add a lot of excess weight, which will have to carry on the shoulders, and secondly, someone is unlikely to agree to carry a whole set, hanging out for everyone.

Therefore, for outdoor activities, K.L.M. Everyone takes himself. Here the main roles play compactness and weight. That is, the option with glass and ceramic dishes immediately discard from the head. The easiest solution will be inexpensive aluminum dishes of any brands. Disposable dishes, as I said in the article about the care of the environment, it is better not to take: she is not lucky, inconvenient and flies in all directions from any breeze. Plastic dishes - In general, a good option, but you carefully choose it. Plastic should be food, that is, not to highlight harmful substances. Usually there is a special stamp on such products, but you yourself can just just sniff what is going to take, - the plastic should not be a caustic smell.

In general, choosing dishes for a hike, you can be guided by the following principles:

  • utensils should not be angry
  • choose dishes and devices so that they are placed in each other or in other equipment, for example, in the bowler. At the same time try to all this that it does not barley while driving
  • remember that in the campaigns, as a rule, there is no table, and therefore it is necessary to keep a plate in hands or knees, so think about the handles and other devices that will help keep dishes and do not bother
  • plastic dishes light, beautiful and comfortable, but think: will you have to warm up food in a plate or a circle? Sometimes it is necessary, so the metal dishes still prefer some experienced tourists
  • multifunctional sets of spoons of forks and knives look cool, but in practice little applicable. The knife in them is usually bad, the plug is not appreciated, but the spoon is inconvenient. The way it is placed or the fastening is usually difficult to wash and easily lose. It is better to take a conventional spoon, it will be easier and more convenient. Still, the multi-instrument must be multi-instrument, not a transformer with spoons and forks.

Dishes and devices for mining

Over time, every experienced tourist becomes easier, that is, a person who wants to make it easier to alleviate his gear. The dishes in this case should be not only easy, but also compact, since the backpack has much less than usual.

In this case, you can recall the materials such as silicone and titanium. Thanks to the silicone plates of mugs and even the bowlers (the bottom of the metal boiler) can be folding, so that the dishes are easily placed even into the smallest backpack. Titanium dishes occupies more volume, but has a minimal weight; The accommodation problem can be solved, hiding such dishes outside the backpack.

The thermocouples (with a double wall) are not applicable - they are at least twice as much as possible, - and in general, the thermocruises are not the best option for the campaign. In such a circle, even though it is metallic, water does not boil the water, in the frosty day it is not warm. She will not burn hands - it's true, but usually the mug has a pen, holding for which you also do not burn. Tea, too, can once be sad enough, especially if there is a lid, but how often do you boil tea, pour into the mug and do not drink it? If still often, then you should take a good thermos with you, not a thermal service.

Also easier can take the minimum set using one item as a few devices. For example, use one container as a mug and a bowl, though to drink tea after meals will have to first wash the mug. You can use the cover from the kitten as a plate and so on, I think the general principle is generally understood.

Brands and examples of interesting dishes

All brands I, of course, can not list, since there are a lot of them, but those that most often can be found on the shelves, I will try to describe.

- The Swedish firm primarily known for its "lies" (SPORK). Comfortable simple shape, high-quality plastic, bright colors and lightness spoons-knife made it so popular. I myself have long been using a table appliance for a long time, for all the time I managed to break a couple of pieces, but I still think that their plastic is quite reliable. There is a fishing of the same form from Titan, I plan to acquire it and test in the future. In addition, the firm produces a number of other interesting items, such as half a silicone glass, plates, bowls, and the like.

MSR.- American firm gigant industry. Releases almost all equipment, including a variety of dishes. They have a lot of interesting sets, from a saucepan with circles to small non-standard parts of the type of folding blades, a black and even cutting boards.

Snow Peak - A large Japanese firm, also producing a wide range of goods for tourism. Snow Peak is perhaps the most interesting Titanium dishes, with bright colors and good performance.

GSI Outdoors - Firm Nerko specialized in the production of tableware of cutlery and other accessories for hiking kitchen. Since these are their main specialization, GSI comes up with and qualitatively performs many interesting items of the hiking kitchen.

Sea to Summit. - A good firm that submitted a number of innovative solutions for both cutlery and other interesting tourist items. The most interesting thing is perhaps the folding silicone dishes, including a bowler in which you can cook food on gas burners.

In addition to firms that are directed to make a bunch of diverse dishes, there are those who produce just a few products under their brand, however, sometimes such things are very interesting. For example, a little-known firm Fozzils.releases folding plastic plate FOZZILS BOWLZ, which is transformed into a comfortable cutting board.

Also, almost every large company produces a variety of dishes under his brand, sometimes frankly copied products on which simply stands the logo of the familiar brand, but sometimes there are and quite good, and most importantly, high-quality devices. For example, firm Tatonka., famous for his backpacks, has a lot of good dishes in its assortment. Our firms (for example, TRAMP or NOVA Tour) are also not shy and, ordering on the same plants in China and India, put their logo on plates, circles and cutlery, - and there is nothing wrong with that, since this dishes are cheap and It is quite suitable for undemanding tourists.

In the end, everyone chooses himself that it is more convenient: Metal reliable dishes, plastic lightweight or innovative superstar and multifunctional. And if this is your first hike, take what you have, assign it in the field and you will understand what you will be more comfortable in future travel. The main thing, do not forget about the desired set - CLMN. By the way about "H", about the knives, I intentionally did not say: first, because it is not necessary in the campaign with a group to have your own knife, and secondly, the choice of a knife is a good topic for a separate article that will definitely appear in the near Time, stay in touch!

Comfortable travel to you and new meetings!

Like, most importantly, what do you cook in nature a delicious, satisfying hot porridge or an outdoor soup? For experienced tourists, this question is not worth it, but for beginners, dishes for the campaign and its right choice - the question is very relevant.

A set for a single campaign is quite simple: a bowler with a lid, which can serve as a plate and even a frying pan, a smaller bowler for tea, a plug-spoon-knife, often in one case. The main thing is that it all was light and compact, did not hang out and rather thunder when carrying and served a long time.

A set of dishes for a campaign in principle the same, only all a few more and in another quantity. More precisely, then cutlery, including plates and circles, everyone can take individually, but a common boiler, a kettle and a frying pan must meet some requirements:

  • First, the volume. It depends on the number of tourists. It is fairly calculated. The bowler in which food will be boiled to the entire group should be bought from the calculation of 0.5 liters. for each. In case the group is large and it turns out a huge, almost unveiled pan, it is better to take two or even more kotelets.
  • Secondly, the same ease. To drag the dishes in the campaign will have to someone alone, and this is an extra pair of kilogram, or even more.
  • Third, compactness. Manufacturers that make tourist dishes, this fact took into account, and most of the sets are produced not only with prefabricated handles, but they have the principle of Matriots. In a marking position, such sets have the size of the largest ass, as all other accessories are designed in such a way that it is easy and convenient to fit in it.
  • Fourth, the material from which the dishes are made for hiking should be not only easy, but also durable, durable and environmentally friendly.

The main set of dishes for the campaign

All the above items say that items should be included in the set of tourist dishes, without which it simply cannot do without excessive delights, jewelry and non-functional additions.

  • Butter or pan. The largest container in which the main dish on all members of the group will prepare on the fire or burner. The ideal option will be the one when the kitpie has a universal cover used as a frying pan. It is not forbidden to take a small brazier. In carrying, she is unpretentious, and the roasted fish will always be met with joy and gratitude.
  • Tableware, in which soup or porridge will impose or pour tea. Mugs, plates.
  • Cutlery.
  • Not excess will be a pair or more thermos.

The rest, type, sealer, decanters for water and VAZ for fruits and flowers, everyone can take individually, but in this case he risks so much to cheer all the others that you can safely forget about any type of tourism.

What material to choose

Another important question, answers to which can be somewhat. Tourist dishes can be made of four materials: plastic, aluminum, titanium and stainless steel. It is worth considering each option in more detail.


Naturally, put it on fire and try to cook something in it. But it's quite convenient to eat from plastic utensils. It is not very heated and therefore it is convenient to keep it in hand. Good and easily washed away. And she is light enough. At the same time, we mean non-disposable plates that can be purchased at any store. This option is suitable only for a one-day picnic and even if people are responsible and take the whole trash with themselves. Modern manufacturers produce plastic tourist dishes capable of listening not one year.


It has undoubted advantages. The boilers and pots of aluminum are lungs, practical and inexpensive. Ideal for cooking on a fire. Easily washed and cleaned with soot. Disadvantages also have a place to be. Too diligent cleaning with abrasive cleaning agents can lead to damage to the special coating and in food can begin to flow harmful substances. Also aluminum can lose not only shine, but also the form. However, if you treat such dishes gently, it will last long enough.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel dishes are harder and more expensive than aluminum. But it is less susceptible to mechanical damage. To prepare in such a dish, some skills are needed. Because of the slower heat distribution, food is quite easily burning, so it is necessary to constantly stir. But you quickly get used to it. Otherwise, such a variant of tourist dishes can walk with you not one dozen years.


The most expensive version of the tourist metal dishes. But the easiest and at the same time durable. Bend the plug or a spoon will not be able to even the world champion in heavy athletics. In addition to the high cost there is another very significant drawback: the porridge in the titanium bowler burns almost instantly, and it is necessary to scrape it almost daily.

Tableware for burners

If you go to the hiking treasury where the fire will be problematic, it is necessary to take a tourist burner with you and the corresponding set of dishes. In specialized stores, you can easily find a set for two people who does not take up much space, as it is placed in the largest capacity and designed specifically for the burner. It is stable, equipped with removable handles and smoking lids. It is usually performed from anodized aluminum with a non-stick coating. With such a set of problems in the preparation of the most complex dishes, it should not arise.

Reception in the tourist campaign is not just the replenishment of the body with the necessary calories. This, if you want, a mandatory daily ritual, accompanied by jokes, jokes and raising not only forces, but a good mood. And the correctly chosen dishes plays this far from a latter role.