Orange wallpapers in the interior of the apartment: Juicy paints in everyday life (23 photos). Original Orange Wallpaper: Raisin in the interior Orange Flowers Wallpapers

Perhaps, every hostess dreams of a compact, convenient, functional and, of course, a beautiful kitchen, which causes only positive emotions. In this sense, orange cuisine is the best option!

What associations pop up with you when contemplating orange color? Light, warmth, sun, summer hot months. And at the same time, the sea of \u200b\u200bjoy, happiness, optimism, energy, the desire to communicate.

And no apathy and depressions! So the orange color will make a pleasant pastime from any prosaic kitchen corner.

Wallpaper "Appetizing" Orange Color

The role of color in the kitchen interior is very important, because the paint surrounding us affects not only our mood, but also on the well-being of the body.

Therefore, the successfully selected color of the kitchen wallpaper is a pledge of comfort, excellent appetite, proper digestion, sincere communication and readiness to create culinary masterpieces!

Pluses of orange wallpaper

  1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the kitchen with such juicy walls will benefit all family members. Orange color is not just warming up and returns a good mood, he accelerates the most hopeless Handra and charges optimism for the whole day.
  2. In addition, orange wallpapers in the kitchen increase appetite and have a positive effect on the digestion process. Not surprisingly, color therapy specialists are recommended for kitchens and table wallpapers of this solar color.
  3. Orange wallpaper is a real find for families where there are small children. They react very positively to all shades of this color, and to persuade them well eat no longer have to be - orange "lures" the kitchen and excites appetite.
  4. Scientists have long found that this color stabilizes pressure and improves blood circulation.
  5. And also, in the orange kitchen will always be light and bright (even with poor lighting).

What to consider

Solving which wallpaper to choose, consider the following:

  • Orange color is not the best option for miniature, close kitchenware. For such a saturated color, more space is needed.
  • Not very good service orange can serve for those who adhere to the diet. But this does not mean at all that you need to refuse yourself from this pleasant color, you can choose the wallpaper more muted shades of orange.

Note! Orange color has many beautiful calm shades: coral, amber, gummigut, peach, salmon, cream, terracotta ...

All of them are tender, but rather festive, will become an excellent decoration for the walls of a small kitchen, or for the house where people entering the honorary age live.

These shades have the same useful properties, however, are more "soft" for the eyes.

  • For what styles of the interior are the orange wallpaper? First of all, for modern, minimalism and for any oriental style (for example, Mexican, Arab, African).

Well orange color is suitable for contrasting high-tech, fashionable ar-deco, pop art and avant-garde. Not the most successful solution is bright orange wallpapers for interiors in the style of classics, Provence and Country.

But the calm tones of this "sunny" color will be very appropriate. The diversity of choice will allow each mistress, with their own hands to transform the kitchen!

  • Best of all orange wallpapers are combined with kitchen wicker furniture (tables, chairs, lockers with rathana inserts, woven decorative elements). In addition, the price is quite acceptable.

Tip! In the kitchen interior, where the walls of orange color, and the furniture is woven, you can add a couple of panels with herbaria from leaves and colors, which will help create a wonderful lyrical autumn mood.

Successful combinations

This "appetizing" color should not be used alone so that the kitchen interior does not work out too tiring for the eyes.

All shades of orange are warm, therefore, it is necessary to combine it with warm shades of other colors.

To create a spring atmosphere, a pair of orange + warm shade of green will be perfectly served.

For example, you can pick up the "juicy" headset, and the wallpaper to the orange kitchen choose a glowing or other calm shade of green.

Or use these two colors on the background of neutral cream or beige, which will make the kitchen interior easier.

Another natural combination is orange + blue. Clear Sky, Warm Sea, Roast Sun - this is what is associated with this combination.

The kitchen design can be planned as follows: Solar furniture, celestial wallpapers for orange kitchen and apron with photo printing "fluffy" clouds. Such registration will always remove the tension, give a charge of cheerfulness and inspiration for the whole day!

No less harmonious looks orange with creamy. A soft color neutralizes the excessive energy of its neighbor, due to which the calibration is obtained in the kitchen, and not an irritating setting.

Although white and is not warm, it is perfectly harmonized with orange. Despite the saturation of the latter, such a duet looks pretty calmly.

And all because the white color takes on a part of the heat and at the same time balancing the aggressiveness of orange.

It should be noted that the combination of these two colors is most suitable for the kitchen in the style of minimalism or modern, as can be seen in the photo.

Black can also be combined with bright orange color, but the effect here will be completely opposite to the previous example!

Next to the black, the solar color begins to pulsate even more, and it will not work out morally in the kitchen with such an interior. To somehow relieve it, you can add light gray or the same white color.

But the kitchen, where beige or gray, saturated orange will revive. Here you can use bright furniture, decor elements and various accessories.

You should know! When creating a kitchen interior, you should not use the combinations such as orange + purple and orange + pink. It will look very tasteless.

Especially for you on our website there is a video instruction in which an experienced colorist tells more detail about each color and their combinations with each other.


If you like the "juicy" orange color, then do not be afraid to use it in the interior. Dozens of ideas of orange kitchens plus your fantasy - and you will certainly find the original solution for your kitchen!

The selection of the color scheme is one of the most important points in the preparation of the design project for the new interior. For the kitchen, a successful option is orange. It is used when designing walls, textiles, furniture and various decorative trifles. It is important to choose successful combinations of colors to emphasize the advantages of the selected shade and balance its impact on a person.

Exclusive high-end wallpapers

Wallpaper orange in the kitchen interior

The walls in the greatest affect the perception of the interior as a whole. That is why it is worth paying attention to the orange wallpaper for the kitchen. A bright, rich shade awakens emotions and charges energy. So exactly from breakfast in the kitchen the day of most people begins, this option is great for modern repairs.

The paper uses both familiar rolled materials and photographers with a complex pattern. They can be selected from the finished product catalog or make to order. For this, the picture liked by the client is selected and translates into sheets of paper by means of widescreen printing.

The most successful and very popular option is the photo wallpapers "Oranges". It is recommended to supplement them with real citrus on the table.

What shade to pick up for the refectory

There are weights of shades inside the orange palette:

  • peach;
  • pumpkin;
  • salmon;
  • coral variations;
  • terracotta;
  • bronze;
  • mandarine;
  • ocher;
  • apricot;
  • carrot;
  • amber;
  • gamboge;
  • red tree, etc.

Bright kitchen in orange-white

Very popular is a coral design. This shade is less bright, and therefore softer affects the psycho-emotional state of the person. It is close to the red palette, so in order not to cause irritation to better consider for the design of the walls of the light coral color. Also fit salmon, peach and apricot. To create a darker cozy interior, use Gummigut or Mandarin wallpaper.

Pluses of orange wallpaper

Not all people are delighted with ideas to make orange walls in the kitchen. It's all about the personal tastes and color ratio with the features of the character of a person. It is also necessary to take into account the features of the room in which the repair is planned. To maintain ideas, determine what advantages have orange walls in the interior:

  1. Awakening invigorating effect. In the morning this property has no price. Such a color shares you with energy for the whole day.
  2. Improves mood. Solar gamma is suitable for cheerful active people. For pessimists, this is a kind of medicine, setting their peace perception in the right direction.
  3. Promotes digestion. The entire warm palette has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increases appetite.
  4. Suitable for children. Younger generation loves bright colors, besides, they contribute to their intellectual and psycho-emotional development.
  5. Stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular system. All shades of orange stimulate blood circulation and activate the operation of the SS system.
  6. Brighten the interior. Bright tones enhance the lighting effect.

Modern kitchen with orange tint

A monophonic surface under painting, ready-made wallpaper with a pattern or photo printing - all options are able to have such an impact. The maximum positive effect is achieved by properly combining other elements of the interior and the arrangement of auxiliary accents.

Nuances design

Due to the specific perception and diversity of the elements of the palette, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. Most questions cause bright orange. He acts exciting to the psyche of man, and therefore, with his abundance, there is a feeling of hunger, irritation, hyperactivity, etc. With constant finding in such a room, man is morally moral. For those who want to reset the excess weight, the effect of awakening appetite is not the best assistant.

To equilibrate the situation instead of wall design, use calm tones. Instead of wallpapers, hang small pictures of orange color, buy appropriate textiles. When this shade is getting bored, just replace the decor in the room.

Some like an orange kitchen set. In the presence of such furniture, the walls must be neutral to not merge into a bright spot with furniture. It is better to turn to the achromatic range: black, white, gray. Kitchen design with orange headcard - selection of modern active people. According to the style, he more refers to modern, high-flow, minimalism, as well as avant-garde directions - Fusion and Kitch.

All orange wallpaper tender and pretty festive

An alternative option is a bright apron over the working surface. For him, you can use ceramic tiles and mosaic, photo wallpapers Oranges for kitchen, stained glass, plastic panels, etc. An interesting photo of a composition with flowers, autumn landscapes and sunset over a tropical beach. Please note: what color is the clouds in such photos. Another unusual option is imitation of brickwork and terracotta tiles.

Successful combinations with a headcase and other furniture

You can not use the tone of one palette for interior design. It is necessary to figure out which color is suitable for orange. Conditionally they are divided into such categories:

  • achromatic;
  • neutral;
  • warm;
  • cool.

Achromatic includes white and black, as well as various shades of gray. For apron, black and orange background - the perfect solution. The bright "orange" acquires a special saturation on a dark background, but at the same time is basting. You can use combinations of facades or make inserts on the doors.

The neutral category refers a beige background. It can be warm or cold, depending on the shade. It is better to give preference to the first option. If the walls are bright, for example, using a coral color, milk furniture is suitable from MDF or plastic. For the classic interior, the bleached oak is suitable, bright wenge, ash, light shades of maple, beech, alder and elm.

Neutral applies green color. The kitchen set of orange color is combined with Salad, pear, mint, if you need to create a light soft interior. For spring mood, lime, avocado, forest green, and for a saturated muffled palette - emerald, malachite, olive, khaki, fern.

Orange cuisine will create a warm and excellent mood for the whole family

From the cold group successfully is the blue and blue palette. Coral color in the interior is better combined with purple. Amethyst, wisteria, indigo, heavenly blue, cornflower, beaches of Bondi, denim, are ideal.

For small rooms, choose bright shades, as dark decoration shifts the walls visually.

Coral color looks good in combination with a lilac. This also includes orchid, pale purple, violet. In the warm range are welcome yellow and brown. Yellow and its variations in a pair with orange require a neutral background. Dark tones give comfort, especially if you use natural woody shades: wenge, nut, oak, ash, mahon or red tree.

From additional decoration with a good option is a peach tulle. Tender tones soften the "orange" and lighten the room. Dark heavy curtains or rollers are suitable for creating comfort in the classic kitchen. Copper or terracotta curtains in the interior will allocate the window zone and take part of attention to yourself.

When choosing a design project in the orange gamma, it is necessary to carefully think through every detail of the kitchen. You can not focus on one color, otherwise the interior will be perceived hard and quickly tired owners. Light must contrast with dark, saturated - with pale. Be sure to add auxiliary accents in the form of textiles, dishes, wall decorations made of suitable palette. If the walls are monophonic hang photos of exotic fruits, green apples, flowers in a dark frame. If the wallpaper already contains a drawing or an abstract pattern, you should not overload the surface with details.

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If it is not possible to plan the situation independently, use the designer services or consider ready-made examples of such interiors.

Recently, many interior design specialists seek increasingly using bright colors in the design of various rooms and apartments, applying attractive materials for this. One of these materials are orange wallpaper. They, as well as their all kinds of combinations with the canvas of other colors, are great for different interior styles. Moreover, they can be used not only on the walls, but sometimes on the ceiling. In today's article, we will consider cases of applying orange wallpapers in the design of premises on the example of kitchens and bedrooms, as well as other residential locations. In addition, we will talk about how it is better to combine with curtains and furniture.

The solution to use this color is quite bold. But if you do everything right, the result will not disappoint

Orange kitchen wallpapers

Sometimes you choose the main color in the kitchen - quite difficult. Designers recommend in this matter to repel from its main purpose of the premises, and in this case the wall shade should contribute to the creation of a pleasant atmosphere and promote meals. At the same time, of course, it is not necessary to work only with traditional "kitchen" colors. On the other hand, too bright and creative solutions are best left for active zones (living room, hallway, etc.).

What should be the kitchen under orange wallpaper

The color scheme of this room should be as comfortable and comfortable. Well, besides, it is necessary to remember that the correctly selected combination of colors is capable of visually moving the outlined borders, increasing or decreasing them, make the room warmer.

So choosing the main color, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • the subject of the interior and its stylist direction;
  • side of the world;
  • general geometry;
  • personal preferences;
  • psychological effects of color.

Interior features with this color

This color is attributed to a visual decrease in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and at the same time, an increase in individual items. It also actively affects those objects and surfaces that are in close proximity to it. Do not use it for finishing the entire room. It is best to use orange in combination with other shades.

In addition, it is worth abandoning the monochrome filling of the interior, performing walls and furniture in it simultaneously: it is best to prefer it for something one. Well, to find the right group of colors, you can use the color circle.

Need to remember! Since orange perfectly attracts attention, it is worth using it only to create accents, and it is best to emphasize the following styles: Avangard, Ethno, Country, as well as minimalism. It is not possible to abandon the use of this bright shade in Baroque style, an ampir or classic interior.

Orange Color Design Options

The question of the combination always stood in the first place. Pattym, you have an orange kitchen. What wallpaper is better to shove in this case? We are considering another question: you already have wallpapers of orange. What furniture and curtains should be chosen in a similar situation? As a rule, this background is elected by passionate dreamers, well, psychologists agree that orange contributes to getting rid of mental fatigue. The general palette is very extensive, ranging from gentle apricot shades, and ending with terracotta and carrot colors.

Some designers believe that it is best to choose an orange wallpapers for the kitchen, stopping either on monophonic canvases, or choosing those that have a certain ornament or striped. But experimenting with the saturation of the tone must be extremely careful, since there is always a risk of choosing an excessive irritable shade, which, alas, will not fit for the kitchen.

By the way! For ceiling design, it is preferred to prefer the classic white OKRaSU, but if desired, it can be decorate with small orange lamps. Well, the flooring should be more saturated, dark, making the room more cozy. Kitchen furniture is best to choose in the color of natural wood.

For a successful color combination with orange wallpaper, you can choose apricot curtains with green contrast elements. Also, white curtains will be very relevant. These colors perfectly complement each other, forcing the interior of the room to disclose in a new way. For orange wallpaper, other, no less interesting color combinations can be found, for example with olive, blue, brown and khaki color.

Other premises

Although designers allow the use of orange wallpaper for the kitchen, often this color they use and during the design of other residential areas:

  1. The bedroom is here it is used not so often, since some of its shades are quite bright and aggressive. In the styles of Provence or Country, and it is best to combine it with green or with saturated brown, as well as light curtains.
  2. Living room - this background is relevant especially for those rooms that come out in the north. This color solution is especially successful for those who regularly holds holidays in the living room, invites relatives and friends. Well, in order to exclude the effect of irritation, it is worth drawing a living room in soft shades, and it is suitable for ethnic, African or oriental style. In this case there will be green.
  3. The hallway is the best solution for the room where there is no natural daylight. Well, so that the entrance hall becomes more hospitable, it should be accompanied in calm colors.
  4. Children's - it is recommended to introduce oranges only for those children who suffer apatine, and is not active in life. In other cases, it is necessary to use this tone extremely careful. Orange bright shades can only be included in the gaming zones.
  5. Bathroom - If this room is small, then its use should be minimal, otherwise the bath will seem even less. It is best to use for the ball accents of orange color, which will enable the effect of heat.

Orange Bedroom Wallpaper

The most important room that affects a fairly strong impact on the mood of the owner - the bedroom. It is very important to choose the right bedroom color - the main thing is to focus on your taste. Listen to your intuition, and you will understand what kind of tone you close. If you can't stop at a particular shade - choose an orange. This cheerful, sunny, warm shade will delight you every day. In the morning, the orange interior will give you a charge of positive and energy for the whole day, and in the evening it will help to relax and relax after a working day.

Photo: Classic interior and "juicy" orange paints

This natural, orange background symbolizes strength and energy, causes joyful emotions, contributes to brain activity and interesting communication. This keler is designed for intuitive people, for dreamers. It we meet everywhere - fresh oranges, playful freckles, natural flowers, mounted sunset. Remove mental fatigue after the worker for helping precisely this shade, psychologists say.


You can safely take apricot, peach, carrot, gentle and even life "solar" shades. The walls of the room confidently can be glued to the selected wallpaper, as a monophonic type ,. For calm, quiet people, it is better to choose calm pastel apricot or peach tones with a careless print, but for active and energetic - monophonic or with a small pattern.

You must take into account! You should not choose "screaming" too little and bright colors for this room - they will very negatively affect your vision.

In combination with orange wallpaper in the bedroom, the ceiling to leave it is classically white. It is better to choose a lamp or a lamp in similar bright colors. A brown floor or parquet will suit the orange bedroom, which will create comfort and comfort in the room. You can finely add the design of the indoor space using such decor elements as a white rug, light curtains, pillows of different shades of this bright background.

Combinations in the interior with other paints

Orange background is well combined with green, blue, olive and of course with brown tone. Fill the design of the room by unusual combinations. The combination with green gives us a summer positive combination, so it will look good in the adult room.

It will also be a combination with blue hues. To soften a bright shade, you can use a combination with cream, beige or bodily. Any furniture and various accessories are suitable for this color combination. Sometimes a combination with black is allowed, provided that its presence is quite limited, or present in furniture, elements of the decor or the details of the curtain ornament.

Photo: An example of how well you can pick up furniture and curtains of light tones

Create a sunny, warm corner of comfort and spend a wonderful time in it with your favorite people. Stop your choice on the orange bedroom - the island of heat in your life.

In the kitchen, we spend a lot of time. It starts our morning with the invigorating mug of coffee, the day is tasty dinner in the circle of relatives. Holidays and cheerful gatherings with friends do not bypass the kitchen. Most bold culinary experiences we also spend here. The kitchen is the shower of the apartment, so it should be cozy, positive, stylish.

Color psychology

In the interior design, the color plays an important role. To choose it correctly, you need to understand what you want to get as a result. Orange color raises the mood, helps to cope with depression, charges energy, helps to feel the taste of life. But there is one nuance: orange makes meals more appetizing. Therefore, it is better to avoid bright color in the kitchen for losing weight, but choose a calmer shade - peach.

Only one orange color in the kitchen should not be used. The interior will be heavy and tasteless. You can dilute it using wallpaper or curtains in other colors. A variety and color will help make kitchen furniture.

When developing a design it is worth considering the fact that orange color pulls all attention to itself.This tint resembles a warm summer, rest and carelessness, so it is perfect for the kitchen in the northern part of the house. Orange color will help to warm up. Another orange palette can adjust the space and shape of the kitchen. The extended room will become wider.

Additional brightness and joy of orange kitchen will add good lighting. You should not be limited to one orange, because it has a very wide palette. You can stop your choice on orange, apricot, terracotta, carrot, coral. Each of these shades is able to bring jucia, originality and brightness.


Organic combination of flowers

The kitchen wallpaper should be selected, focusing on the color of the furniture. Orange headsets dictate their rules. It is necessary to choose calm colors. White, blue, pistachio, beige, gray, sand, dairy, are suitable here.

For whiteit is better to pick up a warm shade of orange. Dairy wallpaper will soften the interior of orange kitchen. It is worth looking to look at the lovers of modernity, he will make the kitchen modern and fashionable. In such colors, the kitchen will become more comfortable. Black must be used carefully, in small quantities, in detail.

Green wallpaper It is better to pick up quiet shades - olive, mint, pistachio. With green, the whole orange palette is very organically combined. The design of such a kitchen will complement floral patterns or an unusual print.

With salad shadesthe interior will be very fresh and charging.

For lovers of a relaxed atmosphere fit beige wallpapers. They will reassure screaming orange. The kitchen will turn out to be bright but not causing.

For bold and original

Blue - Strict color enough due to its cold spectrum. Such wallpaper orange kitchen will make more serious and presentable. Blue wallpaper will fit the blue wallpaper for a simpler and casual interior.

Luxury connoisseurs should choose to orange kitchen wallpaper ivory. It turns out a chic, dear interior. Furniture must match the selected style and be high quality.

Eternal summer in the kitchen will make it possible to achieve a combination of orange with Sandy. Such a warm decor will help relax and relax. You can imagine yourself in a small cozy cafe on the seafront.

Do not combine

With purple wallpaper, the combination of orange headset is suitable and original. This is a fairly bold kitchen solution. Such a color gamma will add individual interior. To dilute such active colors slightly, you can add bright details. It is important to choose the right shades of orange and purple, and it turns out not stylish, but tasteless.

The brilliant surface of the headset will not fit the matte wallpaper and vice versa. Materials must be one texture. Very weird will look stringent red matte wallpaper and brilliant orange furniture.

For a juicy orange, orange headset shove the walls better in light gray, yellow or dairy. In such a situation, wallpaper as light and dark shade will be suitable. The main thing is that they are not screaming and have not scored a bright color of the kitchen headset. Orange can be used to decorate walls, but only in small quantities, as elements and additional details.

Colored photo wallpaper is another not the best option for orange kitchen. Bright fruits on the photo wallpaper will take all the attention and only make a heavy interior. In combination with energetic orange, a sad picture will be able, despite the rustling of flowers.

Orange in interior styles

Orange wall closets are perfectly suitable for brown furniture in the kitchen. You can use white wallpaper with a large geometric print. It turns out the style with a reference to Futurism. Above the tabletop can be pasted structured brown-terracotta wallpaper or tile in a small square.

For glossy countertops or mirror table Orange style will be an excellent choice. The kitchen will turn out to be light, air warm and cozy. This combination is suitable for minimalism or high-tech.

Japanese-style kitchen looks very concise and unusual. Dark brown monotonous wallpapers are suitable for the kitchen headset of orange. The interior can be diversified by white inserts over the table top. Furniture can also combine orange, brown and white. The painting with bamboo or sakura will harmoniously complement the interior.

Transparent bar chairs, greenery and flowers in glass rectangular tanks. Ideal white ceiling, the walls can be done on the tone. Extrald lamps in metallic design. Orange headset and massive white countertop. So you can create an ideal kitchen in a modern style.

Quality and material

Choosing the color of the wallpaper for orange kitchen, do not forget about their quality. Since the wallpaper is designed for the kitchen, then the paper is definitely not suitable. It is also necessary to refuse fabric, acrylic and liquid. All these models are afraid of dirt and water. It will not be cleaned.

Vinyl and phlizelin wallpapers will be the perfect option for the kitchen. If necessary, they can be washed, it is wear-resistant and resistant to damage. For the kitchen, these are very important qualities. Over time, they will not hide and do not burn out. Vinyl and phlizelin do not absorb the smell, so there will be no unpleasant flavors in the kitchen.