Why do flea houses if there are no animals. What to do with fleas in the house

To successfully cope with fleas in the apartment, you must make sure that they settled in the apartment, and not other insects. Bloch has its own distinctive features:

  • Body length 1-5 mm. On the sides it is slightly flattened, covered with bristles and spikes that help the insect to attach to surfaces.
  • The color of flea can be from yellowish to dark brown.
  • Bloch is capable of jumping over long distances (500 times higher than its own size) thanks to additional feet behind.

On the body of a person or an animal flea are not constantly as lice, but only feed. They can easily scare them, they do not bite constantly. But get rid of them harder, there is almost every corner in the apartment. From lice enough to handle only the infected area on the body.

Blossi life cycle 2 years. During this period, the female postpones up to 500 eggs. After 2 weeks, they already have a kind of complete fleas. The larvae is best shot in warm and raw places where a lot of food for them (hamster cells, domestic toilets). There are very many types of fleas. But on the human body can dwell about 30.

Go to the address and find out what to do if there was a wasp in the house and how to find insect nest.

Prevention of the appearance of Bloch

It is better to prevent the appearance of insects in the house than to fight them for a long time. To do this, you need to adhere to some recommendations.

Useful tips:

  • Follow the cleanliness in the apartment, more often to air her.
  • Keep strongly smelling plants that scare fleas (wormwood, Pijm, geranium).
  • Special collars on pet pets, especially if they walk on the street. Often inspect them for the presence of livery in wool.
  • Make wet cleaning using disinfection tools.
  • Often vacuuming carpets, upholstered furniture.
  • Clothes and laundry to wash regularly, stored only dry.

More effective methods of combating methods with small and harmful insects in the next video:

Bloch bites a man

Features of fighting flea

The fleas belongs to overcall bloodworm insects that can reach sizes up to 5 mm. Their caller is flattened on the sides and has numerous spikes and bristles. It is thanks to him that they have the opportunity to cling to clothes, including animal wool.

Fleas can live even on poultry, for example, parrots. They are often in the intercrough space. In addition, fleas are able to dwell in the nora and substrates of nests. With the help of three foot steams can make significant jumps, which gives them the opportunity to move very quickly.

  • Crush the flea is incredibly difficult, she has a special fighter structure and a small head.
  • With long and strong legs, it is capable of performing jumps up to 50 cm long.
  • Adult insect very lively, it will calmly live without food a few weeks.
  • Bloch is highlighted by high fertility, thereby ensuring their rapid spread. One female can postpone over thousands of eggs. After leaving the cocoon, the female can almost immediately be fertilized. At the same time, only one meeting with the male is enough to put eggs throughout the life. But for the laying, she needs fresh blood, as a result of which she will look for a sacrifice.

Sources of Apartment Floor

In most cases, people are perplexed by the appearance of fleas in the apartment. They can get into the dwelling in different ways, including to spread through different rooms and in love with various cozy places.

  • If a parrot, a dog or a cat lives in the apartment, then insects may well live on them and eat them. But if they begin to multiply, the feed may be a little, then in this case they may well throw on people. It is from this period that the owners of the apartment begin to suspect the wrong and soon detect Bloch.
  • wool pets;
  • bedding that the owners with love prepared for a cat or dog;
  • cells for birds, as well as pets for pets can also be an excellent eyeguard for insects;
  • they can comfortably live in dye carpets and tracks;
  • beds, sofas and other upholstered furniture can also become a place where they will develop, as well as postpone flea eggs;
  • soft toys of children can also become a place where these dangerous insects will live.

The gaps in the floor, including the plinth, are one of the most likely places where fleas will settle with convenience.They are very small, so they can easily be chosen by any secluded places that are in the apartment, for example, under the bathroom or for the kitchen head.

It should be said that fleas can dwell in the apartment almost everywhere. At the same time, if you want to get rid of them yourself, then it is unlikely to succeed, because they are very quickly moved and while you will destroy in one place, they will easily turn out to be completely different. Huge fertility will allow them to be extremely quickly restored and increase their population. As a result, it is necessary to destroy them immediately in all rooms, and it should be acting simultaneously and quickly. To achieve such an effect today, only specialists who use special means and equipment can be achieved.

The harm and danger of flea

These insects are dangerous by the development of phobias, as well as mental disorders. If a whole Colony of fleas in the room lives, then permanent skin irritations after bites can lead to the development of disorders on the nervous soil.

However, the greatest danger represent insects to carry dangerous diseases of infectious nature.

Among the diseases that are able to transfer these annoying insects can be noted:

  • deadly disease - plague;
  • siberian ulcer;
  • encephalitis;
  • tularevia;
  • return, as well as a rapid tit and a huge number of other infections.

In addition to dangerous diseases, flea can be transferred not so dangerous, but still unpleasant infections in the form:

  • salmonellosis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • listery and so on.

Naturally, not every flea may be a carrier of a disease that can seriously harm health or lead to death, but there is always a potential threat that it can happen. Therefore, it is necessary at the very first discovery of uninvited insects to take all the necessary measures in order to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

For pregnant women, insect data are also dangerous as for the rest of the category of people. However, it is necessary to understand that the malaise that was caused by the bite may lead to a deterioration of the state of the fetus. In particular, it is dangerous at an early stage of pregnancy. That is why it is extremely important to protect future mothers from any touch with these dangerous insects.

If you recently arrived from the journey and discovered fleas in your apartment, then this is a pretty serious reason for concern. It is likely that you brought exotic fleas that can infect you with exotic diseases.

It is imperative to immediately start fighting fleas when first discovery. It is best to immediately contact our specialists, since only in this case is guaranteed a complete disposal of fleas and consequences that they can bring to your life.

If you bought an apartment, then there is a chance that it is already infected with these insects. For example, the former owners have already fought fleas, but they failed to completely overcome them. It is possible that it is for this reason that they move to a new place and relief say goodbye to the old apartment, leaving to solve the problem of fleas a new owner. Get rid of fleas in the apartment it is necessary before checking into the room.

Get rid of fleas in the apartment yourself

It is important to understand that to get rid of flea on its own forces will have to spend a lot of effort. This is especially true. When the owners have pets.

First of all, you should take care of pets. To do this, you will need to purchase special drugs to save a pet from fleas. At the same time, after processing, an anti-stroke collar should be put on a pet, and also to give it to the time of disinsection of the room to someone from acquaintances.

After that, careful cleaning should be carried out. It is necessary to wash the floors with a soap solution, dust with a dust with a dust rag.

Apartment treatment

To quickly get rid of fleas in the apartment, the treatment of the apartment must be careful:

  • you need to launch all the things you have. This applies to personal clothing, sneakers, curtains, curtains, towels, blankets, and so on;
  • it is required to knock the pillows, mattresses and blankets on the street. It is advisable to "warm up" them under the right sunlight.
  • you should use a powerful vacuum cleaner for upholstered furniture, tracks and carpets. Pay attention to the cracks and cracks in the floor, the space behind the plinths and in other hidden places;
  • all surfaces of plinths, furniture need to wipe with the help of a disinfectant;
  • it is necessary to buy a specialized means - insecticide.

There are many fakes or drugs on the market that are simply not registered in our country. This means that it is very high that they will be powerless in the fight against fleas or they will contain poisonous substances that can harm the health of people and their pets. Some substances have a long effect and are able to accumulate in the body, leading to deplorable results, for example, infertility.

After performing processing insecticidal drug, leave an apartment for several hours. After that, thoroughly carry out all the rooms by opening the windows. At the same time, it is not necessary to clean the apartment during a couple of days. At this time, it is advisable to move to another place.

If the tool is effective, then adults will die. However, this struggle does not end. It should be understood that in a week or two, the problem will declare itself again. It will appear and will grow up a new generation and will also postpone the masonry. Therefore, it will be necessary to spend several re-processing to avoid new invasion. It is necessary to act quickly and efficiently, only this can not be possible to appear fleas again.

Many people trying to easily get rid of fleas, rarely achieve the desired result. The reasons are different here: the wrong choice of the drug, the absence of repeated processes, incomplete processing and so on. therefore the best option is to appeal to the firm for the relevant processing.

Professional treatment of apartments from flea

Contact professional specialists also follows. Only employees with high qualifications will be able to make rid of your apartment from annoying and live insects in a short time. At the same time, the cost of the services provided will be incomparable with what kind of trouble you will have to go through, trying to get rid of the apartment fleas on their own.

  • Cold Fog Generator
  • Hot fog generator

Basically, the flea presence in residential premises is typical of the summer-autumn period. Their largest distribution of private houses and lower floors. The settlement in the house of earthlings is observed in dusty rooms or abandoned buildings.

Speaking about where the fleas come from in the house, many sources can be distinguished, the main of which are presented:

  • an entrance of a residential building;
  • neighboring "infection";
  • transportation of pets;
  • flea "attack" when found in the basement, finding in which is associated with work or other reasons;
  • rat fleas delivered to the residential premises with rodents.

Thanks to the endless wet source located in the basements, flea breeding is possible. The appearance of fleas from dampness is considered the most common. In addition, the flea population is obliged to heated spaces due to their dependence on the surround temperature indicator. The occurrence of such favorable conditions for the development of insects is associated with the inconsistency of residential premises by simple sanitary and hygienic standards represented by litters, incredibly, the absence of sunlight, dampness.

  • basements equipped with a plurality of pipes that are not subjected to revisions;
  • apartment water supply to eliminate possible flows;
  • sanitary nodes for proper ventilation and antipotope protection.

Flea settlement on domestic animals

Based on the fact that the appearance of Bloch is in different reasons, the fight against them should have a complex character. Before entering the residential premises, it is advisable to inspect shoes and clothing items. When detecting flea representatives, you need to shake them.

When using chemicals, it is necessary to make sure of their anti-cylinder properties. The acquisition of such funds is better to implement in specialized stores, having studied the composition and instructions of chemicals before this. It is necessary to remember the processing of space under the bath. These manipulations must necessarily end in flushing the poison to prevent intoxication.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the anti-stroke domestic protection. For prophylaxis, it is advisable to use shampoos and collars. The thermal and chemical treatment of all litters and the habitats of the pets are required.

Preventive anti-Blochy events

Bloch elimination is not too light procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures. To do this, regular ventilation of pillows, mattresses, carpets and blankets. It will be appropriate for their drying under ultraviolet. During the antiple processes, the use of eucalyptus infusion, bitter wormwood and pyrms is recommended. These substances are used for floor washing, spraying furniture. Floors can be styled, cheese. In addition, regular cleaning of residential premises and furniture with the use of a vacuum cleaner is needed.

Fleas - a peculiar "headache" of mankind. A long period of time is fighting fleas.

These are insects, which relate to the detachment of bloodsuckers, and make them hard, but real. They are very small sizes, if you find a photo and consider, you need to know that the flea in the picture is increased several times. Transfer to man, animal a variety of diseases. An unpleasant picture when fleas appear in a house or apartment.

In this article, consider: How to get rid of fleas in the house yourself.

  • Fleas in the apartment - where do you come from?
  • How to destroy fleas in the apartment?
  • What to process apartment from fleas?
  • How to get rid of feline fleas?
  • How to remove fleas from domestic pets?

There are about 2,000 types of fleas, but in fairness is very difficult to distinguish them from each other.

Consider some of the basic types that can be encountered in life:

Life cycle and reproduction

The development cycle is as follows:

After the conclusion from the cocoon, the female is immediately ready to multiply. The reproduction occurs if both partners are not hungry. Mate can, anywhere. The female will climb on his partner and begins to suck the seed of the partner to himself. After fertilization, she is ready to display offspring. For times can postpone about 10 pieces. And per day, under favorable conditions, it can postpone several such portions. If the female is full, and the conditions allow for their lives can postpone more than 500 eggs.

Interesting fact: The female seems to shoot their eggs in order to scatter them as far as possible. So that there is no competition for food between the larvae.

Features of vital activity

As appear

The period of appearance is mostly in the summer and autumn. As a rule, live in their own homes or in the lower floors. If we consider where the fleas come from in the apartment, some sources can be distinguished:

  • move on domestic animals;
  • from the entrance;
  • from basement;
  • from neighbors;
  • rat, if there are rodents;
  • from the gaps.


Animal shampoos are very effective against fleas

plain. The owner can bring from the street on things or shoes. Even if at least once to stroke a stray animal, she jumps over things and travels to new housing.


Rat fleas in the apartment - a few facts how to recognize them:

  • they are very jumping - for one jump overcomes the distance of 30 cm;
  • about 3.5 months can do without food;
  • in adulthood there are dark brown color, and in adolescence - black.

Wild birds

In relation to other birds, Bloch does not change the owner. The poultry skin temperature is higher - this creates excellent conditions for the prosperity of the flea kind. Pick up this infection with wild birds is very simple. They are sticking to them: the flea is earthen, sandy, fleas from animals.

How to detect

Detect animals very easy if you follow your pets.

First: gives behavior - they begin to hide, become restless. If they only appear, then pets practically do not bope.

But at this stage, you can trace: carefully inspect wool and skin. In the area of \u200b\u200bbelly and backs, dark crusts will be visible - this is blood, digested flea.

To discover in a house or apartment, it is necessary to regularly examine pets. In the mornings, look at the skin for the presence of bites. Browse the presence of flea of \u200b\u200bthe litter, it is very easy to do: on the floor walk with a bright damp cloth, walk through the carpet in white socks, view the seams of the mattress, inspect the sofa carefully and the carpet.

Than dangerous fleas

All kinds are dangerous and bring a lot of trouble, as they will regularly bite man and pets. Where a bite appeared, a feeling of burning appears, an allergic reaction may appear. Carriers Many hazardous diseases: dipilidiosis, plague, rat tit, pseudo-tuberculosis and many other diseases. Can appear in the bite of ulcers. Begins breaking sleep and nervousness. These bites are very dangerous for children, as they cannot control themselves to not be.

It is important to know: if we settled sandy, then they can settle inside the wound, and fleas are multiplied under the skin!

What does bloic bite look like

Bloom bites are strong

But you need to know how they look, if they bring infection to start the right treatment.

If you consider the photos of people who were bitten fleas, then you can see that most often bites appear in certain places of the body. A person love to enjoy in the neck, waist; Also subjected to bitee patellied pits, lower legs. They bite where the skin can be easily bought. You can track the appearing itching of the skin, ethnicity and redness. They have peculiar bites - on one line at a distance of about 2 cm. A person begins to instantly feel pain during the bite.

Common symptoms:

  • the appearance of red tubercles;
  • it becomes itching;
  • bugorki have a inflamed look.

It is important to know: the body of the child is biting in different places, as the skin of them is gentle and the flea is easier to contact it.

Methods of fighting flea

When such a problem appears, we begin to ask questions: what to do when fleas have already appeared? Where do a variety of fleas come from? How to quickly bring earth fleas? How to get rid of fleas in the apartment? Consider any other questions that arise and find answers.

For solutions to this problem, it is necessary to take immediately. There are folk methods and professional drugs.

Folk remedies

If fleas appeared in the house, consider what folk remedies you can get rid of them. These ways will help get rid of fleas in the apartment yourself.

How to get rid of bed fleas? This will help the general cleaning, washing of bed linen in hot water, drying linen in the sun.

Efficiency and disadvantages

Of course, folk remedies help, but not as fast as you want. If the processing of fleas does not help with these methods, then an effective means of fleems will be a professional agent.

Professional means

How to deal with fleas in an apartment with professional funds?

  • Aerosol funds. This agent is more efficient than folk methods. The two-room apartment will require about 5 liters of such an aerosol. Application: Remove from the apartment of all pets; It is necessary to process the surface of the floors, after 6 hours you can air the room.
  • Processing of placing fleas with powKow. Scatter powder on penalties. For complete disposal, you need more time - about a day.
  • Spray based on pipiproquers. How to get rid of sex fleas with it - you need to handle carpets and upholstered furniture. Destroys larvae and eggs.
  • Liquid capsules, diluted in water. Disinfection, you can wash in such a solution of the floor.

When etching fleas at home, using chemistry, you need to adhere to precautions.

Spray from fleas - one of the most effective means

How to get rid of fleas in private house Using professional? Just like in the apartment.

How to choose a tool

In order to understand how to run fleas in the apartment, you need to get acquainted with all the means. Powders - perfectly destroy the larvae. But earthy fleas die slower than from aerosols.

Spray has cons - you need to use twice. After processing, it is necessary to waste everything carefully so that there is no poisoning.

Disinsection services

How to get rid of fleas from pets

  • Degtyar soap. Wash the animal soap and wait about 30 minutes. Then you can wash off. Watch that the treated pet does not lick himself.
  • Broth of wormwood. Cooking: one handful of grass boiling water. Periodically bathe with this decoction. Pet peeled from fleas should not go outside for some time.
  • Powders. Processing must be carried out several times, not very effective.
  • Spray. When processing, put on a special collar so that the pet is not poisoned, licking the poison.
  • Shampoos. After the 3rd bathing completely disappeared.

It is necessary to know that in addition to the processing of animals, it is necessary to deliver from other fleas if there is available.

How to protect your dwelling from fleas

How to get rid of home fleas once and forever? It is necessary to conduct some prevention measures:

Hygiene rules

What are the rules of hygiene need? To prevent the appearance of their home.

  • bathe animals with special shampoos;
  • do not stroke street animals;
  • after coming from the basement, it is good to chosen things on the street;
  • seeing the sun carpets, blankets, pillows.

Now it is clear who are such fleas, as to get rid of them.

Every adult person knows about the existence of fleas

There are more than 500 types of fleas. The most common among them - fleas, the sources of the appearance of which are cats and rats. Therefore, especially often fleas inhabit the premises of basements and attic. Who eats Bloch? These are cats and rats inhabiting in basements. But the population of insects is huge, and this does not have the required impact on its reduction. The rat and feline fleas fall into the apartments on the wool of pets, which were wagged on the street, visited the basements or were contacted with homeless animals. What if the fleas appeared in the apartment, and how to get rid?

In order to save the apartment from the presence of blood-sucking insects, it is necessary to find out the source of infection or the method of penetration of fleas. Habitat Home flea serve:

  • furniture, carpets, bedspreads, i.e. everything that has a tissue basis;
  • finishing products of the interior - cash, plinth, thresholds;
  • gaps in a wooden floor;
  • places near the heating system, radiators;
  • secluded dark places (behind closed cabinets).

Home fleas are small and can move in a jump over a distance of more than 0.5 m. Therefore, to see the bloodstream problematic. The main evidence of the presence of Bloch can serve as bits on the skin, similar to size and etiology on mosquito bites. Signs of the presence of a pest on the body of a pet can serve.