Hars the jaw. Why can the upper and lower jaw be sick and what to do with it? What to do if the jaw has a long time

When the jaw begins to hurt, it does not only cause a negative response in humans, but can also talk about different concomitant pathologies in the body. When such symptoms appear, you should visit several doctors:

Opinion expert

Biryukov Andray Anyatolevich

the doctor Implantologist orthopedized surgeon graduated from Crimean Honey. Institute in 1991. Specialization Therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and prosthetics on implants.

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I believe that on visits to the dentist can still be saved. Of course, I'm talking about leaving your teeth. After all, if you carefully care for them, then before treatment it may indeed be and not reaching the case - it does not need. Microcracks and small caries on the teeth can be removed ordinary paste. How? The so-called filling paste. I highlight Denta Seal. Try and you.

  • Neurologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Dentist.

They will diagnose, and be determined with treatment tactics.

Causes of the appearance of pain in the jaw on the left side

Usually discomfort in humans in this field arises due to inflammatory ages, injuries, pinching nerves or damage to vessels, tumor occurrences. Therefore, pain in the field of jaws may indicate the availability of different pathologies.

Only after diagnostics can determine the cause of negative symptoms.

Dental factors

If a person has an incorrect bite, it can cause discomfort in the jaw area. The problem will be able to identify orthodont. To confirm the pathology, it may be necessary to make a panoramic shot of teeth. Usually, pain of this nature arise in children when a number of teeth are formed, or in adolescents.

When the wrong bite is confirmed, braces can be assigned. They will help to remove pain. But it is worth remembering that the wearing structures can cause discomfort.

Pain after injury

If the patient suffered a face injury, then he should go to the maxillofacial surgeon. In serious injuries there may be severe pain. If the damage is small, then the person simply is formed a bruise on the place of the bruise and swelling. Symptoms passes after a few days. It is recommended to take a picture to exclude possible damage to the bone.

Dislocation - can also cause pain. It occurs after impact or with a sharp opening of the mouth. Injury may appear with those who love to gnaw nuts.

When dislocation, a person feels a click in the jaw fastening area. As a result, he has severe pain. Sometimes a person after dislocation cannot close his mouth or speak normally.

Dislocation Specialist can determine visually. The right is made manually. After that, it is recommended to make an X-ray picture of the mouth to eliminate the fracture. If the picture shows that the bone displacement occurred, then the operation is carried out. The doctor establishes the patient a tire.

Purulent-inflammatory pathologies

When such a disease appears in soft tissues, pathological processes occur. Bone tissues may also be damaged. If boils appear on the skin, this makes it possible to eliminate the presence of other pathologies. If the treatment is done correctly, it will not give the opportunity to manifest complications.

The pain will disappear after a while. Doctors advise not to carry out purulent diseases independently, since incorrect therapy can help penetrate viruses in the brain.

Abscesses usually affect the language and tissues in the mouth. The patient can complain about pain in the jaw. There is also inflammation of lymph nodes and the swelling of the face appears. Sometimes rises in the patient and temperature.

Pathology in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints

In arthritis, the jaws may also hurt. Such pains will be given in the ear, because the pathology can be confused with otitis. This disease will not disappear itself, and therefore it will be necessary to treat it. Sometimes symptoms can manifest themselves pronounced.

Arthrosis is characteristic:

  • Music pains that continue for a long time.
  • Strengthening symptoms when talking or chewing.
  • Hoping in the field of jaw joints.
  • Stiffness joints after sleep.

Diagnosing pathology is carried out by a dentist. He makes X-ray and excludes the possibility of manifesting other diseases. Arthritis can proceed with symptoms of varying degrees of severity.

Tumors of the jaw zone

These causes are the most dangerous. They can cause discomfort from different sides. At the initial stage of the pathology of symptomatics. It sometimes causes the appearance of chronic disease. The tumor is like malignant and benign.

To benign:

  1. Osteoblastoclastoma.
  2. Osteoid Osteoma.
  3. Adamantine.

They are removed by carrying out the operation, as education does not allow a person to live normally. If you immediately do not remove the tumors, they can over time to become malignant. Only after the operation and further research you can say that the tumor is neutralized.

Oncological education in the field of the person is less common than other parts of the body, but at the same time they cause more serious consequences. This is caused by the fact that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face there is a lot of soft tissue, which improves the growth of the tumor. In the sarcoma, a person may not experience any unpleasant sensations, but this disease is able to quickly kill it. Therefore, it should be alert when the sensitivity of the skin is reduced from the affected side of the face.

Neurogenic pathology

When the nerve is defeated on the facial zone, the body responds to it. Often symptoms are expressed strongly.

Diagnose this pathology can be determined by the localization of pain. Pumping the nerve causes unpleasant sensations from different sides of the jaw. They can enhance when talking or chewing.

Other causes of pain

The discomfort in the jaw can cause diseases of the vessels, since blood flow is broken in the body. Under the jaw is also located and lymph nodes that can inflame and cause discomfort. The person will increase the temperature at the same time. Often, pathology goes into chronic and reminds of illegality only by parallel manifestations. Also in lymph nodes often occur malignant education.

Sometimes discomfort occurs through the defeat of the salivary glands, tonsillitis, tumors of the throat, sinusitis or pharyngitis. Not often, the manifestation of pain in the jaw region can contribute to heart attack or angina. At the same time there will also be discomfort in the chest.

Who to contact with negative symptoms?

If discomfort in the jaw region occurs, many people do not know how to contact. It is recommended to immediately visit the therapist. After inspection, he will send to the desired specialist. You can also visit:

  1. Surgeon dentologist.
  2. Surgeon-orthodontist.
  3. Dentist.
  4. Neurologist.
  5. Laura.

Jaw pain therapy

As can be seen from the above, the reason for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the jaw region can become different factors. All these pathologies are associated with neuralgia, inflammation of the joints, LOR-organs, inflammation of teeth and other points. Therefore, the method of treating pain appoints only a specialist after diagnostics.

Also noted by doctors, which analgesics can eliminate unpleasant symptoms. But their reception will not help get rid of the problem completely. It is necessary to identify the main reason for the appearance of pain and eliminate it.

The principles of treatment are:

  • When bumps, compresses can be applied.
  • Dislocation is played by the doctor.
  • When fractures, an operation is carried out.
  • In purulent diseases, antibiotics are appointed.
  • With a heart attack, urgent hospitalization is carried out.
  • Problems with teeth eliminates the dentist.
  • Oncology is treated by conducting operations and subsequent therapy with medicines.

Also in some cases, folk remedies are used. For treatment, you can apply infusions from acacia to rub the affected place. We use both chamomile infusions from which compresses are made.

Complete the course of therapy and exercise. They are:

  1. Snark strongly eyes.
  2. Put the lip tube.
  3. Smile with closed lips
  4. Inflate cheeks.

All these exercises should be performed every day with negative symptoms in the jaw area. On the day you need to do all exercises 5 times.

Possible complications

If after manifesting discomfort not to start immediately treatment, then this may cause serious complications. Pain in the jaw area can lead to a loss of hearing. Also, when displaced the jaws, problems with teeth may arise.

Are there any excitement before a visit to the dentist?


Permanent discomfort leads to such consequences:

  1. Disorientation in space.
  2. Bad sleep.
  3. Pain in the head.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Depression.
  6. Increased sensitivity of the body to stimuli.
  7. Pain in eyes.

Preventive actions

In order not to progress the pathology, it is necessary to conduct its treatment in a timely manner. Also worth abandoning large loads on the body. Recommended by doctors to stick and rules that will not give pathology to appear:

  1. Dressed in accordance with weather conditions and do not blunt.
  2. When the virus appears to immediately treat it.
  3. Avoid stress.
  4. Conduct every day face massage.
  5. Turn the body.
  6. Eat right.

The above are the most common inconsisions that can become causes of the appearance of pain in the jaw region on the left side. It is also necessary to comply with all the recommendations and precautions so that complications are not manifested.

With the first negative symptoms, you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Why is the lower jaw hurt? What diseases can this symptom signal? In any case, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist to determine the cause and start treatment.

Localization and main reasons

The cause of pain can be both injuries and diseases of teeth and fabrics.

The soreness in the lower jaw appears for various reasons: various injuries, inflammatory diseases in tissues, nerve and vessels, tumor processes. If the lower jaw hurts, in some cases the patient can determine the specific localization of soreness:

  • in the ear
  • lymph nodes
  • in facial muscles
  • on the one hand,
  • only at the bottom of the face.

Wearing braces and prostheses

Painness often accompanies patients who use removable dentures and braces systems. Pain sensations in the process of bite correction - the phenomenon is normal, as the teeth displacement occurs and. The doctor necessarily warns the patient before the start of treatment.

Expert opinion. Dentist River Dentist R.E.: "Discomfort When wearing removable orthodontic structures, often occurs during the period of addiction. Over time, soreness disappears. If this does not happen, you need to visit the doctor, as this signals the fault of the prosthesis or on its incorrect use. With incorrect closure of teeth, pain in the muscles often occurs. "


Pain is the main symptom of various injuries, while the severity of pain syndrome depends on the nature of the injury:

  1. Injury- Light type of injury, damage to soft tissues, the bone remains untouched. Symptoms: Bruise, soreness, swelling, which take place in a few days.
  1. Fracture- Furious injury requiring medical care.
  1. Dislocation It occurs mainly with a sharp opening of the mouth, while it is impossible to close your teeth back. There is a sharp unbearable pain, the lower jaw is shifted forward or sideways. It is necessary to contact a specialist who will enact the jaw in the place manually.

Purulent-inflammatory pathologies

Dislocation of the lower jaw is accompanied by its displacement, with the inability to close the mouth.

Soreness and discomfort may accompany the purulent-inflammatory diseases:

  • Osteomyelitis develops against the background of infection in jaw tissue (with blood flow or from infected teeth and oral tissues). The pain in this case is pronounced, the disease requires immediate treatment.
  • Abscesses and phlegmons most often occur in the tissues of the lower jaw, which form the bed under the tongue.
  • The furuncle is squeezed independently dangerous, you need to seek help for your doctor.

Temple joint problems

In case of diseases of the temple joint, the pain gives in the ear. Most often these are the following diseases:

Teeth diseases

Pain - the main symptom of almost all diseases of the teeth:

  • caries,
  • periodontitis
  • limited osteomyelitis
  • teeth injuries
  • increased enamel sensitivity.

Vessel pathology

One of the conditions of natural functioning of any type of tissue of the human body is the right blood supply. In case of violations of this process, soreness and other unpleasant symptoms occur. Vascular pathology: The arteritis of the facial artery provokes burning pain, problems with a carotid artery. Medicinal preparations are used to treat pathologies.

Pain under the jaw

The pain under the jaw may be the cause of pathologies of lymph nodes.

Under the lower jaw there is a lot of anatomical formations, with diseases of which often occurs pain syndrome:

  • inflammation of the salivary glands
  • large tumor processes,
  • tumors of lymph nodes,
  • salivamental disease
  • faringites, tonsillites.

Neurogenic reasons

In pathologies of certain types of nerves, the pain puts into the lower jaw:

  1. - Damage to the lower branch of the trigeminal nerve causes pain that applies to the lower part of the face. The attacks most often worried the patient at night.
  1. Neuralgia of the upper gentle nerve: severe pain under the lower jaw occurs when swallowing, chewing, blowing off.
  1. Long-catching nerve neuralgia: soreness appears in the language, gives it to the jaw. Pathology is rare.

Pain in the lower jaw - frequent symptom of dental and other diseases. It is one-sided nature or equally pronounced on both sides, gives it in the neck, ear and other parts of the body. An unpleasant feeling interferes with the patient to chew, yawning, just open your mouth. To return to the usual quality of life and eliminate the risks of complications, it is necessary to obtain a doctor's advice.

Possible causes of pain in the lower jaw

Pain syndrome is a consequence of the defeat of any component of the unit of the maxillofacial region. The main causes of pain in the lower jaw is:

  • purulent inflammatory diseases that melts soft and bone tissue;
  • infections propagating without concomitant melting of tissues;
  • disorders of metabolic processes, in particular, the balance of electrolytes and other substances;
  • injuries - this group includes not only straight blows and bruises, but also random damage due to careless movements of jaws and bad habits;
  • tumor formation of malignant or benign;
  • pathology of nerves and vessels.

The clinical picture directly depends on the cause of the symptom. Discomfort is the main sign or complication of pathologies.

Dental problems

Most adults and children have painful sensations against the background of problems with teeth and gums. For example, the jaw often hurts because of the unrealized caries when the inflammatory process affects the pulp.

If the best pain occurs in a dream or when pressed on the gum, this indicates the presence of a chronic inflammatory process. The teething of the wisdom teeth in most patients passes painfully. It is accompanied by pulling intense pains. An unpleasant symptom is especially dangerous if the edema of the tissues is noted in parallel, the isolation of the pus, the violation of the swallowing function and the impossibility of moving freely.

Bone lesions

Pain syndrome with localization in the lower jaw - a typical symptom of osteomyelitis. By the mechanism of infection, the disease happens:

  1. odontogenic - pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the bone through the affected tooth;
  2. hematogenic - the spread of pathogenic agents occurs through blood from the focus of infection;
  3. traumatic - bacteria fall into the body through open wounds.

In 75% of patients with osteomyelitis develop due to launched caries. In the early stages, pain syndrome is localized in the area of \u200b\u200ba particular tooth. As the purulent-inflammatory process is distributed, the pain moves to neighboring sites and becomes stronger. An unpleasant feeling is in the eye, temple or ear.

Diseases of joints

The main task that the temporomandibular joint is performed (OPS) and the articular process is the connection of the lower jaw with the top and ensuring its mobility. Any damage to the joint, the articular process, bundles, cartilage and muscles in this area lead to articular dysfunction. Most often, the problem arises due to the following diseases:

PVCHS diseaseCommon reasonSymptomsMethods of diagnosis
ArthrosisIncorrect load distribution due to congenital or acquired bite disorderThere are stupid pains in the field of ENCH and the maxillary process when loading with exacerbation with cold weather or in the eveningRadiography, kt.
Articular dysfunctionInjuries, inflammation, bite disordersThe chewing muscle often drives down, there is an involuntary dense jaw closure (we recommend reading: what to do if the teeth and chewing muscles are reduced?)Radiography, CT, ultrasound, orthopantomography
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritisPenetration of infection in the ENCH cavity, complication of infectious diseases, damage to the joint or mining processThe jaw has a swollen, hurts when you press and open the mouthRadiography, CT, CLT

Typical symptoms are typical for pathologies - this is a crunch, click, limiting the mobility of the joint.

What to do with a specific problem, dentists, rheumatologists or profile specialists solve.


Pain syndrome often provoke inflammation of the nerves that bind the maxillofacial system with the central nervous system. Attairs of acute pain accompanied inflammatory processes that affect the following nerves:

  • True. The painful syndrome is "drilling" character, the jaw is stronger at night.
  • Upper guttural. One-sided discomfort (more often on the right) is intensifying when chewing food, high-speed, yawn. The symptom is accompanied by cough and icota, intense solubling.
  • Language. The patient has jaw, tongue and larynx. Spasms arise short-term attacks when trying to move the tongue.

Neuralgia is treated with a dentonymologist and a neuropathologist. To determine why jaw hurts, radiography or CT.

Oncological education

Unilateral pain on the left or right in the lower jaws arise in the development of malignant education. This is a characteristic symptom of bone cancer and osteogenic sarcoma. In the early stages, the nerve processes lose sensitivity, bones and joints begin to fly and root.

The frequent cause of pain syndrome is a benign swelling in the form of atheroma. This is a small bump that is formed behind the ear due to the growing of the lymphatic node (we recommend reading: what to do if the bump appeared on the gum and should it be treated?). When palpation, education resembles a movable dense ball. If you identify pathology on time and start treatment, the forecast is positive. The uncontrolled development of atheroma leads to inflammation and suppuration, up to the infection of blood.

ORVI and other infectious diseases

Cheekbones and jaws often hurt in respiratory diseases - rheore, colds, viral diseases. The infection is often distributed by the body, which is developing inflammation.

With different diagnoses, the localization of pain syndrome varies. For example, cheekbones under the eye are often sick with a hyamorite. When rhinitis, the pain is concentrated between the lower and the upper jaws due to the accumulation of pathogenic agents in the articular bag. Similar sensations occur upon inflammation of the ear and are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The angle of jaws with the right and left side usually lomit at an epidemic parotitis.


The character, localization and severity of pain syndrome depends on the type of injury. Most often in children and adults are diagnosed:

Type of injuryThe reasonsRelated symptoms
InjuryBlow or fallSwelling, bruises and bruises
DislocationBlow, sharp or improper opening of the mouth, age-related ligamentForced unnatural position of jaw, salivation
FractureBlow or fallHematoma, violation of chewing function and speech, forced bite change, saliva
Traumatic osteomyelitisInfection of bones and soft tissuesPersonal swelling, inclined to grow and seal, fever
Chronic subsidationsViolation of the fixation of the joint and the jaw process"Losing" of the joint with any careless movements

Often pain occurs due to fixation of bones after tire fractures. This is due to damage to the teeth, gums, nerve processes or repeated fractures. Also, the cause becomes infection with the development of phlegmon or abscess.

Pain in the jaw is an extremely unpleasant symptom of a large number of diseases. In order to get rid of discomfort as soon as possible, it is necessary to identify the reason for its appearance with a specialist doctor, and urgently begin treatment.

Sometimes the occurrence of pain in the jaw indicates the pathology of other organism systems, for example, cardiovascular.

Sometimes pain in the jaw may be so strong that it is possible to understand exactly where it hurts is possible. However, if not all the jaw hurts, then in some cases it is possible to determine a specific location:

  1. Near the ear on the left or right side of the face.
  2. Pain feelings in lymph nodes under the jaw.
  3. The pain is formed only with the movements of the facial muscles, for example, when opening the mouth.
  4. Pain with the right or left side.
  5. The discomfort is felt only in the lower jaw.

The reasons for the formation of such pathology may be different, depending on the nature of the disease.

To identify it, the installation of an accurate diagnosis and appointment of the most effective treatment must urgently apply to a specialist doctor.

Factors provoking the emergence of disease

So why is the jaw hurt? The ethiology of pain in the jaw can be different:

  • Inflammatory processes in bone tissue and moving joints, sometimes accompanied by supplies (osteomyelitis, arthritis, arthrosis, furunculosis and other dental pathologies).
  • Pain may arise as a result of various injuries, provoked by both external factors (blow, fracture), and inflicted by the patient's involuntarily (unsuccessful sneezing or yawning).
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system (damage to the facial and carotid arteries, the syndrome of the Red Ear, angina). In case of heart disease, irrades from the affected organ.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Conducting various dental manipulations requiring long-term recovery, such as the removal of the tooth, the installation of pins and other types of surgical intervention, as well as wearing braces contributes to the occurrence of painful discomfort in the jaw.
  • Neurological pathologies (neuralgia).

Characteristics of pain in jaw injuries

If the patient complains about pain on the left or right side of the face, then, most likely, we are talking about injury caused by jaws.

The presence of a tumor or a small edema in a sick region testifies to injury obtained in the process of sports or conflict ending with a fight.

If the lower part hurts in the process of chewing or alone, it is quite possible that the patient has a fracture, which is a pathological change in the position of the bones. Most often formed with strong impact.

The patient will require mandatory osteosynthesis - surgical intervention, the essence of which: return the jaw bones into a physiological position.

The most frequent injury of the jaw is dislocated. It happens because of an overwhelming opening of the mouth, a sharp movement, attempts to open something with teeth.

The specialist doctor puts this diagnosis based on the following symptoms and signs:

  1. Sustainable afty of the jaw.
  2. Speech defects.
  3. Swallow dysfunction.
  4. Painful sensations localized under the mandibular bone and in the joint.

Neof formation

If the patient complains about discomfort and pain, which are tormented by it for quite a long time, then the doctor will need to send a patient for a complete examination, which reveals the appearance of benign and malignant tumors.

Their feature is that signs of inflammation may be absent long enough, discomfort will not be pronounced, the patient does not recognize its ailment.

The pain appears late in the evening or at night, the jaw thickens imperceptibly, complaints mainly on pain in the process of chewing food or after a long conversation.

Timely medication and surgical intervention to eliminate benign neoplasms, as a rule, allow the patient to quickly get rid of the problem and recover.

Sarkoma is a malignant form and is most dangerous. It is characterized by pain in the jaw, which is in the ear, painful change of the position of bones, discomfort when pressing on a sore place.

Inflammatory diseases accompanied by suppuration

The pain at the top or bottom of the jaw can be provoked by an abscess, the most traumatic of which is osteomyelitis.

The disease develops as a result of infection in bone tissue, the jaw swells heavily and hurts, a furuncle may form.

As a rule, he is accompanied by headaches, chills, increased sensitivity of teeth, sometimes swelling go to the neck.

Cardiovascular pathology

If the pain in the jaw is accompanied by pain in the hearts or unpleasant sensations along the vessels, urgent challenge of ambulance and immediate hospitalization are needed, especially if there are symptoms such as sweating, a sense of lack of air, severe chest pain.

In cases where the facial vessels are damaged, the patient complains of burning pain, irradizing in the eye and nose area.

Burning, sticky saliva, severe language - symptoms arising from glossal. Take note!

About what to do in the case when the teeth are watched, read to identify the disease on time and take measures to eliminate it.

Without braces to align your teeth. All methods are described.

Neurogenic pain

Most often, pain in the jaw talks about the defeat of a trigeminal or gentle nerve. In this case, the pain is accompanied by returns to the root of the tongue, is intensified during the conversation process.

Pain feelings are burning and significantly enhanced at night. Chewing is accompanied by convulsions, sweating as a review of discomfort.

Treatment: What to do if the jaw hurts?

Regardless of which reason could provoke pathology, according to the patient, it is necessary to comply with the doctor to identify the pathogenic factor and the appointment of treatment.

The diagnosis is set using the following examination methods:

  • Listening to the patient's complaints and careful inspection.
  • Radiographic study of the bones of the jaw.
  • Urine and blood analysis.
  • Computer methods of diagnostics or magnetorezonance tomography.
  • Additional consultations with a neurologist, oncologist or traumatologist, depending on the nature of the injury.

For the treatment of fractures, necessarily intervening, when dislocation, the jaw must be installed. Ears will require applying cold compresses and fixing the anatomical position of the jaw using fixing dressings.

To eliminate pain syndrome, specialist doctors are additionally assigned painkillers (ibuprofen, orthophene).

Acute purulent inflammatory pathologies are usually treated in hospital conditions under careful doctor control.

In addition to painkillers and anti-inflammatory funds, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to eliminate the main cause of the disease - bacterial infection. Magni clusters are completely cleaned, pre-open the nipping place.

In cases where the disease was caused by dental pathologies, treatment will be carried out depending on the type of illness and the nature of its manifestation.

It may take additional surgical interference after removing the teeth or the removal of brackets that cause strong discomfort.

Benign and malignant tumors are treated only with operations. Further recovery takes place in the hospital.

There are a lot of reasons why jaws can be sick on the left side, on the right, on top or bottom. The diseases of the teeth, ears, aerial sinuses, lymph nodes, gums, soft fabrics, some internal organs, and the jaws themselves can lead to this unpleasant symptom. To find out the correct diagnosis and proceed to competent treatment, it is necessary to pass a lot of diagnostic measures, so when an alarming jaw pain occurs, you need to immediately contact the doctor.

The most frequent reasons why jaw hurts

More often, pulsating pain is manifested in the lower jaw on the left or right, damage to the opposite bone tissues occurs much less frequently. In both cases, the most common reasons for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations include:

  • complex tooth removal;
  • teething tooth wisdom;
  • teeth diseases;
  • fracture;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteogenic sarcoma.

Difficult deletion of the tooth

Pain in the jaw may arise due to the complex removal of the tooth. Usually, it has to cut the gums or to cut the tooth to the tooth into several parts. Even if all precautions were observed, after such an operation, swells appear in the field of the lower person, inflammation may begin. Usually postoperative pain passes 2-3 days after the procedure, if it is not accompanied by temperature and other negative features, it is not necessary to worry.

Teething tooth wisdom

The lower or opposite jaw may be sick due to the atypical teething of the tooth of wisdom. By the time of his growth in the dentition, there is no longer a free space, so the eight often begins to break into the wrong side. At best, the molar will get out at a slight angle or robbed into the neighboring tooth, at worst - it will turn towards the jaw bone, then in its area will gradually increase the new pain.

You can independently determine why it hurts and leaving the jaw on the left or right side will not work. It is possible to do this only in the conditions of dentistry, so you should not hide with the appeal to a specialist.

Teeth diseases

To teeth diseases, pain from which can irradiating into the jaw, belong:

  • deep caries;
  • pulpitis - inflammation of the nerve of the tooth;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the layer between the tooth and the bone;
  • cyst - purulent bubble in the gum;
  • swisters - purulent inflammation at the root of the tooth, which goes out through soft tissues.

Usually, with such diseases, the tooth hurts so much that he puts in the jaw. Often, symptoms is escalated by increasing the temperature, mild tissues can swollen. When pressed on the cheek or gum, the dental pain is usually aggravated.

With serious injury to the lower part of the skull, a fracture of jaws is possible, usually such injuries appear after serious incidents. When a fracture, the jaw hurts so much that it is not difficult to identify the cause of the manifestation.

Pain in the damaged area is enhanced by pressing, opening the mouth, chewing and any other movement of the jaw. The face is manifested asymmetry. It usually arises due to the fact that the cheek is swollen, but the bone offset under an unnatural angle can be caused.

An open fracture is always accompanied by strong bleeding, with such injury, ambulance must be provided to the victim.

Osteomyelitis is an infectious damage to the bone tissues of the jaw. The cause of pathology can be a launched disease of the teeth, only in rare cases infection penetrates into bone tissues by another way.

Osteomyelitis is accompanied by pain in the upper or lower jaw, increasing temperature and general malaise. The unpleasant sensations are enhanced by pressing and have a pulsating nature, the development of abscess (accumulation of pus) is possible.

The treatment of complicated osteomyelitis is the surgical removal of infection with infection and further antibiotic therapy. Rehabilitation after the disease sometimes takes not one week.

Osteogenic sarcoma

Sarkoma is one of the varieties of malignant bone tumor. More often because of it hurts the upper jaw to the left or right, but sometimes it develops in the lower bone tissues. An additional symptom of the disease is numbness in the field of the upper or lower jaw, even deformation of the bone is possible.

Treatment of sarcoma is to remove the tumor and chemotherapy. If you begin treatment in time, the chance of full recovery will be 80%.

Why only the upper jaw hurts

All previously listed factors can lead to pain in the top of the person, however, there are reasons that are characteristic only for it:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the gaymorovy sinuses;
  • violation of the function of the temporochny joint;
  • neuralgia of the ear knot or trigeminal nerve;
  • carotidia.

Pain in the jaw for such reasons is dangerous to human health, many of these diseases require complex and long-term treatment.


In the human skull there are several skimorial sinuses - voids in the bone. Each is eliminated by a vulnerable mucous membrane, which infection may affect. If the jaw hurts only to the right or left, it means that the sinus is inflamed near the ear. However, much more often such a disease is manifested in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose.

Violation of the function of the temporochny joint

Temporable jaw joint is necessary for a jaw connection with the base of the skull. The violation of its work leads to pain in the upper jaw and may be due to different reasons, the most common of them:

  • inflammation of chewing muscles;
  • malocclusion;
  • osteoarthritis - rapid aging of cartilage tissue.
In case of damage to the temporary jaw joint, the entire head hurts, not just the jaw. Pain syndrome extends to whiskey, cheeks and even forehead. It is difficult for a person to move the mouth, eat and talk. Each opening of the mouth is accompanied by jaw clocks.

Neuralgia of the ear knot or trigeminal nerve

Usually, with such a disease, only one side of the jaw hurts, the duration of pain seizures can reach several hours. The discomfort is more often manifested on the upper jaw, but can go to the bottom. A person has a feeling that he will learn all his teeth.

The epicenter of pain in neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve is the temple area, when pressed for this site it becomes unbearable painfully.


Carotidia is one of the varieties of migraine. With it, pulsating pain in the upper jaw occurs in the attacks that last for several hours. The unpleasant sensations begin to appear in the upper part of the face, in the ear, sometimes neck. In the peak of the attack, painful sensations affect the whole face.

Typically, carotidia is a symptom of other diseases, which themselves cause pain in the lower part of the person. These include damage to nerves or joints, head injuries.

Why only the lower jaw hurts

The discomfort in the field of the lower jaw and the chin is usually due to the following reasons:

  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • arteritis of the facial artery;
  • neuralgia;
  • myocardial infarction.
Much more often in humans there are pain precisely in the lower jaw, the reasons are that it is more susceptible to injuries - the upper bone is less vulnerable.

Inflammation of lymph nodes

In a person's neck, there is a cluster of lymph nodes, which are responsible for the production of lymphocytes involved in the immune defense of the body. Sometimes the nodes are inflamed, which is accompanied by pain in the lower jaw on the left or from the opposite side. The inflammatory process is unilateral, therefore, the pain is localized in a certain place.

In the launched case, the inflammation of lymph nodes can be diagnosed independently, since the soft tissues of the neck are highly swell, and seals appear on them.

Arteritis of the facial artery

The whole body of a person is permeated with arteries and vessels. With inflammation of the vessels and arteries located in the head area, arteritis develops, which leads to maxillary pain. Most often, this disease is localized in the area where sleepy and facial artery take place near the angle of the lower jaw and its foundation. There they are driving, so they suffer more often.

With the arteri, only the lower jaw and chin, only the lower jaw and the chin, in the development of the ailment of discomfort goes into the corners of the mouth and the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose.


Near the lower jaw are the top harvester and language nerves. With their damage, neuralgia arises, which becomes the cause of pain in the jaw. The development of the disease leads similar factors:

  • injuries;
  • infectious diseases;
  • supercooling.

The pain is manifested in the form of attacks, intensify when pressed. Sometimes there is redness of the skin, in rare cases, cramps in the muscles of the neck are possible.

Myocardial infarction

One of the non-obvious symptoms of a heart attack is discomfort at the bottom of the person. Cardiac pain goes up nervous endings and gives to the lower jaw and chin. The patient appears a feeling that his jaw is leaving, and his teeth hurt, but cannot recognize the cause of such symptoms. Many people are sobbling on their shoulders and hands and can give in the right and left side. People with coronary heart disease sometimes reveal attacks precisely in pain.

What to do if the jaw hurts

If strong pain is accompanied by a temperature, and the soft fabrics of the person are noticeably swollen, you need to call an ambulance. The same needs to be done if the pain arose after the injury of the jaw region. In these cases, discomfort is caused by either a fracture or infectious damage. Both pathologies can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

In other cases, you need to make an appointment with the therapist. He will hold a primary inspection, asks for all additional symptoms, will send to X-ray. Usually, work with the therapist on it ends, as it only reveals the cause of pain, and then directs a patient to a narrow profile specialist: a dentist, a surgeon, a otolaryngologist, a neurologist. What to do a patient who has a lower or upper jaw and whose jaw, solves a narrow profile doctor.

To reduce pain to a campaign to a doctor, such drugs can be taken:

  • Aspirin;
  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibufen;
  • Ketorol;
  • Ketanov.

Be sure to give up hard food, try to reduce the load on the jaw. If there is confidence that the pain is connected with the teeth, you can attach a cold compress to the face. It will reduce discomfort and reduce swelling.

If the pain is localized in the upper jaw on the right or on the left side, it is necessary to refuse from cold compresses. In some diseases associated with facial nerves, the cold is contraindicated, as it can only increase inflammation.

Painfulness in the field of jaws is extremely rarely talking about diseases that do not require urgent treatment. Always always need immediate appeal to a specialist.